Edukacija pacientov z degenerativnimi okvarami gibal

V diplomskem delu so opredeljene degenerativne okvare gibal in podrobneje opisane njihove značilnosti. Nadaljevanje smo namenili predstavitvi značilnosti kronične degenerativne in počasi napredujoče bolezni sklepov — artroze. Opisali smo najpogosteje prizadete sklepe človeškega telesa, njihove klini...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Dobovičnik, Danijela
Other Authors: Kokoš, Marjeta
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: D. Dobovičnik 2011
Online Access:
Summary:V diplomskem delu so opredeljene degenerativne okvare gibal in podrobneje opisane njihove značilnosti. Nadaljevanje smo namenili predstavitvi značilnosti kronične degenerativne in počasi napredujoče bolezni sklepov — artroze. Opisali smo najpogosteje prizadete sklepe človeškega telesa, njihove klinične slike in načine zdravljenja. Opisali smo tudi zdravstveno-vzgojno delo medicinske sestre pri edukaciji pacientov z artrozo / degenerativnim revmatizmom, rehabilitacijo le-teh ter dodali nekaj splošnih priporočil. Predstavili smo edukacijo teh pacientov iz vidika zdravstvene nege, fizikalne in delovne terapije ter socialne, psihološke in poklicne obravnave. Izpostavili smo vaje za kakovostnejše življenje pacientov z artrozo. Namen diplomskega dela je opozoriti na pomembnost edukacije pacientov v času, ko se ta bolezen — artroza pri njih šele odkriva oziroma je že diagnosticirana, ter prikazati vlogo in pomen medicinske sestre pri edukaciji teh pacientov. V ta namen smo izvedli raziskavo ter primerjali dobljene rezultate med 20 medicinskimi sestrami in zdravstvenimi tehniki, zaposlenimi v SB Celje na Oddelku za ortopedijo in športne poškodbe in med 20 medicinskimi sestrami in zdravstvenimi tehniki, zaposlenimi v UKC Maribor na Kliniki za kirurgijo — Oddelku za ortopedijo. V empiričnem delu smo prikazali izsledke raziskave. Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela. Z analiziranim anketnim vprašalnikom smo izvedeli, da imajo nekaj več znanja o degenerativnih okvarah gibal (54,3%) in o artrozi (95%), ter se bolj posvečajo edukaciji pacientov z le-temi, zaposleni v SB Celje na Oddelku za ortopedijo in športne poškodbe. Večina, 75% anketiranih medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov je ustrezno zdravstveno-vzgojno poučenih za delo s pacienti, ki zbolevajo za to boleznijo, v veliki večini, s 55% pa tudi menijo, da so za svoje znanje in poučenost o tej bolezni odgovorni sami — predvsem njihova samoinciativnost. 50% anketiranih oseb je seznanjenih z obstajanjem vaj za kakovostnejše življenje z artrozo in izvajanje le-teh svojim pacientom priporočajo v kar 95%. In the BA thesis we defined the degenerative defects of movement and described their characteristics thoroughly. The following part was devoted to the presentation of the chronic degenerative and slowly progressive disease of joints – the arthrosis. We described the joints of the human body that are most likely to get affected, their clinical pictures, and the methods of treatment. We also described the health-educational work of nurses in educating the patients suffering from arthrosis / degenerative rheumatism, rehabilitation of the previously mentioned patients, and added some general recommendations. We presented the patient education from the point-of-view of health-care, physical and occupational therapy, as well as the social, psychological and occupational treatment. We stressed the role of the exercises which the patients suffering from arthrosis can do for a better quality of life. The aim of the BA thesis is to stress the importance of patient education when this disease – arthrosis – is discovered or has already been diagnosed, and the role and meaning of the nurse in patient education. To achieve this we carried out a survey and compared the results we got from 20 nurses and health technicians from the SB Celje hospital, department Oddelek za ortopedijo in športne poškodbe, to results of 20 nurses and health technicians from the UKC Maribor, Klinika za kirurgijo hospital, department Oddelek za ortopedijo. In the empirical part of the thesis we displayed the results of our research. We used the descriptive method of work. By analysing the questionnaire we came to the conclusion that the respondents from the SB Celje hospital, department Oddelek za ortopedijo in športne poškodbe, have better knowledge on the subject of the degenerative defects of movement (54, 3%) and arthrosis (95%). They also devote more time to the education of patients suffering from these health problems. The majority, 75% of the nurses and health technicians, is properly trained to work with patients suffering from this disease, 55% of the respondents believe that they themselves are responsible for their knowledge on this topic they rely on their own initiative. 50% of the respondents are familiar with the exercises for a better quality of life for patients suffering from arthrosis, and in 95% of cases they recommend these exercises to their patients.