The relationship between well-being and various work schedules among males and females

Well-being can be greatly affected by a person´s line of work. Primarily, two aspects contribute to the definition of well-being: mental health and physical health. Work schedules can depend on a person's occupation but can be divided into standard hours or non-standard hours. The current study...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ísabella Bragadóttir 2001-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2024
Online Access:
Summary:Well-being can be greatly affected by a person´s line of work. Primarily, two aspects contribute to the definition of well-being: mental health and physical health. Work schedules can depend on a person's occupation but can be divided into standard hours or non-standard hours. The current study aimed to examine the impact of various work schedules on employees´ well-being and whether it varied by gender. A total of 1840 participants participated in the study by completing a survey provided by VIRK – Rehabilitation Fund in association with ten large labor union sickness funds in Iceland in 2022. The findings demonstrated that there was no significant difference in physical health among people who worked standard or non-standard hours. However, there was a significant difference in mental health among people who worked standard or non-standard hours. Additionally, there was a significant interaction effect between gender, work schedules, and physical and mental health. Males´ who worked standard hours perceived their physical and mental health to be better compared to males who worked non-standard hours, while females´ who worked non-standard hours perceived their physical and mental health to be better than females who worked standard hours. Keywords: well-being, mental health, physical health, work schedules, and gender Vellíðan getur verið undir miklum áhrifum af starfsviði einstaklingsins. Fyrst og fremst eru tveir þættir sem stuðla að skilgreiningu á vellíðan: andleg heilsa og líkamleg heilsa. Vinnufyrirkomulag getur verið mismunandi eftir starfi, en því má skipta í hefðbundna og óhefðbundna vinnutíma. Núverandi rannsókn miðar að því að kanna hvaða áhrif mismunandi vinnufyrirkomulag getur haft á líðan starfsmanna og hvort það sé mismunandi milli kynjanna. Alls tóku 1840 þátttakendur þátt í rannsókninni með því að ljúka könnun sem VIRK –starfsendurhæfingarsjóður veitti í samvinnu við tíu sjúkrasjóði stéttarfélaga á Íslandi árið 2022. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar sýndu að ekki var marktækur munur á líkamlegri ...