Optimization model for assigning teachers to classes

Before every semester the administrators of upper secondary schools in Iceland face multiple challenges, one of which is assigning teachers to classes. The assignment problem became harder for the administrators in August 2015 when a new work evaluation system was set in place. In this thesis a math...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Inga Lilja Eiríksdóttir 1986-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2016
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/1946/25612
Summary:Before every semester the administrators of upper secondary schools in Iceland face multiple challenges, one of which is assigning teachers to classes. The assignment problem became harder for the administrators in August 2015 when a new work evaluation system was set in place. In this thesis a mathematical model is presented that is intended to help the administrators with the assignment process. The goal of the model is to ensure equality between teachers while at the same time trying to grant their wishes of courses to teach for the semester. An unfair division of classes and the work evaluation can cause disunity and frustration between teachers so it is important that the preferences of the teachers are met in the best way possible. Job satisfaction is an important presumption for success. The results show that an integer programming model can be used to assign teachers to classes. The model is a type of a Generalized Assignment Model. Two versions of the model are presented in this study and it can be concluded from the results that the latter model, which calculates different values for vocational teacher and academic teachers, gives a better solution. By comparing the results to real data it can be concluded that the model serves the purpose of ensuring equality between teachers reasonably well. Keywords: Optimization, GAP, work evaluation. Á hverju ári standa skólastjórnendur í framhaldsskólum á Íslandi frammi fyrir mörgum vandamálum, eitt af þeim vandamálum er að raða kennurum niður á námshópa. Í ágúst 2015 var komið á nýju vinnumats-kerfi í framhaldsskólum sem gerði þessa úthlutun mun erfiðari. Í þessari ritgerð er sett fram stærðfræði-líkan sem gæti hjálpað skólastjórnendum með úthlutun á hópum. Markmið líkansins er að tryggja jafnræði á milli kennara um leið og það reynir að koma til móts við óskir hvers og eins og tryggja gæði kennslunnar. Ósanngjörn skipting á hópum og vinnumatið sjálft getur skapað óeiningu á milli kennara svo það er mikilvægt að líkanið tryggi markmiðið á sem besta máta. ...