The Gospel Trumpet - 09:17

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 nd tie shall -;. e. m. t, it i4 angels with trffeNaot ttiel of a Trampet. and they shall gather together Ills elett from i four from COW Old ( i f heav-en to the ether. , oC Maron a r...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1887
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 09:17
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 nd tie shall -;. e. m. t, it i4 angels with trffeNaot ttiel of a Trampet. and they shall gather together Ills elett from i four from COW Old ( i f heav-en to the ether. , oC Maron a rparaablel o f the lig tree; W hen his branch is yet tender, aid puttent ffoorr m Mayes, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewie when ye OMIT see all thmU know that it is near, even at the ass." 31att, 21:`, 11- 2fL tn7id Go- d shallBLOW tfie 11- aLCILE- EB LL a7I d go win nhirZwinds'' j The sappy Chnsnn+ an. 71.7l1idc dee oliuvte or re tvheer ymmiadnA of bablon, not eut onl in her iniquit1y1: 1 : f oSr0 1t1h7i 7s bise 0 :— the time of the ' Lord's vengeanee; be ' Awnildl rtehne dlearu ud nhtaoi lh terre am brelce oamnpde nsoser-- row: for e7ery purpose 01 the Lord shall be performed against Indiyinn, to make the land ef liabylmt a deso-lation withont an inhabitant—. ley, 51: % a. .„. T.^.-^-^-- 1'-, 5- 4* * ' 1- ': 1;,. 4,,, \ - 7,417;;; V: 41:' 1 1° Z Vi 0'. ■ .';.'",.,.,_: t„.,, 4,. ‘ 1i.,.\ “ 1 P. T. s.-'''''', - 1' 1': 1 .\ \ A= terit/. 1., Erw, D.,-. 1- mt k _ — \ SAliTzA- ML, tSv- ZtZr:. Ntn. Vt,.?., vArIe1,= C. 1. 11A1,-' 7, -." 4--.-.-.'„' Th.- 1. 7A- mr. nt 014 - rv. r. wait"- TSA ll'tA∎ WZ1E . T0a VstiU A v I;- niiut/ tAl p11rE:. I% --,= .' : IN,,;.\, j,. .,?. . . ';‘ • IC 1717;; 77: Grand. iiiiiet. wn, • 15,; • 887. T'ohnne . 9. • 1. v. niber ••• I am - a happy, Christian, One of the noisy crew, 1I shoutwhen a am happy And that I mean to do; Some say I um too noisy, I know the reason why, And if they felt . the glory,' They'd shout as wwell Os I. can- Then palms of victory, crowns of glory, Palms of victory I shall wear, Then palms of victory, crowns of glory, Palms, of victory I shall wear. They sing and shout in Heaven, It is their heart's delight; I'll shout when I inn hapy, rand that with all my might. I've Jesus Christ within me, He's turned the devil out; And when I feel the glory It makes me sing and shout. y sins are all forgiven Ti hith dad as mountains rise, . Ify. title's clear for Heaven, Beytma the starry sky: (- Ind's saints are my companions. I'm bound Tor endless day, And though the storm. is ragino-, I'll shout along the way. I'll sail o'er. life's rough oteun, With glory just in view; King Jesus is our pilot, Hell steer the vessel through. shout o'er death's dark river, But when I join the throng, For ever and for ever We'll roll the cause along. THE RISE OF SECTARIANISM. —: 0:- N order to make plain to the reader the rise of sectarianism, it will be necessa- . ry to commence back in the prophecies, which may seem to some as not bearing upon the point but wait and see. Seata-rianism is a power. Now it is well known that many powers have arisen since the creation or the world Yes,— Arisen and had their sway; And again have liaised away. whereas thou sagest iron mixed with mi-ery clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men : but they shall not-cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay?'— Daniel 2. : 38- 44. In the 43rd verse we see present truth exemplified in the fact that, the different powers do mingle together by- visiting each- other, and exchanging commodities; but the different governments do not, cleave one to another. We see another wonderful feature in that dream as set forth in the 34th and 35th verses. After beholding in his dream, the great image divided into its parts, rep-resenting, as we have before stated, the four universal powers, and the ten miner powers, " he saw a stone was tcut mint with-out hands, which smote the image upon his feet, that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces." " Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and the gold broken to . pieces together, and became like the chaff of the Summer threshing- Mors, and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for shunt : mid the stone that smote the image, be-came a great mountain and - filled the whole earth." This represents Christ Je-sus the Son of the living God find Ills kingdom. Verse 41, reads,—" And in the days of- these kings shall the God of heav-en set up a kingdom, which shallnever be destroyed : and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but; it shall break in pieces and. consume . all these kingdoms, and it shall stand foreve •." - Mark another remarkable feature in the 28th verse. " But there is a GM in- Heav-en that revealeth secrets, and rnaketh same powers that the first four parts of the image. in Nebuehadnezzar'adream did, and the ten horns, the same I en kingdoms that the ten toes did; but in addition, we see another curious knits,— another Bute horn. Now - we know Hid in the days of these kings that. the papal church ofRome sprang into existence and ly e shall see further along that the little horn spoken of is no more nor less that ' papal Rome. The interpreter declares that, n these great beasts which are four; are four kings, which shall arise ( nit of the earth." King here means kingdom, as explain-ed in verse 23, which says, " The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth." Daniel would know• still further the truth of the ten horns that, were in the head of the head of the fourth beast and of the other little horn, even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that, spake very great things, whose Inuits were more stout than his fellows; lie says, " 1 beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them until the ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of " he Most High; and the time came that the taints` possess-ed the kingdom." " Made war with the saints, and prevail ed against them." This part was faltilled during the papal reign: under which up-wards of filly million of martyrs were slain. Look at the cruel persecution of the Albigenses, • the Waldeases, and the Protestants generally by to papal power, how they were thrown to wild beasts; pull-ed apart by wind/ astea, thrOwn upon sharp-ened spikes ;` roasted ou gridirons, burned - 1 — 666. These different organizations are sects, or heresies, which are synonimous terms. baptism al 111, others boll iminersi: , sprinkling fiNti pouring all to be vo;;., 1 bap, some say Jesus () Mist is the S', n. of God, others that lie is only amain sour! Sit- ono thing, others another. while unite in ilwiying the one 13• ty4laClint eonsenting to the dividing of the body Christ into OGG differeat pieces; while Iasi m says hi the 4th chapter and 4th verse Eph.— There is one body. Are not all these points essential 0, trine? " If ye love not keep my coin mandments."-- John 14 : 15. " lie that saith I know Him, and keepeth not Ili- 4 commandments, is a liar, and the truth not in hinC- 1 John 2: 1. We Will give texts hearing on these vials mentioned above, because, " Ilavil: 4 therefore these promises, dearly btlovi d. let ns cleanse ourselves 11' 0/ 11 illl filthine- • if the flesh and spirit, perfecting burins s, in the fear of ( 3of1."—;- 2 (' or. 7: 1. Second, " And these signs shall folio - v them that believe In my name shall the:' ! ast out devils; and they shall speak Ix new tongues; they shall take up serpent and . i1 they drink any deadly thimee it shall not hurt them: I hey shall y hands on the sick, and they shall re, zi- - er."— Mark 16: 17. 18. Third, " A new heart also will I i'. into tali, and aright spit it will I put tVii l! - It von; and I \ vili take away the stony ears out of your flesh, meal Irwin give yon t heart of ilesh."— Ez'. 9,0: 20. Again I - ept a man be born again, he r; urn;, St he kingdom or God.— John 3: 3. " Who oever believeth that Jesus is the Uhriat lore a God." Fourth, " But time manifestation ,1 spira is given to every man to lapin Cor. 12: 7. " And my ind my preaching, was not. with ( Adidas:: , vords of man's wisflorn, but in demonst of the Spirit, and of Power.' -- 1 Chet 2: 4. Fit h, Repent, and be baptized ever,- Ile of you in the dame or Jesus r re remission of and ye; hall receit m le gift of time Holy Ghost for the prop,:- ise is unto yen, and to your children, awl to all _ that nre afar off, even as many the Lord our God shall call.— Acts 2: 88.3n 6i le and Tile " Keep the ordinances as l delivered them to von."- 1 () or. 11: 2. " Whosoever it born of God loth not con: nit sine'--- 1 Jno. 3: 9. 911), Then die dust- return to the earth as it -. vas. Mid the spirit shall return unto God wl o gave'it.-- Ee. 12: 7. 10th, The dead steal I: be raised incorruptible, and we shall he changed.- 1 Cor. 15 : 52: It, 12, 13,14„ One Lord, one faith, coin baptism. The word baptize, stands as iv; the Greek, which means dip, plunge, im merse; therefore if' the ', word had been translated into English it • oidd mead, ( 1 1W Lord, one faith, one ( lip, plunge, ea int. mersion. 10th, But when - the fullness of time was .: onte, God sent forth His made of a : WO- Hall, made under the la w.— Gal. 4: Time and space will not permit us to anumerate all the essentials denied, or mu practiced, but tve will veal mire 1 he - asset tion, that if we could have all the' eretais : I nd beliefs of all the denominotions the globe before us., and should adept them, that there would he nothing left fur us, or required of us, in the Word of ( lot, A. B. Palmer, FLORIDA, O. Dear . th'etheen:— This morning finds tile well and saVed. I am so glad that God gave me an honest heart to accept Him, and He opened my eyes to time aw-ful sin of sectism: I would not give ley ' Merest in the blood of Jesus, for all tIn tine dresses and guild chains, old blot-': pipes and beer hot ties that sect arians ca;; mnake use of: backbiting and slanderome• talk hutladed. They say they don't w; 710 to get so pod that they could not go to church, ( sect meeting). I would love to meet with the people of God if I could. The Bible says, n By their rruit ye shall know them," I am prayirg God to open the way for some ( trills min-isters to ( ionic to this place and hold a Meeting. 1 think some good might be clone eveinin thik place; for there are good 110: 1- OA souls here, as well as elsewhere. Your sister saved and wholly sanctified. M. E. Ilurd. to-- whre will speild eternity LOX Therefore it will be necessary to notice some of them. Of course, ' but one uni-versal power could exist at the same time. _ Universal power is one that has full sway ave:; i: the whole inhabited globe, and there never have been but. four of thernyet from the beginning until the present lime : the first of which was the Babylonian king-dom under king Nebuchadnezzar. The second was the Mede and Persian kingdom under king Darius the third, the Grecian under Alexander, and the fourth and last, : the Roman power under the Caesars, which power, or kingdom was divided into ten minor kingdoms, or as some have it, ten minor kingdoms aiaose out of the Roman universal power. Now let us see how beautifully this harmonizes with the Scriptures. Turn to have an account of another dream, which the second chapter of Daniel. Here we runs parallel with the one in the second of the Son of God," assuming to be filial-find that king Nebuchadnezzar" had a chapter, and repeats, not only the exact lible, having the power of granting indal-m of au image whose- head was of fine Iu po wers e, b t a littl more.-- Let us look at gences, assuming the power to forgive urea gold, which represented the firsti Un versal. iFt- oytyeight year;, Nebuchadnez- sins, praying to the virgin Mary, creed power this we know for Daniel says in gar's dream, Daniel saw in his night vision making, and many other things, all of lie 2Sth verse-, " thou art this head of " the font' Winds ( which means in symbolic - which are a departure from essential doc- - and we know that Nebuchadnezzar was language • strife, war, and political cola- trines taught by Christ and the Apostles. ing of t he Babylonian governmme nt at rmuction) of the Heaven strove upon the In Rev. 13: we read of a beast " which k that time. " His - breast, and his arms of silver," which re- Presented the Medo- Per-sia government, and as silver is inferior to gold, so were tile Medea and Persians in-ferior in wealth, luxpry and magnificence, to the Bahylonian e. " His belly and his thighs or brass," which - represented the Grecian government under _ Alexander; " Bit legs of iron" Which represented the fourth, or Roman power; as iron retire- , sents the strongest of metals, so the pewei which it represented was the strongest '- delis feet, part of iron and part of clay the toes of which ( being ten,) represent the ten minor kingdoms which should spring into existence after the fail of the fourth universal power. " Thou art this head of gold." And rifle/ thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all lime earth. And the hearth kingdom shall be Strong as iron forasmuch asironbreamketl ill Pieces' and Aittidnael l itlhl i• ng' s, • and as and atamped the residue with the feet of irol), that breaketh all these, 6hall it break it; and it was diverse from all the beasts inpieC es and bruise. And whereas thou that were before it, and it had ten horns. sawestathe feet and toes, part of potter's I considered the horns, and beheld there ° aY, and t I f i d I 11 p among them another little horn, part o 10n, l,•, r ' om s m came u . d: be d ivided; but thhere shall- be in it of the before whom there were three of the first St rength, of the iron, forasmuch as thou horns plucked up by the roots, and, be-sawest the iron Mixed with mi= ry dint% hold in the hem were eyes, like the eyes_ toes feet Wel part of of a n , speaking great AAnn d as the t oe th e- f t ' t f f - Ian and a mouth spea Ybeonu and part of ( Jay. so the kingdom shall things. - high,"— Daniel 7: 25. partly- atrong -- and partly broiceu. And Now these four beasts rep reaep• t the ) M• e,- known to the king, Nebuchadnezzar what at the stake, and various other ways of shall be in the latter clays." The latter torture too cruel to name: Does not all days spoken el here are the days in which this prove that the little horn was time Ba-the God of Heaven did sot up His king- pal- power ?. donor, or built His Church, against which the angel says; verse 24, " And the gates of hell shall not prevail the be- the ten horns out of this kingdom ( fourth ginning of which days was when Christ beast) are ten kings that shall arise and, made His advent into the world in the another shall rise after them : and he shall roma of humanity.— Heb. 1: 1, 2. " God, be diverse from the first, and he shall sub-who at sundry times and in divers mannerP, due three kings. Yr. 25. And he shall snake_ in time past unto the fathers by the speak great words against the MostHigh' prophets, hath in these last days spoken and shall wear out the' saints of the Most unto us by His Son." High e and think to change times and laws: " But now once in the end of the world and they: shall be given into his hand un-hath He ( Christ) appeared to put away ail a time and Limes and the dividing of sin, by the sacrifice ofIlimself." Heb. 9: 26. time. This papal king did think to change Read alto 1 Tim. 4: 1- 3; also 2 Tim. 3: times and laws in - various ways, among 1- 5. In the 7th chapter of Daniel, we which, are making for himself, or rather taking upon himself the title," Vicegerent 377, Visigoths, 378; Franks 407; Vandals 407; Suevi, 407; Burgundians, 407; Henan, 470; Anglo- Saxons, 476; and the Lom-bards, 483. During these ten - horns-kingdoms- the little horn, papacy arose. We will . now show a parallel between this power ( papal power) find the little horn of the 7t- h„ chapter of Daniel. " And he shall speak great things against; the m - 1 L- 50 1- 1, I- 1; 11- 500, F,- 0. emend sea. The word sea, when used as a came up out of - I he sea, ( which means a. syinbol in the scripture, means people, power arising from the - peoples and uhf-nations, t mmues-.- eRv. 17: 15. And lour I tiont and tongues,) having seven heads ggrreeaat: t: beasts came up from the sea, diverse and ten horns, and upon his. horns ten - One from the other: The first was like a crowns, and upon his heads the names of lion ande h' abd elaagslep's hwiengms. Iy b. e" he Hld teillre we see another inch-the wings thereof: were plucked, and it victual whose name was John, over GOO was lifted upfront the earth, and made years after the two dreams spoken of in Paul, in Gal. 5, places heresies amon g the stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's Daniel 2nd and 7th, who saw a beast that} - work of the aannd • says, " that ' they he • 1- w as giv en unto it. And behold an- corresponded with the legs of iron in Neb- wincn do such things thud]. smut inherit, the other beast, a second, llke to • a bear, and I uchadnezzar's dream, and with time fourthk . ingdom of God." heresy means 1st, it raised up itself on one side, and it had beast in Daniel's dream. At the time . . . • , opinion taKen upon opposition. to the es- , au three ribs in the mouth of it, between the John saw this beast, there had been a tablis. ned, or usually received doctrine, te e th of it: and they said that unto it, change in the religious character of the Lending to promote a porarty; ise devour much flesh. After th i s I be- Replan Empire, and this beast symminhaes. a, r the tenet of a sect or party. an lo! another, like a leopardiwaiaa Rome i n its d ss profes edly Ohriatian form. Second, an offence against Christianity, held, had upon the back of it four wwininggssof a Ile also saw ten. horn, which represented - consisting in a denial of' some essential fowl t he beast; had also four heads, and the same ten kingdoms that were retire- doctrine, publicly avowed, and obstinately dominion was given unto it. After this I tented in the other two dreanis. aintained. Who will arise and tell us of in tire night visions, and behold a Now these ten kings did arise betwe. en a single sect or religions denornination on say,' fourth beas t, dreadful and teiribie, and the years 356 and 483, and the uditiselio.: a lsi refuse in earth, that ddooes. not either den y , or stron g exceedingly and it had great iron that arose out of ' the fourth , ni, v - to practice see essential doctrine Peth : it devoured • and break in pieces, I kingdom, were established as follows, viz. found in the Bible. For instance, 1st, by the Runs A. D. 350, by ( lie Ostrogoths Many deny the doctrine of pea- footed boll_ nest in this life. 2, Another healing by laying on of hands. 3, Others, the new birth, others the deinonatrations of the Spirit, others thee baptism of the Holy Ghost, others the ordinances; others a part of the ordinances; others, that we call live without sin in this life; another, the separation of body and spirit at death; an other, the resurrection of the dead, others declare immersing get baptism; ' another', The leopard beast of Rev. 13: It. And he opened his mouth in biasphemy against God. The little horn made war with the saints; and prevailed against them."— Dan. 7: - 21. This beast also, Rev. 13: 7, makes war with the saints, and overcomes them. The little horn had a month speaking great things.— Dan. 7: S, 20. And of the leopard beast, we read, Rev. 13: 5, " And there was given unto him a mouth speak-ing great things and blasphemies." - These points prove identity then who can say the y do not set forth papal Rome? Here then : vat the rise of sccliani. Ro-manism tieing time first sect. 1 Rev. 13: 11, John saw another beast coming up out of fife earth and he had two - horns like a lamb. Another beast signifies ,' mother power, which we affirm to be Protestantism, or all the Protestant sects. For we read in Rev. Ill: 18, " Lei him. that hath understanding count the number of the beast it is the number of a mail; and his number is six hundred three score and six. ( 660), which number . corresponds with about the nummmtR'r Or time different sects at the present time. We road. in 17: 5, " Mystery, Babylon I he great, the mother of harlots and almomnina, lions of the earth." it is generally admit, ted that the mother, spoken of here means ( lid Roman Catholic denomination; if this be true, who are the daughters ? Well, we will introduce some of them to the reader, giving the dale of their births, and also who some of their fathers are. In the year 1054, was born the Gree sect. In time year 1530 another sect sprang into existance s having . Martin Luther for its father. In the sixteenth century the Church of England was organized. In the year 1585 the Independents, or Presbyte-rians was organized by Robert Brown. In 1602 the Congregationalists; by Jno. Rob-insen. In the year 1536 the Mennonites, under Merino Srinon. ' In 1780 time Free Will Baptists, by Benjamin Randall. In 1706 the Method Episcopal sect, by Philip Embury. In 1775 the Hailed Brethren. by William Otterbein. In 1843 the Wet-leyan Methodist, by Scott, - Horton, Sun-derland, Lee, and Matlac. Ili' about 1800 the Christaan order, organized by dissent-ers from the Methodists, Pres., and ' yap. In: 1800 the Evangelicals, Jacob Albright. 141830 the Protestant. Methodists, seced-ers from . the M. E. sect. In 1830 the Wine-brennarians, John ' Winebrenner. In about 1827, Campbellites; Alexander Campbell. In 1860, Free Methodists, B. T. Roberts. These are only a few of the 660, " the ` number of the beast." " For his the num-ber of a man," which some interpret as refering to the title which the Pope ap plies to himself, and has it inscribel his pontificial crown. The title is Vicari ( us filii Dek- a" Vicegerent et the Son. of God." Giving these letters their limner-icat value, we have 666. V- 5. 1- 1, C- 100, A- 0, R- 0, I- 1, U- sagne as V- 5, 841 F4- 0 1. the Lord, and. of judgment, and of Irligla • to declare unto Jacob his transgression- And to Israel his sith." --- LEze, 36: 27. Micah 3: S. All wholly sanctified: saints who are ed with the Holy Spirit, have a right to send forth judgment on the workers of iquity, for they have both mote and beam out of their eyes, ccLet time saints be jjyful in glory; let. them sing aloud upon their beds, Let time high praises of God be in their moutloand - a two- edged sword in 4heir hand; To cute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishment upon the people To bind their kings with chains,- and their nobles with fetters of iron To execute the judg-,- meats written : this honor have alt Bis? saints: Praise ye the Lord." Psa. 149e 5- 9. " But let judgment run down as \ via.' ters, and righteousness as a mighty stream; — Amos 5: 24. Hallelujah: to God for lbw judgments; for without judgment there is' no righteousness. Your brother in the Body of Christ, free from all sin and babylon, sa notified wholly's; Amen ! A GLORIOUS VICTORY AT COVERT, MICH. GRAND JUNCTION MICII. world ! It is awful ! The great mass-es who make any profession of Christ are going to hell With a vain, worldly, social religion, - and think A person lacking good sense- who believes the Bible. We are very courteously entertained by her good,- cleaver hearted husband, while dear sister Fidnley would esteem It a great privilege to keep us all a month•; But- haying Stop-ped over to- day, we shall have to urge Mir march onWard to- morrow, to Mary'S-vilie, 1VIRTSIlall Co. where we will stop to. visit our only" sister and borther- in- law, L. Guiss, and soon go on to. Table Hoek, Nebraska. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. A Villi- tIONTELT 30LIFIESS ZOUBtal, f). E. VINITro, R ATUCAL, AWTI- SE: C'EARI-A Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ For the Purity and Unity of His Church, the Pe-fence of t31,1, His Truth, And the Destruction Of Sect Bab-ylon. 111Oastt p a ataD InTrotor, mca D. 8 Illel. RNER.,-- Editor. E. E. BYRUM- and. S. M/ WIELS, --- Publishers. TERMS, $ 1.09 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE . 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A supply of this most excellent work on the subject of entire sanctification is now on hand at the TRUMPET OFFICE, Send your orders. Good cloth bound, 493 pages. Price $ 1.25 by mail. A few hundred volumes4 only remain, a debt also remains upon us for their publi-cation, from which we are praying the Lord in mach earnestness to- relieve our heart. - Since our reference to this in our New Year's Greeting, we have received one or two small donations, on the same. May God move many others to send fbr the book, and help otherwise, as the Lord' may direct. Amen ! 1150.441 ■ 49- 0312.--- SONGS OF VICTORY. - FOURTH EDITION. We have now- completed the Fourth Edition olSongs of Victory, which contains 94 pages With notes, and 14 pages of fa-miliar hymns, 112 pages in all. ‘ Ve have otherwise improved and corrected it, also put double im- pressionOil the covers. The cloth covers are so bound that, there will e no more raw edges, awl the lettering is expected to wear and retain the color. Songs of Victory is specially adapted to Camp, Grove, and all other meetings for the worship of God. Also for the Sabbath school. All coders accompanied. by cash, will be promptly filled from single copy upward. Price, Single copy, Manilla cover; 30 cts. Cloth limp _ cover, 50 cos. Per dozen, Ma-nilla cover, $ 3.00. Cloth,: $ 4,80. Parties may order half doz. at the- same rates as per dozen. Address all orders I 0 tile GOSPEL TRUMPET QEFIC GRAND JUNCTION, Mint THE SABBATH 71tACT. THE SABBATH, —: on:— 71/ EICH alY TO KEEP. IB LE Proes that the change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the . Lord This tract contains 61 pages : the price reduced to only 10 etc. Per dozen $ 1.00. God has enabled us to set forth the Subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture: So every reader of Thump- ET can glorify God in sending your orders for this Tract. This will also be a good fi-nancial help to spread other matter for• the Lord. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE - LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED. J P Bailey M Stover James Pollock Eliza Clay A (. 1 Beaudette A M Dick ? hi p Sp ackey Elihu Key Cyrus Mohler Wim Anderso A Moore M Frey W J Evans D Howe Ezra Smith Mrs. E Hamilton Henry Riner P Hamer 2 Win Lingo M A Morehead J S Bowe II Eldridge John Key - Iary Lambert Wm Shell Jacob Rough Maud Ritchey J- W Peacock A J Howe E J Martin Daniel Roush Sallie Rogers NEWS FROM TEE 4741,4Do —: 0:— MC PHERSON KAN., OCT. 20. --" E bad a joyful meeting with dear sister Leah Miller, Hannah Fish-baugh, and Mary ProuSe, at Antimony Ilan. Also Bro. and sister Markwell. We woul Oct. 15th,. for Covert, to hold a meeting in the nameOf - the Lord with the saints- of God at that place. .: We ' began meeting the next night ( Oct. - 1.6) in a Hall the saints ' mire rented in which to worshipGod. We were not through with our first dis-course, until time Spirit of God showed us our duty in that place as then of God. We found some that had the life of Christ in them, but had their spiritual joy some-what curtailed by the evil infigenCe• of a few that were possessed with that mean spirit of their father, the devil; continual-ly picking, finding fault, and gnashing on the saints of God with their teeth, and " making a man an offender for a word of naught." The spirit of Christ is not the spirit of rage, nor is it that spirit that loves to see the children of God divided, and subdivided into different clans, and not at all at peace with each- other. But it is that spirit that we read of in 1 John 21: 8; 3A-' 6, that loves to have things so. We held meeting both day and night in the Hall except time last night. We never had the burden of souls upon us since we have been out in the field, as we had while at that place. It seemed that the devil had brought all his forces to that place to prevent the work of the Lord, and keep poor souls in the dark but God, who is rich in mercy gave the dear ones who were tangled, i. e., the most of them, honest hearts to receive the Word, and get down and let God cleanse . them from all sin, and fill them with His fullness. ro: lhe meeting lasted 11- days, during which time many of the dear saints were built up in the Lord, and settled in the truth to live for God with more zeal in their souls than ever before. The last night we went to dear brother Nelson's; and commmemorated the death of our dear Lord Jesus Christ, in washing the saint's feet, and in break-ing bread and drinking wine Forty- two participated in the ordinances of God's house, and were blessed in the deed. 0 the holy joy filled all our hearts as we listened to the many voices that were raised in thanks to God for all His love to them. In time: pastthe saints of God at Covert were somewhat detained in their worship, by those who have a form of god-liness, but not the power, who were in the channel of them y, and not in the bod y of Christ. I pray God that they will there-fore keep full of the- Word and fire of God, so much so that hypocrites will not be able to- take part with them in the worship of God but will have to ' t it r get under the blood and get saved, or else get out- I have learned this one thing in my Christian experience, that a narrow con-tracted hypocrite will no sooner light upon a Church full of the Holy spirit, than - a fly will light upon a red het stove. But-when a Church loses the fire, then the antischrist spirit can get, and will get food; for contention is easily aroused where the spirit of God does not exist. There- is no food for the anti- christ spirit, - where there is no contention " about words to no profit, but to the subverttiing of the hearers." Dear saints df God, let us obey the Lord and " not give that which is holy unto dogs, nor cast our pearls before swine." I fear that the jud gments of God are not kept, executed by the saints in general as thee should be. Let us hear the Leal a little about judgment, and who is o ex e cute it. • And it Shall cometo pass, that, he that is left in Zino, and he that remaineth in Jerusa Iii,— shall be called , even every one that is written amenL, the living in J erusalem: When the Lord shall have xashed away the filth of the daughters: of Zion, anti shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit Ofjudgment,-. and the Spirit of burn- - Isa. 4: 3, 4. " And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsel-lors as at the beginning : afterward thou shalt be called, Time City of righteousness; the faithful oily. Zion shall be redeemed with judgimment, and her converts with righteousness"— Isa. 1: 26, 2.1. Any people who 1- mave more or less dead ( so called) children of God hanging on to them with a dry form of godliness, with-jout the Spirit it a is positive proof for one and all, that they have yot the judgments Of God in their hearts. For with the spirit Of burning, and or j- odgment the Church of God is kept free fmro all that are net saved. - Through whom does , the Lord sendo rfth judgment? " It is joy to the just to do jidgmetit, but: des truction- shall be to the workers of ini quity."— Prov. 21: 1.5.• " And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk io my staintes, and Ye shall S. L. Speck. BANGOR Mien. After- the Hamilton meeting I went home and stayed three days; then went* the log house in Lee; met dear Bro. IiiV patrick and Speck at the TRUMPET OFFICE: Bro. Speck went to Bro. Smith's Friday` night 14th. Bro. Kilpataiek accoMpahie0 usIo the log house, and preached tae. same evening. 0 how it. filled our hearte., i-with joy to meet with the dear ones witlC-whom we had not met for some time; Aves found them all filled with the spirit - mud power . of God. One enure to the altarfo. o., pardon, and one for sanctification, bod got the victory; glory be to God for . vie- is- a-tory among the Saints at that place. Saturday the 15th. Bro. Speck, and Patrick went to Covert, aud we wen Tekonsha Calhoun Co. 11. 1icle, and return to the Geneva two days meeting, Saturd and Siinday the 22 23. At Tekonsha We labored among the- 4 tee ones a week, God wonderfully bless us, and saved a number of souls, and san tiled two believers. One lady 64 years old ( sister Morrill) W was once a Baptist, but found no sat . tion in that, afterward studied phrene egy. physiology, and other sciences, and drifte into modern spiritualism, but finding a( satisfaction in any of them, and gavel*. self up to the Lord, and found iit* precious to her soul may God - 14., her to His glory in the salvation. of pi* cious souls is our prayer. Amen ! We found some others there that Wilt be very efficient workers for God w1l9 1 they get more light, and a deeper exper4: ience; may the Lord lead them out inti4 entire sanctification. May the Lord bless Bro. Eldridge, whom lie has chosen 44 preach the gospel, and keep him ever hum-ble and out of sight of self Amen! antlt Amen! ! The Geneva two days meeting was on of much power, many consecrations, an.: complete victory in our emits, the meeti4 was one of continual prayer; praise, att. testimony, and consecration; not a seri* preached during the meeting. , Bro's. Oq- Ver, Wm. N. Smith were present. 1 Michels being called away to attend a 1#-' i neral. Sunday eveine, the meeting closek with an ordinance meeting 37 partalmilig: 0 praise God ' bathe' victory. The work of the Lord- is going on won-. derfully throughout this part of the come try. Praise the Lord forever and evert Amen! I am all the Lords. A. B. Pal er., s, —: 0:— Dear Brethren : Ma yjEtliliReYgrCalcTeY o' f0G. od.' - keep you all. Amen I was called home from Ind. on account of the work of the devil in the sects. For I preached against. all sin and secrecy, and it stirred the dev-il in my landlord, he . being a Sabbath school teacher and a granger. He thought he would show his authority, and sent my wife a notice for us to leave his house within ten days. I came home time 1st ofz ecati. o13JeLrya nCditytim eOhio, Lord mime W: r ea omfolvTeeds. t01 01. uor. address is Jerry City insteade But if the devil knew what he has done for me in this he would feel ashamed Of_ - himself, for all things work togetherfor - pod to them that love the Lord. This move tltsilotaiagseie , fi ttt ilri: iu. tor: otrtfi. ouiNrd‘ vtoeoivill ir, c brother Win. Miller and I-winters theeIrsToMcraaciisntwpiearl. iisg: iliwVeaebNvcov, iilli Our Address. follows. D. S. WARNER, GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. SEBASTIAN MICHELS, SOUTH HA_ VEN, MICH. S. L. SPECK. GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. Our address until; further REQUESTS FOR PRAYERS. CARSON CITY, MOM DEAR BRETHREN:--.— I sincerely ask all the dear saints to pray for my dear san, who has lost his reason. Pray that our heavenly Father will instantly heal him, and sound-ly restore his mind. Sarah A. Anderson. SOUTH CANISTEO, N. Y. Amanda Kent, desires all the saints to pray that she may be healed of fits. The Lord has Saved her & out, and she has faith that site can be healed_ Also pray that her parents may be saved. Thressa Cole. NOTICE. Cora, and make her a nRe ful, Inimble esellff• took train a Jinn'- tign PM Batt- of power boy the SpiritB uOEt er inthe vineyard of the Lord. -' pearare: Min Miller was working about al- hundred Miles from home. ( He had been saved in our'first meeting in Tiffin Ohio, about ten years ago; but had lost his hope.) The Lord wonderfully melted his heat in an-swer to prayer, and sent . him home, and he was ready te . fall at - the feet of Jesus, and give himself all to the Lord. The Lord, accepted and saved his soul, and there was joy in Heaven, as well as great joy inthat family. May' GO also bring home to himself the remaining members of the family. We were expected to labor in Anthony, but after closing in the country, we felt led of the Lord. to g- o on to Wichita, Kan. Soon Oct. 12, we went to a little . strewn. near Anthony, where we buried with- Christ in baptism, sister Promise, and sis-ter Cora Miller. Time wonderful presence and blessing of God made the scene sa-cred and glorious. That same after- noen we took train, and after sixty miles ride to the- North- east, over a beautiful prairie, enjoying nature as only children of God can, we landed in the young, over- grown city of Wichita. The place claims nearly 30,000 inhabitants. Its age is about seven-teen years. Bro. and sister Rock, in whose happy little borne: we were happy to lodge, tell us that more than half the business blocks have been built in the- last- three years. 8e you see cities spring up in, the West like All persons writing their testimony of mushromnseafter Spring showers. We healing must sign their name and Post visited one very hungry family, that would lOisfhfeicde. address plainly if they wish it pub- have been glad, we think, to . come to Christ; But having received a call to come forthwith to Bro. J. S. Howe's, 20 miles i‘, Tortimawest,— the Bro. having been hurt, was , laying very sick— we responded in the name bf the Lord. - Prayer was of-- fered to GM for his healing, with _ the anointing of oil. For some reason the Bro. did not realize an immediate healing, but we, held on by- faith to the promise of the Lord, and he was rapidly recovering, and able to be up some - before we left. We held a few meetings in the School- house, and the Lord, both converted and sancti-fied - three souls, and also sanctified, and anointed dear Bro Daniel Howe, who haV-ing been called for . years to work for the Lord, was ord- aired by the laying on bf hands, as an Eider in the Church of the living God. - I pray God that the dear brother may go to work faithfully for the Master. There is a goed opening there - for the salvation of sorts. Seine were much wrought on by. the Spirit of God, and we hope, will soon seek the Lord: The dear brethren here wish some one to come as soon as - practical,- and held a thorough protracted meeting. I hope the Lord will send dear Bre, and sister ColeoBro. 11aner, or some one else there who- is able to give the people the glorious Gospel. Dear saints being eager for our arrival at Table Rock, Neb. in time to hold out-door service, it is necessary we must urge our journey on Northward. We would love to stop longer at all these points, but thank God for the privilege of stopping and greeting the dear saints, and above all we do praise God that in our short calls we de enjoy the privilege of seeing - a few souls saved. Yesterday dear brother and sister Ilowe's son brought us about forty miles North to this place, where we are enjoying a very opleasant visit with - the family of sister Amy Findley, who . was sanctified at a grove meeting at Payne 0., two years ago, and who also visited- the TRUMPET family at- Williainsion, she being a sister of sister Celia Kilpatrick of the Trumpet She- is also a - cousin of sister Nannie Kigar of our working band. Sister Findley is very hungry for the corn-mullion of saints, heing without scarcely a person in the place that respects Bible not refrain from shouting the praises of salvation. 0 the darkness of this babylen- God, although the passers by stopped to listen with amazement, and the town boys gathered in swarms on the prairie lawn. We had been acquainted with these twO dear sisters in Ohio, and rejoiced to find them praising God for full salvation. Ar-rangements had been mad- e to begin work in a school- house several miles out in the country. There was a good interest, sev-eral soon asked the prayers of the saints. A fe w consecrated, and seemed to be blest. Sister Cora Miller, sister Leah's daughter; was gloriously converted and sanctified. 0 it is blessed and glorious to see young ladies and young men renounce this vain and foolish world, and give themselves up - to the sweet and heavenly service of our Lord Jesus Christ, and enjoy the pure peace and love of God in their souls; and thus live for an object worthy of an inie mortal soul. May the Lord. bless sister- : Dear b Kilpatrick - and my- tk eep my judgments and- d.- " II sl eve God may use us to His glory always dloutosn. O. • oui• brother, redeemed by the blood 12sco ed vou all with 1'( 011• with. the whole armor of God on, and the vur, thrill, and perfect , neld titAmen \ 1\,°' ' iho 6, kh,‘, 1,1 tti LoTii tilt ^ 1i Christ, race, ' love land pence be in no yeti : tecordin g to the! —: 0:— LEAVENWORTIT, KAN. e n, aowny given up ( . May God wonderfully bless you, and all othor, 11, ano. t aim 0- 1e1 le e / wry,. day, rect Itso. Warner and his - fer the ihst line. and 0 little It gret- nn 1, y the Spirit of God. pray far us tlear tit th. e e all may : u1 11 hi t Ito IL : ye of Ohio. While there, there were three just-w, y;,: e1: 1111.: saved from ied, one sanctified, three baptized, one e iesei's, ant is add healed, and the saints wonderfully strength-ware. Hollelnjah We ened. Praise the Lord. forever! Amen! , lad Bro. Worhe r 0- n d e, nip: iny cull of Then a brother came from this place to 1 napetard. et; ed love, and he Payne for help. - I came home with him, thvelietli in hen., a e ! lett; in God, and and the other brethren went ten miles an-st, hini."--- Jenn Bless ( led other wily. We held two meetings here, , thet briugs us good intere sht, e oanleed last n i ght, and Christ. Amen t, some desire salvation. They want us to sa v e d e a,: ond nessver continue the meeting two weeks. The op: cm- Ise other brethren expect to be with us next !;: own. week. We have many calls to work for ithe solvation of souls. Pray for u s , that IV itas arlke, and all the true hcre, gr , ta il e' 7,‘ I ay 1 and stPulethen Yet: tasting at Katis. is sent tI e tolverna littner te There W; IS nol expected. it: Irtty Ile San are expeeted there. Your Bro. Opt and SitlIt'tiiieti. S light. Some f, eed in good and sOin . fell by toe wayside, and devoured it. I did not ! set oily one • with me but the was with me aights power to preaeh II is awful Word man. About 15 were convicted, and fat 111 tled Justified, sanc tifi ed. i ine, le white in. the biota of the 0 praise Lord. annen -, f; q ter me to go and preach al g the p• seph, the imeearehable riches ' hrist tor salmi had many obstacles • nely, ilea has taken them i hor the way. thanks: be unto His 1in j took a trip t o alize nmy false leachers ( sectarians) are /. 00 - waterloo Ind . Pray ).• us, we need rsr. prayers. , My soul is full- of glory as The saint s at Jerry City Will hold' p days meeting S• atutalay ana Sultday, et; ,, 12,-. 23e and observe the () ruin niteeS • It e ' The Churches at Weston and Beloved Brethren at t n Chr and put to silence. A. II. Lea. I then came back to Sweetser Ind., where — a- co-we held three povverful meetings. The Lord went before leading His army along, TAMA: lionid 1i: 1:. and 111Rde known to us some of the devices and many ether sinners w e re confounded Gosrn Ildddror of salon; [ Ind after the unclean spirit was saints 01 tot ed. everY cast out, I never saw sueh leaping and seoteerg in all my life. Three healed the last night by the Lord Jesus. Praise God tor the faith once delivered to the saints! IT alialujah ! I then came home ana found the saints strong in the Lord, and in the power of His mi ght. But some had fallen. We began the mighty work of God. Some were brought bock to the fold of God, and others were strennthened and built up in the most holy faith. Then Bro's. Wm. Schell and Henry Key, sister Anna Key, and myself came to Payne the 1.,, Jr. 71 blOSs vuu f no ,.• i feed ihe Mill. Te, Ihmk. end 1., sert „ r„, of cold nett; - - • T II the dear saints. May you all be filled with all the fullness of God Meeting here closed hist night with glerions victory on the Lord's side. Glory to God! Several souls were saved froth sin. Thank God for souls for our hire. God . bless them, and keep them in the Father's name, may they not, be enticed and drawn away for I TP-. , o site v al lied into the water, and was ptiz-:( 3, shouting as she came up out, of the water. And in three days she was well and doing her work, praising God for com-plete deliverance from babylon, and for 1 he dt r• i - us h ealing poorer. ea the sects Isaac ' Key. 1110 ‘ volao„ „,, a a the, ble:< i. the tetteliinz thingg they ought not for filth y lucre's sake. Speaking per-verse things to draw away disciples - after them.— Titus 1: 10, 11 ;- Acti 30 : 28- 30; 1 John 2: 18- 20. 0 praise God for a sal-vation that makes tos- , one. Thank God, we are raised up together to sit in heavenly 0 light, but saton sent out runners places in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah: Ail rlu . esale house on babylon Sto raised up to our point, all see eye to eve. made their minds evil effetAed against. No SZIIISMS 03: divisions in the body, Col. gathered eerinin lewd fellows of 1: 1S, 24; Eph. 1: 10, 22; 4: 1- 15; 1 Con aser sEat, end raised quite all uproar. 1: a0- 1a; a: 13. Carnality 1 1 athe cause of an. egged my brother's house, and threat- divisions : when we are fully saved it takes ' ea to thr: 1:-, h Die 1Winn, I went home. ail love of sectism out of use and puts C3A Aunt d4esen stones at brother the one Body, the Church.• 1 Car. 12: 12, has, hut the 1, nrl protected us throu gh it 13, 18 2., b. Thank God, we are all One.— ' ' also Ged I tThe Baptist- preacher Eph. 5; 1- S; 11: 25- 27. 0 what a beauti-jeweeni \ v oila we were teachine: lid picture of the- Church in verse 27. No t o u f the Len! that he ' Went away sect measurreess to the standard. aimed till his owu shame. by sayind that The meeting lasted two weeks, 11 con- ' del; road tO hell. He tried verted, eanctified, the Church was not 1 ,: y lave in that the Baolist, sect, was fully set hi order.— Titua I: 5. SeVeral to ligh t, hut foiled. and went oif in ra rade. be baptizfe d. Any one o tho Elders, of end haptized, one de_ the Church will find a welcome at brother end. Blow ye the TnUMPET'S blast lousier ttuti lnder. 0 may the people take warn-ind. and invite their escape, from the burn- . , e. The s; tints have a niee little brick house I in h wonderful. How holy, how calm, and t ee eaetr rivvr neer the Inolse. they how still is my heart in the depth of His sister : Thiry to the w otos. while will. IA : 0 Or Cie: V‘ lak While it is true, we can not fall from a titer • ^ lied to a justified state; yet itis also V'; bar t e?,, t, i !/ lo, O, v Ion. Se she laborers in the vineyard, let us be faith- Our dear Bro. Clayton not seeing eye to 3 ° 3:;;: tin, luld, V-:; : 11T. 111t1 10 Cul, soon our mission will close, soon the eye pointed -(- int in me elernents_ of unrest. . n e.! ili Well we preached work will be done. Blindness, and stu- So I made up my. li and hardness: is settlin g down upon least be one m at It mid there would an straight. So I prayed, r dio in niter, eea would the Gentiles . e ir came itidity, as formerly upon the Jews, search my heart 0 God! Oh hOw, gloriotisly rs t" got tier to od i c, niedhrine wilan •-• lea allowin g the fullness of the Gentiles has the Lord delivered me; I have never been tvv. ' ''' " nsehut. hot she said i ne the Lard is come in. My dear brotherr only a few so settled in God in all my life as now. . ' ' qsician. s - - three were . • ' - ) he leaned. anti then collies the The deep holy stillness and rest, so rich, so vre , nni feet that 01p: ions and doctrine of tile devil, . LUTHER MICH. Dear Brethrew— I do praise God this morning that I aan say I am stilt trusting in my Savior, and that I am still saved of God, sanctified, and just mean to do His holyWill in all things. I CAII give God the- glory and praise for what Hedoes for me each. moment of my life. I do praise God. for the healing . power, that I can take Him for my Savior at all times. 1 want all the Saints to pray ' for me, that I may stand firm. • ery Sabbath for teaching the children Called Sabbath- school. God . bless them and may they be separate from all unholy people, rimy their eyes be opened to those Unholy teachers cannot teach the Word, Psalm 91: 10- 13. Yoouurrss,, saved and sanctified wholly. J. P. Hamer. ing every Thursday- eveni n g, meeting ev- —: 0:— MONTEREY, Mien. To God's little ones greeting. From the Hamilton Assembly we came to South Monterey, in the Spirit, tO, assist our dear brother Sharpnack who had labored here a week previous to the assembly, and in-tended to resume his labor for this people. We had all confidence in our God to use us, and we prayed Him to stir and trouble the people, which He did. Deep convic-ion prevailed, as many hearts testified taro. thus far, but would not yield to the Spir- ' t's pleading. Our dear re. Smith came and assisted for a day or tWo. A few pre-sented themselves at the altar, and those who sought heartily found the Savior. 0 how, sad our hearts feel when all things have beeu done, and yet the people are not saved. They that go fo forth] weeping, bearing precious seed, shall donbtless come again bringing their sheaves with --, them. But the Prophet's testimony ( Isa. 49) fits into my soul,— And He ] lath th made my mouth_ like a sharp sword r lin the shadow of His hand hath he bid me,: and said unto me, Thou art my servant, Q Israel in whom 1 will be glorified. Then said, I have spent my sttengthe in Vain have spent my strength for naught, and in vain; yet early my judgment is ' with. the Lord, and lny work with my God. And now saith the Lord— Though Israel be. not gathered, yet shall be. glorious the eyes of the Lord, and. my God shall be My strength. Our ordination at the assembly, on Sat-urday, Oct. 8th, recalls the: time when two years ago we went in demonstration of the Spirit, an entire stranger, to the aaSssembly at Williamston, when ouri. dear brother Warner discerned our place in the Body. and desired to ratify our divine commis-sion at that tire, but J. C. F. refused. How many tests The Lord put us through in those two years, while making proof of our ministry. Well there arejnany expe-iiences which we have that are never W. J. Evans. - —: 0:— GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. To the Saints scattered abroad:— God bless you., and may love and peace be multiplied Unto you thtouth Jesus Christ our Lord. We are saved to the uttermost by the blood of Jesus. Well it seems to be pleasing to the Lord that we remain fat a short season in Michi gan, to labor for- the salvation of souls. We closed a meeting last night, which lasted ten days, at the Scott Sehool- house. The saints at this place have _ had no protracted meet-ing for about„ two i years and a half before we came there, and we fa- 11nd them in an. unfavorable condition. Soma were back-siid. den others were sorely tempted and much discouraged with what they had to undergo recently, but when they heard the joyful sound of the GOSpel, the backs suddenreturned, the crooked submitted to be ' straigAehed by the Word of ( iod, and the discouraged, took fresh cpurage. and there was great joy at that place. 0 praise God! to Him be all the glory. During the meeting there were twelve consecrated for a pure heart, and five for pardon. The meeting closed with com-munion serVices in brother' Travis's house, at which twelve communicants were pre cut. Yours and Christs, A. J. Kilpatrick. S. L. Speck. Corresporidno e. the Lord's will. Susannah Loudenslager. ANIIIDNY KAN. To the dear Gospel Trumpet read. ri and all the dear Saints Scattered abroad, I feel ledby the Spirit of God to write my testithony. am saved by the precious blood of Jesus. Praise the Lord! God has' been so wonderfully kind to us, He sent dear Bro. Warner and precious little hand. out here, and during their stay here God so sweetly saved my soul.' Glory to Je-sus for the true Saints of God. May the Lord reward them ' abundantly for the persecutions and trials they are enduring in holding up the true light. We are just assmall company here in this place, but our trust is in Jesus, Amen! Your sister saved and redeemed by Jesus. Cora Miller. —: 0:— ATLANTA KAN. To all the Saints greetin g. ' 1 want to send my testimony to the Trumpet once more. I want to say to the glory- of GOd that I am still moving out for God; with the fire and glory in my soul. Glory be to J'esus! I am out of babylon, and bab-ylon out of me. Praise the Lord forever! The Lord has gloriously healed my body of a case of fever, and while doing that Ile wonderfully settled me on His word. I am saved sanctified, and kept by the mighty power of God, doing His will as far as I know how, and. He gives me llis spirit to lead me to His glory. W. H. Defore. Dag 010. Dear Brditreit,:— My testimony is and-the Lord restoreth my soul; praise ihe Lord! I have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. About five yeara ago God in His infinite goodness and mercy, convicted me of my sins, and heartily repented; and God ihr Jesus' sake forgave all, and spoke peace t ) my sonl. I was happy in Jesus for while; but I found ' that the old root a bitterness was BIM in my heart, Whieili caused me much trouble; but I Marne,' that Christ came to destroy the works of the devil; and I complied with the require-ments of God's word, and Ile gloriously sanctified my soul, and filled me with His fallneas; and glory to Ilis holy name! He sweetlY keeps me preserved by His grace. Pray for / nee Your brother saved just now. Lewis Basore, —: o:- ATLANTA, KAN: Dear Breihren:- 1 want to say to the glory of God, that the bleased Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep is now my Savior, the promised Comforter has come into my heart; and just now bears Witness with my spirit that I am His. Glo-ry to His name! The prayer of Jesus for the sanctification and oneness of Ilia Church is answerel in my soul, and Ile healeth all my diseases. We were bless-edly strengthened and edified by the Camp- meeting at this place. There were not many conversions; oWing to the terri-ble prejudiee existing in the minds, of the people, caused by some inconsistencies of the brethren, and false reports spread abroad by evil disposed peeple. But wis-dom is justified of all her children. 0 that the people of God would keep humble, and full of faith and the Holy Ghost. Your brother, saved to all the will of God. Praise ye the Lord! OBITUARMS-* Died at Kendall Mich., Oct. 29111. 1887. The infant daughter of Bro. and sish r Ae J. Snyder. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away;- blessed be the name of the Lord. May the rich blessings of God rest apon Bro. and sister Snyder, and keep them forever by His love: Amen! W. B.- Grover. who hel i 1 i p iem n t le Sabbath- school. W e. . , tint, 11 1 virol i: 0; 11 halo- le/ 1, mo' n i : Iny A. 8. Warren's, Cor. 5th Ave. & Fanny St. sitters seekle. aod fleelared would God bless them. Two or three wonderful Ilsysr join a l e , t w hen I cases of healing while here at Leavenworth. tliintbegun ? mooin g were leaping atol T'umilkGod for healing power. I am hn uthor. hi lsilvien, hut were dead when so glad He bears our sicknesses as well as Yeti, heeause they rejeeted the lisdit. oor sins. Hallelujah We had wonderful Th ree rojoetea wete bap- liberty in preaching the awful - ord of izSrt t ee., ev .„,„ i„ e onete : I na want On God. Thank God I we• know in what ft-, 2, e I movement out of babylon. One post shall ' tsr N Y rej•• ieinee Halle lujah But we aTe li vieg. Last nihlit we preached run to meet another. 0 how dead COM- • gl%' t00A 111V lirother' : 4 from Romans 11: 2d, fullness of the Gen L pared to the assemblies of God's free she se,: s a hl ns to pray ftr her. andsoo n the world is to be destroyed by ent pieces in New England, we returned Het or r wi t h 4 1 1r 11; s! name of the the nettling of the Lord Jesus Christ, in to Pa. where there was a little company Whikth thcll izrOi; t? fhaning lire, and all the holY angels with of God's. children ready for the field . Af-rm her tee!, oayin ! s, - The Lori has . Hun. Had wonderfu l liberty in dealing ter laborin g with them some time we saw " he n ant halo te;. wos ,, ineer Christ by the Hely Ghost. 0 my fellow- the Will of God, and pointed it Ont. givtur me the witnes s that t he eitanhe % rill out this messa ge in the name of - Jesus , that certain ones were not complete in all rile t no verv ick, insomuch that the tiles, showing the Gentile harvest is past, saints. ' t igit he rs came in . ,, e0 herd iee So when and we are now, in the lime of gleaninar After preaching and testifying in differ-known. It is now one year since we la-bored in Mich. Last winter we laboredin Pa., after which, in the Spring. the • Lord opened the way for us to_ viait . oar sister in our native State of Connecticut. But w e found that am an's foes are they of iS own household. - From thence the way opened to go to Providence, Rhode Island, where we found an assembly of peoples into an holiness as-sociation, whehad been driven out- of the M. E. - seet by persecution, the Sect priest having threatened at Conference that if he went Lp to that appointment he would drive their holiness out, 0 Metheaism, where is thy consiatency ? she ac-complished his purpose. But theae driven out being still in the mists and fOgs of the cloudy day of apostasy, had taken enough of a stone fOr a corner from babylon, that ' It would make- us inconsistent; they said, to let you preach on the Church," though- scone of ihe women greatly desired it. They had a toothless conyention some time after, but no Methodists were there, having been previonsIsy warned not to go from there to Boston: - Attended a holi-ness convention held there by the Meth-odist. OOuur- testimonywas a npisome griev-ous sore. We found them trembling on account of the rumors abaut this Way; the i; e 1. 0 r3 pave pra yer meet- _ s. the experie, nce of ehdsu onf Wdiylds, LINDSEY, 0. DE4R BRETHREN:— I bless God the Fath er of us all, for this glorious privilege of writing to you and tell you thatI am saved and sanctified wholly. Glory to God, I am- filled with ad the fullness of God. Oh it is eery my Soul. Well praise God, we were at, the Jerry City C. M. and .0h what glory and victory filled our spads, to meet with God's little ones; and especially to hear the word of God preaeled by Bro's Speck, Palmer, Kilpatrick, . and some oth-ers, God was with us fn mighty power. who gives us victory every time. Praise God 0, thy soul ! 0 my Soul is so full of God that it makes me say like fatheri Roush. " I don't know what to do but praise God." Welt our little charge is all straight for God, and I dare say that the gates of hell cannot prevail a-nstinq it Well I am out of the devil's hold and free indeed. May . God bless and keep you all filled with pOwer is my prayer. Your Bre. saved and Sanctified. David Mitchell. — 0— they may become greatly liMited, and a God! I belong to the Chord' of the First, lack come in their souls: Beingweighed born, and, my name is written in Heaven. are feund Wanting. For a righteous- man Prayfpr me. Yonr sister nnder the blood, Of falleth seven times but he shall not be utS Christ, sanctified to do ter ly caat down, for the Lord hholeth Him Amen! uo, - If beheld to his reputation and pro-fession, gloom and condmnation : follows; but if he makes himself of nO reputation and consecrates by one stroke of omnipo-tence He sinks uainto a deeper eXperi-enee than ever. .0h that Gods little ones would be as little children, : take sides a-gainst themselves, and say search my heart p God. Have I get the completeness and power I once had? pure as He is pure, righteous as He is righteous. Or gm I weighed in the balance, and found want-ing. Your humble saved Bro. complete in Jesus' love. Amen! V. Roof. Caroline Johnson, LINDSEY 0. To all the Saints of God. Scattered abroad greeting. I feel led by the Spirit to write my testimony for the TruMpete can say this evening that am saved to the utter-meat. I feel to praise God for a salvation thatkeeps me every day of my life. thank God for this glorious - evening light. I Can say I am free froth babyilno and all ST. jomis Mich. Sister Clara A Lyon wife of Henry M. Lyon, departed this life in the triumph of a living faith, Oct. 20 1887. Aged. 27 years 1. month, and 27 days. The Lord bles. s dear Bro, 1, yon and. his little ones. S. Xichels. CC THE GLORY OF ( t OD, AND ITS EFFECTS. RISE, shine •; fo ' r` ihv is come, troth. Neither pray I for these alone, but and the glory_ of the Lord is risen for them also which shall believe on .0. e upon thee. For. behold, the darkness- through their word That they all Maybe shall cover the earth: amid gross darkness one; as thou, : Father, art in me, end. I in the people: but the Lord shall arise upon in Thee, that they also may be one in us: thee, and His glory shall be seen upon that theworld may know that '' Thou East thee, And the Gentiles shall come to thy sent me; And the glory which Thou hast light, anti kings to the brightness of thy given me I have given them that they rising: h - Ise. 60: 1- 3. may be one; even as we are one: I in It ia first necessary to See who isOur• them, and Thou in me, that theymay be, light, and what is our glory. made perfect in one: M and that - the world " The Sun shall be no mere- thy light by may know that thou hast sent me, . and day neither for hrightness theMoon hast loved them as thou - hast. loved me." give light unto thee: bat the Lord shall he -- Jim, 17: 1S- 23. unto thee an - everlasting light, and thy " But the God . of ' all grace, who Rath (= ed t hy gi. orY:--- 4. 60: 19. called us elite Hi s eternal glory by Christ So the Lord is our everlasting light, and Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, Ii Ott, in the tale, is used to represent make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, set-righteousness awl darkness - denotes sin. tie you."- 1 Peter 5:: 10. ' Hence there is ne tin er about us, be- In obeying the call of God,. " we obtain cause the Lord is eternally our- light. And the salvation, Which is in Jesus Christ with "' If we walk in the - lie. ( namely eternal glory." This glory will endure God,) is in the light, we have fellowship suffering, also settle you, and establish you one with another; and the bleed of Jesus in the present truth. Cheisesmission into Christ, His Sin clennsetta us from allein." dais world, and His death on the erase, This Divine glory origirateal from God, was to= procure our salvation, and glory, and. it is what the primitive Christians " According as His divine power bath enjoyed. ' et se listen: ial. ned in the pos- given unto us all things that pertain unto es iota of this Diviee glory,. the result is life and godliness, through the knowledge everlitsting tancolution.: Also, it is the of Him that bath called us to glory and continual preemie ion of Ged's eloriouseare, virtue : Whereby are given unto us ex-end the salvtition c- f perishing souls. ceeding great mid precious promises; that Many tire stem ving for the lieht of God's by these ye might be partakers of the Di- - nreemit Word: but they do not know vine nature, having escaped the corrup-where ti look for it. Why'? because very tion that is in the world through lust, r-few have the light, and very few are will- 2 Peter 1: 3,4. And this is not all, there ing to necept it. The Savior seys, " Many is advancement for the soul after escaping are called. but few are chosen"- I am safe this world, or being made pure. A gleri-to say, there is scarcely else out of one ous plain to reach yet. thousand that profess the li ght of God, " And besides this, giving all diligence, who actually possess it. add to your faith virtue; and to virtue The children of God are so fe
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 09:17
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 09:17
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 09:17
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 09:17
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 09:17
title_sort gospel trumpet - 09:17
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1887
long_lat ENVELOPE(100.511,100.511,78.026,78.026)
geographic Abaut
The ''Y''
The Altar
The Old Man
geographic_facet Abaut
The ''Y''
The Altar
The Old Man
genre inuits
genre_facet inuits
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766046499421028352
spelling 2023-05-15T16:55:31+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 09:17 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1887-11-15 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 09 17 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1887 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:02:56Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 nd tie shall -;. e. m. t, it i4 angels with trffeNaot ttiel of a Trampet. and they shall gather together Ills elett from i four from COW Old ( i f heav-en to the ether. , oC Maron a rparaablel o f the lig tree; W hen his branch is yet tender, aid puttent ffoorr m Mayes, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewie when ye OMIT see all thmU know that it is near, even at the ass." 31att, 21:`, 11- 2fL tn7id Go- d shallBLOW tfie 11- aLCILE- EB LL a7I d go win nhirZwinds'' j The sappy Chnsnn+ an. 71.7l1idc dee oliuvte or re tvheer ymmiadnA of bablon, not eut onl in her iniquit1y1: 1 : f oSr0 1t1h7i 7s bise 0 :— the time of the ' Lord's vengeanee; be ' Awnildl rtehne dlearu ud nhtaoi lh terre am brelce oamnpde nsoser-- row: for e7ery purpose 01 the Lord shall be performed against Indiyinn, to make the land ef liabylmt a deso-lation withont an inhabitant—. ley, 51: % a. .„. T.^.-^-^-- 1'-, 5- 4* * ' 1- ': 1;,. 4,,, \ - 7,417;;; V: 41:' 1 1° Z Vi 0'. ■ .';.'",.,.,_: t„.,, 4,. ‘ 1i.,.\ “ 1 P. T. s.-'''''', - 1' 1': 1 .\ \ A= terit/. 1., Erw, D.,-. 1- mt k _ — \ SAliTzA- ML, tSv- ZtZr:. Ntn. Vt,.?., vArIe1,= C. 1. 11A1,-' 7, -." 4--.-.-.'„' Th.- 1. 7A- mr. nt 014 - rv. r. wait"- TSA ll'tA∎ WZ1E . T0a VstiU A v I;- niiut/ tAl p11rE:. I% --,= .' : IN,,;.\, j,. .,?. . . ';‘ • IC 1717;; 77: Grand. iiiiiet. wn, • 15,; • 887. T'ohnne . 9. • 1. v. niber ••• I am - a happy, Christian, One of the noisy crew, 1I shoutwhen a am happy And that I mean to do; Some say I um too noisy, I know the reason why, And if they felt . the glory,' They'd shout as wwell Os I. can- Then palms of victory, crowns of glory, Palms of victory I shall wear, Then palms of victory, crowns of glory, Palms, of victory I shall wear. They sing and shout in Heaven, It is their heart's delight; I'll shout when I inn hapy, rand that with all my might. I've Jesus Christ within me, He's turned the devil out; And when I feel the glory It makes me sing and shout. y sins are all forgiven Ti hith dad as mountains rise, . Ify. title's clear for Heaven, Beytma the starry sky: (- Ind's saints are my companions. I'm bound Tor endless day, And though the storm. is ragino-, I'll shout along the way. I'll sail o'er. life's rough oteun, With glory just in view; King Jesus is our pilot, Hell steer the vessel through. shout o'er death's dark river, But when I join the throng, For ever and for ever We'll roll the cause along. THE RISE OF SECTARIANISM. —: 0:- N order to make plain to the reader the rise of sectarianism, it will be necessa- . ry to commence back in the prophecies, which may seem to some as not bearing upon the point but wait and see. Seata-rianism is a power. Now it is well known that many powers have arisen since the creation or the world Yes,— Arisen and had their sway; And again have liaised away. whereas thou sagest iron mixed with mi-ery clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men : but they shall not-cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay?'— Daniel 2. : 38- 44. In the 43rd verse we see present truth exemplified in the fact that, the different powers do mingle together by- visiting each- other, and exchanging commodities; but the different governments do not, cleave one to another. We see another wonderful feature in that dream as set forth in the 34th and 35th verses. After beholding in his dream, the great image divided into its parts, rep-resenting, as we have before stated, the four universal powers, and the ten miner powers, " he saw a stone was tcut mint with-out hands, which smote the image upon his feet, that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces." " Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and the gold broken to . pieces together, and became like the chaff of the Summer threshing- Mors, and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for shunt : mid the stone that smote the image, be-came a great mountain and - filled the whole earth." This represents Christ Je-sus the Son of the living God find Ills kingdom. Verse 41, reads,—" And in the days of- these kings shall the God of heav-en set up a kingdom, which shallnever be destroyed : and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but; it shall break in pieces and. consume . all these kingdoms, and it shall stand foreve •." - Mark another remarkable feature in the 28th verse. " But there is a GM in- Heav-en that revealeth secrets, and rnaketh same powers that the first four parts of the image. in Nebuehadnezzar'adream did, and the ten horns, the same I en kingdoms that the ten toes did; but in addition, we see another curious knits,— another Bute horn. Now - we know Hid in the days of these kings that. the papal church ofRome sprang into existence and ly e shall see further along that the little horn spoken of is no more nor less that ' papal Rome. The interpreter declares that, n these great beasts which are four; are four kings, which shall arise ( nit of the earth." King here means kingdom, as explain-ed in verse 23, which says, " The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth." Daniel would know• still further the truth of the ten horns that, were in the head of the head of the fourth beast and of the other little horn, even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that, spake very great things, whose Inuits were more stout than his fellows; lie says, " 1 beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them until the ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of " he Most High; and the time came that the taints` possess-ed the kingdom." " Made war with the saints, and prevail ed against them." This part was faltilled during the papal reign: under which up-wards of filly million of martyrs were slain. Look at the cruel persecution of the Albigenses, • the Waldeases, and the Protestants generally by to papal power, how they were thrown to wild beasts; pull-ed apart by wind/ astea, thrOwn upon sharp-ened spikes ;` roasted ou gridirons, burned - 1 — 666. These different organizations are sects, or heresies, which are synonimous terms. baptism al 111, others boll iminersi: , sprinkling fiNti pouring all to be vo;;., 1 bap, some say Jesus () Mist is the S', n. of God, others that lie is only amain sour! Sit- ono thing, others another. while unite in ilwiying the one 13• ty4laClint eonsenting to the dividing of the body Christ into OGG differeat pieces; while Iasi m says hi the 4th chapter and 4th verse Eph.— There is one body. Are not all these points essential 0, trine? " If ye love not keep my coin mandments."-- John 14 : 15. " lie that saith I know Him, and keepeth not Ili- 4 commandments, is a liar, and the truth not in hinC- 1 John 2: 1. We Will give texts hearing on these vials mentioned above, because, " Ilavil: 4 therefore these promises, dearly btlovi d. let ns cleanse ourselves 11' 0/ 11 illl filthine- • if the flesh and spirit, perfecting burins s, in the fear of ( 3of1."—;- 2 (' or. 7: 1. Second, " And these signs shall folio - v them that believe In my name shall the:' ! ast out devils; and they shall speak Ix new tongues; they shall take up serpent and . i1 they drink any deadly thimee it shall not hurt them: I hey shall y hands on the sick, and they shall re, zi- - er."— Mark 16: 17. 18. Third, " A new heart also will I i'. into tali, and aright spit it will I put tVii l! - It von; and I \ vili take away the stony ears out of your flesh, meal Irwin give yon t heart of ilesh."— Ez'. 9,0: 20. Again I - ept a man be born again, he r; urn;, St he kingdom or God.— John 3: 3. " Who oever believeth that Jesus is the Uhriat lore a God." Fourth, " But time manifestation ,1 spira is given to every man to lapin Cor. 12: 7. " And my ind my preaching, was not. with ( Adidas:: , vords of man's wisflorn, but in demonst of the Spirit, and of Power.' -- 1 Chet 2: 4. Fit h, Repent, and be baptized ever,- Ile of you in the dame or Jesus r re remission of and ye; hall receit m le gift of time Holy Ghost for the prop,:- ise is unto yen, and to your children, awl to all _ that nre afar off, even as many the Lord our God shall call.— Acts 2: 88.3n 6i le and Tile " Keep the ordinances as l delivered them to von."- 1 () or. 11: 2. " Whosoever it born of God loth not con: nit sine'--- 1 Jno. 3: 9. 911), Then die dust- return to the earth as it -. vas. Mid the spirit shall return unto God wl o gave'it.-- Ee. 12: 7. 10th, The dead steal I: be raised incorruptible, and we shall he changed.- 1 Cor. 15 : 52: It, 12, 13,14„ One Lord, one faith, coin baptism. The word baptize, stands as iv; the Greek, which means dip, plunge, im merse; therefore if' the ', word had been translated into English it • oidd mead, ( 1 1W Lord, one faith, one ( lip, plunge, ea int. mersion. 10th, But when - the fullness of time was .: onte, God sent forth His made of a : WO- Hall, made under the la w.— Gal. 4: Time and space will not permit us to anumerate all the essentials denied, or mu practiced, but tve will veal mire 1 he - asset tion, that if we could have all the' eretais : I nd beliefs of all the denominotions the globe before us., and should adept them, that there would he nothing left fur us, or required of us, in the Word of ( lot, A. B. Palmer, FLORIDA, O. Dear . th'etheen:— This morning finds tile well and saVed. I am so glad that God gave me an honest heart to accept Him, and He opened my eyes to time aw-ful sin of sectism: I would not give ley ' Merest in the blood of Jesus, for all tIn tine dresses and guild chains, old blot-': pipes and beer hot ties that sect arians ca;; mnake use of: backbiting and slanderome• talk hutladed. They say they don't w; 710 to get so pod that they could not go to church, ( sect meeting). I would love to meet with the people of God if I could. The Bible says, n By their rruit ye shall know them," I am prayirg God to open the way for some ( trills min-isters to ( ionic to this place and hold a Meeting. 1 think some good might be clone eveinin thik place; for there are good 110: 1- OA souls here, as well as elsewhere. Your sister saved and wholly sanctified. M. E. Ilurd. to-- whre will speild eternity LOX Therefore it will be necessary to notice some of them. Of course, ' but one uni-versal power could exist at the same time. _ Universal power is one that has full sway ave:; i: the whole inhabited globe, and there never have been but. four of thernyet from the beginning until the present lime : the first of which was the Babylonian king-dom under king Nebuchadnezzar. The second was the Mede and Persian kingdom under king Darius the third, the Grecian under Alexander, and the fourth and last, : the Roman power under the Caesars, which power, or kingdom was divided into ten minor kingdoms, or as some have it, ten minor kingdoms aiaose out of the Roman universal power. Now let us see how beautifully this harmonizes with the Scriptures. Turn to have an account of another dream, which the second chapter of Daniel. Here we runs parallel with the one in the second of the Son of God," assuming to be filial-find that king Nebuchadnezzar" had a chapter, and repeats, not only the exact lible, having the power of granting indal-m of au image whose- head was of fine Iu po wers e, b t a littl more.-- Let us look at gences, assuming the power to forgive urea gold, which represented the firsti Un versal. iFt- oytyeight year;, Nebuchadnez- sins, praying to the virgin Mary, creed power this we know for Daniel says in gar's dream, Daniel saw in his night vision making, and many other things, all of lie 2Sth verse-, " thou art this head of " the font' Winds ( which means in symbolic - which are a departure from essential doc- - and we know that Nebuchadnezzar was language • strife, war, and political cola- trines taught by Christ and the Apostles. ing of t he Babylonian governmme nt at rmuction) of the Heaven strove upon the In Rev. 13: we read of a beast " which k that time. " His - breast, and his arms of silver," which re- Presented the Medo- Per-sia government, and as silver is inferior to gold, so were tile Medea and Persians in-ferior in wealth, luxpry and magnificence, to the Bahylonian e. " His belly and his thighs or brass," which - represented the Grecian government under _ Alexander; " Bit legs of iron" Which represented the fourth, or Roman power; as iron retire- , sents the strongest of metals, so the pewei which it represented was the strongest '- delis feet, part of iron and part of clay the toes of which ( being ten,) represent the ten minor kingdoms which should spring into existence after the fail of the fourth universal power. " Thou art this head of gold." And rifle/ thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all lime earth. And the hearth kingdom shall be Strong as iron forasmuch asironbreamketl ill Pieces' and Aittidnael l itlhl i• ng' s, • and as and atamped the residue with the feet of irol), that breaketh all these, 6hall it break it; and it was diverse from all the beasts inpieC es and bruise. And whereas thou that were before it, and it had ten horns. sawestathe feet and toes, part of potter's I considered the horns, and beheld there ° aY, and t I f i d I 11 p among them another little horn, part o 10n, l,•, r ' om s m came u . d: be d ivided; but thhere shall- be in it of the before whom there were three of the first St rength, of the iron, forasmuch as thou horns plucked up by the roots, and, be-sawest the iron Mixed with mi= ry dint% hold in the hem were eyes, like the eyes_ toes feet Wel part of of a n , speaking great AAnn d as the t oe th e- f t ' t f f - Ian and a mouth spea Ybeonu and part of ( Jay. so the kingdom shall things. - high,"— Daniel 7: 25. partly- atrong -- and partly broiceu. And Now these four beasts rep reaep• t the ) M• e,- known to the king, Nebuchadnezzar what at the stake, and various other ways of shall be in the latter clays." The latter torture too cruel to name: Does not all days spoken el here are the days in which this prove that the little horn was time Ba-the God of Heaven did sot up His king- pal- power ?. donor, or built His Church, against which the angel says; verse 24, " And the gates of hell shall not prevail the be- the ten horns out of this kingdom ( fourth ginning of which days was when Christ beast) are ten kings that shall arise and, made His advent into the world in the another shall rise after them : and he shall roma of humanity.— Heb. 1: 1, 2. " God, be diverse from the first, and he shall sub-who at sundry times and in divers mannerP, due three kings. Yr. 25. And he shall snake_ in time past unto the fathers by the speak great words against the MostHigh' prophets, hath in these last days spoken and shall wear out the' saints of the Most unto us by His Son." High e and think to change times and laws: " But now once in the end of the world and they: shall be given into his hand un-hath He ( Christ) appeared to put away ail a time and Limes and the dividing of sin, by the sacrifice ofIlimself." Heb. 9: 26. time. This papal king did think to change Read alto 1 Tim. 4: 1- 3; also 2 Tim. 3: times and laws in - various ways, among 1- 5. In the 7th chapter of Daniel, we which, are making for himself, or rather taking upon himself the title," Vicegerent 377, Visigoths, 378; Franks 407; Vandals 407; Suevi, 407; Burgundians, 407; Henan, 470; Anglo- Saxons, 476; and the Lom-bards, 483. During these ten - horns-kingdoms- the little horn, papacy arose. We will . now show a parallel between this power ( papal power) find the little horn of the 7t- h„ chapter of Daniel. " And he shall speak great things against; the m - 1 L- 50 1- 1, I- 1; 11- 500, F,- 0. emend sea. The word sea, when used as a came up out of - I he sea, ( which means a. syinbol in the scripture, means people, power arising from the - peoples and uhf-nations, t mmues-.- eRv. 17: 15. And lour I tiont and tongues,) having seven heads ggrreeaat: t: beasts came up from the sea, diverse and ten horns, and upon his. horns ten - One from the other: The first was like a crowns, and upon his heads the names of lion ande h' abd elaagslep's hwiengms. Iy b. e" he Hld teillre we see another inch-the wings thereof: were plucked, and it victual whose name was John, over GOO was lifted upfront the earth, and made years after the two dreams spoken of in Paul, in Gal. 5, places heresies amon g the stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's Daniel 2nd and 7th, who saw a beast that} - work of the aannd • says, " that ' they he • 1- w as giv en unto it. And behold an- corresponded with the legs of iron in Neb- wincn do such things thud]. smut inherit, the other beast, a second, llke to • a bear, and I uchadnezzar's dream, and with time fourthk . ingdom of God." heresy means 1st, it raised up itself on one side, and it had beast in Daniel's dream. At the time . . . • , opinion taKen upon opposition. to the es- , au three ribs in the mouth of it, between the John saw this beast, there had been a tablis. ned, or usually received doctrine, te e th of it: and they said that unto it, change in the religious character of the Lending to promote a porarty; ise devour much flesh. After th i s I be- Replan Empire, and this beast symminhaes. a, r the tenet of a sect or party. an lo! another, like a leopardiwaiaa Rome i n its d ss profes edly Ohriatian form. Second, an offence against Christianity, held, had upon the back of it four wwininggssof a Ile also saw ten. horn, which represented - consisting in a denial of' some essential fowl t he beast; had also four heads, and the same ten kingdoms that were retire- doctrine, publicly avowed, and obstinately dominion was given unto it. After this I tented in the other two dreanis. aintained. Who will arise and tell us of in tire night visions, and behold a Now these ten kings did arise betwe. en a single sect or religions denornination on say,' fourth beas t, dreadful and teiribie, and the years 356 and 483, and the uditiselio.: a lsi refuse in earth, that ddooes. not either den y , or stron g exceedingly and it had great iron that arose out of ' the fourth , ni, v - to practice see essential doctrine Peth : it devoured • and break in pieces, I kingdom, were established as follows, viz. found in the Bible. For instance, 1st, by the Runs A. D. 350, by ( lie Ostrogoths Many deny the doctrine of pea- footed boll_ nest in this life. 2, Another healing by laying on of hands. 3, Others, the new birth, others the deinonatrations of the Spirit, others thee baptism of the Holy Ghost, others the ordinances; others a part of the ordinances; others, that we call live without sin in this life; another, the separation of body and spirit at death; an other, the resurrection of the dead, others declare immersing get baptism; ' another', The leopard beast of Rev. 13: It. And he opened his mouth in biasphemy against God. The little horn made war with the saints; and prevailed against them."— Dan. 7: - 21. This beast also, Rev. 13: 7, makes war with the saints, and overcomes them. The little horn had a month speaking great things.— Dan. 7: S, 20. And of the leopard beast, we read, Rev. 13: 5, " And there was given unto him a mouth speak-ing great things and blasphemies." - These points prove identity then who can say the y do not set forth papal Rome? Here then : vat the rise of sccliani. Ro-manism tieing time first sect. 1 Rev. 13: 11, John saw another beast coming up out of fife earth and he had two - horns like a lamb. Another beast signifies ,' mother power, which we affirm to be Protestantism, or all the Protestant sects. For we read in Rev. Ill: 18, " Lei him. that hath understanding count the number of the beast it is the number of a mail; and his number is six hundred three score and six. ( 660), which number . corresponds with about the nummmtR'r Or time different sects at the present time. We road. in 17: 5, " Mystery, Babylon I he great, the mother of harlots and almomnina, lions of the earth." it is generally admit, ted that the mother, spoken of here means ( lid Roman Catholic denomination; if this be true, who are the daughters ? Well, we will introduce some of them to the reader, giving the dale of their births, and also who some of their fathers are. In the year 1054, was born the Gree sect. In time year 1530 another sect sprang into existance s having . Martin Luther for its father. In the sixteenth century the Church of England was organized. In the year 1585 the Independents, or Presbyte-rians was organized by Robert Brown. In 1602 the Congregationalists; by Jno. Rob-insen. In the year 1536 the Mennonites, under Merino Srinon. ' In 1780 time Free Will Baptists, by Benjamin Randall. In 1706 the Method Episcopal sect, by Philip Embury. In 1775 the Hailed Brethren. by William Otterbein. In 1843 the Wet-leyan Methodist, by Scott, - Horton, Sun-derland, Lee, and Matlac. Ili' about 1800 the Christaan order, organized by dissent-ers from the Methodists, Pres., and ' yap. In: 1800 the Evangelicals, Jacob Albright. 141830 the Protestant. Methodists, seced-ers from . the M. E. sect. In 1830 the Wine-brennarians, John ' Winebrenner. In about 1827, Campbellites; Alexander Campbell. In 1860, Free Methodists, B. T. Roberts. These are only a few of the 660, " the ` number of the beast." " For his the num-ber of a man," which some interpret as refering to the title which the Pope ap plies to himself, and has it inscribel his pontificial crown. The title is Vicari ( us filii Dek- a" Vicegerent et the Son. of God." Giving these letters their limner-icat value, we have 666. V- 5. 1- 1, C- 100, A- 0, R- 0, I- 1, U- sagne as V- 5, 841 F4- 0 1. the Lord, and. of judgment, and of Irligla • to declare unto Jacob his transgression- And to Israel his sith." --- LEze, 36: 27. Micah 3: S. All wholly sanctified: saints who are ed with the Holy Spirit, have a right to send forth judgment on the workers of iquity, for they have both mote and beam out of their eyes, ccLet time saints be jjyful in glory; let. them sing aloud upon their beds, Let time high praises of God be in their moutloand - a two- edged sword in 4heir hand; To cute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishment upon the people To bind their kings with chains,- and their nobles with fetters of iron To execute the judg-,- meats written : this honor have alt Bis? saints: Praise ye the Lord." Psa. 149e 5- 9. " But let judgment run down as \ via.' ters, and righteousness as a mighty stream; — Amos 5: 24. Hallelujah: to God for lbw judgments; for without judgment there is' no righteousness. Your brother in the Body of Christ, free from all sin and babylon, sa notified wholly's; Amen ! A GLORIOUS VICTORY AT COVERT, MICH. GRAND JUNCTION MICII. world ! It is awful ! The great mass-es who make any profession of Christ are going to hell With a vain, worldly, social religion, - and think A person lacking good sense- who believes the Bible. We are very courteously entertained by her good,- cleaver hearted husband, while dear sister Fidnley would esteem It a great privilege to keep us all a month•; But- haying Stop-ped over to- day, we shall have to urge Mir march onWard to- morrow, to Mary'S-vilie, 1VIRTSIlall Co. where we will stop to. visit our only" sister and borther- in- law, L. Guiss, and soon go on to. Table Hoek, Nebraska. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. A Villi- tIONTELT 30LIFIESS ZOUBtal, f). E. VINITro, R ATUCAL, AWTI- SE: C'EARI-A Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ For the Purity and Unity of His Church, the Pe-fence of t31,1, His Truth, And the Destruction Of Sect Bab-ylon. 111Oastt p a ataD InTrotor, mca D. 8 Illel. RNER.,-- Editor. E. E. BYRUM- and. S. M/ WIELS, --- Publishers. TERMS, $ 1.09 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE . All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. Remittances should be sent by Registered Letter; or Express Order, through the American, or the United States Express Co. Small amounts may be sent in Two Cent Stamps. We will not be responsible for money unless sent. by Registered letter or Express Order. to GOSPEL, TRUMPET. NOTICE. A ciMunission of 20 percent will be given on each new, bash subscriber, to all who will labor for the Cosrm. TnumeI T. _ We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the as well as the cir-culation of the paper. Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts., Ez ( W.- NOTICE. CUANGES OF ADDREsS:— Subscri ber's wish-ing their address. changed, must be sure to give their FORMER, .1. is well their new ad-dress. MISSING PAPERS : o— cItc, asionally hap- , a ns that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers . are lost: or stolen in the In e/ SO you do not receive your paper when due, after waiting a sufficient length of time, write us a card and we will gladly send oft in place of the missing iurnber. When yon - write, be sure and give your FULL ADDRESS, NAME, POST OFFICE, COUNTY, and STATE. Should there be a mistake at any time, write to us at once, a id we will gladly rec-tify the- same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET, UItAND JUNCTIOY, Melt. Entered at the Posrtglice at Grand Junction, Van BurenCo. Mich. : as second class matter. te"-. N. 0 T I CET. As vet this place has clot procured the privilege of 4. m/ icily order office. Please remit kiaoney by registered letter,. or by express draft, through the American, or the United States Express Co. Or small quantities in stamps. Address all business letters. to the GOSPEL TRUMPET. BIBLE PROOFS. A supply of this most excellent work on the subject of entire sanctification is now on hand at the TRUMPET OFFICE, Send your orders. Good cloth bound, 493 pages. Price $ 1.25 by mail. A few hundred volumes4 only remain, a debt also remains upon us for their publi-cation, from which we are praying the Lord in mach earnestness to- relieve our heart. - Since our reference to this in our New Year's Greeting, we have received one or two small donations, on the same. May God move many others to send fbr the book, and help otherwise, as the Lord' may direct. Amen ! 1150.441 ■ 49- 0312.--- SONGS OF VICTORY. - FOURTH EDITION. We have now- completed the Fourth Edition olSongs of Victory, which contains 94 pages With notes, and 14 pages of fa-miliar hymns, 112 pages in all. ‘ Ve have otherwise improved and corrected it, also put double im- pressionOil the covers. The cloth covers are so bound that, there will e no more raw edges, awl the lettering is expected to wear and retain the color. Songs of Victory is specially adapted to Camp, Grove, and all other meetings for the worship of God. Also for the Sabbath school. All coders accompanied. by cash, will be promptly filled from single copy upward. Price, Single copy, Manilla cover; 30 cts. Cloth limp _ cover, 50 cos. Per dozen, Ma-nilla cover, $ 3.00. Cloth,: $ 4,80. Parties may order half doz. at the- same rates as per dozen. Address all orders I 0 tile GOSPEL TRUMPET QEFIC GRAND JUNCTION, Mint THE SABBATH 71tACT. THE SABBATH, —: on:— 71/ EICH alY TO KEEP. IB LE Proes that the change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the . Lord This tract contains 61 pages : the price reduced to only 10 etc. Per dozen $ 1.00. God has enabled us to set forth the Subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture: So every reader of Thump- ET can glorify God in sending your orders for this Tract. This will also be a good fi-nancial help to spread other matter for• the Lord. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE - LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED. J P Bailey M Stover James Pollock Eliza Clay A (. 1 Beaudette A M Dick ? hi p Sp ackey Elihu Key Cyrus Mohler Wim Anderso A Moore M Frey W J Evans D Howe Ezra Smith Mrs. E Hamilton Henry Riner P Hamer 2 Win Lingo M A Morehead J S Bowe II Eldridge John Key - Iary Lambert Wm Shell Jacob Rough Maud Ritchey J- W Peacock A J Howe E J Martin Daniel Roush Sallie Rogers NEWS FROM TEE 4741,4Do —: 0:— MC PHERSON KAN., OCT. 20. --" E bad a joyful meeting with dear sister Leah Miller, Hannah Fish-baugh, and Mary ProuSe, at Antimony Ilan. Also Bro. and sister Markwell. We woul Oct. 15th,. for Covert, to hold a meeting in the nameOf - the Lord with the saints- of God at that place. .: We ' began meeting the next night ( Oct. - 1.6) in a Hall the saints ' mire rented in which to worshipGod. We were not through with our first dis-course, until time Spirit of God showed us our duty in that place as then of God. We found some that had the life of Christ in them, but had their spiritual joy some-what curtailed by the evil infigenCe• of a few that were possessed with that mean spirit of their father, the devil; continual-ly picking, finding fault, and gnashing on the saints of God with their teeth, and " making a man an offender for a word of naught." The spirit of Christ is not the spirit of rage, nor is it that spirit that loves to see the children of God divided, and subdivided into different clans, and not at all at peace with each- other. But it is that spirit that we read of in 1 John 21: 8; 3A-' 6, that loves to have things so. We held meeting both day and night in the Hall except time last night. We never had the burden of souls upon us since we have been out in the field, as we had while at that place. It seemed that the devil had brought all his forces to that place to prevent the work of the Lord, and keep poor souls in the dark but God, who is rich in mercy gave the dear ones who were tangled, i. e., the most of them, honest hearts to receive the Word, and get down and let God cleanse . them from all sin, and fill them with His fullness. ro: lhe meeting lasted 11- days, during which time many of the dear saints were built up in the Lord, and settled in the truth to live for God with more zeal in their souls than ever before. The last night we went to dear brother Nelson's; and commmemorated the death of our dear Lord Jesus Christ, in washing the saint's feet, and in break-ing bread and drinking wine Forty- two participated in the ordinances of God's house, and were blessed in the deed. 0 the holy joy filled all our hearts as we listened to the many voices that were raised in thanks to God for all His love to them. In time: pastthe saints of God at Covert were somewhat detained in their worship, by those who have a form of god-liness, but not the power, who were in the channel of them y, and not in the bod y of Christ. I pray God that they will there-fore keep full of the- Word and fire of God, so much so that hypocrites will not be able to- take part with them in the worship of God but will have to ' t it r get under the blood and get saved, or else get out- I have learned this one thing in my Christian experience, that a narrow con-tracted hypocrite will no sooner light upon a Church full of the Holy spirit, than - a fly will light upon a red het stove. But-when a Church loses the fire, then the antischrist spirit can get, and will get food; for contention is easily aroused where the spirit of God does not exist. There- is no food for the anti- christ spirit, - where there is no contention " about words to no profit, but to the subverttiing of the hearers." Dear saints df God, let us obey the Lord and " not give that which is holy unto dogs, nor cast our pearls before swine." I fear that the jud gments of God are not kept, executed by the saints in general as thee should be. Let us hear the Leal a little about judgment, and who is o ex e cute it. • And it Shall cometo pass, that, he that is left in Zino, and he that remaineth in Jerusa Iii,— shall be called , even every one that is written amenL, the living in J erusalem: When the Lord shall have xashed away the filth of the daughters: of Zion, anti shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit Ofjudgment,-. and the Spirit of burn- - Isa. 4: 3, 4. " And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsel-lors as at the beginning : afterward thou shalt be called, Time City of righteousness; the faithful oily. Zion shall be redeemed with judgimment, and her converts with righteousness"— Isa. 1: 26, 2.1. Any people who 1- mave more or less dead ( so called) children of God hanging on to them with a dry form of godliness, with-jout the Spirit it a is positive proof for one and all, that they have yot the judgments Of God in their hearts. For with the spirit Of burning, and or j- odgment the Church of God is kept free fmro all that are net saved. - Through whom does , the Lord sendo rfth judgment? " It is joy to the just to do jidgmetit, but: des truction- shall be to the workers of ini quity."— Prov. 21: 1.5.• " And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk io my staintes, and Ye shall S. L. Speck. BANGOR Mien. After- the Hamilton meeting I went home and stayed three days; then went* the log house in Lee; met dear Bro. IiiV patrick and Speck at the TRUMPET OFFICE: Bro. Speck went to Bro. Smith's Friday` night 14th. Bro. Kilpataiek accoMpahie0 usIo the log house, and preached tae. same evening. 0 how it. filled our hearte., i-with joy to meet with the dear ones witlC-whom we had not met for some time; Aves found them all filled with the spirit - mud power . of God. One enure to the altarfo. o., pardon, and one for sanctification, bod got the victory; glory be to God for . vie- is- a-tory among the Saints at that place. Saturday the 15th. Bro. Speck, and Patrick went to Covert, aud we wen Tekonsha Calhoun Co. 11. 1icle, and return to the Geneva two days meeting, Saturd and Siinday the 22 23. At Tekonsha We labored among the- 4 tee ones a week, God wonderfully bless us, and saved a number of souls, and san tiled two believers. One lady 64 years old ( sister Morrill) W was once a Baptist, but found no sat . tion in that, afterward studied phrene egy. physiology, and other sciences, and drifte into modern spiritualism, but finding a( satisfaction in any of them, and gavel*. self up to the Lord, and found iit* precious to her soul may God - 14., her to His glory in the salvation. of pi* cious souls is our prayer. Amen ! We found some others there that Wilt be very efficient workers for God w1l9 1 they get more light, and a deeper exper4: ience; may the Lord lead them out inti4 entire sanctification. May the Lord bless Bro. Eldridge, whom lie has chosen 44 preach the gospel, and keep him ever hum-ble and out of sight of self Amen! antlt Amen! ! The Geneva two days meeting was on of much power, many consecrations, an.: complete victory in our emits, the meeti4 was one of continual prayer; praise, att. testimony, and consecration; not a seri* preached during the meeting. , Bro's. Oq- Ver, Wm. N. Smith were present. 1 Michels being called away to attend a 1#-' i neral. Sunday eveine, the meeting closek with an ordinance meeting 37 partalmilig: 0 praise God ' bathe' victory. The work of the Lord- is going on won-. derfully throughout this part of the come try. Praise the Lord forever and evert Amen! I am all the Lords. A. B. Pal er., s, —: 0:— Dear Brethren : Ma yjEtliliReYgrCalcTeY o' f0G. od.' - keep you all. Amen I was called home from Ind. on account of the work of the devil in the sects. For I preached against. all sin and secrecy, and it stirred the dev-il in my landlord, he . being a Sabbath school teacher and a granger. He thought he would show his authority, and sent my wife a notice for us to leave his house within ten days. I came home time 1st ofz ecati. o13JeLrya nCditytim eOhio, Lord mime W: r ea omfolvTeeds. t01 01. uor. address is Jerry City insteade But if the devil knew what he has done for me in this he would feel ashamed Of_ - himself, for all things work togetherfor - pod to them that love the Lord. This move tltsilotaiagseie , fi ttt ilri: iu. tor: otrtfi. ouiNrd‘ vtoeoivill ir, c brother Win. Miller and I-winters theeIrsToMcraaciisntwpiearl. iisg: iliwVeaebNvcov, iilli Our Address. follows. D. S. WARNER, GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. SEBASTIAN MICHELS, SOUTH HA_ VEN, MICH. S. L. SPECK. GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. Our address until; further REQUESTS FOR PRAYERS. CARSON CITY, MOM DEAR BRETHREN:--.— I sincerely ask all the dear saints to pray for my dear san, who has lost his reason. Pray that our heavenly Father will instantly heal him, and sound-ly restore his mind. Sarah A. Anderson. SOUTH CANISTEO, N. Y. Amanda Kent, desires all the saints to pray that she may be healed of fits. The Lord has Saved her & out, and she has faith that site can be healed_ Also pray that her parents may be saved. Thressa Cole. NOTICE. Cora, and make her a nRe ful, Inimble esellff• took train a Jinn'- tign PM Batt- of power boy the SpiritB uOEt er inthe vineyard of the Lord. -' pearare: Min Miller was working about al- hundred Miles from home. ( He had been saved in our'first meeting in Tiffin Ohio, about ten years ago; but had lost his hope.) The Lord wonderfully melted his heat in an-swer to prayer, and sent . him home, and he was ready te . fall at - the feet of Jesus, and give himself all to the Lord. The Lord, accepted and saved his soul, and there was joy in Heaven, as well as great joy inthat family. May' GO also bring home to himself the remaining members of the family. We were expected to labor in Anthony, but after closing in the country, we felt led of the Lord. to g- o on to Wichita, Kan. Soon Oct. 12, we went to a little . strewn. near Anthony, where we buried with- Christ in baptism, sister Promise, and sis-ter Cora Miller. Time wonderful presence and blessing of God made the scene sa-cred and glorious. That same after- noen we took train, and after sixty miles ride to the- North- east, over a beautiful prairie, enjoying nature as only children of God can, we landed in the young, over- grown city of Wichita. The place claims nearly 30,000 inhabitants. Its age is about seven-teen years. Bro. and sister Rock, in whose happy little borne: we were happy to lodge, tell us that more than half the business blocks have been built in the- last- three years. 8e you see cities spring up in, the West like All persons writing their testimony of mushromnseafter Spring showers. We healing must sign their name and Post visited one very hungry family, that would lOisfhfeicde. address plainly if they wish it pub- have been glad, we think, to . come to Christ; But having received a call to come forthwith to Bro. J. S. Howe's, 20 miles i‘, Tortimawest,— the Bro. having been hurt, was , laying very sick— we responded in the name bf the Lord. - Prayer was of-- fered to GM for his healing, with _ the anointing of oil. For some reason the Bro. did not realize an immediate healing, but we, held on by- faith to the promise of the Lord, and he was rapidly recovering, and able to be up some - before we left. We held a few meetings in the School- house, and the Lord, both converted and sancti-fied - three souls, and also sanctified, and anointed dear Bro Daniel Howe, who haV-ing been called for . years to work for the Lord, was ord- aired by the laying on bf hands, as an Eider in the Church of the living God. - I pray God that the dear brother may go to work faithfully for the Master. There is a goed opening there - for the salvation of sorts. Seine were much wrought on by. the Spirit of God, and we hope, will soon seek the Lord: The dear brethren here wish some one to come as soon as - practical,- and held a thorough protracted meeting. I hope the Lord will send dear Bre, and sister ColeoBro. 11aner, or some one else there who- is able to give the people the glorious Gospel. Dear saints being eager for our arrival at Table Rock, Neb. in time to hold out-door service, it is necessary we must urge our journey on Northward. We would love to stop longer at all these points, but thank God for the privilege of stopping and greeting the dear saints, and above all we do praise God that in our short calls we de enjoy the privilege of seeing - a few souls saved. Yesterday dear brother and sister Ilowe's son brought us about forty miles North to this place, where we are enjoying a very opleasant visit with - the family of sister Amy Findley, who . was sanctified at a grove meeting at Payne 0., two years ago, and who also visited- the TRUMPET family at- Williainsion, she being a sister of sister Celia Kilpatrick of the Trumpet She- is also a - cousin of sister Nannie Kigar of our working band. Sister Findley is very hungry for the corn-mullion of saints, heing without scarcely a person in the place that respects Bible not refrain from shouting the praises of salvation. 0 the darkness of this babylen- God, although the passers by stopped to listen with amazement, and the town boys gathered in swarms on the prairie lawn. We had been acquainted with these twO dear sisters in Ohio, and rejoiced to find them praising God for full salvation. Ar-rangements had been mad- e to begin work in a school- house several miles out in the country. There was a good interest, sev-eral soon asked the prayers of the saints. A fe w consecrated, and seemed to be blest. Sister Cora Miller, sister Leah's daughter; was gloriously converted and sanctified. 0 it is blessed and glorious to see young ladies and young men renounce this vain and foolish world, and give themselves up - to the sweet and heavenly service of our Lord Jesus Christ, and enjoy the pure peace and love of God in their souls; and thus live for an object worthy of an inie mortal soul. May the Lord. bless sister- : Dear b Kilpatrick - and my- tk eep my judgments and- d.- " II sl eve God may use us to His glory always dloutosn. O. • oui• brother, redeemed by the blood 12sco ed vou all with 1'( 011• with. the whole armor of God on, and the vur, thrill, and perfect , neld titAmen \ 1\,°' ' iho 6, kh,‘, 1,1 tti LoTii tilt ^ 1i Christ, race, ' love land pence be in no yeti : tecordin g to the! —: 0:— LEAVENWORTIT, KAN. e n, aowny given up ( . May God wonderfully bless you, and all othor, 11, ano. t aim 0- 1e1 le e / wry,. day, rect Itso. Warner and his - fer the ihst line. and 0 little It gret- nn 1, y the Spirit of God. pray far us tlear tit th. e e all may : u1 11 hi t Ito IL : ye of Ohio. While there, there were three just-w, y;,: e1: 1111.: saved from ied, one sanctified, three baptized, one e iesei's, ant is add healed, and the saints wonderfully strength-ware. Hollelnjah We ened. Praise the Lord. forever! Amen! , lad Bro. Worhe r 0- n d e, nip: iny cull of Then a brother came from this place to 1 napetard. et; ed love, and he Payne for help. - I came home with him, thvelietli in hen., a e ! lett; in God, and and the other brethren went ten miles an-st, hini."--- Jenn Bless ( led other wily. We held two meetings here, , thet briugs us good intere sht, e oanleed last n i ght, and Christ. Amen t, some desire salvation. They want us to sa v e d e a,: ond nessver continue the meeting two weeks. The op: cm- Ise other brethren expect to be with us next !;: own. week. We have many calls to work for ithe solvation of souls. Pray for u s , that IV itas arlke, and all the true hcre, gr , ta il e' 7,‘ I ay 1 and stPulethen Yet: tasting at Katis. is sent tI e tolverna littner te There W; IS nol expected. it: Irtty Ile San are expeeted there. Your Bro. Opt and SitlIt'tiiieti. S light. Some f, eed in good and sOin . fell by toe wayside, and devoured it. I did not ! set oily one • with me but the was with me aights power to preaeh II is awful Word man. About 15 were convicted, and fat 111 tled Justified, sanc tifi ed. i ine, le white in. the biota of the 0 praise Lord. annen -, f; q ter me to go and preach al g the p• seph, the imeearehable riches ' hrist tor salmi had many obstacles • nely, ilea has taken them i hor the way. thanks: be unto His 1in j took a trip t o alize nmy false leachers ( sectarians) are /. 00 - waterloo Ind . Pray ).• us, we need rsr. prayers. , My soul is full- of glory as The saint s at Jerry City Will hold' p days meeting S• atutalay ana Sultday, et; ,, 12,-. 23e and observe the () ruin niteeS • It e ' The Churches at Weston and Beloved Brethren at t n Chr and put to silence. A. II. Lea. I then came back to Sweetser Ind., where — a- co-we held three povverful meetings. The Lord went before leading His army along, TAMA: lionid 1i: 1:. and 111Rde known to us some of the devices and many ether sinners w e re confounded Gosrn Ildddror of salon; [ Ind after the unclean spirit was saints 01 tot ed. everY cast out, I never saw sueh leaping and seoteerg in all my life. Three healed the last night by the Lord Jesus. Praise God tor the faith once delivered to the saints! IT alialujah ! I then came home ana found the saints strong in the Lord, and in the power of His mi ght. But some had fallen. We began the mighty work of God. Some were brought bock to the fold of God, and others were strennthened and built up in the most holy faith. Then Bro's. Wm. Schell and Henry Key, sister Anna Key, and myself came to Payne the 1.,, Jr. 71 blOSs vuu f no ,.• i feed ihe Mill. Te, Ihmk. end 1., sert „ r„, of cold nett; - - • T II the dear saints. May you all be filled with all the fullness of God Meeting here closed hist night with glerions victory on the Lord's side. Glory to God! Several souls were saved froth sin. Thank God for souls for our hire. God . bless them, and keep them in the Father's name, may they not, be enticed and drawn away for I TP-. , o site v al lied into the water, and was ptiz-:( 3, shouting as she came up out, of the water. And in three days she was well and doing her work, praising God for com-plete deliverance from babylon, and for 1 he dt r• i - us h ealing poorer. ea the sects Isaac ' Key. 1110 ‘ volao„ „,, a a the, ble:< i. the tetteliinz thingg they ought not for filth y lucre's sake. Speaking per-verse things to draw away disciples - after them.— Titus 1: 10, 11 ;- Acti 30 : 28- 30; 1 John 2: 18- 20. 0 praise God for a sal-vation that makes tos- , one. Thank God, we are raised up together to sit in heavenly 0 light, but saton sent out runners places in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah: Ail rlu . esale house on babylon Sto raised up to our point, all see eye to eve. made their minds evil effetAed against. No SZIIISMS 03: divisions in the body, Col. gathered eerinin lewd fellows of 1: 1S, 24; Eph. 1: 10, 22; 4: 1- 15; 1 Con aser sEat, end raised quite all uproar. 1: a0- 1a; a: 13. Carnality 1 1 athe cause of an. egged my brother's house, and threat- divisions : when we are fully saved it takes ' ea to thr: 1:-, h Die 1Winn, I went home. ail love of sectism out of use and puts C3A Aunt d4esen stones at brother the one Body, the Church.• 1 Car. 12: 12, has, hut the 1, nrl protected us throu gh it 13, 18 2., b. Thank God, we are all One.— ' ' also Ged I tThe Baptist- preacher Eph. 5; 1- S; 11: 25- 27. 0 what a beauti-jeweeni \ v oila we were teachine: lid picture of the- Church in verse 27. No t o u f the Len! that he ' Went away sect measurreess to the standard. aimed till his owu shame. by sayind that The meeting lasted two weeks, 11 con- ' del; road tO hell. He tried verted, eanctified, the Church was not 1 ,: y lave in that the Baolist, sect, was fully set hi order.— Titua I: 5. SeVeral to ligh t, hut foiled. and went oif in ra rade. be baptizfe d. Any one o tho Elders, of end haptized, one de_ the Church will find a welcome at brother end. Blow ye the TnUMPET'S blast lousier ttuti lnder. 0 may the people take warn-ind. and invite their escape, from the burn- . , e. The s; tints have a niee little brick house I in h wonderful. How holy, how calm, and t ee eaetr rivvr neer the Inolse. they how still is my heart in the depth of His sister : Thiry to the w otos. while will. IA : 0 Or Cie: V‘ lak While it is true, we can not fall from a titer • ^ lied to a justified state; yet itis also V'; bar t e?,, t, i !/ lo, O, v Ion. Se she laborers in the vineyard, let us be faith- Our dear Bro. Clayton not seeing eye to 3 ° 3:;;: tin, luld, V-:; : 11T. 111t1 10 Cul, soon our mission will close, soon the eye pointed -(- int in me elernents_ of unrest. . n e.! ili Well we preached work will be done. Blindness, and stu- So I made up my. li and hardness: is settlin g down upon least be one m at It mid there would an straight. So I prayed, r dio in niter, eea would the Gentiles . e ir came itidity, as formerly upon the Jews, search my heart 0 God! Oh hOw, gloriotisly rs t" got tier to od i c, niedhrine wilan •-• lea allowin g the fullness of the Gentiles has the Lord delivered me; I have never been tvv. ' ''' " nsehut. hot she said i ne the Lard is come in. My dear brotherr only a few so settled in God in all my life as now. . ' ' qsician. s - - three were . • ' - ) he leaned. anti then collies the The deep holy stillness and rest, so rich, so vre , nni feet that 01p: ions and doctrine of tile devil, . LUTHER MICH. Dear Brethrew— I do praise God this morning that I aan say I am stilt trusting in my Savior, and that I am still saved of God, sanctified, and just mean to do His holyWill in all things. I CAII give God the- glory and praise for what Hedoes for me each. moment of my life. I do praise God. for the healing . power, that I can take Him for my Savior at all times. 1 want all the Saints to pray ' for me, that I may stand firm. • ery Sabbath for teaching the children Called Sabbath- school. God . bless them and may they be separate from all unholy people, rimy their eyes be opened to those Unholy teachers cannot teach the Word, Psalm 91: 10- 13. Yoouurrss,, saved and sanctified wholly. J. P. Hamer. ing every Thursday- eveni n g, meeting ev- —: 0:— MONTEREY, Mien. To God's little ones greeting. From the Hamilton Assembly we came to South Monterey, in the Spirit, tO, assist our dear brother Sharpnack who had labored here a week previous to the assembly, and in-tended to resume his labor for this people. We had all confidence in our God to use us, and we prayed Him to stir and trouble the people, which He did. Deep convic-ion prevailed, as many hearts testified taro. thus far, but would not yield to the Spir- ' t's pleading. Our dear re. Smith came and assisted for a day or tWo. A few pre-sented themselves at the altar, and those who sought heartily found the Savior. 0 how, sad our hearts feel when all things have beeu done, and yet the people are not saved. They that go fo forth] weeping, bearing precious seed, shall donbtless come again bringing their sheaves with --, them. But the Prophet's testimony ( Isa. 49) fits into my soul,— And He ] lath th made my mouth_ like a sharp sword r lin the shadow of His hand hath he bid me,: and said unto me, Thou art my servant, Q Israel in whom 1 will be glorified. Then said, I have spent my sttengthe in Vain have spent my strength for naught, and in vain; yet early my judgment is ' with. the Lord, and lny work with my God. And now saith the Lord— Though Israel be. not gathered, yet shall be. glorious the eyes of the Lord, and. my God shall be My strength. Our ordination at the assembly, on Sat-urday, Oct. 8th, recalls the: time when two years ago we went in demonstration of the Spirit, an entire stranger, to the aaSssembly at Williamston, when ouri. dear brother Warner discerned our place in the Body. and desired to ratify our divine commis-sion at that tire, but J. C. F. refused. How many tests The Lord put us through in those two years, while making proof of our ministry. Well there arejnany expe-iiences which we have that are never W. J. Evans. - —: 0:— GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. To the Saints scattered abroad:— God bless you., and may love and peace be multiplied Unto you thtouth Jesus Christ our Lord. We are saved to the uttermost by the blood of Jesus. Well it seems to be pleasing to the Lord that we remain fat a short season in Michi gan, to labor for- the salvation of souls. We closed a meeting last night, which lasted ten days, at the Scott Sehool- house. The saints at this place have _ had no protracted meet-ing for about„ two i years and a half before we came there, and we fa- 11nd them in an. unfavorable condition. Soma were back-siid. den others were sorely tempted and much discouraged with what they had to undergo recently, but when they heard the joyful sound of the GOSpel, the backs suddenreturned, the crooked submitted to be ' straigAehed by the Word of ( iod, and the discouraged, took fresh cpurage. and there was great joy at that place. 0 praise God! to Him be all the glory. During the meeting there were twelve consecrated for a pure heart, and five for pardon. The meeting closed with com-munion serVices in brother' Travis's house, at which twelve communicants were pre cut. Yours and Christs, A. J. Kilpatrick. S. L. Speck. Corresporidno e. the Lord's will. Susannah Loudenslager. ANIIIDNY KAN. To the dear Gospel Trumpet read. ri and all the dear Saints Scattered abroad, I feel ledby the Spirit of God to write my testithony. am saved by the precious blood of Jesus. Praise the Lord! God has' been so wonderfully kind to us, He sent dear Bro. Warner and precious little hand. out here, and during their stay here God so sweetly saved my soul.' Glory to Je-sus for the true Saints of God. May the Lord reward them ' abundantly for the persecutions and trials they are enduring in holding up the true light. We are just assmall company here in this place, but our trust is in Jesus, Amen! Your sister saved and redeemed by Jesus. Cora Miller. —: 0:— ATLANTA KAN. To all the Saints greetin g. ' 1 want to send my testimony to the Trumpet once more. I want to say to the glory- of GOd that I am still moving out for God; with the fire and glory in my soul. Glory be to J'esus! I am out of babylon, and bab-ylon out of me. Praise the Lord forever! The Lord has gloriously healed my body of a case of fever, and while doing that Ile wonderfully settled me on His word. I am saved sanctified, and kept by the mighty power of God, doing His will as far as I know how, and. He gives me llis spirit to lead me to His glory. W. H. Defore. Dag 010. Dear Brditreit,:— My testimony is and-the Lord restoreth my soul; praise ihe Lord! I have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. About five yeara ago God in His infinite goodness and mercy, convicted me of my sins, and heartily repented; and God ihr Jesus' sake forgave all, and spoke peace t ) my sonl. I was happy in Jesus for while; but I found ' that the old root a bitterness was BIM in my heart, Whieili caused me much trouble; but I Marne,' that Christ came to destroy the works of the devil; and I complied with the require-ments of God's word, and Ile gloriously sanctified my soul, and filled me with His fallneas; and glory to Ilis holy name! He sweetlY keeps me preserved by His grace. Pray for / nee Your brother saved just now. Lewis Basore, —: o:- ATLANTA, KAN: Dear Breihren:- 1 want to say to the glory of God, that the bleased Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep is now my Savior, the promised Comforter has come into my heart; and just now bears Witness with my spirit that I am His. Glo-ry to His name! The prayer of Jesus for the sanctification and oneness of Ilia Church is answerel in my soul, and Ile healeth all my diseases. We were bless-edly strengthened and edified by the Camp- meeting at this place. There were not many conversions; oWing to the terri-ble prejudiee existing in the minds, of the people, caused by some inconsistencies of the brethren, and false reports spread abroad by evil disposed peeple. But wis-dom is justified of all her children. 0 that the people of God would keep humble, and full of faith and the Holy Ghost. Your brother, saved to all the will of God. Praise ye the Lord! OBITUARMS-* Died at Kendall Mich., Oct. 29111. 1887. The infant daughter of Bro. and sish r Ae J. Snyder. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away;- blessed be the name of the Lord. May the rich blessings of God rest apon Bro. and sister Snyder, and keep them forever by His love: Amen! W. B.- Grover. who hel i 1 i p iem n t le Sabbath- school. W e. . , tint, 11 1 virol i: 0; 11 halo- le/ 1, mo' n i : Iny A. 8. Warren's, Cor. 5th Ave. & Fanny St. sitters seekle. aod fleelared would God bless them. Two or three wonderful Ilsysr join a l e , t w hen I cases of healing while here at Leavenworth. tliintbegun ? mooin g were leaping atol T'umilkGod for healing power. I am hn uthor. hi lsilvien, hut were dead when so glad He bears our sicknesses as well as Yeti, heeause they rejeeted the lisdit. oor sins. Hallelujah We had wonderful Th ree rojoetea wete bap- liberty in preaching the awful - ord of izSrt t ee., ev .„,„ i„ e onete : I na want On God. Thank God I we• know in what ft-, 2, e I movement out of babylon. One post shall ' tsr N Y rej•• ieinee Halle lujah But we aTe li vieg. Last nihlit we preached run to meet another. 0 how dead COM- • gl%' t00A 111V lirother' : 4 from Romans 11: 2d, fullness of the Gen L pared to the assemblies of God's free she se,: s a hl ns to pray ftr her. andsoo n the world is to be destroyed by ent pieces in New England, we returned Het or r wi t h 4 1 1r 11; s! name of the the nettling of the Lord Jesus Christ, in to Pa. where there was a little company Whikth thcll izrOi; t? fhaning lire, and all the holY angels with of God's. children ready for the field . Af-rm her tee!, oayin ! s, - The Lori has . Hun. Had wonderfu l liberty in dealing ter laborin g with them some time we saw " he n ant halo te;. wos ,, ineer Christ by the Hely Ghost. 0 my fellow- the Will of God, and pointed it Ont. givtur me the witnes s that t he eitanhe % rill out this messa ge in the name of - Jesus , that certain ones were not complete in all rile t no verv ick, insomuch that the tiles, showing the Gentile harvest is past, saints. ' t igit he rs came in . ,, e0 herd iee So when and we are now, in the lime of gleaninar After preaching and testifying in differ-known. It is now one year since we la-bored in Mich. Last winter we laboredin Pa., after which, in the Spring. the • Lord opened the way for us to_ viait . oar sister in our native State of Connecticut. But w e found that am an's foes are they of iS own household. - From thence the way opened to go to Providence, Rhode Island, where we found an assembly of peoples into an holiness as-sociation, whehad been driven out- of the M. E. - seet by persecution, the Sect priest having threatened at Conference that if he went Lp to that appointment he would drive their holiness out, 0 Metheaism, where is thy consiatency ? she ac-complished his purpose. But theae driven out being still in the mists and fOgs of the cloudy day of apostasy, had taken enough of a stone fOr a corner from babylon, that ' It would make- us inconsistent; they said, to let you preach on the Church," though- scone of ihe women greatly desired it. They had a toothless conyention some time after, but no Methodists were there, having been previonsIsy warned not to go from there to Boston: - Attended a holi-ness convention held there by the Meth-odist. OOuur- testimonywas a npisome griev-ous sore. We found them trembling on account of the rumors abaut this Way; the i; e 1. 0 r3 pave pra yer meet- _ s. the experie, nce of ehdsu onf Wdiylds, LINDSEY, 0. DE4R BRETHREN:— I bless God the Fath er of us all, for this glorious privilege of writing to you and tell you thatI am saved and sanctified wholly. Glory to God, I am- filled with ad the fullness of God. Oh it is eery my Soul. Well praise God, we were at, the Jerry City C. M. and .0h what glory and victory filled our spads, to meet with God's little ones; and especially to hear the word of God preaeled by Bro's Speck, Palmer, Kilpatrick, . and some oth-ers, God was with us fn mighty power. who gives us victory every time. Praise God 0, thy soul ! 0 my Soul is so full of God that it makes me say like fatheri Roush. " I don't know what to do but praise God." Welt our little charge is all straight for God, and I dare say that the gates of hell cannot prevail a-nstinq it Well I am out of the devil's hold and free indeed. May . God bless and keep you all filled with pOwer is my prayer. Your Bre. saved and Sanctified. David Mitchell. — 0— they may become greatly liMited, and a God! I belong to the Chord' of the First, lack come in their souls: Beingweighed born, and, my name is written in Heaven. are feund Wanting. For a righteous- man Prayfpr me. Yonr sister nnder the blood, Of falleth seven times but he shall not be utS Christ, sanctified to do ter ly caat down, for the Lord hholeth Him Amen! uo, - If beheld to his reputation and pro-fession, gloom and condmnation : follows; but if he makes himself of nO reputation and consecrates by one stroke of omnipo-tence He sinks uainto a deeper eXperi-enee than ever. .0h that Gods little ones would be as little children, : take sides a-gainst themselves, and say search my heart p God. Have I get the completeness and power I once had? pure as He is pure, righteous as He is righteous. Or gm I weighed in the balance, and found want-ing. Your humble saved Bro. complete in Jesus' love. Amen! V. Roof. Caroline Johnson, LINDSEY 0. To all the Saints of God. Scattered abroad greeting. I feel led by the Spirit to write my testimony for the TruMpete can say this evening that am saved to the utter-meat. I feel to praise God for a salvation thatkeeps me every day of my life. thank God for this glorious - evening light. I Can say I am free froth babyilno and all ST. jomis Mich. Sister Clara A Lyon wife of Henry M. Lyon, departed this life in the triumph of a living faith, Oct. 20 1887. Aged. 27 years 1. month, and 27 days. The Lord bles. s dear Bro, 1, yon and. his little ones. S. Xichels. CC THE GLORY OF ( t OD, AND ITS EFFECTS. RISE, shine •; fo ' r` ihv is come, troth. Neither pray I for these alone, but and the glory_ of the Lord is risen for them also which shall believe on .0. e upon thee. For. behold, the darkness- through their word That they all Maybe shall cover the earth: amid gross darkness one; as thou, : Father, art in me, end. I in the people: but the Lord shall arise upon in Thee, that they also may be one in us: thee, and His glory shall be seen upon that theworld may know that '' Thou East thee, And the Gentiles shall come to thy sent me; And the glory which Thou hast light, anti kings to the brightness of thy given me I have given them that they rising: h - Ise. 60: 1- 3. may be one; even as we are one: I in It ia first necessary to See who isOur• them, and Thou in me, that theymay be, light, and what is our glory. made perfect in one: M and that - the world " The Sun shall be no mere- thy light by may know that thou hast sent me, . and day neither for hrightness theMoon hast loved them as thou - hast. loved me." give light unto thee: bat the Lord shall he -- Jim, 17: 1S- 23. unto thee an - everlasting light, and thy " But the God . of ' all grace, who Rath (= ed t hy gi. orY:--- 4. 60: 19. called us elite Hi s eternal glory by Christ So the Lord is our everlasting light, and Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, Ii Ott, in the tale, is used to represent make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, set-righteousness awl darkness - denotes sin. tie you."- 1 Peter 5:: 10. ' Hence there is ne tin er about us, be- In obeying the call of God,. " we obtain cause the Lord is eternally our- light. And the salvation, Which is in Jesus Christ with "' If we walk in the - lie. ( namely eternal glory." This glory will endure God,) is in the light, we have fellowship suffering, also settle you, and establish you one with another; and the bleed of Jesus in the present truth. Cheisesmission into Christ, His Sin clennsetta us from allein." dais world, and His death on the erase, This Divine glory origirateal from God, was to= procure our salvation, and glory, and. it is what the primitive Christians " According as His divine power bath enjoyed. ' et se listen: ial. ned in the pos- given unto us all things that pertain unto es iota of this Diviee glory,. the result is life and godliness, through the knowledge everlitsting tancolution.: Also, it is the of Him that bath called us to glory and continual preemie ion of Ged's eloriouseare, virtue : Whereby are given unto us ex-end the salvtition c- f perishing souls. ceeding great mid precious promises; that Many tire stem ving for the lieht of God's by these ye might be partakers of the Di- - nreemit Word: but they do not know vine nature, having escaped the corrup-where ti look for it. Why'? because very tion that is in the world through lust, r-few have the light, and very few are will- 2 Peter 1: 3,4. And this is not all, there ing to necept it. The Savior seys, " Many is advancement for the soul after escaping are called. but few are chosen"- I am safe this world, or being made pure. A gleri-to say, there is scarcely else out of one ous plain to reach yet. thousand that profess the li ght of God, " And besides this, giving all diligence, who actually possess it. add to your faith virtue; and to virtue The children of God are so fe Other/Unknown Material inuits PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Abaut ENVELOPE(100.511,100.511,78.026,78.026) Albright ENVELOPE(155.100,155.100,-82.817,-82.817) Aly ENVELOPE(132.394,132.394,68.420,68.420) Apon’ ENVELOPE(156.086,156.086,53.389,53.389) Awl ENVELOPE(-60.633,-60.633,-63.867,-63.867) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Clayton ENVELOPE(-64.183,-64.183,-65.167,-65.167) Cora ENVELOPE(-60.317,-60.317,-62.467,-62.467) Dais ENVELOPE(161.267,161.267,-77.550,-77.550) Dee ENVELOPE(-59.767,-59.767,-62.433,-62.433) Eternity ENVELOPE(-64.567,-64.567,-69.767,-69.767) Gentile ENVELOPE(-62.233,-62.233,-63.333,-63.333) Gloom ENVELOPE(-58.249,-58.249,-62.189,-62.189) Hannah ENVELOPE(-60.613,-60.613,-62.654,-62.654) Hoek ENVELOPE(-65.050,-65.050,-66.000,-66.000) Jenn ENVELOPE(14.617,14.617,68.767,68.767) Kendall ENVELOPE(-59.828,-59.828,-63.497,-63.497) Lied ENVELOPE(65.532,65.532,-70.502,-70.502) Martyrs ENVELOPE(140.015,140.015,-66.669,-66.669) Messa ENVELOPE(9.784,9.784,63.045,63.045) Morrow ENVELOPE(-81.566,-81.566,50.550,50.550) Neral ENVELOPE(93.533,93.533,68.317,68.317) Payne ENVELOPE(167.867,167.867,-72.817,-72.817) Peacock ENVELOPE(169.450,169.450,-72.217,-72.217) Randall ENVELOPE(167.667,167.667,-72.800,-72.800) Rath ENVELOPE(-62.461,-62.461,-74.320,-74.320) Sion ENVELOPE(13.758,13.758,66.844,66.844) Snyder ENVELOPE(-121.386,-121.386,56.917,56.917) Spira ENVELOPE(24.837,24.837,70.923,70.923) Taro ENVELOPE(23.703,23.703,66.350,66.350) The ''Y'' ENVELOPE(-112.453,-112.453,57.591,57.591) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) The Old Man ENVELOPE(-37.133,-37.133,-54.067,-54.067) Titus ENVELOPE(169.033,169.033,-72.250,-72.250)