V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali odnos mladih do študentskega dela. Zanimalo nas je, ali se je njihov odnos do študentskega dela s sprejetjem novega Zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona za uravnoteženje javnih financ ZUJF-C (Uradni list RS, št. 95/2014) kaj spremenil, in če, kakšen vpliv je i...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Vončina, Matej
Other Authors: Bernik, Mojca
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2015
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=48287
Summary:V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali odnos mladih do študentskega dela. Zanimalo nas je, ali se je njihov odnos do študentskega dela s sprejetjem novega Zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona za uravnoteženje javnih financ ZUJF-C (Uradni list RS, št. 95/2014) kaj spremenil, in če, kakšen vpliv je imel zakon na odnos mladih do študentskega dela. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo predstavili vse dosedanje poskuse urejanja zakonodaje na področju študentskega dela, s katerimi je država Republika Slovenija poskušala urediti trg študentskega dela. V praktičnemu delu naloge smo z raziskavo analizirali odnos mladih do študentskega dela. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da ZUJF-C med mladimi ni bil pozitivno sprejet, oziroma mladi v njem ne vidijo prednosti v taki meri, kot so bile promovirane s strani države. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da z novo ureditvijo študentskega dela med spoloma ni razlik v sami motiviranosti do dela. Pomembna razlika pa obstaja med mladimi, starejšimi od 24 let, ki so v primerjavi z mlajšimi študenti menili, da so zaradi nove zakonodaje bolj motivirani za študentsko delo. Na splošno so mladi menili, da nova zakonodaja bistveno ne pripomore k njihovi socialni varnosti, oziroma k večjim možnostim kasnejše redne zaposlitve v podjetju, kjer opravljajo študentsko delo. In graduate thesis young people’s attitude to student work was analysed. We were interested, whether their attitude of student work has changed since the implementation of the new law Act Amending the Fiscal Balance Act ZUJF-C (Official Journal of RS, no. 95/2014). Moreover, if there was a change in their attitude of student work, we wanted to find out, what kind of impact on this change the implementation of the new law had on young people’s attitude to student work. In the theoretical part of thesis we described all recent attempts to regulate legislation of student work, with which the government of Republic of Slovenia tried to regulate the market of student work. In the practical part of thesis we carried out a research of young people’s attitude to student work. The results revealed that the new law ZUJF-C was not well accepted between young people. Young people do not acknowledge the law's advantages to such extent as it was promoted by the government. The results of the survey showed, that since the implementation of the new law, which regulates student work, there were no significant gender differences in student work motivation. A significant difference exists between young people, older than 24 years of age, who are, due to the new legislation, in comparison with younger students, more motivated to student work. In general, young people believed that the new legislation does not significantly contribute to their social safety, or to better options of finding regular types of employment in the company, where they are working as students.