Summary:Economics and Development in Microstates, Islands, and the Arctic 30 November-1 December 2018 • Ilisimatusarfik, Nuuk, Greenland This interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral, international conference considers the economic and developmental advantages and disadvantages faced by microstates, island territories, and arctic regions, exploring theory, empirically grounded best practice, and political-economic strategy. The conference welcomes contributions from government representatives, NGOs, business actors, and academic researchers (from economics, human geography, anthropology, development studies, business studies, and other disciplines). What can theoretical models of microstate, island, and arctic development tell us about the functioning of small economies in small polities? What are (and were) the relative benefits of industrial focus on tourism, extractive industries, the knowledge economy, import substitution, ‘selling sovereignty’ or trading in ‘strategic services’, and other strategies in small territories? How does sovereign or non-sovereign political status affect a territory’s economic potentials? Can economic and political objectives be reconciled in territories that have experienced colonialism or are home to Indigenous peoples? Are mainstream economic ‘laws’ at all applicable to small societies? Is ‘development’ always worthwhile, or might other economic goals make more sense for some territories?