Načrtovanje gibalnih dejavnosti predšolskih otrok v pomurski regiji

V diplomski nalogi raziskujemo vzgojiteljevo lastno gibalno dejavnost skozi vso leto in njen vpliv na pogostejše načrtovanje gibalnih dejavnosti predšolskih otrok skozi vso leto v vrtcu. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge predstavljamo pomen gibanja za otroka v predšolskem obdobju, opisujemo značil...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Balažic, Sanja
Other Authors: Gregorc, Jera
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: S. Balažic 2015
Online Access:
Summary:V diplomski nalogi raziskujemo vzgojiteljevo lastno gibalno dejavnost skozi vso leto in njen vpliv na pogostejše načrtovanje gibalnih dejavnosti predšolskih otrok skozi vso leto v vrtcu. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge predstavljamo pomen gibanja za otroka v predšolskem obdobju, opisujemo značilnosti njegovega gibalnega razvoja ter dejavnike, ki vplivajo nanj. Poudarili smo tudi vlogo in odnos vzgojitelja pri načrtovanju in izvajanju gibalnih dejavnosti ter pomen pridobitve pozitivnega odnosa na gibanje že v predšolskem obdobju, ki bo s tem pripomogel h kasnejšemu zdravemu življenjskemu slogu. V nadaljevanju diplomske naloge predstavljamo podatke, ki smo jih zbrali z anketnim vprašalnikom. Cilj diplomske naloge je ugotoviti, ali se pojavljajo razlike pri načrtovanju gibalnih dejavnosti glede na starost in delovno dobo, ali stopnja izobrazbe vpliva na pogostejše načrtovanje gibalnih dejavnosti in ali čas, ki ga vzgojitelji lastno gibalno porabijo vpliva na čas, ki ga namenijo v vrtcu za načrtovanje gibalnih dejavnosti za predšolske otroke. Po pridobitvi soglasja vrtcev smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika pridobili podatke o gibalni dejavnosti vzgojiteljev in predšolskih otrok v obdobju med januarjem 2014 in februarjem 2014. Vzorec je vključeval 50 vzgojiteljev iz 17 pomurskih vrtcev, in sicer iz Beltinec, Cankove, Črenšovec, Križevcev, Lendave, Ljutomera, Moravskih Toplic, Murske Sobote, Odranec, Radenec, Razkrižja, Rogašovec, Šalovec, Tišine, Turnišča, Velike Polane, Veržeja. Kvantitativno pridobljeni podatki so obdelani s pomočjo programov MSO Excel in SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). S pomočjo podprograma Frequencies smo izračunali frekvence in njihove odstotke, za izračun povezanosti med spremenljivkami smo uporabili Pearsonov koeficient korelacije, za preverjanje razlik pa smo uporabili t-test. Hipoteze smo statistično preverjali na ravni petodstotnega tveganja (p≤0,05). Ugotovili smo, da starost vzgojitelja in njegova delovna doba ne vplivata na pripisovanje boljšega pomena na področju gibanja. To pomeni, da imajo tako starejši kot mlajši vzgojitelji z več ali manj let delovne dobe enak in pozitiven odnos do gibanja. Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo razlike pri vzgojiteljih z višjo stopnjo izobrazbe, saj pogosteje načrtujejo gibalne dejavnosti predšolskih otrok kot tisti z manjšo. Prav tako smo ugotovili povezanost gibalnih dejavnosti otrok in gibalno dejavnost vzgojiteljev. To pomeni, da vzgojitelji, ki so sami lastno gibalno dejavni skozi vso leto, tudi pogosteje načrtujejo gibalne dejavnosti predšolskih otrok skozi vso leto v vrtcu. In this thesis we explore teachers own physical activity through the whole year and we also explore how its pyhsical activity influence on commonly planning of physical activities for pre-school children throughout the year they spend in kindergarten. In theoretical part of the thesis we present the importance of movement (activity) for the child in pre-school period and we also describe the characteristics of its movement development and the factors that influence it. We also emphasized the role and attitude of the educator in the planning and implementation of physical activities and the importance of obtaining a positive attitudi to the movement (activity) in pre-school period. In future this will contribute to the later healthy lifestyle. Below the thesis we present data, which we have collected with a questionnaire. Objective of thesis is to find out whether there are differences in the preparing of physical activities according to age and length of service and we also want to find out if level of education affects the frequency of planning physical activities and whether the time taken by the teacher for their own activity is having impact on the time that they spend in kindergarten planning physical activities for pre-school children. After receiving the consent of the kindergartens, we used a questionnarie to gain information about physical activity of the educators and pre-school children in the period between January 2014 and February 2014. The sample consisted of 50 teachers from 17 kindergartens in Prekmurje. Those were the kindergartens from Beltinci, Cankova, Črenšovci, Križevci, Lendava, Ljutomer, Moravske Toplice, Murska Sobota, Odranci, Radenci, Razkrižje, Rogaševci, Šalovci, Tišine, Turnišča, Velike Polane and Veržej. Quantitative obtained data were processed by using the programs MSO Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). With the help ob subroutine Frequencies we calculated frequencies and their percentages, for calculating relationship between variables we used the Pearson correlation coefficient and we used a t-test for checking the differences. The hypotheses were statistically examined at five per cent risk (p≤0,05). We found that the age of the teacher and his seniority does not affect their thinking of giving greater importance to the movement. This means that both, the older and younger teachers, with more or less the same years of service, has a positive attitude towards the movement. We have found that there are differences in teachers with higher levels of education, as they more often planning pyhsical activities for pre-school children than those with less level of education. We also found connection in physical activities for children and physical activity for educators. This means that teachers which are physically active throughout the year are more frequently planning physical activity for children throughout the year in kindergarten.