V sodobni družbi se jasno kaže potreba po samostojnih, odgovornih, ustvarjalnih, prilagodljivih, neprenehoma učečih se učencih in učiteljih, ki se bodo znali soočati z novimi izzivi in spoprijemati s spreminjajočo se stvarnostjo. V tem okviru se čedalje bolj poudarja potreba po kakovostnem pouku. Kl...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Topler, Sara
Other Authors: Kramar, Martin
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: S. Topler 2012
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=22250
Summary:V sodobni družbi se jasno kaže potreba po samostojnih, odgovornih, ustvarjalnih, prilagodljivih, neprenehoma učečih se učencih in učiteljih, ki se bodo znali soočati z novimi izzivi in spoprijemati s spreminjajočo se stvarnostjo. V tem okviru se čedalje bolj poudarja potreba po kakovostnem pouku. Ključ do vsakršnega izboljšanja pouka je zagotovo učitelj – njegova izobraženost, usposobljenost in zavzetost. Toda potrebno se je zavedati, da je kakovost pouka kompleksen pojem, kjer se prepletajo vplivi mnogih dejavnikov in okoliščin. V diplomskem delu tako obravnavamo vlogo svetovalnih delavcev v razvijanju kakovosti in izboljševanju pouka. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili kakovost izobraževanja in kakovost pouka ter navedli ključne značilnosti dobrega pouka. V nadaljevanju smo pozornost namenili vlogi šolskih svetovalnih delavcev v razvijanju kakovosti pouka in izobraževanja. Predstavili smo njihove temeljne naloge in se osredotočili predvsem na njihovo sodelovanje z učitelji, skrb za profesionalni razvoj, možne ovire pri sodelovanju, posebno pozornost smo namenili neposrednemu delu z učenci, spremljanju in opazovanju pouka v funkciji kakovosti, sodelovanju s starši ter se seznanili z vlogo svetovalnih delavcev pri spreminjanju pouka. Izvedli smo empirično raziskavo, kjer je bil naš glavni namen spoznati, kako kakovost pouka in vlogo svetovalnih delavcev pojmujejo učitelji in sami svetovalni delavci. Ugotovili smo, da vidijo učitelji vlogo svetovalnih delavcev predvsem v odpravljanju najrazličnejših težav, medtem ko svetovalni delavci poudarjajo svojo vlogo tudi pri načrtovanju in pripravi pouka ter na področju didaktično-metodičnih značilnostih pouka. Vsem je še zmeraj najpomembnejše neposredno delo z učenci in s tem povezano krizno-kurativno svetovanje. Spremljanje in opazovanje pouka v funkciji razvijanja kakovosti je še vedno precej redko. Na podlagi rezultatov sklepamo, da je svetovalna služba med učitelji dobro sprejeta. Za konkretnejše spremembe in razvoj pouka pa bo v bodoče potrebno zlasti še več medsebojnega spoštovanja, zaupanja, strokovnosti in skupne skrbi za dober pouk. In modern society the need for independent, responsible creative and adjustable students and teachers who are prepared to face new challenges and accept all the novelties is very clear. That is why there is a great emphasis on quality teaching in schools. The key to any kind of improvements is certainly the teacher, his education, abilities and dedication. But it is also important to be aware that the quality of teaching is a complex term dependent on many factors and circumstances. The diploma work focuses on the role of counsellors and how they develop and improve the quality of learning. In the theoretical part we defined the quality of education and the quality of learning in lessons and stated the key characteristics of good teaching. Later on we focused our attention on the role of school counsellors and their abilities to develop the quality of lessons and education. We introduced their main functions and focused particularly on their cooperation with the teachers, their care for the professional development, possible obstacles with cooperation and we devoted special attention to the direct work with students, keeping track of lessons in function and quality, working with the parents and we also familiarized ourselves with the role of counsellors in regards to changing the teaching schedule. We conducted an empirical research where our main goal was to find out how the quality of lessons and the role of counsellors are viewed by teachers and the counsellors themselves. We came to the conclusion that the teachers see the counsellors as the main tool for removing a variety of obstacles while the counsellors stressed their role in planning the lessons and in the areas of didactically methodical characteristics of lessons. To all the most important thing is still direct work with the students and with that counselling. Keeping track of lessons in the function of development in quality is still very rare. Based on the results we came to the conclusion that counsellors and their work are well accepted among teachers. For more concrete changes and developments in the future in the areas of teaching more effort will have to be taken in the areas of mutual respect, trust, professionalism and joint concern for quality lessons.