Glasbene dejavnosti in doživljanje stresa pri petošolcih

V magistrskem delu želimo poudariti pomen zavedanja stresa in učinkovitega soočanja z njim. Stres pomembno vpliva na posameznikovo duševno zdravje in ni le težava odraslih, temveč tudi vedno mlajših otrok. V času šolanja je zato toliko pomembneje, da se učitelj sam zaveda posledic stresa, kar je tud...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jakič, Maja
Other Authors: Sicherl Kafol, Barbara
Format: Master Thesis
Published: 2017
Online Access:
Summary:V magistrskem delu želimo poudariti pomen zavedanja stresa in učinkovitega soočanja z njim. Stres pomembno vpliva na posameznikovo duševno zdravje in ni le težava odraslih, temveč tudi vedno mlajših otrok. V času šolanja je zato toliko pomembneje, da se učitelj sam zaveda posledic stresa, kar je tudi pogoj, da lahko znanje kvalitetno prenaša na učence. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na razrednega učitelja, ki učence v razredu najbolje pozna in je lahko pri izvajanju celotnega pouka fleksibilen in ustvarjalen z vpeljavo različnih načinov sproščanja tekom pouka. Eden izmed načinov sproščanja je pomoč z glasbo, saj ta s svojimi vsestranskimi učinki vpliva tudi na sprostitev in občutek udobja posameznika. Tudi sami smo tekom raziskave poskušali petošolcem pokazati nekaj načinov sproščanja z glasbo. Raziskava je temeljila na povezovanju stresnih situacij petošolcev med poukom z glasbenimi dejavnostmi. To so glasbeno izvajanje (petje in instrumentalna igra), poslušanje in glasbeno ustvarjanje. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 20 petošolcev in petošolk istega razreda. Izkazalo se je, da petošolci/-ke med poukom doživljajo največ stresa pred ocenjevanjem znanja (pisnim in ustnim), prav tako jih skrbijo določene učne vsebine in nerazumevanje vsebin pri različnih predmetih. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov smo načrtovali glasbene dejavnosti, ki so bile izvajane pred stresnimi situacijami pisnega in ustnega ocenjevanja znanja, s primarnim namenom sprostitve. Pri vseh izvedenih devetih glasbenih dejavnostih se je izkazal pozitivni sproščujoč učinek, poleg tega so petošolci večino glasbenih dejavnosti ocenili z najboljšo oceno, ne glede na to, katera glasbena dejavnost je bila izvajana in katera stresna situacija je sledila v tisti šolski uri. Izsledki raziskave bodo pripomogli k ozaveščanju razrednih učiteljev in posledično učencev o morebitnih težavah, ki jih prinaša stres in o različnih načinih sproščanja, med katere sodi tudi pomoč z glasbo. The aim of this master's thesis is to embrace the meaning of stress awareness and identify ways of how to effectively deal with it. Stress has a significant impact on the individual’s mental health and does not only affect adults, but can also affect smaller children. It is therefore important that when in class, the teacher is aware of the effects of stress, which enables him to successfully transfer his knowledge onto his students. The master's thesis focuses on the primary school teacher, who knows his students best and who can be flexible and creative with the implementation of different ways of relaxation, when it comes to organizing classes. One of the ways of relaxation is music because with its versatile effects it helps the individual to find comfort and to relax. The research was carried out through various musical relaxation techniques that were introduced to fifth graders. This study was based on the implementation of musical activities into various stressful situations of fifth graders during class. Musical activities included musical performing (singing and instrumental performances), listening, as well as musical creativity. The study was carried out on 20 fifth graders in one class. Research results showed that when in class fifth graders experience most stress during exams (writing and oral). What is more, they are also concerned about certain subjects’ learning materials and not understanding them. Based on the acquired information, musical activities were formed and performed prior to stressful situations, e.g. writing and oral exams, with the initial purpose of relaxation. All nine musical activities that were carried out showed a positive and relaxing effect. Furthermore, the fifth graders rated the majority of the musical activities with the highest grade, irrespective of the musical activity performed and the stressful situation that followed in that particular class. The results of this study will help to inform primary school teachers and with that students about possible difficulties that arise with stress, as well as various ways of relaxation, including music.