Summary: | The Spanish working group on “Geology and Metallogeny of Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposits"(IGCP project 318) has concentrated research in four areas: 1) Las Herrerías deposit, Vera-Garrucha basin (SE iberia): an interesting example of Upper Tortonian -Upper Messinnian, seafloor, hydrothermal mineralization rich in Fe, Mn, Ag, and base metal sulphides; 2) Deception Island, South Shetlands, Antarctic Peninsula: a) Fe-Mn-Zn anomalies in Quaternary seafloor volcanic sediments related with submarine volcanic cones, mounds and vent structures (extensional low-angle faulting episode), and b) As-Ba anomalies associated with fumaroles and hot-springs (tensional faults); 3) Tenerife and La Gomera Islands, Canary archipelago: occurrence of Fe oxide and sulphide mineralization in the alkaline intrusive Complexes), and 4) Campos de Calatrava area: Co-rich Mn deposits