The Gospel Trumpet - 15:46

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 4 0- Another Talk to the Young. OSPE = i,„ ye the Trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain. The Lord God shall blow the Trumpet, and go with whirlwinds. Joel 2: 1. 91I ye i...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Warner, D. S. 1895
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 15:46
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 4 0- Another Talk to the Young. OSPE = i,„ ye the Trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain. The Lord God shall blow the Trumpet, and go with whirlwinds. Joel 2: 1. 91I ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth. see ye, Z wechhe. n9 : h1e4. law'," .,, up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a Trumpet, hear ye. 1$ a. 18: 3. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall rather together his elect from the four winds. from one end of heaven to the" other. Malt. 24: 31. So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Eze. 34: 12. Jeri Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Nov. 21, 1895. Our Father will not suffer us to be judgement, where every secret thing' quiem; the death march begins, led by the devil and his angels, never to cease unless eternity comes to an end. Dear young friends, youth is the time to serve God; while the evil days come not, and your hearts are not hardened by sin. One strap is more easily broken than thousands. Though you may not be aware of the surrounding danger, nevertheless every lust you yield to is one strand of that great web that is being woven by the subtlety of Satan. Coil after coil of this thread of deception is being thrown around your soul, tight-er and tighter you are bound. There is a time when by manliness and cour-age you may break loose from the docks of perpetual shame. But ah, the time is when hope is in the past; the sting of conscience smites thy soul, and you groan beneath the weight of a blackened future. Strug-gle after struggle is felt from the bet-ter element within, desiring to be delivered from the loathsome state of mind. But alas, you find so many abnormal characteristics embodied in your nature that every propensity seems to tend downwards instead of aspiring to a noble existence. My boys, there is redemption through the love of Christ. For " there is a fountain opened in the house of David for sin and unclean-ness." Do not give up; if you have attempted to escape, and failed as often, try again. Invoke the help of God, and he will surround you with an influence that will give you energy and fortitude to - accomplish the re-novation of those old habits. Seek such associates as have a reputation for things manly and courageous; try to identify yourself with the feelings of all such, and with the principles that advocate a virtuous life. Make a covenant that you will break off from the debasing licentious habit, yea will die rather than submit to the filthy soul- polluting practice of self destruction. Vitality will return, courage increase, strength abound. That enervated, shrunken, almost lifeless spirit will be renewed; those depressed feelings will flee: an object will appear that will be worth living for; even; thing will take on a bright-er appearance, and a radical reform will be the result. But the way you are at present your life is a failure everywhere. You must do some-thing for yourself. In views of the misery that is sure to follow such a course, I protest with all the earnestness at my com-mand against the carelessness of par-ents in regard to those who have the care of the little ones. The origin of a blasted existence can often be traced to the ignorant, licentious fe-male nurse, or sometimes to a de-praved man of mature age. In a thousand ways the sensitiveness of the genital organs to the touch is liable to be known. Naturally the mischief is wrought in secret, and parents or guardians seldom suspect that the ruinous work is going on, and should their suspicions become aroused, a criminal delicacy in the majority of cases prevents them from taking appropriate measures to rem-edy the evil. Such conduct is moral cowardice in its worst form. To avoid responsibility brings guilt. And here let me say to all parents, for Je-sus' sake show yourself worthy of your trust. Your children will arrive at a knowledge of their sexual func-tions at an early age in some way; and the question is, Shall a knowle-dge be imparted by a judicious par-ent, or shall the information come from a debased companion, ignorant of consequences? As childhood ad- Volume 15. Number 46. CHRIST IN THE GARDEN. While nature was sinking in stillness to rest, The last beams of daylight shone dim in the west, o'er fields, by the moonlight my wandering feet Then led me to muse in some lonely retreat. While passing a garden I paused then to hear voice faint and plaintive from one that was there-., The voice of the sutrrer affected my heart, fa agony pleading the poor sneer s part. In ° Wring to heaven His pitying prayer, gespoke of the torments t h at the Sinner must bear; His fife as a ransom He offered to give, That sinners, redeemed in glory might live. 1 listen'd a moment, then turn'd me to see ' What man of compassion this stranger could be: I saw him low kneeling upon the cold ground, The lovliest Being that ever was found. His mantle was wet with the dews of the night, His locks by pale moonbeams were glist'ning and bright, His eyes bright as diamonds to heaven were rais'd, While angels in wonder stood ' round Him amaz'd. So deep were His sorrows, so fervent His pray'rs, That down o'er His bosom roll'd sweat, blood, and tears; I wept to behold Him! I asked Him His name: He answered, "' Iris Jesus, from heaven I came. I am thy Redeemer! For thee I must die; The cup is most bitter, but cannot pass by: Thy sio, like a mountain are laid upon me, And a;, this deep anguish I suffer for thee." I heard with deep sorrow the tale of His woe. While tears like a fountain of water did flow: The cause of His sorrows to hear Him repeat, Affected my heart, and I fell at His feet. I trembled with horror and loudly did cry, ` Lord! save a poor sinner! 0 save, or I die!" Hesmiled when he saw me, and said to me. •' Live! Thy sins which are many I freely forgive!" How sweet was that moment: he bade me rejoice: His smile, 0 how pleasant! how cheering his voice! I fled from the garden to spread it abroad., And shouted salvation and glory to (; od! Pm now 011 my journey to mansions above. My soul's full of glory, of light, peace a cid hive: I think of the garden, the prayer and the tears, of the bring stranger who banished my fears. The day of bright glory is rolling around, When Gabriel descending, the trumpet shall sound, My soul then in raptor s of g. ory shall To gaze on tit Str,, uger wit ti unel.,,„ led eyes. , t- t1: etc41 by , lfrN . liclry So,, H. Temptation. HEREFORE, holy breth-et1 ' ren, partakers of the hea-venly calling, consider the apostle and high priest of our profession, Jesus Christ, who was faithful to him that appointed him." Heb. 3: 1, 2, Our profession is holiness unto the Lord. Do we consider as we should how our Savior passed through suffering in temptation? Was made perfect through suffering that he might be a faithful high priest. For in that he himself hath suffered, being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted. He also was subject to infirmities, but not to sin. " For we have not an high priest which can not be touched wi h the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." Like as he was faithful to the Father so may we be faithful, through his grace; for he said, Without me ye can do nothing. We so often fail to receive the real benefit, and be-come stronger from passing through temptation, just because we get our eyes off from Christ and on the trials. ' Beloved, think it not strange con-cerning the fiery trial which is to try Yon, as though some strange thing had happend unto you, but rejoice, inas much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy." I Pet. 4' 12, 1 3. As Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, let us arm ourselves with the same mind, that not only he may receive us with much joy, but we also be glad with exceeding joy when h• e s. h aall appear. How our souls re-ltmce and praise the Lord, for bring-ionf gs puisr iotuuta lo fB tahbey mloins, t sg iavnindg c uosn fau srieoanl Bible experience of salvation! Praise the Lord! Temptations and trials are a1- hPoardrt of our inheritance. the a MMay t t I. lleO, Pa su wse tlol ams oavlle o ftohrewr atrhdin ogns aining to life and godliness. ' 121 g ".' n; EJOICE, 0 young man, in - (- 4: Vthy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, for all these things God will bring thee into judgment. There-fore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh."— Eccl. 11: 9, 10. . My dear young friends, we are on a pilgrimage to a distant land. We have been placed in this world for a purpose, and that is to prepare for the next world, and through our in-strumentality enable those of our fellow travelers to ascertain their privileges in this life and their re-ward in that to come. Out of the fullness of a storehouse of an observ-ing, earnest, truthful nature, comes words of wisdom, instructing, advis-ing and warning us to lay aside all mock modesty, and with an unselfish and impartial soul in the fear of God, pursue those principles requisite to elevate us from the power of lust to the glorious plane of unalloyed hap-piness. The requirements necessary to perfect this great end, is to be im-pressed with the importance involv-ed in the right use of the social fac-ulties, and carrying those impressions out to the extent of our individual enjoyment, love and harmony of friends, prosperity of humanity in general, in the reproduction of the most beautiful and original forms of humanity for this world and the next. have a soul, so have yOu; myp sirit shall return to God who gave it, so shall yours. Eccl. 12: 7. I shall be judged, so shall you. Cor. 5: Jo. And by the grace of God I shall spend eternity with Jesus, Will you? the d e us We may follow the vain and fog is things of earth, and indulge in the frivolity and deceitfulness of sin. all this God will bring us to Yet fo will be brought to light, whether it be good or bad. Eccl. 12: 14. There is a false consolation among many people, causing such to remark that " young folks will be gay;" ' Boys will sow their wild oats," etc. Such . sug-gestions indicate a total lack of re-flection and observation. For no right thinking person will upon in-vestigation, or thoroughly compre-hending the, dreadful condition of present society, say that there can-not anything be done to help the young to escape the dissipating ef-fects of the power of Satan. " They that plow iniquity and sow wicked-ness reap the same?' " He that sow-eth iniquity shall reap vanity." You may search the pages of the moral law, but no promise is found that they who violate its holy precepts, and lightly esteem the glorious God-given ordinances of temperance and love, shall be exempt from its pun-ishments pronounced upon all trans-gressors. " A prudent man forseeth the evil and hideth; but the simple pass on and are punished." Simple indeed is he who supposes that after violating the laws of heaven, and scorning divine legislation, and sin-ning against the monitor ( conscience) incorporated in the being of man, will eventually escape the judgment of divine justice. For there are no exceptions to the rules which operate on mankind generally. Such a de-lusion has proven fatal to many pre-cious souls, who have disc 3- vered when too late how corroding are the links of the terrible chain of misery that fetters and galls. Ensnared in the trammels of hell the victim wakes to the realization that life • has been a failure, hope lost, heaven lost, his soul lost, with no hope of ever being found outside the dread despair of everlasting shame and contempt. " Ye that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind." While you sow vanity, sin accumulates around you; link after link is added to the chain of wretchedness; inch by inch the cable shortens that binds you to your ever-lasting doom; the light of life is gradually growing dim; the flickering flame of true manhood moulders be-neath the globe that encircles the soul which should have been per-fected love and truth. But ah, the elements of the infer-nal world through hellish schemes have blackened the very citadel of honor. The windows of grace are so polluted by sinful lusts that the pre-cious all- inspiring sunlight of holy recreation fails to gladden the wretch-edness of the poor captive of de-spair by the rays of eternal glory from the throne of freedom and peace. The door that should have given a glad reception to the feast of good things given by the bridegroom of heaven is closed against the son of God, and instead is receiving the blackness of darkness. An horrible tempest in this whirlwind of judg-ment to be reaped by all who violate the law of purity, is whirling thy poor soul in the bosom of despair. Around and around art thou tossed by the archfiend amid the shrieking demons that torment your already miserable existence, with the thought that a few more weary days of bitter re-morse will send you to the great un-seen, before the tribunal of the Al-mighty. The consummation of all things will appear, and ten thousand thunders will re- echo from the clouds of endless night the wail of the soul that is conscious of its polluted state and the brightness of heavenly pur-ity. The bells of eternity toll the re- Sample Copies Free vances to youth, the habit of mastur-bation, if unarrested by kindly warn-ing and friendly counsel, binds its victim with stronger chains. And a celebrated physician says, " Habitual masturbators have a dark, moist, cold hand, very charact-eristic of great vital exhaustion; their sleep is short, and great debility comes on; they may gradually waste away if the evil passion is not got the better of; nervous symptoms set in, such as spasmodic contraction, or partial or entire convulsive move-ments, together with epilepsy or a species of paralysis." Who can imagine a more pitable condition, than such an one who real-izes the full measure of his degrada-tion, and the ruinous consequences of his own misdeeds? No wonder that some sensitive souls are so filled with shame and self condemnation, as to end their seemingly useless life by a poisonous drug, or by a bullet through the distracted brain. Thou-sands of souls have pierced them-selves through with many sorrows. The unseen is moving to receive thousands of thousands who are hast-ening to their eternal doom. Flee to Christ for refuge; time will soon end, and where is thy hope? None beyond the grave. Then call for mercy while it may be found. Heaven to earth, in sympathy bows, raptur-ous, bright, and fair, Hell enraged, exalts herself, and weaves a web of despair. Jesus Christ, the Savior stands, calling, " Come up higher," The ruler of night, with fiendish laugh doth deride our good desire. But by the power of inner might, we arise to a noble place, And the jeers and mocks of Satan's rage, we throw into his face. Satanic bands are riven, my body alone the Lord's shall be, His love alone my soul shall bind 0 glory I I am free ! And now, 0 God, my soul preserve, and may I to others show How to escape the powers of hell, and per-feet love to know. W. A. HAYNES. TESTIMONY. LOOKING GLASS, ORE. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I feel led to write a few lines of testimony. I was a member of the Campbellite sect four years before I ever heard justification mentioned, and a year ago last March, my aunt came from Illinois here and she led me out of darkness into light, but it took a long time to see, I was so blind. And the coming July I was converted, then sanctified. Then I did not have any more use for the sects, until in Nov. I went to a U. B. protracted meeting, and some friends, knowing that I had left the sects, told me I was out in the world and if I would join the U. B. sect I could help my brother and his wife so much, as they had just been converted. So after some coax-ing I joined that sect, not knowing the evil of sectism. I stayed there until August, when Bro. Hudson and Co. from California held a taber-nacle meeting in Roseburg, and there I heard the gospel preached in its purity as I had never heard before, Some said it would soon blow over, but praise God, it has not blowed out yet, but it is spreading all over the country. Praise his dear name! I do praise God for ever sending the dear saints to this place. The Lord has healed me several times, for which I praise his name. And I de-sire all the dear saints to pray for me. Your sister, saved, sanctified, and satisfied, ANNIE B. WRIGHT. . tempted above that we are able to bear, but will with the temptation also make a way for our escape. I have found a sure way of escape lies in secret prayer, taking all our care to Jesus and leaving it there. Bless the Lord! The word of God is pro-fitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in right-eousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished un-to all good works. 2 Tim. 3: 16, ta. We must be just as thankful for the reproof and correction, as for the doctrine and instruction. When the Lord shows us any point or lack on our part, receive it with humility and thankfulness, that we have the high privilege to measure up to all the light God gives us. ' Therefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but rather let it be healed" Heb. 12: 12, 13. " Further-more, we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence; shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?" If we will not receive the chastisements of the Father, and bring forth fruits unto righteousness, we shall be cast forth as a branch and burned by God's eternal truth. May the Lord help the weak to become strong, and nake his praise glorious in the earth. men. MARY HELDENB RAND. In the text we see t at of truth and righteousness permits alt in the way we may_ choose. — — man that I am! who shall deliver MC from the body Of this death? And I endeavor-ed to pacify myself by such and other passages of scripture. But I did not read them in their proper connection, nor yet in the Spirit of God. Then, I read again. " He that committeth sin is of the devil," " Whosoever is born of God cloth not commit sin," " Follow holinesss, without which no man shall see the Lord," my heart was filled with sorrow, and never could I be satisfied with the teaching that holiness wasa couired only at death. Abominable lie aocf quired Forever will I praise God that my eyes were opened. In February, 1895, a sister in Milwaukee sent US the EVANGELIUMS POSAUNE, ( the German TRUMPET). This stirred our fam-ily into fresh hunger after holiness. We ordered the paper and tracts and opened correspondence with Bro. Hahn. By These means the Lord gave us more light, and in his kind providence, Bro. Hahn come to us on Aug. 7, and preached full salvation in Christ unto us. Praise the Lord for this gospel! Under the sound of the pure Word the mists cleared away and I could see how to bring the sacrifice demanded in Rom. I2: I, and I do praise God, that he prepared me to bring it, to forsake all and follow him. In that mo-ment when I surrendered myself fully, the Lord wrought a complete change in my soul. All desire and inclination to sin disappeared and my heart was filled with love and serene happiness. My longing was stilled, my soul satisfied, and I could say like Paul: I live, yet not I, but Christ, who worketh in me to will and to do. Unto God be all the honor! My experi-ence- is that of about thirty others. The Lord has done great things, yea he has - founded a church here, that is built upon the rock Christ Jesus, not upon any human work. It is precious to see the purity and theunity of the body of Christ. And it shall remain pure praise God, for as soon as we sin we areno longer in the body. I have special cause for gratitude unto God, tor that he has wrought mightily In our family. Father, mother, five sisters and one brother can say with me, We have died unto sin and now live unto God alone. Praise, thanks and honor unto Him! Your sister in Christ, IDA MEYER. NORTH FREEDOM, WIS. DEAR BRO. HAHN: The Lord be with thee and the dear ones with you, yea, bless and keep you, and cause his face to shine upon you and give you all his peace. May he also bestow his richest blessings upon your labor in his vineyard, and may call many souls out of the darkness, that are yet under the fatal error, which held me for so many years; viz., that we can-not be made free from ' sin. That is a seduction of Satan and the operation of the carnal mind in man, but often taught also by the false shepherds, that they may keep their net full and that their portion may be fat and their meat plente-ous. But what says the Lord in Ezekiel 33:? If the shepherd and watchman in Israel will not warn the sinner of his sins, then shall their blood be upon their heads and from their hands will he require them. Oh, that every one would be exceeding careful and lay aside sin as the Word teaches, and walk in the true light, as the Lord requires it by reason of the blood shed for this purpose. Paul sa ys: " If any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new crea-tion, old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new. I do praise God, since I surrendered fully unto God, truly all things have be-come new in me and the same with my dear wife. Unitedly we do praise him, and with the Psalmist say, " Praise the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, praise his holy name!" . We have been rid not only of the grosser sins, but also- the little foxes, by the grace and mercy of God. The precious word of God becomes clearer and sweeter day by day to us and we cannot search enough in it_ It is precious to serve the Lord with a whole heart and not in part. Now dear brother, I will close for this time, with greeting from your brother and sister. We will be faithful unto death and in all eternity. Some of the friends send greetings. I praise God, that he keeps us closely in the bonds of love, as we commenced at the time of your visit, and that the Lord is yet among us. He stands pledged not to forsake us. Com-mending you to our God and Savior, I am your brother in the Lord, - ROBERT LEUDTKE. NEWS FROM THE FIELD we beg, an meeting Monday,. / 4 Large crowds attended the mteti4,1_ which continued three weeks iotiget;, with glorious victory on the Lordia side. God wonderfully blessed his word and anointed for the preaching of the same; conviction rested heavily upon the people and many precious souls were saved. To God be all the glory and praise! The Lord has a dear congregation of saints at that place now. After the tent blew down, Bro. and Sister Weikel and Bro, Henry were called home on business, Sister Shoffner and I were left to continue the battle. This being the neighborhood where Bro. Louis Noble's relatives live, he attended the meeting, whose help we appreciat-e d very much. The last Sunday of the meeting. Bro. fenry was with us and was blessed in delivering the precious truth. God is wonderfully opening up the work in this country. Many doors open for the gospel, and many homes for God's workers. The people in this country are very hospitable and kind hearted, and very ready to receive the truth. Of course we receive opposition from formal professors who have not the grace of God, but he always gives us the victory and causeth us to triumph. Praise his name! Sister Shoffner and I held services two nights for the colored people in " Solomon's Tem. pie;" we were to have meeting over Sunday but they called a meeting of the board after the first night and decided they would prefer a prayer meeting; the NVord was too straight for them. Bro. Henry and Bro. Noble began a meeting at FIurlock, Md. Saturday Nov. 9. Sister Shoffner and I came to this place Wednesday 6 and cornrn menced meeting in an M. E. meeting house. The dear people seem hun. gry for the truth. Pray for us, dear saints. Will close by adding our testimony; we: are both sweetly saved, sanctified and filled with theburning, melting love of Jesus, Yours in the fellowship of Jesus, NOR SIENS AND LENA Si completed the work at \\ ramie the Lord gave us to do. I believe that good will come from that meeting, for God's word went forth With great power. S3me acknowledged that f was the truth, but were not ready to act. Truly the sword of the Spirit is going forth and cuts people off in their sins. Praise God for a keen two- edged sword that cuts both ways, and either separates our sins from us or cuts us off in our sins. We must walk in the light as God is in the light or else walk in darkness. That is just the reason that so many are professing to be Christians and are walking in darkness ( or in sin) and have so much division and striving among the diff _ rent sects. God gives us light and promises to cleanse us from all sin if we walk in the light. We had good order in meeting, The Lord held the powers of darkness in subj ction, for he gave us the wit. ness before we commenced the meet-ing that he would do so. Praise his holy name! We believe that Warnic is a good field for work for God, also Tigh Valley about six miles from Wamic, and Duber and the Dan-es, a few miles farther, and then about one hundred miles to Echo is another good place to work for God. 1, Nrll we got safely through with our long trip over hills and dusty roads, having our faith tried many times, but praise God he gave us the ix' tory. Now if some of God's holy. rnini. tcrs feels led to go to Warnic, I hope they will go and work in that field, there is a hungry people there wanting light and truth. Ally ° Ile feeling that God wants them to flo there can urite to Sister EcinaWelch or Sister Anna Palmater, or Bro. Pratt, all of Warnic. From Your brother saved and kept, IDA M. AND O. A. Ca. Anat --- BANNISTER, MICH., Nov. Tu* e., DEAR SAINTS: We close4 SAINTS' I I , Praise God for keeping us saved Nov. 8. ion and for sin. We We want some able minister to come here and hold a meeting. This is a place where the full go spel has not been preached. SARAH C. EwEN, Alexander, Morgan Co., Ill. LEVANT, KAN. We request that some dear one. called of• God, would come and preach the Word at this plate, one : hat is filled with the love and meekness of Jesus. May the T. C. Allen, E. J. Teer, Viola Shepard, Grant Shinier, J. L. Pike, C. Hutchens, Mrs. A. Reed, D. M: Russel, C. E. Ford, Nora Siens, Mrs. .1. Plumb, J. W. tioward, Caroline Davis, Anna Henshall, A. M. Bixler, Kittle Powers, Jno. Shank, W. M. Wolcott, L. W. Bascom, Mrs. Samuel Smith, W. J. McCurdy. Please pray that I may be healed of spinal trouble, and enlargement of the liver. E. J. TEER. RUSHING STORE, MISS. I earnestly ask the prayers of all, for the healing of my dear children that are in distant lands, and for me that I may be healed. Your saved sister, M. E. ' TALBERT. DAWSON, PA. Please pray for me, Nov. 28, that I may be entirely healed. I am very much afflicted in my body. My whole desire is to serve the Lord. I am given up to the Lord, soul and body, and determined to serve him. Please pray for me till you get an answer. I believe my healing would be to the glory of God. I am eighteen years old and have been afflicted nearly all my life. Your sister, saved and kept, MINNIE L. DAVIS. Some of the brethren in England have suggested that we mail the TRUMPET to the different subscribers in one town by enclosing them all in one wrapper, thus saving postage which would amount to considerable in the course of a year. But in reply we wish to say that this is forbidden by the Postal Laws. We quote from General Regulations and Sugges-tions Respecting Foreign Mails: '' A newspaper or periodical packet for transmission to the Postal Union, Canada and Mexico excepted, at the rate of one cent per two ounces or fraction, is restricted to a single ( out-side) address. Periodicals address-ed to several different subscribers, must not be enclosed in the same package with postage stamps affixed only to the outside wrapper of the package." We have purchased the timber on several acres of land and have a limited time to remove it. If the Lord moves any one to help along the spread of the gospel by the use of the saw or ax and thus aid in sav-ing souls let us know at once. There will be work enough to keep several hands all winter. As the work is advancing we can also make use of a few more type- setters. We have Bible lessons and faith meetings al-most every night, and those coming will also have a good chance for spiritual advancement. Remember the week of prayer be-ginning Friday, Nov. 22 to Thursday night, Nov. 28. Put in your own case for spiritual help and advance-ment, and healing of the body if needed, also any one else you desire, and all God's people will be agreed with you for the work to be done. UST OF MONEY MRS NOT MIRE RECIMD GOSPEL TRUMPET. - A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1895. Requests For Prayer. Calls For Meeting, tarDEFI 1E, RADICAL. and ANTI- SECTARIAN, sent fcoarttiohn i no tfh feu lnl aSmalev aotfi otnh, e aLnodr dD Jivesinues HCherailsint, g f oorf tthhee pBuobdliy-, the Unity of all true Christians in" the faith once delivered N the saints." Subscription,$ 1.00 a year in advance. Free to the Poor. tarSend money by Post Office Money Order, Express Or-der, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. W'Subscribers wishing their address changed, must be s- are to give their former, as well as their new address. pi • lf you do not receive your paper when due, write us a card, and ' we will gladly mail you another copy. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and - we will gladly rectify the same. Ifff– A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will act as agent. 4V– Part1es desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of their address. O'When you write, be sure to give your address: name, post- office, county, and state. Iai • All business communications, moneys & c. must be ad-thessed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. EDITORS, 13. S. WARNER, and E. E. BYRUM, PUBLISHERS, E. E. Bynum. and S. ISIICHELS. Grand Junction, Mich. Entered at the Post Office of Grand Junction, Itlich. as sec-ond class matter. NICODEMITS, • KAN. We request some of God's true minis-ters to come to this wicked place. Those who are saved are standing firm for God. There has not been a meeting here for about a year. and I am praying God to send whom he will. I believe it is God's will for some one to come. If the Lord leads some one to come write me at Nicodemus, Kan. Your sister, contending for the faith, - BELLE MYERS. MEETINGS. TERONSHA, MICH. The saints of S. E. Tekonsha will have a thanksgiving meeting at the chapel. Your brother in Christ, G. H. ELDRIDGE. QUESTIONS. Can saints let a man into their house of worship to hold a protracted meeting, who is preachiog holiness to please the sects, or who does not renounce sectism, nor preach the whole truth? Ans. They cannot do so to the glory of God, nor be consistent with his word. Nor can any good- come out of it, but very Lkely confusion and division. Holiness that does not set a man against- all sin is a fraud. And the greatest sin known to the word of God is sectism, or the sin of heresy. If a man shows a real will-ingness to walk in all truth, he might be admitted. But even then_ he is not fit to preach in the sight of God until he accepts the word of God in full, and renounces the awful sin of schisms. What religious sect or denomination does the GOSPEL rRITMPET represent? I have read three copies of your paper and I think it just grand. I love to read it. I would like very much to bear some of the elders preach. My love and best respects for the cause, C. H. B. The GOSPEL TRUMPET comes under the same commission that every other preacher of the gospel does that is sent of God. Its business is to preach the Word, and testify the wonderful works of God, just as God's ancient heralds did. Since, therefore the Word endorses no denomination or body founded on earth, but sets forth the Church which is the body of Christ, and which is the New Jerusalem which came down from heaven, so does the TRUMPET. Since the Word positively forbids all sects, and condemns all heretics, that is, sectarians, so does the TRUMPET. Since the Word teach-es that Christ is all in all, we also be-gin with Christ and end with him and add no more. The whole Christ, He the way, the life and the truth. " And ye are complete in him." Amen. 1. Is it wrong to attend sect meetings where you have the opportunity to talk to them on the straight word of God? 2. And would it be wrong to partake with them at the Lord's table? Your brother in the one faith, G. F. HESELTON. Ans. to 1st. No, not if God sends you there, and the people are honest-ly disposed to receive the truth. But if they reject the word of God, " after the first and second admonition, re-j ct them." Ans. to 2d. It would, according to tne word of God, be a rare case where a free child of God would be justified in doing so. And we have serious doubts if there be any justi-fying c; rcumstances at ail. The tact is, if we are in the light of God's word we must love what God loves, and abhor what he abhors. And sectiarn, heresies, are among the worst sins condemned in the Word. But our participation at a sect com-munion would be an endorsement of the sect. Confederation. The subject of a union of all sects is the leading topic of discussion in all the great sect conventions. The national council of the Congrega-tional Churches in the U. S. conven-ed at Syracuse, N. Y. Oct. ro. It ap-pears that a proposition was before them, looking to union with the Free Baptist. The committee appointed to report " the matter said, " Where corporate union cannot be secured, confederation may partly serve the purpow of exhibiting the unity of believer1s. . A " Basis of Church Unity" was laid down, for " the pre-ultimate organization of the whole visible body of Christ." Of course not one word from the Bible entered into their platform; nor has it entered their minds that salvation is needed to produce unity. But in their blindness they talk of all the masses of the sects joining to-gether, and constituting the whole visible body of Christ. But we hear " another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people." Amen. THE FRISOO OHILDREN'S HOKE, FRISCO, ARK , Nov. II. DEAR BRETHREN: Thinking that some of you may be interested and would like to hear from the home and school here, we wish to say that the school is now in progress. At present there are thirty- four scholars enrolled, and twenty- three in the home altogether. The school house is not finished yet, and there are many things lacking, which we are asking the Lord to supply. Even the windows are not yet supplied for the house. Those here in the school are nearly all in rather poor circum-stances, but most all seem to be doing what they can. I am doing what I can by way of teaching the school and instructing the little ones as best I can until another teacher is supplied. We are also in need of first readers and other books for the school. Frisco is only a postoffice. The railroad station is Porter, Ark. Praysmuch for us in the work of the Lord as it is only in its infancy, but we desire that God rule in all things. Your brother in Christ, EMIL KREUTZ. THE GERMAN WORK WISOONSIN. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Of Milwaukee, the principal city, it can be said, that it is Satan's seat The enemy does fight as for his very existence, and we cannot at the present writing say more than that we have often grown weary in the fierce struggle for the dear souls, who accepted the evening light. Praise the Lord, however, who in every con-flict thus far has given us the victory. Our number is still small and but very slowly increasing. A few have taken offence in my absence in the field, and hold aloof, for a season only I trust. It has been in the pro-vidence of the Lord to lead me back to the field in Sauk Co., sooner than I anticipated. With the beginning of September I returned there and preached to hungry souls the gospel of complete-ness in Christ Jesus, and the dear Lord owned the labor, consecrated as it was to him. Soon also he sent me help by Bro. W. P. Halbesleben, and in the name of the Lord we held forth jointly, some in German, some in English, as the Lord led and cir-curnstances recta ired. The communi-ca .), n- in No. 38 of GOSPEL TRUMPET gave some news. Below I translate for the benefit of the readers of the TRUMPET two testimonies furnished for the POSAUNE, and will add that the Lord also manifested his healing power in six or more cases, some very precious. I will add that Bro. Hal-besleben is still at work there at date of writing, having labored three or four weeks in Baraboo, the county-seat of Sauk Co. Will the dear people of God please remember the work in your prayers, and especially also pray for the editor of the POSAUNE. A special effort for work in Milwaukee is also in prospect. God bless the children of the Lord everywhere. Your brother in Jesus, FRED L. HAHN. 466 I6th St. ABLEMAN, WIS. DEAR BRETHREN ANE SISTERS IN THE LORD: Come unto me all ye that fear the Lord and hearken; I will tell you what God has done unto my soul. I was con-verted six years ago. The burden of my sins was rolled away. I knew they were all under the precious blood of Christ. Peace and joy filled my heart. I was baptized and joined a sect. But my heart was not satisfied permanently. I sought WALNUT LANDING, MD., Nov. S. DEAR READERS OF THE TRUMPET: We extend to you all a hearty greet-ing in Jesus's name. Amen. On the 29th of September we commenced meeting in the tabernacle at Pine Grove near Federalsburg, Md. Meet-ing continued about two weeks; the people were much interested in the truth, but it was too cold and damp to be comfortable in the tabernacle so we prayed for God to open a place for the meeting to continue; on Saturday night, Oct. 12, the Lord let t and low the tent over. We did not feel like putting it up again, on account of the damp weather. The people were so in-terested they did not want the meet-ing to close, so they opened the Quaker meeting house for us, where Lord send whom he will. Yours earnest- v- en t.• i on of riv alrie be- ween compet- hungered and thirsted after true righteous-lycontending for the faith, , ing churches in the same field." N. AND A. B. GUILFORD. And, tog ro wg aends etatb l i s he d. M y soul ness. Often I had to say to myself, I have not done that I would, but what I hate, that have I done. 0, wretched wo- . . eriibly held in saints' house of wor- - ship is Hamilton township, Gratiot cot Mich., last Monday. which continued eighteen days. A dozen or more consecrated and most of them received a marked benefit. A real effort wa. s put forth by some for a forward move, which is the prevail-jug cr yyL of this prresent hyoly . The devil would, and even does, in many places throw a stupor of indif-ferer. ce over the professedchildren of God, and unless a mighty vehement effort made by those thus stuoified, they will soon be left completely in the rear, without any spirituality. Brethren, we preach that we are the ministers or mrssengers of Goa. We are told to " give the people warning from his mouth." If so, for Jesus' sake, brethren, do not ! et t. hg devil put you to sleep while. Ged from heaven is actually speaking. If you get in the awful rut of sleeping, and the disease becomes chronic, ask God for more fire in your soul and ds more praying the prayer of faith. I have seen some that make a high profession, go to meeting and before preaching commenced, they were asleep and possibly snoring. Now, dear people, that does not look as though you were in earnest. " Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead," says Paul. We are now holding a week's meeting near Bannister. God has been wonderfully good to us in heaiing wife from a low state of fever and restoring., her to health again. Praise the Lord with us. Your brother and sister, decided for God, A. M. AND K. L. BIXLER. LATER. Nov. IS We closed the meetiog mentioned above, with good results; nine conse-crated, and eighteen partook of the ordissnces. Wonderful conviction rested upon the people. A. M. B. -- ATHENS, 0. Nov. 12. DEAR TRUMPET Rt. ADERS: It has beensome time since I reported the work in th's : art of Ohio. Sunda night we closed a series of three weens meeting on , Sand Rid se, resultiog in the salvation of six or sieve precious souls. Several der ones got their eyes opned co the evils of seciism and fled the ruins. takin s not a stone for a corner. Five dear souls w ere buried with Christ by baptism, and and there are yet more to follow. We expect to begin meeting on Strouds Run the last of this week. We have eight or ten callsaround here and there is plenty of work opened up for all winter. God is wondt rfulle sostering his truth in these parts, and we are anticipating a grand soul harvest. And we want your prayers, dear saints ever where. We give God all the glory for all things, and de-sire only to keep low at his feet where he can use us. Your bre): her Consecrated to all the will tif God, E. G. 1\ 1 ASTERS. Come over and help us. Amen. All for his glory, W. H CHE twenty- eight miles night after night I t to hear the solid truth; it was a glor-ious meeting to me. I was in. sectism but I say to- day I am out. Nothing can my peace disturb, free and hap-py as a bird. Temptations I say no-thing about. He has promised to let nothing come against us but what is Common to man. At the tent meet-ing the GOSPEL TRUMPET was handed me; it is food to my soul. Glory to God for the clean Word and a pure gospel! In 1893 1 was wholly sanctified to the Lord, and then I felt the call immediately to corna. out of Babylon. No one had ever taught me in regard to sectism, but I felt the call just the same. They think it strange at the church where I belonged. The Lord is now having a wonderful reviv-al, cond. acted by S ster Shoffner, Sister Seins and Bro. Noble. There have been a large number converted. I hope the gospel will continue to spread over this land of ours. Your brother in Christ, PETER K. STEVENS. SPRING RUN, PA. DEAR ONES: Since last report we \\ have had victory all along. Praise Our Go 1! We are here in the m - sun-tains, but the work is confined princi- Pally to the valleys, as but very few live on the mountains. This is a beau-tiful country to those who like mountains, but this is no place for One who is fearful and does not like hardships, such as walking and rej log iinn necessities, etc. I love to read 2 Coe 6: 4-- ti. Praise God! Surely this field is ready to be gleaned; the great beast powers of this county are Lutheran and Reformed isms which are nothing less than the same old Roman beast spirit. They say it Was good enough for our fathers, and it is good enough for us. We held two other meetings since last re- Pert, which closed with the baptism Or four oth sts, also a glorious ordin-ance service in which twenty- two took Part. The next day we bade the saints farewell, and came across the mountains into Franklin Co. where we found a few who have not " d e-nied the name." The meeting is in la, rtilgress; calls are coming in from Mfferent quarters for meetings. EVANSvILLE, IND. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am made to rejoice in God for the healing of my little seven- year- old girl. It was wonderful. God does all we ask of him and more. She was taken with a fever and it lasted three days. Then she complained of a pain in her breast, and she got worse and worse. My neighbors were very eager for me to give medicine; but no, I had a doctor they knew nothing about I just grasped God's promise and the work was done; she was relieved and got up and is healed. Praise His ho-ly name forever! My companion is still out in the sinful world. I pray God to save his soul before too late. I want you all to remember me in your prayers. Your sister in the one body, NANNIE DOWNS. ROCK FERRY, ENGLAND. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I do thank and praise him whom my soul loveth for this wonderful evening light and the blessed and everlasting gospel. I know of a surety it is the power of God unto salvation to all that believe. Glory to Gsd! I am so thankful to him for ever sending Bro. and Sister Rupert to Rock. Ferry to preach the everlasting gospel. There are many here that have entered Mount Zion giving praises to Jesus. Glory to his Moly name! we have ceased singing ' We are marching to Zion ;" we have arrived there. Heb. 12: 22. I have been healed of . a disease in my feet. Brethren, I have seen so much holi-ness profession, so much so- called christianity in this place, that I al-most thought the word of God was in abeyance. But praise our God the pure gospel came, and the whole town was stirred. Men and women are being saved and sanctified, pro-fessers are scoffing, sect preachers are raging, but glory to God many are measuring up to the truth. Your saved and sanctified brother. JOHN BLANTHORNE. HEALED IN ANSWER TO PRAYER. CONROE, TEX. DEAR ONES EYERY WHERE: I ten-der many thanks to the dear ones for prayer and I thank God for his bless-ed healing power. As I wrote a re-quest for prayer on the fifteenth of Oct, one of my children was healed on the twelfth and the other one on the eighteenth. Oh what a blessed lesson I have learned by the trial! And I feel that I am much benefited thereb y. I am so happy in Jesus; tru-ly my cup runs over. On the eigh-teenth as I was asking God to heal my little boy of chills, I was praying earn-estly and God says, Can't you believe? I said Yes, Lord I do believe that he is healed, although he was having chills ever y other day, and the day of prayer it seemed that he was worse than he ever was; but praise God, he is healed, and I give God all the glory. I feel thankful for dear Bro. Schell's lesson on importunity. I had been asking God for three months to heal my children, and would not be put off, so at last the work was done. Praise God for his goodness to me! Your sister, saved, sanctified and sat-isfied, ELLEN BOONE. OAK GROVE, DEL. DEAR EDITOR OF THE TRUMPET: I greatly rejoice to- day that I ever gave my heart to God. I was per-mitted to attend a free gospel tent meeting conducted by Bro. W. J. Henry and company. There I drove SIX POINTS, 0. DEAR SAINTS: I am glad in God, and rejoice that my name is written in heaven. I am happy to say Jesus makes my life happy and sweet. Praise his dear name! Truly this world has no charms for me, for Christ has set me free. Hallelujah to the Lamb who taketh away the sin of the world! I came home Oct. twenty-sixth and find much darkness in these parts; have no meeting at pre-sent. There is much prejudice on account of some who professed to be saints with their mouth, but by works and daily life have put Christ to an open shame. May God help us all who are straight out for God to keep our minds stayed on Jesus, and fol-low his footsteps, who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. I praise God for his keeping and healing power. He is my all and in all. He keeps me trusting every mo-ment. Bless the Lord! I am praying God to open a way for meeting here about the holidays, and for God to send Bro. J. N. Howard or whom the Lord Wills. I am very thankful to say that by the power of God I have been kept from sin up till this present moment. Glory to God! I ask an interest in your prayers. Your humble sister, MARY METTER. LIVERPOOL, ENG. DEAR TRTMPET READERS: God has been showing me a great hindrance in my past experience. Shore lines which have not been loosed, and have kept me from launching out. But I do praise God that he has at last got me down humble enough to see and confess my faults. And this may be a help to others, for there are many more precious souls in England who are under the same delusions. Truly God says, " My people perish for lack of knowledge," and we have been so much in the dark concerning the word of God, and my heart is made sad to see the blindness that has settled down upon us as a nation. There is a doctrine of devils, once in grace, always in grace, very prevalent here, and most all are tainted with it more or less. God has had a people in England in past years who have served him in the beauty of holiness, but judgement has been left off, and Bible repentance no longer preached, so that when a poor soul does get conviction, instead of being taught repentance they are at once put into office as preacher or teacher; the blind leaders mistaking their convic-tion for conversion, and put them to work out their own salvation without any God within. And then there are others who, like myself, have once really been justified, but for lack of knowledge soon lose that blessed experience, and when awakening up to the fact, instead of repenting and doing their first works over, just re-form and go on professing, asking God to forgive their sins each time they pray, without any godly sorrow which worketh repentance, but just building on their old conversion. 1 And while many are honest, not know-ing any better, yet that does not alter God's plan. But my heart is filled with gratitude al: el praise to him for his great mercy in sparing my life to see the truth, and I know he will do the same for every honest soul. From my early days my soul has longed to serve God aright, but hav-ing proud impulsive impatient na-ture, thegdevil has taken advantage of me so many times. But praise God, my feet have at last struck the rock. When the devil sees a soul searching after God, he tries to eith-er hinder or push them over line. My case has been the latter. Six months before hearing the evening light preached, God was preparing me to accept the same, and as I would wander from sect to sect to try and find food, but could not, God would bless me in reading his word and in secret prayer in my own home, as far as he could according to his word. So when I heard the evening light preached the devil tried to make me believe I had gotten it all, and he pointed me back to my old conversion and the many years I bad served God in my way ( truly I can see now it was not . God's way), and then told me God had surely sancti-fied me as I had been praying for the same, and that he had already led me out of sectism, so this was just like the evening light and I could just go right along. But I can see now I had only the theory in my head and not in my heart; for I had never humbled myself to pay the price, and very soon God sent a dear sister along to undeceive me who tried to let me down lightly at first by telling me she knew I was not sanctified. God made me feel the truth of her words, but when she left the room these thoughts came into my mind, " These people think no one is right but themselves," and many other thoughts which soon shut me off altogether from God, so that I could not pray, and led me to cry for pardon and ask the dear ones forgiveness. Then afterwards when consecrated for sanctification God did bless my soul, but it did not last long, for I allowed the devil to take me back to the good times I had be-fore hearing the evening light, and would make me believe I had full salvation all right, but that when I accepted the sister's admonition God took all away from me because I had doubted him. Now dear ones, this was just a trick ef the devil to delude my poor soul and leave a loop hole for him to take possession, which he did, and led me captive by his delusion. But I praise God there is deliverance in Zion from all false spirits; and by the laying on of hands God deliver-ed my soul. But not settling the matter in my mind the devil would still whisper, perhaps they were mis-taken, and thus hinder my progress as I could not understand why God ! should have so blessed me if I was not right. But since our camp meet-ing the dear sister who first spoke to me explained the scripture in Rev 2: 2- 5, when God flashed the light into my soul about my past experi-ence. For like the church at Ephesus, I had labored and had not fainted, and could not bear the false profession, yet I had left my first love and the devil wanted me to try and slip in without doing my first works over, making me think it would be dishonoring to God to ignore my conversion, although it had been over eighteen years pre-vious and no doubt only , lasted a very short time and had never been renewed. Oh dear ones, I do praise God that he has opened my dark understanding, and I do pray God to give his dear messengers such light on this line that they will hold each one to begin at the bottom and ido their first works aver, unless they quite sure they are justified, and there are very few justified in ect-ism any more, for the very blest I have met have acknowledged they were saved, but getting cold, and God says in his word he spews such out of his mouth. But like myself they are still holding on and working and doing all they know to do, and God has them marked and will eventually make them a way of es-cape, and the only way to get really clear out is to be honest in testimony and give God the glory for the glori-ous light he has revealed in this evening time, without clinging to any old branch which has ceased to bear fruit and been cut off long ago, and only fit for the fire. Oh I do praise God to- night for full salvation; know he justifies me freely and sanctifies me wholly, and although I have many cities yet to take, am fighting the good fight of faith, and God is leading me on to victory. Praise his dear name! I ask you all to pray for me that God will ever keep me faith-ful. R. CROASDELL. 38 Northbrook St. Liverpool, Eng. OBITUARIES. STONER.— John Stoner died in Oil City, Pa. Oct. 30. 1895; aged seventy- two years and nineteen days. He leaves many friends to mourn his loss. He accepted the evening light some five years ago, and told us a few days before his death he was ready to die. Services by the writer, S. P. GILGER. HARRIS.— Mrs. Harris departed this life Nov. 12, 1895; aged fifty- one years, six months and seven days. She leaves a family of eight children and husband. They were lovers of the truth, but not saved. May God sanctify this dispensation of his providence to the good and saving of their souls. Services by the writer in the Enon M. E meeting house. This is a new place, and the first chance of the present shining truth to enter it. May its rays enter some hearts. B. E. WARREN. LAUREL, MISS. STEPTIENS.— Bro. Ed Stephens, son of H. R. Stephens. departed this life Sep. 2, 1895; was born June 15, 1867. He was saved about three years ago, has been a devoted follower of Jesus, and died in the same hope in which he lived. He was a great sufferer but did not complain. His death was caused by a log-ging train running over him, cutting off both legs, mashing his hip and other parts of his body which caused his speedy death. He lived two days and a half after being hurt. May the Lord bless all of his friends and keep the saved part true to him, and save the un-saved. T. E. COVEY. NORTH STAR, MICH. FLECK.— Sister Sarah Fleck died Nov. 1, 1895; aged twenty- two years, ten months and one day. During her affliction she expressed an earnest desire to again be saved, and sent word to us at the Gratiot assembly request-ing us to pray for her soul. We learned afterward that she gave evidence of her acceptance with Christ in different ways. Funeral services were conducted by the writer in the Hamilton house of warship, which were largely attended. The deceased is a sister of Sister Effie J. Martin of Edge-wood. Mich. May this prove as a solemn warning to the rest of the unsaved family. A. M. BIXLER. SANDER.— Near Akron, Ind. on the first day of November, 1895, sister Habkea Sander completed the pilgrimage of her life on earth. She was born in Germany, May 8, 1824. Aged at her death seventy- one years, five months, and twenty- three days. She was first joined in marriage to Henry Burker, with whom she came to America. After his death she was married to John G. Sander, of Onarga, 111. He also preceded her into the unseen world about nine years ago. The holiness reformation that was sweeping over Illinois, some fifteen years ago reached their town, and Brother and Sister Sander embraced the doctrine. And when the issue arose for God's people to come out of sectism, they took their stand on the side of truth. About four years ago Sister Sander moved from Onarga, Ill., to near Olive Bethel, Ind., in order to enjoy the privilege of meeting with the saints, where she remained to the end of her stay on earth. There is no doubt but that the real fixed purpose of heart was to be true and obedient to God. She chose the way of truth, and took her stand in favor of the present refor-mation She also consecrated her means to the service of God. Having no children she bequeathed what remained of her earthly effects to the GOSPEL TRUMPET Pus. CO., through which, she being dead, will continue to preach, not only in the use of the same, but in the example she has here set, which many more should follow, and in the disposi-tion of their goods, remember the Lord. With all the good virtues of the sister, there were certain weaknesses that citing to her, which subjected her to great trial, and it seemed necessary that God should take her soul through the furnace of intense suffering. Satan also, knowing that her end was near, came against her soul with great power, and for some months past, she seemed to be in great conflict. But all this was permitted to try her, that she might be entrusted with the sure hope of a crown. Only a few days be-fore her death, did the clouds of satanic power remove from the sky of her soul, and the cruel storms of trial pass over leaving her soul in peace, hope, and victoryein which she passed away to be with Jesus. Funeral services oil Sabbath, Nov. 3, before a large congregation convened at Nichol Chapel, near which her '- eraains were laid_ to rest. D. S. W. " Thy Testimonies are Wonderfal."- tu. 119: 129. CALDWELL, KAN. theD EpAraRy CerHsI LoDf tRhEeN s aOiFn tGsO laDs: t Is apsrkinedg for the healing of my lungs, and the Lord did hear and answer prayer, and did more than I could think or ask. Bless his holy name! He leads and feeds my soul. Please pray for me. Your sister, JOSIE ADAMS. TESTIMONIES. By E. E. Byrum. LL the ministers commissioned L/ Mtit and sent out by Jesus Christ while he was here on earth were commanded to preach the gospel which not only consisted of the for-giveness of sins but also of the heal-ing of the body. They were not onit to preach the things commanded, Matt. 28: 2o, but were to practice what they preached. Matt. To: 1-- S. Luke To: 1- 9. As they went forth they preached the Word, and preached it with bold-ness, not withholding the truth be-cause cf threatenings, stripes and imprisonments, or severe persecu-tions, and the result was that people upon hearing the word of God and learning their privileges were. con-strained to believe, and had faith not only for the salvation of the soul, but also for the healing of their bodies. The Lord gives the same commiss-ion to his ministers now whom he sends out. He promises the same authority and power. Dear breth-ren in the ministry, are you going forth clothed with the authority and power that your commission con-tains? Do you preach the whole truth with boldness and practice it? There is quite a difference between presenting facts, and going through even great physical and vocal de-monstrations in presenting the Word, and that of preaching the Word with the authority sent down from heav-en. Some ask why it is that people do not as a general thing have as much faith in healing, and the signs follow in the same proportion as in the days of the apostles. This is easily answered. It is because the word of God has not been preached as it was then, nor put in practice. Christ had been with them for three years, then the Holy Comforter was with them as he is with us now, and they went forth filled with the Holy Spirit preaching the Word with bold-ness and the signs followed as were promised. Following this time was the apos-tasy, or dark reign of Catholicism, followed by the daughters of Protest-antism. During the first, the word of God was kept from the people. During the second, or Protestantism, the people were permitted to have the word of God to read, but Wert taught that divine healing, sanctifi-cation, and other important teachings of the Bible were for the time of the apostles and not for us. This was a time when only a part of the gospel was taught, and was a time neither clear nor dark, as the prophet says, Zech. 14: 6, it was as a dark and cloudy day. Eze. 34: 12. But the prophet says, " at evening time it shall be light." Thank God, that time has come and the clear light is now shining. We are now in the last days of this gospel dispensa-tion, when the Word is being preach-ed in all its purity, and the evils of the divisions of sf._ ctism exposed, and the truth lifted up to a Bible standard. God wants this great reformation speedily pushed fi r ward by the preaching of the Word, and measur-ing to its standard. If the gospel of healing is not preached, how will the people have faith to be healed, as we read that " faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, and how will they hear without a preacher?" etc. It must be preached in the demonstration of the Spirit of God by the authority of the Holy Ghost and it will take effect upon the hearts of the people• otherwise it will have but little effect. Divine healing has been preached during the last few years as present truth by some whom God has given light upon that subject, but has been presented too much as a secondary matter. Throughout the gospel it is as prominently set forth as the for-giveness of sins; then why not preach it boldly as present truth. Wher-ever the signs follow ( Mark: 16: 16- 18) in the preaching of the Word it is the means of drawing the people together to hear the truth preached It opens the way to get at the people with the word of God. It may be regarded as a gospel bait to draw the people together. Some start out to preach it and do not have the faith to back up their preaching, or in sther words to substantiate the same with the signs promised, and would rather be somewhere else than where they are likely to be called upon to pray for the sick in accordance to their preaching. It were better for such to tarry awhile and plead with God for the authority and faith that goes wi h a gospel ccmmission. R. SMITH spoke of his experi-ences in connection with the Woodworth meetings last winter, and said that since that time, about six months, he had been without God and without hope, joy, or comfort. It seemed as though God had utterly hidden his face from him, and he was full of all manner of evil suggestions, temptations, purposes and impulses. It seemed as though God had given him over completely to the devil, and he had not had a particle of joy or peace for 5ix months. He recog-nized that God had withdrawn from him entirely, and he felt at times that God had given him over to be des-troyed. He had sought toward God, but felt that his prayers and his de-sires were not regarded, that God would not hear him. He had studied the phenomena in which he had be-come involved, and was satisfied that it was of the flesh and inspired by the devil. During all these six months when he knew that God had utterly forsaken him, he had studied these manifestations, and had determined to know as far as he could their in-fluence and what they were, and he tried the experiment of holding up and waving his hands as he used to do in Airs. Wood worth's meetings. and the same physical and psychical conditions returned upon him, he began to go into this same trance. Finding this to be the case, he at once dropped his hands and resisted and the feeling passed away. He was satisfied that this was the same psychical or mesmeric condition which Dr. Charcot, an eminent French physician was using in Paris, and that it was purely physical, and inspired by the devil, and that this gushing witness which they had with regard to the prophecies, etc., was all a witness of Satan— a lying wit-ness. He could not, he would not try to express his regrets, they were too inexpressible, too intense, but from his position which he was now taking before them, people could see some-thing of their intensity, and the sorrow and regret that he had been involved in them, and much more, that he had ever used his influence to involve others, and he would do all that he was permitted to do to neutralize the evil that he had done. He felt humiliated, mean, small, and contemtible before God, and he would strive never again to he overwhelmed of Satan. NOTE. For the safety of all our readers we give place to the above confession. We have long since understood some-thing of this psychi— devil phenome-non. We warn all men and women
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 15:46
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 15:46
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 15:46
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 15:46
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 15:46
title_sort gospel trumpet - 15:46
publisher Warner, D. S.
publishDate 1895
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genre_facet morse
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766244420129128448
spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:39+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 15:46 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1895-11-21 Printed Newspaper English eng Warner, D. S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 15 46 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1895 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:04:32Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 4 0- Another Talk to the Young. OSPE = i,„ ye the Trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain. The Lord God shall blow the Trumpet, and go with whirlwinds. Joel 2: 1. 91I ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth. see ye, Z wechhe. n9 : h1e4. law'," .,, up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a Trumpet, hear ye. 1$ a. 18: 3. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall rather together his elect from the four winds. from one end of heaven to the" other. Malt. 24: 31. So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Eze. 34: 12. Jeri Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Nov. 21, 1895. Our Father will not suffer us to be judgement, where every secret thing' quiem; the death march begins, led by the devil and his angels, never to cease unless eternity comes to an end. Dear young friends, youth is the time to serve God; while the evil days come not, and your hearts are not hardened by sin. One strap is more easily broken than thousands. Though you may not be aware of the surrounding danger, nevertheless every lust you yield to is one strand of that great web that is being woven by the subtlety of Satan. Coil after coil of this thread of deception is being thrown around your soul, tight-er and tighter you are bound. There is a time when by manliness and cour-age you may break loose from the docks of perpetual shame. But ah, the time is when hope is in the past; the sting of conscience smites thy soul, and you groan beneath the weight of a blackened future. Strug-gle after struggle is felt from the bet-ter element within, desiring to be delivered from the loathsome state of mind. But alas, you find so many abnormal characteristics embodied in your nature that every propensity seems to tend downwards instead of aspiring to a noble existence. My boys, there is redemption through the love of Christ. For " there is a fountain opened in the house of David for sin and unclean-ness." Do not give up; if you have attempted to escape, and failed as often, try again. Invoke the help of God, and he will surround you with an influence that will give you energy and fortitude to - accomplish the re-novation of those old habits. Seek such associates as have a reputation for things manly and courageous; try to identify yourself with the feelings of all such, and with the principles that advocate a virtuous life. Make a covenant that you will break off from the debasing licentious habit, yea will die rather than submit to the filthy soul- polluting practice of self destruction. Vitality will return, courage increase, strength abound. That enervated, shrunken, almost lifeless spirit will be renewed; those depressed feelings will flee: an object will appear that will be worth living for; even; thing will take on a bright-er appearance, and a radical reform will be the result. But the way you are at present your life is a failure everywhere. You must do some-thing for yourself. In views of the misery that is sure to follow such a course, I protest with all the earnestness at my com-mand against the carelessness of par-ents in regard to those who have the care of the little ones. The origin of a blasted existence can often be traced to the ignorant, licentious fe-male nurse, or sometimes to a de-praved man of mature age. In a thousand ways the sensitiveness of the genital organs to the touch is liable to be known. Naturally the mischief is wrought in secret, and parents or guardians seldom suspect that the ruinous work is going on, and should their suspicions become aroused, a criminal delicacy in the majority of cases prevents them from taking appropriate measures to rem-edy the evil. Such conduct is moral cowardice in its worst form. To avoid responsibility brings guilt. And here let me say to all parents, for Je-sus' sake show yourself worthy of your trust. Your children will arrive at a knowledge of their sexual func-tions at an early age in some way; and the question is, Shall a knowle-dge be imparted by a judicious par-ent, or shall the information come from a debased companion, ignorant of consequences? As childhood ad- Volume 15. Number 46. CHRIST IN THE GARDEN. While nature was sinking in stillness to rest, The last beams of daylight shone dim in the west, o'er fields, by the moonlight my wandering feet Then led me to muse in some lonely retreat. While passing a garden I paused then to hear voice faint and plaintive from one that was there-., The voice of the sutrrer affected my heart, fa agony pleading the poor sneer s part. In ° Wring to heaven His pitying prayer, gespoke of the torments t h at the Sinner must bear; His fife as a ransom He offered to give, That sinners, redeemed in glory might live. 1 listen'd a moment, then turn'd me to see ' What man of compassion this stranger could be: I saw him low kneeling upon the cold ground, The lovliest Being that ever was found. His mantle was wet with the dews of the night, His locks by pale moonbeams were glist'ning and bright, His eyes bright as diamonds to heaven were rais'd, While angels in wonder stood ' round Him amaz'd. So deep were His sorrows, so fervent His pray'rs, That down o'er His bosom roll'd sweat, blood, and tears; I wept to behold Him! I asked Him His name: He answered, "' Iris Jesus, from heaven I came. I am thy Redeemer! For thee I must die; The cup is most bitter, but cannot pass by: Thy sio, like a mountain are laid upon me, And a;, this deep anguish I suffer for thee." I heard with deep sorrow the tale of His woe. While tears like a fountain of water did flow: The cause of His sorrows to hear Him repeat, Affected my heart, and I fell at His feet. I trembled with horror and loudly did cry, ` Lord! save a poor sinner! 0 save, or I die!" Hesmiled when he saw me, and said to me. •' Live! Thy sins which are many I freely forgive!" How sweet was that moment: he bade me rejoice: His smile, 0 how pleasant! how cheering his voice! I fled from the garden to spread it abroad., And shouted salvation and glory to (; od! Pm now 011 my journey to mansions above. My soul's full of glory, of light, peace a cid hive: I think of the garden, the prayer and the tears, of the bring stranger who banished my fears. The day of bright glory is rolling around, When Gabriel descending, the trumpet shall sound, My soul then in raptor s of g. ory shall To gaze on tit Str,, uger wit ti unel.,,„ led eyes. , t- t1: etc41 by , lfrN . liclry So,, H. Temptation. HEREFORE, holy breth-et1 ' ren, partakers of the hea-venly calling, consider the apostle and high priest of our profession, Jesus Christ, who was faithful to him that appointed him." Heb. 3: 1, 2, Our profession is holiness unto the Lord. Do we consider as we should how our Savior passed through suffering in temptation? Was made perfect through suffering that he might be a faithful high priest. For in that he himself hath suffered, being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted. He also was subject to infirmities, but not to sin. " For we have not an high priest which can not be touched wi h the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." Like as he was faithful to the Father so may we be faithful, through his grace; for he said, Without me ye can do nothing. We so often fail to receive the real benefit, and be-come stronger from passing through temptation, just because we get our eyes off from Christ and on the trials. ' Beloved, think it not strange con-cerning the fiery trial which is to try Yon, as though some strange thing had happend unto you, but rejoice, inas much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy." I Pet. 4' 12, 1 3. As Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, let us arm ourselves with the same mind, that not only he may receive us with much joy, but we also be glad with exceeding joy when h• e s. h aall appear. How our souls re-ltmce and praise the Lord, for bring-ionf gs puisr iotuuta lo fB tahbey mloins, t sg iavnindg c uosn fau srieoanl Bible experience of salvation! Praise the Lord! Temptations and trials are a1- hPoardrt of our inheritance. the a MMay t t I. lleO, Pa su wse tlol ams oavlle o ftohrewr atrhdin ogns aining to life and godliness. ' 121 g ".' n; EJOICE, 0 young man, in - (- 4: Vthy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, for all these things God will bring thee into judgment. There-fore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh."— Eccl. 11: 9, 10. . My dear young friends, we are on a pilgrimage to a distant land. We have been placed in this world for a purpose, and that is to prepare for the next world, and through our in-strumentality enable those of our fellow travelers to ascertain their privileges in this life and their re-ward in that to come. Out of the fullness of a storehouse of an observ-ing, earnest, truthful nature, comes words of wisdom, instructing, advis-ing and warning us to lay aside all mock modesty, and with an unselfish and impartial soul in the fear of God, pursue those principles requisite to elevate us from the power of lust to the glorious plane of unalloyed hap-piness. The requirements necessary to perfect this great end, is to be im-pressed with the importance involv-ed in the right use of the social fac-ulties, and carrying those impressions out to the extent of our individual enjoyment, love and harmony of friends, prosperity of humanity in general, in the reproduction of the most beautiful and original forms of humanity for this world and the next. have a soul, so have yOu; myp sirit shall return to God who gave it, so shall yours. Eccl. 12: 7. I shall be judged, so shall you. Cor. 5: Jo. And by the grace of God I shall spend eternity with Jesus, Will you? the d e us We may follow the vain and fog is things of earth, and indulge in the frivolity and deceitfulness of sin. all this God will bring us to Yet fo will be brought to light, whether it be good or bad. Eccl. 12: 14. There is a false consolation among many people, causing such to remark that " young folks will be gay;" ' Boys will sow their wild oats," etc. Such . sug-gestions indicate a total lack of re-flection and observation. For no right thinking person will upon in-vestigation, or thoroughly compre-hending the, dreadful condition of present society, say that there can-not anything be done to help the young to escape the dissipating ef-fects of the power of Satan. " They that plow iniquity and sow wicked-ness reap the same?' " He that sow-eth iniquity shall reap vanity." You may search the pages of the moral law, but no promise is found that they who violate its holy precepts, and lightly esteem the glorious God-given ordinances of temperance and love, shall be exempt from its pun-ishments pronounced upon all trans-gressors. " A prudent man forseeth the evil and hideth; but the simple pass on and are punished." Simple indeed is he who supposes that after violating the laws of heaven, and scorning divine legislation, and sin-ning against the monitor ( conscience) incorporated in the being of man, will eventually escape the judgment of divine justice. For there are no exceptions to the rules which operate on mankind generally. Such a de-lusion has proven fatal to many pre-cious souls, who have disc 3- vered when too late how corroding are the links of the terrible chain of misery that fetters and galls. Ensnared in the trammels of hell the victim wakes to the realization that life • has been a failure, hope lost, heaven lost, his soul lost, with no hope of ever being found outside the dread despair of everlasting shame and contempt. " Ye that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind." While you sow vanity, sin accumulates around you; link after link is added to the chain of wretchedness; inch by inch the cable shortens that binds you to your ever-lasting doom; the light of life is gradually growing dim; the flickering flame of true manhood moulders be-neath the globe that encircles the soul which should have been per-fected love and truth. But ah, the elements of the infer-nal world through hellish schemes have blackened the very citadel of honor. The windows of grace are so polluted by sinful lusts that the pre-cious all- inspiring sunlight of holy recreation fails to gladden the wretch-edness of the poor captive of de-spair by the rays of eternal glory from the throne of freedom and peace. The door that should have given a glad reception to the feast of good things given by the bridegroom of heaven is closed against the son of God, and instead is receiving the blackness of darkness. An horrible tempest in this whirlwind of judg-ment to be reaped by all who violate the law of purity, is whirling thy poor soul in the bosom of despair. Around and around art thou tossed by the archfiend amid the shrieking demons that torment your already miserable existence, with the thought that a few more weary days of bitter re-morse will send you to the great un-seen, before the tribunal of the Al-mighty. The consummation of all things will appear, and ten thousand thunders will re- echo from the clouds of endless night the wail of the soul that is conscious of its polluted state and the brightness of heavenly pur-ity. The bells of eternity toll the re- Sample Copies Free vances to youth, the habit of mastur-bation, if unarrested by kindly warn-ing and friendly counsel, binds its victim with stronger chains. And a celebrated physician says, " Habitual masturbators have a dark, moist, cold hand, very charact-eristic of great vital exhaustion; their sleep is short, and great debility comes on; they may gradually waste away if the evil passion is not got the better of; nervous symptoms set in, such as spasmodic contraction, or partial or entire convulsive move-ments, together with epilepsy or a species of paralysis." Who can imagine a more pitable condition, than such an one who real-izes the full measure of his degrada-tion, and the ruinous consequences of his own misdeeds? No wonder that some sensitive souls are so filled with shame and self condemnation, as to end their seemingly useless life by a poisonous drug, or by a bullet through the distracted brain. Thou-sands of souls have pierced them-selves through with many sorrows. The unseen is moving to receive thousands of thousands who are hast-ening to their eternal doom. Flee to Christ for refuge; time will soon end, and where is thy hope? None beyond the grave. Then call for mercy while it may be found. Heaven to earth, in sympathy bows, raptur-ous, bright, and fair, Hell enraged, exalts herself, and weaves a web of despair. Jesus Christ, the Savior stands, calling, " Come up higher," The ruler of night, with fiendish laugh doth deride our good desire. But by the power of inner might, we arise to a noble place, And the jeers and mocks of Satan's rage, we throw into his face. Satanic bands are riven, my body alone the Lord's shall be, His love alone my soul shall bind 0 glory I I am free ! And now, 0 God, my soul preserve, and may I to others show How to escape the powers of hell, and per-feet love to know. W. A. HAYNES. TESTIMONY. LOOKING GLASS, ORE. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I feel led to write a few lines of testimony. I was a member of the Campbellite sect four years before I ever heard justification mentioned, and a year ago last March, my aunt came from Illinois here and she led me out of darkness into light, but it took a long time to see, I was so blind. And the coming July I was converted, then sanctified. Then I did not have any more use for the sects, until in Nov. I went to a U. B. protracted meeting, and some friends, knowing that I had left the sects, told me I was out in the world and if I would join the U. B. sect I could help my brother and his wife so much, as they had just been converted. So after some coax-ing I joined that sect, not knowing the evil of sectism. I stayed there until August, when Bro. Hudson and Co. from California held a taber-nacle meeting in Roseburg, and there I heard the gospel preached in its purity as I had never heard before, Some said it would soon blow over, but praise God, it has not blowed out yet, but it is spreading all over the country. Praise his dear name! I do praise God for ever sending the dear saints to this place. The Lord has healed me several times, for which I praise his name. And I de-sire all the dear saints to pray for me. Your sister, saved, sanctified, and satisfied, ANNIE B. WRIGHT. . tempted above that we are able to bear, but will with the temptation also make a way for our escape. I have found a sure way of escape lies in secret prayer, taking all our care to Jesus and leaving it there. Bless the Lord! The word of God is pro-fitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in right-eousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished un-to all good works. 2 Tim. 3: 16, ta. We must be just as thankful for the reproof and correction, as for the doctrine and instruction. When the Lord shows us any point or lack on our part, receive it with humility and thankfulness, that we have the high privilege to measure up to all the light God gives us. ' Therefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but rather let it be healed" Heb. 12: 12, 13. " Further-more, we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence; shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?" If we will not receive the chastisements of the Father, and bring forth fruits unto righteousness, we shall be cast forth as a branch and burned by God's eternal truth. May the Lord help the weak to become strong, and nake his praise glorious in the earth. men. MARY HELDENB RAND. In the text we see t at of truth and righteousness permits alt in the way we may_ choose. — — man that I am! who shall deliver MC from the body Of this death? And I endeavor-ed to pacify myself by such and other passages of scripture. But I did not read them in their proper connection, nor yet in the Spirit of God. Then, I read again. " He that committeth sin is of the devil," " Whosoever is born of God cloth not commit sin," " Follow holinesss, without which no man shall see the Lord," my heart was filled with sorrow, and never could I be satisfied with the teaching that holiness wasa couired only at death. Abominable lie aocf quired Forever will I praise God that my eyes were opened. In February, 1895, a sister in Milwaukee sent US the EVANGELIUMS POSAUNE, ( the German TRUMPET). This stirred our fam-ily into fresh hunger after holiness. We ordered the paper and tracts and opened correspondence with Bro. Hahn. By These means the Lord gave us more light, and in his kind providence, Bro. Hahn come to us on Aug. 7, and preached full salvation in Christ unto us. Praise the Lord for this gospel! Under the sound of the pure Word the mists cleared away and I could see how to bring the sacrifice demanded in Rom. I2: I, and I do praise God, that he prepared me to bring it, to forsake all and follow him. In that mo-ment when I surrendered myself fully, the Lord wrought a complete change in my soul. All desire and inclination to sin disappeared and my heart was filled with love and serene happiness. My longing was stilled, my soul satisfied, and I could say like Paul: I live, yet not I, but Christ, who worketh in me to will and to do. Unto God be all the honor! My experi-ence- is that of about thirty others. The Lord has done great things, yea he has - founded a church here, that is built upon the rock Christ Jesus, not upon any human work. It is precious to see the purity and theunity of the body of Christ. And it shall remain pure praise God, for as soon as we sin we areno longer in the body. I have special cause for gratitude unto God, tor that he has wrought mightily In our family. Father, mother, five sisters and one brother can say with me, We have died unto sin and now live unto God alone. Praise, thanks and honor unto Him! Your sister in Christ, IDA MEYER. NORTH FREEDOM, WIS. DEAR BRO. HAHN: The Lord be with thee and the dear ones with you, yea, bless and keep you, and cause his face to shine upon you and give you all his peace. May he also bestow his richest blessings upon your labor in his vineyard, and may call many souls out of the darkness, that are yet under the fatal error, which held me for so many years; viz., that we can-not be made free from ' sin. That is a seduction of Satan and the operation of the carnal mind in man, but often taught also by the false shepherds, that they may keep their net full and that their portion may be fat and their meat plente-ous. But what says the Lord in Ezekiel 33:? If the shepherd and watchman in Israel will not warn the sinner of his sins, then shall their blood be upon their heads and from their hands will he require them. Oh, that every one would be exceeding careful and lay aside sin as the Word teaches, and walk in the true light, as the Lord requires it by reason of the blood shed for this purpose. Paul sa ys: " If any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new crea-tion, old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new. I do praise God, since I surrendered fully unto God, truly all things have be-come new in me and the same with my dear wife. Unitedly we do praise him, and with the Psalmist say, " Praise the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, praise his holy name!" . We have been rid not only of the grosser sins, but also- the little foxes, by the grace and mercy of God. The precious word of God becomes clearer and sweeter day by day to us and we cannot search enough in it_ It is precious to serve the Lord with a whole heart and not in part. Now dear brother, I will close for this time, with greeting from your brother and sister. We will be faithful unto death and in all eternity. Some of the friends send greetings. I praise God, that he keeps us closely in the bonds of love, as we commenced at the time of your visit, and that the Lord is yet among us. He stands pledged not to forsake us. Com-mending you to our God and Savior, I am your brother in the Lord, - ROBERT LEUDTKE. NEWS FROM THE FIELD we beg, an meeting Monday,. / 4 Large crowds attended the mteti4,1_ which continued three weeks iotiget;, with glorious victory on the Lordia side. God wonderfully blessed his word and anointed for the preaching of the same; conviction rested heavily upon the people and many precious souls were saved. To God be all the glory and praise! The Lord has a dear congregation of saints at that place now. After the tent blew down, Bro. and Sister Weikel and Bro, Henry were called home on business, Sister Shoffner and I were left to continue the battle. This being the neighborhood where Bro. Louis Noble's relatives live, he attended the meeting, whose help we appreciat-e d very much. The last Sunday of the meeting. Bro. fenry was with us and was blessed in delivering the precious truth. God is wonderfully opening up the work in this country. Many doors open for the gospel, and many homes for God's workers. The people in this country are very hospitable and kind hearted, and very ready to receive the truth. Of course we receive opposition from formal professors who have not the grace of God, but he always gives us the victory and causeth us to triumph. Praise his name! Sister Shoffner and I held services two nights for the colored people in " Solomon's Tem. pie;" we were to have meeting over Sunday but they called a meeting of the board after the first night and decided they would prefer a prayer meeting; the NVord was too straight for them. Bro. Henry and Bro. Noble began a meeting at FIurlock, Md. Saturday Nov. 9. Sister Shoffner and I came to this place Wednesday 6 and cornrn menced meeting in an M. E. meeting house. The dear people seem hun. gry for the truth. Pray for us, dear saints. Will close by adding our testimony; we: are both sweetly saved, sanctified and filled with theburning, melting love of Jesus, Yours in the fellowship of Jesus, NOR SIENS AND LENA Si completed the work at \\ ramie the Lord gave us to do. I believe that good will come from that meeting, for God's word went forth With great power. S3me acknowledged that f was the truth, but were not ready to act. Truly the sword of the Spirit is going forth and cuts people off in their sins. Praise God for a keen two- edged sword that cuts both ways, and either separates our sins from us or cuts us off in our sins. We must walk in the light as God is in the light or else walk in darkness. That is just the reason that so many are professing to be Christians and are walking in darkness ( or in sin) and have so much division and striving among the diff _ rent sects. God gives us light and promises to cleanse us from all sin if we walk in the light. We had good order in meeting, The Lord held the powers of darkness in subj ction, for he gave us the wit. ness before we commenced the meet-ing that he would do so. Praise his holy name! We believe that Warnic is a good field for work for God, also Tigh Valley about six miles from Wamic, and Duber and the Dan-es, a few miles farther, and then about one hundred miles to Echo is another good place to work for God. 1, Nrll we got safely through with our long trip over hills and dusty roads, having our faith tried many times, but praise God he gave us the ix' tory. Now if some of God's holy. rnini. tcrs feels led to go to Warnic, I hope they will go and work in that field, there is a hungry people there wanting light and truth. Ally ° Ile feeling that God wants them to flo there can urite to Sister EcinaWelch or Sister Anna Palmater, or Bro. Pratt, all of Warnic. From Your brother saved and kept, IDA M. AND O. A. Ca. Anat --- BANNISTER, MICH., Nov. Tu* e., DEAR SAINTS: We close4 SAINTS' I I , Praise God for keeping us saved Nov. 8. ion and for sin. We We want some able minister to come here and hold a meeting. This is a place where the full go spel has not been preached. SARAH C. EwEN, Alexander, Morgan Co., Ill. LEVANT, KAN. We request that some dear one. called of• God, would come and preach the Word at this plate, one : hat is filled with the love and meekness of Jesus. May the T. C. Allen, E. J. Teer, Viola Shepard, Grant Shinier, J. L. Pike, C. Hutchens, Mrs. A. Reed, D. M: Russel, C. E. Ford, Nora Siens, Mrs. .1. Plumb, J. W. tioward, Caroline Davis, Anna Henshall, A. M. Bixler, Kittle Powers, Jno. Shank, W. M. Wolcott, L. W. Bascom, Mrs. Samuel Smith, W. J. McCurdy. Please pray that I may be healed of spinal trouble, and enlargement of the liver. E. J. TEER. RUSHING STORE, MISS. I earnestly ask the prayers of all, for the healing of my dear children that are in distant lands, and for me that I may be healed. Your saved sister, M. E. ' TALBERT. DAWSON, PA. Please pray for me, Nov. 28, that I may be entirely healed. I am very much afflicted in my body. My whole desire is to serve the Lord. I am given up to the Lord, soul and body, and determined to serve him. Please pray for me till you get an answer. I believe my healing would be to the glory of God. I am eighteen years old and have been afflicted nearly all my life. Your sister, saved and kept, MINNIE L. DAVIS. Some of the brethren in England have suggested that we mail the TRUMPET to the different subscribers in one town by enclosing them all in one wrapper, thus saving postage which would amount to considerable in the course of a year. But in reply we wish to say that this is forbidden by the Postal Laws. We quote from General Regulations and Sugges-tions Respecting Foreign Mails: '' A newspaper or periodical packet for transmission to the Postal Union, Canada and Mexico excepted, at the rate of one cent per two ounces or fraction, is restricted to a single ( out-side) address. Periodicals address-ed to several different subscribers, must not be enclosed in the same package with postage stamps affixed only to the outside wrapper of the package." We have purchased the timber on several acres of land and have a limited time to remove it. If the Lord moves any one to help along the spread of the gospel by the use of the saw or ax and thus aid in sav-ing souls let us know at once. There will be work enough to keep several hands all winter. As the work is advancing we can also make use of a few more type- setters. We have Bible lessons and faith meetings al-most every night, and those coming will also have a good chance for spiritual advancement. Remember the week of prayer be-ginning Friday, Nov. 22 to Thursday night, Nov. 28. Put in your own case for spiritual help and advance-ment, and healing of the body if needed, also any one else you desire, and all God's people will be agreed with you for the work to be done. UST OF MONEY MRS NOT MIRE RECIMD GOSPEL TRUMPET. - A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1895. Requests For Prayer. Calls For Meeting, tarDEFI 1E, RADICAL. and ANTI- SECTARIAN, sent fcoarttiohn i no tfh feu lnl aSmalev aotfi otnh, e aLnodr dD Jivesinues HCherailsint, g f oorf tthhee pBuobdliy-, the Unity of all true Christians in" the faith once delivered N the saints." Subscription,$ 1.00 a year in advance. Free to the Poor. tarSend money by Post Office Money Order, Express Or-der, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. W'Subscribers wishing their address changed, must be s- are to give their former, as well as their new address. pi • lf you do not receive your paper when due, write us a card, and ' we will gladly mail you another copy. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and - we will gladly rectify the same. Ifff– A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will act as agent. 4V– Part1es desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of their address. O'When you write, be sure to give your address: name, post- office, county, and state. Iai • All business communications, moneys & c. must be ad-thessed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. EDITORS, 13. S. WARNER, and E. E. BYRUM, PUBLISHERS, E. E. Bynum. and S. ISIICHELS. Grand Junction, Mich. Entered at the Post Office of Grand Junction, Itlich. as sec-ond class matter. NICODEMITS, • KAN. We request some of God's true minis-ters to come to this wicked place. Those who are saved are standing firm for God. There has not been a meeting here for about a year. and I am praying God to send whom he will. I believe it is God's will for some one to come. If the Lord leads some one to come write me at Nicodemus, Kan. Your sister, contending for the faith, - BELLE MYERS. MEETINGS. TERONSHA, MICH. The saints of S. E. Tekonsha will have a thanksgiving meeting at the chapel. Your brother in Christ, G. H. ELDRIDGE. QUESTIONS. Can saints let a man into their house of worship to hold a protracted meeting, who is preachiog holiness to please the sects, or who does not renounce sectism, nor preach the whole truth? Ans. They cannot do so to the glory of God, nor be consistent with his word. Nor can any good- come out of it, but very Lkely confusion and division. Holiness that does not set a man against- all sin is a fraud. And the greatest sin known to the word of God is sectism, or the sin of heresy. If a man shows a real will-ingness to walk in all truth, he might be admitted. But even then_ he is not fit to preach in the sight of God until he accepts the word of God in full, and renounces the awful sin of schisms. What religious sect or denomination does the GOSPEL rRITMPET represent? I have read three copies of your paper and I think it just grand. I love to read it. I would like very much to bear some of the elders preach. My love and best respects for the cause, C. H. B. The GOSPEL TRUMPET comes under the same commission that every other preacher of the gospel does that is sent of God. Its business is to preach the Word, and testify the wonderful works of God, just as God's ancient heralds did. Since, therefore the Word endorses no denomination or body founded on earth, but sets forth the Church which is the body of Christ, and which is the New Jerusalem which came down from heaven, so does the TRUMPET. Since the Word positively forbids all sects, and condemns all heretics, that is, sectarians, so does the TRUMPET. Since the Word teach-es that Christ is all in all, we also be-gin with Christ and end with him and add no more. The whole Christ, He the way, the life and the truth. " And ye are complete in him." Amen. 1. Is it wrong to attend sect meetings where you have the opportunity to talk to them on the straight word of God? 2. And would it be wrong to partake with them at the Lord's table? Your brother in the one faith, G. F. HESELTON. Ans. to 1st. No, not if God sends you there, and the people are honest-ly disposed to receive the truth. But if they reject the word of God, " after the first and second admonition, re-j ct them." Ans. to 2d. It would, according to tne word of God, be a rare case where a free child of God would be justified in doing so. And we have serious doubts if there be any justi-fying c; rcumstances at ail. The tact is, if we are in the light of God's word we must love what God loves, and abhor what he abhors. And sectiarn, heresies, are among the worst sins condemned in the Word. But our participation at a sect com-munion would be an endorsement of the sect. Confederation. The subject of a union of all sects is the leading topic of discussion in all the great sect conventions. The national council of the Congrega-tional Churches in the U. S. conven-ed at Syracuse, N. Y. Oct. ro. It ap-pears that a proposition was before them, looking to union with the Free Baptist. The committee appointed to report " the matter said, " Where corporate union cannot be secured, confederation may partly serve the purpow of exhibiting the unity of believer1s. . A " Basis of Church Unity" was laid down, for " the pre-ultimate organization of the whole visible body of Christ." Of course not one word from the Bible entered into their platform; nor has it entered their minds that salvation is needed to produce unity. But in their blindness they talk of all the masses of the sects joining to-gether, and constituting the whole visible body of Christ. But we hear " another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people." Amen. THE FRISOO OHILDREN'S HOKE, FRISCO, ARK , Nov. II. DEAR BRETHREN: Thinking that some of you may be interested and would like to hear from the home and school here, we wish to say that the school is now in progress. At present there are thirty- four scholars enrolled, and twenty- three in the home altogether. The school house is not finished yet, and there are many things lacking, which we are asking the Lord to supply. Even the windows are not yet supplied for the house. Those here in the school are nearly all in rather poor circum-stances, but most all seem to be doing what they can. I am doing what I can by way of teaching the school and instructing the little ones as best I can until another teacher is supplied. We are also in need of first readers and other books for the school. Frisco is only a postoffice. The railroad station is Porter, Ark. Praysmuch for us in the work of the Lord as it is only in its infancy, but we desire that God rule in all things. Your brother in Christ, EMIL KREUTZ. THE GERMAN WORK WISOONSIN. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Of Milwaukee, the principal city, it can be said, that it is Satan's seat The enemy does fight as for his very existence, and we cannot at the present writing say more than that we have often grown weary in the fierce struggle for the dear souls, who accepted the evening light. Praise the Lord, however, who in every con-flict thus far has given us the victory. Our number is still small and but very slowly increasing. A few have taken offence in my absence in the field, and hold aloof, for a season only I trust. It has been in the pro-vidence of the Lord to lead me back to the field in Sauk Co., sooner than I anticipated. With the beginning of September I returned there and preached to hungry souls the gospel of complete-ness in Christ Jesus, and the dear Lord owned the labor, consecrated as it was to him. Soon also he sent me help by Bro. W. P. Halbesleben, and in the name of the Lord we held forth jointly, some in German, some in English, as the Lord led and cir-curnstances recta ired. The communi-ca .), n- in No. 38 of GOSPEL TRUMPET gave some news. Below I translate for the benefit of the readers of the TRUMPET two testimonies furnished for the POSAUNE, and will add that the Lord also manifested his healing power in six or more cases, some very precious. I will add that Bro. Hal-besleben is still at work there at date of writing, having labored three or four weeks in Baraboo, the county-seat of Sauk Co. Will the dear people of God please remember the work in your prayers, and especially also pray for the editor of the POSAUNE. A special effort for work in Milwaukee is also in prospect. God bless the children of the Lord everywhere. Your brother in Jesus, FRED L. HAHN. 466 I6th St. ABLEMAN, WIS. DEAR BRETHREN ANE SISTERS IN THE LORD: Come unto me all ye that fear the Lord and hearken; I will tell you what God has done unto my soul. I was con-verted six years ago. The burden of my sins was rolled away. I knew they were all under the precious blood of Christ. Peace and joy filled my heart. I was baptized and joined a sect. But my heart was not satisfied permanently. I sought WALNUT LANDING, MD., Nov. S. DEAR READERS OF THE TRUMPET: We extend to you all a hearty greet-ing in Jesus's name. Amen. On the 29th of September we commenced meeting in the tabernacle at Pine Grove near Federalsburg, Md. Meet-ing continued about two weeks; the people were much interested in the truth, but it was too cold and damp to be comfortable in the tabernacle so we prayed for God to open a place for the meeting to continue; on Saturday night, Oct. 12, the Lord let t and low the tent over. We did not feel like putting it up again, on account of the damp weather. The people were so in-terested they did not want the meet-ing to close, so they opened the Quaker meeting house for us, where Lord send whom he will. Yours earnest- v- en t.• i on of riv alrie be- ween compet- hungered and thirsted after true righteous-lycontending for the faith, , ing churches in the same field." N. AND A. B. GUILFORD. And, tog ro wg aends etatb l i s he d. M y soul ness. Often I had to say to myself, I have not done that I would, but what I hate, that have I done. 0, wretched wo- . . eriibly held in saints' house of wor- - ship is Hamilton township, Gratiot cot Mich., last Monday. which continued eighteen days. A dozen or more consecrated and most of them received a marked benefit. A real effort wa. s put forth by some for a forward move, which is the prevail-jug cr yyL of this prresent hyoly . The devil would, and even does, in many places throw a stupor of indif-ferer. ce over the professedchildren of God, and unless a mighty vehement effort made by those thus stuoified, they will soon be left completely in the rear, without any spirituality. Brethren, we preach that we are the ministers or mrssengers of Goa. We are told to " give the people warning from his mouth." If so, for Jesus' sake, brethren, do not ! et t. hg devil put you to sleep while. Ged from heaven is actually speaking. If you get in the awful rut of sleeping, and the disease becomes chronic, ask God for more fire in your soul and ds more praying the prayer of faith. I have seen some that make a high profession, go to meeting and before preaching commenced, they were asleep and possibly snoring. Now, dear people, that does not look as though you were in earnest. " Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead," says Paul. We are now holding a week's meeting near Bannister. God has been wonderfully good to us in heaiing wife from a low state of fever and restoring., her to health again. Praise the Lord with us. Your brother and sister, decided for God, A. M. AND K. L. BIXLER. LATER. Nov. IS We closed the meetiog mentioned above, with good results; nine conse-crated, and eighteen partook of the ordissnces. Wonderful conviction rested upon the people. A. M. B. -- ATHENS, 0. Nov. 12. DEAR TRUMPET Rt. ADERS: It has beensome time since I reported the work in th's : art of Ohio. Sunda night we closed a series of three weens meeting on , Sand Rid se, resultiog in the salvation of six or sieve precious souls. Several der ones got their eyes opned co the evils of seciism and fled the ruins. takin s not a stone for a corner. Five dear souls w ere buried with Christ by baptism, and and there are yet more to follow. We expect to begin meeting on Strouds Run the last of this week. We have eight or ten callsaround here and there is plenty of work opened up for all winter. God is wondt rfulle sostering his truth in these parts, and we are anticipating a grand soul harvest. And we want your prayers, dear saints ever where. We give God all the glory for all things, and de-sire only to keep low at his feet where he can use us. Your bre): her Consecrated to all the will tif God, E. G. 1\ 1 ASTERS. Come over and help us. Amen. All for his glory, W. H CHE twenty- eight miles night after night I t to hear the solid truth; it was a glor-ious meeting to me. I was in. sectism but I say to- day I am out. Nothing can my peace disturb, free and hap-py as a bird. Temptations I say no-thing about. He has promised to let nothing come against us but what is Common to man. At the tent meet-ing the GOSPEL TRUMPET was handed me; it is food to my soul. Glory to God for the clean Word and a pure gospel! In 1893 1 was wholly sanctified to the Lord, and then I felt the call immediately to corna. out of Babylon. No one had ever taught me in regard to sectism, but I felt the call just the same. They think it strange at the church where I belonged. The Lord is now having a wonderful reviv-al, cond. acted by S ster Shoffner, Sister Seins and Bro. Noble. There have been a large number converted. I hope the gospel will continue to spread over this land of ours. Your brother in Christ, PETER K. STEVENS. SPRING RUN, PA. DEAR ONES: Since last report we \\ have had victory all along. Praise Our Go 1! We are here in the m - sun-tains, but the work is confined princi- Pally to the valleys, as but very few live on the mountains. This is a beau-tiful country to those who like mountains, but this is no place for One who is fearful and does not like hardships, such as walking and rej log iinn necessities, etc. I love to read 2 Coe 6: 4-- ti. Praise God! Surely this field is ready to be gleaned; the great beast powers of this county are Lutheran and Reformed isms which are nothing less than the same old Roman beast spirit. They say it Was good enough for our fathers, and it is good enough for us. We held two other meetings since last re- Pert, which closed with the baptism Or four oth sts, also a glorious ordin-ance service in which twenty- two took Part. The next day we bade the saints farewell, and came across the mountains into Franklin Co. where we found a few who have not " d e-nied the name." The meeting is in la, rtilgress; calls are coming in from Mfferent quarters for meetings. EVANSvILLE, IND. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am made to rejoice in God for the healing of my little seven- year- old girl. It was wonderful. God does all we ask of him and more. She was taken with a fever and it lasted three days. Then she complained of a pain in her breast, and she got worse and worse. My neighbors were very eager for me to give medicine; but no, I had a doctor they knew nothing about I just grasped God's promise and the work was done; she was relieved and got up and is healed. Praise His ho-ly name forever! My companion is still out in the sinful world. I pray God to save his soul before too late. I want you all to remember me in your prayers. Your sister in the one body, NANNIE DOWNS. ROCK FERRY, ENGLAND. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I do thank and praise him whom my soul loveth for this wonderful evening light and the blessed and everlasting gospel. I know of a surety it is the power of God unto salvation to all that believe. Glory to Gsd! I am so thankful to him for ever sending Bro. and Sister Rupert to Rock. Ferry to preach the everlasting gospel. There are many here that have entered Mount Zion giving praises to Jesus. Glory to his Moly name! we have ceased singing ' We are marching to Zion ;" we have arrived there. Heb. 12: 22. I have been healed of . a disease in my feet. Brethren, I have seen so much holi-ness profession, so much so- called christianity in this place, that I al-most thought the word of God was in abeyance. But praise our God the pure gospel came, and the whole town was stirred. Men and women are being saved and sanctified, pro-fessers are scoffing, sect preachers are raging, but glory to God many are measuring up to the truth. Your saved and sanctified brother. JOHN BLANTHORNE. HEALED IN ANSWER TO PRAYER. CONROE, TEX. DEAR ONES EYERY WHERE: I ten-der many thanks to the dear ones for prayer and I thank God for his bless-ed healing power. As I wrote a re-quest for prayer on the fifteenth of Oct, one of my children was healed on the twelfth and the other one on the eighteenth. Oh what a blessed lesson I have learned by the trial! And I feel that I am much benefited thereb y. I am so happy in Jesus; tru-ly my cup runs over. On the eigh-teenth as I was asking God to heal my little boy of chills, I was praying earn-estly and God says, Can't you believe? I said Yes, Lord I do believe that he is healed, although he was having chills ever y other day, and the day of prayer it seemed that he was worse than he ever was; but praise God, he is healed, and I give God all the glory. I feel thankful for dear Bro. Schell's lesson on importunity. I had been asking God for three months to heal my children, and would not be put off, so at last the work was done. Praise God for his goodness to me! Your sister, saved, sanctified and sat-isfied, ELLEN BOONE. OAK GROVE, DEL. DEAR EDITOR OF THE TRUMPET: I greatly rejoice to- day that I ever gave my heart to God. I was per-mitted to attend a free gospel tent meeting conducted by Bro. W. J. Henry and company. There I drove SIX POINTS, 0. DEAR SAINTS: I am glad in God, and rejoice that my name is written in heaven. I am happy to say Jesus makes my life happy and sweet. Praise his dear name! Truly this world has no charms for me, for Christ has set me free. Hallelujah to the Lamb who taketh away the sin of the world! I came home Oct. twenty-sixth and find much darkness in these parts; have no meeting at pre-sent. There is much prejudice on account of some who professed to be saints with their mouth, but by works and daily life have put Christ to an open shame. May God help us all who are straight out for God to keep our minds stayed on Jesus, and fol-low his footsteps, who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. I praise God for his keeping and healing power. He is my all and in all. He keeps me trusting every mo-ment. Bless the Lord! I am praying God to open a way for meeting here about the holidays, and for God to send Bro. J. N. Howard or whom the Lord Wills. I am very thankful to say that by the power of God I have been kept from sin up till this present moment. Glory to God! I ask an interest in your prayers. Your humble sister, MARY METTER. LIVERPOOL, ENG. DEAR TRTMPET READERS: God has been showing me a great hindrance in my past experience. Shore lines which have not been loosed, and have kept me from launching out. But I do praise God that he has at last got me down humble enough to see and confess my faults. And this may be a help to others, for there are many more precious souls in England who are under the same delusions. Truly God says, " My people perish for lack of knowledge," and we have been so much in the dark concerning the word of God, and my heart is made sad to see the blindness that has settled down upon us as a nation. There is a doctrine of devils, once in grace, always in grace, very prevalent here, and most all are tainted with it more or less. God has had a people in England in past years who have served him in the beauty of holiness, but judgement has been left off, and Bible repentance no longer preached, so that when a poor soul does get conviction, instead of being taught repentance they are at once put into office as preacher or teacher; the blind leaders mistaking their convic-tion for conversion, and put them to work out their own salvation without any God within. And then there are others who, like myself, have once really been justified, but for lack of knowledge soon lose that blessed experience, and when awakening up to the fact, instead of repenting and doing their first works over, just re-form and go on professing, asking God to forgive their sins each time they pray, without any godly sorrow which worketh repentance, but just building on their old conversion. 1 And while many are honest, not know-ing any better, yet that does not alter God's plan. But my heart is filled with gratitude al: el praise to him for his great mercy in sparing my life to see the truth, and I know he will do the same for every honest soul. From my early days my soul has longed to serve God aright, but hav-ing proud impulsive impatient na-ture, thegdevil has taken advantage of me so many times. But praise God, my feet have at last struck the rock. When the devil sees a soul searching after God, he tries to eith-er hinder or push them over line. My case has been the latter. Six months before hearing the evening light preached, God was preparing me to accept the same, and as I would wander from sect to sect to try and find food, but could not, God would bless me in reading his word and in secret prayer in my own home, as far as he could according to his word. So when I heard the evening light preached the devil tried to make me believe I had gotten it all, and he pointed me back to my old conversion and the many years I bad served God in my way ( truly I can see now it was not . God's way), and then told me God had surely sancti-fied me as I had been praying for the same, and that he had already led me out of sectism, so this was just like the evening light and I could just go right along. But I can see now I had only the theory in my head and not in my heart; for I had never humbled myself to pay the price, and very soon God sent a dear sister along to undeceive me who tried to let me down lightly at first by telling me she knew I was not sanctified. God made me feel the truth of her words, but when she left the room these thoughts came into my mind, " These people think no one is right but themselves," and many other thoughts which soon shut me off altogether from God, so that I could not pray, and led me to cry for pardon and ask the dear ones forgiveness. Then afterwards when consecrated for sanctification God did bless my soul, but it did not last long, for I allowed the devil to take me back to the good times I had be-fore hearing the evening light, and would make me believe I had full salvation all right, but that when I accepted the sister's admonition God took all away from me because I had doubted him. Now dear ones, this was just a trick ef the devil to delude my poor soul and leave a loop hole for him to take possession, which he did, and led me captive by his delusion. But I praise God there is deliverance in Zion from all false spirits; and by the laying on of hands God deliver-ed my soul. But not settling the matter in my mind the devil would still whisper, perhaps they were mis-taken, and thus hinder my progress as I could not understand why God ! should have so blessed me if I was not right. But since our camp meet-ing the dear sister who first spoke to me explained the scripture in Rev 2: 2- 5, when God flashed the light into my soul about my past experi-ence. For like the church at Ephesus, I had labored and had not fainted, and could not bear the false profession, yet I had left my first love and the devil wanted me to try and slip in without doing my first works over, making me think it would be dishonoring to God to ignore my conversion, although it had been over eighteen years pre-vious and no doubt only , lasted a very short time and had never been renewed. Oh dear ones, I do praise God that he has opened my dark understanding, and I do pray God to give his dear messengers such light on this line that they will hold each one to begin at the bottom and ido their first works aver, unless they quite sure they are justified, and there are very few justified in ect-ism any more, for the very blest I have met have acknowledged they were saved, but getting cold, and God says in his word he spews such out of his mouth. But like myself they are still holding on and working and doing all they know to do, and God has them marked and will eventually make them a way of es-cape, and the only way to get really clear out is to be honest in testimony and give God the glory for the glori-ous light he has revealed in this evening time, without clinging to any old branch which has ceased to bear fruit and been cut off long ago, and only fit for the fire. Oh I do praise God to- night for full salvation; know he justifies me freely and sanctifies me wholly, and although I have many cities yet to take, am fighting the good fight of faith, and God is leading me on to victory. Praise his dear name! I ask you all to pray for me that God will ever keep me faith-ful. R. CROASDELL. 38 Northbrook St. Liverpool, Eng. OBITUARIES. STONER.— John Stoner died in Oil City, Pa. Oct. 30. 1895; aged seventy- two years and nineteen days. He leaves many friends to mourn his loss. He accepted the evening light some five years ago, and told us a few days before his death he was ready to die. Services by the writer, S. P. GILGER. HARRIS.— Mrs. Harris departed this life Nov. 12, 1895; aged fifty- one years, six months and seven days. She leaves a family of eight children and husband. They were lovers of the truth, but not saved. May God sanctify this dispensation of his providence to the good and saving of their souls. Services by the writer in the Enon M. E meeting house. This is a new place, and the first chance of the present shining truth to enter it. May its rays enter some hearts. B. E. WARREN. LAUREL, MISS. STEPTIENS.— Bro. Ed Stephens, son of H. R. Stephens. departed this life Sep. 2, 1895; was born June 15, 1867. He was saved about three years ago, has been a devoted follower of Jesus, and died in the same hope in which he lived. He was a great sufferer but did not complain. His death was caused by a log-ging train running over him, cutting off both legs, mashing his hip and other parts of his body which caused his speedy death. He lived two days and a half after being hurt. May the Lord bless all of his friends and keep the saved part true to him, and save the un-saved. T. E. COVEY. NORTH STAR, MICH. FLECK.— Sister Sarah Fleck died Nov. 1, 1895; aged twenty- two years, ten months and one day. During her affliction she expressed an earnest desire to again be saved, and sent word to us at the Gratiot assembly request-ing us to pray for her soul. We learned afterward that she gave evidence of her acceptance with Christ in different ways. Funeral services were conducted by the writer in the Hamilton house of warship, which were largely attended. The deceased is a sister of Sister Effie J. Martin of Edge-wood. Mich. May this prove as a solemn warning to the rest of the unsaved family. A. M. BIXLER. SANDER.— Near Akron, Ind. on the first day of November, 1895, sister Habkea Sander completed the pilgrimage of her life on earth. She was born in Germany, May 8, 1824. Aged at her death seventy- one years, five months, and twenty- three days. She was first joined in marriage to Henry Burker, with whom she came to America. After his death she was married to John G. Sander, of Onarga, 111. He also preceded her into the unseen world about nine years ago. The holiness reformation that was sweeping over Illinois, some fifteen years ago reached their town, and Brother and Sister Sander embraced the doctrine. And when the issue arose for God's people to come out of sectism, they took their stand on the side of truth. About four years ago Sister Sander moved from Onarga, Ill., to near Olive Bethel, Ind., in order to enjoy the privilege of meeting with the saints, where she remained to the end of her stay on earth. There is no doubt but that the real fixed purpose of heart was to be true and obedient to God. She chose the way of truth, and took her stand in favor of the present refor-mation She also consecrated her means to the service of God. Having no children she bequeathed what remained of her earthly effects to the GOSPEL TRUMPET Pus. CO., through which, she being dead, will continue to preach, not only in the use of the same, but in the example she has here set, which many more should follow, and in the disposi-tion of their goods, remember the Lord. With all the good virtues of the sister, there were certain weaknesses that citing to her, which subjected her to great trial, and it seemed necessary that God should take her soul through the furnace of intense suffering. Satan also, knowing that her end was near, came against her soul with great power, and for some months past, she seemed to be in great conflict. But all this was permitted to try her, that she might be entrusted with the sure hope of a crown. Only a few days be-fore her death, did the clouds of satanic power remove from the sky of her soul, and the cruel storms of trial pass over leaving her soul in peace, hope, and victoryein which she passed away to be with Jesus. Funeral services oil Sabbath, Nov. 3, before a large congregation convened at Nichol Chapel, near which her '- eraains were laid_ to rest. D. S. W. " Thy Testimonies are Wonderfal."- tu. 119: 129. CALDWELL, KAN. theD EpAraRy CerHsI LoDf tRhEeN s aOiFn tGsO laDs: t Is apsrkinedg for the healing of my lungs, and the Lord did hear and answer prayer, and did more than I could think or ask. Bless his holy name! He leads and feeds my soul. Please pray for me. Your sister, JOSIE ADAMS. TESTIMONIES. By E. E. Byrum. LL the ministers commissioned L/ Mtit and sent out by Jesus Christ while he was here on earth were commanded to preach the gospel which not only consisted of the for-giveness of sins but also of the heal-ing of the body. They were not onit to preach the things commanded, Matt. 28: 2o, but were to practice what they preached. Matt. To: 1-- S. Luke To: 1- 9. As they went forth they preached the Word, and preached it with bold-ness, not withholding the truth be-cause cf threatenings, stripes and imprisonments, or severe persecu-tions, and the result was that people upon hearing the word of God and learning their privileges were. con-strained to believe, and had faith not only for the salvation of the soul, but also for the healing of their bodies. The Lord gives the same commiss-ion to his ministers now whom he sends out. He promises the same authority and power. Dear breth-ren in the ministry, are you going forth clothed with the authority and power that your commission con-tains? Do you preach the whole truth with boldness and practice it? There is quite a difference between presenting facts, and going through even great physical and vocal de-monstrations in presenting the Word, and that of preaching the Word with the authority sent down from heav-en. Some ask why it is that people do not as a general thing have as much faith in healing, and the signs follow in the same proportion as in the days of the apostles. This is easily answered. It is because the word of God has not been preached as it was then, nor put in practice. Christ had been with them for three years, then the Holy Comforter was with them as he is with us now, and they went forth filled with the Holy Spirit preaching the Word with bold-ness and the signs followed as were promised. Following this time was the apos-tasy, or dark reign of Catholicism, followed by the daughters of Protest-antism. During the first, the word of God was kept from the people. During the second, or Protestantism, the people were permitted to have the word of God to read, but Wert taught that divine healing, sanctifi-cation, and other important teachings of the Bible were for the time of the apostles and not for us. This was a time when only a part of the gospel was taught, and was a time neither clear nor dark, as the prophet says, Zech. 14: 6, it was as a dark and cloudy day. Eze. 34: 12. But the prophet says, " at evening time it shall be light." Thank God, that time has come and the clear light is now shining. We are now in the last days of this gospel dispensa-tion, when the Word is being preach-ed in all its purity, and the evils of the divisions of sf._ ctism exposed, and the truth lifted up to a Bible standard. God wants this great reformation speedily pushed fi r ward by the preaching of the Word, and measur-ing to its standard. If the gospel of healing is not preached, how will the people have faith to be healed, as we read that " faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, and how will they hear without a preacher?" etc. It must be preached in the demonstration of the Spirit of God by the authority of the Holy Ghost and it will take effect upon the hearts of the people• otherwise it will have but little effect. Divine healing has been preached during the last few years as present truth by some whom God has given light upon that subject, but has been presented too much as a secondary matter. Throughout the gospel it is as prominently set forth as the for-giveness of sins; then why not preach it boldly as present truth. Wher-ever the signs follow ( Mark: 16: 16- 18) in the preaching of the Word it is the means of drawing the people together to hear the truth preached It opens the way to get at the people with the word of God. It may be regarded as a gospel bait to draw the people together. Some start out to preach it and do not have the faith to back up their preaching, or in sther words to substantiate the same with the signs promised, and would rather be somewhere else than where they are likely to be called upon to pray for the sick in accordance to their preaching. It were better for such to tarry awhile and plead with God for the authority and faith that goes wi h a gospel ccmmission. R. SMITH spoke of his experi-ences in connection with the Woodworth meetings last winter, and said that since that time, about six months, he had been without God and without hope, joy, or comfort. It seemed as though God had utterly hidden his face from him, and he was full of all manner of evil suggestions, temptations, purposes and impulses. It seemed as though God had given him over completely to the devil, and he had not had a particle of joy or peace for 5ix months. He recog-nized that God had withdrawn from him entirely, and he felt at times that God had given him over to be des-troyed. He had sought toward God, but felt that his prayers and his de-sires were not regarded, that God would not hear him. He had studied the phenomena in which he had be-come involved, and was satisfied that it was of the flesh and inspired by the devil. During all these six months when he knew that God had utterly forsaken him, he had studied these manifestations, and had determined to know as far as he could their in-fluence and what they were, and he tried the experiment of holding up and waving his hands as he used to do in Airs. Wood worth's meetings. and the same physical and psychical conditions returned upon him, he began to go into this same trance. Finding this to be the case, he at once dropped his hands and resisted and the feeling passed away. He was satisfied that this was the same psychical or mesmeric condition which Dr. Charcot, an eminent French physician was using in Paris, and that it was purely physical, and inspired by the devil, and that this gushing witness which they had with regard to the prophecies, etc., was all a witness of Satan— a lying wit-ness. He could not, he would not try to express his regrets, they were too inexpressible, too intense, but from his position which he was now taking before them, people could see some-thing of their intensity, and the sorrow and regret that he had been involved in them, and much more, that he had ever used his influence to involve others, and he would do all that he was permitted to do to neutralize the evil that he had done. He felt humiliated, mean, small, and contemtible before God, and he would strive never again to he overwhelmed of Satan. NOTE. For the safety of all our readers we give place to the above confession. We have long since understood some-thing of this psychi— devil phenome-non. We warn all men and women Other/Unknown Material morse ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Canada Hudson Ida ENVELOPE(170.483,170.483,-83.583,-83.583) Rupert ENVELOPE(-134.187,-134.187,59.599,59.599) Pratt ENVELOPE(176.683,176.683,-85.400,-85.400) Myers ENVELOPE(170.033,170.033,-72.117,-72.117) Luke ENVELOPE(-94.855,-94.855,56.296,56.296) Morse ENVELOPE(130.167,130.167,-66.250,-66.250) Charcot ENVELOPE(139.017,139.017,-69.367,-69.367) Sav’ ENVELOPE(156.400,156.400,68.817,68.817) Caldwell ENVELOPE(-101.500,-101.500,-72.083,-72.083) Recta ENVELOPE(-60.515,-60.515,-62.932,-62.932) Eternity ENVELOPE(-64.567,-64.567,-69.767,-69.767) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Sunda ENVELOPE(-6.982,-6.982,62.205,62.205) North Star ENVELOPE(-117.636,-117.636,56.850,56.850) Whirlwind ENVELOPE(-65.417,-65.417,-67.500,-67.500) Wasa ENVELOPE(-13.408,-13.408,-73.043,-73.043) Covey ENVELOPE(-67.667,-67.667,-67.550,-67.550) Riven ENVELOPE(17.693,17.693,69.525,69.525)