Ráðningarferlið hjá íslenskum fjármálafyrirtækjum

Verkefnið er lokað This project is the final project of the BSc-degree in Business Studies at the University of Akureyri. The first part of the project is about the theoretical aspect of the employee selection process and the methods used to select successful candidates. The latter part of the proje...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ásdís Anna Guðsteinsdóttir
Other Authors: Háskólinn á Akureyri
Format: Thesis
Published: 2011
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/1946/9490
Summary:Verkefnið er lokað This project is the final project of the BSc-degree in Business Studies at the University of Akureyri. The first part of the project is about the theoretical aspect of the employee selection process and the methods used to select successful candidates. The latter part of the project will present the conclusions of the investigation. The study was conducted among the five largest banks in Iceland. The following question was put forward: What methods do Icelandic banks use to evaluate potential candidates? Results of the investigation showed that the banks all used advertisements on their external and internal websites. Most of the banks utilise employment agencies but only in a few cases and mostly when managers and specialists are being employed. Speculative applications and observations are also used to select candidates, but not exclusively as other techniques are also used in conjunction with these methods. When it comes to evaluating the applicants, the banks all use standard interviews and verbal recommendations. Methods such as personality tests and work scenarios are used on rare occasions by some banks but mainly for managers and specialists. Keywords: • Human resource management • Hiring process • Job search • Employee selection • Recruitment Þetta verkefni er lokaverkefni til BSc.-gráðu í viðskiptafræði við Háskólann á Akureyri. Í fyrri hluta verkefnisins er fjallað á fræðilegan hátt um ráðningarferlið hjá fimm íslenskum bönkum og þær aðferðir sem beita má við öflun og val á umsækjendum. Í seinni hluta verkefnisins eru niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar kynntar. Framkvæmd var rannsókn á meðal fimm stærstu banka landsins. Eftirfarandi rannsóknarspurning var sett fram: Hvaða aðferðum beita íslenskir bankar við öflun og mat á umsækjendum? Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar leiddu í ljós að hjá öllum bönkunum er notast við auglýsingar á innri og ytri vefsíðum bankanna. Flestir bankarnir notast við ráðningastofur en aðeins í fáum tilfellum og þá aðallega þegar um stjórnunar- og sérfræðistörf er að ...