Summary:International audience The KM3NeT research infrastructure in the Mediterranean Sea is a multi-purpose cubic-kilometre neutrino observatory hosting two detectors. ORCA is optimized to study atmospheric neutrinos between 1 and 100 GeV, while ARCA is primarily aimed at detecting cosmic neutrinos between several tens of GeV and PeV range. The real-time multi-messenger program of KM3NeT is oriented towards the study of astrophysical transients. It enables the bidirectional exchange of alerts for follow-up analyses as well as joint sub-threshold searches with a network of partner observatories. The prompt and open dissemination of the results to the astrophysical community is a key objective of the program. This contribution outlines the first developments of the KM3NeT multi-messenger infrastructure, covering two real-time analysis scenarios: the search for core-collapse supernova neutrino bursts and the search for astrophysical high-energy neutrinos. The data processing pipelines, the alert distribution systems and the perspectives for the KM3NeT integration in the global multi-messenger networks are described.