Verification of design models for geothermal power plants

In this thesis it is examined how accurately simple thermodynamic models of a single flash working cycle in a geothermal power plant simulate a working cycle of an actual one. The main purpose is to identify what are reasonable values for important parameters in these models. This is done by compari...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Árni Jakob Ólafsson 1988-
Other Authors: Háskóli Íslands
Format: Thesis
Published: 2014
Online Access:
Summary:In this thesis it is examined how accurately simple thermodynamic models of a single flash working cycle in a geothermal power plant simulate a working cycle of an actual one. The main purpose is to identify what are reasonable values for important parameters in these models. This is done by comparing model results with actual data from Hellisheiði power plant, located in south-west of Iceland. The results show that a suitable value for the turbine base efficiency in a simple model of a single flash cycle is 0.935, or slightly higher than 0.9, a value commonly used. It was verified that non-condensable gases can be excluded in the model calculations for low gas contents and the pressure drop between the steam separator outlet and the turbine inlet can be neglected. The combined overall heat transfer coefficient for the three step condenser at Hellisheiði power plant was observed to be 1300 W/m2K which is considerably lower than 2000 W/m2K, a value commonly used for steam condensers. The results provide estimation for important design parameters and indicate that the most common simplifications made in modeling, are justified. The thesis can serve as a guide when constructing simple thermodynamic models to simulate geothermal power plants. Í þessari ritgerð er rannsakað hversu vel einföld varmafræði líkön af eins þrepa hvellsuðu vinnuhring herma raunverulegan vinnuhring í jarðvarmavirkjun. Megintilgangurinn er að meta sennileg gildi á mikilvægum breytum í slíkum líkönum. Þetta er gert með því að bera saman niðurstöður líkana við mæligögn frá Hellisheiðarvirkjun. Niðurstöðurnar sýna að sennilegt gildi fyrir grunn nýtni hverfils í einföldu líkani af eins þrepa hvellsuðu vinnuhring er 0.935, eða aðeins hærra en venjulega er notast við. Einnig var sannreynt að ekki er þörf á að gera ráð fyrir óþéttanlegum gösum í útreikningum slíkra líkana ef massa hlutfall þeirra er lítið og að ekki er þörf á að gera ráð fyrir þrýstifalli í pípum og búnaði milli úttaks gufuskilju og inntaks hverfils. Sameiginlegur heildar ...