Summary:The University of Michigan-Dearborn has a Legacy Lecture series in which retiring professors can deliver a talk reflecting upon their life, their career, their teaching, their research. This was my Legacy Lecture (September 21, 2023). The title says “War, Congress, and the Public”, but what's that mean? War of course means something specific I published books and articles about, such as World War II or the Vietnam War, but the root meaning comes from an old proto-Indo-European word for confusion, and, hence, strife (breeding even our word “the worst”). Congress means something specific I wrote about, namely, the US Congress, but more broadly refers to other assemblies in republics or on the international stage among nations, and, even more broadly, meetings and coming together. I finished the title with “the public” because I wrote about public opinion, and the public elects Congress and the President, and shapes war policy; and also, finally, our students are that portion of the public whom we are trying to edify. These title words, thus, convey a sense of what I wrote about and taught and worried about for the past five decades. One might say it’s a study of conflict, on the one hand, and attempts at cooperation, on the other. The specifics are that I'm going to speak about causes and extent of war; coups, military regimes, the use of force in domestic politics; elections and political identities; the US Congress and the powerful interest groups that influence it; NATO and more broadly the international community in the North Atlantic area, going back to Churchill and FDR and before – even, I believe, evolving for centuries. ...