The Analysis of the Berlitz Approach to English Language Teaching

This paper investigates the role of the Berlitz method of teaching English in today's language education. The Berlitz method has been present in the English language area for a long time and the principal objective of this diploma thesis was to prove that even today, it is a very successful and...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Halvadžić, Admira
Other Authors: Pižorn, Karmen
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: A. Halvadžić 2013
Online Access:
Summary:This paper investigates the role of the Berlitz method of teaching English in today's language education. The Berlitz method has been present in the English language area for a long time and the principal objective of this diploma thesis was to prove that even today, it is a very successful and effective method of teaching English, whose characteristics should be implemented in language classrooms around the world. The first part of my thesis introduces the history of English language teaching and the history of the Berlitz method. Characteristics of the Berlitz method, its development and the role in today's education are presented. The second part, which is also the principal part of the thesis, draws upon lesson observations of three children’s and two adult classes which I did at the Berlitz language centre in Maribor. The data collected here focused on three aspects of the didactical triangle: the teacher, the learner and the content. Important information about each segment is introduced, with the emphasis on the content, the use of teaching aids, the role of fluency and accuracy, the rapport between teachers and learners and about motivation in Berlitz classes. The last part of my thesis involves information about Berlitz kids’ camps and a survey which reveals some significant information about the teachers’ and learners’ experiences and views on the Berlitz method. Diplomsko delo raziskuje vlogo Berlitzove metode poučevanja angleškega jezika v današnjem jezikovnem izobraževanju. Berlitz metoda je že dolgo prisotna na področju poučevanja angleškega jezika in glavni cilj tega diplomskega dela je pokazati, da je tudi danes zelo uspešna in učinkovita metoda poučevanja angleškega jezika ter da bi njene značilnosti morale biti vpeljane v pouk angleškega jezika po celem svetu. Prvi del diplomske naloge opisuje zgodovino poučevanja angleškega jezika in zgodovino Berlitz metode. Predstavljene so njene glavne značilnosti, njen razvoj in vloga v današnjem jezikovnem izobraževanju. Drugi del, ki je tudi najpomembnejši del diplomske naloge, gradi na opazovanjih učnih ur treh otroških in dveh odraslih razredov, ki sem jih opravila v jezikovnem centru Berlitz Maribor. Podatki, ki so bili zbrani na podlagi teh opazovanj, so osredotočeni na tri področja didaktičnega trikotnika: na učitelja, učenca in vsebino. Predstavljene so pomembne informacije o vsakem področju s poudarkom na vsebini, uporabi učnih pripomočkov, vlogi tekočnosti in pravilnosti govora, o odnosu med učiteljem in učenci ter o motivaciji v Berlitzovih razredih. Zadnji del naloge vključuje informacije o Berlitzovih poletnih taborih in vprašalnik, ki razkriva pomembne informacije o izkušnjah in mnenjih Berlitzovih učiteljev in učencev o sami metodi.