Trenutna gospodarska situacija je podjetjem nenaklonjena. V sodobnih pogojih delovanja se morajo podjetja prilagajati in slediti nenehnim spremembam v okolju, če želijo zagotavljati svoj obstoj in dolgoročni razvoj. Podjetja preko svojih managerjev in vseh zaposlenih skrbijo za razvoj podjetja, ko b...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Premzel, Ružica
Other Authors: Pisnik Korda, Aleksandra
Format: Master Thesis
Published: R. Premzel 2014
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=44827
Summary:Trenutna gospodarska situacija je podjetjem nenaklonjena. V sodobnih pogojih delovanja se morajo podjetja prilagajati in slediti nenehnim spremembam v okolju, če želijo zagotavljati svoj obstoj in dolgoročni razvoj. Podjetja preko svojih managerjev in vseh zaposlenih skrbijo za razvoj podjetja, ko bedijo nad razvojem in posodabljanjem svojih izdelkov. Tema magistrske naloge je razvoj novih izdelkov v podjetju MLM d.d. V današnjem konkurenčnem in hitro spreminjajočem se trgu sanitarnih armatur, imata pravočasnost in pravilnost odločitve o razvoju izdelka pomemben učinek na razvoj in uvedbo izdelka na trg. Rdeča nit naloge je prikazati razvoj izdelka od same ideje do njegove uvedbe na trg, ter poudariti upoštevanje mnenja ključnih kupcev pri sami odločitvi o razvoju novega izdelka. Pri uvajanju izdelka na trg je potrebno upoštevati vse marketinške dejavnosti, da bo izdelek uresničil pričakovanja kupcev in podjetja. Zelo pomembne so pravilne odločitve o strategiji in taktiki v fazi odločanja o uvedbi novega izdelka na trg. The current economic situation is reluctance to businesses. Nowadays, companies need to adapt and follow the constant changes in the environment, if they want to maintain their existence and long-term development. Companies, take care of the development of the company through its managers and all of the employees. They look after the development and modernization of its products. Main thesis of these masters is development of new products in the MLM d.d. In today´s competitive and fast-changing market of sanitary fittings, there is being on time and accurate with decisions, about new product development, has a significant impact on the development and introduction of it to the market. The common thread in the task is to show the development of a product from the idea to its introduction to the market, and to emphasize consideration of the opinion of key customers and their own decision on the development of a new product. Introducing product to the market we necessary have to consider all marketing activities, so the product will accomplish all the expectations of customers and companies. Very important are the correct decisions about strategy and tactics at the stage of deciding the introducing new product to the market.