Summary: | A. Plot of individual membership in K = 2 and K = 3 genetic clusters using the default admixture model with 100,000 burn-in and 500,000 retained iterations. Sample locality codes are given in Table 1 . Tree plot of the relationships among the K = 3 genetic clusters under this model. B. A. Plot of individual membership in K = 3 genetic clusters using the admixture model with LOCPRIOR, with 100,000 burn-in and 500,000 retained iterations. Sample locality codes are given in Table 1 . Triangle plot of individual association with each of the K = 3 genetic clusters under the admixture with LOCPRIOR model. Individuals are colour-coded as indicated in A and B. The yellow dots represent the individuals not in one of the six main sampling localities, as indicated in Table 1 . Tree plot of the relationships among the K = 3 genetic clusters, under the admixture with LOCPRIOR model.