Diplomsko delo vsebuje segmente Managementa. Posebej so obrazloženi nekateri pojmi: managament, vodenje, vodje, mrežni marketing. Podrobneje smo opisali management poslovanja in vlogo managerja v njem. Predstavili smo pomembno funkcijo pri kateri pridejo do izraza lastnosti managerjev in sicer voden...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Plahuta, Marko
Other Authors: Potočan, Vojko
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: M. Plahuta 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Diplomsko delo vsebuje segmente Managementa. Posebej so obrazloženi nekateri pojmi: managament, vodenje, vodje, mrežni marketing. Podrobneje smo opisali management poslovanja in vlogo managerja v njem. Predstavili smo pomembno funkcijo pri kateri pridejo do izraza lastnosti managerjev in sicer vodenje. Pregledali smo sestavine, kaj vse vsebuje, kateri so modeli, ki jih managerji uporabljajo in kakšna je vloga managerjev v vodenju zaposlenih. Ugotovili smo, da mora biti manager zelo aktiven in ne pasiven, saj ga morajo sodelavci spoštovati in mu slediti na poti k ciljem organizacije. S tem ko bodo izpolnili cilje organizacije, pa morajo tudi sami priti do nekega zadovoljstva, saj le tako lahko podjetje raste v poslovnem smislu, posameznik pa v osebnostni rasti. V mrežnem marketingu, pa je potrebno igrati vlogo managerja do svoje skupine tako dolgo dokler sama ni dovolj sposobna izpolnjevati lastne cilje, brez pravega vodje se lahko skupina podre in kljub izvrstnemu podjetju in revolucionarnemu produktu se lahko struktura podre in nato mora manager (lider) ponovno vse graditi znova. V delu bo prikazana primerjava vodenja zaposlenih s prednostmi in slabostmi v enem in drugem podjetju. Proti koncu naloge se v primerjavi razloči v katerem podjetju se vodi na kakšen način. Koliko lahko vodja manevrira in se sam odloča je odvisno od politike podjetja, je pa v MLM-podjetju veliko več prepuščenega samemu vodji. The thesis contains segments of Management. Some concepts are specifically explained: managament, leadership, manager, network marketing. More specifically, we examined the management of operations and the role of manager in it. We presented an important function in which flourish characteristics of managers through leadership. We reviewed the ingredients of what's in, what are the models used by managers and what is the role of managers in managing employees. We found that the manager must be very active, not passive, because he must respected by co-workers and they need to follow him towards the goals of the organization. By achieving the objectives of the organization, they must also get satisfaction for themselves, because this is the only way where the company can grow in terms of business and the employees can grow in personal growth. In network marketing, it is necessary to play the role of manager of their group as long as itself (the group) is not enough to be able to meet its own targets, without good leaders, a group collapses, and despite the excellent company and revolutionary product can structure collapses and then must a manager (leader) build all organisation again. The work will be benchmarked the management staff of the advantages and disadvantages of the one and the other entity. Towards the end of tasks we will see how the company lead their employees. How much can leader maneuver and be able to decide on their own, is depending on the company policy.