The Gospel Trumpet - 15:18

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Blow ye the Trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain. shall blow the Trumpet, and go with whir Joel 2: 1. Ail lwinds. Zech. 9: 14. ThelLco 11' 1( 11116a cl)) idtants o...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1895
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record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 15:18
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Blow ye the Trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain. shall blow the Trumpet, and go with whir Joel 2: 1. Ail lwinds. Zech. 9: 14. ThelLco 11' 1( 11116a cl)) idtants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he • hn uspig ann eonusi gthne mountains; and when he bloweth a Trumpet, hear ye. Isa. 18 : 3. • And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Eze. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 39. Volume 15. Number 18. NY DELIVERANCE. Grand Junction, Michigon, Thursday, May 2, 1895. " For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Tim. 4: 3,4. " Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter- in- law against her mother- in- law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household." Matt. 10: 34- 16. The division of the Christian church into so many so- called sects, seems to be rather a sad feature. But after all it may be a nec-essary evil to obviate a greater evil. It seems to me, it is a powerful means to coun-teract Popery in the protestant church. The Church of God is a pure church, or at least walking in all the light God lets shine upon it, and as long as it is fed with the pure gos-pel there is no danger of it falling in-to Popery. And when such means as divisions are neccessary to coun-teract Popery, it shows that some de-lusive doctrine has taken hold of men's hearts. " Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of dev-ils. I Tim. 4: i. Very often those who claim to be no sect are of the most bitter sectarian spirit. Their chief aim seems to be to build up their creed and to make proselytes. This is undoubtedly true in some cases, but such are certainly outside the church of God and are hypocrit-e sa nd sinners, just as much as any sect people of like stamp. There is not nearly as much harm in a sect or denomination as in the sectarian spir-it or bigotry. No, but they are both wrong. " Now, I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined to-gether in the same mind and in the same judgment. I Cor. I: IO. When Paul wrote against divisions and schisms, he did not have different denomi-nations in view as some suppose. Such did not exist at that time. It was the want of u-nity and love amongst the members of the same church that caused his remarks. AN ARTIOLE REVIEWED. N the GOSPEL BANNER of Febru-ary 12, appeared an article headed " The true Church and Sects," writ-ten by A. F, S. We do not purpose to stir up an ar-gument with the writer of said article, but since he has certainly made some very erroneous assertions, and there-by is throwing out an influence to hin-der the SUCCI! SS of the church of God, and upholding sectarianism, we will try and show up the truth. The Lord God says, " Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the water shalls oveFtlow the hiding place." Isa. 28: 17. He starts with saying: Roman Catholics and English church peo-ple both claim to be the true church. of the apostolic succession, and denounce other de-nominations as Sets. Come- outers on o-ther hand, denounce all denominations as sects. Here we have the two opposite ex-tremes. One says you must belong, to this church in order to get saved, and the other that it is not right to belong to any visible church. It is quite plain that the dispute in both cases is about the place Of worship. By Come- outers he evidently means the saints, who are by God's help in these last days holding forth the gos-pel in its primitive purity, and earn-estly contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. That we denounce all denominations as sects, is true; but only so far as they are a body organized by man, and distinct from the body entire of Christians, which is the body of Christ, or the bride the Lamb's wife, and which does not include all Chris-tians and exclude all sinners. For this he sets us down as extreme. Next he says, we say that it is not right to belong to any visible church. If he Would say " visible sect" we could Say, Amen; but we believe in be-lcuhnugricnhg oft Go oad . visible church, the x e are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cennot be hid. Neither de men light a candle, alcainalglnd htd phtl euaststo ta iiscrthk eu; i n nianend bdeterh i ftoea r gbehi vuomesuethsnhee, l . l, ti hgbLhauetttt toyuhonneu taoyr ItriaY see your good works, and g- lori- ' 31 Your Father which is in heaven." Matt. 5 : 14 _ 6„ t, e are our epistle written in our ;: tcart , known and read of all men." : . 11° 1rf. l i3e: 2p, lacWe eo fa wreo rnsohti pd iastp uatliln. gW ae-dnly holding up the apostolic " mod the result is opposition. It is true that different denomina-tions did not exist in Paul's time as we have them now, but Paul warned them of what was coming. " For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things, to draw a-way disciples after them. Acts. 20h2o, 30. Paul, nor Jesus Christ, made no allowance anywhere for divisions or schisms in the body of Christ the church. Thank God, it is gloriously possible to be-long to a sect and yet not be possessed of a sectarian spirit. This is as impossible as for a person to be adorned with the fashions and gewgaws of the world, and to say, " I have those things, but I am not proud with them." The existing state of God's people, separated and divided up into sects or denomina-tional pens, shows that they are car-nal as were the Corinthians: " For ye are carnal; for whereas there is a-mong you envying, and strife and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? For while one saith I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?" f Cor. 3: 3,4. And all who uphold divisions or schisms as a necessary evil are ( as well as those who say that it is good that there are so many denominations, the more the better) pleading for carnality and ignoring the Savior's parting and oft- repeated petition: " Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified [ mar-gin, truly sanctified] through the truth. Neither pray I for these a-lone, but for them also which shall believe' on me through their word; that they all may be one as thou, Fath-er, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gayest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one; I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one: and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me•" Jno. 17: 17- 23. Is it any wonder that the world re-jects and disbelieves in a Christ who cannot control those who profess to be his followers; and in that so many do not know the one whose repre-sentatives directly and indirectly dis-obey his commands, and divide themselves into denominational pens, following human leaders, who make rules and disciplines to suit their creed; and that the poor heathens are perplexed and confused amid all the array of sects, schisms and soci-eties; and that it is so hard to get them to leave their idolatrous wor-ship and accept the salvation of Je-sus Christ, who " is the head of the body, the church ?" Col. : 18. " For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body: whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one spirit. For the body is not one member but many." f Cor. 12: 12- 14. I have heard the following expres-sions, and that from professors of sanctification even. " There must be divisions and sects; it always was so, and it will always remain so; it can-not be otherwise, and it is good that it is so; the more the better, as one will stir up the other to more earn-est work for God." To this wind of , doctrine, the fol-lowing passage is very applicable: " Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not af-ter Christ." Col. 2: 8. Let us also read the following: Jno. io: r6.— And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. Jno. 17: 17- 23.— Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify my-self, that they also might be sancti-fied through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they may all be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gayest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and bast loved them, as thou hast loved me. . Heb. 2: 11. For both he that sanc-tifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren. Phil. 1: 27.— Only let your conversa-tion be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving togeth-er for the faith of the gospel. I Cor. 1: Ia.— Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no di-visions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. Eph. 4: 12- 16.— For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the bod-y of Christ: till we all come in the u-nity of the faith, and of the knowl-edge of the Son of God, unto a per-fect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head even Christ: from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the ef-fectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. Cor. 3: I- 4.— And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. For ye are yet car-nal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? for while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? Gal. 5: 26.— Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. Phil. 2: 3,4.— Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of oth-ers. Come- outers would say, Do not organize at all. We fail to see how a religious body could maintain order, protect itself temporally and spiritually and manage affairs generally without forming a society and knowing who are its members. Besides this, the first Christ-ian church as we find it in God's word is our pattern. It is quite evident that they were organized. How could Paul write to the Corinthian church to expel that wicked per-son if they were not organized? They had nothing to do with the wicked without the church. God would judge them. But if there was within their church- membership a fornicator, a covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, they were to use discipline. 1 Cor. 5: 11- 13. If the early • church founded by Christ and the apostles had their membership enrolled, we need not be tempted to Come- outism. We fear that the writer of the above is adding to the Scriptures; for how can he conclude from f Cor. 5: 11- 13 that it is quite evident that the first Christian church was so organiz-ed, that they had a church member-ship, and were to use discipline, and that the apostles had their member-ship enrolled? The passage reads, " But now I have written unto you not to keep company [ not to be mix-ing yourselves up— Greek], if any man that is called a brother be a for-nicator, or a covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an ex-tortioner; with such an one no not to eat [ with such an one as this not even to be eating together.— Greek]. For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Sample Copies Free. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person. [ Ex-pel the wicked man from among yourselves.— Greek.] It seems all that the apostle . Paul had reference to was that they were not to have any fornicator, or covet-ous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner mixed up with them, and held as a brother; but to expel or put away such a man from their company; just like a com-pany of play children do when one gets unruly. They simply say, " You go away, we don't want you to play with us any more;" and unless he at once behaves, and plays like the rest, there is a separation. So that wick-ed man is to be put away_ or separat-ed . from the Christian body, and not to fellowship with him; " for • what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what commun-ion hath light with darkness?" The church of God is well organi-zed, and its affairs are managed in perfect order, and when disturbed by the evil one, through hypocrites and backsliders or carnal- minded men; the Bible is the discipline to be used. " All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof; for correction, for in-struction in righteousness. 2 Tim. 3: 16. The Scripture is decidedly against divisions or denominational parties, and whatever is contrary to the word and the Spirit of God ( which always agrees with the word) is wrong; and we have no right to introduce any such things in order to protect ourselves. Our business is to walk in obedience to the Word and trust in the Lord. " For the Lord God is a sun and a shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will he with-hold from them that walk uprightly." Psa. 84: 11. We deplore that there are so many sects, but yet another redeeming feature about them is that spiritual life has been chiefly promoted by God through the instrument-ality of the so- called sects, especially the weaker ones. God did not promote the spiritual life through the instrumentality of the so- called sects, but through his people, the most of whom, have been ignorantly led into the various sects by pastors and leaders of the sects. " Woe be unto the pastors that de-stroy and scatter the sheep of my pas-ture! saith the Lord." Jer. 23: 1. May God bless the truth, and help his people to hear the words of the Lord, " Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Rev. 18: 4. Yours in defence of the truth, S. S. MOYER. Berlin, Ont. JENSON, WIS. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I praise God this morning for salvation full and free that saves me each day. Glory to our God! The Lord is my strength and my salvation; whom shall I fear? Pray for me. Yours in Jesus, YENS M.* WELLING. LA GRANGE, IND. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am prais-ing God for salvation. His grace has been sufficient to keep me from sin, although surrounded by sin and ungodly people. He is my shield; the Lord is my healer for both soul body. He has healed me several times. I was taken with rheumatism so I could not be lifted up. Husband and I took my case to the Lord, and in less than an hour I got out of bed alone. Oh glory to God for such a physician that can do so much for us if we only do his will! Pray for me, and for the work at this place. Your sister saved and in the one body, EMMA MYERS. I once was down in sec tdom, In sin's destrnctive way: 3Iy teachers till would loll me, ' Their rules I must obey. I was under condemnation, Oh the danger I wits in! ' et, they would always tell me. " You can't live free from sin." God showed me my condition While in my erring way: I could not stay in seetdom, And' walk the narrow way. One door, one fold. one Shepherd, Not operated by man: But, ' tis the rock Christ Jesus, Over in this Beulah land. I felt the Spirit, drawing, The way was made so plain, That he'd forgive and save me; Oh blessed be his name! How sweetly he did pardon, And give me peace with Him: But yet there was remaining The carnal mind within. I consecrated to Him, With no reserve to me: He sanctified my nature, From sin he set me free. Oh glory be to Jesus! All glory to the Lamb: I'm free from sectish Babel, And safe in Beulah laud. Oh pilgrim, will you listen. Who're in this awful state, And come unto the Savior Before it is too late'! Come. consecrate unto Hint Who died on Calvary's tree; He'll save your soul front bondage, Ancl from all sin set free. -- Geo. Godbey. / ! I dead that it was causing him to lase his mind. At times he did not know what he was doing, and sometimes ! his suffering was so great that it 1 4w? u 1 adntda le tlw,‘ 177o or t( h1.1- irrreaee‘ ev nhiti.! snatroi. o hsuolladd. round so that he. could noti‘ t) l ., iii ishehtthlihem ' for two or three (, lays_ . . 1 1 1 al : hret-?. different times h., nNt. veantt arit \ Vhen he would go out there he wi, ould pray to God, and he soitlioiew. r, litiiniinenttII: ottniity to the barn to take his life,. There was a rope in the barn which was used to tie the horses with, and with this he intended to hang himself ! take a razor and cut his throat, hut I I by his trust in God he was kept from it. All the physicians that he em. 1 ployed or consulted would tell him 1 that he had better go home and stay I there, that he would either g. 0 insane t I I or die suddenly. So he just went to praying for the Lord to eitherlift the hand of ailliction from him or take I him out of the world. I He went to prayer flit i he said he was he could another, ( lion, s'nh e lay pr, orri for what he e Nvhc n he fell g: lin he felt so well woke up a-sweetest sleep was the and that this seemet ike. haisnliefew! vorid, and as if he had beei resurrect- ' 1 1 is wife antl daughter got up to g t, breakfast next morning, not FlO\\' j; li that he had been heal-d. They had not been up but a short time when they heard him com-ing through the adjoining room walk-ing so hard that the floor shook, and n nen he, came into the room where they were his daughter said, " Pa, shaoi‘ dv, l? i"( na, endplaiisissohenai- lne- dla ■ v, but she thought he was insane. But when he walked out doors and back they knew he was he aled. He then walked about three miles without his cane and rode fourteen miles. He lavlaws- alyles ahl; eactill . to use his cane before he I hope this will be a benefit to some poor suffering one. Written by re-quest. M. HELLER AND M. SWEDIEY. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. VISALIA, CAl., Apr. 10, 1895. DEAR SAINTS ABROAD, GREETING: Will say that Bro. E. B. Elam and wife, and self and wife began a Series of meetings on the 4th ° f April at the Liberty school house. Closed Sunday, P. M., 14th. Bro. Jeans and wife were Much strength. ened in the faith clf the pure gospel, Had small congregations. One backslider restored. We are ask-ing Father to give us a camp I nspte-- ing, at Fresno this summer, July or August; and pray the Lord to send un-to us Brother Byrum, Glad to saybe. loved, I am standing on the solid rock Christ Jesus, saved and kePtbY power divine, Jno. BENT1s. ordinance Mar. 23, to assist _ Er' DELTON, tO tory over testify that _ Jesus still DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We nan Burden. On Lord's day we had an - ee meeting. . . er sin. Wife and I. wen • Twenty- siS'ilar: gives us 11.1C. ! quested tile I people. so meoting at his I bad that they had sit by him xvhile he the minute Arould be his and whet) they all ‘ A. Crit home they left two mnn to take care of him. He fell into unconsciousness and the fa: rally thought him asl( ep, and they lay down and vent to sleep, and when he came to his suffer inlg so that . not live from () Ile rninu tt and every breath was a and he was t poray as before_ i le had been praying from Wednesday until Saturday morning, lo;' tween three and four o'clock. when Al the pain left him in an instant. I le was st) ! flied 1,1, ith the pure love d' God, that his soul seemed too at'' he thought he would .: 1- 0 , ut aloud, but then thouht it we 01 1,1 t'rio' ily and re. ' r of the Christian ippointed prayer se and he was so two men gut every T. H AE W EGEKOLYS HPOELILNE STSR JOUUMRNPALE. T. D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM-Office Editor, E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS — Publishers. Subscription $ 1.00 a year in advance. - FREE TO THE POOR. DEP- MUTE, RADICAL, and. ANTI- SECTARIAN. sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publi-cation of full Salvation, and Divine Healing Of the Body, the Unity of all true Christians imthe faith once delivered to the saints." & Wee at the Doe, 050$ at Grand Junction, Van Buren CO., Miehigan ae seeeed ease matter. NOTICE. WHohwe rteo t hSiesn cda nMnoont ebye. - p Rroecmuirt ebdy, Psoenstd O bfyfi cEex Mproensesy OOrrddeerr., Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. chCahnagendg, em oufs tA bded sruerses . t- oS ugbivsec rtihbeeirr sf owrimsheirn, ga st hweeirll aads dthreesirs new address. ytoMo uoi sudsroin sngu obPtsa crpereicbresei. vrIset o aycroceua lsresiso twn oahrlel yns t hodaluepenp. eiannf tste hrth ew amta ipatiianlspg. e Irans s sucealnlsi• et smenedn to lneen ignt hp loacfe t iomf eth, ew mritises iunsg an ucamrbde. ra. nd we will gladly Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and we will gladly rectify the same. caAsh. c soumbmscirsisbioenr . o tfo 2 a0l lp werh coen wt iwlli lll abbeo gri vfeonr otnh ee aGcOh SnPeEwL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the eirculation of the paper. u4s1 Vre- gPualratrileys odfe saidridnrge spsa. pers to canvass with, should notify pe2oVst"- oWffhiceen, ycoouun wtyr, i taen, db es tsauter. e to give your address: name, wdVrWee s- wsAeilldll nbtoou tsG ibnOee SsrsPe EscpoLom TnmRsiUubMnleiP. cEatTio, ntos. imnsounreey sc r& edc. imt; uostth berew aids- e Address us at Grand Junction, Mich. Li; THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only twenty-five cents a year. Address THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich, TRACTS. All the following tracts except the tract— " What is the Soul?" can be had in German. ivitist We Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. 48 pages. Per dozen, 15 ets. The Church of God. A tract containing : 32 pages. prov-iPnrgic we h5a ct eisn ttsh. e Church and what is not the Church of God. Questions and Answers on the Church. A tract con-taining four letters with Many questions concerning the ehurch. and showing the difference between the true church and seetism. Price, 10 cents per dozen. sotnaT nthhdeep Gosuirnbetaj. et3c 2Tt, opbbayga eDcsc. o PS rS. iicWne . a1 rT0n hecirtss t. i rspe aea rtv inderogy z ietth nfo. roromu gah B tribaclet pmrWeonvhti nacgat l iltsehd at htt heme S aSonou upl? lo, sBtshyee s DsSep. s iS ra. i t W. s paanirrdint utehar. el OaInnrdn 1 ei0rm 0Mm saconrri, tp awtlu herilecehs-goes to Go, at the death of the body. The same also prov-ed by the early Church History. Price single copy 10 cents. by" NAo. - SSimecst, ihsams b." e eAn trreavcite Lweeedr ibnyg Dth. e S a. bWoavren teirtl, es, h worwititnegn the difference between seetism and the Church of the Liv-5in2g p Gagoeds. 1I5t ecxtsp. otiseers d tohzee nfalse theories set forth by Sims . ittnarTgain thaesge dsa o, Si nmteascket r etpehnltea fi Vnerov itcimaleslk . o " TtfTo hsa beilsliof Bi ysas ob. a ugy ssi'viesxi natCe geeO ttnshM. e pPpmAaegN ra eId O totimNrza,. e" c ltay- n Dwd alcuronsn--- Visible Church Organization, Is it Right? This is tphoei ntittsl eo of fs eac ttraarciat nre dviisecwiPedlin bey. cTohmosp. aCreadrt ebry, tghiev iwngo rsdo moef God, also shelving the difference between a sect and the true church. 48 pages. la cts. per doz. Babylon, and What it I ncl odes. • By W. A. Haynes_ 1tSh9h eop tawrguienesg. m 2b0eyam tSh. a eipn Wegr oodrfod Bz, o aTfb hCyilosod nt r•,. am cbstot • vtwhel rmlyit tec rclealaal sraslnyes ds oesftp spi rfeiotourptalhle. pitr oinpchluecdye. s, throwing light on many important points of Sanctification. By J. W. Byers. 40 tinges. 10 c. per doz. This contains much information for those seeking after . gpheaotrl tisn, aaennscsd ta imtniedad na.'- sch lmoowseee rwt cceoo rmnac/ aenyr unk: inUnoMgw c' owthniatshte cwGraeot idaor. neI , t s agannivdce tshi foGiewod d, to's how to keep sanctilied,- and many objections answered. ECHOES FROM GLORY. 7, n. z. edition of this new song book h7aL'sa - junstt- buoieroeDnu. g i? s: sWueerdrr. e LCteoAnci taming 232 beautiful spiritual songs, of which the largest portion are new and fresh inspirations from heaven, both twioonrd asn adn de xmhuosritca. t Mionan hy ybmeanust iffourl arnevdi vtoaul cmheinegti ningvsi. t aI- t issgnitlnrosutgrricsuot cnuitoseon art rh iflnyeo m ram- leblu sets hgoiicefn. dnpSoerimercsst periinnlne te vae otnorcdfua ltct hmohen. u cBsWiisicbe. i - ltNeeh: Ae e appstrlpryaie mcbctoiiacauarllnlyy ds etihnlfe-- pasteboard, price reduced. to 40 eta. Per dozen $ 4.00. all prepaid M. E. Cheadle, A. S. Hatmaker, Mary 0 Whyman, F. J. Reed, H. C. Hamm, C. H. Barringer, Chas. Akers, G. T. Clayton, V. B. Allen, J. H. Watkins F. IC- Jacobson, N. Snavely, I. A. Molts, W. F. Cummins, Eugene Crowe, Lizzie Baylor, Chas. Lederer, Melvin Loomis, Anna Tyler, Florence Dayton, E, B. Stratton, Wm. Moon. Requests For Prayer. PRAY for my son, Oliver, who is afflicted with fits. DENNIS R. PEARSON. - ■ . PRAY May 12, that I may be saved, and ! healed of deafness. JAMES T. HOWALL, Petersburg. I HAVE been afflicted with liver trouble and other afflictions for over a year. Pray that I may be healed. MRS. R. A. SANDIFER. PRAY Sunday, May 5, at 3 o'clock for . an invalid sister in Massachusetts, who has not taken a step for thirteen years. N. A. SMALL. I ASK your prayers on the 12th of May, at II o'clock for the healing of my wife's stomach that has been troubling her for years, and that we may be one in Christ. , J. A. ALLEN, Heindon, Kan. WILL you please pray for my body, as I have been afflicted several years with heart trouble. Your brother, A. BENNETT, Hammond, La. Calls For Meeting, I DESIRE some true minister of God to come here to help hold meetings. I de-sire light and help myself, also instruc-tion and advice as to how to lead others into the experience of full salvation. Cannot some one filled with the Spirit of the Lord come? Your brother, ISAAC W. HOWARD, Adell, Okla. • - WE believe it would be to the glory of God for some one called of God to ' preach the whole gospel, to come among us to lead us into victory. There is a class of fifty, or more here, all of whom are orop-ing in darkness for the true light. t'Pray for us, that some one may come. WM. F. SHOPE, Loysville, Perry Co., Pa. * . A TABERNACLE meeting is desired in E. End Pittsburg, in July or August. Address J. B. HENDERSON, 514 Wicklow St., E. End Pittsburgh, Pa. WE have two brothers in Butler . Co., Mo., fourteen miles from Poplar Bluff. One has been a Methodist preacher for years, but we have been sending him Trumpets and tracts, and he has seen the error of his ways, and says he is done with sects and creeds forever, although he has never heard the evening light taught, and is anxious to have some of God's holy messengers_ come and teach them the way more perfectly. We pray God to send some one there at once. Cannot Bro. Haynes go, or any one filled with the Holy Spirit? You will find a home with them, and a place to preach. His address Is, Alfred Kirkley, Harviell. Butler Co., Mo. Yours in Jesus, M. KIRKLEY, LaPaz, Ind. MEETINGS. GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. camp meeting June I1- 20. CAMP meeting near Pullman, Wash., June 14 to July 7. CAMP meetino at St. Louis, Gratiot Co., Mich., to beginbAug. i5, and last ten days. THERE will be a meeting in Canton, O. May 17- 27, the Lord willing_. G. T. CLAYTON. CAMP meeting, Frisco, ark., beginning Sept. 12. THE saints at Zion, Anderson Co., S. C., will have their annual meeting Aug. 1- 15. All the saints in South • Carolina and Georgia are especially invited to be with us in the meeting, and all others who i'Vill. We are expecting Bro. Lundy and Bro. D. R. Brown and others. We have a good house ready for use with two and one- half acres of land deeded for the pur-pose of camp meetings, and for school purposes. We are expecting to commence the school about July 15, the Lord willing. All saints are invited to build tents on the ground, as we expect to hold meeting in August each year. This will be the camp meeting place for the saints of South Carolina and Georgia. Yours in the one body, J. A. WELBORN, Anderson, S. C. EDITORIAL. Bro. A. B. Palmer is engaged in the work of the Open Door Mission, Chicago. All correspondents ad-dress him at 396 Dearborn St., Chi-cago, in care of Bro. G. Tufts. Bro. and Sister T. A. and Ella Phillips, and Bro. E. G. Masters wish us to announce that their present ad-dress is, Genoa, Iowa. Anyone wish- QUESTION. BIBLE READINGS ON THE ° MOH OF GOD. WHO IS THE BUILDER? And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this Rock I [ Je-sus] will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Mat. 16: 18. Though all the apostles were foundation stones, Eph. 2: 20, Christ, and not Peter, was the " chief corner tone." As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumbling- stone and rock of offence, and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. Rom. in: WHAT IS THE CHURCH ? And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all. Eph. i : 22,23. Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill Up that which is be-hind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church. Col. : 24. ' WHAT IS THE BODY OF CHRIST: Now ye- are the body of Christ, and members in particular. I Cor. 12: 27. WHO ARE THF, MEMBERS? Individuals, not sects. Paul call-ed to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sos-thenes our brother, unto the church of God which is at Corinth. to them that are sanctified in Christ jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours. i Cor. I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every bra ich in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth that it may bring-forth more fruit. I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bring-eth forth much fruit; . for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in - me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered, and men gather them and cast them into the lire and they are burned. John 15: Now then as we have found out by the word of God. that the body of Christ is the church, and its members are composed of saved Int.?.! 1 and women, the question - arises bow many bodies ( or churches) has Christ? When we look upon the many differ-ent religious denominations that are being palmed off on the 1),= 2.0ple as being the church, meti, inks Christ must have several l. ilL.: rent bodies, as each sect is a separate and distinct body of itself, and from all the rest in its manncr and way of teaching. Bet let us have thus saith the Lord for it: ": For as we have many members in one body. and all the members have not the same office: so we being many- are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. 1: 0131. 12: For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many are one body; so also is Christ. But now are they many members, yet but one body. j Cor. 12: 12,20. BAPTIZED INTO ONE BODY, OR CITUR(. 71I. For by one spirit are we all bap-tized into onebody, whether we be Jews 61-- Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. i Cor. 12: 13. RECONCILED INTO ONE BODY. And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby. Eph. 2: 16. CALLED INTO ONE BODY. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body, and be ye thank-ful. Col. 3: 15. Nowhere does God call us into any other body. A. C. DRum, A WONDERFUL CASE OF HEALING, CHANUTE, KAN. Through request we write of the wonderful healing of Bro. David Rosenburger. He lived here in Cha-nute a number of years and we are personally acquainted with him. He was a great sufferer for about seven years before he moved to Medicine Lodge, Kan., where he still lives. After he moved to Medicine Lodge, he was a greater sufferer than ever before. He had not been free from - pain one minute for over ten years. In the first place he had erysipelas through the excessive use of iodine applied to the scalp until it hed ab-sorbed two ounces over a quart, and I it destroyed the vitality of the mem-brane over the brain, and it was so BOOKS. Esomo SAL y AWN, By Fred Eretee. This little volume rMtchyo aivfnsretgores mr1 b5M e acaf toBssor. i ebnC l. t elIhbot Isoetiht lsapd e3nluyL5db i bpe litrtocrsien i. inagntts s. a tTt hhchelee e bsa uwrid blrdijigeetchentrt a. o hn- fa dPFv mrrineiceyge s M, tb epearaeisoponune sar- DIME HEALING OF SOUL AND BODY. ? 7t% W3e7e'` uste Pwaere tltoeaefsas tcsti ahmdlivnoaagynt siiooe. nsnT f, t rhhaoneims dh b ethhoaolooiwnskeg t co. o aw fg nhteh ota e slh sabaovove debd ye. b. PePheaaanrrdt th s meiena gl ceGiodvn eeissnr im sBtthisabe nosleef. 248 pages. Paper. cover, 25 ets. PRIESTS OF OR. SUBSTITUTION FOR MAR- PRBccotroisisnme. h ts$ aaot1enipnr. 4sCain, f4a tga t peh ntseohd rlie it pc dfh rcouaiaezlsnls . cottAesonx: m s t1tC. 1 h- e4oo e! fmc latPoWhw. wIeiAia nuoGt llta oEootnh . au sBtss hht yf ao orkGowfem n. ti nh B bPge. ya JtC ghCeaosenaul r leiRditvnisonis lma. sa n l1eosd5,, f ooHuannObe Lel ehBa TcubEhnoS dosSruke bBdoj fIes Bcu4tLb1, E0sme miSatsUlet, iBengsRig va - Ciinnt T dg• vS eaa rrDe rynay udcn. miogEtienb. o mveCnere. n noWTitfe ihocBnikftsie b Sfriloesceh rraqia p tmuvhtoue, e trSr ayeBets ciivo oboannlnlesd-tsatubdleesn, tB. iIbtl ea lhsoel pcso, n ettaci. n Cs loovthe, r m50a rpbalegde se dogf ecso, n5c1o. 0r0d. ance, BIBLICAL 711YE OF LUNN, VM. 11= 1. heacchuisyutt horfcrrohoyr m oaanf i hmdm essroe r bteeoit r ittsshhmha to, ao wg 4itv { it0liehn Pgeer n hoddi/ si ftoefoefsr rtitcaeimannlte ea ed. n eCdbn oesontcmwrtiapieninteaunitnri agotlh npaes rb. o trToriuefhsfee, PAanploe, r O cohivoe, ro, r3 t5h iest so. f fCicleo. th, 75 ets. Address the Author at THE SABBATH,• 0Nearly poef rt hdeo zw. hCololet hsu. ebdje. cc Wtts o . i ffIf etTt ehi sDpe aa Acl a+ v. Y wee sTr,. y OaP nta hKdpre EoirtE usc gPoohv: b eailrniy g1v aD0et . sic oStti. sng W. sa$ a, t 1ritno. h0ener0. TSehvee nfitrhst ddaayy S parbohvaetdis ibtsy opbrojepcht eacnyd. stehramdoinwuss. ahti sthtoer cyr aonsds. tthhee CNherwis tTiaens tDamisepnetn tsoa tbieen t. he Lord's Day and Sabbath of THE BOY'S COMNNON. By cbhadap htearbsi ttso a tnhde tbhoevirs . ecfofen, ocetsrl. ni tiEtnlvege tErehy'oe , b YuSornenyacne rln. e wet e7Vildiihscs eain daitnsvedirac eeosE thettneacgrlt, weadba lraend pivniiccgte ui nure ntsti imlw teho. aiocm hla, attero_ eo Ma oimfe t eehndo ptooakr l eeinsa tvisle lfu aasi ltv rtiaovt iegdid vi mew tpihtrhee snsseuieoidtn-- upon the young minds and turn them from the downward road to a pure life. it also contains testimonies and ex-periences from those who are inmates of the states ptor irseoand. PBroicyes, opfa epveerr yc ca: gme aeru 1o5u ledt sh. a Cvelo otnhe b oinf dthinegse 2 b5o eotkas. TRUMPET. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS NOT OTHERWISE BREHM ing to write to them address them at that place. 13Ro. H. W. WHITE, Lowndes, Mo., desires to rent a farm of 8o, or Too acres in Indiana or Illinois, where he can be among the true children of God. . Any one knowing of such, will do the brother a favor by writing to him. SOME of the Western workers have requested that all who desire camp and grove meetings, send in notice of same at an early date, so that the many gospel workers who expect to be at the June camp meeting, can make arrangements to start from there and hold meetings on the way to whatever point the Lord may di-rect, thus saving much time and un-necessary expenses in traveling back and forth trom place to place. Please explain 1 Cor. 13: 13. M. E. H. The apostle had been comparing the practical love of God with gifts, etc.; proving love superior, both in its nature and duration, and even a martyr's consecration, without this perfect love, would profit us nothing. " Love" fails not at any time ( pres-ent or future), but whether there be " prophesyings," they shall be done away ( when fulfilled); or if " lang-uages," they shall cease ( when all speak the same language); or if " knowledge," it shall be made use-less ( when of no use). But these gifts are to be used in the church on earth. " SEEK THEM, that you may abound for the edification of the congregation."— Emphatic Diaglott. Cor. 1 4 : 12. He gave gifts unto men, Eph. 4: 8. for the perfecting of the saints. Ver. 12. Till we all come in the unity of the faith. Ver. 13. These gifts belong to the saints — church of God— and not to the sect " ites." " But when that which is per-fect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away." i Cor. r3: Io. This is true, not only as of child-hood and the law, when compared to manhood and the gospel, but also of justification to the real experience of sanctification; and will be eternally true when our bodies are fashioned like unto his glorious body. Phil. 3: 21. Charity, or the love of God will re-main not only in the church of God on earth, but to all eternity. And Paul adds, faith and hope. While God's children live by faith, or confi-dence in his word on earth, we surely will have no less confidence in God in the glory world. And as to hope, since there will be an eternal future before us, I see no reason why we should cease to hope; and as these three are classed together, who can separate them, even if charity is the greatest? Yours, saved, J. COLE. Wherefore also it is contained in the Scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. Unto you there-fore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders dis-allowed, thesanae is made the head of the corner, and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the Word. I Pet, 2: 6- 8. And did all drink the same spirit-ual drink; for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. i Cote 10: 4- CRESTON, Apr. 22, 1895. DEAR BRETHREN: After the meet-lags near Palouse co- workers went meeting in the U. four or five miles myself and other and commenced B. bethel, about east of Colfax. The meeting began about Feb. 6, and and continued till Feb. 17, closing with a precious victory for the Lord. Several were saved for the Lord and four happy saints were immersed by BrOt I. N. Cochran. The Holy Spir-it witdessed with power and glory to their obedience. The Lord has a precious church there and we believe that others will be saved ere long as a result of that seed- sowing. From there wife and I went and held a meet-ing in the Summerville school house about four miles north of Tekoa, Washington, which commenced Feb.! 20. and continued till Mar. clos-ing with victory for His cause. just in the midst of a glorious prospect of salvation work, Satan entered into and began to use as his instrument a religious beast in human form, an ungodly reprobate and hypocritical spirit, who raised and caused disturb-ance in the meeting, and threw a damper on the work. Thank God, notwithstanding- this difficulty five or six sinners were saved and two were saved out from among the I. E's, one or two were sanctified wholly. Four dear saints were immersed in his name by Bro. Henry Moys. After we had been there in the work about two weeks we were joined and assisted in the meeting by the coming of dear Bro. Henry Moys and wife. A grove meeting will be held there about Ju-ly 12. We are now in that part of Washington called the Big Bend country, which is chiefl y noted for its cattle and stock raising and s, econd, for some produce. But the Palousel LITTLE YORK, IND., Apr. 21, 1895. DEAR BRETHREN: I feel like writing a few lines to glorify God. I am saved. I left the northern part of Indiana Mar. 12, and came to Croth-ersville, to hold a meeting; held six-teen days. Fifteen came to the al-tar but all did not get an experience of salvation; some were not willing to die out to the world and God could not accept them. If souls want to be delivered from Satan's kingdom, they must give itup, and renounce everything that belongs to it. We held a few meetings near where the Bro. Fleenors live. Went from there to Hayden, held a meet-ing which continued eleven days. There had been a reproach brought upon the cause at that place, and the people seemed backward about com-ing to the Lord. The Lord help people to live straight. so they may be an example to poor lost souls. We began meeting at Little York, Apr. 17. Will continue as long as the Lord wills. One soul came to the altar. We go from here, Lord will- ! ing. to Blue River. There will be in assembly meeting at Crothers- \ dile, Lord willing, May 2 4- 26. The i ordina aces of the house of God will be observed. We hope there will be a large convocation of saints at that I Aare from the diffr churches. Amen. Yours in Him, T. E. ELLIS. are in a meeting here. God is glori-ously saving souls, The devil is ffirgohmti nbge ihnagr de sttoa bplriesvheendt, Gbuotd h'se wcaonrk-not stop it. Praise God! At Saran-acia all the dear saints who were converted in the October meeting, consecrated themselves upon the al-tar and found according to the Word. At Stringtown five of the converts I wcoanys reecjroaicteindg . a Snde vaerrea ln woewr eo nsa tvheedir . from sectisrn. The Bourbon meet-mg was blessed of God in that some very hard cases were brought to the light by the saving, sanctifying, and healing power of God. There have been thirty- one of the dear children of God baptized in the Merrimac river near this place and there re-main six more yet to follow Jesus in-to the flowing river. Let all the saints of God pray for us, that we be kept low at Jesus feet. Yours in the one body, Jno• M. BELL AND WIFE. • took. - we continued eight days, af-ter which we went to Otsego, April 6 remained about one week in which time God used us in sending forth the judgment of his Word. Some who were professing to be saints would not receive the Word, consequently ex-posed themselves by staying at home. Others who were practicing decep-tion were faithfully dealt with and we trust that God will give them honest hearts to confess their abominable works and get straight; otherwise they must be exposed. We also held an ordinance, and baptismal service at Kendall, Apr. 14. Five were bur-ied with Christ in baptism and thir-ty- nine partook of the ordinances, Some came fifteen miles, and all were much benefited by obeyi ng the Word. Pray for us. Your saved brother and sister. A. M. Btxtota: Axo WIFE. - PINE MILLS, IA., Apr. 23. iSo5. DEAR SAINTS or Goo: Praise the Lord! I am still saved and enjoying salvation this morning. Praise his name! Bro. Nelson and I began meet-ing three miles north- west oaf oBuflf in a small school house, the third of April. Bro. Nelson was v. dth me five nights and then went to Cedar Co. to make preparations to start for Den-mark. The latter part of the second week Bro. Straub and II o. Rehbehn came and helped with the meetings. Meeting continued the,: t weeks and One day, in which th: ra were twenty-six souls saved . 1? C1'( 7ral around here have denounced sec. Babylon. The people have begaa to see the sin of sectism here and take the truth well. Part have followed C hrist in baptism. I baptized thirteen the atth of this month, and nine on the 21st, twenty-two in all. The Lord wonderfully blessed us here in his service, and I the way is opened for more work is summer. Yours in the one body, ClIARLIE AKERS. EAST joanAN, 111 le n, A pr. 2S. i So5. To An Tux REApERs: The Lord is in• emer; 110 saves mefrom sin ard sancaioss me wholly. During the last five weeks have been holding meeting in Ocean Co„ near llesperi3Nand from there to East Jordan, and the cad blessed us in preaching the Word, and much good was done. Then on Alondav the lath of April went to l'oxin- ht and much prejudice was removed through the preaching of the pure word of God. There were six at the altar for pardon and sanctification. and five in the East Jorklan meeting. Meeting closed licre and I will g- ol to Pellston and on to the 1 7 poer l'enin- I SU a to liessel. T he Lord has given me wonderful victory in my soul and liberty in preaching the Word. Your saved brother in Christ. BYRON W 000tex. PITTSBURG, PA., Apr. 23,1 oFo The Lord has been doing a good work in Pittsburg since the Floatingi Bethel left. The brethren have built a small meeting house and have it all paid for, and the Lord has been rewarding their labors in precious souls being born into hia kingdom. We have been here nearly one week. There has been one converted and two sanctified. Three were buried with Christ in baptism. Also Bro. H. Cheatham and C. F. Penny-well were ordained as elders and Bro, T l3 Henderson as deacon in the church of the living God. Sec-fill tarians are raging, but the house wen ed every night. The Lord will-ing? we will commence meeting in West End Thursday, inli t ham' meet-tugs g house, where we he'd h me meet- 1 over one year true thl is planted in Pittsburg to stay. Thel saints here are in the best spiritual condition we have found anywhere. 1 BRo's W. H. CHEATIIANI AND G. T. CLAYPON. WELLSVILLE, 0. I DEAR Mo., Apr. 22, 1893- UEAR SAINTS OF GOD: This morn- Ing finds us sweetly saved and abid- I1 ng ill our blessed Rtdeemer. Praisel onto min God! Since we last wrote have held meeting at Sara ‘ triortown, and Bourbon, and PULLMAN, WASH. Apr. 1 3 , 1895. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel i t the will of God for me to write a few lines to you through the Trumpet. Some are very anxious to hear from the school, to know what we are do-ing and how we are getting along. Well, praise the Lord, we are getting along well. We have ' fifty- tWo stu-dents; all claim the victory in Jesus' name. • The tuition is salvation, and all must meet the demands of the school or give up the school and go home. God has blessed us and sup-plied all our actual needs so far, and we believe he will to the end. Some of the children have not books. We need: a dczen of Barnes' U. S. Histories, and other books. God has graciously supplied with food. Over sixty eat at the Lord's table in the Saints' Home. Bro. and Sister Ba mford are parents to the children in deed and in truth. They are loved and highly esteemed by all the stu-dents. Bro. Bamford is working very faithfully on the farm, seeding and planting trees, berries, and grapes. The Lord willing, he will plant ten acres of orchard, apples, pears, prunes plums, cherries, and apricots. He has a nice vineyard set out, also a large supply of raspberries and straw berries, and other vines. We have a good water power which will be very useful in the future. School will close the last of May. We will have to build greater and also finish what we have on hand. The Lord willing, we will commence the building just as soon as school is out. God alone knows where the material is, but we trust God. We know he will supply every need. Dear readers, if you could only see and know how God has blessed the school and what he has done for the children, you would surely be inter-ested in this work. I know God has means enough somewhere to com-plete the work. We expect to have not less than one hundred students next term. The Lord will need about three teachers. Brethren, ask God what he wants you to do. Mon-ey and labor will equip the school. Let those that wish to help the Lord, send in your free- will offering to Bro. A. B. Peterman, who is treasurer. Dear Brethren, this work has proved itself over and over to be the work of God; you need not doubt any long-er; just move out and do what he wants you to do about the -• school. God is in the school healing the sick and casting out devils, healing brok-en limbs, and all manner of diseases. Who will help the Master's cause? GEORGE W. BAILEY. DARLINGTON, S. C. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: Since our last report to the Trumpet we held a few more services in and near the town of Darlington, and Sunday Feb. 24, three were baptized. We went from here then to my old home in Kershaw Co., where I was born and raised, and held a meeting lasting nearly a week. Two got out of sect-ish bondage and were baptized. A prophet has but little honor in his own land and country, but the Lord used wife in sending forth the truth into many hearts. Praise the Lord! There was some bitter opposition and unkind hindrances to our work there for Jesus. There were some of my former associates and friends, tions. However, they were caught in their own traps and others convinced of their own folly and error through their unholy resistance to God's pure word. Praise the Lord! Their ig-norance was pitiable, and the people more so to whom they deal out their carnal reasonings and vain imagina-tions. May the Lord help acid de-liver every honest soul from all Such not fitted to lead the children of men into the light as God is the light. We met with Some of Russel's " Watch Tower" deluded followers and the results of his carnal inter-pretation of the holy Scriptures. But praise the Lord, the Word went out like hail and swept away much of his " age to come," and other de-lusive doctrines of devils and men. Isaiah 28: 17. Praise the Lord! I ask that earnest prayer be made for some good honest souls there who have been led into this false light after the working of Satan, 2 Thes. 2: 9, that they may be. delivered there-from. We came back to Darlington last Wednesday and held meetings until Sunday when two more were bap-tized. There was a large gathering of the people from the • city and the country to witness the baptismal ser-vices, to whom we preached the Word with heavenly unction and much liberty. Bro. j. L. Goodman from Ashton, S. C. was with us dui- z - ing two days of the meting whom the Lord used in preaching the pure Word to the people. We closed last night to go to Ashton for a few days, and then go to Bishopville, S. C., my present home place. Dear ones in Jesus, remember us at the throne of grace, that the Lord may have a glorious victory over all the powers and works of the devil, among the kind hearted . people at Bishopville and other places in the harvest field to wherever we may be sent. The good Lord continues to keep us, healing all our diseases and supplying all our needs, for which we give him all the praise and glory. Amen. Yours in him, JAMES E. SHAM. AND WIFE. TESTIMONIES. " Thy Testlmon! es are Wonderful."- Psa• 119: 129. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: God adopted me into his family one year ago. Praise his name for delivering me out of sectisn and placing my feet on the solid rock which is Christ! I have died to all but Jesus and his will forever more. Praise the Lord for victory over all the power of the enemy! Your sister saved and sanc-tified wholly. Lucy LONG. ROBINSON, KAN. DEAR SAINTS: I want to testify once more to the glory of God, through the Trumpet. I am prais-ing God for a- full and free salvation that satisfies every longing of my soul and sustains me under all cir-cumstances. The Lord has been good to us. . He permitted us to come home to see my dear father be-fore he. was laid away in the tomb. We expect to stay two or three weeks, then start out in the work again. Yours saved and sanctified in the one body, GEO. DANSBERGER AND CO. CAMARGO, TENN. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am sweet-ly saved and kept by the mighty power of God. Praise his dear name! I can never praise his dear name enough for what he has done for me. He has delivered me out of the filthy habit of tobacco and tea and coffee. I used snuff and tobacco for thirty-two years. I am forty- three- years old now and my body was greatly afflicted. I have been a sufferer for many years with female trouble. But praise God, I am well now. Since I gave all to Jesus he has healed me both soul and body. " Therefore being justified by faith, we have all my heart for taking my feet out of the mire and placing them on the rock Christ Jesus. We are sure it is safe to trust God in everything. Pray for my husband, that he may be delivered from the use of tobacco. Your sister saved, Mrs. S. M. HUTCHINSON. OBITUARIES. DANSBERGER.— Departed this life, Apr. IS, 1895, Bro. George Dansherger, Sr; aged seventy- eight years, eleven mouths, and nine days. He was prepared to go and often ex-pressed a desire to be with the Lord. He left a wife and three children to mourn their loss. May this be a warning to the unsaved to prepare to meet God in peace. Yours saved, GEORGE DANSEERGER, Robinson, Ran. WEIR.— Sister Mary Weir departed this life April 19. She was born A. D. 1864, but we were unable to get her exact age. She gave her heart to God a few days before her death left bright evidence of her acceptance in her home above. She leaves a husband and four small children, one being only four days old. Her husband is unsaved. Let the saints all remember him in prayer, that he may give his heart to God. Funeral services conducted by T. A. PHILLIPS AND E. G.- MASTERS, Nishnabotna, Mo. PAYNE, 0. BEAVER. Died near Bracken, Ind., Apr. 22,1595, Sister Lizzie, daughter of Bro. Isaac, and Sarah Beaver; aged twenty- one years, ten months, and five days. We were inform-ed by the brothers and sisters of that place, that Sister Lizzie accepted Christ and obtain-ed pardon about four weeks previous to her 1 death and was afterward sanctified. After her conversion she bore her affliction with perfect patience, and continued to trust in God to the end. She leaves a father and mother, three sisters and many friends to mourn their loss. The funeral was largely attended and the people gave good attention to the preached ord. May ' God bless, and comfort the hearts of Bro. and Sister Beaver, and bring those three sisters to Christ while in health, and show all how exceedingly dangerous to put it off till affliction comes upon them. Amen! Funeral by the writer, .1. 1- rowAED, I Bro. Gardener assisting. country is the finest arid most pro-ductive part of the state. It is prop-erly named and called " The garden of the state." It is a great and rich wheat and fruit country, also noted for stock raising, and it has a far bet-ter and more healthful climate than the Big Bend country so far as our experience has gone. All saints, ho-ly workers and seekers after light, truth healing and salvation, get ready and come to the camp meeting in June. The meetingannounced to begin at Boise City, Idaho, Apr. 2$, will last four weeks, if the Lord wills. We ask the prayers of all God's people for the work here. Everybody invited to attend. Yours in the humility, meekness and, fellowship of Jesus, F. N. AND SUSIE A. JACOBSON. and acquaintances on the ground on Sunday, the last day of the meeting, endeavoring to disturb the quietude of the occasion and hinder others from hearing who were anxious list-eners; but the Lord stopped their mouths and brought them into con-tempt and shame. While this was being attempted and I was preach-ing I stopped and appealed to the people to speak out if they knew any thing whatsoever in my life that was not Christ- like and according to the word of God, since I had turned loose the world and given m yself to the Lord several years ago, and to let it be known; and not a voice was raised in all that large congregation. 0 how we do praise God that our own home- people could not say any evil thing of us justly! • From there we went to Ionia, S. C. and held meetings for more than two weeks, closing Sunday April 7, with a glorious victory for the truth. Sever-al were converted and sanctified, but we do not know the number. Dear Bro. E. B. Haynes was with us in the meeting. The Lord used him much in preaching the Word. Bro. Haynes was a Methodist preacher, and has just made his escape out of Babylon. This meeting was held in a neighbor-hood where he preached two years with acceptability to all saved people when he' was connected with the S. C. M. E. conference. We ask all the dear saints to make special prayer for Bro. Haynes. He had to give up much, and of course he is being hedg-ed in and persecuted by Babylon lords and priests and their sycophants. Brothers H. B. Blackwell and W. J. Servance from Darlington were with us towards the close of the meeting. Five were baptized. We began this meeting in a M. P. house of worship that had been tendered to us by the preacher without asking for it. But the pure gospel at the first blast blew this preacher out as a sinner from among God's people, and he had the doors shut against us. A school house was then opened, but after we held a few services there it was closed against us by these poor blind preachers and sectarians whom Satan has bound and will do his bid-ding. May the Lord have mercy up-on them and save them from the awful doom that awaits all such. Rev. 20: 8- 1o. But this did not stop us. The Lord opened up private houses where we continued the meet-ing to the close. Some eight or ten peace with God through our Lord preachers— Baptist and Methodist I Jesus Christ. I was a member of the preachers— came in during this meet- M. E. sect for thirty years. I had ing. Several of them questioned us, I come to be disgusted with their pride generally to answer their own ques- and fashions. I can praise God with TESTIMONIES. " Thy Testimonies are Wonderful."- Psa• 119: 129. WEST POINT, PA. DEAR BRETHREN: The dear Lord has forgiven all my sins and sancti-fied my nature, and has brought me out of darkness into light. I ask all to pray that my faith may be strength-ened and that I may keep humble and low at the feet of Jesus. I i re-main your brother n Christ, sepa-rated from the sins and wickedness of this world, G. W. WEST. CARTERVILLE, MO. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I know that the Lord Jesus saves me to the utter-most just now. Hallelujah! I am so glad we have such a loving Savior that saves and keeps us every mo-ment we live. And I praise God for the complete trust I have in him. I have learned to take him for my only physician, and I realize that he WEST POINT, Ky. DEAR SAINTS OF Go p : I am saved by the blood of Jesus by faith and kept each day. My desire now a-bove everything else is be sanctified and wholly consecrated. I want to make a full consecration, even to the stake. I am not joined to any-thing but Jesus. I belonged to the C. P. sect five years; I was not satis-fied with my spiritual state, so to bet-ter my condition I joined another, the M. E. sect ( still unsaved), think-ing my husband would join with inc. He never believed in the sects be-cause they took in bad as well as good. I believe one of the worst sins now engaged in is sectism. It is deceiving and leading more souls away from God than anything else. The devil loves to use this means of deceiving them, thereby getting their souls. I have three children, one sweetly saved from sin and sectism. I have one daughter who has been saved, but she has let the devil accuse her and make her doubt, until I am afraid she is lost. My little boy of thirteen has been saved but has lost his experience, having ' a high temPer and a will of his own that the devil has used to cause him to fall asvaY. The spirit that has him seems to be a stubborn one. Pray that God tog bring them to his terms and save them. Pray also that I may be heal-ed of an affliction of my eyes, of Ae- ' even years. I know Jesus wi ll u° the work, and he shall have all thei honor and glory. Praise his name. Yours saved in the one body, - MArrtE PREANITT. or sanctification- Jas. 2: 10. " For whoso-ever shall keep the whole law, and yet [ knowingly] offend [ reject, or fail] in one point, he is guilty of all. There is no cause for losing salvation only through disobedience in some way, either by neg-lecting duty, or transgressing the law of God; which is sin. Jno. 3: 4. " To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sm." Jas. 4: 17. Sin of any kind always brings forth ( spiritual) death_ Jas. 1: 15. Ezek. 18: 4, 20. Therefore being dead in trespasses and sins, not a child of God ( r Jno. 3: 8.), under condemnation. Jno. 3: 20. But some people say, " We might do things ignorantly sometimes: what about that?" If it be done ignorantly, we are not accountable for such. Our faith in Christ preserves us, and his blood covers all our ignorance. We are only responsi-ble for what we know, or could know by improving the time allotted to us. A person cannot become justified, and remain so, in the light of God's word, which plainly teaches holiness and sancti-fication, unless he goes on unto perfection, ( Heb. 6: 1.) or in other words, consecrates for entire sanctification, ( Rom. 12: 1. I Thess. 5: 21- 24.) which is the will of God. Thess. 4: 3,4. If we do not walk in the the light ( obey God's word), then dark-ness ( sin) is the result. And if we ever get lukewarm ( leave the first love), the Lord says he will spew us out of his mouth; and the command is, ( Rev. 2: 5.) Remember, therefore, from whence thou art fallen; and repent, and do the first works. Can We- Fall? [ CONTINUED.] We will now notice a few scriptures showing that PEOPLE HAVE FALLEN IN THE PAST. " Thou art fallen," etc. Rev. 2: 5. " Ye are fallen from grace." Gal. 5: 4. " Ye did run well, who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?" Gal. 5: 7. " For it had been better for them not to have known the way of [ truth. Psa. 119: 30.] righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy command-ment [ truth. 2 Pet. i : 9- 121 delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them [ that fell] according to the true proverb: The dog has turned to his own vomit again, and the sow that was washed, to her wal-lowing in the mire." 2 Pet. 2: 21,22. Judas, by transgression ( sin) fell. Acts 1: 25. Here we have a number of script-ures showing plainly that people have fallen in the past, and there are several other places that teach the same, but perhaps not quite so plain. Some people say that Judas was a devil from the beginning, but the word of God does not say so. We admit that he was a sinner in the beginning till he got con-verted, and was a devil after Satan entered into him. Jno. 13% 27. But now see the commission that Jesus gave to the twelve. Mat. 10: 7,8,16,20. " Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise. the dead, cast out devils; freely he have received [ something], freely give. Behold, I send you forth as sheep [ saints] in the midst of wolves [ sinners]. *** For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father that speaketh in you." Hence they were not of the devil; if they had been the devil would have been their father. And I am sure one devil ( Judas, so- called) could not cast out another. We have a record of some that tried it, and failed. ( Read Acts 19: 13- 16.) Again we read, ( Luke
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 15:18
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 15:18
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 15:18
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 15:18
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 15:18
title_sort gospel trumpet - 15:18
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1895
long_lat ENVELOPE(-67.496,-67.496,-67.132,-67.132)
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Two Brothers
The Altar
Three Sisters
Van Buren
Blue River
geographic_facet St. Louis
Two Brothers
The Altar
Three Sisters
Van Buren
Blue River
genre ACIA
genre_facet ACIA
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
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spelling 2023-05-15T13:01:27+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 15:18 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1895-05-02 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 15 18 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1895 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:04:22Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Blow ye the Trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain. shall blow the Trumpet, and go with whir Joel 2: 1. Ail lwinds. Zech. 9: 14. ThelLco 11' 1( 11116a cl)) idtants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he • hn uspig ann eonusi gthne mountains; and when he bloweth a Trumpet, hear ye. Isa. 18 : 3. • And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Eze. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 39. Volume 15. Number 18. NY DELIVERANCE. Grand Junction, Michigon, Thursday, May 2, 1895. " For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Tim. 4: 3,4. " Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter- in- law against her mother- in- law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household." Matt. 10: 34- 16. The division of the Christian church into so many so- called sects, seems to be rather a sad feature. But after all it may be a nec-essary evil to obviate a greater evil. It seems to me, it is a powerful means to coun-teract Popery in the protestant church. The Church of God is a pure church, or at least walking in all the light God lets shine upon it, and as long as it is fed with the pure gos-pel there is no danger of it falling in-to Popery. And when such means as divisions are neccessary to coun-teract Popery, it shows that some de-lusive doctrine has taken hold of men's hearts. " Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of dev-ils. I Tim. 4: i. Very often those who claim to be no sect are of the most bitter sectarian spirit. Their chief aim seems to be to build up their creed and to make proselytes. This is undoubtedly true in some cases, but such are certainly outside the church of God and are hypocrit-e sa nd sinners, just as much as any sect people of like stamp. There is not nearly as much harm in a sect or denomination as in the sectarian spir-it or bigotry. No, but they are both wrong. " Now, I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined to-gether in the same mind and in the same judgment. I Cor. I: IO. When Paul wrote against divisions and schisms, he did not have different denomi-nations in view as some suppose. Such did not exist at that time. It was the want of u-nity and love amongst the members of the same church that caused his remarks. AN ARTIOLE REVIEWED. N the GOSPEL BANNER of Febru-ary 12, appeared an article headed " The true Church and Sects," writ-ten by A. F, S. We do not purpose to stir up an ar-gument with the writer of said article, but since he has certainly made some very erroneous assertions, and there-by is throwing out an influence to hin-der the SUCCI! SS of the church of God, and upholding sectarianism, we will try and show up the truth. The Lord God says, " Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the water shalls oveFtlow the hiding place." Isa. 28: 17. He starts with saying: Roman Catholics and English church peo-ple both claim to be the true church. of the apostolic succession, and denounce other de-nominations as Sets. Come- outers on o-ther hand, denounce all denominations as sects. Here we have the two opposite ex-tremes. One says you must belong, to this church in order to get saved, and the other that it is not right to belong to any visible church. It is quite plain that the dispute in both cases is about the place Of worship. By Come- outers he evidently means the saints, who are by God's help in these last days holding forth the gos-pel in its primitive purity, and earn-estly contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. That we denounce all denominations as sects, is true; but only so far as they are a body organized by man, and distinct from the body entire of Christians, which is the body of Christ, or the bride the Lamb's wife, and which does not include all Chris-tians and exclude all sinners. For this he sets us down as extreme. Next he says, we say that it is not right to belong to any visible church. If he Would say " visible sect" we could Say, Amen; but we believe in be-lcuhnugricnhg oft Go oad . visible church, the x e are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cennot be hid. Neither de men light a candle, alcainalglnd htd phtl euaststo ta iiscrthk eu; i n nianend bdeterh i ftoea r gbehi vuomesuethsnhee, l . l, ti hgbLhauetttt toyuhonneu taoyr ItriaY see your good works, and g- lori- ' 31 Your Father which is in heaven." Matt. 5 : 14 _ 6„ t, e are our epistle written in our ;: tcart , known and read of all men." : . 11° 1rf. l i3e: 2p, lacWe eo fa wreo rnsohti pd iastp uatliln. gW ae-dnly holding up the apostolic " mod the result is opposition. It is true that different denomina-tions did not exist in Paul's time as we have them now, but Paul warned them of what was coming. " For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things, to draw a-way disciples after them. Acts. 20h2o, 30. Paul, nor Jesus Christ, made no allowance anywhere for divisions or schisms in the body of Christ the church. Thank God, it is gloriously possible to be-long to a sect and yet not be possessed of a sectarian spirit. This is as impossible as for a person to be adorned with the fashions and gewgaws of the world, and to say, " I have those things, but I am not proud with them." The existing state of God's people, separated and divided up into sects or denomina-tional pens, shows that they are car-nal as were the Corinthians: " For ye are carnal; for whereas there is a-mong you envying, and strife and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? For while one saith I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?" f Cor. 3: 3,4. And all who uphold divisions or schisms as a necessary evil are ( as well as those who say that it is good that there are so many denominations, the more the better) pleading for carnality and ignoring the Savior's parting and oft- repeated petition: " Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified [ mar-gin, truly sanctified] through the truth. Neither pray I for these a-lone, but for them also which shall believe' on me through their word; that they all may be one as thou, Fath-er, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gayest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one; I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one: and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me•" Jno. 17: 17- 23. Is it any wonder that the world re-jects and disbelieves in a Christ who cannot control those who profess to be his followers; and in that so many do not know the one whose repre-sentatives directly and indirectly dis-obey his commands, and divide themselves into denominational pens, following human leaders, who make rules and disciplines to suit their creed; and that the poor heathens are perplexed and confused amid all the array of sects, schisms and soci-eties; and that it is so hard to get them to leave their idolatrous wor-ship and accept the salvation of Je-sus Christ, who " is the head of the body, the church ?" Col. : 18. " For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body: whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one spirit. For the body is not one member but many." f Cor. 12: 12- 14. I have heard the following expres-sions, and that from professors of sanctification even. " There must be divisions and sects; it always was so, and it will always remain so; it can-not be otherwise, and it is good that it is so; the more the better, as one will stir up the other to more earn-est work for God." To this wind of , doctrine, the fol-lowing passage is very applicable: " Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not af-ter Christ." Col. 2: 8. Let us also read the following: Jno. io: r6.— And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. Jno. 17: 17- 23.— Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify my-self, that they also might be sancti-fied through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they may all be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gayest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and bast loved them, as thou hast loved me. . Heb. 2: 11. For both he that sanc-tifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren. Phil. 1: 27.— Only let your conversa-tion be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving togeth-er for the faith of the gospel. I Cor. 1: Ia.— Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no di-visions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. Eph. 4: 12- 16.— For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the bod-y of Christ: till we all come in the u-nity of the faith, and of the knowl-edge of the Son of God, unto a per-fect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head even Christ: from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the ef-fectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. Cor. 3: I- 4.— And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. For ye are yet car-nal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? for while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? Gal. 5: 26.— Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. Phil. 2: 3,4.— Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of oth-ers. Come- outers would say, Do not organize at all. We fail to see how a religious body could maintain order, protect itself temporally and spiritually and manage affairs generally without forming a society and knowing who are its members. Besides this, the first Christ-ian church as we find it in God's word is our pattern. It is quite evident that they were organized. How could Paul write to the Corinthian church to expel that wicked per-son if they were not organized? They had nothing to do with the wicked without the church. God would judge them. But if there was within their church- membership a fornicator, a covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, they were to use discipline. 1 Cor. 5: 11- 13. If the early • church founded by Christ and the apostles had their membership enrolled, we need not be tempted to Come- outism. We fear that the writer of the above is adding to the Scriptures; for how can he conclude from f Cor. 5: 11- 13 that it is quite evident that the first Christian church was so organiz-ed, that they had a church member-ship, and were to use discipline, and that the apostles had their member-ship enrolled? The passage reads, " But now I have written unto you not to keep company [ not to be mix-ing yourselves up— Greek], if any man that is called a brother be a for-nicator, or a covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an ex-tortioner; with such an one no not to eat [ with such an one as this not even to be eating together.— Greek]. For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Sample Copies Free. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person. [ Ex-pel the wicked man from among yourselves.— Greek.] It seems all that the apostle . Paul had reference to was that they were not to have any fornicator, or covet-ous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner mixed up with them, and held as a brother; but to expel or put away such a man from their company; just like a com-pany of play children do when one gets unruly. They simply say, " You go away, we don't want you to play with us any more;" and unless he at once behaves, and plays like the rest, there is a separation. So that wick-ed man is to be put away_ or separat-ed . from the Christian body, and not to fellowship with him; " for • what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what commun-ion hath light with darkness?" The church of God is well organi-zed, and its affairs are managed in perfect order, and when disturbed by the evil one, through hypocrites and backsliders or carnal- minded men; the Bible is the discipline to be used. " All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof; for correction, for in-struction in righteousness. 2 Tim. 3: 16. The Scripture is decidedly against divisions or denominational parties, and whatever is contrary to the word and the Spirit of God ( which always agrees with the word) is wrong; and we have no right to introduce any such things in order to protect ourselves. Our business is to walk in obedience to the Word and trust in the Lord. " For the Lord God is a sun and a shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will he with-hold from them that walk uprightly." Psa. 84: 11. We deplore that there are so many sects, but yet another redeeming feature about them is that spiritual life has been chiefly promoted by God through the instrument-ality of the so- called sects, especially the weaker ones. God did not promote the spiritual life through the instrumentality of the so- called sects, but through his people, the most of whom, have been ignorantly led into the various sects by pastors and leaders of the sects. " Woe be unto the pastors that de-stroy and scatter the sheep of my pas-ture! saith the Lord." Jer. 23: 1. May God bless the truth, and help his people to hear the words of the Lord, " Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Rev. 18: 4. Yours in defence of the truth, S. S. MOYER. Berlin, Ont. JENSON, WIS. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I praise God this morning for salvation full and free that saves me each day. Glory to our God! The Lord is my strength and my salvation; whom shall I fear? Pray for me. Yours in Jesus, YENS M.* WELLING. LA GRANGE, IND. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am prais-ing God for salvation. His grace has been sufficient to keep me from sin, although surrounded by sin and ungodly people. He is my shield; the Lord is my healer for both soul body. He has healed me several times. I was taken with rheumatism so I could not be lifted up. Husband and I took my case to the Lord, and in less than an hour I got out of bed alone. Oh glory to God for such a physician that can do so much for us if we only do his will! Pray for me, and for the work at this place. Your sister saved and in the one body, EMMA MYERS. I once was down in sec tdom, In sin's destrnctive way: 3Iy teachers till would loll me, ' Their rules I must obey. I was under condemnation, Oh the danger I wits in! ' et, they would always tell me. " You can't live free from sin." God showed me my condition While in my erring way: I could not stay in seetdom, And' walk the narrow way. One door, one fold. one Shepherd, Not operated by man: But, ' tis the rock Christ Jesus, Over in this Beulah land. I felt the Spirit, drawing, The way was made so plain, That he'd forgive and save me; Oh blessed be his name! How sweetly he did pardon, And give me peace with Him: But yet there was remaining The carnal mind within. I consecrated to Him, With no reserve to me: He sanctified my nature, From sin he set me free. Oh glory be to Jesus! All glory to the Lamb: I'm free from sectish Babel, And safe in Beulah laud. Oh pilgrim, will you listen. Who're in this awful state, And come unto the Savior Before it is too late'! Come. consecrate unto Hint Who died on Calvary's tree; He'll save your soul front bondage, Ancl from all sin set free. -- Geo. Godbey. / ! I dead that it was causing him to lase his mind. At times he did not know what he was doing, and sometimes ! his suffering was so great that it 1 4w? u 1 adntda le tlw,‘ 177o or t( h1.1- irrreaee‘ ev nhiti.! snatroi. o hsuolladd. round so that he. could noti‘ t) l ., iii ishehtthlihem ' for two or three (, lays_ . . 1 1 1 al : hret-?. different times h., nNt. veantt arit \ Vhen he would go out there he wi, ould pray to God, and he soitlioiew. r, litiiniinenttII: ottniity to the barn to take his life,. There was a rope in the barn which was used to tie the horses with, and with this he intended to hang himself ! take a razor and cut his throat, hut I I by his trust in God he was kept from it. All the physicians that he em. 1 ployed or consulted would tell him 1 that he had better go home and stay I there, that he would either g. 0 insane t I I or die suddenly. So he just went to praying for the Lord to eitherlift the hand of ailliction from him or take I him out of the world. I He went to prayer flit i he said he was he could another, ( lion, s'nh e lay pr, orri for what he e Nvhc n he fell g: lin he felt so well woke up a-sweetest sleep was the and that this seemet ike. haisnliefew! vorid, and as if he had beei resurrect- ' 1 1 is wife antl daughter got up to g t, breakfast next morning, not FlO\\' j; li that he had been heal-d. They had not been up but a short time when they heard him com-ing through the adjoining room walk-ing so hard that the floor shook, and n nen he, came into the room where they were his daughter said, " Pa, shaoi‘ dv, l? i"( na, endplaiisissohenai- lne- dla ■ v, but she thought he was insane. But when he walked out doors and back they knew he was he aled. He then walked about three miles without his cane and rode fourteen miles. He lavlaws- alyles ahl; eactill . to use his cane before he I hope this will be a benefit to some poor suffering one. Written by re-quest. M. HELLER AND M. SWEDIEY. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. VISALIA, CAl., Apr. 10, 1895. DEAR SAINTS ABROAD, GREETING: Will say that Bro. E. B. Elam and wife, and self and wife began a Series of meetings on the 4th ° f April at the Liberty school house. Closed Sunday, P. M., 14th. Bro. Jeans and wife were Much strength. ened in the faith clf the pure gospel, Had small congregations. One backslider restored. We are ask-ing Father to give us a camp I nspte-- ing, at Fresno this summer, July or August; and pray the Lord to send un-to us Brother Byrum, Glad to saybe. loved, I am standing on the solid rock Christ Jesus, saved and kePtbY power divine, Jno. BENT1s. ordinance Mar. 23, to assist _ Er' DELTON, tO tory over testify that _ Jesus still DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We nan Burden. On Lord's day we had an - ee meeting. . . er sin. Wife and I. wen • Twenty- siS'ilar: gives us 11.1C. ! quested tile I people. so meoting at his I bad that they had sit by him xvhile he the minute Arould be his and whet) they all ‘ A. Crit home they left two mnn to take care of him. He fell into unconsciousness and the fa: rally thought him asl( ep, and they lay down and vent to sleep, and when he came to his suffer inlg so that . not live from () Ile rninu tt and every breath was a and he was t poray as before_ i le had been praying from Wednesday until Saturday morning, lo;' tween three and four o'clock. when Al the pain left him in an instant. I le was st) ! flied 1,1, ith the pure love d' God, that his soul seemed too at'' he thought he would .: 1- 0 , ut aloud, but then thouht it we 01 1,1 t'rio' ily and re. ' r of the Christian ippointed prayer se and he was so two men gut every T. H AE W EGEKOLYS HPOELILNE STSR JOUUMRNPALE. T. D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM-Office Editor, E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS — Publishers. Subscription $ 1.00 a year in advance. - FREE TO THE POOR. DEP- MUTE, RADICAL, and. ANTI- SECTARIAN. sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publi-cation of full Salvation, and Divine Healing Of the Body, the Unity of all true Christians imthe faith once delivered to the saints." & Wee at the Doe, 050$ at Grand Junction, Van Buren CO., Miehigan ae seeeed ease matter. NOTICE. WHohwe rteo t hSiesn cda nMnoont ebye. - p Rroecmuirt ebdy, Psoenstd O bfyfi cEex Mproensesy OOrrddeerr., Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. chCahnagendg, em oufs tA bded sruerses . t- oS ugbivsec rtihbeeirr sf owrimsheirn, ga st hweeirll aads dthreesirs new address. ytoMo uoi sudsroin sngu obPtsa crpereicbresei. vrIset o aycroceua lsresiso twn oahrlel yns t hodaluepenp. eiannf tste hrth ew amta ipatiianlspg. e Irans s sucealnlsi• et smenedn to lneen ignt hp loacfe t iomf eth, ew mritises iunsg an ucamrbde. ra. nd we will gladly Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and we will gladly rectify the same. caAsh. c soumbmscirsisbioenr . o tfo 2 a0l lp werh coen wt iwlli lll abbeo gri vfeonr otnh ee aGcOh SnPeEwL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the eirculation of the paper. u4s1 Vre- gPualratrileys odfe saidridnrge spsa. pers to canvass with, should notify pe2oVst"- oWffhiceen, ycoouun wtyr, i taen, db es tsauter. e to give your address: name, wdVrWee s- wsAeilldll nbtoou tsG ibnOee SsrsPe EscpoLom TnmRsiUubMnleiP. cEatTio, ntos. imnsounreey sc r& edc. imt; uostth berew aids- e Address us at Grand Junction, Mich. Li; THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only twenty-five cents a year. Address THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich, TRACTS. All the following tracts except the tract— " What is the Soul?" can be had in German. ivitist We Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. 48 pages. Per dozen, 15 ets. The Church of God. A tract containing : 32 pages. prov-iPnrgic we h5a ct eisn ttsh. e Church and what is not the Church of God. Questions and Answers on the Church. A tract con-taining four letters with Many questions concerning the ehurch. and showing the difference between the true church and seetism. Price, 10 cents per dozen. sotnaT nthhdeep Gosuirnbetaj. et3c 2Tt, opbbayga eDcsc. o PS rS. iicWne . a1 rT0n hecirtss t. i rspe aea rtv inderogy z ietth nfo. roromu gah B tribaclet pmrWeonvhti nacgat l iltsehd at htt heme S aSonou upl? lo, sBtshyee s DsSep. s iS ra. i t W. s paanirrdint utehar. el OaInnrdn 1 ei0rm 0Mm saconrri, tp awtlu herilecehs-goes to Go, at the death of the body. The same also prov-ed by the early Church History. Price single copy 10 cents. by" NAo. - SSimecst, ihsams b." e eAn trreavcite Lweeedr ibnyg Dth. e S a. bWoavren teirtl, es, h worwititnegn the difference between seetism and the Church of the Liv-5in2g p Gagoeds. 1I5t ecxtsp. otiseers d tohzee nfalse theories set forth by Sims . ittnarTgain thaesge dsa o, Si nmteascket r etpehnltea fi Vnerov itcimaleslk . o " TtfTo hsa beilsliof Bi ysas ob. a ugy ssi'viesxi natCe geeO ttnshM. e pPpmAaegN ra eId O totimNrza,. e" c ltay- n Dwd alcuronsn--- Visible Church Organization, Is it Right? This is tphoei ntittsl eo of fs eac ttraarciat nre dviisecwiPedlin bey. cTohmosp. aCreadrt ebry, tghiev iwngo rsdo moef God, also shelving the difference between a sect and the true church. 48 pages. la cts. per doz. Babylon, and What it I ncl odes. • By W. A. Haynes_ 1tSh9h eop tawrguienesg. m 2b0eyam tSh. a eipn Wegr oodrfod Bz, o aTfb hCyilosod nt r•,. am cbstot • vtwhel rmlyit tec rclealaal sraslnyes ds oesftp spi rfeiotourptalhle. pitr oinpchluecdye. s, throwing light on many important points of Sanctification. By J. W. Byers. 40 tinges. 10 c. per doz. This contains much information for those seeking after . gpheaotrl tisn, aaennscsd ta imtniedad na.'- sch lmoowseee rwt cceoo rmnac/ aenyr unk: inUnoMgw c' owthniatshte cwGraeot idaor. neI , t s agannivdce tshi foGiewod d, to's how to keep sanctilied,- and many objections answered. ECHOES FROM GLORY. 7, n. z. edition of this new song book h7aL'sa - junstt- buoieroeDnu. g i? s: sWueerdrr. e LCteoAnci taming 232 beautiful spiritual songs, of which the largest portion are new and fresh inspirations from heaven, both twioonrd asn adn de xmhuosritca. t Mionan hy ybmeanust iffourl arnevdi vtoaul cmheinegti ningvsi. t aI- t issgnitlnrosutgrricsuot cnuitoseon art rh iflnyeo m ram- leblu sets hgoiicefn. dnpSoerimercsst periinnlne te vae otnorcdfua ltct hmohen. u cBsWiisicbe. i - ltNeeh: Ae e appstrlpryaie mcbctoiiacauarllnlyy ds etihnlfe-- pasteboard, price reduced. to 40 eta. Per dozen $ 4.00. all prepaid M. E. Cheadle, A. S. Hatmaker, Mary 0 Whyman, F. J. Reed, H. C. Hamm, C. H. Barringer, Chas. Akers, G. T. Clayton, V. B. Allen, J. H. Watkins F. IC- Jacobson, N. Snavely, I. A. Molts, W. F. Cummins, Eugene Crowe, Lizzie Baylor, Chas. Lederer, Melvin Loomis, Anna Tyler, Florence Dayton, E, B. Stratton, Wm. Moon. Requests For Prayer. PRAY for my son, Oliver, who is afflicted with fits. DENNIS R. PEARSON. - ■ . PRAY May 12, that I may be saved, and ! healed of deafness. JAMES T. HOWALL, Petersburg. I HAVE been afflicted with liver trouble and other afflictions for over a year. Pray that I may be healed. MRS. R. A. SANDIFER. PRAY Sunday, May 5, at 3 o'clock for . an invalid sister in Massachusetts, who has not taken a step for thirteen years. N. A. SMALL. I ASK your prayers on the 12th of May, at II o'clock for the healing of my wife's stomach that has been troubling her for years, and that we may be one in Christ. , J. A. ALLEN, Heindon, Kan. WILL you please pray for my body, as I have been afflicted several years with heart trouble. Your brother, A. BENNETT, Hammond, La. Calls For Meeting, I DESIRE some true minister of God to come here to help hold meetings. I de-sire light and help myself, also instruc-tion and advice as to how to lead others into the experience of full salvation. Cannot some one filled with the Spirit of the Lord come? Your brother, ISAAC W. HOWARD, Adell, Okla. • - WE believe it would be to the glory of God for some one called of God to ' preach the whole gospel, to come among us to lead us into victory. There is a class of fifty, or more here, all of whom are orop-ing in darkness for the true light. t'Pray for us, that some one may come. WM. F. SHOPE, Loysville, Perry Co., Pa. * . A TABERNACLE meeting is desired in E. End Pittsburg, in July or August. Address J. B. HENDERSON, 514 Wicklow St., E. End Pittsburgh, Pa. WE have two brothers in Butler . Co., Mo., fourteen miles from Poplar Bluff. One has been a Methodist preacher for years, but we have been sending him Trumpets and tracts, and he has seen the error of his ways, and says he is done with sects and creeds forever, although he has never heard the evening light taught, and is anxious to have some of God's holy messengers_ come and teach them the way more perfectly. We pray God to send some one there at once. Cannot Bro. Haynes go, or any one filled with the Holy Spirit? You will find a home with them, and a place to preach. His address Is, Alfred Kirkley, Harviell. Butler Co., Mo. Yours in Jesus, M. KIRKLEY, LaPaz, Ind. MEETINGS. GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. camp meeting June I1- 20. CAMP meeting near Pullman, Wash., June 14 to July 7. CAMP meetino at St. Louis, Gratiot Co., Mich., to beginbAug. i5, and last ten days. THERE will be a meeting in Canton, O. May 17- 27, the Lord willing_. G. T. CLAYTON. CAMP meeting, Frisco, ark., beginning Sept. 12. THE saints at Zion, Anderson Co., S. C., will have their annual meeting Aug. 1- 15. All the saints in South • Carolina and Georgia are especially invited to be with us in the meeting, and all others who i'Vill. We are expecting Bro. Lundy and Bro. D. R. Brown and others. We have a good house ready for use with two and one- half acres of land deeded for the pur-pose of camp meetings, and for school purposes. We are expecting to commence the school about July 15, the Lord willing. All saints are invited to build tents on the ground, as we expect to hold meeting in August each year. This will be the camp meeting place for the saints of South Carolina and Georgia. Yours in the one body, J. A. WELBORN, Anderson, S. C. EDITORIAL. Bro. A. B. Palmer is engaged in the work of the Open Door Mission, Chicago. All correspondents ad-dress him at 396 Dearborn St., Chi-cago, in care of Bro. G. Tufts. Bro. and Sister T. A. and Ella Phillips, and Bro. E. G. Masters wish us to announce that their present ad-dress is, Genoa, Iowa. Anyone wish- QUESTION. BIBLE READINGS ON THE ° MOH OF GOD. WHO IS THE BUILDER? And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this Rock I [ Je-sus] will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Mat. 16: 18. Though all the apostles were foundation stones, Eph. 2: 20, Christ, and not Peter, was the " chief corner tone." As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumbling- stone and rock of offence, and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. Rom. in: WHAT IS THE CHURCH ? And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all. Eph. i : 22,23. Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill Up that which is be-hind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church. Col. : 24. ' WHAT IS THE BODY OF CHRIST: Now ye- are the body of Christ, and members in particular. I Cor. 12: 27. WHO ARE THF, MEMBERS? Individuals, not sects. Paul call-ed to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sos-thenes our brother, unto the church of God which is at Corinth. to them that are sanctified in Christ jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours. i Cor. I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every bra ich in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth that it may bring-forth more fruit. I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bring-eth forth much fruit; . for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in - me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered, and men gather them and cast them into the lire and they are burned. John 15: Now then as we have found out by the word of God. that the body of Christ is the church, and its members are composed of saved Int.?.! 1 and women, the question - arises bow many bodies ( or churches) has Christ? When we look upon the many differ-ent religious denominations that are being palmed off on the 1),= 2.0ple as being the church, meti, inks Christ must have several l. ilL.: rent bodies, as each sect is a separate and distinct body of itself, and from all the rest in its manncr and way of teaching. Bet let us have thus saith the Lord for it: ": For as we have many members in one body. and all the members have not the same office: so we being many- are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. 1: 0131. 12: For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many are one body; so also is Christ. But now are they many members, yet but one body. j Cor. 12: 12,20. BAPTIZED INTO ONE BODY, OR CITUR(. 71I. For by one spirit are we all bap-tized into onebody, whether we be Jews 61-- Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. i Cor. 12: 13. RECONCILED INTO ONE BODY. And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby. Eph. 2: 16. CALLED INTO ONE BODY. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body, and be ye thank-ful. Col. 3: 15. Nowhere does God call us into any other body. A. C. DRum, A WONDERFUL CASE OF HEALING, CHANUTE, KAN. Through request we write of the wonderful healing of Bro. David Rosenburger. He lived here in Cha-nute a number of years and we are personally acquainted with him. He was a great sufferer for about seven years before he moved to Medicine Lodge, Kan., where he still lives. After he moved to Medicine Lodge, he was a greater sufferer than ever before. He had not been free from - pain one minute for over ten years. In the first place he had erysipelas through the excessive use of iodine applied to the scalp until it hed ab-sorbed two ounces over a quart, and I it destroyed the vitality of the mem-brane over the brain, and it was so BOOKS. Esomo SAL y AWN, By Fred Eretee. This little volume rMtchyo aivfnsretgores mr1 b5M e acaf toBssor. i ebnC l. t elIhbot Isoetiht lsapd e3nluyL5db i bpe litrtocrsien i. inagntts s. a tTt hhchelee e bsa uwrid blrdijigeetchentrt a. o hn- fa dPFv mrrineiceyge s M, tb epearaeisoponune sar- DIME HEALING OF SOUL AND BODY. ? 7t% W3e7e'` uste Pwaere tltoeaefsas tcsti ahmdlivnoaagynt siiooe. nsnT f, t rhhaoneims dh b ethhoaolooiwnskeg t co. o aw fg nhteh ota e slh sabaovove debd ye. b. PePheaaanrrdt th s meiena gl ceGiodvn eeissnr im sBtthisabe nosleef. 248 pages. Paper. cover, 25 ets. PRIESTS OF OR. SUBSTITUTION FOR MAR- PRBccotroisisnme. h ts$ aaot1enipnr. 4sCain, f4a tga t peh ntseohd rlie it pc dfh rcouaiaezlsnls . cottAesonx: m s t1tC. 1 h- e4oo e! fmc latPoWhw. wIeiAia nuoGt llta oEootnh . au sBtss hht yf ao orkGowfem n. ti nh B bPge. ya JtC ghCeaosenaul r leiRditvnisonis lma. sa n l1eosd5,, f ooHuannObe Lel ehBa TcubEhnoS dosSruke bBdoj fIes Bcu4tLb1, E0sme miSatsUlet, iBengsRig va - Ciinnt T dg• vS eaa rrDe rynay udcn. miogEtienb. o mveCnere. n noWTitfe ihocBnikftsie b Sfriloesceh rraqia p tmuvhtoue, e trSr ayeBets ciivo oboannlnlesd-tsatubdleesn, tB. iIbtl ea lhsoel pcso, n ettaci. n Cs loovthe, r m50a rpbalegde se dogf ecso, n5c1o. 0r0d. ance, BIBLICAL 711YE OF LUNN, VM. 11= 1. heacchuisyutt horfcrrohoyr m oaanf i hmdm essroe r bteeoit r ittsshhmha to, ao wg 4itv { it0liehn Pgeer n hoddi/ si ftoefoefsr rtitcaeimannlte ea ed. n eCdbn oesontcmwrtiapieninteaunitnri agotlh npaes rb. o trToriuefhsfee, PAanploe, r O cohivoe, ro, r3 t5h iest so. f fCicleo. th, 75 ets. Address the Author at THE SABBATH,• 0Nearly poef rt hdeo zw. hCololet hsu. ebdje. cc Wtts o . i ffIf etTt ehi sDpe aa Acl a+ v. Y wee sTr,. y OaP nta hKdpre EoirtE usc gPoohv: b eailrniy g1v aD0et . sic oStti. sng W. sa$ a, t 1ritno. h0ener0. TSehvee nfitrhst ddaayy S parbohvaetdis ibtsy opbrojepcht eacnyd. stehramdoinwuss. ahti sthtoer cyr aonsds. tthhee CNherwis tTiaens tDamisepnetn tsoa tbieen t. he Lord's Day and Sabbath of THE BOY'S COMNNON. By cbhadap htearbsi ttso a tnhde tbhoevirs . ecfofen, ocetsrl. ni tiEtnlvege tErehy'oe , b YuSornenyacne rln. e wet e7Vildiihscs eain daitnsvedirac eeosE thettneacgrlt, weadba lraend pivniiccgte ui nure ntsti imlw teho. aiocm hla, attero_ eo Ma oimfe t eehndo ptooakr l eeinsa tvisle lfu aasi ltv rtiaovt iegdid vi mew tpihtrhee snsseuieoidtn-- upon the young minds and turn them from the downward road to a pure life. it also contains testimonies and ex-periences from those who are inmates of the states ptor irseoand. PBroicyes, opfa epveerr yc ca: gme aeru 1o5u ledt sh. a Cvelo otnhe b oinf dthinegse 2 b5o eotkas. TRUMPET. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS NOT OTHERWISE BREHM ing to write to them address them at that place. 13Ro. H. W. WHITE, Lowndes, Mo., desires to rent a farm of 8o, or Too acres in Indiana or Illinois, where he can be among the true children of God. . Any one knowing of such, will do the brother a favor by writing to him. SOME of the Western workers have requested that all who desire camp and grove meetings, send in notice of same at an early date, so that the many gospel workers who expect to be at the June camp meeting, can make arrangements to start from there and hold meetings on the way to whatever point the Lord may di-rect, thus saving much time and un-necessary expenses in traveling back and forth trom place to place. Please explain 1 Cor. 13: 13. M. E. H. The apostle had been comparing the practical love of God with gifts, etc.; proving love superior, both in its nature and duration, and even a martyr's consecration, without this perfect love, would profit us nothing. " Love" fails not at any time ( pres-ent or future), but whether there be " prophesyings," they shall be done away ( when fulfilled); or if " lang-uages," they shall cease ( when all speak the same language); or if " knowledge," it shall be made use-less ( when of no use). But these gifts are to be used in the church on earth. " SEEK THEM, that you may abound for the edification of the congregation."— Emphatic Diaglott. Cor. 1 4 : 12. He gave gifts unto men, Eph. 4: 8. for the perfecting of the saints. Ver. 12. Till we all come in the unity of the faith. Ver. 13. These gifts belong to the saints — church of God— and not to the sect " ites." " But when that which is per-fect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away." i Cor. r3: Io. This is true, not only as of child-hood and the law, when compared to manhood and the gospel, but also of justification to the real experience of sanctification; and will be eternally true when our bodies are fashioned like unto his glorious body. Phil. 3: 21. Charity, or the love of God will re-main not only in the church of God on earth, but to all eternity. And Paul adds, faith and hope. While God's children live by faith, or confi-dence in his word on earth, we surely will have no less confidence in God in the glory world. And as to hope, since there will be an eternal future before us, I see no reason why we should cease to hope; and as these three are classed together, who can separate them, even if charity is the greatest? Yours, saved, J. COLE. Wherefore also it is contained in the Scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. Unto you there-fore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders dis-allowed, thesanae is made the head of the corner, and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the Word. I Pet, 2: 6- 8. And did all drink the same spirit-ual drink; for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. i Cote 10: 4- CRESTON, Apr. 22, 1895. DEAR BRETHREN: After the meet-lags near Palouse co- workers went meeting in the U. four or five miles myself and other and commenced B. bethel, about east of Colfax. The meeting began about Feb. 6, and and continued till Feb. 17, closing with a precious victory for the Lord. Several were saved for the Lord and four happy saints were immersed by BrOt I. N. Cochran. The Holy Spir-it witdessed with power and glory to their obedience. The Lord has a precious church there and we believe that others will be saved ere long as a result of that seed- sowing. From there wife and I went and held a meet-ing in the Summerville school house about four miles north of Tekoa, Washington, which commenced Feb.! 20. and continued till Mar. clos-ing with victory for His cause. just in the midst of a glorious prospect of salvation work, Satan entered into and began to use as his instrument a religious beast in human form, an ungodly reprobate and hypocritical spirit, who raised and caused disturb-ance in the meeting, and threw a damper on the work. Thank God, notwithstanding- this difficulty five or six sinners were saved and two were saved out from among the I. E's, one or two were sanctified wholly. Four dear saints were immersed in his name by Bro. Henry Moys. After we had been there in the work about two weeks we were joined and assisted in the meeting by the coming of dear Bro. Henry Moys and wife. A grove meeting will be held there about Ju-ly 12. We are now in that part of Washington called the Big Bend country, which is chiefl y noted for its cattle and stock raising and s, econd, for some produce. But the Palousel LITTLE YORK, IND., Apr. 21, 1895. DEAR BRETHREN: I feel like writing a few lines to glorify God. I am saved. I left the northern part of Indiana Mar. 12, and came to Croth-ersville, to hold a meeting; held six-teen days. Fifteen came to the al-tar but all did not get an experience of salvation; some were not willing to die out to the world and God could not accept them. If souls want to be delivered from Satan's kingdom, they must give itup, and renounce everything that belongs to it. We held a few meetings near where the Bro. Fleenors live. Went from there to Hayden, held a meet-ing which continued eleven days. There had been a reproach brought upon the cause at that place, and the people seemed backward about com-ing to the Lord. The Lord help people to live straight. so they may be an example to poor lost souls. We began meeting at Little York, Apr. 17. Will continue as long as the Lord wills. One soul came to the altar. We go from here, Lord will- ! ing. to Blue River. There will be in assembly meeting at Crothers- \ dile, Lord willing, May 2 4- 26. The i ordina aces of the house of God will be observed. We hope there will be a large convocation of saints at that I Aare from the diffr churches. Amen. Yours in Him, T. E. ELLIS. are in a meeting here. God is glori-ously saving souls, The devil is ffirgohmti nbge ihnagr de sttoa bplriesvheendt, Gbuotd h'se wcaonrk-not stop it. Praise God! At Saran-acia all the dear saints who were converted in the October meeting, consecrated themselves upon the al-tar and found according to the Word. At Stringtown five of the converts I wcoanys reecjroaicteindg . a Snde vaerrea ln woewr eo nsa tvheedir . from sectisrn. The Bourbon meet-mg was blessed of God in that some very hard cases were brought to the light by the saving, sanctifying, and healing power of God. There have been thirty- one of the dear children of God baptized in the Merrimac river near this place and there re-main six more yet to follow Jesus in-to the flowing river. Let all the saints of God pray for us, that we be kept low at Jesus feet. Yours in the one body, Jno• M. BELL AND WIFE. • took. - we continued eight days, af-ter which we went to Otsego, April 6 remained about one week in which time God used us in sending forth the judgment of his Word. Some who were professing to be saints would not receive the Word, consequently ex-posed themselves by staying at home. Others who were practicing decep-tion were faithfully dealt with and we trust that God will give them honest hearts to confess their abominable works and get straight; otherwise they must be exposed. We also held an ordinance, and baptismal service at Kendall, Apr. 14. Five were bur-ied with Christ in baptism and thir-ty- nine partook of the ordinances, Some came fifteen miles, and all were much benefited by obeyi ng the Word. Pray for us. Your saved brother and sister. A. M. Btxtota: Axo WIFE. - PINE MILLS, IA., Apr. 23. iSo5. DEAR SAINTS or Goo: Praise the Lord! I am still saved and enjoying salvation this morning. Praise his name! Bro. Nelson and I began meet-ing three miles north- west oaf oBuflf in a small school house, the third of April. Bro. Nelson was v. dth me five nights and then went to Cedar Co. to make preparations to start for Den-mark. The latter part of the second week Bro. Straub and II o. Rehbehn came and helped with the meetings. Meeting continued the,: t weeks and One day, in which th: ra were twenty-six souls saved . 1? C1'( 7ral around here have denounced sec. Babylon. The people have begaa to see the sin of sectism here and take the truth well. Part have followed C hrist in baptism. I baptized thirteen the atth of this month, and nine on the 21st, twenty-two in all. The Lord wonderfully blessed us here in his service, and I the way is opened for more work is summer. Yours in the one body, ClIARLIE AKERS. EAST joanAN, 111 le n, A pr. 2S. i So5. To An Tux REApERs: The Lord is in• emer; 110 saves mefrom sin ard sancaioss me wholly. During the last five weeks have been holding meeting in Ocean Co„ near llesperi3Nand from there to East Jordan, and the cad blessed us in preaching the Word, and much good was done. Then on Alondav the lath of April went to l'oxin- ht and much prejudice was removed through the preaching of the pure word of God. There were six at the altar for pardon and sanctification. and five in the East Jorklan meeting. Meeting closed licre and I will g- ol to Pellston and on to the 1 7 poer l'enin- I SU a to liessel. T he Lord has given me wonderful victory in my soul and liberty in preaching the Word. Your saved brother in Christ. BYRON W 000tex. PITTSBURG, PA., Apr. 23,1 oFo The Lord has been doing a good work in Pittsburg since the Floatingi Bethel left. The brethren have built a small meeting house and have it all paid for, and the Lord has been rewarding their labors in precious souls being born into hia kingdom. We have been here nearly one week. There has been one converted and two sanctified. Three were buried with Christ in baptism. Also Bro. H. Cheatham and C. F. Penny-well were ordained as elders and Bro, T l3 Henderson as deacon in the church of the living God. Sec-fill tarians are raging, but the house wen ed every night. The Lord will-ing? we will commence meeting in West End Thursday, inli t ham' meet-tugs g house, where we he'd h me meet- 1 over one year true thl is planted in Pittsburg to stay. Thel saints here are in the best spiritual condition we have found anywhere. 1 BRo's W. H. CHEATIIANI AND G. T. CLAYPON. WELLSVILLE, 0. I DEAR Mo., Apr. 22, 1893- UEAR SAINTS OF GOD: This morn- Ing finds us sweetly saved and abid- I1 ng ill our blessed Rtdeemer. Praisel onto min God! Since we last wrote have held meeting at Sara ‘ triortown, and Bourbon, and PULLMAN, WASH. Apr. 1 3 , 1895. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel i t the will of God for me to write a few lines to you through the Trumpet. Some are very anxious to hear from the school, to know what we are do-ing and how we are getting along. Well, praise the Lord, we are getting along well. We have ' fifty- tWo stu-dents; all claim the victory in Jesus' name. • The tuition is salvation, and all must meet the demands of the school or give up the school and go home. God has blessed us and sup-plied all our actual needs so far, and we believe he will to the end. Some of the children have not books. We need: a dczen of Barnes' U. S. Histories, and other books. God has graciously supplied with food. Over sixty eat at the Lord's table in the Saints' Home. Bro. and Sister Ba mford are parents to the children in deed and in truth. They are loved and highly esteemed by all the stu-dents. Bro. Bamford is working very faithfully on the farm, seeding and planting trees, berries, and grapes. The Lord willing, he will plant ten acres of orchard, apples, pears, prunes plums, cherries, and apricots. He has a nice vineyard set out, also a large supply of raspberries and straw berries, and other vines. We have a good water power which will be very useful in the future. School will close the last of May. We will have to build greater and also finish what we have on hand. The Lord willing, we will commence the building just as soon as school is out. God alone knows where the material is, but we trust God. We know he will supply every need. Dear readers, if you could only see and know how God has blessed the school and what he has done for the children, you would surely be inter-ested in this work. I know God has means enough somewhere to com-plete the work. We expect to have not less than one hundred students next term. The Lord will need about three teachers. Brethren, ask God what he wants you to do. Mon-ey and labor will equip the school. Let those that wish to help the Lord, send in your free- will offering to Bro. A. B. Peterman, who is treasurer. Dear Brethren, this work has proved itself over and over to be the work of God; you need not doubt any long-er; just move out and do what he wants you to do about the -• school. God is in the school healing the sick and casting out devils, healing brok-en limbs, and all manner of diseases. Who will help the Master's cause? GEORGE W. BAILEY. DARLINGTON, S. C. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: Since our last report to the Trumpet we held a few more services in and near the town of Darlington, and Sunday Feb. 24, three were baptized. We went from here then to my old home in Kershaw Co., where I was born and raised, and held a meeting lasting nearly a week. Two got out of sect-ish bondage and were baptized. A prophet has but little honor in his own land and country, but the Lord used wife in sending forth the truth into many hearts. Praise the Lord! There was some bitter opposition and unkind hindrances to our work there for Jesus. There were some of my former associates and friends, tions. However, they were caught in their own traps and others convinced of their own folly and error through their unholy resistance to God's pure word. Praise the Lord! Their ig-norance was pitiable, and the people more so to whom they deal out their carnal reasonings and vain imagina-tions. May the Lord help acid de-liver every honest soul from all Such not fitted to lead the children of men into the light as God is the light. We met with Some of Russel's " Watch Tower" deluded followers and the results of his carnal inter-pretation of the holy Scriptures. But praise the Lord, the Word went out like hail and swept away much of his " age to come," and other de-lusive doctrines of devils and men. Isaiah 28: 17. Praise the Lord! I ask that earnest prayer be made for some good honest souls there who have been led into this false light after the working of Satan, 2 Thes. 2: 9, that they may be. delivered there-from. We came back to Darlington last Wednesday and held meetings until Sunday when two more were bap-tized. There was a large gathering of the people from the • city and the country to witness the baptismal ser-vices, to whom we preached the Word with heavenly unction and much liberty. Bro. j. L. Goodman from Ashton, S. C. was with us dui- z - ing two days of the meting whom the Lord used in preaching the pure Word to the people. We closed last night to go to Ashton for a few days, and then go to Bishopville, S. C., my present home place. Dear ones in Jesus, remember us at the throne of grace, that the Lord may have a glorious victory over all the powers and works of the devil, among the kind hearted . people at Bishopville and other places in the harvest field to wherever we may be sent. The good Lord continues to keep us, healing all our diseases and supplying all our needs, for which we give him all the praise and glory. Amen. Yours in him, JAMES E. SHAM. AND WIFE. TESTIMONIES. " Thy Testlmon! es are Wonderful."- Psa• 119: 129. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: God adopted me into his family one year ago. Praise his name for delivering me out of sectisn and placing my feet on the solid rock which is Christ! I have died to all but Jesus and his will forever more. Praise the Lord for victory over all the power of the enemy! Your sister saved and sanc-tified wholly. Lucy LONG. ROBINSON, KAN. DEAR SAINTS: I want to testify once more to the glory of God, through the Trumpet. I am prais-ing God for a- full and free salvation that satisfies every longing of my soul and sustains me under all cir-cumstances. The Lord has been good to us. . He permitted us to come home to see my dear father be-fore he. was laid away in the tomb. We expect to stay two or three weeks, then start out in the work again. Yours saved and sanctified in the one body, GEO. DANSBERGER AND CO. CAMARGO, TENN. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am sweet-ly saved and kept by the mighty power of God. Praise his dear name! I can never praise his dear name enough for what he has done for me. He has delivered me out of the filthy habit of tobacco and tea and coffee. I used snuff and tobacco for thirty-two years. I am forty- three- years old now and my body was greatly afflicted. I have been a sufferer for many years with female trouble. But praise God, I am well now. Since I gave all to Jesus he has healed me both soul and body. " Therefore being justified by faith, we have all my heart for taking my feet out of the mire and placing them on the rock Christ Jesus. We are sure it is safe to trust God in everything. Pray for my husband, that he may be delivered from the use of tobacco. Your sister saved, Mrs. S. M. HUTCHINSON. OBITUARIES. DANSBERGER.— Departed this life, Apr. IS, 1895, Bro. George Dansherger, Sr; aged seventy- eight years, eleven mouths, and nine days. He was prepared to go and often ex-pressed a desire to be with the Lord. He left a wife and three children to mourn their loss. May this be a warning to the unsaved to prepare to meet God in peace. Yours saved, GEORGE DANSEERGER, Robinson, Ran. WEIR.— Sister Mary Weir departed this life April 19. She was born A. D. 1864, but we were unable to get her exact age. She gave her heart to God a few days before her death left bright evidence of her acceptance in her home above. She leaves a husband and four small children, one being only four days old. Her husband is unsaved. Let the saints all remember him in prayer, that he may give his heart to God. Funeral services conducted by T. A. PHILLIPS AND E. G.- MASTERS, Nishnabotna, Mo. PAYNE, 0. BEAVER. Died near Bracken, Ind., Apr. 22,1595, Sister Lizzie, daughter of Bro. Isaac, and Sarah Beaver; aged twenty- one years, ten months, and five days. We were inform-ed by the brothers and sisters of that place, that Sister Lizzie accepted Christ and obtain-ed pardon about four weeks previous to her 1 death and was afterward sanctified. After her conversion she bore her affliction with perfect patience, and continued to trust in God to the end. She leaves a father and mother, three sisters and many friends to mourn their loss. The funeral was largely attended and the people gave good attention to the preached ord. May ' God bless, and comfort the hearts of Bro. and Sister Beaver, and bring those three sisters to Christ while in health, and show all how exceedingly dangerous to put it off till affliction comes upon them. Amen! Funeral by the writer, .1. 1- rowAED, I Bro. Gardener assisting. country is the finest arid most pro-ductive part of the state. It is prop-erly named and called " The garden of the state." It is a great and rich wheat and fruit country, also noted for stock raising, and it has a far bet-ter and more healthful climate than the Big Bend country so far as our experience has gone. All saints, ho-ly workers and seekers after light, truth healing and salvation, get ready and come to the camp meeting in June. The meetingannounced to begin at Boise City, Idaho, Apr. 2$, will last four weeks, if the Lord wills. We ask the prayers of all God's people for the work here. Everybody invited to attend. Yours in the humility, meekness and, fellowship of Jesus, F. N. AND SUSIE A. JACOBSON. and acquaintances on the ground on Sunday, the last day of the meeting, endeavoring to disturb the quietude of the occasion and hinder others from hearing who were anxious list-eners; but the Lord stopped their mouths and brought them into con-tempt and shame. While this was being attempted and I was preach-ing I stopped and appealed to the people to speak out if they knew any thing whatsoever in my life that was not Christ- like and according to the word of God, since I had turned loose the world and given m yself to the Lord several years ago, and to let it be known; and not a voice was raised in all that large congregation. 0 how we do praise God that our own home- people could not say any evil thing of us justly! • From there we went to Ionia, S. C. and held meetings for more than two weeks, closing Sunday April 7, with a glorious victory for the truth. Sever-al were converted and sanctified, but we do not know the number. Dear Bro. E. B. Haynes was with us in the meeting. The Lord used him much in preaching the Word. Bro. Haynes was a Methodist preacher, and has just made his escape out of Babylon. This meeting was held in a neighbor-hood where he preached two years with acceptability to all saved people when he' was connected with the S. C. M. E. conference. We ask all the dear saints to make special prayer for Bro. Haynes. He had to give up much, and of course he is being hedg-ed in and persecuted by Babylon lords and priests and their sycophants. Brothers H. B. Blackwell and W. J. Servance from Darlington were with us towards the close of the meeting. Five were baptized. We began this meeting in a M. P. house of worship that had been tendered to us by the preacher without asking for it. But the pure gospel at the first blast blew this preacher out as a sinner from among God's people, and he had the doors shut against us. A school house was then opened, but after we held a few services there it was closed against us by these poor blind preachers and sectarians whom Satan has bound and will do his bid-ding. May the Lord have mercy up-on them and save them from the awful doom that awaits all such. Rev. 20: 8- 1o. But this did not stop us. The Lord opened up private houses where we continued the meet-ing to the close. Some eight or ten peace with God through our Lord preachers— Baptist and Methodist I Jesus Christ. I was a member of the preachers— came in during this meet- M. E. sect for thirty years. I had ing. Several of them questioned us, I come to be disgusted with their pride generally to answer their own ques- and fashions. I can praise God with TESTIMONIES. " Thy Testimonies are Wonderful."- Psa• 119: 129. WEST POINT, PA. DEAR BRETHREN: The dear Lord has forgiven all my sins and sancti-fied my nature, and has brought me out of darkness into light. I ask all to pray that my faith may be strength-ened and that I may keep humble and low at the feet of Jesus. I i re-main your brother n Christ, sepa-rated from the sins and wickedness of this world, G. W. WEST. CARTERVILLE, MO. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I know that the Lord Jesus saves me to the utter-most just now. Hallelujah! I am so glad we have such a loving Savior that saves and keeps us every mo-ment we live. And I praise God for the complete trust I have in him. I have learned to take him for my only physician, and I realize that he WEST POINT, Ky. DEAR SAINTS OF Go p : I am saved by the blood of Jesus by faith and kept each day. My desire now a-bove everything else is be sanctified and wholly consecrated. I want to make a full consecration, even to the stake. I am not joined to any-thing but Jesus. I belonged to the C. P. sect five years; I was not satis-fied with my spiritual state, so to bet-ter my condition I joined another, the M. E. sect ( still unsaved), think-ing my husband would join with inc. He never believed in the sects be-cause they took in bad as well as good. I believe one of the worst sins now engaged in is sectism. It is deceiving and leading more souls away from God than anything else. The devil loves to use this means of deceiving them, thereby getting their souls. I have three children, one sweetly saved from sin and sectism. I have one daughter who has been saved, but she has let the devil accuse her and make her doubt, until I am afraid she is lost. My little boy of thirteen has been saved but has lost his experience, having ' a high temPer and a will of his own that the devil has used to cause him to fall asvaY. The spirit that has him seems to be a stubborn one. Pray that God tog bring them to his terms and save them. Pray also that I may be heal-ed of an affliction of my eyes, of Ae- ' even years. I know Jesus wi ll u° the work, and he shall have all thei honor and glory. Praise his name. Yours saved in the one body, - MArrtE PREANITT. or sanctification- Jas. 2: 10. " For whoso-ever shall keep the whole law, and yet [ knowingly] offend [ reject, or fail] in one point, he is guilty of all. There is no cause for losing salvation only through disobedience in some way, either by neg-lecting duty, or transgressing the law of God; which is sin. Jno. 3: 4. " To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sm." Jas. 4: 17. Sin of any kind always brings forth ( spiritual) death_ Jas. 1: 15. Ezek. 18: 4, 20. Therefore being dead in trespasses and sins, not a child of God ( r Jno. 3: 8.), under condemnation. Jno. 3: 20. But some people say, " We might do things ignorantly sometimes: what about that?" If it be done ignorantly, we are not accountable for such. Our faith in Christ preserves us, and his blood covers all our ignorance. We are only responsi-ble for what we know, or could know by improving the time allotted to us. A person cannot become justified, and remain so, in the light of God's word, which plainly teaches holiness and sancti-fication, unless he goes on unto perfection, ( Heb. 6: 1.) or in other words, consecrates for entire sanctification, ( Rom. 12: 1. I Thess. 5: 21- 24.) which is the will of God. Thess. 4: 3,4. If we do not walk in the the light ( obey God's word), then dark-ness ( sin) is the result. And if we ever get lukewarm ( leave the first love), the Lord says he will spew us out of his mouth; and the command is, ( Rev. 2: 5.) Remember, therefore, from whence thou art fallen; and repent, and do the first works. Can We- Fall? [ CONTINUED.] We will now notice a few scriptures showing that PEOPLE HAVE FALLEN IN THE PAST. " Thou art fallen," etc. Rev. 2: 5. " Ye are fallen from grace." Gal. 5: 4. " Ye did run well, who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?" Gal. 5: 7. " For it had been better for them not to have known the way of [ truth. Psa. 119: 30.] righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy command-ment [ truth. 2 Pet. i : 9- 121 delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them [ that fell] according to the true proverb: The dog has turned to his own vomit again, and the sow that was washed, to her wal-lowing in the mire." 2 Pet. 2: 21,22. Judas, by transgression ( sin) fell. Acts 1: 25. Here we have a number of script-ures showing plainly that people have fallen in the past, and there are several other places that teach the same, but perhaps not quite so plain. Some people say that Judas was a devil from the beginning, but the word of God does not say so. We admit that he was a sinner in the beginning till he got con-verted, and was a devil after Satan entered into him. Jno. 13% 27. But now see the commission that Jesus gave to the twelve. Mat. 10: 7,8,16,20. " Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise. the dead, cast out devils; freely he have received [ something], freely give. Behold, I send you forth as sheep [ saints] in the midst of wolves [ sinners]. *** For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father that speaketh in you." Hence they were not of the devil; if they had been the devil would have been their father. And I am sure one devil ( Judas, so- called) could not cast out another. We have a record of some that tried it, and failed. ( Read Acts 19: 13- 16.) Again we read, ( Luke Other/Unknown Material ACIA PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) St. Louis ENVELOPE(-67.496,-67.496,-67.132,-67.132) Sion ENVELOPE(13.758,13.758,66.844,66.844) Payne ENVELOPE(167.867,167.867,-72.817,-72.817) Lone ENVELOPE(11.982,11.982,65.105,65.105) Kendall ENVELOPE(-59.828,-59.828,-63.497,-63.497) Myers ENVELOPE(170.033,170.033,-72.117,-72.117) Patience ENVELOPE(-68.933,-68.933,-67.750,-67.750) Charity ENVELOPE(-60.333,-60.333,-62.733,-62.733) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Luke ENVELOPE(-94.855,-94.855,56.296,56.296) Weir ENVELOPE(177.167,177.167,-84.983,-84.983) Clayton ENVELOPE(-64.183,-64.183,-65.167,-65.167) Eta ENVELOPE(-62.917,-62.917,-64.300,-64.300) Watkins ENVELOPE(-67.086,-67.086,-66.354,-66.354) Dayton ENVELOPE(-158.683,-158.683,-85.733,-85.733) Eternity ENVELOPE(-64.567,-64.567,-69.767,-69.767) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Two Brothers ENVELOPE(-80.416,-80.416,58.867,58.867) Deacon ENVELOPE(-59.987,-59.987,-73.248,-73.248) Goodman ENVELOPE(-72.232,-72.232,-75.240,-75.240) Sever ENVELOPE(166.083,166.083,62.917,62.917) Ashton ENVELOPE(-62.183,-62.183,-70.717,-70.717) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) Three Sisters ENVELOPE(-68.470,-68.470,-71.441,-71.441) Babel ENVELOPE(-61.401,-61.401,-63.885,-63.885) Satis ENVELOPE(150.291,150.291,62.313,62.313) Darlington ENVELOPE(-60.750,-60.750,-72.000,-72.000) Dearborn ENVELOPE(160.133,160.133,-77.233,-77.233) Van Buren ENVELOPE(-63.485,-63.485,-71.318,-71.318) Judas ENVELOPE(-61.116,-61.116,-63.866,-63.866) Kershaw ENVELOPE(-66.986,-66.986,-67.532,-67.532) Vae ENVELOPE(27.945,27.945,70.829,70.829) Blue River ENVELOPE(-128.967,-128.967,59.693,59.693) Taen ENVELOPE(13.351,13.351,68.117,68.117)