Različni materiali za tehnično ustvarjalnost v vrtcu

Diplomsko delo predstavlja raziskovanje različnih materialov v vrtcu. Sestavljeno je iz dveh delov. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila razvojne značilnosti otrok med četrtim in petim letom starosti, razvoj mišljenja po Piagetu, Vigotskem in Brunerju ter pomen divergentnega in konvergentnega mišljena...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Murn, Bojana
Other Authors: Jaklin, Matjaž
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: B. Murn 2015
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=72282
Summary:Diplomsko delo predstavlja raziskovanje različnih materialov v vrtcu. Sestavljeno je iz dveh delov. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila razvojne značilnosti otrok med četrtim in petim letom starosti, razvoj mišljenja po Piagetu, Vigotskem in Brunerju ter pomen divergentnega in konvergentnega mišljena za razvoj ustvarjalnosti. V nadaljevanju sem opisala pojem ustvarjalnosti z vidika produkta, procesa in lastnosti ustvarjalnih oseb. Nekaj besed sem namenila tudi pravicam otrok v vrtcih in pomembnim raziskovalnim aktivnostim v predšolskem obdobju. Poudarila sem pomen tehnike v vrtcu in na kratko opisala materiale, ki so jih želeli otroci preoblikovati. V empiričnem delu sem s pomočjo tehničnih ustvarjalnih dejavnosti raziskala, katere tehnološke operacije so otroci sposobni opravljati sami. Na podlagi opazovanj sem pridobila odgovore na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Vse dejavnosti so dokumentirane s fotografijami. S tabelo sem predstavila primerjavo poznavanja materialov in orodij pred izvedbo dejavnosti in po njih. Po končanem projektu sem ugotovila, da so otroci zelo ustvarjalni, odrasli jim moramo pomagati le pri zbiranju materialov in naloge prilagoditi njihovim razvojnim sposobnostim. Ideje naj pridejo s strani otrok, saj je to največja motivacija, otroci pa jih bodo tako bolj zavzeto obravnavali. Ključnega pomena za izvedbo je ustvarjanje pozitivne klime, ki spodbuja ustvarjalnost. Nestrukturiran material je že osnova za proces ustvarjalnega načina razmišljanja in delovanja. Najučinkovitejša pohvala, ki jo lahko otroku izročimo, je, da razstavimo njegove izdelke. The thesis presents the experimentation with different materials in kindergarten and consists of two parts. The theoretical part of the thesis consists of developmental characteristics of children between 4 and 5 years of age, the development of thinking proposed by Piaget, Vygotsky, and Bruner, as well as the importance of divergent and convergent thinking in the development of creativity. In the following part, we described the term of creativity from the point of view of the product, process, and characteristics of creative people. Some attention is devoted to the rights of children in kindergarten and important research activities in the preschool period. We also pointed out the significance of technology in kindergarten and briefly described the materials that children wanted to remodel. In the empirical part, we examined the technological operations that children are able to perform by themselves through technical and creative activities. The answers to the research questions were provided during observations. In addition, all the activities are documented with photographs. A table also shows the comparison of knowledge of materials and tools before and after the activities. The finished project suggests that children are very creative and that adults should only help in selecting adequate materials as well as adapting the tasks to the children's developmental abilities. The children should contribute ideas by themselves as this is the biggest motivation and in this way, they will entertain the ideas in a more enthusiastic way. It is thus essential to create a positive atmosphere, which encourages creativity. Unstructured material is already a basis for the process of a creative way of thinking and behaving. The most effective praise you can give to children is to exhibit their creations.