Diplomsko delo opisuje trženje strokovne literature, načine promocije in ugotavljanje zadovoljstva strank. Rdeča nit dela je oblikovanje in izdelava najbolj primernih oblik trženja in ugotavljanje prepoznavnosti podjetja. Literatura zaseda pomembno mesto v odnosu posameznika do okolja in podjetja, k...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jančič, Pavel
Other Authors: Šprajc, Polona
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2010
Online Access:
Summary:Diplomsko delo opisuje trženje strokovne literature, načine promocije in ugotavljanje zadovoljstva strank. Rdeča nit dela je oblikovanje in izdelava najbolj primernih oblik trženja in ugotavljanje prepoznavnosti podjetja. Literatura zaseda pomembno mesto v odnosu posameznika do okolja in podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo s knjigotrštvom morajo slediti filozofiji in praksi marketinga. Slednje, učinkovito trženje je povezano s sedmimi prvinami marketinškega spleta 7P in je poglavitna aktivnost za uspeh pri prodaji in promociji strokovne literature. Teoretičen del diplomskega dela vsebuje bistvo teorije in prakse trženja literature za izobraževanje, marketinški splet in organizacijo marketinga. Namen tržne raziskave je pridobitev koristnih informacij o sami prepoznavnosti knjigarne »Dobra knjiga« s strani kupcev in njihovega zadovoljstva glede ponudbe literature. Zadnji sklop diplomskega dela pa je namenjen analizi raziskav in odgovorom na postavljene hipoteze ter predlaganim metodam za izboljšanje trženja izobraževalne literature. The diploma thesis discusses the marketing of technical literature, ways of sales promotion and ways of determining customer satisfaction. The central themes of the thesis are the creation and the implementation of the most suitable forms of marketing and the assessment of company's image. Literature plays an important role in the relationship between an individual and his/her environment and book-dealing companies must follow a marketing concept and philosophy. Efficient marketing is connected to the seven elements of marketing mix 7P and is crucial for the selling success and efficient promotion of technical literature. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis incorporates the essential theory of educational literature marketing, marketing network and marketing organization. The aim of the market survey is the acquisition of useful information regarding the image of »Dobra knjiga« bookshop form the point of view of customers and their satisfaction with the offer of literature by the bookshop in question. The final part of the thesis consists of the survey analysis, hypotheses review and proposed methods for improving educational literature marketing.