Opazovanje Sonca je v zgodovini omogočilo revolucionarna odkritja o poznavanju zgradbe našega Osončja ter privedlo do pomembnih spoznanj o celotnem vesolju. Opazovanje Sonca predstavlja nadvse aktualno dejavnost v poučevanju astronomskih vsebin pri fiziki in izbirnih astronomskih predmetih. Navedeno...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ocvirk, Roman
Other Authors: Repnik, Robert, Aberšek, Boris
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [R. Ocvirk] 2015
Online Access:
Summary:Opazovanje Sonca je v zgodovini omogočilo revolucionarna odkritja o poznavanju zgradbe našega Osončja ter privedlo do pomembnih spoznanj o celotnem vesolju. Opazovanje Sonca predstavlja nadvse aktualno dejavnost v poučevanju astronomskih vsebin pri fiziki in izbirnih astronomskih predmetih. Navedeno dejanje je eno redkih, ki jih izvajamo podnevi - v času običajnega pouka. Pri opazovanju Sonca moramo biti izredno previdni, da ne pride do poškodb vida. Temo, predstavljeno v diplomskem delu, so sicer obravnavali že številni avtorji. Dejstvu navkljub smo se sami odločili sestaviti lastno opazovalno napravo (helioskop), s katero smo opazovanje Sonca postavili na popolnoma varno raven. V prvem segmentu diplomskega dela smo osvetlili zgodovino opazovanja Sonca in pojave na le-tem. V osrednjem razdelku pričujočega diplomskega dela smo opisali zgradbo helioskopa, kot tudi postopek izdelave in didaktični vidik vključevanja helioskopa pri pouku astronomije. Na samem koncu smo predstavili praktično uporabo helioskopa v Osnovni šoli Blaža Kocena Ponikva in rezultate spremljanja aktivnosti Sonca v mesecu maju ter juniju 2014. Nad rezultati smo bili prijetno presenečeni, saj niso pretirano odstopali od rezultatov uradnih ustanov in rezultatov, dobljenih s satelita SOHO. V skupnem diplomskem delu smo želeli širše predstaviti zastavljeno idejo o izdelavi helioskopa, kot tudi predstaviti izdelan helioskop, prav tako smo izpostavili izkušnje, pridobljene z njegovo uporabo. Vse z namenom spodbuditve k varnemu opazovanju Sonca. Observing the Sun has historically allowed a revolutionary discovery of knowledge of the structure of our solar system and led to important insights about the universe. Observing the Sun represents the most current activity in the teaching of astronomical subjects in physics and selection of astronomical objects. That action is one of the few that are performed during the day - during the normal school. When observing the Sun, we must be extremely careful not to damage the eyesight. The topic presented in the thesis are already addressed by many authors. Despite the fact we have decided to construct your own observation device (helioskop), in which we observe the sun set in a completely safe level. In the first segment of the thesis we shed light on the history of observations of the Sun and phenomena on to them. In the central section of this thesis, we describe the structure of helioskopa, as well as the manufacturing process and the didactic aspect of integration helioskopa in teaching astronomy. At the very end, we present a practical application helioskopa in the Primary School B. Kozenn Ponikva and results of monitoring solar activity in the month of May and June 2014. Over the results we were pleasantly surprised, as they are not excessively deviate from the results of the official institutions and the results obtained by the satellite SOHO. The common thesis, we wanted to present a broader raised the idea of drawing up helioskopa, as well as present made helioskop, we have also highlighted the experience gained from its use. All To foster the safe observation of the sun.