The Gospel Trumpet - 09:09

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 GOSPET RUMPET. , eiheLoad God shall BLOM ? he TR MITET and go win iphirbpias" • • S " Au. yz nuvea- - TANTS UFTI: F_ WCSIt, AND DWIIA. 1. MS S. ATIM, Str. VV-, WV. ZIA lirVE...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1887
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 09:09
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 GOSPET RUMPET. , eiheLoad God shall BLOM ? he TR MITET and go win iphirbpias" • • S " Au. yz nuvea- - TANTS UFTI: F_ WCSIt, AND DWIIA. 1. MS S. ATIM, Str. VV-, WV. ZIA lirVE: stl'oriva sIDN. 011 " ME 1/ 101.1N.- TAMS; AND WliEN X" XE. lat. DWETRATASIN/ 11. ET, AVI: stt?' .• X5A XV- 11 LORIOUS things are spoken of thee 0 City at God. I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia and Tyre with Ethi-opia; this man was born there, and of Zi-on it shall be said, this and that man was born - in her : and the highest Himself shall establish her : the Lord shall count when He writeth up the people, that this man ryas born there.- 87th Psalm. Praise the Lord for His Word, Rejoice that your names are written in Heaven.- Luke 10 20. If thou wilt forgive their sin : and if lot, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou least written. And the Lord said unto Moses, Whosoever bath sinned' against me, him will I blot out of my book; ( verses 32,330 God's book, not sect book. Praise the Lord forever ! And mine hand shall be upon the proph-ets that see vanity, and that divine lies: hey shall not be in the assembly of my people, neither shall they be written in he writing of the house of Israel, because hey have seduced my people, saying ieace, and there was no peace.- Eze. 13: 9, 10. And I exhort thee also true yoke-ellow, help those women which labored with me in the. Gospel, with Clement also and with others my fellow laborers whose mines are written in the book of life.- Phil. 4: 3. But ye are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the City of the living God, , he Heavenly Jerusalem, and unto an in-mmerable company of angels; to the gen-rat assembly and Church of the First- born which are written in Ileaven.- Heb. 12: 22, 23. He that overcometh, the same. hall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his nameout of the book f life.- Rev. 3: 5. And all that dwell on he earth shall worship him, ( the beast), whose names are not written in the book f life of the Lamb slain from the founda-ion of the world.--- Rev. 13: S. The beast that thou sawest was, and is lot; and shall ascend out of the bottom-ess pit, and go into perdition: and they - hat dwell on the earth shall wonde•, whose mines are not written in the book of life rem the foundation of the world, when hey behold the beast that was, and is not, nd yet is.- Rev. 17 : S. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened which is the book ( Mite, and the dead were judged out of • those . kings which were written in the books according; to their works.- Rev. 20 : 12. And there shall in no wise enter into it nything that deffleth, neither whatsoever vorketh abomination or maketh a lie; but hey which are written in the Lamb's book of life.- Rev. 21: 27. All that forsake lice shall be ashamed, and they that de-part from me shall be written in I lie earth, ecause they have forsaken the Lord,- the fountain of living waters.- Jer. 17 13. Praise the Lord it is enough to know hat our names are ' written in Heaven. Sallie Rogers. - Humboldt, Kan, WRITTEN IN HEAVEN. " And He shall semi His angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, anti they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, tram one end of I / el- W-en to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when hill branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, fie know that veneer is nigh. SO likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know mac it is near, even at the doors."- Matt: 24: 91- 99. Grand Junclion, Mick, July 1 887 . Yolunze 9. Nunzber P. porno, _ Dear Saints:- Praise God for sal ration! Hallelujah 10 I am sw eetly reigning in life by one Christ Jesus and the life I now live, I live by the: faith of the Son of God. Praise our God ! lam under the blood that cleanseth from all sin. _ Praise God! We have moved to La Grange Co., and have commenced Tiering on the enemy in the name of Jesus. ' Ile devils believe and tremble," and babylon shakes and realizes her undone condition. My God, show thy people the necessity of coming out ° flier, for her sins have reached to heaven 0 may God help all His ministers to stand on the straight line of holiness and preach the Word with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven. Glory be to Jesus! God will have none but a holy people. Your Bro. all the tord'S, sanctified and kept from compromising with Sects or sin of any kind. Jacob E. Williams. " THE Cllt EcIt OF GOD;' " THE ONE BODY." -: 0:- e love Thy Chinch OGod." The Church at belongs to God, hence is God's peo-pe There are only two classes of people in the world, children of God, and children ofthe dun: God is the Father of His children, the devil is the father of his chil-dren. Jesus says, I sm-• an that which I bane seen with My Father, and ye do that ahich ye have seen with your father- Se Sohn 8: 3S. " Ye do the deeds of your fa-then "- Ver. 41. " Jesus said unto them If God were your Father, ye would love inc."- Verse 42. " Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. 44th verse. - God's Church has but one Read, and the Head is Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord ! there is no room, nor aeed of any more heads, especially of men. " Arid gave Him to lie the Head over all - thiags to the Church."- Eph. 1: 22. " And lie is the Head of the Body, the Church." Ool. 1: 18. " Far the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the Head of the Church."- Edh. 5: 23. As the control-big power of man is in the head, and the different members of the body act at the commands of the dictates of the head, even so, we, " The Churclathe Body of Christ" act, and work at the command, and obe-dience to Christ the Head of the Church. " For it is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do of His good pleas-ure."- Phil. 2: 13.-" Make Yon perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ."- Heb. 13: 21. Praise God! He works in those who are " As clay in the hands of the potter," who can say in deed and. in truth, " Thy will be done." God compares His Churc to a body, and you know that alluman body is a per-fectly organized structure every bone has its proper place in the body, every muscle, every joint, every nerve: in fact every thing - about it works in its proper place, all work in perfect harmony, and no part is lacking. Now ever y person that is born of God And after these things I say; anoth er angel come down from heaven, haying great power: and the earth n'as lightened with Ids glory. Awl he cried mightily with a Etrong TOiee, sa7, ung, nabylcm the great is fallemis foaf lilleeny. i lasn, adn ldA btheceo hmoel dt hoef hevaebri: t aMtiMon. spirit, and ft c.: IgC OE every titielean oathnedr v ohicae. t ferofmu hl eLavienn, t s. a yhienagr, deo athne-out of her, my people, that ye be hot partakers of het sins and that ye re - oeiVe not of her Id agne ey. ls: 1- 1 . When a person gets saved he passes throu gh the wall ( Christ) into God's Church, and no man can steep him out. Glory to Jesus! And every - unsaved person is outside the wall hence not in God'sChurch, Then God's people have no walls bete- en one- an-other, but the wall is between the Church and the world. " We have a strong City salvation will God ap-point for walls and bulwarks, open ye the gates that the righteous nation which keepeth the troth, may enter in."- Isaiah 20 : I, 2. Bless God! the ri ght-eous, and those that keep the truth, are in the strong City, God's Church. " But thou shalt call thy walls salvation, and thy gates praise."- Isa. 60: 18. Bless God! the gates, or entrance is praise. Man stands in the door of his church, ( I) receives iu, and turns out his members, while Jesus is the Head, or door of His Church. " I am the door, ( Jesus) by me if any man enter in he shall be saved, ( inside the wall, salvation.) Jim. 19: 9, " I am- the good Shepherd and know my sheep, and am known of mine "- Yr. 14. " I am the true Vine, every branch in me that bear-eth not fruit, He ( not man) taketh away: And every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit."- John 1.5: 1, 2. " If a man abide not 10 me, ho is cast forth as a branch"- Vr. Ii. So we see God's way is quite different from sect ways. " For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."- Isa. 55: 9. " Behold! I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it."- Rev. 3: S. Glory to Jesus! " the door is open. " Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the door I - will come in. to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."- Rev. 3: 20. Praise the Lord! Bishops, Popes, Priests, nor any one else can turn us out of the Church of God, but if we cease to bear fruit God turns us out, or " talt-eth away," but if ye keep my commandments,- ye shall abide in my love"- John 15: 10. I Ito not know of a single : sect in this community that I could join even if I wanted to, finless I should first backslide. They don't want the truth, and will-not allow it proclaimed, no not even Bible salvation. Truly Babylon is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul- spirit and a cage of every Unclean and hateful bird."-- Rev. 15: 2. We have proven by the word that God's Church is one, and only one: has but one head, ( Jesus) lint one body. That the so called ( sects-) are not " the church," but are " Harlots, Babylon". You do not believe in organization. You do not have any order, or way - A QUESTION. -: o:- HY do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing Ps. 2: 1. This question was asked more than 1000B. C. Looking through all this space of years, the Psalmist spake for Christ, or prophesied of Christ : - how the people should rise up against Christ, and his Saints. The Apostle refers to the same thing - in Acts 4: 25, 20- Who by the mouth of thy servant David last said, Wily did the hea-then rage, and. the people imagine vain things ? The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered togather a-gainst the Lord, and against his Christ. This was not only fulfilled at that time, bat extends down through all the history of the Church, even to the present time. How plain do we see these things mani-fest in the last days. The people imagine a vain thing and say, " 0 you can not live without, sin. You can not live without sin. You preach to plain. If you are sanctified, keep still about it: do not be so noisy. Do not say any thing about sects." Now all this is vain imagin-ation. Christ says, But every one that is perfect shall he as his master.- Luke 6: 40. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Fa-ther which is in heaven is perfect.- Matt. 5 : 4S. The Psalmist says, " 0 that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and his wonderful works to the children, of men." The heavenly host praised God saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill to meta- Luke, 2: 14. The disciples praised God with a loud voice, saying, Blessed be the ' King that cometh in the name of the Lord : peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.- Luke 19 : 38. I can hear by faithr, those - hypo-critical Pharisees from among the multi; tude, saying unto the Master, " Rebuke thy disciples, do not let them make so much noise. If they have salvation, let them keep still about it." Now we have men in Ibis day, that have the same spirit. Not Pharisees by name, but at heart : for we hear the same cry against the true Church, which is the body of Christ. They say, " Let us break up the meeting,'' or in the language of the Psalmist., " Let us break their bands asuder, and cast their cords Iron" us." 0 praise the Lord that saves me from the device . of wicked men. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh : the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak to them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.- Ps. 2: 4, 5. The Lord blesses me with His presence. I am saved and sanctified, ust now. Amen ! - Wickersliarn. A CAMP- MEETING. John Waterfall. ' Send us a new Subscriber. avy 13tIRDEN, RAN. Dear Brethren; in the love and fellow-ship of the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ, I greet, you. I came to Kansas two years ago to work for God. I have been preaching salvation full and free most of the time since, but practiced medicine nearly a year, but bad to quit that, for the Word's sake. There were no Wesleyans in this part of lian a but I, through dili-gence built two classes which were going along very nice. We were holding meet-ing at Zion in the latter part of the win-ter, whoa Bro. Hailer came in the country to hold meeting there. We thought we would hold on there and keen him out, for we had heard great things of him. But meeting would not go off right, so we closed, and he went in and tore things all to pieces, or rather straightened them up for God. I would not go to hear him, for I thought he was an imposter but as I was returning from nay appointment be-yond there, I stopped in to see Bro. and sister Reynolds, and lie was there. He opened up the truth so plain, I could not help but see it, but could not accept it. In two weeks I went to my appointinent and found one that I had much confidence in, captivated by the devil and gone. It hurt me so I did not know what to dca I called on Bro. Reynolds again to get some encouragements He simply opened the truth plainer, and I began to see more clearly, but could not give up, yet I came on my way home, and stopped with some brethren at another class, and a Quaker had been there and preached his doctrine, and the whole class was in confusion, which caused me to see the meanness of sect. isin, and came home deeply convicted that I should get out; but with the work on my hands it was hard to decide. 1 had a quarterly meeting, and sent for brother Hauer to come immediately, which he did alter a hard battle: the victory was on the Lord's side. Six sanctified, and saved from Babylon. Praise God! Six baptized, and three ordained as Elders of the Church of God. The work is in good shape, and goes on nicely. I am so glad for the light. We are pushing the work right along here, and intend to by the grace of God if we die by it. Some of my old class, Wesleyans are coining, -. I led one of them into the light last Sunday, and an M. E. I have enlist-ed to tear down the wicked city, babylon, for Jesus' sake. A grand work done at Winfield. The grounds were contested hotly, but the Lamb and His followers were victorious. Glory to God! Sixteen sanctified, a few converted, twenty- nine in all baptized, and seven healed of bodily afflictions. Hallelujah to Jesus! Sonic stubborn cases. Some cured of the tobacco habit. It is a hot place here for hypocrites. We have no compromise with the flesh or the devil. Glory be to God! Hallelujah! While at Winfield, I was called to. preach the funeral of May Chapman, a holy wo-man from Mo. She lived a holy, devoted life, visited from tent to tent. in the camp of men building the R. R., prayed and talked with the people, and several were saved through her labors, and sonic after she died. She died with triumphant vic-tory in her soul. I never seemed to real-ize the blending of earth and Heaven as on that occasion. The R. R. boys seem-ingly, could not show respect enough for her. Yours, sanctified by the Holy Ghost. G. R. Action. Grand Rapids, 0. To all the saints of God:- May the rich-est of God's grace rest upon you all is our prayer. We mean saint8 not professors. We are saved from all sin and the- works of the devil, We are free in Jesus, and members of the bod y, of Christ the Church of the first born, whose name are written ill heaven. We met with the dear saints at Weston on last Sabbath, and had a good time waiting on the Lord. The. Lord is o-pening up his word to us wonderfully. The, saints are in good working order at • Wes-ton. Praise the Lord for Ids pure Church! Amen! We have moved near Grand Rap-ids, 0. The Lord is blessing us. Praise his holy name, for his goodness to his Chil-dren. From your 3ro. and sister saved' and sanctified and under the blood. A. B., anti A. 8. Lea. is a " new creature," " born again," is en- of doin g thin gs. The Bible says, " Let eery thing grafted into the " True Vine" as a branch, - Jesus Himself being the Vine.- St John 15: 1, 2. Is " Added to the Church by Geal."- Acts 2: 47. Hence is a member of " The Body, the Church," the " One fold."- Jno. 10: 1( h. Jesus Christ being - the one Shepherd, and God the Father be-ing the Husbandman.- Jobe 15: 1. " For We are members of His Body, of His flesh mid of IIis bones."- Epp. 3 : 30. God's Church has but one Head, hence is not-, and cannot be but one. There is not a sect in the land that can even claim to be the Church of God, hence they all have a Iminan head, human rules, and of course the whole thing is human, made by men, and run by men, separate, and independent from the Head of God's Church. Hence as a body, they are not God's Church, nor even a pant of it. Joining a sect makes yon no more a member of the Church of the First- born than joining the Free Masons. God's Church then is one, and only one. " For as the body is one and bath many isemlars, ( not sects, or denominations), and all the menthers of that one Body be-ing many, are one body, so also is Christ." - 1 Cor. 12: 12. " For by One Spirit are we all baptized into One Body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether- we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit; for the body is not one member, but many, ( not sects, but in-dividual Christians, or branches) 13,- 14 verses. Sectarian bodies are many, good and bad in each, and the bad generally con light saved now. trot. it. Thus they are ruled by human rides : God's Church is ruled by God's Word. When a person belongin g to a sect (" Daughter of babylon") gets some ad-vanced light in Scripture lie bas to break the sect yoke, and come out, in order to - teach the same. Hence we find they are all' for that is the cause for all sects with the new ( to them) doctrine as a plank. Sects arefeneeda or boned together by coming. So they will prepare teams to human rules, and each one has different convey you to the ground. If . any ddeessiire rules • hence there is a wall between them information, writeto either orthose Bro's that cl- od did not put there, and they are named above. • 0! Glory be to God, we divided and. of course they are babylon anticipat e a heavenly time iii seeing. the , which means- conLsion, mixtu re , a mixture salvation of many noon souls. We invite of Christians, sinners, hypocrites,. back- all to come that desire to seek the Lord, sliders, infidels ac. God's Church has a or his fullness. Come with tents, for all wall, bat bless God, man did not put it that can, intend to tent on the grounds. there, the is - salvation. Bless God ! Samuel.- be done decently and in order." Well glory to Je-sus! The Church of God does things " decently and in order, and God's order at that. Praise his name! They have the mind of Christ that obey his Word. But members of bobylon talk slang, joke, trade on the Sabbath, resist the . truth, fight God's Word, hate- God's people, go to circuses, and in short, most ( don't mean all its members) all ' of them are of the world, and of course go hand in hand to gether; but God's people are not of this world. God says " If a man love Die, he will keep my Words." Well, praise God! God's people do believe in or-ganization. Glory to Jesus! God's Church is organ-ized by God Himself, and is the most perfectly organized structure in existence. Jesus says, " rpon this Rock I will build my. Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."- Matt. 10 : IS. No-tice, He says I will build My Church. The word build, means to put together, join, organize, - & c., as in building , a house. He says I, ( not man) will build, hence it is built, or organized by Jesus Christ • the Head. " But now bath God set the members every one of them in the Body as it huh pleased Him"- 1 Coy. 12: 18. " And God bath set some in the Church; first Apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers; after that miracles, then gifts of healing, Help_, governments, diversities of ton gues."- 1 - Coy. 12.25. The idea. of man setting a person in the Church, and giving him the gifts of healing, or miracles- is impossible. But you see babylon is not this well or-ganized, for they have no tse for these gifts. " From whom ( Jesus) the whole Body fitly framed to gether, and t- ompacted."- Eph. 4: 16. " mat their hearts might be comforted, being knit togeth-er in love."- Phil. 2: 2. " Endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." " Christ gave Himself for the Church, that He might sanctify and cleanse. it with the washing of _ water by the Word. That Ile might present it to Himself it glo rious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or tiny such thing."- Eph . : 26. Praise God! I am a member of God's glorious Church, was added to, or born into it, ( born again) afterward sanctified, and am now ' walking in the J. B. Slagle. - Humboldt, Kansas. BAY MILLS, Mien JUNE 30th, ' 87. Dual BarrimEN:-. 1 have been led of the Spirit to go among the Indians 14 miles above Sault de St Marie. Thedear Lord; in answer to the prayer of faith, has sent His Holy Spirit in power, and convicted, and wonderlidly converted a : goodly num-ber of Indians at the Reservation, also some of the white people at Bay Mills, 12 miles above Sault de St Marie Falls. The Glorious work still goes on, the Indians are rapidly preparing for an unsectarian Camp-meeting, to beginJuly 12th, 15 miles above Sault de StMarie, Miciao continue from one imanasammszaramseamama! amaamEsaaamiam to four weeks. Tile news of the work of the Holy Ghost among these Indians and the BEAVER DAM CAMP _ AIEETINa. white people here is fast spreading. Can I wish to say to all Who contemplate you send any- one . filled. with faith and the to the Beaver Dam Camp Meet - Hol y Ghost, to the help of the Lord against coining ting: It would be well first to inform- the mighty? If God moves - you, please Bro's David Leininger Beaver Dam, Ind.; send help. Please see that the - Camp-or John U. Bryant Rochester, Ind. before meeting is published among your bands, and your dear people generally. Please send a few of your papers many of the Indians have learned to read English. Yours in the Lord. Boats run from Sault de St Marie Falls, to the Camp- ground. NEWS FROM THE FIELD, AND OBITUARY. -: 0:- THE ZOSPEL TENET Our Address. A. SEMI- MONTHLY HOLINESS JOURNAL SONGS OP VICTORY. James. We are preying God to give us a great harvest of souls in this line of meet-ings, Amen ! DANIEL. Lydia Mabee O W Laskey F Jacobson- 3 A K Row J P Hamer Levi Prouty Paul Beezley Natalie Donnell • P Blakey Ii D Cole Samuel Ramsey J. 0 Courter, Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van BurenCo. Mich., as second class matter. TOFtt,, CRI7Rell TRACT, THIRD EDITION NOW READY. E have completed theThird Edition of Songs of Victory. The book contains 94 pages with notes, and 14 pages with familiar hymns, making in all 112 pages. We have improved and Corrected it, also put double impression on the covers, and the cloth covers are so bound that there will be no raw edges, and the lettering is expected to wear and retail' the color. Songs of Victory is esrecially adapted for Revival, Camp, Grove, and all other meetings, else for Sabbath school. All orders accoMpanied by cash, will be We expect to have Camp Meeting 10 miles North- of Winfield on Bro. Benjamin Al-dridge's place on the Waulnut river, 1 mile West of Akron, on the Santa Fe B. R. Commencing Sept. 3rd, directly after the illen6d6ontg11 Bro. Warner, and singers are expected there. Bro. Lacy will be there with his taberna-cle. Let all the saints come. Bring your tents and covered , Mons, and camp on the ground. Bro, McCull y of Chanute has Ordered a new tabernacle, which will be used at Camp Meeting. Let the saints come to Chat- tote C. M. Bring your tents and camp on the ground. Meeting com-mencing Aug. 19th, at the same place it was last, year, 94 miles South- east of town. on theNeoshoRiver. Your free Bro. saved. J. P. Mauer. _ • Miele Dear I? rethren:— I wish to tell you of the Lord's 1:• inderful dealings with me. He has saved me from all sin: I ant as free from sin as a babe. Ile has: eleansea ale from alcohol and tobacco, to which I was a slave. Though a member of the U. 13-. church, I never heard the Gospel plan of salvation until I heard Bro. Grover preach it. Praise trod, my eyes were opened to see the true light. I have [' red my-self from babylon, that den of hypocrites, Ole sect; the Alinister himself beirg a, tobacco user. Petoskey is a very wicked place, being blinded by its sect ministers, the M. l's. being as corrupt as Any of them. The only true sermon tlott. I ever heard, was by Bro. Grover. 0 that the world , tight know the wonderful dealings of the Lord with my soul since 1 left I he U. 13. sect, and gave up tobacco and whis. key. On Sunday last, ten member:: of those cold churches Went: out to spend the Sabbath boat ridin g on the Bay. The Lord caused a gale to arise and upset their boat: live of them being drowned. There F H Lewis A A Jonrden Perry Parker T J Boggs Jerome Case G T Clayton Geo E ' Bolds F P Smith W J Evans Win T Turner R W. Lyman Eward Ell Alfred Swartz. ' CHRIST IS THE BODY THE CHURCH.' A tract containing scriptural proofs that Christ Himself is the Church, and the Church is Christ. It is doing a glorious work. Many write favorably of the light it is shedding. Or-ders are increasing; send on your orders. sanctified wholly throu gh the all- cleansing .5 cents. blood of the Lamb. $ 0.50. $ 1.75. UNIONTOWN, MARYLAND. I ask all the saints to pray for the heal-ing of all my bodily afflictions. In faith we put our trust in Him who is able to heal the sick and. raise the dead. Mary A. Creager. CmPPAWA, ONT. illy Dear Brethren :— As I am greatly al: acted of late in body with Despepsia, Neuralgy in the head, Rheumatism, Kid-ney difficulties, and a general prostration of whole nervous system. Believing that, the Lord. does hear and answer prayer for both soul and body, I would earnestly re quest the prayers of the brethren in my behalf that I may be healed, so that I may be more useful as a missionary for Jesus. From your Bro. in the Lord. ' Thomas McOlive. ALLEGHENY PA. Dear Brethren:— Glory be to God ! I am now impressed by the Holy Spirit to ask all the saints to pray for the perfect healing of my eyes. Your Bro. saved and Let all the saints of Goa pray for the healing of Bro. J. L. Hammer of Harper Mo. of bodily afflictions. May God give good health that he may go forth to pub-lish salvation, o: FINITE, RADICAL A_ NTx.- sEoTA. Eta- ."- N. Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ For the Purity and. Tjr‘ ity of His Church, the _ De-fence of ALL His ' Truth, And the Destruction of Sect Bab-ylon. rtniii$ 1111) 024111) 111711CTIO11, liZOIT 4111 ■ D. S. WARNER,-- Editor, E. E. BYRUM - and 8. M/ CHELS,-- Publishere. TERMS, $ 1.00 PEE YEAR IN ADVANCE All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the GOSPEL TntatYrr, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. Remittances should be sent by Registered Letter, or Express Order, through the American, or the United States Express Co. Small amounts may IT sent in Two Cent Stamps. We will not be responsibly ft r money - unless sent by Registered letter or Express OrdEr, to GOSPEL TRUMPET. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPIT. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. M` Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts. ;!; 1 aff- IS YOUR TIME OUT? al The cross marked with a pencil op-posite this item, means that your paid subcription is out. When thus marked please renew at once, or, if the Trumpet is not desired longer, notify us to stop it. Ire must be notified by letter and the amount due us as back pay must be sent to US, when a subscriber , wishes their paper disco 2i tinned. A. riy one who does not receive their paper, should notify itts at once, and it will receive prompt attention. j2c7dress, Grand iu, notion Kioh. Price One dozen copies Fifty copies TM SABBATH TIMM THE SABBATH, —: OR:- 71/ 771 - CH Dal Y TO KEEP. B IB LE Proqfs that the change : from the seventh, to the first day of the week, 9thl 8 made by the Lord Rinser f. This tract contains 04 pages the price reduced to only 10 cts. Per dozen * 1.00. Gott has enabled ns to set forth the subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture. So every reader of the TRume- ET can glorify God in sending your orders fore this Tract. This will also be . a good fi-nancial help to spread ether matter for the Lord. ird'NO TICE. As yet this place has not procured the privilege of a money order office. Please remit money by registered letter, or by express draft, through the American, or the . United States E&- press Co., Or small quantities in stamps. Address all bueiness letters to the GOSPEL TanareET. BIBLE PROOFS. A supply of this most exeellent work on the subject of entire sanctification is now on hand at the • Taumeser OsfreE. Send va ii r orders. . Good clothbo und, 493 pages. Price $ 1.25 by mail. A few loindred volumes only reinain, a debt also - remains upon us for their publi-cation, front which we are praying the Lard in much earnestness to relieve our heart. Since. our reference to this in our New Year's Greeting, one dear brother has kindly sent us $ 5.00, on the same, May Gild. move many others to se el fur the book, end liel'r otherwise, as the Lord may direct.: n ten ! filled, from sing e copy npward . Price, single copSe llanilia cover, 30cts. Cloth limp cover, 50 cts. Per dozen Ma-nilla cover, $ 3.00. Cloth, $ 1.80. Parties may order not less than one half dozen at the same rates as per dozen. Address all orders to the GOSPEL TRL'Air- ET OFFICE, Grand Mich. -• ■ ■ ••• ■ our Camp aid 01070 Uoting Lida —: o::— — INDIANA CAMP MEETING. There will be a Camp Meeting at, or near Beaver Dam Ind.; commencing Aug. 4, to continue till Aug. II, Let all tent oat the ground that possibly cab. JERRY CITY CAMP MEETING. The Lord willing there will be a Camp Meeting near Jerry City Ohio, on Bro. Cans' farm, commencing August 25, to continue 10 days. Parties are requested to tent on the ground, and come provided with equipments I. Vc. GROVE MEETING IN IND. The Lord willing Bro. S. L. Speck-, and others will hold a Grove meeting on Bro. Win. Bragg's place, near Sweetser, Grant Co. Ind., August 1S- 23. Come and feast with the happy saints in those parts. Amen! GROVE AlEriTING AT WESTON O. Brethren at Westen, Wood Co. O., request a. grove meeting to begin September Sth. I think we may place it in the list, t rusting there will be no trouble to get a few of the Lord's fire baptized preachers to hold the meeting. Perhaps Bro's Speck and Kil-patrick, with the preachers in that Colin-try, will go over after the Jerry City Camp Meeting. GROVE MEETING, MELROSE, 0. The Lord willing there will be a Grove Meeting a few miles south of Melrose Paulding County Ohio, begining July, 2Stle , Bro's Kilpatrick, Samuel Speck, W. II. Miller, and perhaps ethers are expected. All borers of Jesus are in-vited. Address William Smith, Melrose, 0. Our , ourtteyinto Ana Meetings, a fall it was'. I had no enjoyment with the saints, neither in the world. 0 what mis-ery! It seemed that hell was about ready to swallow me up, but blessed be the name of the Lord, when Bro. A. J. Kilpatrick was here about two weeks ago, the Lord in His mercy showed me my condition, and I came back to Him again. I e eifessed to the Lord that the fault was all my own, and begged Ithn to forgive Hie again. And Glory to God, it wag done! He forgave me, and placed Ine in the Church again as it pleased Him. I then presented myself a living sacrifice, and the holy fire cal n e (- 1OWE upon ny•., and pene: rat cif N'• rr veinS. God let the flo dates rf Heaven open, and tlre F led of Ht as.- en : blue into my• Eliza A. Ellsworth. Darien-, On. Dore Breth )' en :— To day I stand in th- e-liberty wherewith Christ hos made us tree. I Eve, nevertheless not I, but Christ lives in me. And the life- that I neW I live by t he faith ot'Ih o SOII Of GOel. He toyed me, and gave Ilitwelf thr and every one that hath thie hope in Our addi ess until fuither notice is as follows. D. S. WARNER, = GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. SEBASTIAN MICHELS, SOUTH HASTEN, MICH. C. Fisher and Win. N. Smith request all desiring to correspond with them to address them at Grand Junction Mich. and mark all letters private. REQUESTS FOR PRAYERS. soul. The Temopet is tied soul; know it is of God, and I late to read it, and the testimonies of the. dear stmts. Your Bro., saved, sanctified, turd on the tire line for Clod. Hallelujah ! II. M. Sisvo, ALBANY) ILL. DEAR BRETHREN:— Being afflicted with Bronchial: Catarrh for several years, and have also met with an accident, I am Fut= tering intensely by times. I fell and hurt, my limb just above the ankle, and the bone is badly- injured. My case is in the hands of the great Physician who has prom-ised to he- al all our diseases. I ask your prayers for my healing. Sister Annie Bradley requests the pray-ers of the Trumpet family for the healing of her bodily afflictions. She has a sore en her face which first made its appear-ance about seven years ago, and is slowly enlarging. She also has been afflicted for years with rheumatism which has rendered her almost, Tillable to perform her house-hold duties. Nancy Byers. Pray for Mable 0. Gaugler, Berien Springs Mich., for her healing of Spinal complaint. She has been a long sufferer, and has many running sores She has given her heart to God and takes Inn for her Physic" an. SYLVIA, KAN. We ask the prayers of all the holy peo-ple for my dear mother that she may re-ceive her sight and be fully restored to health. Your sister saved by the blood of the Lamb. Florence Melville. Pray for sister Garter, Fallon Ont., who has been afflicted with catarrh for several years. NOTICE. All persons writing their testimony of healing must sign their name and Post Office address plainly if they wish it pub-lished. DANIEL. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED FOR. — 0— Onarga, ILL. JULY 12. Grove Meeting at llayesville, Keokuk Co., IOWA. JULY 14- 17. Meeting at Paithyra, Mo. Julx 19- 24, THE WESTERN CAMPAIGN. A CAMP MEETING has been arranged for- near St James Mo. about 100 Miles west' of St Louis, on the St, L. and SanFrancisco R. R., to begin Ju-ly 2i. hopee brethren will proeure rates on thnt road. Oar next point will be CARTILAGE Mo,, where Bro. Cole has arranged for a meet-ing Aug. 11- 1S. It will probably be held in a glove. Next. CAMP MEETING AT., CnANurE, KAN., Bro's Hailer, Orr, and others have ar-ranged for a Camp meeting at that place. The tune we tome, is Aug. 19. We hope that the saints generally; and all the min-isters that possibly can will Meet us at those general meetings, The Lord willing we are crening and our little company, all tilled with the Holy Spirit, and power, and Heavenly- song. We hope to meet the be- ', loved Myers families front north Mo. at St OBITITARY* GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. Our Nephew, dear Bro. George Hoard, departed this life, June 30th, 1SS7. He resided at Lake Station, Medina Co. Ohio, at the time of his death. He was born in Montville 0., May Sth 1854. Aged 33 years 1 month, 22 days. He leaves a wife and one child, with many other friends. I vis-ited hint at his home a few weeks before his death, found hint filled with glory un-speakable, rejoicing to know that his time of departure was near at hand, shouting, and praising God nearly all the time. Our dear brother, Ezra Smith, states in his letter that he arrived at dear brother Hoard's about 15 minutes before his death. He could not talk, but reached out his hand and shook hands, with a heavenly smile upon his face. A few hours before his death, he told his wile not to have his remains taken into the " U. B. meeting house, made choice of the preacher, and requested that the sermon be short, and to the point. Praise God for the assurance that we are all one family, both in Heav-en and in earth. Though separate in hotly, yet one in spirit. Let the last few months of his life be our example,— constantly working for God, for he put in his time preaching the Kingdom of Christ to all that came to see him. Dear George, we writ remember, The last hour together spent: The joy that tilled our bosom, The glory Je:,: us sent. We bulls were then in II ' aven, And liearen in us both; I mean the Heavenly slae, Filled with the Holy Ghost. ' e, still on earth remain. While you have gore to rest, We dwell among the fluvial, And you amour the Nest. You bale me rreae71 the Word, Warning sinners far and near To turn unto the Lord, Be sure and make them hear. Obedient to thy calling, I, Lord, Thy Gospel preach; * To save poor souls from falling, That some may Heaven reach. The wife, the little son, May God forever keep: While husband kind, and father Has only dropped to sleep. 0 now prepare to meet him, Give all you are to God; A holy, living temple, Withredeemin lov•. \ y in. N. Stub!). .404, sast.-- MELRosr, O. bas been but one a I heir bodies found. Where must ( heir : Jails lie? A funeral sermon was preached. told the minister stated that he had no doubt lint the live who met with a watery grave were all saved, and now in glory. Dear brethren I do rojaico to be united with you in the bonds of biro. Since my sanctification ha W the good Lord does bless my eoul. Formerly I made my liviug, by selling small articles in t he conatry, and many times telling what was not true, in order to make money. I will to make known to the world that l have given up ail this f: ir Christ, and have volumene etl to make my livin g honestly. I esk the prayers of all the saints, that I may— be steadfast, immovable, always ainainding in Christ. Your Bro, \ Nei: shot cleansed, and fully sanctified. ' Wart shit • • Brushy Prairie, Lagrange Co., INDIANA. JITNE 24- 20. To 111 the s: Abo tt f‘ tt: r years ago Willow Chap el, Jay 00. , IND7 , JuNE 25-- 30 tl. e Lor I con y ed me of my t'list I . t to the Lord, and he - forgave me. Then New Pittsburg, Randolph Co., INDIANA. in about three moptits I presented my body JULY 6- 10. and all I had to Jesus, and lie sanctified inc. Praise the Lord ! I lived up to all - the light I had far about four years. 0 what joy Iliad serveig the Lord. Praise God for th: tt I had in my soul. Then afte' I had lived fur so long, the dev-il got me to looking at sonic that I thought were not walking straight, and any eyes got ter in my soul, but at t jt, time I used: S. off of Jesus, and I fell from grace, 0 what tobacco, and was fond at Ida of this world, and did not give them then but bless, God , the y are all ono) now: and I have 110110 of the dev. l's traps about. me. I am nil given up to the Lord-, soul, body and spirit, szonditied wholly to. God. Pray for me, that- I may hold dot faithful to the end. Pram your Sister the Lord. Amen I thev• T, Mon. Deit y' Brethren: --- f feel impressed t morning to write a few lines. May Go bless all the dear smuts every- where ': 4 prayer. I feel this morning that, ( bid saves : me, even me, for Jesus' sake; for I feel that, hov e in my heart which the world can not give, 11, i, 11. take away. Praise the Lord forever and ever! 0 how I do love the saints of God, and love to read their testi-monies in the Tausneer. It. hati been only about two years since I heard anything about the saints. At that time Mrs. Cog-gon was preaching here, and Bro. Shelly came and preached once, but I did: not take much interest in them at that time. Then I went North. After I was gone Bro. Wm. Smith came here to hold meeting. God blesaetl him, and my daughter was: healed, soul and hotly. Praise the Lerdi she wrote and told me the good news. I wrote back to her tied I was glad to hear it, and wished her to tell an the saints to pray for me, that I mighl are healed soul and body. Bro. Smith sent a letter telling me tLat he had been informed of my re-, quest, and such a day, anti such au hour,- they would all nray for me, and it* I had any idols 10 give them all up, anti make a a message 110111 full consecration. ` Thatlet ter seemed like IIeavett. 1 said, '.- There is 50111e one that cares for my soul. 011I cannot- t ell you how many tears I shed over that letter. 1Velt the thsy, and hour ar-rived that they were to pray for my salva-tion and healing. I spent the horrid prayer, but was nal healed: I did feel heV: i. soul. 0 11, nw ti e ps: Cs_ a3 end shouts went up to Go I! 0 do it b • e hren, faithful, purifies himself even ne lk is puro. NY. do not take pe' e: es all' esus. Praise beloved of Lord brethern, let this work of thq 0,,( 1 for the t is &,. inint. 4. nn aalwlwaayyss abound in your mortal lieSlf, r Titionzia's DANIEL. —: 0:— There will be a Grove meeting of the saints of God, the Lord - to com-mence July 27th, on the farm of Brother C. B. Butler, six miles East and North of Hainilton, Allegan Co., Miele A. B. Palmer. ' 41s 1 I am abiding in Rim and He Praise God for salvation ! I have el'edd lla at the door, and have gone on : Allt° the pasture, where I can eat the ' 14 ° 01Se and drink the livin g writer ail' the fountain. Praise God - forever ' Ter, Amen 1 Enoch G. ' Wickersham. Glory to Jesus'. en lie. Aed the glor y which Thou tile I have given them that. thes-e one, even as we are one : 1 in them, nou in Me, that they may be 1I1 ade ' 11 s one.— John 17 : 21- 23• Praise rird; we are no longer members of ‘ Idlilon; but, we are members of t'sbody, of - His flesh, and of His bones. 30. We have come to God ' nee find consolation Who has grant-to be like- minded one toward anotio ' 4( 11 11g to Christ Jesus : that we may ' metaled and one mouth glorify God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 1: 5. a rally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, good comfort, b' of edo s - tin live ! ace and the God of love and peace with you. Salute one another a holy kiss.- 2 Cor. 13 : 11, 12. I se God that I have been engrafted in-li1 vine, from which all the members es OF GOD'S HOLY CHURCH. -- o0:- ,070, to keep the unity of the ' the bond of peace. There is nit. Spirit, . even as ye are call- . elop e of your oiling; one Lord,. oe, oZpli. 4: 3,- 5. There is not 515ed bodies with as many faiths; rist's Church there is one organ-y Doe faith and one Spirit, the est which is the great organizer • tiljer. Stand fast in one Spirit striving togather for the t he gospel.— Pliil. 1: 27. What rifts it in which we must stand ' s the Spirit of Christ. Ye are Dirit, if so be that - the Spirit of eel you. Now if any man have Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. s: s. When the great Spirit gets 3e, it gives him a work to do, Ts him his calling. 0 praise the God's Holy Spirit that worketh d gives us our gifts " Dividing to nil severally as He will. For as is one, and hath many members, the members of that one body, be-y, are one body : so also in Christ. one Spirit are we all baptized into * whether we be Jew or t3ontsje, grebe bond or free: and have Ode to drink into one Spirit.— 2: 11- 13. What one mind is it in Must stand fast ? It is the Christ. We have the mind of 10or. 2: 16. Let this mind be hick was also in Christ Jesus. e5. Set your atTections" on things Monday morning, July the 4th, Bro. J. U. on things on the earth.— Col. 3: Bryant and myself left Beaver Dam for ill ye my joy, that ye be like mind-as the same love, being or one ac-ute mind—.— PPhhiil. l. 2: 2, & rent members of the different not of one body, nor or one Mind, Spirit; but each sect is a separate hotly with its owii members, sect spirit. They are not or one it each sect has a different belief, sect exacts of its members a prom-o up to its own separate creed or . I beseech you brethren, by the Of our Lord Jesus Christ, that rate the same thing, and that there eons among you : but that ye be y yinsed together in the same nd in the same judgment.- 1 Cor. The members of God's Church are eel togather by love, " which_ is the Perfectness." There is neither Jew there is neither male or female: re all one in Christ Jesus.— Gal. 3: ey obey the command which says: ii Of one mind, having compassion another; love as brethren, be pitiful, Items.- 1 Pet. 3 : S. the same mind one toward anoth-des 12: 16. Praise the Lord I t is " gathering together ill one the tof God that were scattered a- - John 11: 52. While the apostles reselling, those that believed were ■ 1'; And the multitude of them that ad were of one heart and soul.— Acts. Chtik4 says There shall be fold, shepherd.— John 10 : 16. And a-prayeth That they ell may be sThou Father, art in Me, and I in that they also may be one in us : he world may- believe that Thou their substance, aed all have the 111114 and the same Spirit. - Glory tion, that keeps me from all-. sill. I fee le 1: fire hurtlin g in my soul, and through my veins. Row it cheers and comforts my poor soul: and how I love this way. 1 do praise God for this cleans-ing power that cleanse, th both soul and body. I do feel that I am saved, sanctifi-ed, amine keeps me by His mighty power. not praise Him that caused them to gnaw their ngs. BRETursEue Your sister, saved blood of and J kept meeting held on Sunday in Mr. Hoover's Grove near Grant Station; and as Brothel glory to God! May God bless you all, Bear was not permitted to be there, being and prosper the glorious called away to preach a funeral sermon, the keep it pure for God, is theT RsiUnMcPeEreT , a anndd good Lord selected me to talk to the people earnest prayer of your saved Bro. both in forenoon and afternoon. A wonder- The infant child, of Bro. and sistenHen-ful interest was manifested among the peo- 1. y, near Six Points, died June 21st., 1887; plod. The kind- hearted, both among the aged 5mo., 6clays. The Lord in his wisdom saved and unsaved that are disgusted with and goodness, saw lit ro remove the little splended Grove to hold meeting in. God bless their kind hearts and.' save them fr' ° o€ m- tboe t aal eel irgehatl imn st hoef wetienrdnoawl bolfi shse. a0vem na, yfo irt all their sins for Jesus' sake. We had meeting the next Sunday. Bro. mthoousren oifts t haeb sfcaemniclye,. who are left behind to Bear was there and a goodly number of the saints to tell what the Lord had done' Philip Spaceky. for them. The dear Lord did help MS —: 0 ministers to pour out the " Hail and fire Six POINTS" 0. mingled with blood," on the beast and his DEM?, tongues for pain. 0 hallelujah to God ! cleanses me from all sin just now, and sane-ton tifies me wholly, and keeps me• every day How good and ho blessed a child of God walking in the light of God. Tilee wwaay feels when the Word of God turns the world grows brighter mid brighter. Praise the upside down and he stands perfectly trail_ Lord From your sari ed brother. quil without feeling the least bit condemned C. Aumaugher. in his heart. -: o:— The last Sabbath we were with the saints Walkerton, Ind. of God at Beaver Darn we had meeting in Glory to Jesus! T his morning finds Bro. Win. Ballenger's Grove: the Lord me saved, sanctified, and kept by the was with us in power and glory and filled mig hty power of God. Glory to God for all our hearts with joy in the Holy Ghost. the joy, peace, and love I feel in my soul. Glory to our God for a salvation that fa-deth not away, but it grows brighter' every day. Hallelujah I have that well of living water that is springing up within my soul. Glory to God ! I drink of it freely. I have washed my robes in the blood of the Lamb. I have on the whole armor of God, and I will rush to the battle wher- ever he leads. E. S. Matteson. Ind., to assist deae Bro. Frenk. Bear in a home with the saints from Beaver Dam the dead rel i gion in babylon, prepared a one away from this world of wickedness, New Pittsburg to help the saints praise the Lord. We drove thi'ough with horse and buggy in two days, the distance was about 120 miles. The first night we stopped with Bro. and sister Bragg; and the next clay about six o'clock P. we reached our destination at dear Bro. and sister Grow's whom we found sweetly saved in the Lord, with there hearts full of love and praises to God. Well, glory be to God, we are here with the saints and enjoying their fellow-ship in the Spirit, and the blessed meeting conducted by the Spirit of God. After the meeting here we return to Beaver Dam Ind., and from there we expect to be at the Grove raeeting ill Paulding Co. 0., July 28, as the Lord has shown us that He would be better pleased with its to remain in these parts and help the brethren in the work of the Lord, holding Camp and Grove meet-ings, than going west with Bro. Warner and his deer company this time. But I trust the Lord will bless us with the privi-lege of going forth with them e're long. I expect to be at the Beaver Dam Camp-meeting Aug. 4th. Then the Lord willing, go to Sweetser, Grant Co. Ind. to a meet-jag in Bro. Bragg's Grove, beginning Aug. the 18th. From there we go to the Jerry City Camp- meetin g, commencing Aug. 25. Also we will meet the dear saints of the Living God at Weston Ohio, Sept. 8th. I would long to hear from the dear brethren at those places. Send all mail to Beaver Dam Ind. tilt further notice. Your Bro. in the Body of Christ, sanc-tified by the blood and the Spirit, and full of the fire. IIVIS nag TEZ enough for what IIe has ( lone for me. — 0-- am standin g firm on that solid Rock which is Christ Jesus, ready to do God's will in (. 71 BOUT the close of the Bangor Camp by the power of God. meeting we felt i mpressed to return Mary H. Cobb. -: 0:- Kende11, Mich. Blessed be the God and Faqier of our Lord Jesus Christ, who bath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ : According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we - should be holy and without blame before him in love. To the praise of the glory of his grace, where- in be hath made us accepted in the beloved': In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.— Eph. 1: 3, - 1, 6, 7 But if we walk in the, light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another,. and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son; cleanseth us from all sin.- 1 John 1; 7. And he that keepetli His commandments dwelleth in Him, and He in him. And hereby we know that He abideth in us, by the Spirit which He hath given us. 1 Jobe 3: 24. And this is the promise that Ile bath promised us, even eternal lite. 0 I do praise God for this full and free salve- NEN PITTSI; URG IND. JULY 7. all the S. L. SPECK. — xi:— Hamilton, Mich. Dear Saints :— My teStimeny is; I am saved by the blood of Jesus. Praise his holy name forever, more for the glory I feel in my soul. 0 I am so glad he ever called after me when he did. We have been having a glorious good meetnigehere. Praise the Lord ! It seems as if the Spirit of the Lord is prevailing among us here with mighty power. And we are all joy-ful in the Lord. Glory to Jesus ! I am saved from all sin. Your sister in Christ. Chettie A. Kimber. Dear Saints:- - I inn happy in Jesus; and striving to press my way onward and up-ward, to meet you in heaven. Pray for rue. Your little sister in Christ. Mattie Kimberh —: 0:— BENWOOD, DEAR BRETILREN:— May God bless you all. I do praise God that lie saves and sanctifies my soul. I am free from the yoke of sect bondage, and have taken the Bible for my guide in all things. I praise God for this blessed holy rest. We are only three in number, and we do need an Evangelist here to hold up the true light. I came to this place the first of April, and as soon as we could get a convenient place to hold meetings in, we commenced hold-ing non- sectarian meetings. I am not led to sect meetings very often, but when I do go I have to give in my testimony against the sin and confusion_ of so many divisions in Christ's Body, and 0! how it ekes dis-turb the sectarians to have God's Holy- - Word react to them. The time has come when" They will not endure sound doctrine, but haven itching ears will heap to them-selves teachers after their own lusts, and will turn away from the - truth, and turn aside unto fahles."- 2 Tini. 4: 3, 4. 0 how I do pity, and pray for the poor deceived people that follow the teachings of false apostles. " For such are false apos-tles, deceitful workers, transforming them-selves lido the apostles of Chriat. And no wonder: for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thin g if his ministers be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, Whose end shall he according to their works. Will some dear saint please inform me through the G OSPET TnimtrET, if they have received light concerning sect Sabbath Schools, if any who have renounced sects, if it would be right to go in and teach from lesson leaves. I believe it wrong. If any of God's free saints live near Bellwood, please make their presence known. Your sister in Christ, saved, sanctified and pre pared unto every good work. Nellie F. Lewis, Six POINTS, O. I praise God for his saving power. 0 Ans,— This parable of the Savior is quite difficult to understand. The principal dif- ( lenity is in verses 8, 9. The steward act-ually cheated his master, and then the muter commended him for it. Observe, he only commended his wisdom, not his honesty, or rather dishonesty. This stew-ard was a weakly man, and his employ-ment was a good position, and when his master found out that he was betraying his trust, lie wondered what he would do if dismissed from his service but he found that the man, anticipating the loss of his position, because of what he had doiie, had been smart enough to secure a home with his creditors by the practice of still more dishonesty: Going wholly over to the creditors, when likely to lose his master's favor, he was wiser than the professed children of light, who seek to hold on to God and mammon both at the same time. But the 9th verse is still harder to under-stand. We will give you sonic other ren-derings. " The master commended the prudence of the unjust steward; for the children of this world are more prudent in conducting their affairs than the children of . light. Therefore I say unto you, With the deceit-ful mammon procure to yourselves friends, who, after your discharge, may receive you into the eternal mansions.— Verses 8, 9, George Campbell's translation. The following notes of Campbell are very good. " Commended the prudence of the unjust steward. Properly, his mas-ter commended neither the action, nor the actor, but solely the provident care about his future interest, which the action dis-played: a care worthy the imitation of hose who have in view a nobler futurity, eternal life." " With the deceitful mammon."— Com-non Version--" Mammon of unrighteous-ness." The epithet, unrighteousness, here applied to mammon, or riches, does not imply, acquired by injustice, or any undue means, but in this application it denotes false riches, that is, deceitful, not to he relied upon. What puts this beyond a question is, that in verseill, it is contrast-ed with Heavenly riches. " Aral I say unto you, Make to your-selves friends by means of ' the mammon of unrighteousness, that when it shall fail they may receive you into the eternal tabernacles."--- Yr. 9. New Revision. " And I say unto you, Make for your-selves friends with the deceitful wealth. that, when it fails, they may receive you into aeonimi,— etere al— mansions."- Em-phatic Diaglott. The real idea in the above. verse has been hidden from the mind by the idea, flrstikhat " Mammon of unrighteousness," meant ill- gotten gains. Second, that this mammon is the thing we are to make our friend. But the above phraze means un-certain, or temporary riches, and it is not to be sought, and trusted in as a friend, but to be used as a means of securing the needed friends. " Make to yourselves friends of the mammon," etc. The prepo-sition " of," is from " ek,"-- i. e., from, or out of. That is, use the deceitful and tem-porary riches as a means to secure a friend who will receive you into the everlasting habitations. The definite article " the," which is in the Greek texts the direct from the Greek in the limphatic, George Campbell, New Revision and others, show that certain, particular habitations were spoken of, nudely, Heaven's mansions. That this mammon is not the thing to seek as a friend, but a means used to secure the needecTfriend is very clearly brought out by both Geo. Campbell, and the Emphat-ic Diaglolt. " With the deceitful maul-mon„ procure to yourselves friends, who, after your discharge, may receive you into everlasting mansions." " And I say unto you, Make for your-selves friends with the deceitful wealth," etc. Earthly wealth is deceitful, because often it takes sudden wings, and flees away. Again, because so often it become § a snare to the soul. The figure is simply this. The steward was entrusted with the handling of his master's goods. He so used it as a means that when discharged, he was taken into a certain dwelling place. We also are stewards over whatever earthly possess-ions come into our hands, we should so use it, that when discharged from these re- Sponsibilities by the close of this life we will have a " Building of God, a house not made with hand's, eternal in the Heavens*" tr THE MAMMON OF IWRIGETEOUSNESS. ---: o:--- EAR Bro. Warner, please give us light on Lake 16: 1- 13. Your brother. R. P. Gooding. This is made still plainer by verses 10, 11, 12. Ile that is faithful in that which s least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own ?--- Luke 16 10, 11, 12. " The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof." So all that men call their prop-erty in this world, really belongs to God, and not to us. But we are to use it, as stewards of God. And if we use it alone to His glory, God will give us a rich - re-ward for our faithful stewardship. That reward will be ours. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the use of the perishing riches, which is God's, who shall give you the true rich-es, which is the reward of Heaven. " No servant can serve two masters : for either he will hate the one, and love the other or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all- these things and they derided Him."--- Luke 16: 13, 14. Verse 13 shows clearly that we are not to serve mammon, not to seek it as an end, nor trust in it as a friend, but use it only as a mearis of serving God, to whom it all belongs. - Verses 13, 14, show us that this whole lesson Ives designed to rebuke covetous-ness, and not to pamper and encourage the same. In the close of the preceding - chapter we have the elder son rebuked for his grumbling at the father for having killed the fatted calf on the occasion of the return of the prodigal. That, showed that he cared more for- the fatted calf than he did for the salvation of his lost brother. God pity such sordid, idolatrous hearts, there are plenty oh them to- day that walk about in a stolen garb of religion. The parable then teaches that you should use the property over which God has made you a steward, as a means of making God your friend, that when your get your dis-charge from - this probationary state, Be may receive you into His everlasting hab-itation. " Jod ' avail a cheerful giver." " But godliness with contentment, is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and rai-ment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruc-tion and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil : which While some coveted after, they have erred. from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, 0 man - of God, flee these things; and. - follou after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, pa-tience, meekness. Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the Living God, who giyeth us richly all things to enjoy That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to dis-tribute, willing to communicate. Laying up in store for themselves a good founda-tion against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.- 1 Timothy 6 : 6- 11, 17- 19. " To distribute willingly, to communi- / late," is laying up a store in Heaven, a good foundation, for a mansion and eter-nal life. That is the way to use your stewardship, that you may thereby make friends of the Triune God, and be received into everlasting habitations." " Ye cannot serve God and mammon." So all who love money, and seek riches as an end, are serving mammon, and not God. : o: There will be a Camp, or Grove meet-ing at Merrill Saginaw Co. Mich., com-mencing August 10- 21. Parties coining are requested to provide themselves with tents and provisoes if possidle. Any cute wino contemplates coming, and desire t a. be met at the train, please write to Bro. John Hare, Merrill, Mich. Merrill is on the Saginaw Valley, and St. Louis Railroad. Let the: saints rally for the rescue of per, Ishing souls, NZ t$ FROM TEE PI: St1), - 0- VICHY, MO. JUNE 17. In the name of King Jesus we bad a glo-rious Ordinance Meeting at Carthage; June 11th._ We met at brother James Pine's in the after- noon, after service pro-ceeded to Spring River, where 16 . were busied - with Christ, to baptism. Some said they Dever eaw tm this fashion be-fore. It was a grand, hallelujah time. The saints were filled with God's power, and praises. The Lent so wonderfully owned and blessed - His dear ones in the very act of obedience, and gave them such a wonderful answer from Heaven to a good conscience, and such a clear witness and manifestation of His Spirit, that each one knew for themselves that they were baptized in God's ender. Proving the truth that " He that: does his will shall know of the doctrine." They were so over- powered by the mighty presence of God, that the brethren had to assist in get-ting them to the shore. Each one could testify for themselves to the Spirit's wile ness to their baptism. Some who never obeyed God in this Divine order, said " It would never ( 10 to claim the Spirit's wits itess to the rid, of immersion, for that would do awa y with sprinkling and pouring as. . baptism, altogether." Well, Amen. God's Spirit guides in the way of all truth. All truth, means the truth of baptism as well as oilier truth. hence one good experi-ence, forever settles this debate with all who are baptized in God's order. 1Men fail to get a real knowledge of the truth by debate and theory; hut when they come to God and his terms in faithful Obedience. doing his will, they shall know of the doc-trine, whether it be in the ordinance of baptism, washing the saint's feet, the com-munion, or any other command of our Lord. Hallelujah! Jesus says " Lo I am with you Away." Praise God! He has not left us to figure ont these things alone and in the dark, but gives us his holy Spirit, with the promise " He shall guide you into all truth." Also " It is the Spirit, that beareth witnees, because the Spirit is truth." 1 John 5: 6. We returned from the river, praising God for the glory we found in obedience to his command in the ordinance of water baptism, to still enjoy his presence, in washing the saint's feet. God also wonderfully manifested His presence in this act of obedience. ' Also, some of the saints who had long desired this happy privilege now joined with us in washing feet and greeting with the ho-ly kiss, and know for themselves the truth of this doctrine also. " If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do t hem." It was blessed to partake the communion in God's order in- stead of some human sect order. 0 how God's " free in- deed" saints ddeejtier their liberty in Christ. Amen I Many professing holiness, in the West, are still bound more or less, by sectism, no doubt the cause lies with the teaching they have received. To illustrate the aw-ful effect of sectism. Persons claim to leave ' their sect and go out teaching holiness with their sect errors. Thatcher, leaves his Quaker sect, claiming to be led of God to teach the holy people, and makes it his special business to invalidate God's truth, and raise the standard of his noser-dinance sect, a
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 09:09
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 09:09
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 09:09
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 09:09
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 09:09
title_sort gospel trumpet - 09:09
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1887
long_lat ENVELOPE(-66.783,-66.783,-66.867,-66.867)
geographic Lent
The ''Y''
St. Louis
Spring River
geographic_facet Lent
The ''Y''
St. Louis
Spring River
genre Mite
genre_facet Mite
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766244388973838336
spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:38+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 09:09 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1887-07-15 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 09 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1887 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:02:56Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 GOSPET RUMPET. , eiheLoad God shall BLOM ? he TR MITET and go win iphirbpias" • • S " Au. yz nuvea- - TANTS UFTI: F_ WCSIt, AND DWIIA. 1. MS S. ATIM, Str. VV-, WV. ZIA lirVE: stl'oriva sIDN. 011 " ME 1/ 101.1N.- TAMS; AND WliEN X" XE. lat. DWETRATASIN/ 11. ET, AVI: stt?' .• X5A XV- 11 LORIOUS things are spoken of thee 0 City at God. I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia and Tyre with Ethi-opia; this man was born there, and of Zi-on it shall be said, this and that man was born - in her : and the highest Himself shall establish her : the Lord shall count when He writeth up the people, that this man ryas born there.- 87th Psalm. Praise the Lord for His Word, Rejoice that your names are written in Heaven.- Luke 10 20. If thou wilt forgive their sin : and if lot, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou least written. And the Lord said unto Moses, Whosoever bath sinned' against me, him will I blot out of my book; ( verses 32,330 God's book, not sect book. Praise the Lord forever ! And mine hand shall be upon the proph-ets that see vanity, and that divine lies: hey shall not be in the assembly of my people, neither shall they be written in he writing of the house of Israel, because hey have seduced my people, saying ieace, and there was no peace.- Eze. 13: 9, 10. And I exhort thee also true yoke-ellow, help those women which labored with me in the. Gospel, with Clement also and with others my fellow laborers whose mines are written in the book of life.- Phil. 4: 3. But ye are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the City of the living God, , he Heavenly Jerusalem, and unto an in-mmerable company of angels; to the gen-rat assembly and Church of the First- born which are written in Ileaven.- Heb. 12: 22, 23. He that overcometh, the same. hall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his nameout of the book f life.- Rev. 3: 5. And all that dwell on he earth shall worship him, ( the beast), whose names are not written in the book f life of the Lamb slain from the founda-ion of the world.--- Rev. 13: S. The beast that thou sawest was, and is lot; and shall ascend out of the bottom-ess pit, and go into perdition: and they - hat dwell on the earth shall wonde•, whose mines are not written in the book of life rem the foundation of the world, when hey behold the beast that was, and is not, nd yet is.- Rev. 17 : S. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened which is the book ( Mite, and the dead were judged out of • those . kings which were written in the books according; to their works.- Rev. 20 : 12. And there shall in no wise enter into it nything that deffleth, neither whatsoever vorketh abomination or maketh a lie; but hey which are written in the Lamb's book of life.- Rev. 21: 27. All that forsake lice shall be ashamed, and they that de-part from me shall be written in I lie earth, ecause they have forsaken the Lord,- the fountain of living waters.- Jer. 17 13. Praise the Lord it is enough to know hat our names are ' written in Heaven. Sallie Rogers. - Humboldt, Kan, WRITTEN IN HEAVEN. " And He shall semi His angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, anti they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, tram one end of I / el- W-en to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when hill branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, fie know that veneer is nigh. SO likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know mac it is near, even at the doors."- Matt: 24: 91- 99. Grand Junclion, Mick, July 1 887 . Yolunze 9. Nunzber P. porno, _ Dear Saints:- Praise God for sal ration! Hallelujah 10 I am sw eetly reigning in life by one Christ Jesus and the life I now live, I live by the: faith of the Son of God. Praise our God ! lam under the blood that cleanseth from all sin. _ Praise God! We have moved to La Grange Co., and have commenced Tiering on the enemy in the name of Jesus. ' Ile devils believe and tremble," and babylon shakes and realizes her undone condition. My God, show thy people the necessity of coming out ° flier, for her sins have reached to heaven 0 may God help all His ministers to stand on the straight line of holiness and preach the Word with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven. Glory be to Jesus! God will have none but a holy people. Your Bro. all the tord'S, sanctified and kept from compromising with Sects or sin of any kind. Jacob E. Williams. " THE Cllt EcIt OF GOD;' " THE ONE BODY." -: 0:- e love Thy Chinch OGod." The Church at belongs to God, hence is God's peo-pe There are only two classes of people in the world, children of God, and children ofthe dun: God is the Father of His children, the devil is the father of his chil-dren. Jesus says, I sm-• an that which I bane seen with My Father, and ye do that ahich ye have seen with your father- Se Sohn 8: 3S. " Ye do the deeds of your fa-then "- Ver. 41. " Jesus said unto them If God were your Father, ye would love inc."- Verse 42. " Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. 44th verse. - God's Church has but one Read, and the Head is Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord ! there is no room, nor aeed of any more heads, especially of men. " Arid gave Him to lie the Head over all - thiags to the Church."- Eph. 1: 22. " And lie is the Head of the Body, the Church." Ool. 1: 18. " Far the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the Head of the Church."- Edh. 5: 23. As the control-big power of man is in the head, and the different members of the body act at the commands of the dictates of the head, even so, we, " The Churclathe Body of Christ" act, and work at the command, and obe-dience to Christ the Head of the Church. " For it is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do of His good pleas-ure."- Phil. 2: 13.-" Make Yon perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ."- Heb. 13: 21. Praise God! He works in those who are " As clay in the hands of the potter," who can say in deed and. in truth, " Thy will be done." God compares His Churc to a body, and you know that alluman body is a per-fectly organized structure every bone has its proper place in the body, every muscle, every joint, every nerve: in fact every thing - about it works in its proper place, all work in perfect harmony, and no part is lacking. Now ever y person that is born of God And after these things I say; anoth er angel come down from heaven, haying great power: and the earth n'as lightened with Ids glory. Awl he cried mightily with a Etrong TOiee, sa7, ung, nabylcm the great is fallemis foaf lilleeny. i lasn, adn ldA btheceo hmoel dt hoef hevaebri: t aMtiMon. spirit, and ft c.: IgC OE every titielean oathnedr v ohicae. t ferofmu hl eLavienn, t s. a yhienagr, deo athne-out of her, my people, that ye be hot partakers of het sins and that ye re - oeiVe not of her Id agne ey. ls: 1- 1 . When a person gets saved he passes throu gh the wall ( Christ) into God's Church, and no man can steep him out. Glory to Jesus! And every - unsaved person is outside the wall hence not in God'sChurch, Then God's people have no walls bete- en one- an-other, but the wall is between the Church and the world. " We have a strong City salvation will God ap-point for walls and bulwarks, open ye the gates that the righteous nation which keepeth the troth, may enter in."- Isaiah 20 : I, 2. Bless God! the ri ght-eous, and those that keep the truth, are in the strong City, God's Church. " But thou shalt call thy walls salvation, and thy gates praise."- Isa. 60: 18. Bless God! the gates, or entrance is praise. Man stands in the door of his church, ( I) receives iu, and turns out his members, while Jesus is the Head, or door of His Church. " I am the door, ( Jesus) by me if any man enter in he shall be saved, ( inside the wall, salvation.) Jim. 19: 9, " I am- the good Shepherd and know my sheep, and am known of mine "- Yr. 14. " I am the true Vine, every branch in me that bear-eth not fruit, He ( not man) taketh away: And every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit."- John 1.5: 1, 2. " If a man abide not 10 me, ho is cast forth as a branch"- Vr. Ii. So we see God's way is quite different from sect ways. " For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."- Isa. 55: 9. " Behold! I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it."- Rev. 3: S. Glory to Jesus! " the door is open. " Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the door I - will come in. to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."- Rev. 3: 20. Praise the Lord! Bishops, Popes, Priests, nor any one else can turn us out of the Church of God, but if we cease to bear fruit God turns us out, or " talt-eth away," but if ye keep my commandments,- ye shall abide in my love"- John 15: 10. I Ito not know of a single : sect in this community that I could join even if I wanted to, finless I should first backslide. They don't want the truth, and will-not allow it proclaimed, no not even Bible salvation. Truly Babylon is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul- spirit and a cage of every Unclean and hateful bird."-- Rev. 15: 2. We have proven by the word that God's Church is one, and only one: has but one head, ( Jesus) lint one body. That the so called ( sects-) are not " the church," but are " Harlots, Babylon". You do not believe in organization. You do not have any order, or way - A QUESTION. -: o:- HY do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing Ps. 2: 1. This question was asked more than 1000B. C. Looking through all this space of years, the Psalmist spake for Christ, or prophesied of Christ : - how the people should rise up against Christ, and his Saints. The Apostle refers to the same thing - in Acts 4: 25, 20- Who by the mouth of thy servant David last said, Wily did the hea-then rage, and. the people imagine vain things ? The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered togather a-gainst the Lord, and against his Christ. This was not only fulfilled at that time, bat extends down through all the history of the Church, even to the present time. How plain do we see these things mani-fest in the last days. The people imagine a vain thing and say, " 0 you can not live without, sin. You can not live without sin. You preach to plain. If you are sanctified, keep still about it: do not be so noisy. Do not say any thing about sects." Now all this is vain imagin-ation. Christ says, But every one that is perfect shall he as his master.- Luke 6: 40. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Fa-ther which is in heaven is perfect.- Matt. 5 : 4S. The Psalmist says, " 0 that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and his wonderful works to the children, of men." The heavenly host praised God saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill to meta- Luke, 2: 14. The disciples praised God with a loud voice, saying, Blessed be the ' King that cometh in the name of the Lord : peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.- Luke 19 : 38. I can hear by faithr, those - hypo-critical Pharisees from among the multi; tude, saying unto the Master, " Rebuke thy disciples, do not let them make so much noise. If they have salvation, let them keep still about it." Now we have men in Ibis day, that have the same spirit. Not Pharisees by name, but at heart : for we hear the same cry against the true Church, which is the body of Christ. They say, " Let us break up the meeting,'' or in the language of the Psalmist., " Let us break their bands asuder, and cast their cords Iron" us." 0 praise the Lord that saves me from the device . of wicked men. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh : the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak to them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.- Ps. 2: 4, 5. The Lord blesses me with His presence. I am saved and sanctified, ust now. Amen ! - Wickersliarn. A CAMP- MEETING. John Waterfall. ' Send us a new Subscriber. avy 13tIRDEN, RAN. Dear Brethren; in the love and fellow-ship of the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ, I greet, you. I came to Kansas two years ago to work for God. I have been preaching salvation full and free most of the time since, but practiced medicine nearly a year, but bad to quit that, for the Word's sake. There were no Wesleyans in this part of lian a but I, through dili-gence built two classes which were going along very nice. We were holding meet-ing at Zion in the latter part of the win-ter, whoa Bro. Hailer came in the country to hold meeting there. We thought we would hold on there and keen him out, for we had heard great things of him. But meeting would not go off right, so we closed, and he went in and tore things all to pieces, or rather straightened them up for God. I would not go to hear him, for I thought he was an imposter but as I was returning from nay appointment be-yond there, I stopped in to see Bro. and sister Reynolds, and lie was there. He opened up the truth so plain, I could not help but see it, but could not accept it. In two weeks I went to my appointinent and found one that I had much confidence in, captivated by the devil and gone. It hurt me so I did not know what to dca I called on Bro. Reynolds again to get some encouragements He simply opened the truth plainer, and I began to see more clearly, but could not give up, yet I came on my way home, and stopped with some brethren at another class, and a Quaker had been there and preached his doctrine, and the whole class was in confusion, which caused me to see the meanness of sect. isin, and came home deeply convicted that I should get out; but with the work on my hands it was hard to decide. 1 had a quarterly meeting, and sent for brother Hauer to come immediately, which he did alter a hard battle: the victory was on the Lord's side. Six sanctified, and saved from Babylon. Praise God! Six baptized, and three ordained as Elders of the Church of God. The work is in good shape, and goes on nicely. I am so glad for the light. We are pushing the work right along here, and intend to by the grace of God if we die by it. Some of my old class, Wesleyans are coining, -. I led one of them into the light last Sunday, and an M. E. I have enlist-ed to tear down the wicked city, babylon, for Jesus' sake. A grand work done at Winfield. The grounds were contested hotly, but the Lamb and His followers were victorious. Glory to God! Sixteen sanctified, a few converted, twenty- nine in all baptized, and seven healed of bodily afflictions. Hallelujah to Jesus! Sonic stubborn cases. Some cured of the tobacco habit. It is a hot place here for hypocrites. We have no compromise with the flesh or the devil. Glory be to God! Hallelujah! While at Winfield, I was called to. preach the funeral of May Chapman, a holy wo-man from Mo. She lived a holy, devoted life, visited from tent to tent. in the camp of men building the R. R., prayed and talked with the people, and several were saved through her labors, and sonic after she died. She died with triumphant vic-tory in her soul. I never seemed to real-ize the blending of earth and Heaven as on that occasion. The R. R. boys seem-ingly, could not show respect enough for her. Yours, sanctified by the Holy Ghost. G. R. Action. Grand Rapids, 0. To all the saints of God:- May the rich-est of God's grace rest upon you all is our prayer. We mean saint8 not professors. We are saved from all sin and the- works of the devil, We are free in Jesus, and members of the bod y, of Christ the Church of the first born, whose name are written ill heaven. We met with the dear saints at Weston on last Sabbath, and had a good time waiting on the Lord. The. Lord is o-pening up his word to us wonderfully. The, saints are in good working order at • Wes-ton. Praise the Lord for Ids pure Church! Amen! We have moved near Grand Rap-ids, 0. The Lord is blessing us. Praise his holy name, for his goodness to his Chil-dren. From your 3ro. and sister saved' and sanctified and under the blood. A. B., anti A. 8. Lea. is a " new creature," " born again," is en- of doin g thin gs. The Bible says, " Let eery thing grafted into the " True Vine" as a branch, - Jesus Himself being the Vine.- St John 15: 1, 2. Is " Added to the Church by Geal."- Acts 2: 47. Hence is a member of " The Body, the Church," the " One fold."- Jno. 10: 1( h. Jesus Christ being - the one Shepherd, and God the Father be-ing the Husbandman.- Jobe 15: 1. " For We are members of His Body, of His flesh mid of IIis bones."- Epp. 3 : 30. God's Church has but one Head, hence is not-, and cannot be but one. There is not a sect in the land that can even claim to be the Church of God, hence they all have a Iminan head, human rules, and of course the whole thing is human, made by men, and run by men, separate, and independent from the Head of God's Church. Hence as a body, they are not God's Church, nor even a pant of it. Joining a sect makes yon no more a member of the Church of the First- born than joining the Free Masons. God's Church then is one, and only one. " For as the body is one and bath many isemlars, ( not sects, or denominations), and all the menthers of that one Body be-ing many, are one body, so also is Christ." - 1 Cor. 12: 12. " For by One Spirit are we all baptized into One Body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether- we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit; for the body is not one member, but many, ( not sects, but in-dividual Christians, or branches) 13,- 14 verses. Sectarian bodies are many, good and bad in each, and the bad generally con light saved now. trot. it. Thus they are ruled by human rides : God's Church is ruled by God's Word. When a person belongin g to a sect (" Daughter of babylon") gets some ad-vanced light in Scripture lie bas to break the sect yoke, and come out, in order to - teach the same. Hence we find they are all' for that is the cause for all sects with the new ( to them) doctrine as a plank. Sects arefeneeda or boned together by coming. So they will prepare teams to human rules, and each one has different convey you to the ground. If . any ddeessiire rules • hence there is a wall between them information, writeto either orthose Bro's that cl- od did not put there, and they are named above. • 0! Glory be to God, we divided and. of course they are babylon anticipat e a heavenly time iii seeing. the , which means- conLsion, mixtu re , a mixture salvation of many noon souls. We invite of Christians, sinners, hypocrites,. back- all to come that desire to seek the Lord, sliders, infidels ac. God's Church has a or his fullness. Come with tents, for all wall, bat bless God, man did not put it that can, intend to tent on the grounds. there, the is - salvation. Bless God ! Samuel.- be done decently and in order." Well glory to Je-sus! The Church of God does things " decently and in order, and God's order at that. Praise his name! They have the mind of Christ that obey his Word. But members of bobylon talk slang, joke, trade on the Sabbath, resist the . truth, fight God's Word, hate- God's people, go to circuses, and in short, most ( don't mean all its members) all ' of them are of the world, and of course go hand in hand to gether; but God's people are not of this world. God says " If a man love Die, he will keep my Words." Well, praise God! God's people do believe in or-ganization. Glory to Jesus! God's Church is organ-ized by God Himself, and is the most perfectly organized structure in existence. Jesus says, " rpon this Rock I will build my. Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."- Matt. 10 : IS. No-tice, He says I will build My Church. The word build, means to put together, join, organize, - & c., as in building , a house. He says I, ( not man) will build, hence it is built, or organized by Jesus Christ • the Head. " But now bath God set the members every one of them in the Body as it huh pleased Him"- 1 Coy. 12: 18. " And God bath set some in the Church; first Apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers; after that miracles, then gifts of healing, Help_, governments, diversities of ton gues."- 1 - Coy. 12.25. The idea. of man setting a person in the Church, and giving him the gifts of healing, or miracles- is impossible. But you see babylon is not this well or-ganized, for they have no tse for these gifts. " From whom ( Jesus) the whole Body fitly framed to gether, and t- ompacted."- Eph. 4: 16. " mat their hearts might be comforted, being knit togeth-er in love."- Phil. 2: 2. " Endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." " Christ gave Himself for the Church, that He might sanctify and cleanse. it with the washing of _ water by the Word. That Ile might present it to Himself it glo rious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or tiny such thing."- Eph . : 26. Praise God! I am a member of God's glorious Church, was added to, or born into it, ( born again) afterward sanctified, and am now ' walking in the J. B. Slagle. - Humboldt, Kansas. BAY MILLS, Mien JUNE 30th, ' 87. Dual BarrimEN:-. 1 have been led of the Spirit to go among the Indians 14 miles above Sault de St Marie. Thedear Lord; in answer to the prayer of faith, has sent His Holy Spirit in power, and convicted, and wonderlidly converted a : goodly num-ber of Indians at the Reservation, also some of the white people at Bay Mills, 12 miles above Sault de St Marie Falls. The Glorious work still goes on, the Indians are rapidly preparing for an unsectarian Camp-meeting, to beginJuly 12th, 15 miles above Sault de StMarie, Miciao continue from one imanasammszaramseamama! amaamEsaaamiam to four weeks. Tile news of the work of the Holy Ghost among these Indians and the BEAVER DAM CAMP _ AIEETINa. white people here is fast spreading. Can I wish to say to all Who contemplate you send any- one . filled. with faith and the to the Beaver Dam Camp Meet - Hol y Ghost, to the help of the Lord against coining ting: It would be well first to inform- the mighty? If God moves - you, please Bro's David Leininger Beaver Dam, Ind.; send help. Please see that the - Camp-or John U. Bryant Rochester, Ind. before meeting is published among your bands, and your dear people generally. Please send a few of your papers many of the Indians have learned to read English. Yours in the Lord. Boats run from Sault de St Marie Falls, to the Camp- ground. NEWS FROM THE FIELD, AND OBITUARY. -: 0:- THE ZOSPEL TENET Our Address. A. SEMI- MONTHLY HOLINESS JOURNAL SONGS OP VICTORY. James. We are preying God to give us a great harvest of souls in this line of meet-ings, Amen ! DANIEL. Lydia Mabee O W Laskey F Jacobson- 3 A K Row J P Hamer Levi Prouty Paul Beezley Natalie Donnell • P Blakey Ii D Cole Samuel Ramsey J. 0 Courter, Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van BurenCo. Mich., as second class matter. TOFtt,, CRI7Rell TRACT, THIRD EDITION NOW READY. E have completed theThird Edition of Songs of Victory. The book contains 94 pages with notes, and 14 pages with familiar hymns, making in all 112 pages. We have improved and Corrected it, also put double impression on the covers, and the cloth covers are so bound that there will be no raw edges, and the lettering is expected to wear and retail' the color. Songs of Victory is esrecially adapted for Revival, Camp, Grove, and all other meetings, else for Sabbath school. All orders accoMpanied by cash, will be We expect to have Camp Meeting 10 miles North- of Winfield on Bro. Benjamin Al-dridge's place on the Waulnut river, 1 mile West of Akron, on the Santa Fe B. R. Commencing Sept. 3rd, directly after the illen6d6ontg11 Bro. Warner, and singers are expected there. Bro. Lacy will be there with his taberna-cle. Let all the saints come. Bring your tents and covered , Mons, and camp on the ground. Bro, McCull y of Chanute has Ordered a new tabernacle, which will be used at Camp Meeting. Let the saints come to Chat- tote C. M. Bring your tents and camp on the ground. Meeting com-mencing Aug. 19th, at the same place it was last, year, 94 miles South- east of town. on theNeoshoRiver. Your free Bro. saved. J. P. Mauer. _ • Miele Dear I? rethren:— I wish to tell you of the Lord's 1:• inderful dealings with me. He has saved me from all sin: I ant as free from sin as a babe. Ile has: eleansea ale from alcohol and tobacco, to which I was a slave. Though a member of the U. 13-. church, I never heard the Gospel plan of salvation until I heard Bro. Grover preach it. Praise trod, my eyes were opened to see the true light. I have [' red my-self from babylon, that den of hypocrites, Ole sect; the Alinister himself beirg a, tobacco user. Petoskey is a very wicked place, being blinded by its sect ministers, the M. l's. being as corrupt as Any of them. The only true sermon tlott. I ever heard, was by Bro. Grover. 0 that the world , tight know the wonderful dealings of the Lord with my soul since 1 left I he U. 13. sect, and gave up tobacco and whis. key. On Sunday last, ten member:: of those cold churches Went: out to spend the Sabbath boat ridin g on the Bay. The Lord caused a gale to arise and upset their boat: live of them being drowned. There F H Lewis A A Jonrden Perry Parker T J Boggs Jerome Case G T Clayton Geo E ' Bolds F P Smith W J Evans Win T Turner R W. Lyman Eward Ell Alfred Swartz. ' CHRIST IS THE BODY THE CHURCH.' A tract containing scriptural proofs that Christ Himself is the Church, and the Church is Christ. It is doing a glorious work. Many write favorably of the light it is shedding. Or-ders are increasing; send on your orders. sanctified wholly throu gh the all- cleansing .5 cents. blood of the Lamb. $ 0.50. $ 1.75. UNIONTOWN, MARYLAND. I ask all the saints to pray for the heal-ing of all my bodily afflictions. In faith we put our trust in Him who is able to heal the sick and. raise the dead. Mary A. Creager. CmPPAWA, ONT. illy Dear Brethren :— As I am greatly al: acted of late in body with Despepsia, Neuralgy in the head, Rheumatism, Kid-ney difficulties, and a general prostration of whole nervous system. Believing that, the Lord. does hear and answer prayer for both soul and body, I would earnestly re quest the prayers of the brethren in my behalf that I may be healed, so that I may be more useful as a missionary for Jesus. From your Bro. in the Lord. ' Thomas McOlive. ALLEGHENY PA. Dear Brethren:— Glory be to God ! I am now impressed by the Holy Spirit to ask all the saints to pray for the perfect healing of my eyes. Your Bro. saved and Let all the saints of Goa pray for the healing of Bro. J. L. Hammer of Harper Mo. of bodily afflictions. May God give good health that he may go forth to pub-lish salvation, o: FINITE, RADICAL A_ NTx.- sEoTA. Eta- ."- N. Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ For the Purity and. Tjr‘ ity of His Church, the _ De-fence of ALL His ' Truth, And the Destruction of Sect Bab-ylon. rtniii$ 1111) 024111) 111711CTIO11, liZOIT 4111 ■ D. S. WARNER,-- Editor, E. E. BYRUM - and 8. M/ CHELS,-- Publishere. TERMS, $ 1.00 PEE YEAR IN ADVANCE All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the GOSPEL TntatYrr, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. Remittances should be sent by Registered Letter, or Express Order, through the American, or the United States Express Co. Small amounts may IT sent in Two Cent Stamps. We will not be responsibly ft r money - unless sent by Registered letter or Express OrdEr, to GOSPEL TRUMPET. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPIT. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. M` Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts. ;!; 1 aff- IS YOUR TIME OUT? al The cross marked with a pencil op-posite this item, means that your paid subcription is out. When thus marked please renew at once, or, if the Trumpet is not desired longer, notify us to stop it. Ire must be notified by letter and the amount due us as back pay must be sent to US, when a subscriber , wishes their paper disco 2i tinned. A. riy one who does not receive their paper, should notify itts at once, and it will receive prompt attention. j2c7dress, Grand iu, notion Kioh. Price One dozen copies Fifty copies TM SABBATH TIMM THE SABBATH, —: OR:- 71/ 771 - CH Dal Y TO KEEP. B IB LE Proqfs that the change : from the seventh, to the first day of the week, 9thl 8 made by the Lord Rinser f. This tract contains 04 pages the price reduced to only 10 cts. Per dozen * 1.00. Gott has enabled ns to set forth the subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture. So every reader of the TRume- ET can glorify God in sending your orders fore this Tract. This will also be . a good fi-nancial help to spread ether matter for the Lord. ird'NO TICE. As yet this place has not procured the privilege of a money order office. Please remit money by registered letter, or by express draft, through the American, or the . United States E&- press Co., Or small quantities in stamps. Address all bueiness letters to the GOSPEL TanareET. BIBLE PROOFS. A supply of this most exeellent work on the subject of entire sanctification is now on hand at the • Taumeser OsfreE. Send va ii r orders. . Good clothbo und, 493 pages. Price $ 1.25 by mail. A few loindred volumes only reinain, a debt also - remains upon us for their publi-cation, front which we are praying the Lard in much earnestness to relieve our heart. Since. our reference to this in our New Year's Greeting, one dear brother has kindly sent us $ 5.00, on the same, May Gild. move many others to se el fur the book, end liel'r otherwise, as the Lord may direct.: n ten ! filled, from sing e copy npward . Price, single copSe llanilia cover, 30cts. Cloth limp cover, 50 cts. Per dozen Ma-nilla cover, $ 3.00. Cloth, $ 1.80. Parties may order not less than one half dozen at the same rates as per dozen. Address all orders to the GOSPEL TRL'Air- ET OFFICE, Grand Mich. -• ■ ■ ••• ■ our Camp aid 01070 Uoting Lida —: o::— — INDIANA CAMP MEETING. There will be a Camp Meeting at, or near Beaver Dam Ind.; commencing Aug. 4, to continue till Aug. II, Let all tent oat the ground that possibly cab. JERRY CITY CAMP MEETING. The Lord willing there will be a Camp Meeting near Jerry City Ohio, on Bro. Cans' farm, commencing August 25, to continue 10 days. Parties are requested to tent on the ground, and come provided with equipments I. Vc. GROVE MEETING IN IND. The Lord willing Bro. S. L. Speck-, and others will hold a Grove meeting on Bro. Win. Bragg's place, near Sweetser, Grant Co. Ind., August 1S- 23. Come and feast with the happy saints in those parts. Amen! GROVE AlEriTING AT WESTON O. Brethren at Westen, Wood Co. O., request a. grove meeting to begin September Sth. I think we may place it in the list, t rusting there will be no trouble to get a few of the Lord's fire baptized preachers to hold the meeting. Perhaps Bro's Speck and Kil-patrick, with the preachers in that Colin-try, will go over after the Jerry City Camp Meeting. GROVE MEETING, MELROSE, 0. The Lord willing there will be a Grove Meeting a few miles south of Melrose Paulding County Ohio, begining July, 2Stle , Bro's Kilpatrick, Samuel Speck, W. II. Miller, and perhaps ethers are expected. All borers of Jesus are in-vited. Address William Smith, Melrose, 0. Our , ourtteyinto Ana Meetings, a fall it was'. I had no enjoyment with the saints, neither in the world. 0 what mis-ery! It seemed that hell was about ready to swallow me up, but blessed be the name of the Lord, when Bro. A. J. Kilpatrick was here about two weeks ago, the Lord in His mercy showed me my condition, and I came back to Him again. I e eifessed to the Lord that the fault was all my own, and begged Ithn to forgive Hie again. And Glory to God, it wag done! He forgave me, and placed Ine in the Church again as it pleased Him. I then presented myself a living sacrifice, and the holy fire cal n e (- 1OWE upon ny•., and pene: rat cif N'• rr veinS. God let the flo dates rf Heaven open, and tlre F led of Ht as.- en : blue into my• Eliza A. Ellsworth. Darien-, On. Dore Breth )' en :— To day I stand in th- e-liberty wherewith Christ hos made us tree. I Eve, nevertheless not I, but Christ lives in me. And the life- that I neW I live by t he faith ot'Ih o SOII Of GOel. He toyed me, and gave Ilitwelf thr and every one that hath thie hope in Our addi ess until fuither notice is as follows. D. S. WARNER, = GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. SEBASTIAN MICHELS, SOUTH HASTEN, MICH. C. Fisher and Win. N. Smith request all desiring to correspond with them to address them at Grand Junction Mich. and mark all letters private. REQUESTS FOR PRAYERS. soul. The Temopet is tied soul; know it is of God, and I late to read it, and the testimonies of the. dear stmts. Your Bro., saved, sanctified, turd on the tire line for Clod. Hallelujah ! II. M. Sisvo, ALBANY) ILL. DEAR BRETHREN:— Being afflicted with Bronchial: Catarrh for several years, and have also met with an accident, I am Fut= tering intensely by times. I fell and hurt, my limb just above the ankle, and the bone is badly- injured. My case is in the hands of the great Physician who has prom-ised to he- al all our diseases. I ask your prayers for my healing. Sister Annie Bradley requests the pray-ers of the Trumpet family for the healing of her bodily afflictions. She has a sore en her face which first made its appear-ance about seven years ago, and is slowly enlarging. She also has been afflicted for years with rheumatism which has rendered her almost, Tillable to perform her house-hold duties. Nancy Byers. Pray for Mable 0. Gaugler, Berien Springs Mich., for her healing of Spinal complaint. She has been a long sufferer, and has many running sores She has given her heart to God and takes Inn for her Physic" an. SYLVIA, KAN. We ask the prayers of all the holy peo-ple for my dear mother that she may re-ceive her sight and be fully restored to health. Your sister saved by the blood of the Lamb. Florence Melville. Pray for sister Garter, Fallon Ont., who has been afflicted with catarrh for several years. NOTICE. All persons writing their testimony of healing must sign their name and Post Office address plainly if they wish it pub-lished. DANIEL. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED FOR. — 0— Onarga, ILL. JULY 12. Grove Meeting at llayesville, Keokuk Co., IOWA. JULY 14- 17. Meeting at Paithyra, Mo. Julx 19- 24, THE WESTERN CAMPAIGN. A CAMP MEETING has been arranged for- near St James Mo. about 100 Miles west' of St Louis, on the St, L. and SanFrancisco R. R., to begin Ju-ly 2i. hopee brethren will proeure rates on thnt road. Oar next point will be CARTILAGE Mo,, where Bro. Cole has arranged for a meet-ing Aug. 11- 1S. It will probably be held in a glove. Next. CAMP MEETING AT., CnANurE, KAN., Bro's Hailer, Orr, and others have ar-ranged for a Camp meeting at that place. The tune we tome, is Aug. 19. We hope that the saints generally; and all the min-isters that possibly can will Meet us at those general meetings, The Lord willing we are crening and our little company, all tilled with the Holy Spirit, and power, and Heavenly- song. We hope to meet the be- ', loved Myers families front north Mo. at St OBITITARY* GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. Our Nephew, dear Bro. George Hoard, departed this life, June 30th, 1SS7. He resided at Lake Station, Medina Co. Ohio, at the time of his death. He was born in Montville 0., May Sth 1854. Aged 33 years 1 month, 22 days. He leaves a wife and one child, with many other friends. I vis-ited hint at his home a few weeks before his death, found hint filled with glory un-speakable, rejoicing to know that his time of departure was near at hand, shouting, and praising God nearly all the time. Our dear brother, Ezra Smith, states in his letter that he arrived at dear brother Hoard's about 15 minutes before his death. He could not talk, but reached out his hand and shook hands, with a heavenly smile upon his face. A few hours before his death, he told his wile not to have his remains taken into the " U. B. meeting house, made choice of the preacher, and requested that the sermon be short, and to the point. Praise God for the assurance that we are all one family, both in Heav-en and in earth. Though separate in hotly, yet one in spirit. Let the last few months of his life be our example,— constantly working for God, for he put in his time preaching the Kingdom of Christ to all that came to see him. Dear George, we writ remember, The last hour together spent: The joy that tilled our bosom, The glory Je:,: us sent. We bulls were then in II ' aven, And liearen in us both; I mean the Heavenly slae, Filled with the Holy Ghost. ' e, still on earth remain. While you have gore to rest, We dwell among the fluvial, And you amour the Nest. You bale me rreae71 the Word, Warning sinners far and near To turn unto the Lord, Be sure and make them hear. Obedient to thy calling, I, Lord, Thy Gospel preach; * To save poor souls from falling, That some may Heaven reach. The wife, the little son, May God forever keep: While husband kind, and father Has only dropped to sleep. 0 now prepare to meet him, Give all you are to God; A holy, living temple, Withredeemin lov•. \ y in. N. Stub!). .404, sast.-- MELRosr, O. bas been but one a I heir bodies found. Where must ( heir : Jails lie? A funeral sermon was preached. told the minister stated that he had no doubt lint the live who met with a watery grave were all saved, and now in glory. Dear brethren I do rojaico to be united with you in the bonds of biro. Since my sanctification ha W the good Lord does bless my eoul. Formerly I made my liviug, by selling small articles in t he conatry, and many times telling what was not true, in order to make money. I will to make known to the world that l have given up ail this f: ir Christ, and have volumene etl to make my livin g honestly. I esk the prayers of all the saints, that I may— be steadfast, immovable, always ainainding in Christ. Your Bro, \ Nei: shot cleansed, and fully sanctified. ' Wart shit • • Brushy Prairie, Lagrange Co., INDIANA. JITNE 24- 20. To 111 the s: Abo tt f‘ tt: r years ago Willow Chap el, Jay 00. , IND7 , JuNE 25-- 30 tl. e Lor I con y ed me of my t'list I . t to the Lord, and he - forgave me. Then New Pittsburg, Randolph Co., INDIANA. in about three moptits I presented my body JULY 6- 10. and all I had to Jesus, and lie sanctified inc. Praise the Lord ! I lived up to all - the light I had far about four years. 0 what joy Iliad serveig the Lord. Praise God for th: tt I had in my soul. Then afte' I had lived fur so long, the dev-il got me to looking at sonic that I thought were not walking straight, and any eyes got ter in my soul, but at t jt, time I used: S. off of Jesus, and I fell from grace, 0 what tobacco, and was fond at Ida of this world, and did not give them then but bless, God , the y are all ono) now: and I have 110110 of the dev. l's traps about. me. I am nil given up to the Lord-, soul, body and spirit, szonditied wholly to. God. Pray for me, that- I may hold dot faithful to the end. Pram your Sister the Lord. Amen I thev• T, Mon. Deit y' Brethren: --- f feel impressed t morning to write a few lines. May Go bless all the dear smuts every- where ': 4 prayer. I feel this morning that, ( bid saves : me, even me, for Jesus' sake; for I feel that, hov e in my heart which the world can not give, 11, i, 11. take away. Praise the Lord forever and ever! 0 how I do love the saints of God, and love to read their testi-monies in the Tausneer. It. hati been only about two years since I heard anything about the saints. At that time Mrs. Cog-gon was preaching here, and Bro. Shelly came and preached once, but I did: not take much interest in them at that time. Then I went North. After I was gone Bro. Wm. Smith came here to hold meeting. God blesaetl him, and my daughter was: healed, soul and hotly. Praise the Lerdi she wrote and told me the good news. I wrote back to her tied I was glad to hear it, and wished her to tell an the saints to pray for me, that I mighl are healed soul and body. Bro. Smith sent a letter telling me tLat he had been informed of my re-, quest, and such a day, anti such au hour,- they would all nray for me, and it* I had any idols 10 give them all up, anti make a a message 110111 full consecration. ` Thatlet ter seemed like IIeavett. 1 said, '.- There is 50111e one that cares for my soul. 011I cannot- t ell you how many tears I shed over that letter. 1Velt the thsy, and hour ar-rived that they were to pray for my salva-tion and healing. I spent the horrid prayer, but was nal healed: I did feel heV: i. soul. 0 11, nw ti e ps: Cs_ a3 end shouts went up to Go I! 0 do it b • e hren, faithful, purifies himself even ne lk is puro. NY. do not take pe' e: es all' esus. Praise beloved of Lord brethern, let this work of thq 0,,( 1 for the t is &,. inint. 4. nn aalwlwaayyss abound in your mortal lieSlf, r Titionzia's DANIEL. —: 0:— There will be a Grove meeting of the saints of God, the Lord - to com-mence July 27th, on the farm of Brother C. B. Butler, six miles East and North of Hainilton, Allegan Co., Miele A. B. Palmer. ' 41s 1 I am abiding in Rim and He Praise God for salvation ! I have el'edd lla at the door, and have gone on : Allt° the pasture, where I can eat the ' 14 ° 01Se and drink the livin g writer ail' the fountain. Praise God - forever ' Ter, Amen 1 Enoch G. ' Wickersham. Glory to Jesus'. en lie. Aed the glor y which Thou tile I have given them that. thes-e one, even as we are one : 1 in them, nou in Me, that they may be 1I1 ade ' 11 s one.— John 17 : 21- 23• Praise rird; we are no longer members of ‘ Idlilon; but, we are members of t'sbody, of - His flesh, and of His bones. 30. We have come to God ' nee find consolation Who has grant-to be like- minded one toward anotio ' 4( 11 11g to Christ Jesus : that we may ' metaled and one mouth glorify God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 1: 5. a rally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, good comfort, b' of edo s - tin live ! ace and the God of love and peace with you. Salute one another a holy kiss.- 2 Cor. 13 : 11, 12. I se God that I have been engrafted in-li1 vine, from which all the members es OF GOD'S HOLY CHURCH. -- o0:- ,070, to keep the unity of the ' the bond of peace. There is nit. Spirit, . even as ye are call- . elop e of your oiling; one Lord,. oe, oZpli. 4: 3,- 5. There is not 515ed bodies with as many faiths; rist's Church there is one organ-y Doe faith and one Spirit, the est which is the great organizer • tiljer. Stand fast in one Spirit striving togather for the t he gospel.— Pliil. 1: 27. What rifts it in which we must stand ' s the Spirit of Christ. Ye are Dirit, if so be that - the Spirit of eel you. Now if any man have Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. s: s. When the great Spirit gets 3e, it gives him a work to do, Ts him his calling. 0 praise the God's Holy Spirit that worketh d gives us our gifts " Dividing to nil severally as He will. For as is one, and hath many members, the members of that one body, be-y, are one body : so also in Christ. one Spirit are we all baptized into * whether we be Jew or t3ontsje, grebe bond or free: and have Ode to drink into one Spirit.— 2: 11- 13. What one mind is it in Must stand fast ? It is the Christ. We have the mind of 10or. 2: 16. Let this mind be hick was also in Christ Jesus. e5. Set your atTections" on things Monday morning, July the 4th, Bro. J. U. on things on the earth.— Col. 3: Bryant and myself left Beaver Dam for ill ye my joy, that ye be like mind-as the same love, being or one ac-ute mind—.— PPhhiil. l. 2: 2, & rent members of the different not of one body, nor or one Mind, Spirit; but each sect is a separate hotly with its owii members, sect spirit. They are not or one it each sect has a different belief, sect exacts of its members a prom-o up to its own separate creed or . I beseech you brethren, by the Of our Lord Jesus Christ, that rate the same thing, and that there eons among you : but that ye be y yinsed together in the same nd in the same judgment.- 1 Cor. The members of God's Church are eel togather by love, " which_ is the Perfectness." There is neither Jew there is neither male or female: re all one in Christ Jesus.— Gal. 3: ey obey the command which says: ii Of one mind, having compassion another; love as brethren, be pitiful, Items.- 1 Pet. 3 : S. the same mind one toward anoth-des 12: 16. Praise the Lord I t is " gathering together ill one the tof God that were scattered a- - John 11: 52. While the apostles reselling, those that believed were ■ 1'; And the multitude of them that ad were of one heart and soul.— Acts. Chtik4 says There shall be fold, shepherd.— John 10 : 16. And a-prayeth That they ell may be sThou Father, art in Me, and I in that they also may be one in us : he world may- believe that Thou their substance, aed all have the 111114 and the same Spirit. - Glory tion, that keeps me from all-. sill. I fee le 1: fire hurtlin g in my soul, and through my veins. Row it cheers and comforts my poor soul: and how I love this way. 1 do praise God for this cleans-ing power that cleanse, th both soul and body. I do feel that I am saved, sanctifi-ed, amine keeps me by His mighty power. not praise Him that caused them to gnaw their ngs. BRETursEue Your sister, saved blood of and J kept meeting held on Sunday in Mr. Hoover's Grove near Grant Station; and as Brothel glory to God! May God bless you all, Bear was not permitted to be there, being and prosper the glorious called away to preach a funeral sermon, the keep it pure for God, is theT RsiUnMcPeEreT , a anndd good Lord selected me to talk to the people earnest prayer of your saved Bro. both in forenoon and afternoon. A wonder- The infant child, of Bro. and sistenHen-ful interest was manifested among the peo- 1. y, near Six Points, died June 21st., 1887; plod. The kind- hearted, both among the aged 5mo., 6clays. The Lord in his wisdom saved and unsaved that are disgusted with and goodness, saw lit ro remove the little splended Grove to hold meeting in. God bless their kind hearts and.' save them fr' ° o€ m- tboe t aal eel irgehatl imn st hoef wetienrdnoawl bolfi shse. a0vem na, yfo irt all their sins for Jesus' sake. We had meeting the next Sunday. Bro. mthoousren oifts t haeb sfcaemniclye,. who are left behind to Bear was there and a goodly number of the saints to tell what the Lord had done' Philip Spaceky. for them. The dear Lord did help MS —: 0 ministers to pour out the " Hail and fire Six POINTS" 0. mingled with blood," on the beast and his DEM?, tongues for pain. 0 hallelujah to God ! cleanses me from all sin just now, and sane-ton tifies me wholly, and keeps me• every day How good and ho blessed a child of God walking in the light of God. Tilee wwaay feels when the Word of God turns the world grows brighter mid brighter. Praise the upside down and he stands perfectly trail_ Lord From your sari ed brother. quil without feeling the least bit condemned C. Aumaugher. in his heart. -: o:— The last Sabbath we were with the saints Walkerton, Ind. of God at Beaver Darn we had meeting in Glory to Jesus! T his morning finds Bro. Win. Ballenger's Grove: the Lord me saved, sanctified, and kept by the was with us in power and glory and filled mig hty power of God. Glory to God for all our hearts with joy in the Holy Ghost. the joy, peace, and love I feel in my soul. Glory to our God for a salvation that fa-deth not away, but it grows brighter' every day. Hallelujah I have that well of living water that is springing up within my soul. Glory to God ! I drink of it freely. I have washed my robes in the blood of the Lamb. I have on the whole armor of God, and I will rush to the battle wher- ever he leads. E. S. Matteson. Ind., to assist deae Bro. Frenk. Bear in a home with the saints from Beaver Dam the dead rel i gion in babylon, prepared a one away from this world of wickedness, New Pittsburg to help the saints praise the Lord. We drove thi'ough with horse and buggy in two days, the distance was about 120 miles. The first night we stopped with Bro. and sister Bragg; and the next clay about six o'clock P. we reached our destination at dear Bro. and sister Grow's whom we found sweetly saved in the Lord, with there hearts full of love and praises to God. Well, glory be to God, we are here with the saints and enjoying their fellow-ship in the Spirit, and the blessed meeting conducted by the Spirit of God. After the meeting here we return to Beaver Dam Ind., and from there we expect to be at the Grove raeeting ill Paulding Co. 0., July 28, as the Lord has shown us that He would be better pleased with its to remain in these parts and help the brethren in the work of the Lord, holding Camp and Grove meet-ings, than going west with Bro. Warner and his deer company this time. But I trust the Lord will bless us with the privi-lege of going forth with them e're long. I expect to be at the Beaver Dam Camp-meeting Aug. 4th. Then the Lord willing, go to Sweetser, Grant Co. Ind. to a meet-jag in Bro. Bragg's Grove, beginning Aug. the 18th. From there we go to the Jerry City Camp- meetin g, commencing Aug. 25. Also we will meet the dear saints of the Living God at Weston Ohio, Sept. 8th. I would long to hear from the dear brethren at those places. Send all mail to Beaver Dam Ind. tilt further notice. Your Bro. in the Body of Christ, sanc-tified by the blood and the Spirit, and full of the fire. IIVIS nag TEZ enough for what IIe has ( lone for me. — 0-- am standin g firm on that solid Rock which is Christ Jesus, ready to do God's will in (. 71 BOUT the close of the Bangor Camp by the power of God. meeting we felt i mpressed to return Mary H. Cobb. -: 0:- Kende11, Mich. Blessed be the God and Faqier of our Lord Jesus Christ, who bath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ : According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we - should be holy and without blame before him in love. To the praise of the glory of his grace, where- in be hath made us accepted in the beloved': In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.— Eph. 1: 3, - 1, 6, 7 But if we walk in the, light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another,. and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son; cleanseth us from all sin.- 1 John 1; 7. And he that keepetli His commandments dwelleth in Him, and He in him. And hereby we know that He abideth in us, by the Spirit which He hath given us. 1 Jobe 3: 24. And this is the promise that Ile bath promised us, even eternal lite. 0 I do praise God for this full and free salve- NEN PITTSI; URG IND. JULY 7. all the S. L. SPECK. — xi:— Hamilton, Mich. Dear Saints :— My teStimeny is; I am saved by the blood of Jesus. Praise his holy name forever, more for the glory I feel in my soul. 0 I am so glad he ever called after me when he did. We have been having a glorious good meetnigehere. Praise the Lord ! It seems as if the Spirit of the Lord is prevailing among us here with mighty power. And we are all joy-ful in the Lord. Glory to Jesus ! I am saved from all sin. Your sister in Christ. Chettie A. Kimber. Dear Saints:- - I inn happy in Jesus; and striving to press my way onward and up-ward, to meet you in heaven. Pray for rue. Your little sister in Christ. Mattie Kimberh —: 0:— BENWOOD, DEAR BRETILREN:— May God bless you all. I do praise God that lie saves and sanctifies my soul. I am free from the yoke of sect bondage, and have taken the Bible for my guide in all things. I praise God for this blessed holy rest. We are only three in number, and we do need an Evangelist here to hold up the true light. I came to this place the first of April, and as soon as we could get a convenient place to hold meetings in, we commenced hold-ing non- sectarian meetings. I am not led to sect meetings very often, but when I do go I have to give in my testimony against the sin and confusion_ of so many divisions in Christ's Body, and 0! how it ekes dis-turb the sectarians to have God's Holy- - Word react to them. The time has come when" They will not endure sound doctrine, but haven itching ears will heap to them-selves teachers after their own lusts, and will turn away from the - truth, and turn aside unto fahles."- 2 Tini. 4: 3, 4. 0 how I do pity, and pray for the poor deceived people that follow the teachings of false apostles. " For such are false apos-tles, deceitful workers, transforming them-selves lido the apostles of Chriat. And no wonder: for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thin g if his ministers be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, Whose end shall he according to their works. Will some dear saint please inform me through the G OSPET TnimtrET, if they have received light concerning sect Sabbath Schools, if any who have renounced sects, if it would be right to go in and teach from lesson leaves. I believe it wrong. If any of God's free saints live near Bellwood, please make their presence known. Your sister in Christ, saved, sanctified and pre pared unto every good work. Nellie F. Lewis, Six POINTS, O. I praise God for his saving power. 0 Ans,— This parable of the Savior is quite difficult to understand. The principal dif- ( lenity is in verses 8, 9. The steward act-ually cheated his master, and then the muter commended him for it. Observe, he only commended his wisdom, not his honesty, or rather dishonesty. This stew-ard was a weakly man, and his employ-ment was a good position, and when his master found out that he was betraying his trust, lie wondered what he would do if dismissed from his service but he found that the man, anticipating the loss of his position, because of what he had doiie, had been smart enough to secure a home with his creditors by the practice of still more dishonesty: Going wholly over to the creditors, when likely to lose his master's favor, he was wiser than the professed children of light, who seek to hold on to God and mammon both at the same time. But the 9th verse is still harder to under-stand. We will give you sonic other ren-derings. " The master commended the prudence of the unjust steward; for the children of this world are more prudent in conducting their affairs than the children of . light. Therefore I say unto you, With the deceit-ful mammon procure to yourselves friends, who, after your discharge, may receive you into the eternal mansions.— Verses 8, 9, George Campbell's translation. The following notes of Campbell are very good. " Commended the prudence of the unjust steward. Properly, his mas-ter commended neither the action, nor the actor, but solely the provident care about his future interest, which the action dis-played: a care worthy the imitation of hose who have in view a nobler futurity, eternal life." " With the deceitful mammon."— Com-non Version--" Mammon of unrighteous-ness." The epithet, unrighteousness, here applied to mammon, or riches, does not imply, acquired by injustice, or any undue means, but in this application it denotes false riches, that is, deceitful, not to he relied upon. What puts this beyond a question is, that in verseill, it is contrast-ed with Heavenly riches. " Aral I say unto you, Make to your-selves friends by means of ' the mammon of unrighteousness, that when it shall fail they may receive you into the eternal tabernacles."--- Yr. 9. New Revision. " And I say unto you, Make for your-selves friends with the deceitful wealth. that, when it fails, they may receive you into aeonimi,— etere al— mansions."- Em-phatic Diaglott. The real idea in the above. verse has been hidden from the mind by the idea, flrstikhat " Mammon of unrighteousness," meant ill- gotten gains. Second, that this mammon is the thing we are to make our friend. But the above phraze means un-certain, or temporary riches, and it is not to be sought, and trusted in as a friend, but to be used as a means of securing the needed friends. " Make to yourselves friends of the mammon," etc. The prepo-sition " of," is from " ek,"-- i. e., from, or out of. That is, use the deceitful and tem-porary riches as a means to secure a friend who will receive you into the everlasting habitations. The definite article " the," which is in the Greek texts the direct from the Greek in the limphatic, George Campbell, New Revision and others, show that certain, particular habitations were spoken of, nudely, Heaven's mansions. That this mammon is not the thing to seek as a friend, but a means used to secure the needecTfriend is very clearly brought out by both Geo. Campbell, and the Emphat-ic Diaglolt. " With the deceitful maul-mon„ procure to yourselves friends, who, after your discharge, may receive you into everlasting mansions." " And I say unto you, Make for your-selves friends with the deceitful wealth," etc. Earthly wealth is deceitful, because often it takes sudden wings, and flees away. Again, because so often it become § a snare to the soul. The figure is simply this. The steward was entrusted with the handling of his master's goods. He so used it as a means that when discharged, he was taken into a certain dwelling place. We also are stewards over whatever earthly possess-ions come into our hands, we should so use it, that when discharged from these re- Sponsibilities by the close of this life we will have a " Building of God, a house not made with hand's, eternal in the Heavens*" tr THE MAMMON OF IWRIGETEOUSNESS. ---: o:--- EAR Bro. Warner, please give us light on Lake 16: 1- 13. Your brother. R. P. Gooding. This is made still plainer by verses 10, 11, 12. Ile that is faithful in that which s least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own ?--- Luke 16 10, 11, 12. " The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof." So all that men call their prop-erty in this world, really belongs to God, and not to us. But we are to use it, as stewards of God. And if we use it alone to His glory, God will give us a rich - re-ward for our faithful stewardship. That reward will be ours. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the use of the perishing riches, which is God's, who shall give you the true rich-es, which is the reward of Heaven. " No servant can serve two masters : for either he will hate the one, and love the other or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all- these things and they derided Him."--- Luke 16: 13, 14. Verse 13 shows clearly that we are not to serve mammon, not to seek it as an end, nor trust in it as a friend, but use it only as a mearis of serving God, to whom it all belongs. - Verses 13, 14, show us that this whole lesson Ives designed to rebuke covetous-ness, and not to pamper and encourage the same. In the close of the preceding - chapter we have the elder son rebuked for his grumbling at the father for having killed the fatted calf on the occasion of the return of the prodigal. That, showed that he cared more for- the fatted calf than he did for the salvation of his lost brother. God pity such sordid, idolatrous hearts, there are plenty oh them to- day that walk about in a stolen garb of religion. The parable then teaches that you should use the property over which God has made you a steward, as a means of making God your friend, that when your get your dis-charge from - this probationary state, Be may receive you into His everlasting hab-itation. " Jod ' avail a cheerful giver." " But godliness with contentment, is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and rai-ment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruc-tion and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil : which While some coveted after, they have erred. from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, 0 man - of God, flee these things; and. - follou after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, pa-tience, meekness. Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the Living God, who giyeth us richly all things to enjoy That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to dis-tribute, willing to communicate. Laying up in store for themselves a good founda-tion against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.- 1 Timothy 6 : 6- 11, 17- 19. " To distribute willingly, to communi- / late," is laying up a store in Heaven, a good foundation, for a mansion and eter-nal life. That is the way to use your stewardship, that you may thereby make friends of the Triune God, and be received into everlasting habitations." " Ye cannot serve God and mammon." So all who love money, and seek riches as an end, are serving mammon, and not God. : o: There will be a Camp, or Grove meet-ing at Merrill Saginaw Co. Mich., com-mencing August 10- 21. Parties coining are requested to provide themselves with tents and provisoes if possidle. Any cute wino contemplates coming, and desire t a. be met at the train, please write to Bro. John Hare, Merrill, Mich. Merrill is on the Saginaw Valley, and St. Louis Railroad. Let the: saints rally for the rescue of per, Ishing souls, NZ t$ FROM TEE PI: St1), - 0- VICHY, MO. JUNE 17. In the name of King Jesus we bad a glo-rious Ordinance Meeting at Carthage; June 11th._ We met at brother James Pine's in the after- noon, after service pro-ceeded to Spring River, where 16 . were busied - with Christ, to baptism. Some said they Dever eaw tm this fashion be-fore. It was a grand, hallelujah time. The saints were filled with God's power, and praises. The Lent so wonderfully owned and blessed - His dear ones in the very act of obedience, and gave them such a wonderful answer from Heaven to a good conscience, and such a clear witness and manifestation of His Spirit, that each one knew for themselves that they were baptized in God's ender. Proving the truth that " He that: does his will shall know of the doctrine." They were so over- powered by the mighty presence of God, that the brethren had to assist in get-ting them to the shore. Each one could testify for themselves to the Spirit's wile ness to their baptism. Some who never obeyed God in this Divine order, said " It would never ( 10 to claim the Spirit's wits itess to the rid, of immersion, for that would do awa y with sprinkling and pouring as. . baptism, altogether." Well, Amen. God's Spirit guides in the way of all truth. All truth, means the truth of baptism as well as oilier truth. hence one good experi-ence, forever settles this debate with all who are baptized in God's order. 1Men fail to get a real knowledge of the truth by debate and theory; hut when they come to God and his terms in faithful Obedience. doing his will, they shall know of the doc-trine, whether it be in the ordinance of baptism, washing the saint's feet, the com-munion, or any other command of our Lord. Hallelujah! Jesus says " Lo I am with you Away." Praise God! He has not left us to figure ont these things alone and in the dark, but gives us his holy Spirit, with the promise " He shall guide you into all truth." Also " It is the Spirit, that beareth witnees, because the Spirit is truth." 1 John 5: 6. We returned from the river, praising God for the glory we found in obedience to his command in the ordinance of water baptism, to still enjoy his presence, in washing the saint's feet. God also wonderfully manifested His presence in this act of obedience. ' Also, some of the saints who had long desired this happy privilege now joined with us in washing feet and greeting with the ho-ly kiss, and know for themselves the truth of this doctrine also. " If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do t hem." It was blessed to partake the communion in God's order in- stead of some human sect order. 0 how God's " free in- deed" saints ddeejtier their liberty in Christ. Amen I Many professing holiness, in the West, are still bound more or less, by sectism, no doubt the cause lies with the teaching they have received. To illustrate the aw-ful effect of sectism. Persons claim to leave ' their sect and go out teaching holiness with their sect errors. Thatcher, leaves his Quaker sect, claiming to be led of God to teach the holy people, and makes it his special business to invalidate God's truth, and raise the standard of his noser-dinance sect, a Other/Unknown Material Mite ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Lent ENVELOPE(-66.783,-66.783,-66.867,-66.867) Medina ENVELOPE(-66.233,-66.233,-68.453,-68.453) Ida ENVELOPE(170.483,170.483,-83.583,-83.583) The ''Y'' ENVELOPE(-112.453,-112.453,57.591,57.591) Moses ENVELOPE(-99.183,-99.183,-74.550,-74.550) St. Louis ENVELOPE(-67.496,-67.496,-67.132,-67.132) Lone ENVELOPE(11.982,11.982,65.105,65.105) Myers ENVELOPE(170.033,170.033,-72.117,-72.117) Harper ENVELOPE(-57.050,-57.050,-84.050,-84.050) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Luke ENVELOPE(-94.855,-94.855,56.296,56.296) Clayton ENVELOPE(-64.183,-64.183,-65.167,-65.167) Bryant ENVELOPE(-60.942,-60.942,-71.236,-71.236) Eta ENVELOPE(-62.917,-62.917,-64.300,-64.300) Ure ENVELOPE(13.733,13.733,68.100,68.100) Dun ENVELOPE(11.266,11.266,64.658,64.658) Yoke ENVELOPE(-61.933,-61.933,-63.967,-63.967) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Lagrange ENVELOPE(-62.597,-62.597,-64.529,-64.529) Awl ENVELOPE(-60.633,-60.633,-63.867,-63.867) Aven ENVELOPE(14.303,14.303,65.792,65.792) Amour ENVELOPE(70.083,70.083,-49.367,-49.367) Kil ENVELOPE(11.836,11.836,65.017,65.017) Spring River ENVELOPE(-138.627,-138.627,69.281,69.281) Boggs ENVELOPE(-61.383,-61.383,-70.550,-70.550) Leininger ENVELOPE(-62.267,-62.267,-70.600,-70.600) Ridin ENVELOPE(12.185,12.185,65.272,65.272)