Summary:A) NEIL1 exon 6 alignment. Alignment of partial amino acid sequences for NEIL1 from pig, human, bowhead whale, mouse, spiny dogfish and Greenland shark. The following sequences were used in the alignment: Pig NEIL1, GenBank Accession No. NM_001163801; human NEIL1, GenBank Accession No. NM_001553; and mouse NEIL1, GenBank Accession No. NM_001159518. Sequence alignment was performed using the ClustalW program ( ). The numbers represent the positions of the amino acids in the respective protein sequences. Identical amino acids are indicated by asterisks. The edited amino acid position K242 in exon 6 is marked with bold and underlined letters. The codon sequence for K242 in NEIL1 of the five species is shown at the right. B–D) A-to-I editing of the porcine and bowhead NEIL1 pre-mRNA. Electropherograms showing a partial exon 6 nucleotide sequence of porcine NEIL1 cDNA with two adenosines subjected to A-to-I editing. The edited adenosines are indicated by arrows. E) Editing levels of the amino acid K242 position of the porcine NEIL1 pre-mRNA from various tissues and organs. F) Partial sequence of the bowhead NEIL1 mRNA. G) Histogram showing the quantification of A-to-I editing of adenosines in the K242 codon in porcine NEIL1 mRNA. Abbreviations used: CBE, cerebellum; FCO, frontal cortex; PCO, parietal cortex; OCC, occipital cortex; LIV, liver; SPE, spleen.