From "Do It Yourself" To "Do It Together": A portrait of the present DIY music scene in Reykjavik

This master’s thesis examines the “do it yourself” (DIY) music scene in Reykjavík that in recent years has seen an unusual growth in activity and success. The thesis consists of a media product and a report. The media product consists of four podcast episodes that feature music and interviews with p...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Phil Uwe Widiger 1993-
Other Authors: Háskóli Íslands
Format: Master Thesis
Published: 2019
Online Access:
Summary:This master’s thesis examines the “do it yourself” (DIY) music scene in Reykjavík that in recent years has seen an unusual growth in activity and success. The thesis consists of a media product and a report. The media product consists of four podcast episodes that feature music and interviews with people that are active in the DIY scene. It serves the purpose of introducing the ethics behind the DIY approach, who the people behind it are, and why it has been successful. The report, which you are currently reading, takes a look at the importance of cultural journalism as a whole and its place within the Nordic media model. It examines the media of radio/podcast while also outlining the process of making the podcast episodes. Furthermore, Reykjavik’s DIY scene will be profoundly explored through the interviews that were taken for the podcast episodes. In the end, we will learn that the most essential factor in the success of the present DIY scene is the transformation from “do it yourself” to “do it together” - the idea that anything is possible if people work together, with the sole purpose of giving the cultural its right space in society, and with a never-ending passion for creating art. Any kind of profit making or consumerism are excluded from that philosophy, making it a refreshing and triumphant approach in our capitalist society. Í þessu lokaverkefni er fjallað um „do it yourself” (enska fyrir „gerðu það sjálfur,” stutt: DIY) tónlistarsenuna í Reykjavík sem er búin að vera vaxandi í gegnum seinustu árin. Lokaverkefnið er tvískipt í fjölmiðlaafurð og ritgerð. Fjölmiðlaafurðin eru fjórir hlaðvarpsþættir þar sem talað er við virkt fólk í DIY senunni í Reykjavík. Farið er yfir af hverju senan skilur góðum árangri og hvað einkenni senunnar eru. Ennfremur er spilað tónlist sem kemur úr senunni og er að hluta til tekið upp „live.” Í ritgerðinni er gert grein fyrir menningarblaðamennsku, og mikilvægi og stöðu hennar í norrænu fjölmiðlakerfunum. Útskýrt er eðli DIY menningunnar og farið er djúpt í senunni í ...