The Gospel Trumpet - 16:41

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Blow ye the Trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain. TAhlle y Leo irndh. aGboidt asnhtasl lo bf ltohwe twhoer lTdr, u amnpde dt, w aenllde rgso owni tthh ew ehairrtlhw, is...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Warner, D. S. 1896
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Blow ye the Trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain. TAhlle y Leo irndh. aGboidt asnhtasl lo bf ltohwe twhoer lTdr, u amnpde dt, w aenllde rgso owni tthh ew ehairrtlhw, isnede s. ZecJho. e 9l : 21: 41. lifteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a Trumpyeet,, whheaern he ye. Isa. 15: 3. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven t o the othSeor . w ill I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all placMeas tw. 2h4e: r3e1 . they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Eze. 34: 12. . Ter. 82: 89. an ■ stumar Volume 16. Number 41. Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Oct. is, 1896. THE z COMING JUDGMENT. How. truly, we know it is written, That death is appointed to all. And after death cometh the judgment Of every one both great and small. Oh, you who are ever rejecting The counsel of God's holy word, Remember there'll be no deliverance When once the last great trump is heard. 0 sinner, come ponder a moment, Remember your soul is at stake, The road on which you're now running Will end in the dark burning lake. And dearly beloved professor, What will your profession avail?' When weighed in the Lord's righteous balance, Your unanchored hope will all fail. Edwin Whitmore. Christian Stability. H E REF OR E tak_ e - unto C. A, you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to with-stand in the evil day; and having done all to stand, STAND therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness."— Eph. 6: 13, 14. For some time my soul has been stirred to its depths, on account of the enormous number of up- and- down, zigzag lives, that are being lived among the people of God in these last days, when every mite gained should be held. Therefore we feel it our duty to sound aloud an alarm through the columns of the TRUMPET; peradventure some of the above- de-scribed lives may be straightened and the possessors of the same may be awakened from the satanic cradle of lethargy, and become bright and shining lights in the world with those who already are standing on Mount Zion, dazzling the eyes of the nomi-nal world, as well as the non- profes-sor, by the brilliancy of the great electric light ( Jesus- Christ) of hea-venly origin, as it blazes forth in its splendor from those who are walking in the light of his word. Truly our heart has been made to ache, when we see and hear of our once beloved in the Lord, now up and down in their experience, falling - into the snare of the devil and bringing bitter reproach upon the precious cause of Christ. The fact is in many cases, the above state of spirituality has already become alarming, owing to the light and understanding they, through the providence of God, have received upon his word. I now allude ( in particular) to cer-tain dear individuals, who for years have been privileged to listen to the gospel in its purity, but for some cause they are unsettled, and have a continued up- and- down life, being a misery to themselves and a reproach to the cause of Christ. Truly it is high time that such are being awakened. For what sayeth the scripture: " And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord' house SHALL BE ESTABLISHED in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it."— Isa. 2: 2. You see, dear unsettled soul, according to the above text, that in the last days God is goe ing to have an ESTABLISHED. people. By turning to 2 Tim. 3 : 1- 5, it is clearly shown that we now live in the above stated days. Now, since the days of establishing are at hand, and God is thus confirming his own elect, what will be the awful fate of those, who by their continual falling are reproaching God's precious cause, and are failing to get the establish-ing? The fact will be - thus: God will establish his own, root, and ground them according to his Word. And they in these last days, will move onward with . great velocity, increas-ing with the increase of God, and abounding unto every good work; and while they are thus gliding along in their splendor toward the portals of glory, you, dear unsettled soul, will be left in the dark shades of night, with the grim giant of despair fixing his eyes upon you, cheering himself with the thought, " that you are going to be lost." Moreover, the sullen spirits of the infernal region are rejoicing over such a life, as hell stands with her mouth extended wide to receive all who are thus found ( as before described) wandering about in the broad way. Oh, awake, awake, ye who wear the apparel of night, and deck thyself with the beautiful garments of righteousness! Although unsettled experiences are so numerous, we are compelled to say ( in the light of his word) that it is useless for it to be so. For in the great plan of God's salvation, is pro-vided complete deliverance, and God declares himself " faithful, who shall stablish and keep you from evil."— 2 Thess. 3: 3. Let us look at the cause of a falling experience. Luke 6: 47- 49• " Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he Is like: He is like a man which built a house, and dinged deep, and laid the foun-dation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehe-mently upon that house, and could not shake it; for it was founded upon a rock. But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built a house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell: . and the ruin of that house was great." Here Jesus gives us to understand that the cause of our up- and- down life, is brought about by us. 1st, by not obeying his word. 2nd, building without foundation. For he sayeth, if we obey and build upon the rock we cannot be shaken. Jesus also tells us that a just man needs no repent-ance. Therefore, such a one certainly has laid his foundation upon the rock, and cannot be shaken. From these texts we see that Jesus teaches that a Bible repentance is the foun-dation of a Bible experience. So if you, dear reader, have an unsettled experience, it will be well for you to examine closely, and see if you have as yet, laid the proper foundation and built upon the rock; that is, bibli-cally repented. We will notice a few things required in repentance. " Let the wicked for-sake his way."— Isa. 55: 7. Forsake,— abandon; leave, never to return; not simply go a visiting. " If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life without committing iniquity, he shall surely live, he shall not die."— Ezek. 33: 15. Altar workers should see that the above text is obeyed to the extent of opportunity and ability. Next comes reconciliation. " But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."— Matt. 6: 15. " He that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but whoso CONFESSETH and FORSAKETH them shall have mercy."— Prov. 28: 13. Have you obeyed all? If not, you are apt to find as Jesus has said, " He that heareth and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation, built a house upon the earth," which" fell." The apostle tells us, " he that cometh to God, must believe that he is [ exists], and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."— Heb. 11: 6. How may we diligently seek Gad? Ans. By doing that which he demands of us in repentance. " His commandments are not griev- Jno. 5: 3. Therefore he will only require us to act to the extent of opportunity and ability. Government of Temper. HETHER we regard the honor of the religion of Jesus Christ or the comfort of domestic life, much depends upon governing the temper. Some persons are naturally possessed of a kind and sweet temper, and are thus prepared, when they become partakers of salvation to display its most attrac-tive charms. Others are naturally violent and passionate, or sullen and morose. It is as much the office of salvation to soften and subdue harsh and unruly tempers, as it is to mor-tify the most flagrant vices. Little do they know of the design of salva-tion, and little' do they feel of its power, who are insensible to this. The word of God inculcates meek-ness and gentleness, and the mild and lovely temper of the Savior. " Cease from anger, and forsake wrath." " Let all bitterness and wrath, and anger, and clamor, be put away from you, with all malice." " Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, * * * humble-ness of mind, meekness, longsuffer-ing." " Be ye kind one to another, tender- hearted." The fruit of the Spirit is peace, gentleness, meekness. " Follow after meekness." • In these important passages how many weighty reasons are included for cherishing a meek and gentle temper, and for repressing harshness, sullenness, and passion! If the infinite God avails, you here have his commands; if a dread of yielding to the wicked one can prevail, he cautions us hot to give place to the devil by indulging wrath. The Most High enforces the necessity of gentleness and meekness, by pro-nouncing the meek blessed "( Matt. 5: 5), by declaring gentleness a fruit of the Spirit, and by teaching us that, if we would walk worthy of our holy calling, it must be with lowliness and and meekness. Important promises are made to Not once in your life may you be summoned to prpve, by renouncing liberty, friends, and property, that you pre fer your Lord to all earthly good; but a hundred petty yet vexing Occurrences may arise even in a day to give an opportunity of proving that you imitate the example of Jesus and show that you treasure in your heart, and display in yi ur life, his admonitions respecting the love-liness and worth of a meek and quiet spirit. Yours in tise tine body, W. D. FAR/ TAN. Sample Copies Free. Christian Progress. C; - IIHERE is no truly successful Gck Christian living without constant increasing and steady progression. The Bible, which is a " lamp to our feet," represents the Christian life as one which " shineth more and more unto the perfect day." Those who have lost the sweetness and blessed-ness of their " first love," and become formal, zealously endeavor to excuse themselves, and often predict the same declension in others. We may meet with the cold worldly professor who will tell us that a few more years will suffice to teach us that re-deeming love will not remain always as a thing of joy in our hearts, but will as the grass of the field wither and die and pass away. While the blessedness and con-sciousness of fellowship with our dear Lord, and the realization of his loving hand in all the great and small affairs of life, will give way to coldness and the mere happenings of circumstances; while we are now all joy, happiness, and devotion, but soon to return to the common level of formality,— while this may truly represent the course of many, I feel thankful it is not the inevitable course of all. The Bible gives no encouragement for such a degeneration. Such is not the legit-imate effectual fruits of the Spirit. To the contrary, if the fervency of youthful happiness in Jesus be ar-duously continued, it will draw us into a more blessed communion with God, into a sweeter and more sacred walk with him. The beauteous graces of Jesus will fall from heaven with un-folding and expanding influence up-on our soul as the copius May shower upon the opening bud. How blessed to know that the soul may daily drink of the " water of life" with in-creasing joy! They who do not ex-perience as much joy as in the first years of their Christian life, must cer-tainly have dispensed with some of their spiritual food. They have neglected to come to the sweet foun-tain of water and drink until their cup of j oy was full. The testimony of such is not likely to raise the standard of piety in the souls of others. It is true the Bible does record the apostatizing of some, and their sad end, but the purpose is to give us warning. The language of the bless-ed word of God is such as to encour-age us in a holy Christian walk with the energy of an Olympic racer. The tendency of Bible - v,- rs!- 2 is to elevate the standard of piety, love, and de-votion in the soul, ari• i not to cool the ardor of youth. Many of the children of the Lord are to- day talking of advanc n e . t. Some testify that they do not expe-rience as much joy and happiness as they once did, but they are advancing in faith, patience, meekness, etc. To develop in some of the Christian graces and diminish in others is incom-prehensible to me. To see in the same individual faith, meekness, and pa-tience to fruitfulness, and a shrinkage of love, joy, and peace, would indeed be a strange spiritual phenomenon. As we value the biessedne s of communion with God or our hopes of immortality, let us see that our advancement is in all the graces of God. I cannot believe that one can increase in faith mid decrease in joy. The path of retrogrtssion has been the course of many, and may be the course of many more, but not neces-sarily. In the mint: ty arm f Jesus there is a wonderful power of accel-eration. If we make it Our support he will bear us on in trite ti progress. God bless o do- his dear children. In much holy love, - 1CHAS. 0.1- dt So let us build on a Bible founda-tion, and obtain a Bible experience. Although one may biblically repent and receive pardon, he must yet have a second grace, to possess this ESTABLISHED experience wherein we stand. " Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; by whom also we have access by faith into THIS grace wherein we stand."— Rom. 5: 1, 2. We are in many places exhorted very vividly by the apostle, that we should not fail to stand. Therefore do not fail to obtain this true grace wherein we stand. I Pet. 2: 12. The apostle cries out thus: " Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."— Gal. 5: 1. " Stand fast in one spirit."— Phii. I: 27. " Stand fast in the faith."-- r Cor. 13: 16. " Stand fast in the Lord."-- o Thess. 3: 8. " Stand in awe and sin not."— Psa. 44. " Stand in his holy place."— Psa. 24: 3. Now, dear reader, with all these precious scriptures upon this subject, let us notice who shall be able to stand. " He that hath clean hands and a pure heart."— Psa. 24: 4. There-fore do not stop short of the standing grace, neither be discouraged, for God is able to make you stand ( See Rom. 14: 4.). Therefore lay a Bible foundation, build on the rock, obtain the blessed experience of the second grace ( sanctification), and you will be able to stand. " Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."— Matt. 5: 48. A. J. ELLISON. the meek. " The meek will he guide in judgment." " The meek will he teach his way." " The meek shall increase their joy in the Lord." If anything more were wanting to stamp a value on mild and gentle tempers, it may be found in the declaration that they form an orna-ment to the human character, highly valued by God himself. " Whose adorning let it be the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." After these testimonies to the importance of mildness and gentleness, think not that the government of your temper is of little importance. A furious, or sullen and sour pro-fessor of the gospel, instead of rec-ommending religion, more effec-tually teaches men to hate it than does a drunkard or a blasphemer. And the same authority that con-demns drunkenness and the drunk-ard, declares harsh tempers the fruits of the flesh, and forbids them in the followers of the Lamb. The honor of religion, your own happiness, and that of those around you depend so much on the daily exercise of mild and gentle tempers, that it may be imporant to pursue the subject by viewing the example of the holy Jesus. During his life of trials, he manifested unruffled gentleness and meeknes3. No pas-sion, no resentment, no sullen anger ever appeared in him. His life was a life of meekness; and when injuri-ously led to death, he was ltd as a lamb to the slaughter, and not one angry word escaped his lips. Wrath and passion are most apt to be dis-played to enemies. His enemies wur e many; but he displayed no resentment. When the Jews were about to stone him he mildly said, " Many good works have I shown you from my Father; for which of these works do ye stone me?" When cruelly insulted before the tribunal of Caiaphas, he said, " If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil; but if well, why srnitest thou me?" His friends often displayed much dullness and unbelief; yet he manifested no resentful emotions; but kindly instructed them, or mild13, expostulated with them and for them. When sleeping even during his agony, he pleaded in excuse, " The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Would you honor Christ, and have your dwelling the abode of peace, copy the gentleness of Jesus, and watch and pray for meekness like your Savior's By soft words turn away anger, and never, never relax in your prayers and exertion, till your temper is brought into obedi-ence to Christ. Great occasions for displaying some of the splendid virtues of Christianity seldom occur; it is by a daily attention to its more retired graces that you must manifest its power. A martyr's firmness you will probably never be called to dis-play; but the Savior's gentleness and mildness you are called upon to manifest every day. The devil ptilinagt GOSPEL TRUMPET. A VuTIE: i7. LY HOTANESS JOURNAL. out the fact so clearly stated in the' into worthless insignificance:' Ione an enthusiastic Populist, another ! the truth and make you sacred Scriptures, that mid- ter silver [ — " The principal object is bring, with them, all earthly objects fade, who is staunch Democrat; another ! one using every energy for the wet- I helping along a certain question i fines. sti of d and the t:. t ,,, , iris.,, ',. . n or full Salvation. and Dtrine Healing of the Body, K- 4,-" u: kic: 1-? rS wishing their address changed- must be -,: re tu eive tl.• iir former, as weii as their new address. VrGEI'LkIITE„ RADICAL s. nd ANTI- SECTARIAN. sent rr: h in the name or the Lori Jesus enrist, for the publi-lity of all true Christians in- the fsithonce delivered ,. r tite: st- red Letter or small amounts in stamps . pi,' _;._ = crigtion.$ 1 00 a year In adreoa. Free to the Poor. . fir" , l.- hd money by Post Office Money Order. Express Or-highest and best standard of worth,' or value, that which will not deteri- 1 nor gold represents the greatest Q uestion . Is it right for Et saint of God to fare of his Prohibition party: and the day, which probably value. If you are looking for the: orate, and which no earthly combing- cited over pol itics, and at the resent snxkeeehfer_ eren- silevser speeches, or to go to hear Answer. The world to- day is ex-over- politics, P I feels is his duty. Oae comes in and , along the houses of ill- fame these brethren are of equal intelli- ! for you despite of the influence ' others for something else. Now i benefit, would be a Christian duty i gence and each one doing what he have given by so doing in i intox' You would be a do eot rve vour parer when due write u. s a tit n or circumstances will affect, it' time silver and gold is the question. ! votes a straight Republican ticket. i manufacture and sale of 1- cora. anti we aril' gladly rdsil you imother copy. WileriyOu tratis, writeE. 6Gmm r E. a qu. 7aetitO ens BYRVII give :.% 7 moneysH R name. than fine gold, yea, of than the meuch Lord, tics there would be a greater - 1 this is a worldly affair, and not an! i But, tik ill be necessary to take some other His brother next behind him steps : eating liquors, licensing sato tlifShouirt Caere be a ' mistake at any time, write us etc once anti we will gladly rectify the samP , affair of the church. If those .1 (; bj._ ct than either of the two under OrA protlup and kills his vote by voting Pro- i which destroy men's souls. commission of ' V ner eent will be given on each new i - cas subscriber, to all who will act as agent. OF– hParties de: thine papers to canvass with, should notify coosideration. There is tliat whh: fiecsstgn to- be the children © f God 1' hbi. ton. Another brother steps up i We are aware that some will take e us regularly or the!, address. is m uch greater value than gold, as i would go to work for souls with as . and kills his vote by voting the Dem--; exceptions to this, but we fearlessl y, 1117- , i. & c. n. iust be ad- tated. I he cal mist, spekaing of lg reat enthusiasm as they do for poli- i grAll buatriess revolulocratic ticket, and so on, all feelng in the meekness of Jesus and for the i , ,.,.• your address: i that they are doing their duty before good of souls, present these facts dressed to GOSPEL TErSE PET. t.,:: insure credit otherwise the col mand p ments we will not be respouEs- iahirex sM . EZ4 . f L EDVOR. sas, ' ore to be desired are they i tion throughout the world than all, God. land may rrEddsE. E. v- and truths be fore of you, P J u figment, and Grand Sanction. Mic:-. gold.' Again he says ` The law of speeches, voting one against another, art y man, but make a selection ! says one, I do rot claim to tt oh e srtz:} mm. ay bcei i nd o neeoxxtccuse think fo rr aonfy o nse e : be clear in the day F i fine tneir work and in . fence in making "" " l tion generally. The question to- day bout the people would be in better condi-in the political circle is money. " Yes, but it is a question of finer, cgs this be a p , , q- things. The man w ho has all party. ism out of his heart has very little 1 to r s( lt, on With the p oo ltliiatti ckicse s aof stand that ay. " Well, that is what they all do . " II • - ' lov" Ve eorfy wtrhuiec! h t hPaat uoll ds aqyuse sisti othne, trhoeoet!' h e wwiinll not cast hs. is vote, and yet bAt and such like can bring about, and and vote for what I think is right." his year. . Entared at the Post 0Mce arervi Juzation. Met and OsaiersEtZEr. 13.3 GEC- thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silvtr ' And again, ' Therefore I love thy corn- LIST OF MET ! ITEM ViT MIME RECEPTED mandments above gold: yea, above fine gold." The apostle also speaks;'" FGreoeld s, i" l v" eSr, il ver. 1" 6'' S toou n1d amnodn seuyc, h" like expressions are heard on every hand. And if the child of Geri goes to crying out for, and after. these things he creates an enthusiasm and leads his mind off on a way from the THURSDAY, OCT. 15. 18i- 36. SuMmrsm. Gere, oE. liHzaat cTha, y Flolor, r eWnicne. DE. a Wytoanrr. e An. Mary Arnold. G. r, ellinz. Amanda Sharp. MRoabtieldrta C Jrc. ' aEscdkeelll, b Ae. m De. rA. nMdeartsilodna. Eth1ards, of objects more precious than gold, as follows: ' That the trial of your faith. being much more precious than of gold that periaheth, though it be his talk and actions show that he is with a spirit of politics, so much so that Gad does not have his Suppose you step up to the P olls trhige hDte omfo wcraaty p. aTrthy iasn yde thaer Pwroeh ifbinid-and vote for free silver. or for gold, tion party and others divided• a mass as the case may be. You may be of confusion, from which the word conscientious in the in itter, but your of God reqaires his children to vote, as it is, has its influence for one separate themselves. or the other of the parties, whether \ not are some of the signs that of all evil, is truly the question. And now let us investigate the matter. Bro. J. F. Lundy writes that there tried with fire.' And in the same will be an assembly meeting held at chapter. " For as much asye know that 66o Ki- g St., Char: el- ton, S. C. No ) e were not redeemed with corrupti- Lord and mingles with parties as fro date was given. which will probabiy ble thi ngs, as silver and gold, from full corruptio n be fofouunndd. be given later. His address be ye:. rg ain convenation, received by The of word of God as r teachheess that we radition from your fathers-, but with are to separate ou selves from such, he precious Woo l of Christ.' Here, and touch not the unclean thing. " ITe o are three things which are Some one may say, If we are capable ! you vote a straight- out party ticket or were to take place precious than gold,— the pre in the last da e - making a speech for the good of ys? cio ess us blood ofd Christ the the taw righteous-of Gad, teaches our country, and our better judgment _ n teaches us that free silver is the best D'AR SAINTS: I earn st: y ask and that faith which is tried by fire, thing for our country, we should be at the above named place. is being fulfilled at the We read that there plexities, and things that aspafrfnaliicytytee srdisn s c0ies: t sethh. e- e, Nwcvhhaois d heraieg-- hn7i oeseuf nf( f 3eyr, ee-- daL rtsIr ifrol lfr : a nil f . 2v-. 1I. . TCnh er- isseti athrir'es etr uthei nsgtasn rdeaprrde osef vnat ltuhee. suepl vaensd c odnocinegrn, ianngd th aelsseo tphoinsgt so ubry- the turmoil of nations, She is nov• fori. y- i, ur years 0 -,. I Sh:- %;: s. s: Compared with them, gold and silver l going and learning. Bat another taa fkeewn waegeakisn atog ot. h . et ' t, Liminecso s'nh. e N heais a 1s3y, l2uemn : areP s wolrethss rubbisih. It is not professing child of ( sod of equal i sleop tbico ufitnsd a bnyd tlahye adse ovnil et hdaeta sdh 1e. v . htha dfr cetho i1- 1 awso rtto'h twheh irl' ee ltaot idvies pvuatleu ea nodf aqrutiacrlreesl E j: undtegmiligenetn lecaed ms haiym t thoi nmka khei ss pbbeeetcther-ifaslon uadn bfcoleea dmt oi n amctu tarhakebe lm eh. o e! t- r., t ihw. i, t e aI: nib. d eP lhireiatvsy eb efthoeanrt pGhreoor-. d I! t` th haatt wahreic sho t hinef ewroiorrd toof tGheo dv aplulaec eosf ELIZA CliEZENI. before all, and within easy reach. s. Perry, S!-. Louis, 1There are other things also that are not. \\ hat is tile result? Perhapt Surely your point is gained in the election. present t You have helped to elect a corps of shall be o officers from a party who license result whiskey manufactories and the sale governments, etc., and that wicked of intoxicating 11( v: tors, and who men shall wax worse and worse. license and protect houses of ill- ro enter into political affairs one fame, where hundreds and thousands gets more or less under a party of souls are being dragged down to spirit, and that works division es in favor of gold. and give as many ! trhuiinn. g Ys. o Yu ofuo rfgoergt eatl la baobuotu tth teh ebseett iwngh eGthoedr, oitr baem aomngo wngic tkheed cmheilnd. r Aenn dof plausible reasons for dolog so. And and gambling of various kinds, and nations and governments will meet those who follow such things are " evil concupiscence." and _ almost their fate in fulfillment of prophecy ' I/ IS P rat:- whether the children of God vote or have not. But it is a blessed thing to g- know that the Lord says, " My God good shall supply all your needs," less apt to get mixed up in worldly affairs deeper than they have any idea. But, they say, it is a question of finances, something that relates to our bread and butter. It is not only , fry other evil ced in the very ped to gain the ( ng with it; yet teen h motive, you say, Pray Oct. 31 fo Mich. that she may be sanctiF. ed and to be chosen above silver and gold. healed. The gold and the silver all belong buPrnready. for my child wRhaoc hweal Ss ttreor" r: ib" l. y tmo oGreo dp, rbeucti othuesr ein i sh itsh asti gwhhti. c Thh ise faa- r stoPmraacyh f odirs ebaroseth. er David TannQr: he has opof sat lem Peeetke ra tneldls quusi ethta st pthireit oisrn ianm tehnet WtieoPsor. a sFtyeo rfr, o Ifrloi rMr tfharest hh. eeSra alWinTghe o is sidc1ki. l-- y Ua innnntift i! nrrAomtzii- s eignhifti aonf tG cohdu r'ocfh gGreoadt hparsic sea.' i dO, ' fI twhiell saved. And for her niece V, 11') I- as poor health and sore threat. Sister Meyer. of La Due. Mo requests prayer for the complete healing of her eyes. Pray Oct. 21, 9 o'clock A. M. post- ottice, county, and state. Trials. and the poor whose minds are going out ! think you a doing the will of after these things but the rich alsol God, because have not investi- _ bibe the same sprit cf enthusiasm gated from z: Bible sti. nti!) oint. and become as deeply involved l wish to present this inattk r with seine therein, and the money question is so weight upon every child of God. prominent that other more weighty Remember, in the face of these facts matters are almost forgotten. Let us God will hold you responsible. see Paul about the money question: " But," says one. - what will you " For the love. of money is the root do? Let the of all evil: which while some coveted wicked men begcoaveu. srne, nth teu tc bheild rruenn boyf after they have erred from the faith, God do not do their duty. and let and pierced themselves through with the whole thing be run by the devil?" many sorrows Bat thou, 0 man of We would say that, take out the God ( notice to whom he isspeakingl, devil's work, as it is and has been flee these things and follow after since the children of God have righteousness, godlinest faith love, i are h - many scriptures that been mingling in such things, affairs The loving Jesus says he is with us ways, and he is touched with the cling of our infirmities, and was ipted in all points as and kuows just how to succor us ' then we are tempted ard tried. Praise his name! You who are tried have companions. Read Rev. 1: 9 and 7: 14- You see we all come through the trials, none escape. Rev. 3: io. But one of the hardest things when trials come, is ' not to think it strange' " But if any insist upon procuring, p faitgihent coef, fmaiethek, nlaeys sh. oFlidg hotn t ehtee rgnoaold H, wowou wlda bs eit i nin q tuhiete t iam dei fof: f'r Cenhtr isstta aten. d s tB( rIau Pnt egthet. e t4 hd: ie n1vg2i lh, wa1p3ilp) l. e cnaose mdth euo nuatgnohd u sss. oamye ghoolwd aton do bstialivne irt,. t'Ahec qBuiabilnet tneolwls tthhyesmel fll iihffoeew,."" - rJ1 eTsiums p. r6ay: e1d0- f1o2r. hNiso wdi slceitp luess saened phoisli taipcaols stpleese? c hIefs t, h veoyte hda adn dm paadrtei eydo, ud oanree not in God's order, you have with him; and be at peace: thereby those who believed on him: " I pray and every such thing, yet they would afflictwedr oanngd; or if you are sick or good shall come unto thee. Receive, not that thou shouldest take them out never have brought about a revolu- promises right acta no'nt cgee, t hheo wldi lol ntr yG otdo's I pray thee, the law from his mouth, of the world, but that thou shouldest tion of things. But God's word was get you discouraged, or a hundred and lay up his words in thine heart. keep them from the evil. Neither pray fulfilled in prophecy, and as his chit- other things, to get you off of God's If thou return to the Almighty, thou I for these alone, but for them also dren went forth preaching the whole word. Then is when it becomes shalt be built up, thou shalt put away which shall believe on me through word of God fearlessly and boldly, the your duty to resist him, live by faith, i niquity far from the tabernacle. their word, that they all may be things that belonged to Caesar were claim the victory, fight valiantly, and Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, one as thou, Father, art in me, and rendered unto him, and and the gold of Ophir as the stones I in thee, that they also may be one that belonged to God were trheen dtherinedgs God will come to your rescue. have world to serve the Lord with one prophesying many syin g shooufldthbe be of the brooks. Yea, the Almighty in us, that the world may believe that unto him. They separated shall, be them-- evi: nainniga liginht, plenty thy de of f silver. , and For thou then shalt shall , h tThhere ast sent me."— Jno. 17: 15,20,21. selves from the abominations of the thou have thy delight in the Almighty might- be given which would show heart and one mind, and God gave io) uarni l. i e di, 2: iron. ad ie;_ irs. wt- hitteh, e anpduriftyriineg d: and shalt lift up thy face unto that the children of God have no the increase. When God.'— Job. 22: 21- 26. And again the business mingling and taking part in spoken to about some certain things Jesus was both consists of getting salvation, true witness exclaims, ' I counsel thee i such worldly affairs. " Pure religion he said, - My kingdom is not of this . rohtehr je u si tsi fli) c. a dti oifnie raaeinni d sabnecttvif icanti ouns. to buy of me gold tried in the fire.' and undefiled before God and the world; if Father is this, To visit the father- world thenm wyo kuilndg mdoym sc wrvearnet so f this fight, purifying ourselves and the Lord pur-and to keep himself unspotted from Jews, the world."— Jas. I: 27. bt un t n child ffrom em c oef : oG: Idif s ao Inui icryi pt kcl) ia ie.,. lgeotoli oskni : la ftntheoert qif. u), ing itting base us; , we and puri f y ours mortifying elves our by for-sa ' after ery, w eb ! affairs, do their ow np3titicispeak- i i r. I G., ocl: hen believing his word, receiving re less and widows in their affliction, that I should net be delived to the s yhalvdeavIiivncgd, i naksiiii silt a onudr ways, any of it right the political for a ch p d of arties? God to vote with ki tahff n eai rws, orclodn c erning tec,-- ie at _ u k i thei on ( 1.0iii let IS desires, and by so doing coming to matter can easily be dawn from what has juusstt think been the written conclusion from of w this hat ing, their own congrega. that teg - ' . . Jesus as our Savior and Sanctifier. W Word, and by their examples. If it etc- i lives and natures. Praise his will cleanse and purify Christ and his apostles told us in his to listen to such, their own vo, t, i. n. gti, l ii , t oi ab e p'u Irnif itehda ti nw tahye m praensye nart er egfooirin- g duty before God for them to do IA 11 ileett us consider that matter .' I ' nation. This purifying makes us a d• " He were go right and vvoottee, for , the childre as ren some of God say, ccoonnssccience." - But ience ," says ." one, " it is a matter of : to white, and we are clothed ' te wo is a. staunch Republi- through all this. I Tt wa'-; because his. and associate — 3- 5 we rea • on ! Possessin g a ll these things you h polls h A; ? du ti in this and pure and lasting is the righteous I to us that God would direct them to h. e was Persecuting eh-r.; eousness. n Rev. 3' S, we if we continue on i./ 1 right t I comes of the Christ' . How of How all things. How So ' and God requires it, it would seem Perhaps Paul thought that way when ' that ovtrcometh, Hess the these that is sanctifie, same shalI be It , o n blood that was shed for our redem P- 1 hand we find one brother going to and says he had a good con . cieuct in t he inner man; so that all wh precious is the i 11 is the urch, con clot hed in white raiment." the ail. vote alike. But on the other 1 senting to the death of the saints; ` outer manifestation of the workdse: are inconceivably rich. Compared can, loyal to his party; another one eyes were blind to the truth on : t a the inohri ac. l, Calls ak e a man more precious thara fine d; even a man than the golden wed- Jf Character is of infinite-y more consequence than gold and sifter. It is more valuable to us and 000e precious to God. Earthly riches cannot purchase the favor of Gird, nor redeem the sinner in the day of his wrath. Says the prophet, ' N ither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord's wrath.'- Zeph. : IS If any of the si5nts come to or near St. Paul, I hope they wii1 come to St. Paul Park, and hold meetim rs. I have never ht and a holiness preacher. Piay for me. G. L. Wt. 11ing, Langdon, Wash. Co., WiTseh. eCroe. , i sV aa. cAadldl rfeosrs m Seinedtain Sgt aantd Hefe brb osr. Emaline Robenett. Amen. Let th e re be a general coming _}- 94 The general assembly of the church of God in the Northwest will be held in the Saints' Home, situated on Union Fiat, about nine miles west of Pullman, and ai- c ut ten miles southeast of Colfax. It will begin Oct 23, and last till Nov. 1, or loner. A glorious time of spiritual advancement, of sinking into and seeking after God, is expected. tocrether of all the saints and seekers af- er light and truth, salvation or I- ealing of soul and body. Pray for its success. Those ccmirg from the west or east over the N. P. R. R. get off at Pullman and address A. B. Peterman, Box ' S. Those coming from the south over the U. P. and 0. R. and N. R. R. and those from the east or west over the Great Northern, get off at Colfax and address me as below. Let all who can, bring bedding, tent, and pro-visions. F. N. Jacobson, Colfax, Wash. - From these texts, and many others that might be cited, neither silver nor gold represents the true standard of value. They are corruptible and uncertain, they cannot redeem the soul nor ransom the life. The love of them is a snare into which men fall, and are pierced with m any sorrows. To the child of ' God there remains that which is of infinitely greater value, and these true riches are placed within the reach of the poor and oppressed of earth. 0, how vast is the heritage of faith! With it Gold and Silver, T the present time the people of this country are in great en-thusiasm concerning political matters, and especially finances. Among politicians and those whose minds are turned on the line of politics gold and silver is the topic of the day. We insert the following extract, which shows the matter more from a Bible standpoint. God to propagate his present trut The meeting continued ten day during which souls were both jus tified and sanctified, also nin baptized. This was a real preciou meeting, for God was with us i power. Oh, the real glory that fine our souls! Bless the Lord! W found at the above place a real gen erous people. May the Lord re ward them all for their kindness to u while with them. Saturday, Sep tember to, we all met in the nam of Jesus and observed the ordinance of God's house, about fifty of th dear people of God were present This was a most sacred and solem ordinance. Six of God's fire- bap tized saints from Michigan, wer present, who aided much in the work At the close of the meeting Bro and Sister Sheldon returned to Grand Junction, Mich. Sister A dena Warwick is on her way home but is helping in the New Pittsburg meeting. At the close of this meet-ing I wil return home, where I will remain a few weeks preparing the comforts of my family. for winter Let all the saints who feel that God would be glorified in me holding a meeting in your locality this fall and Winter write me at Burkett, Ind , as that is my home permanent address. I am your brother, all the Lord's, S. L. SPECK. h for the success of theschool in Wash-s, ington. Our address will be Pullman, - Wash. Box 78. GEO. W. BAILEY. - - S-e - e • • ROSINDALE, N. C., Oct. 8. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We are prais-ing God to- day for victory over the world, the flesh, and the beast. The past summer has been spent in N. C. in Columbus and Bladen counties God has been with us all the time. We came here on the 28th of May. The attention of the people was called to God's way of salvation, and rrian's DADEVILLE, MO., Oct 4- DEAR TRUMPET READERS: We feel it our privilege to tell you something about - how the Lord is working in these parts. We com-menced meeting four miles west of Dadeville, Sept. 9; closed Oct. 2. There was victory all the way through the meeting. There were about fourteen saved in time of the meeting and many acknowledged the truth. We are praising God for the prix ileges - c‘ e enjoyed through all this meei ing. We had the privilege of working - with 0 stis Wilson and wife, my dear children that had been separated from me for scme time, also two brothers and one brother- in- law, and their families; some of them were saved before and some were saved in this meeting. I do praise God for - what I have en-joyed in time of this meeting. It seems I never was in a meeting that my soul feasted more on the good-ness of God than this one. To him be all the glory. Also Sister Ida Campton and Sister Moore from near Ash Grove were with us through most of the meeting, whom God most wonderfully used in singing the sweet songs of Zion, also my mother was in this meeting. We commenced meeting yesterday at Jones schoolhouse, four miles north of Dadeville. There was a large congregation out yesterday, and last night there were several that raised their hands for prayer. We are expecting a good meeting at this place. There are several more calls for meetings. This is a new field, and God is at work in this country, and we think now is the time to reap; the harvest surely is ripe. Let all the dear saints pray for the work here. Oar address is still Dadeville, Mo. Your brother saved, W. M. WILSON. AUGUSTA, GA. DEAR SAINTS OF' GOD: I feel it will glorify him for me to tell of his goodness to me, in the healing of my soul and body. I can truly say he is my doctor for both soul and body, for which I give him all the glory. I am happy to say my joy is to go to see and talk to the dear people about their precious souls. After leaving Charleston, S. C., where we spent three weeks in a meeting held by Bro. Smith and the dear saints with him at that place, I had the j of going to Hawthorne to help in the work of the Lord at that place; where the Lord mightily used Bro. Smith in laying judgment to the line. The dear ones showed by their fruit they were in the evening light and are in a condition to receive more and more of it as it shines on them. Praise the name of the Lord! I praise God for their being steadfast in the faith, notwithstanding false teachers ran in on them. Pray for them to sten cl. Now about the children. The hearts of the dear mothers leaped for joy on hearing Bro. Smith speak of a home and $ chool for them, although it was spoken of as a future matter. Bur those dear mothers are praying for it now and we at Augusta are praying for its success, and that is for God to bless the anticipated home and school with consecrated teachers. So we ask the saints of God everywhere to pray for God to direct us in this all-important matter, which is so much needed in the South. It will be for the colored. Yours in the one body, JANE WILLIAMS. PULLMAN, WASH., Oct. 6. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I will endeavor to write a few lines to the Trumpet. Sept. 29 we bade farewell to the dear ones in N. Dak. and start-ed for the Saints Home and school in Washington. Were just 50 hours making 1450 miles. God was with us and gave us a pleasant journey. Found the dear ones at the Home with victory in their souls, and God had just begun to send in money to finish the house. The Lord is go-ing to help, and the house will soon be finished. The Lord willing, the school will start the first Monday in November. Let those that expect to attend begin to examine themse lves and see if they are ready. This school is for such as want to serve God, and not for those that want to serve the devil. Bro. Byrum's new book, " Sec-ret of Salvation," will be used in the shool as a text- book, also the " Bibli-cal Trace of the Church," the " Sab-bath" tract, " What is the Soul," and such others of the Trumpet office publications as the Lord may direct. We believe our children should have a real biblical education along with the other books. Let all the Trumpet readers pray tification, will see and realize that the work is done, the white raiment being the righteousness of the saints. We are clothed in white raiment by walking in the light of God's word, and obeying the leadings of the Holy Spirit, so that there will not be a spot on our character that any one can see, and if they accuse us, it will be wrongfully. Glory to Jesus! But then comes the trying, which is so much dreaded by a good many; but it should not be so, for Jesus was tried and tempted ( Heb. 4: 15), and Paul exhorts us to consider him. Heb. 12: 2- 4. It is by standing true to God in trials, that we are made so that God can put confidence in us and it will also show to God's people that they can put confidence in us. Sometimes we are chastened of God to teach us, that we might be par-takers of his holiness. Heb. I 2 : 5— It. This will be grievous, and you will begin to think it is a hard way. The devil is generally turned loose- at those times and will give real severe trials; be sure, he will make you as miserable as he can; for it is his desire to get you discouraged, if possible, and turn your back upon God, and to give up serving him. Then is when you need to seek God in earnest. You may not know the reason why you are tried and cha-stened; that is, if the devil has got you confused or blinded to your disobedience. But if you know your duty, do it, and it will restore con-fidence for you in God. Then resist the devil and he will flee from you. Resist him anyway, he is not your judge. The best way to keep out of such chastenings and scourgings is to obey God, and to get freed from all the alloy that you have. God will not permit them unless they are necessary, and God will not chasten unless we dis-obey him. " Like as a father pitieth his children; so the Lord pitieth them that fear him."— Psa. 103: 13. We read in Acts 14: 22, that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. But the prom-ise is that if you would be faithful unto dc ath, you will receive a crown of life. Your brother in Christ, EMIL KREUTZ. News from the Field. CURTIS- VILLE, IND , Oet. 7. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We held a series of meetings with the saints of God at Deer Creek, Ind. . The Lord blessed - the work, and there were quite a number of consecrations. Some were healed, and a great sink-ing down into the sweet will of our God was re ilized by the dear saints at that place. To God be all the glory. Yours under the blood, LEWIS LAND AND JOHN W. HIGH. ST. LOUIS, MICH., Oct. 4. DEAR BRETHREN IN CHRIST: This morning finds us rejoicing in the love of Christ, with victory in our souls over all the powers of sin and hell. Now I wish to say to the saints in the North who are expect-ing meeting at your places, we are about ready to start on our winter's compaign, and any one desiring meeting at your place should notify us soon. There will be four of us in company, Bro. and Sister Walters, Sister Frankie Warner, and myself. Now just a word concerning the meeting. Don't set any certain time for us to come to your place, for you may be disappointed. God has shown us that we are to go into a place and stay until he says go, so we don't want any meetings dated that Would cause us to get out of God's order by Closing the one we are holding. Yours in defense of the truth, Wm. E. WARREN AND CO. NEW PITTSBURG, IND., Sept. 3. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am still praising God for complete salvation in my soul through the blood of Christ. The Bonfield, Ill., tabernacle meeting was a real feast to all our souls, and a means in the hands of - Testimonies, SPEARFISu, S. D. K. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I hereby tes-tify to being saved and wonderfully blesst d, even beyond what pen or tongue could define. Glory be to God, who saw fit to reveal to me that which was hid from the foundation of the world, but is now revealed to his saints. I advise all who read these lines to hold fast to the words of Jesus Chgist; for they are indeed spirit and they are life. Let his sayings be all in all to you every moment, day and night. Je-sus says, " Keep my sayings." There is but one way, and that is the way of Jesus Christ We can live on the words of Christ, which words are sound and established and true. May God be with you all. Amen. Your brother, saved in Jesus Christ, T. BRANNAN'. CLEO SPRINGS, OKLA. DEAR CHILDREN OF GOD: Believ-ing it to be to the glory of God that I should write my testimony this morning, I will endeavor by his help to tell of the hope that is within me and of his goodness and mercy to me. I know I am resting on the solid rock Christ Jesus. Praise his name! I seldom get with the chil-dren of God, but can say I enjoy the blessing of their company very much; but while I can't be with them often I can feast at Father's table. Praise the Lord! I do enjoy the peace of God in my soul this morn-ing, am just satisfied to be moulded by his sweet will. I enjoy the Trumpet, and sometime ago asked through its columns the prayers of its readers, and will say that I have received many blessings, and now ask God's believing children ever). - where to pray for me that I may be sunk down deeper in the love of Christ, just completely lost in his dear will, to be used in any way he sees fit, that I may be of some use in this wicked world. I pray that these few words may strengthen some weak one. I have never attended one of the saints' meetings yet, as there are but one or two in this. community. Pr ay that the way may be opened for one of Gcd's true ministers to visit this locality. Yours through the triumph of a living faith in the Son of God, JENNIE NOSLER. CHICO, TEX. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I praise the Lord to- night that I am on the Lord's side. I praise him day and night for his goodness to me. Bless his holy name! I do thank God for holiness. I feel that is the only way to life everlasting, and I am so glad it is opened for all who will accept it. " He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." " For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." " If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy. for the temple of God is holy, which, temple ye are. If any man be in Christ. he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." " But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin." I praise the Lord this morning that this is my testimony. May the good Lord bless all the saints everywhere, is my prayer, also sinners. May many read the word of God and come to Christ, and be washed in the blood of the Lamb, and be saved to the uttermost. A. M. ROGERS. ±- 4 Obituary. ACHOR-- Arthur Clarence Achor, born May I, 1872; died near Summitsville, Lid., Aug. 30, 1893; aged 24 years 3 months and 29 days. He leaves a father, mother, broth-ers, sisters, and many friends to mourn their loss. This young man was out off in the midst of his years, therefore let all who live in sin take warning and prepare to meet your God. S. L. Spec THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for children. Illustrated. Itshould be in every family where there are children. 25 eta a year. 10 or more copies to one address, 18 cts. a copy per year, or any part of a year at the same rates. Address, THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich. EYANGELIUMS POSALINE. A radical, anti- sectarian. German holiness journal, pub-lished semi- monthly at this office, where all business and substription communications should be sent. Subscription 81.00 per annu Free to the poor. All / natter for publi-cation or editorial support should be sent direct to the editor: FRED L. HAHN, 466, 16th St, Milwaukee, Wis. THE TIDINGS OF HEALING. A twelve page monthly paper devoted to the subject of d. vine healing, giving instructive artieles and testimonies of those who have b. en healed. 5U tts. a year. Addrss, J. W. BYERS, 721, 16th St., Oakland, CaL Paper and Envelopes. Envelo- es with mottoes and verses of scripture neatly arranged. 30 cts. per hund. Writing Paper in Tablets, containing one hundred sheets with various designs of scriptural headings. 30 cts. Mottoes. Size 11 x 14 inches. Scriptural mottoes and verses, printed on colored paper, in large type, can be read at a distance of fifty to one hundred feet. Suitable for pisting in pub-licplaces, offices, homes, etc. By mail 20 cts. per doz. BOOKS. The Boy's Companion. By‘ E. E. Byrum. Paper cover 15 cts. Cloth 25 cts, This is a neat little volume with Interesting chapters to boys, concerning the Secret Vice and ot her bad habits and their effects. Every Boy needs advice and too often parents fail to give the needed advice until too late. Divine Healing of Soul and Body. By E. E. Byrum. 248 pages. Cloth, 75 eta. Paper cover, 25 cents. Part I teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved. Part II gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part III consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. In English and German. Biblidal Trace of the Church. By W. G. Schell. Pa: er cover 35 ets. Cloth 75 eta. Trating the church in pro , heey from her birth to the end of time. It shows that the prophets have foretold the greatest Trials and Triumphs of the Church in the whole Christian Era, and describes the age in which we now live. The Secret of Salvation: • How to Get it and How to Keep It, By E. S. Byrum Over- 100 pages.-- Illustrated— l09 chap-ters which will instruct a sinner how to get saved; the Christian to keep saved, and enjoy the blessings of God; the sick and afflicted how to get healed and enjoy health, and those who are hound + u* possessed of the devil to find deliverance Paper covet SF, cis Cloth 75 cts, SPECIAL TERMS TO AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED. GOSPEL T R UM P ET PUB. CO. Grand Junction Mich. FRANKLIN, ARK., Oct. 6. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: May you all be strengthened by might and power divine. The month of September has passed away since we last wrote, and the Lord's work is keeping pace with the means of grace he is using for his glory in this part of his vineyard. The meeting at Homeland was well attended, especially at the last, and some good accomplished- that was visible then, and some that has been manifested since then. We then went to Violet Hill, where we held a a ten- day meeting, which was ex-ceedingly well attended by day and night throughout. Many' came from a distance and were delighted to hear the Word go forth clothed with Je-rusalem authority and pristine beauty. There were ten or eleven baptized at the close of the meeting, and others will follow from different neighbor-hoods. We were thankful to our dear Lord for granting us the privi-lege of meeting our dear Brother Schell at the Thayer camp meeting, which was a good season to us and many of the saints throughout these regions. From there we went to Myrtle and preached from Friday till Monday with good results. We are now holding a meeting with good in-terest near Franklin, Ark. The hand of the Lord is upon us and we find nothing in our path that discourages us; for with Jesus at our side we need no other guide. Pray for us, all ye holy brethren. A. B. STANBERRY." delusions were exposed. We are glad to say that a goodly number renounced their empty professions, covenanted with God to straighten up their lives and clean up their fil-thy habits, and begin life anew, and live to the precious word of God. But as is usually the case where the truth exposes error, some make an effort to reform, but are not willing to pay the price. Preachers, seeing that their false standard is exposed, are trying to raise the standard enough to keep the people in the dark. Some who are burning be-cause their false religion is exposed, love to rally around the new stand-ard, because they can hide behind it from public censure. Some con-tinue to , harp on the old line of prejudice that existed between Jew and Gentile. They say they would accept salvation if it were not offered to colored people, and yet they will attend meetings held by and for the colored people exclusively. This class would love to advise the saints how to serve God so it would take with the people; that is, be popular. We warn the saints against taking advice or counsel from unsaved people. God's work is not run by sec-tarian spirits. The first Psalm says, " Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel [ advice] of the un-godly." See Jas 1: 5. Salvation is from all sin, including our own wills, opinions, and judgments. God de-mands meekness and humility. We are required to let our light shine, and even to avoid the ap pearance of evil. May God help all who have professed to be saved to prove to the world that they possess it. We closed with an ordinance-meeting, in which twenty- two took part. From here we start south-ward again and expect to spend the winter, in part at least, in Charles-ton, S. C., if the Lord wills. Your saved brother and sister, J. F. AND KITTIE LUNDY. THE CO § PEL TRUMPET. of time into eternity to be forever tions. Before leaving England he lost, to writhe in the pit of despair. I had warned me that I had better not Let me exhort you, fathers, who ! follow him, as after arriving at a are the heads of families; let me ex- iI certain place his movements would host you, mothers, who have the I be very uncertain. He had been mother's care: have you placed al gone about two months, and I had restraint against sin, as you'll wish I received no tidings; although he had others- set about it in a careless and unconcerned way, received nothing of God, and their children are to- day exposed to every element of sin, and soon to be hurled over the precipice Neglect, - w hen the Bible unfolds to our , view the blackness of the in-fernal world, and the untold misery; and places the brightness, the joy and peace of the glory world in such a po-sition as to overshadow every seduc-tion of light, of joy, and of peace that comes from this demonical world: it seems strange that the work of God is of so short duration in the hearts of so many. Chrstianity is not the work of man, whose labors pass away and are soon forgotten. Christianity does hot propose merely to excite in man certain unsettled " feelings," which like the flower of the grass are so soon to pass away. It is the work of God, who upholds what he created and intends it to last through all eter- ANY people who will not read I-. ity. what the Lord has given for Only a short time ago the solemn their guidance, and will not be led appeal went forth to " train your I by the Spirit of God, will consult children for heaven," ringing spirit mediums and seek imforma-through the land, and the response tion from unclean demons concerning was, Amen and Amen. Many seeing matters in which they are interested. the awful condition of th, it children Sometimes they are told what and the great responsibility that they already know. Sometimes rests upon themselves, could begin they are told what they know to realize the horror of a burning is false. Sometimes they are hell that so soon would wrap their misled to their destruction. souls in a suiphurious flame, if God A writer in the London VIGILANCE with his mighty arm did not stay the RECORD, in giving a short sketch of impending doom, and went to pray- 1 the life of Lady Isabel Burton, ing; some earnestly pleading frir their widow of the late Iraveler, Sir Rich-loved ones to forsake sin, and for and Burton, gives the following story 1 God to save their souls. Soon the from her own lips of her spiritualistic desire of their heart was granted; experiences. This story is published as an answer to those who, since Lady Burton's death, have claimed her as a spiritist. " Sir Richard had been called away suddenly on one of his many expedi- you had when brought before the great tribunal? Are you controlling by influence of rectitude of life, your sons arid daughters as you would if LA DUE, Mo. Jesus were dwelling under your MO the glory of the dear Lord our roof? Do you allow every con- Redeemer, will I most j ° 31fuilY iformity of the world brought into testify that he has saved myouyr hsoousuel idn otro e rp lepasesociety? twenty- seven years ago, and showed Remember, God will quicken the me some saints in Manned orf, Switzer- seed you sow. " He that soweth to land, who know the Great Physician and who lead as many to him as will follow. I was not sick then, yet I received many blessings. Coming to America, it took many years Issfore I found any of the same faith; and finally I grew sick almost unto death, when the great Heiner sent some one who told us of the loving saints at Grand Junction, Mich., and we wrote and set a day for prayers, and the answer came most gloriously, the healing stream went shrough me. Praise the Lord! And I was well: Yet the adversary found a sly way to get in once more, through some ver y i;-. nocent looking tablets, which I intended to take much like candy, yet they were really a nerve tonic; and it did not please the Lord, that I did not rely on him alone. So he permitted the evil one to trouble me with the same old ailments for an-other two months, so that I felt more miserable than ever, until dear Bro. E. E Byrum came this way ( I was in California) and he soon saw how it was, and prayed with us, anointing is in the name of the Lord, praise our precious Jesus! and the trouble Xt as over. Since then an ailment came on, but the Lord heard me again and helped me. I give him all the glory. At present my eyes are very weak, wherefore I come again to my blessed Physician, but not alone; I want you all to join in with me at the day and hour set, as will be seen in " Requests for Prayer." Let us go down before him in full faith believing, and he will do it, for he has said so, and he does not go back on his word, as we take him by it and humble ourselves before him, clinging to him with all the might he gives us. Your sister, saved and kept, MRS. MEYER. Divine Lying Spirits. his flesh shall of the flesh reap cor-ruption: but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life ever-lasting." How often, at some unex-pected moment does a child show forth its training, and frequently a disgrace and shame is at the expense of father's or mother's neglect in training. Dear saints, never grow tired of instructing the children in the ways of truth and life. If they at one time have embraced the joys of salvation, and have been overtaken by the cunningly devised plans of Satan, thwart his designs by a constant, con-tinual, ph ailing and supplicating to God to save the lost one. How many, many grow weary and careless about the children, and finally say, It's of no use; I can't; they are out of my reach. True, " Hast thou an arm like God?" But what are you going to do? Are you going to sit down, fold your hands, and say, Go? Ah! that will never do; God will hold you for their transgressions as far as sou have light and power of restraint. Remember, God says, " Fathers, pro-voke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." THIS INCLUDES First. We must confide in God ourselves in order to receive anything by the hand of faith. Second. It would be useless for a parent to instruct his child when no confidence exists in the instructor. It would necessarily be needful to get the confidence of the child, in order to make a success for God. I Let your is ctitude of life commend ur love for the lost, and soon con-fidence in father, confidence in child, confidence in God, will be as a strong land that cannot be broken by the whole of the wicked counsel. If parents who now are making no effort to bring their children to God would allow the space of time be-tween now and the great departure of the wicked into everlasting fire, to be anrehilated, and gaze on literal facts, surely there would be a more lasting effort to bring the youth to God. Awake,' ye parents! become inter-ested in your children; train them for heaven; Jesus will come soon; death is stealing up behind us all, and at any moment is likely to fasten his icy grasp upon us; then too late! Work while you have opportunity, and God will crown you with success. CHARLES FORD. promised to keep me informed of his whereabouts. Naturally I was ex-tremely anxious, and as days passed on I became distressed and restless. " Observing, as I passed by a certain street, an advertisement that a cer-tain spiritualist SEANCE was about to take place, I determined to go in and seek intelligence of my husband. I paid my money, and as I was un-known to the few people present, I had no hesitation in submitting my-self and circumstances to the medium for analysis. His first words startled me and riveted my attention. " ' Your husband,' said the medium, ` is in a foreign land. On arriving at his destination he was stricken down with sickness and was unable to pro-ceed. He is now dangerously ill, and his one desire is for you. He wants you to go over to him: " I immediately left the room, un-nerved, but was determined to lose no time in seeking him. I found that a vessel was sailing in a few days, and I was on my way to book my passage, when my conscience troubled me at not having consulted my spiritual adviser in the matter. I immediately turned my steps in the direction of his residence and told him my story. He was shocked at my having attended the SEANCE, and more so at my thinking of acting on what was said. I was dejected and ubled, but the Bishop's words were emphatic, and, convinced as I was of the wisdom of his statements, I felt I had no alternative but to do as he had advised. I therefore gave up the idea of booking by that vessel, and determined to await the course of events a little longer. In less than a fortnight I had received a letter from Sir Richard saying that his mission had be