Tips in Catering Industry

The present article contains research aimed at determining how different forms of waiter behaviour effect tipping. Although in most countries tipping is not a compulsory element of service, it is important to employees in catering industry. This is the reason why it is important for waiters to learn...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Raspor, Andrej; M. Valentinčiča 13, 5250 Solkan
Published: University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences 2007
Online Access:
Summary:The present article contains research aimed at determining how different forms of waiter behaviour effect tipping. Although in most countries tipping is not a compulsory element of service, it is important to employees in catering industry. This is the reason why it is important for waiters to learn the techniques to enhance their own tips. The research also showed that in Slovenia, like in other countries, satisfied guests devote some money to the employees in form of tips. It revealed that in restaurants and taverns guests devote an average of 2,97% of the bill to the employees. The research further evidenced some differences between Slovenian and Italian guests – the latter being more generous. V prispevku je avtor povzel raziskave, ki ugotavljajo, kako določena vedenja natakarjev vplivajo na višino prejete napitnine. Čeprav v večini držav napitnina ni obvezen element storitve, je za zaposlene v gostinstvu pomembna. Prav zaradi tega se kaže potreba po spoznavanju tehnik, s katerimi lahko natakarji sami povečujejo napitnine. Raziskava je tudi pokazala, da zadovoljni gosti tudi v Slovenji namenijo del denarja za zaposlene v obliki napitnin in da v restavracijah in gostilnah gostje namenijo zaposlenim v povprečju 2,97 % denarja od realizacije. Raziskava je tudi pokazala določene razlike med slovenskimi in italijanskimi gosti, saj so le-ti radodarnejši.