Razvoj konstrukcije univerzalnega robotskega vijačnika

Trenutni ekonomski trendi in visoke zahteve kupca, otežujejo uporabo trenutnih rešitev avtomatizirane proizvodnje. V ta namen je bil v sklopu programa Horizont 2020 ustvarjen projekt ReconCell, katerega cilj je približati avtomatizirano proizvodnjo majhnim in srednje velikim podjetjem. V okviru nalo...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Radanovič, Primož
Other Authors: Tavčar, Jože
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: P. Radanovič 2019
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=106864
Summary:Trenutni ekonomski trendi in visoke zahteve kupca, otežujejo uporabo trenutnih rešitev avtomatizirane proizvodnje. V ta namen je bil v sklopu programa Horizont 2020 ustvarjen projekt ReconCell, katerega cilj je približati avtomatizirano proizvodnjo majhnim in srednje velikim podjetjem. V okviru naloge je bil za projekt ReconCell razvit sklop visoko rekonfigurabilnega robotskega vijačnika. Pri tem smo uporabili komercialno dostopno vreteno Deprag in pripadajoč krmilnik, vse ostale elemente pa smo razvili sami. Poleg sklopa visoko rekonfigurabilnega robotskega vijačnika, so bili razviti tudi vijačni nastavki, ki jih je v primeru spremembe proizvodnega procesa enostavno prilagoditi na nove vijake. V celotnem razvojnem procesu je bilo glavno vodilo nizka cena, ki jo lahko majhna in srednja podjetja ekonomsko upravičijo. Sklop robotskega vijačnika je bil uspešno implementiran in validiran na dveh primerih industrijske aplikacija v sklopu projekta ReconCell in sicer vijačenje samoreznega vijaka v ohišje avtomobilskega žarometa in vijačenje prirobnice ter zaključnega heksagona na nogo za pametno pohištvo. Current economic trends and high customer demands make it difficult to use current automated production solutions. For this purpose, the Horizont 2020 program has created a ReconCell project aimed at bringing automated production closer to small and medium-sized enterprises. As a subject of this thesis, a highly reconfigurable robotic screwdriver was developed for the ReconCell project. We used the commercially available spindle Deprag and the associated controller, all the other components we have developed ourselves. In addition to the assembly of a highly reconfigurable robotic screwdriver, appropriate screwdriving heads which are easily adapted to the new screws in the event of a change in the production process were also developed. Throughout the development process, the main guideline was the low price that can be economically justified by the small and medium-sized enterprises. The robotic screwdriver assembly was successfully implemented and validated on two examples of industrial applications within the ReconCell project, namely screwing the self-tapping screw into the car headlight housing and screwing the flange and the end hexagon to the leg for smart furniture.