The Gospel Trumpet - 25:32

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 PE And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather to gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. Are/...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Byrum, E. E.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Gospel Trumpet Company 1905
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Byrum, E. E.
The Gospel Trumpet - 25:32
topic_facet Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 PE And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather to gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. Are/ C1/ 1!_ p: era So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Eze7c. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 39. VOLUME NO. XXV. MOUNDSVILLE, W. VA., U. S. A., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1905. NUMBER ,32. BY EVA M. WRAY. " PRAYING always, with all prayer and supplication, in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and sup-plication for all saints." Eph. 6: 18. " Evening, morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud : and he shall hear my voice." Psa. 55: 17. Brethren, the very secret of our spirituality, our power with God, the advancement of his cause, and the success of this reformation is prayer, secret prayer; being alone with God, the author and giver of every good and perfect gift. Prayer is the only way of access we have to God and the great mine of his love and benefits. Now, when a rich gold- mine is discovered in some difficult mountainous region, great numbers of people will plan, and devise means by which they may obtain access to it. Many forsake all they have, and en-dure severest hardships to obtain a por-tion of this earthly mine, the gold of which Will canker and rust and corrupt, and thieves will break through and steal. Well, praise God, the greatest mine that has ever been discovered is the great mine of God's unfathomable love and abounding grace. Its untold riches far exceed the Wealth of the mines of Colorado, California, and Alaska; yea, and all the wealth of this World combined and, best of all, it is free and of easy access to every one. Oh, it rays to wade through trials and persecu-tions, and every opposing hindrance of Satan to obtain our share of this great aline, which is unlimited; and the quickest ‘ ray to obtain the most of it, is on our knees before God wrestling with him in fervent, nubble, effectual prayer. We read of Moses being much in prayer to 6d for his people, Israel. Many times hd he turn a just God from destroying them from the face of the earth by falling 6t his knees before God in interceding for , aeir unworthy lives, until he obtained their deliverance. Likewise, the prophets of old O laalight mighty miracles and deliverance fervent, humble prayer to God. We also David and a man of much prayer and sup-rdil cahi° 11 also Solomon too in all his gran-ear Went on his knees in humble prayer before God, who granted him wisdom and judgment above all that had ever been be-fore him, also riches, honor, and power above measure. We also find Jesus, our great example, on his face before God, pre-vailing in prayer. How much more then does it behoove us, his humble followers, to be continually in prayer, and to be often on our knees before our God in fervent, humble supplication, praying for the salva-tion of lost souls, and for the encourage-ment of the believers, as well as for our own needs. It is not enough to pray once a week at prayer- meeting, nor yet once a day at fam-ily worship. The Word says, " Pray with-out ceasing." " Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving." " Men ought always to pray and not to faint." " I will therefore that men pray everywhere." " The effectual fervent pray-er of a righteous man availeth much." We should then seek and make opportun-ities many times a day to commune with our Savior through his precious Holy Spirit and not stop as we often do, be-cause we have peace and victory in our own souls, but then is when we may plead for the encouragement of the downcast and persecuted, and in behalf of the advance-ment of the glorious cause of Christ. It is by secret prayer that we may be filled with the Spirit, so that when we go to prayer- meeting, we may edify one another, instead of waiting for the prayer- meeting to get us spiritual, as I fear too many do. Oh, there are so many things we may ob-tain through the boundless privilege of secret prayer. As Joshua said to the faith-ful Reubenites, Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, " Return ye, and get ye unto your tents," so I feel like saying to God's faithful people, " Every one to your. knees, O Israel !" DEAD TO THE WORLD. BY JAMES A. STRAWN. WHEN we look about us day by day and behold the crowds of people as they rush to attend the things of the world, we are made to realize the vast difference between the children of God, and the children of the devil. It seems that in these last days the enemy has so many things to occupy the minds of the people that they have no room for Jesus in their hearts, but their thoughts are continually on the pleasures of the world. But with the Christian it is not so. " For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." Gal. 3: 3. " Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." 1 John 2: 15, 16. We are sometimes asked if we are not going to some certain place of worldly amusement. When we tell them we have no desire for such places, we can then realize the words spoken by the apostle, " Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot." 1 Pet. 4: 4. But thank God that his children have no desire for such places. " But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night." Psa. 1: 2. Jesus also says, " Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set upon a hill can not be hid. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your How are we to let our light shine, and prove to the people that we are dead to the world? Is it not by staying away from those places of sin and amusement which entrap souls and lead them to eternal pun-ishment? May we who profess to be true followers of Jesus Christ show forth by our daily lives and conversation that we have forsaken the world and all its pleas-ures, and that we have Christ within, the hope of glory. For if we serve the Lord with our whole heart, we have peace and joy that the world can not give, neither can it take away. He is a satisfying portion to all who trust him. THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM. " AND this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come." Mat. 24: 14. " This gospel of the kingdom" implies the one particular gospel that Jesus preached himself and commanded his disciples to preach. Gospel— good news. When John sent his disciples to Jesus to in-quire if he was the Christ, he sent him word that the lame walk, the blind are made to see, the sick are healed, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. It was enough; John was satisfied that he was the one who was to come and bring on earth peace and good will to men. " This gospel of the kingdom" means more than a gospel that promotes a secta-rian institution that has lately sprung up. When Jesus began his ministry, he did it with the words : " The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand : repent ye, and believe the gospel." Mark I.: 15. Jesus required people to repent and also to believe what he preached. It was no idle story or " fake" that he had to pass off on the people. It was not a set of propositions he had to introduce, and if suitable, to be accepted, and if not, to be rejected. Truth is an eternal principle and must live without being repealed. The gospel Jesus preached brought salvation and heal-ing to both Jews and Gentiles, bond and free, male and female, and the perpetuation of the kingdom of God depended upon the life of the gospel of that kingdom. " The God of heaven shall set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed," said the prophet Daniel by the wisdom of God. Hence, if the kingdom of God was to stand, the gospel of the kingdom must of necessity stand as the great pillar upon which it rests. The establishment of the kingdom of God is upon the gospel of Jesus Christ, consequently if the kingdom stands unmov-able, then its foundation must not be shaken. Is the kingdom of God immova-ble? Yes. " Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which can not be moved." Heb. 12: 28. The same substantial proof is recorded concerning the gospel as is given concern-ing the kingdom. The gospel is called " the everlasting gospel" in Rev. 14: 6. But some one says that the gospel mentioned in Rev. 14: 6 is that which is to follow Christ's second advent, at which time the nations will be saved. I will say that such is vain speculation, for it is plainly declared in the Word of God that a man or an angel with any other gospel is accursed. " I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel : which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach we have preached unto you, let him be ac-cursed." Gal. I: 6- 8. There is only one genuine gospel of the kingdom of nod, and it is preached only this side the resurrection of the literally dead. Jesus is coming " taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not [ present tense. Those who do not obey the gospel in this world, is the import of Paul's message] the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." It is the gospel he preached and established his kingdom upon, for there is no other that is of heavenly origin. " But there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ" says Paul. He well knew that men would try to discard some of the themes of Christ's gospel. As I said, the gospel of Christ brought salvation and healing to all in its very beginning, and what shall we get out. of it in the end? The gospel was not a set of propositions that would wax old. The story is always new. The very features that it contained in the beginning must re-main. Jesus never claimed for a moment that he preached some things that the dis-ciples dare not preach. Not a hint is made relative to the generally accepted theory that only the most prominent features of the gosepl were to remain, while there were others that may be considered as non- essen-tial. What is perverting the gospel of Christ, if it is not discarding a portion of it or Changing its true meaning or supplanting a portion and replacing falsehood? Has this been done since the beginning of the kingdom of God? Yes, I say that it has. Without hesitation, healing through faith in the atonement of Christ, one of the most prominent features of the gospel, has been removed by the advocates of sectism. What did they put in its place ? They filled out the blank with a falsehood, namely, " the day of miracles is past." Unity of the peo-ple of God, the very thing Jesus sanctified himself for and prayed so earnestly for just before his crucifixion, has been entirely ignored by sectism. Sanctification as a sec-ond work of grace, cleansing the heart from inbred depravity by the infilling of the Holy Ghost, has likewise been trampled under their feet. The doctrine of baptism has been perverted, until the people think that sprinkling or pouring is as near right as the true scriptural mode, if you believe that way. Oh ! the deception of false doc-trine which is the result of a perverted gospel I The ordinance of feet- washing has been considered a non- essential, because the people have been too haughty and proud to take upon themselves " the form of a servant" in actual deed, and perform the service enjoined upon them by the Je-sus, who was " meek and lowly in heart." Other things might be mentioned that de-stroy spirituality such as fashionable dress, wearing gold, and pearls, worldly amuse-ments, revellings, and such like. Dear reader, " This gospel of the king-dom" that Jesus began to preach, is a re-buke to modern professional Christianity in strong terms. In the beginning of the gospel and for the first few centuries of its ministration, healing was preached and practised. God's people were one in heart and soul, of the same mind, with the solemn. charge from the mouths of all the holy apostles to be that way and to " continue in the faith." It did not matted as to the size of a city, there was only one congrega-tion or church in it, though it often num-bered up into the thousands. Both the Bible and history testify to this fact. There was not a dozen or a score of church bells HOW READEST THOU? LUKE 10: 26. ' Tis one thing, friend, to read the Bible through, Another thing to read to learn and do ' Tis one thing, too, to read it with delight, And quite another thing to read it right. Some read it with design to learn to read, But to the subject pay but little heed; Some read it as their duty once a week, But no instruction from the Bible seek. Some read to bring themselves into repute, By showing others how they can dispute; Whilst others read because their neighbors do, To see how long ' twill take to read it through. Some read the blessed Book, they don't know why; It somehow happens in the way to lie; Whilst others read it with uncommon care, But all to find some contradictions there. One reads with father's specs upon his head, And sees the things just as his father did; Another reads through Campbell or through Scott, And thinks it means exactly what they thought. Some read to prove a pre- adopted creed, Thus understand but little what they read; And every passage of the Book they bend To make it suit that all- important end. Some people read, as I have often thought, To teach the Book instead of being taught. Selected by Claudine Heald. TO YOUR KNEES, 0 ISRAEL. Father which is in heaven." Mat. 5: 14, 16. any other gospel unto you than that which ringing at once in different parts of the AuguE 2 THE GOSPEL TRUMPET city of Antioch saying, " Lo here," " 10 there," " lo here," " lo there," as is so commonly seen and heard to- day in Pro-testantism in our Christianized ( ?) land of the free. Where is there any originality in the gospel that propagates such confusion? Does all Protestantism combined rest on the sure foundation of the gospel of Christ? Then the kingdom of God with its one King ( Lord) one way, one faith, one bap-tism, one God, one Spirit, and one body, is wrenched from its foundation, and is no longer " an everlasting kingdom" whose dominion was to last forever. But not so, thank God; for the original gospel, is an everlasting gospel, and though it has been partly hid for a " time, and times, and half a time"; it is now being revealed by the " angel flying through the midst of heaven" and the nations are catching a glimpse as he passes through. Christ preached a gospel that propagated the kingdom of God, and told the people " ye must be born again" to enter it. Sal-vation from sin, healing of the body, unity, baptism, ( baptise from Bapto— to dip a burial,) washing the saints' feet, greeting with the holy kiss, the Lord's supper, giv-ing to the poor, supporting the gospel, etc., etc., were prominent features of the gospel when it began to be preached. Should it be less to- day? Was the kingdom of God established upon such a gospel? If so, then take away some of its fundamental truths and what have you done? Answer. Removed a part of its foundation. Then let healing remain where Jesus put it. Let salvation from sin be an important cry from both pulpit and press. Let unity be the watch- word. Get it, preach it, live it. Cry out against divisions and doctrines of men that pervert and supplant the gospel. " Be not afraid of their faces." Teach the ordinances of baptism, feet- washing, and the Lord's supper, as they are in the gos-pel; and as Jesus preached them, and as his disciples practised them: " This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness unto all nations." Jesus meant it. It met with opposition at the very start while it was yet young and only had a few advocates and followers. The devil tried to destroy it then and failed; consequently, we are not afraid of his hurting a single feature of it to- day. The subjects may be put to death, but the King is alive forevermore, and all its constitutional parts are eternal principles, hence will stand forever, or as long as time lasts. Let God be true though every man a liar. " Go ye therefore, and teach • all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things what-soever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway. even unto the end of the world. Amen." Mat. 28: 19, 20. Was the " all things" that he had commanded them the gospel? Answer. Yes. " And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every crea-ture. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Mark 16: 15- 18. The commission is the same in Mat 28: 19, 20 as in Mark 16: 15- 18 in substance. One says, " teach all nations," " all things whatsoever I have commanded you," which comprised healing of the body, washing one another's feet, baptism, etc., etc., for these were both preached and prac-tised by Jesus and by the twelve, and con-sequently were in that commission to all nations, without respect to time or place. The next time we read as it is recorded by Mark: " Go preach the gospel to every creature" and even says " into all the world," and then speaks of the signs that are to follow the believer of the gospel without confining them to any particular time, period of time, or place. There are no gaps for perverters of the gospel to get out at. " This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world." Jesus wants it done right. The final judgment is roll-ing round; soon the seventh trumpet will begin to sound and wake the dead from their slumber, and they will hasten into the presence of the King of kings, who . first laid the foundation of the kingdom, whose subjects are born from above, where we shall be judged, not according to our ideas and opinions concerning the gospel of the kingdom, but according to the way we have obeyed or disobeyed it. If Jesus expected to pass around with the message again after the resurrection, he would not have been so careful to charge his disciples about preaching the, gospel in all the world, and then telling them plainly that it " shall be preached in all the world," " to all na-tions," before the end comes. " Now is the day of salvation"; " now is the accepted time." This is the last time, and this dispensation is the last day of God's offered mercy to man. He is " com-ing in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that obey not the gospel," who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appear-ing. " Behold he comes quickly, and his reward is with him to give to every man according to his works." Let God stir us to preach the everlasting gospel without fear or compromise. Let God stir souls to obey " this gospel of the kingdom" as the only true heavenly message which will make them ready to meet the King in his beauty. " Oh, souls! be up and doing; we have no time to lose." Let the inhabitants of earth and hell rage, but this gospel shall be preached in all the world. J. E. F. CHRISTIAN LIBERTY AND DIVINE GUIDANCE. BY G. P. TASMKR. ARTICLE I. ( Jon intends his people to be free. He never did take much pleasure in having people serve him by constraint. Neither is he satisfied to see those that love him be-come entangled in any yoke of bondage. Jesus Christ brought in the new covenant. She is free. She is glorious. She is our mother. She is called the perfect law of liberty, the character and provisions of which perfectly satisfy God. He finds no fault with her as he did with the old cove-nant— the law. Her sons and daughters are glorious. They are free. They are per-fected forever. They stand perfect and complete in all the will of God; for the God of all grace, who has called them unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, has per-fected, stablished, strengthened and settled them. They have perfect rest in the soul, perfect peace in the mind, perfect love in the heart, perfect holiness in the nature and perfect liberty in the life. Halleluiah! Under the old covenant the Jews, accord-ing to the law in Lev. 25, had a time of general emancipation and restoration every fiftieth year, when liberty was proclaimed throughout the land with the blowing of trumpets. In that year the land was not tilled— they ceased from their works; all lands that had been sold were restored to the original owners or their heirs; all bondsmen of Hebrew blood were liberated, and all debts were canceled. Deut. 15: 1, 2. " The Lord spake unto Moses in Mount Sinai, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, . . . thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years. Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land. And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof : it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family. . . In the year of this jubilee ye shall return every man unto his possession." All this foreshadowed something under the new covenant. The last expression pointed forward to a feature or accompani-ment of Christian liberty that the Lord in-tends us all to see and enjoy. The new covenant release and restoration was ush-ered in by Christ's atonement, and it is proclaimed to us in the gospel, which is the trumpet of the real jubilee. The other was but a type of this and afforded but a shadow of its benefits. As by the old jubilee they were released from debt and bondage, and returned " every man unto his possession," so by the true jubilee, we are released from the debt of sin and from moral state and the freedom to fitly use bondage, and return to our own every natural, God- given human possession. proper " For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occas-sion to the flesh, but by love serve one another." " As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness [ wick- & haus], but as the servants of God." Gal. 5: 13; 1 Pet. 2: 16. We use a thing to the glory of God when, in the order of God, we use it for the purpose and in the manner in which he designed it to be used when he gave it to man, or made it a part of his nature. The normal appetites of our body, the natural desires and affections of our soul, and the faculties and powers of our mind, constitute our " own possession." The full gospel frees us from sins acquired and sin inherited. Through " the abun-dance of grace" we then reign in life once more as in the beginning, over our human appetites, desires, and affections. keeping them in line with the will of God. and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Rom. 5: 17: 1 Cor. 9: 27: 2 Cor. 10: 5. The guidance we will now write of also was foreshadowed under the old covenant for the Lord guided and watched over the children of Israel, both before and after they entered Canaan. The following tire a few of the many texts that relate to guid-ance. " For ye were as sheep going astray but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. " The Lord is my shepherd: . he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness." " Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory." " I will bless the Lord who bath given me counsel: my reins also in-struct me in the night seasons.'' " Titton hast possessed my reins." 1 Pet. 2 : 25; Psa. 1, 3; 73: 24; 16: 7; 139: 13. It may be thought a strange thing to treat the two subjects. Liberty and 6iiid-ance, together. But only a little observation on our part is necessary for us to see that sometimes earnest children of ilod get 1litte bondage in the matter of guidance in their affairs. God's children rightly have a strong sense of moral obligation te do his will in all things; therefore they naturally are quite anxious to obtain (- tear indica-tions of that will before they act. They fear to get out of God's order. Now, we are intelligent being:. We are made in God's image. He has given us a mind to use. He also influences that mind often unconsciously to us. In some mat-ters we feel the need of a elear revelation of the will of God, either throu gh his Word or by his Spirit. In other matters we do not; for common sense teaches us what is the wisest and proper thing to do. Our own mind and judgment. clothed with meekness and taught by experience or in-fluenced by the Spirit, was devised b y our ' Creator as the proper means by which our course of action in natural things should be governed. " The meek will he guide in judgment." " A good man . . . will guide his affairs with jud gment." There m9ef; at1su1p: 21e:, e 5 Prov. 13: 93. is that is destroyed for want of judg-hieseappueesriehdiaps udno-dm eevTn ehlt o. e'rp je: 1dPdsag: dme2115ti: ni give i t liffi s should not allow enough responsibility to rest on exercise. i t. , dtherfefore the mdaottenro ti n9: question - happen to be one of those foorr wwh ich iitt • is not intended that a special revelation of the Divine will should be gaiv eenn,, aannd we seek for such a revelation, it is evident that more or less hesitancy, vacillation, b oin age. and confusion of thought muusst result. We will likely fluctuate betwe eeen• n impressions and suggestions; between a sense of clear-ness felt at one time and a fee lmingg of lancer tainty experienced at annooth eerr. The chief causes for a child of God com• i • ng into this unsatisfactory condition se em to be a lack in understanding theob j. e fct for which di-vine guidance is really gi• ven, and a failure in perceiving the purposee foo rr whic• h God has given us instincts and the mental faculties we have. A great desire has possessed me of late to see this subject clearly set forth by some one in a way thaat would instruct, and at the same time liberate those that are affected in any wayy yb ya spir• i t' of bondage. Sometimes people do not realize that then are under a burden of this kInindd; but when they are freed from it anthde'ir whole in-ward man— their mind and heart hat room to develop its powers as God. intended it should, they will see how enctrAired their experience had been previously. It is a fact that responsibility laid apot us and met in the right spirit, calls into et. careas powers that have perhaps basher: to lain inactive within us. We are thereby d e_ le]. veloped all round more rapidly and thor-oughly than we could have been by say other means. We become like to young ea_ gles that are forced into flying by their lov-ing, and watchful mother who stirs nvt nest. The latent powers of flight antils. ion, and the ability to judge of distances, etc., that lie in the nature of the eaglet, must be given opportunity to develop. if piecn otiltineg ewx eerrtei oan1s1 o sovofed would fail of the object of their own lade pth mteoei nratlpwa: ar: e sns strength dsshe II:. seeks our inward devel vidnal existence. So it is with us. God Ile is profoundly interested in our spiritual education. He does not delight in our re_ mainin!* too long in the church nursery. He has solid food for the full- grown. To be tome useful we must have our soul's pow_ e,. s and senses exereisedhroelacdxelaid developed, liol s( s- li li'la'‘. sitihilleerksl- iisscioiin) l. ineStelwleyLed is the man that 1 : 1171: 11,.:!: 0: 1' 11: 4 1rteisscoileunev. and lets patience have g‘ hv tc trokf. liberty and guidance united to the grand object of spiritual edit. cat: on and development, which is expressed in pent. 32: 9.12: — For the Lord's per. : is his poopie the had freed them from 1110 ho ntin'' t' of E'Zy ► ti : Jacob is the lot of ;';:! so ;!!' ll't41‘ 1- 0 silaestferlitrnoluldelthiendimghwiimnil. daherem de* rt he led him ;:::;: 111,;:, hoefithisits kept bin! as the eye. As an eagle T. irreth 1 1 , a- nest. f, liihtheerr: h ovetrakhetehr nail spr, eoletl t11 0 7/ 1 . 1 1 0:!!' r' 7h fi l0111 her wings: so the i1 . 1: . ' ii d, lead and there was no s t et : nes, sssi with him." I feel aore that there are faculties and vet•: !, dousing to the human soul which • 0IT1 • n• rsons lie dormant and undevel-spoil throligh their not giving them the lib- , I. ty exercise that the Creator intended t 11;: ve. We : Moult/ gladly suffer the remevel from our minds of such ideas and Is a iefs Ns ohook the true liberty of our souls, , opo,: e the free exercise of all our facul- I les. Let it he i/ dors: a d that these articles addressed solely to people that art' ed. Also, in order to get the full benefit 1 1) ,1r, 1", , 11 S11 1 111 1 read and master eat'h s it appears. FRAGRANCE. News from the field. Milton, Mo., Augi. I am so glad that I can from the heat report victory in the name of Jesus. It has been some time since I have reported through the Trumpet, but I have not been idle. I was at Allerton, Iowa, in coraPallY, with A. L. Hutton, and held a ten dais meeting. The Lord blessed the Word. Sol* few seemed interested; attendance rather poor: only one family of saints in top: Bro. J. L. Smith and family, who are tralY consecrated to God. My next meeting was E y Eei- saintly life on t firth is a sweet l'ra, zranee unto ( zed, and every sinful life is a sten• h in his nostrils. As. the rose scents the evening air, so a pure life scat-ters a sweet Christian influence and a 1: 110WiedgC of nod throughout the world. The literal translation of 2 Cer. 2: 14 reads thus : '' But thanks be to God, who leads me on from plaee to place in the train of his triumph, to celebrate his victory over the enemies of Christ, and by me sends forth the knowledge of him, a stream of fra-grant incense. throughout the world." A saint ly life diffuses a sweet, heavenly fro -: 2' 17' e throughouthe world, and brings! knowledge of God and the nature of his salvation to the minds of men. Let me • alle rt you. therefore. to a pure life, a life full of devotion and reverence to God. You whose sweetness will linger long on the air can make your life. by God's grace a eon-shut, flowing stream of fragrant incense, after you have passed to higher realms. So may it be. Frond " Food for the Lambs." I It- I.: at Colorado Springs. I found the little church prospering. From there I went to Denver for two nights, in company with Bro. Swinburn. The Lord blessed his Word. Wife and I expect to be at the assembly at Denver. From Denver I went to the Portland camp- meeting, and oh, what a precious meeting! I was so glad to meet dear Bro. W. W. Crist, whom I had not met since he was delivered from that soul-destroying heresy— no cleansing in sancti-fieation. Truly we did enjoy the Lord to-gether. I was so glad to meet the dear ministers on the coast. I visited my rela-tives at Monmouth and at Independence, and had a few nights' meeting with them. gy brother- in- law, C. C. Pitaer, would love to have any brethren passing through there, to stop and have some meetings with them. De lives near Monmouth. My brother lives at Independence. He is not saved, but will treat you well. Call and see him. Our next camp- meeting was at Colfax, Wash., which was a feast of good things. The hammer of truth came down and made hypocrites and cold- hearted professors murmur. Many, many got delivered. Waves of glory rolled over the congregation. I was much encouraged through meeting so many faithful workers and ministers at both camp- meetings. They were a bless-ing to me. I am thankful to my wife for urging me to go west, and He is blessing her for it. Next I came to Beatrice, Neb., camp-meeting, the home of Bro. E. G. Masters, where we had a glorious camp- meeting. My wife joined me there, after an absence of six weeks. Judgment ran down as waters, and the dear ones commenced to measure up. The dear Lord blessed the truth in that place in gleaning out a nice little church. About twenty were baptized. God bless the dear ones, and keep them true to him. From there we came to the Amazon-ia, Mo., camp- meeting, which was one of the best ever held in these parts. It was a battle at first, but victory came. Seven-teen were baptized. The expenses were all met, and ministers needs were supplied. The good Lord reward the dear ministers who worked so faithfully for the good of the cause. Wife and I will start to Norton, Kan., camp- meeting in a few days. From there we go to Palco. We praise God for his goodness to us. The way is growing better. Yours in him, J. M. Harrington. Kipling, Va., July 29. I feel it would be to the glory of God to report the meetings he gave to this part of the State. Bro. Lovett, of Bristol, Tenn., has just held a Iwo weeks' meeting. The Lord wonderfully blessed his Word. There were thirteen professions, and some were sanctified. Praise the Lord ! Seven were baptized. The meeting was all that could be hoped for. Truly this State is ripe to harvest, and the laborers are few. We ask the saints to pray for us all, and for the little church God has planted at this place, for we have not only to fight principalities and powers and wicked spirits in high places, but all kinds of financial embarrass-ments. Pray for us that we may all stand firm in the faith once delivered to the saints. Yours for Christ, T. F. Rose. Romney, Tex., Aug. 1. We are glad that we can still report vic-tory over all the powers of darlaiess through him who hath washed us from our sins in his own blood. Praise his name for-ever! We have just arrived home from Coahoma, where the Lord gave us a glor-ious meeting. They are very much in need of an elder there. If any one feels the hand of the Lord upon him to take charge of the work there, address W. M. Spears, Coahoma, Tex. The Lord willing, we will leave home on the 3d for Shannon, Ark., Where we will hold our next meeting. From there we go to Hamil, Ark., and then on to Carthage, Lord willing. We desire the Prayers of all the saints. Yours in the one body, S. M. Rich and G. B. Spivey. Pierceton, Ind., July 26. It is with great pleasure we are able to tell You we are saved, sanctified, and healed. Last fall we went to the Trumpet Office, Where we remained until after the assembly meeting this spring. We enjoyed our stay at the Office, sharing the trials and tri-umphs Of the dear workers. A short time August 17, 1905. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET before the assembly, I went to Marietta and held a week's meeting, where a few souls got saved. Then I went to the vicinity of Roxbury, Pa., where I held meeting for about two weeks. We had a very good meeting at this place, but some difficulties were existing which made it hard for the church to move out as they should. After returning to Moundsville we en-joyed the best meeting I ever attended in all my life. After the meeting, my family came to Indiana, where we make our home. My wife and I have been visiting some of the churches near home to see how they are prospering. We are glad to find some faith-ful souls at Brush College and Huntington where we hope to hold meetings in the fu-ture for the salvation of souls. Some were reclaimed in each of these meetings. I was permitted to attend a part of the meeting held by Bro. and Sister Worden in Fort Wayne. We humbly ask the prayers of all for victory, soul and body, for the future that we may continue in the work. Yours in Christ, C. E. and Nora Hunter. Kelso, Ore., Aug. 2. After the Portland, Ore., camp- meeting Bro. Holcomb and my oldest daughter and I went across the Cascade Mountains into eastern Oregon, with wagon and team, a distance of about two hundred miles, We gave out Trumpets and tracts as we went. We stopped at Wamic, Ore., and held a few days' meeting. From there we went to Madras, Ore., near which place we found a few saints who have been praying nearly two years for some minister to come there. They re-joiced to have us come. We had some very interesting meetings. This eastern Oregon country to me looks like I imagine - India looks. It is a very hot and dry place, but for over two hundred miles around there, the pure gospel has not been preached. It is a new country. New settlers are coming in there every day, taking up homestead land. New towns are being built up, but no railroads yet. A number of places never have preaching of any kind. Dear brethren in the ministry, here is a large, new field where the pure gospel is needed at once. The most of the people never have seen a Gospel Trumpet, or any of the Lord's tracts or books, or heard of this last reformation. Dear saints, please pray for this needy field that the Lord may send Holy Ghost workers to that country to break, the bread of life to the hungry. We did not stay long there. Most of the peo-ple were very busy harvesting. It is a tine farming country. We believe the Lord will send us back there again this fall, when people are not so busy. It may be he will have us locate there for a while. We came back from there as far as Kelso, Ore., where we are now holding meeting in our tent, and we are praying and believing that souls will be saved. The Lord has a lively little church at this place. We will stay here as long as the Lord leads, and then go where he sends us. We expect to keep in the work of the Master until he calls us home. My present address is Sa-lem, Ore. I am saved, sanctified, and healed by the power of God. Yours in Christ, John VanLaanen and Company. Alexander City, Ala., Aug. 3. The east Alabama camp- meeting has come and gone. God was with us in mighty power, confirming his Word with signs fol-lowing, insomuch that the enemy of souls was routed, his works exposed, and souls delivered from his power and domain. It was the best meeting ever held at Penton. The church was edified, and more firmly established, and prepared to stand against the wiles of old Satan. All, honor and glory to God. God gave special victory in exposing the spirits of free lovism and sect holiness. Truly these are the most deceptive, soul-destroying spirits I have ever met. Three souls were delivered from them in this meeting, and they need the prayers of the saints that they stand true to God. Some were sanctified, and all the sick that came to God by faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, were made well of all their diseases and sicknesses. Praise our God ! Fifteen were baptized, thirty- five took part in the ordinances of the Lord's house, and the meeting closed with love and fellow-ship existing in all the beloved saints. The Lord willing, we will establish a per-manent camp- meeting at Penton. Our present lot is not suitable, so we shall have to purchase a camp- ground, and as this meeting is convenient for the saints in east Alabama and west Georgia, the brethren should take it to heart, and help us make this a general camp- meeting, both with your prayers and means. We want to be able to have tents enough on our new ground to camp all that come to meeting next year. All interested should address me as below. All the surrounding country is new work, and I have calls from every direction. Should the Lord lead any min-isters to come and help me, please write me as soon as possible. Will say that minis-ters present this year were W. M. Hand, J. E. Forrest, P. 0. Butler, and the writer. Hartsells will be our next battle- field. Your brother saved from sin, W. R. Butler. Lafayette, Ala., R. D. No. 2. Hardesty, Va., Aug. 7. With glorious victory in my soul over the works of the devil, I greet you in Jesus' name. As I have not made any report for some time, I should be pleased to say through the Lord's paper that I left home in Springfield, 0., the 19th of May; came to Riverton, Va. commenced meeting in the name of Jesus, the 21st. The Lord has owned his Word as it has gone forth, and blessed it to the salvation of souls, and to the healing of the afflicted. I held services at Riverton, and in the Pinehills up to the 11th of June, at which time eight souls were baptized in the Shenandoah River, wit-nessing by outward act to the inward work wrought in their souls by grace divine, that they had died to sin, was buried, and had risen to walk and live in newness of life. In the evening the ordinances of washing of the saints' feet, and the partaking of the Lord's Supper, were observed in re-membrance of his humiliation, death, and sufferings for us. While those ordinances were being observed, the presence of the Lord was sweetly manifested. After that I held a number of services in the following places in the Pinch- ills on the Blue Ridge, and then crossed the Shenandoah River to Milldale, Va., and held services in the Presbyterian house of worship at different times, also preached once to a colored congregation by the re-quest of their minister, R. B. Jackson, and on the night of the 10th of July, held one service in the Woodberry schoolhouse. This was a seed- sowing time. We had good con-gregations, and good order. From there I went to the nelson Chapel grove- meeting in company with Mr. Sipe and his wife. The meeting commenced on the 13th, and closed on Sunday night the 16th. The meeting was of short duration. I need not mention the circumstances; the congrega-tion that was present know. Bro. Earles from Leesburg, Va., if I mistake not, came to us an the 14th. When the trustee said, ' No more meeting here," Bro. Earles and I said " Amen." On Monday morning Mr. Dailey gave us a conveyance. Bro. Earles and I went to look up a grove for the meeting. We went to Mr. T. A. Young's, on Tuesday. With the help of Mr. Young and his son Robert, the grove was cleared up and seated, and that evening the 18th, the meeting was commenced, and contin-ued until Monday, the 31st. The attendance was good, and much prejudice was re-moved. The meeting was hindered some by the rain. On the last day of the meeting, five dear souls obeyed the Lord by being immersed. The burial was a very sacred one; a number of the people wept, while the candidates praised the Lord that they were worthy to follow the Lord. People were there who were up in years and had never witnessed baptism, although they had seen what was called baptism. In the even-ing the ordinances were observed and the happiness realized. Praise God and the Lamb forever 1 On Tuesday Bro. H. T. Earles and I were brought to Winchester, where we bid each other adieu for the time being. He went to his home in Leesburg, Va., and I returned to my brother's near Hardesty. The Lord willing, will com-mence a meeting to- night at the Hopewell schoolhouse, to continue as long as the Lord wills. Pray for me and the work. The church of God at T. A. Young's, near Collinsville, Va., would be pleased to have an elder or elders when passing that way, to stop and feed them on the pure Word of God. We have warned them to steer clear of such as try in their ecstasy to climb trees, or stand on their head, and try to whirl around like a top. None such need to stop there. We believe in shouting and leaping when God puts the shout or leap in us, but when such demonstrations are gone through with to be seen. or heard of men, we have an eternal rebuke in our soul against them. Charity " doth not be-have itself unseemly." There are many deceivers out at this time. It would be well for all the saints to be on their guard; the devil is cunning. " Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." I have met some who are surely under a deception, and if the saints are not care-ful and watchful, they will be deceived by them. They are on the line of all " Spirit," " Spirit," claiming that they have been baptized by the Holy Ghost, and with fire, and are rejecting the ordinances of God's house. Any person claiming to be a child of God, and who is wilfully disobeying God's Word, is under the deception of the devil, and such need our prayers, that they get salvation. If not saved, they will end in hell with the devil that deceived them. Quite a few are tainted with millennialism. Oh, the deceptions of the devil ! By the grace of God I mean to be straight on the Bible line. Dear brethren in the ministry, hold up the Bible standard in all things, for Jesus' sake, and for the sake of dear souls. Con-tinue to pray God to give me wisdom on all lines of his precious Word. Your broth-er saved, sanctified, and kept by power di-vine, and out on the blood and fire line. F. Rosenberry. Springfield, 0., 808 W. Wash. St. Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 7. We are praising God to- day for victory in our souls, and although it has been some time since we last reported through the Trumpet, we will say that we have been busy for God. The Beatrice camp- meeting closed with glorious results, Some evil spirits that were rebuked left the grounds; others remained and got delivered; while some failed to submit and measure up, and left the meeting in a worse condition than they were in when they came. But, praise God, the dear saints are on the advance, al-though on my return I find that the devil is working hard since camp- meeting. A fanatical sect, known as the " Pentecostal Holiness" or " Holy Jumpers" are here with their tabernacle and are preaching also on the streets, drawing great crowds by their ungodly actions, jumping, danc-ing, and yelping like Indians. They preach holiness, and many have understood that we were the same. After they had finished Saturday night, God put it upon us to ex-pose the thing in our street meeting, and let the people know that we had no fellow-ship with such. We went from here to the Amazonia, Mo. camp- meeting, which was successful. From there Bro. Bryant and I went to the Fargo, Okla. camp- meeting. I stopped over night with the saints in Kansas City, and found them in camp with tabernacle and four or five tents, but no preacher. The church there is truly in need of help. The meet-ing at Fargo was a glorious feast, and all the saints unanimously pronounced it the best meeting ever held in those parts. Sev-eral who had felt the hand of God upon them for the work, but who had become en-tangled and shrunk from duty, renewed their covenant, and declared their inten-tion to launch out for God. May the Lord help them to be true to their consecration. We had to leave this meeting before it was half out, as we did the Amazonia. Finding we could not get home Friday, we stopped over the day at Wichita. By re-quest we preached at the Free Methodist Mission in the afternoon, and at the Gos-pel Mission at night. The saints were very much encouraged. I met wife at Horton, Kan., on her re-turn from Muscatine, where she had gone to see her father, but who . had died and was buried before she arrived. We came home and have pitched battle for a few days. While we have many calls, we are undecided just what we shall do until the St. Edwards camp- meeting. We expect to be there, and at Barney, Ia., the Lord will-ing. Pray that God will lead and keep us in his order. E. G. Masters. • THE GOSPEL TRUMPET Ube tt, Gospel Trumpet. A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. Moundsville, W. Va., Aug. 17, 1905. Entered at the Post- office at Moundsville, W. Va., as Second- class Matter. E. E. BYRUM Editor. A. L. BYERS Office Editor. Contributing Editors: H. M. RICCI'S . Cambridge Springs, Pa. CHAS. E. ORR Federalsburg, Md. J. C. BLArrss. Lemieux, Ont. J. W. BYERS Lodi, Cal. GEO. L. Corx. 400 West 74th St., Chicago, Ill. J. E. FORREST R F. D. 1, Coushatta, La. Published by GOSPEL TRUMPET CO. DEFrxrrn, RADICAL, and ANTI- SECTARIAN, sent forth in the name of the Lead. Jesus Christ, for the . publication of full Salvation, Divine Healing of the body, and the unity of all true Christians in " the faith once delivered to the saints." Subscription price, postage paid, United States, Canada, and Mexico $ 1.00 Foreign Countries $ 1.50 Expressed in English Currency 6s. 2d. g I " German Currency. . 6mark 18pf. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. In about two weeks after your subscription is received, receipt and credit of same will be shown by the address label attached to your paper or wrapper. The date on the label is your best re-ceipt, and should be watched. In case we fail to extend the date properly, notify us at once. 1 Jan. 6 means that your subscription is paid to Jan. 1, 1906; 23 Dec. 5 means Dee. 23, 1905, etc. Papers without date are free. BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS, moneys, etc., must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET CO., Moundsville, W. Va., to insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. God's way is the easiest way after all. The most difficult thing about God's way is for us to become willing to forsake all our ways, and from our heart, prefer his way. To prefer our own ways and indulge self, will only develop in us that which is con-trary to the will of God, and this will multiply. and increase our troubles, etc. God's way for men to quit sinning is to break off completely, and die out to the very desire of sin, so the lust of sinning will be removed from the heart, and the tormenting suggesting power of the devil is cut off completely; but man's way is to try to quit by degrees, which only feeds the desire, and weakens the will power. Man's way is a failure. Man's way is to take medicine, and de-pend on doctors until you get faith enough to be healed; but that will never produce the faith. God's way is to die out to every remedy until you lmow that you would actually die without desiring or craving any other remedy than the immutable Word of God, and the faith that relies on the same; you will have the faith. Man's way is, when you have tried every earthly remedy, and that to no avail, and it looks like you must die, then call upon the Lord. God's way is, " In everything make your requests known to God by prayer and supplication with thanksgiv-ing." Give God the first chance, instead of the last one. If you are a child of God, your body be-longs to God, and you are not your own. Consecration puts your body in God's hands to let him have right of way in your body as well as in your soul. If you can not trust God for the healing of your body, you lack that much of being consecrated to God. What are you going to do about it? Will you consecrate your all to him? Does it look to you that bitter medicine and the surgeon's knife is easier than the power of Christ to heal? If when Christ was healing on the shores of Galilee, would you then have preferred a modern hospital to the simple touch or command of the mighty healer, who spake the word only, and the work was done? " He is just the same to- day." like a stupendous undertaking that is al-most if not altogether out of the range of possibilities. But the Word of God says, " All things are possible with God, and if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." " Believest thou that I am able to do this?" To the natural man it looks easier to give down to imposing powers, elements, and influences than to fight the fight of faith in the face of all opposition, etc. But giv-ing in to any of these things " will not make thee stronger" nor lessen the burden, but to the contrary will only increase it. The faith route is the easiest one after all. Faith in nature's laws and doctor's medi-cines, can not produce the results promised to those who believe the Word of God. The promises to Abraham were greater than na-ture or nature's laws were capable of pro-ducing: and at this point if Abraham had only relied on nature, his faith could have produced no results whatever. He had to believe God, and by believing God, the re-sults had to follow. " Have faith in God." If it is easy to believe in nature and trust in nature's laws, it is easier to believe in nature's God and trust in the Word of him that formed such laws, seeing that the law-giver is greater than the law that is given. The maker is greater than the thing made. God's Word is equal to himself; hence, is a far greater foundation for faith, and will produce far greater results, and in the easiest possible way. If you desire the easiest way, " believe God." Trust his promise. " The Scriptures can not be broken." G. L. C. Office Items. Last Friday we received a postal card from Bro. A. L. Byers written from Port-land, Ind., and dated Aug. 10, on which he says: " The Lord has called to himself our own dear little Quentin, who died at two o'clock this afternoon. In this we are called to share the grief of others who have had like experience, and who only know what it means to have to yield one of our dearest treasures." Bro. Abram Bixler reports a good meet-ing in progress in Wetzel County. Bros. Clay Weiss and Joshua Knight have gone to Entlenton, Pa., to assist the brethren there in making preparations for the coming camp- meeting. A new junior member of the Family, ar-rived on last Wednesday night. We under-stand his name is Ralph Dodge, son of Bro. and Sister C. 0. Dodge. Sister Katherine Meyer has gone to East Palestine, 0. We are getting out the second edition of " Beautiful Stories," and are also now ready to fill orders for the leather bound combined song- book. The orders we were holding have been filled. asaasaassasaaaaaassasaaasaa General Notes and News. T. E. Osborne, Taneyville, Mo., writes of a few meetings held in that vicinity of which the outlook is favorable for a good work being done. H. M. Breazeale, of Mississippi, writes of the healing of his child of a severe afflic-tion in answer to prayer, and also says, he expects soon to join W. F. Ward in gospel work. Robert Lucas, Dawson, Ky., desires some minister to come to that place, and hold some meetings; a house is available. The report of the Savannah, Ga., assem-bly has been received from H. A. Sanford, who says the meeting was a very precious one, and about fifty took part in the ordi-nances. The camp- meeting at Moody, I. T., as re-ported by W. D. Bristow, was a very good one in which several were saved, believers sanctified, and the sick healed. A card from Sister Byers states that she has a letter from Oregon, saying the saints there have six hundred pounds of prunes for the missionary work, and no money to pay the freight. She urges that the breth-ren elsewhere contribute for that purpose. east steels, 1.4.4. Questions Answered. Ques. Can a couple who have been pass-ing themselves off for years as husband and wife get salvation and keep it with-out getting married? As they have been living a lie to the world have they any confessions to make to the world? Ans. They surely could not get and keep salvation, and continue such a life. There-fore, they must either separate from each other or get married. If their life has been mutually agreeable, it would seem ad-visable that they marry and live together, scripturally and legally, the rest of their days, provided there is nothing to hinder them, especially should they do so, if chil-dren have been born to them. Yes, they have been living a public lie, and a public acknowledgment would not be more than right. There should be a willingness on their part to have it known and to suffer the consequences of it becoming known, wherever anyone is likely to be benefitted thereby. Ques. Please explain Mat. 22: 9, 10. Ans. These verses read : " Go ye there-fore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. So those servants went out into the highways. and gathered together all, as many as they found, both bad and good, and the wedding was furnished with guests.'' If you read this entire parable, you will see that the servants of the King, represent the servants of God, who are to go out and bid all classes of men to come to this feast of salvation. The call extends unto all men, but all will not pay the price, by meeting the Bible conditions. The 14th verse of this chapter reads: " For many are called, but few are chosen." Ques. Please explain Mat. 13 : 47- 49. Ans. This parable reads as follows : " Again the kingdom of heaven is like un-to a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind : which, when it was full, they drew to the shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world : the angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall east them into the furnace of fire : there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." This represents the work of the gospel in this world. It calls all men to repent-ance. Many hear the call, and in this sense the gospel net gathers all kinds. The in-fluence of the kingdom of heaven is ex-tended over the world and gathers to-gether. Every kind is drawn together, not every one, but of every kind. The parable represents this one phase of the kingdom. namely, its influence, of drawing and in-viting, but as the guest without the wed-ding garment, many who are drawn will not be able to enter in, because they will not pay the price. " Many will seek to en-ter in, but shall not be able." The gospel influence gathers in, and also gathers out. It gathers in and draws by its influence. and will continue to do so until the end of the world. The good and bad are in the world together, but there are no bad in the church. The parable of the wheat and tares teaches us that " the field is the world" not the church. In the world we are mingled together and in the end the angels shall come and sever the wicked from among the just. Ques. Must we pray for those who re-quest prayer for healing, if they allow Some one else to give them medicine, or use it themselves? Ans. Such a person needs instruction. If they should refuse to give up the med-icines, then we should refuse to pray for their healing. Divine healing and medi-cine will not work together. Ques. Can we bring up our children in parry for this purpose. In fact, ail of the and ball should be harmful, as a - mealisuoaf dre t recreation and pastime. Our chilal bus, not be allowed to play betting gata any kind, nor to go among unsaved sola. plays of our children must be wader care. ful direction and protection, stances, and yet, we might ask, why should to return thanks at the table? test of one's salvation under allaireaz. a t . Atthe ta, he el any child of - God refuse to return taasiLs the Trumpet the origin of the Apocrypha, and the omission of same in OW Biblel nueoetnalelo, Lubpeoasie• dinintertnhae liier: itdaennedeseoefianhdats. statement refers of course to the writings can not be ascertained. aasat. Wry, 13. C. l'eople's Cyclopedia. This Ans. This could hardly be taken as a Ques. Can a person be saved, and reit% Ques. Will you please explain Hugh the: s. mann er nhu nr apelA neeeus. tt the uihmanreteemdh, they dee: there proper eeee admonition ip sa 1ea nool rprbi a 1 lg ea ny:' o lnlfaa- t and tda t proper 1j tumult Apocryphal writings, but the exact seems to be equally as difficult to be traced, origin of the Nie: aTnedstaimt: iltietAivpeoc: ry:: however interest be. The fact that its origin is hard to i etzt sn questionable, iiiL itlyiesasct. i. artbait: ed, has made it sc . shaand this tis the most probable cause of it Wing excluded from theQteieasli. o\ nl'ill you kindly explain John 20: '' s! Whitt did Jesus mean when he " Receive 1. 13a':.' tetxhte rends: (" 3hA° r8adt " wthen he had said this, he breathed unto them, Receive ye° 11thetheHino, lyanGdhoelltiti" l this certainly was not the Pentecostal en. downicut of the Holy Ghost, neither have we any record that there Was any reception or manifestations of the Holy Spirit at I he time this was spoken. is he breathed an them and said this, there evidently was all unusual spiritual influence brought up. on them, whieli was doubtless a necessary preparation for them in the experiences t hat so immediately followed. J. V?. B, 4- 1.+++++++++++++++++++++++ 44+++. 14 News from the Field. To the unbelieving and infidel world the simple way of faith in God's Word looks Bogra, India, June 28. I stn glad to report sweeping victory in toy soul over all the powers of darknea and hell. lie leadeth us to triumph in the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. All glory to God Praise God, we are still on the lighting list, and are engaged in the active service of King Jesus, in the vanguard of his army. '• Though the hosts of hell are ilnitiln27, our colors still are flying, for w mean to have the victory forme The work in Calcutta is going on, and the dear Lord is blessing our feeble efforts in get-ting the clear evening light to the sin-benighted souls in Babylon. Some are get . out of the bondage of sin and Bedlam,- ting and returning to Zion with songs and ever-lasting joy upon their heads. Two new boys have come to the Home, and both have gotten saved since their ar-rival. One of them is from the village where I was born and brought up. I went to visit my own folks at home, and while there, this young man came to hear the truth, and learned to love the Lord. lie saw the insufficiency of Mohammedanism to save him from sin, and is now haPPY the Lord. De is learning type- setting, and is helping in the printing- room. There is another dear man from Malabar Coast, South India, who has been an dependent preacher for the last eleven years. He has come to Imow more fully the way, and is in the Home, getting help' Two others from East Bengal have cage with sickness for help. We often have such cases getting in ng the onHome. well. The They rest of the boys areare pr ospering in their souls, and enjoying salvation. O.! has come up here to Bogra to help die brethren. I must tell you now of the wondelrdf dealings o Government the the Lord with the household of the Government of ment truth Jailer. for some He has admirertime , a August 17, 1905. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET Trumpet Family: yrs: eoBngel, oIvneddia, Sjauinlyts 5i. n Jesus : Greeting in the sweet and precious name of our dear Lord. . I must ask your forgiveness fonrot wri. t tim. ngg to you sooner. I did not intend to delealayy so long, but I have so many letters to write, and the time slips away so easily that we can scarce lyy realize where it goes to. Weel l,, aIm real glad to send you a good report of victory. My soul rejoices this morning in my edaearr Jesus. In him I am happy and free. Praise his dear name ! I am also well in body. We had very hot weather in Calcutta in June; not much rain, and sometimes hot winds. The dear Lord protected me. It s ood the heat real well, never lost a night's sleep, al-though it was said to be the hottest contin-uous weather ever known in Calcutta. The latter part of June the Lord opened up the way for me to come up here to Kur-seong in the Himalaya Mountains. Father Mundul, his two daughters, and Khoka Khan, also came up when I did. Kurseong is at an elevation of five thousand feet. It is quite a summer resort for Europeans. During the hottest months, many of the European people in Calcutta come up here to the mountains, either to Darjeeling or Kurseong. Some weeks ago the Lord sent Bro. M. Moses up here to open up the work. There are many Nepal and Tibetan people here, and the work among them seems quite en-couraging. Many of the native people are much interested in the truth. Several come to Bro. Moses every day for Bible lessons, some of whom seem to be near the kingdom. Every evening quite a large class of Tibetan boys and girls come for a Bible lesson, some of them listen earnestly and seem to greatly enjoy coming to hear the sweet story of Jesus that never grows old. Bro. Moses sings with them in Tibetan, and when I talk he interprets for me. Pray that the Lord may apply his Holy Spirit to their young hearts, and while we endeavor, by the Lord's help, to sow the good seed, that it may take root and bring forth fruit unto life everlasting. One ' Hindustani lady I visit, is very much interested in the truth; says she knows this is right, and desires to give her heart to God. Her husband is al-most persuaded to yield his heart to God. I do not know how long I will be up here; but as long as I remain, I wish to sow the precious seed among hungry souls, that they may be constrained to give their hearts to God. The people of India ( at least many of them) have become disgusted with sectarian teachings and the crooked lives of some of the sectarian professors. By a pure, holy, humble, Christlike life we inspire confidence in the people. What India needs is Bible examples of salvation. Then precious souls will get saved. The Lord has laid it on the hearts of his saints in India to have a few days of special prayer for a real advancement on the line of healing and to gain more of the apostolic power, that the signs may follow as they did when the apostles went f
format Other/Unknown Material
author Byrum, E. E.
author_facet Byrum, E. E.
author_sort Byrum, E. E.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 25:32
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 25:32
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 25:32
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 25:32
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 25:32
title_sort gospel trumpet - 25:32
publisher Gospel Trumpet Company
publishDate 1905
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New Ground
Old Cove
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op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
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spelling 2023-05-15T18:49:12+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 25:32 Gospel Trumpet, The Byrum, E. E. 1905-08-17 Printed Newspaper English eng Gospel Trumpet Company Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 25 32 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1905 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:08:05Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 PE And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather to gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. Are/ C1/ 1!_ p: era So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Eze7c. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 39. VOLUME NO. XXV. MOUNDSVILLE, W. VA., U. S. A., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1905. NUMBER ,32. BY EVA M. WRAY. " PRAYING always, with all prayer and supplication, in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and sup-plication for all saints." Eph. 6: 18. " Evening, morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud : and he shall hear my voice." Psa. 55: 17. Brethren, the very secret of our spirituality, our power with God, the advancement of his cause, and the success of this reformation is prayer, secret prayer; being alone with God, the author and giver of every good and perfect gift. Prayer is the only way of access we have to God and the great mine of his love and benefits. Now, when a rich gold- mine is discovered in some difficult mountainous region, great numbers of people will plan, and devise means by which they may obtain access to it. Many forsake all they have, and en-dure severest hardships to obtain a por-tion of this earthly mine, the gold of which Will canker and rust and corrupt, and thieves will break through and steal. Well, praise God, the greatest mine that has ever been discovered is the great mine of God's unfathomable love and abounding grace. Its untold riches far exceed the Wealth of the mines of Colorado, California, and Alaska; yea, and all the wealth of this World combined and, best of all, it is free and of easy access to every one. Oh, it rays to wade through trials and persecu-tions, and every opposing hindrance of Satan to obtain our share of this great aline, which is unlimited; and the quickest ‘ ray to obtain the most of it, is on our knees before God wrestling with him in fervent, nubble, effectual prayer. We read of Moses being much in prayer to 6d for his people, Israel. Many times hd he turn a just God from destroying them from the face of the earth by falling 6t his knees before God in interceding for , aeir unworthy lives, until he obtained their deliverance. Likewise, the prophets of old O laalight mighty miracles and deliverance fervent, humble prayer to God. We also David and a man of much prayer and sup-rdil cahi° 11 also Solomon too in all his gran-ear Went on his knees in humble prayer before God, who granted him wisdom and judgment above all that had ever been be-fore him, also riches, honor, and power above measure. We also find Jesus, our great example, on his face before God, pre-vailing in prayer. How much more then does it behoove us, his humble followers, to be continually in prayer, and to be often on our knees before our God in fervent, humble supplication, praying for the salva-tion of lost souls, and for the encourage-ment of the believers, as well as for our own needs. It is not enough to pray once a week at prayer- meeting, nor yet once a day at fam-ily worship. The Word says, " Pray with-out ceasing." " Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving." " Men ought always to pray and not to faint." " I will therefore that men pray everywhere." " The effectual fervent pray-er of a righteous man availeth much." We should then seek and make opportun-ities many times a day to commune with our Savior through his precious Holy Spirit and not stop as we often do, be-cause we have peace and victory in our own souls, but then is when we may plead for the encouragement of the downcast and persecuted, and in behalf of the advance-ment of the glorious cause of Christ. It is by secret prayer that we may be filled with the Spirit, so that when we go to prayer- meeting, we may edify one another, instead of waiting for the prayer- meeting to get us spiritual, as I fear too many do. Oh, there are so many things we may ob-tain through the boundless privilege of secret prayer. As Joshua said to the faith-ful Reubenites, Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, " Return ye, and get ye unto your tents," so I feel like saying to God's faithful people, " Every one to your. knees, O Israel !" DEAD TO THE WORLD. BY JAMES A. STRAWN. WHEN we look about us day by day and behold the crowds of people as they rush to attend the things of the world, we are made to realize the vast difference between the children of God, and the children of the devil. It seems that in these last days the enemy has so many things to occupy the minds of the people that they have no room for Jesus in their hearts, but their thoughts are continually on the pleasures of the world. But with the Christian it is not so. " For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." Gal. 3: 3. " Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." 1 John 2: 15, 16. We are sometimes asked if we are not going to some certain place of worldly amusement. When we tell them we have no desire for such places, we can then realize the words spoken by the apostle, " Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot." 1 Pet. 4: 4. But thank God that his children have no desire for such places. " But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night." Psa. 1: 2. Jesus also says, " Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set upon a hill can not be hid. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your How are we to let our light shine, and prove to the people that we are dead to the world? Is it not by staying away from those places of sin and amusement which entrap souls and lead them to eternal pun-ishment? May we who profess to be true followers of Jesus Christ show forth by our daily lives and conversation that we have forsaken the world and all its pleas-ures, and that we have Christ within, the hope of glory. For if we serve the Lord with our whole heart, we have peace and joy that the world can not give, neither can it take away. He is a satisfying portion to all who trust him. THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM. " AND this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come." Mat. 24: 14. " This gospel of the kingdom" implies the one particular gospel that Jesus preached himself and commanded his disciples to preach. Gospel— good news. When John sent his disciples to Jesus to in-quire if he was the Christ, he sent him word that the lame walk, the blind are made to see, the sick are healed, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. It was enough; John was satisfied that he was the one who was to come and bring on earth peace and good will to men. " This gospel of the kingdom" means more than a gospel that promotes a secta-rian institution that has lately sprung up. When Jesus began his ministry, he did it with the words : " The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand : repent ye, and believe the gospel." Mark I.: 15. Jesus required people to repent and also to believe what he preached. It was no idle story or " fake" that he had to pass off on the people. It was not a set of propositions he had to introduce, and if suitable, to be accepted, and if not, to be rejected. Truth is an eternal principle and must live without being repealed. The gospel Jesus preached brought salvation and heal-ing to both Jews and Gentiles, bond and free, male and female, and the perpetuation of the kingdom of God depended upon the life of the gospel of that kingdom. " The God of heaven shall set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed," said the prophet Daniel by the wisdom of God. Hence, if the kingdom of God was to stand, the gospel of the kingdom must of necessity stand as the great pillar upon which it rests. The establishment of the kingdom of God is upon the gospel of Jesus Christ, consequently if the kingdom stands unmov-able, then its foundation must not be shaken. Is the kingdom of God immova-ble? Yes. " Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which can not be moved." Heb. 12: 28. The same substantial proof is recorded concerning the gospel as is given concern-ing the kingdom. The gospel is called " the everlasting gospel" in Rev. 14: 6. But some one says that the gospel mentioned in Rev. 14: 6 is that which is to follow Christ's second advent, at which time the nations will be saved. I will say that such is vain speculation, for it is plainly declared in the Word of God that a man or an angel with any other gospel is accursed. " I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel : which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach we have preached unto you, let him be ac-cursed." Gal. I: 6- 8. There is only one genuine gospel of the kingdom of nod, and it is preached only this side the resurrection of the literally dead. Jesus is coming " taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not [ present tense. Those who do not obey the gospel in this world, is the import of Paul's message] the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." It is the gospel he preached and established his kingdom upon, for there is no other that is of heavenly origin. " But there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ" says Paul. He well knew that men would try to discard some of the themes of Christ's gospel. As I said, the gospel of Christ brought salvation and healing to all in its very beginning, and what shall we get out. of it in the end? The gospel was not a set of propositions that would wax old. The story is always new. The very features that it contained in the beginning must re-main. Jesus never claimed for a moment that he preached some things that the dis-ciples dare not preach. Not a hint is made relative to the generally accepted theory that only the most prominent features of the gosepl were to remain, while there were others that may be considered as non- essen-tial. What is perverting the gospel of Christ, if it is not discarding a portion of it or Changing its true meaning or supplanting a portion and replacing falsehood? Has this been done since the beginning of the kingdom of God? Yes, I say that it has. Without hesitation, healing through faith in the atonement of Christ, one of the most prominent features of the gospel, has been removed by the advocates of sectism. What did they put in its place ? They filled out the blank with a falsehood, namely, " the day of miracles is past." Unity of the peo-ple of God, the very thing Jesus sanctified himself for and prayed so earnestly for just before his crucifixion, has been entirely ignored by sectism. Sanctification as a sec-ond work of grace, cleansing the heart from inbred depravity by the infilling of the Holy Ghost, has likewise been trampled under their feet. The doctrine of baptism has been perverted, until the people think that sprinkling or pouring is as near right as the true scriptural mode, if you believe that way. Oh ! the deception of false doc-trine which is the result of a perverted gospel I The ordinance of feet- washing has been considered a non- essential, because the people have been too haughty and proud to take upon themselves " the form of a servant" in actual deed, and perform the service enjoined upon them by the Je-sus, who was " meek and lowly in heart." Other things might be mentioned that de-stroy spirituality such as fashionable dress, wearing gold, and pearls, worldly amuse-ments, revellings, and such like. Dear reader, " This gospel of the king-dom" that Jesus began to preach, is a re-buke to modern professional Christianity in strong terms. In the beginning of the gospel and for the first few centuries of its ministration, healing was preached and practised. God's people were one in heart and soul, of the same mind, with the solemn. charge from the mouths of all the holy apostles to be that way and to " continue in the faith." It did not matted as to the size of a city, there was only one congrega-tion or church in it, though it often num-bered up into the thousands. Both the Bible and history testify to this fact. There was not a dozen or a score of church bells HOW READEST THOU? LUKE 10: 26. ' Tis one thing, friend, to read the Bible through, Another thing to read to learn and do ' Tis one thing, too, to read it with delight, And quite another thing to read it right. Some read it with design to learn to read, But to the subject pay but little heed; Some read it as their duty once a week, But no instruction from the Bible seek. Some read to bring themselves into repute, By showing others how they can dispute; Whilst others read because their neighbors do, To see how long ' twill take to read it through. Some read the blessed Book, they don't know why; It somehow happens in the way to lie; Whilst others read it with uncommon care, But all to find some contradictions there. One reads with father's specs upon his head, And sees the things just as his father did; Another reads through Campbell or through Scott, And thinks it means exactly what they thought. Some read to prove a pre- adopted creed, Thus understand but little what they read; And every passage of the Book they bend To make it suit that all- important end. Some people read, as I have often thought, To teach the Book instead of being taught. Selected by Claudine Heald. TO YOUR KNEES, 0 ISRAEL. Father which is in heaven." Mat. 5: 14, 16. any other gospel unto you than that which ringing at once in different parts of the AuguE 2 THE GOSPEL TRUMPET city of Antioch saying, " Lo here," " 10 there," " lo here," " lo there," as is so commonly seen and heard to- day in Pro-testantism in our Christianized ( ?) land of the free. Where is there any originality in the gospel that propagates such confusion? Does all Protestantism combined rest on the sure foundation of the gospel of Christ? Then the kingdom of God with its one King ( Lord) one way, one faith, one bap-tism, one God, one Spirit, and one body, is wrenched from its foundation, and is no longer " an everlasting kingdom" whose dominion was to last forever. But not so, thank God; for the original gospel, is an everlasting gospel, and though it has been partly hid for a " time, and times, and half a time"; it is now being revealed by the " angel flying through the midst of heaven" and the nations are catching a glimpse as he passes through. Christ preached a gospel that propagated the kingdom of God, and told the people " ye must be born again" to enter it. Sal-vation from sin, healing of the body, unity, baptism, ( baptise from Bapto— to dip a burial,) washing the saints' feet, greeting with the holy kiss, the Lord's supper, giv-ing to the poor, supporting the gospel, etc., etc., were prominent features of the gospel when it began to be preached. Should it be less to- day? Was the kingdom of God established upon such a gospel? If so, then take away some of its fundamental truths and what have you done? Answer. Removed a part of its foundation. Then let healing remain where Jesus put it. Let salvation from sin be an important cry from both pulpit and press. Let unity be the watch- word. Get it, preach it, live it. Cry out against divisions and doctrines of men that pervert and supplant the gospel. " Be not afraid of their faces." Teach the ordinances of baptism, feet- washing, and the Lord's supper, as they are in the gos-pel; and as Jesus preached them, and as his disciples practised them: " This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness unto all nations." Jesus meant it. It met with opposition at the very start while it was yet young and only had a few advocates and followers. The devil tried to destroy it then and failed; consequently, we are not afraid of his hurting a single feature of it to- day. The subjects may be put to death, but the King is alive forevermore, and all its constitutional parts are eternal principles, hence will stand forever, or as long as time lasts. Let God be true though every man a liar. " Go ye therefore, and teach • all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things what-soever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway. even unto the end of the world. Amen." Mat. 28: 19, 20. Was the " all things" that he had commanded them the gospel? Answer. Yes. " And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every crea-ture. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Mark 16: 15- 18. The commission is the same in Mat 28: 19, 20 as in Mark 16: 15- 18 in substance. One says, " teach all nations," " all things whatsoever I have commanded you," which comprised healing of the body, washing one another's feet, baptism, etc., etc., for these were both preached and prac-tised by Jesus and by the twelve, and con-sequently were in that commission to all nations, without respect to time or place. The next time we read as it is recorded by Mark: " Go preach the gospel to every creature" and even says " into all the world," and then speaks of the signs that are to follow the believer of the gospel without confining them to any particular time, period of time, or place. There are no gaps for perverters of the gospel to get out at. " This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world." Jesus wants it done right. The final judgment is roll-ing round; soon the seventh trumpet will begin to sound and wake the dead from their slumber, and they will hasten into the presence of the King of kings, who . first laid the foundation of the kingdom, whose subjects are born from above, where we shall be judged, not according to our ideas and opinions concerning the gospel of the kingdom, but according to the way we have obeyed or disobeyed it. If Jesus expected to pass around with the message again after the resurrection, he would not have been so careful to charge his disciples about preaching the, gospel in all the world, and then telling them plainly that it " shall be preached in all the world," " to all na-tions," before the end comes. " Now is the day of salvation"; " now is the accepted time." This is the last time, and this dispensation is the last day of God's offered mercy to man. He is " com-ing in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that obey not the gospel," who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appear-ing. " Behold he comes quickly, and his reward is with him to give to every man according to his works." Let God stir us to preach the everlasting gospel without fear or compromise. Let God stir souls to obey " this gospel of the kingdom" as the only true heavenly message which will make them ready to meet the King in his beauty. " Oh, souls! be up and doing; we have no time to lose." Let the inhabitants of earth and hell rage, but this gospel shall be preached in all the world. J. E. F. CHRISTIAN LIBERTY AND DIVINE GUIDANCE. BY G. P. TASMKR. ARTICLE I. ( Jon intends his people to be free. He never did take much pleasure in having people serve him by constraint. Neither is he satisfied to see those that love him be-come entangled in any yoke of bondage. Jesus Christ brought in the new covenant. She is free. She is glorious. She is our mother. She is called the perfect law of liberty, the character and provisions of which perfectly satisfy God. He finds no fault with her as he did with the old cove-nant— the law. Her sons and daughters are glorious. They are free. They are per-fected forever. They stand perfect and complete in all the will of God; for the God of all grace, who has called them unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, has per-fected, stablished, strengthened and settled them. They have perfect rest in the soul, perfect peace in the mind, perfect love in the heart, perfect holiness in the nature and perfect liberty in the life. Halleluiah! Under the old covenant the Jews, accord-ing to the law in Lev. 25, had a time of general emancipation and restoration every fiftieth year, when liberty was proclaimed throughout the land with the blowing of trumpets. In that year the land was not tilled— they ceased from their works; all lands that had been sold were restored to the original owners or their heirs; all bondsmen of Hebrew blood were liberated, and all debts were canceled. Deut. 15: 1, 2. " The Lord spake unto Moses in Mount Sinai, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, . . . thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years. Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land. And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof : it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family. . . In the year of this jubilee ye shall return every man unto his possession." All this foreshadowed something under the new covenant. The last expression pointed forward to a feature or accompani-ment of Christian liberty that the Lord in-tends us all to see and enjoy. The new covenant release and restoration was ush-ered in by Christ's atonement, and it is proclaimed to us in the gospel, which is the trumpet of the real jubilee. The other was but a type of this and afforded but a shadow of its benefits. As by the old jubilee they were released from debt and bondage, and returned " every man unto his possession," so by the true jubilee, we are released from the debt of sin and from moral state and the freedom to fitly use bondage, and return to our own every natural, God- given human possession. proper " For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occas-sion to the flesh, but by love serve one another." " As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness [ wick- & haus], but as the servants of God." Gal. 5: 13; 1 Pet. 2: 16. We use a thing to the glory of God when, in the order of God, we use it for the purpose and in the manner in which he designed it to be used when he gave it to man, or made it a part of his nature. The normal appetites of our body, the natural desires and affections of our soul, and the faculties and powers of our mind, constitute our " own possession." The full gospel frees us from sins acquired and sin inherited. Through " the abun-dance of grace" we then reign in life once more as in the beginning, over our human appetites, desires, and affections. keeping them in line with the will of God. and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Rom. 5: 17: 1 Cor. 9: 27: 2 Cor. 10: 5. The guidance we will now write of also was foreshadowed under the old covenant for the Lord guided and watched over the children of Israel, both before and after they entered Canaan. The following tire a few of the many texts that relate to guid-ance. " For ye were as sheep going astray but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. " The Lord is my shepherd: . he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness." " Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory." " I will bless the Lord who bath given me counsel: my reins also in-struct me in the night seasons.'' " Titton hast possessed my reins." 1 Pet. 2 : 25; Psa. 1, 3; 73: 24; 16: 7; 139: 13. It may be thought a strange thing to treat the two subjects. Liberty and 6iiid-ance, together. But only a little observation on our part is necessary for us to see that sometimes earnest children of ilod get 1litte bondage in the matter of guidance in their affairs. God's children rightly have a strong sense of moral obligation te do his will in all things; therefore they naturally are quite anxious to obtain (- tear indica-tions of that will before they act. They fear to get out of God's order. Now, we are intelligent being:. We are made in God's image. He has given us a mind to use. He also influences that mind often unconsciously to us. In some mat-ters we feel the need of a elear revelation of the will of God, either throu gh his Word or by his Spirit. In other matters we do not; for common sense teaches us what is the wisest and proper thing to do. Our own mind and judgment. clothed with meekness and taught by experience or in-fluenced by the Spirit, was devised b y our ' Creator as the proper means by which our course of action in natural things should be governed. " The meek will he guide in judgment." " A good man . . . will guide his affairs with jud gment." There m9ef; at1su1p: 21e:, e 5 Prov. 13: 93. is that is destroyed for want of judg-hieseappueesriehdiaps udno-dm eevTn ehlt o. e'rp je: 1dPdsag: dme2115ti: ni give i t liffi s should not allow enough responsibility to rest on exercise. i t. , dtherfefore the mdaottenro ti n9: question - happen to be one of those foorr wwh ich iitt • is not intended that a special revelation of the Divine will should be gaiv eenn,, aannd we seek for such a revelation, it is evident that more or less hesitancy, vacillation, b oin age. and confusion of thought muusst result. We will likely fluctuate betwe eeen• n impressions and suggestions; between a sense of clear-ness felt at one time and a fee lmingg of lancer tainty experienced at annooth eerr. The chief causes for a child of God com• i • ng into this unsatisfactory condition se em to be a lack in understanding theob j. e fct for which di-vine guidance is really gi• ven, and a failure in perceiving the purposee foo rr whic• h God has given us instincts and the mental faculties we have. A great desire has possessed me of late to see this subject clearly set forth by some one in a way thaat would instruct, and at the same time liberate those that are affected in any wayy yb ya spir• i t' of bondage. Sometimes people do not realize that then are under a burden of this kInindd; but when they are freed from it anthde'ir whole in-ward man— their mind and heart hat room to develop its powers as God. intended it should, they will see how enctrAired their experience had been previously. It is a fact that responsibility laid apot us and met in the right spirit, calls into et. careas powers that have perhaps basher: to lain inactive within us. We are thereby d e_ le]. veloped all round more rapidly and thor-oughly than we could have been by say other means. We become like to young ea_ gles that are forced into flying by their lov-ing, and watchful mother who stirs nvt nest. The latent powers of flight antils. ion, and the ability to judge of distances, etc., that lie in the nature of the eaglet, must be given opportunity to develop. if piecn otiltineg ewx eerrtei oan1s1 o sovofed would fail of the object of their own lade pth mteoei nratlpwa: ar: e sns strength dsshe II:. seeks our inward devel vidnal existence. So it is with us. God Ile is profoundly interested in our spiritual education. He does not delight in our re_ mainin!* too long in the church nursery. He has solid food for the full- grown. To be tome useful we must have our soul's pow_ e,. s and senses exereisedhroelacdxelaid developed, liol s( s- li li'la'‘. sitihilleerksl- iisscioiin) l. ineStelwleyLed is the man that 1 : 1171: 11,.:!: 0: 1' 11: 4 1rteisscoileunev. and lets patience have g‘ hv tc trokf. liberty and guidance united to the grand object of spiritual edit. cat: on and development, which is expressed in pent. 32: 9.12: — For the Lord's per. : is his poopie the had freed them from 1110 ho ntin'' t' of E'Zy ► ti : Jacob is the lot of ;';:! so ;!!' ll't41‘ 1- 0 silaestferlitrnoluldelthiendimghwiimnil. daherem de* rt he led him ;:::;: 111,;:, hoefithisits kept bin! as the eye. As an eagle T. irreth 1 1 , a- nest. f, liihtheerr: h ovetrakhetehr nail spr, eoletl t11 0 7/ 1 . 1 1 0:!!' r' 7h fi l0111 her wings: so the i1 . 1: . ' ii d, lead and there was no s t et : nes, sssi with him." I feel aore that there are faculties and vet•: !, dousing to the human soul which • 0IT1 • n• rsons lie dormant and undevel-spoil throligh their not giving them the lib- , I. ty exercise that the Creator intended t 11;: ve. We : Moult/ gladly suffer the remevel from our minds of such ideas and Is a iefs Ns ohook the true liberty of our souls, , opo,: e the free exercise of all our facul- I les. Let it he i/ dors: a d that these articles addressed solely to people that art' ed. Also, in order to get the full benefit 1 1) ,1r, 1", , 11 S11 1 111 1 read and master eat'h s it appears. FRAGRANCE. News from the field. Milton, Mo., Augi. I am so glad that I can from the heat report victory in the name of Jesus. It has been some time since I have reported through the Trumpet, but I have not been idle. I was at Allerton, Iowa, in coraPallY, with A. L. Hutton, and held a ten dais meeting. The Lord blessed the Word. Sol* few seemed interested; attendance rather poor: only one family of saints in top: Bro. J. L. Smith and family, who are tralY consecrated to God. My next meeting was E y Eei- saintly life on t firth is a sweet l'ra, zranee unto ( zed, and every sinful life is a sten• h in his nostrils. As. the rose scents the evening air, so a pure life scat-ters a sweet Christian influence and a 1: 110WiedgC of nod throughout the world. The literal translation of 2 Cer. 2: 14 reads thus : '' But thanks be to God, who leads me on from plaee to place in the train of his triumph, to celebrate his victory over the enemies of Christ, and by me sends forth the knowledge of him, a stream of fra-grant incense. throughout the world." A saint ly life diffuses a sweet, heavenly fro -: 2' 17' e throughouthe world, and brings! knowledge of God and the nature of his salvation to the minds of men. Let me • alle rt you. therefore. to a pure life, a life full of devotion and reverence to God. You whose sweetness will linger long on the air can make your life. by God's grace a eon-shut, flowing stream of fragrant incense, after you have passed to higher realms. So may it be. Frond " Food for the Lambs." I It- I.: at Colorado Springs. I found the little church prospering. From there I went to Denver for two nights, in company with Bro. Swinburn. The Lord blessed his Word. Wife and I expect to be at the assembly at Denver. From Denver I went to the Portland camp- meeting, and oh, what a precious meeting! I was so glad to meet dear Bro. W. W. Crist, whom I had not met since he was delivered from that soul-destroying heresy— no cleansing in sancti-fieation. Truly we did enjoy the Lord to-gether. I was so glad to meet the dear ministers on the coast. I visited my rela-tives at Monmouth and at Independence, and had a few nights' meeting with them. gy brother- in- law, C. C. Pitaer, would love to have any brethren passing through there, to stop and have some meetings with them. De lives near Monmouth. My brother lives at Independence. He is not saved, but will treat you well. Call and see him. Our next camp- meeting was at Colfax, Wash., which was a feast of good things. The hammer of truth came down and made hypocrites and cold- hearted professors murmur. Many, many got delivered. Waves of glory rolled over the congregation. I was much encouraged through meeting so many faithful workers and ministers at both camp- meetings. They were a bless-ing to me. I am thankful to my wife for urging me to go west, and He is blessing her for it. Next I came to Beatrice, Neb., camp-meeting, the home of Bro. E. G. Masters, where we had a glorious camp- meeting. My wife joined me there, after an absence of six weeks. Judgment ran down as waters, and the dear ones commenced to measure up. The dear Lord blessed the truth in that place in gleaning out a nice little church. About twenty were baptized. God bless the dear ones, and keep them true to him. From there we came to the Amazon-ia, Mo., camp- meeting, which was one of the best ever held in these parts. It was a battle at first, but victory came. Seven-teen were baptized. The expenses were all met, and ministers needs were supplied. The good Lord reward the dear ministers who worked so faithfully for the good of the cause. Wife and I will start to Norton, Kan., camp- meeting in a few days. From there we go to Palco. We praise God for his goodness to us. The way is growing better. Yours in him, J. M. Harrington. Kipling, Va., July 29. I feel it would be to the glory of God to report the meetings he gave to this part of the State. Bro. Lovett, of Bristol, Tenn., has just held a Iwo weeks' meeting. The Lord wonderfully blessed his Word. There were thirteen professions, and some were sanctified. Praise the Lord ! Seven were baptized. The meeting was all that could be hoped for. Truly this State is ripe to harvest, and the laborers are few. We ask the saints to pray for us all, and for the little church God has planted at this place, for we have not only to fight principalities and powers and wicked spirits in high places, but all kinds of financial embarrass-ments. Pray for us that we may all stand firm in the faith once delivered to the saints. Yours for Christ, T. F. Rose. Romney, Tex., Aug. 1. We are glad that we can still report vic-tory over all the powers of darlaiess through him who hath washed us from our sins in his own blood. Praise his name for-ever! We have just arrived home from Coahoma, where the Lord gave us a glor-ious meeting. They are very much in need of an elder there. If any one feels the hand of the Lord upon him to take charge of the work there, address W. M. Spears, Coahoma, Tex. The Lord willing, we will leave home on the 3d for Shannon, Ark., Where we will hold our next meeting. From there we go to Hamil, Ark., and then on to Carthage, Lord willing. We desire the Prayers of all the saints. Yours in the one body, S. M. Rich and G. B. Spivey. Pierceton, Ind., July 26. It is with great pleasure we are able to tell You we are saved, sanctified, and healed. Last fall we went to the Trumpet Office, Where we remained until after the assembly meeting this spring. We enjoyed our stay at the Office, sharing the trials and tri-umphs Of the dear workers. A short time August 17, 1905. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET before the assembly, I went to Marietta and held a week's meeting, where a few souls got saved. Then I went to the vicinity of Roxbury, Pa., where I held meeting for about two weeks. We had a very good meeting at this place, but some difficulties were existing which made it hard for the church to move out as they should. After returning to Moundsville we en-joyed the best meeting I ever attended in all my life. After the meeting, my family came to Indiana, where we make our home. My wife and I have been visiting some of the churches near home to see how they are prospering. We are glad to find some faith-ful souls at Brush College and Huntington where we hope to hold meetings in the fu-ture for the salvation of souls. Some were reclaimed in each of these meetings. I was permitted to attend a part of the meeting held by Bro. and Sister Worden in Fort Wayne. We humbly ask the prayers of all for victory, soul and body, for the future that we may continue in the work. Yours in Christ, C. E. and Nora Hunter. Kelso, Ore., Aug. 2. After the Portland, Ore., camp- meeting Bro. Holcomb and my oldest daughter and I went across the Cascade Mountains into eastern Oregon, with wagon and team, a distance of about two hundred miles, We gave out Trumpets and tracts as we went. We stopped at Wamic, Ore., and held a few days' meeting. From there we went to Madras, Ore., near which place we found a few saints who have been praying nearly two years for some minister to come there. They re-joiced to have us come. We had some very interesting meetings. This eastern Oregon country to me looks like I imagine - India looks. It is a very hot and dry place, but for over two hundred miles around there, the pure gospel has not been preached. It is a new country. New settlers are coming in there every day, taking up homestead land. New towns are being built up, but no railroads yet. A number of places never have preaching of any kind. Dear brethren in the ministry, here is a large, new field where the pure gospel is needed at once. The most of the people never have seen a Gospel Trumpet, or any of the Lord's tracts or books, or heard of this last reformation. Dear saints, please pray for this needy field that the Lord may send Holy Ghost workers to that country to break, the bread of life to the hungry. We did not stay long there. Most of the peo-ple were very busy harvesting. It is a tine farming country. We believe the Lord will send us back there again this fall, when people are not so busy. It may be he will have us locate there for a while. We came back from there as far as Kelso, Ore., where we are now holding meeting in our tent, and we are praying and believing that souls will be saved. The Lord has a lively little church at this place. We will stay here as long as the Lord leads, and then go where he sends us. We expect to keep in the work of the Master until he calls us home. My present address is Sa-lem, Ore. I am saved, sanctified, and healed by the power of God. Yours in Christ, John VanLaanen and Company. Alexander City, Ala., Aug. 3. The east Alabama camp- meeting has come and gone. God was with us in mighty power, confirming his Word with signs fol-lowing, insomuch that the enemy of souls was routed, his works exposed, and souls delivered from his power and domain. It was the best meeting ever held at Penton. The church was edified, and more firmly established, and prepared to stand against the wiles of old Satan. All, honor and glory to God. God gave special victory in exposing the spirits of free lovism and sect holiness. Truly these are the most deceptive, soul-destroying spirits I have ever met. Three souls were delivered from them in this meeting, and they need the prayers of the saints that they stand true to God. Some were sanctified, and all the sick that came to God by faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, were made well of all their diseases and sicknesses. Praise our God ! Fifteen were baptized, thirty- five took part in the ordinances of the Lord's house, and the meeting closed with love and fellow-ship existing in all the beloved saints. The Lord willing, we will establish a per-manent camp- meeting at Penton. Our present lot is not suitable, so we shall have to purchase a camp- ground, and as this meeting is convenient for the saints in east Alabama and west Georgia, the brethren should take it to heart, and help us make this a general camp- meeting, both with your prayers and means. We want to be able to have tents enough on our new ground to camp all that come to meeting next year. All interested should address me as below. All the surrounding country is new work, and I have calls from every direction. Should the Lord lead any min-isters to come and help me, please write me as soon as possible. Will say that minis-ters present this year were W. M. Hand, J. E. Forrest, P. 0. Butler, and the writer. Hartsells will be our next battle- field. Your brother saved from sin, W. R. Butler. Lafayette, Ala., R. D. No. 2. Hardesty, Va., Aug. 7. With glorious victory in my soul over the works of the devil, I greet you in Jesus' name. As I have not made any report for some time, I should be pleased to say through the Lord's paper that I left home in Springfield, 0., the 19th of May; came to Riverton, Va. commenced meeting in the name of Jesus, the 21st. The Lord has owned his Word as it has gone forth, and blessed it to the salvation of souls, and to the healing of the afflicted. I held services at Riverton, and in the Pinehills up to the 11th of June, at which time eight souls were baptized in the Shenandoah River, wit-nessing by outward act to the inward work wrought in their souls by grace divine, that they had died to sin, was buried, and had risen to walk and live in newness of life. In the evening the ordinances of washing of the saints' feet, and the partaking of the Lord's Supper, were observed in re-membrance of his humiliation, death, and sufferings for us. While those ordinances were being observed, the presence of the Lord was sweetly manifested. After that I held a number of services in the following places in the Pinch- ills on the Blue Ridge, and then crossed the Shenandoah River to Milldale, Va., and held services in the Presbyterian house of worship at different times, also preached once to a colored congregation by the re-quest of their minister, R. B. Jackson, and on the night of the 10th of July, held one service in the Woodberry schoolhouse. This was a seed- sowing time. We had good con-gregations, and good order. From there I went to the nelson Chapel grove- meeting in company with Mr. Sipe and his wife. The meeting commenced on the 13th, and closed on Sunday night the 16th. The meeting was of short duration. I need not mention the circumstances; the congrega-tion that was present know. Bro. Earles from Leesburg, Va., if I mistake not, came to us an the 14th. When the trustee said, ' No more meeting here," Bro. Earles and I said " Amen." On Monday morning Mr. Dailey gave us a conveyance. Bro. Earles and I went to look up a grove for the meeting. We went to Mr. T. A. Young's, on Tuesday. With the help of Mr. Young and his son Robert, the grove was cleared up and seated, and that evening the 18th, the meeting was commenced, and contin-ued until Monday, the 31st. The attendance was good, and much prejudice was re-moved. The meeting was hindered some by the rain. On the last day of the meeting, five dear souls obeyed the Lord by being immersed. The burial was a very sacred one; a number of the people wept, while the candidates praised the Lord that they were worthy to follow the Lord. People were there who were up in years and had never witnessed baptism, although they had seen what was called baptism. In the even-ing the ordinances were observed and the happiness realized. Praise God and the Lamb forever 1 On Tuesday Bro. H. T. Earles and I were brought to Winchester, where we bid each other adieu for the time being. He went to his home in Leesburg, Va., and I returned to my brother's near Hardesty. The Lord willing, will com-mence a meeting to- night at the Hopewell schoolhouse, to continue as long as the Lord wills. Pray for me and the work. The church of God at T. A. Young's, near Collinsville, Va., would be pleased to have an elder or elders when passing that way, to stop and feed them on the pure Word of God. We have warned them to steer clear of such as try in their ecstasy to climb trees, or stand on their head, and try to whirl around like a top. None such need to stop there. We believe in shouting and leaping when God puts the shout or leap in us, but when such demonstrations are gone through with to be seen. or heard of men, we have an eternal rebuke in our soul against them. Charity " doth not be-have itself unseemly." There are many deceivers out at this time. It would be well for all the saints to be on their guard; the devil is cunning. " Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." I have met some who are surely under a deception, and if the saints are not care-ful and watchful, they will be deceived by them. They are on the line of all " Spirit," " Spirit," claiming that they have been baptized by the Holy Ghost, and with fire, and are rejecting the ordinances of God's house. Any person claiming to be a child of God, and who is wilfully disobeying God's Word, is under the deception of the devil, and such need our prayers, that they get salvation. If not saved, they will end in hell with the devil that deceived them. Quite a few are tainted with millennialism. Oh, the deceptions of the devil ! By the grace of God I mean to be straight on the Bible line. Dear brethren in the ministry, hold up the Bible standard in all things, for Jesus' sake, and for the sake of dear souls. Con-tinue to pray God to give me wisdom on all lines of his precious Word. Your broth-er saved, sanctified, and kept by power di-vine, and out on the blood and fire line. F. Rosenberry. Springfield, 0., 808 W. Wash. St. Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 7. We are praising God to- day for victory in our souls, and although it has been some time since we last reported through the Trumpet, we will say that we have been busy for God. The Beatrice camp- meeting closed with glorious results, Some evil spirits that were rebuked left the grounds; others remained and got delivered; while some failed to submit and measure up, and left the meeting in a worse condition than they were in when they came. But, praise God, the dear saints are on the advance, al-though on my return I find that the devil is working hard since camp- meeting. A fanatical sect, known as the " Pentecostal Holiness" or " Holy Jumpers" are here with their tabernacle and are preaching also on the streets, drawing great crowds by their ungodly actions, jumping, danc-ing, and yelping like Indians. They preach holiness, and many have understood that we were the same. After they had finished Saturday night, God put it upon us to ex-pose the thing in our street meeting, and let the people know that we had no fellow-ship with such. We went from here to the Amazonia, Mo. camp- meeting, which was successful. From there Bro. Bryant and I went to the Fargo, Okla. camp- meeting. I stopped over night with the saints in Kansas City, and found them in camp with tabernacle and four or five tents, but no preacher. The church there is truly in need of help. The meet-ing at Fargo was a glorious feast, and all the saints unanimously pronounced it the best meeting ever held in those parts. Sev-eral who had felt the hand of God upon them for the work, but who had become en-tangled and shrunk from duty, renewed their covenant, and declared their inten-tion to launch out for God. May the Lord help them to be true to their consecration. We had to leave this meeting before it was half out, as we did the Amazonia. Finding we could not get home Friday, we stopped over the day at Wichita. By re-quest we preached at the Free Methodist Mission in the afternoon, and at the Gos-pel Mission at night. The saints were very much encouraged. I met wife at Horton, Kan., on her re-turn from Muscatine, where she had gone to see her father, but who . had died and was buried before she arrived. We came home and have pitched battle for a few days. While we have many calls, we are undecided just what we shall do until the St. Edwards camp- meeting. We expect to be there, and at Barney, Ia., the Lord will-ing. Pray that God will lead and keep us in his order. E. G. Masters. • THE GOSPEL TRUMPET Ube tt, Gospel Trumpet. A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. Moundsville, W. Va., Aug. 17, 1905. Entered at the Post- office at Moundsville, W. Va., as Second- class Matter. E. E. BYRUM Editor. A. L. BYERS Office Editor. Contributing Editors: H. M. RICCI'S . Cambridge Springs, Pa. CHAS. E. ORR Federalsburg, Md. J. C. BLArrss. Lemieux, Ont. J. W. BYERS Lodi, Cal. GEO. L. Corx. 400 West 74th St., Chicago, Ill. J. E. FORREST R F. D. 1, Coushatta, La. Published by GOSPEL TRUMPET CO. DEFrxrrn, RADICAL, and ANTI- SECTARIAN, sent forth in the name of the Lead. Jesus Christ, for the . publication of full Salvation, Divine Healing of the body, and the unity of all true Christians in " the faith once delivered to the saints." Subscription price, postage paid, United States, Canada, and Mexico $ 1.00 Foreign Countries $ 1.50 Expressed in English Currency 6s. 2d. g I " German Currency. . 6mark 18pf. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. In about two weeks after your subscription is received, receipt and credit of same will be shown by the address label attached to your paper or wrapper. The date on the label is your best re-ceipt, and should be watched. In case we fail to extend the date properly, notify us at once. 1 Jan. 6 means that your subscription is paid to Jan. 1, 1906; 23 Dec. 5 means Dee. 23, 1905, etc. Papers without date are free. BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS, moneys, etc., must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET CO., Moundsville, W. Va., to insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. God's way is the easiest way after all. The most difficult thing about God's way is for us to become willing to forsake all our ways, and from our heart, prefer his way. To prefer our own ways and indulge self, will only develop in us that which is con-trary to the will of God, and this will multiply. and increase our troubles, etc. God's way for men to quit sinning is to break off completely, and die out to the very desire of sin, so the lust of sinning will be removed from the heart, and the tormenting suggesting power of the devil is cut off completely; but man's way is to try to quit by degrees, which only feeds the desire, and weakens the will power. Man's way is a failure. Man's way is to take medicine, and de-pend on doctors until you get faith enough to be healed; but that will never produce the faith. God's way is to die out to every remedy until you lmow that you would actually die without desiring or craving any other remedy than the immutable Word of God, and the faith that relies on the same; you will have the faith. Man's way is, when you have tried every earthly remedy, and that to no avail, and it looks like you must die, then call upon the Lord. God's way is, " In everything make your requests known to God by prayer and supplication with thanksgiv-ing." Give God the first chance, instead of the last one. If you are a child of God, your body be-longs to God, and you are not your own. Consecration puts your body in God's hands to let him have right of way in your body as well as in your soul. If you can not trust God for the healing of your body, you lack that much of being consecrated to God. What are you going to do about it? Will you consecrate your all to him? Does it look to you that bitter medicine and the surgeon's knife is easier than the power of Christ to heal? If when Christ was healing on the shores of Galilee, would you then have preferred a modern hospital to the simple touch or command of the mighty healer, who spake the word only, and the work was done? " He is just the same to- day." like a stupendous undertaking that is al-most if not altogether out of the range of possibilities. But the Word of God says, " All things are possible with God, and if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." " Believest thou that I am able to do this?" To the natural man it looks easier to give down to imposing powers, elements, and influences than to fight the fight of faith in the face of all opposition, etc. But giv-ing in to any of these things " will not make thee stronger" nor lessen the burden, but to the contrary will only increase it. The faith route is the easiest one after all. Faith in nature's laws and doctor's medi-cines, can not produce the results promised to those who believe the Word of God. The promises to Abraham were greater than na-ture or nature's laws were capable of pro-ducing: and at this point if Abraham had only relied on nature, his faith could have produced no results whatever. He had to believe God, and by believing God, the re-sults had to follow. " Have faith in God." If it is easy to believe in nature and trust in nature's laws, it is easier to believe in nature's God and trust in the Word of him that formed such laws, seeing that the law-giver is greater than the law that is given. The maker is greater than the thing made. God's Word is equal to himself; hence, is a far greater foundation for faith, and will produce far greater results, and in the easiest possible way. If you desire the easiest way, " believe God." Trust his promise. " The Scriptures can not be broken." G. L. C. Office Items. Last Friday we received a postal card from Bro. A. L. Byers written from Port-land, Ind., and dated Aug. 10, on which he says: " The Lord has called to himself our own dear little Quentin, who died at two o'clock this afternoon. In this we are called to share the grief of others who have had like experience, and who only know what it means to have to yield one of our dearest treasures." Bro. Abram Bixler reports a good meet-ing in progress in Wetzel County. Bros. Clay Weiss and Joshua Knight have gone to Entlenton, Pa., to assist the brethren there in making preparations for the coming camp- meeting. A new junior member of the Family, ar-rived on last Wednesday night. We under-stand his name is Ralph Dodge, son of Bro. and Sister C. 0. Dodge. Sister Katherine Meyer has gone to East Palestine, 0. We are getting out the second edition of " Beautiful Stories," and are also now ready to fill orders for the leather bound combined song- book. The orders we were holding have been filled. asaasaassasaaaaaassasaaasaa General Notes and News. T. E. Osborne, Taneyville, Mo., writes of a few meetings held in that vicinity of which the outlook is favorable for a good work being done. H. M. Breazeale, of Mississippi, writes of the healing of his child of a severe afflic-tion in answer to prayer, and also says, he expects soon to join W. F. Ward in gospel work. Robert Lucas, Dawson, Ky., desires some minister to come to that place, and hold some meetings; a house is available. The report of the Savannah, Ga., assem-bly has been received from H. A. Sanford, who says the meeting was a very precious one, and about fifty took part in the ordi-nances. The camp- meeting at Moody, I. T., as re-ported by W. D. Bristow, was a very good one in which several were saved, believers sanctified, and the sick healed. A card from Sister Byers states that she has a letter from Oregon, saying the saints there have six hundred pounds of prunes for the missionary work, and no money to pay the freight. She urges that the breth-ren elsewhere contribute for that purpose. east steels, 1.4.4. Questions Answered. Ques. Can a couple who have been pass-ing themselves off for years as husband and wife get salvation and keep it with-out getting married? As they have been living a lie to the world have they any confessions to make to the world? Ans. They surely could not get and keep salvation, and continue such a life. There-fore, they must either separate from each other or get married. If their life has been mutually agreeable, it would seem ad-visable that they marry and live together, scripturally and legally, the rest of their days, provided there is nothing to hinder them, especially should they do so, if chil-dren have been born to them. Yes, they have been living a public lie, and a public acknowledgment would not be more than right. There should be a willingness on their part to have it known and to suffer the consequences of it becoming known, wherever anyone is likely to be benefitted thereby. Ques. Please explain Mat. 22: 9, 10. Ans. These verses read : " Go ye there-fore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. So those servants went out into the highways. and gathered together all, as many as they found, both bad and good, and the wedding was furnished with guests.'' If you read this entire parable, you will see that the servants of the King, represent the servants of God, who are to go out and bid all classes of men to come to this feast of salvation. The call extends unto all men, but all will not pay the price, by meeting the Bible conditions. The 14th verse of this chapter reads: " For many are called, but few are chosen." Ques. Please explain Mat. 13 : 47- 49. Ans. This parable reads as follows : " Again the kingdom of heaven is like un-to a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind : which, when it was full, they drew to the shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world : the angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall east them into the furnace of fire : there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." This represents the work of the gospel in this world. It calls all men to repent-ance. Many hear the call, and in this sense the gospel net gathers all kinds. The in-fluence of the kingdom of heaven is ex-tended over the world and gathers to-gether. Every kind is drawn together, not every one, but of every kind. The parable represents this one phase of the kingdom. namely, its influence, of drawing and in-viting, but as the guest without the wed-ding garment, many who are drawn will not be able to enter in, because they will not pay the price. " Many will seek to en-ter in, but shall not be able." The gospel influence gathers in, and also gathers out. It gathers in and draws by its influence. and will continue to do so until the end of the world. The good and bad are in the world together, but there are no bad in the church. The parable of the wheat and tares teaches us that " the field is the world" not the church. In the world we are mingled together and in the end the angels shall come and sever the wicked from among the just. Ques. Must we pray for those who re-quest prayer for healing, if they allow Some one else to give them medicine, or use it themselves? Ans. Such a person needs instruction. If they should refuse to give up the med-icines, then we should refuse to pray for their healing. Divine healing and medi-cine will not work together. Ques. Can we bring up our children in parry for this purpose. In fact, ail of the and ball should be harmful, as a - mealisuoaf dre t recreation and pastime. Our chilal bus, not be allowed to play betting gata any kind, nor to go among unsaved sola. plays of our children must be wader care. ful direction and protection, stances, and yet, we might ask, why should to return thanks at the table? test of one's salvation under allaireaz. a t . Atthe ta, he el any child of - God refuse to return taasiLs the Trumpet the origin of the Apocrypha, and the omission of same in OW Biblel nueoetnalelo, Lubpeoasie• dinintertnhae liier: itdaennedeseoefianhdats. statement refers of course to the writings can not be ascertained. aasat. Wry, 13. C. l'eople's Cyclopedia. This Ans. This could hardly be taken as a Ques. Can a person be saved, and reit% Ques. Will you please explain Hugh the: s. mann er nhu nr apelA neeeus. tt the uihmanreteemdh, they dee: there proper eeee admonition ip sa 1ea nool rprbi a 1 lg ea ny:' o lnlfaa- t and tda t proper 1j tumult Apocryphal writings, but the exact seems to be equally as difficult to be traced, origin of the Nie: aTnedstaimt: iltietAivpeoc: ry:: however interest be. The fact that its origin is hard to i etzt sn questionable, iiiL itlyiesasct. i. artbait: ed, has made it sc . shaand this tis the most probable cause of it Wing excluded from theQteieasli. o\ nl'ill you kindly explain John 20: '' s! Whitt did Jesus mean when he " Receive 1. 13a':.' tetxhte rends: (" 3hA° r8adt " wthen he had said this, he breathed unto them, Receive ye° 11thetheHino, lyanGdhoelltiti" l this certainly was not the Pentecostal en. downicut of the Holy Ghost, neither have we any record that there Was any reception or manifestations of the Holy Spirit at I he time this was spoken. is he breathed an them and said this, there evidently was all unusual spiritual influence brought up. on them, whieli was doubtless a necessary preparation for them in the experiences t hat so immediately followed. J. V?. B, 4- 1.+++++++++++++++++++++++ 44+++. 14 News from the Field. To the unbelieving and infidel world the simple way of faith in God's Word looks Bogra, India, June 28. I stn glad to report sweeping victory in toy soul over all the powers of darknea and hell. lie leadeth us to triumph in the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. All glory to God Praise God, we are still on the lighting list, and are engaged in the active service of King Jesus, in the vanguard of his army. '• Though the hosts of hell are ilnitiln27, our colors still are flying, for w mean to have the victory forme The work in Calcutta is going on, and the dear Lord is blessing our feeble efforts in get-ting the clear evening light to the sin-benighted souls in Babylon. Some are get . out of the bondage of sin and Bedlam,- ting and returning to Zion with songs and ever-lasting joy upon their heads. Two new boys have come to the Home, and both have gotten saved since their ar-rival. One of them is from the village where I was born and brought up. I went to visit my own folks at home, and while there, this young man came to hear the truth, and learned to love the Lord. lie saw the insufficiency of Mohammedanism to save him from sin, and is now haPPY the Lord. De is learning type- setting, and is helping in the printing- room. There is another dear man from Malabar Coast, South India, who has been an dependent preacher for the last eleven years. He has come to Imow more fully the way, and is in the Home, getting help' Two others from East Bengal have cage with sickness for help. We often have such cases getting in ng the onHome. well. The They rest of the boys areare pr ospering in their souls, and enjoying salvation. O.! has come up here to Bogra to help die brethren. I must tell you now of the wondelrdf dealings o Government the the Lord with the household of the Government of ment truth Jailer. for some He has admirertime , a August 17, 1905. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET Trumpet Family: yrs: eoBngel, oIvneddia, Sjauinlyts 5i. n Jesus : Greeting in the sweet and precious name of our dear Lord. . I must ask your forgiveness fonrot wri. t tim. ngg to you sooner. I did not intend to delealayy so long, but I have so many letters to write, and the time slips away so easily that we can scarce lyy realize where it goes to. Weel l,, aIm real glad to send you a good report of victory. My soul rejoices this morning in my edaearr Jesus. In him I am happy and free. Praise his dear name ! I am also well in body. We had very hot weather in Calcutta in June; not much rain, and sometimes hot winds. The dear Lord protected me. It s ood the heat real well, never lost a night's sleep, al-though it was said to be the hottest contin-uous weather ever known in Calcutta. The latter part of June the Lord opened up the way for me to come up here to Kur-seong in the Himalaya Mountains. Father Mundul, his two daughters, and Khoka Khan, also came up when I did. Kurseong is at an elevation of five thousand feet. It is quite a summer resort for Europeans. During the hottest months, many of the European people in Calcutta come up here to the mountains, either to Darjeeling or Kurseong. Some weeks ago the Lord sent Bro. M. Moses up here to open up the work. There are many Nepal and Tibetan people here, and the work among them seems quite en-couraging. Many of the native people are much interested in the truth. Several come to Bro. Moses every day for Bible lessons, some of whom seem to be near the kingdom. Every evening quite a large class of Tibetan boys and girls come for a Bible lesson, some of them listen earnestly and seem to greatly enjoy coming to hear the sweet story of Jesus that never grows old. Bro. Moses sings with them in Tibetan, and when I talk he interprets for me. Pray that the Lord may apply his Holy Spirit to their young hearts, and while we endeavor, by the Lord's help, to sow the good seed, that it may take root and bring forth fruit unto life everlasting. One ' Hindustani lady I visit, is very much interested in the truth; says she knows this is right, and desires to give her heart to God. Her husband is al-most persuaded to yield his heart to God. I do not know how long I will be up here; but as long as I remain, I wish to sow the precious seed among hungry souls, that they may be constrained to give their hearts to God. The people of India ( at least many of them) have become disgusted with sectarian teachings and the crooked lives of some of the sectarian professors. By a pure, holy, humble, Christlike life we inspire confidence in the people. What India needs is Bible examples of salvation. Then precious souls will get saved. The Lord has laid it on the hearts of his saints in India to have a few days of special prayer for a real advancement on the line of healing and to gain more of the apostolic power, that the signs may follow as they did when the apostles went f Other/Unknown Material Alaska ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Alabama Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Bryant ENVELOPE(-60.942,-60.942,-71.236,-71.236) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Canada Charity ENVELOPE(-60.333,-60.333,-62.733,-62.733) Dais ENVELOPE(161.267,161.267,-77.550,-77.550) Dee ENVELOPE(-59.767,-59.767,-62.433,-62.433) Freed ENVELOPE(164.333,164.333,-71.483,-71.483) Gata ENVELOPE(-19.702,-19.702,63.540,63.540) Homestead ENVELOPE(-119.369,-119.369,55.517,55.517) Huntington ENVELOPE(-127.078,-127.078,54.707,54.707) Luke ENVELOPE(-94.855,-94.855,56.296,56.296) Marvel ENVELOPE(159.367,159.367,-78.750,-78.750) Meek ENVELOPE(-64.246,-64.246,-65.246,-65.246) Milton ENVELOPE(-84.800,-84.800,-78.800,-78.800) Moses ENVELOPE(-99.183,-99.183,-74.550,-74.550) Nes ENVELOPE(7.634,7.634,62.795,62.795) Nes’ ENVELOPE(44.681,44.681,66.600,66.600) New Ground ENVELOPE(-55.215,-55.215,49.567,49.567) Old Cove ENVELOPE(-55.915,-55.915,52.967,52.967) Osborne ENVELOPE(-84.767,-84.767,-78.617,-78.617) Parry ENVELOPE(-62.417,-62.417,-64.283,-64.283) Patience ENVELOPE(-68.933,-68.933,-67.750,-67.750) Perseverance ENVELOPE(162.200,162.200,-76.800,-76.800) Pillar ENVELOPE(166.217,166.217,-77.583,-77.583) Rian ENVELOPE(23.000,23.000,65.883,65.883) Sever ENVELOPE(166.083,166.083,62.917,62.917) Sion ENVELOPE(13.758,13.758,66.844,66.844) Sola ENVELOPE(9.806,9.806,63.198,63.198) Spivey ENVELOPE(-69.830,-69.830,-69.515,-69.515) Yoke ENVELOPE(-61.933,-61.933,-63.967,-63.967)