Significant Differences. Comparing the Same Characters in Different Old Norse-Icelandic Texts.

Sagas of Icelanders, or Íslendingasögur, contain accounts involving Icelanders that are set from the Settlement period at the end of the ninth century until the Conversion around the year 1000 CE. Most of the characters are Icelanders and the majority of the action takes place in Iceland. Landnámabó...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jiayun Nie 1999-
Other Authors: Háskóli Íslands
Format: Master Thesis
Published: 2024
Online Access:
Summary:Sagas of Icelanders, or Íslendingasögur, contain accounts involving Icelanders that are set from the Settlement period at the end of the ninth century until the Conversion around the year 1000 CE. Most of the characters are Icelanders and the majority of the action takes place in Iceland. Landnámabók, or the Book of Settlements, is a different kind of text, telling the story of the discovery and settlement of Iceland and containing numerous characters from the same period. In many cases the same character appears in several Old Icelandic writings. This thesis analyses and compares the descriptions of two of these characters as they appear in the different writings. It focuses first on Hrútr Herjólfsson in Landnámabók, Laxdæla saga, and Njáls saga; then Unnr/Auðr Ketilsdóttir in Njáls saga, Eiríks saga rauða, Landnámabók, and Laxdæla saga. Through close reading of primary sources, this thesis endeavours to answer the following questions: How are these characters portrayed in these writings? What are the differences and similarities between them? Why are they characterized differently from one text to another and what does that tell us about the meaning given to the narratives by the different authors? Íslendingasögur segja frá fólki sem uppi var á Íslandi og í nálægum löndum á tímabilinu frá landnámi í lok 9. aldar fram yfir kristnitöku um árið 1000. Landnámabók er texti af öðru tagi sem lýsir því hvernig Ísland fannst og byggðist. Þar er getið mikinn fjölda landnámsmanna og kvenna. Í þessari ritgerð eru bornar saman lýsingar á tveimur persónum sem sagt er frá í fleiri en einum texta, þeim Hrúti Herjólfssyni og Auði djúpúðgu Ketilsdóttur. Hins fyrra er getið í Landnámabók, Brennu-Njáls sögu og Laxdæla sögu. Auðar er líka getið í síðast töldu sögunni, en einnig í Eiríks sögu rauða og Landnámabók. Markmiðið með ritgerðinni er að greina og ræða hvernig hinir ólíku höfundar leggja ólíka merkingu í þessar tvær persónur.