The Gospel Trumpet - 08:20

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 We are once more obliged to call the at-tention of our readers to the fact that Ate. LETTERS not personal: that is, all letters containing business matter for TistiSie ET, Slosrau add...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Warner, D. S., Fisher, J. C.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Fisher, J. C. 1887
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
Fisher, J. C.
The Gospel Trumpet - 08:20
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 We are once more obliged to call the at-tention of our readers to the fact that Ate. LETTERS not personal: that is, all letters containing business matter for TistiSie ET, Slosrau addressed to GOSPEL TRUM-pa to insure prompt attention, and NOT to b. S. Warner, J. C. Fisher, or Sebas-tian gichels; for they are out in the field nearly all the time, and many times letters are Forwarded unopened : thus if they con-tain busbies matter, it is delayed, and souietimes forgotten. Also Ftroo NAME and POST OFFICE ad-dress must be given. For instance, one writes and signs his name Henry, another Jahn-, etc. Now we have many Henries sad Johns on the book, and many times three or four at the same place, and how are we to tell which Henry, or which John is writing? Answer. By giving your full one. Also, when the business is Ler- Wiling to the TRUMPET, you must give the same to which the paper is sent. For in-stance, the paper is sent to a man he • be-ing busy, his wife writes, and signs her own name : we are unable to find her name at that place. although the same mune may beat a neighboring Office. This causes trouble, and many mistakes. Also you must give POST OFFICE and STATE. For instance, one writes from La-favette; but fails to tell what State. How are we to tell what State, as nearly every State has a Post Office named Lafayette ? Others write, giving the name of County, or Township in which they live, but fail to give their Post Office. It is the POST OFFICE and STATE that we want to know. Now the people must observe this notice, or we are not responsible if your orders are not filled, or for mistakes in credits. By observing these rules, you will save us a great deal of precious tune and expense, which is much needed in other ways. May the Lord bless you all is our prayer. J. A. Spaulding. Foreman. n1kgo Tc. 1 halt BOY the TRU: 1P LET and go with ? chirZwinds" ATTENTION. + 116- 2 ■ • ehraA vaninndgg ea lgf trceeora mtt hpeeO sdeWo twehrin; n agfnr rod ms tah wHe: e mea4ovrtethnh-was lightened w ith His glory. And He cried / nightly with astrong voice. saving, baboon the great is fallemis fatten, and is become the habitation oudevils. anla the hold of every font sapnidr ith. a atenfdu l: Lb icradr. e AOnf de vIe rhye uanrcdlean other voice from hettveft, saying, come out of her, tny people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye re-ceive not of her plagues- 11er 180- 4. Orandjunelion Mich., ranuary I 887. Yobinze 8 Alunzber ? g0. amuel Martz. under all circumstances, and glory in trio-ahaion also. I long for the time to come when I can engage in another meeting: it is like a lire shut up in my bones. We t: it appointment at Collins, and when we arrived, there was 2L goodly number there and a reprobate preacher. We thought there would he a hard fight,. but ' hid he all the glory. When we began to read the 4th chapter of Micah, the Lord cleared the way and sent the truth with power, that it caused the tears to flaw from the eyes of some sectarians, and there etas : Le most profound attention from all in the house, save one young man Praise our God . for the victory! We wait to goto Churubuscoind. as alien as possible. . By ,• the help of God, will give those disunited brethren the • wtin4 sirai: rliteninff up they have ever had. We received a letter trom my wife's aunt hear Bourboun. She Was at that F. AL camp meeting at Blue River and heard my- testiniony, and praise God, she has re-, noimced sects, and is glorniusly saved. May God bless you abundantly, foi Jesus' sake, is sly daily prayer. Henry Smith. PITTSVILLEt PA. • Dear Brethren:- My testimony is, I am ' saved sanctified, and redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Praise • God forever and ever y He was faithful and just to forgive ale of 1111 my sins, such as chewing and smoking tobacco, and drinking Whisky, and cursing and - swearing, and all . such • Praise the Lord forever and ever! fair saved from all sill, and sanctified wholly to the Lord. Your Bre. in Christ. THE TWO WOMEN. HE Revelation represents two women, one is the true Church of God, the Lamb's. Wife the other is all the sect de-nominations which call themselves church-es, she is called by the Word of God, Mys-tery, Babylon the great. The true Church of God - is the Lamb's Wife; and she is a pure woman, who is clothed with the glory of the Sun. She is made up of the redeemed of the Lard; and She is a glorious Church, . not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing but she is holy and without blemish. All that are in her are members of Christ's Body, of His flesh, and of His bones. For this cause a man- shall forsake all, anti the Lord shall add him to the Church, and Christ and the Church though twain shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery, but, it is according to the Word of God. So We, being many, are one body in Christ. and God bath set‘ us in the Church as it hath pleased Him, and He adds to it daily such as are being saved. Oh praise the Lord! for such a glorious Church. Pollee ye the Lord : for the Lord God Omnipo-tent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to Him : for the marriage of the Lamb is come. and His Wife bath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white; for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. There is another woman in the world which has a name written upon. her fore-. head, which is this, Mystery, Babylon the great, The mother of harlots, and aboini- II root of all evil." Then it is evident : that they , have the rootof- allevil in them. The preceding has- been the description of two women; one is the Church olChrist; the other is sect babylon. Which one do you want to be a part off Choose ye this day whom ye will serve. May God help you to keep clear from loahylon, and if you have already- been ensnared into her, as a great many honest people have, you should listen to the voice of God which says, " Come out of Iter,- my people, that ye be not partakers of tier sins, and that ye receive not of her : plagues. For her sins have reached unto Heaven, and God Math remembered her . iniquities."- Rev. 4, 5. . Againdle. says, " Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers." " Come out from among - them, pith . the Lord, and touch not the uneleanthin g • and I will receive you, and will be a Father. unto you, and ye shall be my. sons and daugh-ters, saith the Lord Almighty."- 2 Cosh' 6: 14, 17, 18. I will give you a few rules to distin-guish these two women, or the true Church of Christ, from the sects which constitute Mystery, Babylon the „ great. It will be well for the reader to consider these rules, and see if they tire not according to the Word of God. ( Rule 1st.) The true Church has Christ. for its Head, " and He is the Head of the Body, the Church whois the beginning-, the First- born from the dead that in all thinga He -, night have - the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him „ should ail fulness dwell,"- Col. 1: 18, 19. " Christ is the Head of the Church : and re •* And ire shall send His angel, with a great sound of a Trumpet, nod they shall gather together Ins elect from the four winds, ( in one end of heav- 1 to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, anti putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise re, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near. even at the doors."- Matt. 24: 51- 55. commandments of men. For laying aside the commandments of God. ye hold to the tradition of men. Ye reject the command-ments of God that ye may keep your own tradition."- Mark 7: 7- 9, - ( 6) The true Church is composed only of the redeemed, and no sinner can get into it until he is cleansed by the blood of Christ, for it is walled up by the walls of salvation. Thou ahalt call thy walls sal-vation, and thy gates praise.- Isa. 60:- 18. " Salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks."-- Isa. 26: 1. And they shall tall them the " holy people, the redeemed of the Lord."- Isa.- 62: 12. According as He hath chosen - us in th in before the foundation - of the world, that we : should be holy, and without blaine before Him in love.- eEph. 1: 4. While on the other hand, sect babylon basbeemne the habita-tion of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. All kinds of sinners are in hest, and they cannot cease from sinning. More- than half the woridlings in this country are members of sect babylon. ( 7) The true Church is bound togeth-er by love.' While sect babylon is not united, but they are divided, and - each sect halds to their own creed and class book. ' Every kingdom divided against- itself is brought to desolation and every city, or house divided against itself shall not stand.- Matt. 12: 25. - Babylon is fallen, is fatten, that ' great city, because she made all nations drink of the * Me of the wrath of her fornication."- Rev. 14: 8. 0 how I praise God for saving me out of babylon. and for placing me in the true Church of God. E. G. Wickersham, PRAY WITHOUT CEASING RO. H. C. Key writes us of a dispu-tation he had with some Milkers. They contend a woman must wear a cover-ing, or cap, citing this Scripture, " Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered dishonoreth his head hut every woman. that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered, dishonoreth her head." To which Bro. Henry very aptly replied, " If - that proves that a woman must not pray- without t cap on her head, it also proves that a man must go bare- headed al-ways. The Scriptures enjoin that " men pray , always," and " pray. without ceas-ing." Now if he must never pray with his heed covered, and yet must pray with-out ceasing, he must always go bare- beaded. -' Well said, Bro. Henry, I hope you will pray always, cover or no cover. DANIEL. received A TESTIMONY. VANDERBILTM OH. , DEAR BRETHREN :- I your paper and enjoyed the reading very much. - I read it all , through and lent it to' a friend. I ain harmouy - with all the truths' that you set forth, and rejoice to know that some- one does practice the Word, instead of. a cold formality which is everywhere so prevalent. I love the truth of John 3: 5, and Rom. 6 S4, also the ordinance of John 13: 14, 15. I am - a hater. of tobacco and ail kinds of liquor- do not use tea, for it's a stimulant., and not a nourishment. I am a lover of plain dress and pure god-liness. This is an outline of my present principles, aild. I - expect in the future they will grow stronger.: Modern babyl. ni is he- confusion a. beliefs so wide- spread in these- lastdaye. If we ' look fel' reforma-tion,: we look in vain, for evil men and se-ducers will wax worse and worse. A few acattered ones will come out if they are reached by the sentinels of true Zion. May the blessed- One above impress us to appl y - our hearts to wisdom, so we will. do our part faith fully. May God lead you into all truth. Amen! There never was a time of go many professors of Christian-ity, and such wide- spread infidelity. What comfort: do find in - Isaiah 40: 12- 15 A180 the signs of the times are a ue ■ ttik.,, E; of last days, as shown by 3. al chap. of 2nd Tim., which is clearly demohst rated before our eyes in the pop-ular churelteF;; because the 5th Yr . reads, Hating a form:; of godliness, but deuy- * h e?, thereof. 1 cloSe - with'Iove CHRIST, OUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN. -: 0:- CiIIIRITBUSCO Dear Brethren:.-- This evening finds us well. Praise . God for health of soul and body! Our children have been sick with the sore throat, and our faith was very much tried. . We were both determined - not to call an earthly Physician. Our little son Orry got very bad, so we Payed hands on hint in the name of the Lord, and soon the fetes left him, and he wanted some food. Ho ate hearty, and we could uot praise erind enough for Iiis wonderful goodness 10 us. Since the meeting at Lake Center, Ole Sun has not none down at our hone. My wife is tint: as a rock, regardless of relatives turning against us: [' muse God fallen. Flee fornication. Every sin that for a salvation that enables us to stand a man doeth is without the Body: : but he Lions of the earth. She is a great citystind He is the Savior of the i Body."- Eph. 5: she has made all nations drink of the - vine 23, God has put all thtga under the feet of the wrath of her fornication. She snit"' of Christ, and gave Hinyo be bead over. in her heart, I sit a queen, alid. am no all things to the Church, svhicli is His widow, and shall see no sorrow. She sa. y -',, Bo d tyl, f, uleln e sfs sIt IHi- m t lt at fi ll et s Iall I will now open the door, and you must in all.- Eph. 1: 22. come in and be a part of me, and have While in sect babylon 1 en appoint men your name - written aown and placed iii * to be head over what they call the- Church. the cup which I hold in my hand. The ( 2) You can no. t the trueC Chhurcchh;; Word of Goa calls her a harlot, a whore, butt he Lord can add- you to it, and will a fornicator, and an adulteress, and says if y ou will Live Yourself to Him and obey that Christians must not be jollied to her Him. eAnd the Lord added to theChurch for Christians are members of Christ. We dailysileh as should be saved."-- e- Acts 2: must not take the members of Christ and ass While on the other hand, yon can make them the members of t harlot. God join any division of sect babylon you will not allow it. , What ! Isnow_ ye not choose, and you . can join a different sect that he - which is joined to. harlot is our - or denomination each winter if you- are so body? for two s aith lie, shall be one flesh. , ti posed. And each: one thinks : fie much But he that is joined unto the Lord is One of his sect'as a heathen does ' of his idol. Spirit- 1t we are a sit ooll) er of Christ, aod '" Ephraini is joined to hiS idols . : let him join ourselves to sect. babylon, we become ,0 0naes - a. fornicator, Ant, We must fall for sheds ( 3) In t he true Church your name. is. ecorded only ut the Lamb's bookof life which is in Heaven. .1- tejoice because that comthitteth fornication sinneth against year namesa. are written. in • Heaven. - Luke his own body. What! know ye not tint 10: .20. Heb. 12: 23, While in sect bab-your body is the temple of the Holy ylon they keep a record on what they call Ghost which is in you; which ye have of a class book, of every one that joins them God, and y e are not your- own ? For ye and receives the mark of the beast in the are bought with a price: therefore glorify hand. All that wo • ship. the beast, have God in your body, and in yonr spirit w hich mit their Dailies writtenin the - Lamb'e are God'- s,-- 1. ' Loy. 6: 15- 20 Ye are hook ofyife. __ Rf- v. 1:,?;: S. Christ's, and Christ is: God's.- 1 Col. 3: 23. ( 4) . The true. Citurch of Christ is organ- Even- Christian belongs to Christ, and He ized hi God through the Holy Spirit, and has no right to join any par tottf sect bah " God hath set the members . every one of. yl • them in the Body, as it pleased Hint." Til t The sects ( so ca died Churc hes) of to- da ,‘ And " Gol hath tempered the Botit to-ail in friendship with I he world, and g, 2ther," and the Spirit shows to us our are world loves thesis, therefore they are calling, " dividing to every man severally, God, for the world loves his own.-, Itte as He wills."- 1 Cor. 12: 11 18 ' 24. of 15: 19. '" Ye adulterers and adulteresses. While every, part, or division of sect bab-know ye not that. the friendship of tie organized by men, and the mem- Whosoever bets ale placed .) y. men .0 suit themselVes, world is enmity with God ? therefore will be the friend - of the world, according as they think it will be most s the etn of Gmoes a4: 4d. vaandvatntaaggeeoouuss to their sect, . and br i ing in Love not the world, neither the thing the most money, 411( 1 be the . most popular that are in the World. If. any man love to the world. . . the world, the love of the Father is not in ( 5) . The true , Olirch of Christ takes hi- m. For all that is in the world, the lust the whole of the New Test arrient of rt hthene. of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and onlyguide, land liv. es by ever y word that pro-, the pride of life, is not of the Father, but ceedeth out of the Mouth , of God,. but they is of the world. And the world passelh donot. regard the creeds apt' dOCtritieS ni away, and the lust thereof: but he that men. .' While in sect babylon each sect doeth the will of God abided). forever.- has some particular creed to go by, and they : Y in not take the whole of the New 1 Johu 5: s e1c5t- d1e7n. omination loves the wor ld Testament for their guide and . they do Every and tries to please the world, and they try not think the Word of God is. sfuficient to to get the wealthy, in preference to, the oav• erii them, therefore they' , follow after poor, to join them, so that they can par- the doctrine and commandments of men, zny take of their worldliness; they love money., Christ sivs, 6.4ow beit, in vain ' do they, and weadng of success to youa _ but God says, " The love of money is the ) worship me, teaching ' for ( 1Oct: shies the Emma A. Lyon. BE YE FOLLOWERS OF GOD AS DEAR CHILDREN. -: 0: OLLOW peace with all men and holiness, without which no man shall - see the Lord." As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the fernier lusts in your ignorance, but as He which bath called you is holy, so he ye holy in all manner of conversation. Be-cause it is written, be ye holy for I am holy. And if ye call on the • Father, who without respect of persons judgeth accord-ing to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear : tor ss much as ye know that ye were not redeemed With corruptible things, as silver and gold. from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blond of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot. Be y., e therefore follov. ers of God as dear child-rem and walk in love, as Christ hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us, an of-fering and a sacrifice to • God for a sweet smelling savour_ But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you as becometh saints. Neither bithinesselor foolish talk-ing, nor jesting, which are not convenient, ( consistent) but rather giving of thanks. For the time passed of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gen-tiles." For the time is conic that judg-ment must begin at the house of God, and it' it first begin at us, what shall the end be of then that obey not the Gospel of God ? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear." 0 may we all be just. what God would have us beeramingeom• lives by His," who did no sin, neither was guile found in His niooth, and has left us an example that we should follow in His steps." Oh bow Many professed christians indulge in light conversation. „ For our conversation is in Heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ : who shall change our vile body, that it nay be fash-ioned like unto His glorious body, accord-ing to the working whereby he is able ev-en to subdue all things unto Himself.- Phil. 3: 20, 21. Let your conversation be as it becometh the Gospel of Christ.--- Phi 1: 27. " Therefore, my brethren, dearly '.-, eloved and longed foreny joy and crown, so stand last in the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. Let your conversation he known unto all men, the Lord is at hand.' Be careful for noth-ing, but in every thing by prayer and sup-plication with thanksgiving let your re- ( rests be made know,, unto God, who giveth to all nice liberally and npbraideth not." We, as God's children, must have our lives eotrespond with the Wert of God, and be examples for the youn! •. Paul to Tim., " Let HO Mail despise thy youth, but. be I lion an example of the believers, in word, it: eenversat ion, in charity, in spirit, in faith. in purity:" Jests says, . " Every idle word that man shall speak, they shall give an account thereof in the day ofjudg-ment." For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned," - Paul to Titus, " In all things , showing thyself a pattern of good works, in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech that cannot be condemned, that. he that is of a contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you. For the grace of God that. bringeth salvation bath. appeared to all men, teach-ing us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, right-enusly, and godly in this present world." " For the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the which the Heav-ens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. See-ing then that all these things shall he dis-solved, what manner of person ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godlh-ness. Looking for and hastening unto the day of Ged, wherein the Heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements With fervent heat." Wherefore beloved, seeing that ye look rot- such things, be dilligent, that ye may be found of Him in peace, without spot and blameless. Your. sister complete in all the will of God, THE HABBATFt TRACT* THE SABBATH, WHICH D. 1Y 70 KEEP. DM LE Proes that the. change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself. This tract contains 64 pages : the price reduced to only 10 cts. Per dozen $ 1.00. God has enabled us , to set forth the subject i ii the clear tight of abundance of Scripture. So every reader orthe TRUMP-ET• can glorify God in sending your orders for this Tract. - This will also be a good fi-nancial help to spread other matter tor the Lord. LOANED - BOOKS. Welave loaned Out- quite a number off boOks, to accommodate brethren and friends; but in so doing we have lost trace of smile. Hence we make, this call to any one that has of Our books to let us know. Among the lost are, ,' Mad aro G tiyon,' two volumes, Upham's " Life of Faith," and . , Interior Life." " Randall's Travels - in E- . gypt, Sinai, and the Holy Land; - or- the Hand writing of God." SONGS oy VICTORY. . CA40 IX,. XXNEafx, " ots•- 110., ttiVe: itead in the Bthle that . iraniiii*,: the" truth': and the life - no ilian:. Oft ' thito the Father hilt by Me." .: eit. 4; h: 11' 4116. This Scripture seems to have ' MO to do with Ate.; kornh worship of the Virgin Mary, and the saints; at the same tircki: t strikes at the root the wor-ship of thIt4world before which t he peOple Cliicaftare bowing every day. The other day, there came suddenly, in the morning. a thia cloud, which spread darkness and terror over the city of Chi-eago. This was a real picture of the dark-ness of the- inhabitants of this wicked city. " The Light came into this world ( John 6: 1 ) and the. darkness comprehendedit not. He came- lint° His own, and His own re-ceived Hith not," and why ? Because men Jove darkhiss rather than light. So it is in Chicago; Those that are sent to preach His Word faithfully,— Jer. 22: 28, 29 the . --- We geppeople eon verted and wholly sane- --, . o.' ng six 1e .3O2daff. dearbreft. hren have . 11„ r "- -.' Lagrange _ e tifie emd na make a lull surrender of themselves at the South- west of s , in which ,„ al altar. Chicago` needs more workers. Come ne' 4 preaeli Jesus the people. d. Every eveninga we have souls who to the home of Br Spo , borhood we expect to stop a few days, a0 along " Trumpeters," we want you with to your " Songs of Victory" to make such music on the streets of Chicago, as to a-waken its. inhabitants, its slumbering shep-herds, greedy dogs, blind watchmen, too lazy to walk, to preach for the sake of souls, too lazy to live. Come along, sol-diers of the Cross, and make Chicago trem. ble under the voice of the Trumpet-. P. A. Seguin. 177, West Van Buren St. Chicago, III. THE ZfIZFEI TRUMPET, A SZMI- 1401ITELT HOLINESS AR ompriviTira, x. A. laicIkx., AN. Se- nt Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Chri,: t For the Purity a- nd Unity - of Ms Church, the fl-toe of . A. LL Jai*/ Truth, And the Destruction GL Sect Bab-ylon. PITBLISIIED AT M1OTIO11, MCt a wAILVER, and - T. C. FISHER,--- Ed tb B FiSHER,--- Publisher. SEI34STIAN MiCRELS,— Business Manager. TERMS, $ 1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. Remittances should be sent by Registered Letter, or Express Order, through the American, or the United States Express 0o. Small amounts may be sent in Two Cent Stamps. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEG TRUMP1T. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. orParties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts. • far'IS YOUR TIME OUT? The C' 088 marked with a pencil op-posite this item nzeans that your paid subffiption is out. When thus marked please renew at once, or, if the Irumpet i$ not desired longer, notify us to stop it. We must be notified by letter and the amount due its ( 18 back pay must be sent to us, when a subscriber wishes ther paper di'scontinued. . An. t, one who does wt receive their paper, shouZd notify us at once, and it will receive prompt attention. _ address) G- TCt, 72, d; jiwiction. Entered at the Post Office at Growl Junction, Yon BurenCo. Mich., as second class matter. ( CHRIST IS THE BODY THE CHURCH.' A tract containing scripuralproofs that Christ _ Himself is the Church, and the Church. is Christ. It is doing a glorious work. Many write favorably of the light it is sheddin g. Or-ders are increasing; send on your orders. Price 5 cents. One dozen copies. $ 0.50. Fifty copies " $ 1.75. , SECO: 4' T') EDITI. O. N. E have completed the Second Edi-lion Of Songs of Victory. te . Which we I ave . added five new - pages, three pa-ges with notes, and two of familiaishymns. The book now contains 94 pages Nyio soaes, and 14 pages or familiar _ hymns, making ill all 112 pages. We- have Other-wise - ituproVed mid corrected alSO put dnId} le impreE- Sien on the colr. F113, and- the clot h covers are so laeind : that there will he Po More taw edges, and the lei tering expected to - wear retaitt . lito color. Songs of Victory is specially*• adapteil for Rival, Camp, Grove, and all other meetings, also for the Sabbath school. All orders accompanied by will he filled, from single copyupward. s'as Price, Single copy, Manilli: 66770X Ct13. Cloth limp cover, 40 cts. Pekt: do**: nilla cover, $ 2.25. Clops ,$, 00. e s Parties may order haffiniequaTier dei-en at same rates as per dozen. . Addrees all orders to the GOSPEL TKUMPET'OFFICE. Grand- JUlletion Mich. ill1• 11111111 ‚ 116121` N 0 T I U E. As yet this place has not procured the privilege of a money order office. Please remit money by registered letter, or bs express draft, through the American, or the United States Express Co. Or small quantities iii stamps. Address all businessletters to the GOSPEL. TRUMPET. Our Address. Our address until further notice is as follows. D. S. WARNER, BEA V ER DAM IND. J". C. FISHER, NEW PITTSBURG, IND. SEBASTIAN MICHELS, SOUTH HAVEN MICH. REQUESTS FOR PRAYERS. 0:— WINFIELp, KAN. GOSPEL TRUMPET. I ask ail the holy people that read the TRUMPET, ' to pray l'or my son Arthur. He is possessed of an evil spirit. At times he is vicious, and threatens to kill all who conic in his way. We tried to get him in the State Asylum for the Insane, but he was rejected because we had lived in the State so Short a time. Be was kept in jail two nights: but he got hurt, so we took him out. and Dow have him on our hands, with no one to look to but God. I am kept at home to take care of him, and cannot work at my trade. I mu in need of help. Any one sending us assistance will receive our prayers, and God will bless you. Pray that God will save and heal my boy, To God be all the glory! If led of the Lord, will Bro. War-ner and band send us a handkerchief by mail, with the power of'God to cast out the evil spirit. I am sanctified wholly just now. Amen! Isaac Pennington. Pray God to heal Sister Sharp, of La-clede AU'. of great bodily ' afflictions, and give her the fulness of the Spirit of God. ARCOLA IND. I Dear Brethren:— We are greatly a1-- 1 flicted. Three of us bed- fast at once. Our I little babe is very sick with Scarlet fever and Dropsy. Pray earnestly that we may be healed. Your Bro., E. K. 3feirges. Sister L. Carpenter of Attica Ohio, re-quests all the saints- to pray for her heal-ing of a Cancer. Earthly physicians can do no mere. All pray , for her. Let all the saints pray for dear Mother Krause of Beaver Dam Ind., who is very sick. Pray for Bro. Laughlin, Odon Ind., that he may be healed of Asthma. Also pray for Sister . Laughlin's consumption. NOTICE. All persons writing their testimony_ of healing must sign their name and Post Office address plainly if they wish it pub-lished. JOSEPH. Lour, Omo. Dear Brethren:— The Lord bless you with all Spiritual blessings, in Heavenly places. Praise the Lord for full salvation! " 0 it's glory in my soul:" Hallelujah! Je-sus saves me now. I want some TRUMPETS for distnbution, the last one is rich. 0 it is so glorious to have the Lord reigning in my soul. 0 hallelujah to His name ' Praise the Lord forever! Your Bro.' washed in the blood, and walking' with Jesus; healing Cyrus Mohler. Lord's message,— Hag. 1: 13. Whatsoever I have commanded you,— Matt. 28: 19,20. Justification and sanctification by faith,— Acts 26: 17, 18. Warning against false reaching,—. Deut. 29: 29. Those that are sent to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ are to- day, as of Ohl Chased and hunted like bettelii of prey. " Ye shall be reviled, ye shall be hated, toned, and put to death," is true to- day as in the days of the primitive Church, We have no need to cross the Ocean to find barbarians, and meet with Pagans— idol worshipers. We have plenty of that stuff right here. I would even go further, saying, they are worse than Africans, for the Teaser; that clothed. with the cloak of religion, having a certain form of godli-ness, having the name of being chrtstians, having creeds and rites, going to church, profesSing Christ, they worship the devil, cluing tor us at. t his place. We wore h thiNs opwoi n* te. t• h eWr eE adrieto hr, e Ir ew, aan sem. taoll cboamnde otof - ot . going South to work for Lhe Lord. IgelIcal workers. We feel called of yet work wonders here. The Lord is add- . ( i) d to cry aloud in the name of our dear Savior: Repent: repent, - -- - h-- all all likewise perish : we feel ordained of God, reached my household. Also Bro. Millee's, and Bro. ttrie's. Moilier U. lett happy in the Savior's love last night, having found salvation. Brother Hill is with us, preaching the Word straight. Glor y be to God IC here in tWo stations: name's _ sa, lug to the Church, daily sueh as are being! Gooding, whom God has called to preach the GGospel, had been for. some time , with-drawn from the sanctifying altar of God,- here made his final consecration to the Lord, and claimed the all- cleansing blood. May God wonderfully fill and use him in turning souls to righteousness. for Hi ke ft BRUSHY PRAIRIE; LAGRANGE CO. IND. - DECEMBER 14. Praise God! we have had victory in our meetings here. sWe continued _ holding meetings in that place, in a public hall 9 days. There were several restored who had lost their faith in the Lord, and sanc-tified wholly. One family escaped out of babylon, and were , wholly sanctified to God. Dear Bro's. Yoder, and Greenewalt and their kind families - live near this lit-tle burg; and are running a large farm. If the Lord they desire a grove or camp meeting. next year. They have very beau-tiful shady groves, near springs and aproo, runs, a delightful place to serve the Lord. A fewsdays ago, we moved the meeting three Miles west, to the house of Bro. Par-ker Gooding ' where we held meetings Saturday night,' Sabbath, and Monday night. Several made a- deeper eonsecra- URBANA KAN., Nov. 29 Dear Brethren.-- May the richest of Heaven's blessings rest upon you. I have just returned home from Woodston Rooks Co. Kan. We ' had a glorious meeting, and victor y on the side of the Lord. Some six or eight sanctifiedwholly, and many oth-era seeking. The whole country is stirred for miles around. These came out of old babylon. Hallelujah! I have a great many more calls than I can possibly fill. 0 how I wish you were here to push the glorious battle on with me. Pray fOr me, and my companion, she is not well. I remain your free Brother forever in Christ Jesus, and built in the Ohureh f the First- born. Hallelujah to Jesus! John P. Hauer. JE RRY CITY, 0., DEC. 6. Dear Brethren:— May the Lord bless you more and more. 0 glory to God, in the highest! Let the loud sounding cym-bals sing and rejoice as you read this. 0 praise God! my children are all saved, and happy in Jesus. 0 glory to God ! Bro's. Spacky, Lea, and I, met at Bro. Goier's, west of Weston, Nov. 27th,. and held meeting over Sabbath 28. Five souls were saved, two of which were sanctified. 0 praise the Living God! for the fire I feel in My bones. Dec. 10, we begin a meeting at brother Wm. Long's in the same vicinity. We be-lieve- God wilt take the country there. Amen! Your Bro. saved and sanctified, • and - kept by the power of God. Wm. II. Miller. — : 0:— JERRY CITY. 0. DEC. 6. Dear Brethren:— I praise God that you are having such glorious victory. Praise our God forever and ever, for what Hi" is saved. 0 glory to God ! Salvation haA but at present it seems that the Lord will XVITS TIZOM TM MD P. Spackey. drent came to the altar the Lord ? wised their little hearts, and they wept-- forK Some, were so convicted that ther 4/ 0' and were about to cry tor mercy, whelIthii6 devil got so, ne of his children to ar ise an .( 11hraegn apioitoir- cshirnissticmkisin° sulwa litmeal tlhleed, h irtsel . rsnoulfuda eJdusutisce tof tshteeppeacses, yianrje.: Pal?".‘ FOWLER, Mmie DO. Dearly Beloved Saint sW:— e sitiZtOVe and filled with the Mighty Jesus. 1 lujah I We left Lafayette, Gratio the 29th of Nov. Before - leaving an ordinance meeting at Bro. Fr . ves's the best I ever witnessed. ,.; mighty power of God melted us like The. ' hole room was an altar, and to were found on . their knees; some we weeping, while others were ' praising -( Pd affnadi l esliitokiitittiiintgo t jii, e3sigIsloIries of free salvation We arrived at sister Sarah SinilVsi ° I' mile North, and two miles West offirler Tuesday, the last day of the MouthOola' tnenced meetings that night in 014001 othlioml: t1 § 1. aev i'sciePi iirt 3n1::,: c. naiebi0seertsti. hte) ylt; ivie'lluv ivalog'friodr1: 1( 1.;: oiini tells us that there will be anti- ohY' the last days. So it, is now everrrlere; there were two at this meeting,.: 04'°' n who said he had preached iii. st). 4,01' e s chool- house, talked about the ged: 404. ture, but denied the Christ. Was in us in great power On Ler4jg; 43, Y1' /. 44 In the evening the house was : 414. t. if' 1" and the Lord led us to . preach • sifrp. I. Ii.! 1:'," 10: 3. The power of God was Sinners wePt and trembled.:. * iiiittliP; —: 017- -: 0:- ANTTWWEERRPP,, 0. DFA Praise God ! we are havine. glo • meetings in Bro. Henry Sweet's house, The wicked, stoned dowa the door the eteez night. Bro. Sweet Ailed it up, praising the Lord. Bro. Kilpatrick stopped Preach. ing the door was fixed, then he pou ed down the words of eternal truth, by the Holy Praise God for salvation full and free even arSnupa run nin g agsiei across fairrieests. s Ti nr e river. o' rl .' if a s o l U. Resler. iedefv ri1 Niivsfe ei iiseco oitr sectish spirits in the house looked as Wan as if they took in the whole Word of God Your Bro. in Christ Jesus. T SEDAN, EAL N DE; An BRETHREN IN Unitkrr: hle,, s you with all 8pirit nal hie I rill) here at Sedan eommet jug in the city, Nov. St In, ' 86, in of King Jesus. God sent Ilro. Smith ut Longton, to assist in the• ie ing. Glory to God! for haptizai We are thundering the straight .: glosp e ears of the pet tpl e, and stotae led men are melting before the miglt 1 truth of ( loch thi l ha luj ah to ( 40. for tory through our Lord Jesus ehri We expect to go front here t. o. Valley, 5 miles East ( Where, the Lartwit ing. The Lord save the people kr 4esu sake. We don't know how loot tkaine ing will continue here; the LoOl Pray for us, beloved. Your savailBro in Christ Jesus. Ame n ! John 11. Orr & Charles B. Sara Sweet's Saturday night. Glory thaeoi the Lord blessed our coming togetliatA Sabbath, the Lord tilled Bro. Kitpittrie and I1D spike as the Spirit gayeltWette auee. ( 40d saved two souls. Ag on poor, blind sectarian came to the' elt when told hy one, through the Spilt, h real condition, she vonf• s . ied it vreeso, an had been for three ears. But inood getting salvation. She, took her sha Such is the power of he sect -* pi that ft. can Vscape ironi it. Baton' on Wednet- iloy nt,: ht. we Lad 144134 Bro. , i. N. Howard's, and two settkitt ! I saved. Praise God I Mil woodiru saved. and tilled with the pow. ee:, 41_ 1 ke; WoRSTVILLR, 0. D 10, Dsen BenruttEN:— I feel gloriatuege soul this morning. hallelujah! qi) e h become my salvetion Bro. Rittititrit inyeelf, and seven other dear sale* \- eel iver to the. Church of God westvk An werp, arid opened fire on the eneintigB -: o:— W. Roidtd, • • DAN/ Et4 a 4: 11 1 1 KI to the uttert I who seem te be of the house of Go- d, byS e_ GoDd efoarr BretWhroernd , p rita dyo feosr musy, stohualt , g otiotd rind serve detils 61' every description, es- tmo aayll mathk ee duesa sre usfauiln inte , s aavnidn ge sspteeaclias. ll yL eyvoku? pecially the gods of the flesh, of pride, of - dear little company. I money, as We find all these devils in the churches of eYeryProteetent denomination. Because Geo is ordering us topreach 11E6 Gospel to every human creature wher- I ever we find one because God is telling I US to go in the highways,. and hedges, and compel them to come into His I to come into this Ninevale lilting up our I voices like Trumpets to show the. people lof Chicago their transgressions, and their. sins, and We ' are stoned, pelted, and bated p ost d b ? By t : an y tom Proteat a n ts, by people w ho p r each Christ, aaren alsadol soitnneg h- ere. We rejoice in it : it is a good wok. The Church of Christ will always be the Church of the few : " little flock." To be a true Christ-ian, a follower ot Christ, is to be holy, ep-arate from sinners, is to be a " stand alone in God." Glory ' be to God ! to Jesus! house, that, it might be filled; because God co_ mmands us to go to the poor, Matt. 11: 5; to the Lord's people--- Isa. 58: 1; in the houses,— Mark 11: 1, 2; as ye sit at nieat— Mark 15: 17; in the corn- fields— Mark 2: 23- 28; by the sea- side— Mark 4: 1; as ye work by the way— Mark 11: 19; 26 : while inspecting fine buildings— Mark 13: 1, 2; where you are— Dent. 7: 6- 9. Because we are obeying God rather than man, our civilPosti Grand Master. the May-or, Harrison, and host of ungodly Alder-men and l'olicemen, seconded by a herd of unconverted Protestant, ministers, are sending us orders_ never to appear on the 81 reels, never to sing, pray, or say a word concerning Christ, even on the threshold of our own doors. The Free Masons, Odd- fellows, Roman Catholics etc., are permitted to exhibit all their idols, march in procession, blockade the streets, stop the business, and be a nuisance all over the city: the anarchists are permitted to go there together, have pie- riles, and throw bombshell; but the followers of Christ are forbidden to praise the name of God,_ or preach His Gospel- on the streets. " If- you do it," says Ebersold, the chief Polite, " you will be arrested." Do you understand now, readers of the GOSPEL TRUMPET, how Chicago is in dark-ness ? Why don't you come to our rescue, you people that stand in Christ, you dear saints, and help us. Ye strong in the Lord, strong in numberif, we will march to Zion through the gates of Chicago. If you cannot help- tis by your presence help, us by your ineaba, and your prayers. on, antid were blessed of God. Bro. Rohl. ltf MASON MICH. Dear Taufnerr Readers :— Yeti can hardly realize how glad I am to hear from you ' thieittih the TRUMPET. May God bless you of the Bible, and the inany testimonies of the saints. My testimony is that / am rejoicing in a full and free salvation. I belong to the Church of the First- born, and I know piy name is written in Heav-en. I am saved and sanctified through the truth. May the blessings - of Heaven rest down upon you for Jesus' saae. Your Brother,: FREMONT MICH. Dear Brethren:— May the good Lord bless and keep you all, is my prayer. 0 praise His name forever more! My testi-mony is that I am saved and sanetified just new, and kept by the power of Gad. I am on the sea, of glass mingled with fire.: Pray for us that the Lord may use us in the salvatioli of many precious souls. Isaac M. Gray. WARD MINN. Dear Brethren:— We can say _ to the glory of God that we are saved in Jesus. Praise His holy namel We are havingour trials and persecutions, and we want all the saint to pray for us. WO have been preaching the straight Word of God, and E. M. 1.{ Ar.'; 11. BURKETTSVILLE 0. , Dear Brethren :— I praise God for sal-vation full and free. Last evening we ' it is starring up the sects. There are only four that are out of babylon, and on - the straight Word of God. One sister is going to be a terror to evil doers. Glory to God . S W i I held a meeting at Bro. John Christy's of 1.- nd the Lamb forever for M onderful this place, and witnessed the presence of idle LOrd in mighty power. ' One sectarian YounBro. and sister paved and tried as who had been preaching sectarianisrn for charged tile people with mes_ • T OM . inerism, or electricity, that they could not Aim) it. Ofcourse the poor sinners could DO island the power of God, neither can sat miserable anti- christ stand the judg-ment day. We asked God for light, and lie showed us there WAS nothing there to build on , except a few children, and some young people. But the parents would not iet them come to Christ. So we shake the diistfrom our feet, and leave them. We pest to hold a few meetings, and then 4ron South if God permits. YOUP Bro's. se. ved, sanotified, and kept without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. Win. N. Smith & J. Shelly. 000 orrespondence. —: o:— WOODSTON, K. Dear Brearen:-- -- How glad I am to hear yoirsound the clear notes of the GOSPEL TEUMPET; • I Rm made acquainted with you through Bro. J. P. HanerWholas been labathig arming us a few days. It has not been an uncertain sound we have heard. have been saved and sanctified over 21. years, but have worn the galling sect yoke until it has taken my head off, and tan dead indeed unto all sects. I lave been a sect member for thirty years : but Or. the last few years I have felt the sect life ebbing out. About six weeks fon) Bro. Brooks was giving me a report from the Fall Conference dwelling largely on one brother's failing to obey discipline,. in be-ing 3ubjec1. Jo the powers that be. I said, in reply, Bro. Brooks, such works as that make me feel like taking my name off the sect book. The sect I belonged to, ( Wes-leyan Methodist) professes to believe in holiness, but for years, A hen giving testi-mony of the saving power of Jesus' blood, I have been responded to in such a sar-castic, critical way, that I almost lost the ace by failing to give straight testimony. 0 ' how I groaned for deliverance, being burdened, but did not know how to get free, though long since my sect has been no more to me than any other, and I have taken the saved ones in the various sects or my brethren and sisters, and have of-tea decided to come out wholly on the . hora's side and now I thank God that He has sent Bro. Hauer here to preach the straight Word to us, so I need not he alone. Truly the Lord has given that young Bro. a wenderful illumination on the Scrip-tures, . and he is a flaming sword , in the hands of God wherever he goes. But one thing beloveds, let us not in-lialge in a sarcastic, sneering manner when dealing with the seets, let us hold them ( the members) up to the throne of grace by prayer and faith. Let us keep the sweet Spirit of Jesus, far We will only repel, instead of winning, by a sarcastic manner. Your sister in Christ. L. T. McKunc.• —: o:— EDGEWOOD MICH. Dear Brethren:— I ani all the Lord's thin morning, walking in all the light God gives me, and I am determined to always Serve the Lord. I love to read the TRUMP-. IT, I cannot afford to do without it. Praise God fru freedom from all sectari- —: 0:— EDGEWOOD MICH. Dear Brethren:— This morning finds me saved, washed and redeemed in the ' precious blood of Jesus, who died on cal-vary to redeem us from this wicked world. I do praise the Lord for calling after me, and taking my feet out Of the mire, and placing me on the Solid Rock, Christ Je-sus, where I will forever abide.- 0 how it fills my soul with glory to see souls saved. Dear brethren pray for us that We' may prove faithful to the end. Your saved sister in Christ. Mary Flegel. —: 0:— EDGEWOOD MICH. Dear- Brethren:— I am saved, washed and redeemed through the precious blood of Jesus. Yesterday was the Lord's day, and Bro. And sister Smith, and Bro. and sis-ter Shelly were here to the Barton school-house, and the Lord saved souls. Halle-luiah to God! Oh the mighty - Dower of God was here ! Praise the Lord. forever and ever for saving my soul from : this Wicked world. - 0 glory to • Jesus, forever and - ever! Pray for us that we may stand stedfast, immovable, that souls may be brought to Christ. Your . Bro. sanctified wholly through the' precieus. blood of Je-sus, and kept by the mighty power of God each day and moment. Wm. C. ILA'FAYETTE, MICH. - Dear- Brethren:— My testimony ia, I am well and saved ' with an everlasting salva-tion. Praise the Lord! We are out on the promise and _ under the blood, and it fills my soul with glory kit work for the saving of poor lost souls. After the camp Meeting in Gratiot Co., I left all to follow Jesus. We went first - to Shiawassee Co., held meeting there one week where_ there had been no meetings for nine years. One started to follow the Lord, and there was a wonderful stir among the dry bones. We went- from there to Genesee, where we held meeting two weeks. There was one soul aaved, three baptized, and eight followed in the ordinances of feet- washing and Lord's. supper. Praise the Lordl 0 I do praise , God : for salvation that, saves and keeps me from all sin. We ex-pect to go farther, North ' and hold a meet-ing. Your sister under the blood and sanctified to God. H. E. Drowley. CLAYTON ILL, Dear Brethren„.-:- I have taken i fie TRUMPET over five years and I cannot do Works to the children of men! by lire. May the God of peace be with you all. Amex) ! Enos & Mary Key. FLORIDA, 0. Dear Brethren praise God tor sal-vation. 0 1 am so thankful - that I am completely saved from sects, and all their evil works. . I went. to the sect meeting to- day but there was ` no food for the soul there. 1 don't see how I was so blind as to think they were the Church. Wel1,1 have no desire to go baok, for there is nothing to go back to. I stayed there until I was starved to death spiritually. But when I came to Jesus, He forgave me all my - sins, and afterward sanctified my nature. ' Yours in Christ. M. E. Hurd. PORTLAND MICH. BELOVED BaanniEN:—. To- day finds me on a straight line for Gad. 0 praise the Lord for full and free salvation, that saves me just now. I aril saved from babylon, and am walking in the light of my blessed Redeemer. 0 glory to Jesus! Pray for me. Your Brother. Benj. Todd. Dear Brethren:—. 1 de praise God- for the TRUMPET: it is food far my soul. I ani saved and: sanctified, and walking in the light of Jestis. Praise the Lord! I do priiise the Lord , _ for healing my body .1: was sick kir seven years, and the Doctor said 1 eould never get well; but the Lord completely healed me, and I . am veil and praising Hiny beith night and day. I was in a- sect for twenty years, but God has saved me out of that. I have the well of water in my soul, springing up into ev-erlasting life. Glory be to Jesus! Your sister, , Jane A. Todd. TIICMAS HILL, MO. Dear Brearew— I- harce shown sever-al of the holiness , brethren and Evangelists Your article in reply to Bro. D. M. Creigh-ton, and they are ' well pleased with it. They would like to have you write an ar-ticle on the subject of baptism. The anti-ordinance teachers make- it a condition of salvation, and say if we are saved we will walk in their light. This Quaker heresy has caused much division, and about ruined I he Good Way. Some of the evangelists of Mo. have ' gone off with this false doc-trine. ' Having loosed - from the Rock of Cod's Word, they do not stop at rejecting the ordinances of Christ, but some teach that there is no . hell, others,- that there is no _ Heaven, and say it is - only an experi-ence, and they are running into many other heresies. In direct opposition to the Word of God, they say that Christ instituted no ordin ances, and that the Apostles tadght and practiced them through ignorance, etc. And that these ordinances are the tap root sectism. Their bands, in a great many places, are torn to pieces by their many divisions, on account of . which, some of them are becoming discouraged. J. W. Coughlan has turned a good many against you. He lost salvation when the Good Way was taken out of his hands, and he went and joined the Southern Methodist sect. 0 Brol her how I desire to see your face, and hear you preach the eyerlastiog Gos-pel. Can you not come LO Mo.? I believe PITTSVILLE, PA Dear Brethren:—" 0 how happy are they, who their Savior obey." Praise God! I am happy, and I do feel to praise God for what He has done for me. He has brought me out of darkness into lip, ht He has set me on the Rock, Christ Jesus. 0 praise our God forever and ever ! for full and free salvation which I feel in my soul. am free from this world, and all sects. Praise the Lord forever and ever ! I do praise God that He saves and sanctifies me just now. Pray for me, that I may ever be found at the foot of the cross, doing the Lord's will in all things. Your sister in Christ E. C. Edmiston. PITTSVILLE,• PA. 0 how happy I have been ever since I was sanctified. The first night I went to the saint's meeting I found the Lord was working within me I felt it my duty to work for Him. I gave myself all to Him, and He took me out of darkness and let the light shine into my heart. 0 praise God for His precious promises He has giv-en us, that enables us to stand up and testify for Him. Praise God forever and ever ! Praise His holy • name for salvation from all sin, that fills the soul with glory. " Jesus all the day long, is my joy and my song." Praise God for ever and ever! I am saved and sanctified, and more de-termined than ever to see the end of the Christian's journey. The Lord is my help-er, praise the Lord! Your sister in Christ. F. E. Morgan. BURKETTSVILLE 0. DEAR BRETHREN:— Jesus has led me out if bondage, and made me a free child of God. 0 I do praise God for salvation full and free. I belonged to the U. B. sect, but last August God sent Bro. Kilpatrick, and a few of the dear saints here to- preach the straight. light of God. The first meet-ing I went to, I was convicted, and made up my mind that I Must do something, Or be forever lost. I went to Jesus for the pardon of my sins, and the next day, I went for entire sancdcation, but did not obtain the witness until the 14th of Oct. 0 I do praise . God for salvation I He has planted a little Vineyard in this place. We have meeting twice a week; the bless-ed Jesus meets with us, and lie is our leader. 0 how sweet it is to be free from every creed, and work of men. 0 praise God that I ever came out of darkness into this glorious light. I am looking forward to the nappy time when I shall meet my dear Savior and all the beloved saints in that happy land, to part never more. Pray for your Sister in Christ, Americus Christy. WHEELER, Mien: Dear Brethren:— I feel led to Write my testimony for Jesus for He has saved me, and He keeps me bahHis mighty power. It has been a long time since I have writ-ten but glory to Jesus I He has kept me Saved. , We have been having glorious meetings in the name Of Jesus. Bro. Win. Smith, and Bro. Shelly have been holding meetings at our house, and we have the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Sectarians were brought to the light, and prodigals returned to Father's house, and seven dear souls sitere buried with Christ in baptism, and the Church wonderfully strengthened. May God bless and keep those dear brethren, and make them pow-erful men in His Vineyard. 0 this full and free salvation that makes perfect men and women fbr the Master. I do praise the Lord this Morning that He* saves the. would just say that morality win net save at all, but the blood of Jesus saves from all sin. Glory be to Jesus forever! Dr Bre hren, pray for me, that * I may-be as a city set on a hill, that I may show to the world that Jesus is the Way, the truth, and- the light. Your Bro. saved and sanctified. Jacob Cress. —: o:— Rona, Mo. Dear Brethrem— I feel led to let you know about the glorious work of salvation at Rolla. Sister Emma Johnson, by Om help_ and grace of God has awakened some of the people here, and four have been gloriously sanctified, and others seeking this wonderful salvation which saves from all mu. Babylon has taken a fail, iind the works of satan are being wonderfull y at ir-red up. Glory toGod I for a full and free sal, vation; one that we can feel, and know that we are saved troth all sin just now. I know that Jesus has cleansed, and sanctified me wholly, and has taken the carnal mind all out of me. You brother lin Christ, Win. Swindle. more than a year, acknowledged that he had no guide save his own conscience, and seemed to be sincere in the belief th n t he had received ail the grace there was for him. My God I have mercy on all such. Dear Brethren, pray for the salvation of souls in this part of the Lord's Vineyard. Your Brother saved and sanctified. Wm. G. Schell. —: 0: Sr LOUIS Mien. I would like to give you, and all the TRUMPET readers my experience on my Heavenly way. I am now sixtY- six years old, and commenced my Christian warfme when abdut twenty- one years of age, and was immersed. I joined the DisCiples, as I believed them to take the New Testa-ment, and that only for their faith and practice. I got along with them till I came to Mark 16 : 17, 18. I- expected to see those signs with theDisciples of Christ; but alas! those signs were not to be found there. aio I left there and came to Mich., still looking for those believers that Jesus spake of, and found none notwithstand-ing the people seemed to enjoy the Holy Ghost. But there was something lacking. the signs of Jesus were not there. At length the Holy Ghost came down from Heaven and filled, my soul` to such a ful-ness that I began to enjoy Christ's sgving power. Hallelujah! My faith got stron-ger and stronger, and I longed to be with the pure in heart, trusting in God and not. man. About that time the , light burst forth into my heart and showed Io me that there is a people in these days that, have those signs following them. I sold anti moved to Isabella Co., and spent some oversa year there with the Disciple brethren, thinking surely the signs of be-lievers in Christ would be there. But right to the reverse : they said they were for the apostles, and not for us. I could not prevail on them to believe the truth, so I left them and came to Gratiot Co. where I now re-side, and while here I heard of the saints. There I met with those whom I had so long been looking for. They have the signs following them. Praise the Lordl He is working in the hearts of the- little ones. 0 what joy I I can say as Peter, James, and John, in the mount, " It is good to be here." Praise the Lord! I am sat-isfied that the saints are the ' people of God, and God is with them, working signs and wonders in the name of Christ, Glory to God in the hightest I I am saved by the blood of Christ. Amen! My wife desires . the prayers of the saints for the healing of her afflicted body. Isaac Morse. —: o:— WIIEICLEIL MICH. Dear Brethren-:— I am all on the altar, saved and sanctified by the blood of Jesus, and kept by His power, .1 dci praise God that Ile ever called me to work for poor lost souls, and stir up old babylon. I do praise God that His little Ones are coming out of bahylon and taking Jesus for their Guide. Where we- last held meeting there were ten came to the altar. The Lord has filled me with His power. Your Bre. saved and sanctified. Jesse Drowley. SARATOGA, IND. Dear Brethren :— I de praise God for what He has done for me, and many oth-ers. I wish to say to the glory of Ged that I am Walking in all the light the Lord gives we. I thank God that, I ever gnve my heart to Jesne, for I was a very rude fellow. Oh I thank the Lord for ever showing me the beauty of honoring my father and mother, which is the first com-mandment with promise. Eph. , 6: a Praise the Lord for His blessed promises ! First the Lord showed me that every bad word and act that I said, or did, Was diShonoring my parents. Now I would say to all who are dishonoring their parents in word or act, Oh give your heart to Jesus. The Word says, Let the wicked forsake his way, and the Unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord; and He will have merey upon him, and to miir God, for He sillabundantly pardon — La 55: 7, 0 praise our God! " Seek ye the Lord while he may be fotind, call ye upon Hien while He is near." Pray for us. Your Bro. for the truth U. C. Key. —: 0:— FEN WICK ONT. Dear Brethren:— My testimony is, that I am saved and sanctified, and walking in c the light as God gives it, to ine. I praise holy name for His saving and healing hPower in my family. The blood cleanses me from all sin just now. Glory to God forever! this body is often go filled with the migth'Y power of , God that it seems the Poor earthen vessel must break. He has Saved me . from taking His name in vain. and from the intoxicating cup : and glory "- to God forever ! He saves me from the use Of tobacco, to which 1 had been a slave for 40 years. And God has taken the ap-petite away from me. • GlO • y to Jesus! I ask the prayers of all God's - people, that I may remain a faithful and ready : servant of Christ. - I know that I have all On the altar for tithe and eternity, and I 11- 1 saved. - Glory to God! Your brother in Christ Jesus. Jelin Smith. Eva Arimatigher. all and keep you until your labor of love is done on eartii, and then we will all meet in Heaven. My son- in- law died last March, and before his death he called me to his bed- side; I pointed him to the Lamb of God, who was ready to receive a poor sin-sick soul. In a few days he passed away, • requesting - me to point his wife to the same Savior who had so mercifully saved him. I did, and she too has found the Savior. Glory be to God for His loving kindness to me. I know Jesus loves and saves me from all sin. I am all the Lord's, soul and body, washed and cleansed in His blood. Your Brother, S. B. Knapp. an yokes and bends, Your eister, saved awl sanct Hied. wit flout aAeros me much comfort when I read the straight and true doctriae ;()( 1 would wonderfully use you to His tdory in this State. If the Lord wills, come. I am determined to be true to God, if every soul in Mo were to, turn back. 0 glory to God! I am standing on the sea of glass, miligled with fire. God is love, Christ is sll in all. Your Bro. in Christ. RISING SUN 0. Dear Breth. ren:— The Lord bless, you and your little company'. Praise God I Myself and all the little ones here are glo-riously saved. God is hying in us and we in Him. Glory be to His name forever! God is wonderfully blessing us and greatly encouragin g us. " Satan is. mad, ond is cast-ing out his venom in lies and slanders on God's little ones: hut praise God, none of these thing move us.- Pray for us, we pray for you every day. Your Bro. Jacob Roush. E. C. Rice. • NZW$ Mat ! U MELD, it up. But I still went to ineedug, and --- ___. often wished when I heard the dear 00 shouting and praising God, that I caw feel as they did , but tyre meeting altohsree alltalA lIm‘ ivt'ttstliileotsas147Pecrii: the Bt 0. Fishier Iris little hand came to Henderson, aiail 9 night, and as I went into the house tin s t m iles from lieu e. I went up ththeere- o Wall," and 0 it was heavenly musk. ah felt more and more the need of salv ' a o were singing " Tire Hand of God ou a but came home without it. • I went b at tempted - so strong that I tobje: oneche to meeting on Saturday, and Sunday aa lung the Lord pardoned all my sins. pra His holy name forever I After meet' how the, devil did come tome with tail% I had some in my pocket, and _ pie do me but praise G- od l it was the last. i '- ing, it out of my month, and emptied ityp, e eotetoi ft ea ft: rt hteo tf ) ial : lei co y ast ouayfbf. lfet. sosTm1iGaot:::::::: tvi Lord sanctified my soul, and took the a the Lord ! I have never had any degiref it since. 0 how I d w tion that cleanses us from all sin. Mau be God ! He is filling me with His pot more and more e very day.• The babyl ans are raging on account of the few saj in this place. It pleased God some five or six wee ago, to send Bro. Fisher and a little b of His saints here to hold " a meeting. A praise the Lord ! there was a good la dot: anItea• Iisik G lay ever stand firm. My testil God's little ones to pray fir uy is, I am saved and sanctified, and k by the power of God every day, and with His glory continually. M. . F. Rayso r to keep them both, and- fill them* 0 mighty power. The Lord has lieetfalea bag us of late- to go North to YieOril salvation of souls, and Hellas oPe410 way for us to go, in piraimat :':- 0 It a to hold a Meeting : also at CharliOld heart of. Bro:: Gld to take us ultra. Jordan. There is a door open CPO: 1Pb' age there_ is a door open foraisi''. asOs Ur 13ro, GillaH,, of Covert is - livogOe and al ants. some of God'aminister st+ P° e are two u e• such - • '; it Bausta Flamm, Tana, Dge. 4. E found the Church of the First-borit at Payne 0. and surrounding atountry in the Spirit and power of God. The Lord adding to the Church frequently such as are being saved. Praise the Lord! God's Church does hot hold protracted meetings to get up a revival z . for - the re-vival lasts the whole year round. The power of God present to convict sinners, and melt stony hearts, is the normal state of God's Church. Saturday, Nov. 27, dear Bro. Howard came in withhis team and took our little company out to his place, and that night we had a glorious meeting in the school-house. The next night at Bro. Howard's, many saints met in the Spirit. One soul converted, others seeking. That nightwe had access to the school- house again, which was crowded, the sect devil : being - there in force as well as a host of saints. God gave us power over all the power of the adversary, and liberty in pouring out the vials of His wrath and indignation upon the worshipers of the beast, aud his image. Many sinners were deeply convicted, three came to the altar. Two of whom were gloriously blessed and: saved. One was a member of a sect and also of a secret so-ciety; when she promised to leave- all to follow Jesus, the fire from Iltaven came instantly into her heart; and, like the man healed at the beautiful gate of the temple, she sprang up, leaped and shouted the praises of God. Dear Bro. J. N. Howard has been stand-ing firm for God in that place. . As God said to Jeremiah, " Beheld I have put my Words into thy mouth. See-, I have set thee this day over the nations, and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw do wn; to build - and te. - Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto them all that I com-mand thee: be notdismayed at their faces lest I eonfound thee before them. For behold, IThavd made thee this day a : ate fenced city, and an iron pillar, and brazen walls against the whole land; Against the kings'of Judah, against the princes thereof, against the priests thereof, and against the people of the land. And they shall light against thee : but they shall not prevail against thee for I am with thee, saith the: Lord to deliver thee".- Jer. 1: 9, 10,17- 19. - So the grace of God in this dear brother has enabled him to make havoc upon the vile cages of deception, and unsheathe the powerful two- edged Sword of the Lord against thopriefts of baal, and all the de-ceived, subverted, sinning sectarians. And truly they of gog and magog have fought . against the brother,
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
Fisher, J. C.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
Fisher, J. C.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 08:20
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 08:20
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 08:20
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 08:20
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 08:20
title_sort gospel trumpet - 08:20
publisher Fisher, J. C.
publishDate 1887
long_lat ENVELOPE(-66.783,-66.783,-66.867,-66.867)
geographic Lent
The Altar
Van Buren
The Sentinels
Altar The
Blue River
geographic_facet Lent
The Altar
Van Buren
The Sentinels
Altar The
Blue River
genre morse
genre_facet morse
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766244421760712704
spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:39+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 08:20 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. Fisher, J. C. 1887-01-01 Printed Newspaper English eng Fisher, J. C. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 08 20 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1887 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:02:56Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 We are once more obliged to call the at-tention of our readers to the fact that Ate. LETTERS not personal: that is, all letters containing business matter for TistiSie ET, Slosrau addressed to GOSPEL TRUM-pa to insure prompt attention, and NOT to b. S. Warner, J. C. Fisher, or Sebas-tian gichels; for they are out in the field nearly all the time, and many times letters are Forwarded unopened : thus if they con-tain busbies matter, it is delayed, and souietimes forgotten. Also Ftroo NAME and POST OFFICE ad-dress must be given. For instance, one writes and signs his name Henry, another Jahn-, etc. Now we have many Henries sad Johns on the book, and many times three or four at the same place, and how are we to tell which Henry, or which John is writing? Answer. By giving your full one. Also, when the business is Ler- Wiling to the TRUMPET, you must give the same to which the paper is sent. For in-stance, the paper is sent to a man he • be-ing busy, his wife writes, and signs her own name : we are unable to find her name at that place. although the same mune may beat a neighboring Office. This causes trouble, and many mistakes. Also you must give POST OFFICE and STATE. For instance, one writes from La-favette; but fails to tell what State. How are we to tell what State, as nearly every State has a Post Office named Lafayette ? Others write, giving the name of County, or Township in which they live, but fail to give their Post Office. It is the POST OFFICE and STATE that we want to know. Now the people must observe this notice, or we are not responsible if your orders are not filled, or for mistakes in credits. By observing these rules, you will save us a great deal of precious tune and expense, which is much needed in other ways. May the Lord bless you all is our prayer. J. A. Spaulding. Foreman. n1kgo Tc. 1 halt BOY the TRU: 1P LET and go with ? chirZwinds" ATTENTION. + 116- 2 ■ • ehraA vaninndgg ea lgf trceeora mtt hpeeO sdeWo twehrin; n agfnr rod ms tah wHe: e mea4ovrtethnh-was lightened w ith His glory. And He cried / nightly with astrong voice. saving, baboon the great is fallemis fatten, and is become the habitation oudevils. anla the hold of every font sapnidr ith. a atenfdu l: Lb icradr. e AOnf de vIe rhye uanrcdlean other voice from hettveft, saying, come out of her, tny people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye re-ceive not of her plagues- 11er 180- 4. Orandjunelion Mich., ranuary I 887. Yobinze 8 Alunzber ? g0. amuel Martz. under all circumstances, and glory in trio-ahaion also. I long for the time to come when I can engage in another meeting: it is like a lire shut up in my bones. We t: it appointment at Collins, and when we arrived, there was 2L goodly number there and a reprobate preacher. We thought there would he a hard fight,. but ' hid he all the glory. When we began to read the 4th chapter of Micah, the Lord cleared the way and sent the truth with power, that it caused the tears to flaw from the eyes of some sectarians, and there etas : Le most profound attention from all in the house, save one young man Praise our God . for the victory! We wait to goto Churubuscoind. as alien as possible. . By ,• the help of God, will give those disunited brethren the • wtin4 sirai: rliteninff up they have ever had. We received a letter trom my wife's aunt hear Bourboun. She Was at that F. AL camp meeting at Blue River and heard my- testiniony, and praise God, she has re-, noimced sects, and is glorniusly saved. May God bless you abundantly, foi Jesus' sake, is sly daily prayer. Henry Smith. PITTSVILLEt PA. • Dear Brethren:- My testimony is, I am ' saved sanctified, and redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Praise • God forever and ever y He was faithful and just to forgive ale of 1111 my sins, such as chewing and smoking tobacco, and drinking Whisky, and cursing and - swearing, and all . such • Praise the Lord forever and ever! fair saved from all sill, and sanctified wholly to the Lord. Your Bre. in Christ. THE TWO WOMEN. HE Revelation represents two women, one is the true Church of God, the Lamb's. Wife the other is all the sect de-nominations which call themselves church-es, she is called by the Word of God, Mys-tery, Babylon the great. The true Church of God - is the Lamb's Wife; and she is a pure woman, who is clothed with the glory of the Sun. She is made up of the redeemed of the Lard; and She is a glorious Church, . not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing but she is holy and without blemish. All that are in her are members of Christ's Body, of His flesh, and of His bones. For this cause a man- shall forsake all, anti the Lord shall add him to the Church, and Christ and the Church though twain shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery, but, it is according to the Word of God. So We, being many, are one body in Christ. and God bath set‘ us in the Church as it hath pleased Him, and He adds to it daily such as are being saved. Oh praise the Lord! for such a glorious Church. Pollee ye the Lord : for the Lord God Omnipo-tent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to Him : for the marriage of the Lamb is come. and His Wife bath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white; for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. There is another woman in the world which has a name written upon. her fore-. head, which is this, Mystery, Babylon the great, The mother of harlots, and aboini- II root of all evil." Then it is evident : that they , have the rootof- allevil in them. The preceding has- been the description of two women; one is the Church olChrist; the other is sect babylon. Which one do you want to be a part off Choose ye this day whom ye will serve. May God help you to keep clear from loahylon, and if you have already- been ensnared into her, as a great many honest people have, you should listen to the voice of God which says, " Come out of Iter,- my people, that ye be not partakers of tier sins, and that ye receive not of her : plagues. For her sins have reached unto Heaven, and God Math remembered her . iniquities."- Rev. 4, 5. . Againdle. says, " Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers." " Come out from among - them, pith . the Lord, and touch not the uneleanthin g • and I will receive you, and will be a Father. unto you, and ye shall be my. sons and daugh-ters, saith the Lord Almighty."- 2 Cosh' 6: 14, 17, 18. I will give you a few rules to distin-guish these two women, or the true Church of Christ, from the sects which constitute Mystery, Babylon the „ great. It will be well for the reader to consider these rules, and see if they tire not according to the Word of God. ( Rule 1st.) The true Church has Christ. for its Head, " and He is the Head of the Body, the Church whois the beginning-, the First- born from the dead that in all thinga He -, night have - the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him „ should ail fulness dwell,"- Col. 1: 18, 19. " Christ is the Head of the Church : and re •* And ire shall send His angel, with a great sound of a Trumpet, nod they shall gather together Ins elect from the four winds, ( in one end of heav- 1 to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, anti putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise re, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near. even at the doors."- Matt. 24: 51- 55. commandments of men. For laying aside the commandments of God. ye hold to the tradition of men. Ye reject the command-ments of God that ye may keep your own tradition."- Mark 7: 7- 9, - ( 6) The true Church is composed only of the redeemed, and no sinner can get into it until he is cleansed by the blood of Christ, for it is walled up by the walls of salvation. Thou ahalt call thy walls sal-vation, and thy gates praise.- Isa. 60:- 18. " Salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks."-- Isa. 26: 1. And they shall tall them the " holy people, the redeemed of the Lord."- Isa.- 62: 12. According as He hath chosen - us in th in before the foundation - of the world, that we : should be holy, and without blaine before Him in love.- eEph. 1: 4. While on the other hand, sect babylon basbeemne the habita-tion of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. All kinds of sinners are in hest, and they cannot cease from sinning. More- than half the woridlings in this country are members of sect babylon. ( 7) The true Church is bound togeth-er by love.' While sect babylon is not united, but they are divided, and - each sect halds to their own creed and class book. ' Every kingdom divided against- itself is brought to desolation and every city, or house divided against itself shall not stand.- Matt. 12: 25. - Babylon is fallen, is fatten, that ' great city, because she made all nations drink of the * Me of the wrath of her fornication."- Rev. 14: 8. 0 how I praise God for saving me out of babylon. and for placing me in the true Church of God. E. G. Wickersham, PRAY WITHOUT CEASING RO. H. C. Key writes us of a dispu-tation he had with some Milkers. They contend a woman must wear a cover-ing, or cap, citing this Scripture, " Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered dishonoreth his head hut every woman. that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered, dishonoreth her head." To which Bro. Henry very aptly replied, " If - that proves that a woman must not pray- without t cap on her head, it also proves that a man must go bare- headed al-ways. The Scriptures enjoin that " men pray , always," and " pray. without ceas-ing." Now if he must never pray with his heed covered, and yet must pray with-out ceasing, he must always go bare- beaded. -' Well said, Bro. Henry, I hope you will pray always, cover or no cover. DANIEL. received A TESTIMONY. VANDERBILTM OH. , DEAR BRETHREN :- I your paper and enjoyed the reading very much. - I read it all , through and lent it to' a friend. I ain harmouy - with all the truths' that you set forth, and rejoice to know that some- one does practice the Word, instead of. a cold formality which is everywhere so prevalent. I love the truth of John 3: 5, and Rom. 6 S4, also the ordinance of John 13: 14, 15. I am - a hater. of tobacco and ail kinds of liquor- do not use tea, for it's a stimulant., and not a nourishment. I am a lover of plain dress and pure god-liness. This is an outline of my present principles, aild. I - expect in the future they will grow stronger.: Modern babyl. ni is he- confusion a. beliefs so wide- spread in these- lastdaye. If we ' look fel' reforma-tion,: we look in vain, for evil men and se-ducers will wax worse and worse. A few acattered ones will come out if they are reached by the sentinels of true Zion. May the blessed- One above impress us to appl y - our hearts to wisdom, so we will. do our part faith fully. May God lead you into all truth. Amen! There never was a time of go many professors of Christian-ity, and such wide- spread infidelity. What comfort: do find in - Isaiah 40: 12- 15 A180 the signs of the times are a ue ■ ttik.,, E; of last days, as shown by 3. al chap. of 2nd Tim., which is clearly demohst rated before our eyes in the pop-ular churelteF;; because the 5th Yr . reads, Hating a form:; of godliness, but deuy- * h e?, thereof. 1 cloSe - with'Iove CHRIST, OUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN. -: 0:- CiIIIRITBUSCO Dear Brethren:.-- This evening finds us well. Praise . God for health of soul and body! Our children have been sick with the sore throat, and our faith was very much tried. . We were both determined - not to call an earthly Physician. Our little son Orry got very bad, so we Payed hands on hint in the name of the Lord, and soon the fetes left him, and he wanted some food. Ho ate hearty, and we could uot praise erind enough for Iiis wonderful goodness 10 us. Since the meeting at Lake Center, Ole Sun has not none down at our hone. My wife is tint: as a rock, regardless of relatives turning against us: [' muse God fallen. Flee fornication. Every sin that for a salvation that enables us to stand a man doeth is without the Body: : but he Lions of the earth. She is a great citystind He is the Savior of the i Body."- Eph. 5: she has made all nations drink of the - vine 23, God has put all thtga under the feet of the wrath of her fornication. She snit"' of Christ, and gave Hinyo be bead over. in her heart, I sit a queen, alid. am no all things to the Church, svhicli is His widow, and shall see no sorrow. She sa. y -',, Bo d tyl, f, uleln e sfs sIt IHi- m t lt at fi ll et s Iall I will now open the door, and you must in all.- Eph. 1: 22. come in and be a part of me, and have While in sect babylon 1 en appoint men your name - written aown and placed iii * to be head over what they call the- Church. the cup which I hold in my hand. The ( 2) You can no. t the trueC Chhurcchh;; Word of Goa calls her a harlot, a whore, butt he Lord can add- you to it, and will a fornicator, and an adulteress, and says if y ou will Live Yourself to Him and obey that Christians must not be jollied to her Him. eAnd the Lord added to theChurch for Christians are members of Christ. We dailysileh as should be saved."-- e- Acts 2: must not take the members of Christ and ass While on the other hand, yon can make them the members of t harlot. God join any division of sect babylon you will not allow it. , What ! Isnow_ ye not choose, and you . can join a different sect that he - which is joined to. harlot is our - or denomination each winter if you- are so body? for two s aith lie, shall be one flesh. , ti posed. And each: one thinks : fie much But he that is joined unto the Lord is One of his sect'as a heathen does ' of his idol. Spirit- 1t we are a sit ooll) er of Christ, aod '" Ephraini is joined to hiS idols . : let him join ourselves to sect. babylon, we become ,0 0naes - a. fornicator, Ant, We must fall for sheds ( 3) In t he true Church your name. is. ecorded only ut the Lamb's bookof life which is in Heaven. .1- tejoice because that comthitteth fornication sinneth against year namesa. are written. in • Heaven. - Luke his own body. What! know ye not tint 10: .20. Heb. 12: 23, While in sect bab-your body is the temple of the Holy ylon they keep a record on what they call Ghost which is in you; which ye have of a class book, of every one that joins them God, and y e are not your- own ? For ye and receives the mark of the beast in the are bought with a price: therefore glorify hand. All that wo • ship. the beast, have God in your body, and in yonr spirit w hich mit their Dailies writtenin the - Lamb'e are God'- s,-- 1. ' Loy. 6: 15- 20 Ye are hook ofyife. __ Rf- v. 1:,?;: S. Christ's, and Christ is: God's.- 1 Col. 3: 23. ( 4) . The true. Citurch of Christ is organ- Even- Christian belongs to Christ, and He ized hi God through the Holy Spirit, and has no right to join any par tottf sect bah " God hath set the members . every one of. yl • them in the Body, as it pleased Hint." Til t The sects ( so ca died Churc hes) of to- da ,‘ And " Gol hath tempered the Botit to-ail in friendship with I he world, and g, 2ther," and the Spirit shows to us our are world loves thesis, therefore they are calling, " dividing to every man severally, God, for the world loves his own.-, Itte as He wills."- 1 Cor. 12: 11 18 ' 24. of 15: 19. '" Ye adulterers and adulteresses. While every, part, or division of sect bab-know ye not that. the friendship of tie organized by men, and the mem- Whosoever bets ale placed .) y. men .0 suit themselVes, world is enmity with God ? therefore will be the friend - of the world, according as they think it will be most s the etn of Gmoes a4: 4d. vaandvatntaaggeeoouuss to their sect, . and br i ing in Love not the world, neither the thing the most money, 411( 1 be the . most popular that are in the World. If. any man love to the world. . . the world, the love of the Father is not in ( 5) . The true , Olirch of Christ takes hi- m. For all that is in the world, the lust the whole of the New Test arrient of rt hthene. of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and onlyguide, land liv. es by ever y word that pro-, the pride of life, is not of the Father, but ceedeth out of the Mouth , of God,. but they is of the world. And the world passelh donot. regard the creeds apt' dOCtritieS ni away, and the lust thereof: but he that men. .' While in sect babylon each sect doeth the will of God abided). forever.- has some particular creed to go by, and they : Y in not take the whole of the New 1 Johu 5: s e1c5t- d1e7n. omination loves the wor ld Testament for their guide and . they do Every and tries to please the world, and they try not think the Word of God is. sfuficient to to get the wealthy, in preference to, the oav• erii them, therefore they' , follow after poor, to join them, so that they can par- the doctrine and commandments of men, zny take of their worldliness; they love money., Christ sivs, 6.4ow beit, in vain ' do they, and weadng of success to youa _ but God says, " The love of money is the ) worship me, teaching ' for ( 1Oct: shies the Emma A. Lyon. BE YE FOLLOWERS OF GOD AS DEAR CHILDREN. -: 0: OLLOW peace with all men and holiness, without which no man shall - see the Lord." As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the fernier lusts in your ignorance, but as He which bath called you is holy, so he ye holy in all manner of conversation. Be-cause it is written, be ye holy for I am holy. And if ye call on the • Father, who without respect of persons judgeth accord-ing to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear : tor ss much as ye know that ye were not redeemed With corruptible things, as silver and gold. from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blond of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot. Be y., e therefore follov. ers of God as dear child-rem and walk in love, as Christ hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us, an of-fering and a sacrifice to • God for a sweet smelling savour_ But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you as becometh saints. Neither bithinesselor foolish talk-ing, nor jesting, which are not convenient, ( consistent) but rather giving of thanks. For the time passed of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gen-tiles." For the time is conic that judg-ment must begin at the house of God, and it' it first begin at us, what shall the end be of then that obey not the Gospel of God ? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear." 0 may we all be just. what God would have us beeramingeom• lives by His," who did no sin, neither was guile found in His niooth, and has left us an example that we should follow in His steps." Oh bow Many professed christians indulge in light conversation. „ For our conversation is in Heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ : who shall change our vile body, that it nay be fash-ioned like unto His glorious body, accord-ing to the working whereby he is able ev-en to subdue all things unto Himself.- Phil. 3: 20, 21. Let your conversation be as it becometh the Gospel of Christ.--- Phi 1: 27. " Therefore, my brethren, dearly '.-, eloved and longed foreny joy and crown, so stand last in the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. Let your conversation he known unto all men, the Lord is at hand.' Be careful for noth-ing, but in every thing by prayer and sup-plication with thanksgiving let your re- ( rests be made know,, unto God, who giveth to all nice liberally and npbraideth not." We, as God's children, must have our lives eotrespond with the Wert of God, and be examples for the youn! •. Paul to Tim., " Let HO Mail despise thy youth, but. be I lion an example of the believers, in word, it: eenversat ion, in charity, in spirit, in faith. in purity:" Jests says, . " Every idle word that man shall speak, they shall give an account thereof in the day ofjudg-ment." For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned," - Paul to Titus, " In all things , showing thyself a pattern of good works, in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech that cannot be condemned, that. he that is of a contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you. For the grace of God that. bringeth salvation bath. appeared to all men, teach-ing us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, right-enusly, and godly in this present world." " For the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the which the Heav-ens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. See-ing then that all these things shall he dis-solved, what manner of person ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godlh-ness. Looking for and hastening unto the day of Ged, wherein the Heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements With fervent heat." Wherefore beloved, seeing that ye look rot- such things, be dilligent, that ye may be found of Him in peace, without spot and blameless. Your. sister complete in all the will of God, THE HABBATFt TRACT* THE SABBATH, WHICH D. 1Y 70 KEEP. DM LE Proes that the. change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself. This tract contains 64 pages : the price reduced to only 10 cts. Per dozen $ 1.00. God has enabled us , to set forth the subject i ii the clear tight of abundance of Scripture. So every reader orthe TRUMP-ET• can glorify God in sending your orders for this Tract. - This will also be a good fi-nancial help to spread other matter tor the Lord. LOANED - BOOKS. Welave loaned Out- quite a number off boOks, to accommodate brethren and friends; but in so doing we have lost trace of smile. Hence we make, this call to any one that has of Our books to let us know. Among the lost are, ,' Mad aro G tiyon,' two volumes, Upham's " Life of Faith," and . , Interior Life." " Randall's Travels - in E- . gypt, Sinai, and the Holy Land; - or- the Hand writing of God." SONGS oy VICTORY. . CA40 IX,. XXNEafx, " ots•- 110., ttiVe: itead in the Bthle that . iraniiii*,: the" truth': and the life - no ilian:. Oft ' thito the Father hilt by Me." .: eit. 4; h: 11' 4116. This Scripture seems to have ' MO to do with Ate.; kornh worship of the Virgin Mary, and the saints; at the same tircki: t strikes at the root the wor-ship of thIt4world before which t he peOple Cliicaftare bowing every day. The other day, there came suddenly, in the morning. a thia cloud, which spread darkness and terror over the city of Chi-eago. This was a real picture of the dark-ness of the- inhabitants of this wicked city. " The Light came into this world ( John 6: 1 ) and the. darkness comprehendedit not. He came- lint° His own, and His own re-ceived Hith not," and why ? Because men Jove darkhiss rather than light. So it is in Chicago; Those that are sent to preach His Word faithfully,— Jer. 22: 28, 29 the . --- We geppeople eon verted and wholly sane- --, . o.' ng six 1e .3O2daff. dearbreft. hren have . 11„ r "- -.' Lagrange _ e tifie emd na make a lull surrender of themselves at the South- west of s , in which ,„ al altar. Chicago` needs more workers. Come ne' 4 preaeli Jesus the people. d. Every eveninga we have souls who to the home of Br Spo , borhood we expect to stop a few days, a0 along " Trumpeters," we want you with to your " Songs of Victory" to make such music on the streets of Chicago, as to a-waken its. inhabitants, its slumbering shep-herds, greedy dogs, blind watchmen, too lazy to walk, to preach for the sake of souls, too lazy to live. Come along, sol-diers of the Cross, and make Chicago trem. ble under the voice of the Trumpet-. P. A. Seguin. 177, West Van Buren St. Chicago, III. THE ZfIZFEI TRUMPET, A SZMI- 1401ITELT HOLINESS AR ompriviTira, x. A. laicIkx., AN. Se- nt Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Chri,: t For the Purity a- nd Unity - of Ms Church, the fl-toe of . A. LL Jai*/ Truth, And the Destruction GL Sect Bab-ylon. PITBLISIIED AT M1OTIO11, MCt a wAILVER, and - T. C. FISHER,--- Ed tb B FiSHER,--- Publisher. SEI34STIAN MiCRELS,— Business Manager. TERMS, $ 1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. Remittances should be sent by Registered Letter, or Express Order, through the American, or the United States Express 0o. Small amounts may be sent in Two Cent Stamps. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEG TRUMP1T. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. orParties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts. • far'IS YOUR TIME OUT? The C' 088 marked with a pencil op-posite this item nzeans that your paid subffiption is out. When thus marked please renew at once, or, if the Irumpet i$ not desired longer, notify us to stop it. We must be notified by letter and the amount due its ( 18 back pay must be sent to us, when a subscriber wishes ther paper di'scontinued. . An. t, one who does wt receive their paper, shouZd notify us at once, and it will receive prompt attention. _ address) G- TCt, 72, d; jiwiction. Entered at the Post Office at Growl Junction, Yon BurenCo. Mich., as second class matter. ( CHRIST IS THE BODY THE CHURCH.' A tract containing scripuralproofs that Christ _ Himself is the Church, and the Church. is Christ. It is doing a glorious work. Many write favorably of the light it is sheddin g. Or-ders are increasing; send on your orders. Price 5 cents. One dozen copies. $ 0.50. Fifty copies " $ 1.75. , SECO: 4' T') EDITI. O. N. E have completed the Second Edi-lion Of Songs of Victory. te . Which we I ave . added five new - pages, three pa-ges with notes, and two of familiaishymns. The book now contains 94 pages Nyio soaes, and 14 pages or familiar _ hymns, making ill all 112 pages. We- have Other-wise - ituproVed mid corrected alSO put dnId} le impreE- Sien on the colr. F113, and- the clot h covers are so laeind : that there will he Po More taw edges, and the lei tering expected to - wear retaitt . lito color. Songs of Victory is specially*• adapteil for Rival, Camp, Grove, and all other meetings, also for the Sabbath school. All orders accompanied by will he filled, from single copyupward. s'as Price, Single copy, Manilli: 66770X Ct13. Cloth limp cover, 40 cts. Pekt: do**: nilla cover, $ 2.25. Clops ,$, 00. e s Parties may order haffiniequaTier dei-en at same rates as per dozen. . Addrees all orders to the GOSPEL TKUMPET'OFFICE. Grand- JUlletion Mich. ill1• 11111111 ‚ 116121` N 0 T I U E. As yet this place has not procured the privilege of a money order office. Please remit money by registered letter, or bs express draft, through the American, or the United States Express Co. Or small quantities iii stamps. Address all businessletters to the GOSPEL. TRUMPET. Our Address. Our address until further notice is as follows. D. S. WARNER, BEA V ER DAM IND. J". C. FISHER, NEW PITTSBURG, IND. SEBASTIAN MICHELS, SOUTH HAVEN MICH. REQUESTS FOR PRAYERS. 0:— WINFIELp, KAN. GOSPEL TRUMPET. I ask ail the holy people that read the TRUMPET, ' to pray l'or my son Arthur. He is possessed of an evil spirit. At times he is vicious, and threatens to kill all who conic in his way. We tried to get him in the State Asylum for the Insane, but he was rejected because we had lived in the State so Short a time. Be was kept in jail two nights: but he got hurt, so we took him out. and Dow have him on our hands, with no one to look to but God. I am kept at home to take care of him, and cannot work at my trade. I mu in need of help. Any one sending us assistance will receive our prayers, and God will bless you. Pray that God will save and heal my boy, To God be all the glory! If led of the Lord, will Bro. War-ner and band send us a handkerchief by mail, with the power of'God to cast out the evil spirit. I am sanctified wholly just now. Amen! Isaac Pennington. Pray God to heal Sister Sharp, of La-clede AU'. of great bodily ' afflictions, and give her the fulness of the Spirit of God. ARCOLA IND. I Dear Brethren:— We are greatly a1-- 1 flicted. Three of us bed- fast at once. Our I little babe is very sick with Scarlet fever and Dropsy. Pray earnestly that we may be healed. Your Bro., E. K. 3feirges. Sister L. Carpenter of Attica Ohio, re-quests all the saints- to pray for her heal-ing of a Cancer. Earthly physicians can do no mere. All pray , for her. Let all the saints pray for dear Mother Krause of Beaver Dam Ind., who is very sick. Pray for Bro. Laughlin, Odon Ind., that he may be healed of Asthma. Also pray for Sister . Laughlin's consumption. NOTICE. All persons writing their testimony_ of healing must sign their name and Post Office address plainly if they wish it pub-lished. JOSEPH. Lour, Omo. Dear Brethren:— The Lord bless you with all Spiritual blessings, in Heavenly places. Praise the Lord for full salvation! " 0 it's glory in my soul:" Hallelujah! Je-sus saves me now. I want some TRUMPETS for distnbution, the last one is rich. 0 it is so glorious to have the Lord reigning in my soul. 0 hallelujah to His name ' Praise the Lord forever! Your Bro.' washed in the blood, and walking' with Jesus; healing Cyrus Mohler. Lord's message,— Hag. 1: 13. Whatsoever I have commanded you,— Matt. 28: 19,20. Justification and sanctification by faith,— Acts 26: 17, 18. Warning against false reaching,—. Deut. 29: 29. Those that are sent to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ are to- day, as of Ohl Chased and hunted like bettelii of prey. " Ye shall be reviled, ye shall be hated, toned, and put to death," is true to- day as in the days of the primitive Church, We have no need to cross the Ocean to find barbarians, and meet with Pagans— idol worshipers. We have plenty of that stuff right here. I would even go further, saying, they are worse than Africans, for the Teaser; that clothed. with the cloak of religion, having a certain form of godli-ness, having the name of being chrtstians, having creeds and rites, going to church, profesSing Christ, they worship the devil, cluing tor us at. t his place. We wore h thiNs opwoi n* te. t• h eWr eE adrieto hr, e Ir ew, aan sem. taoll cboamnde otof - ot . going South to work for Lhe Lord. IgelIcal workers. We feel called of yet work wonders here. The Lord is add- . ( i) d to cry aloud in the name of our dear Savior: Repent: repent, - -- - h-- all all likewise perish : we feel ordained of God, reached my household. Also Bro. Millee's, and Bro. ttrie's. Moilier U. lett happy in the Savior's love last night, having found salvation. Brother Hill is with us, preaching the Word straight. Glor y be to God IC here in tWo stations: name's _ sa, lug to the Church, daily sueh as are being! Gooding, whom God has called to preach the GGospel, had been for. some time , with-drawn from the sanctifying altar of God,- here made his final consecration to the Lord, and claimed the all- cleansing blood. May God wonderfully fill and use him in turning souls to righteousness. for Hi ke ft BRUSHY PRAIRIE; LAGRANGE CO. IND. - DECEMBER 14. Praise God! we have had victory in our meetings here. sWe continued _ holding meetings in that place, in a public hall 9 days. There were several restored who had lost their faith in the Lord, and sanc-tified wholly. One family escaped out of babylon, and were , wholly sanctified to God. Dear Bro's. Yoder, and Greenewalt and their kind families - live near this lit-tle burg; and are running a large farm. If the Lord they desire a grove or camp meeting. next year. They have very beau-tiful shady groves, near springs and aproo, runs, a delightful place to serve the Lord. A fewsdays ago, we moved the meeting three Miles west, to the house of Bro. Par-ker Gooding ' where we held meetings Saturday night,' Sabbath, and Monday night. Several made a- deeper eonsecra- URBANA KAN., Nov. 29 Dear Brethren.-- May the richest of Heaven's blessings rest upon you. I have just returned home from Woodston Rooks Co. Kan. We ' had a glorious meeting, and victor y on the side of the Lord. Some six or eight sanctifiedwholly, and many oth-era seeking. The whole country is stirred for miles around. These came out of old babylon. Hallelujah! I have a great many more calls than I can possibly fill. 0 how I wish you were here to push the glorious battle on with me. Pray fOr me, and my companion, she is not well. I remain your free Brother forever in Christ Jesus, and built in the Ohureh f the First- born. Hallelujah to Jesus! John P. Hauer. JE RRY CITY, 0., DEC. 6. Dear Brethren:— May the Lord bless you more and more. 0 glory to God, in the highest! Let the loud sounding cym-bals sing and rejoice as you read this. 0 praise God! my children are all saved, and happy in Jesus. 0 glory to God ! Bro's. Spacky, Lea, and I, met at Bro. Goier's, west of Weston, Nov. 27th,. and held meeting over Sabbath 28. Five souls were saved, two of which were sanctified. 0 praise the Living God! for the fire I feel in My bones. Dec. 10, we begin a meeting at brother Wm. Long's in the same vicinity. We be-lieve- God wilt take the country there. Amen! Your Bro. saved and sanctified, • and - kept by the power of God. Wm. II. Miller. — : 0:— JERRY CITY. 0. DEC. 6. Dear Brethren:— I praise God that you are having such glorious victory. Praise our God forever and ever, for what Hi" is saved. 0 glory to God ! Salvation haA but at present it seems that the Lord will XVITS TIZOM TM MD P. Spackey. drent came to the altar the Lord ? wised their little hearts, and they wept-- forK Some, were so convicted that ther 4/ 0' and were about to cry tor mercy, whelIthii6 devil got so, ne of his children to ar ise an .( 11hraegn apioitoir- cshirnissticmkisin° sulwa litmeal tlhleed, h irtsel . rsnoulfuda eJdusutisce tof tshteeppeacses, yianrje.: Pal?".‘ FOWLER, Mmie DO. Dearly Beloved Saint sW:— e sitiZtOVe and filled with the Mighty Jesus. 1 lujah I We left Lafayette, Gratio the 29th of Nov. Before - leaving an ordinance meeting at Bro. Fr . ves's the best I ever witnessed. ,.; mighty power of God melted us like The. ' hole room was an altar, and to were found on . their knees; some we weeping, while others were ' praising -( Pd affnadi l esliitokiitittiiintgo t jii, e3sigIsloIries of free salvation We arrived at sister Sarah SinilVsi ° I' mile North, and two miles West offirler Tuesday, the last day of the MouthOola' tnenced meetings that night in 014001 othlioml: t1 § 1. aev i'sciePi iirt 3n1::,: c. naiebi0seertsti. hte) ylt; ivie'lluv ivalog'friodr1: 1( 1.;: oiini tells us that there will be anti- ohY' the last days. So it, is now everrrlere; there were two at this meeting,.: 04'°' n who said he had preached iii. st). 4,01' e s chool- house, talked about the ged: 404. ture, but denied the Christ. Was in us in great power On Ler4jg; 43, Y1' /. 44 In the evening the house was : 414. t. if' 1" and the Lord led us to . preach • sifrp. I. Ii.! 1:'," 10: 3. The power of God was Sinners wePt and trembled.:. * iiiittliP; —: 017- -: 0:- ANTTWWEERRPP,, 0. DFA Praise God ! we are havine. glo • meetings in Bro. Henry Sweet's house, The wicked, stoned dowa the door the eteez night. Bro. Sweet Ailed it up, praising the Lord. Bro. Kilpatrick stopped Preach. ing the door was fixed, then he pou ed down the words of eternal truth, by the Holy Praise God for salvation full and free even arSnupa run nin g agsiei across fairrieests. s Ti nr e river. o' rl .' if a s o l U. Resler. iedefv ri1 Niivsfe ei iiseco oitr sectish spirits in the house looked as Wan as if they took in the whole Word of God Your Bro. in Christ Jesus. T SEDAN, EAL N DE; An BRETHREN IN Unitkrr: hle,, s you with all 8pirit nal hie I rill) here at Sedan eommet jug in the city, Nov. St In, ' 86, in of King Jesus. God sent Ilro. Smith ut Longton, to assist in the• ie ing. Glory to God! for haptizai We are thundering the straight .: glosp e ears of the pet tpl e, and stotae led men are melting before the miglt 1 truth of ( loch thi l ha luj ah to ( 40. for tory through our Lord Jesus ehri We expect to go front here t. o. Valley, 5 miles East ( Where, the Lartwit ing. The Lord save the people kr 4esu sake. We don't know how loot tkaine ing will continue here; the LoOl Pray for us, beloved. Your savailBro in Christ Jesus. Ame n ! John 11. Orr & Charles B. Sara Sweet's Saturday night. Glory thaeoi the Lord blessed our coming togetliatA Sabbath, the Lord tilled Bro. Kitpittrie and I1D spike as the Spirit gayeltWette auee. ( 40d saved two souls. Ag on poor, blind sectarian came to the' elt when told hy one, through the Spilt, h real condition, she vonf• s . ied it vreeso, an had been for three ears. But inood getting salvation. She, took her sha Such is the power of he sect -* pi that ft. can Vscape ironi it. Baton' on Wednet- iloy nt,: ht. we Lad 144134 Bro. , i. N. Howard's, and two settkitt ! I saved. Praise God I Mil woodiru saved. and tilled with the pow. ee:, 41_ 1 ke; WoRSTVILLR, 0. D 10, Dsen BenruttEN:— I feel gloriatuege soul this morning. hallelujah! qi) e h become my salvetion Bro. Rittititrit inyeelf, and seven other dear sale* \- eel iver to the. Church of God westvk An werp, arid opened fire on the eneintigB -: o:— W. Roidtd, • • DAN/ Et4 a 4: 11 1 1 KI to the uttert I who seem te be of the house of Go- d, byS e_ GoDd efoarr BretWhroernd , p rita dyo feosr musy, stohualt , g otiotd rind serve detils 61' every description, es- tmo aayll mathk ee duesa sre usfauiln inte , s aavnidn ge sspteeaclias. ll yL eyvoku? pecially the gods of the flesh, of pride, of - dear little company. I money, as We find all these devils in the churches of eYeryProteetent denomination. Because Geo is ordering us topreach 11E6 Gospel to every human creature wher- I ever we find one because God is telling I US to go in the highways,. and hedges, and compel them to come into His I to come into this Ninevale lilting up our I voices like Trumpets to show the. people lof Chicago their transgressions, and their. sins, and We ' are stoned, pelted, and bated p ost d b ? By t : an y tom Proteat a n ts, by people w ho p r each Christ, aaren alsadol soitnneg h- ere. We rejoice in it : it is a good wok. The Church of Christ will always be the Church of the few : " little flock." To be a true Christ-ian, a follower ot Christ, is to be holy, ep-arate from sinners, is to be a " stand alone in God." Glory ' be to God ! to Jesus! house, that, it might be filled; because God co_ mmands us to go to the poor, Matt. 11: 5; to the Lord's people--- Isa. 58: 1; in the houses,— Mark 11: 1, 2; as ye sit at nieat— Mark 15: 17; in the corn- fields— Mark 2: 23- 28; by the sea- side— Mark 4: 1; as ye work by the way— Mark 11: 19; 26 : while inspecting fine buildings— Mark 13: 1, 2; where you are— Dent. 7: 6- 9. Because we are obeying God rather than man, our civilPosti Grand Master. the May-or, Harrison, and host of ungodly Alder-men and l'olicemen, seconded by a herd of unconverted Protestant, ministers, are sending us orders_ never to appear on the 81 reels, never to sing, pray, or say a word concerning Christ, even on the threshold of our own doors. The Free Masons, Odd- fellows, Roman Catholics etc., are permitted to exhibit all their idols, march in procession, blockade the streets, stop the business, and be a nuisance all over the city: the anarchists are permitted to go there together, have pie- riles, and throw bombshell; but the followers of Christ are forbidden to praise the name of God,_ or preach His Gospel- on the streets. " If- you do it," says Ebersold, the chief Polite, " you will be arrested." Do you understand now, readers of the GOSPEL TRUMPET, how Chicago is in dark-ness ? Why don't you come to our rescue, you people that stand in Christ, you dear saints, and help us. Ye strong in the Lord, strong in numberif, we will march to Zion through the gates of Chicago. If you cannot help- tis by your presence help, us by your ineaba, and your prayers. on, antid were blessed of God. Bro. Rohl. ltf MASON MICH. Dear Taufnerr Readers :— Yeti can hardly realize how glad I am to hear from you ' thieittih the TRUMPET. May God bless you of the Bible, and the inany testimonies of the saints. My testimony is that / am rejoicing in a full and free salvation. I belong to the Church of the First- born, and I know piy name is written in Heav-en. I am saved and sanctified through the truth. May the blessings - of Heaven rest down upon you for Jesus' saae. Your Brother,: FREMONT MICH. Dear Brethren:— May the good Lord bless and keep you all, is my prayer. 0 praise His name forever more! My testi-mony is that I am saved and sanetified just new, and kept by the power of Gad. I am on the sea, of glass mingled with fire.: Pray for us that the Lord may use us in the salvatioli of many precious souls. Isaac M. Gray. WARD MINN. Dear Brethren:— We can say _ to the glory of God that we are saved in Jesus. Praise His holy namel We are havingour trials and persecutions, and we want all the saint to pray for us. WO have been preaching the straight Word of God, and E. M. 1.{ Ar.'; 11. BURKETTSVILLE 0. , Dear Brethren :— I praise God for sal-vation full and free. Last evening we ' it is starring up the sects. There are only four that are out of babylon, and on - the straight Word of God. One sister is going to be a terror to evil doers. Glory to God . S W i I held a meeting at Bro. John Christy's of 1.- nd the Lamb forever for M onderful this place, and witnessed the presence of idle LOrd in mighty power. ' One sectarian YounBro. and sister paved and tried as who had been preaching sectarianisrn for charged tile people with mes_ • T OM . inerism, or electricity, that they could not Aim) it. Ofcourse the poor sinners could DO island the power of God, neither can sat miserable anti- christ stand the judg-ment day. We asked God for light, and lie showed us there WAS nothing there to build on , except a few children, and some young people. But the parents would not iet them come to Christ. So we shake the diistfrom our feet, and leave them. We pest to hold a few meetings, and then 4ron South if God permits. YOUP Bro's. se. ved, sanotified, and kept without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. Win. N. Smith & J. Shelly. 000 orrespondence. —: o:— WOODSTON, K. Dear Brearen:-- -- How glad I am to hear yoirsound the clear notes of the GOSPEL TEUMPET; • I Rm made acquainted with you through Bro. J. P. HanerWholas been labathig arming us a few days. It has not been an uncertain sound we have heard. have been saved and sanctified over 21. years, but have worn the galling sect yoke until it has taken my head off, and tan dead indeed unto all sects. I lave been a sect member for thirty years : but Or. the last few years I have felt the sect life ebbing out. About six weeks fon) Bro. Brooks was giving me a report from the Fall Conference dwelling largely on one brother's failing to obey discipline,. in be-ing 3ubjec1. Jo the powers that be. I said, in reply, Bro. Brooks, such works as that make me feel like taking my name off the sect book. The sect I belonged to, ( Wes-leyan Methodist) professes to believe in holiness, but for years, A hen giving testi-mony of the saving power of Jesus' blood, I have been responded to in such a sar-castic, critical way, that I almost lost the ace by failing to give straight testimony. 0 ' how I groaned for deliverance, being burdened, but did not know how to get free, though long since my sect has been no more to me than any other, and I have taken the saved ones in the various sects or my brethren and sisters, and have of-tea decided to come out wholly on the . hora's side and now I thank God that He has sent Bro. Hauer here to preach the straight Word to us, so I need not he alone. Truly the Lord has given that young Bro. a wenderful illumination on the Scrip-tures, . and he is a flaming sword , in the hands of God wherever he goes. But one thing beloveds, let us not in-lialge in a sarcastic, sneering manner when dealing with the seets, let us hold them ( the members) up to the throne of grace by prayer and faith. Let us keep the sweet Spirit of Jesus, far We will only repel, instead of winning, by a sarcastic manner. Your sister in Christ. L. T. McKunc.• —: o:— EDGEWOOD MICH. Dear Brethren:— I ani all the Lord's thin morning, walking in all the light God gives me, and I am determined to always Serve the Lord. I love to read the TRUMP-. IT, I cannot afford to do without it. Praise God fru freedom from all sectari- —: 0:— EDGEWOOD MICH. Dear Brethren:— This morning finds me saved, washed and redeemed in the ' precious blood of Jesus, who died on cal-vary to redeem us from this wicked world. I do praise the Lord for calling after me, and taking my feet out Of the mire, and placing me on the Solid Rock, Christ Je-sus, where I will forever abide.- 0 how it fills my soul with glory to see souls saved. Dear brethren pray for us that We' may prove faithful to the end. Your saved sister in Christ. Mary Flegel. —: 0:— EDGEWOOD MICH. Dear- Brethren:— I am saved, washed and redeemed through the precious blood of Jesus. Yesterday was the Lord's day, and Bro. And sister Smith, and Bro. and sis-ter Shelly were here to the Barton school-house, and the Lord saved souls. Halle-luiah to God! Oh the mighty - Dower of God was here ! Praise the Lord. forever and ever for saving my soul from : this Wicked world. - 0 glory to • Jesus, forever and - ever! Pray for us that we may stand stedfast, immovable, that souls may be brought to Christ. Your . Bro. sanctified wholly through the' precieus. blood of Je-sus, and kept by the mighty power of God each day and moment. Wm. C. ILA'FAYETTE, MICH. - Dear- Brethren:— My testimony ia, I am well and saved ' with an everlasting salva-tion. Praise the Lord! We are out on the promise and _ under the blood, and it fills my soul with glory kit work for the saving of poor lost souls. After the camp Meeting in Gratiot Co., I left all to follow Jesus. We went first - to Shiawassee Co., held meeting there one week where_ there had been no meetings for nine years. One started to follow the Lord, and there was a wonderful stir among the dry bones. We went- from there to Genesee, where we held meeting two weeks. There was one soul aaved, three baptized, and eight followed in the ordinances of feet- washing and Lord's. supper. Praise the Lordl 0 I do praise , God : for salvation that, saves and keeps me from all sin. We ex-pect to go farther, North ' and hold a meet-ing. Your sister under the blood and sanctified to God. H. E. Drowley. CLAYTON ILL, Dear Brethren„.-:- I have taken i fie TRUMPET over five years and I cannot do Works to the children of men! by lire. May the God of peace be with you all. Amex) ! Enos & Mary Key. FLORIDA, 0. Dear Brethren praise God tor sal-vation. 0 1 am so thankful - that I am completely saved from sects, and all their evil works. . I went. to the sect meeting to- day but there was ` no food for the soul there. 1 don't see how I was so blind as to think they were the Church. Wel1,1 have no desire to go baok, for there is nothing to go back to. I stayed there until I was starved to death spiritually. But when I came to Jesus, He forgave me all my - sins, and afterward sanctified my nature. ' Yours in Christ. M. E. Hurd. PORTLAND MICH. BELOVED BaanniEN:—. To- day finds me on a straight line for Gad. 0 praise the Lord for full and free salvation, that saves me just now. I aril saved from babylon, and am walking in the light of my blessed Redeemer. 0 glory to Jesus! Pray for me. Your Brother. Benj. Todd. Dear Brethren:—. 1 de praise God- for the TRUMPET: it is food far my soul. I ani saved and: sanctified, and walking in the light of Jestis. Praise the Lord! I do priiise the Lord , _ for healing my body .1: was sick kir seven years, and the Doctor said 1 eould never get well; but the Lord completely healed me, and I . am veil and praising Hiny beith night and day. I was in a- sect for twenty years, but God has saved me out of that. I have the well of water in my soul, springing up into ev-erlasting life. Glory be to Jesus! Your sister, , Jane A. Todd. TIICMAS HILL, MO. Dear Brearew— I- harce shown sever-al of the holiness , brethren and Evangelists Your article in reply to Bro. D. M. Creigh-ton, and they are ' well pleased with it. They would like to have you write an ar-ticle on the subject of baptism. The anti-ordinance teachers make- it a condition of salvation, and say if we are saved we will walk in their light. This Quaker heresy has caused much division, and about ruined I he Good Way. Some of the evangelists of Mo. have ' gone off with this false doc-trine. ' Having loosed - from the Rock of Cod's Word, they do not stop at rejecting the ordinances of Christ, but some teach that there is no . hell, others,- that there is no _ Heaven, and say it is - only an experi-ence, and they are running into many other heresies. In direct opposition to the Word of God, they say that Christ instituted no ordin ances, and that the Apostles tadght and practiced them through ignorance, etc. And that these ordinances are the tap root sectism. Their bands, in a great many places, are torn to pieces by their many divisions, on account of . which, some of them are becoming discouraged. J. W. Coughlan has turned a good many against you. He lost salvation when the Good Way was taken out of his hands, and he went and joined the Southern Methodist sect. 0 Brol her how I desire to see your face, and hear you preach the eyerlastiog Gos-pel. Can you not come LO Mo.? I believe PITTSVILLE, PA Dear Brethren:—" 0 how happy are they, who their Savior obey." Praise God! I am happy, and I do feel to praise God for what He has done for me. He has brought me out of darkness into lip, ht He has set me on the Rock, Christ Jesus. 0 praise our God forever and ever ! for full and free salvation which I feel in my soul. am free from this world, and all sects. Praise the Lord forever and ever ! I do praise God that He saves and sanctifies me just now. Pray for me, that I may ever be found at the foot of the cross, doing the Lord's will in all things. Your sister in Christ E. C. Edmiston. PITTSVILLE,• PA. 0 how happy I have been ever since I was sanctified. The first night I went to the saint's meeting I found the Lord was working within me I felt it my duty to work for Him. I gave myself all to Him, and He took me out of darkness and let the light shine into my heart. 0 praise God for His precious promises He has giv-en us, that enables us to stand up and testify for Him. Praise God forever and ever ! Praise His holy • name for salvation from all sin, that fills the soul with glory. " Jesus all the day long, is my joy and my song." Praise God for ever and ever! I am saved and sanctified, and more de-termined than ever to see the end of the Christian's journey. The Lord is my help-er, praise the Lord! Your sister in Christ. F. E. Morgan. BURKETTSVILLE 0. DEAR BRETHREN:— Jesus has led me out if bondage, and made me a free child of God. 0 I do praise God for salvation full and free. I belonged to the U. B. sect, but last August God sent Bro. Kilpatrick, and a few of the dear saints here to- preach the straight. light of God. The first meet-ing I went to, I was convicted, and made up my mind that I Must do something, Or be forever lost. I went to Jesus for the pardon of my sins, and the next day, I went for entire sancdcation, but did not obtain the witness until the 14th of Oct. 0 I do praise . God for salvation I He has planted a little Vineyard in this place. We have meeting twice a week; the bless-ed Jesus meets with us, and lie is our leader. 0 how sweet it is to be free from every creed, and work of men. 0 praise God that I ever came out of darkness into this glorious light. I am looking forward to the nappy time when I shall meet my dear Savior and all the beloved saints in that happy land, to part never more. Pray for your Sister in Christ, Americus Christy. WHEELER, Mien: Dear Brethren:— I feel led to Write my testimony for Jesus for He has saved me, and He keeps me bahHis mighty power. It has been a long time since I have writ-ten but glory to Jesus I He has kept me Saved. , We have been having glorious meetings in the name Of Jesus. Bro. Win. Smith, and Bro. Shelly have been holding meetings at our house, and we have the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Sectarians were brought to the light, and prodigals returned to Father's house, and seven dear souls sitere buried with Christ in baptism, and the Church wonderfully strengthened. May God bless and keep those dear brethren, and make them pow-erful men in His Vineyard. 0 this full and free salvation that makes perfect men and women fbr the Master. I do praise the Lord this Morning that He* saves the. would just say that morality win net save at all, but the blood of Jesus saves from all sin. Glory be to Jesus forever! Dr Bre hren, pray for me, that * I may-be as a city set on a hill, that I may show to the world that Jesus is the Way, the truth, and- the light. Your Bro. saved and sanctified. Jacob Cress. —: o:— Rona, Mo. Dear Brethrem— I feel led to let you know about the glorious work of salvation at Rolla. Sister Emma Johnson, by Om help_ and grace of God has awakened some of the people here, and four have been gloriously sanctified, and others seeking this wonderful salvation which saves from all mu. Babylon has taken a fail, iind the works of satan are being wonderfull y at ir-red up. Glory toGod I for a full and free sal, vation; one that we can feel, and know that we are saved troth all sin just now. I know that Jesus has cleansed, and sanctified me wholly, and has taken the carnal mind all out of me. You brother lin Christ, Win. Swindle. more than a year, acknowledged that he had no guide save his own conscience, and seemed to be sincere in the belief th n t he had received ail the grace there was for him. My God I have mercy on all such. Dear Brethren, pray for the salvation of souls in this part of the Lord's Vineyard. Your Brother saved and sanctified. Wm. G. Schell. —: 0: Sr LOUIS Mien. I would like to give you, and all the TRUMPET readers my experience on my Heavenly way. I am now sixtY- six years old, and commenced my Christian warfme when abdut twenty- one years of age, and was immersed. I joined the DisCiples, as I believed them to take the New Testa-ment, and that only for their faith and practice. I got along with them till I came to Mark 16 : 17, 18. I- expected to see those signs with theDisciples of Christ; but alas! those signs were not to be found there. aio I left there and came to Mich., still looking for those believers that Jesus spake of, and found none notwithstand-ing the people seemed to enjoy the Holy Ghost. But there was something lacking. the signs of Jesus were not there. At length the Holy Ghost came down from Heaven and filled, my soul` to such a ful-ness that I began to enjoy Christ's sgving power. Hallelujah! My faith got stron-ger and stronger, and I longed to be with the pure in heart, trusting in God and not. man. About that time the , light burst forth into my heart and showed Io me that there is a people in these days that, have those signs following them. I sold anti moved to Isabella Co., and spent some oversa year there with the Disciple brethren, thinking surely the signs of be-lievers in Christ would be there. But right to the reverse : they said they were for the apostles, and not for us. I could not prevail on them to believe the truth, so I left them and came to Gratiot Co. where I now re-side, and while here I heard of the saints. There I met with those whom I had so long been looking for. They have the signs following them. Praise the Lordl He is working in the hearts of the- little ones. 0 what joy I I can say as Peter, James, and John, in the mount, " It is good to be here." Praise the Lord! I am sat-isfied that the saints are the ' people of God, and God is with them, working signs and wonders in the name of Christ, Glory to God in the hightest I I am saved by the blood of Christ. Amen! My wife desires . the prayers of the saints for the healing of her afflicted body. Isaac Morse. —: o:— WIIEICLEIL MICH. Dear Brethren-:— I am all on the altar, saved and sanctified by the blood of Jesus, and kept by His power, .1 dci praise God that Ile ever called me to work for poor lost souls, and stir up old babylon. I do praise God that His little Ones are coming out of bahylon and taking Jesus for their Guide. Where we- last held meeting there were ten came to the altar. The Lord has filled me with His power. Your Bre. saved and sanctified. Jesse Drowley. SARATOGA, IND. Dear Brethren :— I de praise God for what He has done for me, and many oth-ers. I wish to say to the glory of Ged that I am Walking in all the light the Lord gives we. I thank God that, I ever gnve my heart to Jesne, for I was a very rude fellow. Oh I thank the Lord for ever showing me the beauty of honoring my father and mother, which is the first com-mandment with promise. Eph. , 6: a Praise the Lord for His blessed promises ! First the Lord showed me that every bad word and act that I said, or did, Was diShonoring my parents. Now I would say to all who are dishonoring their parents in word or act, Oh give your heart to Jesus. The Word says, Let the wicked forsake his way, and the Unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord; and He will have merey upon him, and to miir God, for He sillabundantly pardon — La 55: 7, 0 praise our God! " Seek ye the Lord while he may be fotind, call ye upon Hien while He is near." Pray for us. Your Bro. for the truth U. C. Key. —: 0:— FEN WICK ONT. Dear Brethren:— My testimony is, that I am saved and sanctified, and walking in c the light as God gives it, to ine. I praise holy name for His saving and healing hPower in my family. The blood cleanses me from all sin just now. Glory to God forever! this body is often go filled with the migth'Y power of , God that it seems the Poor earthen vessel must break. He has Saved me . from taking His name in vain. and from the intoxicating cup : and glory "- to God forever ! He saves me from the use Of tobacco, to which 1 had been a slave for 40 years. And God has taken the ap-petite away from me. • GlO • y to Jesus! I ask the prayers of all God's - people, that I may remain a faithful and ready : servant of Christ. - I know that I have all On the altar for tithe and eternity, and I 11- 1 saved. - Glory to God! Your brother in Christ Jesus. Jelin Smith. Eva Arimatigher. all and keep you until your labor of love is done on eartii, and then we will all meet in Heaven. My son- in- law died last March, and before his death he called me to his bed- side; I pointed him to the Lamb of God, who was ready to receive a poor sin-sick soul. In a few days he passed away, • requesting - me to point his wife to the same Savior who had so mercifully saved him. I did, and she too has found the Savior. Glory be to God for His loving kindness to me. I know Jesus loves and saves me from all sin. I am all the Lord's, soul and body, washed and cleansed in His blood. Your Brother, S. B. Knapp. an yokes and bends, Your eister, saved awl sanct Hied. wit flout aAeros me much comfort when I read the straight and true doctriae ;()( 1 would wonderfully use you to His tdory in this State. If the Lord wills, come. I am determined to be true to God, if every soul in Mo were to, turn back. 0 glory to God! I am standing on the sea of glass, miligled with fire. God is love, Christ is sll in all. Your Bro. in Christ. RISING SUN 0. Dear Breth. ren:— The Lord bless, you and your little company'. Praise God I Myself and all the little ones here are glo-riously saved. God is hying in us and we in Him. Glory be to His name forever! God is wonderfully blessing us and greatly encouragin g us. " Satan is. mad, ond is cast-ing out his venom in lies and slanders on God's little ones: hut praise God, none of these thing move us.- Pray for us, we pray for you every day. Your Bro. Jacob Roush. E. C. Rice. • NZW$ Mat ! U MELD, it up. But I still went to ineedug, and --- ___. often wished when I heard the dear 00 shouting and praising God, that I caw feel as they did , but tyre meeting altohsree alltalA lIm‘ ivt'ttstliileotsas147Pecrii: the Bt 0. Fishier Iris little hand came to Henderson, aiail 9 night, and as I went into the house tin s t m iles from lieu e. I went up ththeere- o Wall," and 0 it was heavenly musk. ah felt more and more the need of salv ' a o were singing " Tire Hand of God ou a but came home without it. • I went b at tempted - so strong that I tobje: oneche to meeting on Saturday, and Sunday aa lung the Lord pardoned all my sins. pra His holy name forever I After meet' how the, devil did come tome with tail% I had some in my pocket, and _ pie do me but praise G- od l it was the last. i '- ing, it out of my month, and emptied ityp, e eotetoi ft ea ft: rt hteo tf ) ial : lei co y ast ouayfbf. lfet. sosTm1iGaot:::::::: tvi Lord sanctified my soul, and took the a the Lord ! I have never had any degiref it since. 0 how I d w tion that cleanses us from all sin. Mau be God ! He is filling me with His pot more and more e very day.• The babyl ans are raging on account of the few saj in this place. It pleased God some five or six wee ago, to send Bro. Fisher and a little b of His saints here to hold " a meeting. A praise the Lord ! there was a good la dot: anItea• Iisik G lay ever stand firm. My testil God's little ones to pray fir uy is, I am saved and sanctified, and k by the power of God every day, and with His glory continually. M. . F. Rayso r to keep them both, and- fill them* 0 mighty power. The Lord has lieetfalea bag us of late- to go North to YieOril salvation of souls, and Hellas oPe410 way for us to go, in piraimat :':- 0 It a to hold a Meeting : also at CharliOld heart of. Bro:: Gld to take us ultra. Jordan. There is a door open CPO: 1Pb' age there_ is a door open foraisi''. asOs Ur 13ro, GillaH,, of Covert is - livogOe and al ants. some of God'aminister st+ P° e are two u e• such - • '; it Bausta Flamm, Tana, Dge. 4. E found the Church of the First-borit at Payne 0. and surrounding atountry in the Spirit and power of God. The Lord adding to the Church frequently such as are being saved. Praise the Lord! God's Church does hot hold protracted meetings to get up a revival z . for - the re-vival lasts the whole year round. The power of God present to convict sinners, and melt stony hearts, is the normal state of God's Church. Saturday, Nov. 27, dear Bro. Howard came in withhis team and took our little company out to his place, and that night we had a glorious meeting in the school-house. The next night at Bro. Howard's, many saints met in the Spirit. One soul converted, others seeking. That nightwe had access to the school- house again, which was crowded, the sect devil : being - there in force as well as a host of saints. God gave us power over all the power of the adversary, and liberty in pouring out the vials of His wrath and indignation upon the worshipers of the beast, aud his image. Many sinners were deeply convicted, three came to the altar. Two of whom were gloriously blessed and: saved. One was a member of a sect and also of a secret so-ciety; when she promised to leave- all to follow Jesus, the fire from Iltaven came instantly into her heart; and, like the man healed at the beautiful gate of the temple, she sprang up, leaped and shouted the praises of God. Dear Bro. J. N. Howard has been stand-ing firm for God in that place. . As God said to Jeremiah, " Beheld I have put my Words into thy mouth. See-, I have set thee this day over the nations, and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw do wn; to build - and te. - Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto them all that I com-mand thee: be notdismayed at their faces lest I eonfound thee before them. For behold, IThavd made thee this day a : ate fenced city, and an iron pillar, and brazen walls against the whole land; Against the kings'of Judah, against the princes thereof, against the priests thereof, and against the people of the land. And they shall light against thee : but they shall not prevail against thee for I am with thee, saith the: Lord to deliver thee".- Jer. 1: 9, 10,17- 19. - So the grace of God in this dear brother has enabled him to make havoc upon the vile cages of deception, and unsheathe the powerful two- edged Sword of the Lord against thopriefts of baal, and all the de-ceived, subverted, sinning sectarians. And truly they of gog and magog have fought . against the brother, Other/Unknown Material morse ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Lent ENVELOPE(-66.783,-66.783,-66.867,-66.867) Dent ENVELOPE(140.050,140.050,-66.649,-66.649) Ner ENVELOPE(6.622,6.622,62.612,62.612) Payne ENVELOPE(167.867,167.867,-72.817,-72.817) Todd ENVELOPE(-85.933,-85.933,-78.050,-78.050) Charity ENVELOPE(-60.333,-60.333,-62.733,-62.733) Luke ENVELOPE(-94.855,-94.855,56.296,56.296) Morse ENVELOPE(130.167,130.167,-66.250,-66.250) Pillar ENVELOPE(166.217,166.217,-77.583,-77.583) Clayton ENVELOPE(-64.183,-64.183,-65.167,-65.167) Barton ENVELOPE(-58.733,-58.733,-62.233,-62.233) Hurd ENVELOPE(-60.366,-60.366,-62.682,-62.682) Yoke ENVELOPE(-61.933,-61.933,-63.967,-63.967) Eternity ENVELOPE(-64.567,-64.567,-69.767,-69.767) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Sever ENVELOPE(166.083,166.083,62.917,62.917) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) Lagrange ENVELOPE(-62.597,-62.597,-64.529,-64.529) Titus ENVELOPE(169.033,169.033,-72.250,-72.250) Awl ENVELOPE(-60.633,-60.633,-63.867,-63.867) Ular ENVELOPE(140.951,140.951,72.498,72.498) Pennington ENVELOPE(-134.904,-134.904,59.983,59.983) Rona ENVELOPE(13.943,13.943,66.985,66.985) Van Buren ENVELOPE(-63.485,-63.485,-71.318,-71.318) Judah ENVELOPE(-117.319,-117.319,56.150,56.150) The Sentinels ENVELOPE(-36.267,-36.267,-54.267,-54.267) Magog ENVELOPE(-28.350,-28.350,73.267,73.267) Altar The ENVELOPE(11.333,11.333,-71.650,-71.650) Blue River ENVELOPE(-128.967,-128.967,59.693,59.693) Merey ENVELOPE(118.700,118.700,63.583,63.583)