The Gospel Trumpet - 22:24

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 A Pure Church. By M. L. COLE. ARTICLE II. BY 0. H. * minty, thou jewel rare, ,„ C. ome dwell within my heart. thou my ever constant guest, irtia never from me part. E* uinility, how s...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Byrum, E. E.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Gospel Trumpet Company 1902
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Byrum, E. E.
The Gospel Trumpet - 22:24
topic_facet Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 A Pure Church. By M. L. COLE. ARTICLE II. BY 0. H. * minty, thou jewel rare, ,„ C. ome dwell within my heart. thou my ever constant guest, irtia never from me part. E* uinility, how sweet the word, That keeps us in love's vale. $ Mto but listen to thy voice ide ne'er can make us fail. Humility, my longing soul Poth long for more of thee, thee my soul will e'er be blest Through all eternity. Humility, example set , By him who dwells above, And in our hearts while here below, ' While kept in Jesus' love. Humility, my happy soul , Doth humbly by thee keep, faithful reign within my heart, Until I cross the deep. - 24S3 - Send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet. and they shall, gather to- From the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. Ay' mroite, 4 So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Ezeic. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 39. VouffittMil. HUMILIT MOUNDSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, U. S. A., THURSDAY, JUNE 12, ' 1902. fact that God rejects them, keeps the church pure on his part, so if we cooperate with him we will reject them too, which will keep the church pure on our part, and it takes all this to have a pure church. I believe with a little thoughtful consid-eration, viewing the church from God's standpoint of working, we Will be better prepared to understand the following scrip-ture which has been rather difficult to in-terpret, when viewing the church and king-dom as one and the same. " The son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them that do iniquity." Matt. 13: 41. This state or condition of things, is not ascribed to any failure on God's part; but on man's part, " But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat." Matt. 13: 25. Had men kept awake and done their duty, in main-taining a pure church, there would have been no opportimity for the children of the wicked one to get under a cloak of pro-fession, and so become acknowledged as church members. God could not accept this field as his church in this condition, so he says the field is the world, yet when. viewing it from man's part he calls it the kingdom, and proposses to send his mes sengers and gather out " the children of the wicked one," " all things that offend and them that do iniquity." Separate the wicked from among the righteous. Since man can not do God's part, itmust be man's part which these messengers are to do, for " his angels" are his preachers ( See Rev. 1: 16, 20; 2: 1, 8, 13 3 : 1, 14.) and they do this gathering out, the preachers are the " men that slept," and let things get into this condition, hence the preachers arc second admonition reject; knowing that he that is such is subverted and sinneth. being condemned of himself." Titus 3: 10, 11. These scriptures teach not only God's attitude toward false doctrine and its ven-ders; but the attitude he wants his church to take toward the same. " Mark them," " reject them," " avoid them," " receive them not into your house," " neither bid God does not take men into his church that are full of devil doctrines; the doc-trines of the devil are invented to offset the doctrine of Jesus. When men that were raised under devil tutorage came to the re-ligion of Christ they " Confessed their deeds and burned their books." Were God to take such men into his church devil doc-trine and all, his church would be filled with " seducing spirits and doctrines of devils," and God would be responsible for the same. God never planned that his ehurch should be a Jargon of Babel con-fusion, a hotbed for conflicting doctrines, and clashy teachings. God has but one doctrine in his church, has only one, and needs no other; in fact, that one is opposed to all other doctrines and they are opposed to his doctrine. God could not take a man into his with a false doctrine in him, with-out taking the doctrine in also, hence, " let the wicked man forsake his way and the un-rigmhan hits tehougohts, aaunnd lset h im the ones who are to bring the message of return unto the , Lord and he will for have h mer will - the gospel, which when obeyed, or put in-cy upon him, and to our God e to practice by both preacher and people, abundantly pardon," let him give up his will complete man's part in cooperating count God YYo u not accept those whom G ways aannd his thoughts. AAmen. with God in rejecting those whom God re-a m an a Christian with a lot of devil doe- jeet, and will trine in him, accept him as a member of wi ll not accept, counting the members of the church and he will not leave his doc- Christ the saved ones, members of the trine outside. He will be a packpeddler church, just as God counts them. " Thee come in budget and all, and the neat thing shall the righteous shine forth as the sun he will be showing his goods; and all the in the kingdom of their Father." There family will be looking at the same, " a lit- are no sinners, hypocrites, dead formal pro-tie leaven leaveneth the whole lump." The fessors, unregenerates, reprobates, nor her- New Testament preachers were strict a- etics, dividing and confusing the children gainst the venders of false doctrine as the of God, none of this bad element aeknowl-following scripture shows. " If there come edged, accepted, or carried along. Nothing any- unto you, and bring not this doctrine, to hinder such a church from shining as receive him not into your house, neither the sum Halleluiah! bid him Godspeed: For he that biddeth him I have observed that when the minis- Godspeed is partaker of his evil deed." try begin to deal with men who are here- 2 Jno. 10: 11. - Heal, " giving heed to seducing spirits and " As I besought thee to abide still at Eph- doctrines of devils" causing division etc., esus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou by admonishing, exposing, and rejecting mightest charge some that they teach no them according to the word of God, that other doctrine." 1 Tim. 1: 3. " Now I be- it sometimes happens, a spirit of sympathy seech you, brethren, mark them which cause gets hold of some, for the heretics gainst divisions and offences contrary to the doe- the servants of the Lord. When such is trine which ye have learned; and avoid the case, the same spirit of devils that them. For they that are such serve, : not Wrought in the heretics, will be found our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 16: 17, ' Working in those that sympathized with Such men were called heretics. `. ` A-, them; then it becomes the duty of the min-man that is an heretic after the first and., ess. to deal likewise with those who be-come thus affected. You reject the maker of a heresy and retain his sympathizers, and the thing is not clean yet, nor will God accept your work until all the bad leaven is purged out. When it becomes manifest that a man has a devil doctrine, it is not necessary wait and let him teach his doctrine, and draw away disciples after him, in order to them Godspeed, etc. knd the church must handle his case; admonish him, expose his do this if she mai- nta. ne her purity. The doctrine, warn the church: if he will give t accept or recognize as mene his church, the unsaved, un-regenerated, or backslidden in. heart— such as tualiejta* to sin, etc. Even those who desire: J* 1) 4e and that desire gains ascend-view ovatAhe will, thereby forming a pur-pose to they are defiled, and separa-ted from God and his church, then it fol-lows that on God's part he keeps Ids church pure. Novieif on the other hand the church re-tains glom that sin has defiled, counts them members, and they count themselves mem-bers, and the world looks on them as mem-bers of the church ( true, God does not ac-cept thena) but they are counted in just the sante: We' contend that they are not members of God's church because they are not saved. Very well, but how are we go-ing to convince them that they are not mem-bers t Preach the word straight, and they will End it out. Preaching straight is all right; but you let the church go on count-ing them in, dividing the inheritance with them, and you will never preach them out. You let the pig get his nose into the cream jar, and it will take more than talk to get him alit Let the overseer tell the dead formalist, and hypocrite that he is not in the church, that he has no part or lot in this matter. That is all right, but if the. church goes right on hugging and kissing them, calling them brother, or sister, find-ing fault with the overseer for preaching and dealing as he does, saying the preacher is not infalible, etc. and I must know for myself before I can count them out. This is neither a novel nor imagination such experiences are c- ommon among the preach-ers of this reformation. The ( 4461 reader will doubtless say, " It is not MO sectism," to be sure. Sect• ism doetenat ptetend to have a pure church, does net: be: iliac in it in fact they- fight the doOtt of a pure church in this world, they do . aant understand God's part in main-taining Lure church, and much less do they understand that part which belongs to God's 6. inikh for maintaining her purity. All the Inethinery of Babylon, with her entire Organisms are mere human inven-tions and works of men's hands. Babylon is a seething mass of error and mistake, a tower of Babel confusion, clamoring for mixture, good and bad, truth and er-ror, light and darkness, righteousness and sin, saints and sinners, God and devil, " wheat and tares," etc. But worse than NUMBER 24 it up and get saved, well and good, other-wise reject him. A man that has given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils has depar-ted from the faith before giving- heed to these things, and is not a brother in error, but a heretic at heart, even before he be-gins to form his heresy. Some have insinuated that the saints have been too strict concerning men that have gone into false doctrine, and been too lenient on some that have committed gross sins. The latter may be true; but not the former, the church has never been too strict against false doctrine ( devil doc-trine) and heretics. And if she main- - tains her purity she must stand out against sin of every kind, and boldly and openly rebuke sin, and those that give over to sin, that others may also fear. It was this that caused " great fear to come upon all them that heard the word_ . insomuch that of the rest durst no man join himself unto them." I pray God that such righteous judgments may be executed by the church for the maintenance of her purity in the last days. Amen. The Second Resurrection. BY J. E. FORREST. TN noticing the first resurrection we find that those who believe in Jesus and do his commandments are partakers of the first resurrection, and also that the first is a spiritual one from a state of spiritual death in " trespasses and sins"; but in ob-serving the second resurrection we will find that it is a literal resurrection of these bodies of ours from the grave. In Jno. 5: 29 Jesus sets forth this resur-rection and gives its nature. " Marvel not at this : for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth." There are no exceptions in this case, all will hear his voice, and all will come forth. The first resurrection embraces only the saved and is only a preparation to escape the " second death." While the second res-urrection embraces all mankind from A-dam until the close of time, all that have lived or live now or will live, both great and small, rich and poor, bond and free, of every nation, whether they have done good or evil, If they have done good it will be a " resurrection of life"; but if they have done evil it will be a " resurrec-tion of damnation." This resurrection will take place at the instant of Christ's second coming, as we have already seen in a previous article, at which time all will be arraigned before the Great Judge to re-ceive their final rewards. THIS IS AN UNCHANGEABLE STATE. After man passes into the state of the second resurrection and receives his reward for the deeds he has done while in this body, his state is then unchangeable_ " And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off : it is bet-ter for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched : where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off : it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be east into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter inter the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be east that," putting light for darkness, and. dark-ness for light." Attributing the devil's work of division to God, even thanking God for the many churches ( divisions) there are in the world to- day. Attribut-ing God's work of gathering his people out of sect confusion into the light of the one body, as the work of the devil, etc. The true doctrine of holiness, by the greater part in Babylon, is denounced as the doc-trine of devils, and its advocates as false prophets while the sin doctrine ( doctrine of devils) is adored as coming from the sky. They are claiming that Christ and his true followers are its chief advocates. Such is the blindness of Babylon to- day. GOD'S CHURCH STANDS ALONE IN THE DOC-TRINE OF A PURE CHURCH. 2 484 June 12, 1962, 2 THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. into hell fire: where their worm dieth not, 1 The world and the fire is not quenched." Mark 9: 43- 48. In Matt. 25: 31- 46 when . Jesus speaks of his second coming, and koN •# e will treat the nations, he says to theni- aii- his right hand: " Come ye blessed of my Father in-herit the lsingdem prepared. : 4or you from the foundation of the world.'' After giv-ing them his reasons for thus dealing with them, he comes to those on the left hand and says: " Depart from me, ye cursed in-to everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:." And these shall go a-way into everlasting punishment; but the righteous into life eternal." " There was a ' certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which laid at his gate. And it came to pass that the beggar died, and_ was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried: and in hell he lifted up his eyes being in tor-ments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue: for I am tormented in this flame. But A-braham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence ( here) to you can not; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence." Luke 16: 19- 26. There are two facts connected with the above narration to which I wish to call at-tention here, one is, that the rich man had died, and being in hell he had passed be-yond the bounds of mercy, notice his words: " Father Abraham have mercy on me." Yes his first petition was for mercy, but too late, he had died, and this ended all opportunities for a home with Abra-ham, neither could mercy reach him there. Another fact is that - there was no chance for Lazarus to get to him nor was there a chance for the rich man to go out of that place of punishment, he seemed to fully understand this as he made no plea to get out, but only to be relieved of his misery was his cry. This rich man made two peti-tions to Abraham, but neither of them was regarded. After he could not obtain mer-cy for himself he plead for his brethren who were yet living, and wanted Lazarus to go and warn them against that place of torment; but this could not be granted, it was not necessary, they had Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. Oh, my beloved reader, let this be a warning to you against that day. THE SECOND DEATH. This death is the final result of the first, but is somewhat unlike it. First, the first death embraced all men beginning with Adam, to last until the end of time, but this death is to be destroyed at the time of Jesus' coming, and all that have been made alive in Christ will then reign with him forever; all who have not, but still re-main in sin until literal death, will then be punished with the second death. This is the wages men will receive for their sins. " The wages of sin is death." Rom. 6: 23. The second death will not embrace all men as did the first; but only those who fail to get saved from their sins before they pass from time to eternity. " And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before: Gad: and the books were opened: and an-other book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, ac-cording to their works,. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." " But the fear-ful, and unbelieving, and the abomniable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the sec-ond death." Rev. 20: 12- 15; 21: 8. Till, TREE OF LIFE. Among the trees that God made and placed in the garden of Eden where he put Adam and Eve, was the tree of life, Rays of Light Forty Years Ago. 44 IIE different opinions of Christians deeply harassed me for some years. I did not mind the Babel in the world but the Babel among Christians, who chatter about the various ways and leadings of God's grace as revealed in Christ to sinners, and yet neither possess nor understand them. If God had not given me grace not to attach myself to the Moravian, or to any other sect, I should have been a reed shaken with the wind. Though I am sure if I had looked to any body of persons I should never have reached the goal, I do not think that, they can not find the good way as well as I, it they suffer themselves to be led by the Spirit of Christ and give themselves up entirely, learning that the followers of Jesus are no high people but dust, and so humbling themselves in everything. " There are few fishers who understand what is meant by letting down the net on the right side, and I think we have such a poor ingathering because in many places men seek money rather than souls, while in oilier places they concern thcin- Selve4 about- the wool and not the sheep.- If they had no remuneration but contempt these fishers would become faint- hearted, because they have none of that love which is stronger than death, All my power lies in that love, it is always the one lesson and so is thought by many to be too simple." Journal of Dorothea Trtatel ( 186 1). Sin No More. BY EMIL KREUTZ. 44NEITHER do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." Jno. Sill- These are the words of Jesus to that woman whom the Pharisees had brought unto him desiring her condemnation, and tempting Jesus. But Jesus spoke to them in a manner that they were all condemned of their own sin. Before the Pharisees he neither condemned nor ap-proved, but when the accusers had acknowledged their guilt and went out, not being able to condemn her, Jesus told the woman, " Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." God did not send his Son into the world to con-damn the world, but that the world is condemned already. The duty of the ministry now is not to condem n the peo-ple who are going wrong, but to show them as did Jesus, that they are already under condemnation, and then to show them the way of t, as Jesus told the woman, " Go, and sin no more." Most every one is willing to acknowledge that they sin more or less every day. We must point them to the " Lamb of God that taleeth away the sin of the world" and show them their privilege and duty to " go, and sin no More." We have many warnings in the word of God not to sin. The apostle Paul writes the Corinthians, " Awake to righteousness, and sin not." 1 Cur. 15: 34. And the apostle John whites even to the little children ( babes in Christ; if any could be excused, surely they would), " My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not." 1 Jno. 2: 1. And Jesus warned the impotent man whom he healed at the pool,' with the words, " Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." Jno. 5: 14. Even David in his time gives warning to the saints, " 1 will hear what God the Lord will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly." Ps. 85: S. The apostle Peter is not silent on the subject, tor he says: " For if after they have escaped the pollution of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ., they are again en-tangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the begin-ning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way Of righteous-ness, than, after they have known it, to tarn from the holy commandment de-livered unto them." i Pet. 2: 20, 21. Jude also calls our attention to the fact that we - must " contend earnestly for the faith once delivered unto the saints," and that " the Lord, having saved the people out of the land- of Egynt, afterward de-stroyed them that believed not." Jude 3- 5. So it is not enough to be saved now, but we must continue in the grace, and faith of God. Paul also calls attention to the fact., that it the patriarchs had desired to return to the country from whence they came, God would have given them the opportunity to return. So now, if man- desires to return to a life of sin, after the Lord delivers, no doubt they will have the privilege. God is not under obligation to save, or keep, only as we ,: omply with his condi-tions St, " let him that thinketh he stantleth, take heed lest he fall." " Thou meetest him tiro t„ releiestn and worketh rig! fte, arsne, ss, tho, e that remember t pee in thy ways: . . in those is continu-ance, and we shall be e yed." Ise - 64: 5. Camden, W. Va. I have been reading the Vicspel Trumpe:- sirr: e January 1902, and I have been so pleased with its teachings that I have de-cided to pen a few lines for publication, rnm- e for my special benefit than anything else. I have been a probationer in the Methodist Episcopal sect for nearly seven years rind I find their doctrine, in many ways, dces not correspond with the Scrip-tures, according to my understandins, of it. I have not been baptized because of theme moue, or modes I have not communed with fthereemn to wn aaycsc. o Iu anmt o lfo unngdinegrs ftoanr dthineg t uinn ed itfo-fcauoskmll etgh woesh ppeernla yIp erwreSail. clo hbfee dt hp ieellr dmitesiat tpre udsa rtiiont yths. e eaIvr re. itbrhys,,-), where that I rimy receive the fullness of th,, Spirit and be led into the light. Yours with nanny thanks for the Trumpet, A. F. - White. Better is little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure, and trouble therewith. Prov. 15: 16. The Holy Ghost. 44 oily answered, erkel. d , F 0sHar7T saying j unto there all, I indeed baptize you with Water. but one mightier than I conteth, thos*" et of whose slices I am not worthy to4 loose: he shall baptize you with the, Waist and with fire." Luke 3: 16. hea innine. of the gospel of the Son of when John began to preach, sayijagi. pl. a t v, e, for the kingdom of h . hand " he truly said that he baPtigked41 4 \ Valet. : but lie ( Jesus) that should core after hint would baptize with the it* Ghost. But some one ma;„, ask, Whom itic Jesus sating to baptize with the Holy Moat and with fire? Answer— Yen if you, a. cept the gospel and are baptized witkwit (. 1% " Repent ye. and be baptized everit it, of you in the name of Jesus Christ fifths remission of sins, and ye shall receive Up rift of the Holy Ghost." Acts 2: 38, " For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar ofri even as many as the Lord our God Shall " 111.1: 1s tiod called and justified you$ then the promise of the Holy Ghost is for you. To this end was Christ born and sent forth ( Rom. 5: 9), but that '( aunilYineilearmietsatnoj its c-: agurosatnifYg alltil: tigii. iiitt hitileic€ iiII: ee toi l'ilyl'iliiii. bll'iLdn' not ' cam Acts 20: 32. " By the Holy Ghost." Rom. 15: 16. mission of Jesus? Reader, have you chtTasliceleryedoufutilhoyu gtlahist rare f t ill y or prayed earnestly _ over it? IInye you entered into the fullness of God's favor' (-) s have you abandoned thdseohoispeabot his wiltlesses of thewthings; an receiving the Holy Ghost? " And we and the Hely Ghost, whom God bath given is them that obey him." Acts 5 32. " If ye love me, keep my eommandments. And 1 will pray the Father, and he will give you auBither Comforter, that he may abide with t, l i si . I'Vil l , these ' texts, that God is duty. '' t . t ' t, hellitil anti responsibk to give us the Ho-ly ( hit s! NVIl • ll We '' keep his command-ments," and that his obligation is truly Inhilled a lready " to them that obey him." wliv BELIEVERS SHOULD HAVE THE IIOLY GHOST. " But Hie Comforter, AvhiCh is the Holy st, 1vlu rrr the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all. things, and hring all things to year remembrance, what-s ever I have said unto you." Jno. 14: 9G. " 170 will guide yen. into all truth: . and he will show yen things to come." Jo. : 11. ".: 111t1 when he is come to abide in you I. he will reprove [ convince, mar-the world of sill, and of righteous- ' less, and of judgment: of sin, because they helieve net on ine; of righteousness, be-e wase Ieo to my Father, and ye see me ao more: or judgment, because the prince of his world is judged." 16: 8- 11. The Holy ( Vilest gives power. • " But ye shall reeeive power, after that the Holy ( host is conic Iiptin you." Acts 1: 8. The Inouye of this power. Power to tes-t ifs- ea" But when the Comforter is COIlle. . unto you, . . . he shall testify of Go all : Judea [ church of God], and in Samar' ucs5c^, onto Ihc, both in e,. r.- uctssahleamll, be andd i ti ) az I I::_ sf i t.‘ u. iA. rtnolatrihge uttermost the saints and sinners. " And when they had prayed, tire' p la ce were ZISSOIllb 1 et together; essilhf .; aaken wthheei; were ;: 11 tilled with the Holy Ghost, and they snake the word of God with boldness. . And with great power gave the apostles - ■ : nittistresss ( 4 .3t: I. 31: resurrection Of the Lord, j eglls: and great grace was upon them all.' t he ( etlt t s htntld he the i i th: sgpte) ls— iie'l'oTfhGato dI, n( s) tifl• nof Jesus Christ t' ly Ghost. . . ThroughtelieifigeGhdet: btyisliegtmsil. seln- iall, id'' t so that from Jerusalem, and round al0 1‘,, utl, tutleTi. i. s. by the power of the Spirit of G°(' tht and the fruit of it was good for food. It was placed there for them to eat, that they night live forever, but as soon as they dis-obeyed God and lost their holiness, etc., the Lord did not want them to eat of this tree while in that condition: " And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is be-come as one _ of us, to know good and evil: and now; lest he put forth his hand; and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever: therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man: and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned ever way, to keep the way of the tree of life." So the Lord has kept the way of the tree of life until the day appointed, and when all things are fulfilled and man has been restored to the full Edenie standard, then there will be access to the tree of life a-gain. Sin and death were the results of disobedience, and these are the works of the devil which Jesus came to destroy. He came to destroy sin and spiritual death in all who believe in him in this present world, and the last enemy that shall be de-stroyed is death ( physical). When we shall have proved faithful unto the end, then we will have a right to the tree of life. All - the saved have a fortaste of this fruit, but it is only on conditions that we have access to the tree of life here. " To- him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of ' God." Rev. 2: 7. Again, " Blessed are they that do his command-ments, that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. through him might be save( . lrieinn. I have fully preached Better it is to be of an humble spirit 1 ett'hiti: ht) isotNI.: e'r Ri. somk. nol. N5vn : 1- 6- td with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with ! b rethren. when I carer to you, es311e the proud. Prov. 16 : 19. I With e xeellen:! y t., r speech or of v- 1,5d011', June it 1902. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power." 1 Cor. 2: 1- 4. " But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord will, antrevill know, not the speech of them which are puffed up, but the power. For the king-dom Of God is not in 1N: ord, but in power:" 1 Cor. 4: 19, 20. " In mighty signs and. wonders," " con- - firming the word with signs following." " Healing the sick, casting out devils," the word made effectual by the Holy Ghost insomuch that men will cry out, "- What must I do to be saved?" Great fear fall-ing On the people, so that no man ( who is not right with God) will join himself with God's people. Power to " discern between him that serveth God, and him that ser y - ethim not." As in thease of " Ananias with Sapphire his wife, who sold a posses-sion," and then lied about it. Power to lay judgment on such eases as Elynms the sorcerer, who withstood Paul, seeking to tarn away the deputy from the faith, which also Paul did, and said, " 0 full of all sub-tilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? and now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand." Acts 13: 10, IL " For a bishop must be blameless, . . . holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. For there are many un-ruly and vain talkers and deceivers, . . whose mouths must be stopped, who sub-vert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake." Tit. 1: 7- 11. It teaches how to pray. " Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not [ without the Spirit] what we should pray for as we ought : but the Spirit. itself inaketh intercesion for us with groan-ings which can not be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God." Rom. 8: 26, 27. " I will pray with the Spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also." 1 Con 14: 15. The Holy Ghost also purifies the heart. Acts 15: 8, 9. Sanctities believers. Rom. 15: 16. Sheds the love of God abroad in the heart. Rom. 5: 5. Makes us all one. Jno. 17; 17- 21. Makes us Perfect. Hele 10: 14. Prepares us for every good work. 2 Tim. 2: 21. " To the end he may stablish your hearts unblamable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints." 1 The.- as. 3: 13. " For this is the will of God. even your sanctification." 1 Thess. 4: 3. " And I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Mess. 5: 23. " Faithful is he that calleth you [ to holiness- sanctification. 1 Thess. 4: 71 who also will do it." God's Chosen and Peculiar People. BY LILLIE B. THURMOND. “ T ( JOKING for that blessed hope, and led the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto him-self a peculiar people, zealous of good works," Titus 2: 13, 14. We read, in the beginning God made man, in his own image, after his own like-ness, and gave them dominion over the fish of the sea and the fowls of the air, and cat-tle and every thing that ereepeth upon the earth. He made them like himself, pure and free from sin, and placed them in the garden of Eden, where there were every-thing pleasant and good and beautiful, for their enjoyment. But the serpent comee, and tells Eve if she will partake of the for-bidden fruit, they would be as gods, know-ing good and evil. Eve looks at the tree, sees it is good to look upon, and puts forth her hand and eats and gives to her husband likewise. Alas! the guilt of sin and shame crept over them: their hearts and eon-sciences were defiled, they were no longer pure and holy as their Maker, but were a-shamed to meet him. They were driven from the presence of the Lord, and from the garden of Eden, with the curse of death pronounced upon them, to till the ground from whence they were taken, which should bring forth thorns and thistles, and they should earn their bread by the sweat of their brow. Now we see how sin came, how it defiled the - heart, and the aw-ful curse that was pronounced upon them. And we find by reading farther what was born in the heart of their first child, that was born on the earth. Cain talked with Abel his brother, and it came to pass when they were in the field, that Cain rose up a-gainst Abel his brother and slew him. Sad indeed, the sin that was in the hearts of the parents was born in the heart of the child. Thus sin reigned. " And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repent-ed the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." Gen. 6: 5, 6. And God destroyed man off the face of the earth, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. So we find after the flood that men began to multiply upon the face of the earth, and sin continued to reign. We find when God brought the children of Israel out of cruel bondage, he gave them the law to restrain them, and they offered sacrifices for sin; but the law was not perfect, and could do nothing for the heart. We find in Ecclesiastes 7: 20. " There is not a just man upon earth, that deeth good, and. sinneth not." " For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did." Heb. 7: 19. " Be-hold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people." lieb. S : 8- 10. We read God promised a Savior: " For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given : and the government shall be upon his sholders; and his name shall be called. Wonderf ul, Counsellonthe Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, of the increase of his government and peace there shell be no end, upon the. throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it., and to establish it with judg-ment and with justice from hence forth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." Isaiah 9: 6,7. " In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David, and to the inhabit-ants of Jerusalem, for sin and for unclean-ness." Zech. 13: 1. " I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance : but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not wotrhy to bear : he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire." ".\ hitt. 3: 11. " How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the e-ternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" Heb. 9: 14. Christ has come, has suffered, bled, and died, and has risen again: The sacrifice has been made, the blood has been shed, the precious fountain has been opened in the house of David for sin and for unclean-ness, the price has been paid. " Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people." He forgives our trans-gressions, and sanctifies our natures; hence we are placed back on the plane of purity with our forefather before the fall. We are a peculiar people, because so unlike the world, and our hearts are - fashioned after the similitude of him that made us. Amen. Now we find how we can remain the Rhod-en and peculiar people of God. " Ye have seen what I did to the. Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' e wings,. and brought you unto myself. Now therefore if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant,. then ye shall be a, peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine." Ex. 19: 4, 5. " Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand gen-erations." Deut. 7: 9. - We see God's chosen and peculiar people are those who will love him and keep hie commandments. Some Millennial teachers say God's chosen people are those whom God ehoses at his own good pleasure, and that he sets aside others for destruction; but what does God's word say? " Whoso-ever will, let hint take of the water of life freely." God chooses us because we have chosen him and are willing to walk in his love and obey his commandments. Every soul under heaven whose heart is seeking to know the Lord, and is willing to pay the price, may have a bountiful supply of the grace of God, and their sins freely par-doned. " But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." 1 Jno. 1: 12. The invitation ex-tends to all the world. The prophet Isaiah cries out: " Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth:: He is not will-ing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Entire Sanctification- What It Is And How Obtained. BY A. M. HILLS. WANT to answer this solemn ques-tion so fully that all who read these lines with burdened and seeking, or even willing hearts, may surely find the way. There are so many people that do not know what ails them- believers in Christ who are still hungr y and disappointed, restless and ill at ease. They want, they know not what; and their pastors, car-rying about in their souls the same crav-ing, can not tell them. I believe that all honest and sincere Christians who keep in close touch with God and are willing to walk in the light will, consciously or unconsciously, be led through certain steps to the blessing of heart- cleansing and sanctification. 1. The Holy Spirit will awaken to the teachable believer a sense of obligation to be holy, and drive home a great, deep conviction of want. It is not optional with the child of God to be sanctified or not. It is commanded nearly a score of times in the New Testament alone. We are exhorted to it in endlessly varying language and encouraged by multiplied promises, and urged on by every con-ceivable motive drawn from earth and heaven and hell. We are taught that our usefulness and the salvation of souls and the glory or God depend upon it. Sooner or later the ever- present Spirit will show these things to the devoted and teachable heart and make it feel its need of a deeper and more radical work of grace, an enlargement of soul and an enduement of power. . . . Andrew Murray says: " You know that before a sinner can be converted, he must he convicted of sin; just so the believer must be convicted and brought to the confession of his being in the car-nal state. It might be termed a second conviction, of two things- the utter im-potence of the flesh to do any good, and the mighty power of the flesh to do evil. This is the first condition of getting sane-tified. Blessed are the poor in spirit, Blessed are the Christian hearts to whom the Holy Spirit reveals the great want of a heart like unto Christ's." 2. " Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted." Blessed are the believers who mourn over the fact that God's ideal of a Christian has not been more speedily realized in them; that they have not crowned King Jesus as the Lord of their being, and permitted him to baptize th3m with the Holy Ghost, who mourn because they have had so little passion for souls, and won so few victories, and had so little con-cern for the lost. Such a mourning is a forerunner of the comfort of full salva-tion. 3. The Spirit- led believer will be brought to feel the importance of the Pentecostal experience. Like the disci-ples with their commission to represent Jesus and disciple the world, they will cry out, " Who is sufficient for these things? Lord, let me have more of thy likeness and more of thy power, or let me die right here; I can not face the world as I am." Oh, the stupendous importance of be-ing " filled with the Spirit," in order to be successful as a Christian parent, or teacher, or leader, or preacher- anything that God wants us to be! There is no true and large success without it. How the disciples prayed for it in the upper chamber! How many others have bowed before God and sought it with all their hearts! . . . 4. The leading Spirit will further show the seeking heart that this blessing is for each child of God. It is the " promise of the rather" to every one of his blood- bought children. " The prom-ise is unto you and to your children and unto them that are afar off, even to as many as the Lord our God shall call." Whoever of the sons of men has a call to be a Christian at all, has a call to he a sanctified Christian. " This is the will of God, even your sanctification; for God called us not to uncleanness, but in sanctification." See Eph. 4: 3- 7. Before any one will ever successfully seek the blessing we are writing about, he will be led by the Holy Spirt to feel that as a child of God it is his blood- bought right to have it. He may be very igno-rant of the philosophy or theology of the experience; as ignorant, for instance, as the poor Texan was. He was genuinely converted from a life of ignorance and sin, and began to read and pray over his New Testament. He had no teacher but the Holy Spirit. He found much in the Book about sanctification; and that it was the will of God that we should be sanctified. He knelt above the sa-cred page and prayed, " 0 God, you say you want me to be sanctified; 1 don't know what it means, but you do; Lord, sanctify me now." And heaven came down to greet his soul with a deluge of glory. 0, clear reader, this blessing is not merely for St. Paul and John Fletcher, but., it you are a true child of God, it is for you. 5. A still further condition of receiv-ing this blessing is to hunger and thirst for it, until, like a hungry child, you will cry unto God for what you want. Jesus said, " Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled." We must long for this blessing with a craving that. will take no denial. You can pray for the baptism of the Holy Ghost till your tongues are tired, but so long as you fight, sancitification as a possible ex-perience of the children of God, he will not come to your souls. When men are filled with an agony of desire, they will not need to be coaxed to come to the altar. When they get there they will not be the pink of propriety, kneeling gracefully on one knee and covering their face with a lace handker-chief, silent as a Sphinx, as if possessed of a dumb devil. W hen people are hun-gry enough for sanctification to get it, they will rush to the altar unceremoni-ously and tumble down before God and cry unto him for the Spirit with a holy recklessness, with uplil ted face, and loud voice, indifferent to the opinion of men or devils. That is the spirit that always gets the blessing. 6 Another condition that must be nam-ed is obedience. We mad it Acts 5: 32: " The Holy Ghost whom God hath given to them that obey him." The Holy Ghost is- not given to disobedient peo-ple. Sanctification does not come to conscious rebels. It is bestowed only on the obedient. But obedience is more than obedience in some things. It does June 12, 19o. and certainly offers no hope to those penitent sinners who die in sin under the new testament. tines. When and where did cam rieinate? Ans. With the fall of man, when sin en-tered into the world. Rom. 5: 12. .( Weed here signifies humanity.) Geo. L. age. - es. News from the --- Simpson, La., May aa;. For the first time I will give alum_ count through the Trumpet of our lib* for the Lord. it has been about sine months since I began in the ministerial work and I have been doing a somet'det local work all along since. I • maktitwo trips to: Pine Ridge, about thirty Wes distance. We found a few there staid. ing for the whole truth. Others teem to be nearing the kingdom. We Worked some in Leesville scattering trlitis4a. pers, and holiness literature. life'lieId meeting Saturday night and SunditYist in a new place, about fifteen miles from here, at Union schoolhouse. -' faterest was very good. A Methodist preacher from Mississippi met us there Sunday and during service asked us some ques. tions or further explanation about our belief, as our subject was on what we believe and practice. This made it quite interesting, and it also caused ms to ex-plain a low points and make them plain-er than we otherwise would have done. Pray much fur the work in the South, and for us, as our whole purpose in life is to please God. Willie II. Jackson. 2 486 4 TH 141 GOSPEL TRUMPET. and half for the women. This building will cost in all about $ 800.00. $ 500.00 has been paid in, therefore there will be back on the building $ 300.00. Any one who feels so disposed may send in their mite- and it will be thankfully received. Send all donations to Bro. F. Stoner, Akron, Ind. 1 am your brother all the Lord's, S. L Speck. Questions Answered. Ques. Can any one keep saved and - use tea, coffee, chocolate, or any other substi-tute except water, and wear neckties, cor-sets, etc., after they have had the teaching? S. Ans. This question assumes a standard of teaching that is fanatical in part, and that neither the word of God nor the saints in light can support as a whole. Hence we will analyze it. Tea and coffee are narcotics— poisonons, and more or less injurious to the human system, and men and women becomes slaves to the habit. Salvation will deliver from all such bond-age and habits, when connected with the proper teaching. But chocolate, cereals, etc., which contain no narcotic poison, can not be regarded as a substitute. Those who have the coffee habit will soon realize the absence of stimulants, if they change to the use of the cereal drinks, which will not satisfy such perverted appetite. So with the proper teaching saints can keep saved, and use any harmless drink, which contains neither stiraulous poison nor intoxicating properties. It is a generally admitted fact that corsets are injurious, and if people know this they are guilty before God in cleaving to pride and fashion, and especial-ly when the thing is harmful. Neckties are superfluous. God's word forbids outward adorning; but such are fashionable, and doubtless have a part in the " lust of the eye, and the pride of life." Salvation de-livers from the desire, " lust," and " pride" of such things. Where men and women get saved from these things, and teach a-gainst them, then take to them again, the devil has seduced them. While on the other hand the devil seduced those whom he succeeds in pushing into fanaticism, or Extremes— slovenliness, untidiness, and awful bondage, who dare not eat, drink, nor Wear that which is good. And declare God has saved them from such things, when it is only a deception imposed on them by the devil, to disgust sensible people, and mar their own spiritual enjoyments. fiOSPEL TRU? Moundsville, W. Va., June 12, 1902, A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL at. a. u. twoo. m., YAW. E. E. BYRUM, Editor. Published by GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. CO. DEFINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI- SECTARIAN, Senbigltil in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publication of full Salvation, Divine Healing of the body, and the Unity of all true Christians in " the faith once delivered to the saints." Subsurtption price, postage paid, United States, Canada, and Mexico, - - 14.00. England, - 6s. 2d. Germany, 6 marks 18 pf. ac— Ali Subscriptions must be paid in Advance, In about two weeks after your subscription is re• ceived, receipt and credit of same will be shown by the address label attached to your paper or wrapper,. pro-vided the subscription is for more than three months. boeiness Communications, moneys, etc. must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. CO., MouriDWILLE, W. VA, to Insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. No Trumpet was printed last week on account of the camp- meeting. The camp- meeting this year was a glorious success. The gospel was preached in its fullness and there was a marked increase of faith and spirituality manifest. While the ministers and gospel work-ers are being unusually stirred to a great-er diligence in the advancement of gos-pel work for the salvation of souls, there is room for a decided forward move among the children of God generally by way of deepening their spirituality. Look well to this and the congregations every-where will witness the manifestation of the power of God with the promised signs following. The Dorena, Mo. camp- meeting, an-nounced to begin June 16, will not be begun until July 16. This place is op-posite Hickman, Ky. FAMILIAR NAMES AND FACES. salvation and the sick how to be healed. The - salvation services began in the early morning and continued one after another until late at night. The, Lord added to the church daily such as were being saved in the same way as mentioned in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. The divine healing services resulted in the people better understand-ing the word of God in the line of divine healing and many were healed of their diseases and sicknesses and delivered from the powers of Satan and as many as met the conditions of the word of God with a perfect faith were healed. The blessings of God were upon the meeting throughout, with a sweet spirit of unity. The ministerial meetings were very profitable and the ministerial breth-ren considered things that had been hin-drances in the gospel work and conversed and advised with each other in such things as would be helpful in advancing the work sot the ministry in preaching the gospel among the . people. There were some points and questions that would have been profitable to have con-sidered, but were not for lack of time. Among the subjects under consideration was that of divine healing in the atone-ment. As some had not fully understood it to be in the atonement the matter was considered and written up, to be published in the Trumpet and will appear in the near future, which we trust will set the matter clear before the brethren everywhere. There were many sinners, who repented of their sins and received pardon, and believers were sanctified at each meeting where opportunity was given. While there is much room for advancement, yet we truly praise God for the glory of God that rested upon the camp throughout. The home and assembly hall were thrown open freely for caring for the people by way of furnishing a place to sleep and for boarding. Over 12,000 meals were given without charge at the dining- room in the Trumpet Home. The expenses were met for the entire meet-ing by those in attendance and also by some wbo could not attend, who freely sent in their donations to that end. May God bless and reward them all. The prayer of faith was offered in. behalf of many requests which came in from a distance by letters and telegrams. We feel that the ministers and gospel work-ers go forth from this meeting better qualified for salvation work than ever be-fore, and we pray that the anointing of the Lord may be upon them all and their labors crowned with success. The ordinance service of washing the saints' feet and breaking of the bread and drinking from the cup, as our Savior and Master set forth just previous to his death, was observed on Saturday even-ing by several hundred saints. During the meeting the following per-sons were ordained to the ministry by laying on of hands - of the elders, thus recognizing their call to the ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: J. B. Ball, Geo. Q. Coplin, Wm. Ebel, Geo. Pease Tasker, J. C. Blaney. We did not learn the number of per-sons who were baptized during the meet-ing. May the rich blessings of the Lord rest upon his people, and let us pray that the camp and other meetings may be effectual daring this year and many souls be brought into the kingdom of God. NOTICE. The sleeping- house on the Bullet, Ind. camp- ground which we promised to build and have ready for camp- meeting this coming Aug. 15- 21 is now undergoing con-struction. This is a two- story house 26x 88. The first story will be divided into rooms 10x12 and 10x14. These - rooms are all sold now at $ 25.00 for a 10x12 and 05.00 for a 10x11. The second story will be built by donations and will be free to all. It will be divided by Partition in the center, half for the men Ques. Is it right for a local congrega-tion to observe the ordinances whenc. tIsie. re is no preacher present? Ans. The ordinance of the Lord's sim per was instituted and commanded when none but the Lord and his apostles were present. But they were to teach all nations to observe all things whatsoever he had commanded them, and while there are no particular directions that ministers, and ministers only, are to administer the com-munion, doubtless it is their duty to admin-ister when present. But the freedom of tht-• gospel will certainly not debar a local con-gregation from such privileges, when they have no overseer, providing there are spir-itual brethren present, capable of attend-ing to such responsibilities. Ques. Please explain 1 Pet. 3 : 19. Some say the wicked will have a second chance, and quote this text as proof. M. D. Ans. This text does not prove a second chance. Doubtless Christ's advent to ) fades was attended with a message that his death had atoned for the sins of the world, as was promised in the Scriptures : " And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testa-ment, that by means of death, for the re-demption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance." Heb. 9: 15. " For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged accord-ing to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit." 1 Pet. 4: 6. " Them that are dead", " spirits in prison", " which were sometime disobedient", " under the first testament", " they which are called". This unlocks the matter perfectly, and does not hold out a second chance, even to the impenitent sinners of the old testament; N appanee, Ind., June 2. The Lord is keeping us sweetly saved, with real victory over all the powers of the enemy. He is our present help in every time of need for both soul and body, for which we praise him with all our hearts. While I have been work. ing at home some this spring through the week, helping to put out some corn and oats, the dear Lord has permitted me to meet and hold meeting with the churches in various places over Sundays, the Lord manifesting his power in every meeting, strengthening the hearts of his children, sanctifying believers, and healing the sick, for which we give him all the glory. We expect as soon as our tabernacle comes to begin meeting in Walkerton. Pray for me. Your brother, saved, sane tified, and kept by the power of God, S. P. Strang, Pond Creek, Okla., May 2S. We are glad to report victory in the precious name of Jesus. He saves, heals, and keeps us. Praise God! The Pond Creek meeting closed with victon on the Lord's side. It was a continual feast from beginning to end. The enemy tried to bring dark clouds over the meet-ing. but through faith we were all made to rejoice over ever y thing that opposed. The Word went forth in the power Of the Holy Ghost and accomplished much good in convicting, saving, and sanctify ing souls. Saturday seven followed the Lord in baptism, and the Lord blessed by witnessing to the sacred burial, by his Spirit. After baptismal service thirty five h appy saints took part in washy', one another's feet and in eating at the bread and drinking of the wine in CON memoration of the Lord's death. G° d truly did verify his promise in John 17, which says, " If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." On Sat. urday night the meeting closed eitho calm, sweet victory, and on Monday dear saints separated for their different places; some to their homes, and on to their future fields of labor, where the, will battle against sin and the poffer° f Satan, and to lift up Jesus as a perfeeI Savior to fallen humanity. May 60 d bless all his work and - Workers even where. Dear ones, let us be up and ` t° The book entitled " Familiar names and Faces," recently published, has met with unusual favor among the brethren, and many letters of commendation are being received. The author did not pre-pare this book with the intention of rep-resenting them all as being saved, but a collection of names and faces of those who are known to the Trumpet readers as having been at some lime during the past writers for the Trumpet, or minis_ ters and gospel workers, regardless of their present spiritual condition. Tne book well fills the place for which it was designed and gives much valuable infor-mation which can be found in no other publication. The poems, history of the publishing work, and the spiritual food from the life sketches and experiences male the book of great, value to every reader, aside from the many scenes and familiar faces contained therein. The price of the book is $ 1,35 and it is hav-ing a rapid sale. THE IVIOUNDSVILLE CAMP-MEETIN G. Truly it was a blessing to our souls to have the privilege of attending this as sembly of saints, whose homes are scat-tered abroad through cut the land. There were about one hundred ministers and evangelists present, also many other gos-pel workers and a host of saints and ear-nest seekers after truth. It was by far the largest attendance of any meeting yet held at this place. For more than two weeks before the beginning of the meeting The people be-gan to come in from hundreds of miles and by the time of the first regular ser-vice hundreds of people had gathered to-gether and continued coming for several days. The word of God went forth with real authority and power front heaven, tp the edifying of the people of God and showing sinners the way of r S7 June 12, 1902. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. jug all we can for precious souls, in preaching and scattering good books and tracts, and getting pure literature in every house that we can. May God bless all the dear saints, is our earnest prayer. Pray for us. Yours for the truth, Julia Myers, Chas. and Elta Webber. Woodburn, Ore. Dear Saints of God: I am glad to tell you that I am still saved and in the Lord's work. 1 have just closed a four-teen days meeting at Baker City, Ore. This was the most glorious victory have witnessed for a long time; not in the numbers saved, but in the power and clearness manifested. .1, with many other saints, knew that the work at that place was in a critical condition before 1 went. Therefore it, was with fear and trembling that I went; but at the same time I knew that the faithful prayers of many were with me. 1 found - some true saints, who stood by the work and greatly assisted in the work. The con-test was close for ten days or more. The power of Satan was present in a most terrible manner; but thank God, the victory came! The power at Satan was broken and souls were saved — five josti-fled, five sanctified, and nine baptized, and two more will be as soon as another opportunity is afforded. Bitter enemies were made friends. And we certainly witnessed Pentecostal shouting and glory during the last twenty- four hours of our stay there. I believe I left them in blessed working order, and the outlook is good for a good work being done in the future. I expect to start for the IV ood-burn C. which begins in a few days, after which I will return and take my family to the Colfax, Wash. C. M., which will be June 27-- July 7. Solicit-ing the prayers of the saints, I remain as ever your brother in Christ, J. L. Green. O'Kean, Ark., June 2. Dearly beloved saints: Once more we greet you with the blessed assurance of a perfect salvation. NV e are happy to say that the goodness of God has been very abundant toward us, for which we are indeed thankful. The dear Lord has been teaching us some precious lessons of humble obedience, which we find re-sulting in both grace and glory. Halle-luiah! The dear people of this and sur-rounding communities think very strange of the pure gospel, but God is moving upon their hearts with good effect. Our heart is enlarging because of these re-sults, and we trust that they may be of priceless value in the great day al eterni-ty. My permanent address is O'Kean, Ark. Earnestly requesting your lervent prayers, I remain your unworthy brother, Alvin J. Ellison. Jesus The Christ. C ALLED Jesus because " he shall save his people from their sins" and Christ or Messiah because he is " God with us." " There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." Acts 4: 12. A poor young carepnter dies. He closes his life in ignominy. Amid the jeers and contempt of the multitude he sinks into the grave. Bat from that moment commotion begins. The resurrection is declared. Forgiveness of sins in his name is preached; disciples are won; books are written; civilizations are touched; move-ments are inaugurated; persecutions, bloody and relentless, are waged. The fires of hate are kindled storms from all round the social, political and religious sky gather and howl and empty their fury upon the new faith. But nothing impedes it; fire can not hinder it; persecution only intensifies it; death does not alarm it, and growing deeper and intenser it spreads over the whole earth. From whence comes such overwhelming and tremendous force? From the ONE life lived among men which was all love, and was laid down as a sacrifice for sin. The life and death we think of when we say the name of Jesus Christ. In that name have been built millions of congregations, schools, colleges, homes, hospitals for the sick, shelters for the unfortunate, for the poor, for the or-phans; if they were burned down to- day, better ones would be begun to- morrow. Because of this name the world's calen-dar has been changed, a new date inaug-urated and made permanent, and a new day set apart for purtilic worship. . " The Name" has won and held through the revolution of the ages the undying love of the best and purest men and women in the world, and is the source of the sacrifice, heroism, good works, mar-tyrdom, patience, love and hope which has blessed humanity since the perfect sacrifice was offered. And as it was in the begining, so it is now, and ever will be the only " name" . . given among men, by which we can be saved. — Selected. Lyons, Ind. I feel it is my duty , and God's will, that 1 should write my testimony; it may encourage some weak heart, or be a help to some one on their way to heaven. When a sinner receives pardon of his sins, and he realizes there are greater heights yet to be attained, how anxious be is to get there all at once, and with-out the many crosses, trials, temptations, and obstacles that come in the way. After we have gone a short way, and think of the road we have gone over, we are led to thank God for not allowing us to have our own way. Those very trials have been preparing us for a closer walk with God. We each one have our own trials, some in one way, some in another. What is a trial for one is not a trial for another; but one thing, we must make up our minds to obey God it we expect a blessing. We may at times be led to do a thing that we can see no reason for doing; but God's ways are not our ways, and he wants a cheerful, obedient service. We too often look for the blessing before the work is done, that we may have more strength and courage; this is not right. We would not expect such service from a child, neither would oar ch
format Other/Unknown Material
author Byrum, E. E.
author_facet Byrum, E. E.
author_sort Byrum, E. E.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 22:24
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 22:24
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 22:24
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 22:24
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 22:24
title_sort gospel trumpet - 22:24
publisher Gospel Trumpet Company
publishDate 1902
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The Altar
The Waist
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The Altar
The Waist
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op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
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spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:37+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 22:24 Gospel Trumpet, The Byrum, E. E. 1902-06-12 Printed Newspaper English eng Gospel Trumpet Company Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 22 24 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- West Virginia -- Moundsville Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1902 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:06:53Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 A Pure Church. By M. L. COLE. ARTICLE II. BY 0. H. * minty, thou jewel rare, ,„ C. ome dwell within my heart. thou my ever constant guest, irtia never from me part. E* uinility, how sweet the word, That keeps us in love's vale. $ Mto but listen to thy voice ide ne'er can make us fail. Humility, my longing soul Poth long for more of thee, thee my soul will e'er be blest Through all eternity. Humility, example set , By him who dwells above, And in our hearts while here below, ' While kept in Jesus' love. Humility, my happy soul , Doth humbly by thee keep, faithful reign within my heart, Until I cross the deep. - 24S3 - Send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet. and they shall, gather to- From the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. Ay' mroite, 4 So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Ezeic. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 39. VouffittMil. HUMILIT MOUNDSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, U. S. A., THURSDAY, JUNE 12, ' 1902. fact that God rejects them, keeps the church pure on his part, so if we cooperate with him we will reject them too, which will keep the church pure on our part, and it takes all this to have a pure church. I believe with a little thoughtful consid-eration, viewing the church from God's standpoint of working, we Will be better prepared to understand the following scrip-ture which has been rather difficult to in-terpret, when viewing the church and king-dom as one and the same. " The son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them that do iniquity." Matt. 13: 41. This state or condition of things, is not ascribed to any failure on God's part; but on man's part, " But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat." Matt. 13: 25. Had men kept awake and done their duty, in main-taining a pure church, there would have been no opportimity for the children of the wicked one to get under a cloak of pro-fession, and so become acknowledged as church members. God could not accept this field as his church in this condition, so he says the field is the world, yet when. viewing it from man's part he calls it the kingdom, and proposses to send his mes sengers and gather out " the children of the wicked one," " all things that offend and them that do iniquity." Separate the wicked from among the righteous. Since man can not do God's part, itmust be man's part which these messengers are to do, for " his angels" are his preachers ( See Rev. 1: 16, 20; 2: 1, 8, 13 3 : 1, 14.) and they do this gathering out, the preachers are the " men that slept," and let things get into this condition, hence the preachers arc second admonition reject; knowing that he that is such is subverted and sinneth. being condemned of himself." Titus 3: 10, 11. These scriptures teach not only God's attitude toward false doctrine and its ven-ders; but the attitude he wants his church to take toward the same. " Mark them," " reject them," " avoid them," " receive them not into your house," " neither bid God does not take men into his church that are full of devil doctrines; the doc-trines of the devil are invented to offset the doctrine of Jesus. When men that were raised under devil tutorage came to the re-ligion of Christ they " Confessed their deeds and burned their books." Were God to take such men into his church devil doc-trine and all, his church would be filled with " seducing spirits and doctrines of devils," and God would be responsible for the same. God never planned that his ehurch should be a Jargon of Babel con-fusion, a hotbed for conflicting doctrines, and clashy teachings. God has but one doctrine in his church, has only one, and needs no other; in fact, that one is opposed to all other doctrines and they are opposed to his doctrine. God could not take a man into his with a false doctrine in him, with-out taking the doctrine in also, hence, " let the wicked man forsake his way and the un-rigmhan hits tehougohts, aaunnd lset h im the ones who are to bring the message of return unto the , Lord and he will for have h mer will - the gospel, which when obeyed, or put in-cy upon him, and to our God e to practice by both preacher and people, abundantly pardon," let him give up his will complete man's part in cooperating count God YYo u not accept those whom G ways aannd his thoughts. AAmen. with God in rejecting those whom God re-a m an a Christian with a lot of devil doe- jeet, and will trine in him, accept him as a member of wi ll not accept, counting the members of the church and he will not leave his doc- Christ the saved ones, members of the trine outside. He will be a packpeddler church, just as God counts them. " Thee come in budget and all, and the neat thing shall the righteous shine forth as the sun he will be showing his goods; and all the in the kingdom of their Father." There family will be looking at the same, " a lit- are no sinners, hypocrites, dead formal pro-tie leaven leaveneth the whole lump." The fessors, unregenerates, reprobates, nor her- New Testament preachers were strict a- etics, dividing and confusing the children gainst the venders of false doctrine as the of God, none of this bad element aeknowl-following scripture shows. " If there come edged, accepted, or carried along. Nothing any- unto you, and bring not this doctrine, to hinder such a church from shining as receive him not into your house, neither the sum Halleluiah! bid him Godspeed: For he that biddeth him I have observed that when the minis- Godspeed is partaker of his evil deed." try begin to deal with men who are here- 2 Jno. 10: 11. - Heal, " giving heed to seducing spirits and " As I besought thee to abide still at Eph- doctrines of devils" causing division etc., esus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou by admonishing, exposing, and rejecting mightest charge some that they teach no them according to the word of God, that other doctrine." 1 Tim. 1: 3. " Now I be- it sometimes happens, a spirit of sympathy seech you, brethren, mark them which cause gets hold of some, for the heretics gainst divisions and offences contrary to the doe- the servants of the Lord. When such is trine which ye have learned; and avoid the case, the same spirit of devils that them. For they that are such serve, : not Wrought in the heretics, will be found our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 16: 17, ' Working in those that sympathized with Such men were called heretics. `. ` A-, them; then it becomes the duty of the min-man that is an heretic after the first and., ess. to deal likewise with those who be-come thus affected. You reject the maker of a heresy and retain his sympathizers, and the thing is not clean yet, nor will God accept your work until all the bad leaven is purged out. When it becomes manifest that a man has a devil doctrine, it is not necessary wait and let him teach his doctrine, and draw away disciples after him, in order to them Godspeed, etc. knd the church must handle his case; admonish him, expose his do this if she mai- nta. ne her purity. The doctrine, warn the church: if he will give t accept or recognize as mene his church, the unsaved, un-regenerated, or backslidden in. heart— such as tualiejta* to sin, etc. Even those who desire: J* 1) 4e and that desire gains ascend-view ovatAhe will, thereby forming a pur-pose to they are defiled, and separa-ted from God and his church, then it fol-lows that on God's part he keeps Ids church pure. Novieif on the other hand the church re-tains glom that sin has defiled, counts them members, and they count themselves mem-bers, and the world looks on them as mem-bers of the church ( true, God does not ac-cept thena) but they are counted in just the sante: We' contend that they are not members of God's church because they are not saved. Very well, but how are we go-ing to convince them that they are not mem-bers t Preach the word straight, and they will End it out. Preaching straight is all right; but you let the church go on count-ing them in, dividing the inheritance with them, and you will never preach them out. You let the pig get his nose into the cream jar, and it will take more than talk to get him alit Let the overseer tell the dead formalist, and hypocrite that he is not in the church, that he has no part or lot in this matter. That is all right, but if the. church goes right on hugging and kissing them, calling them brother, or sister, find-ing fault with the overseer for preaching and dealing as he does, saying the preacher is not infalible, etc. and I must know for myself before I can count them out. This is neither a novel nor imagination such experiences are c- ommon among the preach-ers of this reformation. The ( 4461 reader will doubtless say, " It is not MO sectism," to be sure. Sect• ism doetenat ptetend to have a pure church, does net: be: iliac in it in fact they- fight the doOtt of a pure church in this world, they do . aant understand God's part in main-taining Lure church, and much less do they understand that part which belongs to God's 6. inikh for maintaining her purity. All the Inethinery of Babylon, with her entire Organisms are mere human inven-tions and works of men's hands. Babylon is a seething mass of error and mistake, a tower of Babel confusion, clamoring for mixture, good and bad, truth and er-ror, light and darkness, righteousness and sin, saints and sinners, God and devil, " wheat and tares," etc. But worse than NUMBER 24 it up and get saved, well and good, other-wise reject him. A man that has given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils has depar-ted from the faith before giving- heed to these things, and is not a brother in error, but a heretic at heart, even before he be-gins to form his heresy. Some have insinuated that the saints have been too strict concerning men that have gone into false doctrine, and been too lenient on some that have committed gross sins. The latter may be true; but not the former, the church has never been too strict against false doctrine ( devil doc-trine) and heretics. And if she main- - tains her purity she must stand out against sin of every kind, and boldly and openly rebuke sin, and those that give over to sin, that others may also fear. It was this that caused " great fear to come upon all them that heard the word_ . insomuch that of the rest durst no man join himself unto them." I pray God that such righteous judgments may be executed by the church for the maintenance of her purity in the last days. Amen. The Second Resurrection. BY J. E. FORREST. TN noticing the first resurrection we find that those who believe in Jesus and do his commandments are partakers of the first resurrection, and also that the first is a spiritual one from a state of spiritual death in " trespasses and sins"; but in ob-serving the second resurrection we will find that it is a literal resurrection of these bodies of ours from the grave. In Jno. 5: 29 Jesus sets forth this resur-rection and gives its nature. " Marvel not at this : for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth." There are no exceptions in this case, all will hear his voice, and all will come forth. The first resurrection embraces only the saved and is only a preparation to escape the " second death." While the second res-urrection embraces all mankind from A-dam until the close of time, all that have lived or live now or will live, both great and small, rich and poor, bond and free, of every nation, whether they have done good or evil, If they have done good it will be a " resurrection of life"; but if they have done evil it will be a " resurrec-tion of damnation." This resurrection will take place at the instant of Christ's second coming, as we have already seen in a previous article, at which time all will be arraigned before the Great Judge to re-ceive their final rewards. THIS IS AN UNCHANGEABLE STATE. After man passes into the state of the second resurrection and receives his reward for the deeds he has done while in this body, his state is then unchangeable_ " And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off : it is bet-ter for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched : where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off : it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be east into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter inter the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be east that," putting light for darkness, and. dark-ness for light." Attributing the devil's work of division to God, even thanking God for the many churches ( divisions) there are in the world to- day. Attribut-ing God's work of gathering his people out of sect confusion into the light of the one body, as the work of the devil, etc. The true doctrine of holiness, by the greater part in Babylon, is denounced as the doc-trine of devils, and its advocates as false prophets while the sin doctrine ( doctrine of devils) is adored as coming from the sky. They are claiming that Christ and his true followers are its chief advocates. Such is the blindness of Babylon to- day. GOD'S CHURCH STANDS ALONE IN THE DOC-TRINE OF A PURE CHURCH. 2 484 June 12, 1962, 2 THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. into hell fire: where their worm dieth not, 1 The world and the fire is not quenched." Mark 9: 43- 48. In Matt. 25: 31- 46 when . Jesus speaks of his second coming, and koN •# e will treat the nations, he says to theni- aii- his right hand: " Come ye blessed of my Father in-herit the lsingdem prepared. : 4or you from the foundation of the world.'' After giv-ing them his reasons for thus dealing with them, he comes to those on the left hand and says: " Depart from me, ye cursed in-to everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:." And these shall go a-way into everlasting punishment; but the righteous into life eternal." " There was a ' certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which laid at his gate. And it came to pass that the beggar died, and_ was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried: and in hell he lifted up his eyes being in tor-ments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue: for I am tormented in this flame. But A-braham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence ( here) to you can not; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence." Luke 16: 19- 26. There are two facts connected with the above narration to which I wish to call at-tention here, one is, that the rich man had died, and being in hell he had passed be-yond the bounds of mercy, notice his words: " Father Abraham have mercy on me." Yes his first petition was for mercy, but too late, he had died, and this ended all opportunities for a home with Abra-ham, neither could mercy reach him there. Another fact is that - there was no chance for Lazarus to get to him nor was there a chance for the rich man to go out of that place of punishment, he seemed to fully understand this as he made no plea to get out, but only to be relieved of his misery was his cry. This rich man made two peti-tions to Abraham, but neither of them was regarded. After he could not obtain mer-cy for himself he plead for his brethren who were yet living, and wanted Lazarus to go and warn them against that place of torment; but this could not be granted, it was not necessary, they had Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. Oh, my beloved reader, let this be a warning to you against that day. THE SECOND DEATH. This death is the final result of the first, but is somewhat unlike it. First, the first death embraced all men beginning with Adam, to last until the end of time, but this death is to be destroyed at the time of Jesus' coming, and all that have been made alive in Christ will then reign with him forever; all who have not, but still re-main in sin until literal death, will then be punished with the second death. This is the wages men will receive for their sins. " The wages of sin is death." Rom. 6: 23. The second death will not embrace all men as did the first; but only those who fail to get saved from their sins before they pass from time to eternity. " And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before: Gad: and the books were opened: and an-other book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, ac-cording to their works,. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." " But the fear-ful, and unbelieving, and the abomniable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the sec-ond death." Rev. 20: 12- 15; 21: 8. Till, TREE OF LIFE. Among the trees that God made and placed in the garden of Eden where he put Adam and Eve, was the tree of life, Rays of Light Forty Years Ago. 44 IIE different opinions of Christians deeply harassed me for some years. I did not mind the Babel in the world but the Babel among Christians, who chatter about the various ways and leadings of God's grace as revealed in Christ to sinners, and yet neither possess nor understand them. If God had not given me grace not to attach myself to the Moravian, or to any other sect, I should have been a reed shaken with the wind. Though I am sure if I had looked to any body of persons I should never have reached the goal, I do not think that, they can not find the good way as well as I, it they suffer themselves to be led by the Spirit of Christ and give themselves up entirely, learning that the followers of Jesus are no high people but dust, and so humbling themselves in everything. " There are few fishers who understand what is meant by letting down the net on the right side, and I think we have such a poor ingathering because in many places men seek money rather than souls, while in oilier places they concern thcin- Selve4 about- the wool and not the sheep.- If they had no remuneration but contempt these fishers would become faint- hearted, because they have none of that love which is stronger than death, All my power lies in that love, it is always the one lesson and so is thought by many to be too simple." Journal of Dorothea Trtatel ( 186 1). Sin No More. BY EMIL KREUTZ. 44NEITHER do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." Jno. Sill- These are the words of Jesus to that woman whom the Pharisees had brought unto him desiring her condemnation, and tempting Jesus. But Jesus spoke to them in a manner that they were all condemned of their own sin. Before the Pharisees he neither condemned nor ap-proved, but when the accusers had acknowledged their guilt and went out, not being able to condemn her, Jesus told the woman, " Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." God did not send his Son into the world to con-damn the world, but that the world is condemned already. The duty of the ministry now is not to condem n the peo-ple who are going wrong, but to show them as did Jesus, that they are already under condemnation, and then to show them the way of t, as Jesus told the woman, " Go, and sin no more." Most every one is willing to acknowledge that they sin more or less every day. We must point them to the " Lamb of God that taleeth away the sin of the world" and show them their privilege and duty to " go, and sin no More." We have many warnings in the word of God not to sin. The apostle Paul writes the Corinthians, " Awake to righteousness, and sin not." 1 Cur. 15: 34. And the apostle John whites even to the little children ( babes in Christ; if any could be excused, surely they would), " My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not." 1 Jno. 2: 1. And Jesus warned the impotent man whom he healed at the pool,' with the words, " Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." Jno. 5: 14. Even David in his time gives warning to the saints, " 1 will hear what God the Lord will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly." Ps. 85: S. The apostle Peter is not silent on the subject, tor he says: " For if after they have escaped the pollution of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ., they are again en-tangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the begin-ning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way Of righteous-ness, than, after they have known it, to tarn from the holy commandment de-livered unto them." i Pet. 2: 20, 21. Jude also calls our attention to the fact that we - must " contend earnestly for the faith once delivered unto the saints," and that " the Lord, having saved the people out of the land- of Egynt, afterward de-stroyed them that believed not." Jude 3- 5. So it is not enough to be saved now, but we must continue in the grace, and faith of God. Paul also calls attention to the fact., that it the patriarchs had desired to return to the country from whence they came, God would have given them the opportunity to return. So now, if man- desires to return to a life of sin, after the Lord delivers, no doubt they will have the privilege. God is not under obligation to save, or keep, only as we ,: omply with his condi-tions St, " let him that thinketh he stantleth, take heed lest he fall." " Thou meetest him tiro t„ releiestn and worketh rig! fte, arsne, ss, tho, e that remember t pee in thy ways: . . in those is continu-ance, and we shall be e yed." Ise - 64: 5. Camden, W. Va. I have been reading the Vicspel Trumpe:- sirr: e January 1902, and I have been so pleased with its teachings that I have de-cided to pen a few lines for publication, rnm- e for my special benefit than anything else. I have been a probationer in the Methodist Episcopal sect for nearly seven years rind I find their doctrine, in many ways, dces not correspond with the Scrip-tures, according to my understandins, of it. I have not been baptized because of theme moue, or modes I have not communed with fthereemn to wn aaycsc. o Iu anmt o lfo unngdinegrs ftoanr dthineg t uinn ed itfo-fcauoskmll etgh woesh ppeernla yIp erwreSail. clo hbfee dt hp ieellr dmitesiat tpre udsa rtiiont yths. e eaIvr re. itbrhys,,-), where that I rimy receive the fullness of th,, Spirit and be led into the light. Yours with nanny thanks for the Trumpet, A. F. - White. Better is little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure, and trouble therewith. Prov. 15: 16. The Holy Ghost. 44 oily answered, erkel. d , F 0sHar7T saying j unto there all, I indeed baptize you with Water. but one mightier than I conteth, thos*" et of whose slices I am not worthy to4 loose: he shall baptize you with the, Waist and with fire." Luke 3: 16. hea innine. of the gospel of the Son of when John began to preach, sayijagi. pl. a t v, e, for the kingdom of h . hand " he truly said that he baPtigked41 4 \ Valet. : but lie ( Jesus) that should core after hint would baptize with the it* Ghost. But some one ma;„, ask, Whom itic Jesus sating to baptize with the Holy Moat and with fire? Answer— Yen if you, a. cept the gospel and are baptized witkwit (. 1% " Repent ye. and be baptized everit it, of you in the name of Jesus Christ fifths remission of sins, and ye shall receive Up rift of the Holy Ghost." Acts 2: 38, " For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar ofri even as many as the Lord our God Shall " 111.1: 1s tiod called and justified you$ then the promise of the Holy Ghost is for you. To this end was Christ born and sent forth ( Rom. 5: 9), but that '( aunilYineilearmietsatnoj its c-: agurosatnifYg alltil: tigii. iiitt hitileic€ iiII: ee toi l'ilyl'iliiii. bll'iLdn' not ' cam Acts 20: 32. " By the Holy Ghost." Rom. 15: 16. mission of Jesus? Reader, have you chtTasliceleryedoufutilhoyu gtlahist rare f t ill y or prayed earnestly _ over it? IInye you entered into the fullness of God's favor' (-) s have you abandoned thdseohoispeabot his wiltlesses of thewthings; an receiving the Holy Ghost? " And we and the Hely Ghost, whom God bath given is them that obey him." Acts 5 32. " If ye love me, keep my eommandments. And 1 will pray the Father, and he will give you auBither Comforter, that he may abide with t, l i si . I'Vil l , these ' texts, that God is duty. '' t . t ' t, hellitil anti responsibk to give us the Ho-ly ( hit s! NVIl • ll We '' keep his command-ments," and that his obligation is truly Inhilled a lready " to them that obey him." wliv BELIEVERS SHOULD HAVE THE IIOLY GHOST. " But Hie Comforter, AvhiCh is the Holy st, 1vlu rrr the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all. things, and hring all things to year remembrance, what-s ever I have said unto you." Jno. 14: 9G. " 170 will guide yen. into all truth: . and he will show yen things to come." Jo. : 11. ".: 111t1 when he is come to abide in you I. he will reprove [ convince, mar-the world of sill, and of righteous- ' less, and of judgment: of sin, because they helieve net on ine; of righteousness, be-e wase Ieo to my Father, and ye see me ao more: or judgment, because the prince of his world is judged." 16: 8- 11. The Holy ( Vilest gives power. • " But ye shall reeeive power, after that the Holy ( host is conic Iiptin you." Acts 1: 8. The Inouye of this power. Power to tes-t ifs- ea" But when the Comforter is COIlle. . unto you, . . . he shall testify of Go all : Judea [ church of God], and in Samar' ucs5c^, onto Ihc, both in e,. r.- uctssahleamll, be andd i ti ) az I I::_ sf i t.‘ u. iA. rtnolatrihge uttermost the saints and sinners. " And when they had prayed, tire' p la ce were ZISSOIllb 1 et together; essilhf .; aaken wthheei; were ;: 11 tilled with the Holy Ghost, and they snake the word of God with boldness. . And with great power gave the apostles - ■ : nittistresss ( 4 .3t: I. 31: resurrection Of the Lord, j eglls: and great grace was upon them all.' t he ( etlt t s htntld he the i i th: sgpte) ls— iie'l'oTfhGato dI, n( s) tifl• nof Jesus Christ t' ly Ghost. . . ThroughtelieifigeGhdet: btyisliegtmsil. seln- iall, id'' t so that from Jerusalem, and round al0 1‘,, utl, tutleTi. i. s. by the power of the Spirit of G°(' tht and the fruit of it was good for food. It was placed there for them to eat, that they night live forever, but as soon as they dis-obeyed God and lost their holiness, etc., the Lord did not want them to eat of this tree while in that condition: " And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is be-come as one _ of us, to know good and evil: and now; lest he put forth his hand; and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever: therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man: and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned ever way, to keep the way of the tree of life." So the Lord has kept the way of the tree of life until the day appointed, and when all things are fulfilled and man has been restored to the full Edenie standard, then there will be access to the tree of life a-gain. Sin and death were the results of disobedience, and these are the works of the devil which Jesus came to destroy. He came to destroy sin and spiritual death in all who believe in him in this present world, and the last enemy that shall be de-stroyed is death ( physical). When we shall have proved faithful unto the end, then we will have a right to the tree of life. All - the saved have a fortaste of this fruit, but it is only on conditions that we have access to the tree of life here. " To- him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of ' God." Rev. 2: 7. Again, " Blessed are they that do his command-ments, that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. through him might be save( . lrieinn. I have fully preached Better it is to be of an humble spirit 1 ett'hiti: ht) isotNI.: e'r Ri. somk. nol. N5vn : 1- 6- td with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with ! b rethren. when I carer to you, es311e the proud. Prov. 16 : 19. I With e xeellen:! y t., r speech or of v- 1,5d011', June it 1902. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power." 1 Cor. 2: 1- 4. " But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord will, antrevill know, not the speech of them which are puffed up, but the power. For the king-dom Of God is not in 1N: ord, but in power:" 1 Cor. 4: 19, 20. " In mighty signs and. wonders," " con- - firming the word with signs following." " Healing the sick, casting out devils," the word made effectual by the Holy Ghost insomuch that men will cry out, "- What must I do to be saved?" Great fear fall-ing On the people, so that no man ( who is not right with God) will join himself with God's people. Power to " discern between him that serveth God, and him that ser y - ethim not." As in thease of " Ananias with Sapphire his wife, who sold a posses-sion," and then lied about it. Power to lay judgment on such eases as Elynms the sorcerer, who withstood Paul, seeking to tarn away the deputy from the faith, which also Paul did, and said, " 0 full of all sub-tilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? and now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand." Acts 13: 10, IL " For a bishop must be blameless, . . . holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. For there are many un-ruly and vain talkers and deceivers, . . whose mouths must be stopped, who sub-vert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake." Tit. 1: 7- 11. It teaches how to pray. " Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not [ without the Spirit] what we should pray for as we ought : but the Spirit. itself inaketh intercesion for us with groan-ings which can not be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God." Rom. 8: 26, 27. " I will pray with the Spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also." 1 Con 14: 15. The Holy Ghost also purifies the heart. Acts 15: 8, 9. Sanctities believers. Rom. 15: 16. Sheds the love of God abroad in the heart. Rom. 5: 5. Makes us all one. Jno. 17; 17- 21. Makes us Perfect. Hele 10: 14. Prepares us for every good work. 2 Tim. 2: 21. " To the end he may stablish your hearts unblamable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints." 1 The.- as. 3: 13. " For this is the will of God. even your sanctification." 1 Thess. 4: 3. " And I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Mess. 5: 23. " Faithful is he that calleth you [ to holiness- sanctification. 1 Thess. 4: 71 who also will do it." God's Chosen and Peculiar People. BY LILLIE B. THURMOND. “ T ( JOKING for that blessed hope, and led the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto him-self a peculiar people, zealous of good works," Titus 2: 13, 14. We read, in the beginning God made man, in his own image, after his own like-ness, and gave them dominion over the fish of the sea and the fowls of the air, and cat-tle and every thing that ereepeth upon the earth. He made them like himself, pure and free from sin, and placed them in the garden of Eden, where there were every-thing pleasant and good and beautiful, for their enjoyment. But the serpent comee, and tells Eve if she will partake of the for-bidden fruit, they would be as gods, know-ing good and evil. Eve looks at the tree, sees it is good to look upon, and puts forth her hand and eats and gives to her husband likewise. Alas! the guilt of sin and shame crept over them: their hearts and eon-sciences were defiled, they were no longer pure and holy as their Maker, but were a-shamed to meet him. They were driven from the presence of the Lord, and from the garden of Eden, with the curse of death pronounced upon them, to till the ground from whence they were taken, which should bring forth thorns and thistles, and they should earn their bread by the sweat of their brow. Now we see how sin came, how it defiled the - heart, and the aw-ful curse that was pronounced upon them. And we find by reading farther what was born in the heart of their first child, that was born on the earth. Cain talked with Abel his brother, and it came to pass when they were in the field, that Cain rose up a-gainst Abel his brother and slew him. Sad indeed, the sin that was in the hearts of the parents was born in the heart of the child. Thus sin reigned. " And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repent-ed the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." Gen. 6: 5, 6. And God destroyed man off the face of the earth, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. So we find after the flood that men began to multiply upon the face of the earth, and sin continued to reign. We find when God brought the children of Israel out of cruel bondage, he gave them the law to restrain them, and they offered sacrifices for sin; but the law was not perfect, and could do nothing for the heart. We find in Ecclesiastes 7: 20. " There is not a just man upon earth, that deeth good, and. sinneth not." " For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did." Heb. 7: 19. " Be-hold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people." lieb. S : 8- 10. We read God promised a Savior: " For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given : and the government shall be upon his sholders; and his name shall be called. Wonderf ul, Counsellonthe Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, of the increase of his government and peace there shell be no end, upon the. throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it., and to establish it with judg-ment and with justice from hence forth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." Isaiah 9: 6,7. " In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David, and to the inhabit-ants of Jerusalem, for sin and for unclean-ness." Zech. 13: 1. " I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance : but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not wotrhy to bear : he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire." ".\ hitt. 3: 11. " How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the e-ternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" Heb. 9: 14. Christ has come, has suffered, bled, and died, and has risen again: The sacrifice has been made, the blood has been shed, the precious fountain has been opened in the house of David for sin and for unclean-ness, the price has been paid. " Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people." He forgives our trans-gressions, and sanctifies our natures; hence we are placed back on the plane of purity with our forefather before the fall. We are a peculiar people, because so unlike the world, and our hearts are - fashioned after the similitude of him that made us. Amen. Now we find how we can remain the Rhod-en and peculiar people of God. " Ye have seen what I did to the. Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' e wings,. and brought you unto myself. Now therefore if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant,. then ye shall be a, peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine." Ex. 19: 4, 5. " Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand gen-erations." Deut. 7: 9. - We see God's chosen and peculiar people are those who will love him and keep hie commandments. Some Millennial teachers say God's chosen people are those whom God ehoses at his own good pleasure, and that he sets aside others for destruction; but what does God's word say? " Whoso-ever will, let hint take of the water of life freely." God chooses us because we have chosen him and are willing to walk in his love and obey his commandments. Every soul under heaven whose heart is seeking to know the Lord, and is willing to pay the price, may have a bountiful supply of the grace of God, and their sins freely par-doned. " But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." 1 Jno. 1: 12. The invitation ex-tends to all the world. The prophet Isaiah cries out: " Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth:: He is not will-ing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Entire Sanctification- What It Is And How Obtained. BY A. M. HILLS. WANT to answer this solemn ques-tion so fully that all who read these lines with burdened and seeking, or even willing hearts, may surely find the way. There are so many people that do not know what ails them- believers in Christ who are still hungr y and disappointed, restless and ill at ease. They want, they know not what; and their pastors, car-rying about in their souls the same crav-ing, can not tell them. I believe that all honest and sincere Christians who keep in close touch with God and are willing to walk in the light will, consciously or unconsciously, be led through certain steps to the blessing of heart- cleansing and sanctification. 1. The Holy Spirit will awaken to the teachable believer a sense of obligation to be holy, and drive home a great, deep conviction of want. It is not optional with the child of God to be sanctified or not. It is commanded nearly a score of times in the New Testament alone. We are exhorted to it in endlessly varying language and encouraged by multiplied promises, and urged on by every con-ceivable motive drawn from earth and heaven and hell. We are taught that our usefulness and the salvation of souls and the glory or God depend upon it. Sooner or later the ever- present Spirit will show these things to the devoted and teachable heart and make it feel its need of a deeper and more radical work of grace, an enlargement of soul and an enduement of power. . . . Andrew Murray says: " You know that before a sinner can be converted, he must he convicted of sin; just so the believer must be convicted and brought to the confession of his being in the car-nal state. It might be termed a second conviction, of two things- the utter im-potence of the flesh to do any good, and the mighty power of the flesh to do evil. This is the first condition of getting sane-tified. Blessed are the poor in spirit, Blessed are the Christian hearts to whom the Holy Spirit reveals the great want of a heart like unto Christ's." 2. " Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted." Blessed are the believers who mourn over the fact that God's ideal of a Christian has not been more speedily realized in them; that they have not crowned King Jesus as the Lord of their being, and permitted him to baptize th3m with the Holy Ghost, who mourn because they have had so little passion for souls, and won so few victories, and had so little con-cern for the lost. Such a mourning is a forerunner of the comfort of full salva-tion. 3. The Spirit- led believer will be brought to feel the importance of the Pentecostal experience. Like the disci-ples with their commission to represent Jesus and disciple the world, they will cry out, " Who is sufficient for these things? Lord, let me have more of thy likeness and more of thy power, or let me die right here; I can not face the world as I am." Oh, the stupendous importance of be-ing " filled with the Spirit," in order to be successful as a Christian parent, or teacher, or leader, or preacher- anything that God wants us to be! There is no true and large success without it. How the disciples prayed for it in the upper chamber! How many others have bowed before God and sought it with all their hearts! . . . 4. The leading Spirit will further show the seeking heart that this blessing is for each child of God. It is the " promise of the rather" to every one of his blood- bought children. " The prom-ise is unto you and to your children and unto them that are afar off, even to as many as the Lord our God shall call." Whoever of the sons of men has a call to be a Christian at all, has a call to he a sanctified Christian. " This is the will of God, even your sanctification; for God called us not to uncleanness, but in sanctification." See Eph. 4: 3- 7. Before any one will ever successfully seek the blessing we are writing about, he will be led by the Holy Spirt to feel that as a child of God it is his blood- bought right to have it. He may be very igno-rant of the philosophy or theology of the experience; as ignorant, for instance, as the poor Texan was. He was genuinely converted from a life of ignorance and sin, and began to read and pray over his New Testament. He had no teacher but the Holy Spirit. He found much in the Book about sanctification; and that it was the will of God that we should be sanctified. He knelt above the sa-cred page and prayed, " 0 God, you say you want me to be sanctified; 1 don't know what it means, but you do; Lord, sanctify me now." And heaven came down to greet his soul with a deluge of glory. 0, clear reader, this blessing is not merely for St. Paul and John Fletcher, but., it you are a true child of God, it is for you. 5. A still further condition of receiv-ing this blessing is to hunger and thirst for it, until, like a hungry child, you will cry unto God for what you want. Jesus said, " Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled." We must long for this blessing with a craving that. will take no denial. You can pray for the baptism of the Holy Ghost till your tongues are tired, but so long as you fight, sancitification as a possible ex-perience of the children of God, he will not come to your souls. When men are filled with an agony of desire, they will not need to be coaxed to come to the altar. When they get there they will not be the pink of propriety, kneeling gracefully on one knee and covering their face with a lace handker-chief, silent as a Sphinx, as if possessed of a dumb devil. W hen people are hun-gry enough for sanctification to get it, they will rush to the altar unceremoni-ously and tumble down before God and cry unto him for the Spirit with a holy recklessness, with uplil ted face, and loud voice, indifferent to the opinion of men or devils. That is the spirit that always gets the blessing. 6 Another condition that must be nam-ed is obedience. We mad it Acts 5: 32: " The Holy Ghost whom God hath given to them that obey him." The Holy Ghost is- not given to disobedient peo-ple. Sanctification does not come to conscious rebels. It is bestowed only on the obedient. But obedience is more than obedience in some things. It does June 12, 19o. and certainly offers no hope to those penitent sinners who die in sin under the new testament. tines. When and where did cam rieinate? Ans. With the fall of man, when sin en-tered into the world. Rom. 5: 12. .( Weed here signifies humanity.) Geo. L. age. - es. News from the --- Simpson, La., May aa;. For the first time I will give alum_ count through the Trumpet of our lib* for the Lord. it has been about sine months since I began in the ministerial work and I have been doing a somet'det local work all along since. I • maktitwo trips to: Pine Ridge, about thirty Wes distance. We found a few there staid. ing for the whole truth. Others teem to be nearing the kingdom. We Worked some in Leesville scattering trlitis4a. pers, and holiness literature. life'lieId meeting Saturday night and SunditYist in a new place, about fifteen miles from here, at Union schoolhouse. -' faterest was very good. A Methodist preacher from Mississippi met us there Sunday and during service asked us some ques. tions or further explanation about our belief, as our subject was on what we believe and practice. This made it quite interesting, and it also caused ms to ex-plain a low points and make them plain-er than we otherwise would have done. Pray much fur the work in the South, and for us, as our whole purpose in life is to please God. Willie II. Jackson. 2 486 4 TH 141 GOSPEL TRUMPET. and half for the women. This building will cost in all about $ 800.00. $ 500.00 has been paid in, therefore there will be back on the building $ 300.00. Any one who feels so disposed may send in their mite- and it will be thankfully received. Send all donations to Bro. F. Stoner, Akron, Ind. 1 am your brother all the Lord's, S. L Speck. Questions Answered. Ques. Can any one keep saved and - use tea, coffee, chocolate, or any other substi-tute except water, and wear neckties, cor-sets, etc., after they have had the teaching? S. Ans. This question assumes a standard of teaching that is fanatical in part, and that neither the word of God nor the saints in light can support as a whole. Hence we will analyze it. Tea and coffee are narcotics— poisonons, and more or less injurious to the human system, and men and women becomes slaves to the habit. Salvation will deliver from all such bond-age and habits, when connected with the proper teaching. But chocolate, cereals, etc., which contain no narcotic poison, can not be regarded as a substitute. Those who have the coffee habit will soon realize the absence of stimulants, if they change to the use of the cereal drinks, which will not satisfy such perverted appetite. So with the proper teaching saints can keep saved, and use any harmless drink, which contains neither stiraulous poison nor intoxicating properties. It is a generally admitted fact that corsets are injurious, and if people know this they are guilty before God in cleaving to pride and fashion, and especial-ly when the thing is harmful. Neckties are superfluous. God's word forbids outward adorning; but such are fashionable, and doubtless have a part in the " lust of the eye, and the pride of life." Salvation de-livers from the desire, " lust," and " pride" of such things. Where men and women get saved from these things, and teach a-gainst them, then take to them again, the devil has seduced them. While on the other hand the devil seduced those whom he succeeds in pushing into fanaticism, or Extremes— slovenliness, untidiness, and awful bondage, who dare not eat, drink, nor Wear that which is good. And declare God has saved them from such things, when it is only a deception imposed on them by the devil, to disgust sensible people, and mar their own spiritual enjoyments. fiOSPEL TRU? Moundsville, W. Va., June 12, 1902, A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL at. a. u. twoo. m., YAW. E. E. BYRUM, Editor. Published by GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. CO. DEFINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI- SECTARIAN, Senbigltil in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publication of full Salvation, Divine Healing of the body, and the Unity of all true Christians in " the faith once delivered to the saints." Subsurtption price, postage paid, United States, Canada, and Mexico, - - 14.00. England, - 6s. 2d. Germany, 6 marks 18 pf. ac— Ali Subscriptions must be paid in Advance, In about two weeks after your subscription is re• ceived, receipt and credit of same will be shown by the address label attached to your paper or wrapper,. pro-vided the subscription is for more than three months. boeiness Communications, moneys, etc. must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. CO., MouriDWILLE, W. VA, to Insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. No Trumpet was printed last week on account of the camp- meeting. The camp- meeting this year was a glorious success. The gospel was preached in its fullness and there was a marked increase of faith and spirituality manifest. While the ministers and gospel work-ers are being unusually stirred to a great-er diligence in the advancement of gos-pel work for the salvation of souls, there is room for a decided forward move among the children of God generally by way of deepening their spirituality. Look well to this and the congregations every-where will witness the manifestation of the power of God with the promised signs following. The Dorena, Mo. camp- meeting, an-nounced to begin June 16, will not be begun until July 16. This place is op-posite Hickman, Ky. FAMILIAR NAMES AND FACES. salvation and the sick how to be healed. The - salvation services began in the early morning and continued one after another until late at night. The, Lord added to the church daily such as were being saved in the same way as mentioned in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. The divine healing services resulted in the people better understand-ing the word of God in the line of divine healing and many were healed of their diseases and sicknesses and delivered from the powers of Satan and as many as met the conditions of the word of God with a perfect faith were healed. The blessings of God were upon the meeting throughout, with a sweet spirit of unity. The ministerial meetings were very profitable and the ministerial breth-ren considered things that had been hin-drances in the gospel work and conversed and advised with each other in such things as would be helpful in advancing the work sot the ministry in preaching the gospel among the . people. There were some points and questions that would have been profitable to have con-sidered, but were not for lack of time. Among the subjects under consideration was that of divine healing in the atone-ment. As some had not fully understood it to be in the atonement the matter was considered and written up, to be published in the Trumpet and will appear in the near future, which we trust will set the matter clear before the brethren everywhere. There were many sinners, who repented of their sins and received pardon, and believers were sanctified at each meeting where opportunity was given. While there is much room for advancement, yet we truly praise God for the glory of God that rested upon the camp throughout. The home and assembly hall were thrown open freely for caring for the people by way of furnishing a place to sleep and for boarding. Over 12,000 meals were given without charge at the dining- room in the Trumpet Home. The expenses were met for the entire meet-ing by those in attendance and also by some wbo could not attend, who freely sent in their donations to that end. May God bless and reward them all. The prayer of faith was offered in. behalf of many requests which came in from a distance by letters and telegrams. We feel that the ministers and gospel work-ers go forth from this meeting better qualified for salvation work than ever be-fore, and we pray that the anointing of the Lord may be upon them all and their labors crowned with success. The ordinance service of washing the saints' feet and breaking of the bread and drinking from the cup, as our Savior and Master set forth just previous to his death, was observed on Saturday even-ing by several hundred saints. During the meeting the following per-sons were ordained to the ministry by laying on of hands - of the elders, thus recognizing their call to the ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: J. B. Ball, Geo. Q. Coplin, Wm. Ebel, Geo. Pease Tasker, J. C. Blaney. We did not learn the number of per-sons who were baptized during the meet-ing. May the rich blessings of the Lord rest upon his people, and let us pray that the camp and other meetings may be effectual daring this year and many souls be brought into the kingdom of God. NOTICE. The sleeping- house on the Bullet, Ind. camp- ground which we promised to build and have ready for camp- meeting this coming Aug. 15- 21 is now undergoing con-struction. This is a two- story house 26x 88. The first story will be divided into rooms 10x12 and 10x14. These - rooms are all sold now at $ 25.00 for a 10x12 and 05.00 for a 10x11. The second story will be built by donations and will be free to all. It will be divided by Partition in the center, half for the men Ques. Is it right for a local congrega-tion to observe the ordinances whenc. tIsie. re is no preacher present? Ans. The ordinance of the Lord's sim per was instituted and commanded when none but the Lord and his apostles were present. But they were to teach all nations to observe all things whatsoever he had commanded them, and while there are no particular directions that ministers, and ministers only, are to administer the com-munion, doubtless it is their duty to admin-ister when present. But the freedom of tht-• gospel will certainly not debar a local con-gregation from such privileges, when they have no overseer, providing there are spir-itual brethren present, capable of attend-ing to such responsibilities. Ques. Please explain 1 Pet. 3 : 19. Some say the wicked will have a second chance, and quote this text as proof. M. D. Ans. This text does not prove a second chance. Doubtless Christ's advent to ) fades was attended with a message that his death had atoned for the sins of the world, as was promised in the Scriptures : " And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testa-ment, that by means of death, for the re-demption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance." Heb. 9: 15. " For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged accord-ing to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit." 1 Pet. 4: 6. " Them that are dead", " spirits in prison", " which were sometime disobedient", " under the first testament", " they which are called". This unlocks the matter perfectly, and does not hold out a second chance, even to the impenitent sinners of the old testament; N appanee, Ind., June 2. The Lord is keeping us sweetly saved, with real victory over all the powers of the enemy. He is our present help in every time of need for both soul and body, for which we praise him with all our hearts. While I have been work. ing at home some this spring through the week, helping to put out some corn and oats, the dear Lord has permitted me to meet and hold meeting with the churches in various places over Sundays, the Lord manifesting his power in every meeting, strengthening the hearts of his children, sanctifying believers, and healing the sick, for which we give him all the glory. We expect as soon as our tabernacle comes to begin meeting in Walkerton. Pray for me. Your brother, saved, sane tified, and kept by the power of God, S. P. Strang, Pond Creek, Okla., May 2S. We are glad to report victory in the precious name of Jesus. He saves, heals, and keeps us. Praise God! The Pond Creek meeting closed with victon on the Lord's side. It was a continual feast from beginning to end. The enemy tried to bring dark clouds over the meet-ing. but through faith we were all made to rejoice over ever y thing that opposed. The Word went forth in the power Of the Holy Ghost and accomplished much good in convicting, saving, and sanctify ing souls. Saturday seven followed the Lord in baptism, and the Lord blessed by witnessing to the sacred burial, by his Spirit. After baptismal service thirty five h appy saints took part in washy', one another's feet and in eating at the bread and drinking of the wine in CON memoration of the Lord's death. G° d truly did verify his promise in John 17, which says, " If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." On Sat. urday night the meeting closed eitho calm, sweet victory, and on Monday dear saints separated for their different places; some to their homes, and on to their future fields of labor, where the, will battle against sin and the poffer° f Satan, and to lift up Jesus as a perfeeI Savior to fallen humanity. May 60 d bless all his work and - Workers even where. Dear ones, let us be up and ` t° The book entitled " Familiar names and Faces," recently published, has met with unusual favor among the brethren, and many letters of commendation are being received. The author did not pre-pare this book with the intention of rep-resenting them all as being saved, but a collection of names and faces of those who are known to the Trumpet readers as having been at some lime during the past writers for the Trumpet, or minis_ ters and gospel workers, regardless of their present spiritual condition. Tne book well fills the place for which it was designed and gives much valuable infor-mation which can be found in no other publication. The poems, history of the publishing work, and the spiritual food from the life sketches and experiences male the book of great, value to every reader, aside from the many scenes and familiar faces contained therein. The price of the book is $ 1,35 and it is hav-ing a rapid sale. THE IVIOUNDSVILLE CAMP-MEETIN G. Truly it was a blessing to our souls to have the privilege of attending this as sembly of saints, whose homes are scat-tered abroad through cut the land. There were about one hundred ministers and evangelists present, also many other gos-pel workers and a host of saints and ear-nest seekers after truth. It was by far the largest attendance of any meeting yet held at this place. For more than two weeks before the beginning of the meeting The people be-gan to come in from hundreds of miles and by the time of the first regular ser-vice hundreds of people had gathered to-gether and continued coming for several days. The word of God went forth with real authority and power front heaven, tp the edifying of the people of God and showing sinners the way of r S7 June 12, 1902. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. jug all we can for precious souls, in preaching and scattering good books and tracts, and getting pure literature in every house that we can. May God bless all the dear saints, is our earnest prayer. Pray for us. Yours for the truth, Julia Myers, Chas. and Elta Webber. Woodburn, Ore. Dear Saints of God: I am glad to tell you that I am still saved and in the Lord's work. 1 have just closed a four-teen days meeting at Baker City, Ore. This was the most glorious victory have witnessed for a long time; not in the numbers saved, but in the power and clearness manifested. .1, with many other saints, knew that the work at that place was in a critical condition before 1 went. Therefore it, was with fear and trembling that I went; but at the same time I knew that the faithful prayers of many were with me. 1 found - some true saints, who stood by the work and greatly assisted in the work. The con-test was close for ten days or more. The power of Satan was present in a most terrible manner; but thank God, the victory came! The power at Satan was broken and souls were saved — five josti-fled, five sanctified, and nine baptized, and two more will be as soon as another opportunity is afforded. Bitter enemies were made friends. And we certainly witnessed Pentecostal shouting and glory during the last twenty- four hours of our stay there. I believe I left them in blessed working order, and the outlook is good for a good work being done in the future. I expect to start for the IV ood-burn C. which begins in a few days, after which I will return and take my family to the Colfax, Wash. C. M., which will be June 27-- July 7. Solicit-ing the prayers of the saints, I remain as ever your brother in Christ, J. L. Green. O'Kean, Ark., June 2. Dearly beloved saints: Once more we greet you with the blessed assurance of a perfect salvation. NV e are happy to say that the goodness of God has been very abundant toward us, for which we are indeed thankful. The dear Lord has been teaching us some precious lessons of humble obedience, which we find re-sulting in both grace and glory. Halle-luiah! The dear people of this and sur-rounding communities think very strange of the pure gospel, but God is moving upon their hearts with good effect. Our heart is enlarging because of these re-sults, and we trust that they may be of priceless value in the great day al eterni-ty. My permanent address is O'Kean, Ark. Earnestly requesting your lervent prayers, I remain your unworthy brother, Alvin J. Ellison. Jesus The Christ. C ALLED Jesus because " he shall save his people from their sins" and Christ or Messiah because he is " God with us." " There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." Acts 4: 12. A poor young carepnter dies. He closes his life in ignominy. Amid the jeers and contempt of the multitude he sinks into the grave. Bat from that moment commotion begins. The resurrection is declared. Forgiveness of sins in his name is preached; disciples are won; books are written; civilizations are touched; move-ments are inaugurated; persecutions, bloody and relentless, are waged. The fires of hate are kindled storms from all round the social, political and religious sky gather and howl and empty their fury upon the new faith. But nothing impedes it; fire can not hinder it; persecution only intensifies it; death does not alarm it, and growing deeper and intenser it spreads over the whole earth. From whence comes such overwhelming and tremendous force? From the ONE life lived among men which was all love, and was laid down as a sacrifice for sin. The life and death we think of when we say the name of Jesus Christ. In that name have been built millions of congregations, schools, colleges, homes, hospitals for the sick, shelters for the unfortunate, for the poor, for the or-phans; if they were burned down to- day, better ones would be begun to- morrow. Because of this name the world's calen-dar has been changed, a new date inaug-urated and made permanent, and a new day set apart for purtilic worship. . " The Name" has won and held through the revolution of the ages the undying love of the best and purest men and women in the world, and is the source of the sacrifice, heroism, good works, mar-tyrdom, patience, love and hope which has blessed humanity since the perfect sacrifice was offered. And as it was in the begining, so it is now, and ever will be the only " name" . . given among men, by which we can be saved. — Selected. Lyons, Ind. I feel it is my duty , and God's will, that 1 should write my testimony; it may encourage some weak heart, or be a help to some one on their way to heaven. When a sinner receives pardon of his sins, and he realizes there are greater heights yet to be attained, how anxious be is to get there all at once, and with-out the many crosses, trials, temptations, and obstacles that come in the way. After we have gone a short way, and think of the road we have gone over, we are led to thank God for not allowing us to have our own way. Those very trials have been preparing us for a closer walk with God. We each one have our own trials, some in one way, some in another. What is a trial for one is not a trial for another; but one thing, we must make up our minds to obey God it we expect a blessing. We may at times be led to do a thing that we can see no reason for doing; but God's ways are not our ways, and he wants a cheerful, obedient service. We too often look for the blessing before the work is done, that we may have more strength and courage; this is not right. We would not expect such service from a child, neither would oar ch Other/Unknown Material Mite ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Canada Moses ENVELOPE(-99.183,-99.183,-74.550,-74.550) Sion ENVELOPE(13.758,13.758,66.844,66.844) Myers ENVELOPE(170.033,170.033,-72.117,-72.117) Patience ENVELOPE(-68.933,-68.933,-67.750,-67.750) Luke ENVELOPE(-94.855,-94.855,56.296,56.296) Morrow ENVELOPE(-81.566,-81.566,50.550,50.550) Eternity ENVELOPE(-64.567,-64.567,-69.767,-69.767) Kon ENVELOPE(161.092,161.092,55.397,55.397) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Marvel ENVELOPE(159.367,159.367,-78.750,-78.750) Lied ENVELOPE(65.532,65.532,-70.502,-70.502) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) Titus ENVELOPE(169.033,169.033,-72.250,-72.250) Sphinx ENVELOPE(31.250,31.250,-72.350,-72.350) Valet ENVELOPE(151.050,151.050,61.917,61.917) Babel ENVELOPE(-61.401,-61.401,-63.885,-63.885) The Waist ENVELOPE(-61.404,-61.404,-64.639,-64.639) Judah ENVELOPE(-117.319,-117.319,56.150,56.150) Brimstone ENVELOPE(-57.850,-57.850,-61.933,-61.933) Pond Creek ENVELOPE(-136.254,-136.254,60.751,60.751)