The Gospel Trumpet - 22:45

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet and they shall gather to-gether his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. So will...

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Main Author: Byrum, E. E.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Gospel Trumpet Company 1902
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institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Byrum, E. E.
The Gospel Trumpet - 22:45
topic_facet Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet and they shall gather to-gether his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places - where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Ezek. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 39. VOLUME XXII. MOUNDSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, U. S. A., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1902. NUMBER 45 REST. BY LOTTIE L. THEOBALD. was prophesied of Christ that his rest would be glorious. We also read Ins own blessed words, " Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden., and I will give you rest." Only those who come to him repenting and be-lieving may enter into this glorious rest. The world is so burdened with their sins and sorrows, they know nothing of it for it is written, " Them is no rest for the wicked." But God o loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son into the world that all who obey him may find rest from their guilt, cares, and sorrows. Still if the sins be pardoned gild the body racked with pain and disease. the rest. would not be complete. There lore God provided a way . of healin' from sickness, and disease, in the atone-ment, as it is written, " Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we being dead to sine, should live unto righteousness : b v whose stripes ye were healed." 1 Pet. 2; 24. We also find that he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, Acts 10: 38, and as he is the same, yesterday, to- day, and forever ( Hob. 13: 8.), it is part of his mission to- day to give rest from affliction. Again itis written of Jesus," That he might sanctify the people with lig own blood, suffered without the gate." Heb. 13: 12. Hence, we see that Jesus not mily prayed that his children might be tanctifiecl ( John 17 : 17.) but died that le might sanctify them with his own 60( 1. Oh, praise the Lord for the gift If his dear Son who gave his life that vo might be free from the sin which came upon us through the fall ofAdam. He gave us a description of the un-sanctified heart. " For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, mur-ders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blas-phemy, pride, foolishness." Mark 7 21. What an awful picture of the de-praved heart I ' Still, Jesus not only will forgive the out- breaking of these awful sins but died that the root of them may be cleansed from the heart, thus leaving the Christian free in Christ Jesus. Jesus does not leave his children to walk alone after the heart is cleansed, but has promised to be with them ever unto the end of the world. A burden-bearer, guide, and comforter, he ever careth for them. Thus they who have entered into this glorious rest, walk with God. WATCHFULNESS. • BY BINNIE WILSON. jT ispossible for us to live so near to God that we may know, at all times, his perfect will concerning us : just what we should do, and what we shoul I say to honor and glorify him most. We will then act out ourselves, and not as-sume anything which is a characteris-tic of some one else. Not pattern after anybody but Jesus he the great ex-ample is, and pattern for us. It has come under my observation during the past three years that I have been among the saints, that many of those who make the loudest profession arc the very ones who do the most idle talk-ing, jesting, winking the eye, and mak-ing unnecessary remarks, calling at-tention to the faults of some other . jrother or sister, etc., etc. It makes me very sad when I see these things and my heart trembler within me when I think of the responsi-bility resting upon every saint of God. riow watchful we ought to be that we offend not in word or in deed! If we profess to have salvation, to be saved from all sin, and kept by the power of God, and then disregard, every day of our lives, such scriptures as Mat. 12: 36, 37 Eph. 5 : 4; Gal. 6: 1, 2, we de-ceive ourselves, and bring reproach upon the cause of Christ. May God help us to live so closely that, " Wheth-er therefore ye eat, or drink or what-soever ye do, do all to the glory of God." God wants us to be humble : all pride, stiffness, selfishness, deceit, and every thing that does not manifest the spirit of meekness, love and humility, to be taken out for if we have not the spirit of Christ, we are none of his and he certainly can not use us. The best testimony we COD give is to - live a pure and holy life; then when God leads to pray or speak we will have power, and God will be glorified and souls will be led to seek such a wonderful salva-tion. We will actually advertise righteousness. Praise God forever ! God help us to be very watchful on these lines : to do just as he wants us to do, and nothing more or less. If we oeey God and perform every duly he requires of us, we will be fat and flour-ishing in our souls, and have perfect victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Amen. " Grieving Away the Spirit. BY H. M. ft. ARTICLE II. 4 iC EEK ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near." Isa. 55 : 6. There is an unseen line in every man's pathway, which divides between God's mercy and wrath. A - time when the Spirit strives, and a time when it is grieved away, and forever ceases its striving. If men seek God or mercy's side of the line, they will find. If they fail to do this, and step over that line, they are on the side of wrath, and be-yond mercy. The time to seek, is when we are on mercy's side, while the Lord is near, and can be found. But the above text does clearly teach that men can presume upon God's mercy, and trample upon his blood until they get so far away that God will not hear, and they can not find But do the Scriptures teach that people can gel into a condition where they may earn-estly seek, but not be able to find? ' Strive to enter in at the strait gate : for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us and he shall answer and say unto you, I know not whence ye are.' Luke 13 : 24, 25. " Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me.' Prov. 1: 28. " Therefore thus saith the Lord, Be-hold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. Therefore pray not for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them : for I will not hear them in the lime that they cry to me for their trouble." Jer. 11 : 11, 14 " They cried, but there was none to save them : even unto the Lord, answered them not." Psa. 18 : 4L " But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and mis-used his prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, till there was no remedy." 2 Chron. 36 : 16. " Thus saith the Lord unto this peo-ple, Thus have they loved to wander, they have not restrained their feet; therefore the Lord dotli not accept them : he will now remember their ini pity, and visit their sins. Then said the Lord unto me, Pray not for this people for their good. When they fast, I will not hear their cry and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation, I will not accept them; but I will con-sume them by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence." Jer. 14 : 10- 12. " Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity; and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them." Ezek. 8 : 18. " Therefore it is come to pass, that as he cried, and they would not hear so they cried, and I would not bear, saith the Lord of hosts." Zech. 7: 13. Thus we could multiply scrip- barest and give examples where people ren-dered themselves beyond the reach of mercy. The same Is as true to- day, as in past ages. While God's mercy en-dureth forever, man can destroy him-self, and go beyond that infinite mercy. This was true in the past, as the many scriptures above cited prove, and we judge the present, by God's dealings in the past. God said to the ante- dilu-vians, " My Spirit shall not always strive with man." Gen. 6: 3. Th Spirit strove with them, but they re-sisted, and stiffened their necks, and hardened their hearts against God, un-til the Spirit was grieved away, and took its everlasting flight. They passed the line that divides between mercy and wrath, and to them it was " a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the liv-ing God." Just so can men to- day harden their hearts against God, until his Spirit is grieved away and they are beyond mercy. " Grieve not the Holy Spirit." The time was when the Sod-omites passed beyond mercy, and it could not be found. Israel rebelled, and would not believe God, and he sware in his wrath, " They shall not enter into my rest." The apostle warns us that " To- day, if ye will hear Ms voice, harden not your hearts." There is danger in delay. The Jews strove against God until his Spirit was griev-ed away, and they were left in utter darkness and blindness. " The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, and sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding : and they would not come. Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden; Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready : come unto the marriage. But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise : and the remnant took his servants, and en-treated them spitefully, and slew them. But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his ar-mies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city." Mat. 22: 2- 7. " Hear another parable : There Was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country : and when the time a the fruit drew near. he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it. And the husbandmen took his servants, and killed one, and stoned another. Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise. But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence son. But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir come, let us kill him and let us seize on his inheritance. Ahi, they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him. When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husband-men I They say unto him, He will mis-erably destroy those wicked men, and AN EXHORTATION. BY CEO. COPLIINT. Be diligent, be on your guard, Resisting every subtle foe; No matter how temptation comes, Resist, the enemy must go. Be prayerful, here thy strength renew, Before the throne of God and grace; Lest, faint, ye fall beside the way, And others take thy crown and place. Be joyful ever in the Lord; Yea, count the fiery trials joy: No power can move thy trusting soul, No enemy thy peace destroy. Be strong, courageous in the fight, Though many foes thy faith assail; " Quit you like men," be strong in him, With armor bright you shall prevail. Be humble, for he giveth grace Unto the meek—' tis theirs to know The secret of the King's mandate; To walk with him, his praise to show. Be sober, that the life of Christ. Be manifest in all you do; Thy seasoned words may grace impart, I aspiring others to be true. Be faithful, for a great reward Shall he awarded in that day To those whose duties are " well done," Through faith, his joy shall them repay. Ito still, your cares are east on him; Be quiet, for he cares for you: Ile ' II grace impart, thy cause defend; Strengthen, establish, take you through. Be watchful, guard on every line, They are o ' orcome who careless be. Take heed to self, Christ's meekness seek; Look unto him who keepeth thee. 2652 2 November 6, 1902. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET year ago professed to be a saint free from Last, but not least, we will mention another phase of the subject. A min-ister may make some mistake, lose the grace of God, get out of his order, and, although one of the main ministers, one in whom we have had much confi-dence as a pillar in the church, he has to be dealt - with. The people lean upon him, and look up to him, and, perhaps, his getting out of the way calls for a public confession. Unconsciously to himself, he has become exalted and his preacher dignity has somewhat devel-oped, hence he is very much afraid that if he makes the needed confession, the people - will look down upon him and have no confidence in him. At this point some others, who, perhaps, are themselves conscious of their lack will step in and advise him to be careful and thus help him to let himself down so lightly that he never falls upon the Rock at all; but simply gets down tin-der a deception. The result is that the poor soul gets deceived, and many times other tender, sympathetic minis- A Pure Ministry. sectism. At that time he talked the truth, but did not live it. He professed holiness and chewed tobacco. He tried to preach but made a failure : he advocated the one church, but did not know what it was. Soon he departed from what little truth he did know and gave " heed to seducing spir_ its, and doctrines of devils." To- day that man is the worst enemy to the truth of am man in his community. He has joined a sect. He does profess but does not possess. He has a hypocritical profession. He goes about saying all manner of evil about the saints. He speaks " lies in hypocrisy:, That is, he tells things about the saints that are not true. How many people there are that have turned a deaf ear to the truth and have given" heed to seducing spirits, and doe-trines of devils." What is it that makes people mad when the truth of almighty God is preached in a community' 7 What is it t hat makes people stamp and foatti A- len some sick person is raised up by di. vine power': What is it that makes people will let out his vineyard unto other hus-bandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons. Jesus saith un-to them, Did ye never read in the Scrip-tures, The stone which the builders re-jected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? There-fore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." Mat. 21: 33- 43. What solemn truth is contained in these parables. This was spoken with direct ref-erence to the Jews. They rebelled until the kingdom was taken from them, and given to the Gentiles. They were cut off— only a remnant was saved, and the rest were blind-ed. God wanted to save them, but they would not. " 0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that Lill-est the prophets, and stonest them which are sent - onto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate." God. forsook them, and left them deso-late. This will be just as true to- day, if men will not accept mercy when it is offer-ed. " Behold therefore the goodness anal BY MARY COT F. Y soul has been much stirred for some time in behalf of a pure church, and what means will have to be used in bringing it about. Now to have a pure church we must first have a pure ministry. God can not do a clean work with an unclean implement; and the Word says, " Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord." Of late my attention has been called to one special feature of the enemy's cunning, which he has been trying to impose up-on this reform; namely, ministers pro-fessing to be saved and sanctified and ready to preach in camp and assembly meetings, and not having a bit of the grace of God in their souls; yea, even worse— under a d2ceived. spirit. When I see so much of this, my soul is led to exclaim, " 0 Lord, where will these things end!" As the light is shining brighter, so the enemy is preparing finer deceptions to keep pace with the light, in order to get and. hold as many in his grasp as possible, and he seems more anxious to catch the min-istry in his net than any one else, even those who have been clear in their severity of God." " Toward thee, goodness, souls. if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise There are different causes why these thou also shalt be cut off." It is dangerous get ensnared. One is that they get to trifle with God. puffed up, become exalted and seek honor from men, etc. Another is, lack of devotion, not living in close enough touch with Jesus, and not living spir-itually; having the reform in their heads and not in their hearts. Still another is, trying to get private inter-pretations of God's Word. " Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpreta-tion." 2 Pet. 1: 20. The devil knows if he can get a minister mixed up and under a wrong spirit, he can then very easily get the flock under the same spirit. Like priest, like people. To not live a devoted, humble and prayer-ful life, and then try to fill the sacred office of the ministry, and undertake to deal out God's Word to hungry souls. in a lean, empty condition, without any inspiration— brethren, this is a shame-ful imposition upon the people, espe-cially upon the one body in this re-form I Another reason I might mention i the lack of having sufficient trust, OP he part of the minister. His mind - taken up and his whole being is ab , orbed in how he can manage to sup- : sort his family, and often through mis management, he will get into debt, and all summed up he has quite a burden on him, and with this burden he has no inspiration to preach to others. He not being an example himself, how can he teach others a fill gospel and RP up a perfect Bible standard? " Thc husbandman that laboreth must be firs partaker of the fruits." 2 Tim. 2: 6. Brethren, these things ought not so to be. Sometimes ministers, even after they do get clear, do not keep the con-ditions properly met to keep a trans-parent experience. They soon begin t, lose the grace of God out of their souls. This continues until they are awakened to their condition, they repent in ear-nest and pray through, but ere long, again they become lean; perhaps do not gird up the loins of their minds, let their affections run out unlawfully, or do something else to grieve God from their hearts, and once more have to labor to get back to him. Thus they struggle back and forth until they be-come badly weakened; and then for lack of real earnestness and decision, they may fail to pray through, and in-stead, take up a profession, a mere de-ception of the devil. When this is con-tinued long, God has to give them over to Satan, and they are likely to go un-der deceived spirits, thinking all the while that they have prayed through. Oh, how sad! It has been my lot to see different ones in this condition; not ministers only, but others. Truly, these are perilous times. Oh, how carefully and humbly we ought to live and walk before God! Sin and Justification. tens help to do it. Brethren, this is a , van " the saints in light," Mormons. bad affair, and who is to blame? i i , i Sankies. Latter - day Saints, Come- outers, " Cursed be he that doeth the work of op, abominable gnaau nmt' that van li:. the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he i ` t1h111o1. uvg h: t : of! - What is it that run makes the saints preach. that keepeth back his sword from I mobs blood." Jer. 48: 10. Now, if you suf- I ers w " it to get " I: , oil t oi ," t he volItnry I .:-‘ 11SWer. It is beoallse fer sin on your brother, you know the i they have " departed from the faith" and result. A public offense needs a pub- 1 giving heed to seaming spirits. oil. Confession, and an offenseagainsti d rueet s . 1 wenties of devils. and have beeon lv – 10v. the body in general, needs a confession i erS of their own selves. covetous, boasters that will cover the whole ground. proud. blasphemers, disobedient to parent of this, the bad leaven will re- i! unthankful, unholy, without natural dee. main and work. It is quite eas y to do 11 l. u lu. Irueebreakers. false : a'ousers, inkvonti-our duty to a brother, if he is one of , h, spiserS f ose tat an! the little preachers— one that is not in 1 t 2 ient . 1- 441, tr elve aitors tle , heady. hi o glim th inded h lovvr.; high standing— just a novice and not i „ f pleasure more than loVerS of ( loll; hav-very important but when it conies to ■ i inn a form of - odliness, but den y ing the doing our duty to one of the main nun from sto . li turn away.- 9 isters, it takes more grace and trueness. lr"' wer . - 5. especially if we think they will not take rim 3 : 2 the admonition, and me : e ry o ight do we upon us and try to make it net endure appear that we are the gTilty party. 1 their ears fro 1 it zethers that In such a case it takes a good supply I. tell " fables" The time has tome such people will t set 1 BY NELLIE BALT, VALEN 44 W HEREFORE, as by one man sin en-tered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have ginned." Rom. 5: 12. A great many people of to- day can not under-stand why we must live free from sin in order to gain heaven, since some go so far as to say that we sin in word, thought, and deed. But blessed be God, he can so change cur actions, thoughts, and deeds to heaven-ly things, that we can be pure and sinless children of God in this present world. " But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust. and enticed. Then when lust bath conceived, it bringeth forth sin : and sin, when it is finished. tringeth forth death." I am glad that God has provided a way for our escape from this awful death, and Bible iustification takes the sin out. It- ean not he purchasd as many seem to think. exeept in the way God has purchased it for us by the blood of his only begotten Son. through faith in which a soul may enter into eternal life. " He that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God ahideth on him." " Verily, verily, say unto you. He that believeth on me bath everlasting life." " Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." In whom we have redemp-tion through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace." Eph. 1: 7. Justification is a term used for the for-giveness of sins. Justification is the re-mission of sins, through the blood of Christ — a quickening to those that are dead in trespasses and sin; and bringing to life in Christ Jesus, • is the result of remission of the past and present wrong deeds, thoughts and intentions. Paul says, " There is there-fore now no comdemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." Rom. 8: 1. " If our hearts condemn us not, then have we con-fidence toward God, but if our hearts con-demn us, God is greater than our hearts." " Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 5 : 1. Whatshall wesay then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we that are dead to sin, live any longer there-in?" Praise God! He that is dead to sin, is freed from sin. " But now being made free from sin, and. become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life." Rom. 6: 1, 2, 22, 23. skonal t ith . t ' Choy turn In the truth and listen to those have " itehing ears" and that instead of pre: tellin g. the evs-h do think whieh " is the bower unto sal-vation." Bill 110t, t1 not he amazed at such as this. because Paul tells us in 2 Tim. 2 • 13 that Evil men and seduvers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and be-ing- deveived." " And many shall follow their the false teaehm- s rnieious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall he evil spoken of." 2 Pet. 2: 2. Reatler, beware of false teachers and al-ways be ready to receive the truth, because John says the truth shall make you. free." John S : 3°. of humility. Bret ren. o you we have all reached the standard on this line? Shall we spare the fat and strong, or shall we obey God and feed them with judgment? Certainly this must all be done in the love of Jesus. " Let him that is spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness, con-idering thvself, lest thou also be tempt ed." Brother, if you are not spiritual. - his does not mean you: and God doe,: not want to use you in this capacity Brethren, shall we put the sword in, or shall we not? Shall we do our duty fo the little preachers and let the big ones go? To be true to all is the only way to get a pure church. Read Ezek. 13: 10- 16 Eph. 5: 27: Prov. 14 : 25. They Have Turned to Seducing Spirits. Union City, end. I am praising God to- day for a full and free salvation— saved and sancti-fied— consecrated to the will of my dear Lord and Savior. I feel the Lord would have me write a little on divine healing— how the Lord showed me we should trust him for all things. My baby had a breaking out, and I began to think perhaps it was eczema. I liad been told what would cure ec-zema I resisted the devil, but I greased it with a little butter. This may seem very simple to some, but God spoke to me by his AVord, " Give no place to the devil," also " By prayer and supplic a - tion with thanksgiving let youre-quests be made known unto God." Well, I resisted the devil by washing off the butter, and went to God in earn-est prayer, and my baby got well. Praise our God ! We have had some other tests, but God gave us victory by t_ __ sting him faithfully in pray 2r. Dear ones, I do know God wants us to take a bold stand on his Word. Se= has said, " I will never leave thee no' forsake thee." I do know God is a present help in time of need when we trust and obey. I was made to realize what it is to leave all with Jesus who he took• my dear husband home to dwell with him. What a comfort we find in our blessed Redeemer. Oh, I do praise his dear name ! I feel my soul is ad-vancing and I am learning more howto trust my Savior and realize our PIT!" lieges in Christ Jesus. Your sister 111 the one body, Minnie Byrum, BY S. R. 2,1' FITIIIIRRY. " N ow the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seduc-ing spirits, and doctrines of devils." 1 Tim. 4: 1. In the above scripture we are in-formed that some are going to " depart from_ the faith." What faith? The faith of the Bible. The " one faith." The faith of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Not some sectarian faith, but the faith which the apostle Paul kept, when he said, " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." 2 Tim. 4: 7. - What are they going to turn from the faith unto? " Seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." Something the Bible does not teach. Strange faith and doctrines. Doc-trines that the devil puts into the hearts of men to preach in order to draw away disciples from the truth. What else do they do after they turn from the truth unto " seducing spirits ant doctrines of devils?" They speak " lies in hypocrisy." They still profess to be saved, but they are not. They have turned from the faith unto " seducing spirits, and doe-trines of devils, " hence they are hyp - arites. They go about telling lies and try to cover it all up with a hypocritical profession. I am acquainted with a man that on-, November 6, 1902. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET 26.3 3 T HERE are many conflicting doctrines 1 and ideas concerning the Holy City, Mount Zion, and Jerusalem. We find the Millennium teachers " everywhere teachinc, their false doctrine of a thousand years' lit-eral reign on earth, which is utterly refuted by the Word of God. Therefore let us no-tice a few texts on this line. " And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the moun-thins, and shall be exalted- above the hills; and all nations shall flow into it." Isa. 2: 2. The prophet says this was to take place in the " last days." Now, if we can locate the last days, then we shall know when this prophecy was fulfilled. We read in Heb. 1: 1, 2-" God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last clays spoken unto us by his Son." " These" then are the days when this prophecy is fulfilled. We will now turn to the prophecy and prove its fulfillment in this gospel age. The " Mountain of the Lord" clearly applies to Mount Zion. Micah 4: 7. By turning again to Heb. 12: 22, we find that the Hebrew brethren had " Come unto Mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to. the general assembly and church of the first born." By these texts we see that " Mount Zion," " the holy city," " the heavenly Jerusalem" is the church of God. He calls it the " city of the living God." In I Tim. 3: 15, Paul calls the church " the church of the living God." Also the church is holy. Eph. 5: 27. Jesus calls his church a city. Mat. 5 : 14. Paul says that " Abraham looked for a city which had foundations, whose builder and maker is God." Heb. 11: 10. Abraham never found that city, but by faith he was permitted to look down through the annals of time and see the city; i. e., the New Testament church. The apos-tle John saw this " great city, the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God :. and had a wall great and high. . And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." Rev. 21: 10- 14. The city that Abraham saw had founda-tions; so has the holy Jerusalem. This city has a wall: " We have a strong city; sal-vation will God appoint for walls and bul-warks." Isa. 26 : 1. Let us notice the foundation of this city by turning to Eph. 2: 19, 20. " Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone." The church of God is built upon the foundation of the apostles, Jesus Christ himself is the all un-derlying foundation. " For other founda-tion can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." 1 Cor. 3: 11. Therefore, we conclude that Christ is the foundation of his church, and he is the " head of the body, the church." Col. 1: 18. He is the builder and maker of the church. Mat. 16: 18. The church has not been set up by man; yea, it is the " stone that was cut out of the mountain without hands." It was not built by man, therefore it is not governed by men. " But the govern-ment shall rest upon his [ Christ's] shoulders." While the multitude of divid-ed and subdivided institutions of men are governed by different laws, rules, disci-plines, conferences, elderships, etc., etc., the church of God is an exclusive church. " She is the only one of her mother." S. of Sol. 6: 9. It is the kingdom that fills the whole earth- it leaves no place for another. Praise God! Who are members of the church of God.? Jesus says, " I am the door : by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved." Jolt 10: 9. Jesus Christ is the door and Peter says, " Neither is there salvation it any other : for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4: 12. Salvation is the only mode of induction into the church, and there is no other way for men to gel salvation; therefore, none but such as have salvation can get into the church of God. Men may have a profession, may call them-selves saints, and say, Praise the Lord, when you meet them, and try to fall in line and keep in harmony with the true children of God; but that does not put them into the church of God. The church is a spir-itual house; therefore none but spirittia2 ( saved) people dwell in it. " Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, au holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." 1 Pet. 2: 5. " The house of God," which is " the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth" ( 1 Tim. : 15) is not made up of dead, formal pro-fessors, who are void of salvation; but liv-ing stones, who have been made alive by a spiritual birth- made new creatures in t_ hrist Jesus. The apostle Paul, writing to the Thessa Ionians, addresses them as follows, " Unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ." We notice that this church was in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, if we cat find what hind of people are in Jesus Christ, then we will know what kind of peo-ple make up the church of God; for this church was in Christ Jesus. Paul says, " 11 any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; be. hold all things are become new." There-fore none but such as are saved belong to the church of God, and the church of God is the holy city, and we have come unto it in this gospel age, through the redemp-tion of our Lord Jesus Christ. " Make His Face to Shine." T HE face is a fair index of the heart The prophet in speaking of the ehameful apostasy of Judah and Jerusa-lem, said, " The show of their countenance Moth witness against them; and they de-clare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not." Isa. 3: 9. Their countenance declared the sinful Sodom condition of the heart; they could not hide it. Upon the other hand, " A merry heart maketh a cheerful coun-tenance." Prov. 15 : 13. When the heart it made pure and 61 led with grace and love, the countenance bears testimony to this glorious fact. His face is made to shine. When the heart of man is cleansed from sin, it becomes " the garden of the Lord." There blooms in beauty the " Rose of Shar-on" and the " Lily of the Valley;" therein is joy and gladness, thanksgiving and the voice of melody. " Beauty" is given for " ashes," and the " oil of joy for mourn-ing," and his face shines with the light and icy and beauty that are in his heart. " He will beautify the meek with salvation." A merry heart and glad countenance scat-ter light and good cheer everywhere. Those of a dark, sullen, sour countenance bring a cloud of gloom, which has a chilly effect upon all who come into its presence. Beloved, God has grace and salvation enough to make your faces to shine. It is our privilege to be a beam of heavenly light in this world of gloom. Oil in our vessels and our lamps trimmed and bhrning will make our faces to shine. Since I have re-ceived the fulness of God's love in my soul and the power of his mighty redeeming grace, and he has placed a great reservoir of oil in my heart to make my face to shine, I purpose never to depress the spirits of my fellow men by a sad, dejected counte-nance. God's grace is sufficient to light up the countenance in the heaviest of discour-agements. Never tolerate a discouraged feel-ing in the heart till it makes its mark on the countenance never come into the pub-lic assembly with a dark discouraged look upon your face; never come into the pres-ence of Your family with a sad count& name. If your labor has gone wrong upon your farm, and circumstances are of such a nature as to discourage, better get down u. your barn and seek God for grace suffi-cient to make your face to shine so you can go into the presence of your family with a merry heart and joyful countenance. C. E. O. Questions Answered, Ques. 1. Please explain 2 Thes. 2: 3, 4. 2. Is it wrong to eat pork y D. E. S. Ans. 1. Paul was instructing the saints that the juJgruent day would riot come before there would be an apos-tasy, or falling away from the truth among professors of Christianity. The fourth verse describes the character al the man of sin, and really applies to the Pope of home. He opposes God in almost everything he teaches. He ex-alts himself above all that is called God, because he assumes to be head of church and state. lie assumes to sit in the temple ( church) of God, and make and frame laws for God's people; and one pope permitted liimself to be even called " the Lord our God." One of his agents went about proclaiming words after this mariner: " The Lord our God has ceased to reign, and has committed all power unto the pope." The pope claims to have power to for-give sins. In this he fulfills this scrip-ture. God alone has power to forgive sins. Paul- said this mystery of im-quity was already at work in his day. Verse 7. The falling away came hundreds of years ago. One historian dates the de cayect state of the church about A. D. U. bee J oseph 1\ 11171er, Cent. 4, t. nap. 1. The man of sin was reveal m the sixteenth century, when the ref-ormation began; and God has been, and is still consuming this great apostasy, ever since by his Holy spirit, the spi?- it of his mouth. See verse 8. Of course the same false spirit pervades Protes-tantism to- day,. causing that great pow-er to acknowledge Romanism as the mother church, and, as Bishop Foster, Methodist, once said, " I consider the Roman Catholic church a grand Chris-tian camp." This evening light reformation utter-ly consumes from among the people of God every phase of the apostasy, and restores apostolic purity and unity. When Christ comes he will destroy the man of sin by his brightness, and all who are deceived thereby, both Prot-estant and Catholic; and will only re-ceive those who received a love for the whole truth. Ans. 2. No. It is all right to eat pork or any other kind of meat, if it is agreeable to the health of the person who eats it. There is no reliable evi-dence that it was made unclean unto th ews under the Old Testament because it was unhealthful. The writer and many others have used it all their life-time, and are enjoying excellent health. Any symptoms of ill health that ever appeared on us, can be directly traced to other causes, and not to the eating of pork. Paul says, " Every creature oi God is good, _ andnothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving : for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer." 1 Tim. 4: 4, 5. God made all kinds of meats clean, and destroyed any distinction between them in that re-spect, as well as the distinction between those who eat such meats, when he gave Peter the vision recorded in Acts 10: 11- 16. If any person has doubts about eating pork or any other hind of meat; do not eat such. We must eat of faith. " He that doubteth is damned if he eat." Rom. 14: 23. Ques. How was Judas a discipI2 Christ, and yet he betrayed him A. A. EL Ans. Judas was once saved the same as the other apostles. Peter says, " For he was numbered with us, and had ob tabled part of this ministry." Acts 1: 17. By transgression he fell. Verse 25. We can not correctly date when he de-parted from the Lord, but two days be-fore he betrayed Jesus, Satan entered into him. Mat. 26 : 2- 16; Luke 22: 3- 6. He was covetous, and stole some from the treasury bag before this. John 12: 6. Satan again entered into him at the passover supper, two days after he made the covenant with • the chief-priests to betray him. John 13: 27. At the passover he was exposed by the Lord Jesus. John 13 : 21- 26. It is clear from the gospels that the other apos-tles knew nothing of Judas being crooked up to this time. Some teach that Judas never was a justified be-liever, but was always unsaved. This is a mistake. Jesus called him, and commissioned him to preach the gos-pel and he does not send sinners to preach. He was saved, but by trans-gression fell. J. C. B. CORRECTION OF A VISTA- KR. In the Gospel Trumpet of June 26 the following question was answered by me: " Please explain Ezek. 47: 12." Part of the answer given was not correct, and the part that was correct was not as fully given as it should have been. Later on there will be a more correct explanation of this text given through the Trumpet. J. C. B. REPORT OF SUNDAY- SCHOOL w ORK. Our Sunday- school here near Muske-gon, Mich., on Black Lake in the school- house in District No. 2, is pros-pering in the Lord, and is upheld by his mighty power, which can, and does, overrule all opposition. Last year we were forced to change our time of meet-ing simply because a sectarian Sun-day- school was organized, and con-ducted in such a way as to force us to come under their heading, or change our time. As God was not pleased to have us mix up in their way, we cluing ed our time from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. It was not long, however, before the said Sunday- school fell all into pieces, which allowed us to resume our morn-ing hour. Our school begins at eleven and lasts until half- past twelve, when we begin our meeting for the older ones. The Sunday- school was small, and is not large yet, but is making a steady increase, and we are being per-mitted to see some of the prejudice die out. God is richly blessing the efforts that are being put forth in his name in behalf of the children. The way God leads us, is much the same as he is leading others in differ-ent places. We begin with singing and prayer, every child kneels, and so far we - have had perfect quietiess- no whispering. Every little scholar seems able and anxious to tell where the les-son begins and ends, and all that can read are expected to do so. The lesson is explained and questions are asked; then a Bible story from the Old Testa-ment is told, endeavoring to bring some new name and character before the young each time. We commenced with Adam, or the creation, next the flood, and told of the length of time between this and the former story; next the call of Abraham, and so on down until we have reached the time of the anointing of Saul, the first king of the children of Israel. It is truly wonderful to hear the little ones answer questions. We give cards to all, and extra large ones for each task; such as naming the books of the Old and New Testament, etc. We will report again, Lord willing, and if any one is passing who under-stands music and is willing to give us a few instructions, we will be very thankful to have such a one stop off here, as we do not understand the notes, and are anxious to learn for the glory of God. Emma I. Coston. " Righteous art thou, 0 Lord, and up-right are thy judgments. Thy testimonies that thou commanded are righteous and very faithful." Psa. 119, 137, 138. THE HOLY CITY. A few Thoughts and Scriptures concerning God's beautiful Holy City, which is Located upon this Earth, and in which the Chil-dren c' Goci are now Rejoicing and Free. BY DENNIS KOACH. 2654 4 THE GOSPEL TitumFET. November 6, 1902. TIE q0SPEL TRUMPET. Moundsville, W. Va., Nov. 6, 1902. A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. Entered at the Post- office at MoundsnIle, W. Ve, as Second- stun Natter. E E. BYRUM Editor. A L. BYERS • Office Editor. Contributing Editors: H. M. RIGGLE, GRAS. E. ORR, J. C. BLANEY, J. W. BYERS, GEO. L. COLE. Published by GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. CO. ,, cruin- E, RADICAL, and ANTI- SECTARIAN. sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publication of full Salvation, Divine Healing of the body, and the thilty of aft true Christians in " the faith once delivered to the saints." Subscription price, postage paid, United States, Canada, and Mexico, - - $ 1.00. England, - 65.21 Germany, 6 marks 18 pf. re- MI Subscriptions must be paid in Advance. In about two weeks after your subscription is re- : zived, receipt and credit of same will he shown by the address label attached to your paper or wrapper, pro-vided the subscription is for more than three months. business Commtumcatlosis, motleys. etc. must to addressed io GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. GO., MOUNDSYILLE. W. VA. to insure credit: otherwise we will not be responsible. NOTICE, If you receive the paper and have not subscribed for it, do not hesitate in taking it out of the office, for it has been paid for by some friend, and will be stopped promptly when sub-scription expires. The righteous are bold as a lion. Many are the afflictions of the right-eous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Holy boldness in testimony and preaching makes the - Word of God ef-fectual in winning people to Christ. God wants straight, radical testimo-ny and preaching. If we fail to ful-fill his will on this line, he will set no aside and raise up others to take out place. The apostles were bold and uncom-promising in their testimony for Christ. They were not afraid of peo-ple being turned from the truth by be-ing radical and definite in preaching. Let us follow their example. The ministry must raise the stand-ard and practise what they preach. The preacher who can not keep an expe-rience of salvation, better quit preach-ing and engage in something else. Such a one is not a proper example foi the flock to follow. God has no use for ministers who do not preach healing and practise trust-ing God for their bodies. He de-mands of all his ministers to so live before him that they can pray the prayer of faith for the sick. The preacher who dopes himself with med-icine, and is afraid to trust his body wholly in the hands of the Lord, can not pray the prayer of faith for others. The gifts of healing are for all the ministry at least. Some who are not ministers may have such a gift, but ths4 ministry are all expected to have the guts of healing. We may have a nat-ural ability to preach, but God wants faith planted deep in the hearts of his ministers, so they can glorify him in the eyes of the people. Humility will keep us where nod can trust us wit] special gifts to glorify him. Let us re-member that " before honor is humil-ity. God is now bringing out a pure church. In order to have a pure church, he must have, first of all, a pure ministry. A great spiritual earthquakE is now in operation, and will continue until Zion shakes herself from every-thing not in harmony with the pure gospel. God has placed a fire in Zion, and hi s furnace i n Jerusalem - WHY LATE 1- 44. ST WEER-On account of making repairs on our large press we were obliged to print the Trumpet on our small press and therefore the issue was a few days late last week. We will try and have it on time as nearly as possible after this. There will be a sub-scription blank enclosed with this week's Trumpet, and we would be glad to have each one of the Trumpet readers fill this out with names of their friends and. others and have the Tr- limpet sent to them ten weeks each. The offer we have made in sending the paper ten weeks for ten cents is a very liberal one, and our readers are taking advantage of this as never before. The names are coming in at the rate of over 1,000 a day. Many who do not care to fill out the blanks with a list of names send us the money and we will send to names from those that we have collected, as we have over one million of reliable names on hand. Some who have sent in lists of names have written that they had not received the paper. Will say to all that we were a little short of help in the type setting de-partment-, but have now placed a larger force of workers in that department and the names will be gotten ready just as soon as possible. The lists will be set up in the order that they are received. It takes about ten days from the time the names reach us, till we are able to get them in type ready for mail-ing, so do not be in too great haste to write us regarding the names that you have sent in. We will do the very best we can in getting them to the people as soon as possible. We would like very much to write personal letters to all who are sending in their lists, but you must all be content with simply a postal card as a receipt for your money as the mail is- very heavy and we can not find the time to write to all. Some who have written us have the idea that all ten- cent subscrib-ers will receive the paper only till Jan. 1. This is a mistake. We will receive these ten- cent subscriptions only till Jan. 1, but each subscriber is to get the paper ten weeks. Any one subscribing the last week in December will get the paper ten weeks just the same. Our Duty to the Publishing Work. Bear Trumpet readers: I greet you once more through the COIDmn8 of the Lord's paper. Glad to say I am saved, sanctined, and kept in Uhrist Jesus. After the notice appeared in the Trumpet concerning can-ning fruit for the Trumpet family, dif-ferent ones sent for cans and filled them for the Lord. Others found fault because mention was made of these things, and said they ought to trust the Lord for these things. True, they should and do; and if those who find fault were placed in the position the Trumpet family is, they would have good opportunities of developing their faith— if they have any. " Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; ( for he is faithful that prom-ised;) and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works : not forsaking the assembling of ourselves to-gether, as the manner of some is; but ex-horting one another : and so much the more as ye see the day approaching." Heb. 10: 23- 25. Since the Moundsville assembly- meeting the Lord has put it into the hearts of Ins children in this part of Indiana to send a car- load of provisions to the Trumpet Fam-ily. They are sending baled hay, straw, corn, oats, flour, potatoes, meat, lard, packed butter, canned fruit, sauerkraut, apple butter, etc., etc. A number of saints met together and brought their cabbage and apples with them and made several barrels of sauerkraut and apple butter in one day. I speak of this solely for God's glory that others may be provoked unto love and good works. Some may think be-cause this car- load is being sent that they are excused from making any effort on this line. You may excuse yourself now, but in the day of judgment God will not excuse you, if you have not done your duty. There has been a real lack of coopera-tion and zeal on the part of some, and God wants more of an equality, that some may not be eased and others burdened. Not that each one give the same amount in dol-lars and cents, but that each may be inter-ested alike and give " as the Lord has pros pered." Some who enjoy all the goon things that the farm and market can afford, think the-. Trumpet family ought only tc have the very plainest of food. Of course; they are satisfied and thankful for that, but if there is any person in this world who aeserves good nourishing food it is those .: ho give their time and talents free for the Spread of the gospel in this capacity. Brethren and sisters, I am interested in this work and my heart feels it when I sit clown to a table loaded with luxuries, know-ing these dear ones have not the same. Now let us reason together, and look at these things in the proper light. If we have not the money to send. in to buy the food for the family, and we have abundance of the things mentioned, can we not see that by our sending these things, it saves just that amount of the Lord's money to apply for the spread of the gospel? Rest assured also that nothing will be wasted, or used extravagantly. Let us pray God to in-crease the zeal and fervency of all our hearts for his cause. I wish also to mention the special ten-cent offer on the Trumpet. We pray in family worship for the Lord to send the gospel into many darkened corners of the earth, and search out honest souls and bring them into the evening light. These prayers are all right if they are mixed with faith; but have you and I done all we eould in the way of answering this prayer? If - cce have, then we can pray with such fer-vency that God's mighty arm will be moved and the answer will come. Praise God ! This is a glorious privilege we all have of sending this light to our friends and relatives who have never heard a ser-mon preached by one who is free and clear in the truth. Most every subscriber of the Trumpet could afford to send the paper to some one else many of us could do much more. Let us work while the day lasts, for the " night cometh wherein no man can work. How sad it would be in the judg-ment, to behold the faces of lost ones that we might have been the means of saving, had we been " diligent in every good work." The Gospel Trumpet is certainly the most effectual preacher in this - reformation. Why not let its voice be heard far and near, echoing and reechoing the truth ? Let us ask the Lord to show each of us what we can do to help spread the truth while ibis offer lasts. Let no one get the idea that this special offer is given for the benefit of the family eollectively or individually. If plat could be present and see how the work increases when such offers are given, you would never entertain such a thought. It is only done for the glory of God and the benefit of lost souls, for this is the sole object of the Trumpet. Publishing Company. Praise God ! Yours sweetly saved in Jesus, Nora Hunter. and he will burn , out every im-pure and crooked preacher and pro-fessor, who presumes to belong to his church. Let us all do our duty and help to keep a clear heat in the sanc-tuary of our God. We must live a pure life before God, Every secret sin will be uncovered, if cloaked over with a profession. We can not hide our sins from God, whose eyes see all things. He knoweth our thoughts afar off, and all things are naked and open to him with whom we have to do. Some have endeavored to slip along WW1 tj- OCI's people while their hearts were impure, but the Spirit of tioa searched. out their sin, and let this be a warning to a! I who claim they are saints. NA, e are nearing the end of time when we will each receive our reward " Blessed is he that watcheth and keep-eth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame." Rev. 16 : 15. We are glad to behold a marked in-crease in holy boldness, and a more def-inite manner of preaching the gospel among the ministers we have met al camp- meetings. Dear brethren, let us follow in the good old path. The work-ers everywhere need our earnest prayers. The devil is more concerned about the ministry than the rest of the church. When a minister falls, it often happens, that others fall with him. Let us, then, be instant in prayer for the ministers, as they have temptations Ii kJ other men. These are perilous times, and we need all the help we can get from God. May God bless all the dear saints. J. C. B. FREE LITERATURE FUND. Receipts for week ending Nov. 1 $ 25.54 We take pleasure in announcing that the saints in general are contributing liber-ally by way of eatables, provisions, bed clothes, etc., to the needs of the publishing office. This is quite a help. All have our thanks, and our prayers that they will be partakers of the blessings promised to all such. ABOUT ENGAGLNU IN TILE runlIsiiiNti wohK, \ 110 then IS \ ruling to consceraic Ills service tills day Unto the Lord inns is a question we ice! like pulling to the people of Ciud in general. I lie work IA tile Loin in every place Is in need of workers, Italy consecrated ones. but at tins tulle we feel like especially llielltionttig tile worn at the rumpet Oluce. have had it impressed much upon my mind for several days, and now believe tied wants use to write, su will proceed without apology. he publishing alio. 6eut. iii4:,- forth ul die rump ei, English z. ukt t eritlitil, tile 011111- nig Light, and the many books anti. Ltacts IS the Lord s work. lie is interested in it, and means to continue it, and also to con-siantly increase because It is a means in Ins hands of benefiting hinny precious souls. How many of you ill looking back recall ilONV some bit of good, holy literature was the means of bringing you to Wit, or out into the pure, true light of the gospel: And again consider: how many of you, since you are saved and understand much about the way of truth would want the Trumpet to cease its weekly visits We be-lieve that if the voice of the entire church could be heard, it would be unanimous, " e want it continued. NA e could not well get along without it." \\ ell, since this is God's work, he wishes to carry- it on in his OwD. way. And his way, it seems, is and always has been a way of free- will ser-vice. God never cared for hirelings in any part of his work. he wants his suns and daughters to perform it, those who actually consecrate their service to him, and will take hold of the work, as members in a common family do, with the same interest. The work is performed by workers who receive no wages, but simply what God has promised, their needs supplied. Phil. 4 : 19. Thanks be unto him, each one has sufficient food and raiment and a home to live in. No one, business manager, president, or any one else, receives any thing above this in way of temporal things. But the kind of workers needed here is those who will take up the work as though it were their own. Then we . can enter into it with our hearts so to speak, and when thinking of it, or looking upon it, will consider it in the light of its being our work, not some one else's. We need to really feel that we are working for God and him only, thus making ow selves workers together with him, and the work ours. Persons are needed who are interested enough to consecrate their lives to this work. To take it up and do what they are able with the strength and energy God gives them for their natural lives, except he releases them, or directs otherwise. We do not wish to set a snare for any one but some come and go so much, that their services are not very re-liable. Others come and stay just about long enough to learn how to operate suc-cessfully some part of the work, when they will leave and go to some other establish-ment to work where they can earn wages. Stay long enough to learn a trade, in other words, then leave the work to others, per-haps strangers to the kind of work, who must start in and learn. This, of course, November 6, 190. ME GOSPEL 111MIPET. 5 2655 is hard on machinery, business, and the work in general; as any kind of work can be most successfully performed by those who understand it, and not by novices. We do not mean this for persons who visit the Trumpet family for spiritual help and take hold and do what they can while there, but for those who go as workers. If you are going for personal help in some way, either for your soul or healing for your body, any services you can render are ap-preciated and are right. But if you are considering engaging as a worker, do not, if your end is personal gain. If you are not truly consecrated to God and meaning to enter the work with your whole being, to put forth every effort for the salvation of souls, you had better not go. All that you do, do to the glory of God. Lay up your treasures in heaven. Work with your might for him and you need not expect to want for necessaries of life; for these he has promised to supply. If you are going, go filled with the Spirit, ( or seeking to be filled) and not to stay a while and then go but to stay as long as God needs you, and do with your might what your hands find to do. Amen. The Lord bless all the read-ers of the Trumpet. Nora DeBolt Dodge. CHICAGO ASSEm- BLy MEETING. The eaucago assembly- meeting will be held Nov. 7- 17, at 440 state St., south of Polk St. in walking distance from any of the central depots or the street- cars that reach the center of the city. On account of our absence from the city, this place was selected too late to get the announcement in last week's issue of the Trumpet: how-ever all who come from a distance will have no difficulty to find the place, if they first come to the Home at 7300 Stewart Ave. With the capacity we have in the Home, and the saints opening up their homes, we have usually been able to care for most of those from a distance who wish to attend he assembly. We trust the dear saint_ : From a distance will do as well, or even better than heretofore, in attending the Chicago assembly. We can not send you a personal invitation, but we expect a glorious meeting and you know that you are welcome. Come and enjoy this pre-cious assembly, and bring some of your needy friends. If you can not come please do not forget to remember this meeting in 3- our prayers. God always blesses the hum-ble and sincere cooperation of his faith-ful children. For the encouragement of ell, I wish to state that the good work in this city is spreading and the outlook is splendid for a rapid growth of the truth, and we need your prayers. Get). L. Cole, 7300 Stewart Ave., Chicago, Ill. News from the Field. Stotesbury, Mo. Since we came to Missouri we find plenty to do. I had the privilege of attending the Vichy camp- meeting this year with Bro. W. J. Henry. When we got there we found things very dark. Some had com-promised on the line of dress, and some had gone back to drinking coffee; but when God's Word went forth in the power of the Holy Ghost, souls began to see their lack and come to the altar seeking salvation. God wonderfully cleared up the dark places and made the crooked places straight, and the rough places smooth. It ' Was not long till the praises of God were heard,• and we had a good meeting. Several were saved and eleven were baptized. I am glad God has stirred his ministers to preach old fashioned sermons. The Word was sharper than any two- edged sword and cut going and coming. W. A. Haynes and Mr. Holt were in part of the meet-ing. This was the first time I ever met Mr. Haynes, and I will say I found a man in the dark. Will just say for the good of those in that doctrine that many of the dear ones are renouncing it as being of the devil. Some at the meeting got out of it, and exposed it as being of the devil. Mr. Haynes and his crew one time advocated that the disciples before the day of Pente-cost were justified and sanctified. Now he says they were neither regenerated, born of God, nor sanctified till Pentecost and then it was all done at once. So, since he has taken that stand many are seeing what awful darkness and destruction he is get-ting into. Of course the poor man is blind and cannot see that the devil has punched his spiritual eyes out. We had no compro-mise to make with Mr. Haynes, yet we treated him very kindly and did ail we could for him. After the meeting closed, Bro. W. J. Henry went home for a few days, and Bro. Shoot a young brother who assisted us in meeting stayed in that part of the vineyard for a while to labor for souls. I went to Webb City camp- meeting and Lund Sister Sunderland and Co. making preparations for the camp- meeting. The weather was bad, yet God did work and clear up several backsliders. From there wife and I came home, where I am at pres-ent. Do not latow how long I will stay. Please pray for my father and mother, that they may get out straight for God our brother saved and sanctified, to spend and be spent. Any one wishing to write to me can address at Stotesbury, Mo. N. S. Duncan & Wife. Seminary, Miss., Oct. 19. I am glad I can report victory in the name of Jesus. My last report was from Hiflin, La. From there I went to Dar-chene, at which place we had a seed- sowing time. From there to Simsboro, La. I went home for a few days and held some meet-ings. With the fire of God burning in my soul, I came to this place, and he gave us a grand meeting. There were fourteen baptized and thirty- two partook of the other ordinances. Sister Damaris Smith, who was in the entire meeting, was used of God to his glory. Those wishing to write to her may address her at Seminary, Miss. I go from here to McCalls Creek, Miss. Address me at Sherwood, La. R. H. Owens. Skagway, Alaska, Oct. 18. We have reached this place in safety by the goodness of God. We had many dis-couragements to meet before leaving Wash-ington, but as we faced them and came forward, we found that what appeared to be mountains impassable, were in reality only fogs that. Satan had caused to arise to hinder us from obeying God. We were told, The weather is so cold that people will not come out to meeting, etc., but those liv-ing here tell us that the coldest it ever gets here, is only 12 degrees below zero. One of the best meetings we have ever held was in Minnesota, when the thermometer was at about 35 degrees below zero. At present gardens here are looking fresh and green, and flowers are out in bloom. The ocean currents warm this coast. We hope none will waste time pitying us, when they ought to be praying for souls. We have received several pounds of literature for free distribution, but can use much more, no doubt. We will have our first meeting to- morrow night, God willing. Those who called for the meeting have never before met any of the ministers of this reforma-tion. They greatly rejoice at our coming, as they have been praying for years for God to send some one. We are confident we are here by the will of God in answer to prayer. Babylon is quite well repre-sented here. Please pray that all of God's sheep may flee out of the midst of Babylon and deliver every man his soul, and t
format Other/Unknown Material
author Byrum, E. E.
author_facet Byrum, E. E.
author_sort Byrum, E. E.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 22:45
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 22:45
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 22:45
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 22:45
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 22:45
title_sort gospel trumpet - 22:45
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The Gate
The Altar
The Pillar
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The Gate
The Altar
The Pillar
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op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
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spelling 2023-05-15T18:19:56+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 22:45 Gospel Trumpet, The Byrum, E. E. 1902-11-06 Printed Newspaper English eng Gospel Trumpet Company Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 22 45 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1902 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:07:03Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet and they shall gather to-gether his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places - where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Ezek. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 39. VOLUME XXII. MOUNDSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, U. S. A., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1902. NUMBER 45 REST. BY LOTTIE L. THEOBALD. was prophesied of Christ that his rest would be glorious. We also read Ins own blessed words, " Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden., and I will give you rest." Only those who come to him repenting and be-lieving may enter into this glorious rest. The world is so burdened with their sins and sorrows, they know nothing of it for it is written, " Them is no rest for the wicked." But God o loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son into the world that all who obey him may find rest from their guilt, cares, and sorrows. Still if the sins be pardoned gild the body racked with pain and disease. the rest. would not be complete. There lore God provided a way . of healin' from sickness, and disease, in the atone-ment, as it is written, " Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we being dead to sine, should live unto righteousness : b v whose stripes ye were healed." 1 Pet. 2; 24. We also find that he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, Acts 10: 38, and as he is the same, yesterday, to- day, and forever ( Hob. 13: 8.), it is part of his mission to- day to give rest from affliction. Again itis written of Jesus," That he might sanctify the people with lig own blood, suffered without the gate." Heb. 13: 12. Hence, we see that Jesus not mily prayed that his children might be tanctifiecl ( John 17 : 17.) but died that le might sanctify them with his own 60( 1. Oh, praise the Lord for the gift If his dear Son who gave his life that vo might be free from the sin which came upon us through the fall ofAdam. He gave us a description of the un-sanctified heart. " For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, mur-ders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blas-phemy, pride, foolishness." Mark 7 21. What an awful picture of the de-praved heart I ' Still, Jesus not only will forgive the out- breaking of these awful sins but died that the root of them may be cleansed from the heart, thus leaving the Christian free in Christ Jesus. Jesus does not leave his children to walk alone after the heart is cleansed, but has promised to be with them ever unto the end of the world. A burden-bearer, guide, and comforter, he ever careth for them. Thus they who have entered into this glorious rest, walk with God. WATCHFULNESS. • BY BINNIE WILSON. jT ispossible for us to live so near to God that we may know, at all times, his perfect will concerning us : just what we should do, and what we shoul I say to honor and glorify him most. We will then act out ourselves, and not as-sume anything which is a characteris-tic of some one else. Not pattern after anybody but Jesus he the great ex-ample is, and pattern for us. It has come under my observation during the past three years that I have been among the saints, that many of those who make the loudest profession arc the very ones who do the most idle talk-ing, jesting, winking the eye, and mak-ing unnecessary remarks, calling at-tention to the faults of some other . jrother or sister, etc., etc. It makes me very sad when I see these things and my heart trembler within me when I think of the responsi-bility resting upon every saint of God. riow watchful we ought to be that we offend not in word or in deed! If we profess to have salvation, to be saved from all sin, and kept by the power of God, and then disregard, every day of our lives, such scriptures as Mat. 12: 36, 37 Eph. 5 : 4; Gal. 6: 1, 2, we de-ceive ourselves, and bring reproach upon the cause of Christ. May God help us to live so closely that, " Wheth-er therefore ye eat, or drink or what-soever ye do, do all to the glory of God." God wants us to be humble : all pride, stiffness, selfishness, deceit, and every thing that does not manifest the spirit of meekness, love and humility, to be taken out for if we have not the spirit of Christ, we are none of his and he certainly can not use us. The best testimony we COD give is to - live a pure and holy life; then when God leads to pray or speak we will have power, and God will be glorified and souls will be led to seek such a wonderful salva-tion. We will actually advertise righteousness. Praise God forever ! God help us to be very watchful on these lines : to do just as he wants us to do, and nothing more or less. If we oeey God and perform every duly he requires of us, we will be fat and flour-ishing in our souls, and have perfect victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Amen. " Grieving Away the Spirit. BY H. M. ft. ARTICLE II. 4 iC EEK ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near." Isa. 55 : 6. There is an unseen line in every man's pathway, which divides between God's mercy and wrath. A - time when the Spirit strives, and a time when it is grieved away, and forever ceases its striving. If men seek God or mercy's side of the line, they will find. If they fail to do this, and step over that line, they are on the side of wrath, and be-yond mercy. The time to seek, is when we are on mercy's side, while the Lord is near, and can be found. But the above text does clearly teach that men can presume upon God's mercy, and trample upon his blood until they get so far away that God will not hear, and they can not find But do the Scriptures teach that people can gel into a condition where they may earn-estly seek, but not be able to find? ' Strive to enter in at the strait gate : for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us and he shall answer and say unto you, I know not whence ye are.' Luke 13 : 24, 25. " Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me.' Prov. 1: 28. " Therefore thus saith the Lord, Be-hold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. Therefore pray not for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them : for I will not hear them in the lime that they cry to me for their trouble." Jer. 11 : 11, 14 " They cried, but there was none to save them : even unto the Lord, answered them not." Psa. 18 : 4L " But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and mis-used his prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, till there was no remedy." 2 Chron. 36 : 16. " Thus saith the Lord unto this peo-ple, Thus have they loved to wander, they have not restrained their feet; therefore the Lord dotli not accept them : he will now remember their ini pity, and visit their sins. Then said the Lord unto me, Pray not for this people for their good. When they fast, I will not hear their cry and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation, I will not accept them; but I will con-sume them by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence." Jer. 14 : 10- 12. " Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity; and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them." Ezek. 8 : 18. " Therefore it is come to pass, that as he cried, and they would not hear so they cried, and I would not bear, saith the Lord of hosts." Zech. 7: 13. Thus we could multiply scrip- barest and give examples where people ren-dered themselves beyond the reach of mercy. The same Is as true to- day, as in past ages. While God's mercy en-dureth forever, man can destroy him-self, and go beyond that infinite mercy. This was true in the past, as the many scriptures above cited prove, and we judge the present, by God's dealings in the past. God said to the ante- dilu-vians, " My Spirit shall not always strive with man." Gen. 6: 3. Th Spirit strove with them, but they re-sisted, and stiffened their necks, and hardened their hearts against God, un-til the Spirit was grieved away, and took its everlasting flight. They passed the line that divides between mercy and wrath, and to them it was " a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the liv-ing God." Just so can men to- day harden their hearts against God, until his Spirit is grieved away and they are beyond mercy. " Grieve not the Holy Spirit." The time was when the Sod-omites passed beyond mercy, and it could not be found. Israel rebelled, and would not believe God, and he sware in his wrath, " They shall not enter into my rest." The apostle warns us that " To- day, if ye will hear Ms voice, harden not your hearts." There is danger in delay. The Jews strove against God until his Spirit was griev-ed away, and they were left in utter darkness and blindness. " The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, and sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding : and they would not come. Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden; Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready : come unto the marriage. But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise : and the remnant took his servants, and en-treated them spitefully, and slew them. But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his ar-mies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city." Mat. 22: 2- 7. " Hear another parable : There Was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country : and when the time a the fruit drew near. he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it. And the husbandmen took his servants, and killed one, and stoned another. Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise. But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence son. But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir come, let us kill him and let us seize on his inheritance. Ahi, they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him. When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husband-men I They say unto him, He will mis-erably destroy those wicked men, and AN EXHORTATION. BY CEO. COPLIINT. Be diligent, be on your guard, Resisting every subtle foe; No matter how temptation comes, Resist, the enemy must go. Be prayerful, here thy strength renew, Before the throne of God and grace; Lest, faint, ye fall beside the way, And others take thy crown and place. Be joyful ever in the Lord; Yea, count the fiery trials joy: No power can move thy trusting soul, No enemy thy peace destroy. Be strong, courageous in the fight, Though many foes thy faith assail; " Quit you like men," be strong in him, With armor bright you shall prevail. Be humble, for he giveth grace Unto the meek—' tis theirs to know The secret of the King's mandate; To walk with him, his praise to show. Be sober, that the life of Christ. Be manifest in all you do; Thy seasoned words may grace impart, I aspiring others to be true. Be faithful, for a great reward Shall he awarded in that day To those whose duties are " well done," Through faith, his joy shall them repay. Ito still, your cares are east on him; Be quiet, for he cares for you: Ile ' II grace impart, thy cause defend; Strengthen, establish, take you through. Be watchful, guard on every line, They are o ' orcome who careless be. Take heed to self, Christ's meekness seek; Look unto him who keepeth thee. 2652 2 November 6, 1902. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET year ago professed to be a saint free from Last, but not least, we will mention another phase of the subject. A min-ister may make some mistake, lose the grace of God, get out of his order, and, although one of the main ministers, one in whom we have had much confi-dence as a pillar in the church, he has to be dealt - with. The people lean upon him, and look up to him, and, perhaps, his getting out of the way calls for a public confession. Unconsciously to himself, he has become exalted and his preacher dignity has somewhat devel-oped, hence he is very much afraid that if he makes the needed confession, the people - will look down upon him and have no confidence in him. At this point some others, who, perhaps, are themselves conscious of their lack will step in and advise him to be careful and thus help him to let himself down so lightly that he never falls upon the Rock at all; but simply gets down tin-der a deception. The result is that the poor soul gets deceived, and many times other tender, sympathetic minis- A Pure Ministry. sectism. At that time he talked the truth, but did not live it. He professed holiness and chewed tobacco. He tried to preach but made a failure : he advocated the one church, but did not know what it was. Soon he departed from what little truth he did know and gave " heed to seducing spir_ its, and doctrines of devils." To- day that man is the worst enemy to the truth of am man in his community. He has joined a sect. He does profess but does not possess. He has a hypocritical profession. He goes about saying all manner of evil about the saints. He speaks " lies in hypocrisy:, That is, he tells things about the saints that are not true. How many people there are that have turned a deaf ear to the truth and have given" heed to seducing spirits, and doe-trines of devils." What is it that makes people mad when the truth of almighty God is preached in a community' 7 What is it t hat makes people stamp and foatti A- len some sick person is raised up by di. vine power': What is it that makes people will let out his vineyard unto other hus-bandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons. Jesus saith un-to them, Did ye never read in the Scrip-tures, The stone which the builders re-jected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? There-fore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." Mat. 21: 33- 43. What solemn truth is contained in these parables. This was spoken with direct ref-erence to the Jews. They rebelled until the kingdom was taken from them, and given to the Gentiles. They were cut off— only a remnant was saved, and the rest were blind-ed. God wanted to save them, but they would not. " 0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that Lill-est the prophets, and stonest them which are sent - onto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate." God. forsook them, and left them deso-late. This will be just as true to- day, if men will not accept mercy when it is offer-ed. " Behold therefore the goodness anal BY MARY COT F. Y soul has been much stirred for some time in behalf of a pure church, and what means will have to be used in bringing it about. Now to have a pure church we must first have a pure ministry. God can not do a clean work with an unclean implement; and the Word says, " Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord." Of late my attention has been called to one special feature of the enemy's cunning, which he has been trying to impose up-on this reform; namely, ministers pro-fessing to be saved and sanctified and ready to preach in camp and assembly meetings, and not having a bit of the grace of God in their souls; yea, even worse— under a d2ceived. spirit. When I see so much of this, my soul is led to exclaim, " 0 Lord, where will these things end!" As the light is shining brighter, so the enemy is preparing finer deceptions to keep pace with the light, in order to get and. hold as many in his grasp as possible, and he seems more anxious to catch the min-istry in his net than any one else, even those who have been clear in their severity of God." " Toward thee, goodness, souls. if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise There are different causes why these thou also shalt be cut off." It is dangerous get ensnared. One is that they get to trifle with God. puffed up, become exalted and seek honor from men, etc. Another is, lack of devotion, not living in close enough touch with Jesus, and not living spir-itually; having the reform in their heads and not in their hearts. Still another is, trying to get private inter-pretations of God's Word. " Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpreta-tion." 2 Pet. 1: 20. The devil knows if he can get a minister mixed up and under a wrong spirit, he can then very easily get the flock under the same spirit. Like priest, like people. To not live a devoted, humble and prayer-ful life, and then try to fill the sacred office of the ministry, and undertake to deal out God's Word to hungry souls. in a lean, empty condition, without any inspiration— brethren, this is a shame-ful imposition upon the people, espe-cially upon the one body in this re-form I Another reason I might mention i the lack of having sufficient trust, OP he part of the minister. His mind - taken up and his whole being is ab , orbed in how he can manage to sup- : sort his family, and often through mis management, he will get into debt, and all summed up he has quite a burden on him, and with this burden he has no inspiration to preach to others. He not being an example himself, how can he teach others a fill gospel and RP up a perfect Bible standard? " Thc husbandman that laboreth must be firs partaker of the fruits." 2 Tim. 2: 6. Brethren, these things ought not so to be. Sometimes ministers, even after they do get clear, do not keep the con-ditions properly met to keep a trans-parent experience. They soon begin t, lose the grace of God out of their souls. This continues until they are awakened to their condition, they repent in ear-nest and pray through, but ere long, again they become lean; perhaps do not gird up the loins of their minds, let their affections run out unlawfully, or do something else to grieve God from their hearts, and once more have to labor to get back to him. Thus they struggle back and forth until they be-come badly weakened; and then for lack of real earnestness and decision, they may fail to pray through, and in-stead, take up a profession, a mere de-ception of the devil. When this is con-tinued long, God has to give them over to Satan, and they are likely to go un-der deceived spirits, thinking all the while that they have prayed through. Oh, how sad! It has been my lot to see different ones in this condition; not ministers only, but others. Truly, these are perilous times. Oh, how carefully and humbly we ought to live and walk before God! Sin and Justification. tens help to do it. Brethren, this is a , van " the saints in light," Mormons. bad affair, and who is to blame? i i , i Sankies. Latter - day Saints, Come- outers, " Cursed be he that doeth the work of op, abominable gnaau nmt' that van li:. the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he i ` t1h111o1. uvg h: t : of! - What is it that run makes the saints preach. that keepeth back his sword from I mobs blood." Jer. 48: 10. Now, if you suf- I ers w " it to get " I: , oil t oi ," t he volItnry I .:-‘ 11SWer. It is beoallse fer sin on your brother, you know the i they have " departed from the faith" and result. A public offense needs a pub- 1 giving heed to seaming spirits. oil. Confession, and an offenseagainsti d rueet s . 1 wenties of devils. and have beeon lv – 10v. the body in general, needs a confession i erS of their own selves. covetous, boasters that will cover the whole ground. proud. blasphemers, disobedient to parent of this, the bad leaven will re- i! unthankful, unholy, without natural dee. main and work. It is quite eas y to do 11 l. u lu. Irueebreakers. false : a'ousers, inkvonti-our duty to a brother, if he is one of , h, spiserS f ose tat an! the little preachers— one that is not in 1 t 2 ient . 1- 441, tr elve aitors tle , heady. hi o glim th inded h lovvr.; high standing— just a novice and not i „ f pleasure more than loVerS of ( loll; hav-very important but when it conies to ■ i inn a form of - odliness, but den y ing the doing our duty to one of the main nun from sto . li turn away.- 9 isters, it takes more grace and trueness. lr"' wer . - 5. especially if we think they will not take rim 3 : 2 the admonition, and me : e ry o ight do we upon us and try to make it net endure appear that we are the gTilty party. 1 their ears fro 1 it zethers that In such a case it takes a good supply I. tell " fables" The time has tome such people will t set 1 BY NELLIE BALT, VALEN 44 W HEREFORE, as by one man sin en-tered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have ginned." Rom. 5: 12. A great many people of to- day can not under-stand why we must live free from sin in order to gain heaven, since some go so far as to say that we sin in word, thought, and deed. But blessed be God, he can so change cur actions, thoughts, and deeds to heaven-ly things, that we can be pure and sinless children of God in this present world. " But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust. and enticed. Then when lust bath conceived, it bringeth forth sin : and sin, when it is finished. tringeth forth death." I am glad that God has provided a way for our escape from this awful death, and Bible iustification takes the sin out. It- ean not he purchasd as many seem to think. exeept in the way God has purchased it for us by the blood of his only begotten Son. through faith in which a soul may enter into eternal life. " He that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God ahideth on him." " Verily, verily, say unto you. He that believeth on me bath everlasting life." " Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." In whom we have redemp-tion through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace." Eph. 1: 7. Justification is a term used for the for-giveness of sins. Justification is the re-mission of sins, through the blood of Christ — a quickening to those that are dead in trespasses and sin; and bringing to life in Christ Jesus, • is the result of remission of the past and present wrong deeds, thoughts and intentions. Paul says, " There is there-fore now no comdemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." Rom. 8: 1. " If our hearts condemn us not, then have we con-fidence toward God, but if our hearts con-demn us, God is greater than our hearts." " Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 5 : 1. Whatshall wesay then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we that are dead to sin, live any longer there-in?" Praise God! He that is dead to sin, is freed from sin. " But now being made free from sin, and. become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life." Rom. 6: 1, 2, 22, 23. skonal t ith . t ' Choy turn In the truth and listen to those have " itehing ears" and that instead of pre: tellin g. the evs-h do think whieh " is the bower unto sal-vation." Bill 110t, t1 not he amazed at such as this. because Paul tells us in 2 Tim. 2 • 13 that Evil men and seduvers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and be-ing- deveived." " And many shall follow their the false teaehm- s rnieious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall he evil spoken of." 2 Pet. 2: 2. Reatler, beware of false teachers and al-ways be ready to receive the truth, because John says the truth shall make you. free." John S : 3°. of humility. Bret ren. o you we have all reached the standard on this line? Shall we spare the fat and strong, or shall we obey God and feed them with judgment? Certainly this must all be done in the love of Jesus. " Let him that is spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness, con-idering thvself, lest thou also be tempt ed." Brother, if you are not spiritual. - his does not mean you: and God doe,: not want to use you in this capacity Brethren, shall we put the sword in, or shall we not? Shall we do our duty fo the little preachers and let the big ones go? To be true to all is the only way to get a pure church. Read Ezek. 13: 10- 16 Eph. 5: 27: Prov. 14 : 25. They Have Turned to Seducing Spirits. Union City, end. I am praising God to- day for a full and free salvation— saved and sancti-fied— consecrated to the will of my dear Lord and Savior. I feel the Lord would have me write a little on divine healing— how the Lord showed me we should trust him for all things. My baby had a breaking out, and I began to think perhaps it was eczema. I liad been told what would cure ec-zema I resisted the devil, but I greased it with a little butter. This may seem very simple to some, but God spoke to me by his AVord, " Give no place to the devil," also " By prayer and supplic a - tion with thanksgiving let youre-quests be made known unto God." Well, I resisted the devil by washing off the butter, and went to God in earn-est prayer, and my baby got well. Praise our God ! We have had some other tests, but God gave us victory by t_ __ sting him faithfully in pray 2r. Dear ones, I do know God wants us to take a bold stand on his Word. Se= has said, " I will never leave thee no' forsake thee." I do know God is a present help in time of need when we trust and obey. I was made to realize what it is to leave all with Jesus who he took• my dear husband home to dwell with him. What a comfort we find in our blessed Redeemer. Oh, I do praise his dear name ! I feel my soul is ad-vancing and I am learning more howto trust my Savior and realize our PIT!" lieges in Christ Jesus. Your sister 111 the one body, Minnie Byrum, BY S. R. 2,1' FITIIIIRRY. " N ow the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seduc-ing spirits, and doctrines of devils." 1 Tim. 4: 1. In the above scripture we are in-formed that some are going to " depart from_ the faith." What faith? The faith of the Bible. The " one faith." The faith of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Not some sectarian faith, but the faith which the apostle Paul kept, when he said, " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." 2 Tim. 4: 7. - What are they going to turn from the faith unto? " Seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." Something the Bible does not teach. Strange faith and doctrines. Doc-trines that the devil puts into the hearts of men to preach in order to draw away disciples from the truth. What else do they do after they turn from the truth unto " seducing spirits ant doctrines of devils?" They speak " lies in hypocrisy." They still profess to be saved, but they are not. They have turned from the faith unto " seducing spirits, and doe-trines of devils, " hence they are hyp - arites. They go about telling lies and try to cover it all up with a hypocritical profession. I am acquainted with a man that on-, November 6, 1902. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET 26.3 3 T HERE are many conflicting doctrines 1 and ideas concerning the Holy City, Mount Zion, and Jerusalem. We find the Millennium teachers " everywhere teachinc, their false doctrine of a thousand years' lit-eral reign on earth, which is utterly refuted by the Word of God. Therefore let us no-tice a few texts on this line. " And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the moun-thins, and shall be exalted- above the hills; and all nations shall flow into it." Isa. 2: 2. The prophet says this was to take place in the " last days." Now, if we can locate the last days, then we shall know when this prophecy was fulfilled. We read in Heb. 1: 1, 2-" God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last clays spoken unto us by his Son." " These" then are the days when this prophecy is fulfilled. We will now turn to the prophecy and prove its fulfillment in this gospel age. The " Mountain of the Lord" clearly applies to Mount Zion. Micah 4: 7. By turning again to Heb. 12: 22, we find that the Hebrew brethren had " Come unto Mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to. the general assembly and church of the first born." By these texts we see that " Mount Zion," " the holy city," " the heavenly Jerusalem" is the church of God. He calls it the " city of the living God." In I Tim. 3: 15, Paul calls the church " the church of the living God." Also the church is holy. Eph. 5: 27. Jesus calls his church a city. Mat. 5 : 14. Paul says that " Abraham looked for a city which had foundations, whose builder and maker is God." Heb. 11: 10. Abraham never found that city, but by faith he was permitted to look down through the annals of time and see the city; i. e., the New Testament church. The apos-tle John saw this " great city, the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God :. and had a wall great and high. . And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." Rev. 21: 10- 14. The city that Abraham saw had founda-tions; so has the holy Jerusalem. This city has a wall: " We have a strong city; sal-vation will God appoint for walls and bul-warks." Isa. 26 : 1. Let us notice the foundation of this city by turning to Eph. 2: 19, 20. " Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone." The church of God is built upon the foundation of the apostles, Jesus Christ himself is the all un-derlying foundation. " For other founda-tion can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." 1 Cor. 3: 11. Therefore, we conclude that Christ is the foundation of his church, and he is the " head of the body, the church." Col. 1: 18. He is the builder and maker of the church. Mat. 16: 18. The church has not been set up by man; yea, it is the " stone that was cut out of the mountain without hands." It was not built by man, therefore it is not governed by men. " But the govern-ment shall rest upon his [ Christ's] shoulders." While the multitude of divid-ed and subdivided institutions of men are governed by different laws, rules, disci-plines, conferences, elderships, etc., etc., the church of God is an exclusive church. " She is the only one of her mother." S. of Sol. 6: 9. It is the kingdom that fills the whole earth- it leaves no place for another. Praise God! Who are members of the church of God.? Jesus says, " I am the door : by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved." Jolt 10: 9. Jesus Christ is the door and Peter says, " Neither is there salvation it any other : for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4: 12. Salvation is the only mode of induction into the church, and there is no other way for men to gel salvation; therefore, none but such as have salvation can get into the church of God. Men may have a profession, may call them-selves saints, and say, Praise the Lord, when you meet them, and try to fall in line and keep in harmony with the true children of God; but that does not put them into the church of God. The church is a spir-itual house; therefore none but spirittia2 ( saved) people dwell in it. " Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, au holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." 1 Pet. 2: 5. " The house of God," which is " the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth" ( 1 Tim. : 15) is not made up of dead, formal pro-fessors, who are void of salvation; but liv-ing stones, who have been made alive by a spiritual birth- made new creatures in t_ hrist Jesus. The apostle Paul, writing to the Thessa Ionians, addresses them as follows, " Unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ." We notice that this church was in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, if we cat find what hind of people are in Jesus Christ, then we will know what kind of peo-ple make up the church of God; for this church was in Christ Jesus. Paul says, " 11 any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; be. hold all things are become new." There-fore none but such as are saved belong to the church of God, and the church of God is the holy city, and we have come unto it in this gospel age, through the redemp-tion of our Lord Jesus Christ. " Make His Face to Shine." T HE face is a fair index of the heart The prophet in speaking of the ehameful apostasy of Judah and Jerusa-lem, said, " The show of their countenance Moth witness against them; and they de-clare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not." Isa. 3: 9. Their countenance declared the sinful Sodom condition of the heart; they could not hide it. Upon the other hand, " A merry heart maketh a cheerful coun-tenance." Prov. 15 : 13. When the heart it made pure and 61 led with grace and love, the countenance bears testimony to this glorious fact. His face is made to shine. When the heart of man is cleansed from sin, it becomes " the garden of the Lord." There blooms in beauty the " Rose of Shar-on" and the " Lily of the Valley;" therein is joy and gladness, thanksgiving and the voice of melody. " Beauty" is given for " ashes," and the " oil of joy for mourn-ing," and his face shines with the light and icy and beauty that are in his heart. " He will beautify the meek with salvation." A merry heart and glad countenance scat-ter light and good cheer everywhere. Those of a dark, sullen, sour countenance bring a cloud of gloom, which has a chilly effect upon all who come into its presence. Beloved, God has grace and salvation enough to make your faces to shine. It is our privilege to be a beam of heavenly light in this world of gloom. Oil in our vessels and our lamps trimmed and bhrning will make our faces to shine. Since I have re-ceived the fulness of God's love in my soul and the power of his mighty redeeming grace, and he has placed a great reservoir of oil in my heart to make my face to shine, I purpose never to depress the spirits of my fellow men by a sad, dejected counte-nance. God's grace is sufficient to light up the countenance in the heaviest of discour-agements. Never tolerate a discouraged feel-ing in the heart till it makes its mark on the countenance never come into the pub-lic assembly with a dark discouraged look upon your face; never come into the pres-ence of Your family with a sad count& name. If your labor has gone wrong upon your farm, and circumstances are of such a nature as to discourage, better get down u. your barn and seek God for grace suffi-cient to make your face to shine so you can go into the presence of your family with a merry heart and joyful countenance. C. E. O. Questions Answered, Ques. 1. Please explain 2 Thes. 2: 3, 4. 2. Is it wrong to eat pork y D. E. S. Ans. 1. Paul was instructing the saints that the juJgruent day would riot come before there would be an apos-tasy, or falling away from the truth among professors of Christianity. The fourth verse describes the character al the man of sin, and really applies to the Pope of home. He opposes God in almost everything he teaches. He ex-alts himself above all that is called God, because he assumes to be head of church and state. lie assumes to sit in the temple ( church) of God, and make and frame laws for God's people; and one pope permitted liimself to be even called " the Lord our God." One of his agents went about proclaiming words after this mariner: " The Lord our God has ceased to reign, and has committed all power unto the pope." The pope claims to have power to for-give sins. In this he fulfills this scrip-ture. God alone has power to forgive sins. Paul- said this mystery of im-quity was already at work in his day. Verse 7. The falling away came hundreds of years ago. One historian dates the de cayect state of the church about A. D. U. bee J oseph 1\ 11171er, Cent. 4, t. nap. 1. The man of sin was reveal m the sixteenth century, when the ref-ormation began; and God has been, and is still consuming this great apostasy, ever since by his Holy spirit, the spi?- it of his mouth. See verse 8. Of course the same false spirit pervades Protes-tantism to- day,. causing that great pow-er to acknowledge Romanism as the mother church, and, as Bishop Foster, Methodist, once said, " I consider the Roman Catholic church a grand Chris-tian camp." This evening light reformation utter-ly consumes from among the people of God every phase of the apostasy, and restores apostolic purity and unity. When Christ comes he will destroy the man of sin by his brightness, and all who are deceived thereby, both Prot-estant and Catholic; and will only re-ceive those who received a love for the whole truth. Ans. 2. No. It is all right to eat pork or any other kind of meat, if it is agreeable to the health of the person who eats it. There is no reliable evi-dence that it was made unclean unto th ews under the Old Testament because it was unhealthful. The writer and many others have used it all their life-time, and are enjoying excellent health. Any symptoms of ill health that ever appeared on us, can be directly traced to other causes, and not to the eating of pork. Paul says, " Every creature oi God is good, _ andnothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving : for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer." 1 Tim. 4: 4, 5. God made all kinds of meats clean, and destroyed any distinction between them in that re-spect, as well as the distinction between those who eat such meats, when he gave Peter the vision recorded in Acts 10: 11- 16. If any person has doubts about eating pork or any other hind of meat; do not eat such. We must eat of faith. " He that doubteth is damned if he eat." Rom. 14: 23. Ques. How was Judas a discipI2 Christ, and yet he betrayed him A. A. EL Ans. Judas was once saved the same as the other apostles. Peter says, " For he was numbered with us, and had ob tabled part of this ministry." Acts 1: 17. By transgression he fell. Verse 25. We can not correctly date when he de-parted from the Lord, but two days be-fore he betrayed Jesus, Satan entered into him. Mat. 26 : 2- 16; Luke 22: 3- 6. He was covetous, and stole some from the treasury bag before this. John 12: 6. Satan again entered into him at the passover supper, two days after he made the covenant with • the chief-priests to betray him. John 13: 27. At the passover he was exposed by the Lord Jesus. John 13 : 21- 26. It is clear from the gospels that the other apos-tles knew nothing of Judas being crooked up to this time. Some teach that Judas never was a justified be-liever, but was always unsaved. This is a mistake. Jesus called him, and commissioned him to preach the gos-pel and he does not send sinners to preach. He was saved, but by trans-gression fell. J. C. B. CORRECTION OF A VISTA- KR. In the Gospel Trumpet of June 26 the following question was answered by me: " Please explain Ezek. 47: 12." Part of the answer given was not correct, and the part that was correct was not as fully given as it should have been. Later on there will be a more correct explanation of this text given through the Trumpet. J. C. B. REPORT OF SUNDAY- SCHOOL w ORK. Our Sunday- school here near Muske-gon, Mich., on Black Lake in the school- house in District No. 2, is pros-pering in the Lord, and is upheld by his mighty power, which can, and does, overrule all opposition. Last year we were forced to change our time of meet-ing simply because a sectarian Sun-day- school was organized, and con-ducted in such a way as to force us to come under their heading, or change our time. As God was not pleased to have us mix up in their way, we cluing ed our time from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. It was not long, however, before the said Sunday- school fell all into pieces, which allowed us to resume our morn-ing hour. Our school begins at eleven and lasts until half- past twelve, when we begin our meeting for the older ones. The Sunday- school was small, and is not large yet, but is making a steady increase, and we are being per-mitted to see some of the prejudice die out. God is richly blessing the efforts that are being put forth in his name in behalf of the children. The way God leads us, is much the same as he is leading others in differ-ent places. We begin with singing and prayer, every child kneels, and so far we - have had perfect quietiess- no whispering. Every little scholar seems able and anxious to tell where the les-son begins and ends, and all that can read are expected to do so. The lesson is explained and questions are asked; then a Bible story from the Old Testa-ment is told, endeavoring to bring some new name and character before the young each time. We commenced with Adam, or the creation, next the flood, and told of the length of time between this and the former story; next the call of Abraham, and so on down until we have reached the time of the anointing of Saul, the first king of the children of Israel. It is truly wonderful to hear the little ones answer questions. We give cards to all, and extra large ones for each task; such as naming the books of the Old and New Testament, etc. We will report again, Lord willing, and if any one is passing who under-stands music and is willing to give us a few instructions, we will be very thankful to have such a one stop off here, as we do not understand the notes, and are anxious to learn for the glory of God. Emma I. Coston. " Righteous art thou, 0 Lord, and up-right are thy judgments. Thy testimonies that thou commanded are righteous and very faithful." Psa. 119, 137, 138. THE HOLY CITY. A few Thoughts and Scriptures concerning God's beautiful Holy City, which is Located upon this Earth, and in which the Chil-dren c' Goci are now Rejoicing and Free. BY DENNIS KOACH. 2654 4 THE GOSPEL TitumFET. November 6, 1902. TIE q0SPEL TRUMPET. Moundsville, W. Va., Nov. 6, 1902. A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. Entered at the Post- office at MoundsnIle, W. Ve, as Second- stun Natter. E E. BYRUM Editor. A L. BYERS • Office Editor. Contributing Editors: H. M. RIGGLE, GRAS. E. ORR, J. C. BLANEY, J. W. BYERS, GEO. L. COLE. Published by GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. CO. ,, cruin- E, RADICAL, and ANTI- SECTARIAN. sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publication of full Salvation, Divine Healing of the body, and the thilty of aft true Christians in " the faith once delivered to the saints." Subscription price, postage paid, United States, Canada, and Mexico, - - $ 1.00. England, - 65.21 Germany, 6 marks 18 pf. re- MI Subscriptions must be paid in Advance. In about two weeks after your subscription is re- : zived, receipt and credit of same will he shown by the address label attached to your paper or wrapper, pro-vided the subscription is for more than three months. business Commtumcatlosis, motleys. etc. must to addressed io GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. GO., MOUNDSYILLE. W. VA. to insure credit: otherwise we will not be responsible. NOTICE, If you receive the paper and have not subscribed for it, do not hesitate in taking it out of the office, for it has been paid for by some friend, and will be stopped promptly when sub-scription expires. The righteous are bold as a lion. Many are the afflictions of the right-eous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Holy boldness in testimony and preaching makes the - Word of God ef-fectual in winning people to Christ. God wants straight, radical testimo-ny and preaching. If we fail to ful-fill his will on this line, he will set no aside and raise up others to take out place. The apostles were bold and uncom-promising in their testimony for Christ. They were not afraid of peo-ple being turned from the truth by be-ing radical and definite in preaching. Let us follow their example. The ministry must raise the stand-ard and practise what they preach. The preacher who can not keep an expe-rience of salvation, better quit preach-ing and engage in something else. Such a one is not a proper example foi the flock to follow. God has no use for ministers who do not preach healing and practise trust-ing God for their bodies. He de-mands of all his ministers to so live before him that they can pray the prayer of faith for the sick. The preacher who dopes himself with med-icine, and is afraid to trust his body wholly in the hands of the Lord, can not pray the prayer of faith for others. The gifts of healing are for all the ministry at least. Some who are not ministers may have such a gift, but ths4 ministry are all expected to have the guts of healing. We may have a nat-ural ability to preach, but God wants faith planted deep in the hearts of his ministers, so they can glorify him in the eyes of the people. Humility will keep us where nod can trust us wit] special gifts to glorify him. Let us re-member that " before honor is humil-ity. God is now bringing out a pure church. In order to have a pure church, he must have, first of all, a pure ministry. A great spiritual earthquakE is now in operation, and will continue until Zion shakes herself from every-thing not in harmony with the pure gospel. God has placed a fire in Zion, and hi s furnace i n Jerusalem - WHY LATE 1- 44. ST WEER-On account of making repairs on our large press we were obliged to print the Trumpet on our small press and therefore the issue was a few days late last week. We will try and have it on time as nearly as possible after this. There will be a sub-scription blank enclosed with this week's Trumpet, and we would be glad to have each one of the Trumpet readers fill this out with names of their friends and. others and have the Tr- limpet sent to them ten weeks each. The offer we have made in sending the paper ten weeks for ten cents is a very liberal one, and our readers are taking advantage of this as never before. The names are coming in at the rate of over 1,000 a day. Many who do not care to fill out the blanks with a list of names send us the money and we will send to names from those that we have collected, as we have over one million of reliable names on hand. Some who have sent in lists of names have written that they had not received the paper. Will say to all that we were a little short of help in the type setting de-partment-, but have now placed a larger force of workers in that department and the names will be gotten ready just as soon as possible. The lists will be set up in the order that they are received. It takes about ten days from the time the names reach us, till we are able to get them in type ready for mail-ing, so do not be in too great haste to write us regarding the names that you have sent in. We will do the very best we can in getting them to the people as soon as possible. We would like very much to write personal letters to all who are sending in their lists, but you must all be content with simply a postal card as a receipt for your money as the mail is- very heavy and we can not find the time to write to all. Some who have written us have the idea that all ten- cent subscrib-ers will receive the paper only till Jan. 1. This is a mistake. We will receive these ten- cent subscriptions only till Jan. 1, but each subscriber is to get the paper ten weeks. Any one subscribing the last week in December will get the paper ten weeks just the same. Our Duty to the Publishing Work. Bear Trumpet readers: I greet you once more through the COIDmn8 of the Lord's paper. Glad to say I am saved, sanctined, and kept in Uhrist Jesus. After the notice appeared in the Trumpet concerning can-ning fruit for the Trumpet family, dif-ferent ones sent for cans and filled them for the Lord. Others found fault because mention was made of these things, and said they ought to trust the Lord for these things. True, they should and do; and if those who find fault were placed in the position the Trumpet family is, they would have good opportunities of developing their faith— if they have any. " Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; ( for he is faithful that prom-ised;) and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works : not forsaking the assembling of ourselves to-gether, as the manner of some is; but ex-horting one another : and so much the more as ye see the day approaching." Heb. 10: 23- 25. Since the Moundsville assembly- meeting the Lord has put it into the hearts of Ins children in this part of Indiana to send a car- load of provisions to the Trumpet Fam-ily. They are sending baled hay, straw, corn, oats, flour, potatoes, meat, lard, packed butter, canned fruit, sauerkraut, apple butter, etc., etc. A number of saints met together and brought their cabbage and apples with them and made several barrels of sauerkraut and apple butter in one day. I speak of this solely for God's glory that others may be provoked unto love and good works. Some may think be-cause this car- load is being sent that they are excused from making any effort on this line. You may excuse yourself now, but in the day of judgment God will not excuse you, if you have not done your duty. There has been a real lack of coopera-tion and zeal on the part of some, and God wants more of an equality, that some may not be eased and others burdened. Not that each one give the same amount in dol-lars and cents, but that each may be inter-ested alike and give " as the Lord has pros pered." Some who enjoy all the goon things that the farm and market can afford, think the-. Trumpet family ought only tc have the very plainest of food. Of course; they are satisfied and thankful for that, but if there is any person in this world who aeserves good nourishing food it is those .: ho give their time and talents free for the Spread of the gospel in this capacity. Brethren and sisters, I am interested in this work and my heart feels it when I sit clown to a table loaded with luxuries, know-ing these dear ones have not the same. Now let us reason together, and look at these things in the proper light. If we have not the money to send. in to buy the food for the family, and we have abundance of the things mentioned, can we not see that by our sending these things, it saves just that amount of the Lord's money to apply for the spread of the gospel? Rest assured also that nothing will be wasted, or used extravagantly. Let us pray God to in-crease the zeal and fervency of all our hearts for his cause. I wish also to mention the special ten-cent offer on the Trumpet. We pray in family worship for the Lord to send the gospel into many darkened corners of the earth, and search out honest souls and bring them into the evening light. These prayers are all right if they are mixed with faith; but have you and I done all we eould in the way of answering this prayer? If - cce have, then we can pray with such fer-vency that God's mighty arm will be moved and the answer will come. Praise God ! This is a glorious privilege we all have of sending this light to our friends and relatives who have never heard a ser-mon preached by one who is free and clear in the truth. Most every subscriber of the Trumpet could afford to send the paper to some one else many of us could do much more. Let us work while the day lasts, for the " night cometh wherein no man can work. How sad it would be in the judg-ment, to behold the faces of lost ones that we might have been the means of saving, had we been " diligent in every good work." The Gospel Trumpet is certainly the most effectual preacher in this - reformation. Why not let its voice be heard far and near, echoing and reechoing the truth ? Let us ask the Lord to show each of us what we can do to help spread the truth while ibis offer lasts. Let no one get the idea that this special offer is given for the benefit of the family eollectively or individually. If plat could be present and see how the work increases when such offers are given, you would never entertain such a thought. It is only done for the glory of God and the benefit of lost souls, for this is the sole object of the Trumpet. Publishing Company. Praise God ! Yours sweetly saved in Jesus, Nora Hunter. and he will burn , out every im-pure and crooked preacher and pro-fessor, who presumes to belong to his church. Let us all do our duty and help to keep a clear heat in the sanc-tuary of our God. We must live a pure life before God, Every secret sin will be uncovered, if cloaked over with a profession. We can not hide our sins from God, whose eyes see all things. He knoweth our thoughts afar off, and all things are naked and open to him with whom we have to do. Some have endeavored to slip along WW1 tj- OCI's people while their hearts were impure, but the Spirit of tioa searched. out their sin, and let this be a warning to a! I who claim they are saints. NA, e are nearing the end of time when we will each receive our reward " Blessed is he that watcheth and keep-eth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame." Rev. 16 : 15. We are glad to behold a marked in-crease in holy boldness, and a more def-inite manner of preaching the gospel among the ministers we have met al camp- meetings. Dear brethren, let us follow in the good old path. The work-ers everywhere need our earnest prayers. The devil is more concerned about the ministry than the rest of the church. When a minister falls, it often happens, that others fall with him. Let us, then, be instant in prayer for the ministers, as they have temptations Ii kJ other men. These are perilous times, and we need all the help we can get from God. May God bless all the dear saints. J. C. B. FREE LITERATURE FUND. Receipts for week ending Nov. 1 $ 25.54 We take pleasure in announcing that the saints in general are contributing liber-ally by way of eatables, provisions, bed clothes, etc., to the needs of the publishing office. This is quite a help. All have our thanks, and our prayers that they will be partakers of the blessings promised to all such. ABOUT ENGAGLNU IN TILE runlIsiiiNti wohK, \ 110 then IS \ ruling to consceraic Ills service tills day Unto the Lord inns is a question we ice! like pulling to the people of Ciud in general. I lie work IA tile Loin in every place Is in need of workers, Italy consecrated ones. but at tins tulle we feel like especially llielltionttig tile worn at the rumpet Oluce. have had it impressed much upon my mind for several days, and now believe tied wants use to write, su will proceed without apology. he publishing alio. 6eut. iii4:,- forth ul die rump ei, English z. ukt t eritlitil, tile 011111- nig Light, and the many books anti. Ltacts IS the Lord s work. lie is interested in it, and means to continue it, and also to con-siantly increase because It is a means in Ins hands of benefiting hinny precious souls. How many of you ill looking back recall ilONV some bit of good, holy literature was the means of bringing you to Wit, or out into the pure, true light of the gospel: And again consider: how many of you, since you are saved and understand much about the way of truth would want the Trumpet to cease its weekly visits We be-lieve that if the voice of the entire church could be heard, it would be unanimous, " e want it continued. NA e could not well get along without it." \\ ell, since this is God's work, he wishes to carry- it on in his OwD. way. And his way, it seems, is and always has been a way of free- will ser-vice. God never cared for hirelings in any part of his work. he wants his suns and daughters to perform it, those who actually consecrate their service to him, and will take hold of the work, as members in a common family do, with the same interest. The work is performed by workers who receive no wages, but simply what God has promised, their needs supplied. Phil. 4 : 19. Thanks be unto him, each one has sufficient food and raiment and a home to live in. No one, business manager, president, or any one else, receives any thing above this in way of temporal things. But the kind of workers needed here is those who will take up the work as though it were their own. Then we . can enter into it with our hearts so to speak, and when thinking of it, or looking upon it, will consider it in the light of its being our work, not some one else's. We need to really feel that we are working for God and him only, thus making ow selves workers together with him, and the work ours. Persons are needed who are interested enough to consecrate their lives to this work. To take it up and do what they are able with the strength and energy God gives them for their natural lives, except he releases them, or directs otherwise. We do not wish to set a snare for any one but some come and go so much, that their services are not very re-liable. Others come and stay just about long enough to learn how to operate suc-cessfully some part of the work, when they will leave and go to some other establish-ment to work where they can earn wages. Stay long enough to learn a trade, in other words, then leave the work to others, per-haps strangers to the kind of work, who must start in and learn. This, of course, November 6, 190. ME GOSPEL 111MIPET. 5 2655 is hard on machinery, business, and the work in general; as any kind of work can be most successfully performed by those who understand it, and not by novices. We do not mean this for persons who visit the Trumpet family for spiritual help and take hold and do what they can while there, but for those who go as workers. If you are going for personal help in some way, either for your soul or healing for your body, any services you can render are ap-preciated and are right. But if you are considering engaging as a worker, do not, if your end is personal gain. If you are not truly consecrated to God and meaning to enter the work with your whole being, to put forth every effort for the salvation of souls, you had better not go. All that you do, do to the glory of God. Lay up your treasures in heaven. Work with your might for him and you need not expect to want for necessaries of life; for these he has promised to supply. If you are going, go filled with the Spirit, ( or seeking to be filled) and not to stay a while and then go but to stay as long as God needs you, and do with your might what your hands find to do. Amen. The Lord bless all the read-ers of the Trumpet. Nora DeBolt Dodge. CHICAGO ASSEm- BLy MEETING. The eaucago assembly- meeting will be held Nov. 7- 17, at 440 state St., south of Polk St. in walking distance from any of the central depots or the street- cars that reach the center of the city. On account of our absence from the city, this place was selected too late to get the announcement in last week's issue of the Trumpet: how-ever all who come from a distance will have no difficulty to find the place, if they first come to the Home at 7300 Stewart Ave. With the capacity we have in the Home, and the saints opening up their homes, we have usually been able to care for most of those from a distance who wish to attend he assembly. We trust the dear saint_ : From a distance will do as well, or even better than heretofore, in attending the Chicago assembly. We can not send you a personal invitation, but we expect a glorious meeting and you know that you are welcome. Come and enjoy this pre-cious assembly, and bring some of your needy friends. If you can not come please do not forget to remember this meeting in 3- our prayers. God always blesses the hum-ble and sincere cooperation of his faith-ful children. For the encouragement of ell, I wish to state that the good work in this city is spreading and the outlook is splendid for a rapid growth of the truth, and we need your prayers. Get). L. Cole, 7300 Stewart Ave., Chicago, Ill. News from the Field. Stotesbury, Mo. Since we came to Missouri we find plenty to do. I had the privilege of attending the Vichy camp- meeting this year with Bro. W. J. Henry. When we got there we found things very dark. Some had com-promised on the line of dress, and some had gone back to drinking coffee; but when God's Word went forth in the power of the Holy Ghost, souls began to see their lack and come to the altar seeking salvation. God wonderfully cleared up the dark places and made the crooked places straight, and the rough places smooth. It ' Was not long till the praises of God were heard,• and we had a good meeting. Several were saved and eleven were baptized. I am glad God has stirred his ministers to preach old fashioned sermons. The Word was sharper than any two- edged sword and cut going and coming. W. A. Haynes and Mr. Holt were in part of the meet-ing. This was the first time I ever met Mr. Haynes, and I will say I found a man in the dark. Will just say for the good of those in that doctrine that many of the dear ones are renouncing it as being of the devil. Some at the meeting got out of it, and exposed it as being of the devil. Mr. Haynes and his crew one time advocated that the disciples before the day of Pente-cost were justified and sanctified. Now he says they were neither regenerated, born of God, nor sanctified till Pentecost and then it was all done at once. So, since he has taken that stand many are seeing what awful darkness and destruction he is get-ting into. Of course the poor man is blind and cannot see that the devil has punched his spiritual eyes out. We had no compro-mise to make with Mr. Haynes, yet we treated him very kindly and did ail we could for him. After the meeting closed, Bro. W. J. Henry went home for a few days, and Bro. Shoot a young brother who assisted us in meeting stayed in that part of the vineyard for a while to labor for souls. I went to Webb City camp- meeting and Lund Sister Sunderland and Co. making preparations for the camp- meeting. The weather was bad, yet God did work and clear up several backsliders. From there wife and I came home, where I am at pres-ent. Do not latow how long I will stay. Please pray for my father and mother, that they may get out straight for God our brother saved and sanctified, to spend and be spent. Any one wishing to write to me can address at Stotesbury, Mo. N. S. Duncan & Wife. Seminary, Miss., Oct. 19. I am glad I can report victory in the name of Jesus. My last report was from Hiflin, La. From there I went to Dar-chene, at which place we had a seed- sowing time. From there to Simsboro, La. I went home for a few days and held some meet-ings. With the fire of God burning in my soul, I came to this place, and he gave us a grand meeting. There were fourteen baptized and thirty- two partook of the other ordinances. Sister Damaris Smith, who was in the entire meeting, was used of God to his glory. Those wishing to write to her may address her at Seminary, Miss. I go from here to McCalls Creek, Miss. Address me at Sherwood, La. R. H. Owens. Skagway, Alaska, Oct. 18. We have reached this place in safety by the goodness of God. We had many dis-couragements to meet before leaving Wash-ington, but as we faced them and came forward, we found that what appeared to be mountains impassable, were in reality only fogs that. Satan had caused to arise to hinder us from obeying God. We were told, The weather is so cold that people will not come out to meeting, etc., but those liv-ing here tell us that the coldest it ever gets here, is only 12 degrees below zero. One of the best meetings we have ever held was in Minnesota, when the thermometer was at about 35 degrees below zero. At present gardens here are looking fresh and green, and flowers are out in bloom. The ocean currents warm this coast. We hope none will waste time pitying us, when they ought to be praying for souls. We have received several pounds of literature for free distribution, but can use much more, no doubt. We will have our first meeting to- morrow night, God willing. Those who called for the meeting have never before met any of the ministers of this reforma-tion. They greatly rejoice at our coming, as they have been praying for years for God to send some one. We are confident we are here by the will of God in answer to prayer. Babylon is quite well repre-sented here. Please pray that all of God's sheep may flee out of the midst of Babylon and deliver every man his soul, and t Other/Unknown Material Skagway Alaska ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Canada Hen ENVELOPE(-55.748,-55.748,52.983,52.983) Webb ENVELOPE(146.867,146.867,-67.867,-67.867) Sion ENVELOPE(13.758,13.758,66.844,66.844) Dee ENVELOPE(-59.767,-59.767,-62.433,-62.433) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Luke ENVELOPE(-94.855,-94.855,56.296,56.296) Morrow ENVELOPE(-81.566,-81.566,50.550,50.550) Pillar ENVELOPE(166.217,166.217,-77.583,-77.583) Mak ENVELOPE(162.381,162.381,56.401,56.401) Freed ENVELOPE(164.333,164.333,-71.483,-71.483) Gloom ENVELOPE(-58.249,-58.249,-62.189,-62.189) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) The Gate ENVELOPE(-124.937,-124.937,61.417,61.417) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) Meek ENVELOPE(-64.246,-64.246,-65.246,-65.246) Bower ENVELOPE(160.500,160.500,-72.617,-72.617) Judah ENVELOPE(-117.319,-117.319,56.150,56.150) The Pillar ENVELOPE(-126.853,-126.853,57.300,57.300) Judas ENVELOPE(-61.116,-61.116,-63.866,-63.866) Nig ENVELOPE(-121.486,-121.486,57.117,57.117) Valen ENVELOPE(7.422,7.422,62.695,62.695)