The Gospel Trumpet - 23:29

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 gathAenrd h hise e slhecatl lf rsoemnd t hhies faonugr ewlsi nwdist, h f aro pme aotn seo uenndd ooff ha eTarvuemn ptoe tt ahned o tthheeyr. slhiafallt gi. a 2th4e: 3r 1t. o- So will...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Byrum, E. E.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Gospel Trumpet Company 1903
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Byrum, E. E.
The Gospel Trumpet - 23:29
topic_facet Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 gathAenrd h hise e slhecatl lf rsoemnd t hhies faonugr ewlsi nwdist, h f aro pme aotn seo uenndd ooff ha eTarvuemn ptoe tt ahned o tthheeyr. slhiafallt gi. a 2th4e: 3r 1t. o- So will I seek out my sheep, pate will deliver them oat of all place ' There they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Ezele. 84: 12. Jer. 82: 89. VOLUME XXIII. MOIJNDSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, U. S. A., THURSDAY, JULY ' 16, 1903. NUMBER 29 " THE MASTER IS COME." John. 11: 28. BY ROBT. ROTHMAN. " The Master is come, and he calleth for thee," Said Martha to Mary of old. She knew that her sister would hasten to see The tender, pure Lord of the fold. The Bethany home was then deeply in woe, For Death, not regarding their tears, Had entered the house and had stricken so low Their lover from earliest years. Poor Mary fell down at his feet and there cried To him the dispeller of fear " My brother, my Lazarus, should not have died, 0 Master, if thou hadst been here." The spirit of Jesus was troubled and sad, And groaned in compassion so deep. He thought of the home that was once calm and glad And then— yes, then Jesus did weep. Though Martha, the doubter, of Jesus did crave The body should be let alone, He went to where Lazarus lay in the grave, And told them to roll back the stone. ' le looked unto heaven and thankfully prayed To God, who e'er heard when he plead; Then turned to the grave and in majesty made Friend Lazarus rise from the dead. Grim Death heard the voice of the great Son of man And to him his victim did yield Oh, what a rejoicing that moment began When Jesus his Godhead revealed! " The Master is come, and he calleth for thee," Oh, listen, dear sinner, obey; From sin's deathly wrappings he'll set thee so free, And frt thee for bright, endless day. lhe Terror of the Lord. UT ELLA Y. LEm AY. INC; therefore the terror of the tie men. – 2 Con 5: ul thing to fall into the Holt. 10: 31. Oh, tiod should earnestly eontend, so each of IIS may lw clear of the Mood of all men in the great judgment day. What an awful thing for poor lost soul in the last day to stand before us tad tell us if we had & Ile our duty toward them down here in this world their soul would, have been saved. Wo must at all times be on duty, for truly this is a continual warfare with the enemy on every hand. So let us war a good war-fare. for the battle is the Lord's, and he is our glorious captain, who never loses a bat-tle, Praise our God forever! But to re-turn to our subject: Job 31: 33 says, " De-struction from God was a terror to me. So it would be to every one else; and if eve-ry unsaved soul would give this matter a se-rious thought, surely it would move them to rep entance. I have heard some say they did not believe God would be so mean as to Put them here in this world, and then in eternity punish them forever. Another man said if there is a God he is not such a had fellow as people try to make believe he he is not bad enough to send people to hell. Ae will not send any one to hell. All those who go choose their own way, and send themselves there. God is good, and is the source of all good and he just lets every one make their own choice as to which way they will walk in; the narrow Way which leads to heaven and immortal glory, or the broad way which leads to hell and eternal punishment. God is " not will-ing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." 2 Pet. 3: 9. The Word says, " Choose ye this day whom ye will serve." Dear reader, do you know the day of the Lord is near ? " Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce an-ger, to lay the land desolate : [ He is already doing it. ] and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it." Isa. 13: 9. So, sinner, I warn you in the name of the Lord, " flee the wrath to come," while you have time and opportunity offered yam Harden not your hearts against God's precious eternal truth, love and mercy. " Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." To- day if you hear his voice calling you, oh, accept him as your Savior before mercy's door is forever closed against you; for he says his spirit will not always strive with man. But, though your sins be as scarlet he will take them all away and remember them against you no more. Such a blessed loving Savior we have. What a shame for people to spurn his offered salvation. He died to bear our sin and shame. What for? Why, that we might live in glory with him forever, pro-viding we meet his conditions which are easy for us to do. His yoke is easy and his burden is light. I have found it so. The dear Lord does not tell us anything to do that we can not accomplish, and be-sides he helps us to obey him, so he makes it easy for us to follow his footsteps. -" I've tried the road of sin and found Its prospects all deceiv e; I've proved the Lord and joys abound More than I could believe." Truly, there is joy in the Lord, and it will last forever. Halleluiah ! The joys of this old world are only for a little season, and the wages of sin is death, and woe, and hitter remorse. So. sinner, do make your escape from hell make your calling and election sure now, for it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of a just God with-nut a hope in your soul. Where will you spend eternity? • - 4 , What Sanctification Means; How Attained. BY ALVA D. BE_ 4RDSLEE. ' TO definitely understand who is ready I to receive the experience of sanctifica-tion, let us examine 1 Thes. 5: 14- 23: " Now we exhort you, brethren, be pa-tient toward all men. See that none ren-der evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. Rejoice ever-more. Pray without ceasing. In every-thin g give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not proph-esyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appear-ance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserv-ed blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1. These were brethren who were com-manded to have patience toward all men and ever follow that which is good. But as it is the same Word of God that we have to live by to- day, every child of God must fulfil this in this evening time as well as then. 2. They were commanded to rejoice ever-more. When the trials of life are upon you, when you are oppressed and imposed upon by sinners, then can you, dear reader, ful-fil this scripture? No gloom and discour-agement can abide where the heart is re- . . . jmenag in God's love. " Rejoice in the Lord alway : and again I say rejoice." Phil. 4: 4. 3. The command is, Pray without ceas-ing, and in everything give thanks. Have you ever experienced the great blessings which God bestows upon the hearts of men who are always giving thanks and are prayed up to date ? Here lies, buried deep in the heart of the Christian, the secret of untold wealth. If you wish to under-stand greater depths of his love, you may here find a gateway to his storehouse. " In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made k- nown unto God." Phil. 4: 6. 4. Again he says, " Quench not the Spir-it." May God enable us to meet this re-quirement. While we are going about our duties of life, serving God with our heart, mind, and soul, there may be points we do not understand— have not yet reached— that must be shortly met. The Spirit will reveal such, and give us grace to overcome, if we meekly submit to him. But, do not grieve hisn; let the Lord rule in all things. All this is included in the justified ex-perience; yet God has something more glo-rious for the one who will press forward and heed all the Spirit's leadings. The jus-tified believer finds in himself, when pass-ing through great and manifold tempta-tions, a struggling of his self- will, which, if loosed ( for it is bound in conversion), would cause disobedience and a destruc-tion of the peace of soul. This resent-ment to God's will can be removed. Praise the Lord! He will sanctify you wholly, and preserve you blameless unto the coming of the Lord. What could be more glorious? We each may have a foil share. It is all for each one. Do not be content with a part. But what is it? Titus 3: 4- 6: " But after that the kindness and love of God our Sav-ior toward men appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the' washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which he shed on us abun-dantly through Jesus Christ our Savior." This is sufficient to prove the renewing of the Holy Ghost a gift from God, for we re-ceive it through the loving kindness of our Savior, and not by any work which we are capable of doing. Then, what is the rea-son of this gift? Answer. " That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Ver. 7. Now literally, an heir is one who is entitled to some inheritance— lands, money, stocks, etc. God must then, if this is the reason of our reception of the Holy Spirit, have something of value for our inheri-tance. In Acts 20: 32, we read that this is an inheritance " among all them which are sanctified." This includes all, both in this world and in that which is to come. For further proof of this we have, " That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him. In whom also we have obtained an inheritance." Eph. 1 : 10, 11. This was written to those who had been blessed with " all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ," hence if they enjoyed it we also may en-joy it " all the days of our life." " For both he that sanetifieth and they who are sancti-fied are 0 of one." We see we not only have an inheritance with the heavenly hosts above, but we may also actually en-joy the Holy Spirit in this life for after that we believed we " were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise." But this " Holy Spirit of promise" " is the earnest of our inheritance until the re-demption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory." This portion 01 the Holy Ghost, or the sanctified experience which we enjoy in this life, is the earnest which is " heaven itself." To understand this, we must know what an earnest is. An earnest is " something given, or a part paid beforehand" and left in possession of another as a security of the bargain made, Even so is the experience of entire sancti-fication a part of heaven which we enjoy on earth giving a real evidence and proof that we are forever separated from this world of sin, and ready to be revealed at the last day without any further soul prep aration. Halleluiah to God ! We have proved what the experience is; so now, by God's help, we will try to show how it is attained. " That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might re-ceive the promise of the Spirit through faith." Gal. 3 : 14. Here we see that we receive it the same as justification; that is, after every condition on our part is wholly acceptable with God, we have confidence toward God to receive the promise. Rom. 5: 1, 2. Then with this faith we receive the power of the Holy Ghost." Acts 1.: 8; 2 Thes. 1: 11. Let us now examine the Scriptures to see what we have to do in order to obtain this perfect faith in God. " For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin." Rom. 6: 5- 7. But to understand this we must comprehend something about the death of our Savior; for we must be plant-ed together in the likeness of his death, or, in other words, we must die a death similar to his death. We know to get an entrance into heaven we must die a phys-ical death. which completely separates us and makes us " dead indeed" to everything of this world. So this is our covenant with God for sanctification: a death as complete as a literal one, only we are permitted to retain our mortal body and human or-ganism, while our consecration is sealed, and the purification of all that would not admit our souls into heaven is effected by the Holy Ghost. Eph. 4: 24, 30, 31. To the natural man this would be impossible; but the believer may do this through Christ, and only through Christ. Heb. 10 : 10; John 17 : 18, 19 1 Cor. 5: 7. Christ of-fered himself, leaving every entanglement to this world, every expectation, and every affection that could influence him here. Mat. 26 : 36- 46 and John IS : 12- 14. Now, dear reader, if you would be in the likeness of his resurrection, you must be first in the likeness of his death. " Now he that ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens." Eph. 4: 9, 10. " Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind : for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God." 1 Pet. 4: 1, 2. " Likewisr reckon ye also yourselves to be dead in deed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ." Rom. 6: 11. " It is a faith-ful saying : for if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him- if we suffer we shall also reign with him if we deny him, he also will deny us." 2 Tim. 2: 11, 12. In order that such a death as this be met, 11. hands for a holy Sviselont to know, do. and say the right tit right time in dealing honestly, just IS would, with people's souls. It is hat f every saint of July 16, 1903. we must do more than simply yield up our depraved hindrances to be crucifted: we must yield beyAry part of our self- will, evetiV. VaTt a 0436;" 01 and" plbasure - dons; and make' * it all oar affec ataiacrifice toe$ erj.:. F ever live for Gad. heart- searching time. i, You statineheitsteeri: life Od dft 9th„,& noxiou must, m4ye f_ oratar realizing au- absOltte separation from eve-erything of earth, into an awful unknown depth; leaving father, mother, husband, wife, children, lands, possessions, and, in fact, everything of earth, in God ' s hands alone, as truly as though they were ac-tually sacrificed. You have nothing to say about earthly matters whatever, but all is committed to God. You must swing out into God's hands ' alone. The death seems hard, but it is the only way God has made, and we must accept it or be lost eternally. The prophecy, " I will take the stony heart out of your flesh" and " put my spirit within you," must be a reality in every ease. This painful operation must contin-ue till all is yielded up and consecrated forever. This was Paul's experience ( Gal. 2 : 20), and must also be ours. " They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." Gal. 5 : 24. Plain-ly nothing short of this will admit us into the place of resurrection with Christ. Not only, dear friend, must the flesh be cru-cified, but the affections and desires of the fleshly mind must be given up also. This means a sacrifice of all the sacred things of our heart. The affections are so wrap-ped up in the carnal man that every ob-ject to which they are attached must be severed from the heart. You can not have any selfish way about this matter. Yet one thing more is needful. This is a complete dedication of your life, talents, and time, to God's service; be where it will, cost what it may, yet you will gladly go for him. If you have truly met all the conditions, then with a confidence in all the Word, you can reach forth with real faith, knowing the work is finished; and receive the " renewing of the Holy Ghost," which makes us in the likeness of his res-urrection, not in the old life, but the life you now live you " live by the faith of the Son of God." This is truly glorious. Who would miss such an enjoyment? " For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before, This is the covenant that I will make with them af-ter those days, saith the Lord. I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. Having there-fore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the vain that is to say, his flesh; and having an high priest over the house of God; let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water." Heb. 10: 14- 22. Reader, can you fail to possess the rich-es of his glory, when such " boldness to en-ter" in is granted you? All you need do is to meet your part; God did his long ago. Settle it in your heart to serve God and en-joy heaven now as well as hereafter. To- day is the time accepted, and full salvation is offered you now. " Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Heb. 4: 16. $ 4R E ye therefore ready also : for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not." Luke 12: 40. Jesus is com-ing again; and the time is drawing near when he shall make his appearance to call the world to judgment, that " every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that which he hath done, whether it be good or bad." Many are teaching that the Lord will not come again; and thus by fair speeches are deceiving and leading souls down to darkness, caus-ing some to follow their pernicious ways, leading others to become careless and in-different about watching, which our Lord lf reputation,. commanded that we should do. Jesus is coming, for his Word.* stare, and he can not lie. Those who are- expecting to find theIntdgmt passed will be greatly. canted - 41mi they are th ' ju4ge with Oe open books in : Willett their siaul deeds are written. Rev. - -- Tra e ms` Oitle; Paul's admonition to the essalomanbregaren was to " watch nald be sober." To the saints at Rometdie. Sad, " And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleen; for now is our salvation nearer than: when w6 be-lieved. The night is far spent, the day is at hand." Beloved, heed the admonition of our Savior, " Be ye also ready." " For as tik: 77 lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Mat. 24: 27. What if the Master should come to- night? Holiness from a Bible Standpoint. BY J. E. FORREST. TITFi GOSPEL TRUMPET. cated by God's Word. " If any m9 teach otherwise, and consent not to wnotallaaa words, even the words of our--, Lord Christ, and to the doctrine wiiich is ac. cording to godliness; he * proud, knowing nothing, but doting avoid caneyestions Bad strifes of words, whereof meth envy, strife, railings, evil surmisi) 1 froth such with_ 104 Peal-disputings of otfhe mternuth, c. o. r rupt : Minds, and destitute draw thyself." 1 Tim. 6: 3, 1, 12. " Seditious:" Seditions ups_ ings, tumults, a rushing together in oppean tion to law or justice, a raging against truth. Men sometimes become enraged over religious matters, and stir up no small amount of disturbance. Seditious, or mobs, are often made up, and that of professors, too, for the purpose of persecuting God's people, by beating, stoning, or some other means by which they may rid themselves of them. 13. " Heresies." The word heresy signi-fies error in doctrine. For example, a man may not consent to wholesome words, the words of the Lord , Jesus and his doctrine, and thereby be guilty of heresy. Any one who departs from the truth, and goes into error concerning any fundamental princi-ple or doctrine in religion, is a heretic. A man may teach, or preach the entire gos-pel correctly, and rightly divide the Word of truth in all points but one; but if he errs. and by thus erring, he produces factions, and will not accept admonition or correct- ion after being dealt with, he is a heretic. In the Emphatic Diaglott theword " heresies" is rendered " seets." All doc-trines of man in this age that are not in ac-cordance with the faith and practises of the early church, are " heresies." 14. " Envyings. " Envy alayeth the silly one." Job 5 : 2. Envy is a great evil. It is manifest, however, among men. If some one seems to be getting along better than we, do we envy his position t Do you envy those who seem to be blessed above you in tem-poral things! If some stand more promi-nent in public opinion and are noticed more than you. do you envy themt If God be-stows special gifts upon some of his chil-dren more than you, do you envy them? Jesus was delivered into the bands of those who slew him because of envy, Mat. 27: 18. Mark 15 : 10. " For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying." 1 Con 2 : 3. " Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another." Gal. 5: 26. 15. " Murders.'" " Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer." 1 John 3: 15. 16. " Drunkenness." " Be not drunk with wine wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit." Men may be made drunk with wine or any other intoxicants, in a literal sense. but they may also be made drunk spiritually. They may be drunk on foolishness, foolish talking, and such like. People, many of them, are now drunk on false teaching. The aged men are exhorted to be sober, grave temperate. The aged women, " not given to much wine." " Teach the young women to be sober. . Young men likewise exhort to be sober-minded." " And I saw the woman [ false church] drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." " For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy." Rev. 17 : 6 16 : 6. Those who hate and per-secute the saints are murderers at heart, and God punishes them for such wickedness by causing them to be drunken with their blood. 17. " Revelings, and such like." Revel; " To feast with loose and clamorous merri-ment; to carouse." Revelings are feast-ings, and carousing, s; any worldly amuse-ments that pertain to frolicking or jollity. For example, church feasts, banquetinga church parties, oyster suppers, etc., vend-ing money or goods in a lavishing and riot-ing way for worldly pleasures and amuse-ments; " Of the which I tell you before, as not inherit the kingdom of God." " . Selatt I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." Gal. 5: 19- 21. The above doings are the " works of th,, e flesh and those who do such thin'sg are they that do his commandments, t_ h_. they may have right to the tree of life' ro ers, , loveth and may enter in through the gates into th city. For without are . sorcere rs, s, u. - whoremongers andr s, idolate [ fornicators] andWhosoever and cluraan erue d ers CHAPTER IV. THE WORKS OF T14 F1 FLESH. 4 ilkT OW the works of the flesh are man- ". ifest, which are these:" 1. Adultery. Any one may commit adultery in the fol-lowing ways: first, by act. " This woman was taken in adultery, in the very act." John 8: 4. Second, by desire. " Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Mat. 5: 28. Third, by marriage. " Whosoever- shall marry her that is di-vorced ' eoramitteth adultery." Mat. 5: 32. Fourth, spiritual. " And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel had committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but . committed adultery with stones and with stocks." Jer. 3 : 8, 9. 2. " Fornication." Any one may commit fornication in the following ways: First, literal. " It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, . that one should have his father's wife." 1 Cor. 5 : 1. " A man shall not take his father's wife." Dent. 22: 30. Second, by going after " strange flesh." " Even as Sodom and Go-morrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to forni-cation, and going after strange flesh." Jude 7. Fornication is the same- as whore-dom. In Heb. 13 : 4 the authorized version reads " whoremongers and adulterers." The Emphatic Diaglott renders it " forni-cators and adulterers." Third, spiritual. Rev. 14 : 8 17 : 1- 5. A woman representing or symbolizing the false church with whom the nations have " committed fornication," by claiming to be the bride of Christ; when at the same time in works she denies him, does not respect his Word, dishonors him, and is possessed with a foreign spirit; and, thereby deceives the nations by false pre-tense. _ All who profess faith and loyalty to Christ, but do not obey him, are committing spiritual fornication. 3. " Uncles nness." The meaning of un-cleanness is, 1st, foulness; dirtiness; filthi-ness. 2nd, moral impurity; defilement by sin, sinfulness. 3d, lewdness; incontinence. Any one may be unclean in spirit and flesh. " Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." 2 Cor. 7: 1. Moral uncleanness-" Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts [ and the result of an unclean and lustful spirit was], to dishonor their own bodies between them-selves. . For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections : for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another." Rom. 1: 24- 27. " Cleanse your hands, ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye double minded." 4. " Lasciviousness." To be lascivious means to be loose, wanton, lewd, lustful. Lasciviousness, looseness; irregular indul-gence of animal desires wantonness lust-fulness tendency to excite lust, and pro-voke irregular indulgencies. " Having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness." and served " Idola attth rre yy." . c'r'eatTuhroes Thosee wh an thel. Dhaeva: not dseoriebaerwneardecofh r e4s: s 8720e. tor." ". All gods of the people are idols.' Psa. 96: 5. " We Imow that an idol i " worshipe nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one." 1 Cor. 8 : 4. Some pderoepnl, eoridwoilifzee. tThheiery flcartaterthemmomthoerre tchilialn-they ooJr ems ttu st. heJr ems uosr es atahrsa, n" Hmee sh auto tlowv eotrh_ thy of me; and he that loveth son or daugh-ter more than me is not worthy of me." Others idolize their sect above all else. Others idolize their preacher, thusgiving more heed to what he says than they do the commandments of God. All sectism is no more than an image or an idol which the nations worship. Jesus built his church and men made a counterfeit, and Protes-tant sect- builders have made an image to this counterfeit, and call it the church; but it is idolatry. " Little children, keep yourselves from idols." 1 John 5; 21. 6. " Witchcraft." This is witchery; sor-cery enchantments. It is about the same as wizard. After Saul had departed from the Lord he had some experience with witchery. One who has a familiar spirit is a witch, and pretends to call back departed spirits and such like. See 1 Sam. 28. When people get under such a spirit it must be cast out before they can be saved; also all the books of their curious arts- spiritual-ism, Christian science, hypnotism, Mesmer-ism, Weltmerism, etc.- should be burned. See Acts 19 : 19 16 : 16- 18. 7. " Hatred." " For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciv-iousness, lusts, excess of wine," etc. 1 Pet. 4: 3. " For we were sometimes foolish, dis-obedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hate-ful, and hating one another." Titus 3 : 3. We are not to hate, but to love all men, even our enemies. Mat. 5 : 44. 8. " Variance." This means an alteration or difference, and that which produces dis-sension or controversy_ This spirit of va-riance is manifest in many people. They get exalted and think themselves wiser than others; and therefore get up dissensions, disputes; and this is frequently done about the Word of God. Their experience becomes altered, and is not in harmony with the written Word, and they begin to wrest, or twist, the Word to suit their experience, and thereby cause disputes. 9. " Emulations." Emulation means ri-valry, desire of superiority trying to ex-cel others in that which effects, or which they think will cause others to praise them; seeking favors that will satisfy their car-nal desires. This kind of work is going on very extensively among those who profess to be followers of the " meek and lowly" Son of God. It is all right to seek favor of God, which will lift us up in spiritual things for his glory. When this is done in the right spirit, and for the glory of God and not ourselves, it is pleasing to God. " Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts." " Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church." 1 Cor. 14: 1, 12. bitterness, these, l‘ anger, L anger, ' r' . e. t. all wrath, tl3h, tc aunnl o. dw3a: yn8eg. put off all p u1t1a. wc, asytrf irfoe. m " you. uEsPwlia. 141K : h3oinestly: - not in strife." Rom. 13: 13. " But if ye hhaeavretsbitgtleorry envying and not against the strife in your truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where . strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." Jas. 3 : 14, 15. " Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit." The above ad-monition says " strive not about words." The apostle tells us to " avoid . conten-tions and strivings about the law." Titus 3: 9. " For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lust shall heap to themselves st hall e a et irisr, haawv ainy g their itching ears s e farrosm; tahned t rtuhtehy, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Tim. 4: 3, 4. The apostle classes debate in with these evils. See Rom. 1: 29. It is not nec-essary to argue or debate the principles of Christianity. We know where all those who strive about the gospel dwell. They are lo- Be Ready. BY G. W. CAREY. July 16, • 1901 THE GOSPEL MITA/ PET. a Add to virtue knowledge, by seeking after God, studying his Word, our heart seeking and feasting on the good things of God, and the reading of his Word, our de-light. We can add knowledge by giving ourselves to reading, have it settled in our heart that a portion of each day shall be given to reading, hence adding knowledge. Add to knowledge temperance. By be-ing watchful and careful, and putting forth an effort to be temperate— not to be over indulgent in any thing— let your modera-tion be known unto all men, the Lord is at hand. Phil. 4: 5. Add to temperance patience, by being patient in tribulation, going through trou. b-le with calmness, and forbearance, and, with David, bless the Lord at all times, counting all things jay. Add to patience godliness, by showing forth real godliness in our every- day life, proving to this world by our daily walk with God, that it is" not I, but Christ liveth in me." Add to godliness brotherly kindness, by looking after one another's welfare, not looking on the things of our own, but on the things of others; being kind and gentle, hospitable, and seeking opportunities to show kindness one to another. Add to brotherly kindness charity— real, pure love— not love only in word, but in deed and in truth. Real charity, or love, welds our hearts into one. Charity comes from the depths of the soul, causes us to be true and loyal to God and man. Char-ity covers a multitude of sins. Charity will cause us to lay down our lives one for another, if necessary. Charity will cause us to take a lower seat than that of our brethren if they may be honored. Charity never faileth; instead of trying to see the little faults of our brothers and sisters, we can look on their good qualities, and hold them up to the throne of mercy in times of need as our own. If we hear them evil spoken of, just as leave it was spoken of us. " He that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?" 1 John 4: 20. In conclusion the apostle says, " If we do these things we shall never fall." Let us watch and be diligent, seeking opportuni-ties to do good in every thing, watching and praying, lending a helping hand, bring-ing under our bodies, keeping them in sub-jection, and our soul will flourish and de-light itself in fatness. BY JENNIE M. BYERS. W E see through the Word of God the Vy commands to steadfastness. We also see in our own daily life the necessity for steadfastness. We know the God whom we serve is steadfast, and surely he expects and commands us to be the same. How soon the enemy of our souls knows if he can switch or waver us from the truth; how soon he takes advantage of us. No wonder eve are commanded to resist him steadfastly in the faith. In some of the hard trials and battles of life, it is only by a steady and steadfast resistance that he will let go. If the devil is so persistent in his claims, how much more so we who are of the truth and standing on the truth should be stead-fast in our claims and position. We know that the whole host of heaven is back of us and upholding us in the right; then why should we falter or waver in our position for right and truth? Look at the firmness and steadfastness of Daniel. When the decree had been made and seated by the king, he went into his room with the windows open toward Jeru-salem, as he ever did, and performed his daily devotions. He was steadfast in his purpose, as well as his devotion, and what was the result ? God's protectionwas on him even in the den of lions. He felt God could take care not only of his servant but also of his own cause. Was his steadfast-ness the means of any good y Hear the same king's decree who cast him into the den : " I make a decree, That in every do-minion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and steadfast forever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall, be even unto the end." Dan. 6: 26. Many of us have proven the God of heav-en steadfast; and it behooves us to trust malteth a lie." Rev. 22: 14, 15. " Know ye not that the unrighteous shall, not inherit the kingdom of God! Be not deceived; neither fornicators, . nor adulterers, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards." 1 Corn. 6: 9, J.(). " But the fearful and unbe-and the abominable, and murder-ers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." Rev. 21: 8. We learn from the above that those who indulge in the works of the flesh are debarred from the kingdom of God, and are to have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone. " So then they that are in the flesh can not please God." Rom. 8: 8. " This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." Gal. 5: 16. " But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." Rom. 8: 9. " And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." Gal. 5 : 24. Diligence. BY I MUIR B THURMOND. .11/ 1 word" diligence " means to be con-stant, earnest, industrious, watchful; etc. We find in 2 Pet. 1: 4- 10. " Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises : that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge tem-perance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kind-ness charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But he that liteketh these things is blind, and can not see afar off, and hath for-gotten that he was purged from his old sins. Wherefore, the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall." We see there is so much in our giving all diligence. Those that are not indus-trious spiritually get but little from the Lord. We see the apostle says, Giv-ing all diligence, add to your faith virtue, giving all diligence; add to virtue knowledge, giving all diligence; add to knowledge temperance, etc. The Lord re-quires us to be very diligent concerning our soul's welfare. Give diligence to make your calling and election sure; for if ye do these things ye shall never fall. The man that plants his corn, and idly neglects to cultivate it, the result is, he raises no corn; at the time of harvest there is noth-ing but a little stock and. husks. If he had given diligence, and gone about his work with all earnestness, plowing and cultivat-ing, he would have had an abundance of in-crease: so with spiritual things if we just idly sit down, go Melly to prayer, do not get in earnest enough to expect to receive what we ask for, the result will be, our souls will dwindle and. die. These are times when the devil will try to oppress, and make one stupid, and want us to sit down idly and sleep away the time, etc. But we remember, when this is the case, God's Word says, " Behold, I give you power over all the power of the enemy. And, we have the power in Jesus' name to assert our rights and privileges in Christ iover all the power of the enemy. Ofttimes in our secret devotion, Satan will try to hinder our nearness to God, and that clear, transparent, heavenly atmosphere that as-sures us of the presence of God. When this is the case, in Jesus' name we can rebuke every opposing element that tries to hinder, and claim our freedom. Remem-ber the Lord tells us to be careful for noth-ing, but in everything, by prayer and sup-plication with thanksgiving, make our re-quests known unto God. Father bows down a listening ear to the earnest fervent prayer of the righteous, and whispers to the heart, Lo, I am with you alway. We must add to our faith virtue, purity, chaste goodness, eternal trueness in every-thing through trials and temptations, hop-ing, trusting; believing, that all things work together for good. him for steadfastness for ourselves if we ever will serve him acceptably, or accom-plish anything. We hear of some and also see them among us; who are not steadfast; can they be de-pended upon? No; about the first you hear, they have backslidden and bring a reproach upon themselves as well as the cause. We see many that very perfectly answer the description in James. They are unstable and wavering and he says, " Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lard." It does take a persistent, steadfast, hold-ing on, to receive some of the firm, solid things of God. If Satan comes with a temptation, and we waveringly say no, and he persists and tempts and finally makes it so tempting ( for he knows he can carry the point) that we finally yield, who comes off triumphant? Is it not the enemy? Then soon another temptation is presented, not like the previous one; it looks so nice and plausible, and we yield again. Truly, he is victorious, and we his servants. We see that class among us continually. Haw sad ! Now it need not be so. What if our temperament is somewhat of that na-ture, is not his grace sufficient? Has he not promised he is able to make us stand? Yes, truly, if we do our part in seeing first that all sin is out of our nature by a second definite cleansing, then take our stand on the Word of God, and stand there steadfastly, resisting the enemy in the faith— God will see that we are each time delivered without sin. Has he not promised that with every temptation he will make a way of escape? We need not even make the way, but he will in his own time and way. Then, my weak brother and sister, let us trust him and let him do all he has prom-ised he will do. Let us acknowledge our weakness, and his strength, and trust him in every time of need. Paul had great confidence in the Corin-thian brethren. He said his hope of them was steadfast, knowing that as they were' partakers of his suffering, so also they would be of his consolation. In like man-ner there are always some brethren and sisters in whom we have confidence that in time of battle they will be there; that there will be no flinch or wavering, but they can be depended upon, and counted on to stand by you till the battle is ended. It is always better to be in front of the enemy than in the rear. God always has his tried and true ones that can be depended upon in those times. How sad it would be that just at the time when God wanted to manifest his power to the world through his children, they would falter and waver and finally faint entirely. It is in the hottest battle that it takes the firmest courage to stand true; and it is at those very times when we make advancement in our Christian war-fare. It is in these tests and trials that we grow in the Christian graces. Many pray for advancement; then when it comes they shrink and waver and so fail to get the answer to their prayers. Who is to blame? Surely not God. Many pray for faith and the gifts of healing; then when the answer comes they shrink and resort to earthly means, and so fail in their very desires and prayers. Let us allow him to actuate the prayer in our hearts for the things we have need of; then trust Trim for the grace, when the tests come, to carry us through. The command for us is, " Be ye steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." Let us have a firm, steadfast purpose, then act accordingly. Look at the stead-fastness of Ruth. When her mother- in- law was returning to her people, and told her daughters- in- law to go to their people, one said, Good- by, and went. But how with Ruth ? With a steadfast resolve, she says, " Intreat me not to leave thee, or to re-turn from following after thee : for whither thou goest, I will go and where thou lodg-est, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God. Where thou diest will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me." What could Naomi do before such a resolve and statement? " When she ' saw that she was steadfastly minded to go with her, then she left speaking with her." What more could she do but take her with het? Could the • 4 ‘`'‘ j ADULTEROUS GENERATION. 1' The above is very applicable to this pres-ent time. The lust of the flesh, which is given full vent in self- pollution, vice, adul-tery, fornication, unclean meditation, eta, etc., is cursing the present generation}, - un-dermining it morally, physieally, and men-tally. It is a venomous sexp. ent, whose poisonous fangs are striking into the very vitals of the teeming millions , of this Age_. Its victims are to be seen everywhere. The very atmosphere is filled with unclean spir-its, which prey upon the souls of men, and sap them of life and vitality: 4 Beloved saints, keep yourselves pure. Many who once enjoyed full salvation, among thena some who preached a pure gospel, have fall-en prey to the elements that surround them. Resist the devil at every point, set your af-fections on things above, live humble, and keep your heart with all diligence, your mind stayed upon God; and in the midst of a " wicked and adulterous generation," you can " shine as lights in the world." Yours Steadfastness. plc and serve their idols ? No she had the steadfastness in her to not part with, her mother, neither her mother's God. This mother was more to her than her own moth-er in the flesh:. We read of another hero who carried his point by his persistence and steadfastness. Elisha. Elijah was trying Elisha's faith and firmness. When he told him to tarry where they were, as he wanted to go to Bethel, Elisha answered with decision, " As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. So they went down to Bethel." Elijah saw there was no other way, so he had to take him along. But he tries it again. " Elisha, tarry here, I pray thee for the Lord bath sent me to Jer-icho." Does Elisha say, " All right, I will wait here for you"? No again in decision he answers, " As the Lard liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. So they came to Jericho." Again he puts him to the test, and again Elisha answers with steadfastness. But what is the reason for all this? Ah, it means much, and in Elisha's spirit he feels it. Why all this test ? The vessel is to be prepared for the filling when it comes. If the test is great, so is the bless-ing. We can see in Elisha's case what would have been lost had he just yielded. It looked plausible, too, humanly speaking, that he should obey the suggestion of his elder. But ah, something more than hu-man impelled him to answer as he did. And, by his firmness and associating with one so near God, the spirit in him could ask for great things. Many would have thought to ask Elijah for his spirit, would have been a great blessing but the spirit was so working in Elisha that he had the boldness to ask for a double portion. Some-times the spirit in us asks for things that almost astonishes us ourselves as we ask; but the One who indites our petitions knows what is the mind of the spirit, and asks according to the will of God, even before we are conscious what that will or means. Yes, he asks for the double por-tion, and he stands by until he receives the desire of his heart. What does Elijah say when Elisha petitions him? " If thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so." So here we see the secret of jah clinging so closely to his Master. If more souls had Paul's persuasion-. fewer would backslide. Hear his firm, steadfast decision, " I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor Angels, nog principalities, nor powers, nor things Kee, ent, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall bg able to separate us from the love of GAd, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord'-' ' Mkt about backsliding; he asks the opposite question : " Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or di's, tress, or persecution, or famine, or naked, ness, or peril, or sword? Nay, in all these things we are more thanconquerors through him that loved us." We must, like Paul, have the decision in our soul to be true at any cost, then none of these things move us. We are not serving God merely for a good feeling or time, and when that leaves us we falter and give up but we must have the real everlasting go through in our souls. Then if persecutions or trials or dis-couragements come, he will only make them stepping stones toward heaven and glory. devil tempt tier to go back to her, own peo- for purity in life and experience, u. m. THE GOSPEL URITKPET. • ft • • • • • % I • • • • • I • • • I • • • • ling of Soul and testament um of God iytIon: of ( rod, paper . , Counsel to Their • • • • • • • • • 11" • • % to • • • II of Love and Counse . ihysician Physivian, Prison Bars . ' rite) Bars, paper Z. - ChnrohI l iatory . 1.50. aso .,. .60. apanion Rattitonn, paper . .15. ' t amt., Now, THE ( iOSPEL TRUMPET Moundsville, W. Va., July 16, 1903. A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. Reared at the Past- aloe et Motmallnale, W. Ta mSecond- class Matta, E. E. BYRUM Editor. A. L. Bruits Office Editor. arntrilmting Editors: th M. RIGGLE . Cambridge Springs, Pa. , CRks. on . Federalsburg, Md. J. C. BURET Lemieux, Ont. J. W. Bveas Lodi, Cal Geo. L . 7300 Stewart Ave, Chicago, 11.1. Published by GOSPEL TRUMPET Ca Demon, RAnic. AL, and AtM- SECTARIAli, sentforth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christfor the publication of fuP Salvation, Divine Healing of the body, and the Ur ity of all true Christians in " thefaith once delivered to the saints." Subscription price, postage paid, United States, Canada, and Mexico, - $ 1.00 Foreign Countries, - - - $ 1.50 Expressed in English Currency, - 6s. 2d " German Currency, - 6 mark f8 pf EAU Sabscrhitions must be paid la Advance. In about two weeks after your subscription is re-ceived, receipt and credit of same will be shown by the address label attached to your paper or wrapper. Birth Communicaticca, moneys, etc., mast be addressed is GOSPEL. TRUMPET CO. Mou prosirusz, W. VA. 6 basun credit otherwise we will Dot be raMmisible- There is power in the name of Jesus. It is in his name that we are to make our requests known unto the Lord. There are wonderful promises to those who send their petitions in that name. Jesus said, " If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." John 15: 7. It is an easy matter to quote the latter part of John 15: 7, but in order. to easily bring about a fulfilment of the same, it is necessary to first fulfil the first part of the verse. Those who feel themselves weak in faith have access to the abundant sup-ply which the Lord has for his Ail-dren the same as those who are strong. The Lord offers the riches of his store-house unto all who will obey him. • People who do not eat at meal- time become hungry. A continual neglect or refusal to eat will cause starvation. In like manner a neglect to commune with God will bring about a spiritual dearth; and the soul which was once flourishing in the grace of God, will pine away in weakness and starvation. We are lifted by the wings of faith when we appropriate the promises of God unto ourselves, and act upon them. • Those who never apply any of the promises unto themselves have but few outpourings of the Holy Spirit, and venture forth upon. the Christian way with many doubts and fears. Faith properly applied will make the soul abound in the grace of Gad, and cause doubts and fears to flee away. The time for the St. Louis, Mich., camp- meeting is changed to Aug. 27. Meeting will continue over two Sun-days. In another column is a notice of a special offer on books and tracts by W. M. Wilson, Oleta, Okla. These are books from our publishing house. He desires to dispose of his entire stock, and will sell by retail or wholesale at such remarkably low figures we would advise that orders be sent to him. This will help him in time of need, and enable you to procure literature for yourself and others at half price or lass. This is a good chance for you to upply jails, prisons, reading- rooms, 1: braries, etc. A young man in Missouri who had 3en a Mormon for a number of years -. Tame awakened to his spiritual con-dition through reading holy literature which was sent to him by a friend. He writes as follows : " On the 27th of last vmaot,. in otnh i, n n a yfoteurr rb, eaoodki, n " gW tHhAe Tw sany'A rol, f Is DaOl- TO RE sAynn`!" I repented of my sins with a godly sorrow that worketh repentance, and received a free par-don of my past sins; and I have within me the divine evidence of this salva-tion by complying with the require-ments. I did not have this evidence within me before, but have it now. I am a member of the church of God, and am pleased to call you my brother in Christ. I was received into the church of God June 23, 1903, by a spiritual birth. I entered in through Christ, the door of the sheepfold. This is the open door of Which the book of Revelation says, No man can close it. OP ICE ITEMS. We were glad to receive a tub of good butter from the church at West Lodi, Ohio. Most of the time the Trumpet Family use butterine or imi-tation butter, and we greatly enjoy the real butter when we get it. Bro. Milo Strombeck, of Pierceton, Ind., attended the Moundsville camp-meeting, but failed to get a certificate entitling him to a reduced rate back. We secured a rebate for him from the B. & 0. R. R. amounting to $ 6.16. This sum he has kindly donated to the kitchen and dining- room workers who were on the camp- meeting force. The workers appreciate this kind offering. Bro. and Sister C. 0. Dodge, who with their family are absent from the Office for a time, are holding meetings in Kentucky. The brother has worked in the subscription department for several years. Bro. Robert Rothman, the foreman of the composition department ( type-room) is absent for a time. He left a manuscript for publication, entitled, " The Care of the Body," being a work on the preservation of the health. For the first time in more than five years of faithful service at the Office, our engineer, " Mac" ( Bro. Thos. McArron) has left for a few weeks' absence, during which time he will en-gage in work elsewhere. Sister Hallie Ayres, who is visiting with her relatives at Wilton Junction, Ia., is much missed in the stenographic department. We are thankful for the services of Bro. C. J. Blewitt, of New York, who has been helping us out with this line of work. The brother has just returned to his Eastern field of labor. Bro. N. H. Byrum, the Company's secretary, wiites that he and family are enjoying their vacation in the vi-cinity of Muskegon, Mich. Bro. E. E. Byruna. has returned with Bro Khan from the Canada camp-meeting. Bro. Khan is looking after the interests of his book entitled, " In-dia's Millions." AN ACCIDENT. Since writing our last week's items, one of the sisters, Mamie Bolds, who was working in the book- bindery, met with a serious accident, and her es-cape from death seemed miraculous. By a thoughtless act she took a dan-gerous position to look downthe hatch-way of the elevator, not thinking about the large counterbalance, weighing 750 pounds, that was coming down di-rectly over her head. She was warned of her danger, but too late, as her head was caught and would have been sev-ered from her body had it not been for the bursting away of the casing of the hatchway, allowing her head to be drawn up and out by the weight of her body, which fell unconscious to the floor. She was picked up as one dead. It was a narrow escape from dislo-cation of the neck, at best. It is doubt-ful whether a strong man could have torn away the casing as was done by her head. Her head and neck were somewhat bruised, but in answer to prayer, she has felt the strengthening band of God's healing power, and ex-pects to soon be all right again. Several accidents have occurred in the last few years, and we saw God's providential hand mercifully extended in permitting them to be no worse than they were. There are a number of dan-gerous machines in the Trumpet Of-fice; however, with a due amount of caution, the workers are perfectly safe. When an accident does occur, the Lord is very good. How great are his mer-cies to his children! CAMP- GROUND IMPROVEMENT. The saints and all interested are re-quested to meet at the Hartsells camp-ground July 22, for the purpose of completing the camp houses. Material will be needed for the work. Those who have agreed to furnish it wil l please have it on hand. For further information address John AN . Orr. Danville, Ala. AN _ ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Dear Holy Brethren: I believe God will be glorified by me making an ac-knowledgment, and thus exposing the devil. Many of the dear saints know that for some years there has been a dissatisfaction existing between my-self and some others of God's people, for which I continually tried to blame others, and thus clear myself. This I now see and confess it was wrong. J tist shortly after I was saved I came i contact with those who were under a harsh, driving spirit to which I also, ignorantly fell a prey, and thus all of my efforts in gospel work have been thwarted, and others have suffered. While a few souls may hare received some benefit through labors, yet in other cases I can see that there 1ms been little or nothing aecoe , piished to the glory of God. This har,- t finally led me to be contentious with some for which I became heartil y sor-ry; and now I am praising God for perfect deliverance from the imposi-tions of the devil, and have forever settled it to let peace rule in my heart. I humbly ask forgiveness of all who have in any way suffered on my ac-count; and I ask all that know the val-ue of prayer to pray for me that God may be glorified in my life. I also thank the dear brethren who so faith-fully helped me see my condition, which I am sure will be an everlasting benefit to me. Also pray for my heal-ing of chronic catarrh and indigestion. Your unworthy brother in Christ, E. G. Deloe. Expedit, Pa. A SUGGESTION. My soul has been stirred of late, in behalf of the Scandinavian work, which was recently located at Grand Forks, N. Dak., but has been moved to St. Paul Park, Minn. Now we all know that this work is of God, and. stands approved by him, as well as the brethren; and surely they need your prayers that God will prosper the work and supply more consecrated workers who are capable of taking up some part of that work. While I ant not of that nationality, yet I feel a real interest in the work, because God is in it, and is blessing the labors of those few dear workers, who are as conse-crated and as worthy of your prayers and means as if they were better known among the saints and it is just as necessary that they be not neglected as any other workers who have only the glory of God in view. Since the brethren feel that the Lord will some-time have them publish a Swedish pa-per of this evening light truth, we have met some and heard of many who are calling and anxiously waiting for a pure paper in their language, as it is difficult for them to read the Dano Norwegian, and almost impassible for some to read the English; yet they are gloriously saved, and zealous for the truth. Let us make this a subject of prayer, and if God shows you that you have not the care for, nor the interest in, these faithful brethren and sisters, that you should have, let us move up and help to push the work, and thus spread the truth. Remember many of July 16, 1601 our Sca. ndinavianbrethrenhavehelped by their prayers and. means in pub_ lishing the Trumpet in our language. Why is it not right and just that We do what we can for them, and thils help to answer their prayers/ yours in Jesus, Daisy Kreutz, SPECIAL 1300K OFFER. I have a number of Gospel Trumpet books I bought of Bro. Duncan, and I am indebted to the Trumpet Office for the most of them, and want to pay this debt, as they need the money and th: books need to be read by somebody. So, I have concluded to close out this lot of books at fifty cents on the dollar, s tpai d and when five dollars' worth re sent at ° nee, at forty cents on the oiler. Now is a good time for those - ant to put books in the jails and pris ' e to their friends or to strangers, for Christ's sake. The '/ allowing are books yet on hands, and ta il prices: Soeret of Salvation . lr « zc of { eating , paper „ a ' uk anti Salvation Presvnt., Perfect, Now, or Never, paper 15. ' lilt' .15. Two Works of Ornee . Two Works of Grave, Tobac• o and Its Effects . Missionary Baptists not the Church ( rod . . . • . „ „ The i. ast Disosusaion . The Chur• h of God .05. Dutyof Parents . .05. Marriage anti Divorce • Bible Humility .05. I will send any books for fifty tents on the dt and for a five-dollar order at one time, for forty cents on the dollar. as long as the stock lasts. I have a good many of some, and not a great many of others, so please state in your order what to sub-stitute in ease I am out of some kinds ordered. I will also furnish tracts at 15 cents per pound. Send post- office order on Oleta, Okla., or send by reg-istered letter, or small amounts U stamps. I have about $ 200.00 worth to go out this way. Please consider this offer. Address all orders to me at Oleta, Woodward Co., Okla. W. M. Wilson. PAITE. One night Peter and others were fishing. They toiled all night and caught nothing. In the morning Jesus told them to launch out into the deep and let down their net for a draught. It looked very discour-aging to Peter. From a human standpoint it seemed no use. They had been all through the waters and caught no fish. But finallY he took courage, and, in the face of the discouraging outlook, he said, " Neverthe-less, at thy word I will let down the net." The result was such a draught of fishes that the net brake. Brother, here is the secret of success on every line in Christian service. " At thY word" I will. This defines faith in God. It is taking God at his word without look-ing at signs and circumstances. Faith brushes aside circumstances, surroundings, discourag, men. ts, past failures, oppressions, and confidingly looks up into the face of One who can not lie, and says, " speak the word only, Lord." Such is great faith. IL. B. T I Testimonies, Judson, Tex. I wish to add my testimony again to tell what the Lord is still doing for me. He still save's me from all sin and sanctifies me wholly. Praise the Lord! He also heals me when I get sick. One night last winter I awoke, and my little boy, two years old, was choking almost to death with the croup. We arose as quickly as possible, and be-gan to call on the Lord; and before the prayer was half ended he began to vomit and was healed instantly. He went to sleep and slept the remainder of the night. He was also healed of the fever last summer, far which Igive God all the praise. Dear ones, I am so glad I have found a Savior and healer who stands by our side. He is also a burden bearer and a deliverer from all trouble. He has been a great comfort to me throng- A many sad. hours. Through the lonely hours of life I can wander off to some secret place and commune with the Lord. " Alone with Jesus, oh how sweet The seasons spent low at his feet In humble fervent secret prayers; My soul would e'er be feasting there." " Alone with him, I find sweet rest From all my trouble on his breast; I cast on him my every care, And find sweet peace and comfort there." I love to walk in this humble way that Jesus made for me. It is far more joyous than the popular ways of this world. It gives me great joy through temptations and trials to know that I am safe in the arms of Jesus. Let us ever live true to the Lord, that we may be worthy of the joy that awaits us in glory. Let us not flinch for this world, but let us march on with the light that shines forth in every dark place, that the world may see that it has no chance for the true children of God. Please pray for me that I ever keep humble at the feet of Jesus. Your sister in Christ, Detie Mitchell. Bieber, Cal. I feel led of the spirit to witness through the Trumpet of God's love to a sinner like me. I am a girl eighteen years of age and the last three years were faithfully spent in serving Satan, until about four months ago when God released my struggling soul from the devil's grasp. I am to- day prais-ing God for his saving and keeping grace, which is able to keep us to the uttermost. It has taken many fiery trials to bring me to the cross, but praise God forever and forever, I have found the way at last; and, the Lord being my helper, I shall follow Jesus all the way. I never can while in this sinful world shout the praises of Jesus enough for the hour in which his aton-ing blood was applied to my heart, and oh, the blessed assurance he gives us that our sins are all forgiven, and that he will remember them no more. As is natural, I began to look about for fellowship of the spirit; but oh, I did not find it in my mother, or in my two sisters, who were present at my con-version. My mother is a member of the Methodist organization, and my two sisters are Baptist professors. I remained in this state of bewilderment for three days, wondering what organ-ization I should join. I knew my name was written in heaven, but, from Bab-ylon teaching, and not knowing of this glorious evening light reformation, I supposed I should belong to some in-stitution of men during my pilgrim-age here on earth. But, as I before stated, I did not find spirituality in the Methodists or Baptists. God did not permit me to stay long in this state of perplexity, and three days after my conversion I met Bro. Gib-bons. After greeting me, he said he heard I had salvation, and I assured him I had. At that he joyfully ex-claimed, " Praise the Lord
format Other/Unknown Material
author Byrum, E. E.
author_facet Byrum, E. E.
author_sort Byrum, E. E.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 23:29
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 23:29
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 23:29
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 23:29
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 23:29
title_sort gospel trumpet - 23:29
publisher Gospel Trumpet Company
publishDate 1903
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Stepping Stones
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Stepping Stones
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
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spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:59+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 23:29 Gospel Trumpet, The Byrum, E. E. 1903-07-16 Printed Newspaper English eng Gospel Trumpet Company Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 23 29 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1903 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:07:14Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 gathAenrd h hise e slhecatl lf rsoemnd t hhies faonugr ewlsi nwdist, h f aro pme aotn seo uenndd ooff ha eTarvuemn ptoe tt ahned o tthheeyr. slhiafallt gi. a 2th4e: 3r 1t. o- So will I seek out my sheep, pate will deliver them oat of all place ' There they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Ezele. 84: 12. Jer. 82: 89. VOLUME XXIII. MOIJNDSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, U. S. A., THURSDAY, JULY ' 16, 1903. NUMBER 29 " THE MASTER IS COME." John. 11: 28. BY ROBT. ROTHMAN. " The Master is come, and he calleth for thee," Said Martha to Mary of old. She knew that her sister would hasten to see The tender, pure Lord of the fold. The Bethany home was then deeply in woe, For Death, not regarding their tears, Had entered the house and had stricken so low Their lover from earliest years. Poor Mary fell down at his feet and there cried To him the dispeller of fear " My brother, my Lazarus, should not have died, 0 Master, if thou hadst been here." The spirit of Jesus was troubled and sad, And groaned in compassion so deep. He thought of the home that was once calm and glad And then— yes, then Jesus did weep. Though Martha, the doubter, of Jesus did crave The body should be let alone, He went to where Lazarus lay in the grave, And told them to roll back the stone. ' le looked unto heaven and thankfully prayed To God, who e'er heard when he plead; Then turned to the grave and in majesty made Friend Lazarus rise from the dead. Grim Death heard the voice of the great Son of man And to him his victim did yield Oh, what a rejoicing that moment began When Jesus his Godhead revealed! " The Master is come, and he calleth for thee," Oh, listen, dear sinner, obey; From sin's deathly wrappings he'll set thee so free, And frt thee for bright, endless day. lhe Terror of the Lord. UT ELLA Y. LEm AY. INC; therefore the terror of the tie men. – 2 Con 5: ul thing to fall into the Holt. 10: 31. Oh, tiod should earnestly eontend, so each of IIS may lw clear of the Mood of all men in the great judgment day. What an awful thing for poor lost soul in the last day to stand before us tad tell us if we had & Ile our duty toward them down here in this world their soul would, have been saved. Wo must at all times be on duty, for truly this is a continual warfare with the enemy on every hand. So let us war a good war-fare. for the battle is the Lord's, and he is our glorious captain, who never loses a bat-tle, Praise our God forever! But to re-turn to our subject: Job 31: 33 says, " De-struction from God was a terror to me. So it would be to every one else; and if eve-ry unsaved soul would give this matter a se-rious thought, surely it would move them to rep entance. I have heard some say they did not believe God would be so mean as to Put them here in this world, and then in eternity punish them forever. Another man said if there is a God he is not such a had fellow as people try to make believe he he is not bad enough to send people to hell. Ae will not send any one to hell. All those who go choose their own way, and send themselves there. God is good, and is the source of all good and he just lets every one make their own choice as to which way they will walk in; the narrow Way which leads to heaven and immortal glory, or the broad way which leads to hell and eternal punishment. God is " not will-ing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." 2 Pet. 3: 9. The Word says, " Choose ye this day whom ye will serve." Dear reader, do you know the day of the Lord is near ? " Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce an-ger, to lay the land desolate : [ He is already doing it. ] and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it." Isa. 13: 9. So, sinner, I warn you in the name of the Lord, " flee the wrath to come," while you have time and opportunity offered yam Harden not your hearts against God's precious eternal truth, love and mercy. " Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." To- day if you hear his voice calling you, oh, accept him as your Savior before mercy's door is forever closed against you; for he says his spirit will not always strive with man. But, though your sins be as scarlet he will take them all away and remember them against you no more. Such a blessed loving Savior we have. What a shame for people to spurn his offered salvation. He died to bear our sin and shame. What for? Why, that we might live in glory with him forever, pro-viding we meet his conditions which are easy for us to do. His yoke is easy and his burden is light. I have found it so. The dear Lord does not tell us anything to do that we can not accomplish, and be-sides he helps us to obey him, so he makes it easy for us to follow his footsteps. -" I've tried the road of sin and found Its prospects all deceiv e; I've proved the Lord and joys abound More than I could believe." Truly, there is joy in the Lord, and it will last forever. Halleluiah ! The joys of this old world are only for a little season, and the wages of sin is death, and woe, and hitter remorse. So. sinner, do make your escape from hell make your calling and election sure now, for it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of a just God with-nut a hope in your soul. Where will you spend eternity? • - 4 , What Sanctification Means; How Attained. BY ALVA D. BE_ 4RDSLEE. ' TO definitely understand who is ready I to receive the experience of sanctifica-tion, let us examine 1 Thes. 5: 14- 23: " Now we exhort you, brethren, be pa-tient toward all men. See that none ren-der evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. Rejoice ever-more. Pray without ceasing. In every-thin g give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not proph-esyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appear-ance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserv-ed blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1. These were brethren who were com-manded to have patience toward all men and ever follow that which is good. But as it is the same Word of God that we have to live by to- day, every child of God must fulfil this in this evening time as well as then. 2. They were commanded to rejoice ever-more. When the trials of life are upon you, when you are oppressed and imposed upon by sinners, then can you, dear reader, ful-fil this scripture? No gloom and discour-agement can abide where the heart is re- . . . jmenag in God's love. " Rejoice in the Lord alway : and again I say rejoice." Phil. 4: 4. 3. The command is, Pray without ceas-ing, and in everything give thanks. Have you ever experienced the great blessings which God bestows upon the hearts of men who are always giving thanks and are prayed up to date ? Here lies, buried deep in the heart of the Christian, the secret of untold wealth. If you wish to under-stand greater depths of his love, you may here find a gateway to his storehouse. " In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made k- nown unto God." Phil. 4: 6. 4. Again he says, " Quench not the Spir-it." May God enable us to meet this re-quirement. While we are going about our duties of life, serving God with our heart, mind, and soul, there may be points we do not understand— have not yet reached— that must be shortly met. The Spirit will reveal such, and give us grace to overcome, if we meekly submit to him. But, do not grieve hisn; let the Lord rule in all things. All this is included in the justified ex-perience; yet God has something more glo-rious for the one who will press forward and heed all the Spirit's leadings. The jus-tified believer finds in himself, when pass-ing through great and manifold tempta-tions, a struggling of his self- will, which, if loosed ( for it is bound in conversion), would cause disobedience and a destruc-tion of the peace of soul. This resent-ment to God's will can be removed. Praise the Lord! He will sanctify you wholly, and preserve you blameless unto the coming of the Lord. What could be more glorious? We each may have a foil share. It is all for each one. Do not be content with a part. But what is it? Titus 3: 4- 6: " But after that the kindness and love of God our Sav-ior toward men appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the' washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which he shed on us abun-dantly through Jesus Christ our Savior." This is sufficient to prove the renewing of the Holy Ghost a gift from God, for we re-ceive it through the loving kindness of our Savior, and not by any work which we are capable of doing. Then, what is the rea-son of this gift? Answer. " That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Ver. 7. Now literally, an heir is one who is entitled to some inheritance— lands, money, stocks, etc. God must then, if this is the reason of our reception of the Holy Spirit, have something of value for our inheri-tance. In Acts 20: 32, we read that this is an inheritance " among all them which are sanctified." This includes all, both in this world and in that which is to come. For further proof of this we have, " That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him. In whom also we have obtained an inheritance." Eph. 1 : 10, 11. This was written to those who had been blessed with " all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ," hence if they enjoyed it we also may en-joy it " all the days of our life." " For both he that sanetifieth and they who are sancti-fied are 0 of one." We see we not only have an inheritance with the heavenly hosts above, but we may also actually en-joy the Holy Spirit in this life for after that we believed we " were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise." But this " Holy Spirit of promise" " is the earnest of our inheritance until the re-demption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory." This portion 01 the Holy Ghost, or the sanctified experience which we enjoy in this life, is the earnest which is " heaven itself." To understand this, we must know what an earnest is. An earnest is " something given, or a part paid beforehand" and left in possession of another as a security of the bargain made, Even so is the experience of entire sancti-fication a part of heaven which we enjoy on earth giving a real evidence and proof that we are forever separated from this world of sin, and ready to be revealed at the last day without any further soul prep aration. Halleluiah to God ! We have proved what the experience is; so now, by God's help, we will try to show how it is attained. " That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might re-ceive the promise of the Spirit through faith." Gal. 3 : 14. Here we see that we receive it the same as justification; that is, after every condition on our part is wholly acceptable with God, we have confidence toward God to receive the promise. Rom. 5: 1, 2. Then with this faith we receive the power of the Holy Ghost." Acts 1.: 8; 2 Thes. 1: 11. Let us now examine the Scriptures to see what we have to do in order to obtain this perfect faith in God. " For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin." Rom. 6: 5- 7. But to understand this we must comprehend something about the death of our Savior; for we must be plant-ed together in the likeness of his death, or, in other words, we must die a death similar to his death. We know to get an entrance into heaven we must die a phys-ical death. which completely separates us and makes us " dead indeed" to everything of this world. So this is our covenant with God for sanctification: a death as complete as a literal one, only we are permitted to retain our mortal body and human or-ganism, while our consecration is sealed, and the purification of all that would not admit our souls into heaven is effected by the Holy Ghost. Eph. 4: 24, 30, 31. To the natural man this would be impossible; but the believer may do this through Christ, and only through Christ. Heb. 10 : 10; John 17 : 18, 19 1 Cor. 5: 7. Christ of-fered himself, leaving every entanglement to this world, every expectation, and every affection that could influence him here. Mat. 26 : 36- 46 and John IS : 12- 14. Now, dear reader, if you would be in the likeness of his resurrection, you must be first in the likeness of his death. " Now he that ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens." Eph. 4: 9, 10. " Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind : for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God." 1 Pet. 4: 1, 2. " Likewisr reckon ye also yourselves to be dead in deed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ." Rom. 6: 11. " It is a faith-ful saying : for if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him- if we suffer we shall also reign with him if we deny him, he also will deny us." 2 Tim. 2: 11, 12. In order that such a death as this be met, 11. hands for a holy Sviselont to know, do. and say the right tit right time in dealing honestly, just IS would, with people's souls. It is hat f every saint of July 16, 1903. we must do more than simply yield up our depraved hindrances to be crucifted: we must yield beyAry part of our self- will, evetiV. VaTt a 0436;" 01 and" plbasure - dons; and make' * it all oar affec ataiacrifice toe$ erj.:. F ever live for Gad. heart- searching time. i, You statineheitsteeri: life Od dft 9th„,& noxiou must, m4ye f_ oratar realizing au- absOltte separation from eve-erything of earth, into an awful unknown depth; leaving father, mother, husband, wife, children, lands, possessions, and, in fact, everything of earth, in God ' s hands alone, as truly as though they were ac-tually sacrificed. You have nothing to say about earthly matters whatever, but all is committed to God. You must swing out into God's hands ' alone. The death seems hard, but it is the only way God has made, and we must accept it or be lost eternally. The prophecy, " I will take the stony heart out of your flesh" and " put my spirit within you," must be a reality in every ease. This painful operation must contin-ue till all is yielded up and consecrated forever. This was Paul's experience ( Gal. 2 : 20), and must also be ours. " They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." Gal. 5 : 24. Plain-ly nothing short of this will admit us into the place of resurrection with Christ. Not only, dear friend, must the flesh be cru-cified, but the affections and desires of the fleshly mind must be given up also. This means a sacrifice of all the sacred things of our heart. The affections are so wrap-ped up in the carnal man that every ob-ject to which they are attached must be severed from the heart. You can not have any selfish way about this matter. Yet one thing more is needful. This is a complete dedication of your life, talents, and time, to God's service; be where it will, cost what it may, yet you will gladly go for him. If you have truly met all the conditions, then with a confidence in all the Word, you can reach forth with real faith, knowing the work is finished; and receive the " renewing of the Holy Ghost," which makes us in the likeness of his res-urrection, not in the old life, but the life you now live you " live by the faith of the Son of God." This is truly glorious. Who would miss such an enjoyment? " For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before, This is the covenant that I will make with them af-ter those days, saith the Lord. I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. Having there-fore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the vain that is to say, his flesh; and having an high priest over the house of God; let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water." Heb. 10: 14- 22. Reader, can you fail to possess the rich-es of his glory, when such " boldness to en-ter" in is granted you? All you need do is to meet your part; God did his long ago. Settle it in your heart to serve God and en-joy heaven now as well as hereafter. To- day is the time accepted, and full salvation is offered you now. " Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Heb. 4: 16. $ 4R E ye therefore ready also : for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not." Luke 12: 40. Jesus is com-ing again; and the time is drawing near when he shall make his appearance to call the world to judgment, that " every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that which he hath done, whether it be good or bad." Many are teaching that the Lord will not come again; and thus by fair speeches are deceiving and leading souls down to darkness, caus-ing some to follow their pernicious ways, leading others to become careless and in-different about watching, which our Lord lf reputation,. commanded that we should do. Jesus is coming, for his Word.* stare, and he can not lie. Those who are- expecting to find theIntdgmt passed will be greatly. canted - 41mi they are th ' ju4ge with Oe open books in : Willett their siaul deeds are written. Rev. - -- Tra e ms` Oitle; Paul's admonition to the essalomanbregaren was to " watch nald be sober." To the saints at Rometdie. Sad, " And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleen; for now is our salvation nearer than: when w6 be-lieved. The night is far spent, the day is at hand." Beloved, heed the admonition of our Savior, " Be ye also ready." " For as tik: 77 lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Mat. 24: 27. What if the Master should come to- night? Holiness from a Bible Standpoint. BY J. E. FORREST. TITFi GOSPEL TRUMPET. cated by God's Word. " If any m9 teach otherwise, and consent not to wnotallaaa words, even the words of our--, Lord Christ, and to the doctrine wiiich is ac. cording to godliness; he * proud, knowing nothing, but doting avoid caneyestions Bad strifes of words, whereof meth envy, strife, railings, evil surmisi) 1 froth such with_ 104 Peal-disputings of otfhe mternuth, c. o. r rupt : Minds, and destitute draw thyself." 1 Tim. 6: 3, 1, 12. " Seditious:" Seditions ups_ ings, tumults, a rushing together in oppean tion to law or justice, a raging against truth. Men sometimes become enraged over religious matters, and stir up no small amount of disturbance. Seditious, or mobs, are often made up, and that of professors, too, for the purpose of persecuting God's people, by beating, stoning, or some other means by which they may rid themselves of them. 13. " Heresies." The word heresy signi-fies error in doctrine. For example, a man may not consent to wholesome words, the words of the Lord , Jesus and his doctrine, and thereby be guilty of heresy. Any one who departs from the truth, and goes into error concerning any fundamental princi-ple or doctrine in religion, is a heretic. A man may teach, or preach the entire gos-pel correctly, and rightly divide the Word of truth in all points but one; but if he errs. and by thus erring, he produces factions, and will not accept admonition or correct- ion after being dealt with, he is a heretic. In the Emphatic Diaglott theword " heresies" is rendered " seets." All doc-trines of man in this age that are not in ac-cordance with the faith and practises of the early church, are " heresies." 14. " Envyings. " Envy alayeth the silly one." Job 5 : 2. Envy is a great evil. It is manifest, however, among men. If some one seems to be getting along better than we, do we envy his position t Do you envy those who seem to be blessed above you in tem-poral things! If some stand more promi-nent in public opinion and are noticed more than you. do you envy themt If God be-stows special gifts upon some of his chil-dren more than you, do you envy them? Jesus was delivered into the bands of those who slew him because of envy, Mat. 27: 18. Mark 15 : 10. " For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying." 1 Con 2 : 3. " Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another." Gal. 5: 26. 15. " Murders.'" " Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer." 1 John 3: 15. 16. " Drunkenness." " Be not drunk with wine wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit." Men may be made drunk with wine or any other intoxicants, in a literal sense. but they may also be made drunk spiritually. They may be drunk on foolishness, foolish talking, and such like. People, many of them, are now drunk on false teaching. The aged men are exhorted to be sober, grave temperate. The aged women, " not given to much wine." " Teach the young women to be sober. . Young men likewise exhort to be sober-minded." " And I saw the woman [ false church] drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." " For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy." Rev. 17 : 6 16 : 6. Those who hate and per-secute the saints are murderers at heart, and God punishes them for such wickedness by causing them to be drunken with their blood. 17. " Revelings, and such like." Revel; " To feast with loose and clamorous merri-ment; to carouse." Revelings are feast-ings, and carousing, s; any worldly amuse-ments that pertain to frolicking or jollity. For example, church feasts, banquetinga church parties, oyster suppers, etc., vend-ing money or goods in a lavishing and riot-ing way for worldly pleasures and amuse-ments; " Of the which I tell you before, as not inherit the kingdom of God." " . Selatt I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." Gal. 5: 19- 21. The above doings are the " works of th,, e flesh and those who do such thin'sg are they that do his commandments, t_ h_. they may have right to the tree of life' ro ers, , loveth and may enter in through the gates into th city. For without are . sorcere rs, s, u. - whoremongers andr s, idolate [ fornicators] andWhosoever and cluraan erue d ers CHAPTER IV. THE WORKS OF T14 F1 FLESH. 4 ilkT OW the works of the flesh are man- ". ifest, which are these:" 1. Adultery. Any one may commit adultery in the fol-lowing ways: first, by act. " This woman was taken in adultery, in the very act." John 8: 4. Second, by desire. " Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Mat. 5: 28. Third, by marriage. " Whosoever- shall marry her that is di-vorced ' eoramitteth adultery." Mat. 5: 32. Fourth, spiritual. " And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel had committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but . committed adultery with stones and with stocks." Jer. 3 : 8, 9. 2. " Fornication." Any one may commit fornication in the following ways: First, literal. " It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, . that one should have his father's wife." 1 Cor. 5 : 1. " A man shall not take his father's wife." Dent. 22: 30. Second, by going after " strange flesh." " Even as Sodom and Go-morrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to forni-cation, and going after strange flesh." Jude 7. Fornication is the same- as whore-dom. In Heb. 13 : 4 the authorized version reads " whoremongers and adulterers." The Emphatic Diaglott renders it " forni-cators and adulterers." Third, spiritual. Rev. 14 : 8 17 : 1- 5. A woman representing or symbolizing the false church with whom the nations have " committed fornication," by claiming to be the bride of Christ; when at the same time in works she denies him, does not respect his Word, dishonors him, and is possessed with a foreign spirit; and, thereby deceives the nations by false pre-tense. _ All who profess faith and loyalty to Christ, but do not obey him, are committing spiritual fornication. 3. " Uncles nness." The meaning of un-cleanness is, 1st, foulness; dirtiness; filthi-ness. 2nd, moral impurity; defilement by sin, sinfulness. 3d, lewdness; incontinence. Any one may be unclean in spirit and flesh. " Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." 2 Cor. 7: 1. Moral uncleanness-" Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts [ and the result of an unclean and lustful spirit was], to dishonor their own bodies between them-selves. . For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections : for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another." Rom. 1: 24- 27. " Cleanse your hands, ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye double minded." 4. " Lasciviousness." To be lascivious means to be loose, wanton, lewd, lustful. Lasciviousness, looseness; irregular indul-gence of animal desires wantonness lust-fulness tendency to excite lust, and pro-voke irregular indulgencies. " Having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness." and served " Idola attth rre yy." . c'r'eatTuhroes Thosee wh an thel. Dhaeva: not dseoriebaerwneardecofh r e4s: s 8720e. tor." ". All gods of the people are idols.' Psa. 96: 5. " We Imow that an idol i " worshipe nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one." 1 Cor. 8 : 4. Some pderoepnl, eoridwoilifzee. tThheiery flcartaterthemmomthoerre tchilialn-they ooJr ems ttu st. heJr ems uosr es atahrsa, n" Hmee sh auto tlowv eotrh_ thy of me; and he that loveth son or daugh-ter more than me is not worthy of me." Others idolize their sect above all else. Others idolize their preacher, thusgiving more heed to what he says than they do the commandments of God. All sectism is no more than an image or an idol which the nations worship. Jesus built his church and men made a counterfeit, and Protes-tant sect- builders have made an image to this counterfeit, and call it the church; but it is idolatry. " Little children, keep yourselves from idols." 1 John 5; 21. 6. " Witchcraft." This is witchery; sor-cery enchantments. It is about the same as wizard. After Saul had departed from the Lord he had some experience with witchery. One who has a familiar spirit is a witch, and pretends to call back departed spirits and such like. See 1 Sam. 28. When people get under such a spirit it must be cast out before they can be saved; also all the books of their curious arts- spiritual-ism, Christian science, hypnotism, Mesmer-ism, Weltmerism, etc.- should be burned. See Acts 19 : 19 16 : 16- 18. 7. " Hatred." " For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciv-iousness, lusts, excess of wine," etc. 1 Pet. 4: 3. " For we were sometimes foolish, dis-obedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hate-ful, and hating one another." Titus 3 : 3. We are not to hate, but to love all men, even our enemies. Mat. 5 : 44. 8. " Variance." This means an alteration or difference, and that which produces dis-sension or controversy_ This spirit of va-riance is manifest in many people. They get exalted and think themselves wiser than others; and therefore get up dissensions, disputes; and this is frequently done about the Word of God. Their experience becomes altered, and is not in harmony with the written Word, and they begin to wrest, or twist, the Word to suit their experience, and thereby cause disputes. 9. " Emulations." Emulation means ri-valry, desire of superiority trying to ex-cel others in that which effects, or which they think will cause others to praise them; seeking favors that will satisfy their car-nal desires. This kind of work is going on very extensively among those who profess to be followers of the " meek and lowly" Son of God. It is all right to seek favor of God, which will lift us up in spiritual things for his glory. When this is done in the right spirit, and for the glory of God and not ourselves, it is pleasing to God. " Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts." " Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church." 1 Cor. 14: 1, 12. bitterness, these, l‘ anger, L anger, ' r' . e. t. all wrath, tl3h, tc aunnl o. dw3a: yn8eg. put off all p u1t1a. wc, asytrf irfoe. m " you. uEsPwlia. 141K : h3oinestly: - not in strife." Rom. 13: 13. " But if ye hhaeavretsbitgtleorry envying and not against the strife in your truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where . strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." Jas. 3 : 14, 15. " Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit." The above ad-monition says " strive not about words." The apostle tells us to " avoid . conten-tions and strivings about the law." Titus 3: 9. " For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lust shall heap to themselves st hall e a et irisr, haawv ainy g their itching ears s e farrosm; tahned t rtuhtehy, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Tim. 4: 3, 4. The apostle classes debate in with these evils. See Rom. 1: 29. It is not nec-essary to argue or debate the principles of Christianity. We know where all those who strive about the gospel dwell. They are lo- Be Ready. BY G. W. CAREY. July 16, • 1901 THE GOSPEL MITA/ PET. a Add to virtue knowledge, by seeking after God, studying his Word, our heart seeking and feasting on the good things of God, and the reading of his Word, our de-light. We can add knowledge by giving ourselves to reading, have it settled in our heart that a portion of each day shall be given to reading, hence adding knowledge. Add to knowledge temperance. By be-ing watchful and careful, and putting forth an effort to be temperate— not to be over indulgent in any thing— let your modera-tion be known unto all men, the Lord is at hand. Phil. 4: 5. Add to temperance patience, by being patient in tribulation, going through trou. b-le with calmness, and forbearance, and, with David, bless the Lord at all times, counting all things jay. Add to patience godliness, by showing forth real godliness in our every- day life, proving to this world by our daily walk with God, that it is" not I, but Christ liveth in me." Add to godliness brotherly kindness, by looking after one another's welfare, not looking on the things of our own, but on the things of others; being kind and gentle, hospitable, and seeking opportunities to show kindness one to another. Add to brotherly kindness charity— real, pure love— not love only in word, but in deed and in truth. Real charity, or love, welds our hearts into one. Charity comes from the depths of the soul, causes us to be true and loyal to God and man. Char-ity covers a multitude of sins. Charity will cause us to lay down our lives one for another, if necessary. Charity will cause us to take a lower seat than that of our brethren if they may be honored. Charity never faileth; instead of trying to see the little faults of our brothers and sisters, we can look on their good qualities, and hold them up to the throne of mercy in times of need as our own. If we hear them evil spoken of, just as leave it was spoken of us. " He that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?" 1 John 4: 20. In conclusion the apostle says, " If we do these things we shall never fall." Let us watch and be diligent, seeking opportuni-ties to do good in every thing, watching and praying, lending a helping hand, bring-ing under our bodies, keeping them in sub-jection, and our soul will flourish and de-light itself in fatness. BY JENNIE M. BYERS. W E see through the Word of God the Vy commands to steadfastness. We also see in our own daily life the necessity for steadfastness. We know the God whom we serve is steadfast, and surely he expects and commands us to be the same. How soon the enemy of our souls knows if he can switch or waver us from the truth; how soon he takes advantage of us. No wonder eve are commanded to resist him steadfastly in the faith. In some of the hard trials and battles of life, it is only by a steady and steadfast resistance that he will let go. If the devil is so persistent in his claims, how much more so we who are of the truth and standing on the truth should be stead-fast in our claims and position. We know that the whole host of heaven is back of us and upholding us in the right; then why should we falter or waver in our position for right and truth? Look at the firmness and steadfastness of Daniel. When the decree had been made and seated by the king, he went into his room with the windows open toward Jeru-salem, as he ever did, and performed his daily devotions. He was steadfast in his purpose, as well as his devotion, and what was the result ? God's protectionwas on him even in the den of lions. He felt God could take care not only of his servant but also of his own cause. Was his steadfast-ness the means of any good y Hear the same king's decree who cast him into the den : " I make a decree, That in every do-minion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and steadfast forever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall, be even unto the end." Dan. 6: 26. Many of us have proven the God of heav-en steadfast; and it behooves us to trust malteth a lie." Rev. 22: 14, 15. " Know ye not that the unrighteous shall, not inherit the kingdom of God! Be not deceived; neither fornicators, . nor adulterers, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards." 1 Corn. 6: 9, J.(). " But the fearful and unbe-and the abominable, and murder-ers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." Rev. 21: 8. We learn from the above that those who indulge in the works of the flesh are debarred from the kingdom of God, and are to have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone. " So then they that are in the flesh can not please God." Rom. 8: 8. " This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." Gal. 5: 16. " But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." Rom. 8: 9. " And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." Gal. 5 : 24. Diligence. BY I MUIR B THURMOND. .11/ 1 word" diligence " means to be con-stant, earnest, industrious, watchful; etc. We find in 2 Pet. 1: 4- 10. " Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises : that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge tem-perance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kind-ness charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But he that liteketh these things is blind, and can not see afar off, and hath for-gotten that he was purged from his old sins. Wherefore, the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall." We see there is so much in our giving all diligence. Those that are not indus-trious spiritually get but little from the Lord. We see the apostle says, Giv-ing all diligence, add to your faith virtue, giving all diligence; add to virtue knowledge, giving all diligence; add to knowledge temperance, etc. The Lord re-quires us to be very diligent concerning our soul's welfare. Give diligence to make your calling and election sure; for if ye do these things ye shall never fall. The man that plants his corn, and idly neglects to cultivate it, the result is, he raises no corn; at the time of harvest there is noth-ing but a little stock and. husks. If he had given diligence, and gone about his work with all earnestness, plowing and cultivat-ing, he would have had an abundance of in-crease: so with spiritual things if we just idly sit down, go Melly to prayer, do not get in earnest enough to expect to receive what we ask for, the result will be, our souls will dwindle and. die. These are times when the devil will try to oppress, and make one stupid, and want us to sit down idly and sleep away the time, etc. But we remember, when this is the case, God's Word says, " Behold, I give you power over all the power of the enemy. And, we have the power in Jesus' name to assert our rights and privileges in Christ iover all the power of the enemy. Ofttimes in our secret devotion, Satan will try to hinder our nearness to God, and that clear, transparent, heavenly atmosphere that as-sures us of the presence of God. When this is the case, in Jesus' name we can rebuke every opposing element that tries to hinder, and claim our freedom. Remem-ber the Lord tells us to be careful for noth-ing, but in everything, by prayer and sup-plication with thanksgiving, make our re-quests known unto God. Father bows down a listening ear to the earnest fervent prayer of the righteous, and whispers to the heart, Lo, I am with you alway. We must add to our faith virtue, purity, chaste goodness, eternal trueness in every-thing through trials and temptations, hop-ing, trusting; believing, that all things work together for good. him for steadfastness for ourselves if we ever will serve him acceptably, or accom-plish anything. We hear of some and also see them among us; who are not steadfast; can they be de-pended upon? No; about the first you hear, they have backslidden and bring a reproach upon themselves as well as the cause. We see many that very perfectly answer the description in James. They are unstable and wavering and he says, " Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lard." It does take a persistent, steadfast, hold-ing on, to receive some of the firm, solid things of God. If Satan comes with a temptation, and we waveringly say no, and he persists and tempts and finally makes it so tempting ( for he knows he can carry the point) that we finally yield, who comes off triumphant? Is it not the enemy? Then soon another temptation is presented, not like the previous one; it looks so nice and plausible, and we yield again. Truly, he is victorious, and we his servants. We see that class among us continually. Haw sad ! Now it need not be so. What if our temperament is somewhat of that na-ture, is not his grace sufficient? Has he not promised he is able to make us stand? Yes, truly, if we do our part in seeing first that all sin is out of our nature by a second definite cleansing, then take our stand on the Word of God, and stand there steadfastly, resisting the enemy in the faith— God will see that we are each time delivered without sin. Has he not promised that with every temptation he will make a way of escape? We need not even make the way, but he will in his own time and way. Then, my weak brother and sister, let us trust him and let him do all he has prom-ised he will do. Let us acknowledge our weakness, and his strength, and trust him in every time of need. Paul had great confidence in the Corin-thian brethren. He said his hope of them was steadfast, knowing that as they were' partakers of his suffering, so also they would be of his consolation. In like man-ner there are always some brethren and sisters in whom we have confidence that in time of battle they will be there; that there will be no flinch or wavering, but they can be depended upon, and counted on to stand by you till the battle is ended. It is always better to be in front of the enemy than in the rear. God always has his tried and true ones that can be depended upon in those times. How sad it would be that just at the time when God wanted to manifest his power to the world through his children, they would falter and waver and finally faint entirely. It is in the hottest battle that it takes the firmest courage to stand true; and it is at those very times when we make advancement in our Christian war-fare. It is in these tests and trials that we grow in the Christian graces. Many pray for advancement; then when it comes they shrink and waver and so fail to get the answer to their prayers. Who is to blame? Surely not God. Many pray for faith and the gifts of healing; then when the answer comes they shrink and resort to earthly means, and so fail in their very desires and prayers. Let us allow him to actuate the prayer in our hearts for the things we have need of; then trust Trim for the grace, when the tests come, to carry us through. The command for us is, " Be ye steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." Let us have a firm, steadfast purpose, then act accordingly. Look at the stead-fastness of Ruth. When her mother- in- law was returning to her people, and told her daughters- in- law to go to their people, one said, Good- by, and went. But how with Ruth ? With a steadfast resolve, she says, " Intreat me not to leave thee, or to re-turn from following after thee : for whither thou goest, I will go and where thou lodg-est, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God. Where thou diest will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me." What could Naomi do before such a resolve and statement? " When she ' saw that she was steadfastly minded to go with her, then she left speaking with her." What more could she do but take her with het? Could the • 4 ‘`'‘ j ADULTEROUS GENERATION. 1' The above is very applicable to this pres-ent time. The lust of the flesh, which is given full vent in self- pollution, vice, adul-tery, fornication, unclean meditation, eta, etc., is cursing the present generation}, - un-dermining it morally, physieally, and men-tally. It is a venomous sexp. ent, whose poisonous fangs are striking into the very vitals of the teeming millions , of this Age_. Its victims are to be seen everywhere. The very atmosphere is filled with unclean spir-its, which prey upon the souls of men, and sap them of life and vitality: 4 Beloved saints, keep yourselves pure. Many who once enjoyed full salvation, among thena some who preached a pure gospel, have fall-en prey to the elements that surround them. Resist the devil at every point, set your af-fections on things above, live humble, and keep your heart with all diligence, your mind stayed upon God; and in the midst of a " wicked and adulterous generation," you can " shine as lights in the world." Yours Steadfastness. plc and serve their idols ? No she had the steadfastness in her to not part with, her mother, neither her mother's God. This mother was more to her than her own moth-er in the flesh:. We read of another hero who carried his point by his persistence and steadfastness. Elisha. Elijah was trying Elisha's faith and firmness. When he told him to tarry where they were, as he wanted to go to Bethel, Elisha answered with decision, " As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. So they went down to Bethel." Elijah saw there was no other way, so he had to take him along. But he tries it again. " Elisha, tarry here, I pray thee for the Lord bath sent me to Jer-icho." Does Elisha say, " All right, I will wait here for you"? No again in decision he answers, " As the Lard liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. So they came to Jericho." Again he puts him to the test, and again Elisha answers with steadfastness. But what is the reason for all this? Ah, it means much, and in Elisha's spirit he feels it. Why all this test ? The vessel is to be prepared for the filling when it comes. If the test is great, so is the bless-ing. We can see in Elisha's case what would have been lost had he just yielded. It looked plausible, too, humanly speaking, that he should obey the suggestion of his elder. But ah, something more than hu-man impelled him to answer as he did. And, by his firmness and associating with one so near God, the spirit in him could ask for great things. Many would have thought to ask Elijah for his spirit, would have been a great blessing but the spirit was so working in Elisha that he had the boldness to ask for a double portion. Some-times the spirit in us asks for things that almost astonishes us ourselves as we ask; but the One who indites our petitions knows what is the mind of the spirit, and asks according to the will of God, even before we are conscious what that will or means. Yes, he asks for the double por-tion, and he stands by until he receives the desire of his heart. What does Elijah say when Elisha petitions him? " If thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so." So here we see the secret of jah clinging so closely to his Master. If more souls had Paul's persuasion-. fewer would backslide. Hear his firm, steadfast decision, " I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor Angels, nog principalities, nor powers, nor things Kee, ent, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall bg able to separate us from the love of GAd, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord'-' ' Mkt about backsliding; he asks the opposite question : " Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or di's, tress, or persecution, or famine, or naked, ness, or peril, or sword? Nay, in all these things we are more thanconquerors through him that loved us." We must, like Paul, have the decision in our soul to be true at any cost, then none of these things move us. We are not serving God merely for a good feeling or time, and when that leaves us we falter and give up but we must have the real everlasting go through in our souls. Then if persecutions or trials or dis-couragements come, he will only make them stepping stones toward heaven and glory. devil tempt tier to go back to her, own peo- for purity in life and experience, u. m. THE GOSPEL URITKPET. • ft • • • • • % I • • • • • I • • • I • • • • ling of Soul and testament um of God iytIon: of ( rod, paper . , Counsel to Their • • • • • • • • • 11" • • % to • • • II of Love and Counse . ihysician Physivian, Prison Bars . ' rite) Bars, paper Z. - ChnrohI l iatory . 1.50. aso .,. .60. apanion Rattitonn, paper . .15. ' t amt., Now, THE ( iOSPEL TRUMPET Moundsville, W. Va., July 16, 1903. A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. Reared at the Past- aloe et Motmallnale, W. Ta mSecond- class Matta, E. E. BYRUM Editor. A. L. Bruits Office Editor. arntrilmting Editors: th M. RIGGLE . Cambridge Springs, Pa. , CRks. on . Federalsburg, Md. J. C. BURET Lemieux, Ont. J. W. Bveas Lodi, Cal Geo. L . 7300 Stewart Ave, Chicago, 11.1. Published by GOSPEL TRUMPET Ca Demon, RAnic. AL, and AtM- SECTARIAli, sentforth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christfor the publication of fuP Salvation, Divine Healing of the body, and the Ur ity of all true Christians in " thefaith once delivered to the saints." Subscription price, postage paid, United States, Canada, and Mexico, - $ 1.00 Foreign Countries, - - - $ 1.50 Expressed in English Currency, - 6s. 2d " German Currency, - 6 mark f8 pf EAU Sabscrhitions must be paid la Advance. In about two weeks after your subscription is re-ceived, receipt and credit of same will be shown by the address label attached to your paper or wrapper. Birth Communicaticca, moneys, etc., mast be addressed is GOSPEL. TRUMPET CO. Mou prosirusz, W. VA. 6 basun credit otherwise we will Dot be raMmisible- There is power in the name of Jesus. It is in his name that we are to make our requests known unto the Lord. There are wonderful promises to those who send their petitions in that name. Jesus said, " If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." John 15: 7. It is an easy matter to quote the latter part of John 15: 7, but in order. to easily bring about a fulfilment of the same, it is necessary to first fulfil the first part of the verse. Those who feel themselves weak in faith have access to the abundant sup-ply which the Lord has for his Ail-dren the same as those who are strong. The Lord offers the riches of his store-house unto all who will obey him. • People who do not eat at meal- time become hungry. A continual neglect or refusal to eat will cause starvation. In like manner a neglect to commune with God will bring about a spiritual dearth; and the soul which was once flourishing in the grace of God, will pine away in weakness and starvation. We are lifted by the wings of faith when we appropriate the promises of God unto ourselves, and act upon them. • Those who never apply any of the promises unto themselves have but few outpourings of the Holy Spirit, and venture forth upon. the Christian way with many doubts and fears. Faith properly applied will make the soul abound in the grace of Gad, and cause doubts and fears to flee away. The time for the St. Louis, Mich., camp- meeting is changed to Aug. 27. Meeting will continue over two Sun-days. In another column is a notice of a special offer on books and tracts by W. M. Wilson, Oleta, Okla. These are books from our publishing house. He desires to dispose of his entire stock, and will sell by retail or wholesale at such remarkably low figures we would advise that orders be sent to him. This will help him in time of need, and enable you to procure literature for yourself and others at half price or lass. This is a good chance for you to upply jails, prisons, reading- rooms, 1: braries, etc. A young man in Missouri who had 3en a Mormon for a number of years -. Tame awakened to his spiritual con-dition through reading holy literature which was sent to him by a friend. He writes as follows : " On the 27th of last vmaot,. in otnh i, n n a yfoteurr rb, eaoodki, n " gW tHhAe Tw sany'A rol, f Is DaOl- TO RE sAynn`!" I repented of my sins with a godly sorrow that worketh repentance, and received a free par-don of my past sins; and I have within me the divine evidence of this salva-tion by complying with the require-ments. I did not have this evidence within me before, but have it now. I am a member of the church of God, and am pleased to call you my brother in Christ. I was received into the church of God June 23, 1903, by a spiritual birth. I entered in through Christ, the door of the sheepfold. This is the open door of Which the book of Revelation says, No man can close it. OP ICE ITEMS. We were glad to receive a tub of good butter from the church at West Lodi, Ohio. Most of the time the Trumpet Family use butterine or imi-tation butter, and we greatly enjoy the real butter when we get it. Bro. Milo Strombeck, of Pierceton, Ind., attended the Moundsville camp-meeting, but failed to get a certificate entitling him to a reduced rate back. We secured a rebate for him from the B. & 0. R. R. amounting to $ 6.16. This sum he has kindly donated to the kitchen and dining- room workers who were on the camp- meeting force. The workers appreciate this kind offering. Bro. and Sister C. 0. Dodge, who with their family are absent from the Office for a time, are holding meetings in Kentucky. The brother has worked in the subscription department for several years. Bro. Robert Rothman, the foreman of the composition department ( type-room) is absent for a time. He left a manuscript for publication, entitled, " The Care of the Body," being a work on the preservation of the health. For the first time in more than five years of faithful service at the Office, our engineer, " Mac" ( Bro. Thos. McArron) has left for a few weeks' absence, during which time he will en-gage in work elsewhere. Sister Hallie Ayres, who is visiting with her relatives at Wilton Junction, Ia., is much missed in the stenographic department. We are thankful for the services of Bro. C. J. Blewitt, of New York, who has been helping us out with this line of work. The brother has just returned to his Eastern field of labor. Bro. N. H. Byrum, the Company's secretary, wiites that he and family are enjoying their vacation in the vi-cinity of Muskegon, Mich. Bro. E. E. Byruna. has returned with Bro Khan from the Canada camp-meeting. Bro. Khan is looking after the interests of his book entitled, " In-dia's Millions." AN ACCIDENT. Since writing our last week's items, one of the sisters, Mamie Bolds, who was working in the book- bindery, met with a serious accident, and her es-cape from death seemed miraculous. By a thoughtless act she took a dan-gerous position to look downthe hatch-way of the elevator, not thinking about the large counterbalance, weighing 750 pounds, that was coming down di-rectly over her head. She was warned of her danger, but too late, as her head was caught and would have been sev-ered from her body had it not been for the bursting away of the casing of the hatchway, allowing her head to be drawn up and out by the weight of her body, which fell unconscious to the floor. She was picked up as one dead. It was a narrow escape from dislo-cation of the neck, at best. It is doubt-ful whether a strong man could have torn away the casing as was done by her head. Her head and neck were somewhat bruised, but in answer to prayer, she has felt the strengthening band of God's healing power, and ex-pects to soon be all right again. Several accidents have occurred in the last few years, and we saw God's providential hand mercifully extended in permitting them to be no worse than they were. There are a number of dan-gerous machines in the Trumpet Of-fice; however, with a due amount of caution, the workers are perfectly safe. When an accident does occur, the Lord is very good. How great are his mer-cies to his children! CAMP- GROUND IMPROVEMENT. The saints and all interested are re-quested to meet at the Hartsells camp-ground July 22, for the purpose of completing the camp houses. Material will be needed for the work. Those who have agreed to furnish it wil l please have it on hand. For further information address John AN . Orr. Danville, Ala. AN _ ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Dear Holy Brethren: I believe God will be glorified by me making an ac-knowledgment, and thus exposing the devil. Many of the dear saints know that for some years there has been a dissatisfaction existing between my-self and some others of God's people, for which I continually tried to blame others, and thus clear myself. This I now see and confess it was wrong. J tist shortly after I was saved I came i contact with those who were under a harsh, driving spirit to which I also, ignorantly fell a prey, and thus all of my efforts in gospel work have been thwarted, and others have suffered. While a few souls may hare received some benefit through labors, yet in other cases I can see that there 1ms been little or nothing aecoe , piished to the glory of God. This har,- t finally led me to be contentious with some for which I became heartil y sor-ry; and now I am praising God for perfect deliverance from the imposi-tions of the devil, and have forever settled it to let peace rule in my heart. I humbly ask forgiveness of all who have in any way suffered on my ac-count; and I ask all that know the val-ue of prayer to pray for me that God may be glorified in my life. I also thank the dear brethren who so faith-fully helped me see my condition, which I am sure will be an everlasting benefit to me. Also pray for my heal-ing of chronic catarrh and indigestion. Your unworthy brother in Christ, E. G. Deloe. Expedit, Pa. A SUGGESTION. My soul has been stirred of late, in behalf of the Scandinavian work, which was recently located at Grand Forks, N. Dak., but has been moved to St. Paul Park, Minn. Now we all know that this work is of God, and. stands approved by him, as well as the brethren; and surely they need your prayers that God will prosper the work and supply more consecrated workers who are capable of taking up some part of that work. While I ant not of that nationality, yet I feel a real interest in the work, because God is in it, and is blessing the labors of those few dear workers, who are as conse-crated and as worthy of your prayers and means as if they were better known among the saints and it is just as necessary that they be not neglected as any other workers who have only the glory of God in view. Since the brethren feel that the Lord will some-time have them publish a Swedish pa-per of this evening light truth, we have met some and heard of many who are calling and anxiously waiting for a pure paper in their language, as it is difficult for them to read the Dano Norwegian, and almost impassible for some to read the English; yet they are gloriously saved, and zealous for the truth. Let us make this a subject of prayer, and if God shows you that you have not the care for, nor the interest in, these faithful brethren and sisters, that you should have, let us move up and help to push the work, and thus spread the truth. Remember many of July 16, 1601 our Sca. ndinavianbrethrenhavehelped by their prayers and. means in pub_ lishing the Trumpet in our language. Why is it not right and just that We do what we can for them, and thils help to answer their prayers/ yours in Jesus, Daisy Kreutz, SPECIAL 1300K OFFER. I have a number of Gospel Trumpet books I bought of Bro. Duncan, and I am indebted to the Trumpet Office for the most of them, and want to pay this debt, as they need the money and th: books need to be read by somebody. So, I have concluded to close out this lot of books at fifty cents on the dollar, s tpai d and when five dollars' worth re sent at ° nee, at forty cents on the oiler. Now is a good time for those - ant to put books in the jails and pris ' e to their friends or to strangers, for Christ's sake. The '/ allowing are books yet on hands, and ta il prices: Soeret of Salvation . lr « zc of { eating , paper „ a ' uk anti Salvation Presvnt., Perfect, Now, or Never, paper 15. ' lilt' .15. Two Works of Ornee . Two Works of Grave, Tobac• o and Its Effects . Missionary Baptists not the Church ( rod . . . • . „ „ The i. ast Disosusaion . The Chur• h of God .05. Dutyof Parents . .05. Marriage anti Divorce • Bible Humility .05. I will send any books for fifty tents on the dt and for a five-dollar order at one time, for forty cents on the dollar. as long as the stock lasts. I have a good many of some, and not a great many of others, so please state in your order what to sub-stitute in ease I am out of some kinds ordered. I will also furnish tracts at 15 cents per pound. Send post- office order on Oleta, Okla., or send by reg-istered letter, or small amounts U stamps. I have about $ 200.00 worth to go out this way. Please consider this offer. Address all orders to me at Oleta, Woodward Co., Okla. W. M. Wilson. PAITE. One night Peter and others were fishing. They toiled all night and caught nothing. In the morning Jesus told them to launch out into the deep and let down their net for a draught. It looked very discour-aging to Peter. From a human standpoint it seemed no use. They had been all through the waters and caught no fish. But finallY he took courage, and, in the face of the discouraging outlook, he said, " Neverthe-less, at thy word I will let down the net." The result was such a draught of fishes that the net brake. Brother, here is the secret of success on every line in Christian service. " At thY word" I will. This defines faith in God. It is taking God at his word without look-ing at signs and circumstances. Faith brushes aside circumstances, surroundings, discourag, men. ts, past failures, oppressions, and confidingly looks up into the face of One who can not lie, and says, " speak the word only, Lord." Such is great faith. IL. B. T I Testimonies, Judson, Tex. I wish to add my testimony again to tell what the Lord is still doing for me. He still save's me from all sin and sanctifies me wholly. Praise the Lord! He also heals me when I get sick. One night last winter I awoke, and my little boy, two years old, was choking almost to death with the croup. We arose as quickly as possible, and be-gan to call on the Lord; and before the prayer was half ended he began to vomit and was healed instantly. He went to sleep and slept the remainder of the night. He was also healed of the fever last summer, far which Igive God all the praise. Dear ones, I am so glad I have found a Savior and healer who stands by our side. He is also a burden bearer and a deliverer from all trouble. He has been a great comfort to me throng- A many sad. hours. Through the lonely hours of life I can wander off to some secret place and commune with the Lord. " Alone with Jesus, oh how sweet The seasons spent low at his feet In humble fervent secret prayers; My soul would e'er be feasting there." " Alone with him, I find sweet rest From all my trouble on his breast; I cast on him my every care, And find sweet peace and comfort there." I love to walk in this humble way that Jesus made for me. It is far more joyous than the popular ways of this world. It gives me great joy through temptations and trials to know that I am safe in the arms of Jesus. Let us ever live true to the Lord, that we may be worthy of the joy that awaits us in glory. Let us not flinch for this world, but let us march on with the light that shines forth in every dark place, that the world may see that it has no chance for the true children of God. Please pray for me that I ever keep humble at the feet of Jesus. Your sister in Christ, Detie Mitchell. Bieber, Cal. I feel led of the spirit to witness through the Trumpet of God's love to a sinner like me. I am a girl eighteen years of age and the last three years were faithfully spent in serving Satan, until about four months ago when God released my struggling soul from the devil's grasp. I am to- day prais-ing God for his saving and keeping grace, which is able to keep us to the uttermost. It has taken many fiery trials to bring me to the cross, but praise God forever and forever, I have found the way at last; and, the Lord being my helper, I shall follow Jesus all the way. I never can while in this sinful world shout the praises of Jesus enough for the hour in which his aton-ing blood was applied to my heart, and oh, the blessed assurance he gives us that our sins are all forgiven, and that he will remember them no more. As is natural, I began to look about for fellowship of the spirit; but oh, I did not find it in my mother, or in my two sisters, who were present at my con-version. My mother is a member of the Methodist organization, and my two sisters are Baptist professors. I remained in this state of bewilderment for three days, wondering what organ-ization I should join. I knew my name was written in heaven, but, from Bab-ylon teaching, and not knowing of this glorious evening light reformation, I supposed I should belong to some in-stitution of men during my pilgrim-age here on earth. But, as I before stated, I did not find spirituality in the Methodists or Baptists. God did not permit me to stay long in this state of perplexity, and three days after my conversion I met Bro. Gib-bons. After greeting me, he said he heard I had salvation, and I assured him I had. At that he joyfully ex-claimed, " Praise the Lord Other/Unknown Material ren Stepping Stones PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Canada Dent ENVELOPE(140.050,140.050,-66.649,-66.649) Ner ENVELOPE(6.622,6.622,62.612,62.612) St. Louis ENVELOPE(-67.496,-67.496,-67.132,-67.132) Patience ENVELOPE(-68.933,-68.933,-67.750,-67.750) Charity ENVELOPE(-60.333,-60.333,-62.733,-62.733) Grim ENVELOPE(-64.486,-64.486,-65.379,-65.379) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Luke ENVELOPE(-94.855,-94.855,56.296,56.296) Grand Forks ENVELOPE(-139.317,-139.317,63.920,63.920) Sav’ ENVELOPE(156.400,156.400,68.817,68.817) Eta ENVELOPE(-62.917,-62.917,-64.300,-64.300) Wilton ENVELOPE(-44.733,-44.733,-60.750,-60.750) Freed ENVELOPE(164.333,164.333,-71.483,-71.483) Stepping Stones ENVELOPE(-63.992,-63.992,-64.786,-64.786) Woodward ENVELOPE(-145.500,-145.500,-77.283,-77.283) Yoke ENVELOPE(-61.933,-61.933,-63.967,-63.967) Eternity ENVELOPE(-64.567,-64.567,-69.767,-69.767) Gloom ENVELOPE(-58.249,-58.249,-62.189,-62.189) Meek ENVELOPE(-64.246,-64.246,-65.246,-65.246) Titus ENVELOPE(169.033,169.033,-72.250,-72.250) Martyrs ENVELOPE(140.015,140.015,-66.669,-66.669) Judah ENVELOPE(-117.319,-117.319,56.150,56.150) Brimstone ENVELOPE(-57.850,-57.850,-61.933,-61.933) Sleen ENVELOPE(8.240,8.240,62.841,62.841) Erue ENVELOPE(-51.400,-51.400,63.800,63.800) Gage ENVELOPE(-118.503,-118.503,56.133,56.133)