The Gospel Trumpet - 16:28

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Blew ye the Trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain. The Lord God shall blow the Trumpet, and go with whirlwinds. Joe12: 1. a ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on...

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Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Warner, D. S. 1896
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institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 16:28
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Blew ye the Trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain. The Lord God shall blow the Trumpet, and go with whirlwinds. Joe12: 1. a ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, Zech. 9: 14. ufteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a Trsueem ypee. t , w hheeanr yhee. Isa. 18: 3. And he shall send gather together his other. So will I seek out have been scattered his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven t o the Mat, 24: 31. may sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they in the cloudy and dark day. Eze. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 39. Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, July 16,1896. BEAUTY IS NOT PURITY. As rich perfumes rise on the air, From flowers pale, from flowers fair, A thought comes springing. to my mind That I may here a lesson find. The flower that Clod has made so bright, And what we'd call a pretty sight, Perhaps, has not so fragrant smell As one that does not look so well. just so with people of to- day; You cannot judge by faces gay. A heart that's shaded black as night, May have a face that's pretty, bright; But wait a moment, look within,' You'll see the ugly monster, sin; And if he can your praises get, He's gained a point he'll not forget. But there's a face, though faded, pale, Whose rich perfume loth never fail; It is the one whom Christ hath bought, Who many a battle fierce hath fought; The one who's willing to suffer here For souls their Lord hath bought so dear. So let us not let beauty move, But let the fragrance purity prove. - Isabel C. Byrum. Contend for the Faith. ELOVED, when I gave all Tc, A diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that ye should ear-nestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." -- Jude 3. I feel it to the glory of God to write a few lines on this text. I have been made to appreciate this salvation more in the last three months than ever before; and have learned more fully than ever before what it means to earnestly contend for the faith. It does not mean to get into a contention or argument with everyone we meet, nor to cavil on questions of no importance; but it means that after we have received the faith by hearing and obeying God's word, Rom. io: 17, we are by our godly life in word, in conversa-tion, in sobriety and in all godliness to lift up the standard of full salva-tion. It means much to earnestly con-tend for the faith ( of the gospel). Phil. 1: 27. It means to take a bold resolute stand on the word of God against all of the traditions of men; against all the popular religious ideas of the day; against learned theologi-ans, yea against our own ideas and m. fegel, ianggasi, n asnt dn aetvueren , i tisne lcfa. ses of heal- While all surrounding circum-stances seem against us, and while men are crying all around us,: " The time of healing is past;" " Sanctifica-tion was only for the apostles;" " My church;" etc., we are by implicit faith and confidence in God, to push the battle right against all the storms of persecution and all hindrances, and not fear to declare to the people with all the authority of heaven, the power of God. Flow many ways there are of con-tending for the faith! We may con-tend for it by our means, our prayers, our labors, and in man y other ways. Dear ones, let us contend more earnestly than ever before. While the world is contending against it let us push the battle to the gates, and conquer in the name of Jesus. Every inch of territory gained must be hotly contested with the enemy, and let us fight manfully and hold every inch we gain and plant the blood- stained banner on the broken ramparts of the enemy. WHY CONTEND FOR THIS FAITH? I. We are saved by faith. Eph. 2: 8. 2. We are kept by faith. I Pet. 1: 3- 5. 3. We are healed by faith. Acts 3: 16. Jas. 5: 14, 15. When the church apostatized from the faith ( I Tim. 4: 12) they departed from these things; viz., saving, keep-ing, and healing power; then those who had apostatized began to preach that these things were past ( doctrines of devils). Now ' since the evening light is shining ( Zech. T4: 7) these things are being brought to light and Satan uncovered. Let us do all in our power to raise the standard to where it formerly was. Let us walk out on the promises of God and let nothing, however difficult it may seem, discourage us. Trusting these lines may be the means of encour-aging some one, I remain, yours contending earnestly for the faith, ALEX T. ROWE. Separation. 6e6. c) Hth EeR LEoFrdO, RIfE t hthouu sr estauirtnh then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me; and if thou take . forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth."- Jer. 15: 19. This being a prophetic year, and a year of real advancement for God, judgment must go forth and separa-tion must be made between the sheep and the goats, between the righteous and the unrighteous. between those who serve God and those who do not. " And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scatter-ed, etc."- Ezek. 2o: 34. This has been done. We see many of God's people have left Babylon. " And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face. Like as I pleaded witt your fathers in the wil-derness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord God. And I will cause you to pass under the rod [ for correction], and I will bring you- into the bond of the cove-nant: and I will purge out from a-mong you the rebels, and them that transgress against me."- Verses 35- 38- We see by this, that before God will establish the Church and bring it to the apostolic life and power, judgment must go forth, separation take place with those who will not pay a Bible consecration, and we read in Daniel that " many shall cleave to them with flatteries."- Dan. 11: 34. See Ez. 9: 1; Io: 8; Neh. 13: 3. That truly has been the case in many places. Spirits that have not meas-ured up to the Word have been rec-ognized and permitted to worship with the true saints and have brought in strife and contention and division; especially on the line of fa-naticism, going beyond the Word, finding fault, picking and condemn-ing without a " Thus saith the Lord." But, thanks be to Jesus, the time is at hand when his angels or ministers are gathering out of his kingdom all things that offend and them that do iniquity. Mat. 13: 41. For God hath said, " It shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord of hosts, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land and they shall no more be remembered; and also I will cause the prophets[ that are false 2Pet. 2: 1] and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land." In that day when the fountain should be opened to the house of David for sin and unclean-ness. Zech. 13: 1- 2. And," Then shall ye return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not."- Mal. 3: 18. " Zion shall be redeemed with judgment and her converts with righteousness." - Is. 1: 27. " For behold, the day corn-eth, that shall burn as an an oven; and all the proud [ those who exalt themselves also]; yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up." The Advents would have us be-lieve that this refers to the final judgment when the earth and the works that are therein shall be burn-ed up. 2 Pet. 3: 1o. But that is per-verting the scriptures, for in that same day, to those who fear the name of the Lord shall the sun of right-eousness arise with healing in his wings. We find in Is. 33: 14 the question asked, " Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?" Answer: " He that walketh righteously and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from hold-ing of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shut-teth his eyes from seeing evil." verse 15. See also 30: 27, While a good number have left Babylon, under the preaching of the evening light and accepted the doctrine of holiness, yet we find a consumption determined upon the remnant. 15.10: 23; 28: 22. And two parts shall be cut off and die. Zech. 13: 8. Some apply this to Catholi-cism and Protestantism; but that is misapplying the scripture, for the seventh verse reads, " smite the shep-herd and the sheep shall be scatter-ed." While this was fulfilled in Christ ( Mark 14: 27) before the cruci-fixion, you will find at the time when Jesus was crucified many of the dis-ciples had gone back, and even be-fore, for when he began to teach them that they had to eat his flesh and drink his blood and that he was to ascend up where he was before; many " went back, and walked no more with him." John 6: 53- 66. And at the day of Pentecost only one hundred and twenty were waiting for the promise of the Father ( that is, that was all we have any account of). There must have been a great falling away from the labors of Jesus, the Apostles, and John the Bap ist, and we find that the evening shall be as the morning. Is. 58: 8; Songs of Sol. 6: 1o. In Hos. 6: 1- 3 we read, " Come and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days[ Cathol-icism and Protestantism] will he re-ceive us: in the third day [ Evening light] will he raise us up, and we shall live in his sight." See Zeph. 3: 17. " Then shall we know; if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto th e earth." We are exhorted to pray that God will save the remnant. Jer. 31: 7. In Ezek. 21: 3., in speaking of the separation; the Lord says he will draw out his sword out of his sheath ands will cut off from thee both the righteous and the wicked. To in-terpret this, read Daniel 1: 33- 35 We see here the righteous are to be cut off for a while, or fall. God would withdraw his power or help, even from the righteous, to try them, and to purge them and to make them white. ( Read Job's case, Job 23.) See Ezek. 22: 18- 22. The war is at hand spoken of in Rev. 12: 7- 12. The dragon is to be cast out, that old serpent, though he shall come with all his subtility, even as an " angel of light," he shall be detected and all his angels or ministers with him. Though many of God'.‘ little ones have been accused by him, yet praise God for the precious prom-ise and provision he has made for us that we may overcome him. Read-er, if - you have let him accuse you., remember God says he is cast out of heaven ( the church or heavenly ex-perience. Eph. 2: 6) and you may overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testi-mony. Praise, glory, and honor, be to God and to the Lamb forever! But notice; they that overcame him loved not their lives unto death. It means apostolic consecration. Read the promise in V. 10 connected with the battle and separation. Not only salvation, but strength and the kingdom ' Of God and the power of his Christ. And it tells us in 3o: 26, " That the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be seven- fold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people and healeth the stroke of their wound." So unclean spirits can enter no more. Now when God sends forth judg-ment, to separate the goats from the the sheep, and even those who are fearful which he cannot use in battle, many will cry ( especially crooked professors) " Charity! You must have charity: feed us on milk; and preach more love," etc. But cursed is he that withholdeth his sword from blood. Jer. 48: 1o. The judg-ment is God's. 2 Chron. 19: 6, 7. Let judgment be executed speedily. Ezra 7: 25,26. How to get true judg-ment. Psa. 36: 5,6. " Judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it." Psa. 94- 15 Execute the judgments written. Psa. 149: 6. When God's judgments are in the earth the in-habitants of the world will learn righteousness. Isa. 26: 9. It was for lack of judgment upon ungodliness that the church went into darkness. Isa. 1: 21- 23; Mic. 3: 5,6; Amos 8: 4- 9. It was for lack of judgment that sectism is fallen. Ezek. 13: 1- 16; I, a. 59: t- i5. But God shall purge Zion. Isa. 4: 3- 6. This is what we are to do. Zech. 7: 9; 8: 16,17; Amos 5: 15. God loves and delights in judgment. Isa. 6i: 8; Jer. 9: 24. God will fill " Zion with judgment. Isa. 33: 5. Those who have wrought judgment shall be hid in the day of God's anger. Zeph. 2: 3. All who now receive his word, And salvation in the Lord, Shall be gathered. for the mixing time is past; Separation from the vile, Must take place or all will spoil, ' Tis effected by the evening trumpet's " But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream." Your brother sav-ed and sanctified and in the one body, EMIL KREUTZ. Worldly Conformities. E not conformed to this world. Rom. 12: 2 The time has come when it is absolutely necessary for the people of God to make an ad-vancement on the line of dress. I do not mean that we must look for more light on the subject but that we all with one accord move up to the light we now have. Not long since it was clearly seen that there was a lack of faith . and power in many professed people of God. Many who applied for healing in a certain meeting received but little if any benefit. So marked was the lack of real faith that it called forth a special meeting to acertaln the cause. From observation, and by prayer to God, I, for one, was con-vinced that one cause of such a lack of faith was the spirit of worldliness and pride manifested in the lives and on the persons of many profess-ed children of God. I do not mean to say that God's church as a body is retrograding on this line, for such is not the case. God has a faithful few who are walk-ing to every ray of light of the pres-ent truth. But there are individuals who profess to be children of God who are far from the Bible standard in dress. The time has come when we must sound forth a warning: God demands his ministers to preach the whole Word and all the saints to measure to it. Judgment is not go-ing forth from the pulpit on this line as it should; and the worldly, fashion-able dress of many, proves that they are • not walking in the light they have received. Those who are just coming out of sectism, and new converts, not hav-ing sufficient light and time to effect a transformation, may to a certain extent be excused if some worldly adornment may be seen upon their person and in their lives. But those who have known the word of God and have the light on these things have no excuse for the appearance of the fashionable big sleeves and worldly attire seen upon some. They try to justify themselves with the plea that some one else made them. Then let some one else wear them. No wonder some are so op-pressed by the devil and see so much darkness when at camp meeting, and are afraid to testify in the presence of those who are clear for God. No wonder you can not exercise faith to be healed when you refuse to meas-ure to God's word, and cry out " fa-naticism" when it is preached to you. You can not expect God to heal you unless you are willing to walk in all the light of present truth. Before the church may expect apostolic power and faith she must measure to the apostolic standard of dress and be perfectly conformed to the New Testament teachings. May God help the ministry to cry out against worldly conformity as never before, and see that all those who profess to be saints measure to it. God is calling for a peculiar people and such are the only ones he can use in this great reformation. We are well aware that it will not do to be continually preaching at dress, but it is our duty to possess and teach a salvation that will cleanse the heart from all these things. Then it will be but a short time until dress and all the outward deport-ment will be conformed to the Word. When things appear upon the out-side that are of the world, it is quite evident that there is a corresponding element in the heart. " But," says one, " I know that my dress is not just what it should be, but my heart is right." To such we would say, in the name of Jesus, take down the sign- boards and advertisements, and abstain ' from all appearance of evil. W. J. HENRY. LA FAYETTE, IND. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I am still praising God for full salvation and I am kept by the power of God from sin. I can truly say he is my physician and always relied upon to heal if the conditions are met. He permitted me to go through a spell of typhoid fever, lasting nearly two months, And finally when I had learned to be patient and entirely resigned to his will he healed me instantly. Praise his name forever! Pray that I may remain faithful, and pray for m3,- companion that she may be saved from sectism, Your brother in the or- AL: body, D. F.,, WE NER, DOMESTIC HAPPINrss. GOSPEL TRUMPET wAERLY HOLLNESS JOURNAL, mognmenms, RADI . A T , and ANTI- SECTARIAN, sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publi-cation of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body, the Unity of all true Christians in" the faith once delivered to the saints." larSub6cr1pt1on, 1i. 00 a year in advance. Free to the Poor. ff- Send money by Post Office Money Order, Express Or- & r, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. OF- Subscribers wishing their address changed, must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address. If 7011 do not receive your paper when due, write us a card, and we will gladly mail you another copy. VW- Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and we will gladly rectify the same. pr- A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will act as agent. VP- Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of their address. VirWhen you write, be sure to give your address: name, post- office, county, and state. riff- A11 busisea, , ommknications, moneys etc. must be ad-dressed to GOSPEL, TRITMPRT, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be respotnible EDITOR, E. E. BYRUM. PusbisICERS, E. E. BYRUM, and N. H. Byrum. Grand junction, Mich. Entered at the Post ° Moe of Grand Junction, Mich. as sec-ond class matter. TIFIURSDAY, JULY 16, 1896. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS NOT OTHRWISE RIMED Mrs. J. B. Borders, Jane Brown, J. H. Ru-pert. A. J. Miller, J. L. Edwards. The time of the Beaver Dam meeting is changed to Aug. 4- 12, as given in this issue. Also the time for the Dwight, Mich. meeting is changed to Aug. 1- 9. Brethren who desire to purchase the new book by D. S. W. entitled " Salvation, Present, Perfect, Now or Never," can purchase the same of Sis'er Frankie Warner, Grand Junc-tion, Mich. by sending for single copies or in quantities, and thereby aid her financially. Orders sent to her will be promptly filled. Price pap - r isc: s., doz. $, .44; cloth 35ct5., doz. $ 3.00. First Steps for Little Feet In Gospel Paths. This is a beautiful book for Chil-dren, and its interesting Bible stories. written in such simple language, are a delight to the little ones. It con-tains 148 illustrations ( pictures), and coarse large print which is easily read. 328 pages in attractive cloth binding. Price 75 cts. postpaid. We are sending out thousands of Sunday School cards and are able to offer a larger and more complete selection of Scriptural texts than in the past. We will send sixteen sam-ples for 7 cts. and samples of the full line ( thirty- four in all) including all the large ones will be sent for 15 cts. These sums will be deducted when your order amounts to 50 cts. and $ eco. Requests For Prayer. Pray that my daughter may be healed of fever. Ann Myers, Knob Lick. Mrs. Lydia Irving, Waltham.- Heal-ing of paralysis. Mrs. S. J. Wofford.- Healing of Can-cer. Also is a cripple. Calls For Meeting. There is a call for some of God's workers to go to Hurricane Wis. to hold meetings. Address Mrs. G. W. Phillips, Arthur, Wis. A grove meeting is desired one and a half miles from Edinburg, Pa., about the first of Sept. or as soon after the Emlen-ton meeting as possible. The grove is seated, and lighted with gas. Address Joseph Barnett, Box 33, Knox, Pa. Address G. A. Brown, Addington, I. T. - Address A. A. McMurray, Madison Kan. There is an urgent call for , meetings, near Atlantic, Crawford Co., Pa. Three schoolhouses are ready, and one grove is seated, ready for meeting. This is a good opening. Thomas P. Abbott, At-lantic, Pa. MEETINGS, PREPARING FOR CAMP MEETINGS. There are a few things might be men-tioned that will apply to camp and grove meetings in general. Those attending such meetings should go for the purpose of glorifying God, by doing good, getting good, and becoming better qualified to help others. If convenient, take a tent a-long, and beddirk, etc., enough to make' you comfortable. Some blankets and ai straw tick will be sufficient to enable you to care for yourself should the place be crowded. If possible, go prepared to provide for yourself and help others. Do I not impose upon the liberality of the brethren, but if you are too poor to pro-vide for yourself do not stay away on that! account as they will gladly care for you. Go in faith , and help to bear one anoth-er's burdens, and aid in rescuing perish-ing souls. Melrose, 0. Tabernacle meeting. July 20- 29. Address David Smith. Benton Harbor, Sodus, Mich. July 20- M. iss, Mich. Camp meeting. July 22- Aug. I. Address Jerome Kieser. There will be a general camp meeting at Apollo, Armstrong Co., Pa July 23- Aug. 3. Apollo is on the West Penn. R. R. A number of God's holy ministers are expected. For information address Bro. J. E. Shelthammer. Clinton, Wis. Camp meeting. B. gin-ning July 24. About seven miles nprth-west of Barron. Address 0. A. Warren, r. Bremen, Ind. Grove meeting. July 25- 31. Independence, Kan. Tabernacle meet-ing. July 25, lasting as long as the Lord wills. There will be a camp meeting near Springfield, Ohio, July 29- Aug. 9. Let saints and sinners in reach of this meet-ing come for the good of souls. We Idok for a precious meeting,. and we ask all saints to pray for its success Those coming to New Carlisle, write Bro Isaac Pense, N"; xv Carlisle, 0. All that come to Springfield, notify Bros. A. J. Byers, ( Box 37) or W. 0. Downs, Springfield. All that come to ID. mneIlsville Station, notify Bros. J. A. Hardacre or Wm. J. McFarland, Donnellsville. Bros. Keeling, Speck, Schell and others are expected. There will be a camp meeting held at Brushy Prairie, Ind. on the farm of S. Y. Greenawalt, eight miles east of LaGrange, from July 30 to Aug. 9. Those coming by R. R. get off at LaGrange. Those corn-ing on - Wabash R R, get off at Wolcott-yule and come on the G. R. and R. R to LaGrange. Inf, rm S. Y. Greenawalt or M. S. Yoder of your coming and what day to meet you and what time, and you will be conveyed to the camp ground on any of the first three days of the meeting. As many as can, bring tents. Provisions can be purchased on the ground. Bros. J. N. Howard. B. F. Roe, C. Orr, T. J Cox, and ' others are expected. The camp meeting at Moundsville, Marshall Co., W. Va. will be held July 31 - Aug. 9. Those coming on the B. and 0. R. R., Focal trains will run into camp ground on the Ohio River Road; get off at camp ground Junction Those coming on the steamboats wilt be landed on Floating Bethel, opposite Camp Ground Junction. The steamers " Lexington", " Jewel," and " Enos Taylor" have granted us reduced rates. The passengers on the " Taylor" will transfer at Wheeling. The street car line is nearly completed which will connect twenty- eight miles of street car line which runs by the grounds. Let all the saints come who can and bring tents to help take care of the hundreds of hungry souls who are anxious for the truth. Invalids and sick people are com-ing to be healed. Let there be a general rally and unusual faith exercised for this meeting. Bros. A. J. Kilpatrick and Ellison are to be there. G. T. Clayton. Teegarden, Ind. Commencing Aug. There will be a meeting at Lottville, Miss., beginning Aug. I. lasting as long as the Lord wills. Let all the ministers and Gospel workers attend this meeting that can. We ask all the saints to pray for the success of this meeting. Yours in Jesus, Elnora Johnson, Lottville, Miss. Ripley Co., Mo. Aug. 1- 9. Ten miles south of Doniohan, and ti, vo miles east of Poynor. Address A. B. Stanberry, McCauley, Ark., or J. M. Hester, Poynor, Mo. Dwight, Mich. Camp meeting. Aug. 1- 9 Address Vern. Tillittson. The McKinley, OkIa. camp meeting will be held Aug. t- to. The camp ground is one mite east and one mile south of McKinley; and about fifteen miles east and about four mites south of Guthrie. Parties coming by rail, come to Guthrie by way of the A. T. and S. F. Ry., then by stage to McKinley. For particulars address Joseph Ropp, McKinley, Okla. The Beaver Dam camp meeting will be held on Bro. David Leininger s farm, Aug. 4- 12. Every body is invited to at-tend this meeting that loves the truth, both saint and sinner. Come expecting to do work for the Master, and receive a benefit for your own souls. We are look-ing forward to this meeting to see the power of God manifest in healing the sick and the saving of many souls. Do not forget to bring your own bedding; there will be a place to put it free. Boarding and provisions can be had on the grounds. All coming on the Chicago and Erie; and Lake Erie and Western Rys., stop at Rochester, Ind. Notify Bro. Leininger . at Akron, Ind. Those coming on Nickel Plate R R. stop at IVI entone, notify Bro. R. N. Gast, Akron, Ind. Notify early. The camp meeting in Alabama will be-gin Aug. 6. to be held five miles east of Hartsells, Morgan Co. Noah Duncan, Huntsville, Ala. Cayuga, Ind. Camp meeting. Aug. 6- 20. Address W. A. Davison, Eugene, Ind. Kelate Ky. Tabernacle meeting. Aug. 8- 23. Address J. P. Lemons. Harrison Co y. Tabernacle meeting. Aug. 8- 25. Onethe farm of A. J. Lemons, four miles northeast of Poindexter Sta-tion on the old Ky. Cent. R. R. Some true ministers of God are desired. Ad-dress J, P. Lemons, Kelat, Ky. Shultz, Mich. Grove meeting Aug. t- IS. Address W. H. Merritt, Clover-dale, Mich. North Star ( instead of Brock), O. Aug. 2- 23. Address John H. Trick, Versaitles,- 6. Vichey, Mo. Camp meeting. Aug 12- 24. Address Jas. Thornton. Fenwick Ont. Camp meeting. A 13- 23. Address no. E. Smith. Marshal, Okla. Camp meeting. Aug. 13- 24- Ft. Stephens, Miss. General assembly at Wright's Chapel. Beginning Aug. .14- Address H. W. Frasure. Houston, Mo. Camp meeting. Aug. 14- 23. Address E. M. Allen. Stanley, W. Va. Camp meeting. Aug. / 4- 25. Peoria, Ill. About Aug 15. Bluff Springs, Leake Co., Miss. Meet-ing. Beginning Aug. 19. R. H. Owens, Freeney, Miss. St. Louis, Mich. Camp meeting. 19- 29. Address no, Ham. Emlenton, Pa. Camp meeting. Aug. 20- 31. Address Samuel Martz, Pittsville, Pa. Payne. 0. Camp meeting. Aug. 20- 3i. Address J. N. Howard. Gaston, Ind. Tabernacle meeting. 26 to Sept. Tremont, 0. Tabernacle meeting. Aug. 26- Sept. 6. Adoress Peter Hartman, Lawrenceville, 0. Ash Grove; Mo. Campmeeting. 27- Sept, 7. Prince, Miss. Camp meeting. Begin-ning Aug. 28. Address F. M. Williamson, Centralia, Miss. Oklahoma City, Okla. Tabernacle meetin g Aug 28--- Sept. 14. Friend, Mo. Assembl ? ! fleeting. Be-ginning Aug. 29, Address G. S. Backus. Tuscola, Leake Co., Miss. Meeting. Beginning Aug. 29. R. H. Owens, Free-ney, Miss. Izard Co., Ark. Camp meeting. Sept. 4- 15. Address Ben Seaton, Violet Hill, Ark. Milton, Mo. Camp meeting. Sept. r- 2. Address A. A. Kinzie. Cheshire, Mich. Grove meeting. Be-ginning Sept 3. Address Albert Pulsi-pher, Allegan, Mich, Vowell, " Winston Co., Miss. Camp meeting. Sept. 4- 13. R. H. Owens, Freeney, Miss. Kenesaw, Neb. Camp meeting. . 4- 15. Those wishing tents notify Bro. W. F. Eberline by at least as early as Aug. 20. Reddick, Ill. Tabernacle meeting, Sept. 9 and as long as the Lord wills. A grove meeting will be held in the southeast part of Salem township, Allegan Co., Mich. Sept. 8- 18. Address H. E. Hyde, Burnips Corners, Mich. - Rising Sun, 0. Tabernacle meeting. Sept i5- 25. Address Jacob Roush. Arapahoe, Okla. Camp meeting. Sept. 18- 28. North Enid, Okla. Camp meeting. Be-ginning Oct. 6. Address W. G. Rippey. New Pittsburg, Ind. Assembly meet-ing. Beginning Oct. 15. Address H. C. Wickersham. Bro. Ostis B. , Wilson and Co. are travel-ing by private conveyance to Mo. Any-one wishing meetings along the line, address him at Grand Junction, Mich. Any one desiring meeting in New York address us at 621 Otisco St., Syracuse, N. Y. B. F. Weikel. QUESTIONS. ANSWERED. Please explain the 4th chapter of Malachi. How are the wicked to be destroyed. or burn-ed up root and branch? If they are to be eaoshuess, huonwde wr tihlle t hsoeyle bs ea c atshte i nfeteot hoefl lt hfoe rreivgehrt?- L. H. The day to burn as an oven pre-dicted in Mal. 4, is the Christian Era, as we will proceed to prove. In V. 5 of said chapter we read, " Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet be-fore the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:" that is, before the coming of that day • " that shall burn as an oven." Literalists who look for this burn-ing day in the future look for the translated Elijah to return to the earth just before it bursts forth. But we have the words of Jesus explaining who Elias is, and locating his comingdn the past. " For all the prophets and the law prophesied un-til John. And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to conic. - Matt. 11: 13, 14. Nowhere in the prophets do we read of Elijah's com-ing. but in Malachi. So it is evident, from the Saviour's words, that John the Baptist is the Elias that was to precede the coming of the day to burn as an oven. And as John was the forerunner of the Saviour's first coming, it is evident that the present burning Holy Ghost dispensation is the burning day predicted by Mala-chi. The horning of the proud and of them that do wickedly, is fulfilled in the destruction of wicked elements out of the hearts of those who obtain salvation. Truly we who are redeemed, tread triumphantly upon the ashes of the sins of our past wicked lives, \ V. G. S. I would like to ask a question in regard to Rev. IL In the questions and answers in (- los-pel Trumpet of Apr. W. I read that the reign or the first form of the apostasy is dated f om 270- 153O. I had supposed that this apostasy wuich had begun to work in Paul's day, 2 The-. 2) came to its full power rover the church of God in the year A. D. 575. tiid reigned until A. D. 17S). Please explain- wnat gave it the power In 17ci H. J. N. There is nothing mentioned in connection with the 1260 days in the eleventh chapter of Rev. that would indicate that they should be measur-ed from the time popery came to ull power. Like all other prophe-cies which contain the 126o days, it is dealing with the decayed state of the church, which the renowned his-torian, Milner, tells us should be dated from about the year 27o. See his history Cent. iv. Ch. r. Measur-ing from this date, the end of the 126o days falls at A. D. 153o. v hen according to all historians the d y-ed state of the church ended. But if we were to measure from the time Rome reached the' summit of her power we could not count from 535, because that is not the true date. But popery reached the height of its glory, when the Roman Pontiff was. in () oh, declared " Universal head o state and church Again, 17oS is not the date the decayed state of the church end-ed. No evidence to that , effect can produced from any ecclesiastical history. Seventh Day Adventists C the 1 260 days from 53S to 1.79S, but in this as in many other of their positions they are without - ivar-rant in Ecripture or history. W. G. SI: IIE LL ORRISTIAN PERFECTION. I was seeking that higher state in spiritual life that is called sanctifica-tion, and the adversary of our souls came to me and told me I could not reach it; but I would not believe it. That scripture came to me that says, " Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." I set a resolution-that I would serve God and would wait 0. tiently till I received it. I wrestled like Jacob and when I got in the right- condition he Wonderfully blessed me. I praise and thank God for that good spirit which the world cannot give nor take away. Some of my neighbors say there is no sanctification of the body. Breth-ren, I believe if we have sin in our bodies in any sense we have it in our souls. We must get far enough so that we will not have the desire to sin. We may never get rid of temp-tations in this life, but we can count it all joy when we fall into divers temptations. It is only the trying of our faith. Every temptation we ov-ercome strengthens our faith. Christ lived on this earth as an example for us after we are converted. He was tempted, but he did not yield. Bless the name of the Lord! After we have been converted Christ dwells with us and in us; he never leaves nor forsakes us till we forsake him. So we have, or at- least the power will be given us to resist temptations just like him, if we will ask for it. He prayed for us ( John 17: 26), and there is a joint union between us and the Son and the Father. We must reach perfection this side of death if we want to share the glories Christ has prepared n his Father. house. Perfection in all things is not- found in man. Christian perfection does not make us perfect in some one of the many things of this life; but makes us perfect in the love of God. We must consecrate our all to God, then God i. vill be all in all to us. Per-fect love. casteth out fear. He that feareth is not made perfect in love, What a blessed state we are in when we have perfect love! Love is the ' Ming of the law. Rom. 13: 10, Brethren, let us live in the beauty of holiness; then I. Ve have direct com-munication with our Lord and Say-jour, Jesus Christ. his sprit tiiivaliv bearing witnesswith spirit thAt we are the sons of God, J. C. K.\/ Eli. ng Tekonsha, Mich. Aug. 3-- II. Address B. F. Heath. • estic - belonging or rdl to home. Home religion, or pra ehristiariity, is the only thing that can introduce and support a means of grace that will bring " happiness' ' in the holm s of our land. In the beginning God created man in his own image, male and female created he them, and Said. Multiply and re-plenish the earth. end have domin ion over it. The object of the crea-tion is clearly set forth, and the holy : bonds of matriniony declared to be an institution of God. Cgildren are an herna Makes two one flesh. Ephf. 5: ttie. d. and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Psa. 127: 3. liArr ER MA R1.( 1 E. Oile secret of success in the service ' of God, in the home circle, is begin-ning in the order of his plan. Lack of teaching and wrong teaching has hid this beautiful and important thought from the minds of tile multitudes that are just stepping upon the stage of matrimony. From the beginning God's revealed 1. r ill to has forbidden his children to marry strange wives. Mien the bzought, the children of Israel land of Canaan, they were tried not to intermarry insi, iaond the Word gives for the reason," hey will turn away thy Sons from me." And thus, the by-road to idolatry is shunned, and the holiness of the people is retained. 7: 1- 4. 111 the lad: OX: iortation the people he told them if they did marry strange wives, God would no lnore give them victory over their enemies, but in their dis-obedience they should be hound down, till they perish from off this good land. Josh. 23: 11- 1 3. " Shall we then hearken unto you to do this great evil, to transgress against our God, in marrying strange wives?" Neh. 13: 27. Thus the will of God - concerning Marriage in olden times is clearly set forth. It is very plain that God com-manded his children not to marry strange wives, or those among other nations, that were not Israelites. And just as God bade literal Is-rael to beware of this evil ( josh. 23: 13.), so he commands spiritual Israel, which are Abraham's seed by faith. in God ( Gal. 3: 26- 20) as a holy na-tion ( I Pet. 2 s). .) to guard against the . same evil. One New Testament writer says, " Be ye not unequally yok-ed together with unbelievers." .2Cor. 6: 14. iCor. 7: 39.-- Marry whom she will only in the Lord." From the foregoing texts the following ideas on this subject are clearly set forth: i God forbids His people marrying other nations. 2. Other nation to us would signify sinners, as the spiritual few may be of any race or nation that * ill accept the Lord in the salvation of the 3. 1 Holy people marrying unholy People would be marrying . " out of . the Lord," and - yoking up with unbeliever," the same as thNeehw. oitsn: e2ns, of Ashdod of with L , i,, ilorleirld ot I; o f and out u y" 0fouhtaer fm ot ) e, Those who have this command fore their eyes and violate it, shall be bound down by their disobedience WAYNESFIELD, OHIO. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I will for the first time write my testimony. I am praising God for full salvation and victory in my soul over all the works of the devil. Oh what a pre cious Savior we have! When we are sick he heals us. God almost in-stantly healed me of quinsy. I could not talk, only in a whisper, when the Church came to pray with me. I was anointed and they all united in prayer and, praise God, the pain ceased and I was almost instantly praising God with a loud voice. . Pray for me that I may keep humble. JENNIE HARDEN. PEASTER, TEX. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I have Just withdrawn from the M. E. TRACTS AND BOOKS. Have Faith in God. Parable of the Tobacco Seed. A Message from God unto Thee. A Friend to the Friendless. Lost and Found. Why are You not a Christian? 50 Scriptural Objections to Sects. Poison. Tobacco as an EviL Nine Years an Invalid. Maeonic Mysteries. A Charge to the Rich. To the Boys. Questions for Sunday Keepers. Gospel Giving. Blots on Healing. Novel Reading. Word of God and Scotism Considered. Social and Sexual Purity. The Evening Light. Babylon is Fallen. What Church Should I join? Sects. The Master's Call. A Wonderful Deliverance. Little Things. ' The Apostasy. Repent Ye and Believe the Gospel. The Secret Vice. Startling News to Mothers. Is thee a Visible and an Invisible Church? " Sanctification. 10 cents Spiritualism. AS The Great Tobacco Sin. SS Questions and Answers on the Church. 3.10 Scriptures on the Church. Christian Science. Must We Sin? No Sectism." Can We Fall? Babylon, and What it Includes. Marriage and Divorce. 32 pages. 5 cents. 40 eta. 43 dozen. Train Your Children for Heaven. 10 eta. $ 1.00 per dozen. Bible Readings. 158 pages. Cloth 30 eta. 13.00 per doz. Priests of Romanism. ets. $ 1.44 per doz. Niasonie Salvation. Paper cover 15 eta. Cloth 35 cts. ,11S1lfSBIS from the Throne. 148 seugs, 90 with music. Manilla 25 sits. Cloth 0 eta. the Church of God. 32 pages. 5 cents. 40 cts. per dozen. Proving what in the Church of God and what is not. The Ordinances of the New Testament. 5 cts. 40 eta. per doz. , Sets forth the ordinances of the Scriptures in a clear light, showing which are abolished., and which are still in vogue. What is the Soul? 10 cis. 80 cts. per doz. 100 scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element, which goes to God at death of the body. Holiness Bible Subjects. By H. C. Wickersham. 400 pages. Cloth $ 1.00. A vsry va. uable book with arrangement of Scriptures on one hundred subjects, also contains over 50 pages of concord-ance, tables, Bible helps, etc. The Boy's Companion. By E. E. Byrum. Paper cover 15 eta. Cloth 25 eta. This is a neat little volume with interesting chapters to boys. concerning the Sesret Vice and other bad ha) its and their effects. Bvery Boy needs advice and too often parents fail to give the needed advice until too late. Divine Healing of Soul and Body. By E. E. Byrum. 248 pages. Cloth, 75 eta. Paper cover, 25 cents. Part I teaches the way of salvation, and how to gel saved. Part II gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part III consists of testimonies Le- fm those who have been healed in these last Vs. In English and German. Biblical Trace of the Church. By W. G. Schell. paper cover 35 eta. I. sth 75 t Tracing the church in proehecy from her birth to the end of time. It shows that the prophets have foretold the greateet Trials and Triumphs of the Chetah in the whole Christian Era, and describes the age in which we now live. Etboes from Glory. Music, 40 cts. $ 4.00 per doz. Words only, 10 eta. $ 1 00 Pc r dozen. A sung nob containafg 232 new, and beautiful songs aleo inef stations to beeinnere. A gooi beak for camp e. ingS and Sunday Stheols, Thl Sabbath; or, Which Day to Keep. 186 pages. 10 cts. 51.00 per doz. ( Sloth 30 ets. A ye y thorn gh work. Proving try Scripture and history that Chris:,' ooh away the old law and its Sabbath; and t .2c fist nay is the Christian Sabbath, or " Lord's Day" of the New Testament. Salvation: Present, Perfect, Now or Never. 10 cents / a hundred St 61, n 15 cents f hundred AI AS 5 cents V dozen Is cents 6. as PHOENIX, ARIZ. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I will write my testimony as it has been some time since I have testified through the Trumpet. I am still saved and kept by the mighty power of God. I have had to pass through some fiery trials of late, but, glory to his name, he gives grace to bear it all for his sake. I have had to part with my husband by the hand of Death, and then, five months later, the good Lord took my baby. But I mourn not for them as those that have no hope. Pray for me. SARAH JONES. EVANGELIUMS POSAUNE. A radical, anti- rsectarian, German holiness journal, pube fished semi- monthly at this office, where all business and subs eription coroxaunications should be sent. Subscription el 00 per aunuta. Free to the poor. All matter for publa cation or editorial support should be sent direst to the editor: FASO} L. HAHN, 450, 15th St., Milwaukee, Wis. and finally entirely" perish out of their good land"— lose their experience, and often become even skeptical. Josh. 6. It is an evil to marry the un-believer or sinner, as there is no fellowship between a holy and an unholy person. Neh. 13: 27. 7, Worldy or fleshy lusts prompt to actions on this line, that God forbids. Gen. 34: 9. CHAPTER DIVORCE. As surely as God is against a mar-riage out of harmony with his Word, he is against the separation of those he joins together in holy wedlock. There is but one cause that justifies separation, and then no divorce is granted, according to his Word, which plainly says he that marrieth her that is put away committeth a-dultery. Mat. 19: 6- 9. No supposed legalized plan, civil or religious, can justify divorce. For he that created them in the beginning said, " What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder." " Moses because Of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so." " And I say unto you, Whosever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, and whoso marrieth her that is put away coin-mitteth adultery." Even though there be a separation, this would give no chance for a divorce, neither remarriage, for the wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth, but if her hus-band be dead she is at liberty to be married to whom she will, only in the Lord. iCor. 7: 39. Some are converted after marriage, and of course are unequally yoked, yet by reading the seventh chapter of first Corinthians we find if the unbeliev-ing be pleased to remain, no separa-tion is required; for by the believing the unbelieving is sanctified and off-spring legalized. Some that profess to be saved marry unsaved companions; others those that have been divorced from, and still have living companions, and they entered these conditions ignor-antly. To such we would say, Your not having the light would be your only plea for justification, but those who have the light must avoid the enemies snares on this line, the same as his tempta . ions on any other line. A. B. STANBERRY. ( To be continued.) EVIL COMPANY. The Word of God expressly for-bids associating with evil compan-ions. " Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it and pass away." " If sinners entice thee, consent thou not. My son, walk not thou in the Way with them; refrain thy foot from their path." " Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteous-ness? And what communion hath light with darkness?" As the Most High thus forbids in-timate friendship between his chil-dren and the followers of the world, so his Word abounds with weighty reasons for obedience to these com-mands. It describes those as bless-ed who avoid irreligious associates. ' Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." Separation from the evil is also de-scribed as necessary if we wish to walk in the path of piety. The Psalmist said, " Depart from me, ye wicked men; for I will keep the com-mandments of God," as if he had said, " I can't keep those command-ments and associate with you; but I will keep them, therefore we must part." On the other hand, to cher-ish intimate acquaintance with those who are strangers to salvation, is represented as the way to destruc-tion. " A companion of fools shall be destroyed." But you may inquire, What com-pany is evil? Not that only of the lpurtoef laignadt ea baanndd pornoefadn; eb, uotf tthhaet doifs saol- l those who are strangers to vital piety— the vain, - giddy, thoughtless multitude, who disregard the inter-est of eternity, and live without God in the world, however moral in their conduct, or amiable in their bmea n. rnueinrso, uasr et oa sysoocuira tbese. stht aint tweroeusltd. There is no snare by which young professors of religion are more like-ly to be undone than by this. There-ore shun this snare, consider its evils, consider that evil company is the source of much evil. Should you make any that are strangers to sal-vation your bosom- friends, you will most probably soon become like them. If they are lewd and de-bauched, they will lead you to the same guilty excess. Though at first your soul would tremble at their abominations, you will soon join in their revelery, and partake of ' their crimes. Then when the morning of eternity dawns, those thoughtless creatures that were your beloved companions upon earth will be your companions in hell. But their hours of sinful pleasure will then be past; their delight will have reached an eternal close; their laughter at re-ligion and their cheerful songs will be terminated, and all that render-ed their intercourse delightful will have come to an eternal end. Then will be fulfilled the dreadful declara-tion, " The companion of fools shall be destroyed." W. D. FARNAN. Pierce City, Mo. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. MOMECIIEN, W. VA. The work is progressing along the Ohio river; the churches are gen-erally on the advance. Bro. James McCreary says they have opened a Mission at 5169 Dauphin St., Pitts-burgh ( E. E.), Pa. Bro. Harry Roggers reports a good work done at E. Liverpool, 0. recently, two saved at W. Wheeling. Last night a good interest at this place. Truly the hand of the Lord is upon us for good; there has been $ 195.54 paid out on the Bethel in the last six months, and we have not had to go in debt; and the Lord is wonderfully supply-ing for the camp meeting thus far. The Lord is making the Bethel a good school for workers. Address us at Moundsville, W. Va. Yours in the one body, G. T. CLAYTON and Co. EXPLANATION. Regarding the W. Va. tabernacle. Some got the impression that it was only to be used in that state. That was not the intention; but that it was not for the Floating Bethel ex-clusively. G. T. C. BANGOR, MICH. DEAR BRETHREN: On May 9th. last, in answer to a call, I went to Mears, Oceana Co., Mich. to assist Bro. Geo. Filhour in a few meetings in that region of country. I am very glad to report that a good work for God has been done in that country. On Sunday evening, May loth. , we had a glorious ordinance meeting at the house of Bro. and Sister Clark, five miles east of Shelby, at which meeting also Bro. Geo. Filhohr was regularly ordained as a minister' of the gospel by the laying on of hands and prayer. Surely there is a great field open for work in that place. Bro. Filhour and wife are the only resident min-isters in that part of Michigan. We believe that Bro. F. is adapted to opening up the work, in new places; and much desires that some one or more should come into this part of the country to look after the work, thereby letting him loose to do pioneer work. This, dear brethren, is very reasonable; what is worth getting, is worth keeping. More pastorial work is needed. Last evening, July 8th, I arriv-ed at Shelby, Mich., where I found Bro. Filhour and others battling for the Lord in a tabernacle meeting; am EMERADO, N. DAK., July 8. DEAR BRETHREN AND TRUMPET READERS: I feel it the will of God to write you a few lines. I am glad we can report victory in Jesus name. The Rush River camp meeting ( N. Dakota) has come and gone, with good results. Praise God! Satan mustered his hosts and tried to take the camp, but was defeated by the Captain of our salvation. Several souls were saved and sanctified. God was with us also in healing pow-er and healed such as had need of healing. Devils crying with a loud Voice came out of those that were possessed. Praise God for their de-liverance! On the morning of the 4th, twenty- two were buried with Christ in baptism. In the evening forty partook of the holy ordinance of feet- washing. After this a new tabernacle was talked of and the money secured to purchase the same, which will soon be in the field for God in N. Dak., Lord willing. The church made a general forward move. To God be all the glory. Gustave Oslen, of Thief River Falls, Minn., came to the camp meeting, claiming that God had sent him to set me right on several points; but failed to bring " thus saith the Lord." He claimed that the Spirit had given him authority and power to bind me if I did not submit to him. He advised a sinner not to repent, for he was going to overthrow the camp of the saints. We „ took him and dealt faithfully with him ( privately) and soon found out that God had not sent him, but that he was under an awful delusion of the devil. Pleading for sin, claiming that a child of God could live in sin and still be a child of God, and that if a person be converted right ( like he was) he would be jus-tified and sanctified all at once; and that- women must cover their heads when they pray; and in fact had a full stock of erroneous doctrines, and would not be taught by the word of God, saying the spirit in him told him these things which he holds to. We dealt with him faithfully then publicly renounced and took a stand against him. And in the name of Jesus we warn all saints in these parts to have no fellowship with him until he . repents. This man claims to have power to rebuke and bind any of God's little ones, and that when he binds individuals they will lose the grace of God out of their souls, and pine away physically. This I positively deny, for he tried his pow-er on me and I am still fat and flourishing in the courts of God's holiness, both soul and body. Dear ones, fear no evil, but take a stand against all such delusions. Bro. and S„ ster Tubbs are with us and are. greatly used of the Lord. They will continue with us in the new taberna-cle, Lord willing. Our P. 0. address will be Emerado, N. Dak. GEO. W. AND M. E. BAILEY. TES' i IMOT\ IES, FIKETON, TENN. DEAR SAINTS OF GC, D: I am prais-ing God for leading . me out into the evening light and showing me the evil Of sectism. I was glad to obey the call, " Come out of her rri'y people." We had not so much as heard of the evening light until last October the Lord sent some of his children to this place to preach the gospel in its purity. Some ' gladly received it, while others reject the truth. Since we have laid the world aside and got where the Lord can use us we fincl there is something for his children to do. Please pray for the little church at this place that it may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ. I believe that it is the Lord's will that some one come and preach the gospel here. There are many souls starving for spiritual food. Who will come to their rescue? We live seven miles west of Athens. If any of God's ministeri will come, let me know and we will meet you at Athens and convey you to this place. , The Gospel Trumpet finds a hearty welcome to' our home every week. It does me so much good to read the testimonies of the saints and to hear of the wonderful healing power. I am so glad we have such a loving Savior that can heal all our sickness The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Pray for me. Your sister, saved and sanctified, ALICE GUFFEY. OBITUARIES. Peters/. mg. Ind. FICKLIN.- 13ro. Frank H. Ficklin died at his home near Need Moore schoolhouse July 5, 1896; aged twenty- eight years, six months, and three days. HiR deathi calls to our inirid the many who suffered martyrdom for Christ. He was a well- wisher of the truth and at-tended our meeting at the schoolhouse on the evening of the 3d. There was a great disturbance on the outside that night, it be-ing our first night in these pai te; it seemed the devil desired to run us out, and this mu disiring to see good behavior got up and went out in order to secure the sauro, where-upon he was stabbed in the side. After suf-fering much for about fifty- two hours he died on the night of the 5th. Before his death he sent for the min who stabbed hint anddesired to Ink his forgive-ness for all he had ever done or said to hint in any way. The man came, but he came about fifteen minutes too la te to see him a-live. Oh, the ‘ tempest tha t raged in that man's bosom as he looked upon the de. td body of him whose life he had ' taken! M God save his soul from sin is inY prayer. The deceased before his death forgave from the heart his murderer, like Jesus on the cross, and from his testimony he died Satis-fied and we have hopes ' tis true. Let the reader of this meditate and see if 3' 611 can get any. warning from it. Funeral services by the undersigned, G, P. Keeling and I) B. Moore. THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for children. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. 25 ets a year 10 or more copies to one address, 18 ets. a copy per year, of any part of a year at the same rates. Address, Tax SHINDIG LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich. THE TIDINGS OF HEALING. A twelve pest monthly paper devoted to the ' object of divine healing, giving instructive articles and testimonies of those who have been healed. 50 eta. a year. Address, J. W. Braes% 721, 16th St., Oakland, Cal. Paper and Envelopes. Envelopes with mottoes and verses of scripture neatly a, ranged. 30 eta. per hund. Writing Paper in Tablets, containing one hundred sheets With various designs of scriptural headings. 30 eta. Mottoes. S ze 11 x 14 inches. Scriptural mottoes sad verses, printed ( fl . olored paper, in large type, can be read at a distance of fifty to one hundred feet. Suitable for posting in pub-lie places, offices, homes, etc. By mail 20 eta. per doz. By D. S. Warner. This book contains 119 pages, neatly bouett. Paper cover 15 cts. Cioth 35 ets. Sa It enutains much food for the soul. The manuscript for this book was finished a few days before the death of the author. I Age to Come andiffillennium Doctrine Refuted. Price, 10 etc. 51.00 a dos. Giving positive proofs thet the present is the last dispensation of time, and the only cav of Salvation. There will be no Millennium reign o earth before Christ comes, nor atter his secend advent. It also erplains the binding and loosing of Satan, and the one thousand years in Rev. 20. The Secret of Salvation: How to Get ! t and How to Keep it., By E E. Byrum. Over400 pages.— Inuf, trated-- 109 chap-tere Welch will instruct a sinner how to get saved: the Christian to keep saved, and enjoy the blessings of God the sick and afflicted how to get healed and enjoy health, edneldL ytehroasne cWeI. ■ cP. aarpee , r ■ cnovde ro r0 0p oeteas. e, sOsloetdh 1o5f tchtse. devil to tind glad to say that prejudice is breaking away a. nd ' the people are beginning to receive the truth. Yours for the truth, A. B. PALMER. Church South. first heard of the evening light one week ago last Wednesday. I had tried to live a strict Methodist for ten years and had been trying to preach for four pears, but now I intend to declare the whole counsel of God from this good time oil. I obeyed Paul's in-structions to the Roman brethren and offered myself a living sacrifice, and, thanks be to his name, God sanctified me wholly to his will. And now since I have come out from among the sects a great burden has been rolled off of my heart. Let al/ the dear saints pray that the Lord rill send into this country some good man full of the Holy Ghost to preach the pure word of God, and that many souls be brought out of the bondage of sectism to the mar-velous liberties of the glorious gos-pel of Christ. Your brother, saved and sanctified, M. M. REEVES. " And besides this, giving all dill . gence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge: and to knowl-edge, temperance; and to temper-ance, patience." 2 Peter 5, 6, " But now axe. ye many members yet but one body." " That there should be no division in the body! " From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth," etc. " Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." " That the members should have the same care one for another." " Be of the same mind one toward an-other." " Be likeminded one toward an-other." " That ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind." " That ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel." All of this is but in harmony with the prayer of Jesus that all of his people should be one, which was to be effected by the work of sanctifica-tion. H ence, it follows that Bible sanctification does make ALL of God's people one, actually, really, and genu-inely one, which is the normal con-dition of the church of God on earth, in the very face of all sectarian teaching, all enthusiasm and divis-ion- builders of to day who call themselves holiness evangelists but exhort the people to stick to their favorite division, or sect of their choice. The existence of God's church on earth in her normal con-dition means the breaking down and destroying of sectarian idolatry, so that the people may indeed be one. This is done by sanctification, but those in sectism most prominent now in preaching a sentimental sanctification destroy their own work and divide God's people by urging: them to divide or separate themselves. 0 foolish Galatians, who hath be-witched you? Are ye indeed blind? Under the enthusiasm of some great religious upheaval they often say that denominational fences were brok-en down, and rails burned up by the Holy Ghost, thus forever condemn-ing themselves in what they allow, for before the meeting is over they go ahead and make new rails and build up the fences alleged to have been broken down. Such talk is only idle talk for let a man indeed jump over their little fences, escape, and find refuge in Jesus only, they break forth on him with venom. Again, referring to the condition of the church, the apostle says, " One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." That is, God is in ALL of his people or church and through all of them, making them one, because they all have his Spirit. Now in all honest search for truth, we ask, do the above scriptures de-scribe the general religious world we see around us? Do the Methodists have the same care for other de-nominations as for themselves? Do they provide for other preachers, other orphans, other poor, as for their own? And do other denomi-nations act the same w4 toward the Methodists? Do they all use one another's buildings, draw upon each other's funds exercise a godly care over one another? These things they certainly must do if they are all of God. But to ask such questions is to answer them, and forever brand all these divisions as being anti- Christ. Yet, we say, in spite of men's abominations and their merchandise-making machines and Satanic divis-ions, God still has a church exactly in harmony with his word and its re-quirements and regulations. He has a church corresponding with the a-bove scriptures, and this is not an in-. visible, abstract, hidden away organ-ization, but is composed of blood-washed saints, operating now on earth, and unyieldingly opposed to sin, and uncompromisingly firm in the one truth of God. A. D. Hicics ( To be continued.) DIVINE ' HEALING. Luke, the Physician. OME who favor doctors and op-pose divine healing, or at least plead for medicine say that Luke was a physician. Yes, that is true: he was before the Lord called him to preach, but you never hear tell'of him practicing medicine after he started out to preach the gospel. When Jesus sent him out to preach he did not even tell him to take his medicine case. When Eutychus went to sleep and fell out of a win-dow and was killed, Luke was there, but we do not read anything about him doctoring the case. Paul went down and took charge of his case in the name of the Lord, and the man was healed instantly, and they went back into the house and continued the sermon. There are a number of cases men-tioned in the Bible which were indi-vidual cases, and instructions given to them were not meant for God's children in general. But we should remember that when the Lord speaks and tells us to do a thing then it is safe to do it, and as we obey, the work will be done. God has given us an abundance of promises for healing by prayer and faith and tells us just how to proceed in order to be healed. He furthermore says, " Whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."— Mark Afflicted for Twenty Years. DEAR FRIENDS: I feel like testify-ing a few words and telling what the Lord has done for me. I was afflict-ed twenty years of spinal rheumatism. I had spasms and could scarcely keep my family, so severe were my afflictions. On the i3th of March a time was set to pray the Lord to re-lieve me. After I had read that the prayer of faith would heal the sick, and that God's grace is sufficient for all, I saw that there was some chance for me. I turned myself in bed up-on my face and began to pray. My children also prayed. In a short time I was seemingly struck dead. The children continued to pray. I lay there eight hours, and they said I was dead. When I became con-scious I realized that an evil spirit had been cast out of me, and the Lord had also cast away my afflict-ions, and I have been cleansed ever since. The Lord has taught me a good many lessons since that time, for which I give him all the praise. If there are any afflicted, call on the Lord in prayer. I beg an interest in the prayers of you all. D. W. BEARD. Church of the Living God. ( Continued from last issue.) HERE is a large number of Scriptures used, descriptive of what the church is, wherein language is taxed to its utmost to convey a thought of its oneness unity, com-pactness, and that there are abso-lutely no divisions, and those who would attempt to divide up God's people are severely rebuked and the people warned against them. Let us look at a few scriptures, and not at my opinions, for I have none, hav-ing no dogmas to defend nor institu-tion to prop up. " There is one body, and one spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism." " So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another." " For we being many are one bread and one body." " For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one'body: so also is Christ." " For by one Spirit are we all bap-tized into one body." " But now hath God set the mem-bers every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him." PETERSBURG, IND. DEAR ONES IN CHRIST: I praise the dear Lord for salvation and for the sweet peace that flows in my soul like a river. Pray for me. I am young in the cause and only fif-teen years of age and surrounded by temptations on every side. But the Lord knows the way I take ( Job 23: m.) and is able to deliver me out of them all. Your sister, saved and sanctified, NORA V. ANDERSON. WHITE OAK FLAT, PA. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I wish , to write my testimony for the TRUMPET for the first time. The Lord has saved me from sin and is keeping me da
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title The Gospel Trumpet - 16:28
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title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 16:28
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 16:28
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 16:28
title_sort gospel trumpet - 16:28
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publishDate 1896
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op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
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Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
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spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:37+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 16:28 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1896-07-16 Printed Newspaper English eng Warner, D. S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 16 28 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1896 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:04:42Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Blew ye the Trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain. The Lord God shall blow the Trumpet, and go with whirlwinds. Joe12: 1. a ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, Zech. 9: 14. ufteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a Trsueem ypee. t , w hheeanr yhee. Isa. 18: 3. And he shall send gather together his other. So will I seek out have been scattered his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven t o the Mat, 24: 31. may sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they in the cloudy and dark day. Eze. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 39. Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, July 16,1896. BEAUTY IS NOT PURITY. As rich perfumes rise on the air, From flowers pale, from flowers fair, A thought comes springing. to my mind That I may here a lesson find. The flower that Clod has made so bright, And what we'd call a pretty sight, Perhaps, has not so fragrant smell As one that does not look so well. just so with people of to- day; You cannot judge by faces gay. A heart that's shaded black as night, May have a face that's pretty, bright; But wait a moment, look within,' You'll see the ugly monster, sin; And if he can your praises get, He's gained a point he'll not forget. But there's a face, though faded, pale, Whose rich perfume loth never fail; It is the one whom Christ hath bought, Who many a battle fierce hath fought; The one who's willing to suffer here For souls their Lord hath bought so dear. So let us not let beauty move, But let the fragrance purity prove. - Isabel C. Byrum. Contend for the Faith. ELOVED, when I gave all Tc, A diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that ye should ear-nestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." -- Jude 3. I feel it to the glory of God to write a few lines on this text. I have been made to appreciate this salvation more in the last three months than ever before; and have learned more fully than ever before what it means to earnestly contend for the faith. It does not mean to get into a contention or argument with everyone we meet, nor to cavil on questions of no importance; but it means that after we have received the faith by hearing and obeying God's word, Rom. io: 17, we are by our godly life in word, in conversa-tion, in sobriety and in all godliness to lift up the standard of full salva-tion. It means much to earnestly con-tend for the faith ( of the gospel). Phil. 1: 27. It means to take a bold resolute stand on the word of God against all of the traditions of men; against all the popular religious ideas of the day; against learned theologi-ans, yea against our own ideas and m. fegel, ianggasi, n asnt dn aetvueren , i tisne lcfa. ses of heal- While all surrounding circum-stances seem against us, and while men are crying all around us,: " The time of healing is past;" " Sanctifica-tion was only for the apostles;" " My church;" etc., we are by implicit faith and confidence in God, to push the battle right against all the storms of persecution and all hindrances, and not fear to declare to the people with all the authority of heaven, the power of God. Flow many ways there are of con-tending for the faith! We may con-tend for it by our means, our prayers, our labors, and in man y other ways. Dear ones, let us contend more earnestly than ever before. While the world is contending against it let us push the battle to the gates, and conquer in the name of Jesus. Every inch of territory gained must be hotly contested with the enemy, and let us fight manfully and hold every inch we gain and plant the blood- stained banner on the broken ramparts of the enemy. WHY CONTEND FOR THIS FAITH? I. We are saved by faith. Eph. 2: 8. 2. We are kept by faith. I Pet. 1: 3- 5. 3. We are healed by faith. Acts 3: 16. Jas. 5: 14, 15. When the church apostatized from the faith ( I Tim. 4: 12) they departed from these things; viz., saving, keep-ing, and healing power; then those who had apostatized began to preach that these things were past ( doctrines of devils). Now ' since the evening light is shining ( Zech. T4: 7) these things are being brought to light and Satan uncovered. Let us do all in our power to raise the standard to where it formerly was. Let us walk out on the promises of God and let nothing, however difficult it may seem, discourage us. Trusting these lines may be the means of encour-aging some one, I remain, yours contending earnestly for the faith, ALEX T. ROWE. Separation. 6e6. c) Hth EeR LEoFrdO, RIfE t hthouu sr estauirtnh then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me; and if thou take . forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth."- Jer. 15: 19. This being a prophetic year, and a year of real advancement for God, judgment must go forth and separa-tion must be made between the sheep and the goats, between the righteous and the unrighteous. between those who serve God and those who do not. " And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scatter-ed, etc."- Ezek. 2o: 34. This has been done. We see many of God's people have left Babylon. " And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face. Like as I pleaded witt your fathers in the wil-derness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord God. And I will cause you to pass under the rod [ for correction], and I will bring you- into the bond of the cove-nant: and I will purge out from a-mong you the rebels, and them that transgress against me."- Verses 35- 38- We see by this, that before God will establish the Church and bring it to the apostolic life and power, judgment must go forth, separation take place with those who will not pay a Bible consecration, and we read in Daniel that " many shall cleave to them with flatteries."- Dan. 11: 34. See Ez. 9: 1; Io: 8; Neh. 13: 3. That truly has been the case in many places. Spirits that have not meas-ured up to the Word have been rec-ognized and permitted to worship with the true saints and have brought in strife and contention and division; especially on the line of fa-naticism, going beyond the Word, finding fault, picking and condemn-ing without a " Thus saith the Lord." But, thanks be to Jesus, the time is at hand when his angels or ministers are gathering out of his kingdom all things that offend and them that do iniquity. Mat. 13: 41. For God hath said, " It shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord of hosts, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land and they shall no more be remembered; and also I will cause the prophets[ that are false 2Pet. 2: 1] and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land." In that day when the fountain should be opened to the house of David for sin and unclean-ness. Zech. 13: 1- 2. And," Then shall ye return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not."- Mal. 3: 18. " Zion shall be redeemed with judgment and her converts with righteousness." - Is. 1: 27. " For behold, the day corn-eth, that shall burn as an an oven; and all the proud [ those who exalt themselves also]; yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up." The Advents would have us be-lieve that this refers to the final judgment when the earth and the works that are therein shall be burn-ed up. 2 Pet. 3: 1o. But that is per-verting the scriptures, for in that same day, to those who fear the name of the Lord shall the sun of right-eousness arise with healing in his wings. We find in Is. 33: 14 the question asked, " Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?" Answer: " He that walketh righteously and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from hold-ing of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shut-teth his eyes from seeing evil." verse 15. See also 30: 27, While a good number have left Babylon, under the preaching of the evening light and accepted the doctrine of holiness, yet we find a consumption determined upon the remnant. 15.10: 23; 28: 22. And two parts shall be cut off and die. Zech. 13: 8. Some apply this to Catholi-cism and Protestantism; but that is misapplying the scripture, for the seventh verse reads, " smite the shep-herd and the sheep shall be scatter-ed." While this was fulfilled in Christ ( Mark 14: 27) before the cruci-fixion, you will find at the time when Jesus was crucified many of the dis-ciples had gone back, and even be-fore, for when he began to teach them that they had to eat his flesh and drink his blood and that he was to ascend up where he was before; many " went back, and walked no more with him." John 6: 53- 66. And at the day of Pentecost only one hundred and twenty were waiting for the promise of the Father ( that is, that was all we have any account of). There must have been a great falling away from the labors of Jesus, the Apostles, and John the Bap ist, and we find that the evening shall be as the morning. Is. 58: 8; Songs of Sol. 6: 1o. In Hos. 6: 1- 3 we read, " Come and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days[ Cathol-icism and Protestantism] will he re-ceive us: in the third day [ Evening light] will he raise us up, and we shall live in his sight." See Zeph. 3: 17. " Then shall we know; if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto th e earth." We are exhorted to pray that God will save the remnant. Jer. 31: 7. In Ezek. 21: 3., in speaking of the separation; the Lord says he will draw out his sword out of his sheath ands will cut off from thee both the righteous and the wicked. To in-terpret this, read Daniel 1: 33- 35 We see here the righteous are to be cut off for a while, or fall. God would withdraw his power or help, even from the righteous, to try them, and to purge them and to make them white. ( Read Job's case, Job 23.) See Ezek. 22: 18- 22. The war is at hand spoken of in Rev. 12: 7- 12. The dragon is to be cast out, that old serpent, though he shall come with all his subtility, even as an " angel of light," he shall be detected and all his angels or ministers with him. Though many of God'.‘ little ones have been accused by him, yet praise God for the precious prom-ise and provision he has made for us that we may overcome him. Read-er, if - you have let him accuse you., remember God says he is cast out of heaven ( the church or heavenly ex-perience. Eph. 2: 6) and you may overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testi-mony. Praise, glory, and honor, be to God and to the Lamb forever! But notice; they that overcame him loved not their lives unto death. It means apostolic consecration. Read the promise in V. 10 connected with the battle and separation. Not only salvation, but strength and the kingdom ' Of God and the power of his Christ. And it tells us in 3o: 26, " That the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be seven- fold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people and healeth the stroke of their wound." So unclean spirits can enter no more. Now when God sends forth judg-ment, to separate the goats from the the sheep, and even those who are fearful which he cannot use in battle, many will cry ( especially crooked professors) " Charity! You must have charity: feed us on milk; and preach more love," etc. But cursed is he that withholdeth his sword from blood. Jer. 48: 1o. The judg-ment is God's. 2 Chron. 19: 6, 7. Let judgment be executed speedily. Ezra 7: 25,26. How to get true judg-ment. Psa. 36: 5,6. " Judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it." Psa. 94- 15 Execute the judgments written. Psa. 149: 6. When God's judgments are in the earth the in-habitants of the world will learn righteousness. Isa. 26: 9. It was for lack of judgment upon ungodliness that the church went into darkness. Isa. 1: 21- 23; Mic. 3: 5,6; Amos 8: 4- 9. It was for lack of judgment that sectism is fallen. Ezek. 13: 1- 16; I, a. 59: t- i5. But God shall purge Zion. Isa. 4: 3- 6. This is what we are to do. Zech. 7: 9; 8: 16,17; Amos 5: 15. God loves and delights in judgment. Isa. 6i: 8; Jer. 9: 24. God will fill " Zion with judgment. Isa. 33: 5. Those who have wrought judgment shall be hid in the day of God's anger. Zeph. 2: 3. All who now receive his word, And salvation in the Lord, Shall be gathered. for the mixing time is past; Separation from the vile, Must take place or all will spoil, ' Tis effected by the evening trumpet's " But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream." Your brother sav-ed and sanctified and in the one body, EMIL KREUTZ. Worldly Conformities. E not conformed to this world. Rom. 12: 2 The time has come when it is absolutely necessary for the people of God to make an ad-vancement on the line of dress. I do not mean that we must look for more light on the subject but that we all with one accord move up to the light we now have. Not long since it was clearly seen that there was a lack of faith . and power in many professed people of God. Many who applied for healing in a certain meeting received but little if any benefit. So marked was the lack of real faith that it called forth a special meeting to acertaln the cause. From observation, and by prayer to God, I, for one, was con-vinced that one cause of such a lack of faith was the spirit of worldliness and pride manifested in the lives and on the persons of many profess-ed children of God. I do not mean to say that God's church as a body is retrograding on this line, for such is not the case. God has a faithful few who are walk-ing to every ray of light of the pres-ent truth. But there are individuals who profess to be children of God who are far from the Bible standard in dress. The time has come when we must sound forth a warning: God demands his ministers to preach the whole Word and all the saints to measure to it. Judgment is not go-ing forth from the pulpit on this line as it should; and the worldly, fashion-able dress of many, proves that they are • not walking in the light they have received. Those who are just coming out of sectism, and new converts, not hav-ing sufficient light and time to effect a transformation, may to a certain extent be excused if some worldly adornment may be seen upon their person and in their lives. But those who have known the word of God and have the light on these things have no excuse for the appearance of the fashionable big sleeves and worldly attire seen upon some. They try to justify themselves with the plea that some one else made them. Then let some one else wear them. No wonder some are so op-pressed by the devil and see so much darkness when at camp meeting, and are afraid to testify in the presence of those who are clear for God. No wonder you can not exercise faith to be healed when you refuse to meas-ure to God's word, and cry out " fa-naticism" when it is preached to you. You can not expect God to heal you unless you are willing to walk in all the light of present truth. Before the church may expect apostolic power and faith she must measure to the apostolic standard of dress and be perfectly conformed to the New Testament teachings. May God help the ministry to cry out against worldly conformity as never before, and see that all those who profess to be saints measure to it. God is calling for a peculiar people and such are the only ones he can use in this great reformation. We are well aware that it will not do to be continually preaching at dress, but it is our duty to possess and teach a salvation that will cleanse the heart from all these things. Then it will be but a short time until dress and all the outward deport-ment will be conformed to the Word. When things appear upon the out-side that are of the world, it is quite evident that there is a corresponding element in the heart. " But," says one, " I know that my dress is not just what it should be, but my heart is right." To such we would say, in the name of Jesus, take down the sign- boards and advertisements, and abstain ' from all appearance of evil. W. J. HENRY. LA FAYETTE, IND. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I am still praising God for full salvation and I am kept by the power of God from sin. I can truly say he is my physician and always relied upon to heal if the conditions are met. He permitted me to go through a spell of typhoid fever, lasting nearly two months, And finally when I had learned to be patient and entirely resigned to his will he healed me instantly. Praise his name forever! Pray that I may remain faithful, and pray for m3,- companion that she may be saved from sectism, Your brother in the or- AL: body, D. F.,, WE NER, DOMESTIC HAPPINrss. GOSPEL TRUMPET wAERLY HOLLNESS JOURNAL, mognmenms, RADI . A T , and ANTI- SECTARIAN, sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publi-cation of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body, the Unity of all true Christians in" the faith once delivered to the saints." larSub6cr1pt1on, 1i. 00 a year in advance. Free to the Poor. ff- Send money by Post Office Money Order, Express Or- & r, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. OF- Subscribers wishing their address changed, must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address. If 7011 do not receive your paper when due, write us a card, and we will gladly mail you another copy. VW- Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and we will gladly rectify the same. pr- A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will act as agent. VP- Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of their address. VirWhen you write, be sure to give your address: name, post- office, county, and state. riff- A11 busisea, , ommknications, moneys etc. must be ad-dressed to GOSPEL, TRITMPRT, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be respotnible EDITOR, E. E. BYRUM. PusbisICERS, E. E. BYRUM, and N. H. Byrum. Grand junction, Mich. Entered at the Post ° Moe of Grand Junction, Mich. as sec-ond class matter. TIFIURSDAY, JULY 16, 1896. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS NOT OTHRWISE RIMED Mrs. J. B. Borders, Jane Brown, J. H. Ru-pert. A. J. Miller, J. L. Edwards. The time of the Beaver Dam meeting is changed to Aug. 4- 12, as given in this issue. Also the time for the Dwight, Mich. meeting is changed to Aug. 1- 9. Brethren who desire to purchase the new book by D. S. W. entitled " Salvation, Present, Perfect, Now or Never," can purchase the same of Sis'er Frankie Warner, Grand Junc-tion, Mich. by sending for single copies or in quantities, and thereby aid her financially. Orders sent to her will be promptly filled. Price pap - r isc: s., doz. $, .44; cloth 35ct5., doz. $ 3.00. First Steps for Little Feet In Gospel Paths. This is a beautiful book for Chil-dren, and its interesting Bible stories. written in such simple language, are a delight to the little ones. It con-tains 148 illustrations ( pictures), and coarse large print which is easily read. 328 pages in attractive cloth binding. Price 75 cts. postpaid. We are sending out thousands of Sunday School cards and are able to offer a larger and more complete selection of Scriptural texts than in the past. We will send sixteen sam-ples for 7 cts. and samples of the full line ( thirty- four in all) including all the large ones will be sent for 15 cts. These sums will be deducted when your order amounts to 50 cts. and $ eco. Requests For Prayer. Pray that my daughter may be healed of fever. Ann Myers, Knob Lick. Mrs. Lydia Irving, Waltham.- Heal-ing of paralysis. Mrs. S. J. Wofford.- Healing of Can-cer. Also is a cripple. Calls For Meeting. There is a call for some of God's workers to go to Hurricane Wis. to hold meetings. Address Mrs. G. W. Phillips, Arthur, Wis. A grove meeting is desired one and a half miles from Edinburg, Pa., about the first of Sept. or as soon after the Emlen-ton meeting as possible. The grove is seated, and lighted with gas. Address Joseph Barnett, Box 33, Knox, Pa. Address G. A. Brown, Addington, I. T. - Address A. A. McMurray, Madison Kan. There is an urgent call for , meetings, near Atlantic, Crawford Co., Pa. Three schoolhouses are ready, and one grove is seated, ready for meeting. This is a good opening. Thomas P. Abbott, At-lantic, Pa. MEETINGS, PREPARING FOR CAMP MEETINGS. There are a few things might be men-tioned that will apply to camp and grove meetings in general. Those attending such meetings should go for the purpose of glorifying God, by doing good, getting good, and becoming better qualified to help others. If convenient, take a tent a-long, and beddirk, etc., enough to make' you comfortable. Some blankets and ai straw tick will be sufficient to enable you to care for yourself should the place be crowded. If possible, go prepared to provide for yourself and help others. Do I not impose upon the liberality of the brethren, but if you are too poor to pro-vide for yourself do not stay away on that! account as they will gladly care for you. Go in faith , and help to bear one anoth-er's burdens, and aid in rescuing perish-ing souls. Melrose, 0. Tabernacle meeting. July 20- 29. Address David Smith. Benton Harbor, Sodus, Mich. July 20- M. iss, Mich. Camp meeting. July 22- Aug. I. Address Jerome Kieser. There will be a general camp meeting at Apollo, Armstrong Co., Pa July 23- Aug. 3. Apollo is on the West Penn. R. R. A number of God's holy ministers are expected. For information address Bro. J. E. Shelthammer. Clinton, Wis. Camp meeting. B. gin-ning July 24. About seven miles nprth-west of Barron. Address 0. A. Warren, r. Bremen, Ind. Grove meeting. July 25- 31. Independence, Kan. Tabernacle meet-ing. July 25, lasting as long as the Lord wills. There will be a camp meeting near Springfield, Ohio, July 29- Aug. 9. Let saints and sinners in reach of this meet-ing come for the good of souls. We Idok for a precious meeting,. and we ask all saints to pray for its success Those coming to New Carlisle, write Bro Isaac Pense, N"; xv Carlisle, 0. All that come to Springfield, notify Bros. A. J. Byers, ( Box 37) or W. 0. Downs, Springfield. All that come to ID. mneIlsville Station, notify Bros. J. A. Hardacre or Wm. J. McFarland, Donnellsville. Bros. Keeling, Speck, Schell and others are expected. There will be a camp meeting held at Brushy Prairie, Ind. on the farm of S. Y. Greenawalt, eight miles east of LaGrange, from July 30 to Aug. 9. Those coming by R. R. get off at LaGrange. Those corn-ing on - Wabash R R, get off at Wolcott-yule and come on the G. R. and R. R to LaGrange. Inf, rm S. Y. Greenawalt or M. S. Yoder of your coming and what day to meet you and what time, and you will be conveyed to the camp ground on any of the first three days of the meeting. As many as can, bring tents. Provisions can be purchased on the ground. Bros. J. N. Howard. B. F. Roe, C. Orr, T. J Cox, and ' others are expected. The camp meeting at Moundsville, Marshall Co., W. Va. will be held July 31 - Aug. 9. Those coming on the B. and 0. R. R., Focal trains will run into camp ground on the Ohio River Road; get off at camp ground Junction Those coming on the steamboats wilt be landed on Floating Bethel, opposite Camp Ground Junction. The steamers " Lexington", " Jewel," and " Enos Taylor" have granted us reduced rates. The passengers on the " Taylor" will transfer at Wheeling. The street car line is nearly completed which will connect twenty- eight miles of street car line which runs by the grounds. Let all the saints come who can and bring tents to help take care of the hundreds of hungry souls who are anxious for the truth. Invalids and sick people are com-ing to be healed. Let there be a general rally and unusual faith exercised for this meeting. Bros. A. J. Kilpatrick and Ellison are to be there. G. T. Clayton. Teegarden, Ind. Commencing Aug. There will be a meeting at Lottville, Miss., beginning Aug. I. lasting as long as the Lord wills. Let all the ministers and Gospel workers attend this meeting that can. We ask all the saints to pray for the success of this meeting. Yours in Jesus, Elnora Johnson, Lottville, Miss. Ripley Co., Mo. Aug. 1- 9. Ten miles south of Doniohan, and ti, vo miles east of Poynor. Address A. B. Stanberry, McCauley, Ark., or J. M. Hester, Poynor, Mo. Dwight, Mich. Camp meeting. Aug. 1- 9 Address Vern. Tillittson. The McKinley, OkIa. camp meeting will be held Aug. t- to. The camp ground is one mite east and one mile south of McKinley; and about fifteen miles east and about four mites south of Guthrie. Parties coming by rail, come to Guthrie by way of the A. T. and S. F. Ry., then by stage to McKinley. For particulars address Joseph Ropp, McKinley, Okla. The Beaver Dam camp meeting will be held on Bro. David Leininger s farm, Aug. 4- 12. Every body is invited to at-tend this meeting that loves the truth, both saint and sinner. Come expecting to do work for the Master, and receive a benefit for your own souls. We are look-ing forward to this meeting to see the power of God manifest in healing the sick and the saving of many souls. Do not forget to bring your own bedding; there will be a place to put it free. Boarding and provisions can be had on the grounds. All coming on the Chicago and Erie; and Lake Erie and Western Rys., stop at Rochester, Ind. Notify Bro. Leininger . at Akron, Ind. Those coming on Nickel Plate R R. stop at IVI entone, notify Bro. R. N. Gast, Akron, Ind. Notify early. The camp meeting in Alabama will be-gin Aug. 6. to be held five miles east of Hartsells, Morgan Co. Noah Duncan, Huntsville, Ala. Cayuga, Ind. Camp meeting. Aug. 6- 20. Address W. A. Davison, Eugene, Ind. Kelate Ky. Tabernacle meeting. Aug. 8- 23. Address J. P. Lemons. Harrison Co y. Tabernacle meeting. Aug. 8- 25. Onethe farm of A. J. Lemons, four miles northeast of Poindexter Sta-tion on the old Ky. Cent. R. R. Some true ministers of God are desired. Ad-dress J, P. Lemons, Kelat, Ky. Shultz, Mich. Grove meeting Aug. t- IS. Address W. H. Merritt, Clover-dale, Mich. North Star ( instead of Brock), O. Aug. 2- 23. Address John H. Trick, Versaitles,- 6. Vichey, Mo. Camp meeting. Aug 12- 24. Address Jas. Thornton. Fenwick Ont. Camp meeting. A 13- 23. Address no. E. Smith. Marshal, Okla. Camp meeting. Aug. 13- 24- Ft. Stephens, Miss. General assembly at Wright's Chapel. Beginning Aug. .14- Address H. W. Frasure. Houston, Mo. Camp meeting. Aug. 14- 23. Address E. M. Allen. Stanley, W. Va. Camp meeting. Aug. / 4- 25. Peoria, Ill. About Aug 15. Bluff Springs, Leake Co., Miss. Meet-ing. Beginning Aug. 19. R. H. Owens, Freeney, Miss. St. Louis, Mich. Camp meeting. 19- 29. Address no, Ham. Emlenton, Pa. Camp meeting. Aug. 20- 31. Address Samuel Martz, Pittsville, Pa. Payne. 0. Camp meeting. Aug. 20- 3i. Address J. N. Howard. Gaston, Ind. Tabernacle meeting. 26 to Sept. Tremont, 0. Tabernacle meeting. Aug. 26- Sept. 6. Adoress Peter Hartman, Lawrenceville, 0. Ash Grove; Mo. Campmeeting. 27- Sept, 7. Prince, Miss. Camp meeting. Begin-ning Aug. 28. Address F. M. Williamson, Centralia, Miss. Oklahoma City, Okla. Tabernacle meetin g Aug 28--- Sept. 14. Friend, Mo. Assembl ? ! fleeting. Be-ginning Aug. 29, Address G. S. Backus. Tuscola, Leake Co., Miss. Meeting. Beginning Aug. 29. R. H. Owens, Free-ney, Miss. Izard Co., Ark. Camp meeting. Sept. 4- 15. Address Ben Seaton, Violet Hill, Ark. Milton, Mo. Camp meeting. Sept. r- 2. Address A. A. Kinzie. Cheshire, Mich. Grove meeting. Be-ginning Sept 3. Address Albert Pulsi-pher, Allegan, Mich, Vowell, " Winston Co., Miss. Camp meeting. Sept. 4- 13. R. H. Owens, Freeney, Miss. Kenesaw, Neb. Camp meeting. . 4- 15. Those wishing tents notify Bro. W. F. Eberline by at least as early as Aug. 20. Reddick, Ill. Tabernacle meeting, Sept. 9 and as long as the Lord wills. A grove meeting will be held in the southeast part of Salem township, Allegan Co., Mich. Sept. 8- 18. Address H. E. Hyde, Burnips Corners, Mich. - Rising Sun, 0. Tabernacle meeting. Sept i5- 25. Address Jacob Roush. Arapahoe, Okla. Camp meeting. Sept. 18- 28. North Enid, Okla. Camp meeting. Be-ginning Oct. 6. Address W. G. Rippey. New Pittsburg, Ind. Assembly meet-ing. Beginning Oct. 15. Address H. C. Wickersham. Bro. Ostis B. , Wilson and Co. are travel-ing by private conveyance to Mo. Any-one wishing meetings along the line, address him at Grand Junction, Mich. Any one desiring meeting in New York address us at 621 Otisco St., Syracuse, N. Y. B. F. Weikel. QUESTIONS. ANSWERED. Please explain the 4th chapter of Malachi. How are the wicked to be destroyed. or burn-ed up root and branch? If they are to be eaoshuess, huonwde wr tihlle t hsoeyle bs ea c atshte i nfeteot hoefl lt hfoe rreivgehrt?- L. H. The day to burn as an oven pre-dicted in Mal. 4, is the Christian Era, as we will proceed to prove. In V. 5 of said chapter we read, " Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet be-fore the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:" that is, before the coming of that day • " that shall burn as an oven." Literalists who look for this burn-ing day in the future look for the translated Elijah to return to the earth just before it bursts forth. But we have the words of Jesus explaining who Elias is, and locating his comingdn the past. " For all the prophets and the law prophesied un-til John. And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to conic. - Matt. 11: 13, 14. Nowhere in the prophets do we read of Elijah's com-ing. but in Malachi. So it is evident, from the Saviour's words, that John the Baptist is the Elias that was to precede the coming of the day to burn as an oven. And as John was the forerunner of the Saviour's first coming, it is evident that the present burning Holy Ghost dispensation is the burning day predicted by Mala-chi. The horning of the proud and of them that do wickedly, is fulfilled in the destruction of wicked elements out of the hearts of those who obtain salvation. Truly we who are redeemed, tread triumphantly upon the ashes of the sins of our past wicked lives, \ V. G. S. I would like to ask a question in regard to Rev. IL In the questions and answers in (- los-pel Trumpet of Apr. W. I read that the reign or the first form of the apostasy is dated f om 270- 153O. I had supposed that this apostasy wuich had begun to work in Paul's day, 2 The-. 2) came to its full power rover the church of God in the year A. D. 575. tiid reigned until A. D. 17S). Please explain- wnat gave it the power In 17ci H. J. N. There is nothing mentioned in connection with the 1260 days in the eleventh chapter of Rev. that would indicate that they should be measur-ed from the time popery came to ull power. Like all other prophe-cies which contain the 126o days, it is dealing with the decayed state of the church, which the renowned his-torian, Milner, tells us should be dated from about the year 27o. See his history Cent. iv. Ch. r. Measur-ing from this date, the end of the 126o days falls at A. D. 153o. v hen according to all historians the d y-ed state of the church ended. But if we were to measure from the time Rome reached the' summit of her power we could not count from 535, because that is not the true date. But popery reached the height of its glory, when the Roman Pontiff was. in () oh, declared " Universal head o state and church Again, 17oS is not the date the decayed state of the church end-ed. No evidence to that , effect can produced from any ecclesiastical history. Seventh Day Adventists C the 1 260 days from 53S to 1.79S, but in this as in many other of their positions they are without - ivar-rant in Ecripture or history. W. G. SI: IIE LL ORRISTIAN PERFECTION. I was seeking that higher state in spiritual life that is called sanctifica-tion, and the adversary of our souls came to me and told me I could not reach it; but I would not believe it. That scripture came to me that says, " Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." I set a resolution-that I would serve God and would wait 0. tiently till I received it. I wrestled like Jacob and when I got in the right- condition he Wonderfully blessed me. I praise and thank God for that good spirit which the world cannot give nor take away. Some of my neighbors say there is no sanctification of the body. Breth-ren, I believe if we have sin in our bodies in any sense we have it in our souls. We must get far enough so that we will not have the desire to sin. We may never get rid of temp-tations in this life, but we can count it all joy when we fall into divers temptations. It is only the trying of our faith. Every temptation we ov-ercome strengthens our faith. Christ lived on this earth as an example for us after we are converted. He was tempted, but he did not yield. Bless the name of the Lord! After we have been converted Christ dwells with us and in us; he never leaves nor forsakes us till we forsake him. So we have, or at- least the power will be given us to resist temptations just like him, if we will ask for it. He prayed for us ( John 17: 26), and there is a joint union between us and the Son and the Father. We must reach perfection this side of death if we want to share the glories Christ has prepared n his Father. house. Perfection in all things is not- found in man. Christian perfection does not make us perfect in some one of the many things of this life; but makes us perfect in the love of God. We must consecrate our all to God, then God i. vill be all in all to us. Per-fect love. casteth out fear. He that feareth is not made perfect in love, What a blessed state we are in when we have perfect love! Love is the ' Ming of the law. Rom. 13: 10, Brethren, let us live in the beauty of holiness; then I. Ve have direct com-munication with our Lord and Say-jour, Jesus Christ. his sprit tiiivaliv bearing witnesswith spirit thAt we are the sons of God, J. C. K.\/ Eli. ng Tekonsha, Mich. Aug. 3-- II. Address B. F. Heath. • estic - belonging or rdl to home. Home religion, or pra ehristiariity, is the only thing that can introduce and support a means of grace that will bring " happiness' ' in the holm s of our land. In the beginning God created man in his own image, male and female created he them, and Said. Multiply and re-plenish the earth. end have domin ion over it. The object of the crea-tion is clearly set forth, and the holy : bonds of matriniony declared to be an institution of God. Cgildren are an herna Makes two one flesh. Ephf. 5: ttie. d. and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Psa. 127: 3. liArr ER MA R1.( 1 E. Oile secret of success in the service ' of God, in the home circle, is begin-ning in the order of his plan. Lack of teaching and wrong teaching has hid this beautiful and important thought from the minds of tile multitudes that are just stepping upon the stage of matrimony. From the beginning God's revealed 1. r ill to has forbidden his children to marry strange wives. Mien the bzought, the children of Israel land of Canaan, they were tried not to intermarry insi, iaond the Word gives for the reason," hey will turn away thy Sons from me." And thus, the by-road to idolatry is shunned, and the holiness of the people is retained. 7: 1- 4. 111 the lad: OX: iortation the people he told them if they did marry strange wives, God would no lnore give them victory over their enemies, but in their dis-obedience they should be hound down, till they perish from off this good land. Josh. 23: 11- 1 3. " Shall we then hearken unto you to do this great evil, to transgress against our God, in marrying strange wives?" Neh. 13: 27. Thus the will of God - concerning Marriage in olden times is clearly set forth. It is very plain that God com-manded his children not to marry strange wives, or those among other nations, that were not Israelites. And just as God bade literal Is-rael to beware of this evil ( josh. 23: 13.), so he commands spiritual Israel, which are Abraham's seed by faith. in God ( Gal. 3: 26- 20) as a holy na-tion ( I Pet. 2 s). .) to guard against the . same evil. One New Testament writer says, " Be ye not unequally yok-ed together with unbelievers." .2Cor. 6: 14. iCor. 7: 39.-- Marry whom she will only in the Lord." From the foregoing texts the following ideas on this subject are clearly set forth: i God forbids His people marrying other nations. 2. Other nation to us would signify sinners, as the spiritual few may be of any race or nation that * ill accept the Lord in the salvation of the 3. 1 Holy people marrying unholy People would be marrying . " out of . the Lord," and - yoking up with unbeliever," the same as thNeehw. oitsn: e2ns, of Ashdod of with L , i,, ilorleirld ot I; o f and out u y" 0fouhtaer fm ot ) e, Those who have this command fore their eyes and violate it, shall be bound down by their disobedience WAYNESFIELD, OHIO. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I will for the first time write my testimony. I am praising God for full salvation and victory in my soul over all the works of the devil. Oh what a pre cious Savior we have! When we are sick he heals us. God almost in-stantly healed me of quinsy. I could not talk, only in a whisper, when the Church came to pray with me. I was anointed and they all united in prayer and, praise God, the pain ceased and I was almost instantly praising God with a loud voice. . Pray for me that I may keep humble. JENNIE HARDEN. PEASTER, TEX. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I have Just withdrawn from the M. E. TRACTS AND BOOKS. Have Faith in God. Parable of the Tobacco Seed. A Message from God unto Thee. A Friend to the Friendless. Lost and Found. Why are You not a Christian? 50 Scriptural Objections to Sects. Poison. Tobacco as an EviL Nine Years an Invalid. Maeonic Mysteries. A Charge to the Rich. To the Boys. Questions for Sunday Keepers. Gospel Giving. Blots on Healing. Novel Reading. Word of God and Scotism Considered. Social and Sexual Purity. The Evening Light. Babylon is Fallen. What Church Should I join? Sects. The Master's Call. A Wonderful Deliverance. Little Things. ' The Apostasy. Repent Ye and Believe the Gospel. The Secret Vice. Startling News to Mothers. Is thee a Visible and an Invisible Church? " Sanctification. 10 cents Spiritualism. AS The Great Tobacco Sin. SS Questions and Answers on the Church. 3.10 Scriptures on the Church. Christian Science. Must We Sin? No Sectism." Can We Fall? Babylon, and What it Includes. Marriage and Divorce. 32 pages. 5 cents. 40 eta. 43 dozen. Train Your Children for Heaven. 10 eta. $ 1.00 per dozen. Bible Readings. 158 pages. Cloth 30 eta. 13.00 per doz. Priests of Romanism. ets. $ 1.44 per doz. Niasonie Salvation. Paper cover 15 eta. Cloth 35 cts. ,11S1lfSBIS from the Throne. 148 seugs, 90 with music. Manilla 25 sits. Cloth 0 eta. the Church of God. 32 pages. 5 cents. 40 cts. per dozen. Proving what in the Church of God and what is not. The Ordinances of the New Testament. 5 cts. 40 eta. per doz. , Sets forth the ordinances of the Scriptures in a clear light, showing which are abolished., and which are still in vogue. What is the Soul? 10 cis. 80 cts. per doz. 100 scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element, which goes to God at death of the body. Holiness Bible Subjects. By H. C. Wickersham. 400 pages. Cloth $ 1.00. A vsry va. uable book with arrangement of Scriptures on one hundred subjects, also contains over 50 pages of concord-ance, tables, Bible helps, etc. The Boy's Companion. By E. E. Byrum. Paper cover 15 eta. Cloth 25 eta. This is a neat little volume with interesting chapters to boys. concerning the Sesret Vice and other bad ha) its and their effects. Bvery Boy needs advice and too often parents fail to give the needed advice until too late. Divine Healing of Soul and Body. By E. E. Byrum. 248 pages. Cloth, 75 eta. Paper cover, 25 cents. Part I teaches the way of salvation, and how to gel saved. Part II gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part III consists of testimonies Le- fm those who have been healed in these last Vs. In English and German. Biblical Trace of the Church. By W. G. Schell. paper cover 35 eta. I. sth 75 t Tracing the church in proehecy from her birth to the end of time. It shows that the prophets have foretold the greateet Trials and Triumphs of the Chetah in the whole Christian Era, and describes the age in which we now live. Etboes from Glory. Music, 40 cts. $ 4.00 per doz. Words only, 10 eta. $ 1 00 Pc r dozen. A sung nob containafg 232 new, and beautiful songs aleo inef stations to beeinnere. A gooi beak for camp e. ingS and Sunday Stheols, Thl Sabbath; or, Which Day to Keep. 186 pages. 10 cts. 51.00 per doz. ( Sloth 30 ets. A ye y thorn gh work. Proving try Scripture and history that Chris:,' ooh away the old law and its Sabbath; and t .2c fist nay is the Christian Sabbath, or " Lord's Day" of the New Testament. Salvation: Present, Perfect, Now or Never. 10 cents / a hundred St 61, n 15 cents f hundred AI AS 5 cents V dozen Is cents 6. as PHOENIX, ARIZ. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I will write my testimony as it has been some time since I have testified through the Trumpet. I am still saved and kept by the mighty power of God. I have had to pass through some fiery trials of late, but, glory to his name, he gives grace to bear it all for his sake. I have had to part with my husband by the hand of Death, and then, five months later, the good Lord took my baby. But I mourn not for them as those that have no hope. Pray for me. SARAH JONES. EVANGELIUMS POSAUNE. A radical, anti- rsectarian, German holiness journal, pube fished semi- monthly at this office, where all business and subs eription coroxaunications should be sent. Subscription el 00 per aunuta. Free to the poor. All matter for publa cation or editorial support should be sent direst to the editor: FASO} L. HAHN, 450, 15th St., Milwaukee, Wis. and finally entirely" perish out of their good land"— lose their experience, and often become even skeptical. Josh. 6. It is an evil to marry the un-believer or sinner, as there is no fellowship between a holy and an unholy person. Neh. 13: 27. 7, Worldy or fleshy lusts prompt to actions on this line, that God forbids. Gen. 34: 9. CHAPTER DIVORCE. As surely as God is against a mar-riage out of harmony with his Word, he is against the separation of those he joins together in holy wedlock. There is but one cause that justifies separation, and then no divorce is granted, according to his Word, which plainly says he that marrieth her that is put away committeth a-dultery. Mat. 19: 6- 9. No supposed legalized plan, civil or religious, can justify divorce. For he that created them in the beginning said, " What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder." " Moses because Of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so." " And I say unto you, Whosever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, and whoso marrieth her that is put away coin-mitteth adultery." Even though there be a separation, this would give no chance for a divorce, neither remarriage, for the wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth, but if her hus-band be dead she is at liberty to be married to whom she will, only in the Lord. iCor. 7: 39. Some are converted after marriage, and of course are unequally yoked, yet by reading the seventh chapter of first Corinthians we find if the unbeliev-ing be pleased to remain, no separa-tion is required; for by the believing the unbelieving is sanctified and off-spring legalized. Some that profess to be saved marry unsaved companions; others those that have been divorced from, and still have living companions, and they entered these conditions ignor-antly. To such we would say, Your not having the light would be your only plea for justification, but those who have the light must avoid the enemies snares on this line, the same as his tempta . ions on any other line. A. B. STANBERRY. ( To be continued.) EVIL COMPANY. The Word of God expressly for-bids associating with evil compan-ions. " Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it and pass away." " If sinners entice thee, consent thou not. My son, walk not thou in the Way with them; refrain thy foot from their path." " Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteous-ness? And what communion hath light with darkness?" As the Most High thus forbids in-timate friendship between his chil-dren and the followers of the world, so his Word abounds with weighty reasons for obedience to these com-mands. It describes those as bless-ed who avoid irreligious associates. ' Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." Separation from the evil is also de-scribed as necessary if we wish to walk in the path of piety. The Psalmist said, " Depart from me, ye wicked men; for I will keep the com-mandments of God," as if he had said, " I can't keep those command-ments and associate with you; but I will keep them, therefore we must part." On the other hand, to cher-ish intimate acquaintance with those who are strangers to salvation, is represented as the way to destruc-tion. " A companion of fools shall be destroyed." But you may inquire, What com-pany is evil? Not that only of the lpurtoef laignadt ea baanndd pornoefadn; eb, uotf tthhaet doifs saol- l those who are strangers to vital piety— the vain, - giddy, thoughtless multitude, who disregard the inter-est of eternity, and live without God in the world, however moral in their conduct, or amiable in their bmea n. rnueinrso, uasr et oa sysoocuira tbese. stht aint tweroeusltd. There is no snare by which young professors of religion are more like-ly to be undone than by this. There-ore shun this snare, consider its evils, consider that evil company is the source of much evil. Should you make any that are strangers to sal-vation your bosom- friends, you will most probably soon become like them. If they are lewd and de-bauched, they will lead you to the same guilty excess. Though at first your soul would tremble at their abominations, you will soon join in their revelery, and partake of ' their crimes. Then when the morning of eternity dawns, those thoughtless creatures that were your beloved companions upon earth will be your companions in hell. But their hours of sinful pleasure will then be past; their delight will have reached an eternal close; their laughter at re-ligion and their cheerful songs will be terminated, and all that render-ed their intercourse delightful will have come to an eternal end. Then will be fulfilled the dreadful declara-tion, " The companion of fools shall be destroyed." W. D. FARNAN. Pierce City, Mo. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. MOMECIIEN, W. VA. The work is progressing along the Ohio river; the churches are gen-erally on the advance. Bro. James McCreary says they have opened a Mission at 5169 Dauphin St., Pitts-burgh ( E. E.), Pa. Bro. Harry Roggers reports a good work done at E. Liverpool, 0. recently, two saved at W. Wheeling. Last night a good interest at this place. Truly the hand of the Lord is upon us for good; there has been $ 195.54 paid out on the Bethel in the last six months, and we have not had to go in debt; and the Lord is wonderfully supply-ing for the camp meeting thus far. The Lord is making the Bethel a good school for workers. Address us at Moundsville, W. Va. Yours in the one body, G. T. CLAYTON and Co. EXPLANATION. Regarding the W. Va. tabernacle. Some got the impression that it was only to be used in that state. That was not the intention; but that it was not for the Floating Bethel ex-clusively. G. T. C. BANGOR, MICH. DEAR BRETHREN: On May 9th. last, in answer to a call, I went to Mears, Oceana Co., Mich. to assist Bro. Geo. Filhour in a few meetings in that region of country. I am very glad to report that a good work for God has been done in that country. On Sunday evening, May loth. , we had a glorious ordinance meeting at the house of Bro. and Sister Clark, five miles east of Shelby, at which meeting also Bro. Geo. Filhohr was regularly ordained as a minister' of the gospel by the laying on of hands and prayer. Surely there is a great field open for work in that place. Bro. Filhour and wife are the only resident min-isters in that part of Michigan. We believe that Bro. F. is adapted to opening up the work, in new places; and much desires that some one or more should come into this part of the country to look after the work, thereby letting him loose to do pioneer work. This, dear brethren, is very reasonable; what is worth getting, is worth keeping. More pastorial work is needed. Last evening, July 8th, I arriv-ed at Shelby, Mich., where I found Bro. Filhour and others battling for the Lord in a tabernacle meeting; am EMERADO, N. DAK., July 8. DEAR BRETHREN AND TRUMPET READERS: I feel it the will of God to write you a few lines. I am glad we can report victory in Jesus name. The Rush River camp meeting ( N. Dakota) has come and gone, with good results. Praise God! Satan mustered his hosts and tried to take the camp, but was defeated by the Captain of our salvation. Several souls were saved and sanctified. God was with us also in healing pow-er and healed such as had need of healing. Devils crying with a loud Voice came out of those that were possessed. Praise God for their de-liverance! On the morning of the 4th, twenty- two were buried with Christ in baptism. In the evening forty partook of the holy ordinance of feet- washing. After this a new tabernacle was talked of and the money secured to purchase the same, which will soon be in the field for God in N. Dak., Lord willing. The church made a general forward move. To God be all the glory. Gustave Oslen, of Thief River Falls, Minn., came to the camp meeting, claiming that God had sent him to set me right on several points; but failed to bring " thus saith the Lord." He claimed that the Spirit had given him authority and power to bind me if I did not submit to him. He advised a sinner not to repent, for he was going to overthrow the camp of the saints. We „ took him and dealt faithfully with him ( privately) and soon found out that God had not sent him, but that he was under an awful delusion of the devil. Pleading for sin, claiming that a child of God could live in sin and still be a child of God, and that if a person be converted right ( like he was) he would be jus-tified and sanctified all at once; and that- women must cover their heads when they pray; and in fact had a full stock of erroneous doctrines, and would not be taught by the word of God, saying the spirit in him told him these things which he holds to. We dealt with him faithfully then publicly renounced and took a stand against him. And in the name of Jesus we warn all saints in these parts to have no fellowship with him until he . repents. This man claims to have power to rebuke and bind any of God's little ones, and that when he binds individuals they will lose the grace of God out of their souls, and pine away physically. This I positively deny, for he tried his pow-er on me and I am still fat and flourishing in the courts of God's holiness, both soul and body. Dear ones, fear no evil, but take a stand against all such delusions. Bro. and S„ ster Tubbs are with us and are. greatly used of the Lord. They will continue with us in the new taberna-cle, Lord willing. Our P. 0. address will be Emerado, N. Dak. GEO. W. AND M. E. BAILEY. TES' i IMOT\ IES, FIKETON, TENN. DEAR SAINTS OF GC, D: I am prais-ing God for leading . me out into the evening light and showing me the evil Of sectism. I was glad to obey the call, " Come out of her rri'y people." We had not so much as heard of the evening light until last October the Lord sent some of his children to this place to preach the gospel in its purity. Some ' gladly received it, while others reject the truth. Since we have laid the world aside and got where the Lord can use us we fincl there is something for his children to do. Please pray for the little church at this place that it may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ. I believe that it is the Lord's will that some one come and preach the gospel here. There are many souls starving for spiritual food. Who will come to their rescue? We live seven miles west of Athens. If any of God's ministeri will come, let me know and we will meet you at Athens and convey you to this place. , The Gospel Trumpet finds a hearty welcome to' our home every week. It does me so much good to read the testimonies of the saints and to hear of the wonderful healing power. I am so glad we have such a loving Savior that can heal all our sickness The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Pray for me. Your sister, saved and sanctified, ALICE GUFFEY. OBITUARIES. Peters/. mg. Ind. FICKLIN.- 13ro. Frank H. Ficklin died at his home near Need Moore schoolhouse July 5, 1896; aged twenty- eight years, six months, and three days. HiR deathi calls to our inirid the many who suffered martyrdom for Christ. He was a well- wisher of the truth and at-tended our meeting at the schoolhouse on the evening of the 3d. There was a great disturbance on the outside that night, it be-ing our first night in these pai te; it seemed the devil desired to run us out, and this mu disiring to see good behavior got up and went out in order to secure the sauro, where-upon he was stabbed in the side. After suf-fering much for about fifty- two hours he died on the night of the 5th. Before his death he sent for the min who stabbed hint anddesired to Ink his forgive-ness for all he had ever done or said to hint in any way. The man came, but he came about fifteen minutes too la te to see him a-live. Oh, the ‘ tempest tha t raged in that man's bosom as he looked upon the de. td body of him whose life he had ' taken! M God save his soul from sin is inY prayer. The deceased before his death forgave from the heart his murderer, like Jesus on the cross, and from his testimony he died Satis-fied and we have hopes ' tis true. Let the reader of this meditate and see if 3' 611 can get any. warning from it. Funeral services by the undersigned, G, P. Keeling and I) B. Moore. THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for children. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. 25 ets a year 10 or more copies to one address, 18 ets. a copy per year, of any part of a year at the same rates. Address, Tax SHINDIG LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich. THE TIDINGS OF HEALING. A twelve pest monthly paper devoted to the ' object of divine healing, giving instructive articles and testimonies of those who have been healed. 50 eta. a year. Address, J. W. Braes% 721, 16th St., Oakland, Cal. Paper and Envelopes. Envelopes with mottoes and verses of scripture neatly a, ranged. 30 eta. per hund. Writing Paper in Tablets, containing one hundred sheets With various designs of scriptural headings. 30 eta. Mottoes. S ze 11 x 14 inches. Scriptural mottoes sad verses, printed ( fl . olored paper, in large type, can be read at a distance of fifty to one hundred feet. Suitable for posting in pub-lie places, offices, homes, etc. By mail 20 eta. per doz. By D. S. Warner. This book contains 119 pages, neatly bouett. Paper cover 15 cts. Cioth 35 ets. Sa It enutains much food for the soul. The manuscript for this book was finished a few days before the death of the author. I Age to Come andiffillennium Doctrine Refuted. Price, 10 etc. 51.00 a dos. Giving positive proofs thet the present is the last dispensation of time, and the only cav of Salvation. There will be no Millennium reign o earth before Christ comes, nor atter his secend advent. It also erplains the binding and loosing of Satan, and the one thousand years in Rev. 20. The Secret of Salvation: How to Get ! t and How to Keep it., By E E. Byrum. Over400 pages.— Inuf, trated-- 109 chap-tere Welch will instruct a sinner how to get saved: the Christian to keep saved, and enjoy the blessings of God the sick and afflicted how to get healed and enjoy health, edneldL ytehroasne cWeI. ■ cP. aarpee , r ■ cnovde ro r0 0p oeteas. e, sOsloetdh 1o5f tchtse. devil to tind glad to say that prejudice is breaking away a. nd ' the people are beginning to receive the truth. Yours for the truth, A. B. PALMER. Church South. first heard of the evening light one week ago last Wednesday. I had tried to live a strict Methodist for ten years and had been trying to preach for four pears, but now I intend to declare the whole counsel of God from this good time oil. I obeyed Paul's in-structions to the Roman brethren and offered myself a living sacrifice, and, thanks be to his name, God sanctified me wholly to his will. And now since I have come out from among the sects a great burden has been rolled off of my heart. Let al/ the dear saints pray that the Lord rill send into this country some good man full of the Holy Ghost to preach the pure word of God, and that many souls be brought out of the bondage of sectism to the mar-velous liberties of the glorious gos-pel of Christ. Your brother, saved and sanctified, M. M. REEVES. " And besides this, giving all dill . gence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge: and to knowl-edge, temperance; and to temper-ance, patience." 2 Peter 5, 6, " But now axe. ye many members yet but one body." " That there should be no division in the body! " From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth," etc. " Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." " That the members should have the same care one for another." " Be of the same mind one toward an-other." " Be likeminded one toward an-other." " That ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind." " That ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel." All of this is but in harmony with the prayer of Jesus that all of his people should be one, which was to be effected by the work of sanctifica-tion. H ence, it follows that Bible sanctification does make ALL of God's people one, actually, really, and genu-inely one, which is the normal con-dition of the church of God on earth, in the very face of all sectarian teaching, all enthusiasm and divis-ion- builders of to day who call themselves holiness evangelists but exhort the people to stick to their favorite division, or sect of their choice. The existence of God's church on earth in her normal con-dition means the breaking down and destroying of sectarian idolatry, so that the people may indeed be one. This is done by sanctification, but those in sectism most prominent now in preaching a sentimental sanctification destroy their own work and divide God's people by urging: them to divide or separate themselves. 0 foolish Galatians, who hath be-witched you? Are ye indeed blind? Under the enthusiasm of some great religious upheaval they often say that denominational fences were brok-en down, and rails burned up by the Holy Ghost, thus forever condemn-ing themselves in what they allow, for before the meeting is over they go ahead and make new rails and build up the fences alleged to have been broken down. Such talk is only idle talk for let a man indeed jump over their little fences, escape, and find refuge in Jesus only, they break forth on him with venom. Again, referring to the condition of the church, the apostle says, " One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." That is, God is in ALL of his people or church and through all of them, making them one, because they all have his Spirit. Now in all honest search for truth, we ask, do the above scriptures de-scribe the general religious world we see around us? Do the Methodists have the same care for other de-nominations as for themselves? Do they provide for other preachers, other orphans, other poor, as for their own? And do other denomi-nations act the same w4 toward the Methodists? Do they all use one another's buildings, draw upon each other's funds exercise a godly care over one another? These things they certainly must do if they are all of God. But to ask such questions is to answer them, and forever brand all these divisions as being anti- Christ. Yet, we say, in spite of men's abominations and their merchandise-making machines and Satanic divis-ions, God still has a church exactly in harmony with his word and its re-quirements and regulations. He has a church corresponding with the a-bove scriptures, and this is not an in-. visible, abstract, hidden away organ-ization, but is composed of blood-washed saints, operating now on earth, and unyieldingly opposed to sin, and uncompromisingly firm in the one truth of God. A. D. Hicics ( To be continued.) DIVINE ' HEALING. Luke, the Physician. OME who favor doctors and op-pose divine healing, or at least plead for medicine say that Luke was a physician. Yes, that is true: he was before the Lord called him to preach, but you never hear tell'of him practicing medicine after he started out to preach the gospel. When Jesus sent him out to preach he did not even tell him to take his medicine case. When Eutychus went to sleep and fell out of a win-dow and was killed, Luke was there, but we do not read anything about him doctoring the case. Paul went down and took charge of his case in the name of the Lord, and the man was healed instantly, and they went back into the house and continued the sermon. There are a number of cases men-tioned in the Bible which were indi-vidual cases, and instructions given to them were not meant for God's children in general. But we should remember that when the Lord speaks and tells us to do a thing then it is safe to do it, and as we obey, the work will be done. God has given us an abundance of promises for healing by prayer and faith and tells us just how to proceed in order to be healed. He furthermore says, " Whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."— Mark Afflicted for Twenty Years. DEAR FRIENDS: I feel like testify-ing a few words and telling what the Lord has done for me. I was afflict-ed twenty years of spinal rheumatism. I had spasms and could scarcely keep my family, so severe were my afflictions. On the i3th of March a time was set to pray the Lord to re-lieve me. After I had read that the prayer of faith would heal the sick, and that God's grace is sufficient for all, I saw that there was some chance for me. I turned myself in bed up-on my face and began to pray. My children also prayed. In a short time I was seemingly struck dead. The children continued to pray. I lay there eight hours, and they said I was dead. When I became con-scious I realized that an evil spirit had been cast out of me, and the Lord had also cast away my afflict-ions, and I have been cleansed ever since. The Lord has taught me a good many lessons since that time, for which I give him all the praise. If there are any afflicted, call on the Lord in prayer. I beg an interest in the prayers of you all. D. W. BEARD. Church of the Living God. ( Continued from last issue.) HERE is a large number of Scriptures used, descriptive of what the church is, wherein language is taxed to its utmost to convey a thought of its oneness unity, com-pactness, and that there are abso-lutely no divisions, and those who would attempt to divide up God's people are severely rebuked and the people warned against them. Let us look at a few scriptures, and not at my opinions, for I have none, hav-ing no dogmas to defend nor institu-tion to prop up. " There is one body, and one spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism." " So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another." " For we being many are one bread and one body." " For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one'body: so also is Christ." " For by one Spirit are we all bap-tized into one body." " But now hath God set the mem-bers every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him." PETERSBURG, IND. DEAR ONES IN CHRIST: I praise the dear Lord for salvation and for the sweet peace that flows in my soul like a river. Pray for me. I am young in the cause and only fif-teen years of age and surrounded by temptations on every side. But the Lord knows the way I take ( Job 23: m.) and is able to deliver me out of them all. Your sister, saved and sanctified, NORA V. ANDERSON. WHITE OAK FLAT, PA. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I wish , to write my testimony for the TRUMPET for the first time. The Lord has saved me from sin and is keeping me da Other/Unknown Material Mite ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Alabama Moses ENVELOPE(-99.183,-99.183,-74.550,-74.550) Ner ENVELOPE(6.622,6.622,62.612,62.612) St. Louis ENVELOPE(-67.496,-67.496,-67.132,-67.132) Payne ENVELOPE(167.867,167.867,-72.817,-72.817) Myers ENVELOPE(170.033,170.033,-72.117,-72.117) Milton ENVELOPE(-84.800,-84.800,-78.800,-78.800) Patience ENVELOPE(-68.933,-68.933,-67.750,-67.750) Charity ENVELOPE(-60.333,-60.333,-62.733,-62.733) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Luke ENVELOPE(-94.855,-94.855,56.296,56.296) Crawford ENVELOPE(-86.467,-86.467,-77.717,-77.717) Sav’ ENVELOPE(156.400,156.400,68.817,68.817) Williamson ENVELOPE(-65.383,-65.383,-67.717,-67.717) Clayton ENVELOPE(-64.183,-64.183,-65.167,-65.167) Eta ENVELOPE(-62.917,-62.917,-64.300,-64.300) Rowe ENVELOPE(-60.904,-60.904,-62.592,-62.592) Reeves ENVELOPE(-67.983,-67.983,-67.133,-67.133) Abbott ENVELOPE(-62.133,-62.133,-64.100,-64.100) Ure ENVELOPE(13.733,13.733,68.100,68.100) Moe ENVELOPE(-45.683,-45.683,-60.733,-60.733) Thornton ENVELOPE(-57.467,-57.467,-63.267,-63.267) Eternity ENVELOPE(-64.567,-64.567,-69.767,-69.767) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) North Star ENVELOPE(-117.636,-117.636,56.850,56.850) Lagrange ENVELOPE(-62.597,-62.597,-64.529,-64.529) Shelby ENVELOPE(-65.815,-65.815,-68.134,-68.134) Gaston ENVELOPE(65.783,65.783,-70.417,-70.417) Olden ENVELOPE(9.933,9.933,63.871,63.871) Satis ENVELOPE(150.291,150.291,62.313,62.313) Oceana ENVELOPE(-59.783,-59.783,-65.133,-65.133) McCauley ENVELOPE(63.148,63.148,-73.156,-73.156) Peoria ENVELOPE(-118.286,-118.286,55.617,55.617) Seaton ENVELOPE(67.459,67.459,-70.611,-70.611) Leininger ENVELOPE(-62.267,-62.267,-70.600,-70.600) Tind ENVELOPE(12.997,12.997,67.884,67.884)