The Gospel Trumpet - 13:35

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 1778 Lord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds, Zech. 9 t: rizuz araz- z. 1 roe out of the t of Babylon, and dello-er eve*; man his soul: be not- cut off in her Ir.: unit...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1893
Online Access:
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institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
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topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 13:35
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 1778 Lord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds, Zech. 9 t: rizuz araz- z. 1 roe out of the t of Babylon, and dello-er eve*; man his soul: be not- cut off in her Ir.: unity: for this is the time of the Lord's vets-tsetse; he will render unto her a reodSpetoe. Ana the land shall treratio - ant sorrow: for ercr; purple of the Lora than he performea against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a assolation without an inhabitant. Jar. Eil: 6. 29. Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Sept 7, 1893 Volume 13. No. 35. UMP 4; 1 ttt • 1S. Zi hut trix .4t e S: k netiiles otir And. keepz pun., Nvithin, . And though our tril l , are many, We lie'er tic'Ll have a fear F or tioil t• Ver ready To eon/ for t wad to ( sheer. Care not for worldly 1) leattire, For fano. nor gold; ■ Ltir only trea,: nre, keep it ,.= zt!: one fold. A ti d our work. over. \ Veil lay burdens doWil To tiNvell with llitn forever, ‘ V here Ny e ., tall have a erown. Wc'll ke II int a:- 1 We enter The pearly ( es allovo; W011 praise Hint for redentpt Iii hiller, joy and love. N NN E LIV1Nti: s- rox. CHURCH IN PE, OPH_ E0Y-od's church is spoken of - ophecy by types, figures, and metaphors is not disputed by any Bible student. But that it is shown p in all its forms and modes of con-struction [; divine) and organization, is an evident fact; and under the pre-sent day inspiration, God's anointed ones are able to trace it from the be-ginning to the end of time, and see it in all of its gloriioouuss triumphs down through the long ages in which it has existed, and in all its Oppositions re-ceived from the consultation of the legions of foul spirits, who spread zt 1 selves s a green bay tree in ower against it. Still it exists in all its splendor and beauty, and thrive sin the midst of opposition and sedtiion. wish to notice a few points from ! diet I laggai This is what Heti 011V of the minor prophets; ok at the great truths li by these prophets, we ( 111t! lc they are equal to those who wrote more, extensive lines of tic truth. Some people will cannot be able to under- ;' y, that we can only moaning, and any con-s' - ived at would only be con-jecture. based on uncertainty. But the N\ or says, " In the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly." Surely e are living in the last days, when many points of prophecy are being fulfilled and revealed to God's a-nointed ones. Praise the Lord! The prophet Haggai here speaks of a class of people, who at a certain time ould say " the time is not yet come, time that the Lord's house should be built." Now these people are not those who are out in the evening light, but are a class of people who spiritually are dwarfed and are pining away. This well applies to all who are in modern Babylon, who once were bright and useful, but now are about void of all spiritual light, where con-fusion has about blinded their minds. Thus the prophet says. verse 4, " Is it time for you, 0 ye, to dwell in your ceiled houses, and this house lie waste?" This class of people dwell in celled houses, and not in the house the prophet speaks of being built and as being the Lord's house. But the houses were their own; he speaks of the Lord's house as being one, and the people's as many. Now we see by their dwelling in them, it left the house of the Lord waste. We ask all candid readers the question, if sect building does not make the real house of God waste, i. e. that thereby People discard the church of God and look upon their church ( sect) as being the only one necessary to salvation. This surely is making void the church f God and is laying it waste. Even though they may make creeds, legis-late to the people, refine, polish ( cell) and restrict their members, have them Plated and galvanized, and appear yet it makes waste God's work, as he is not pleased with any white-washed professing Christians, but theY Must be washed white through the blood of Calvary's Lamb. But 1, Ye to each sect builder to move! out ° f your ceiled houses and have a I part in the building of God's grea house. How many do we see wh would be useful instruments in th hands of God, who are wasting thei l ! time building up some sect, and lavish upon it all their attention, and wor ship it more than their Creator? Oh that they might . move out of thei cold formal sect houses, and move into the house of God. Now we understand full well tha God's house is his church, i Tim iii. 13 and to show when the building spoken of in the text takes place, we will have to show the great apostasy after the morning light. We learn that the church existed 27o years as a pure church, and no other assumed, or rival, or substitute church was set before the people falsely as a way of life or a means of grace. Now while there was a great apostasy, an awful dark day and almost a universal spir-itual decline, yet God's church still ex-isted, since the gates of hell could not prevail against it. But at this time a substitute church was set up and di-rected the minds of the people from the right way, and thus was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Hab. i. 4.—" Therefore the law is slacked: and judgment doth never go forth; for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth." God's house is filled with judgments; " For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem"— Isa. ii. 3. So God's law and word are con-tinually going forth from his church ( figurative Jerusalem), and _ any that do not send them forth, i. e. pi- each them, are not his but wrong judg-ments ( creeds), and envious preach-ing- proceeds because the righteous are in the minority and the wicked are the ruling power over them. Now this before the minds of entire sectdom has the effect of tearing down ( yet not in reality) God's building, and in the way God's church apostatized, and a false one was set up, which all this world wondered after, but God proposed to restore his own again, although it was a long tour down through the wilderness and regions of Babylon. We will notice a few points as pre-figured by the fall and restoration of ancient literal Jerusalem, which show the apostasy of God's church in the morning light, and its restoration in the evening light. We are told that Jerusalem was captured by the king of Babylon, and all the people who were not slain were taken captive and carried away to Babylon, with all the vessels of the house of God, with, all the treasures, and all the treasures of the kings and princes, and were taken to Babylon. Also they burned the house of God and broke down the walls of Jerusalem and burnt the palaces, and in fact Jerusalem was laid waste with almost a total de- 1 struction, and was in this condition about one and a half centuries. But many years before this, king Cyrus of Persia was stirred by the Spirit of the Lord, and made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, that the Lord had charged him to build him a house in Jerusalem. " Then arose the chief of the fathers ofJudah and of Benjamin, and the priests and the r Levites, with all them whose spirit God had raised to go up to build the e house of the Lord at Jerusalem, and they were strengthened with vessels of gold and silver, with goods and precious things. Also king Cyrus brought forth the vessels of the house g of the Lord which - Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Jerusalem which- he- e • ■ • ■ ■ ■ • ■ • ■ •• ■ ■ . ■ .- t had put in the house of his gods."— o Ezra first chapter. Now the people e of the captivity that were carried a- 3 way to Babylon came to Jerusalem every one to his city. At the end of - seven months the people gathered themselves as one man to Jerusalem, 3 and set up the altars, and kept the feast of tabernacles, and every one offered a freewill offering unto the t Lord. Oh what zeal they had, and how wonderfully united they were in the great work that was now before them! How determined they were to accomplish their work! They were as one man; one was not desiring to have his way and build this, and an-other his way and build that, but all worked to accomplish the chief end, e., to rebuild Jerusalem; and they all had a mind to work, none to shrink, and they all sang together and prais-ed the Lord; some wept for joy, oth-ers shouted aloud, and the noise was heard afar off. _ But no sooner had they begun to build, than their adver-saries came and wanted to build with them, and said, We seek your God, as ye do. But they told - them they had nothing to do to build with them, but they would build by themselves; so no one was allowed any part in the work except the people of Israel. Then their adversaries weakened their hands, and hired counsellors a-gainst them, to frustrate them in their work, and called it a wicked and rebellious city, and hurtful to kings and priests, and that the peo-ple would not pay tribute and custom any more, and thus would endanger the revenues of the king; and search was made in the book of records of their fathers to find this city to be a wicked and rebellious one, and I sup-pose every thing else possible to stop and hinder them in their work. But the work went on because the people had a mind to work. Although the first effort was only a partial success, yet the work was a final success. The walls were rebuilt, every thing set in order, the chambers cleansed, etc. Well, praise the Lord, this all has its part in this latter- day building of the walls of spiritual Jerusalem. Now as it was taken and burned, its peo-ple taken captive, so were God's peo-ple by mystery Babylon. Psa. lxxiv. 7.—" They have cast fire into thy sanctuary, they have defiled by cast-ing down the dwelling place of thy name to the ground." The marginal reference says," They have sent their sanctuary into the fire," or that God's church and his, people are sent into the fire of great opposition and per-secution. Daniel spoke of a power that should cast down God's sanctu-ary - and the truth to the ground. Dan, viii. r, 12. This was the great apostasy that castdown his sanctuary. His truth was trailed in the dust, and was taken away from the people, and creeds and sect machinery set up in-stead, and the people, passed under popery. Again Jer. ii. 3, says, Israel was holiness unto the Lord. All who are free from sin are Israelites " in whom is no guile," who possess God's holiness, not in name or by natural birth, but in spirit and in truth. The church was pure about 270 years from Pentecost, and afterward lost its pu-ity and went into darkness. Read Mal. ii: I r, " Judah bath dealt treach-rously, and an abomination is com-mitted in Judah and in Jerusalem; For Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved and hath married the daughters of a strange od [ sect]." The holiness of God was profaned by, sectism, and in the came when the real churcli was torn down, and another assumed to be the church. And the true one retired we are taught to the lonely sanctuary of a few solitary hearts. But thanks be to God, it still existed even in this almost isolated condition. As more thorough works have been written on this point we need write no more to show that God's church was driven and carried away to Babylon, the ves-sels, treasures, and many poor cap-tive souls, who were only made " mer-chandise" by their captors to speculate on, and continued thus many long years. But the time for deliverance came when every captive' soul in Babylon was to be set free, when they should leave Babylon and come home to Zion. " For they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion."— Isa. EL& While the church has been, as it were, buried away in the rubbish and confusion of Babylon, people have been blinded to it and veiled to the real truth, deceived and deluded by false prophets, blind lead-ers of the blind, and all in the ditch ( sect ruts) together, yet for all of this the walls ( true banner and standard, and character of holiness) are being set up all over the land and the work. moves on in power; and as it was in Ezra's days when the people shouted with a great shout because the foun-dation of the house of tile Lord was laid so they could not discern the noise of the shout of joy for the noise of weeping, oh how it fills our hearts with joy and holy enthusiasm as we see the banner hoisted right in the face of the enemy, and show the peo-ple„ the true way of salvation, the real walls of God's church ( salvation, not creeds), and to see each hungry hon-est soul come bathe help of the mighty and rally around the banner of deliv-erance from galling yokes, confusion and bondage; and truly a mighty shout of praise is going up as sweet incense to Him who only can deliver. Oh glory to his name! Let the praises roll and shouts ring; let them sound forth in the ears of a wicked world and the latter day " Sanballat." Now none need think this work will be accomplished without opposition or be done in easy place; as in the days of old, it will be done in the midst of great trials, with many and furious attacks in various ways from the ene-my. Then let us be equal to the occasion by taking the whole armor of God; do all to stand out for God, then the work will continue to in-crease. As there are different ways i n which the work is opposed we will notice a few. When holiness is first preached in a community, sect preachers, class leaders and members will go to pro-fessing holiness and try and come in and help to carry on this work, so to have an influence over the converts and thus get gain. Some have done thus in the early work of holiness and only resulted in confusion or Babylon holiness.: But - thank God, since the true light now shines, " they have nothing to do with us to build," so no one can yoke up with sectism and preach clear straight holiness. So as of old they hire counsellors against the work, " stir up the baser sort," make the people " evil, affected against the truth," throw barriers in the way, get up opposition meetings, and in fact they will stoop lower and resort to worse than. the average sinners would do. As search was made against the Jews in the record of their fathers, to find that it was a wicked city which they builded, so they will search some Viewing from the summit of God's back record of - Mormonism or some holiness, it is easy to see that the word other to get an accusation; but thank teaches this, and in fact many in God, our record of sin is all blotted Babylon who were once spiritual will out of the book, of remembrance, and tell you this is to come to pass before all the saved have a good deportment the end of time, but they say the time stimation of the world, the time ofi no ulirf efo. rAe- nfda tihf earns yr ewaadn, to tfh seu crehc oarsd b hea sd onnote . ye t come thEa. t Fth. eH wOoUrGkH TshOoNu: ld And he shall ben his angels with a groat tend of tramnet, and they shall gathertogeth-er his eleotfromthefonr winds, front one end of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that ' summer it nigh: go likewise ye, when ye shall tee all these things, know that it it near, even at the doors Matt. 24: 31- 33 Father Abraham, Elder. Brother Christ, our Mother Jerusalem, and all Holy Brethren, etc., praise God, we are not ashamed of the record of our fathers; but if we were to search the back records of confusion and see how it was conceived in iniquity, and brought forth in sin, no one would spend many precious moments to hunt up such. Well praise God, the work goes on and is spreading like wild fire, and is gatliering. as it goes and increasing with the increase of God. For the benefit of any who are weak and not able to meet the scorns of the world, we present a few thoughts of encour-agement. As the Jews were made sport of and told that a fox would break down their wall, so people talk equallw as false of this present day work of salvation, and that it does not amount to anything. We see by facts and points gleaned that any reformation has been thus spoken against, and many steps in modern enlightenment and improvement have - even suffered the taunts of a blind-folded world, but it has been on the advance until we have reached the great advantages of the present day. We take a few following- extracts from a secular paper: A little over 400 years ago, Colum-bus was called a fool and heretic for asserting the world to be round, and to day the teacher that would teach otherwise would be expelled and possibly sent to the lunatic asylum for treatment. When railroads were first talked of, it was declared that three miles an hour would be the fastest time they could make and it would be impossi-ble to run on any but a straight line; but now they run more than three miles an hour around curves, over hills and through mountains. Morse asked congress to appropri-ate $ 30,0o0 to assist him in building a. telegraph line to experiment on.: One congressman suggested they build a lunatic asylum for him; while another moved that they appropriate money to build a line to the moon. But the telegraph line has been per-fected, time and distance have been " annihilated ;" and others were equal-ly as erroneous, but their inventors wen, men of strong mind and of de-termination, and accomplished their: purpose, and, doubtless put to shame their opposers. Brethren, if men were thus opposed in worldly improvement, what need we expect but to be pointed at with scorn? We read in Cant. viii. 5, " Who is this that cometh up from the wilder-ness, leaning on the arms of her be loved?" Solomon in a • metaphor speaks of the church on its return from the wilderness. In Rev. xii. 6, we see the woman, i. e. the church, fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared of God. In V. 14 she again went into the wilderness, but in a different way; she was given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness. Now Solomon spoke of her return, 1st, she came leaning on the arms of her be-loved; as she had two flights away, Solomon speaks of her again coming. Cant. iii. 6.—" Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the merchants? Here we have the church out of the wilderness ( sectism) in all her glorious triumphs. 1st, she came leaning on the arms of Christ; 2d, she Came like pillars of smoke, or strong and mighty. Praise God, thus the church in the evening light has come forth a power for God, able to stand erect and straight for the truth, and upright- for God. At this point of time her judges were to be re-stored as at the beginning, Isa. 1.26, and her counsellors as at the first. This is done in our midst the primi-tive purity and holiness is preached, obtained and lived by the true and the tried. This includes unity of believers, abhorrence of all clans, fac-tions and partisan spirits, all inclina-tion towards this world of formality and idolatry; in fact it demands all to be whole- soul Christians, discarding all half- hearted religion, and makes a clean sweep for God. — By E. E. Byrum.— Part teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved. Part II. gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part I: 1. consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. By following the instructions given in this book SII\ TI\ TM1R. will be enabled to find deliverance from sin; the IBMIJIM- VM19. reach the highest attainments of a Christian life, and the SICK A. 1\ 17") be healed of their infirmities, and made well. It contains 248 pages. Cloth binding 75 cts. Paper cover 25 cts. he BOOKS AND TRACTS, 9 ( 9 Babylon is Fallen. What Church should I Join? Sects. The Master's Call. A Wonderful Deliverance. Little Things. Questions for Sunday Keepers. The Apostasy. Repent and Believe the Gospel! The Doctrine of Healing. Why are you not a Christian? Poison. Lost and Found. Marriage and Divorce. A tract of 32 pages, giving the inspired word of God on the subject. Price 5 cents. Mot we Zin? . ra as. a dozen THE OSPEL TRUMPET DIVINE HEALING OF SOUL AND BODY. Bring your tents and bedding. If it is too cold to use them, other places will be provided. If you have no tents or bedding, come and you will be provided for. We appeal to all saints in Kan., Neb., Colo. and elsewhere, and all who love the truth, to come and push the battle here. Our chapel is now ready for use, so if the weather Is too cool we can hold in there. And when the meeting is over, call it by any name that suits— camp, taber-nacle or assembly meeting; the ob-ject is to get souls saved to _ Jesus. Our brethren are all out of work and money but one or two, but we will do the best we can, by the help of the Lord. All come looking to, and depend-ing on God. Amen. " Your brother under the blood, R. W. SWINBURN. LAUDERDALE, Miss., Aug. 31, 1893. DEA, R SAINTS: It affords me a spir-itual comfort to state through the GOSPEL TRUMPET, that the Lord has again given us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord, in a meeting held at the Wilson school house north of DeCalb six miles. But be-for starting to that point I was very much afflicted, and thinking I would not be able to meet the appointment I then sent for Bro. Stowall to come and a. nnoint me and pray over me in the name of the Lord, who complied with the request, and I can praise the Lord I was healed by faith, and have felt no more pain since. The next day Bro. Stowall accom-panied me to the school house: we found Bro. Porter also afflictede'and we anointed him and the prayer of faith did save him. Glory be to Godi God was there in the songs and the gospel, as in the prayer and testimo-nies. This was a new field, for ho-liness was never before preached at that place. We staid there four days. There were six conversions. There will be regular preaching there on the third Sunday of each month hereafter. To God be praise and glory forever. Amen. R. T. CHARLTON AND S. C. w. STOWALL. A W. E. IIKLY 11012: KESS .10URNA. L. DESeFaItN foIrTthE in, RthAeD naICmAe oLf, tAheN LTorId- SJEesCuTs AChRrIisAt. N. Eor the Publication of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body. The Unity of all true Christians in " the faith once de-livered to the saints." Published at GlIAND MITCTIOIT, ! Ma D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS -- Publishers. TERMS, $ 1.00 a year in advance. Free to the poor. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. NOTICE_ All business communications, moneys, & c. must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be re-sponsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper. Aftd rParties desiring- papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of their address. NOTICE. How to Send Money. Remit by Post Office Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change of Address.— Subscribers wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to give their former. as well as their new address. Missing Papers.— It occasionally happens that numbers of our papers sent to our sub-scribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In ease you do not receive yours when due, after wait-ing a sufficient length of time twrite us a card, and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. TILE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Address, ilia. SEINING LIGHT., Grand Junction, Mich., U. S. A. A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 cts. Per dozen, 20 cts. Per hundred. 81.50 The Church of God. A tract containing 32 pages, proving what is the Church and what is not the Church of God. Price single copy 10 cents. Per dozen 80 cents. The Great Tobacco Sin. It contains 30 pages. with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. The Sabbath Tract, This tract contains 65 pages giving the werd of God on the subject of the Sabbath. It overthrows Saturday keep-ing and proves that the first day of the week is the proper day to keep. Price 10 Ms. The Ordinances of the New Testament. A TRACT, BY WM. G. SCHBLL. Setting forth the ordinances of the scriptures in clear light, showing which are abolished. and which are still in vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 45 cts. The Bible ileadings. Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. Price 75 cts. each. Holiness Bible Subjects. BY H. C. WICKERSHAM. A book containing 100 subjects with scriptures, concord-ance, definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church. its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming of the evening light. Illustrated, 376 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy 81.00. Anthems from the Throne. This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new. When sung in the Spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. 50.25 PRICE- 3 Cloth 0.40 Per dozen. , V. 40 & 23.60 What is the Soul? Or NO scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element called the Soul, the Spirit. and the Inner Man, which goes to God at the death of the body. The same also proved by the early Church History. BY D. S. WARNER. PRICE, PSeinr gdloe zceonp y . 1800 Per hundred 5.00 REQUEST FOR PRAYER. GRANADA, COLO. DEAR SAINTS: Pray for the healing of my body on September io, at nine o'clock A. M., and that I may be sanctified wholly.' I have had throat and lung trouble for over three months. Pray earnestly that I may he healed if it is the Lord's will. ANNIE HOLMES. CALLS FOR MEETING. L. A. Turner, Denver, Fla. desires some of God's ministers to come to that place and hold meeting. MT. PISGAH, IND. We desire to have a holiness preacher come here and hold a meet-ing a week or two: as there could be much good done. Yours in Christ, MRS. RHO DA BOWMAN. Would like very much if some one of God's holy ministers would come here. Why not Bro. Willis or F. Rosenbery, or who the Lord will send. Write to Cushing, Howard Co., Neb. to J. A. Horn, Box 50. We have the following call from Pilot Knobs, Ind. Who will answer it? " You will please send us an able minister if Possible. We want him here the 22d of Sept., to stay several weeks, and longer if the Lord wills. We have a good grove and doors open. Whoever comes, come to Ma-rengo, Ind. Direct to WM. NEACH." Pilot Knobs, E. J. Hoffer, Snyder, Okla. desires that some of the ministers come to that place this fall to teach the truth; having no means to offer, but will open their home to those who come. A school house can be obtained. The brother thinks that some tirri in November would be the most suita-ble time. AND GROVE MEETINGS. Tent meeting, Nishnabotna: Sept. 15. AN. There will be a grove meeting four miles east of Knox, Staike Co., Ind., commencing Sept. 20. Those coming by rail notify James Moore, Knox, Ind. There will be a C. M. six miles north of Poplar Bluff, and two miles west of Hilliard, Mo., beginning Sept. 20. A. 13. STAN BERRY. 9119 There will be a grove meeting be-ginning Sept. 19, seven miles north-west of Portland, Ind., in the neigh-borhood known as Walnut Corners. B. N. LONGERBONE. There will be a camp meeting of the saints in Augusta, Ga., commenc-ing Oct. t, 1893. W. H. MORRIS. King's Mills, Augusta, Ga. There will be a grove meeting three miles north- east of Bannister, Gratiot Co., Mich., commencing Sept. 14. TI- ose coming by rail stop off at Bannister. - All come that can. STEPHEN COOK. There will be a camp meeting be-ginning Sept. 15, at Sanders Hill, nine miles north- east of Vandalia, Ill., and six miles south- east of Ramsey. Bro. Geo. Bolds, fami ly and others are expected. For particulars' ad-dress Jno. Diveley, Brownstown, Ill., Frank Carroll, Ramsey, Ill., Jacob Hall, Vandalia, Ill. DENVER CAMP MEET ING. As the time is drawing near for holding our first camp meeting in this city, where sin and wickedness abound, and the love of many is waxing cold, and eternity is approach-ing as fast as time moves, we wish to urge all of God's people everywhere, who can, to come and help to win souls for Christ. Come brethren, all, in phalanx strong, And help to push the battle here; Come help with presence, prayer and song, To save poor souls this iiery year. ECHOES FROM GLORY. By B. E. Warren and D. S. Warner. THE new song book " ECHOES FROM GLORY," has just been issued, and already started a glorious wave of heavenly songs and praise on the earth. It contains 232 beautiful and triumphant songs, with Primary Instructionin Music. Simple and concise— A practial self instructor, intended especially for beginners in vocal music. A Great Number of New Songs, both words and music gem its pages, with a choice selection from " ANTHEMS FROM THE THRONE," and other books and authors. It is especially adapted to Camp and. Revival Meetings, Sunday Schools, and for the home circle. The hymns are spiritual, and soul cheering. Special atten-tion has been given to - - Revival Songs and Hymns. Containing many beautiful and touching invitation hymns, and hymns that sing nearly every doctrine of the gospel, and especially the glorious themes of " present truth," drawing people to Christ and the Bible. Neatly bound in paste- board. PRICE C Single copy, $ .50 , . t Per dozen, . 5,00 Address all orders to GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. CO., BARNEY E. WARREN, Grand junction, Mich. or Springfield, Ohio. BIBLICAL TRACE OF THE CHURCH. — By W. G. Schell.— A new book just published; tracing the church in prophecy from her birth to the end of time. It shows that the prophets have foretold the greatest trials and triumphs of the _ church in the ' whole Christian Era, and describes the age in which we are now living. It also contains a brief history of more than 400 Protestant denominations. 248 pages. Paper cover 35 cents; per dozen $ 3.15. Cloth binding 75 cents; per dozen $ 6 75. Address the author at Anlo, Clark Co., Ohio; or this office. LIST OF MONEY }! NOTE OTHERWISE RECFRTED. CAM p " Wm. Bensinger, D. N. Carlton, R. C. Barker, Jas. Rose A. Radabaugh. J. V. Fleck, M. M. Stover, D. B. Moore. JERRY CITY, OHIO, AUG. 30, 1893. Camp and grove meeting closed last night. The interest increased - from the first: attendance large on Sunday, both day and night, and Monday was our pentecost, but the rain prevented a general attendance at night, and the saints met in the lartrest tent and the Lord continued DEERFIELD CAMP MEETING. central point for annual feasts in Ohio, and wish the assistance of all who are interested in building a pa-vilion, clearing the ground, etc. Per- COVINGTON, IND., Sept. 4 ,8193. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: We are companyethere. Those brethren in the west who are calling for meeting can make arrangements with us, the Lord willing, for near future. We wish to attend Nishnabotna 0- rove meeting and assist Bro. Haynes, but have not the means at present. Ad-dress us at Danville Ill. Your saved brother and sister, F. AND A. HUSTED. ARKANSAS Crry, KAN., Aug. 29, 1893. The Hollenberg- camp meeting is past and will never be forgotten by those that passed through this glori-ous feast from heaven. All things were ready for the battle and the meeting was a glorious victory anti God was glorified. The saints came as far as two and three hundred miles VICTORIA, Mo., Aug. 21, 1893. from Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas. DEAR SAINTS: We are glad to re. Brother. Byrum was with us four or port victory for our Master, and we five days. ' There were souls at the praise him . for his keeping power altar day and night and many were manifest to us. ' Well the Lord has saved and sanctified, and most all re-been blessing our labors in this part ceived the benefit they desired. There to the salvation of souls. Meeting were thirty- one baptized, and ninety closed at Victoria which lasted over eight partook of the ordinance of washing the saints' feet. There was a large congregation from the begin-ning to the end of the meeting. On the last Sunday I think there were twelve hundred people on the ground d Soto where two sisters were buried P and there was the best of order, an with Christ by baptism, and to day N avbelearteogt lhaed ttrourthep. orlt, htheraet t Nhvee rger ecaatiel sr art of the large multitude was favor- Last Tuesday we were called to De four more were baptized at Buckeye; in mans' directions for God's ministers eight consecrations in all, most of of whom there were not half enough Pacific-which God send d some a goodd experience. here in the present to answer the calls. There May things of God. We expect to go Stover- who is left in that part of the were about fifteen preachers present; near future, to more fully present the they all go to other fields but Brother wherever . A. M. Bixler AND Co. Masters will start for the God leads. Pray for us. country. Brother Green and Brother two Sundays, after which we com-menced meeting about five miles north- west, at the Buckeye school house, where we labored almost three weeks and closed with the blessings of God resting upon the people. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. LUCILE, Miss., Aug. 30, 1893. DEAR CHILDREN OF GOD: We are praising God that we all saved and sanctified, and having real spiritual meetings from house to house. Last Lord's day at brother Weight's house, on the side of the _ mountain. We had quite a large number out and order was good. Five souls present-ed for sanctification and one- for prayer; and some others were under conviction. So the Lord has the victory. We have meeting Sunday night at the fooaof the mountain, and every fourth Sunday at three o'clock, at brother Weight's house, We want the saints of God to pray for us. Your brother in Christ, F. D. CARLTON. the meeting until after midnight, sending wave after wave of glory, For the glory of God we -- wish to! wonderfully increasing the faith of report through the Trumpet, that the His little ones, healing the etc. Deerfield ' camp meeting was a victo- He also liberated a U. B. sect preach7 rions one. Many pronounced it the er, who told us how very lean he had most powerful manifestation of God's become in the sect, comparing his power ever w itnessed atth at place. leanness to that of animals not cared A great many souls were saved I far. May God make him fat and throughout the meeting. More than I nourishing. able toso to feed others.- one hundred saints were present to ! Amen. The saints leased the grove participate in the ordinance of the for fifteen years, for camp meeting Lord's Supper and Feet Washing. i purpOses, and desire to make it- a Baptism was administered on two or three Occasions, but we do not know the number of the baptized. Bro's Achor, Kilpatrick, Speck, Carter, Warren, Byrum and others were pre- ! sons from a distance or any who sent to help in the work. Your sa. nc- i desire tents can have them built on tified brother, Wm. G. SCHELL. ! reasonable terms by Bro. C. Au-maugher, a carpenter near by. Ad-dress him in good time at terry City, saved and kept by— power of God. 1 0 which is also the address of Bro. cbMleores eesta sivnoeogd n sa ttnihldle ibLnro oprudrgo whgtir llieinnstsgo,. tbAhu ent uliwgmhi- ltl1! WHerm- itwe. aHtso w . h Miitmhi lufloes rrd fuwurrhinthoge trih spe a smretcierceeuttalianryrgs. . . and Others truly made to see the I and so was Mother Smith, this being light. We feel that God- wants us intI near her home. Sister Stetler was the west, Mo., Kan., or Arkansas! here part of the time. My next- . a. d!, work. Would be glad to join some! bdrroetshse irs, uCnrdoetrh ethrsev billloeo, dIn, Jd. . CYOoLuE. r 1e . um ier DEARLY' BELOVED SAIN T of S: May me, which in my weakness seemed rases of healing on the ground. the God of all grace be with you al- To God be all tilt' lio nt) r. God bless i' I real. I , felt I had wandered from my ways, and keep you from evil. Amen. Savior, and with the severe pain in • 1 our needs. Truly it was a I proved himself faithful to keep us in! think. During the spring the doctor - 1 I loilenberg for supply- i Since we last reported, our God has 7 head, a t times I could not read or st meeting. art- now ,-, n coast in a . short tune. Let the saints M TRUMPET% s- r pr: e for them. There wa - s . . a LRLING, A. 1.1g. 29, 18ra . tempter put so many things before G7OSIDMIJ pletely, and day by day my faith increases. I was a cause of great anxiety to my friends, as I was far from home, and now I cannot bless and praise the Lord enough for what he has done for one so unworthy. I feel I must tell all about this loving Savior for mine is indeed a wonder-ful case. I cannot describe in words - People need not think that the day of e healing is past, for these signs shall d follow them that believe. Mark xvi. 17,18, And I know the work is done. e I have a new light on the scriptures - and a sweet peace in my soul, for I S realize the precious blood cleanses me from all sin just now. Perhaps g some weak one may read this humble I testimony, and it may be the • means e in God's hand of encouraging them. - for it is indeed wonderful. I cannot 3praise him enough and I am anxious to do something for the dear Savior. - I do long for the time when all who call themselves Christians maybe one t as our dear Savior prayed. I would s recommend Jesus as the Great Phy-sician to all suffering ones. Dear ones, trust him, for he will not fail nor forsake us. Praise his dear name! NOW I am able to enjoy the meet-ings., but before I could not listen as . I should wish. Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Your humble sister in Christ Jesus, C. J. GURNEY. g we came to Dodge, d what the Savior has done far me. into market. and they can now hear h and the tiuth will spread NOW WC risk the fervent united prayers of the saints for the battle I here. Your brother, JAMES EUBANKS, ICY., Aug. 30. 1893. BEI. oVEI) IN J E SUS: God I re - dear souls and keep you pu filled with all the ful- 1 / was of God. After having several ! hard battles with the enemy in south- 1 ern Ind., God did wonderfully deliver! us and gave us complete victory in our souls. The devil is doing his t best to overthrow the saints in Wash- 1 ington and Jackson counties. Preju- I dice being high there were but fewl souls saved. Some good honest ones were reclaimed and got a good ex- I perience again. Olt may God's saved! skeep humble and pray much for ones, the tempted and tried, considering ourselves lest we be tried. We held a two week's meeting in the borhood of clear Brother George, ' ngs Co. May God bless thei ones who so wonderfully1 vided 0 our necessities. They tying an true but they need teaching-. Nlay God semi some one ! who can remain for at least two months ing to night; and Thursday the Lord and feed them. We are here at willing, we will start to Molehill, \ V. 110111e \ vorking on the tabernacle anti Va. to the camp meeting. After the holding meetings at night with much Lord is done with us in that part we interest : intl power. Great conviction expect to come back this way and ors. We expect to go about stop awhile on our way to East Tenn. live miles from here to commence a Have some urgent calls in this state meeting in Jesus' name. The breth- which we hope to fill before going on ren are very poor here and in debt, south. Sorry to say that we cannot and they think they are not able to get to Georgia as soon as we ex-get ready for a camp meeting, but they pected, but it seems to be the will of want a tabernacle meeting about the God for us to stop a few weeks. in first of October. May God send some this state after the camp meeting at f his firebrands. Correspond with Molehill. We may not get to Brother Allen Eubank. The camp Georgia till the latter part of Nov., ground is three miles east of Eubanks. or first of Dec. There is so much to- Whosoever comes will be cared for. do in the south; who will come and R. Ceor. AND J. CANNON. help in this great work? who will, ov consecrate their means to send work- Fn i) INp. , Aug. 2g, 1893. ers to those places where the people DEAR mumpET READERS: The afe starving for the word of the Lord meet uch ing preju at Evansville was a removed success. and are not able to send for help ? M many hearts won to the truth. Three Isa. xxxii. 20. Who will- say, Here pro professed pardon of their sins, and am I, send me? We earnestly recitiest saints were much strengthened an interest in your prayers, that God the may keep us, and use us to his glory and built up the faith oinn thcee sa ldvaetiloinv oef rperedciosuos usolus. to the saints. The meeting lasted Yours in the one body, until July , gth. On the 30th we re- THOMAS CARTER & A. J. KILPATRICK, turned home, worked some with our Molehill, W. Va. hands and on the ioth of Aug. went o Crawford Co., where we held meet-ing One week in a U. B. meeting house. 23 MONA ST., MYRTLE ST., LIvER-The people seemed anxious to bear poOL, ENGLAND. the truth. One soul proclaimed his DEAR SAINTS: I feel I must teH freedom from Babylon; was also de- what the dear Lord has done for me livered from tobacco, testifying he one of the least of his children. I had not been without it in his mouth feel unworthy - of such love: But bless for twenty years night nor day. and praise the Lord, 0 my soul, for Praise God for such a Deliverer! Meeting closed at this place Friday Fit, Aug. 25th. On Saturday we went four miles north into Orange Co. and held meeting Saturday night, Sunday morning, evening and night; on Monday morning we started home. Arrived Sunday afternoon. Old broth-er and Sister Hanselman were buried with Christ in baptism, and came forth from the water shouting praises . to God. We expect to begin a grove meeting at this place Saturday night Sept. 2d, the Lord willing. Every body invited. We pray the Lord to send Brother J N. Howard. When the meeting closes we expect to go to Crothersville, the Lord willing. Pray for- us, all ye saints. May his blessings rest and abide with you forever.- We are as ever your saved brethren and Sister, sanctified to do the will of God. D. B. MooRE, NAT. B. AND A. SCHREIBER. last. During the winter I was in be almost all the time, but after reach ing Liverpool, I had advice, and th change with God's blessing, seerne to benefit me. I felt stronger and my appetite returned, but still th pains continued. Many times I pray ed to the Lord about it, and it wa not as painful, and for a time seemed much better. One Sabbath mornin I asked the Lord to guide me, as was expecting to go to a friend of my brother's, but the Lord led me in an other direction. I went with a dea friend of mine, a sister in. Jesus, and in the evening we were led to a mis sion hall and heard Brother Henry preach. I intended returning tha evening to my brother, but as it wa rather late, I returned with my friend and I- ad the privilege of attending the meetings constantly. During this time my faith was very weak, but the cloud vanished, for I felt the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin The dear Lord hath indeed brought me up out of an horrible pit and the miry clay, and hath set my feet up-on a rock and established my goings. Praise his name for ever! During those meetings we each consecrated ourselves wholly to the Savior, pre-senting ourselves a living sacrifice; and now my one aim and object is to- be a Christian, not in name only, but to live a pure and holy life without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. But still the pain in my head continued. I asked the Lord to heal it and the pain was eased for a time, but the cause was not removed. I read of faith healing in my home, which is in a quiet country place some distance from Liverpool, and believed it; but since attending the meetings I heard it preached, and it Was different from what I_ had ever heard, for I had never heard it preach-ed in my life. During my stay here my friend was taken ill with rheumat-ic fever and pleurisy, and as she had been healed by faith several times, she called in Brother Henry and was anointed in the name of the Lord; and praise his name, the Lord per-fectly healed her. But still I did not feel led to be anointed, and for several weeks the pain was very se-vere in my head, and sometimes I was completely exhausted with the pain, and constantly fainted, and did not have strength or power to move. I could not describe the pain to any one, and I • felt assured that no earthly physician could heal me, and I felt resigned to God's will_ During the meetings I had to pray constantly to be able to remain during the services. My friends had prayed much for me that the Lord would show me it was his will to heal me. I wondered if it was his will; but those verses in James impressed me— chapter v, verses 14 to 16, and I felt I mist obey the word. And as I was reading the word, it seemed I was to read about the Savior healing the sick, for I turned constantly to instances where he did, and " Believe • ye that I am able to do this?" And I knew he was, and I was determined to trust him. And the words " Himself took our in-firmities" came to me as I was read-ing; and to lose no time, my friend and I went to the saints' home; and as - the brothers were out we waited, and I was anointed by Bro. Rupert when they came, and Bro's Henry and Daugherty with Sister Rupert laying on hands. As I was waiting, the words, "• The Great Physician now is near " seemed if they were spoken to me, and my head was very painful too - at the time; but I took Jesus as my physician and he healed me the same night, and the pain was gone before I reached home. I have not had an attack since. The Lord has indeed done great and he requires me to feed the flotk of God at this place by teaching them, his precious word, and he has given me the Holy Ghost as my teacher. Pray for me that I may be a faithful and wise servant, doing all to the glo-ry of God. He is wonderfully leading us on from victory unto victory. Since our last report from this place there have been some wonder-ful cases of healing among us. May i8th, the Lord my led husband and me to fast. We fasted four days, during I which time he healed me of Catarrh which I had for twelve years, and to him he all the glory. He also showed us he would heal Sister Susie Winkler who had been partially deaf for thirty years. Just four weeks from that time he showed me by his Spirit that he would heal her the next day, which was Sunday. That day came, and all the saints were united in prayer for her, but she was afflicted so she could not come to meeting. Then came the trial of our faith, but God showed us that she would be healed by the time we were through with the exercises that day, and showed us to go where she was and we did so. When we got to the place, we found her wonderfully healed. To God be all the glory. We also felt that it would result in the salvation of pre-cious souls, and we are expecting soon to see them saved. Brother Stoffer was taken very sick with a fe-ver and after two and one- half days he called for the saints to pray with him, and the Lord healed him instantly. Praise God, all ye his saints! Sister Eliza Winkler's little girl was taken sick with the cholera infantum and was sick four days, when she became so ill the parents had given her up to die. Then the saints were requested to pray for her, and we did so, anoint-ing with oil in the name of the Lord, and God heard the prayer of faith, and she was raised right up, then walked into the other room, her cou nten an ce beaming with brightness. God is getting glory to his great name. There are other cases I might men-tion but will not now. I was an eye witness to each of these cases of healing. I never saw anything of this kind in sectism. Jesus said in St. John vii. 17, " if any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God, or whether I speak of my-self." Well I can say I have done God's will and now I know the doc-trine which Jesus taught and the saints teach, is of God. I would say to all who have not gone on to perfection; " This is the will of God, even your sanctification. — I Thess. 1v. 3. Don't stop and fight the truth before you have done his will, but go on unto perfection, then you shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or not. I would ask you all to pray for me that I may prove true to God in all things. Your sister in Christ, EMMA DANSBERGER. OBITUARY. Morinus K. Hartzler, little son of Jacob and Rebecca Hartzler, of West Liberty, Ohio, departed this life Aug. 22, 1893; aged to years, I] months, and 20 days. He was killed by a horse, when attempting to lead him without a bridle. Some time before his death he gave his heart unto the Lord, and lived a faithful little Chris-tian unto the day of his decease. Funeral services by the writer, W. G. SCHELL. NI fy Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pax-ton, of Palestine, Ind. departed this life Aug. 14, 1893; aged eleven months and nine days. His stay was short, but he was the affection of many hearts. God bless the bereaved parents. May they repent of their sins and give their hearts to God that they may meet with their darling child and reign eternally in glory. Funeral services by the writer, S. MICHELS. Sister Melissa Tidball, of St. Louis, Mich. departed this, life in triumphs of a living faith, giving testimony up to her last moments that she was going home to live with Jesus. She was born July ra, 1845. and departed this life Aug. 22, 1893; aged 48 years, I month and 6 days. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his cxvi. is. God bless the bereaved husband. May he keep saved. Funeral services by the wri- S. MICHELS. to- TE STIMONIE S WONDERFUL. 110: 12D. RICHLAND CENTER, WISCONSIN. DEAR SAINTS: I feel that God will be glorified in my writing my testi-mony. I am so glad I can praise God for a full salvation. I know I am sanctified to do his whole will. Praise his name forever! I am many miles away from all the saints at present, but blessed be God, he is ever near me and precious to my soul. Pray for me, dear ones, that I may be faithful and do with my whole heart the work the Lord has given me. Your saved sister, E. C. SMITH. yo from here to I knver. The ing therew i lbl e on he 20th of There are thousands of people I all - the country here wait- 1 ing for t govt.! mt lands to come! for y in i les fr o m this meeting. I good condition. By some mistakes that had been made, the enemy was causing a division to spring up to some extent among them. But thank the Lord, everything was made right by his precious word. 2 Tim. iii. 16. The church was soon set in order and the Lord added to it about ten souls; some of them were also sanc-tified and established in the truth. Just before closing the meeting elev-en were buried with Christ in bap-tism, after which we had a precious ordinance meeting, and the Lord verified his prom ise, l'If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them." Praise his name! The saints had pitched quite a large tent for the meeting, and it was well filled at nearly every coming together. Much prejudice was removed from the hearts of the people; there was a bet-ter interest generally than ever had been before. After that meeting closed, we ' cent about fifteen miles north- west, to . Stony Point school house, Friday, Aug. 25. Stayed over the Lord's day. Meeting was well attended and the truth planted in some hearts . which we believe will be manifest in the near future by their salvation. One soul converted Sun-day night. We had several invita-tions to return as soon as the Lord wills. Monday the 28th we came to this place; had meeting last night in the court house; will also have meet- ITEALETH ALL 01TE. DISEASES. his great goodness! It is many years since I first trusted in the Lord Jesus as my personal Savior, and have proved him a friend, nearer than the dearest earthly friend. I had - the blessed privilege of being brought up by Christian parents whose earnest desire and prayer was that their chil-dren should follow the same Savior they loved and trusted. I do praise God for this, that about six years ago I obeyed the Savior's commands, and was baptized by immersion. The Lord has indeed led me wonderfully. He has been very precious to me, and has heard and answered my prayers. About two years ago I met with an accident and injured my head by falling from a trap, and last year was taken ill during the month of August, and was ill through the win-ter, with the exception of a few weeks; and during that great trial the nsas City a camp . g ir ound thiough Christ. Praise his holy only means for me, and the Lord ! perfect peace with constant victory told me, that a change of air was the moving on in the order II tthhneg Lso arrde. ' Ic anmamp em feoertienver! After the Deerfield brought me to Liverpool in April Ky. and found the saints not in very ROBINSON, KAN. DEAR CHILDREN OF GOD:- I Will testify to you through the TRUMPET of how God has been leading me. When but thirteen years old I gave my heart to the Lord as best I knew, and having been taught that we must join some church ( as we called it), I had my name recorded on the U. B. class- book. For ten years I remained a sectarian and was taught we could not live free from sin; bat during this time I often felt a lack in my soul and sometimes would tell it in revival meetings, but not once did the minister come to me to tell me what it was; perhaps he did not know. But God knew my heart's greatest desire was to do his will; so he sent one of his holy anointed ministers into our neighborhood preaching the evening light. Just as soon as I saw it was the whole word of God I ac-cepted it in all its fullness.- Of course I had my name withdrawn from the U. B. class- book for I read in Jer. xvii. 13.—" They that depart from me shall have their names written in the earth.' So I worship now in the name of Je-sus only, and have come to the church of the first- born, whose names are written in heaven.— Heb. xii. 23. When I left the sect, my parents were much grieved, thinking I had been de-ceived by false prophets and they pled with me to stay. Then my bcorontvhinerc sea nmde s tishtaetr Ic wamase wanrdo ntrgie. dM toy heart was moved with pity for them because their eyes were blinded so they could not see the light, but all their entreaties were of no avail, for I heard a voice saying: " This is the way, walk ye in it."— Isa. XXX. 21. So I followed the voice of Jesus, and to day I rejoice to tell you that I know Jesus saves me from sin by two defi- )! ninitge iwn othrkiss loiffe g bryac oen, ea nJdes Iu as mC hreriisgtn."- Rom. v. 17. God has filled up that which was- lacking, now I am satisfied things for me. Praise his name for- in him. Shortly after I was sancti-everl- He has removed the pain corn- fled God gave me the gift of teaching I ter, ' aosPm ITNEPMT. had become more manifest, when fi-nally delivered over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, it would not have resulted in division and confu-sion. Again, we believe the idea of man and woman, who are not brother and sister in the flesh, living together as such is unscriptural and not of God. In dealing with persons claiming to be saints and supposed out of the way, or lacking in any thing, these r- rules will be found scriptural and n useful: in 1st, Be sure that your own heart is er full of the love of God, meekness and al kindness. of 2d, Go not to him to accuse, but to win and save. 3d, Do not assail him or her in the congregation, either by personal thrusts, or still more cowardly insin-d nations, until you have done your duty in conferring with him privately. 4th, If a man is not right, let such kind loving efforts to get him saved be put forth, so that if he does go out from among us, all can see that he is not of us, or his heart would have been won. 5th, While much kindness and for-bearance should be exercised,- yet it ir is the solemn duty of the elders, and indeed o- f the whole church, to see that actual hypocrites and unsaved men must not continueto lodge among us and pass for saints. Such are not n in the church of God, nor any person t. who commits sin. Neither should n their pretense be allowed to continue n longer than the scriptural efforts re- 1 quire to bring about their salvation. t When rejected by the church o f God through the elders, or an y one - that the Spirit may use to speak the - voice of the church and of God, every child of God should thenceforward let him be unto thee as a heathen and a publican. Hold him as a sinner. but even then confirm your love for his soul by every kindness you can manifest. Amen. Jesus. His yoke; is easy and his bur: den is light. We are cut off from the saints' society, but God is with us. We are expecting some of God's messengers soon to come here and hold some meetings. As you read this let a solemn prayer ascend in our behalf, that we may not be found wanting, but ever doing his whole will in all things. Yours, washed in the precious blood of Jesus, SALLIE HARPER. we speak of the evening light shining even to foreign lands, we would not forget to inform you all of the utter darkness in Southwest Texas iii which I live. Oh do pray mightily with me' that holy anointed ones will be sent to this part of darkness, sin and sect-ism. : There are many poor sin- dark-ened souls going to despair. And please pray for me that I do, my duty As the Lord shows me, and that my faith fail not. I find in Jesus all that is for my good, for both soul and body. I find him a present help in every time of need. Our little girl, eight years of age, was bitten by a very poisonous snake called the cop-perhead. - We corded above the wound and called mightily on the Lord for help, as it was a very dan-gerous snake and in the heat of sum-mer in this warm climate, and the dear Lord did hear, and rebuked the poison, for which I give hint all the glory. T here were three more children of the same coin munnity which were bitten the same week. One died; the other two came very near it. Well how thankful I am that I know Jesus is my - Savior and saves me from all my sins, and cleanses me from all un-righteousness, and does heal us of afflictions, and enables me to discern the body of Christ, the church. Yours in him, JULIA A. MARCEE. FAIRBURY, NEB. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I feel that my testimony might do some good to save sinners from darkness. I am young in the cause. I started only one month ago, but I have started for life. By the help of God I will, be able to stand. I praise God that he has made a way that we might gain eternal life by obeying his commands, and they are easy to obey. Pray for me that I may ever be found faithful to the end. Your brother in Christ, V. S. HARROUN. tea and coffee, praise the Lord, and has healed me of my afflictions. I have victory over the devil and am on the solid rock of Jesus. I am pressing onward to glory. This is my first testimony for Jesus. Glory be to his name! I am trusting that he will keep me in the narrow path to heaven. All pray for me. From your brother in Christ, IRVING E. PRITCHARD. ARCIIBOLD, 0. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: After read-ing the wonderful testimonies, I feel impressed to night to mingle mine in with yours. I can say that God has done a most wonderful work of sal-vation for me. I had evil spirits cast out, and can say to the glory of God that I am fully justified and sanctified and kept from all sin. Praise the Lord for salvation! I want your prayers that I may keep humble and meek, down at the feet of Jesus, that I may be a worker for God, for there are precious souls going down to hell. Yours in Christ Jesus, AUGUST IFFLAND. ATWOOD, KAN. DEAR SAINTS AND TRUMPET READ-ERS: I can say that I am still saved with a perfect salvation. Praise the Lord! I have died to the world and its pleasures; my only desire is to ever e found sitting low at the feet of IN THE STERN OF MEEKNESS. OD'S word requires that we Ur should show all meekness toward all men. And especially toward all who name the name of the Lord, we should act " with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbear-ing one another in love." Eph. iv. 2. But the nmst important and solemn need for- the manifestation of meek- • ness, kindness, gentleness, and fo bearance, is in dealing' with brethre and sisters who are supposed to be error, or in some wrong. The ord of heaven is: " Ye which are spiritu restore such an one in the spirit meekness."— Gal. Many get an idea, because a brot er or sister has done wrong, or h been overtaken in a fault, therefo you are at liberty to get sour towar such, treat them with coldness, an push them down still deeper, say not' ing, to their face, but blow them u freely behind their back; just as the party were your servant, and r sponsible to you for his actions, Bu t " to his own Master he stands or fails And if you are saved yourself, anoth-er's wrong action will have no other effect upon you, but to excite yot love in sympathy and solicitud which naturally leads to kind lovin efforts for the restoration of tha soul to the favor of God. To restore the erring and fallen i the spirit of meekness, implies; firs that we do not pounce upon them i a harsh and austere manner, nor i hastyproceedings seek to drive then to your prescribed terms, withou time to consider', and ask counsel o God. That is not " showing all lowli ness and meekness with longsuffer ing." We have before us a letter stating that two ministers came to a place where the present truth had been held forth not long before, and quite a num-ber had been saved and some sancti-fied. Among the number who had received the light was a brother who had been divorced and had married another wife. Whether they were really saved, and in the fellowship of the Spirit we know not. But if not saved, he has a soul that should and could be saved, and therefore needed the efforts of true brethren in the Spirit of meekness and kindness. But the preachers, feeling there was some-thing not clear in the church there, seemed to lay the trouble to the charge of that brother; pronounced it a case of adultery, and rendered the hasty decision that they must consent to live only as brother and sister, or be cut off. Now if this matter is cor-rectly reported to us, we are con-strained to believe that it was not governed by wisdom, though we have no doubt of the sincerity of the breth-ren. The fact of the matter is, if the man was a child of God, he was en-titled to the love and sympathy of the brethren, in his unfortunate domestic relation; he was also enti-tled to time, prayer, and fasting, and waiting upon God to know just what his duty is. If he was not in a saved condition he needed kind, loving and faithful efforts for his salvation. His heart needed to be won to Christ, and when filled with the love of God, by the help of the Lord and the brethren he could find out his duty, and have grace to do it. And if kind and con-siderate steps had been taken to get the man right in all things, and he had sinned against light, and remain-ed obstinate, all could have seen that he is not of God. But as hasty judgment was rendered, and immed-iate acquiescence demanded, the man was hardened, and the sad fruits of division have resulted. The sister writes: " Some take his part, some not: we are not a unit." Here are the evil effects of too hasty proceed-ings with a brother that is accused of a wrong. Even though he may be destitute of the grace, of God, it will have a tendency to drive some weak ones to cleave to him, thinking him wronged, and thus fail to win and save him; and_ overthrow others. Whereas had all kindness, meekness, and forbearance been shown, until his wrong spirit and unretractable heart b MARSHALL, OKLAHOMA. DEAR SAINTS: I feel led of the dear Lord to tell that he is doing for me and for other souls in these parts. Praise his holy name! I was converted about five years ago. For tour years of the time, I was begged at on every side to join some sect, but when I took it to the Lord in prayer, these words came to me: " Follow thou me." So I_ never joined any• of the sects. Praise the Lord! of here. So I told several around that they preached the truth, just what I bad been wanting- to hear for a long time. Then the devil just raged, and I was persecuted on every side becanse I believed in the even-rig light, and because I liked to go and be with the saints. So I lived an up and down life till a short time ago, when I was sanctified. Praise the Lord!. Pray for me, dear saints, that may ever keep low and humble, ever willing and ready to do my Master's will. Your saved and sanctified sister, LIzz[ E CALLAHAN. CLINTON, ILL. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: This beau-iful Sa
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 13:35
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 13:35
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 13:35
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 13:35
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 13:35
title_sort gospel trumpet - 13:35
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1893
long_lat ENVELOPE(-134.187,-134.187,59.599,59.599)
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St. Louis
Green Bay
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Bay Tree
Stony Point
geographic_facet Pacific
St. Louis
Green Bay
Van Buren
Bay Tree
Stony Point
genre morse
genre_facet morse
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766244423719452672
spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:40+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 13:35 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1893-09-07 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 13 35 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1893 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:04:00Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 1778 Lord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds, Zech. 9 t: rizuz araz- z. 1 roe out of the t of Babylon, and dello-er eve*; man his soul: be not- cut off in her Ir.: unity: for this is the time of the Lord's vets-tsetse; he will render unto her a reodSpetoe. Ana the land shall treratio - ant sorrow: for ercr; purple of the Lora than he performea against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a assolation without an inhabitant. Jar. Eil: 6. 29. Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Sept 7, 1893 Volume 13. No. 35. UMP 4; 1 ttt • 1S. Zi hut trix .4t e S: k netiiles otir And. keepz pun., Nvithin, . And though our tril l , are many, We lie'er tic'Ll have a fear F or tioil t• Ver ready To eon/ for t wad to ( sheer. Care not for worldly 1) leattire, For fano. nor gold; ■ Ltir only trea,: nre, keep it ,.= zt!: one fold. A ti d our work. over. \ Veil lay burdens doWil To tiNvell with llitn forever, ‘ V here Ny e ., tall have a erown. Wc'll ke II int a:- 1 We enter The pearly ( es allovo; W011 praise Hint for redentpt Iii hiller, joy and love. N NN E LIV1Nti: s- rox. CHURCH IN PE, OPH_ E0Y-od's church is spoken of - ophecy by types, figures, and metaphors is not disputed by any Bible student. But that it is shown p in all its forms and modes of con-struction [; divine) and organization, is an evident fact; and under the pre-sent day inspiration, God's anointed ones are able to trace it from the be-ginning to the end of time, and see it in all of its gloriioouuss triumphs down through the long ages in which it has existed, and in all its Oppositions re-ceived from the consultation of the legions of foul spirits, who spread zt 1 selves s a green bay tree in ower against it. Still it exists in all its splendor and beauty, and thrive sin the midst of opposition and sedtiion. wish to notice a few points from ! diet I laggai This is what Heti 011V of the minor prophets; ok at the great truths li by these prophets, we ( 111t! lc they are equal to those who wrote more, extensive lines of tic truth. Some people will cannot be able to under- ;' y, that we can only moaning, and any con-s' - ived at would only be con-jecture. based on uncertainty. But the N\ or says, " In the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly." Surely e are living in the last days, when many points of prophecy are being fulfilled and revealed to God's a-nointed ones. Praise the Lord! The prophet Haggai here speaks of a class of people, who at a certain time ould say " the time is not yet come, time that the Lord's house should be built." Now these people are not those who are out in the evening light, but are a class of people who spiritually are dwarfed and are pining away. This well applies to all who are in modern Babylon, who once were bright and useful, but now are about void of all spiritual light, where con-fusion has about blinded their minds. Thus the prophet says. verse 4, " Is it time for you, 0 ye, to dwell in your ceiled houses, and this house lie waste?" This class of people dwell in celled houses, and not in the house the prophet speaks of being built and as being the Lord's house. But the houses were their own; he speaks of the Lord's house as being one, and the people's as many. Now we see by their dwelling in them, it left the house of the Lord waste. We ask all candid readers the question, if sect building does not make the real house of God waste, i. e. that thereby People discard the church of God and look upon their church ( sect) as being the only one necessary to salvation. This surely is making void the church f God and is laying it waste. Even though they may make creeds, legis-late to the people, refine, polish ( cell) and restrict their members, have them Plated and galvanized, and appear yet it makes waste God's work, as he is not pleased with any white-washed professing Christians, but theY Must be washed white through the blood of Calvary's Lamb. But 1, Ye to each sect builder to move! out ° f your ceiled houses and have a I part in the building of God's grea house. How many do we see wh would be useful instruments in th hands of God, who are wasting thei l ! time building up some sect, and lavish upon it all their attention, and wor ship it more than their Creator? Oh that they might . move out of thei cold formal sect houses, and move into the house of God. Now we understand full well tha God's house is his church, i Tim iii. 13 and to show when the building spoken of in the text takes place, we will have to show the great apostasy after the morning light. We learn that the church existed 27o years as a pure church, and no other assumed, or rival, or substitute church was set before the people falsely as a way of life or a means of grace. Now while there was a great apostasy, an awful dark day and almost a universal spir-itual decline, yet God's church still ex-isted, since the gates of hell could not prevail against it. But at this time a substitute church was set up and di-rected the minds of the people from the right way, and thus was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Hab. i. 4.—" Therefore the law is slacked: and judgment doth never go forth; for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth." God's house is filled with judgments; " For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem"— Isa. ii. 3. So God's law and word are con-tinually going forth from his church ( figurative Jerusalem), and _ any that do not send them forth, i. e. pi- each them, are not his but wrong judg-ments ( creeds), and envious preach-ing- proceeds because the righteous are in the minority and the wicked are the ruling power over them. Now this before the minds of entire sectdom has the effect of tearing down ( yet not in reality) God's building, and in the way God's church apostatized, and a false one was set up, which all this world wondered after, but God proposed to restore his own again, although it was a long tour down through the wilderness and regions of Babylon. We will notice a few points as pre-figured by the fall and restoration of ancient literal Jerusalem, which show the apostasy of God's church in the morning light, and its restoration in the evening light. We are told that Jerusalem was captured by the king of Babylon, and all the people who were not slain were taken captive and carried away to Babylon, with all the vessels of the house of God, with, all the treasures, and all the treasures of the kings and princes, and were taken to Babylon. Also they burned the house of God and broke down the walls of Jerusalem and burnt the palaces, and in fact Jerusalem was laid waste with almost a total de- 1 struction, and was in this condition about one and a half centuries. But many years before this, king Cyrus of Persia was stirred by the Spirit of the Lord, and made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, that the Lord had charged him to build him a house in Jerusalem. " Then arose the chief of the fathers ofJudah and of Benjamin, and the priests and the r Levites, with all them whose spirit God had raised to go up to build the e house of the Lord at Jerusalem, and they were strengthened with vessels of gold and silver, with goods and precious things. Also king Cyrus brought forth the vessels of the house g of the Lord which - Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Jerusalem which- he- e • ■ • ■ ■ ■ • ■ • ■ •• ■ ■ . ■ .- t had put in the house of his gods."— o Ezra first chapter. Now the people e of the captivity that were carried a- 3 way to Babylon came to Jerusalem every one to his city. At the end of - seven months the people gathered themselves as one man to Jerusalem, 3 and set up the altars, and kept the feast of tabernacles, and every one offered a freewill offering unto the t Lord. Oh what zeal they had, and how wonderfully united they were in the great work that was now before them! How determined they were to accomplish their work! They were as one man; one was not desiring to have his way and build this, and an-other his way and build that, but all worked to accomplish the chief end, e., to rebuild Jerusalem; and they all had a mind to work, none to shrink, and they all sang together and prais-ed the Lord; some wept for joy, oth-ers shouted aloud, and the noise was heard afar off. _ But no sooner had they begun to build, than their adver-saries came and wanted to build with them, and said, We seek your God, as ye do. But they told - them they had nothing to do to build with them, but they would build by themselves; so no one was allowed any part in the work except the people of Israel. Then their adversaries weakened their hands, and hired counsellors a-gainst them, to frustrate them in their work, and called it a wicked and rebellious city, and hurtful to kings and priests, and that the peo-ple would not pay tribute and custom any more, and thus would endanger the revenues of the king; and search was made in the book of records of their fathers to find this city to be a wicked and rebellious one, and I sup-pose every thing else possible to stop and hinder them in their work. But the work went on because the people had a mind to work. Although the first effort was only a partial success, yet the work was a final success. The walls were rebuilt, every thing set in order, the chambers cleansed, etc. Well, praise the Lord, this all has its part in this latter- day building of the walls of spiritual Jerusalem. Now as it was taken and burned, its peo-ple taken captive, so were God's peo-ple by mystery Babylon. Psa. lxxiv. 7.—" They have cast fire into thy sanctuary, they have defiled by cast-ing down the dwelling place of thy name to the ground." The marginal reference says," They have sent their sanctuary into the fire," or that God's church and his, people are sent into the fire of great opposition and per-secution. Daniel spoke of a power that should cast down God's sanctu-ary - and the truth to the ground. Dan, viii. r, 12. This was the great apostasy that castdown his sanctuary. His truth was trailed in the dust, and was taken away from the people, and creeds and sect machinery set up in-stead, and the people, passed under popery. Again Jer. ii. 3, says, Israel was holiness unto the Lord. All who are free from sin are Israelites " in whom is no guile," who possess God's holiness, not in name or by natural birth, but in spirit and in truth. The church was pure about 270 years from Pentecost, and afterward lost its pu-ity and went into darkness. Read Mal. ii: I r, " Judah bath dealt treach-rously, and an abomination is com-mitted in Judah and in Jerusalem; For Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved and hath married the daughters of a strange od [ sect]." The holiness of God was profaned by, sectism, and in the came when the real churcli was torn down, and another assumed to be the church. And the true one retired we are taught to the lonely sanctuary of a few solitary hearts. But thanks be to God, it still existed even in this almost isolated condition. As more thorough works have been written on this point we need write no more to show that God's church was driven and carried away to Babylon, the ves-sels, treasures, and many poor cap-tive souls, who were only made " mer-chandise" by their captors to speculate on, and continued thus many long years. But the time for deliverance came when every captive' soul in Babylon was to be set free, when they should leave Babylon and come home to Zion. " For they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion."— Isa. EL& While the church has been, as it were, buried away in the rubbish and confusion of Babylon, people have been blinded to it and veiled to the real truth, deceived and deluded by false prophets, blind lead-ers of the blind, and all in the ditch ( sect ruts) together, yet for all of this the walls ( true banner and standard, and character of holiness) are being set up all over the land and the work. moves on in power; and as it was in Ezra's days when the people shouted with a great shout because the foun-dation of the house of tile Lord was laid so they could not discern the noise of the shout of joy for the noise of weeping, oh how it fills our hearts with joy and holy enthusiasm as we see the banner hoisted right in the face of the enemy, and show the peo-ple„ the true way of salvation, the real walls of God's church ( salvation, not creeds), and to see each hungry hon-est soul come bathe help of the mighty and rally around the banner of deliv-erance from galling yokes, confusion and bondage; and truly a mighty shout of praise is going up as sweet incense to Him who only can deliver. Oh glory to his name! Let the praises roll and shouts ring; let them sound forth in the ears of a wicked world and the latter day " Sanballat." Now none need think this work will be accomplished without opposition or be done in easy place; as in the days of old, it will be done in the midst of great trials, with many and furious attacks in various ways from the ene-my. Then let us be equal to the occasion by taking the whole armor of God; do all to stand out for God, then the work will continue to in-crease. As there are different ways i n which the work is opposed we will notice a few. When holiness is first preached in a community, sect preachers, class leaders and members will go to pro-fessing holiness and try and come in and help to carry on this work, so to have an influence over the converts and thus get gain. Some have done thus in the early work of holiness and only resulted in confusion or Babylon holiness.: But - thank God, since the true light now shines, " they have nothing to do with us to build," so no one can yoke up with sectism and preach clear straight holiness. So as of old they hire counsellors against the work, " stir up the baser sort," make the people " evil, affected against the truth," throw barriers in the way, get up opposition meetings, and in fact they will stoop lower and resort to worse than. the average sinners would do. As search was made against the Jews in the record of their fathers, to find that it was a wicked city which they builded, so they will search some Viewing from the summit of God's back record of - Mormonism or some holiness, it is easy to see that the word other to get an accusation; but thank teaches this, and in fact many in God, our record of sin is all blotted Babylon who were once spiritual will out of the book, of remembrance, and tell you this is to come to pass before all the saved have a good deportment the end of time, but they say the time stimation of the world, the time ofi no ulirf efo. rAe- nfda tihf earns yr ewaadn, to tfh seu crehc oarsd b hea sd onnote . ye t come thEa. t Fth. eH wOoUrGkH TshOoNu: ld And he shall ben his angels with a groat tend of tramnet, and they shall gathertogeth-er his eleotfromthefonr winds, front one end of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that ' summer it nigh: go likewise ye, when ye shall tee all these things, know that it it near, even at the doors Matt. 24: 31- 33 Father Abraham, Elder. Brother Christ, our Mother Jerusalem, and all Holy Brethren, etc., praise God, we are not ashamed of the record of our fathers; but if we were to search the back records of confusion and see how it was conceived in iniquity, and brought forth in sin, no one would spend many precious moments to hunt up such. Well praise God, the work goes on and is spreading like wild fire, and is gatliering. as it goes and increasing with the increase of God. For the benefit of any who are weak and not able to meet the scorns of the world, we present a few thoughts of encour-agement. As the Jews were made sport of and told that a fox would break down their wall, so people talk equallw as false of this present day work of salvation, and that it does not amount to anything. We see by facts and points gleaned that any reformation has been thus spoken against, and many steps in modern enlightenment and improvement have - even suffered the taunts of a blind-folded world, but it has been on the advance until we have reached the great advantages of the present day. We take a few following- extracts from a secular paper: A little over 400 years ago, Colum-bus was called a fool and heretic for asserting the world to be round, and to day the teacher that would teach otherwise would be expelled and possibly sent to the lunatic asylum for treatment. When railroads were first talked of, it was declared that three miles an hour would be the fastest time they could make and it would be impossi-ble to run on any but a straight line; but now they run more than three miles an hour around curves, over hills and through mountains. Morse asked congress to appropri-ate $ 30,0o0 to assist him in building a. telegraph line to experiment on.: One congressman suggested they build a lunatic asylum for him; while another moved that they appropriate money to build a line to the moon. But the telegraph line has been per-fected, time and distance have been " annihilated ;" and others were equal-ly as erroneous, but their inventors wen, men of strong mind and of de-termination, and accomplished their: purpose, and, doubtless put to shame their opposers. Brethren, if men were thus opposed in worldly improvement, what need we expect but to be pointed at with scorn? We read in Cant. viii. 5, " Who is this that cometh up from the wilder-ness, leaning on the arms of her be loved?" Solomon in a • metaphor speaks of the church on its return from the wilderness. In Rev. xii. 6, we see the woman, i. e. the church, fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared of God. In V. 14 she again went into the wilderness, but in a different way; she was given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness. Now Solomon spoke of her return, 1st, she came leaning on the arms of her be-loved; as she had two flights away, Solomon speaks of her again coming. Cant. iii. 6.—" Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the merchants? Here we have the church out of the wilderness ( sectism) in all her glorious triumphs. 1st, she came leaning on the arms of Christ; 2d, she Came like pillars of smoke, or strong and mighty. Praise God, thus the church in the evening light has come forth a power for God, able to stand erect and straight for the truth, and upright- for God. At this point of time her judges were to be re-stored as at the beginning, Isa. 1.26, and her counsellors as at the first. This is done in our midst the primi-tive purity and holiness is preached, obtained and lived by the true and the tried. This includes unity of believers, abhorrence of all clans, fac-tions and partisan spirits, all inclina-tion towards this world of formality and idolatry; in fact it demands all to be whole- soul Christians, discarding all half- hearted religion, and makes a clean sweep for God. — By E. E. Byrum.— Part teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved. Part II. gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part I: 1. consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. By following the instructions given in this book SII\ TI\ TM1R. will be enabled to find deliverance from sin; the IBMIJIM- VM19. reach the highest attainments of a Christian life, and the SICK A. 1\ 17") be healed of their infirmities, and made well. It contains 248 pages. Cloth binding 75 cts. Paper cover 25 cts. he BOOKS AND TRACTS, 9 ( 9 Babylon is Fallen. What Church should I Join? Sects. The Master's Call. A Wonderful Deliverance. Little Things. Questions for Sunday Keepers. The Apostasy. Repent and Believe the Gospel! The Doctrine of Healing. Why are you not a Christian? Poison. Lost and Found. Marriage and Divorce. A tract of 32 pages, giving the inspired word of God on the subject. Price 5 cents. Mot we Zin? . ra as. a dozen THE OSPEL TRUMPET DIVINE HEALING OF SOUL AND BODY. Bring your tents and bedding. If it is too cold to use them, other places will be provided. If you have no tents or bedding, come and you will be provided for. We appeal to all saints in Kan., Neb., Colo. and elsewhere, and all who love the truth, to come and push the battle here. Our chapel is now ready for use, so if the weather Is too cool we can hold in there. And when the meeting is over, call it by any name that suits— camp, taber-nacle or assembly meeting; the ob-ject is to get souls saved to _ Jesus. Our brethren are all out of work and money but one or two, but we will do the best we can, by the help of the Lord. All come looking to, and depend-ing on God. Amen. " Your brother under the blood, R. W. SWINBURN. LAUDERDALE, Miss., Aug. 31, 1893. DEA, R SAINTS: It affords me a spir-itual comfort to state through the GOSPEL TRUMPET, that the Lord has again given us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord, in a meeting held at the Wilson school house north of DeCalb six miles. But be-for starting to that point I was very much afflicted, and thinking I would not be able to meet the appointment I then sent for Bro. Stowall to come and a. nnoint me and pray over me in the name of the Lord, who complied with the request, and I can praise the Lord I was healed by faith, and have felt no more pain since. The next day Bro. Stowall accom-panied me to the school house: we found Bro. Porter also afflictede'and we anointed him and the prayer of faith did save him. Glory be to Godi God was there in the songs and the gospel, as in the prayer and testimo-nies. This was a new field, for ho-liness was never before preached at that place. We staid there four days. There were six conversions. There will be regular preaching there on the third Sunday of each month hereafter. To God be praise and glory forever. Amen. R. T. CHARLTON AND S. C. w. STOWALL. A W. E. IIKLY 11012: KESS .10URNA. L. DESeFaItN foIrTthE in, RthAeD naICmAe oLf, tAheN LTorId- SJEesCuTs AChRrIisAt. N. Eor the Publication of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body. The Unity of all true Christians in " the faith once de-livered to the saints." Published at GlIAND MITCTIOIT, ! Ma D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS -- Publishers. TERMS, $ 1.00 a year in advance. Free to the poor. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. NOTICE_ All business communications, moneys, & c. must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be re-sponsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper. Aftd rParties desiring- papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of their address. NOTICE. How to Send Money. Remit by Post Office Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change of Address.— Subscribers wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to give their former. as well as their new address. Missing Papers.— It occasionally happens that numbers of our papers sent to our sub-scribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In ease you do not receive yours when due, after wait-ing a sufficient length of time twrite us a card, and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. TILE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Address, ilia. SEINING LIGHT., Grand Junction, Mich., U. S. A. A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 cts. Per dozen, 20 cts. Per hundred. 81.50 The Church of God. A tract containing 32 pages, proving what is the Church and what is not the Church of God. Price single copy 10 cents. Per dozen 80 cents. The Great Tobacco Sin. It contains 30 pages. with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. The Sabbath Tract, This tract contains 65 pages giving the werd of God on the subject of the Sabbath. It overthrows Saturday keep-ing and proves that the first day of the week is the proper day to keep. Price 10 Ms. The Ordinances of the New Testament. A TRACT, BY WM. G. SCHBLL. Setting forth the ordinances of the scriptures in clear light, showing which are abolished. and which are still in vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 45 cts. The Bible ileadings. Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. Price 75 cts. each. Holiness Bible Subjects. BY H. C. WICKERSHAM. A book containing 100 subjects with scriptures, concord-ance, definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church. its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming of the evening light. Illustrated, 376 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy 81.00. Anthems from the Throne. This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new. When sung in the Spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. 50.25 PRICE- 3 Cloth 0.40 Per dozen. , V. 40 & 23.60 What is the Soul? Or NO scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element called the Soul, the Spirit. and the Inner Man, which goes to God at the death of the body. The same also proved by the early Church History. BY D. S. WARNER. PRICE, PSeinr gdloe zceonp y . 1800 Per hundred 5.00 REQUEST FOR PRAYER. GRANADA, COLO. DEAR SAINTS: Pray for the healing of my body on September io, at nine o'clock A. M., and that I may be sanctified wholly.' I have had throat and lung trouble for over three months. Pray earnestly that I may he healed if it is the Lord's will. ANNIE HOLMES. CALLS FOR MEETING. L. A. Turner, Denver, Fla. desires some of God's ministers to come to that place and hold meeting. MT. PISGAH, IND. We desire to have a holiness preacher come here and hold a meet-ing a week or two: as there could be much good done. Yours in Christ, MRS. RHO DA BOWMAN. Would like very much if some one of God's holy ministers would come here. Why not Bro. Willis or F. Rosenbery, or who the Lord will send. Write to Cushing, Howard Co., Neb. to J. A. Horn, Box 50. We have the following call from Pilot Knobs, Ind. Who will answer it? " You will please send us an able minister if Possible. We want him here the 22d of Sept., to stay several weeks, and longer if the Lord wills. We have a good grove and doors open. Whoever comes, come to Ma-rengo, Ind. Direct to WM. NEACH." Pilot Knobs, E. J. Hoffer, Snyder, Okla. desires that some of the ministers come to that place this fall to teach the truth; having no means to offer, but will open their home to those who come. A school house can be obtained. The brother thinks that some tirri in November would be the most suita-ble time. AND GROVE MEETINGS. Tent meeting, Nishnabotna: Sept. 15. AN. There will be a grove meeting four miles east of Knox, Staike Co., Ind., commencing Sept. 20. Those coming by rail notify James Moore, Knox, Ind. There will be a C. M. six miles north of Poplar Bluff, and two miles west of Hilliard, Mo., beginning Sept. 20. A. 13. STAN BERRY. 9119 There will be a grove meeting be-ginning Sept. 19, seven miles north-west of Portland, Ind., in the neigh-borhood known as Walnut Corners. B. N. LONGERBONE. There will be a camp meeting of the saints in Augusta, Ga., commenc-ing Oct. t, 1893. W. H. MORRIS. King's Mills, Augusta, Ga. There will be a grove meeting three miles north- east of Bannister, Gratiot Co., Mich., commencing Sept. 14. TI- ose coming by rail stop off at Bannister. - All come that can. STEPHEN COOK. There will be a camp meeting be-ginning Sept. 15, at Sanders Hill, nine miles north- east of Vandalia, Ill., and six miles south- east of Ramsey. Bro. Geo. Bolds, fami ly and others are expected. For particulars' ad-dress Jno. Diveley, Brownstown, Ill., Frank Carroll, Ramsey, Ill., Jacob Hall, Vandalia, Ill. DENVER CAMP MEET ING. As the time is drawing near for holding our first camp meeting in this city, where sin and wickedness abound, and the love of many is waxing cold, and eternity is approach-ing as fast as time moves, we wish to urge all of God's people everywhere, who can, to come and help to win souls for Christ. Come brethren, all, in phalanx strong, And help to push the battle here; Come help with presence, prayer and song, To save poor souls this iiery year. ECHOES FROM GLORY. By B. E. Warren and D. S. Warner. THE new song book " ECHOES FROM GLORY," has just been issued, and already started a glorious wave of heavenly songs and praise on the earth. It contains 232 beautiful and triumphant songs, with Primary Instructionin Music. Simple and concise— A practial self instructor, intended especially for beginners in vocal music. A Great Number of New Songs, both words and music gem its pages, with a choice selection from " ANTHEMS FROM THE THRONE," and other books and authors. It is especially adapted to Camp and. Revival Meetings, Sunday Schools, and for the home circle. The hymns are spiritual, and soul cheering. Special atten-tion has been given to - - Revival Songs and Hymns. Containing many beautiful and touching invitation hymns, and hymns that sing nearly every doctrine of the gospel, and especially the glorious themes of " present truth," drawing people to Christ and the Bible. Neatly bound in paste- board. PRICE C Single copy, $ .50 , . t Per dozen, . 5,00 Address all orders to GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. CO., BARNEY E. WARREN, Grand junction, Mich. or Springfield, Ohio. BIBLICAL TRACE OF THE CHURCH. — By W. G. Schell.— A new book just published; tracing the church in prophecy from her birth to the end of time. It shows that the prophets have foretold the greatest trials and triumphs of the _ church in the ' whole Christian Era, and describes the age in which we are now living. It also contains a brief history of more than 400 Protestant denominations. 248 pages. Paper cover 35 cents; per dozen $ 3.15. Cloth binding 75 cents; per dozen $ 6 75. Address the author at Anlo, Clark Co., Ohio; or this office. LIST OF MONEY }! NOTE OTHERWISE RECFRTED. CAM p " Wm. Bensinger, D. N. Carlton, R. C. Barker, Jas. Rose A. Radabaugh. J. V. Fleck, M. M. Stover, D. B. Moore. JERRY CITY, OHIO, AUG. 30, 1893. Camp and grove meeting closed last night. The interest increased - from the first: attendance large on Sunday, both day and night, and Monday was our pentecost, but the rain prevented a general attendance at night, and the saints met in the lartrest tent and the Lord continued DEERFIELD CAMP MEETING. central point for annual feasts in Ohio, and wish the assistance of all who are interested in building a pa-vilion, clearing the ground, etc. Per- COVINGTON, IND., Sept. 4 ,8193. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: We are companyethere. Those brethren in the west who are calling for meeting can make arrangements with us, the Lord willing, for near future. We wish to attend Nishnabotna 0- rove meeting and assist Bro. Haynes, but have not the means at present. Ad-dress us at Danville Ill. Your saved brother and sister, F. AND A. HUSTED. ARKANSAS Crry, KAN., Aug. 29, 1893. The Hollenberg- camp meeting is past and will never be forgotten by those that passed through this glori-ous feast from heaven. All things were ready for the battle and the meeting was a glorious victory anti God was glorified. The saints came as far as two and three hundred miles VICTORIA, Mo., Aug. 21, 1893. from Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas. DEAR SAINTS: We are glad to re. Brother. Byrum was with us four or port victory for our Master, and we five days. ' There were souls at the praise him . for his keeping power altar day and night and many were manifest to us. ' Well the Lord has saved and sanctified, and most all re-been blessing our labors in this part ceived the benefit they desired. There to the salvation of souls. Meeting were thirty- one baptized, and ninety closed at Victoria which lasted over eight partook of the ordinance of washing the saints' feet. There was a large congregation from the begin-ning to the end of the meeting. On the last Sunday I think there were twelve hundred people on the ground d Soto where two sisters were buried P and there was the best of order, an with Christ by baptism, and to day N avbelearteogt lhaed ttrourthep. orlt, htheraet t Nhvee rger ecaatiel sr art of the large multitude was favor- Last Tuesday we were called to De four more were baptized at Buckeye; in mans' directions for God's ministers eight consecrations in all, most of of whom there were not half enough Pacific-which God send d some a goodd experience. here in the present to answer the calls. There May things of God. We expect to go Stover- who is left in that part of the were about fifteen preachers present; near future, to more fully present the they all go to other fields but Brother wherever . A. M. Bixler AND Co. Masters will start for the God leads. Pray for us. country. Brother Green and Brother two Sundays, after which we com-menced meeting about five miles north- west, at the Buckeye school house, where we labored almost three weeks and closed with the blessings of God resting upon the people. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. LUCILE, Miss., Aug. 30, 1893. DEAR CHILDREN OF GOD: We are praising God that we all saved and sanctified, and having real spiritual meetings from house to house. Last Lord's day at brother Weight's house, on the side of the _ mountain. We had quite a large number out and order was good. Five souls present-ed for sanctification and one- for prayer; and some others were under conviction. So the Lord has the victory. We have meeting Sunday night at the fooaof the mountain, and every fourth Sunday at three o'clock, at brother Weight's house, We want the saints of God to pray for us. Your brother in Christ, F. D. CARLTON. the meeting until after midnight, sending wave after wave of glory, For the glory of God we -- wish to! wonderfully increasing the faith of report through the Trumpet, that the His little ones, healing the etc. Deerfield ' camp meeting was a victo- He also liberated a U. B. sect preach7 rions one. Many pronounced it the er, who told us how very lean he had most powerful manifestation of God's become in the sect, comparing his power ever w itnessed atth at place. leanness to that of animals not cared A great many souls were saved I far. May God make him fat and throughout the meeting. More than I nourishing. able toso to feed others.- one hundred saints were present to ! Amen. The saints leased the grove participate in the ordinance of the for fifteen years, for camp meeting Lord's Supper and Feet Washing. i purpOses, and desire to make it- a Baptism was administered on two or three Occasions, but we do not know the number of the baptized. Bro's Achor, Kilpatrick, Speck, Carter, Warren, Byrum and others were pre- ! sons from a distance or any who sent to help in the work. Your sa. nc- i desire tents can have them built on tified brother, Wm. G. SCHELL. ! reasonable terms by Bro. C. Au-maugher, a carpenter near by. Ad-dress him in good time at terry City, saved and kept by— power of God. 1 0 which is also the address of Bro. cbMleores eesta sivnoeogd n sa ttnihldle ibLnro oprudrgo whgtir llieinnstsgo,. tbAhu ent uliwgmhi- ltl1! WHerm- itwe. aHtso w . h Miitmhi lufloes rrd fuwurrhinthoge trih spe a smretcierceeuttalianryrgs. . . and Others truly made to see the I and so was Mother Smith, this being light. We feel that God- wants us intI near her home. Sister Stetler was the west, Mo., Kan., or Arkansas! here part of the time. My next- . a. d!, work. Would be glad to join some! bdrroetshse irs, uCnrdoetrh ethrsev billloeo, dIn, Jd. . CYOoLuE. r 1e . um ier DEARLY' BELOVED SAIN T of S: May me, which in my weakness seemed rases of healing on the ground. the God of all grace be with you al- To God be all tilt' lio nt) r. God bless i' I real. I , felt I had wandered from my ways, and keep you from evil. Amen. Savior, and with the severe pain in • 1 our needs. Truly it was a I proved himself faithful to keep us in! think. During the spring the doctor - 1 I loilenberg for supply- i Since we last reported, our God has 7 head, a t times I could not read or st meeting. art- now ,-, n coast in a . short tune. Let the saints M TRUMPET% s- r pr: e for them. There wa - s . . a LRLING, A. 1.1g. 29, 18ra . tempter put so many things before G7OSIDMIJ pletely, and day by day my faith increases. I was a cause of great anxiety to my friends, as I was far from home, and now I cannot bless and praise the Lord enough for what he has done for one so unworthy. I feel I must tell all about this loving Savior for mine is indeed a wonder-ful case. I cannot describe in words - People need not think that the day of e healing is past, for these signs shall d follow them that believe. Mark xvi. 17,18, And I know the work is done. e I have a new light on the scriptures - and a sweet peace in my soul, for I S realize the precious blood cleanses me from all sin just now. Perhaps g some weak one may read this humble I testimony, and it may be the • means e in God's hand of encouraging them. - for it is indeed wonderful. I cannot 3praise him enough and I am anxious to do something for the dear Savior. - I do long for the time when all who call themselves Christians maybe one t as our dear Savior prayed. I would s recommend Jesus as the Great Phy-sician to all suffering ones. Dear ones, trust him, for he will not fail nor forsake us. Praise his dear name! NOW I am able to enjoy the meet-ings., but before I could not listen as . I should wish. Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Your humble sister in Christ Jesus, C. J. GURNEY. g we came to Dodge, d what the Savior has done far me. into market. and they can now hear h and the tiuth will spread NOW WC risk the fervent united prayers of the saints for the battle I here. Your brother, JAMES EUBANKS, ICY., Aug. 30. 1893. BEI. oVEI) IN J E SUS: God I re - dear souls and keep you pu filled with all the ful- 1 / was of God. After having several ! hard battles with the enemy in south- 1 ern Ind., God did wonderfully deliver! us and gave us complete victory in our souls. The devil is doing his t best to overthrow the saints in Wash- 1 ington and Jackson counties. Preju- I dice being high there were but fewl souls saved. Some good honest ones were reclaimed and got a good ex- I perience again. Olt may God's saved! skeep humble and pray much for ones, the tempted and tried, considering ourselves lest we be tried. We held a two week's meeting in the borhood of clear Brother George, ' ngs Co. May God bless thei ones who so wonderfully1 vided 0 our necessities. They tying an true but they need teaching-. Nlay God semi some one ! who can remain for at least two months ing to night; and Thursday the Lord and feed them. We are here at willing, we will start to Molehill, \ V. 110111e \ vorking on the tabernacle anti Va. to the camp meeting. After the holding meetings at night with much Lord is done with us in that part we interest : intl power. Great conviction expect to come back this way and ors. We expect to go about stop awhile on our way to East Tenn. live miles from here to commence a Have some urgent calls in this state meeting in Jesus' name. The breth- which we hope to fill before going on ren are very poor here and in debt, south. Sorry to say that we cannot and they think they are not able to get to Georgia as soon as we ex-get ready for a camp meeting, but they pected, but it seems to be the will of want a tabernacle meeting about the God for us to stop a few weeks. in first of October. May God send some this state after the camp meeting at f his firebrands. Correspond with Molehill. We may not get to Brother Allen Eubank. The camp Georgia till the latter part of Nov., ground is three miles east of Eubanks. or first of Dec. There is so much to- Whosoever comes will be cared for. do in the south; who will come and R. Ceor. AND J. CANNON. help in this great work? who will, ov consecrate their means to send work- Fn i) INp. , Aug. 2g, 1893. ers to those places where the people DEAR mumpET READERS: The afe starving for the word of the Lord meet uch ing preju at Evansville was a removed success. and are not able to send for help ? M many hearts won to the truth. Three Isa. xxxii. 20. Who will- say, Here pro professed pardon of their sins, and am I, send me? We earnestly recitiest saints were much strengthened an interest in your prayers, that God the may keep us, and use us to his glory and built up the faith oinn thcee sa ldvaetiloinv oef rperedciosuos usolus. to the saints. The meeting lasted Yours in the one body, until July , gth. On the 30th we re- THOMAS CARTER & A. J. KILPATRICK, turned home, worked some with our Molehill, W. Va. hands and on the ioth of Aug. went o Crawford Co., where we held meet-ing One week in a U. B. meeting house. 23 MONA ST., MYRTLE ST., LIvER-The people seemed anxious to bear poOL, ENGLAND. the truth. One soul proclaimed his DEAR SAINTS: I feel I must teH freedom from Babylon; was also de- what the dear Lord has done for me livered from tobacco, testifying he one of the least of his children. I had not been without it in his mouth feel unworthy - of such love: But bless for twenty years night nor day. and praise the Lord, 0 my soul, for Praise God for such a Deliverer! Meeting closed at this place Friday Fit, Aug. 25th. On Saturday we went four miles north into Orange Co. and held meeting Saturday night, Sunday morning, evening and night; on Monday morning we started home. Arrived Sunday afternoon. Old broth-er and Sister Hanselman were buried with Christ in baptism, and came forth from the water shouting praises . to God. We expect to begin a grove meeting at this place Saturday night Sept. 2d, the Lord willing. Every body invited. We pray the Lord to send Brother J N. Howard. When the meeting closes we expect to go to Crothersville, the Lord willing. Pray for- us, all ye saints. May his blessings rest and abide with you forever.- We are as ever your saved brethren and Sister, sanctified to do the will of God. D. B. MooRE, NAT. B. AND A. SCHREIBER. last. During the winter I was in be almost all the time, but after reach ing Liverpool, I had advice, and th change with God's blessing, seerne to benefit me. I felt stronger and my appetite returned, but still th pains continued. Many times I pray ed to the Lord about it, and it wa not as painful, and for a time seemed much better. One Sabbath mornin I asked the Lord to guide me, as was expecting to go to a friend of my brother's, but the Lord led me in an other direction. I went with a dea friend of mine, a sister in. Jesus, and in the evening we were led to a mis sion hall and heard Brother Henry preach. I intended returning tha evening to my brother, but as it wa rather late, I returned with my friend and I- ad the privilege of attending the meetings constantly. During this time my faith was very weak, but the cloud vanished, for I felt the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin The dear Lord hath indeed brought me up out of an horrible pit and the miry clay, and hath set my feet up-on a rock and established my goings. Praise his name for ever! During those meetings we each consecrated ourselves wholly to the Savior, pre-senting ourselves a living sacrifice; and now my one aim and object is to- be a Christian, not in name only, but to live a pure and holy life without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. But still the pain in my head continued. I asked the Lord to heal it and the pain was eased for a time, but the cause was not removed. I read of faith healing in my home, which is in a quiet country place some distance from Liverpool, and believed it; but since attending the meetings I heard it preached, and it Was different from what I_ had ever heard, for I had never heard it preach-ed in my life. During my stay here my friend was taken ill with rheumat-ic fever and pleurisy, and as she had been healed by faith several times, she called in Brother Henry and was anointed in the name of the Lord; and praise his name, the Lord per-fectly healed her. But still I did not feel led to be anointed, and for several weeks the pain was very se-vere in my head, and sometimes I was completely exhausted with the pain, and constantly fainted, and did not have strength or power to move. I could not describe the pain to any one, and I • felt assured that no earthly physician could heal me, and I felt resigned to God's will_ During the meetings I had to pray constantly to be able to remain during the services. My friends had prayed much for me that the Lord would show me it was his will to heal me. I wondered if it was his will; but those verses in James impressed me— chapter v, verses 14 to 16, and I felt I mist obey the word. And as I was reading the word, it seemed I was to read about the Savior healing the sick, for I turned constantly to instances where he did, and " Believe • ye that I am able to do this?" And I knew he was, and I was determined to trust him. And the words " Himself took our in-firmities" came to me as I was read-ing; and to lose no time, my friend and I went to the saints' home; and as - the brothers were out we waited, and I was anointed by Bro. Rupert when they came, and Bro's Henry and Daugherty with Sister Rupert laying on hands. As I was waiting, the words, "• The Great Physician now is near " seemed if they were spoken to me, and my head was very painful too - at the time; but I took Jesus as my physician and he healed me the same night, and the pain was gone before I reached home. I have not had an attack since. The Lord has indeed done great and he requires me to feed the flotk of God at this place by teaching them, his precious word, and he has given me the Holy Ghost as my teacher. Pray for me that I may be a faithful and wise servant, doing all to the glo-ry of God. He is wonderfully leading us on from victory unto victory. Since our last report from this place there have been some wonder-ful cases of healing among us. May i8th, the Lord my led husband and me to fast. We fasted four days, during I which time he healed me of Catarrh which I had for twelve years, and to him he all the glory. He also showed us he would heal Sister Susie Winkler who had been partially deaf for thirty years. Just four weeks from that time he showed me by his Spirit that he would heal her the next day, which was Sunday. That day came, and all the saints were united in prayer for her, but she was afflicted so she could not come to meeting. Then came the trial of our faith, but God showed us that she would be healed by the time we were through with the exercises that day, and showed us to go where she was and we did so. When we got to the place, we found her wonderfully healed. To God be all the glory. We also felt that it would result in the salvation of pre-cious souls, and we are expecting soon to see them saved. Brother Stoffer was taken very sick with a fe-ver and after two and one- half days he called for the saints to pray with him, and the Lord healed him instantly. Praise God, all ye his saints! Sister Eliza Winkler's little girl was taken sick with the cholera infantum and was sick four days, when she became so ill the parents had given her up to die. Then the saints were requested to pray for her, and we did so, anoint-ing with oil in the name of the Lord, and God heard the prayer of faith, and she was raised right up, then walked into the other room, her cou nten an ce beaming with brightness. God is getting glory to his great name. There are other cases I might men-tion but will not now. I was an eye witness to each of these cases of healing. I never saw anything of this kind in sectism. Jesus said in St. John vii. 17, " if any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God, or whether I speak of my-self." Well I can say I have done God's will and now I know the doc-trine which Jesus taught and the saints teach, is of God. I would say to all who have not gone on to perfection; " This is the will of God, even your sanctification. — I Thess. 1v. 3. Don't stop and fight the truth before you have done his will, but go on unto perfection, then you shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or not. I would ask you all to pray for me that I may prove true to God in all things. Your sister in Christ, EMMA DANSBERGER. OBITUARY. Morinus K. Hartzler, little son of Jacob and Rebecca Hartzler, of West Liberty, Ohio, departed this life Aug. 22, 1893; aged to years, I] months, and 20 days. He was killed by a horse, when attempting to lead him without a bridle. Some time before his death he gave his heart unto the Lord, and lived a faithful little Chris-tian unto the day of his decease. Funeral services by the writer, W. G. SCHELL. NI fy Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pax-ton, of Palestine, Ind. departed this life Aug. 14, 1893; aged eleven months and nine days. His stay was short, but he was the affection of many hearts. God bless the bereaved parents. May they repent of their sins and give their hearts to God that they may meet with their darling child and reign eternally in glory. Funeral services by the writer, S. MICHELS. Sister Melissa Tidball, of St. Louis, Mich. departed this, life in triumphs of a living faith, giving testimony up to her last moments that she was going home to live with Jesus. She was born July ra, 1845. and departed this life Aug. 22, 1893; aged 48 years, I month and 6 days. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his cxvi. is. God bless the bereaved husband. May he keep saved. Funeral services by the wri- S. MICHELS. to- TE STIMONIE S WONDERFUL. 110: 12D. RICHLAND CENTER, WISCONSIN. DEAR SAINTS: I feel that God will be glorified in my writing my testi-mony. I am so glad I can praise God for a full salvation. I know I am sanctified to do his whole will. Praise his name forever! I am many miles away from all the saints at present, but blessed be God, he is ever near me and precious to my soul. Pray for me, dear ones, that I may be faithful and do with my whole heart the work the Lord has given me. Your saved sister, E. C. SMITH. yo from here to I knver. The ing therew i lbl e on he 20th of There are thousands of people I all - the country here wait- 1 ing for t govt.! mt lands to come! for y in i les fr o m this meeting. I good condition. By some mistakes that had been made, the enemy was causing a division to spring up to some extent among them. But thank the Lord, everything was made right by his precious word. 2 Tim. iii. 16. The church was soon set in order and the Lord added to it about ten souls; some of them were also sanc-tified and established in the truth. Just before closing the meeting elev-en were buried with Christ in bap-tism, after which we had a precious ordinance meeting, and the Lord verified his prom ise, l'If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them." Praise his name! The saints had pitched quite a large tent for the meeting, and it was well filled at nearly every coming together. Much prejudice was removed from the hearts of the people; there was a bet-ter interest generally than ever had been before. After that meeting closed, we ' cent about fifteen miles north- west, to . Stony Point school house, Friday, Aug. 25. Stayed over the Lord's day. Meeting was well attended and the truth planted in some hearts . which we believe will be manifest in the near future by their salvation. One soul converted Sun-day night. We had several invita-tions to return as soon as the Lord wills. Monday the 28th we came to this place; had meeting last night in the court house; will also have meet- ITEALETH ALL 01TE. DISEASES. his great goodness! It is many years since I first trusted in the Lord Jesus as my personal Savior, and have proved him a friend, nearer than the dearest earthly friend. I had - the blessed privilege of being brought up by Christian parents whose earnest desire and prayer was that their chil-dren should follow the same Savior they loved and trusted. I do praise God for this, that about six years ago I obeyed the Savior's commands, and was baptized by immersion. The Lord has indeed led me wonderfully. He has been very precious to me, and has heard and answered my prayers. About two years ago I met with an accident and injured my head by falling from a trap, and last year was taken ill during the month of August, and was ill through the win-ter, with the exception of a few weeks; and during that great trial the nsas City a camp . g ir ound thiough Christ. Praise his holy only means for me, and the Lord ! perfect peace with constant victory told me, that a change of air was the moving on in the order II tthhneg Lso arrde. ' Ic anmamp em feoertienver! After the Deerfield brought me to Liverpool in April Ky. and found the saints not in very ROBINSON, KAN. DEAR CHILDREN OF GOD:- I Will testify to you through the TRUMPET of how God has been leading me. When but thirteen years old I gave my heart to the Lord as best I knew, and having been taught that we must join some church ( as we called it), I had my name recorded on the U. B. class- book. For ten years I remained a sectarian and was taught we could not live free from sin; bat during this time I often felt a lack in my soul and sometimes would tell it in revival meetings, but not once did the minister come to me to tell me what it was; perhaps he did not know. But God knew my heart's greatest desire was to do his will; so he sent one of his holy anointed ministers into our neighborhood preaching the evening light. Just as soon as I saw it was the whole word of God I ac-cepted it in all its fullness.- Of course I had my name withdrawn from the U. B. class- book for I read in Jer. xvii. 13.—" They that depart from me shall have their names written in the earth.' So I worship now in the name of Je-sus only, and have come to the church of the first- born, whose names are written in heaven.— Heb. xii. 23. When I left the sect, my parents were much grieved, thinking I had been de-ceived by false prophets and they pled with me to stay. Then my bcorontvhinerc sea nmde s tishtaetr Ic wamase wanrdo ntrgie. dM toy heart was moved with pity for them because their eyes were blinded so they could not see the light, but all their entreaties were of no avail, for I heard a voice saying: " This is the way, walk ye in it."— Isa. XXX. 21. So I followed the voice of Jesus, and to day I rejoice to tell you that I know Jesus saves me from sin by two defi- )! ninitge iwn othrkiss loiffe g bryac oen, ea nJdes Iu as mC hreriisgtn."- Rom. v. 17. God has filled up that which was- lacking, now I am satisfied things for me. Praise his name for- in him. Shortly after I was sancti-everl- He has removed the pain corn- fled God gave me the gift of teaching I ter, ' aosPm ITNEPMT. had become more manifest, when fi-nally delivered over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, it would not have resulted in division and confu-sion. Again, we believe the idea of man and woman, who are not brother and sister in the flesh, living together as such is unscriptural and not of God. In dealing with persons claiming to be saints and supposed out of the way, or lacking in any thing, these r- rules will be found scriptural and n useful: in 1st, Be sure that your own heart is er full of the love of God, meekness and al kindness. of 2d, Go not to him to accuse, but to win and save. 3d, Do not assail him or her in the congregation, either by personal thrusts, or still more cowardly insin-d nations, until you have done your duty in conferring with him privately. 4th, If a man is not right, let such kind loving efforts to get him saved be put forth, so that if he does go out from among us, all can see that he is not of us, or his heart would have been won. 5th, While much kindness and for-bearance should be exercised,- yet it ir is the solemn duty of the elders, and indeed o- f the whole church, to see that actual hypocrites and unsaved men must not continueto lodge among us and pass for saints. Such are not n in the church of God, nor any person t. who commits sin. Neither should n their pretense be allowed to continue n longer than the scriptural efforts re- 1 quire to bring about their salvation. t When rejected by the church o f God through the elders, or an y one - that the Spirit may use to speak the - voice of the church and of God, every child of God should thenceforward let him be unto thee as a heathen and a publican. Hold him as a sinner. but even then confirm your love for his soul by every kindness you can manifest. Amen. Jesus. His yoke; is easy and his bur: den is light. We are cut off from the saints' society, but God is with us. We are expecting some of God's messengers soon to come here and hold some meetings. As you read this let a solemn prayer ascend in our behalf, that we may not be found wanting, but ever doing his whole will in all things. Yours, washed in the precious blood of Jesus, SALLIE HARPER. we speak of the evening light shining even to foreign lands, we would not forget to inform you all of the utter darkness in Southwest Texas iii which I live. Oh do pray mightily with me' that holy anointed ones will be sent to this part of darkness, sin and sect-ism. : There are many poor sin- dark-ened souls going to despair. And please pray for me that I do, my duty As the Lord shows me, and that my faith fail not. I find in Jesus all that is for my good, for both soul and body. I find him a present help in every time of need. Our little girl, eight years of age, was bitten by a very poisonous snake called the cop-perhead. - We corded above the wound and called mightily on the Lord for help, as it was a very dan-gerous snake and in the heat of sum-mer in this warm climate, and the dear Lord did hear, and rebuked the poison, for which I give hint all the glory. T here were three more children of the same coin munnity which were bitten the same week. One died; the other two came very near it. Well how thankful I am that I know Jesus is my - Savior and saves me from all my sins, and cleanses me from all un-righteousness, and does heal us of afflictions, and enables me to discern the body of Christ, the church. Yours in him, JULIA A. MARCEE. FAIRBURY, NEB. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I feel that my testimony might do some good to save sinners from darkness. I am young in the cause. I started only one month ago, but I have started for life. By the help of God I will, be able to stand. I praise God that he has made a way that we might gain eternal life by obeying his commands, and they are easy to obey. Pray for me that I may ever be found faithful to the end. Your brother in Christ, V. S. HARROUN. tea and coffee, praise the Lord, and has healed me of my afflictions. I have victory over the devil and am on the solid rock of Jesus. I am pressing onward to glory. This is my first testimony for Jesus. Glory be to his name! I am trusting that he will keep me in the narrow path to heaven. All pray for me. From your brother in Christ, IRVING E. PRITCHARD. ARCIIBOLD, 0. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: After read-ing the wonderful testimonies, I feel impressed to night to mingle mine in with yours. I can say that God has done a most wonderful work of sal-vation for me. I had evil spirits cast out, and can say to the glory of God that I am fully justified and sanctified and kept from all sin. Praise the Lord for salvation! I want your prayers that I may keep humble and meek, down at the feet of Jesus, that I may be a worker for God, for there are precious souls going down to hell. Yours in Christ Jesus, AUGUST IFFLAND. ATWOOD, KAN. DEAR SAINTS AND TRUMPET READ-ERS: I can say that I am still saved with a perfect salvation. Praise the Lord! I have died to the world and its pleasures; my only desire is to ever e found sitting low at the feet of IN THE STERN OF MEEKNESS. OD'S word requires that we Ur should show all meekness toward all men. And especially toward all who name the name of the Lord, we should act " with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbear-ing one another in love." Eph. iv. 2. But the nmst important and solemn need for- the manifestation of meek- • ness, kindness, gentleness, and fo bearance, is in dealing' with brethre and sisters who are supposed to be error, or in some wrong. The ord of heaven is: " Ye which are spiritu restore such an one in the spirit meekness."— Gal. Many get an idea, because a brot er or sister has done wrong, or h been overtaken in a fault, therefo you are at liberty to get sour towar such, treat them with coldness, an push them down still deeper, say not' ing, to their face, but blow them u freely behind their back; just as the party were your servant, and r sponsible to you for his actions, Bu t " to his own Master he stands or fails And if you are saved yourself, anoth-er's wrong action will have no other effect upon you, but to excite yot love in sympathy and solicitud which naturally leads to kind lovin efforts for the restoration of tha soul to the favor of God. To restore the erring and fallen i the spirit of meekness, implies; firs that we do not pounce upon them i a harsh and austere manner, nor i hastyproceedings seek to drive then to your prescribed terms, withou time to consider', and ask counsel o God. That is not " showing all lowli ness and meekness with longsuffer ing." We have before us a letter stating that two ministers came to a place where the present truth had been held forth not long before, and quite a num-ber had been saved and some sancti-fied. Among the number who had received the light was a brother who had been divorced and had married another wife. Whether they were really saved, and in the fellowship of the Spirit we know not. But if not saved, he has a soul that should and could be saved, and therefore needed the efforts of true brethren in the Spirit of meekness and kindness. But the preachers, feeling there was some-thing not clear in the church there, seemed to lay the trouble to the charge of that brother; pronounced it a case of adultery, and rendered the hasty decision that they must consent to live only as brother and sister, or be cut off. Now if this matter is cor-rectly reported to us, we are con-strained to believe that it was not governed by wisdom, though we have no doubt of the sincerity of the breth-ren. The fact of the matter is, if the man was a child of God, he was en-titled to the love and sympathy of the brethren, in his unfortunate domestic relation; he was also enti-tled to time, prayer, and fasting, and waiting upon God to know just what his duty is. If he was not in a saved condition he needed kind, loving and faithful efforts for his salvation. His heart needed to be won to Christ, and when filled with the love of God, by the help of the Lord and the brethren he could find out his duty, and have grace to do it. And if kind and con-siderate steps had been taken to get the man right in all things, and he had sinned against light, and remain-ed obstinate, all could have seen that he is not of God. But as hasty judgment was rendered, and immed-iate acquiescence demanded, the man was hardened, and the sad fruits of division have resulted. The sister writes: " Some take his part, some not: we are not a unit." Here are the evil effects of too hasty proceed-ings with a brother that is accused of a wrong. Even though he may be destitute of the grace, of God, it will have a tendency to drive some weak ones to cleave to him, thinking him wronged, and thus fail to win and save him; and_ overthrow others. Whereas had all kindness, meekness, and forbearance been shown, until his wrong spirit and unretractable heart b MARSHALL, OKLAHOMA. DEAR SAINTS: I feel led of the dear Lord to tell that he is doing for me and for other souls in these parts. Praise his holy name! I was converted about five years ago. For tour years of the time, I was begged at on every side to join some sect, but when I took it to the Lord in prayer, these words came to me: " Follow thou me." So I_ never joined any• of the sects. Praise the Lord! of here. So I told several around that they preached the truth, just what I bad been wanting- to hear for a long time. Then the devil just raged, and I was persecuted on every side becanse I believed in the even-rig light, and because I liked to go and be with the saints. So I lived an up and down life till a short time ago, when I was sanctified. Praise the Lord!. Pray for me, dear saints, that may ever keep low and humble, ever willing and ready to do my Master's will. Your saved and sanctified sister, LIzz[ E CALLAHAN. CLINTON, ILL. 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