V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala zadovoljstvo uporabnikov zdravstvenih storitev s komunikacijo v zdravstvenem zavodu. Zdravstveno osebje pri svojem delu z pacienti kot eno od glavnih orodij pri zdravljenju in preventivni dejavnosti uporabljajo verbalno in neverbalno komunikacijo. Opisala sem teoret...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Tomšič, Vladimira
Other Authors: Ferjan, Marko
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2010
Online Access:
Summary:V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala zadovoljstvo uporabnikov zdravstvenih storitev s komunikacijo v zdravstvenem zavodu. Zdravstveno osebje pri svojem delu z pacienti kot eno od glavnih orodij pri zdravljenju in preventivni dejavnosti uporabljajo verbalno in neverbalno komunikacijo. Opisala sem teoretične osnove komunikacije in značilnosti komuniciranja v zdravstvu. Z raziskavo sem želela ugotoviti: • ali daje obstoječe komuniciranje v zavodu pacientu občutek varnosti • kakšno je komuniciranje z zdravnikom • kakšno je komuniciranje ob sami izvedbi storitve z osebjem • kakšno je komuniciranje ob naročanju na zdravstveno storitev • kaj je v zavodu dobro na področju komuniciranja • kaj je v zavodu slabo na področju komuniciranja Iz podatkov, pridobljenih z raziskavo, ugotavljam, da se pacienti v procesu zdravstvene obravnave počutijo varne. Ugotovila sem, da so pacienti v večini zadovoljni s komunikacijo v zavodu in da zdravstveno osebje pozna pomen dobre komunikacije, vendar jim v praksi pogosto manjka veščin in motivacije za izvedbo. Nezadovoljstvo so pacienti izrazili s komunikacijo preko telefona in s prekoračenim časom čakanja v čakalnici. In the thesis I’ve researched how satisfied are the clients of health services with communication in a medical facility. Medical personnel uses verbal and nonverbal communication as one of the main tools in the medical treatment. I described the theoretical basis of communication and the characteristics of communication in healthcare. The goals of my research are to figure out: • if the existing communication gives the patient a sense of security • what is communication with your doctor • what is the communication during the very performance with the service staff like • what is the communication with the stuff while signing up for a health service • which are the good features in the field of communication in the medical institution • which are the demerits in the field of communication in the medical institutions. The data obtained through a research show that patients feel safe in the process of medical treatment. I found that most patients are satisfied with the communication in the institution and the medical staff knows the importance of good communication, but in practice they often lack the skills and motivation to carry out. Patients are expressing dissatisfaction with communication via phone and waiting time overruns in the lobby.