The Gospel Trumpet - 13:47

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 fully humiliated. Such had better search their hearts and see if there are not some roots of bitterness be-ginning to sprout, whereby many may be defiled. Truly it is a great privileg...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1893
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 13:47
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 fully humiliated. Such had better search their hearts and see if there are not some roots of bitterness be-ginning to sprout, whereby many may be defiled. Truly it is a great privilege to work for the Lord, no matter how he sees fit to use us. It is an honor to serve the Lord Jesus, for " He that serveth me, him will my Father honor." It means something in these last days to serve God aright. But " he that lacketh wisdom, let him ask of God who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him." Let there be more praying and asking. G. E. COOK. •• • IL_ THE VALUE OF WISDOM. oh ye fishers and hunters of men. Let us obey God in all things, gently, yet firmly holding up the truth. God will do the rest. 2 00B. 41 3. - The Lord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and ao with Whiriwirds. HiMS. ELF. I Flee out of tte midst of Sakylon, and doll y -. er every mar. hisoul: he notut 0 in her iniquity: for this is the time of the _ Lard's ven-geance: he will render unte her a recompenoe. And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the Lord thall be perfOrMed again.% Babylon, to make the land of Babylon I a dosolation withsut an inhabitant. / or. 51: 6. n. -,- " ABNISUlltkin- TPangiVETREWOR ' AND iswessavat MIRE EAIMIXE. W. CitffiElt LIMMETRUTINti rat. sum au - rm edrauti- TAIRA: AMU WIAEVI HE 81. DWETH A TRUMPET. ItEABYE.::: J. W. BYERS. A LITTLE SIN, And he shall send his angels with a great mum/ of a trumnot, atti tley shall gather to-gotherhirelect Ninth four Vitae, from one = nd ofheaven to the other. Sow inn a parable of the fig tree; When : it branch it yet tender, and putteth for h levet, ye know that names is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it ie nearmen at the aoors, Matt. 24: 01- 31 Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, No y. 80, 1898. Volume 18 No. 47 . E that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning.— i Jno. 3: 8. The word of God does not say that we have to commit some great sin, or a lot of sins. By this we are to infer that the smallest of sins is of the devil, and therefore hath no affinity with God. There are so many professed Chris-tians that think little sins do not hurt anything; for there are sins , they say, that are so much worse, that small common sins do not amount to any-thing. But the holy word of God says, He that committeth sin is of the devil. And whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin.— t Jno. 3: 9. We have sat in the church house many a time, and seen the preacher chewing tobacco before services commenced. He would sit in the pulpit and chew and spit till it looked like a saloon, and it surely was not a fit place for a holy and pure God. And if you would say anything to them, they would say, Oh it is so small a sin compared with lots of other sins, it doesn't amount to anything. May God help all to see that that is no ex-cuse for them; for when they refuse to cleanse themselves from all filthi-ness of the flesh, 2 Cor. 7: 1, as God commanded them to do, they refuse to walk in the light, and therefore are of the devil. For they have re-fused the light God has offered them, and no difference how big a preacher r he is, it is simply the blind leading the blind. And so also is the preju-diced sectarian. He refuses to walk in the light, and come out from a-mong them and be separate as com-manded 2 Cor. 6: 17, but is still satis-fied to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, which is forbidden by the word of God. 2 Con 6: 14. But people say, Are not all church members believers? No indeed. In the first place nearly all do not be-lieve in heart purity or holiness; nearly all the sect churches deny di-vine healing, and a great many do not believe in the precious ordinan-ces, all of which are backed by the word.— Heb. 11: 14; Jas. 5: 14,15; Matt. 28: 11: Oh may the dear Lord help us all to see the difference between one of his little ones, and the professed Christian of to day. We surely think this is what Bro. Paul meant by un-believers. The blessed word says we are not to take away nor add to it. And when the sects take away all that is holy, and divine healing, and the ordinances that were laid down by the blessed Savior himself, they have the Bible - revised just to suit the devil. May God help us to see there are no half- way grounds. We must either be for, or against God. And may God help all to see that a sin ever so small, is of the devil, whether it be in refusing to walk in the light God has revealed, or what-ever else it may be. For he that committeth sin is of the devil; and nothing that is of the devil can enter heaven. May the dear Lord help people to be willing to hear and ac-cept the truth as it is preached in its purity by God's chosen ones, for we know the evening light days are come, and eternity is not far distant. Your sister, free in Christ from all sin. - LAURA PICKETT, WORKING TOR GOD. HERE are many ways to work for God, and also many people who i‘ rould like to work for him, but having- more zeal than knowledge, they often make mistakes. Some feeling God's hand upon them for something, without pausing to lind out what he wants of them, or how he wants it done, start off preach-ing, thinking- because the Lord- called them, that must surely be what he wants; when if they had left the mat-ter before God, perhaps they would have found it W : AS some duty at home that they were neglecting, or that their soul should make more ad-vancement. People need not be in too much of a hurry, for when • God calls persons to work for hirn they can rest assured that he will let the world stand long enough to - give them a chance. There is a differ-ence between being called and being sent. After God calls people it will not hurt them to fast and pray over the matter. They may find things to do, of which they had not thought. There is a pure Christ life to be lived before the sinner, the weak ones in the faith to be comforted and prayed with, and it may be that they need other bread than the bread of life, and the gospel to be supported. Now which one of these has God giv-en them to do? Let none of those that are called to do little things de- - spise their calling. Remember he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful in much. And the disciples were commanded to tarry after they were called. While there are some that must guard against too much speed, others with a positive knowledge of what is required of them will keep working and fixing around home, as if they thought the Lord might forget he had called them, sometimes running out for a few days and then hasten-ing home again as if - afraid some-thing would get them. No wonder their souls are not overflowing with joy; disobedient children are not very happy. " He that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple." He that putteth his hand to the plow and looketh back is not fit for the king-dom of God. There are yet others who when God calls them, obey in a certain way, and get ' along nicely so long as the work given them is what they like, but when something comes up that does not suit them, they have- a feeling like this: " Now Lord you let somebody else do this." And if they have to do it, they feel dread- It cannot be gotton for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. The gold and the crystal cannot equal it, and the ex-change of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold. No mentions hall be made of coral or of pearls, for the price of wisdom is above rubies. The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it value with pure gold.-- Job 28: 15- 19. Wisdom is better than weapons of war.— Eccl. 9: 18. For wisdom is better than rubies and all things that may be desired are not to be compar-ed to it.-- Prov. 8: 1 I . 1IOW TO OBTAIN IT. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering: for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.— Jas. 1: 5- 7. With this precious prom-ise we are instructed how to become possessors of this great blessing. God wills that we have it Oh how en-couraging this is to his saints. Dear ones let us ask for it. Making men-tion of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revalation in the knowledge of him.- Eph. t For this cause we also since the day we heard of it do not cease to pray for you, and desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual under-standing.--- Col. t : o. The apostle knew the great necessity of this, hence his fervent desire that all the saved should obtain it. Being enriched by its possession we shall also know HOW TO USE IT. Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.— Jas. 3: 13. Not an idle word will be spoken but in meekness of wisdom we shall be able constantly to minister grace to the hearers. All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.— Prov. 8: 8. Row often the in-fluence of many professdis is detri-mental to the cause of Christ by light and foolish talking. Walk in wisdom towards them that are without, re-deeming the time.-- Col. 4: 5. I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way.— Psa. 101: 2. May we allT be able to say with Paul, Ye are wit-nesses, and God also, how horny and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe.— I Thess. a: to. Oh dear saints let us seek wisdom in our conversation and life continually. Jesus says, Be ye 414. therefore wise as serpents and harm-less as doves.— Matt. io: 16. Ser-pents it is said are very wise, and catch their pray by charm. This doubtless is what he had reference to in the nature of the serpent. What a lesson here for the people of God! How many of us are wise and charm souls for God? We are too liable to do the reverse. Let us hold up Jesus in all his beauty to perishing ones who are in the thralldom of error. He must break the fetters, we can-not do it. He must open their eyes to the truth, we cannot do it. We must boldly, wisely and fearlessly speak the truth in love, he must do the rest. He must call them out of Babylon, we cannot do it. Had We the power to extricate them before they heard the call of God ( the voice from heaven.— Rev. 18: 4.) and come out over the highway, they would be in no better condition then before. There is much crying by men,-" Come out, come out" but when the question is asked, and the matter determined, they are calling people out unto them-selves. The blind leading the blind and the result is a worse state ' of confusion than before. Promising liberty, they themselves are the servants of cor-ruption. This is truly, " Come out ism," and the very worst isi- n of the devil's latest invention. Entire sancti-fication is the only way God has made for the sure deliverance of those who are in Babylon. All who come out by this highway, come boldly unto Jesus without the camp. All his people are obeying his voice and must- come forth unto him. Let us therefore, my dear brethren, hold up Jesus the only standard. He is the charm; his sheep know his voice even though they are still in Babylon, and they will hear his voice and follow him, if we only as wise teachers continue to hold up the charm. He wants us to cry aloud and spare not, showing the peo-ple the better way, and also showing them their sins. This better way, is the highWay. The truth must be spok-en in all love, by those, and only those who are on the way themselves. We may preach holiness in such a manner as to do much harm to the cause, simply by not speeking the truth in love, and meekness of wisdom. We cannot show the people the beauty of holiness by using harshness - and unwise expressions. Many poor souls have been driven away in this man-ner. Abusive language will never win souls, and will result in a reproach to the cause of holiness. If we can-not teach in the spirit of holiness, we had better get holiness. My breth-ren let us ask God for wisdom; the word of God is plain enough and sharper than a two edged sword. If we attempt to make it any plainer or sharper we intrude upon forbidden ground. Let us preach the word in its own language, by the Holy Spirit, seeking continually to apply it in its proper time and ' place. Let us be workmen that need not be ashamed, rightly deviding the word of truth. Wisdom will enable us to do this. The walls - must fall but we cannot batter them down. We must be pati-ent; the battle is the Lord's. Let him have. his way. We can well a-ford to be patient with souls, when we see their great value. Have God and his people been patient with us when we were in error? An unwise expression of impatience or harsh-ness may drive a soul away from us forever. How long must the fisher-man or hunter often wait for his object tq be accomplished! Be wise " But if our gospel be hi& it is hid to them that are lost; lu whom the god of this world bath blinded the minds of there which believe not" T is the god of this v. Torld that keeps people from seeing the gospel in all its glory and fullness, or perfection. The gospel holds up to our view a perfection. The parable of the sow-er, helps us to account for the many who backslide, and the reasons why, make it appear also that we cannot retain any degree of grace very long without a break, except we go on to perfection. That there is a state of perfection to be attained to, we have abundant scriptural evidence. For God said Noah was perfect, though ninn has steadfastly contradicted him.- Whose testimony shall we receive? And again, God commanded Abra-ham, saying, Walk before me and be thou perfect. And the Psalmist says, Mark the perfect man. 37: 37. And why, may I ask, should God tell us to mark the perfect man if there were not such an one? And Jesus said, Be ye perfect, as my Father in heaven is perfect. And Paul spake wisdom among them that were perfect; How-beit, glory to God, not the wisdom of this world, for it is foolishness with God ( not, however, with many D. Ds. of our day). Now God reveals to us, through John, what is meant by per-fection. Perfect love, he says, casteth out fear. Now love disarms suspicion and gives perfect confidence, hence, patience has her perfect work. But says one, How do we get there? I would refer the honest inquirer to Rom. 121,2. Go, my friend, and see what this meaneth. Is there provision made? asks another. I would point you to Christ, the hope of glory. Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man per-fect in Christ Jesus. Col. 1: 28; or to 2 Tim. 3: 16,17. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profita-- ble for doctrine, for reproof, for cor-ection, for instruction in righteous-ness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good work. And to Eph. and I jno. 1: 7. Now if the blood of Christ reaches this height of efficacy, and Christ is preached, and the script-ures given, and the ministry appoint- : d. and the gifts of the Spirit for'. the ork of the rninistry, all are designed o make men perfect, what is the rea-on more will not be made perfect? The text explains it all; it is because the God of this world has blinded their minds. And it seems that they will not see; and none are so blind as they who will not see. Oh God, open the blinded eyes! Amen. T, A. MELVIN, BOLIVAR, MO. DEAR SAINTS: My testimony is that I am saved, justified and sancti-fied, and praising God for the blessed evening light, and for the TRUMPET to read. It makes my- soul to rejoice to hear of so many dear ones who are willing to receive a complete gospel that saves to the uttermost, and keeps us saved as long as we will obey. Praise the dear Lord for the willingness to obey! May the dear Lord bless all the laborers in the field, and all the dear saints everywhere. Amen. JOHN E. MCINTOSH. ELLSWORTH, MICH. DEAR SAINTS :, This evening finds me saved and sanctified. I am trust-ing in Jesus as my Savior of both soul and body. He is my all. I was once deceived in Babylon, but now I am in Zion and I praise the Lord that he ever showed me this glorious evening light. I am standing all alone for Jesus, surrounded by sinners and dead professors, but he gives me the victory every day. Your brother, saved and sanctified wholly, • LAVERNE TILLITSON. Himself ' math done it." Once it was the blessin Dt, Now it is the Lord. Once it was the feeling, Now it is his Word. Once his gifts I wanted, Now himself alone. Once I sought for healing, Now the Healer own. Once ' twas paidful Now ' tis perfect trust. Once a half salvation. Now the uttermost. Once ' twas ceaseless holding, Now he holds me fast. Once ' twas constant drifting, Now my anchor's east. Once ' twas busy planning, Now ' tis trustful prayer. Once ' twas anxious caring, Now he has the care. Once ' twas what I wanted, Now what Jesus says. Once ' twas constant asking, Now ' tis ceaseless praise. Once it was my working, His it hence shall be. Once I tried to use him, Now he uses me. Once the power I wanted, Now the Mighty One. Once I worked for glory, Now his will alone. Once I hoped in Jesus, Now I know he's mine. Once my limps were dying, Now they brightly shine. Once for death I waited, Now his coming hail; And my hopes are anchored Safe within the vail. — The Manna. UMPET. - Those wishing to purchase books written by the following brethren can do so by writing to them at their permanent addresses` kas follows: W. G. Schell, Anlo, 0., B. E. Warren, Springfield, 0., H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburgh, Ind. - We have just read a letter from a brother in England who has spent hundreds of dollars to send the gos- I pel to foreign lands, and yet God re- i quired him to lay aside the plow and I go forth to the foreign field to rescue' perishing SOU1S. At the time of writ-; itrig he had lust landed in Liverpool, and was without a penny, but v. as! Solomon said, " Of making many books there is no end." Yet it is as-tonishing to enter so many homes where families cif children are beini! raised and scarcely a good book or paper to be found in the house. Oft, times everything else seems to be plenty, but no library, except a few novels, tales of adventure, story pa-pers, etc. Trashy literature is injuri-ous to the mind, morals and spiritual welfare of anyone. Good reading and vholesome literature buildS up the mind and morals, and has much to do with our future happiness.- Many wonder why some books cost so much more than others. Some-times a small book costs much more than another ' one several times its size, as the contents may be obtained SOMETHING ABOUT BOOKS AND TRACTS, EDITORIAL. reach the point ` where they can live a This is too plain to be missunder-pure life. It also contains letters stood.- We are to pay tax to keep from the penitentiary which will be I up civil authorities which are or of interest to the boys. - There are 1 darned _ of God to execute wrath twelve pages of illustrations which [ penalties] upon him that doeth evil. are - aimed . to be of interest and leave " Submit yourselves to every ordi-a vivid impression upon the minds of nance of man for - the Lord's sake: the reader. It is not a book. that whether- it be to the king, assupreme; needs to be kept secret from other or unto govenors, as unto them that members of the family, every boy are sent by him for the punishment ought to have one, and we trust it of evil doers, and for the praise of will be of benefit to sonic who have them that do Pet. 2: 13,14. reached the age of manhood. Price I . This plainly shows that thiough the paper cover 25 cts. each. $ 2,00 per ordinance of God, that civil authori-doz. Cloth cover, 40 cts. each. $ 3,20 ties are vested with power to punish per doz. The paper cover books are evil doers. And the Lord by his g- os-now ready, and the cloth will be ! pel of love and mercy, did not repeal ready about the ioth of Dec. I his law of temporal punishment and ! transfer all punishment beyond the 1 I 0- rave. But vested his church with ' 7' I love and mercy, peace and truth, and A small work lateldy publishe con- the state with authority to execute taming the articles published some I wrath upon evil doers. Therefore time ago in the GOSPEL ` FRUMPET In the law is for the lawless, and is good addition to a chapter on " Masonic Tradition." It shows up Masonry at a much greater expense. The sale and number printed also have much- to do- with it. For instance a book that would cost one dollar each for publi-cation where only 5oo are printed, could be furnished for almost one third that amount if 5000 were printed. We buy and sell a ' Festal/ lent which costs us about one dollar and twenty cents each, - and also handle Cruden's Concordance, a book, perhaps ten times as large, which we sell for $ 1.5o and make about the same profit on each book. And no doubt the pub-lishers make more money from the larger book than the smaller one, because there is not the same demand for tEe small one. THE BOY'S COMPANION, a small volume lately published, cost us about 200 dollars cash for the first edition besides our labor of writing, setting the type and printing. The contents cost more than many other books several times its size. If it has_ a rapid sale it will not take a great while to pay expenses, and if on4,, a moder-ate or poor sale, expenses - will barely be met. The cheap edition we sell for twenty- five cents each, or about seventeen cents each by the dozen; cloth cover, forty cents each, or a little over twenty- seven cents each by the dozen, allowing one- third to agents for profit, and they can do as they please about selling them cheaper. We always pay the postage on all books and tracts sent out In less than a year - we have paid () IA: over Soo dollars cash for postage. Tract work is the same as book work concerning expenses in publish-ing. The greater part of our tract hundreds of thousands of tracts, which are as seed sown beside all waters in all parts of the world, and thereby take deep root in many hearts, lead-ing them into the light of the gospel. We speak of these things to answer the many inquiries sent in from time to time. told the greatest trials aMcl triumphs of the es*. THE . GOL, g• A W EKLY HOLINESS JOURN AL. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. Sent forth in the a: tine of the Lord Jesus Christ. For s he Publication of full S: alva. tion. and Divine Healing of the Body. The Unity of all true Christians Iii " the faith once de-livered to the Saints," Published at GUM MaCTIOZ 147,02, D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS — Publishers. TERMS, $ 1: 00 a yew- in aduanee. Free to the poor. NOTICE. NOTICE. NOTICE,. BOOKS AND TRACTS. • S S • Babylon is Fallen. _ to cts. a dozen What Church should I Join? IC Sects. The Master's Call. A Wonderful Deliverance. U Little Things. " hundred. Questions for Sunday Keepers. 7 he Apostasy. Repent and & Nue the Gospel! The Doctrine of Healing. Why are you not a Christian? Poison. Lost and Found. Marriage and Divorce. Must we Zin7 The Church or God. The Cirat Toba. oco Sin. The Sabbath Tract. Questions and Answers on the Church What is the Soul? . MM. M.• ■ •• ■ •••• ■ •• ■ •• ■ ■ • The Bible Readings. Holiness Bible Subjects. Anthems from the Throne. I DIV INE HEALING-. OF SOUL AND BODY — BY E. E. BThum.— PART I teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved. PART II gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. PART m consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. By following the instruction given in this book the SINNER will be enabled to find deliverance fro sin; the BELIEVER reach the highest attainments of a Christ-ian life, and the SICK and AFFLICTED be healed of their infirmities, and made well. It contains 248 pages. Cloth bind-ing 75 cents. Paper cover 25 cents. BIBLICAL TRACE OF THE CHIEF!, - BY W G. scairr- r, A new book just published tracing the church in prophecy from her birth to the end of time, It shows that the prophets have fore-church in the whole Christian Era, and de-scribes the a .0- e in which wne aorew living. Echoes from Glory. A new Song Book, 220 pages, words ind music, with instruction to those ho desire to learn to sing by- note. It contains many new and beautiful songs. Price 50cts. each; $ 5.00 a dozen. ! FT OF MONEY UTTERS NOT OTHERWISE RECETTED. A. H. Lea t. Louie Hardy, Mrs. L. J. Sedwick. 0. A. Marquiss, C. H. Guinther, J. B. Pitts, Samuel Dumhztld, S. S. Stinson, Catharine 0. Bryant. A. L. Boles, Clara A. Taylor, Harriet M. Morse. D. B. Moore, W. H. Trowbridge, S. E. Burkholder, Dora Ca ttell. Stockton, Ran., flU name, M. E. Cheadle. J. W. Cale, A. X. Johnson, J. A. ' Welborn, W. R. Lindsay, A. M. Dick, D. P. Kinnnel, Amos Sherk, M. Her-riaton, jasper Hames. Nellie A. Small, Jno. S. Iirias Kizer, Elizabeth Smith, Martin - Stuart. E. W. Sharp. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. Pray for Sister Emma Stockton of Kansas. Please pray that my eye sight may be fully restored. - MRS. LEAH SELL. Some one writes for prayer in: be-half of an invalid sister that she may receive the blessing of full ' salvation. I have lost the joy out- of my soul, and ask the prayers of God's people in my behalf. A. A. LINK. Flint, ' Mich. 40--- Piay for me Dec. 1st at ten o'clock A. M. for the healing of my body. I - am afflicted with lung trouble. Pray earnestly. Don't forget the time. . SHERMAN SMITH. KENDALLVILLE, IND., NOV. 21, 1893. DEAR TRUMPET READERS I am at Kendallville, and I am ' feeling very poorly and want you all to pray for me that I may be healed. : saved and sanctified. ED. BONMAN. WHITE CLOUD, MICH., Nov. 21, 1893. TRUMPET FAMILY AND DEAR SAINTS EVERYWHERE: I am afflicted _ with heart trouble- and a very bad cough. Pray for me that the Lord will heal me of these and all other bodily ail-ments, for I believe it is the Lord's will. From your saved sister in Christ, MRS. EDWIN STOCKATLL. RICHARDSONp TEXAS. DEAR SAINTS: We left our home in Missouri and came to this place. Pray for us that we may be kept hum-ble. There is a little blind girl who says she believes the Lord will heal her eyes and desires prayer in her behalf. Her father is dead. Also pray for my brother that he may be saved. SARAH N. BRAKE. CALLS FOR MEETING. ATLANTIC, CRAWFORD CO., PA. The people here are mostly in dark-ness regarding sectism. I believe God will cause some Holy Ghost minister to come here and preach the whole triith. Meeting of the God-pleasing kind is needed here. Yours, saved and sanctified, A. W. LUSE. Bro. J. K. Whitecotton, Mole Hill, Richie writes," Dear Breth-ren, we want some of the true work-ers - of God to come in our midst, if the Lord will. There are about twenty of God's free children here, and at Stanley, four miles from here. We have a prospect to get a- large meet-ing house. May the Lord send some one, for Christ's sake. power, to inflict temporal punishment I for any - crime whatever. But does I the New Testament approve of civil 0Overnmnt for the punishment of 1 evil doers, etc? Certainly it does. Thus it counsels us, Let every soul be subject unto - the higher powers, for there is - no power but of God: the son be subordinate unto the author ities over them, for there is no au-thorities but of God; the authorities that be are ordained of God. Who-soever therefore resisteth the power [ authorities] resisteth the ordinances of. God,. and they that resist shall re-cieve to themselves damnation [ or judgement] for rulers [ magistrates] are not a terror to good works but to the evil. For he is the minister [ ser-vant] of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; praising God for his possession of the abundant- riclu: sot the giory of God. • e • t May the dear Lord richly reward him and give many . souls tor his fartnful- THE SHININ• G • LIGHT. An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Address, KILNING- LIGHT., Grand Junction, Mich. A tract of 32 pages. giving the inspired word o: God on the subject. Price 5 cents. The Ordinances of the New Testament. TRACT, BY vn4. G. SMELL. Setting forth the ordinances of the scriptures in clear light, showing which are abolished, and which are still in vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 45 cts. Manilla ' 0.25 PRICEi CPelor tdhoz es& 112- 40k164.60 Tracts for free distribution from ten to twenty cents a hundred. A tract containing 32 pages, Droving what is the Church and. what is not the Church of God. Price single copy 10 cents. Per dozen 80 cents. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. All business communications, moneys, & a. must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be re-sponsible. A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper. eV- Parties desiring papers to canvass with; should notify us regularly of their address. A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 ins. Per dozen, 20 eta. Per hundred, $ 1.50 It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. This tract contains 65 pages giving the word of God on the subject of the Sabbath. It overthrows Saturday keep-ing and proves that the drst day of the week is the proper day to keep. Price 10 eta. How to Send Money.- Remit by Post Office Order or Postal'. Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change cif Address.— Subscribers wish-ing their address changed, Must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address. Missing Papers.-- It occasionally happens that numbers of our papers sent to our sub-scribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive yours When due, after wait-ing a sufficient length of timeiwrite us a card, and we will gladly send one in place of the rnissing number: When you write. be sure to give your full address, nam a, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. is a tract containing four letters with many questions con-cerning the church, and the difference between the true church and sectism. Following these letters are the answers to the same. giving much scriptural light on many difficult points of doctrine. Price one cent each. Or 100 scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element called the Soul, the Spirit, and the Inner Man, which goes to God at the death of the body. The same also proved by the early church Ristory. DX D. S. WARNER. Single Copy $ .10 Per dozen .80 Perhundred. . 5.00 Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. Price 76 ets. each. .• BY H. C. WICKERSECAB. A book containing 100 subjects with scriptures, concord-ance, definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church, its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming of the evening light. Illustrated, 376 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy $ 1.00. This book contains 148 songs. 40 with music. About all new. When sung in the Spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. They hymn - the precious present truth, and. the gospel standard of salvation. Send in your orders for ANTEMIS 5B. 02,1 TICS THROICS and start the songs of praise anew. I I I Li I ii Li ii Paover 85p cents; eper dozren $ 3 .15. c Cloth binding 75 cents; per dozen $ 6.75. It also contains a brief history of more than - 100 Protestant denominations. 248 pages. - 2 A , IFRED HUSTED-Masonic Salvation. work is for free distribution, and range powers that be are ordained of God. from one to fifty pages. During the ( I will give the Emphatic as near as year the Lord enabled us to send out memory)— Let every per- The Boy's Companion. Or a warning against the Secret Vice and other bad habits, is a new book just published. It is a direct talk to the boys, giving advice and for ke beareth not the sword in vain: words of comfort to the unfortunate for he is the minister of God, a re-ones. Also showing the downward venger to execute wrath upon him rescued and trib. Rom. . road, andd w they here miat yleads a boy; and ! ytheat d ute oeth also— R orm3 il. For this' cause pay shows 7- FORTEE wi, ESS. citizens under the government in LAW they live, are to obey the laws UT we know that the law is good, of God and man in preserving law it a man use it lawfullysknowingj and order. If a man should steal my this, that the law is not made for a I horse and dispose of it so I could not righteous man, but for the lawless ! get it back, I should take joyfully the and disobedient, for the ungodly and spoiling of my goods, I should love for sinners, for unholy and profane; and pray for his soul and not return for murdererseof fathers and murder- evil for evil. But shall I keep his ers of, Mothers, for man- slayers, for I offence secret from the authorities? whoreinongers, for them that defile Is that good f Is that love for his ! themselves with mankind, for men- soul? Not at all. I would only be stealers, for liars, for perjured persons; partaker of his evil deed. It is my I and if there be any other thing that duty to report the deed to the au-is contrary to sound doctrine, accord- Ithorities, and let the law punish him. ing to the glorious gospel of the bless- I it may check his stealing forever, and ed God, which was committed to my l prevent-. others from following the trust.— I Thn. ! same course. Laxity in home gov- ! 7 The law was given to give knowl- ternment, and laxity of civil law in l edge of sin. Rom. 3: 20; 7: 7. " Where- the first crimes have no doubt, to a fore _ then serveth the law? It was ! great extent, filled jails, penitentia-when used [ executed] lawfully, upon the lawless, to check crime, and pun-from a Bible standpoint. Paper cov- lish for wickedness, and God's people, er 5 cts., cloth 35 cts. not as a body, but as individuals, as added because- of transgressions.". ries and gallows. The penalities of the law, such as1 ' Ube preaching of the gospel in any ! death, prison,- servitude, restitution, country will aid in the standard of etc., restrained crime, serving as a i civil laws. Owing to the low stand- ! schoolmaster to bring them to Christ, ard of sect preaching in our country, ! the penalty being severe. " He that tile sins of adultery and divorce, Ii-despised Moses' law, died without I censing of houses of ill fame and mercy under two or three witnesses." other crimes, have become enormous. Law is- divided into three depart- I Let the ministers of Jesus Christ cry ments, Legislative, Judicial and Ex- I out against such sins, and give the ecutive. The legislative power enacts I people the gospel standard, and Po-laws and attaches penalties. The Jo- liganfy will stop, divorce cases will Idicial hears the witnesses and renders I cease, adulterers and whoremongers decision, and the executive, carries will be punished, laws will be changed into execution : the penalties of the - and sin will cease to be licensed by civil law. Oh shame, shame, on the Thei- ewish church and nation, had so- called Christian nations- legalizing a complete- system of law given by I vice! the Lord on Sinai and by the- mouth Some say we have many good laws, I of his . holy prophets, as they were but they are not enforced. Well who moved by the Holy Ghost. And the I is to blame? When preachers and I Lord was for a spirit of judgment to ' Professors rise up and say we are them that sat in- judgment, and i Christians; we cannot use the law, the people executed the penal- 1 what is that but encouraging the sin-ties: . This- system was adapted onlyiner to go on and do , what he pleases, to the Jews, when - dwelling in their I break the laws of God and man, dis-own country, and could not be car- turb the worship of God, and drive ried out in Christianity which was to honest citizens, - who love law and or-gro- unto all nations and among all der, from ' the place Of worship, and kinds of civil powers. Therefore the disgust them against the children of New Testament church, as a body God? Shall we not look into the - has never been - vested with temporal perfect law of liberty and find out our duties as members of the body of Christ, also as citizens of our country, and fill our place in both? " I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercess-• ions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty."-- r Tim. 2: 1,2. This I fear has been sadly neglected by most Christians. May God help us to improve. Others have sup-posed a Christiantcould not comply with court; and give evidence against offending parties. Can you . not see this would protect the criminal and do injustice to innocent parties, and so increase crime? But in regard to those who disturb the worship of God, is it not best to go to God and get so much of his glory and power among the saints that the powers Of hell are so subdued that disturbing elements cannot operate? . Certainly that is best, and truly _ God's ministers and people need more Holy Ghost authcn:- ity and power_ to demand aud 1776ep Order in time of worship. But 1f OBITUARY. Br o. Alexander Elder left this world of sorrow and affliction, Oct. 30, 189 for a mansion in bright glory, where sorrow and afflictions are not known. Father Elder gave evidence to the last, that he was ready. When he could no longer speak, witnessed by the motion of his head. His mind ewigahs tcyl- esaerc oton tdh ey leaasrt. HHee w leaas vine sh ias family of six to mourn their loss. May the Lord bless and save them. Fun-eral service by J. L. PERRINE. turbance occurs it need not be re-peated many times, nor the offender be threatened, but take your witness-es and report to the authorities, knowing the law is good if a man use it lawfully, and in such cases let noth-ing be done through strife or vain glory; but to provoke unto love and good works. Do it as a deed of love for the benefit of the disobedient one, and that others also may take warn ing. You need not fent- ( if making ! them your enemies. you can live con-tidence on them and win theln to J esus, by heaping coals of lire upon their heads. showing kindness and courtesy, helping them in time o f need, and they will see you did it for! their good, and will iove you more afterwards, than if you had suffered them to continue in Their misscon-duct. Your saved brother in love and truth, Gro. L. Gout. NEWS FRO MTH_ E FIELD. sanctify and keep me from all sin, in this blessed evening, light. The saint at Mole Hill and Stanley want some of the brethren to come here and give us more of the pure gospel. We want a good able company, filled with the Holy Ghost. May God send whom he will. Yours, saved and sanctified, J. K. WHITECOTTON. the but it was cleared awav, and a number : kgei• cnoe( ly awr. ct: 11-- ok f tha Li so r tgl tto Ina, , I much prejudice when we went there. acknow• ledged the truth, but were 1;,,,, e. int company with Brother A. J. ! not willing to pay the price _ and get -,\. iiipatric, k to Salem, Metrgan Co., Ky.; an experience , where there was a large house of Id eWare L ohradv sea vfeo usnodu lsth ies goruarc per aoyf eGrt. hoed aAisnd i dtc riase srinse maocfec aaCottro dCs! Prt: nEacLned . wrfuuitnnnic . GtEi oo- rnd. ' sMN iocwhwi. l, l . I!! I_ _. Address - - . = ., . , - ! ssbGqiuuonofo fddiatce ynife o. dfn or P tri at arse ans vidr. s* e. a e4hrl yfvihse ain sckte itenoseean! dp miW ninoe gfJ! e - bep- l olsoO utwwhhsee sgrf orelaoouxdmrlpo yae - a ntc- ol dtli , l s- Ciisfn• aehl avm, rie ilseGa ti nn robny dty! hi; inew: fio n thc- rg, orbnsomdi sd• ts; t hwh7taoheota fm w ttoe eouInnr rlsd dah Loirosenuo ellgydrrl n dotgcoJrl ioye fJtisrihenyusid gss1!' l I as long as the Lord wills 1- - A- l'-' 1A:\!. A n Li report victory oyer ell thi 1 rejoice and praise G for salvation I .= rroeue world. Since our l renar. Si ield several meetings, nave been con- forever. stantly the. work of thoe Lrd. W i_ wGn. i olt: lhndsoe,' s ahs cnaiShdlv iW lawdtiirleoie nabnnoe dftg h sb aotethu weules epre rYdma otayouey h r' aisbsl w rogoaflto hyar- syl l, You to let the Lord lead and use us - as he unto me and I unto the world. Amen I on Thursday, : Nov 2 d to continue until ready to leave for India, as lo the saving- and keeping powe of God as idsters in Christ. tnree weeks meeting at Wil- 1 Aye thank God for so m- any dear' brothers and Sisters in • Christ . and ntion were very goed, There Was . eoapee I lie attendance and at- love to - near IIrsm d ) 11-(- 41 the • i l.• J. C- ox, ‘ virE A N D - D--- n- I HE HILDREN Gore I f SouVls eWder. e Osa thers - are 1 - 1- ■ - Tc" 1; 4nti. e. and rac11 you into ail truth and t- i- irkotr. It TI: F. FIRsTBoRN: I can' - • . God rest upon yi) U 411U the H oly Spirit IIE GENENAL ' 1\ ' 3sFmnuIr AND 1keep , Yo, evil,- We are ma is to e nave chri • E • •! 4 a • - r 1 G r '''''' Nr. 111- ir t he . . --- 1' 4 ". s o _ - 6 - f f - r 1 li is in the one , body, 1 down twice JOHN ' BENNE- 1ft; auuy: 1k:. rabic and devii DODGE, Ky. ! l1o. ut g• a- I . T3 1i_ n, Lord Jesus st. - To him be glory and honor • ALL " C and had not g'ol. w law he was looking for; e has become discouraged, and he now believes his day of repents! aiice is past. We ask all th e saints to join with us in praying for him. God has been using us of late as p unters aild fishers," and has been blessing our souls in the samn. We yet und,.- n- conv. ictio. n. One poor man was eonv: rted of his sins and said he had tried so often to get salvation, in our souls. I am so triad I have found the narrow way, which is nar-row enough to shut out all sin, but it is wide enough for the Christian. Since our last report we held a meeting in North Denver, which lasted about five weeks. We had a real foci- to face combat with the Tney tore our tabernacle and damaged it consid-ried every means the lc- break up the meeting, e us the victory and a EVANSVILLE, IND. DEAR READERS OF THE TRUMPET: , May God bless all of you everywhere. I feel that it is to the glory of God to send in my testimony, as God has wonderfully blessed me with his love and his, Holy Spirit. I am still rejoic-ing in a Savior's love. God has heal-ed my children of chills and fever and pIgive him all the glory for it: he shall have all the praise. Bless God forever! They are well, and I know God did the work. Pray earnestly for the saints here, and that God may save more at this place. Your sister, snved and sanctified, NANNIE DOWNS. snip - m n it by the reform Presby-teans - and Baptista rut a good many had separated from the denomina tons, and formed• at union, calling it! . Chuhrucrhc hof God, under the Preach- r T g o f a Bro tih_ eer. Howard. He had seen the evil of divisions and I ,. ri was trying to escape, and having hearci of saints here called us there. We began meeting in the nameof Jesus, and quite a number ,, c. ne, Aledge th lee with, and those w h owere justified declared their freedom from sectism. Brother How-ard rejoiced to hear the whole cohn-see Gut., whit a few others be-tg_ ainng tloo osseee ko tfh eev searnyc tthifiyningg p gerratacein, ilnetg-o secosio. Truly the good seed has been sown, here and the result is in the hand of I t N. DENVER, COLO., Nov, 23, 1893. DEAR SAINTS or TIIE LIVING GOD. GREETING: We feel it would be to the glory of God to testify, through the columns'of the TRumPET again, to _ , _ E. liras, J. N. WORDEN AND Co. Noiern Poi• r, PA., Nov., 21, 1893. 1) E1RLY BELOVED BRETHREN AND SISTERS: May heaven's richest bless-; ings rest upon you all. We are hap-py to report perfect victory over all the powers of the enemy. Oh praise' God for his wonderful love to the; children of men! On the 13th of this month we left the company on the Floating Bethel, and felt God moving us this way. This is a new field, where the evening light has never been preached. People seem anxious for-the truth. The U. B's opened their meeting house, and on the 16th we began the battle for God. Almost all the people are favorable to the truth. Some few opposed two works of grace, but the clean word of God has cleared up all confusion. Praise his name. Sabbath afternoon the word of God was given on theitruel church, and it caused quite an uproar.' Three of the trustees went against us, but God over- ruled. Last night two souls came to the altar and were wonderfully saved. U. B. ism melted away before the fire of God's word. Hard hearted sinners trembled and wept like chil-dren. God is raising up a clean, pure people in this place. Praise his name! The way is opening up for meetings in different directions. Pray much for us and the work here, that we may be kept humble. We request the saints to pray for the healing of our child. A very bad cold has settled on its lungs. Yours in Jesus, H. M. AND. M. M. RIGGLE. MERRILL, MICH., NOV. 21, 1S93. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: May God ever bless you and may all grace abound through Jesus Christ. Since last spring we were led of the Lord to take a farm as we were in debt, and the - Lord has wonderfully helped us to pay up so that we are mord . free to do the Lord's will in preaching the gospel. Also while we were laboring with our hands we found opportunity to preach on Lord's day to the people in two places, and the dear Lord saved some souls and they are now rejoicing in the love of Jesus. We are now ready for the field and ex-pect to commence a meeting near Midland City, in Midland Co., Mich. Brother V. Tiekersham was with Us; • We went. frcori there to Praise Chapel and found, the church -- at that place , I joyful in glory. From there we went! He took train ne x t morning forborne.' Geo. ioward, who p ad been engaged; the salvation of six dear souls. Thisl, meeting was truly a feast to our souls. 1 manifested his mighty pow er from beginning to end. Brotheri \- Vickersham was with us in the last part of the meeting, From there Bro. Roe and Bro. Wickersham and I daughter went to Intl., to hold some meetings and I came to this place. I ask all the dear saints to pray for me that the dear Lordm ay use me in preaching his everlasting gospel. it Your sancti fied Bro. W. A. RANDOLPH. w r ote concerning the many deliver-ubmission into the hands of God. Thess. 5: 17. Pray without ceasing ad in everything give thanks. We rid praying always with all prayer. ow if this falls into any ones hands ho is in the condition above men-tioned, may God help you to break le spell that is hanging over you, whom li makes free, is et= indeed." So renew your cove-ant with God and force yourself TESTIMONIES - Yo WONDERFUL. Prz. 119: 1.1`. 0. MOLE HILL, W. VA. DEAR SAINTS IN Gory : May God bless and be with you. Praise God for a full and free salvation that does save, PAYNE, Onto. DEAR SAINIS: We are glad to know we have the victory and are trusting-the Lord who caused) us to triumph. Our last report was from Indiana. From Mt. Pisgah we went to the neighborhood of Bro. Snow's, and held meeting there a few nights, then returned to Mt. Pisgah school house and held a few nights meeting, mak-ing about three weeks meeting in all at that place. Not many saved. but I to Brock, Ohio, and met dear the seed was sown. 11- lay the Lord send some of his messengers to that place soon that there may be a har, vest of souls at that. place. \-' e came from there to this place and held a few meetings. There were about eight consecrations and some others have consecrated since then. 7May the Lord keep them firm. We have been working with our hands, and will go again as soon as the Lord wills. Any one desiring meeting- inform us here at this place. Yours, saved, a part of ,.; Iho- ee • , s - - time in that meeting in a me. etintt there for few is We remained and continued the! meeting one week, : shied resulted in i the an w GRAND UNCTION, MICA, TO THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD: In my last letter to you I ances that God wrought for me,' and I can truly say, " whom the Soh makes free is free indeed." You will remem-ber that I also said that I intended to start for Michigan ( being then - at Chili, III.). Having proclaimed the gospel to the people; laying judgment-to the line and righteousness to the plummet— having clone my duty faith-fully, feeling that it was God's will for mejo go elsewhere, on enquiring his will concerning me, he said to me, Arise and go to Grand junction, Mich.; and there I will rmlkeKnon mywill more fully. Knowing that the people rejected the truth obeyedthe will of God, shook the dust off my feet against them and took nry departure. Passing through by way of Chicago, I came on to Grand Junction, arriving here about two weeks ago.' For a long time I've felt impressed! tuon gtoo ptoe Ionpdliea oafn dth parte laacnhd t. h Teh geo scpaelll,;; has been of God. The burden for India, 2So millions who are in ignor7 ance, superstition and idolatry has beeit peie in such aw ay and manner that I have laid myself on the altar— have consecrated myself : for service in India. Many times I seem to see their hands stretched- out to me for help, many tithes I seem tosee a deep, longing and anxious expression on their faces, many times I seem to hear them say, yea loudly calling to me: " Come over and help us," until my heart is nigh broke within me with sorrow, and filled with love for them, and a desire to take the wings of the morning andfly away to them with the gospel of JJ esus Christ. Now it's an undeniable fact that India needs the pure gospel. God has called me to go to them, and expect to do so as soon as the Lord opens the way and provides the means. I am ready also to preach the; gos-pel to the inhabitants of America expect to open up a meeting in the main part of town before long. God is working in that way. We expect to see a good time of ga. thering- in of precious souls this winter? I feel the Lord wants me to give some of my past- experience; it ma be of some use to others. For some time in the past I have been in a stu God. We started home the 2 ,3d, and where two days on the journey, the dis-ance being about sixty miles over I hills and rough roads, but the Lord ' gave us good weather. Pray for us and tne work in Kentucky. Yours t in Christ, 4 nY became a task. I was living, as; it were, on resolutions. Would resolve that I would be diligent, then in a short time the devil would stc p and lily m11/ C would wander. I ha,- some trials to go through a. nd m; mind would off - n cause I did not fully give all things JESSIE AND MINNE \\ TADE. s t TULLAHOMA, TENN, Nov. 25, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF GOL?: We have in: it closed a very precious meeting at the Cross Roads school house Nine professed pardon and quite a , lumber purity, Se veral _ who become entangled - with the world were again restored to the fold. The enemy had well nigh destroyed the flock yet we are happy to report victory through our Lord. esus Christ. I Peace and harmony now prevail, for ! which we give God all the glory. We believe that all- will profit by the ex-perience, through which they have passed during the last summer. All through the meeting, which last-ed nearly three weeks, the blessed v. Savio r was with HS Himuch power and s glory, and carried the truth to the t hearts of: the people: We do not know m tt hoat we ev• er attend'ed a meeting be-would lore, so precious to our souls. God flooded our souls w ith glory all the waWy eth erxopuegcht. to continue meetings for aa some time vet within- reach of Tulla- a homa, for moil. Calls are coming N front far and near, which by the help, of the Lord we shall fill as fast as possible. We ask all the faithful ones ti to remember us in your prayers, that f( Gmoeda swuilrl ingigv eto u sthweis csieta, mn daanrdd , h " u mJeilsituys, ftir Christ." eW earnestly admonish the Saints everywhere to keep their hearts pure and lives holy before God. Let not the enemy divert your mind from your own case. RemeMber Paul's admonition, " Keep thys& f pure." Our soul is joyful in glory to-day. Yours in the loy„ e and fellow-ship of Jesus, J. F. LUNDY AND J L. PIKE. pia' condition, something had come over me. which took the real joys salvation from me. I did not hav that real anxii ous ( desire to see soui es saved, and work had become more of a burden than a pleasure. This summer when I was with Brother and I Sister Cole, I thought they were better qualified and the people would rath-; en hear them than rue, because. tthhee y1 had so much more liarht than I had So the devil stepped in and then stu por came over me, and even testi: no GAYLORD, SMITH CO., KAN. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: The dear Lord sweetly saves me to night. Oh glory to his name for all his goodness to me! I have poor health, am trou-bled with female weakness, and can hardly go around. I do sincerely ask the prayers of all of God's children - that I may be healed. I read so many testimonies where they have been healed. I ask myself, Lord why can't I be healed? Oh for more faith! He saYs in his blessed word Ask whattyou will in faith believing and ve shall receive. Pray that I it . v have that faith. Oh dear saints, feel like going on. I know it is bet-ter on before. I am so glad I have been led out into the pure evening light. I praise God for victory over the devil. Oh I am so glad there is • one that has promised to stick closer - than a brother, and he says we shall -; not be tempted above that we are able to bear. Your sister, washed in the blood of Jesus, MRS. R. MCKINLEY. GRESHAM, NEB. DEAR SAINTS AND TRUMPET READ-ERS: I feel led of the Lord to write I into the hands of Jesus. And his time I was, not to say under con-demnation, but I realized a lack omewhere and when the Lord rocght me to ' see my condition he bowed me the difference between he Sin not unto death, and a sin UII- 0 death.— Tno. 5: 16. But God has aught me a big lesson on this line. •! It makes no difference who I am I with, God has a work for me to do, although I never shrank when God put a duty upon me, yet if I had - been more diligent, I would have had more to do and I would have had a better experience.- I thought Bro. c Warner's article on iwagrssiveness, 11, was just what vas needed. ' May God 11 help us all to increase with the in- b crease of God. do praise God, I a have got to the place where testimo- H fly is a joy, when I love to testify to That God is doing for me. I am o glad God showed me this before 00 late. Now dear saints we find any in this same condition, and it is a lack of real earnestness of full re commanded to watch a nd pray, k I of God, thus causing dear ones to be deluded by the wicked one. Oh that they. would see the awful danger they are in before too late! I do thank God that he has kept me true to him and precious souls. and I feel more like standing firm for God. The people want a tabernacle meet-ing next summer. If two or three Holy Ghost workers would come and let the Lord lead the meeting, I believe there ould be great good done. If the Lord Bads we expect to have several meet-ngs in Nebraska and Kansas this win-er. We have scattered TRUMPETS and ooks of Divine Healing, around here rid I know it will bring forth fruit to is name's honor and glory. The Vord says, " Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days." Pray for us, dear ones, that we may be kept by the power of God, ready to be revealed in the lastday. Your sister, saved and sanctified, MAY WILLIS. my testimony to the TRUMPET. I am praising God for a complete salvation. The devil has tried hard to overthrow Isle in the past year. Our hearts go out in earnest prayer to God for those who claim to be called into the work of God and are not rig- ht in the sight MILLGROVE, IND. DEAR SAINTS AND GOSPEL READERS GREETING: It is to the glory of God that I can say, Jesus saves me at this hour and keeps me pure by His pre-cious blood. And I can say to the glory of God, that yesterday, Nov. i7, 893 at two o'clock the appointed hour for prayer, I claimed the promise, and my cough and the soreness of _ my lungs began to leave me, so that I could sing as loud as I pleased, with-out causing me to cough. Praise His ear name forever! Yours in the one ody, JOHN EVRITT, through. The kingdom of heaven is taken - by force. " If all the heavens AS brass should appear, Only keep trusting and Jesus is near." From one who is delivered. Hal-lelujah! Your brother,_ T. A. PHILLIPS. 1125 MMurdock St. These and similar passages a r e used by to worship in; but we can't hold that pro_ that perfect unity should ex organ "- We think it consistent to have house- s clamor fsor divi. s ions, t these m. e anm, coonngf ets se perty without being organized as an organ- i children of God, and that divisions origin-ized body." And elsewhere the writer I ate from corrupt hearts and erring heads. asserts that if organized it must needs be 1Mr. Rs had better considered this matter a sect. i before he formed his division, and had e Here is another F. ' 2= 1. created stumbling left all stand complete in Christ, he would block, cast in the way of Christ fulfilling never have been forced to the labor of The assertion is utterly false. The saints form of a book entitled, " Why another • as it pleases him." he makes some elders The apostle Paul gloried in being a sanctification. but denies some of its Bible I fruits; which is shameful inconsistency. And we must infer - from the converse of the above text, that if men and women ! are notunited, they not only lack the fruits of scriptural holiness, but Christ is even ! ashamed to call them brethren. MayGod pity all the pleaders for babel divisions, I and give them repentance, that Christ may no longer be ashamed to call them brethren. - las to favor their side of the ' question. But CAN wE HAVE MEETING HOUSES AND NOT what can men do with the whole word of - BE A SECT? - I God against them? Then after all their Greek; there is neither bond nor freed there is neither male nor female: for ye are ail one in Christ Jesus." Gal. 3: 28. no- sectites to show the unity that should exist between God's people. In this they are correct. Most divisions originate in a corrupt heart, and some from error of judgment" I think our readers will agree with usl . that ' Mr. Roberts and Sims make very poor business at explaining the word of God so of God, ' with no other organization than Sect?" What a Nvilderness of confusion the " spiral: m. 1 house." built of God, have and self contradictions this tract spreads no- trouble hoiding houses of worship in before us.— all Lie various states. A- 3 " God sets the Sects are necessary to organization. members. every one of them, in the body - Sects are necessary to visibility. nized by the laws of our land as capable of The- entire- body of Christians was a sect. 1 and others deacons. Thata body is recog_ member of a sect_ whole body, for its gd over'n m-,,- en t, ezetc. Aneheard of nono THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. 910, INIMI9111. Jesus. ' He has put a new song in my mouth. Praise his glorious name! The dear Lord has shown me what his keeping power is, and I know he is keeping me day by day. I can say I am so glad - I can trust Jesus again. Pray for me that I may do the will of _ the Lord. Your brother abiding in the Lord, C. B. HAYNES. " NO- SECTISM." se holding church property; which they do, And yet all Christians should be one, without the creation of a sect, or even the hence there should be no sects, cut- off or I addition of an unscriptural officer. The separate portions. And indeed " most I elders and deacons, and their successors sects come from corruption in men's hearts, i In office, being duly acknowledged truss and errors of judgement," etc. etc. So had of every diviceful organim, and abid only I tees men received the purging- of their hearts I in Christ. d in earth, aanndd are out all C of hristians whom no in. - Again Mr. Sanders, endeav error resulting in a disg- racefill rivalry, and each, tians would be of one heart, one mind, one inghis prayer in the hearts of his disciples. welt a n apology f o r his cut- o ff, in the been called in to quell rows between con-tending factions and preachers, in some of carnality, and thus divisions have sprung the branches of Methodism. And at this up, and multiplied, and organized into very time there is war between two of sects." So says - the tract. Likewise the Bishop Joice's stationed preachers in Pitts- Word says they are the works of the flesh, burg, Pa. over the same pulpit. We can and so the devil is the author of the whole expecnt onthoitnhging fromBab r ylon, where business. And since the sects proceed " there are lords many, and gods many." from corruption and carnality in . men's But in the body of Christ, which is the hearts, we justly conclude that their des church, " It is die same God Which work- fence proceeds from the same source. eth all in all." Cor. 12: 6. And " God is And we are forced to the conclusion not the author of confusion." And -- for that Mr. Shwas riot really scrupulous before Mr. Sims, Sa nders anda Co. to throw out Gnod, when he calls thed sects churches th e i r in sinu at ion s that such disgraceful rivalry must occur if the Church is all oper-ated by God working in each member as it pleaseth him, is simply to accuse the God of all holy order and wisdom,. with being the source of confusion. Wee will next notice Christ, which is- the church, We stand AN ATTEMPT TO ANSWER SOME SCRIPTURES united, and associated With every Christian that are cited in opposition to sects. First, honest n of itself to lead over the sects, but not over the churchh. organize sects, and envy, strife, a. nd e_ very there is no escape from the sin of sectism. that " God sets the members, every one of evil work follows. The gates of hell pre - oTfh Giso dis aanndo tthhee rb lfoaolsde o df oCchtrriisnte a. rTeh aeb lger atoc ea nthswemer itno tthhee ibnosd- pyi, r" eedtc s. aNvoiwn gh:„ e — Nar o - hsiesc t- vSaaunrdely a t_ hnisd c rCoook'esd etrfafoctr dte mtoo lpishreosp it sueplf,, the sect institutions, and cast reproach upon such as abide in the body of Christ _ for any one to bring the whole Christian bath organized his church without the only, is sufficient body to his way of thinking, ** * on all help of man. But the meaning is, that as and sensible men to renounce the sect, a. annd subjects pertaining to the work of God." God bath set the members in the physical abide in the church. Amen. Granted. But the Lord Jesus Christ " is body in such perfection, that there is no to subdue all things unto himself." division, and no strife aammoonn tghe members, between what God's ministers teach and what Mr. Sims here admits? The human body is, indeed, used as well as the tree and vine to illustrate God's church. And Mr. S. admits that God himself does set the members of the church all in the body in such perfection that there is no division no strife aammoonng them. This is con-ceding all that the whole tract labors to acle to day. And he, who, by his all deny. It contends that there must be transforming grace, gave the people one sects, cut- off divisions, for varibus reasons, mind, " the mind of Christ, T, at the begin- and that men must organize. these sects fling, is now giving the bride of Christ, his in order to the visibilit y of the church. holy remnant, gathered out of every ism, and diviceful creed under heaven, " one heart and one way," according to his sure word of prophecy. Jer. 32: 39. God says he will do this. Let those F. M. zealots leave their pet idol and come to God, and they will find he is able to verify his prom-ise, just as thousands who have been ' gathered- by the spirit of God into a per-feet unit, out of the most widely conflicting creeds, have already proved it. But like the old Jews, who were joined to their idols, they i perfection, that there is no division and will not come unto God, and to his Word, I no strife among the members, even so hath he ( God) set the members of his church." Then- we ask these F. M. preachers, why do you attempt to take the . work of God out of his hands, and take in members sins and cry, none perfect, none perfect. yourselves? If God sets the members in The work of unifying God's children is no I the church all complete, he does not leave more the work of man than dur salvation that work for them to do. If God so is. Bu
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 13:47
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 13:47
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 13:47
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 13:47
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 13:47
title_sort gospel trumpet - 13:47
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1893
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The Altar
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geographic_facet Lent
The Altar
Van Buren
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op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766244419860692992
spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:39+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 13:47 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1893-11-30 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 13 47 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1893 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:04:00Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 fully humiliated. Such had better search their hearts and see if there are not some roots of bitterness be-ginning to sprout, whereby many may be defiled. Truly it is a great privilege to work for the Lord, no matter how he sees fit to use us. It is an honor to serve the Lord Jesus, for " He that serveth me, him will my Father honor." It means something in these last days to serve God aright. But " he that lacketh wisdom, let him ask of God who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him." Let there be more praying and asking. G. E. COOK. •• • IL_ THE VALUE OF WISDOM. oh ye fishers and hunters of men. Let us obey God in all things, gently, yet firmly holding up the truth. God will do the rest. 2 00B. 41 3. - The Lord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and ao with Whiriwirds. HiMS. ELF. I Flee out of tte midst of Sakylon, and doll y -. er every mar. hisoul: he notut 0 in her iniquity: for this is the time of the _ Lard's ven-geance: he will render unte her a recompenoe. And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the Lord thall be perfOrMed again.% Babylon, to make the land of Babylon I a dosolation withsut an inhabitant. / or. 51: 6. n. -,- " ABNISUlltkin- TPangiVETREWOR ' AND iswessavat MIRE EAIMIXE. W. CitffiElt LIMMETRUTINti rat. sum au - rm edrauti- TAIRA: AMU WIAEVI HE 81. DWETH A TRUMPET. ItEABYE.::: J. W. BYERS. A LITTLE SIN, And he shall send his angels with a great mum/ of a trumnot, atti tley shall gather to-gotherhirelect Ninth four Vitae, from one = nd ofheaven to the other. Sow inn a parable of the fig tree; When : it branch it yet tender, and putteth for h levet, ye know that names is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it ie nearmen at the aoors, Matt. 24: 01- 31 Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, No y. 80, 1898. Volume 18 No. 47 . E that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning.— i Jno. 3: 8. The word of God does not say that we have to commit some great sin, or a lot of sins. By this we are to infer that the smallest of sins is of the devil, and therefore hath no affinity with God. There are so many professed Chris-tians that think little sins do not hurt anything; for there are sins , they say, that are so much worse, that small common sins do not amount to any-thing. But the holy word of God says, He that committeth sin is of the devil. And whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin.— t Jno. 3: 9. We have sat in the church house many a time, and seen the preacher chewing tobacco before services commenced. He would sit in the pulpit and chew and spit till it looked like a saloon, and it surely was not a fit place for a holy and pure God. And if you would say anything to them, they would say, Oh it is so small a sin compared with lots of other sins, it doesn't amount to anything. May God help all to see that that is no ex-cuse for them; for when they refuse to cleanse themselves from all filthi-ness of the flesh, 2 Cor. 7: 1, as God commanded them to do, they refuse to walk in the light, and therefore are of the devil. For they have re-fused the light God has offered them, and no difference how big a preacher r he is, it is simply the blind leading the blind. And so also is the preju-diced sectarian. He refuses to walk in the light, and come out from a-mong them and be separate as com-manded 2 Cor. 6: 17, but is still satis-fied to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, which is forbidden by the word of God. 2 Con 6: 14. But people say, Are not all church members believers? No indeed. In the first place nearly all do not be-lieve in heart purity or holiness; nearly all the sect churches deny di-vine healing, and a great many do not believe in the precious ordinan-ces, all of which are backed by the word.— Heb. 11: 14; Jas. 5: 14,15; Matt. 28: 11: Oh may the dear Lord help us all to see the difference between one of his little ones, and the professed Christian of to day. We surely think this is what Bro. Paul meant by un-believers. The blessed word says we are not to take away nor add to it. And when the sects take away all that is holy, and divine healing, and the ordinances that were laid down by the blessed Savior himself, they have the Bible - revised just to suit the devil. May God help us to see there are no half- way grounds. We must either be for, or against God. And may God help all to see that a sin ever so small, is of the devil, whether it be in refusing to walk in the light God has revealed, or what-ever else it may be. For he that committeth sin is of the devil; and nothing that is of the devil can enter heaven. May the dear Lord help people to be willing to hear and ac-cept the truth as it is preached in its purity by God's chosen ones, for we know the evening light days are come, and eternity is not far distant. Your sister, free in Christ from all sin. - LAURA PICKETT, WORKING TOR GOD. HERE are many ways to work for God, and also many people who i‘ rould like to work for him, but having- more zeal than knowledge, they often make mistakes. Some feeling God's hand upon them for something, without pausing to lind out what he wants of them, or how he wants it done, start off preach-ing, thinking- because the Lord- called them, that must surely be what he wants; when if they had left the mat-ter before God, perhaps they would have found it W : AS some duty at home that they were neglecting, or that their soul should make more ad-vancement. People need not be in too much of a hurry, for when • God calls persons to work for hirn they can rest assured that he will let the world stand long enough to - give them a chance. There is a differ-ence between being called and being sent. After God calls people it will not hurt them to fast and pray over the matter. They may find things to do, of which they had not thought. There is a pure Christ life to be lived before the sinner, the weak ones in the faith to be comforted and prayed with, and it may be that they need other bread than the bread of life, and the gospel to be supported. Now which one of these has God giv-en them to do? Let none of those that are called to do little things de- - spise their calling. Remember he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful in much. And the disciples were commanded to tarry after they were called. While there are some that must guard against too much speed, others with a positive knowledge of what is required of them will keep working and fixing around home, as if they thought the Lord might forget he had called them, sometimes running out for a few days and then hasten-ing home again as if - afraid some-thing would get them. No wonder their souls are not overflowing with joy; disobedient children are not very happy. " He that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple." He that putteth his hand to the plow and looketh back is not fit for the king-dom of God. There are yet others who when God calls them, obey in a certain way, and get ' along nicely so long as the work given them is what they like, but when something comes up that does not suit them, they have- a feeling like this: " Now Lord you let somebody else do this." And if they have to do it, they feel dread- It cannot be gotton for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. The gold and the crystal cannot equal it, and the ex-change of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold. No mentions hall be made of coral or of pearls, for the price of wisdom is above rubies. The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it value with pure gold.-- Job 28: 15- 19. Wisdom is better than weapons of war.— Eccl. 9: 18. For wisdom is better than rubies and all things that may be desired are not to be compar-ed to it.-- Prov. 8: 1 I . 1IOW TO OBTAIN IT. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering: for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.— Jas. 1: 5- 7. With this precious prom-ise we are instructed how to become possessors of this great blessing. God wills that we have it Oh how en-couraging this is to his saints. Dear ones let us ask for it. Making men-tion of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revalation in the knowledge of him.- Eph. t For this cause we also since the day we heard of it do not cease to pray for you, and desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual under-standing.--- Col. t : o. The apostle knew the great necessity of this, hence his fervent desire that all the saved should obtain it. Being enriched by its possession we shall also know HOW TO USE IT. Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.— Jas. 3: 13. Not an idle word will be spoken but in meekness of wisdom we shall be able constantly to minister grace to the hearers. All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.— Prov. 8: 8. Row often the in-fluence of many professdis is detri-mental to the cause of Christ by light and foolish talking. Walk in wisdom towards them that are without, re-deeming the time.-- Col. 4: 5. I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way.— Psa. 101: 2. May we allT be able to say with Paul, Ye are wit-nesses, and God also, how horny and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe.— I Thess. a: to. Oh dear saints let us seek wisdom in our conversation and life continually. Jesus says, Be ye 414. therefore wise as serpents and harm-less as doves.— Matt. io: 16. Ser-pents it is said are very wise, and catch their pray by charm. This doubtless is what he had reference to in the nature of the serpent. What a lesson here for the people of God! How many of us are wise and charm souls for God? We are too liable to do the reverse. Let us hold up Jesus in all his beauty to perishing ones who are in the thralldom of error. He must break the fetters, we can-not do it. He must open their eyes to the truth, we cannot do it. We must boldly, wisely and fearlessly speak the truth in love, he must do the rest. He must call them out of Babylon, we cannot do it. Had We the power to extricate them before they heard the call of God ( the voice from heaven.— Rev. 18: 4.) and come out over the highway, they would be in no better condition then before. There is much crying by men,-" Come out, come out" but when the question is asked, and the matter determined, they are calling people out unto them-selves. The blind leading the blind and the result is a worse state ' of confusion than before. Promising liberty, they themselves are the servants of cor-ruption. This is truly, " Come out ism," and the very worst isi- n of the devil's latest invention. Entire sancti-fication is the only way God has made for the sure deliverance of those who are in Babylon. All who come out by this highway, come boldly unto Jesus without the camp. All his people are obeying his voice and must- come forth unto him. Let us therefore, my dear brethren, hold up Jesus the only standard. He is the charm; his sheep know his voice even though they are still in Babylon, and they will hear his voice and follow him, if we only as wise teachers continue to hold up the charm. He wants us to cry aloud and spare not, showing the peo-ple the better way, and also showing them their sins. This better way, is the highWay. The truth must be spok-en in all love, by those, and only those who are on the way themselves. We may preach holiness in such a manner as to do much harm to the cause, simply by not speeking the truth in love, and meekness of wisdom. We cannot show the people the beauty of holiness by using harshness - and unwise expressions. Many poor souls have been driven away in this man-ner. Abusive language will never win souls, and will result in a reproach to the cause of holiness. If we can-not teach in the spirit of holiness, we had better get holiness. My breth-ren let us ask God for wisdom; the word of God is plain enough and sharper than a two edged sword. If we attempt to make it any plainer or sharper we intrude upon forbidden ground. Let us preach the word in its own language, by the Holy Spirit, seeking continually to apply it in its proper time and ' place. Let us be workmen that need not be ashamed, rightly deviding the word of truth. Wisdom will enable us to do this. The walls - must fall but we cannot batter them down. We must be pati-ent; the battle is the Lord's. Let him have. his way. We can well a-ford to be patient with souls, when we see their great value. Have God and his people been patient with us when we were in error? An unwise expression of impatience or harsh-ness may drive a soul away from us forever. How long must the fisher-man or hunter often wait for his object tq be accomplished! Be wise " But if our gospel be hi& it is hid to them that are lost; lu whom the god of this world bath blinded the minds of there which believe not" T is the god of this v. Torld that keeps people from seeing the gospel in all its glory and fullness, or perfection. The gospel holds up to our view a perfection. The parable of the sow-er, helps us to account for the many who backslide, and the reasons why, make it appear also that we cannot retain any degree of grace very long without a break, except we go on to perfection. That there is a state of perfection to be attained to, we have abundant scriptural evidence. For God said Noah was perfect, though ninn has steadfastly contradicted him.- Whose testimony shall we receive? And again, God commanded Abra-ham, saying, Walk before me and be thou perfect. And the Psalmist says, Mark the perfect man. 37: 37. And why, may I ask, should God tell us to mark the perfect man if there were not such an one? And Jesus said, Be ye perfect, as my Father in heaven is perfect. And Paul spake wisdom among them that were perfect; How-beit, glory to God, not the wisdom of this world, for it is foolishness with God ( not, however, with many D. Ds. of our day). Now God reveals to us, through John, what is meant by per-fection. Perfect love, he says, casteth out fear. Now love disarms suspicion and gives perfect confidence, hence, patience has her perfect work. But says one, How do we get there? I would refer the honest inquirer to Rom. 121,2. Go, my friend, and see what this meaneth. Is there provision made? asks another. I would point you to Christ, the hope of glory. Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man per-fect in Christ Jesus. Col. 1: 28; or to 2 Tim. 3: 16,17. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profita-- ble for doctrine, for reproof, for cor-ection, for instruction in righteous-ness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good work. And to Eph. and I jno. 1: 7. Now if the blood of Christ reaches this height of efficacy, and Christ is preached, and the script-ures given, and the ministry appoint- : d. and the gifts of the Spirit for'. the ork of the rninistry, all are designed o make men perfect, what is the rea-on more will not be made perfect? The text explains it all; it is because the God of this world has blinded their minds. And it seems that they will not see; and none are so blind as they who will not see. Oh God, open the blinded eyes! Amen. T, A. MELVIN, BOLIVAR, MO. DEAR SAINTS: My testimony is that I am saved, justified and sancti-fied, and praising God for the blessed evening light, and for the TRUMPET to read. It makes my- soul to rejoice to hear of so many dear ones who are willing to receive a complete gospel that saves to the uttermost, and keeps us saved as long as we will obey. Praise the dear Lord for the willingness to obey! May the dear Lord bless all the laborers in the field, and all the dear saints everywhere. Amen. JOHN E. MCINTOSH. ELLSWORTH, MICH. DEAR SAINTS :, This evening finds me saved and sanctified. I am trust-ing in Jesus as my Savior of both soul and body. He is my all. I was once deceived in Babylon, but now I am in Zion and I praise the Lord that he ever showed me this glorious evening light. I am standing all alone for Jesus, surrounded by sinners and dead professors, but he gives me the victory every day. Your brother, saved and sanctified wholly, • LAVERNE TILLITSON. Himself ' math done it." Once it was the blessin Dt, Now it is the Lord. Once it was the feeling, Now it is his Word. Once his gifts I wanted, Now himself alone. Once I sought for healing, Now the Healer own. Once ' twas paidful Now ' tis perfect trust. Once a half salvation. Now the uttermost. Once ' twas ceaseless holding, Now he holds me fast. Once ' twas constant drifting, Now my anchor's east. Once ' twas busy planning, Now ' tis trustful prayer. Once ' twas anxious caring, Now he has the care. Once ' twas what I wanted, Now what Jesus says. Once ' twas constant asking, Now ' tis ceaseless praise. Once it was my working, His it hence shall be. Once I tried to use him, Now he uses me. Once the power I wanted, Now the Mighty One. Once I worked for glory, Now his will alone. Once I hoped in Jesus, Now I know he's mine. Once my limps were dying, Now they brightly shine. Once for death I waited, Now his coming hail; And my hopes are anchored Safe within the vail. — The Manna. UMPET. - Those wishing to purchase books written by the following brethren can do so by writing to them at their permanent addresses` kas follows: W. G. Schell, Anlo, 0., B. E. Warren, Springfield, 0., H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburgh, Ind. - We have just read a letter from a brother in England who has spent hundreds of dollars to send the gos- I pel to foreign lands, and yet God re- i quired him to lay aside the plow and I go forth to the foreign field to rescue' perishing SOU1S. At the time of writ-; itrig he had lust landed in Liverpool, and was without a penny, but v. as! Solomon said, " Of making many books there is no end." Yet it is as-tonishing to enter so many homes where families cif children are beini! raised and scarcely a good book or paper to be found in the house. Oft, times everything else seems to be plenty, but no library, except a few novels, tales of adventure, story pa-pers, etc. Trashy literature is injuri-ous to the mind, morals and spiritual welfare of anyone. Good reading and vholesome literature buildS up the mind and morals, and has much to do with our future happiness.- Many wonder why some books cost so much more than others. Some-times a small book costs much more than another ' one several times its size, as the contents may be obtained SOMETHING ABOUT BOOKS AND TRACTS, EDITORIAL. reach the point ` where they can live a This is too plain to be missunder-pure life. It also contains letters stood.- We are to pay tax to keep from the penitentiary which will be I up civil authorities which are or of interest to the boys. - There are 1 darned _ of God to execute wrath twelve pages of illustrations which [ penalties] upon him that doeth evil. are - aimed . to be of interest and leave " Submit yourselves to every ordi-a vivid impression upon the minds of nance of man for - the Lord's sake: the reader. It is not a book. that whether- it be to the king, assupreme; needs to be kept secret from other or unto govenors, as unto them that members of the family, every boy are sent by him for the punishment ought to have one, and we trust it of evil doers, and for the praise of will be of benefit to sonic who have them that do Pet. 2: 13,14. reached the age of manhood. Price I . This plainly shows that thiough the paper cover 25 cts. each. $ 2,00 per ordinance of God, that civil authori-doz. Cloth cover, 40 cts. each. $ 3,20 ties are vested with power to punish per doz. The paper cover books are evil doers. And the Lord by his g- os-now ready, and the cloth will be ! pel of love and mercy, did not repeal ready about the ioth of Dec. I his law of temporal punishment and ! transfer all punishment beyond the 1 I 0- rave. But vested his church with ' 7' I love and mercy, peace and truth, and A small work lateldy publishe con- the state with authority to execute taming the articles published some I wrath upon evil doers. Therefore time ago in the GOSPEL ` FRUMPET In the law is for the lawless, and is good addition to a chapter on " Masonic Tradition." It shows up Masonry at a much greater expense. The sale and number printed also have much- to do- with it. For instance a book that would cost one dollar each for publi-cation where only 5oo are printed, could be furnished for almost one third that amount if 5000 were printed. We buy and sell a ' Festal/ lent which costs us about one dollar and twenty cents each, - and also handle Cruden's Concordance, a book, perhaps ten times as large, which we sell for $ 1.5o and make about the same profit on each book. And no doubt the pub-lishers make more money from the larger book than the smaller one, because there is not the same demand for tEe small one. THE BOY'S COMPANION, a small volume lately published, cost us about 200 dollars cash for the first edition besides our labor of writing, setting the type and printing. The contents cost more than many other books several times its size. If it has_ a rapid sale it will not take a great while to pay expenses, and if on4,, a moder-ate or poor sale, expenses - will barely be met. The cheap edition we sell for twenty- five cents each, or about seventeen cents each by the dozen; cloth cover, forty cents each, or a little over twenty- seven cents each by the dozen, allowing one- third to agents for profit, and they can do as they please about selling them cheaper. We always pay the postage on all books and tracts sent out In less than a year - we have paid () IA: over Soo dollars cash for postage. Tract work is the same as book work concerning expenses in publish-ing. The greater part of our tract hundreds of thousands of tracts, which are as seed sown beside all waters in all parts of the world, and thereby take deep root in many hearts, lead-ing them into the light of the gospel. We speak of these things to answer the many inquiries sent in from time to time. told the greatest trials aMcl triumphs of the es*. THE . GOL, g• A W EKLY HOLINESS JOURN AL. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. Sent forth in the a: tine of the Lord Jesus Christ. For s he Publication of full S: alva. tion. and Divine Healing of the Body. The Unity of all true Christians Iii " the faith once de-livered to the Saints," Published at GUM MaCTIOZ 147,02, D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS — Publishers. TERMS, $ 1: 00 a yew- in aduanee. Free to the poor. NOTICE. NOTICE. NOTICE,. BOOKS AND TRACTS. • S S • Babylon is Fallen. _ to cts. a dozen What Church should I Join? IC Sects. The Master's Call. A Wonderful Deliverance. U Little Things. " hundred. Questions for Sunday Keepers. 7 he Apostasy. Repent and & Nue the Gospel! The Doctrine of Healing. Why are you not a Christian? Poison. Lost and Found. Marriage and Divorce. Must we Zin7 The Church or God. The Cirat Toba. oco Sin. The Sabbath Tract. Questions and Answers on the Church What is the Soul? . MM. M.• ■ •• ■ •••• ■ •• ■ •• ■ ■ • The Bible Readings. Holiness Bible Subjects. Anthems from the Throne. I DIV INE HEALING-. OF SOUL AND BODY — BY E. E. BThum.— PART I teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved. PART II gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. PART m consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. By following the instruction given in this book the SINNER will be enabled to find deliverance fro sin; the BELIEVER reach the highest attainments of a Christ-ian life, and the SICK and AFFLICTED be healed of their infirmities, and made well. It contains 248 pages. Cloth bind-ing 75 cents. Paper cover 25 cents. BIBLICAL TRACE OF THE CHIEF!, - BY W G. scairr- r, A new book just published tracing the church in prophecy from her birth to the end of time, It shows that the prophets have fore-church in the whole Christian Era, and de-scribes the a .0- e in which wne aorew living. Echoes from Glory. A new Song Book, 220 pages, words ind music, with instruction to those ho desire to learn to sing by- note. It contains many new and beautiful songs. Price 50cts. each; $ 5.00 a dozen. ! FT OF MONEY UTTERS NOT OTHERWISE RECETTED. A. H. Lea t. Louie Hardy, Mrs. L. J. Sedwick. 0. A. Marquiss, C. H. Guinther, J. B. Pitts, Samuel Dumhztld, S. S. Stinson, Catharine 0. Bryant. A. L. Boles, Clara A. Taylor, Harriet M. Morse. D. B. Moore, W. H. Trowbridge, S. E. Burkholder, Dora Ca ttell. Stockton, Ran., flU name, M. E. Cheadle. J. W. Cale, A. X. Johnson, J. A. ' Welborn, W. R. Lindsay, A. M. Dick, D. P. Kinnnel, Amos Sherk, M. Her-riaton, jasper Hames. Nellie A. Small, Jno. S. Iirias Kizer, Elizabeth Smith, Martin - Stuart. E. W. Sharp. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. Pray for Sister Emma Stockton of Kansas. Please pray that my eye sight may be fully restored. - MRS. LEAH SELL. Some one writes for prayer in: be-half of an invalid sister that she may receive the blessing of full ' salvation. I have lost the joy out- of my soul, and ask the prayers of God's people in my behalf. A. A. LINK. Flint, ' Mich. 40--- Piay for me Dec. 1st at ten o'clock A. M. for the healing of my body. I - am afflicted with lung trouble. Pray earnestly. Don't forget the time. . SHERMAN SMITH. KENDALLVILLE, IND., NOV. 21, 1893. DEAR TRUMPET READERS I am at Kendallville, and I am ' feeling very poorly and want you all to pray for me that I may be healed. : saved and sanctified. ED. BONMAN. WHITE CLOUD, MICH., Nov. 21, 1893. TRUMPET FAMILY AND DEAR SAINTS EVERYWHERE: I am afflicted _ with heart trouble- and a very bad cough. Pray for me that the Lord will heal me of these and all other bodily ail-ments, for I believe it is the Lord's will. From your saved sister in Christ, MRS. EDWIN STOCKATLL. RICHARDSONp TEXAS. DEAR SAINTS: We left our home in Missouri and came to this place. Pray for us that we may be kept hum-ble. There is a little blind girl who says she believes the Lord will heal her eyes and desires prayer in her behalf. Her father is dead. Also pray for my brother that he may be saved. SARAH N. BRAKE. CALLS FOR MEETING. ATLANTIC, CRAWFORD CO., PA. The people here are mostly in dark-ness regarding sectism. I believe God will cause some Holy Ghost minister to come here and preach the whole triith. Meeting of the God-pleasing kind is needed here. Yours, saved and sanctified, A. W. LUSE. Bro. J. K. Whitecotton, Mole Hill, Richie writes," Dear Breth-ren, we want some of the true work-ers - of God to come in our midst, if the Lord will. There are about twenty of God's free children here, and at Stanley, four miles from here. We have a prospect to get a- large meet-ing house. May the Lord send some one, for Christ's sake. power, to inflict temporal punishment I for any - crime whatever. But does I the New Testament approve of civil 0Overnmnt for the punishment of 1 evil doers, etc? Certainly it does. Thus it counsels us, Let every soul be subject unto - the higher powers, for there is - no power but of God: the son be subordinate unto the author ities over them, for there is no au-thorities but of God; the authorities that be are ordained of God. Who-soever therefore resisteth the power [ authorities] resisteth the ordinances of. God,. and they that resist shall re-cieve to themselves damnation [ or judgement] for rulers [ magistrates] are not a terror to good works but to the evil. For he is the minister [ ser-vant] of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; praising God for his possession of the abundant- riclu: sot the giory of God. • e • t May the dear Lord richly reward him and give many . souls tor his fartnful- THE SHININ• G • LIGHT. An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Address, KILNING- LIGHT., Grand Junction, Mich. A tract of 32 pages. giving the inspired word o: God on the subject. Price 5 cents. The Ordinances of the New Testament. TRACT, BY vn4. G. SMELL. Setting forth the ordinances of the scriptures in clear light, showing which are abolished, and which are still in vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 45 cts. Manilla ' 0.25 PRICEi CPelor tdhoz es& 112- 40k164.60 Tracts for free distribution from ten to twenty cents a hundred. A tract containing 32 pages, Droving what is the Church and. what is not the Church of God. Price single copy 10 cents. Per dozen 80 cents. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. All business communications, moneys, & a. must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be re-sponsible. A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper. eV- Parties desiring papers to canvass with; should notify us regularly of their address. A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 ins. Per dozen, 20 eta. Per hundred, $ 1.50 It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. This tract contains 65 pages giving the word of God on the subject of the Sabbath. It overthrows Saturday keep-ing and proves that the drst day of the week is the proper day to keep. Price 10 eta. How to Send Money.- Remit by Post Office Order or Postal'. Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change cif Address.— Subscribers wish-ing their address changed, Must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address. Missing Papers.-- It occasionally happens that numbers of our papers sent to our sub-scribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive yours When due, after wait-ing a sufficient length of timeiwrite us a card, and we will gladly send one in place of the rnissing number: When you write. be sure to give your full address, nam a, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. is a tract containing four letters with many questions con-cerning the church, and the difference between the true church and sectism. Following these letters are the answers to the same. giving much scriptural light on many difficult points of doctrine. Price one cent each. Or 100 scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element called the Soul, the Spirit, and the Inner Man, which goes to God at the death of the body. The same also proved by the early church Ristory. DX D. S. WARNER. Single Copy $ .10 Per dozen .80 Perhundred. . 5.00 Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. Price 76 ets. each. .• BY H. C. WICKERSECAB. A book containing 100 subjects with scriptures, concord-ance, definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church, its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming of the evening light. Illustrated, 376 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy $ 1.00. This book contains 148 songs. 40 with music. About all new. When sung in the Spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. They hymn - the precious present truth, and. the gospel standard of salvation. Send in your orders for ANTEMIS 5B. 02,1 TICS THROICS and start the songs of praise anew. I I I Li I ii Li ii Paover 85p cents; eper dozren $ 3 .15. c Cloth binding 75 cents; per dozen $ 6.75. It also contains a brief history of more than - 100 Protestant denominations. 248 pages. - 2 A , IFRED HUSTED-Masonic Salvation. work is for free distribution, and range powers that be are ordained of God. from one to fifty pages. During the ( I will give the Emphatic as near as year the Lord enabled us to send out memory)— Let every per- The Boy's Companion. Or a warning against the Secret Vice and other bad habits, is a new book just published. It is a direct talk to the boys, giving advice and for ke beareth not the sword in vain: words of comfort to the unfortunate for he is the minister of God, a re-ones. Also showing the downward venger to execute wrath upon him rescued and trib. Rom. . road, andd w they here miat yleads a boy; and ! ytheat d ute oeth also— R orm3 il. For this' cause pay shows 7- FORTEE wi, ESS. citizens under the government in LAW they live, are to obey the laws UT we know that the law is good, of God and man in preserving law it a man use it lawfullysknowingj and order. If a man should steal my this, that the law is not made for a I horse and dispose of it so I could not righteous man, but for the lawless ! get it back, I should take joyfully the and disobedient, for the ungodly and spoiling of my goods, I should love for sinners, for unholy and profane; and pray for his soul and not return for murdererseof fathers and murder- evil for evil. But shall I keep his ers of, Mothers, for man- slayers, for I offence secret from the authorities? whoreinongers, for them that defile Is that good f Is that love for his ! themselves with mankind, for men- soul? Not at all. I would only be stealers, for liars, for perjured persons; partaker of his evil deed. It is my I and if there be any other thing that duty to report the deed to the au-is contrary to sound doctrine, accord- Ithorities, and let the law punish him. ing to the glorious gospel of the bless- I it may check his stealing forever, and ed God, which was committed to my l prevent-. others from following the trust.— I Thn. ! same course. Laxity in home gov- ! 7 The law was given to give knowl- ternment, and laxity of civil law in l edge of sin. Rom. 3: 20; 7: 7. " Where- the first crimes have no doubt, to a fore _ then serveth the law? It was ! great extent, filled jails, penitentia-when used [ executed] lawfully, upon the lawless, to check crime, and pun-from a Bible standpoint. Paper cov- lish for wickedness, and God's people, er 5 cts., cloth 35 cts. not as a body, but as individuals, as added because- of transgressions.". ries and gallows. The penalities of the law, such as1 ' Ube preaching of the gospel in any ! death, prison,- servitude, restitution, country will aid in the standard of etc., restrained crime, serving as a i civil laws. Owing to the low stand- ! schoolmaster to bring them to Christ, ard of sect preaching in our country, ! the penalty being severe. " He that tile sins of adultery and divorce, Ii-despised Moses' law, died without I censing of houses of ill fame and mercy under two or three witnesses." other crimes, have become enormous. Law is- divided into three depart- I Let the ministers of Jesus Christ cry ments, Legislative, Judicial and Ex- I out against such sins, and give the ecutive. The legislative power enacts I people the gospel standard, and Po-laws and attaches penalties. The Jo- liganfy will stop, divorce cases will Idicial hears the witnesses and renders I cease, adulterers and whoremongers decision, and the executive, carries will be punished, laws will be changed into execution : the penalties of the - and sin will cease to be licensed by civil law. Oh shame, shame, on the Thei- ewish church and nation, had so- called Christian nations- legalizing a complete- system of law given by I vice! the Lord on Sinai and by the- mouth Some say we have many good laws, I of his . holy prophets, as they were but they are not enforced. Well who moved by the Holy Ghost. And the I is to blame? When preachers and I Lord was for a spirit of judgment to ' Professors rise up and say we are them that sat in- judgment, and i Christians; we cannot use the law, the people executed the penal- 1 what is that but encouraging the sin-ties: . This- system was adapted onlyiner to go on and do , what he pleases, to the Jews, when - dwelling in their I break the laws of God and man, dis-own country, and could not be car- turb the worship of God, and drive ried out in Christianity which was to honest citizens, - who love law and or-gro- unto all nations and among all der, from ' the place Of worship, and kinds of civil powers. Therefore the disgust them against the children of New Testament church, as a body God? Shall we not look into the - has never been - vested with temporal perfect law of liberty and find out our duties as members of the body of Christ, also as citizens of our country, and fill our place in both? " I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercess-• ions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty."-- r Tim. 2: 1,2. This I fear has been sadly neglected by most Christians. May God help us to improve. Others have sup-posed a Christiantcould not comply with court; and give evidence against offending parties. Can you . not see this would protect the criminal and do injustice to innocent parties, and so increase crime? But in regard to those who disturb the worship of God, is it not best to go to God and get so much of his glory and power among the saints that the powers Of hell are so subdued that disturbing elements cannot operate? . Certainly that is best, and truly _ God's ministers and people need more Holy Ghost authcn:- ity and power_ to demand aud 1776ep Order in time of worship. But 1f OBITUARY. Br o. Alexander Elder left this world of sorrow and affliction, Oct. 30, 189 for a mansion in bright glory, where sorrow and afflictions are not known. Father Elder gave evidence to the last, that he was ready. When he could no longer speak, witnessed by the motion of his head. His mind ewigahs tcyl- esaerc oton tdh ey leaasrt. HHee w leaas vine sh ias family of six to mourn their loss. May the Lord bless and save them. Fun-eral service by J. L. PERRINE. turbance occurs it need not be re-peated many times, nor the offender be threatened, but take your witness-es and report to the authorities, knowing the law is good if a man use it lawfully, and in such cases let noth-ing be done through strife or vain glory; but to provoke unto love and good works. Do it as a deed of love for the benefit of the disobedient one, and that others also may take warn ing. You need not fent- ( if making ! them your enemies. you can live con-tidence on them and win theln to J esus, by heaping coals of lire upon their heads. showing kindness and courtesy, helping them in time o f need, and they will see you did it for! their good, and will iove you more afterwards, than if you had suffered them to continue in Their misscon-duct. Your saved brother in love and truth, Gro. L. Gout. NEWS FRO MTH_ E FIELD. sanctify and keep me from all sin, in this blessed evening, light. The saint at Mole Hill and Stanley want some of the brethren to come here and give us more of the pure gospel. We want a good able company, filled with the Holy Ghost. May God send whom he will. Yours, saved and sanctified, J. K. WHITECOTTON. the but it was cleared awav, and a number : kgei• cnoe( ly awr. ct: 11-- ok f tha Li so r tgl tto Ina, , I much prejudice when we went there. acknow• ledged the truth, but were 1;,,,, e. int company with Brother A. J. ! not willing to pay the price _ and get -,\. iiipatric, k to Salem, Metrgan Co., Ky.; an experience , where there was a large house of Id eWare L ohradv sea vfeo usnodu lsth ies goruarc per aoyf eGrt. hoed aAisnd i dtc riase srinse maocfec aaCottro dCs! Prt: nEacLned . wrfuuitnnnic . GtEi oo- rnd. ' sMN iocwhwi. l, l . I!! I_ _. Address - - . = ., . , - ! ssbGqiuuonofo fddiatce ynife o. dfn or P tri at arse ans vidr. s* e. a e4hrl yfvihse ain sckte itenoseean! dp miW ninoe gfJ! e - bep- l olsoO utwwhhsee sgrf orelaoouxdmrlpo yae - a ntc- ol dtli , l s- Ciisfn• aehl avm, rie ilseGa ti nn robny dty! hi; inew: fio n thc- rg, orbnsomdi sd• ts; t hwh7taoheota fm w ttoe eouInnr rlsd dah Loirosenuo ellgydrrl n dotgcoJrl ioye fJtisrihenyusid gss1!' l I as long as the Lord wills 1- - A- l'-' 1A:\!. A n Li report victory oyer ell thi 1 rejoice and praise G for salvation I .= rroeue world. Since our l renar. Si ield several meetings, nave been con- forever. stantly the. work of thoe Lrd. W i_ wGn. i olt: lhndsoe,' s ahs cnaiShdlv iW lawdtiirleoie nabnnoe dftg h sb aotethu weules epre rYdma otayouey h r' aisbsl w rogoaflto hyar- syl l, You to let the Lord lead and use us - as he unto me and I unto the world. Amen I on Thursday, : Nov 2 d to continue until ready to leave for India, as lo the saving- and keeping powe of God as idsters in Christ. tnree weeks meeting at Wil- 1 Aye thank God for so m- any dear' brothers and Sisters in • Christ . and ntion were very goed, There Was . eoapee I lie attendance and at- love to - near IIrsm d ) 11-(- 41 the • i l.• J. C- ox, ‘ virE A N D - D--- n- I HE HILDREN Gore I f SouVls eWder. e Osa thers - are 1 - 1- ■ - Tc" 1; 4nti. e. and rac11 you into ail truth and t- i- irkotr. It TI: F. FIRsTBoRN: I can' - • . God rest upon yi) U 411U the H oly Spirit IIE GENENAL ' 1\ ' 3sFmnuIr AND 1keep , Yo, evil,- We are ma is to e nave chri • E • •! 4 a • - r 1 G r '''''' Nr. 111- ir t he . . --- 1' 4 ". s o _ - 6 - f f - r 1 li is in the one , body, 1 down twice JOHN ' BENNE- 1ft; auuy: 1k:. rabic and devii DODGE, Ky. ! l1o. ut g• a- I . T3 1i_ n, Lord Jesus st. - To him be glory and honor • ALL " C and had not g'ol. w law he was looking for; e has become discouraged, and he now believes his day of repents! aiice is past. We ask all th e saints to join with us in praying for him. God has been using us of late as p unters aild fishers," and has been blessing our souls in the samn. We yet und,.- n- conv. ictio. n. One poor man was eonv: rted of his sins and said he had tried so often to get salvation, in our souls. I am so triad I have found the narrow way, which is nar-row enough to shut out all sin, but it is wide enough for the Christian. Since our last report we held a meeting in North Denver, which lasted about five weeks. We had a real foci- to face combat with the Tney tore our tabernacle and damaged it consid-ried every means the lc- break up the meeting, e us the victory and a EVANSVILLE, IND. DEAR READERS OF THE TRUMPET: , May God bless all of you everywhere. I feel that it is to the glory of God to send in my testimony, as God has wonderfully blessed me with his love and his, Holy Spirit. I am still rejoic-ing in a Savior's love. God has heal-ed my children of chills and fever and pIgive him all the glory for it: he shall have all the praise. Bless God forever! They are well, and I know God did the work. Pray earnestly for the saints here, and that God may save more at this place. Your sister, snved and sanctified, NANNIE DOWNS. snip - m n it by the reform Presby-teans - and Baptista rut a good many had separated from the denomina tons, and formed• at union, calling it! . Chuhrucrhc hof God, under the Preach- r T g o f a Bro tih_ eer. Howard. He had seen the evil of divisions and I ,. ri was trying to escape, and having hearci of saints here called us there. We began meeting in the nameof Jesus, and quite a number ,, c. ne, Aledge th lee with, and those w h owere justified declared their freedom from sectism. Brother How-ard rejoiced to hear the whole cohn-see Gut., whit a few others be-tg_ ainng tloo osseee ko tfh eev searnyc tthifiyningg p gerratacein, ilnetg-o secosio. Truly the good seed has been sown, here and the result is in the hand of I t N. DENVER, COLO., Nov, 23, 1893. DEAR SAINTS or TIIE LIVING GOD. GREETING: We feel it would be to the glory of God to testify, through the columns'of the TRumPET again, to _ , _ E. liras, J. N. WORDEN AND Co. Noiern Poi• r, PA., Nov., 21, 1893. 1) E1RLY BELOVED BRETHREN AND SISTERS: May heaven's richest bless-; ings rest upon you all. We are hap-py to report perfect victory over all the powers of the enemy. Oh praise' God for his wonderful love to the; children of men! On the 13th of this month we left the company on the Floating Bethel, and felt God moving us this way. This is a new field, where the evening light has never been preached. People seem anxious for-the truth. The U. B's opened their meeting house, and on the 16th we began the battle for God. Almost all the people are favorable to the truth. Some few opposed two works of grace, but the clean word of God has cleared up all confusion. Praise his name. Sabbath afternoon the word of God was given on theitruel church, and it caused quite an uproar.' Three of the trustees went against us, but God over- ruled. Last night two souls came to the altar and were wonderfully saved. U. B. ism melted away before the fire of God's word. Hard hearted sinners trembled and wept like chil-dren. God is raising up a clean, pure people in this place. Praise his name! The way is opening up for meetings in different directions. Pray much for us and the work here, that we may be kept humble. We request the saints to pray for the healing of our child. A very bad cold has settled on its lungs. Yours in Jesus, H. M. AND. M. M. RIGGLE. MERRILL, MICH., NOV. 21, 1S93. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: May God ever bless you and may all grace abound through Jesus Christ. Since last spring we were led of the Lord to take a farm as we were in debt, and the - Lord has wonderfully helped us to pay up so that we are mord . free to do the Lord's will in preaching the gospel. Also while we were laboring with our hands we found opportunity to preach on Lord's day to the people in two places, and the dear Lord saved some souls and they are now rejoicing in the love of Jesus. We are now ready for the field and ex-pect to commence a meeting near Midland City, in Midland Co., Mich. Brother V. Tiekersham was with Us; • We went. frcori there to Praise Chapel and found, the church -- at that place , I joyful in glory. From there we went! He took train ne x t morning forborne.' Geo. ioward, who p ad been engaged; the salvation of six dear souls. Thisl, meeting was truly a feast to our souls. 1 manifested his mighty pow er from beginning to end. Brotheri \- Vickersham was with us in the last part of the meeting, From there Bro. Roe and Bro. Wickersham and I daughter went to Intl., to hold some meetings and I came to this place. I ask all the dear saints to pray for me that the dear Lordm ay use me in preaching his everlasting gospel. it Your sancti fied Bro. W. A. RANDOLPH. w r ote concerning the many deliver-ubmission into the hands of God. Thess. 5: 17. Pray without ceasing ad in everything give thanks. We rid praying always with all prayer. ow if this falls into any ones hands ho is in the condition above men-tioned, may God help you to break le spell that is hanging over you, whom li makes free, is et= indeed." So renew your cove-ant with God and force yourself TESTIMONIES - Yo WONDERFUL. Prz. 119: 1.1`. 0. MOLE HILL, W. VA. DEAR SAINTS IN Gory : May God bless and be with you. Praise God for a full and free salvation that does save, PAYNE, Onto. DEAR SAINIS: We are glad to know we have the victory and are trusting-the Lord who caused) us to triumph. Our last report was from Indiana. From Mt. Pisgah we went to the neighborhood of Bro. Snow's, and held meeting there a few nights, then returned to Mt. Pisgah school house and held a few nights meeting, mak-ing about three weeks meeting in all at that place. Not many saved. but I to Brock, Ohio, and met dear the seed was sown. 11- lay the Lord send some of his messengers to that place soon that there may be a har, vest of souls at that. place. \-' e came from there to this place and held a few meetings. There were about eight consecrations and some others have consecrated since then. 7May the Lord keep them firm. We have been working with our hands, and will go again as soon as the Lord wills. Any one desiring meeting- inform us here at this place. Yours, saved, a part of ,.; Iho- ee • , s - - time in that meeting in a me. etintt there for few is We remained and continued the! meeting one week, : shied resulted in i the an w GRAND UNCTION, MICA, TO THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD: In my last letter to you I ances that God wrought for me,' and I can truly say, " whom the Soh makes free is free indeed." You will remem-ber that I also said that I intended to start for Michigan ( being then - at Chili, III.). Having proclaimed the gospel to the people; laying judgment-to the line and righteousness to the plummet— having clone my duty faith-fully, feeling that it was God's will for mejo go elsewhere, on enquiring his will concerning me, he said to me, Arise and go to Grand junction, Mich.; and there I will rmlkeKnon mywill more fully. Knowing that the people rejected the truth obeyedthe will of God, shook the dust off my feet against them and took nry departure. Passing through by way of Chicago, I came on to Grand Junction, arriving here about two weeks ago.' For a long time I've felt impressed! tuon gtoo ptoe Ionpdliea oafn dth parte laacnhd t. h Teh geo scpaelll,;; has been of God. The burden for India, 2So millions who are in ignor7 ance, superstition and idolatry has beeit peie in such aw ay and manner that I have laid myself on the altar— have consecrated myself : for service in India. Many times I seem to see their hands stretched- out to me for help, many tithes I seem tosee a deep, longing and anxious expression on their faces, many times I seem to hear them say, yea loudly calling to me: " Come over and help us," until my heart is nigh broke within me with sorrow, and filled with love for them, and a desire to take the wings of the morning andfly away to them with the gospel of JJ esus Christ. Now it's an undeniable fact that India needs the pure gospel. God has called me to go to them, and expect to do so as soon as the Lord opens the way and provides the means. I am ready also to preach the; gos-pel to the inhabitants of America expect to open up a meeting in the main part of town before long. God is working in that way. We expect to see a good time of ga. thering- in of precious souls this winter? I feel the Lord wants me to give some of my past- experience; it ma be of some use to others. For some time in the past I have been in a stu God. We started home the 2 ,3d, and where two days on the journey, the dis-ance being about sixty miles over I hills and rough roads, but the Lord ' gave us good weather. Pray for us and tne work in Kentucky. Yours t in Christ, 4 nY became a task. I was living, as; it were, on resolutions. Would resolve that I would be diligent, then in a short time the devil would stc p and lily m11/ C would wander. I ha,- some trials to go through a. nd m; mind would off - n cause I did not fully give all things JESSIE AND MINNE \\ TADE. s t TULLAHOMA, TENN, Nov. 25, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF GOL?: We have in: it closed a very precious meeting at the Cross Roads school house Nine professed pardon and quite a , lumber purity, Se veral _ who become entangled - with the world were again restored to the fold. The enemy had well nigh destroyed the flock yet we are happy to report victory through our Lord. esus Christ. I Peace and harmony now prevail, for ! which we give God all the glory. We believe that all- will profit by the ex-perience, through which they have passed during the last summer. All through the meeting, which last-ed nearly three weeks, the blessed v. Savio r was with HS Himuch power and s glory, and carried the truth to the t hearts of: the people: We do not know m tt hoat we ev• er attend'ed a meeting be-would lore, so precious to our souls. God flooded our souls w ith glory all the waWy eth erxopuegcht. to continue meetings for aa some time vet within- reach of Tulla- a homa, for moil. Calls are coming N front far and near, which by the help, of the Lord we shall fill as fast as possible. We ask all the faithful ones ti to remember us in your prayers, that f( Gmoeda swuilrl ingigv eto u sthweis csieta, mn daanrdd , h " u mJeilsituys, ftir Christ." eW earnestly admonish the Saints everywhere to keep their hearts pure and lives holy before God. Let not the enemy divert your mind from your own case. RemeMber Paul's admonition, " Keep thys& f pure." Our soul is joyful in glory to-day. Yours in the loy„ e and fellow-ship of Jesus, J. F. LUNDY AND J L. PIKE. pia' condition, something had come over me. which took the real joys salvation from me. I did not hav that real anxii ous ( desire to see soui es saved, and work had become more of a burden than a pleasure. This summer when I was with Brother and I Sister Cole, I thought they were better qualified and the people would rath-; en hear them than rue, because. tthhee y1 had so much more liarht than I had So the devil stepped in and then stu por came over me, and even testi: no GAYLORD, SMITH CO., KAN. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: The dear Lord sweetly saves me to night. Oh glory to his name for all his goodness to me! I have poor health, am trou-bled with female weakness, and can hardly go around. I do sincerely ask the prayers of all of God's children - that I may be healed. I read so many testimonies where they have been healed. I ask myself, Lord why can't I be healed? Oh for more faith! He saYs in his blessed word Ask whattyou will in faith believing and ve shall receive. Pray that I it . v have that faith. Oh dear saints, feel like going on. I know it is bet-ter on before. I am so glad I have been led out into the pure evening light. I praise God for victory over the devil. Oh I am so glad there is • one that has promised to stick closer - than a brother, and he says we shall -; not be tempted above that we are able to bear. Your sister, washed in the blood of Jesus, MRS. R. MCKINLEY. GRESHAM, NEB. DEAR SAINTS AND TRUMPET READ-ERS: I feel led of the Lord to write I into the hands of Jesus. And his time I was, not to say under con-demnation, but I realized a lack omewhere and when the Lord rocght me to ' see my condition he bowed me the difference between he Sin not unto death, and a sin UII- 0 death.— Tno. 5: 16. But God has aught me a big lesson on this line. •! It makes no difference who I am I with, God has a work for me to do, although I never shrank when God put a duty upon me, yet if I had - been more diligent, I would have had more to do and I would have had a better experience.- I thought Bro. c Warner's article on iwagrssiveness, 11, was just what vas needed. ' May God 11 help us all to increase with the in- b crease of God. do praise God, I a have got to the place where testimo- H fly is a joy, when I love to testify to That God is doing for me. I am o glad God showed me this before 00 late. Now dear saints we find any in this same condition, and it is a lack of real earnestness of full re commanded to watch a nd pray, k I of God, thus causing dear ones to be deluded by the wicked one. Oh that they. would see the awful danger they are in before too late! I do thank God that he has kept me true to him and precious souls. and I feel more like standing firm for God. The people want a tabernacle meet-ing next summer. If two or three Holy Ghost workers would come and let the Lord lead the meeting, I believe there ould be great good done. If the Lord Bads we expect to have several meet-ngs in Nebraska and Kansas this win-er. We have scattered TRUMPETS and ooks of Divine Healing, around here rid I know it will bring forth fruit to is name's honor and glory. The Vord says, " Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days." Pray for us, dear ones, that we may be kept by the power of God, ready to be revealed in the lastday. Your sister, saved and sanctified, MAY WILLIS. my testimony to the TRUMPET. I am praising God for a complete salvation. The devil has tried hard to overthrow Isle in the past year. Our hearts go out in earnest prayer to God for those who claim to be called into the work of God and are not rig- ht in the sight MILLGROVE, IND. DEAR SAINTS AND GOSPEL READERS GREETING: It is to the glory of God that I can say, Jesus saves me at this hour and keeps me pure by His pre-cious blood. And I can say to the glory of God, that yesterday, Nov. i7, 893 at two o'clock the appointed hour for prayer, I claimed the promise, and my cough and the soreness of _ my lungs began to leave me, so that I could sing as loud as I pleased, with-out causing me to cough. Praise His ear name forever! Yours in the one ody, JOHN EVRITT, through. The kingdom of heaven is taken - by force. " If all the heavens AS brass should appear, Only keep trusting and Jesus is near." From one who is delivered. Hal-lelujah! Your brother,_ T. A. PHILLIPS. 1125 MMurdock St. These and similar passages a r e used by to worship in; but we can't hold that pro_ that perfect unity should ex organ "- We think it consistent to have house- s clamor fsor divi. s ions, t these m. e anm, coonngf ets se perty without being organized as an organ- i children of God, and that divisions origin-ized body." And elsewhere the writer I ate from corrupt hearts and erring heads. asserts that if organized it must needs be 1Mr. Rs had better considered this matter a sect. i before he formed his division, and had e Here is another F. ' 2= 1. created stumbling left all stand complete in Christ, he would block, cast in the way of Christ fulfilling never have been forced to the labor of The assertion is utterly false. The saints form of a book entitled, " Why another • as it pleases him." he makes some elders The apostle Paul gloried in being a sanctification. but denies some of its Bible I fruits; which is shameful inconsistency. And we must infer - from the converse of the above text, that if men and women ! are notunited, they not only lack the fruits of scriptural holiness, but Christ is even ! ashamed to call them brethren. MayGod pity all the pleaders for babel divisions, I and give them repentance, that Christ may no longer be ashamed to call them brethren. - las to favor their side of the ' question. But CAN wE HAVE MEETING HOUSES AND NOT what can men do with the whole word of - BE A SECT? - I God against them? Then after all their Greek; there is neither bond nor freed there is neither male nor female: for ye are ail one in Christ Jesus." Gal. 3: 28. no- sectites to show the unity that should exist between God's people. In this they are correct. Most divisions originate in a corrupt heart, and some from error of judgment" I think our readers will agree with usl . that ' Mr. Roberts and Sims make very poor business at explaining the word of God so of God, ' with no other organization than Sect?" What a Nvilderness of confusion the " spiral: m. 1 house." built of God, have and self contradictions this tract spreads no- trouble hoiding houses of worship in before us.— all Lie various states. A- 3 " God sets the Sects are necessary to organization. members. every one of them, in the body - Sects are necessary to visibility. nized by the laws of our land as capable of The- entire- body of Christians was a sect. 1 and others deacons. Thata body is recog_ member of a sect_ whole body, for its gd over'n m-,,- en t, ezetc. Aneheard of nono THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. 910, INIMI9111. Jesus. ' He has put a new song in my mouth. Praise his glorious name! The dear Lord has shown me what his keeping power is, and I know he is keeping me day by day. I can say I am so glad - I can trust Jesus again. Pray for me that I may do the will of _ the Lord. Your brother abiding in the Lord, C. B. HAYNES. " NO- SECTISM." se holding church property; which they do, And yet all Christians should be one, without the creation of a sect, or even the hence there should be no sects, cut- off or I addition of an unscriptural officer. The separate portions. And indeed " most I elders and deacons, and their successors sects come from corruption in men's hearts, i In office, being duly acknowledged truss and errors of judgement," etc. etc. So had of every diviceful organim, and abid only I tees men received the purging- of their hearts I in Christ. d in earth, aanndd are out all C of hristians whom no in. - Again Mr. Sanders, endeav error resulting in a disg- racefill rivalry, and each, tians would be of one heart, one mind, one inghis prayer in the hearts of his disciples. welt a n apology f o r his cut- o ff, in the been called in to quell rows between con-tending factions and preachers, in some of carnality, and thus divisions have sprung the branches of Methodism. And at this up, and multiplied, and organized into very time there is war between two of sects." So says - the tract. Likewise the Bishop Joice's stationed preachers in Pitts- Word says they are the works of the flesh, burg, Pa. over the same pulpit. We can and so the devil is the author of the whole expecnt onthoitnhging fromBab r ylon, where business. And since the sects proceed " there are lords many, and gods many." from corruption and carnality in . men's But in the body of Christ, which is the hearts, we justly conclude that their des church, " It is die same God Which work- fence proceeds from the same source. eth all in all." Cor. 12: 6. And " God is And we are forced to the conclusion not the author of confusion." And -- for that Mr. Shwas riot really scrupulous before Mr. Sims, Sa nders anda Co. to throw out Gnod, when he calls thed sects churches th e i r in sinu at ion s that such disgraceful rivalry must occur if the Church is all oper-ated by God working in each member as it pleaseth him, is simply to accuse the God of all holy order and wisdom,. with being the source of confusion. Wee will next notice Christ, which is- the church, We stand AN ATTEMPT TO ANSWER SOME SCRIPTURES united, and associated With every Christian that are cited in opposition to sects. First, honest n of itself to lead over the sects, but not over the churchh. organize sects, and envy, strife, a. nd e_ very there is no escape from the sin of sectism. that " God sets the members, every one of evil work follows. The gates of hell pre - oTfh Giso dis aanndo tthhee rb lfoaolsde o df oCchtrriisnte a. rTeh aeb lger atoc ea nthswemer itno tthhee ibnosd- pyi, r" eedtc s. aNvoiwn gh:„ e — Nar o - hsiesc t- vSaaunrdely a t_ hnisd c rCoook'esd etrfafoctr dte mtoo lpishreosp it sueplf,, the sect institutions, and cast reproach upon such as abide in the body of Christ _ for any one to bring the whole Christian bath organized his church without the only, is sufficient body to his way of thinking, ** * on all help of man. But the meaning is, that as and sensible men to renounce the sect, a. annd subjects pertaining to the work of God." God bath set the members in the physical abide in the church. Amen. Granted. But the Lord Jesus Christ " is body in such perfection, that there is no to subdue all things unto himself." division, and no strife aammoonn tghe members, between what God's ministers teach and what Mr. Sims here admits? The human body is, indeed, used as well as the tree and vine to illustrate God's church. And Mr. S. admits that God himself does set the members of the church all in the body in such perfection that there is no division no strife aammoonng them. This is con-ceding all that the whole tract labors to acle to day. And he, who, by his all deny. It contends that there must be transforming grace, gave the people one sects, cut- off divisions, for varibus reasons, mind, " the mind of Christ, T, at the begin- and that men must organize. these sects fling, is now giving the bride of Christ, his in order to the visibilit y of the church. holy remnant, gathered out of every ism, and diviceful creed under heaven, " one heart and one way," according to his sure word of prophecy. Jer. 32: 39. God says he will do this. Let those F. M. zealots leave their pet idol and come to God, and they will find he is able to verify his prom-ise, just as thousands who have been ' gathered- by the spirit of God into a per-feet unit, out of the most widely conflicting creeds, have already proved it. But like the old Jews, who were joined to their idols, they i perfection, that there is no division and will not come unto God, and to his Word, I no strife among the members, even so hath he ( God) set the members of his church." Then- we ask these F. M. preachers, why do you attempt to take the . work of God out of his hands, and take in members sins and cry, none perfect, none perfect. yourselves? If God sets the members in The work of unifying God's children is no I the church all complete, he does not leave more the work of man than dur salvation that work for them to do. If God so is. 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