Volcanogenic floods at Sólheimajökull. Hazard identification, monitoring and mitigation of future events

Volcanogenic floods from underneath glaciers happen almost on a yearly basis in Iceland, mostly due to build-up of water from geothermal melting beneath glaciers or due to sub-glacial eruptions. This work examines the vulnerability of the growing tourist sector in the area of Sólheimajökull to volca...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Baldur Bergsson 1991-
Other Authors: Háskóli Íslands
Format: Thesis
Published: 2016
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/1946/25122
Summary:Volcanogenic floods from underneath glaciers happen almost on a yearly basis in Iceland, mostly due to build-up of water from geothermal melting beneath glaciers or due to sub-glacial eruptions. This work examines the vulnerability of the growing tourist sector in the area of Sólheimajökull to volcanogenic floods of all sizes, but with a special focus on the most frequent minor flood events. Employees from the four largest tour operators in the area, local law enforcement and civil protection officials are interviewed to learn about their perception of risk from volcanogenic floods at Sólheimajökull and their current strategies to minimizing risk. The July 2014 minor flood of geothermal water was closely monitored and observed changes in the hydrological and seismic data from this event is applied to identify past undocumented minor events. The risk associated with these minor floods is assessed in light of their high frequency, with particular emphasis on the until-now under-monitored hazard associated with high concentrations of gas released during minor jökulhlaups. An overview of the current monitoring techniques for monitoring volcanogenic floods in the area is given, putting focus on the real-time systems. Suggestions are made for mitigating the risk associated with the ever greater number of people visiting the area of Sólheimajökull. Atmospheric gas measurements and adequate informative infrastructure are found to be needed in the area, and the tour guides could have better knowledge of the processes that take place before and during a volcanogenic flood. Jökulhlaup eru flóð sem koma undan jöklum og eru nánast árlegur viðburður hér á landi. Þau orsakast aðallega vegna uppsöfnunar vatns frá jarðhitakerfum undir jökli eða vegna eldgosa undir jökli. Þetta verkefni metur aukna hættu sem steðjar að vaxandi fjölda ferðamanna við Sólheimajökul vegna flóða af öllum stærðum er verða af völdum jarðhita eða eldvirkni, en með sérstaka áherslu á minniháttar atburði sem hingað til hafa ekki verið talnir til ...