The Gospel Trumpet - 14:35

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 IOSPEL Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Sept. 6, 1894. Volume 14. No. 85. The LordGod shall liLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whir/ winds. NOt every one who crieth out, Lord,” shall en...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1894
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institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 14:35
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 IOSPEL Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Sept. 6, 1894. Volume 14. No. 85. The LordGod shall liLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whir/ winds. NOt every one who crieth out, Lord,” shall enter in. - Bid those who do the Father's will .- And live all free from sin. Those who professing to be saved, - Yet make a crooked path, In that great day will not escape The judgment or the wrath, And they who teach the people wrong And lead them far astray, [ doom, - .: 7W111 find that they have sealed their And cast their crowns away. WHO SHALL INR IN? MATT. 2: 7. Plea out of the midst of Babylon, and deliv-er every DU hie soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for thin is the time of the Lord's yes-geanee; he will header unto her a recompenoe. dad the land than tremble and emir for every purpose of the Lord thall he performed against Babylon, to make the tau or Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant. Jer. 61: 6. 29. Au. Am MUM- - SA11123,0V- VISEWCIR MID ' DWELLERS MUM EAVerti, SEEN" E, Wtigt4. tartE114.13, PA141 slur; at, t- tikt moutt- SAMS; Atto WHEN 11/ 4 nuowt- rn A TRUMPET. . MEARNErASA.) 0111 - 10, 4 514,10 tit Ant he shall send his angels with a great mud , fa trumpekancl they shall gather to-getherhin elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the Sig tree; Whet s brush it yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that euttraer to nigh; So likewise ye, when ye than tee all these thingdknew that it is near, even at the 3eors. Matt. 21: 31- 33. of forsaking the soul- polluting, and God-dishonoring institutions, and returning to the church of Christ from which they have separated themselves, they are gath-ering up all their abominations and bring-ing them together in the city of destruc-tion; and all spirits of devils fellowship-ing and co- operating with each other, and arrayed against the truth. This conglom-eration of corruption has already begun, and erelong we will see the consummation, of this gathering together of the host of Gog and Magog. As this great agitation continues to increase, and the powers of hell send forth prodigious volumes of soul-destroying doctrines, God's people on mount Zion, inside the fortification of sal-vation, with the sword of truth wielded by the Spirit of the Almighty, are kept free from the noisome pestilence. Praise the Lord! WHO IS COMMANDED TO FIGHT AGAINST BABYLON? Babylon includes every sect of past, present or future; ever insitution operated by man or devils, in which doors are op-ened and shut, members taken in and turn-ed out by man. Not one sect on earth is exempt from this odious charge of being a member of this great harlot family. A house divided against itself cannot stand; hence when the many doctrines of sectism come in contact with each other, every carnal mouth speaks against its sister. And at the very time when sectism had reached her highest point, and was exalt-ed as it were to heaven, her fall came, just as literal Babylon's fall. This fall was caused by the preaching of the everlast-ing gospel. Rev. 14: 6. The Lord says, " I have commanded my sanctified ones, I also called my mighty ones for mine anger [ against Babylon], even them that rejoice in my highness." Isa. 13: 3. Again, " Sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called." Jude. I. Here we learn who are called to fight in this holy war. Those who are sanctified and preserved from all sin themselves, only are competent for this work. Those who cry, Babylon, Bab-ylon, without first getting out of her and gettirtg sanctified, are only called to re-pentance. Such is nothing but Satan_ flogging Satan, and is an abomination in the sight of God. DELIVERANCE HAS COME. The Lord has restored us to Zion, and restored to us the years that the locust hath eaten. Joel 2: 25. Read Rev. 9: 1- 4. IATe asked for rain in the time of the latter rain ( evening light). Zech. to: I. And the Lord has given us the former rain ( purity and spirituality of the apostolic age) and the latter rain in the first month. Joel 2: 23. Hos. 6: 3. That is, instead of inventing some new doctrine ( as all sects have done), the same sun of righteousness that shone in the morning, and that was darkened in his going forth by the clouds of sectism, now re- appears, and his going forth shines ams otrhnien os-did before being obscured by sectish dark-ness. The light of the evening comes from the same source that produced the morning light; the same light, but shining at different periods of time. Hence we have the two reigns at the same time, or the liberty of the morning s co- existino- with - that of the evenin6 g. Praise the Lord, all ye redeemed! Amen! CONCLUDED BY A COLLOQUY. BABYLONIAN_ Good morning, friend; we live just over the way, and seeing your light _ and hearing the sound of shouting, in your city, we came to see what it means. Eze. I2:_ 9_ ISRAELITE. Thou art welcome, neigh-bor; and as to the_ meaning of this shout-ing, it is this: We were captives, carried from our native home in Zion, to Babylon, where for many years we were deprived of our freedom. But our Father has re-stored us to our city, and the walls are builded again; and for this we are prais-ing Him. Dan. 9: 25. Mic. 7: II. B. But we hear strange things of you since you are come again to this city; you fight against our cities continually, and have stopped all commerce between our cities and yours. I. There are many hills ( sects) in Bab-ylon, and we wandered from hill to hill- ( Eze. 34: 6.) in league, first with this one and then with that one, seeking the liber-ty they promised; but finding none ( Jer. 3: 23) we return to Zion with everlasting joy, and here we abide. Isa. 35. Our supply comes from the celestial city, the abode of our King, and home of our dis-embodied fellow countrymen; Hence all trafficking between us is at an end. B. why need you fight us? If you have peace, let us have the same. Are you bet-ter than all others? I. Hold! neighborso. ve do not think our-selves to be of more worth than your-selves; only the hostility you have toward our nation, of binding the subjects of our King, has brought down his wrath, and vengeance upon your cities. He is on the war path, and we as faithful subjects who owe allegiance to our sovereign King, must follow our great Commander. We fight not against your person, your good, or freedom, but against the corrupt gov-ernment under which you abide. And as far as possible to annihilate the works of Apollyon, under whose banner you are warring. And our intent is to deliver you from the cursed intoxication brought on ( Continued on fourth page.) - 411rtd those who labor to build up Divisiena. made by men, instead of teaching unity, • ill be found lacking then. But these widi'do the Father's will, Those who have faithful been, - Will hear the blessed words, " Come thou, _ Beloved, enter in." C. W. NAYLOR. EFFECTS OF LIGHTNESS. t. - N these last days Satan is " let loose for a little season" to de-stroy God's people. One of his most cunning methods is lightness. By reading such scriptures as Psa. 5T : 15. Matt. / 236,37. Col. 3: 17 and Acts 26: 25, we understand that idle and un-profitable talk is absolutely forbidden in the holy Word, and was shunned lay God's people. But we desire to show a few of the many evil effects of indulging in vain conversation. God's word is very consistent and the Lord had a higher design than mere legality. and morality when he said, " Be ye holy in all manner of conversation." To make plainer, we give the following effects. IST. A BAR TO REAL EARNEST PRAYER. Any person must admit that when he has been overtaken in the habit of jesting, joking, and laughing at the frivolity of others, that his mind was fkotAT THAT INSTANT in a proper state oflutercession to God. In fact. he had toesist the influence of it before he entered very fervently in prayer. The soul who has most power with God in prayer, is the one who abso-lutely abstains from lightness, all other conditions being met. LACK OF DESIRE TO READ GOD'S WORD. - Indulging in a different element, ceptr. ary to the Spirit of God natur-creates in us ( generally gradual-dislike or depreciation for the Protions truths of the Bible. They hoe lost their charms, and the read-ei• ommences to seek other sources of inform n and pleasure, and neg-lec • the Word, which is truly griev-ous to the Spirit. of God, and death to the soul. so. WE LOSE OUR INFLUENCE To- WARD GOD. - The sinner who sees us when first Converted notices the change from ousidesires and love for the things of the world, to those of a heavenly na-ture, and when they see us partaking of the " flesh pots of Egypt," they have reasons to feel that our salva-tion is not genuine. Who feels like Inviting sinners to get saved from all sin at the very time in which they are leading and encouraging them to take the opposite course? 4•- TH. WE INFLUENCE OTHERS. One person may indulge in things of a light nature innocently, and not realize the immediate effect, but an-other; feeling that this one may do those things, does the same himself, or goes iittle farther, and fails un-der- - 4134mnation. Another having light on these nijsi- niny be weak in resisting, and titece of a man of God(?) in n114118: 4irection is a great trial to hii*,' 4Re; will doubtless lose much cOttfilliaHtz in theother, or feel that experience is not wholly in har-nlaiwIlli God's word. Should he ' he. would fall under con-ckti* tio„ . Thus we see the great _ soberly and righteous-ly, and letting our light shine, that nien may see our good Works. Oh, ye messengers of God, look much to Hying soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world! There is no time for trifling with the devil. Souls are going to perdition everywhere. On every side of us we can hear the laughter and revelry of the human family on their down-ward career to hell! See then the need of holding up Jesus. Show them that there is a deeper, sacred, enjoy-ment, that is far beyond their pleas-ures. They will believe you- if you spend your time in devotion td God in much prayer and reading of his Word. They will not believe you if you " go to the same excess of riot," or even show your enjoyment in their ways, instead of indulging in lightness. Christian, begin to thank God for the privileges you have of spreading a holy influence before others, and you will feel like doing all you can to lead them in the ways of holiness and via:- tue. If you have the real love and grace of God in your soul, live up to all your privileges; feel the burden of souls, pray, and read the Bible mu ch, and we think you will have a per-fect disinfectant for this poison that is making so many souls so sick, weakly, and lean. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight; 0 Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Psa. 19; 14. - In Jesus' love, with vic-tory over lightness through God's grace, CLARENCE DEWEY. SHE IS CONSIIIIING. OME time ago we wrote how the Spirit assured us that from the time thatjudgment has been given to the saints, decay, wasting and destruc-tion has been the doom of the first beast, or the little horn, Romish power. We published their own lamentations; also the great division that exists in the sentiment of the Romish leaders in America. Though it is a fact that our whole nation seemed asleep to the gigantic foe that was insidiously coiling a-bout our national liberties, we ' see that God has not been asleep. His eye is upon his word, and his hand against every power of earth and hell that conspires against its fulfillment. Though Adventists loudly predict that this government must fall into the hands of Rome to fulfill their in-terpretation of prophecy; and it can-not be denied that appearances have favored their expectations. But the Word of God was against it, and now his almighty hand and alwise ' provi-dence have suddenly created a strong American sentiment in the minds of prominent leaders, and large forces of the Romish sect, which lay di-rectly in the way of the pope's wish and the Advent predictions. And now we are informed of a still more radical element that is raising up a-gainst the beast. An actual schism in his ranks. We copy the follow-ing-, from the Battle Creek DAILY J OURNAL, and will speak for itself. AMERICAN CAT- HOLIC CHURCH. First Convention of the Secession from Rome Now in Session. CLEVELAND, 0. Aug. 22.- The ffi- st con-vention of the Polish NatiOnal Church of America convened in Father Kolaszewski's church in Newburg. The seceders from the Roman Catholic church were of such numbers as to fill the large hall to over-flowing, and much enthusiasm prevailed. High mass was celebrated by Archbish-op Vilatte, who was surrounded by the I priests in attendance. An open mass meeting was held before the convention came to order. There were a number of addresses in the Polish language. 1 Does not this clearly indicate that God is mightily moving to defeat the beast power? How marvelous this utter contempt for the pope's author-ity and anathemas; and how strange, and marvelous this enthusiasm for American principles, and against the gloating desires of Rome. " This is the Lord's doings, and it is truly marvel-ous in our eyes.', Surely the immortal dreamer, Bun-yan pictured the truth when he saw Christian on his pilgrimage come to a den of two great beasts, which, in time past, had devoured many pil-grims, whose bones lay thickly strewn about their dens. But now they had become old and dtcrepit, and sorely wounded, Thb that they could do little more than growl at the pilgrims as they passed along on their way to the celestial city. These two great beasts whose strength had nearly- passed a-way, he called " Pope and Pagan." BAB Y LON, And What it Includes. ( Continued front last issue.) ONENESS OF SECTISAL Sectarians say, " Oh wedifferent church-es [ sects] all agree on the essentials; it is just the non- essentials we differ on." Any-thing essential is necessary; non- essentials are not necessary; and anything not nec-essary is a superfluity, and such we are' commanded to lay aside. Jas. I: 21. If all creeds agree on all things except those things not necessary, why do they not lay aside those little useless differences? Then there will be unity. But ah! such argument comes from a delusion of the father of lies. For they do not all agree, even on the divinity of Christ. The only thing in which all sects cohere is in fight-ing- the truth of God. In this there is a complete colligation. Every particle of God's holy word is es-sential. And 0 ye hypocrites! why judge the omnipotence of God by the perVersed iniquitous, and depraved hearts of here-tics; as if he would command anything and then say, It matters not whether you obey or not; just as your conscience leads! Woe unto you, ye blind guides, being led by a seared conscience, destroying the souls of your fellow beings! Hell is en-lareng herself, and the burning lake is sending forth fiery tongues of despair, licking up the ungodliness you are build-ing up. Except you repent, you will soon reap your reward of eternal death. Satan laughs; every fiend with a hellish sneer, exults over the victory they gain through your efforts. Blood rests upon your heads. Fly in Jesus' name from the wrath that overhangs you! WHAT SECTISM HAS DONE AND IS DOING. The Satanic power operating upon the mass of deluded people, caused the gates of praise to be broken down; and many breaches were made in the city of David, or church. That is, the standard of holi-ness was lowered until sinners could get among God's people and abide there. The professed world has also gathered wa-ter from " the lower pool." Isa. 22: This pool was below Jerusalem, and the pool of Siloam is designated by some his-torians as being the one here mentioned, and was a resort for rag- pickers, washer-women, etc. In fact all manner of people met there with their uncleanness. This illustrates sectism, as it is filled with all manner of filthiness, and composed of mingled people. This pool being be-low the city or church, the multitude went down for the water, representing the de- Father Kolaszewski explained why the convention was called, saying it was for the unity of theArnerican Catholic church. Archbishop Vilatte followed with a short address in English. He asked the people to be steadfast in their belief. " We should be American and for America, and not for the Roman Catholic church," he said. " Our church is founded on American principles and American power." The election of a president then took up some time, the archbishOp being unanimously chosen to fill that position. M. A. Crostowski, of Cleveland, moved that the delegates renounce their allegi-ance to the pope of Rome forever. He also moved that they recognize officially Archbishop Vilatte hs the head of this new church. Rev. Ur. Kolaszewski op-posed the first motion, saying that its pas-sage would result - in criticism and injury to the society. Several warm speeches were made on both sides. The motion was lost. The second motion carried. generation of the professors of salvation, and the forsaking the way of righteous-ness and the standard of God's word, for the corrupt and pernicious waters of sect-ism. The houses being numbered, is ful-filled in the dividing and subdividing of God's people into the multiplicity of isms, and each sect receiving a name by which it is characterized. Through this crafti-ness of Satan, the houses are broken down,- or souls in which the Spirit of God dwelt are deprived of spiritual life. The devil getting the nations dissatisfied with the church operated by God, they began to in-vent ways to. fortify its wall of fire and salvation. Their own constructions they thought would strengthen the work of the Almighty. And to accomplish their de-sign, they gathered many & doctrines from fallacious spirits, and every fragment of rubbish that was hurled from the pit of darkness, and encircled the church with their wall of abomination; hence the two walls. Inside this wall of dissension, and outside the church, the sectarian world takes its stand, and through their nefari-ous and schismatic doctrines, the word of God is repudiated. The old pool was the pool of Solomon, or Solomon's pool, situated above Jerusa-lem, and its waters ran spontaneously down through the city. This is a picture of the church of Christ; the old pool being salva-tion, fashioned by the Lord long ago; and its waters run through the streets of this city. Rev. 22: I, 2. Coming from above, it purifies all who live in its course. Eze. 47: 9. Sectarians have through their lies, prepared a ditch or way through which the water of salvation has been turned a-way from the multitudes of souls, who have received instead some damnable her-esy. But God Almighty who is able to defend his own cause, is now through the Holy- Spirit fire burning away this wall of Isa. 4: 4. Read Jer. 51: 58. As the battering ram of God's truth comes in contact with Babylon, her gates of dark-ness that have shut out heaven's light from honest souls, must fall. As these gates fall, let every cow make her escape through the breach that is before her. Amos 4: 3. And collie out of Babylon, that you per-ish not in her doom. The poor sectish priests have preached division for so long, in teaching for hire and trying to please man instead of God, that they now have so many factions that they know not what to do. I quote from one of their periodicals: " We have already commented upon the disadvantages which occur td' small and struggling communities which in certain sections are oppressed with an undue num- Der of church [ sect] organizations. The home missionary societies of the Presby-terian, Congregational and Reformed churches have already taken steps to com-bine in a movement that shall in the fu-ture prevent the establishment of a new congregation in any place which is already well supplied with religious facilities. The Episcopalian, Methodist and Baptist churches have been asked to unite in the movement. It is to be hoped that by some mutual arrangement wherein one denomi-nation shall give way in a certain place, and another denomination in return shall withdraw from some other church- ridden, poverty stricken place, the time may come when a decent support shall be given all pastors; and instead of a dozen s starvino-congregations in a town of twelve hund-red people, there shall be union, consoli-dation, co- operation, whereby only the churches that are needed to do the work shall remain. We [ Methodist] commend this movement." These propagators of confusion have been decrying the truth for ages past; on every side they howl, and say that di-vision is necessary, the different churches are indispensable for the purpose of christ-ianizing the world. If this be true, the more sects there are, the more glory will redound to God. And 0 ye sectarians! why unite in a movement to hinder the establishment of more division? Why obviate anything you value ., so highly, and that too being the means of saving the world? The solution of the whole affair is this: " A decent support to all pastors." The priests thereof teach for hire. Mie. 3: in It was not for love of souls that these isms were invented by the benighted priests of Baal, but for love of filthy lucre. Since so many would- be teachers have risen, they find that Satan has carried them too far, in inventing so much ecclesiastical machinery with so- many engineers, that all their greedy spirits cannot be satisfied. Isa. 56: 10, II. The great sharks devour the smaller ones to such an extent that they. are searching for something to alleviate their pain; and instead of discerning the body of Christ, they are fulfilling what waS prophesied of them. Amos 4: 8. So two or three cities (= sects) wandered unto one city ( sect) to drink water; but they were not satisfied; yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord. Instead THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. D. S. WARNER— Editor. E: E. BYRUM-Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS -- Publishers. eal• WOMMOYMYSNWINNS• Subscription $ 1.00 a year in advance. FREE TO THE POOR. fcoaDrtitohEn Fi noI Nfth fIeuT lnEl aS, m aRlevA aoDtfio ItCnhA, e aLLn, od ar ndDd. i JvAeisnNueTs H IC- ehSaErliisCntg, T fAoofRr ttIhhAeeN Bp, u osbdelnyi,- t the Unity of all tribe Christians in" the faith once delivered to the saints.' NOTICE. WHhoewr et oth Sise ncdan Mnoont ebye.- pRreomciut rbeyd , P soesnt dO bffyic Ee xMporensesy OOrrddeern, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change of Address.— Subscribers wishing their address changed, must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address. Missing Papers. Itoccasionallyhappens thafpapers sent to our subscribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In case ycoieun dt ole nnogtth r eocfe itvim'e ey, o wurrsit we huesn a dcuaerd, a, fatnerd wwaeit iwnigl la g slaudffliy-send one in place of the missing number. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and we will gladly rectify the same. A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new , cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the ileld. as well as the circulation of the paper. Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of address. fairWhen you write, be sure to give your address: name, post- office, county, and state. VirAll business communications UM insure & c. must be ad-dressed to GOSPEL TR PET, to credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. Address us at Grand Junction. Mich. The Shining Light. An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only twenty-five cents a year. Address. THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich, TRACTS. Babylon is ' Fallen. What Church should I Join? SSepcitrsit. uTahlies mM, a sotre rB's iCblaell . S Aal vWatoinodne rvfsu lS Dpierliitvuearalinsmce. Price 10 cents per do— zen. Small tracts of various kinds for free distribution, at 10 cents per hundred. Must we sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 eta. Per dozen, 20 cts. Per hundred. 81.50. The Church of God. A tract containing 32 pages, prov-ing what is the Church and what is not the Church. of God. Price, single copy 5 cents. Per dozen 40 cents. A meeting is desired and very much needed at Stotesbury, Vernon Co., Mo. Any one feel led to go and hold a meet-ing will find a home at Silas Duncan one-half mile north of Stotesbury. Notify Silas Duncan, Stotesbury, Mo. MEETINGS. Marshall, Okl., Oct. 18- 29. Jeffersonville, Indiana, Sept. 15 to Oct. There will be a tabernacle meeting a-cross the river from Tidioute, Pa. near the Merkel meeting house, Sept. 13- 23. B. E. WARREN AND S. L. SPECK. We expect to commence a tabernacle meeting at Fairbury, Neb. on Sept. I, and continue as long as the Lord wills. All the dear saints in reach are invited to at-tend. M. M. STOVER AND SON. We have been laboring in the gos-pel field continually. Have just clos-ed a very precious meeting at Nebo, Ark. Seven saved and two sanctifi-ed. The Lord willing we will soon return and hold a grove meeting eight miles west of Nebo. Your brother and sister sanctified through the truth, DAN MURPHY AND WIFE." Intend at the Post Moe at Grand Junction, ' fan Buren Go., Mithigaa Se0Ond ° lase matter. DIVINE HEALING OF SOUL AND BODY. 1/ 33Z ante 1:.,, a1 of salvation, and how to get saved. Part n gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part DT consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. This book can also be had in German. 248 pages. Paper cover, 25 cts. HOLINESS BIRLE SUBJECTS By E. 0. Wickersham, Second • edition. This is a very val-uable book of 400 pages and arrangement of Scriptures on one hundred subjects, giving a number of Bible quotations sotatnub dleeeasnc, htB. siIbutl beaj lehscoet l, pc mos, n aetktaciinn. gsC iolto vvteher, r y5m 0ca orpbnalvgeeedns eioednfg tce osfo, n $ rc 1toh. 0red0 a, B n• icbele, BIBLICAL TRACE OF TIT CHURCH By W. G. Schell. Tracing • the church in proph-ehacuisytt hofroroyr m oaf ih mmesro btroeir ttshhha tonow 4t h0t0eh eeP nrddoif toefesf trtaeinmntc ede. e Cbnoeontmwtaienineaintni ogtnh ase . b tTrrihuefee Pchauprecrh c aonvde rs, e 3c5ti semts,. gCivlointhg , h 7is5t ocrtsic. aAl adnddre sscsr itphteu rAalu pthrooor fast, Anlo, Ohio, or this office. EedCiHtoOnE So fF RthOiMs n GeLwO RsoYn. g sb3- oeBoOkti— hWasa rcjulensttir obderoeDnu . gish3. su Wceodr. r eCeeotenl-: taining 232 beautiful spiritual songs, of which the largest tpswiioonorngrtdis oa snnn ae dpna rrdeel yx mn haeuolwls rt itahcan. et dMi od fonarenc hstyhry ib nmineeasn pousitf ri faftouthirloe anrBnes ivdfbir lvtoeoam; ule cmshhpeeieanevcgteiia nnilnl, g yvbs ito. th atIhe- t sgtlrourcitoiouns itnh memuseisc . oSfim ppreles eanndt tcrountchis. eW— iAth pprraicmticaarly s einlf-- ipnassttreubcotoarr df, o pr rbiceeg irnendeurcse idn tvoo 4ca0l emtau. sPice. r N deoaztelyn b6o4u. 0n0d. ainll prepaid THE BOY'S COMPANION. fiytt? B4oirut w. fthilsinitie: es= cbwaauhdbpaaad. lor epna n htdip neatvirhgcbis teci iut tenysor ouet aitsunmnh ntwdeiegl , h b tatmhionocedyoihnis r t, dla coaersotofe eafn . eona cTcifdemtthr. es netn. e uid Enbpr gntvoao reotte hrhlknyeee tai mbssSv oefe ifalcy lriaur lon e svtmteto irevV agtdithidicseve edeia m d datwohnvpiwedirtc he nneos we sstaehuianodeirtdn. dr-- road to a pure life. It also contains testimonies and ex-periences from those who are inmates of the state. prison. Boys of every age should have one of these books to read. Price, paper cover 25 cts. Cloth binding 40 ate. Anthems from the Throne. This book con-tains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new. When sung in the spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. Manila cover 25 cts. Cloth 40 cts. Per dozen $ 2.40 & $ 3.60. LIST OF MONEY UTTERS NOT OTHERWISE RECEIPTED GRAND JUNCTION ASSEMBLY MEETING. There will be a general assembly of the saints of God, the Lord willing on the camp ground, one mile north of Grand hi nction, Mich., Oct. 11- 18. We are expecting a glorious meeting at that time, and a wonderful mani-festation of the power of God, on account of the outpouring of his Holy Spirit. Many who did not get. to at-tend the C. M. will now have a chance to attend this feast, as we believe it will be a meeting of great benefit to souls. Every lover of the truth is invited to attend. Let there be a united prayer sent up in behalf of this meeting. EXPLANATIONS. 1. Please explain i Cor. 56. 2. Please explain I Tim. 5: 16. Yours truly, A. BEEBE. Answer to the first, which reads as follows: " The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law." Death came into the world through sin. Rom, 5: 12. And death is only possessed with a sting, and looked upon as a dreadful monster in the heart where sin is. But when all sin is cleansed out of the heart by the blood of Christ, then death is " abol-ished," and a sweet sleep to the body, and departure of the Spirit to pres-ent with the Lord, which is far bet-ter than this life, takes the place of death. The strength of sin is the law, be-cause if there were no law there could be no sin, no violation. But God has written his law in the hearts of all men. Rom. 2: 15. Hence all men tire sinners, until saved and kept from sin by the grace of God. Answer to second. In this epistle the apostle • s giving directions for the maintenance of widows by the church. But in this verse he says, " If any man or woman have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged." That is, any Christian who is nearly related to a widowed lady, he should main-tain her, and not suffer her to come upon the care of the church. BRO. MURPHY writes US from his home. Neosho, Mo. ' Dear Saints of the Most High God, Greeting. I am sweetly saved by the blood. Glo-ry to God! The dear Lord has of late wonderfully opened my eyes con-cerning this thing of sympathizing with crooked professors. I never would compromise the Word, but was afraid I would hurt some one's feel-ings. But if people will get where God wants them their feelings will be consecrated to the truth, and they will have a real appetite for the whole word. Let us not be tirnid but let us But when God's messengers sound the trumpet, there " follows hail and fire, mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth." Rey. 8: 7. Howe'ver much men may profess the fire of the Holy Spirit, if destitute of the hail of divine judgment, they are lacking the fire, and are of no use to God in his present work of separation between the precious and the vile. Brethren, keep filled with the love of God; preach the blood, and insist on the Bible fruits of holi-ness, and let God make you a contin-ual hail storm against all crookedness and against all shoddy holiness which lacks the scriptural fruits. " Cursed is he that keepeth back his sword from blood." Amen. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. Pray for the healing of Charley Hobson, Lebanon, Ore., who is a young man, af-flicted from his youth with spasms . of the worst form. Pray for Catharine Ault, Decatur, Ind., that she may be wholly sanctified. Jennie Paddock, Malden, Bureau Co., Ill., desires the prayers of God's children for the healing of her body. And also calls for some of God's ministers to come there and preach the gospel. Pray for myself, daughter and family that we may be kept saved, also we would like to have some of God's true minis-ters to come and hold meetings. Yours in ' Christ, MRS. L. GOULD, DeSoto, Miss. CALLS FOR MEETING. CAMP MEETINGS. Winfield, Kan., Oct. 4- 15. Lowndes, Mo., Sept. 13, 1894. Neosho Falls, ' Kan., Sept 6- 17, Camp meeting at Kensington, Smith Co., Kan. to commence Sept. 20 and last over Sunday Sept. 30, the Lord willing. Kensington is onthe Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R. R. Address Bro. J. C. Thayer at this place. GEO. VIELGUTEL MOLE HILL, W. VA., Aug. 8, 1894, The church of the living God of W. Va. " N- vill hold their camp meeting at Mole Hill on the ground occupied last year, about seven miles northeast of Pennsboro, com-mencing Sept. 15. The brethren coming to this meeting will be met at Sistersville. - J. K. P. WHITECOTTON. The Eastern Pa. camp meeting will be keld at Chalfont, Bucks Co„ Pa. on the Doylestopn branch of the Phila. and Read-ing R. R. from Sept. 13- 24. All desirous of coming to this meeting, please notify by mail. All the saints from New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts and the eastern coast are especially requested to be_ present. All that can should come prepared to care for themselves. This Is the first camp meeting of the church of God held in this section, and a new field where it will be held. And we look for God to send sonic of his consecrated workers this way. Who will say, Here am I, send me? Your brother with all on the altar, B. F. WEIKEL, West Point, Pa. VICHY, MO. CAMP MEETING. To commence Sept. io and continue'as long as the Lord wills. The camp ground is on Bro. James A. Thornton's farm, two and one- half miles southeast of Vichy, ten miles north of Rolla, twelve miles northeast of St. James. Those coming from the west get off at Rolla, and those from the east stop of St. James. Rolla and St. James are both on the Frisco R. R. Bro. R. M. Haynes is desired as Bros Collins and Pike will be engaged in other meetings at the time of ours. Any other ministers the Lord may send will be thank-fully received. Let as many as can bring tents. Let all who can come prepared to take care of themselves. Let all the saints pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Athen. Address Bro's James A. Thornton and jno. P. Bailey. WOMAN'S FAITH HOME. Questions and. Answers on the Church. A tract con-tainine four letters with many questions concerning the church, and the difference between the true church and sectism. Price, 10 cents per dozen. The Great Tobacco Sin. it contains 30 pages, with neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one send-ing us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. What is the Soul? By D. S. Warner. Or NO scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal ele-egmdoe ebnsyt t. otch aGell eoedadr tlayht eCt hSheou udrcle, h att hhHe oi sSftp otihrryiet. , b Paorniddcye . t hsTienh gIenl esn acemor epM ya al1sno0, wcperhnoitvcsh- Per dozen 80 cents. " No- Sectism." A tract bearing the above title, written by A. Sims, has been reviewed by D. S. Warner, showing itnhge dGifofedr. e Intc eex bpeotwseese tnh see fcatilssme tahnedo rtihees Csehtu frochrt ho fb tyh eS Linivs-. This tract contains 52 pages. For free distribution, lb atm. per dozen; 61.00 per hundred. The Secret Vice. A small illustrated tract of 10 pages wtahgiratohinu sngte htaohteu c teo tvvhileesr lo. a fIn tSd ge. liTlv Aehseb aut rstaeicm, ta e ihsly aa btwtitra awrcnthiiinvcegh, tiiosn tptehrreeevs abtilonenygts, aagned npeoeidn ttso ohuatv ec ewrtaarinni negv iilns atigmaien. sPt rwiche, i cdho zb. o 1y0s eotfa . e 1v0er0y, 40 eta. 1000, 83.00. BOOKS. BIB' Bible readings or references on about WWI. one hundred subjects. Price 30 cts. MASONIC SALVATION By Fred Ended. This little volume • treats the subject of Free Mason-rMthy aifnsrtgoesrr abM aea fBsooirbnel, e tbh soetla dpnlyud bbplroiicnin gitns. tTah hce elhe awidrrd iletigenhr athn. adPv rminicyges , tb eperaeiopnue asr cover 15 cts. Cloth 35 cts. Anna Shepard, John R. Davis, Leroy Shel-don, M. Frey, Mary Masters, Lucinda, Mar-tin, Joseph Adams. Barbara Nicholson, Geo. Altened or. Mary E Cheadle, 0. E. Weiringa, Frances E. Shepard, Margaret Absher, Lucy Kirk, Wm. Frost. J. L. Green. G. B. Thomas, H. C. Hamm, Otto Bolds, Emma Switzer, F. HustPcl, J. H. North, M. Glasco, JR. Sutton, Wm. N. Cook, GusSie Montgomery. the gospel. Any one buying the property, will thus / help along the work of the Mastet. THE Brethren in the foreign field write that they are in need of tracts to distribute which will greatly help to open the way for the gospel to be preached in places where there is at at present no opening. BRO. JAS. KRIEBEL writes from Red-dick, Ill., that he expects to be at the Chalfont C. M., near West Point, Pa., Sept 13, and from there go among the mountains and to the Atlantic coast, where there are miny calls for the gospel, ind desires some . brother who is a real firebrand for God to go with him. Any one whom God may send, can address him at West Point, Pa. THE Post Office at Grand Junction Mich. has now become an Interna-tional office, and brethren wishing to send money to gospel workers in foreign fields, and cannot procure a foreign order elsewhere, . can send to us and we will forward the same. The postal rates charged for foreign money order is ten cents on each ten dollars or less, Ind five cents for each letter of one- half ounce. If you wish to help along the work, either here or in foreign countries, and do not know just where to apply it, send to us and we will send it where it most needed. BRO. A. DITTMORE, Uniontown, Pa. writes, " We want some brother to ccme and assist in the ordinance meeting, Sunday, Sept. 16." BRO. T. A. PHILLIPS, who is out preaching the gospel, desires to sell his house and lots at Reynolds, Neb., and use the moncy for the spread of declare the whole counsel of God. Amen. The Lord help Bro. and Sister M. and every other witness for God, to be true and uncompromising. Whenever a person gets where they think we have not true charity ( love) when we cannot bid Godspeed and join hands and work with persons who profess holiness, and are yet walking in any of the abominable heresies that are now labeled holiness, that are thick in the land, especially in Mo., that person has got a vail Of delusion over his or her eyes. Neith-er do such effeminate spirits " discern the body of Christ." To discern his body which is the church, is everlast-ing death to _ every other concern, sect, faction, creed, and association on earth. We have been informed of a sister who is out working for God, who thinks " anti- ordinance, so-cial purity, and any thing else is all right if favorable to holiness." God pity such softness. The standard to which God is calling his holy rem-nant, which is the bride the Lamb's wife, is not simply a profession of holiness, else it would include a large portion of Babylon filth. But we must " all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." Eph. 4. The church befc re spoiled by the apostasy was " all with one accord," and her light in the evening shall break forth as in the morning. Isa. 58. To bring the pure gold from the dross, the clean wheat from the chaff, God has ' called a ministry who " lay judg-ment to the line— of God's word— and righteousness to the plummet." Through his eternal burning and purging truth he now gathers all na-tions into the valley of Jehoshaphat — Judgment— and pleads with them there, and only such as measure to the Bible rule pass from thence into the valley of decision, and all the rest become reprobate silver and cast off carcasses for the birds and beasts to prey upon. " Arise and thresh," is the command of God. " For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: the daughter of Baby-lon is like a threshing floor; it is time to thresh her." f er. 5 f : 33. Therefore " Arise and thresh, 0 daughter of Zion, and I will make thine horn and I will make thy hoofs brass, and thou shalt beat in pieces many people." Micah 4: 13. People who go to threshing away at Babylon be-cause naturally contentious, and who do it not out of love for souls perish-. ing her, are of no use to God, and are not sent of him. Their horns are tipped with their own brass, their ho, ops hard with their own iron. But God takes his children of finest and deepest sympathy, of the most tender love, and by his . Holy Spirit puts up-on our horns of power the brass of true love that knows no compromise; that pushes down the pens of starva-tion. And upon the beautiful feet of all his messengers he will fasten the heavy iron plates of trueness to God, with which we not only bruise Satan under our feet, but tread down all the doctrines of devils, and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness and error. Being God-like, we, like him, take vengeance on men's institutions, because we love their souls. Some silly men and wo-men are deceived of ' the devil to think they have more love than oth-ers because they, never drive any body from them by their preaching. By their standard, they can easily prove that they have more love than the apostles, and Jesus Christ him-self. Their preaching often drove men of the highest pretentions of pi-ety out in the dark places to gather stones to kill them. These soft men plea. sers think they are full of the fire, and preach the blood, but have noth-ing at all to do with anything like hail. Pray for me and my family that we may have the gospel preached . here in its ful-ness. Pray for my wife who is sick with a fever, and for my daughter who has a very sore - foot. Yours in Christ, S. M. BLACK, Aurora, Mo. We earnestly request the saints of God to pray for the healing of our little daugh-ter Jessie, who is afflicted with loathsome sores on her head. MR. AND MRS. R. B. CLARK. Myrtle, Mo. I do hope God will favor us with one of his true ministers at this place. MRS. G. W. GREENSTREET, - Winters, Cal. Sister_ Stockwell of White Cloud, Mich. has been earnestly calling for some one to hold a meeting in that place. Bro. Bixler and I had expected to hold that meeting, but it will not be so we can. Cannot some one else go? The darkness of Adventism has blinded the eyes of the people in that place. Some one go that can give them warning before too late. Wm. E. WARREN, A. M. BIXLER. Edgewood, Mich. Any one desiring meeting on our route between ViCksburg, Miss. and Decatur, Ala. and Tullahoma, Tenn., write to us at Vicksburg, Miss. at once. Yours in Christ, L. C. SLATE, J. D. TRAMEL AND R. L. BERRY. There will be a grove meeting at Blen-don, commencing Sept. 5, and to continue as long as the Lord wills. Wm. E. War-ren and Co. are desired, and whomsoev-er the Lord will send. ANGUS MCDONALD. Blendon, Mich. There will be a tabernacle meeting commencing in the town of Bolivar, Mo., on- the 26th of Sept. Will continue as long as the Lord wills. All come prepared to take care of themselves as this is a new field. GEORGE E. BOLDS & Co. There will be a Tabernacle meeting at Wood's Grove, two miles South of Somer-ville, Morgan Co., Ala., commencing Sept. 14 and continuing as long as the Lord wills. All are invited, saints to work and sinners to get saved. Any desiring to camp on the ground will find all things convenient. Those coming on the cars get off at Hartselle, and notify Bro. John Shaneyfelt; Hartselle, Ala. J. F. LUNDY, OTTO BOLDS AND WIFE. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. Truly the hand of the Lord is in this work for the fallen. This month God has so wonderfully owned and blessed it. All of our past indebted-ness has been met and enough be- si. des to buy some necessary articles which we long felt the need of, also the rent for the next month has been paid. Besides this much needed fi-nancial help the dear Lord has called Sister Grace E. Stratton of Richland, Mich. and Sister Mary E. Metter of Payne, 0. to help in the work. Oth-ers are being led of the Lord whom we expect Father to definitely call as soon as he sees they are needed. Glory to His holy name! We feel that ihe dear Lord is rapidly pushing this work forward, and believe that we very soon will be able to leave this home in the hands of those whom God shall call while we go on to Chi-cago. We are told that there are 45. 000 of these women in Chicago, and only homes to accomodate about too of them. Will you pray with us that the way may be opened in God's time and His own way for a good home in a suitable place and that He will plan every thing out for His own glory? " If ye shall ask any thing in my name I will do it." Oh praise the Lord! We would have a small house in Chicago as a temporary home, and after a trial of a few weeks remove the girls away from all pos-sible temptation by placing them in a country home, if such can be found. We expect soon to make all of our homes self- supporting; but it can not be done at first. In this report I will make a state-ment of the work during this first half year of its existence, and then will report from time to time in the future as God leads. With regard to the furnishing of this home I can truly say that in these six months there has been done ex' ceeding abundantly above all I asked or thought. The Lard has been very good to us. The total cash donated has been 202 08 Over half of this amount was donated this month. We have had three real trials in a- Tim Grosp. mmi riamma= mrr. pay homage to their god. Jesus says by their fruit you shall know them. G. S. Railton says, " Beware of an American man by the name of Rup-ert." But Jesus says, " Beware of false prophets which tome to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs of this-ties?" Or does a Christian go dressed in beast skins, dance jigs, and in all maner of rudness? No; for as God is, so are we in this world.' I do praise my dear Master for de-liverance from all the curses of this world, and that he ever counted me worthy to bare this wonderful gospel to the dying world. I recognize dear brothers and sisters in the S. A. as well as all other sects; but Babylon is falling, and by the grace of God 1 shall do all I can to warn these I love and whom Jesus shed his precious blood to redeem, to come out of Bab-ylon, and be separate, as saith the Lord, although it does bring the wrath of Satan upon us. Jesus said not to fear, he is with us. Praise his name! The pharisees,- actuated by the devil, gathered stones to slay Jesus on account of the truth. But now these modern pharisees throw stones in other ways, but far more in-jurious to the cause. May the Lord reward them according to their works Well praise our God, the work of the Lord is going forward in spite of all the opposition that has been brought to bear upon it; and a few dear souls are finding their way out of sin and Babylon, to Zion, the church of the living God. Heb. 12: 22- 24. Some of the Babylonians want to come up and build with us, but we have no time nor use for any of their old rubbish, and so we wield the sword by going through Jesus, and he puts them to work. Praise our God for victory, faith, patience and power to work for Jesus, the Master- builder, who cloth strengthen and encourage us to go through the many trials which we are counted worthy to pass through in this country! We ask the prayers of all God's children every-where that we may not get weary in well doing, but that we may speak as we ought to speak at all times. We are praying God to send or raise up some one to take the German work, as we - feel led to go to England dur-ing the coming winter, and work there. Pray with us. Yours in the conflict of faith, J. H. RUPERT. Gruenerdeich, 25 Part L., Hamburg, Germany. once delivered to the saints. Th e result is, th e y either flee or get saved BROCK, Oxio, Aug. 20, 1894. DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS OF GOD: May grace, peace and mercy be abun-dantly multiplied unto you, until the end of time. We are happy to re-port victory all along the line for God. Hallelujah! The Garrett grove meeting was a wonderful success for God, well attended, with good inter-est. The church built up and mov-ing out unto the pinnacle of the apos-tolic platform. Bro. J. H. Merica was ordained elder of the flock. We commemorated the death of God's dear Son by washing of the saint's feet, breaking of the one loaf and drinking of the cup. Bro. P. Strang was with us in this meeting. On the morning of the 3rd, we bade the little ones farewell, God willing, expecting to return ere long. We started on our way for the Deerfield C. M. with our bodies much run down and tired. Arrived the same eve-ning. Saints anxiously waiting our coming, but to our surprise we found none of the old ministers in the camp only Bro. Longerbone and Sister Belle Stetler who were holding the I ground. We were soon con- REw. aur English WAR Cav, printed in London, lgodliness, where David danced be- vinced of the work before us. We ratijan of afi: Ainerican by the name of Rupert, i which is recorded some of their / fore the Lord, because he brought and rall- persons that belong to him in I II humbly fell on our knees before our Ehll td elsewhere, He p retends to i doings which they did when they met up the ark of the Lord. Those poor G od, ding bee of some American mission, in London to - wor. sdehluidped tshouelsi dra ngceod lbdefoerne t heir plea for the desired " th - A- lies ° Penh? to catch the children of' call, it being his fifth anniversary. I god ( who they say enjoyed the nov- answered o strength of body. Father of - GradAt : the Salvation Arm 1 Here we have an article headed, elty) because they had brought ( as our plea. We moved out upon the gt: otitunity b all kinds y , or any) = = of false pre-te . a .4- 14 exam' iYe that our best mem- " A MONSTER FREE AND EASY," in which , they say) souls from all nations who work with complete victory; and the food line, but the promises were aura, and we held on to them, and through these temporal trials gained much - spiritualhelp. " All things work together for good to them that love the Lord." - We have sheltered % eighteen girls besides . several children. Four of the girls went to their homes, in other towns. • Several young girls went back to their mothers. Three still remain in the home, and glory to God, one has been sanctified. I realize more good would have been eloneif help had come sooner, but, thank God, I realize I did all I could Under the circumstances. The truth has been sown and I trust that still GOd will cause it to grow. It i5 our part to sow, but it is God that giveth the increase. We are not re-sponsible for the results. Dearly beloved ones, do pray for us that we may- truly be hid away in Jesus, and kept so humble and obedient that the Spirit may continually have the right of way in our hearts. We are praying for you. Your sister, sancti-fied and kept by the power of God. • Al ARV HOUSKEEPER. • 4 CALL FOR WORRPRS. bers are leaving us. Will this man per-asunadd es oyuolus , t oa ngdiv eb ruinpg y yoouur. wsoo frakr faosr tGo obde baptized by him with water, and accept all his doctrine, one ot which is that Christian people are not to wear engage-ment rings? Don't be hindered by any false teaching or desire of Christian love to handle such people as they deserve. G. S. RAILTON. The above article appeared in the German WAR CRY, ' printed in Berlin, Germany, and was written by G. S. Railton, one of the procurators of the S. A. sect, with the intention of weak-ening our hand in the gospel work here in Germany. But praise our God for such a wonderful salvation, and for his Word which says all things work" together for good to them that love the Lord! And in this case it is so, and we have seen the Word ful-filled where he says He will make the wrath of man praise Him. For in-stead of hindering us, it has worked as an advertisement for our meetings, and those whom Railton. thought he would warn, have come to see such a terrible man, and praise God, they hear nothing but the truth, and of course the truth will do its work every time. Others that were friends to the S. A. have said, " I once respected them, but now want nothing to do with them since doing such an un-christian act as to slander anyone without proving a word." Now I do believe had G. S. Railton been actuated by a spirit of manhood even, instead of a malicious and sel-fish spirit, which feeds from the the fountain of bigotry, he would have come and seen us as he was- here in Hamburg, and then he could not have printed the untruth as he did. But he based his slander solely on the testimony of those who heard the word of God, and were not willing to walk in the light; therefore they could do nothing more than speak evil of the truth, and lay things to our charge which we never did, such as preaching that people were not to wear Tiny Mikie ( a- dwarf and captain of the Salvation Army), with a weapon almost as big as himself, in semi- say-age attire, essaying a jig backwards with commendable skill, acted as a sort of Salvation Lord Chamberlain to the elastic and excited Zulu, as he indulged in a terrific war dance. Staff Captain Holdaway at the head of the Maoris impressed many of the audience with the belief that he was an out and out savage, as he held his spear aloft, and jumped and swung himself round and round in wild beast skins. Some of the French of-ficers adopted the Cavalry style by leaping on the shoulders of their comrades, and waving the grand old flag of blood and fire; others set to dancing in couples, until presently the whole house was convulsed in laughter. The General enjoyed the novelty as much as anybody, while the chief and his staff joined in the hilarity withoutreservation. Now as I write the above rude and ungodly actions of this profane daugh-ter of Romanism, who is outdoing all her elder sisters ( sects) in tomfoolery and rudeness, I am made to wonder in astonishment how men of corn-mon sense can print such things, and think to make sensible people believe it is of God; and then have the an-dacity to say, " Let no one persuade you to give up your work for God." Oh my God! how long wilt thou stay thy hand? And can it be possible that the worst is not yet come? Where would you go in all the low dives of sin to see anything that would fill the heading of this - piece more complete, A Monster Free and Easy? Truly here we see the Word being fulfilled in 2 Thess. 2: 7- 12,— " For the mystery of iniquity doth already work, only he who now let-teth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wick-ed be revealed, who the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose com-ing is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivable-ness of unrighteopsnesss in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they might believe a lie: that they all might be damned who be-lieVed not the truth, but had pleas-ure in unrighteousness." Now dear reader, imagine if you can, Peter in semi- savage attire, danc-ing• a jig backwards with a weapon almost as big as himself, on the day of Pentecost, trying to convince the people that it was God that was giv-ing them power to speak forth the words of truth, until every one heard in his own language. How long do you suppose it would have taken him to convince' the people that he was a man of God? Or Paul going into the cities around about Jerusa-lem on Barnabas's back, swinging a flag; what impression would he have made upon those Grecians with whom he- had so much contention, and who had to be met with all the wisdom and soberness of God? Or take the twelve, with Matthew dress-ed in wild beast skins, as a savage, jumping round and round, holding a spear aloft; Bartholomew on Philip's back, John on James's back, Andrew on Peter's back, and Judas Iscariot dressed like an Indian, dancing a jig, and the others dancing in couples. Can you paint from the above a pic-ture of the disciples of the lowly Je-sus who gave us an example to do as he did? Reader, if you can say in your heart that Babylon has not fallen, after considering the above, then you surely are consumed in the wreck, and the god of this world has blinded your eyes. Now the writer of this " Free and Fsey," takes 2 Sa. a few times in d e fens e of the faith through the ' meeting precious souls were brought to the altar, Christ Jesus. Meeting closed Friday after-noon. We went to the home of Bro. and Sister Wickersham; preached in Praise Chapel Saturday evening and Sunday. Meeting well attended which was a feast to our souls, to meet with dear saints at that point for the first time. We also had the Pleasure of visiting Mother Byrum. Monday, in company with Bro. Wic-kersham, we came on to Brock, 0., grove meeting. The brethren have a large tabernacle, ao x 6o, which was well filled every night. The people soon became very much interested and the best of order prevailed all through the meeting. Quite a num-ber of Roman Catholics came out to hear the truth, and were interested in the same. Souls were saved. Sun-day afternoon four dear souls followed their Master in baptism by being bur-ned with him. God willing, we start for Canada camp- meeting the 21st inst., desiring the prayers of all God's family for the work in that country, and that we may be kept very hum-ble. Yours in much holy love. J. A. & A. J. DILLON, BLANCHE B. FLEMING. Address: Fenwick, Ont., care of S. E. Birdsall, M. D. LAUDERDALE, MISS., Aug. 22, 1894. To THE GOSPEL TRUMPET: This morning finds me with victory in my soul. After closing meeting with the saints at Quilb3.7 I began with the saints at the Wilson school house, where I had been a few times before. We began in the name of King Jesus on the 4th day of August. On Sun-day dear Bro. Sistrunk and Sister Boon came to our aid, and remained two days. The truth prevailed. When meeting closed on the following Friday, seven went down into the water and were baptized. Several to follow soon. Much good was done in this meeting and the church is fully organized. Any true brother hap-pening by will be welcomely received by them. From here I went to Binn-ville and opened fire on the enemy. Here the enemy came at us but Jesus was with me in declaring his gospel to them. When we pictured the pure church to them, with all its members clean and white, they at once saw the light. Praise God forever! Much good was done at this place and a goodly number endorse the truth, and call for another meeting in October. Pray for me that I may know noth-ing but Christ and Him crucified. Yours saved now, ROBT. A. CHARLTON. OBITUARY. ( 7- ko hide the in thy native den; Go seek thy home in deserts foul Where serpents hiss, and tigers howl. Thus taught to blast the victim's fame, Behind his back pollute his name; In secret whispers spread disgrace, And lie without a blushing face. Yet know that thou and he must meet Before the awful judgment seat. How - will you stand in that great day? How wash thy poison words away? Near Gobles, Mich., Aug. 24., Bro. Nicholas J. Vanslyke departed in peace from this earth, to be present with the Lord. Aged sixty- six years, five months and fourteen days. Bro. and Sister Vanslyke received full sal-vation and the present truth of God Several years ago, and have walked with God ever since. Bro. V. has had much afflictions out of which it has pleased God to deliver him by the angel of death. To the last moment he was full of peace and joy and praises to God. The Lord had showed him some time before that his departure was near, and it was a welcome communication. He waited with much desire for the happy mo-ment to come. Truly Christ had a-bolished death, and he is still living together with Christ," since his body has fallen asleep. Thus again the doctrine of God in- the evening light has been tested in the article of death. and proved a sure foulidation to the soul. The Lord bless Sister Van-slyke. While her soul is greatly com-forted, and even blessed of in her be-reavement, she is in need of the sym-pathy of the saints. She should by all means have financial help to meet expences. Brethren, " Dwelleth the love of God in your heart?" read - a Ino. 3: 17. Help can be sent here for her relief, and God will bless you. Funeral services were held in the the town of Gobles, and largely at-tended. D. S. W. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. and . workers are now _ needed in sionary field with us, and ready thus to spend years or your life in the vine-yard - of the Master. As- we feel called to the missionary work into Alaska, also to the Sandwich Islands of the Pacific ocean, we need such a conse-crated and • humble couple as de-scribed above, with enduring and strong soprano voices, as soon as the Lord. lays his hand upon them and will send them out here. 0, Lord, search out and send us such whom you can trust and best use to yourglory Who will stand the test and go through the fire for God and pre cious souls? To whom is the Lord now talking? Read Isa. 6: 5- 8. Dearly beloved, obey the voice of the Lord and the call from heaven, to the work of the gospel. Come over and help us. Please address me at Pullman, Wash. Yours in love, watching for souls, F. N. JACOBSON. You despise the just and holy man; Do all to ruin him you can. I'd rather all your stigma bear stay - on the- coast and go into the mis- Than be condemned a landlre- r- ICth. ere. PALOUSE, WASH., Aug. 21, 1394. DEAR BRETHREN: May the Lord richly bless you all with all spiritual blessings. In the fear of God, with much love and earnestness for the advancement of the work of the gos-pel in these parts, I now send you an earnest appeal in the name of Jesus. 1\ lay the Lord apply it to such hearts and stir up those whom it concerns. The work of God is opening up fast in Wash. Idaho and Ore. The Lord is raising up young and new workers and called them into the ministry who need faithful, humble and truly con-secrated workers and singers to help them along in the gospel. But none should cdme only those who have a holy go- through for , God, ip their engagement rings. We , never went spoeurlise innc teh. e Wir fhaoit ha' raen dw iinll inge rto e bxe- bteery, oanndd tnheev ewro erxdp oefc tG too da sin l oanngy ams awt- e nothing, to endure hardness as good keep saved. In Isa. 3: 17- 25, it reads, soldiers and not shrink, nor run, nor " In that day the Lord will take away draw back when the enemy or any the bravery of their tinkling orna-oppositiOn comes; for this means ments," which includes rings ( please more in the gospel on the coast, than read) • also Tim. 2: gaao which forbids I saw any where in the East. Who the we' aring of gold. If those script-are consecrated to the bed- rock in ures do not mean what they say, will the perfect will and grace of God, in all m Aeeknness umber , hh uomfility sucha nsdi ngers ' obe-do ( hence? some one inform us what they meaty and if they are God's word, where will you stand? Wahs e at once, to make up about " Vile sland'rer, foe of God and man four eompanies ready, for the fall and winter campaign. As Bro. and Sister Tubbs are now contemplating returning home early this fall, my-self apd wife will need two good, hum-ble a, nd faithful workers, some broth-ereand his Ntife, soprano and base singers, or soprano and tenor singers, suchltaho will be at liberty and in every . way, ready and consecrated to W. B. L• . VG2ERMTANY. Elt PROM" How sad to think that justice will meet the unjust in a time when it will be too late to recant! How much better and nicer it would be to prove all things as the Word says, and hold fast that which is good! But we are now living in an age when justice is slaughtered upon the altar of bigotory. God help us all to be honest with God and man. G. S. R. says, " Will this man per-suade you to leave your work for God and souls, and be baptized of him." I never teach that men should leave their work for God, but that those that are sent by sectarian lead-ers and not by God, shall get saved, and preach and teach the word from God's mouth. Eze. 3 : 17. Let us no-tice now some of the things that this blind guide and his co- workers call the work of God, and let us weigh them in the balance of truth and jus-tice without a spark of prejudice in our heart to any soul on earth. There-fore I will quote in part front their .6: 14. to justify themselves in their un- ( Continued fromn first page.) by this archfiend. However this may be, where or in what locality do you live, my friends? - B. Oh I live just beyond the limits of your government, in the kingdom of Bab-ylon, on the M. P. hill in the city of Con-fusion, on the corner of Main street and Sin- you- must aVenuC; also the alley of Darkness runs by my premises, through which the light of the sun shirks but faint-ly. My brother here lives over in the plain of Vain Glory, on the M. E. hill of tumult. inside the incorporation of the city of Disorder. We all use water from the same reservoir though, and this affair is operated by one corporation. Although we all live in the same kingdom, • yet the climate is variable, as the sites of some of our cities are higher in the atmosphere of aristocracy than others, yet we havesnade ample provision for all such disadvantag-es. The propelling machine of iniquity operated by Abaddon, is so constructed as to change the nature and temperature of the water, just to suit our several tastes. You live, let me see— where do you live? I. We live o
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 14:35
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 14:35
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 14:35
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 14:35
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 14:35
title_sort gospel trumpet - 14:35
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1894
long_lat ENVELOPE(140.018,140.018,-66.663,-66.663)
geographic Sandwich Islands
The Altar
The Ark
Battle Creek
geographic_facet Sandwich Islands
The Altar
The Ark
Battle Creek
genre Alaska
genre_facet Alaska
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766242748187279360
spelling 2023-05-15T18:49:12+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 14:35 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1894-09-06 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 14 35 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1894 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:04:11Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 IOSPEL Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Sept. 6, 1894. Volume 14. No. 85. The LordGod shall liLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whir/ winds. NOt every one who crieth out, Lord,” shall enter in. - Bid those who do the Father's will .- And live all free from sin. Those who professing to be saved, - Yet make a crooked path, In that great day will not escape The judgment or the wrath, And they who teach the people wrong And lead them far astray, [ doom, - .: 7W111 find that they have sealed their And cast their crowns away. WHO SHALL INR IN? MATT. 2: 7. Plea out of the midst of Babylon, and deliv-er every DU hie soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for thin is the time of the Lord's yes-geanee; he will header unto her a recompenoe. dad the land than tremble and emir for every purpose of the Lord thall he performed against Babylon, to make the tau or Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant. Jer. 61: 6. 29. Au. Am MUM- - SA11123,0V- VISEWCIR MID ' DWELLERS MUM EAVerti, SEEN" E, Wtigt4. tartE114.13, PA141 slur; at, t- tikt moutt- SAMS; Atto WHEN 11/ 4 nuowt- rn A TRUMPET. . MEARNErASA.) 0111 - 10, 4 514,10 tit Ant he shall send his angels with a great mud , fa trumpekancl they shall gather to-getherhin elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the Sig tree; Whet s brush it yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that euttraer to nigh; So likewise ye, when ye than tee all these thingdknew that it is near, even at the 3eors. Matt. 21: 31- 33. of forsaking the soul- polluting, and God-dishonoring institutions, and returning to the church of Christ from which they have separated themselves, they are gath-ering up all their abominations and bring-ing them together in the city of destruc-tion; and all spirits of devils fellowship-ing and co- operating with each other, and arrayed against the truth. This conglom-eration of corruption has already begun, and erelong we will see the consummation, of this gathering together of the host of Gog and Magog. As this great agitation continues to increase, and the powers of hell send forth prodigious volumes of soul-destroying doctrines, God's people on mount Zion, inside the fortification of sal-vation, with the sword of truth wielded by the Spirit of the Almighty, are kept free from the noisome pestilence. Praise the Lord! WHO IS COMMANDED TO FIGHT AGAINST BABYLON? Babylon includes every sect of past, present or future; ever insitution operated by man or devils, in which doors are op-ened and shut, members taken in and turn-ed out by man. Not one sect on earth is exempt from this odious charge of being a member of this great harlot family. A house divided against itself cannot stand; hence when the many doctrines of sectism come in contact with each other, every carnal mouth speaks against its sister. And at the very time when sectism had reached her highest point, and was exalt-ed as it were to heaven, her fall came, just as literal Babylon's fall. This fall was caused by the preaching of the everlast-ing gospel. Rev. 14: 6. The Lord says, " I have commanded my sanctified ones, I also called my mighty ones for mine anger [ against Babylon], even them that rejoice in my highness." Isa. 13: 3. Again, " Sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called." Jude. I. Here we learn who are called to fight in this holy war. Those who are sanctified and preserved from all sin themselves, only are competent for this work. Those who cry, Babylon, Bab-ylon, without first getting out of her and gettirtg sanctified, are only called to re-pentance. Such is nothing but Satan_ flogging Satan, and is an abomination in the sight of God. DELIVERANCE HAS COME. The Lord has restored us to Zion, and restored to us the years that the locust hath eaten. Joel 2: 25. Read Rev. 9: 1- 4. IATe asked for rain in the time of the latter rain ( evening light). Zech. to: I. And the Lord has given us the former rain ( purity and spirituality of the apostolic age) and the latter rain in the first month. Joel 2: 23. Hos. 6: 3. That is, instead of inventing some new doctrine ( as all sects have done), the same sun of righteousness that shone in the morning, and that was darkened in his going forth by the clouds of sectism, now re- appears, and his going forth shines ams otrhnien os-did before being obscured by sectish dark-ness. The light of the evening comes from the same source that produced the morning light; the same light, but shining at different periods of time. Hence we have the two reigns at the same time, or the liberty of the morning s co- existino- with - that of the evenin6 g. Praise the Lord, all ye redeemed! Amen! CONCLUDED BY A COLLOQUY. BABYLONIAN_ Good morning, friend; we live just over the way, and seeing your light _ and hearing the sound of shouting, in your city, we came to see what it means. Eze. I2:_ 9_ ISRAELITE. Thou art welcome, neigh-bor; and as to the_ meaning of this shout-ing, it is this: We were captives, carried from our native home in Zion, to Babylon, where for many years we were deprived of our freedom. But our Father has re-stored us to our city, and the walls are builded again; and for this we are prais-ing Him. Dan. 9: 25. Mic. 7: II. B. But we hear strange things of you since you are come again to this city; you fight against our cities continually, and have stopped all commerce between our cities and yours. I. There are many hills ( sects) in Bab-ylon, and we wandered from hill to hill- ( Eze. 34: 6.) in league, first with this one and then with that one, seeking the liber-ty they promised; but finding none ( Jer. 3: 23) we return to Zion with everlasting joy, and here we abide. Isa. 35. Our supply comes from the celestial city, the abode of our King, and home of our dis-embodied fellow countrymen; Hence all trafficking between us is at an end. B. why need you fight us? If you have peace, let us have the same. Are you bet-ter than all others? I. Hold! neighborso. ve do not think our-selves to be of more worth than your-selves; only the hostility you have toward our nation, of binding the subjects of our King, has brought down his wrath, and vengeance upon your cities. He is on the war path, and we as faithful subjects who owe allegiance to our sovereign King, must follow our great Commander. We fight not against your person, your good, or freedom, but against the corrupt gov-ernment under which you abide. And as far as possible to annihilate the works of Apollyon, under whose banner you are warring. And our intent is to deliver you from the cursed intoxication brought on ( Continued on fourth page.) - 411rtd those who labor to build up Divisiena. made by men, instead of teaching unity, • ill be found lacking then. But these widi'do the Father's will, Those who have faithful been, - Will hear the blessed words, " Come thou, _ Beloved, enter in." C. W. NAYLOR. EFFECTS OF LIGHTNESS. t. - N these last days Satan is " let loose for a little season" to de-stroy God's people. One of his most cunning methods is lightness. By reading such scriptures as Psa. 5T : 15. Matt. / 236,37. Col. 3: 17 and Acts 26: 25, we understand that idle and un-profitable talk is absolutely forbidden in the holy Word, and was shunned lay God's people. But we desire to show a few of the many evil effects of indulging in vain conversation. God's word is very consistent and the Lord had a higher design than mere legality. and morality when he said, " Be ye holy in all manner of conversation." To make plainer, we give the following effects. IST. A BAR TO REAL EARNEST PRAYER. Any person must admit that when he has been overtaken in the habit of jesting, joking, and laughing at the frivolity of others, that his mind was fkotAT THAT INSTANT in a proper state oflutercession to God. In fact. he had toesist the influence of it before he entered very fervently in prayer. The soul who has most power with God in prayer, is the one who abso-lutely abstains from lightness, all other conditions being met. LACK OF DESIRE TO READ GOD'S WORD. - Indulging in a different element, ceptr. ary to the Spirit of God natur-creates in us ( generally gradual-dislike or depreciation for the Protions truths of the Bible. They hoe lost their charms, and the read-ei• ommences to seek other sources of inform n and pleasure, and neg-lec • the Word, which is truly griev-ous to the Spirit. of God, and death to the soul. so. WE LOSE OUR INFLUENCE To- WARD GOD. - The sinner who sees us when first Converted notices the change from ousidesires and love for the things of the world, to those of a heavenly na-ture, and when they see us partaking of the " flesh pots of Egypt," they have reasons to feel that our salva-tion is not genuine. Who feels like Inviting sinners to get saved from all sin at the very time in which they are leading and encouraging them to take the opposite course? 4•- TH. WE INFLUENCE OTHERS. One person may indulge in things of a light nature innocently, and not realize the immediate effect, but an-other; feeling that this one may do those things, does the same himself, or goes iittle farther, and fails un-der- - 4134mnation. Another having light on these nijsi- niny be weak in resisting, and titece of a man of God(?) in n114118: 4irection is a great trial to hii*,' 4Re; will doubtless lose much cOttfilliaHtz in theother, or feel that experience is not wholly in har-nlaiwIlli God's word. Should he ' he. would fall under con-ckti* tio„ . Thus we see the great _ soberly and righteous-ly, and letting our light shine, that nien may see our good Works. Oh, ye messengers of God, look much to Hying soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world! There is no time for trifling with the devil. Souls are going to perdition everywhere. On every side of us we can hear the laughter and revelry of the human family on their down-ward career to hell! See then the need of holding up Jesus. Show them that there is a deeper, sacred, enjoy-ment, that is far beyond their pleas-ures. They will believe you- if you spend your time in devotion td God in much prayer and reading of his Word. They will not believe you if you " go to the same excess of riot," or even show your enjoyment in their ways, instead of indulging in lightness. Christian, begin to thank God for the privileges you have of spreading a holy influence before others, and you will feel like doing all you can to lead them in the ways of holiness and via:- tue. If you have the real love and grace of God in your soul, live up to all your privileges; feel the burden of souls, pray, and read the Bible mu ch, and we think you will have a per-fect disinfectant for this poison that is making so many souls so sick, weakly, and lean. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight; 0 Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Psa. 19; 14. - In Jesus' love, with vic-tory over lightness through God's grace, CLARENCE DEWEY. SHE IS CONSIIIIING. OME time ago we wrote how the Spirit assured us that from the time thatjudgment has been given to the saints, decay, wasting and destruc-tion has been the doom of the first beast, or the little horn, Romish power. We published their own lamentations; also the great division that exists in the sentiment of the Romish leaders in America. Though it is a fact that our whole nation seemed asleep to the gigantic foe that was insidiously coiling a-bout our national liberties, we ' see that God has not been asleep. His eye is upon his word, and his hand against every power of earth and hell that conspires against its fulfillment. Though Adventists loudly predict that this government must fall into the hands of Rome to fulfill their in-terpretation of prophecy; and it can-not be denied that appearances have favored their expectations. But the Word of God was against it, and now his almighty hand and alwise ' provi-dence have suddenly created a strong American sentiment in the minds of prominent leaders, and large forces of the Romish sect, which lay di-rectly in the way of the pope's wish and the Advent predictions. And now we are informed of a still more radical element that is raising up a-gainst the beast. An actual schism in his ranks. We copy the follow-ing-, from the Battle Creek DAILY J OURNAL, and will speak for itself. AMERICAN CAT- HOLIC CHURCH. First Convention of the Secession from Rome Now in Session. CLEVELAND, 0. Aug. 22.- The ffi- st con-vention of the Polish NatiOnal Church of America convened in Father Kolaszewski's church in Newburg. The seceders from the Roman Catholic church were of such numbers as to fill the large hall to over-flowing, and much enthusiasm prevailed. High mass was celebrated by Archbish-op Vilatte, who was surrounded by the I priests in attendance. An open mass meeting was held before the convention came to order. There were a number of addresses in the Polish language. 1 Does not this clearly indicate that God is mightily moving to defeat the beast power? How marvelous this utter contempt for the pope's author-ity and anathemas; and how strange, and marvelous this enthusiasm for American principles, and against the gloating desires of Rome. " This is the Lord's doings, and it is truly marvel-ous in our eyes.', Surely the immortal dreamer, Bun-yan pictured the truth when he saw Christian on his pilgrimage come to a den of two great beasts, which, in time past, had devoured many pil-grims, whose bones lay thickly strewn about their dens. But now they had become old and dtcrepit, and sorely wounded, Thb that they could do little more than growl at the pilgrims as they passed along on their way to the celestial city. These two great beasts whose strength had nearly- passed a-way, he called " Pope and Pagan." BAB Y LON, And What it Includes. ( Continued front last issue.) ONENESS OF SECTISAL Sectarians say, " Oh wedifferent church-es [ sects] all agree on the essentials; it is just the non- essentials we differ on." Any-thing essential is necessary; non- essentials are not necessary; and anything not nec-essary is a superfluity, and such we are' commanded to lay aside. Jas. I: 21. If all creeds agree on all things except those things not necessary, why do they not lay aside those little useless differences? Then there will be unity. But ah! such argument comes from a delusion of the father of lies. For they do not all agree, even on the divinity of Christ. The only thing in which all sects cohere is in fight-ing- the truth of God. In this there is a complete colligation. Every particle of God's holy word is es-sential. And 0 ye hypocrites! why judge the omnipotence of God by the perVersed iniquitous, and depraved hearts of here-tics; as if he would command anything and then say, It matters not whether you obey or not; just as your conscience leads! Woe unto you, ye blind guides, being led by a seared conscience, destroying the souls of your fellow beings! Hell is en-lareng herself, and the burning lake is sending forth fiery tongues of despair, licking up the ungodliness you are build-ing up. Except you repent, you will soon reap your reward of eternal death. Satan laughs; every fiend with a hellish sneer, exults over the victory they gain through your efforts. Blood rests upon your heads. Fly in Jesus' name from the wrath that overhangs you! WHAT SECTISM HAS DONE AND IS DOING. The Satanic power operating upon the mass of deluded people, caused the gates of praise to be broken down; and many breaches were made in the city of David, or church. That is, the standard of holi-ness was lowered until sinners could get among God's people and abide there. The professed world has also gathered wa-ter from " the lower pool." Isa. 22: This pool was below Jerusalem, and the pool of Siloam is designated by some his-torians as being the one here mentioned, and was a resort for rag- pickers, washer-women, etc. In fact all manner of people met there with their uncleanness. This illustrates sectism, as it is filled with all manner of filthiness, and composed of mingled people. This pool being be-low the city or church, the multitude went down for the water, representing the de- Father Kolaszewski explained why the convention was called, saying it was for the unity of theArnerican Catholic church. Archbishop Vilatte followed with a short address in English. He asked the people to be steadfast in their belief. " We should be American and for America, and not for the Roman Catholic church," he said. " Our church is founded on American principles and American power." The election of a president then took up some time, the archbishOp being unanimously chosen to fill that position. M. A. Crostowski, of Cleveland, moved that the delegates renounce their allegi-ance to the pope of Rome forever. He also moved that they recognize officially Archbishop Vilatte hs the head of this new church. Rev. Ur. Kolaszewski op-posed the first motion, saying that its pas-sage would result - in criticism and injury to the society. Several warm speeches were made on both sides. The motion was lost. The second motion carried. generation of the professors of salvation, and the forsaking the way of righteous-ness and the standard of God's word, for the corrupt and pernicious waters of sect-ism. The houses being numbered, is ful-filled in the dividing and subdividing of God's people into the multiplicity of isms, and each sect receiving a name by which it is characterized. Through this crafti-ness of Satan, the houses are broken down,- or souls in which the Spirit of God dwelt are deprived of spiritual life. The devil getting the nations dissatisfied with the church operated by God, they began to in-vent ways to. fortify its wall of fire and salvation. Their own constructions they thought would strengthen the work of the Almighty. And to accomplish their de-sign, they gathered many & doctrines from fallacious spirits, and every fragment of rubbish that was hurled from the pit of darkness, and encircled the church with their wall of abomination; hence the two walls. Inside this wall of dissension, and outside the church, the sectarian world takes its stand, and through their nefari-ous and schismatic doctrines, the word of God is repudiated. The old pool was the pool of Solomon, or Solomon's pool, situated above Jerusa-lem, and its waters ran spontaneously down through the city. This is a picture of the church of Christ; the old pool being salva-tion, fashioned by the Lord long ago; and its waters run through the streets of this city. Rev. 22: I, 2. Coming from above, it purifies all who live in its course. Eze. 47: 9. Sectarians have through their lies, prepared a ditch or way through which the water of salvation has been turned a-way from the multitudes of souls, who have received instead some damnable her-esy. But God Almighty who is able to defend his own cause, is now through the Holy- Spirit fire burning away this wall of Isa. 4: 4. Read Jer. 51: 58. As the battering ram of God's truth comes in contact with Babylon, her gates of dark-ness that have shut out heaven's light from honest souls, must fall. As these gates fall, let every cow make her escape through the breach that is before her. Amos 4: 3. And collie out of Babylon, that you per-ish not in her doom. The poor sectish priests have preached division for so long, in teaching for hire and trying to please man instead of God, that they now have so many factions that they know not what to do. I quote from one of their periodicals: " We have already commented upon the disadvantages which occur td' small and struggling communities which in certain sections are oppressed with an undue num- Der of church [ sect] organizations. The home missionary societies of the Presby-terian, Congregational and Reformed churches have already taken steps to com-bine in a movement that shall in the fu-ture prevent the establishment of a new congregation in any place which is already well supplied with religious facilities. The Episcopalian, Methodist and Baptist churches have been asked to unite in the movement. It is to be hoped that by some mutual arrangement wherein one denomi-nation shall give way in a certain place, and another denomination in return shall withdraw from some other church- ridden, poverty stricken place, the time may come when a decent support shall be given all pastors; and instead of a dozen s starvino-congregations in a town of twelve hund-red people, there shall be union, consoli-dation, co- operation, whereby only the churches that are needed to do the work shall remain. We [ Methodist] commend this movement." These propagators of confusion have been decrying the truth for ages past; on every side they howl, and say that di-vision is necessary, the different churches are indispensable for the purpose of christ-ianizing the world. If this be true, the more sects there are, the more glory will redound to God. And 0 ye sectarians! why unite in a movement to hinder the establishment of more division? Why obviate anything you value ., so highly, and that too being the means of saving the world? The solution of the whole affair is this: " A decent support to all pastors." The priests thereof teach for hire. Mie. 3: in It was not for love of souls that these isms were invented by the benighted priests of Baal, but for love of filthy lucre. Since so many would- be teachers have risen, they find that Satan has carried them too far, in inventing so much ecclesiastical machinery with so- many engineers, that all their greedy spirits cannot be satisfied. Isa. 56: 10, II. The great sharks devour the smaller ones to such an extent that they. are searching for something to alleviate their pain; and instead of discerning the body of Christ, they are fulfilling what waS prophesied of them. Amos 4: 8. So two or three cities (= sects) wandered unto one city ( sect) to drink water; but they were not satisfied; yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord. Instead THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. D. S. WARNER— Editor. E: E. BYRUM-Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS -- Publishers. eal• WOMMOYMYSNWINNS• Subscription $ 1.00 a year in advance. FREE TO THE POOR. fcoaDrtitohEn Fi noI Nfth fIeuT lnEl aS, m aRlevA aoDtfio ItCnhA, e aLLn, od ar ndDd. i JvAeisnNueTs H IC- ehSaErliisCntg, T fAoofRr ttIhhAeeN Bp, u osbdelnyi,- t the Unity of all tribe Christians in" the faith once delivered to the saints.' NOTICE. WHhoewr et oth Sise ncdan Mnoont ebye.- pRreomciut rbeyd , P soesnt dO bffyic Ee xMporensesy OOrrddeern, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change of Address.— Subscribers wishing their address changed, must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address. Missing Papers. Itoccasionallyhappens thafpapers sent to our subscribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In case ycoieun dt ole nnogtth r eocfe itvim'e ey, o wurrsit we huesn a dcuaerd, a, fatnerd wwaeit iwnigl la g slaudffliy-send one in place of the missing number. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and we will gladly rectify the same. A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new , cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the ileld. as well as the circulation of the paper. Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of address. fairWhen you write, be sure to give your address: name, post- office, county, and state. VirAll business communications UM insure & c. must be ad-dressed to GOSPEL TR PET, to credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. Address us at Grand Junction. Mich. The Shining Light. An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only twenty-five cents a year. Address. THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich, TRACTS. Babylon is ' Fallen. What Church should I Join? SSepcitrsit. uTahlies mM, a sotre rB's iCblaell . S Aal vWatoinodne rvfsu lS Dpierliitvuearalinsmce. Price 10 cents per do— zen. Small tracts of various kinds for free distribution, at 10 cents per hundred. Must we sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 eta. Per dozen, 20 cts. Per hundred. 81.50. The Church of God. A tract containing 32 pages, prov-ing what is the Church and what is not the Church. of God. Price, single copy 5 cents. Per dozen 40 cents. A meeting is desired and very much needed at Stotesbury, Vernon Co., Mo. Any one feel led to go and hold a meet-ing will find a home at Silas Duncan one-half mile north of Stotesbury. Notify Silas Duncan, Stotesbury, Mo. MEETINGS. Marshall, Okl., Oct. 18- 29. Jeffersonville, Indiana, Sept. 15 to Oct. There will be a tabernacle meeting a-cross the river from Tidioute, Pa. near the Merkel meeting house, Sept. 13- 23. B. E. WARREN AND S. L. SPECK. We expect to commence a tabernacle meeting at Fairbury, Neb. on Sept. I, and continue as long as the Lord wills. All the dear saints in reach are invited to at-tend. M. M. STOVER AND SON. We have been laboring in the gos-pel field continually. Have just clos-ed a very precious meeting at Nebo, Ark. Seven saved and two sanctifi-ed. The Lord willing we will soon return and hold a grove meeting eight miles west of Nebo. Your brother and sister sanctified through the truth, DAN MURPHY AND WIFE." Intend at the Post Moe at Grand Junction, ' fan Buren Go., Mithigaa Se0Ond ° lase matter. DIVINE HEALING OF SOUL AND BODY. 1/ 33Z ante 1:.,, a1 of salvation, and how to get saved. Part n gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part DT consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. This book can also be had in German. 248 pages. Paper cover, 25 cts. HOLINESS BIRLE SUBJECTS By E. 0. Wickersham, Second • edition. This is a very val-uable book of 400 pages and arrangement of Scriptures on one hundred subjects, giving a number of Bible quotations sotatnub dleeeasnc, htB. siIbutl beaj lehscoet l, pc mos, n aetktaciinn. gsC iolto vvteher, r y5m 0ca orpbnalvgeeedns eioednfg tce osfo, n $ rc 1toh. 0red0 a, B n• icbele, BIBLICAL TRACE OF TIT CHURCH By W. G. Schell. Tracing • the church in proph-ehacuisytt hofroroyr m oaf ih mmesro btroeir ttshhha tonow 4t h0t0eh eeP nrddoif toefesf trtaeinmntc ede. e Cbnoeontmwtaienineaintni ogtnh ase . b tTrrihuefee Pchauprecrh c aonvde rs, e 3c5ti semts,. gCivlointhg , h 7is5t ocrtsic. aAl adnddre sscsr itphteu rAalu pthrooor fast, Anlo, Ohio, or this office. EedCiHtoOnE So fF RthOiMs n GeLwO RsoYn. g sb3- oeBoOkti— hWasa rcjulensttir obderoeDnu . gish3. su Wceodr. r eCeeotenl-: taining 232 beautiful spiritual songs, of which the largest tpswiioonorngrtdis oa snnn ae dpna rrdeel yx mn haeuolwls rt itahcan. et dMi od fonarenc hstyhry ib nmineeasn pousitf ri faftouthirloe anrBnes ivdfbir lvtoeoam; ule cmshhpeeieanevcgteiia nnilnl, g yvbs ito. th atIhe- t sgtlrourcitoiouns itnh memuseisc . oSfim ppreles eanndt tcrountchis. eW— iAth pprraicmticaarly s einlf-- ipnassttreubcotoarr df, o pr rbiceeg irnendeurcse idn tvoo 4ca0l emtau. sPice. r N deoaztelyn b6o4u. 0n0d. ainll prepaid THE BOY'S COMPANION. fiytt? B4oirut w. fthilsinitie: es= cbwaauhdbpaaad. lor epna n htdip neatvirhgcbis teci iut tenysor ouet aitsunmnh ntwdeiegl , h b tatmhionocedyoihnis r t, dla coaersotofe eafn . eona cTcifdemtthr. es netn. e uid Enbpr gntvoao reotte hrhlknyeee tai mbssSv oefe ifalcy lriaur lon e svtmteto irevV agtdithidicseve edeia m d datwohnvpiwedirtc he nneos we sstaehuianodeirtdn. dr-- road to a pure life. It also contains testimonies and ex-periences from those who are inmates of the state. prison. Boys of every age should have one of these books to read. Price, paper cover 25 cts. Cloth binding 40 ate. Anthems from the Throne. This book con-tains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new. When sung in the spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. Manila cover 25 cts. Cloth 40 cts. Per dozen $ 2.40 & $ 3.60. LIST OF MONEY UTTERS NOT OTHERWISE RECEIPTED GRAND JUNCTION ASSEMBLY MEETING. There will be a general assembly of the saints of God, the Lord willing on the camp ground, one mile north of Grand hi nction, Mich., Oct. 11- 18. We are expecting a glorious meeting at that time, and a wonderful mani-festation of the power of God, on account of the outpouring of his Holy Spirit. Many who did not get. to at-tend the C. M. will now have a chance to attend this feast, as we believe it will be a meeting of great benefit to souls. Every lover of the truth is invited to attend. Let there be a united prayer sent up in behalf of this meeting. EXPLANATIONS. 1. Please explain i Cor. 56. 2. Please explain I Tim. 5: 16. Yours truly, A. BEEBE. Answer to the first, which reads as follows: " The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law." Death came into the world through sin. Rom, 5: 12. And death is only possessed with a sting, and looked upon as a dreadful monster in the heart where sin is. But when all sin is cleansed out of the heart by the blood of Christ, then death is " abol-ished," and a sweet sleep to the body, and departure of the Spirit to pres-ent with the Lord, which is far bet-ter than this life, takes the place of death. The strength of sin is the law, be-cause if there were no law there could be no sin, no violation. But God has written his law in the hearts of all men. Rom. 2: 15. Hence all men tire sinners, until saved and kept from sin by the grace of God. Answer to second. In this epistle the apostle • s giving directions for the maintenance of widows by the church. But in this verse he says, " If any man or woman have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged." That is, any Christian who is nearly related to a widowed lady, he should main-tain her, and not suffer her to come upon the care of the church. BRO. MURPHY writes US from his home. Neosho, Mo. ' Dear Saints of the Most High God, Greeting. I am sweetly saved by the blood. Glo-ry to God! The dear Lord has of late wonderfully opened my eyes con-cerning this thing of sympathizing with crooked professors. I never would compromise the Word, but was afraid I would hurt some one's feel-ings. But if people will get where God wants them their feelings will be consecrated to the truth, and they will have a real appetite for the whole word. Let us not be tirnid but let us But when God's messengers sound the trumpet, there " follows hail and fire, mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth." Rey. 8: 7. Howe'ver much men may profess the fire of the Holy Spirit, if destitute of the hail of divine judgment, they are lacking the fire, and are of no use to God in his present work of separation between the precious and the vile. Brethren, keep filled with the love of God; preach the blood, and insist on the Bible fruits of holi-ness, and let God make you a contin-ual hail storm against all crookedness and against all shoddy holiness which lacks the scriptural fruits. " Cursed is he that keepeth back his sword from blood." Amen. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. Pray for the healing of Charley Hobson, Lebanon, Ore., who is a young man, af-flicted from his youth with spasms . of the worst form. Pray for Catharine Ault, Decatur, Ind., that she may be wholly sanctified. Jennie Paddock, Malden, Bureau Co., Ill., desires the prayers of God's children for the healing of her body. And also calls for some of God's ministers to come there and preach the gospel. Pray for myself, daughter and family that we may be kept saved, also we would like to have some of God's true minis-ters to come and hold meetings. Yours in ' Christ, MRS. L. GOULD, DeSoto, Miss. CALLS FOR MEETING. CAMP MEETINGS. Winfield, Kan., Oct. 4- 15. Lowndes, Mo., Sept. 13, 1894. Neosho Falls, ' Kan., Sept 6- 17, Camp meeting at Kensington, Smith Co., Kan. to commence Sept. 20 and last over Sunday Sept. 30, the Lord willing. Kensington is onthe Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R. R. Address Bro. J. C. Thayer at this place. GEO. VIELGUTEL MOLE HILL, W. VA., Aug. 8, 1894, The church of the living God of W. Va. " N- vill hold their camp meeting at Mole Hill on the ground occupied last year, about seven miles northeast of Pennsboro, com-mencing Sept. 15. The brethren coming to this meeting will be met at Sistersville. - J. K. P. WHITECOTTON. The Eastern Pa. camp meeting will be keld at Chalfont, Bucks Co„ Pa. on the Doylestopn branch of the Phila. and Read-ing R. R. from Sept. 13- 24. All desirous of coming to this meeting, please notify by mail. All the saints from New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts and the eastern coast are especially requested to be_ present. All that can should come prepared to care for themselves. This Is the first camp meeting of the church of God held in this section, and a new field where it will be held. And we look for God to send sonic of his consecrated workers this way. Who will say, Here am I, send me? Your brother with all on the altar, B. F. WEIKEL, West Point, Pa. VICHY, MO. CAMP MEETING. To commence Sept. io and continue'as long as the Lord wills. The camp ground is on Bro. James A. Thornton's farm, two and one- half miles southeast of Vichy, ten miles north of Rolla, twelve miles northeast of St. James. Those coming from the west get off at Rolla, and those from the east stop of St. James. Rolla and St. James are both on the Frisco R. R. Bro. R. M. Haynes is desired as Bros Collins and Pike will be engaged in other meetings at the time of ours. Any other ministers the Lord may send will be thank-fully received. Let as many as can bring tents. Let all who can come prepared to take care of themselves. Let all the saints pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Athen. Address Bro's James A. Thornton and jno. P. Bailey. WOMAN'S FAITH HOME. Questions and. Answers on the Church. A tract con-tainine four letters with many questions concerning the church, and the difference between the true church and sectism. Price, 10 cents per dozen. The Great Tobacco Sin. it contains 30 pages, with neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one send-ing us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. What is the Soul? By D. S. Warner. Or NO scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal ele-egmdoe ebnsyt t. otch aGell eoedadr tlayht eCt hSheou udrcle, h att hhHe oi sSftp otihrryiet. , b Paorniddcye . t hsTienh gIenl esn acemor epM ya al1sno0, wcperhnoitvcsh- Per dozen 80 cents. " No- Sectism." A tract bearing the above title, written by A. Sims, has been reviewed by D. S. Warner, showing itnhge dGifofedr. e Intc eex bpeotwseese tnh see fcatilssme tahnedo rtihees Csehtu frochrt ho fb tyh eS Linivs-. This tract contains 52 pages. For free distribution, lb atm. per dozen; 61.00 per hundred. The Secret Vice. A small illustrated tract of 10 pages wtahgiratohinu sngte htaohteu c teo tvvhileesr lo. a fIn tSd ge. liTlv Aehseb aut rstaeicm, ta e ihsly aa btwtitra awrcnthiiinvcegh, tiiosn tptehrreeevs abtilonenygts, aagned npeoeidn ttso ohuatv ec ewrtaarinni negv iilns atigmaien. sPt rwiche, i cdho zb. o 1y0s eotfa . e 1v0er0y, 40 eta. 1000, 83.00. BOOKS. BIB' Bible readings or references on about WWI. one hundred subjects. Price 30 cts. MASONIC SALVATION By Fred Ended. This little volume • treats the subject of Free Mason-rMthy aifnsrtgoesrr abM aea fBsooirbnel, e tbh soetla dpnlyud bbplroiicnin gitns. tTah hce elhe awidrrd iletigenhr athn. adPv rminicyges , tb eperaeiopnue asr cover 15 cts. Cloth 35 cts. Anna Shepard, John R. Davis, Leroy Shel-don, M. Frey, Mary Masters, Lucinda, Mar-tin, Joseph Adams. Barbara Nicholson, Geo. Altened or. Mary E Cheadle, 0. E. Weiringa, Frances E. Shepard, Margaret Absher, Lucy Kirk, Wm. Frost. J. L. Green. G. B. Thomas, H. C. Hamm, Otto Bolds, Emma Switzer, F. HustPcl, J. H. North, M. Glasco, JR. Sutton, Wm. N. Cook, GusSie Montgomery. the gospel. Any one buying the property, will thus / help along the work of the Mastet. THE Brethren in the foreign field write that they are in need of tracts to distribute which will greatly help to open the way for the gospel to be preached in places where there is at at present no opening. BRO. JAS. KRIEBEL writes from Red-dick, Ill., that he expects to be at the Chalfont C. M., near West Point, Pa., Sept 13, and from there go among the mountains and to the Atlantic coast, where there are miny calls for the gospel, ind desires some . brother who is a real firebrand for God to go with him. Any one whom God may send, can address him at West Point, Pa. THE Post Office at Grand Junction Mich. has now become an Interna-tional office, and brethren wishing to send money to gospel workers in foreign fields, and cannot procure a foreign order elsewhere, . can send to us and we will forward the same. The postal rates charged for foreign money order is ten cents on each ten dollars or less, Ind five cents for each letter of one- half ounce. If you wish to help along the work, either here or in foreign countries, and do not know just where to apply it, send to us and we will send it where it most needed. BRO. A. DITTMORE, Uniontown, Pa. writes, " We want some brother to ccme and assist in the ordinance meeting, Sunday, Sept. 16." BRO. T. A. PHILLIPS, who is out preaching the gospel, desires to sell his house and lots at Reynolds, Neb., and use the moncy for the spread of declare the whole counsel of God. Amen. The Lord help Bro. and Sister M. and every other witness for God, to be true and uncompromising. Whenever a person gets where they think we have not true charity ( love) when we cannot bid Godspeed and join hands and work with persons who profess holiness, and are yet walking in any of the abominable heresies that are now labeled holiness, that are thick in the land, especially in Mo., that person has got a vail Of delusion over his or her eyes. Neith-er do such effeminate spirits " discern the body of Christ." To discern his body which is the church, is everlast-ing death to _ every other concern, sect, faction, creed, and association on earth. We have been informed of a sister who is out working for God, who thinks " anti- ordinance, so-cial purity, and any thing else is all right if favorable to holiness." God pity such softness. The standard to which God is calling his holy rem-nant, which is the bride the Lamb's wife, is not simply a profession of holiness, else it would include a large portion of Babylon filth. But we must " all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." Eph. 4. The church befc re spoiled by the apostasy was " all with one accord," and her light in the evening shall break forth as in the morning. Isa. 58. To bring the pure gold from the dross, the clean wheat from the chaff, God has ' called a ministry who " lay judg-ment to the line— of God's word— and righteousness to the plummet." Through his eternal burning and purging truth he now gathers all na-tions into the valley of Jehoshaphat — Judgment— and pleads with them there, and only such as measure to the Bible rule pass from thence into the valley of decision, and all the rest become reprobate silver and cast off carcasses for the birds and beasts to prey upon. " Arise and thresh," is the command of God. " For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: the daughter of Baby-lon is like a threshing floor; it is time to thresh her." f er. 5 f : 33. Therefore " Arise and thresh, 0 daughter of Zion, and I will make thine horn and I will make thy hoofs brass, and thou shalt beat in pieces many people." Micah 4: 13. People who go to threshing away at Babylon be-cause naturally contentious, and who do it not out of love for souls perish-. ing her, are of no use to God, and are not sent of him. Their horns are tipped with their own brass, their ho, ops hard with their own iron. But God takes his children of finest and deepest sympathy, of the most tender love, and by his . Holy Spirit puts up-on our horns of power the brass of true love that knows no compromise; that pushes down the pens of starva-tion. And upon the beautiful feet of all his messengers he will fasten the heavy iron plates of trueness to God, with which we not only bruise Satan under our feet, but tread down all the doctrines of devils, and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness and error. Being God-like, we, like him, take vengeance on men's institutions, because we love their souls. Some silly men and wo-men are deceived of ' the devil to think they have more love than oth-ers because they, never drive any body from them by their preaching. By their standard, they can easily prove that they have more love than the apostles, and Jesus Christ him-self. Their preaching often drove men of the highest pretentions of pi-ety out in the dark places to gather stones to kill them. These soft men plea. sers think they are full of the fire, and preach the blood, but have noth-ing at all to do with anything like hail. Pray for me and my family that we may have the gospel preached . here in its ful-ness. Pray for my wife who is sick with a fever, and for my daughter who has a very sore - foot. Yours in Christ, S. M. BLACK, Aurora, Mo. We earnestly request the saints of God to pray for the healing of our little daugh-ter Jessie, who is afflicted with loathsome sores on her head. MR. AND MRS. R. B. CLARK. Myrtle, Mo. I do hope God will favor us with one of his true ministers at this place. MRS. G. W. GREENSTREET, - Winters, Cal. Sister_ Stockwell of White Cloud, Mich. has been earnestly calling for some one to hold a meeting in that place. Bro. Bixler and I had expected to hold that meeting, but it will not be so we can. Cannot some one else go? The darkness of Adventism has blinded the eyes of the people in that place. Some one go that can give them warning before too late. Wm. E. WARREN, A. M. BIXLER. Edgewood, Mich. Any one desiring meeting on our route between ViCksburg, Miss. and Decatur, Ala. and Tullahoma, Tenn., write to us at Vicksburg, Miss. at once. Yours in Christ, L. C. SLATE, J. D. TRAMEL AND R. L. BERRY. There will be a grove meeting at Blen-don, commencing Sept. 5, and to continue as long as the Lord wills. Wm. E. War-ren and Co. are desired, and whomsoev-er the Lord will send. ANGUS MCDONALD. Blendon, Mich. There will be a tabernacle meeting commencing in the town of Bolivar, Mo., on- the 26th of Sept. Will continue as long as the Lord wills. All come prepared to take care of themselves as this is a new field. GEORGE E. BOLDS & Co. There will be a Tabernacle meeting at Wood's Grove, two miles South of Somer-ville, Morgan Co., Ala., commencing Sept. 14 and continuing as long as the Lord wills. All are invited, saints to work and sinners to get saved. Any desiring to camp on the ground will find all things convenient. Those coming on the cars get off at Hartselle, and notify Bro. John Shaneyfelt; Hartselle, Ala. J. F. LUNDY, OTTO BOLDS AND WIFE. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. Truly the hand of the Lord is in this work for the fallen. This month God has so wonderfully owned and blessed it. All of our past indebted-ness has been met and enough be- si. des to buy some necessary articles which we long felt the need of, also the rent for the next month has been paid. Besides this much needed fi-nancial help the dear Lord has called Sister Grace E. Stratton of Richland, Mich. and Sister Mary E. Metter of Payne, 0. to help in the work. Oth-ers are being led of the Lord whom we expect Father to definitely call as soon as he sees they are needed. Glory to His holy name! We feel that ihe dear Lord is rapidly pushing this work forward, and believe that we very soon will be able to leave this home in the hands of those whom God shall call while we go on to Chi-cago. We are told that there are 45. 000 of these women in Chicago, and only homes to accomodate about too of them. Will you pray with us that the way may be opened in God's time and His own way for a good home in a suitable place and that He will plan every thing out for His own glory? " If ye shall ask any thing in my name I will do it." Oh praise the Lord! We would have a small house in Chicago as a temporary home, and after a trial of a few weeks remove the girls away from all pos-sible temptation by placing them in a country home, if such can be found. We expect soon to make all of our homes self- supporting; but it can not be done at first. In this report I will make a state-ment of the work during this first half year of its existence, and then will report from time to time in the future as God leads. With regard to the furnishing of this home I can truly say that in these six months there has been done ex' ceeding abundantly above all I asked or thought. The Lard has been very good to us. The total cash donated has been 202 08 Over half of this amount was donated this month. We have had three real trials in a- Tim Grosp. mmi riamma= mrr. pay homage to their god. Jesus says by their fruit you shall know them. G. S. Railton says, " Beware of an American man by the name of Rup-ert." But Jesus says, " Beware of false prophets which tome to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs of this-ties?" Or does a Christian go dressed in beast skins, dance jigs, and in all maner of rudness? No; for as God is, so are we in this world.' I do praise my dear Master for de-liverance from all the curses of this world, and that he ever counted me worthy to bare this wonderful gospel to the dying world. I recognize dear brothers and sisters in the S. A. as well as all other sects; but Babylon is falling, and by the grace of God 1 shall do all I can to warn these I love and whom Jesus shed his precious blood to redeem, to come out of Bab-ylon, and be separate, as saith the Lord, although it does bring the wrath of Satan upon us. Jesus said not to fear, he is with us. Praise his name! The pharisees,- actuated by the devil, gathered stones to slay Jesus on account of the truth. But now these modern pharisees throw stones in other ways, but far more in-jurious to the cause. May the Lord reward them according to their works Well praise our God, the work of the Lord is going forward in spite of all the opposition that has been brought to bear upon it; and a few dear souls are finding their way out of sin and Babylon, to Zion, the church of the living God. Heb. 12: 22- 24. Some of the Babylonians want to come up and build with us, but we have no time nor use for any of their old rubbish, and so we wield the sword by going through Jesus, and he puts them to work. Praise our God for victory, faith, patience and power to work for Jesus, the Master- builder, who cloth strengthen and encourage us to go through the many trials which we are counted worthy to pass through in this country! We ask the prayers of all God's children every-where that we may not get weary in well doing, but that we may speak as we ought to speak at all times. We are praying God to send or raise up some one to take the German work, as we - feel led to go to England dur-ing the coming winter, and work there. Pray with us. Yours in the conflict of faith, J. H. RUPERT. Gruenerdeich, 25 Part L., Hamburg, Germany. once delivered to the saints. Th e result is, th e y either flee or get saved BROCK, Oxio, Aug. 20, 1894. DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS OF GOD: May grace, peace and mercy be abun-dantly multiplied unto you, until the end of time. We are happy to re-port victory all along the line for God. Hallelujah! The Garrett grove meeting was a wonderful success for God, well attended, with good inter-est. The church built up and mov-ing out unto the pinnacle of the apos-tolic platform. Bro. J. H. Merica was ordained elder of the flock. We commemorated the death of God's dear Son by washing of the saint's feet, breaking of the one loaf and drinking of the cup. Bro. P. Strang was with us in this meeting. On the morning of the 3rd, we bade the little ones farewell, God willing, expecting to return ere long. We started on our way for the Deerfield C. M. with our bodies much run down and tired. Arrived the same eve-ning. Saints anxiously waiting our coming, but to our surprise we found none of the old ministers in the camp only Bro. Longerbone and Sister Belle Stetler who were holding the I ground. We were soon con- REw. aur English WAR Cav, printed in London, lgodliness, where David danced be- vinced of the work before us. We ratijan of afi: Ainerican by the name of Rupert, i which is recorded some of their / fore the Lord, because he brought and rall- persons that belong to him in I II humbly fell on our knees before our Ehll td elsewhere, He p retends to i doings which they did when they met up the ark of the Lord. Those poor G od, ding bee of some American mission, in London to - wor. sdehluidped tshouelsi dra ngceod lbdefoerne t heir plea for the desired " th - A- lies ° Penh? to catch the children of' call, it being his fifth anniversary. I god ( who they say enjoyed the nov- answered o strength of body. Father of - GradAt : the Salvation Arm 1 Here we have an article headed, elty) because they had brought ( as our plea. We moved out upon the gt: otitunity b all kinds y , or any) = = of false pre-te . a .4- 14 exam' iYe that our best mem- " A MONSTER FREE AND EASY," in which , they say) souls from all nations who work with complete victory; and the food line, but the promises were aura, and we held on to them, and through these temporal trials gained much - spiritualhelp. " All things work together for good to them that love the Lord." - We have sheltered % eighteen girls besides . several children. Four of the girls went to their homes, in other towns. • Several young girls went back to their mothers. Three still remain in the home, and glory to God, one has been sanctified. I realize more good would have been eloneif help had come sooner, but, thank God, I realize I did all I could Under the circumstances. The truth has been sown and I trust that still GOd will cause it to grow. It i5 our part to sow, but it is God that giveth the increase. We are not re-sponsible for the results. Dearly beloved ones, do pray for us that we may- truly be hid away in Jesus, and kept so humble and obedient that the Spirit may continually have the right of way in our hearts. We are praying for you. Your sister, sancti-fied and kept by the power of God. • Al ARV HOUSKEEPER. • 4 CALL FOR WORRPRS. bers are leaving us. Will this man per-asunadd es oyuolus , t oa ngdiv eb ruinpg y yoouur. wsoo frakr faosr tGo obde baptized by him with water, and accept all his doctrine, one ot which is that Christian people are not to wear engage-ment rings? Don't be hindered by any false teaching or desire of Christian love to handle such people as they deserve. G. S. RAILTON. The above article appeared in the German WAR CRY, ' printed in Berlin, Germany, and was written by G. S. Railton, one of the procurators of the S. A. sect, with the intention of weak-ening our hand in the gospel work here in Germany. But praise our God for such a wonderful salvation, and for his Word which says all things work" together for good to them that love the Lord! And in this case it is so, and we have seen the Word ful-filled where he says He will make the wrath of man praise Him. For in-stead of hindering us, it has worked as an advertisement for our meetings, and those whom Railton. thought he would warn, have come to see such a terrible man, and praise God, they hear nothing but the truth, and of course the truth will do its work every time. Others that were friends to the S. A. have said, " I once respected them, but now want nothing to do with them since doing such an un-christian act as to slander anyone without proving a word." Now I do believe had G. S. Railton been actuated by a spirit of manhood even, instead of a malicious and sel-fish spirit, which feeds from the the fountain of bigotry, he would have come and seen us as he was- here in Hamburg, and then he could not have printed the untruth as he did. But he based his slander solely on the testimony of those who heard the word of God, and were not willing to walk in the light; therefore they could do nothing more than speak evil of the truth, and lay things to our charge which we never did, such as preaching that people were not to wear Tiny Mikie ( a- dwarf and captain of the Salvation Army), with a weapon almost as big as himself, in semi- say-age attire, essaying a jig backwards with commendable skill, acted as a sort of Salvation Lord Chamberlain to the elastic and excited Zulu, as he indulged in a terrific war dance. Staff Captain Holdaway at the head of the Maoris impressed many of the audience with the belief that he was an out and out savage, as he held his spear aloft, and jumped and swung himself round and round in wild beast skins. Some of the French of-ficers adopted the Cavalry style by leaping on the shoulders of their comrades, and waving the grand old flag of blood and fire; others set to dancing in couples, until presently the whole house was convulsed in laughter. The General enjoyed the novelty as much as anybody, while the chief and his staff joined in the hilarity withoutreservation. Now as I write the above rude and ungodly actions of this profane daugh-ter of Romanism, who is outdoing all her elder sisters ( sects) in tomfoolery and rudeness, I am made to wonder in astonishment how men of corn-mon sense can print such things, and think to make sensible people believe it is of God; and then have the an-dacity to say, " Let no one persuade you to give up your work for God." Oh my God! how long wilt thou stay thy hand? And can it be possible that the worst is not yet come? Where would you go in all the low dives of sin to see anything that would fill the heading of this - piece more complete, A Monster Free and Easy? Truly here we see the Word being fulfilled in 2 Thess. 2: 7- 12,— " For the mystery of iniquity doth already work, only he who now let-teth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wick-ed be revealed, who the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose com-ing is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivable-ness of unrighteopsnesss in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they might believe a lie: that they all might be damned who be-lieVed not the truth, but had pleas-ure in unrighteousness." Now dear reader, imagine if you can, Peter in semi- savage attire, danc-ing• a jig backwards with a weapon almost as big as himself, on the day of Pentecost, trying to convince the people that it was God that was giv-ing them power to speak forth the words of truth, until every one heard in his own language. How long do you suppose it would have taken him to convince' the people that he was a man of God? Or Paul going into the cities around about Jerusa-lem on Barnabas's back, swinging a flag; what impression would he have made upon those Grecians with whom he- had so much contention, and who had to be met with all the wisdom and soberness of God? Or take the twelve, with Matthew dress-ed in wild beast skins, as a savage, jumping round and round, holding a spear aloft; Bartholomew on Philip's back, John on James's back, Andrew on Peter's back, and Judas Iscariot dressed like an Indian, dancing a jig, and the others dancing in couples. Can you paint from the above a pic-ture of the disciples of the lowly Je-sus who gave us an example to do as he did? Reader, if you can say in your heart that Babylon has not fallen, after considering the above, then you surely are consumed in the wreck, and the god of this world has blinded your eyes. Now the writer of this " Free and Fsey," takes 2 Sa. a few times in d e fens e of the faith through the ' meeting precious souls were brought to the altar, Christ Jesus. Meeting closed Friday after-noon. We went to the home of Bro. and Sister Wickersham; preached in Praise Chapel Saturday evening and Sunday. Meeting well attended which was a feast to our souls, to meet with dear saints at that point for the first time. We also had the Pleasure of visiting Mother Byrum. Monday, in company with Bro. Wic-kersham, we came on to Brock, 0., grove meeting. The brethren have a large tabernacle, ao x 6o, which was well filled every night. The people soon became very much interested and the best of order prevailed all through the meeting. Quite a num-ber of Roman Catholics came out to hear the truth, and were interested in the same. Souls were saved. Sun-day afternoon four dear souls followed their Master in baptism by being bur-ned with him. God willing, we start for Canada camp- meeting the 21st inst., desiring the prayers of all God's family for the work in that country, and that we may be kept very hum-ble. Yours in much holy love. J. A. & A. J. DILLON, BLANCHE B. FLEMING. Address: Fenwick, Ont., care of S. E. Birdsall, M. D. LAUDERDALE, MISS., Aug. 22, 1894. To THE GOSPEL TRUMPET: This morning finds me with victory in my soul. After closing meeting with the saints at Quilb3.7 I began with the saints at the Wilson school house, where I had been a few times before. We began in the name of King Jesus on the 4th day of August. On Sun-day dear Bro. Sistrunk and Sister Boon came to our aid, and remained two days. The truth prevailed. When meeting closed on the following Friday, seven went down into the water and were baptized. Several to follow soon. Much good was done in this meeting and the church is fully organized. Any true brother hap-pening by will be welcomely received by them. From here I went to Binn-ville and opened fire on the enemy. Here the enemy came at us but Jesus was with me in declaring his gospel to them. When we pictured the pure church to them, with all its members clean and white, they at once saw the light. Praise God forever! Much good was done at this place and a goodly number endorse the truth, and call for another meeting in October. Pray for me that I may know noth-ing but Christ and Him crucified. Yours saved now, ROBT. A. CHARLTON. OBITUARY. ( 7- ko hide the in thy native den; Go seek thy home in deserts foul Where serpents hiss, and tigers howl. Thus taught to blast the victim's fame, Behind his back pollute his name; In secret whispers spread disgrace, And lie without a blushing face. Yet know that thou and he must meet Before the awful judgment seat. How - will you stand in that great day? How wash thy poison words away? Near Gobles, Mich., Aug. 24., Bro. Nicholas J. Vanslyke departed in peace from this earth, to be present with the Lord. Aged sixty- six years, five months and fourteen days. Bro. and Sister Vanslyke received full sal-vation and the present truth of God Several years ago, and have walked with God ever since. Bro. V. has had much afflictions out of which it has pleased God to deliver him by the angel of death. To the last moment he was full of peace and joy and praises to God. The Lord had showed him some time before that his departure was near, and it was a welcome communication. He waited with much desire for the happy mo-ment to come. Truly Christ had a-bolished death, and he is still living together with Christ," since his body has fallen asleep. Thus again the doctrine of God in- the evening light has been tested in the article of death. and proved a sure foulidation to the soul. The Lord bless Sister Van-slyke. While her soul is greatly com-forted, and even blessed of in her be-reavement, she is in need of the sym-pathy of the saints. She should by all means have financial help to meet expences. Brethren, " Dwelleth the love of God in your heart?" read - a Ino. 3: 17. Help can be sent here for her relief, and God will bless you. Funeral services were held in the the town of Gobles, and largely at-tended. D. S. W. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. and . workers are now _ needed in sionary field with us, and ready thus to spend years or your life in the vine-yard - of the Master. As- we feel called to the missionary work into Alaska, also to the Sandwich Islands of the Pacific ocean, we need such a conse-crated and • humble couple as de-scribed above, with enduring and strong soprano voices, as soon as the Lord. lays his hand upon them and will send them out here. 0, Lord, search out and send us such whom you can trust and best use to yourglory Who will stand the test and go through the fire for God and pre cious souls? To whom is the Lord now talking? Read Isa. 6: 5- 8. Dearly beloved, obey the voice of the Lord and the call from heaven, to the work of the gospel. Come over and help us. Please address me at Pullman, Wash. Yours in love, watching for souls, F. N. JACOBSON. You despise the just and holy man; Do all to ruin him you can. I'd rather all your stigma bear stay - on the- coast and go into the mis- Than be condemned a landlre- r- ICth. ere. PALOUSE, WASH., Aug. 21, 1394. DEAR BRETHREN: May the Lord richly bless you all with all spiritual blessings. In the fear of God, with much love and earnestness for the advancement of the work of the gos-pel in these parts, I now send you an earnest appeal in the name of Jesus. 1\ lay the Lord apply it to such hearts and stir up those whom it concerns. The work of God is opening up fast in Wash. Idaho and Ore. The Lord is raising up young and new workers and called them into the ministry who need faithful, humble and truly con-secrated workers and singers to help them along in the gospel. But none should cdme only those who have a holy go- through for , God, ip their engagement rings. We , never went spoeurlise innc teh. e Wir fhaoit ha' raen dw iinll inge rto e bxe- bteery, oanndd tnheev ewro erxdp oefc tG too da sin l oanngy ams awt- e nothing, to endure hardness as good keep saved. In Isa. 3: 17- 25, it reads, soldiers and not shrink, nor run, nor " In that day the Lord will take away draw back when the enemy or any the bravery of their tinkling orna-oppositiOn comes; for this means ments," which includes rings ( please more in the gospel on the coast, than read) • also Tim. 2: gaao which forbids I saw any where in the East. Who the we' aring of gold. If those script-are consecrated to the bed- rock in ures do not mean what they say, will the perfect will and grace of God, in all m Aeeknness umber , hh uomfility sucha nsdi ngers ' obe-do ( hence? some one inform us what they meaty and if they are God's word, where will you stand? Wahs e at once, to make up about " Vile sland'rer, foe of God and man four eompanies ready, for the fall and winter campaign. As Bro. and Sister Tubbs are now contemplating returning home early this fall, my-self apd wife will need two good, hum-ble a, nd faithful workers, some broth-ereand his Ntife, soprano and base singers, or soprano and tenor singers, suchltaho will be at liberty and in every . way, ready and consecrated to W. B. L• . VG2ERMTANY. Elt PROM" How sad to think that justice will meet the unjust in a time when it will be too late to recant! How much better and nicer it would be to prove all things as the Word says, and hold fast that which is good! But we are now living in an age when justice is slaughtered upon the altar of bigotory. God help us all to be honest with God and man. G. S. R. says, " Will this man per-suade you to leave your work for God and souls, and be baptized of him." I never teach that men should leave their work for God, but that those that are sent by sectarian lead-ers and not by God, shall get saved, and preach and teach the word from God's mouth. Eze. 3 : 17. Let us no-tice now some of the things that this blind guide and his co- workers call the work of God, and let us weigh them in the balance of truth and jus-tice without a spark of prejudice in our heart to any soul on earth. There-fore I will quote in part front their .6: 14. to justify themselves in their un- ( Continued fromn first page.) by this archfiend. However this may be, where or in what locality do you live, my friends? - B. Oh I live just beyond the limits of your government, in the kingdom of Bab-ylon, on the M. P. hill in the city of Con-fusion, on the corner of Main street and Sin- you- must aVenuC; also the alley of Darkness runs by my premises, through which the light of the sun shirks but faint-ly. My brother here lives over in the plain of Vain Glory, on the M. E. hill of tumult. inside the incorporation of the city of Disorder. We all use water from the same reservoir though, and this affair is operated by one corporation. Although we all live in the same kingdom, • yet the climate is variable, as the sites of some of our cities are higher in the atmosphere of aristocracy than others, yet we havesnade ample provision for all such disadvantag-es. The propelling machine of iniquity operated by Abaddon, is so constructed as to change the nature and temperature of the water, just to suit our several tastes. You live, let me see— where do you live? I. We live o Other/Unknown Material Alaska ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Sandwich Islands Canada Pacific Indian Blanche ENVELOPE(140.018,140.018,-66.663,-66.663) Rupert ENVELOPE(-134.187,-134.187,59.599,59.599) Payne ENVELOPE(167.867,167.867,-72.817,-72.817) Dillon ENVELOPE(-108.935,-108.935,55.933,55.933) Patience ENVELOPE(-68.933,-68.933,-67.750,-67.750) Charity ENVELOPE(-60.333,-60.333,-62.733,-62.733) Nicholson ENVELOPE(78.236,78.236,-68.612,-68.612) Bor ENVELOPE(126.850,126.850,61.750,61.750) Dewey ENVELOPE(-64.320,-64.320,-65.907,-65.907) Eta ENVELOPE(-62.917,-62.917,-64.300,-64.300) Pinnacle ENVELOPE(-54.900,-54.900,-61.067,-61.067) Ure ENVELOPE(13.733,13.733,68.100,68.100) Moe ENVELOPE(-45.683,-45.683,-60.733,-60.733) Thornton ENVELOPE(-57.467,-57.467,-63.267,-63.267) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Marvel ENVELOPE(159.367,159.367,-78.750,-78.750) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) The Ark ENVELOPE(-24.789,-24.789,-80.691,-80.691) Judas ENVELOPE(-61.116,-61.116,-63.866,-63.866) Battle Creek ENVELOPE(-138.303,-138.303,62.698,62.698) Magog ENVELOPE(-28.350,-28.350,73.267,73.267) Raen ENVELOPE(13.698,13.698,68.109,68.109) Newburg ENVELOPE(-66.767,-66.767,-66.100,-66.100) Birdsall ENVELOPE(-81.800,-81.800,50.917,50.917)