Diplomsko delo predstavlja problematike ter možne rešitve majhnih držav v mednarodnem sistemu, in sicer s končnim poudarkom na Sloveniji. Namen tega dela je bilo raziskati dodatne možnosti, ki bi jih lahko šibkejše države potencialno uporabljale pri uveljavljanju svojih interesov v mednarodni skupno...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Gril, Domen
Other Authors: Pevcin, Primož
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2017
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=93001
Summary:Diplomsko delo predstavlja problematike ter možne rešitve majhnih držav v mednarodnem sistemu, in sicer s končnim poudarkom na Sloveniji. Namen tega dela je bilo raziskati dodatne možnosti, ki bi jih lahko šibkejše države potencialno uporabljale pri uveljavljanju svojih interesov v mednarodni skupnosti. Razlogi za raziskovanje temeljijo predvsem na prepričanju, da bi to delo nekoč vsaj delno pripomoglo pri razvoju in blaginji manjših držav, predvsem Republike Slovenije. Zanimanje za tovrstno temo se je pojavilo v sklopu študijske izmenjave na Islandiji, saj so bili različni obravnavani koncepti primerni in aktualni v sodobnem času ter v koraku s sedanjim razvojem majhnih držav. Do ugotovitev sem prišel z obširnim pregledom literature, ki je zajemala tako teoretične koncepte kot praktične ponazoritve teorije. V okviru analize je bila povzeta teorija o majhnih državah, kdo so in kakšni so kriteriji za opredelitev le-teh, v povezavi s teorijo zavetišča ter možnostmi zunanjepolitičnega vpliva tako v splošnem vidiku kot tudi prek določenih vedenjskih vzorcev diplomacije. V primeru korektne uporabe raziskav bi lahko imeli korist tako v javnem sektorju z večjo zunanjepolitično močjo kot tudi ljudstvo, ki bi bilo deležno blaginje, gospodarskega razvoja, politične stabilnosti in družbenega napredka prek mednarodnih organizacij, kot je denimo Evropska unija. This thesis presents the constraints and possible solutions for small states in the international system, with the focus on Slovenia. The aim of this work was to explore additional options that could provide as useful to weaker countries and therefore be potentially used in promoting their interests within the international community. One of the main reasons for this research lies within the belief that it would at least partially contribute to the development and prosperity of smaller nations, particularly the Republic of Slovenia. The interest for choosing this topic was raised during the study exchange in Iceland, where many different variables and concepts were brought up and implemented to the current development of small states in the modern era. The findings have been reached through extensive literature review, which included both theoretical concepts as well as practical illustration of the theory. In the context of the analysis, the theory of small countries was summarized, pointing out who they are and what kind of criteria is used to determine their definition. The small state theory has been combined with shelter theory and the potential use of external influence, both in a general aspect, as well as through certain behavioural patterns of diplomacy. If the findings are correctly applied, then both the whole public sector would benefit from greater external power, as well as the people, who would benefit from welfare, economic development, political stability and social progress through international institutions, such as the European Union.