The Gospel Trumpet - 13:21

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 The Lord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds. Zech. 9: 14. ' GQSPEL And he said sCharTllye hde t; ahn ilo assuaset? o iet d Ahma ah ndetedty s gWiItni enahga* na lr...

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Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1893
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institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
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topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 13:21
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 The Lord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds. Zech. 9: 14. ' GQSPEL And he said sCharTllye hde t; ahn ilo assuaset? o iet d Ahma ah ndetedty s gWiItni enahga* na lr etsom twshlele. ee, rs.* be cut oir on this twhseili lsdl hoboesar_ r liialrecn_ tcolT gecht- oaaiosr ectdonticrantte hghror , it itstlog aoi stnithte l. t ethI; a• aeattilaul 4' eob. a ear war, from one end of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the lig tree; When hie branch ie yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when yilshall see all these things, kaom that it is near, even at the doors. Matta: 31- 33. And he shall send his angels with a great I To. There is a sec- wand of atrumpstand they than gethertogeth- lond search,- I s i s et his elect from th f IRUMP. NT, Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, May 25, 1898. Volume 18, No. 21. LEGEND OF HIRAM ABIFF. I. There is a val-uable possession.- Hiram possesses the Master's Word. 2. There is a con-spiracy. - F if teen fellow crafts con-spire against Hiram. 3. There is a con-flict.- Three ruffians attack Hiram Abiff at high twelve. 4. There is a d eat h.- Hiram is slain by Jubelum. S. This death is by the hand of a broth-er.- Hiram is slain by his brother Jube-lum. 6. The body is buried at the foot of a tamarind of acca-cia tree. 7 There is a first search.- Twelve fel-low crafts search for the ruffians. 8. They interro-gate every one whom they meet. 9. This search is accidentally success-ful.- The ruffians are found in the clefts of the rock and are dis-posed of. E may as well ask, Has the word of God become of none effect? or has God lost his power in-somuch that he cannot fulfill his prom-ises? Professing Christians of to day are to be found in great numbers, who say the day of healing is past; it was for the apostles but not for us. But they fail to give us a " thus saith the Lord," for such a belief. Not one passage of scripture can be given to show that these promises were ever repealed, and that those who obey God have no right to claim them and be healed now. If we limit the heal-ing power to the time of the apostles, and say it stopped there, then we must say the same regarding the sal-vation of the soul, for his word - gives no more evidence of one having been done away, than it does the other. Christ in giving his commission to the apostles said to them," Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned; and these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues: they shall take up ser-pents: and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick-, and they shall recover."- Mark 16: 15- 18. Who shall lay hands on the sick? " Them that Eilieve," shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Thank the Lord! We are of those who believe, consequvitly that prom-ise is for us, and is for God's obedi-ent children of to day. In James 5: 13- 15 we not only have a promise but directions which is our duty to obey. " Is any 5. mong you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry let him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anoint-ing him with oil in the name of the Lord: - and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and ' the Lord shall raise him up." Because these things have been practiced but very little for the last few centuries does not change the Word of God in the least. Even if We knew of no cases of healing in these days, the Word would stand just the same, ready to be complied with, and followed by " these signs." The great trouble is with the people, and not with Ghd; unbelief has found its way into their hearts, and false teachers have gone forth declaring the day of miracles past, and that . G°_ d - does not heal people of their k 1 whatever of interest about it. This le-gend, as it is sometimes called, " The Legend of the Temple Builder" is known also as " the Legend of the Third Degree." Symbolism of Free Masonry, page 228 we read, " The most important and significant of the Legendary symbols of Free Masonry is undoubtedly that which relates to the fate of Hiram Abiff commonly called, by way of excellence the Le-gend of the Third Degree." This legend is considered of so much importance that no changes are allowed to be made in its arrange-ment. As before stated it is the very pith of Masonry. Sickles says, " The ceremony is old-er by a thousand years than the age of Solomon. There are characters im-pressed upon it which cannot be mis-taken. IT IS THOROUGHLY EGYPTIAN. This fact openly acknowledged by Masonic writers who are everywhere acknowledged as the very best author-ity,, me have a basis for proving what weave learned within the lodge. As ' before stated, for the benefit of those folks who think Masonry cannot be demonstrated to the world, we say that the written text books, dictionaries, lexicons, traditions, hand books, etc., by such men as Mackey, Morris, Pierson, Sick-les, and others have placed all themys-teries of Masonry where every one of them can be opened up to the eyes of the uninitiated. When these arti-cles were being contemplated, there was much doubt in our mind as to how many of the statements to be made were to be proven. But we find that God has compelled the beast to give up the two legs he held in his mouth, and that l fe has said, " There is noth-ing secret that shall- not be made manifest." So that even the Mason whom they profess to have perjured himself, can use their own Grand Masters to pull down the Masonic fabric. God has placed in our hands a vast amount of help and it shall be used. Now for the Legends of Osiris and Hiram, the reader will compare the numbered paragraphs with those of the Legend to follow as we quote the principal points. The following classification will be found in a work entitled " The Master's Carpet," by Edmond Ronayne, and for sale by Ezra Cook Pub. Co. of Chicago. Price 75 cents. Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliv-er every man his soul: be not cat off in her iniquity; for this is the tiros of the Lord's ven-geance; he will render unto her a recompence. . kad the land shall tremble and oorrow: for every purpose of the Lord thall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without at inhabitant. hr. 51; 6, O. diseases now, by the means set for in his word, as he did in ancient time But such persons fail to - give on Scripture to prove that such is th case. As long as God has any obedie children upon earth it will be the privilege to call upon him, and a cording to the promises given in h word, be healed of their disease and not one passage of scripture ca - be found in the Bible to the contra ry, or showing that these promise have been recalled. It would the be according to reason and logic t conclude that they are still in vogue even if no one had the faith to clai them: but notwithstanding the un belief of the masses of people, th true children of God have begun t realize the truth of his word, in spit of false teachers, and discern the bo_ d of Christ ( the church), worshipin God in the beauty of holiness; exer cising the gifts which Paul said " Coy et earnestly." Let us see if there is any more ev idence that we have the right to per form miracles in these days, in the name of Jesus, and to follow the teachings of his word. Hear the words of Jesus: " \ ierily, verily,, I say unto you, He that believeth on me the works that I do, shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name I will do it."- Jno. 14: 12- 14. Now these promises are to " He that believeth." A man once told me that he did not believe in divine healing in these days; it was for the apostles and not for us. Said I, You believe the Bible do you not? Oh, yes, every word of it, he remarked. Then what about such scriptures as these: " If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you."- I no. 15: 7. " If two of you shall agree on earth as touch-ing anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven."- Matt. 18: 19. Now suppose we are abiding in Christ, and should ask him to heal some one who is sick; would he not, according to his word, be under obligations to answer the prayer by doing the work, if we have faith in him? If that does not refer to our times, and these promises are not for us, then the Bi-ble is a dead letter to us, and we may just as well throw the whole thing away. He was then refered to the case of his daughter with whom he had been visiting, who had been lying upon her bed for a week, very sick, and in an almost helpless condition; and a few days previous to our conyersation, through prayer ane by the laying on of hands, she was instantly healed, insomuch that she arose from her bed and immediately walked, praising God, and was healed of all disease from that moment, and received much strength to her body; yet it was several days before her strength was completely renewed and because of this, her father doubted her heal-jug. In order to substantiate his doubts he referred to another person for whom prayer had been offered, who was very near death's door, and because the afflicted one was not in-stantly restored to his normal strength, _ and new flesh put upon his bones, this man remarled that Christ never did his work by halves in that way, and never made but one job of anything. To this statement he was referred to the healing of the blind man. ( Mar 8: 22- 26.) Christ took the blind ma by the hand, and led him out of th town; and when'he had spit on hi eyes, and put his hands upon him, h asked him if he saw aught. And h looked up and said, I see men a trees, walking. After that he put his hands agai upon his eyes, and made him look up and he was restored, and saw ever man clearly. Also when the noble man came to Christ to have his chil healed ( Jno. 4: 46- 54), Christ seem his saith, said unto him, " Go thy way thy son liveth." And from thavt ery hour the child began to amend. Tha does not intimate that the child wa raised up at that hour, or that an abundance of strength was given, and new flesh put upon its bones, but simply states that it began to amend at that hour; that is, the ' disease was rebuked, and from that time it be-gan to get better. The Pharisees of old would not be-lieve. even when Christ himself stood before them and performed miracles in their sight; just so at the present time, people refuse to believe the truth when presented in all its purity; refuse to acknowledge the miraculous works of the Lord when they are eye- witnesses to the performance. Such denials and unbelief do not give the least evidence that the day of healing is past.-- 0 what a faith-less people! who trjr to limit the pow-er of God, and overthrow the faith of others. We are exhorted to " earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." " Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all."- Psa. 34: 19. It is true that these bOdies mustsoon-er or later return to mother dust, for " it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."- Heb. 9: 27. Yet, even this death may be stayed, through prayer and faith, for a number of years. ( See 2 Kings 20: 6.) ( I Kings 3: 14.) Many cry unto the Lord in their afflictions, but on account of vanity and pride are not heard, - while others are humble, yet are afraid to exercise faith be-cause they cannot see the results first. They who walk only by sight do not walk by faith, because faith reaches beyond human vision and firmly grasps things unseen. Selected from Divine Healing Di Soul and Body. A.--•-• 111 HIRAM ABUT vs OSIRIS OF EGYPT. Sickles, " IT IS THORUOGHLY EGYPTIAN. Osiris and Baal are identical, and the only change the Masons have made is to call him another name, Hiram Abiff. The legends both simply rep-resent the conflict supposed to be go-ing on between day and night, light and darkness. Baal Osiris or the sun god of nature, reviving vegetable life in the slimmer or day, and being destroyed i. e. overpowered by win-ter or night. This then is the Mason's god, na-ture or the G. A. 0. T. U. ( Gran Architect of the Universe.) As the Phallus was the life- giving principle and was lost, " so the ( head or light) the life- giving prin-ciple of the sun is lost in winter or ' night. Hence in the modern Mason-ic work and in the ancient mystery we have a great deal of mummery and mystery with promises of fur-ther light, until the poor victim of Masonic fraud and cheek is thor-oughly inculcated with idolatrous worship of the creature, and most-surely forgetting the Creator. So the Master's word was the im-portant point or object to be attained, and as it was lost ( as far as Master Masons were concerned) a substitute was manufactured. The symbolical idea being maintained through the various types until the ignorant Ma-son actually believes lie has found a wonderful world of heretofore un-discovered truths. People love to be humbugged and Satan is a master hand at that class of work. What more need be said? Can any one doubt now as to the origin of the or-der, that as a certain ' Grand Mas-ter" tells us " It is thoroughly Egyp-tian?" Thus we have clearly demonstrated the fact that the order is not only . of heathen origin, but heathenish in practice. At the least calculation I am lea to think so, as I recall the several cold nights when I was stand-ing three- fourths unclothed, waiting at the door to be regularly initiated into the various degrees with my teeth fairly chattering. That however failed to wake me up to a realizing sense of where I was. Like thous-ands of others, I foolishly supposed that was the only place where light could, be had, and so was blinded, re-ceiving a delusion because I was not willing to stop and see the abomin-able farce as it actually was. Thous-ands of men to day would leave the order forever did not they vainly seek for light, hoping some day to receive light which Masonry informs them is just ahead, and so robs them while they pursue an object never attained. Christ offers more in one sentence than Masonry ever can offer, and just so long as Masons reject the One who said, " I am the light of the world" they will never meet satisfaction nor light. There is no need here to give a de-tail of secrets, signs, words, etc., but only just enough to show what the order is, and what it is doing. These articles on Masonry, of which this is the sixth are to the best of my knowledge and ability a fair presen-tation of the subject of Masonry in a brief form. No Mason will deny the truth of the same in his heart even should he do so with his lips. There-fore praising God for strength and courage to do this work, and holding in readiness for more should the Lord ask it, I remain your saved brother, Fred Husted. PRAYER. Behold upon the lonely mount The Son of God in prayer LO I all night long his knees were bent, All night He wrestled ther( a. Cho.- Then my brethren, let us live Upon the mount of prayer, Our soul and body ever give, In Father's loving care. 0 pray my brethren, watch and pray, pray much and every where; Pray holy sisters, night and day, All breathe the breath of prayer. The twelve apostles lived alone To sing and preach and pray; In blest communion with the throne They taught us all the way. When lion's teeth and furnace flame Were" threatened Daniel's band, They gave themselves to prayer the same And turned the king's command. And all the hosts of God o'ercame By mighty faith and prayer. - If we with Christ and them would reign We must their armor wear. The prayer of faith will reaCh the throne, And make all devils flee, Will melt the sinner's heart of stone, , And set the captive free. Prayer is the soul's triumphant wings, - The hand that takes the crown. Along the line tl? at prayer ascends, God streams his blessings down. D. S. W. IS THE DAY OF HE. ALING PAST? THE LEGEND OF OSIRIS.- T. There is a pos-session of some val-uable thing.- Osiris possessed a king-dom. 2. There is a con-spiracy.- Typhon and his fellows con-spife against Osiris. 3. There is a con-flict.-- Typhon and h i s fellows had a conflict with Osiris. 4. There is a death.-- Osiris is slain, and enclosed in a chest. 5. The death is by the hand of a broth-er.--- Osiris is slain by his brother Typhon. 6. The body is buried at the foot of a tamarind tree. 7. There is a first search.- Isis search-es for her husband's body. 8. Sheinterro-gatesevery one whom she meets. 9. She is a1 syuccessful,- Isis finds the body and disposes of it. th S. nt ir c-is S; - S - e • HE identity of Masonry and the ancient mysteries has been es-tablished by former papers, and in connection with the proofs furnished by the highest Masonic authority, that they are one and the same, we propose to show some wonderful similarities from which all • men and Masons will be allowed to draw their own conclusion, remembering that God holds us responsible for all the light that he gives us. Traditions of Free Masonry page 159. " The legend and traditions of Hiram Abiff, form the consummation of the connect-ing link between Free Masonry, and the ancient mysteries." Page 240 we ' read, " We readily recognize in Hiram Abiff the Osiris of the Egyptians, etc." Free Mason's Guide, by D. Sickles, page 236, we read Osiris and Tyrian Architect- i. e. Hiram Abiff - are one and the same. Masonry without the Legend of Hiram Abiff would cease to exist; in fact without this tragedy there would be nothing 13. There is a sub-stitution.- I sis sub-stitutes the Phallus for the missing part. searches for the scattered remnants of the body of Osi-ris a second time. . There is a fin d-ing.- Isis finds a I I the parts of the body but one. 12. There is a loss.- One part o f the body is missing. To. There is a sec-ond search.- Three fellow crafts go in search of the body. H. There is a find-ing.- The body is found in a grave dug one east and west. 12. There is a loss. - The Master's Word is lost. 13. There is asub-stitution.- The first word spoken after the body is raised ( Mali ha bone) is substituted. Now we see the origin of the Ma-sonic Legend clearly and can say with THE GOSPEL TRUMPET A NVERTTLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. Sent forth hi the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the Publication of full Salvation, and DivUinneit yH oefa lainllg t roufe t Cheh rBisotdiayn. sThe • in " the faith once de-- livesraeidn ttso." the Published at Gun- nrcnor, D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. 1VIICHELS — Publishers. TERMS, $ 7.00 a year in aduance. Free to the poor. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. NOTICE. All business communications, moneys, & c. must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be re-sponsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper. aff- Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularl y of their address. NOTICE. How to Send Money. — Remit by Post Office Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change of Address.— Subscribers wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to give their former. as well as their new address. Missing Papers- .— It occasionally happens that numbers of our papers sent to our sub-scribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive yours when due, after wait-ing a sufficient length of time, write us a card; and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at anytime, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand junction, Mich. BOOKS and TRACTS. TOBACCO AS AN EVIL. Per hundred, 10 cts. Why are you not a cuRismiAx? Per hund. 10 e. MARISLAGE A. ND DIVORCE. 32 pages, 5 eta. A TRACT ON THE TRUE CHURCH. It con-tains 50 pages, Price 10 eta. Per dozen, 80 eta. A TRACT ON THE SABBATH, OR WHICH DAY TO KEEP. Contains 65 pages, 10 cts. each. The Age to Come and Millennium Tradition Refut-ed by the Inspired Word of Go& 56 pages, 10 cts. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE CHURCH. A tract containing 32 pages, 1 cent each. The Grea. t Vobacco It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. Must we Bin7 A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 Ms. Per dozen, 20 cts. Per hundred, $ 1.50. The Ordinances of the New Testament. hsw TRACT, BY WM. G. SCHELL. Setting forth the ordinances of the scriptures in clear light, showing which are abolished, and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 45 eta. The Ordinance of Feet Washing. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a re-view of a tract written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ. It contains 81 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 ets. $ 1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Watkinsville, Miss. or from this office. The Bible Readings, Bible readings or references on about 1e0 subjects. Price 75 eta. each. Holtess Bible Zubjects, BY H. C. WICKERSHAM. A book containing MO subjects with scriptures, concord-ance, definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church. its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming of the evening light. Illustrated, 376 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy $ 1.00. Six or more 80 cents each. Par this book, Addregg, H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind., or Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. Anthems from the Throne. This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music. About an new. When sung in the spirit of God these songs wit. be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth. and the gospel standard of salvation. Send in your orders for Anthems from the Throne and' start the songs of praise anew. PRICE./ Cloth 0ge. 5.300 Per dozen 83.00. & $ 4.8C OF aa- id Body. THE GRAND JUNCTION CAMP METING. The Lord willing, this camp meet-ing will be held one mile nOrth of this place June 9- 18. All who are interested in salvation work are in-vited to attend. We are expecting this to be one of the most glorious meetings held in these last days. Let there be much fasting and prayer a-mong the anointed of the Lord ev-ery where in behalf of the meeting. Already, at this e early date, hungry A NEW BOOK. MAR* KS WORD. For who bath stood in the council of the Lord and bath 1:* e. f. ved and heard his - word?. Who hath marked his word and heard it? Ter. 23: 18. In prophecy the Lord Jesus is de-nominated Counsellor " In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Dear reader have you made him your counsellor? " That you might be filled with the knowl-edge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that ye might walk,. worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in , the knowl-edge of God." His counsel is his word, his law of holiness, as laid down in the holy scriptures, for " All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profita-ble for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righte-ousness: that the man of God, may be perfect, thoroughly fur-nished unto all good works. 2 Tim. 3: 16, 17. In order to stand in his counsel, we must counsel him, " com-mune with him from above the mercy seat," " search the scriptures" " study to show- thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." ' Wherefore be ye not un-wise but understanding what the will of the Lord is." This responsibility cannot be shift-ed by the young convert to the old-er Christian and from him to the deacon and from the deacon to the minister. God holds every one re-sponsible in this matter. Your life, your spiritual advancement, your use-fullness, etc. depends upon your ac-quaintance with God's word. God's book is not sowed broadcast in the land to be chained to the pulpit; studied and understood by preach-ers alone. Every babe in Christ and every sanctified person ought in a short time be more familiar with God's - word than most preachers. But this will not be accomplished by hearing one or two sermons a week or by going to one camp- meeting a year or reading one chapter every day: but by " delighting in the law of the Lord; and in his law meditat-ing day and night." Moreover brethren I declare un-to you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have receiv-ed and wherein ye stand, by which al-so ye are saved if ye keep in mem-ory what I preached unto you. Cor. 15: 1,2. Peter says," Yea I think it meet as long as I am in this taber-nacle to stir you up by putting you I in remembrance:" I Pet. i : 3. And again, " I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the- commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior." 2 Pet. 3: I, 2. God has promised to write his law in our hearts and minds. That is, the work of salvation chang-es oiur affections from the trashy things of this wicked word, and en-ables us to love his law or truth, and by his Spirit he enables us to under-stand and remember it. But if we are indolent and do not search his word, his promises will avail us noth-ing, we will drift on in ignorance leaning on every body but Jesus; be a drone sooner or later to be chased from among the diligent workers. What excuse is to be offered? One says, I have no time to read, search and meditate on God's word. What are you doing with your time? Sure-ly you cannot afford to lose your soul. For Jesus' sake lay aside every weight, rid your mind of trash and unnecessary buisness, and I am- sure you will have more time for God. Another says, My memory is so poor, I cannot recolleCt scripture to do any good,– What is the matter? They _ can remember other things; they know all about all the chit- chat of the day; they can tell you all a-bout the storms, cyclones, great dis-asters on R. R's, and murder cases. They can remember all the great poli-tical names since thewar, and know all about the World's Fair. And beside i all this, their minds are loaded down with cares, riches-, etc. Surely their minds are in bad condition and their memory poor regarding the word of God. Shame! shame! That is not the way of a Christian. If people starved their bodies like they do their souls, their friends would say they had lost their minds and certainly if we starve our souls ' we have lost the mind of Christ. We are not only to feast upon God's word to sustain life within the soul, but " be ready to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meek-ness and fear." How many profess_ ors turn away honest inquirers with, " I don't know," " I am not posted," and " I wish you could see Brother so and so and talk with him and he could give you light," and often gainsayers are exalted in their wick-edness when they find professors of holinesss unacquainted with God's word. But if we arealtlled with God's word and Spirit he will " give us mouth and wisdom that our adver-saries can neither gainsay nor resist." In all things shewing thyself a pat-tern of good works; in doctrine shew-ing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound of speech that cannot be con-condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, hav-ing no evil thing to say of you. Tit. 2: 7, 8. . Now hear Paul's instruction to Tim-othy; " Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine, neglect not the gift that is in thee which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the. presbytery, meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting May appear to all. Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them, for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee". I Tim. 4: 13- 16. Please notice the example as given by the apostles. " But we will give ourselves continually unto prayer and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6: 4. And when persecutions scattered the church at Jerusalem, they followed the apostles' example and " went every where preaching the word." Paul says, " Many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confi-dent by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.' Phil. I : 14. And to the Thessalon-ian brethren he said, " From you sounded out the word of the Lord." I Thess. 1: S. " And to the Roman brethren. And I myself also am persuaded of you my brethren, that ye also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to ad-monish one another." Rom. 15: 14. These scriptures show that the dis-ciples in apostolic times were diligent and studious in acquainting them-selves with God's, word. They mark-ed his word and heard it, their hearts and minds were filled with the word and soon they were able to admon-ish one another and to sound out the word of the Lord, speaking it boldly, therefore they became fruit-ful in the knowledge of the Lord Je-sus. God's word heard, understood and treasured up in good and honest hearts, is to them a source of un-known power. First, by sustaining life, like food to physical body. Second, it is a safe guard' against and discerner of, false teachers, false doctrines, anti- christ spirits, delusions, fanaticism etc. Third, God's word is the source of faith and knowledge; hence, faith and knowl-edge are increased in proportion to our acquaintance and exercise of the word, likewise all the graces are de-veloped and the believer becomes a power in God's hands for good. Neither Bible nor history records a single instance where any one ever attained to a great degree of useful-ness for God whd did not wholly de-vote themselves to the study of God's word and obedience to the same. Therefore the word of God thor-oughly furnishes the man of God un-to all good works. Fourth, God's word sustains the believer in every trial. God has made promises that meets the de-mand in every trial, but we must ac-quaint ourselves with his promises, or they will avail us nothing, but knowing them and believing them, God can verify them, and our every need is supplied . Therel ore if you wish to always conquer and reign as kings, mark his word. If you wish to glori-fy God by bearing much fruit, mark his word. If you desire success any way or every way, mark his word. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS NOT OTI1E11111SE RUM. Mrs. L. A. Smith, Iii. Heyd, Mrs. Jennie Big-ler, Ida Morton, Mary J. Sweeney, Margaret Bossa, J. N. Worden, Jennie Dunlap, S. P. Gil-ger, G. T. Clayton, Malinda Bradley, J. L. Green, Mrs. Ellen Boone, J. A. Taylor, E. H. Yuncker, Jno. N. Slagle, Julia Pales, Mollie Marten, W. C. Wollam, Thos. B. Deniston, Eliza A. Munson. Requests for Prayer. I want to ask all the saints to pray for me on the first Sunday in June, at 7 P. M., for the healing of my eyes. I can see just enough to get around, but cannot see to read. I believe the Lord can heal me so I can read his word. James McOuality. Would you please be so kind as to pray for me. I have been sick for years and have suffered every day. Mrs. Erickson, 1139 CHESTNUT ST., RACINE, WIS. - . PHOENIX, ARIZ. May TO, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN: I have been re-quested to ask the prayers of the saints for a lady in Kansas suffering with Catarrh of nine years duration, also lung trouble, causing cancer and general disorder and prostrating her completely, causing intense pain and anguish. Dear saints, pray earnestly for this poor woman on the 29th of May at 3 o'clock. Her address is Mrs. Mary I. Oliver, Virgil, Greenwood Co., Kan. Your brother in Christ, Arnold Smith. Calls For Meeting. J. L. Harris, Renfroe, Miss. makes a call for some true holiness preacher to come and present the gospel in its purity to the little church at that place. J. K. Osburn, Stottsville, Ark., sends a very earnest request for some holy man of God to come and preach the gospel at that place. Some true holiness ministers are desired to hold a meeting at Rural, Randolph Co., Ind. Many are anx-ious to hear the truth. A meeting house can be obtained. Address Levi Weimer. EDITORIAL NOTES. Come to the camp meeting an bring your friends with you. R. Cloe, Eubanks, Ky., writes that they desire a camp meeting at that place this fall. E. E. BYRUM.— BY follow* the instruction given in this book the SINNER will be enabled to find de-liverance from sin the BELIEVER reach the highest attainments of a Christian life, and the slot< and AFFLICTED be healed of their infirmities, and made well. It contains 248 pages. Cloth binding 75 cents. Paper cover 25 cents. PART I teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved. PART II gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. PART ITC consists of testimonies from those who have been healed M. these last days. A. German edition will soon be issued. Address all orders to the GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. CO., Grand Junction, Michigan. The new song book " Echoes from Glory," will be ready to send out in a few weeks. Price 5octs each. $ 5.00 per doz. Bro. Myers is holding a tabernacle meeting at Winters, Cal. and says their faith is claiming much from the Lord. May he grant them many souls for their hire. Bro. J. W. Means, of Los Angeles, Calif. has now gone to Arkansas to preach the truth, to the people. Brethren in that part of the country desiring meetings can address him at Frisco, Ark. Brethren traveling through Pitts-burg, Pa. will find a welcome at the home of J. T. Stowe, 5512 Clayborn St., East End, Pittsburg, Pa., three Miles from Union station; two squares from Roupe station. A man by the name of Daniel W. Parker, Velpen, Pike Co., Ind., writes that he is in distressing circumstances. As he is an entire stranger to us, we would suggest that some of the breth-ren living near, visit him and admin-ister unto his wants if he is worthy and in need. souls are coming, and yielding them-selves unto the Lord, and find great Joy and peace to their souls. We are believing for a wonderful harv-est of souls to be gathered into the garner of the Lord. Reduced rates have been applied for on the Michigan Central, and the Chicago ' and West Michigan R. R.' s. All who can, bring your tents and bedding and come prepared to stay during the whole meeting. Ar-rangements are being made to try to accommodate all who come. We al-so wish to make a request of breth-ren from other places who have lights suitable for camp or groves, if convenient bring them along, or send them; as many will be needed. THE BIBLICAL TRACE OF THE CHURCH. This book by Bro. W. G. Schell, is now being published at this office and we are expecting to have it ready for the bindery in about two weeks. In this work the author traces the church from her birth to the end of time; shows the difference between the true church and sectism. Part 1. is the" Morning Light Age, showing the church in its purity at the beginning of the Christian era. Part II. " The Papal Age," shows the apostasy, the origin and rise of sectism, measures Roman Catholo-cism, her doctrines, teachings and. works by the word of God. Part III. " The Protestant Age," gives just what many people are anx-ious to know, that is, an alphabetical list of the principal protestant denom-inations, with date of organization and name of the founder of the more prominent ones. Quotations are in-serted from some of their disciplines, showing their rules and teaching. Part IV. " The Evening Light Age," sets forth the condition of Zion in these last days, her escape from the bondage of sectism and God's judg-ments upon Babylon. Beautiful types are shown together with the antitypes. Many deep things of prophecy unveiled and presented in the light of the sacred word, some of which have before lain as hidden mysteries during past ages. The last chapter of the book is a dissertation on false teachers. A person will be greatly interested and much l5enefit-ted by reading this work. As it will contain more pages than was expected the price of the paper covered books will probably be 35 cents, instead of 30 cents, but all who send in their order with the cash, be-fore the book is published; will get it for 30 cents. Per doz. $ 2.70. Cloth 75 cents. It will pay you to have a good edition of this book in your li-brary. Orders received at this office. v.-- STEAMER TIME TABLE. For the benefit of those coming to the camp meeting from the south and west we give the time table of the H. W. Williams Transportation line from Chicago to South Haven. The name of the steamers are " The City of Kalamazoo" and " H. W. Williams." Leave O'Conn. er's dock, foot of Mich-igan St., North Side, Chicago, daily at II. 30 P. M. except Sunday, arriving at South Haven at 6.00 A. M. Returning, leaves South Haven at 9.00 P. M., daily, ' except Saturday. Fare, including berth, $ 1.00. South Haven is eleven miles' west of Grand Junction, on the Michigan Central R. R. Persons coming from Chicago, can come the whole distance for $ 1_. 3o and enjoy a nice ride across Lake Michigan. The fare from Chicago by railway is $ 3.85. • A.-- GROVE MEETING. = • A grove meeting near Spring Run, Pa., commencing after the Pa. camp meeting. We suggest Sept. 2d as the time. Other meetings are to follow this. Address Bro. D. C. Beltz, Sten-ger, Pa. will aid you to take a pencil or ink and mark in your Bible at the side of special verses or quotations, or underscore the lines. Every Chris-tian should have a good Bible, and in everY house there should be a com-plete concordance to the Holy script-tures to aid in the study of the word, and as quickly as possible learn to study the Bible by subjects. When you go to meeting take your Bible along. When you hear a Bible lesson, take it down on paper and study it. Avail yourself of every opportunity to - learn God's word. You will not learn too much nor learn it too well. Last but not least, be sure and be filled with the Spirit, for he is the teacher and as you search and en-quire of God to know his will, be-lieve that God will reveal his will to you: ask it for God's glory and for your good, and you will not be disap-pointed. If the dear ones will follow these admonitions, the ministers will not be called - so frequent to waste their labors on old burnt- over places. They can spend their tiine in giving the word to those who have not yet heard it, and the places that are com-monly known as burnt districts and deserts, will blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it— they shall see the glory of the Lord and the excellency of our God.; --- Isa. 35: 2. This is undoubtedly the most rapid way of spreading the gospel that their is. Then for Jesus' sake observe it. Get filled with his word and it will sound out and not return void, but accomplish whereunto it is sent. In your memory and in your heart mark his word and hear it. Geo. L. Cole. There are those who have been claiming to be watchmen on the walls of Zion for many years, who ought to be able to declare the whole coun-sel of God; to whom he has given strong minds and blessed with good opportunities; yet we often find them teaching for doctrines the command-ments of men. Matt. 15: 8, 9; Mark 7: 7,8; 2Tim. 3: 1- 5. How plain this scriptuie is fulfilled in our day, and by reading 2 John 9: fi we can learn what is God's will for us to do concerning them. Oh! the deplorable condition of many who Claim to be true followers of the Lord. But we know the tree by its fruits, therefore every one can know just where people are living. If they are doing the will of God every day, they will be as a lighted candle which giv-eth light to all that are in the house. But if they are living in sin, God say sin I ' On 4: 8 that they are of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the begin-ning. It does not make any difference what our profession may be, we can-not deceive people very easily after all if they will acquaint themselves with the Bible, and most assuredly we cannot deceive God. Dear people, can you not see that as a mass, that there is a great deal more zeal for the different sects than there is manifest for the salvation of the world ? or for the cause of God? Oh, that God may burden the hearts of his true children with the worth of precious souls to the extent that they may lose sight of self and become willing to go and be the means in the hands of God of doing all that is pos-sible for them to do to rescue poor perishing sinners! The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few. Hannah Oldacre. Your brother, washed in the prec-ious blood of Jesus, and consecrated to his service, Ghost teacheth, who also had beei in the ministry in Babylon, for abou twenty: years more or less but were en dowed with the Holy Ghost and had come out of her. We continued fo space of about three and a half weeks We found it very difficult to get peo pie to give heed to the truth. Ou meetings were held twice each day and only on Sunday afternoons could we get more than eight or nine to-gether to give them a Bible reading, the Salvation Army people compos-ing the most of that number. The readings and subjects were in demon-stration of the_ Spirit and power of the Holy Ghost On account of the prejudice of the people we were un-able to report any visible good, though we went on the street and preached to the people almost every evening. Two weeks ago to day we came to this place with tents. We find here as elsewhere the prejudices of the people are so strongly against plain simple Bible truth that it is al-most impossible to get a hearing. They are so indoctrinated in Babylon confusion that they think there is no salvation outside of her, when the awful truth is there is no salvation inside of her, and I do positively af-firm that there is no genuine saving truth emanating from the pulpits of the sects to day. But somebody says, How do you know? I say, I know the truth when I hear it, and I often go in to hear them tell their lies, and some of them are so intolerable that it is_ althost impossible to sit still and listen to them. Since we came here there has been or is, some three or four who have become interested in holiness and are seeking the experi-ence. One man of a family is seek-ing pardon. 0 dear friends, pray for us and them, , that they may find speedily, the pearl of great price, and that the dear Lord may be able to use us to the salvation of many precious and immortal souls. God bless you all for Jesus' sake. Amen. Yours and Christs, Martin Myers. There are doubtless a great multi-tude of people to ( lay in the world, who are claiming to be Christians, who are failing to read the wordof God as they should do, and thereby be-come wise unto salvation. It seems as though they think that they are gett-ing on all right if they have their name on some class book and attend meet-ing on Sundays, when the wea ther is very pleasant, and have something very nice to wear and everything goes just right. They seem to enjoy the ser-mon very well if it is not too long and the preacher does not say anything about it being contrary to the word of God for people to wear everything or anything that the worldly- minded may get up, nor say anything about the use of tobacco being wrong. But if the alwise God leads the humble minister to read and comment on I Tim. 2: 9,10, which reads as follows: In like manner also, that women a-dorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold or pearls, or costly array; but ( which be-cometh women professing godliness) with good works. Or I Pet. 3- 5, Whose adorning, let it not be the outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold or putting on of ap-parel; but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not cor-ruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For aft-er this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjec-tion unto their own husbands. Tit. 2: 1- 8. Some will get very tired of hearing such scriptures, and even get up and leave the house and perhaps call the faithful man of God, who is warning them of their danger, an old crazy crank. This is surely the condition of things in this part of the world. And now I appeal to every honest heart, into whose hands this may fall, to ask yourselves if it is not true to a greater or less extent in your ac-quaintance; and if you find by retro-specting your past life. that you have been guilty on this point or at any other point, fall down before God in earnest prayer and ask his pardon, and by the assistance of his grace NeAsvs from the Field. STENGER, FRANKLIN CO., PA., May 16, 1893. DEAR SAINTS, GREETING: I am still saved and doing all the will of God as far as I know it. I came here east of the mountains two weeks ago. Af-ter holding meetings here a few dd. ys we went to Amberson valley, between Tuskarora and Blue moun-tains, where we continued one week with good interest, and eight conse-crated. We returned to thiS place. We have been holding meetings since on last Lord's day. Five were buried with Christ by baptism. We expect to go to Mt Union, Pa. to-morrow to hold a few meetings. Your humble saved brother, G. T. Clayton. DIME, PA. SHERIDAN, OK., May 1, 1893. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: We are well and gloriously saved and kept. Amen. We closed a precious meet-ing last week of three weeks dura-tion. A number of dear souls saved, and part of them went on to perfec-tion. Five were baptized. The sect spirit got wonderfully stirred, but God is managing his own affairs glorious-ly. We commenced another meet-ing the 7th, three miles east. Good congregations, and interest increas-ing. God is sending his word with power. Pray much for us and God's work in these parts. Holiness or the evening light, has never been preached where we are holding meet-ing now. Yours in the bonds of perfectness, M. & G. L. Cole & Co. CORNELL, NEB., May 16, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN IN CHRIST: God bless you and keep you in the love and fellowship of the Gospel. I praise our King for his great love and wonderful salvation. We began meeting at this place, Sat. eve, the i3th; found the saints joyful in their King. Many are under conviction. Three raised their hands last night for prayer. Pray for the work here. There were four saved in the meet-ing at Atwood, Kan. And the truth won many friends, and we believe more will follow. We will return there next Sunday to baptize their)., the Lord willing. Pray for ' us and the work here in the west. James Willis. VISALIA, CAL., May 14, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We are truly glad to report victory all the way along this work. The interest deep-ens and widens, and souls are being saVed in every meeting. Seven at the altar last night. Our street meet-ngs are glorious and full of the pow-er of God, drawing large masses of people, and the devil howls and trem-bles under the mighty power of God that comes against him. Meeting lasted until half past deven at night. Three were saved after meeting broke up. Truly the Lord is mighty to save, and did save some hard cases. There are some persons that are at-tending meetings from a distance, and a very deep interest is manifest-ed by the people. We have a good band of workers, and God is using us to his glory. Amen. Some are camp-ing on the grounds, and others will come to us soon from the mountains. Twenty- seven workers on the street last night. Yours in the work of the Lord, A. B. Davis, Sister Zumwalt, J. J. Bentley & wife. f WINTERS, CALM., ay 17, 1893. ) EAR SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH: I feel moved by the blessed Holy Spirit to write a few lines to you this morning concerning myself and the work in this place. This morning as also in times past I feel the Spirit of the Lord working in me mightily to the enlightening of my understand-ing according to the precious word of God, of the , conditiori of men and women in this day and age of the world, and of tire fallen condition of Babylon and the necessity of the saints fleeing out of her that they be not partakers of her sins, and that they receive not of her plagues, etc. — Rev. 18: 4. A little over ten years ago the dear Lord showed me the necessity of coming out, so I asked my pastor of the M. E. sect to just mark opposite my name " With-drawn," not even asking a letter. And I am glad this morning that I did just as I did on that occasion. I feel just now, to do this subject justice I ought to write very much more by ' way of explanation as to my previ-ous experience and the receiving of the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah! But time and space will not permit. Will say that about the middle of Feb. last I rented a hall in Woodland, where I live, and commenced meet-ings, in company with an old ac-quaintance of mine who - had. been made to see the light as the Holy CHADWICK, ILL., May 15, 1893. To THE DEAR SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH: May the blessings of heaven and full salvation be your continual joy. We left the dear saints at Los Angeles Apr. 27. After more than three days and nights we reached Denver, Colo. Were safely carried through a train wreck, while crossing the deserts of Utah. Oh how we en-joyed the protecting hand and pres-ence of God in this time of great danger! We were suddenly awak-ened about four o'clock A. M. by a dreadful crash, which to us seemed. that our time had come. Our coach was derailed and badly broken up, but not a hair of our head perished. Experienced railroad men said they never heard of such an accident without more serious results. To them it was a profound mystery which could not be explained, but to Us the mystery was easily explained. God had some of his anointed ones upon thai train, and he was not yet through ' with them in this world. Praise the Lord! we had the privi-lege of using the occasion in showing the people the great necessity and also the unspeakable joy of being ready any moment to be ushered into the presence of God. We found the church at Denver alive and aggress-ive. A number of young people yield-ed to God and accepted pardon dur-ing the meeting held there on Sun. Apr. 30. Had ordinance meeting in the evening in which a glorious little company enjoyed the obedience and the commands of our precious Mas-ter. May God bless the dear ones who were all so willing to communi-cate to our needs. We weie truly re-freshed soul and body and strength-ened for the rest of our journey. Monday eve, May 1st, we left the saints in Denver, although we would have much- preferred to remain with them and help to press the battle on. There is much need of some truly consecrated workers to help in the work there. The number of saints will reach into hundreds at Denver and vicinity if the work continues to be vigorously and wisely carried on. Oh how our spirits were stirred in us t while there and at other - cities see- - ing the people in the same condition . as Paul found them at Athens. r While the masses are wholly given up to idolatry, yet there is a remnant _ to be gathereclout of every city. Oh r dear saints, you who. claim t 4 con- , secrated fully to God, what are you doing for perishing souls? Let none hear you idly saying, There is noth-ing I can do. There is not a sancti-fied soul in the universe but what God needs in actual soul saving work. Neither is there a sanctified soul who can retain this experience unless the whole object of life is to advance this great work. These perishable things of the world can only be han-dled to the extent that God gets all the profits. Otherwise it will be at the expense of your experience. Oh may there be a mighty effort on the part of all, to send and carry the glo-rious gospel to every city of the globe before the coming of Jesus. On our way from Denver we stop-ped at Mahaska., Kan., where we held two meetings then resumed our jour-ney. On Saturday morning, May 6, we reached Albany Ill., where we met our dear parents, brother and sisters. Next day we met in wor-ship with the dear saints at Cedar Creek. Are at present spending a few days with wife's parents at this*- place. Yesterday May 14, met with the saints at Fair Haven in the new meeting house lately built at that place. The blessed approval of God is upon us, and we have the victory both soul and body. Praise the dear Lord! If it be his will we hope to greet many of God's elect at the Grand Junction camp meeting. Ex-pect to return to our distant field of labor in a few months as God directs. Your humble brother and sister, separated unto the gospel, J. W. & J. Byers. OBITUARM. Mary Vogt, was born in Weiden-berg, Germany, Feb. 14, 186o. Died in Benton Tp., Paulding Co., O., May 6, 1893. Aged 33 yrs., 2 mo. and 22 days. The deceased was married to Christian Vogt, Oct. ir, 1876, and came to America in company with her hus-band and parents in the year 1880. \ Alas the mother of eight children, seven of which, together with her hus-band, survive her. I learned nothing of her life. I only remember having met her and husband once in a meet-ing near Payne, in which they were both much affected and pleased with the truth. May God bless the be-reaved husband and children, and bring them to Christ. Amen. Fun-eral services by the writer. J. N. Howard. Dear Sister Spidle died at her home near East Jordan, May 12,1893; aged thirty- eight years, nine months and thirteen days. Sister Spidle was one among the first to receive the evening light in this vicinity. She kept the faith and trusted in God to the last. She bore her long sickness ( which was consumption ) with pa-tience, having a glorious hope of meeting her dear Savior, and her three dear children who had gone be-fore. She leaves a husband and three dear children to mourn the loss of a dear companion and mother's tender sympathy and care. May God who has promised to be a husband/ to the widow and father to . the fatherless, bind their hearts to him and lead them heavenward till they all meet around the great white throne to praise him through all eternity. Fun-eral services by the writer, Allie_ R. Fisher. ARKANSAS CITY, KAN., May 15, 1893. Little Willie, beloved son of Bro. Ed and Sister Emma Parker, depart-ed this life on April 1, 1893. He was eight years of age, the oldest of three - children. and was the pet of all who knew him. The circumstances at-tending his death were exceptionally sad, he being kicked on the face by a horse, five days previous. The fun-eral services were conducted by J.- J. Broadbent, and the remains were laid to rest in the Hope cemetery to a-wait the resurrection morn. Lillie M. Bowers. never be found doing so any more. T. A. Phillips. ARKANSAS CITY, KAN. May 15, 1893. To ALL THE DEAR SAINTS: God bless you all. Our last report was from Hope, Kan. Since then we mtt the church at Akron. God gave us a precious meeting. Five were bur-ied with Christ in baptism. We then came to this place. God gave us a good meeting with the church here. Six were baptized. The work is moving right on. Steps are being taken here for a general western camp meeting in Arkansas City, in Sept. or Oct The saints at this place have found a good plan to spread the truth. They put up a box in the post office and put the literature in there free. I received a roll of Trum-pets since L came here. I put them in the box and they were gone in a short time. I will just drop a few words of my experience. For some reason God permitted me to be very hoarse in my throat all winter, and it was a hard trial. And I did not get rid of it till I just brbke right down and told God it must be removed; and thanks be to God, he healed me. Praise the Lord! It was for a good purpose. I can testify this day be-fore God I am filled with his mighty power. Praise- God! We cannot meet as many of the churches as we thought, before the camp meeting. The time is flying. Your brother, -- ■ 11111,411*".-- YE ShAlL KNOW TITFOSI BY THEIR FRUITS. GrCISIDMIJ rITZT_ TIVEIDMa lin him. The word says that if we are - afflicted, let us pray, and if we are r sick, call on the elders of the church. Dear saints, call on God to heal your big diseases as well as your little ones. If you go to him with your light af-flictions, why not go to him with your - larger ones? Be willing that he may t be glorified through your bodies which are his. Read his precious word. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits; - who for-giveth all thine iniquities, who heal- ! eth - all thy diseases! M. y prayer is I that I may be true to Jesus, trusting I in him for all things, for he is a help in every time of need. Pray for me. Your sister in Christ, Julia Austin. SWEETSER, IND. To ALL THE DEAR SAINTS OF GOD, GREETING: I feel led this morning to write my testimony and tell what won-derful things the Lord has done for me. Praise God, he saves me from all sin and every thing of the devil, and has healed my body of heart! trouble and rheumatism. • I was sick for one year and tried the best phy- 1 sicians that I . cOuld get, but they could not cure me, a nd I tnried thde mine ral well, but that was just the same and; did no good, only for a few days. Dur-ing that time there were two passages of scripture continually in my mind. The first one was: " If in this life onlyi we have hope we are of all men mostl miserable." I was miserable without God and hope in the world. - The other one was where the apostle says, 1 " I reckon that the sufferings of this' present life are not worthy to be com-pared with the joy that shall be re- I vealed in us " Oh what joy I have in my soul this; morning-, perfect peace. Glory to God! 1 No tongue can tell all the sufferings' that I had, and about the middle on December I told my family that I had I never suffered so much during my1 sickness and between ten and eleven o'clock that forenoon somethingl seemed to say, " The great Physician I now is near,'' and I arose from myl bed and have never had heart trou-ble since that time. I threw away my medicine, and tobacco, coffee and whiskey that I used to keep up the; action of my heart. And I commenced1 going to meeting and it was very 1 cold weather and had to rick five miles. Then the people said I was cra-zy and would die, but glory to God, I am healed and give God all the praise, I and he has raised me up to sit to-gether in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. He has placed my feet on the solid Rock. Oh who would not trust such a Physician? My prayers to God is that he will keep all the little ones faithful, and pray for me that I may sink deeper in the will of God, and when the chief Shepherd shall appear ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. Your saved brother in Christ, read-y to be - revealed in the last time, A. C. Hoover. HEDGES, 0. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: This Lord's day finds us praising God for this glorious salvation that sets us free. It is raining, and God's little flock is so scattered through the country we cannot get together to give in our testimonies, but praise the Lord, we can give them in at home, and send to God's messenger ( the Trumpet) and the most of the family will hear them. Glory be to Jesus! We are not bound down with chains of sectism any longer. My ex-perience while I was in the M. E. sect was built up on pride, jealousy, hat-red, and every thing else that was suited for Satan's kingdom. I was class leader to the glory of Satan, for the devil led me, and I led the class. Dear ones, you may judge the way they were led, for it was the blind leading the blind, and all fell into the ditch. Oh how the word of God is trampled, and ground beneath the feet of just such leaders! It was - on-ly the duties that were enjoined upon me that prompted me to attend the meetings; and the duties_ were en-joined upon me by man, and not God, and soon we all wandered away ( there SECRECY vs ANTI- SECRECY. 0 prove that " Secret Societies" are of the devil and must end with him, I submit to the lover of truth the following arguments: I. The scriptures represent Jesus Christ alone, as the foundation and source of salvation, and condemns ev-ery other system ( human) of relig-ion which proposes to save men on other terms than those laid down in the gospel. See Acts 4: 12; 16: s3; Gal. I: 9. That secret socitits are a A. TT I CA, K. DEAR SAINTS: My testimony is all for Jesus this morning. Bless his holy name! I am trusting him for all things. He is my all in all. Oh I am so glad I have found this blessed way of salvation. I can not find words to express my thanks to God for his goodness toward me. Praise his ho-ly name! Pray for me that I be faith-ful till Jesus comes. Amen. Your sister in Christ, A. E. Apple. HUME, ILL. DEAR FRIENDS: I received the book on Divine Healing in good condition and am well pleased with the book. I love to read the testimonies of per-sons that have been healed of bodily afflictions. I also love to read of so many being so wonderfully saved. I have some Trumpets sent to me by my sister. I love to read them and often shed tears when I look back upon my past life and see that I have not lived as I should; it fills my heart with sorrow. I read my Bible an l pray, but it seems as though every thing is against me. I ask the dea saints of God to pray for me, that God will give me faith to grasp the prec-ious promises that are in his word, and be adopted into the family of God. I do want to be a good Chris tian. Dear saints, pray for me, tha I may receive pardon for my sins. Your friend in need, M. E. Williams. CHESHIRE, MICH. I . feel it would glorify God for me to write my testimony. I am saved and sanctified, trusting in God for al things. He has healed me soul and body. Oh how I do rejoice to think I took him at his word in spite of all opposing- elements, for I find him a present help in all kinds of trouble. Pray for me and mine. Jessie Sikn- 1er. HOUSTON, MO. DEAR SAINTS: This Sabbath even-ing finds me saved and sanctified to the sweet will of God. Praise God for victory over the devil! Would be glad for any true holiness mini ter to come into our midst. The blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin. Your brother in Christ, John Stage. JENSON, MICH. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: How easy I can write my first testimony, since Jesus has washed me whiter than snow. May our Father in heaven ever keep me saved. May all of the dear saints pray for me that I may always 1572.1k in the light. Praises be to Jesus! Amen. Your brother saved in Jesus, Frank T. June. TOQUIN, MICH. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: May the blessings of God. rest down upon you all. It has been some time since I wrote my testimony. Well praise God, I can say I am saved and sanc-tified just now. I have been badly afflicted with heart disease since last December. At times it would be al-most impossible to breathe. But pi aise our God, in a meeting held at our house, dear Bro. Dillon laid on hands for my healing and glory to God the work was done. I have felt all right ever since. Your brother in Christ, saved and ready to do God's will, A. H. Coon. CENTRALIA, MISS. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony to all the, dear saints of God. I know that the Lord saves and sanctifies me wholly just now. Praise his holy name! He saves me from all the evil of this world. I praise God for his precious word he gives us. It is a lamp to my feet to guide mme through this dark world of sin. I ask the saints of God to pray for me. We had a very precious ordinance meeting last night at High Hill school house. Fourteen took part. Our souls were made happy in obeying the commands of Jesus. The brethren and sisters seemed to be very humble in this act of obedience, and God blessed our souls. Let all the saints of God pray for the work of the Lord here in the South. Your brother in Christ, F. M. Williamson. . punheth himself even as he is pure. Praise God for the privilege of being as he is! I praise him too that I have been able, by his grace, to walk out I on his precious promises, and to trust was no fall for there . was nothing to Jail from) and finally a few of us drifted into supposed- to- be holiness, land seemingly God was in our meet- Iings, but we needed so much Warm- ! ing up to find any salvation, that our asd sdtaargkgneersi sn ;
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
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title The Gospel Trumpet - 13:21
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 13:21
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 13:21
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 13:21
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 13:21
title_sort gospel trumpet - 13:21
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1893
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The Altar
Cedar Creek
The Lodge
Van Buren
Fair Haven
The Slot
geographic_facet Austin
The Altar
Cedar Creek
The Lodge
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Fair Haven
The Slot
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op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
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spelling 2023-05-15T18:48:02+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 13:21 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1893-05-25 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 13 21 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1893 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:03:49Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 The Lord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds. Zech. 9: 14. ' GQSPEL And he said sCharTllye hde t; ahn ilo assuaset? o iet d Ahma ah ndetedty s gWiItni enahga* na lr etsom twshlele. ee, rs.* be cut oir on this twhseili lsdl hoboesar_ r liialrecn_ tcolT gecht- oaaiosr ectdonticrantte hghror , it itstlog aoi stnithte l. t ethI; a• aeattilaul 4' eob. a ear war, from one end of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the lig tree; When hie branch ie yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when yilshall see all these things, kaom that it is near, even at the doors. Matta: 31- 33. And he shall send his angels with a great I To. There is a sec- wand of atrumpstand they than gethertogeth- lond search,- I s i s et his elect from th f IRUMP. NT, Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, May 25, 1898. Volume 18, No. 21. LEGEND OF HIRAM ABIFF. I. There is a val-uable possession.- Hiram possesses the Master's Word. 2. There is a con-spiracy. - F if teen fellow crafts con-spire against Hiram. 3. There is a con-flict.- Three ruffians attack Hiram Abiff at high twelve. 4. There is a d eat h.- Hiram is slain by Jubelum. S. This death is by the hand of a broth-er.- Hiram is slain by his brother Jube-lum. 6. The body is buried at the foot of a tamarind of acca-cia tree. 7 There is a first search.- Twelve fel-low crafts search for the ruffians. 8. They interro-gate every one whom they meet. 9. This search is accidentally success-ful.- The ruffians are found in the clefts of the rock and are dis-posed of. E may as well ask, Has the word of God become of none effect? or has God lost his power in-somuch that he cannot fulfill his prom-ises? Professing Christians of to day are to be found in great numbers, who say the day of healing is past; it was for the apostles but not for us. But they fail to give us a " thus saith the Lord," for such a belief. Not one passage of scripture can be given to show that these promises were ever repealed, and that those who obey God have no right to claim them and be healed now. If we limit the heal-ing power to the time of the apostles, and say it stopped there, then we must say the same regarding the sal-vation of the soul, for his word - gives no more evidence of one having been done away, than it does the other. Christ in giving his commission to the apostles said to them," Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned; and these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues: they shall take up ser-pents: and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick-, and they shall recover."- Mark 16: 15- 18. Who shall lay hands on the sick? " Them that Eilieve," shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Thank the Lord! We are of those who believe, consequvitly that prom-ise is for us, and is for God's obedi-ent children of to day. In James 5: 13- 15 we not only have a promise but directions which is our duty to obey. " Is any 5. mong you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry let him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anoint-ing him with oil in the name of the Lord: - and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and ' the Lord shall raise him up." Because these things have been practiced but very little for the last few centuries does not change the Word of God in the least. Even if We knew of no cases of healing in these days, the Word would stand just the same, ready to be complied with, and followed by " these signs." The great trouble is with the people, and not with Ghd; unbelief has found its way into their hearts, and false teachers have gone forth declaring the day of miracles past, and that . G°_ d - does not heal people of their k 1 whatever of interest about it. This le-gend, as it is sometimes called, " The Legend of the Temple Builder" is known also as " the Legend of the Third Degree." Symbolism of Free Masonry, page 228 we read, " The most important and significant of the Legendary symbols of Free Masonry is undoubtedly that which relates to the fate of Hiram Abiff commonly called, by way of excellence the Le-gend of the Third Degree." This legend is considered of so much importance that no changes are allowed to be made in its arrange-ment. As before stated it is the very pith of Masonry. Sickles says, " The ceremony is old-er by a thousand years than the age of Solomon. There are characters im-pressed upon it which cannot be mis-taken. IT IS THOROUGHLY EGYPTIAN. This fact openly acknowledged by Masonic writers who are everywhere acknowledged as the very best author-ity,, me have a basis for proving what weave learned within the lodge. As ' before stated, for the benefit of those folks who think Masonry cannot be demonstrated to the world, we say that the written text books, dictionaries, lexicons, traditions, hand books, etc., by such men as Mackey, Morris, Pierson, Sick-les, and others have placed all themys-teries of Masonry where every one of them can be opened up to the eyes of the uninitiated. When these arti-cles were being contemplated, there was much doubt in our mind as to how many of the statements to be made were to be proven. But we find that God has compelled the beast to give up the two legs he held in his mouth, and that l fe has said, " There is noth-ing secret that shall- not be made manifest." So that even the Mason whom they profess to have perjured himself, can use their own Grand Masters to pull down the Masonic fabric. God has placed in our hands a vast amount of help and it shall be used. Now for the Legends of Osiris and Hiram, the reader will compare the numbered paragraphs with those of the Legend to follow as we quote the principal points. The following classification will be found in a work entitled " The Master's Carpet," by Edmond Ronayne, and for sale by Ezra Cook Pub. Co. of Chicago. Price 75 cents. Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliv-er every man his soul: be not cat off in her iniquity; for this is the tiros of the Lord's ven-geance; he will render unto her a recompence. . kad the land shall tremble and oorrow: for every purpose of the Lord thall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without at inhabitant. hr. 51; 6, O. diseases now, by the means set for in his word, as he did in ancient time But such persons fail to - give on Scripture to prove that such is th case. As long as God has any obedie children upon earth it will be the privilege to call upon him, and a cording to the promises given in h word, be healed of their disease and not one passage of scripture ca - be found in the Bible to the contra ry, or showing that these promise have been recalled. It would the be according to reason and logic t conclude that they are still in vogue even if no one had the faith to clai them: but notwithstanding the un belief of the masses of people, th true children of God have begun t realize the truth of his word, in spit of false teachers, and discern the bo_ d of Christ ( the church), worshipin God in the beauty of holiness; exer cising the gifts which Paul said " Coy et earnestly." Let us see if there is any more ev idence that we have the right to per form miracles in these days, in the name of Jesus, and to follow the teachings of his word. Hear the words of Jesus: " \ ierily, verily,, I say unto you, He that believeth on me the works that I do, shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name I will do it."- Jno. 14: 12- 14. Now these promises are to " He that believeth." A man once told me that he did not believe in divine healing in these days; it was for the apostles and not for us. Said I, You believe the Bible do you not? Oh, yes, every word of it, he remarked. Then what about such scriptures as these: " If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you."- I no. 15: 7. " If two of you shall agree on earth as touch-ing anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven."- Matt. 18: 19. Now suppose we are abiding in Christ, and should ask him to heal some one who is sick; would he not, according to his word, be under obligations to answer the prayer by doing the work, if we have faith in him? If that does not refer to our times, and these promises are not for us, then the Bi-ble is a dead letter to us, and we may just as well throw the whole thing away. He was then refered to the case of his daughter with whom he had been visiting, who had been lying upon her bed for a week, very sick, and in an almost helpless condition; and a few days previous to our conyersation, through prayer ane by the laying on of hands, she was instantly healed, insomuch that she arose from her bed and immediately walked, praising God, and was healed of all disease from that moment, and received much strength to her body; yet it was several days before her strength was completely renewed and because of this, her father doubted her heal-jug. In order to substantiate his doubts he referred to another person for whom prayer had been offered, who was very near death's door, and because the afflicted one was not in-stantly restored to his normal strength, _ and new flesh put upon his bones, this man remarled that Christ never did his work by halves in that way, and never made but one job of anything. To this statement he was referred to the healing of the blind man. ( Mar 8: 22- 26.) Christ took the blind ma by the hand, and led him out of th town; and when'he had spit on hi eyes, and put his hands upon him, h asked him if he saw aught. And h looked up and said, I see men a trees, walking. After that he put his hands agai upon his eyes, and made him look up and he was restored, and saw ever man clearly. Also when the noble man came to Christ to have his chil healed ( Jno. 4: 46- 54), Christ seem his saith, said unto him, " Go thy way thy son liveth." And from thavt ery hour the child began to amend. Tha does not intimate that the child wa raised up at that hour, or that an abundance of strength was given, and new flesh put upon its bones, but simply states that it began to amend at that hour; that is, the ' disease was rebuked, and from that time it be-gan to get better. The Pharisees of old would not be-lieve. even when Christ himself stood before them and performed miracles in their sight; just so at the present time, people refuse to believe the truth when presented in all its purity; refuse to acknowledge the miraculous works of the Lord when they are eye- witnesses to the performance. Such denials and unbelief do not give the least evidence that the day of healing is past.-- 0 what a faith-less people! who trjr to limit the pow-er of God, and overthrow the faith of others. We are exhorted to " earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." " Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all."- Psa. 34: 19. It is true that these bOdies mustsoon-er or later return to mother dust, for " it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."- Heb. 9: 27. Yet, even this death may be stayed, through prayer and faith, for a number of years. ( See 2 Kings 20: 6.) ( I Kings 3: 14.) Many cry unto the Lord in their afflictions, but on account of vanity and pride are not heard, - while others are humble, yet are afraid to exercise faith be-cause they cannot see the results first. They who walk only by sight do not walk by faith, because faith reaches beyond human vision and firmly grasps things unseen. Selected from Divine Healing Di Soul and Body. A.--•-• 111 HIRAM ABUT vs OSIRIS OF EGYPT. Sickles, " IT IS THORUOGHLY EGYPTIAN. Osiris and Baal are identical, and the only change the Masons have made is to call him another name, Hiram Abiff. The legends both simply rep-resent the conflict supposed to be go-ing on between day and night, light and darkness. Baal Osiris or the sun god of nature, reviving vegetable life in the slimmer or day, and being destroyed i. e. overpowered by win-ter or night. This then is the Mason's god, na-ture or the G. A. 0. T. U. ( Gran Architect of the Universe.) As the Phallus was the life- giving principle and was lost, " so the ( head or light) the life- giving prin-ciple of the sun is lost in winter or ' night. Hence in the modern Mason-ic work and in the ancient mystery we have a great deal of mummery and mystery with promises of fur-ther light, until the poor victim of Masonic fraud and cheek is thor-oughly inculcated with idolatrous worship of the creature, and most-surely forgetting the Creator. So the Master's word was the im-portant point or object to be attained, and as it was lost ( as far as Master Masons were concerned) a substitute was manufactured. The symbolical idea being maintained through the various types until the ignorant Ma-son actually believes lie has found a wonderful world of heretofore un-discovered truths. People love to be humbugged and Satan is a master hand at that class of work. What more need be said? Can any one doubt now as to the origin of the or-der, that as a certain ' Grand Mas-ter" tells us " It is thoroughly Egyp-tian?" Thus we have clearly demonstrated the fact that the order is not only . of heathen origin, but heathenish in practice. At the least calculation I am lea to think so, as I recall the several cold nights when I was stand-ing three- fourths unclothed, waiting at the door to be regularly initiated into the various degrees with my teeth fairly chattering. That however failed to wake me up to a realizing sense of where I was. Like thous-ands of others, I foolishly supposed that was the only place where light could, be had, and so was blinded, re-ceiving a delusion because I was not willing to stop and see the abomin-able farce as it actually was. Thous-ands of men to day would leave the order forever did not they vainly seek for light, hoping some day to receive light which Masonry informs them is just ahead, and so robs them while they pursue an object never attained. Christ offers more in one sentence than Masonry ever can offer, and just so long as Masons reject the One who said, " I am the light of the world" they will never meet satisfaction nor light. There is no need here to give a de-tail of secrets, signs, words, etc., but only just enough to show what the order is, and what it is doing. These articles on Masonry, of which this is the sixth are to the best of my knowledge and ability a fair presen-tation of the subject of Masonry in a brief form. No Mason will deny the truth of the same in his heart even should he do so with his lips. There-fore praising God for strength and courage to do this work, and holding in readiness for more should the Lord ask it, I remain your saved brother, Fred Husted. PRAYER. Behold upon the lonely mount The Son of God in prayer LO I all night long his knees were bent, All night He wrestled ther( a. Cho.- Then my brethren, let us live Upon the mount of prayer, Our soul and body ever give, In Father's loving care. 0 pray my brethren, watch and pray, pray much and every where; Pray holy sisters, night and day, All breathe the breath of prayer. The twelve apostles lived alone To sing and preach and pray; In blest communion with the throne They taught us all the way. When lion's teeth and furnace flame Were" threatened Daniel's band, They gave themselves to prayer the same And turned the king's command. And all the hosts of God o'ercame By mighty faith and prayer. - If we with Christ and them would reign We must their armor wear. The prayer of faith will reaCh the throne, And make all devils flee, Will melt the sinner's heart of stone, , And set the captive free. Prayer is the soul's triumphant wings, - The hand that takes the crown. Along the line tl? at prayer ascends, God streams his blessings down. D. S. W. IS THE DAY OF HE. ALING PAST? THE LEGEND OF OSIRIS.- T. There is a pos-session of some val-uable thing.- Osiris possessed a king-dom. 2. There is a con-spiracy.- Typhon and his fellows con-spife against Osiris. 3. There is a con-flict.-- Typhon and h i s fellows had a conflict with Osiris. 4. There is a death.-- Osiris is slain, and enclosed in a chest. 5. The death is by the hand of a broth-er.--- Osiris is slain by his brother Typhon. 6. The body is buried at the foot of a tamarind tree. 7. There is a first search.- Isis search-es for her husband's body. 8. Sheinterro-gatesevery one whom she meets. 9. She is a1 syuccessful,- Isis finds the body and disposes of it. th S. nt ir c-is S; - S - e • HE identity of Masonry and the ancient mysteries has been es-tablished by former papers, and in connection with the proofs furnished by the highest Masonic authority, that they are one and the same, we propose to show some wonderful similarities from which all • men and Masons will be allowed to draw their own conclusion, remembering that God holds us responsible for all the light that he gives us. Traditions of Free Masonry page 159. " The legend and traditions of Hiram Abiff, form the consummation of the connect-ing link between Free Masonry, and the ancient mysteries." Page 240 we ' read, " We readily recognize in Hiram Abiff the Osiris of the Egyptians, etc." Free Mason's Guide, by D. Sickles, page 236, we read Osiris and Tyrian Architect- i. e. Hiram Abiff - are one and the same. Masonry without the Legend of Hiram Abiff would cease to exist; in fact without this tragedy there would be nothing 13. There is a sub-stitution.- I sis sub-stitutes the Phallus for the missing part. searches for the scattered remnants of the body of Osi-ris a second time. . There is a fin d-ing.- Isis finds a I I the parts of the body but one. 12. There is a loss.- One part o f the body is missing. To. There is a sec-ond search.- Three fellow crafts go in search of the body. H. There is a find-ing.- The body is found in a grave dug one east and west. 12. There is a loss. - The Master's Word is lost. 13. There is asub-stitution.- The first word spoken after the body is raised ( Mali ha bone) is substituted. Now we see the origin of the Ma-sonic Legend clearly and can say with THE GOSPEL TRUMPET A NVERTTLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. Sent forth hi the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the Publication of full Salvation, and DivUinneit yH oefa lainllg t roufe t Cheh rBisotdiayn. sThe • in " the faith once de-- livesraeidn ttso." the Published at Gun- nrcnor, D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. 1VIICHELS — Publishers. TERMS, $ 7.00 a year in aduance. Free to the poor. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. NOTICE. All business communications, moneys, & c. must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be re-sponsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper. aff- Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularl y of their address. NOTICE. How to Send Money. — Remit by Post Office Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change of Address.— Subscribers wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to give their former. as well as their new address. Missing Papers- .— It occasionally happens that numbers of our papers sent to our sub-scribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive yours when due, after wait-ing a sufficient length of time, write us a card; and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at anytime, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand junction, Mich. BOOKS and TRACTS. TOBACCO AS AN EVIL. Per hundred, 10 cts. Why are you not a cuRismiAx? Per hund. 10 e. MARISLAGE A. ND DIVORCE. 32 pages, 5 eta. A TRACT ON THE TRUE CHURCH. It con-tains 50 pages, Price 10 eta. Per dozen, 80 eta. A TRACT ON THE SABBATH, OR WHICH DAY TO KEEP. Contains 65 pages, 10 cts. each. The Age to Come and Millennium Tradition Refut-ed by the Inspired Word of Go& 56 pages, 10 cts. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE CHURCH. A tract containing 32 pages, 1 cent each. The Grea. t Vobacco It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. Must we Bin7 A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 Ms. Per dozen, 20 cts. Per hundred, $ 1.50. The Ordinances of the New Testament. hsw TRACT, BY WM. G. SCHELL. Setting forth the ordinances of the scriptures in clear light, showing which are abolished, and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 45 eta. The Ordinance of Feet Washing. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a re-view of a tract written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ. It contains 81 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 ets. $ 1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Watkinsville, Miss. or from this office. The Bible Readings, Bible readings or references on about 1e0 subjects. Price 75 eta. each. Holtess Bible Zubjects, BY H. C. WICKERSHAM. A book containing MO subjects with scriptures, concord-ance, definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church. its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming of the evening light. Illustrated, 376 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy $ 1.00. Six or more 80 cents each. Par this book, Addregg, H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind., or Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. Anthems from the Throne. This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music. About an new. When sung in the spirit of God these songs wit. be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth. and the gospel standard of salvation. Send in your orders for Anthems from the Throne and' start the songs of praise anew. PRICE./ Cloth 0ge. 5.300 Per dozen 83.00. & $ 4.8C OF aa- id Body. THE GRAND JUNCTION CAMP METING. The Lord willing, this camp meet-ing will be held one mile nOrth of this place June 9- 18. All who are interested in salvation work are in-vited to attend. We are expecting this to be one of the most glorious meetings held in these last days. Let there be much fasting and prayer a-mong the anointed of the Lord ev-ery where in behalf of the meeting. Already, at this e early date, hungry A NEW BOOK. MAR* KS WORD. For who bath stood in the council of the Lord and bath 1:* e. f. ved and heard his - word?. Who hath marked his word and heard it? Ter. 23: 18. In prophecy the Lord Jesus is de-nominated Counsellor " In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Dear reader have you made him your counsellor? " That you might be filled with the knowl-edge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that ye might walk,. worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in , the knowl-edge of God." His counsel is his word, his law of holiness, as laid down in the holy scriptures, for " All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profita-ble for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righte-ousness: that the man of God, may be perfect, thoroughly fur-nished unto all good works. 2 Tim. 3: 16, 17. In order to stand in his counsel, we must counsel him, " com-mune with him from above the mercy seat," " search the scriptures" " study to show- thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." ' Wherefore be ye not un-wise but understanding what the will of the Lord is." This responsibility cannot be shift-ed by the young convert to the old-er Christian and from him to the deacon and from the deacon to the minister. God holds every one re-sponsible in this matter. Your life, your spiritual advancement, your use-fullness, etc. depends upon your ac-quaintance with God's word. God's book is not sowed broadcast in the land to be chained to the pulpit; studied and understood by preach-ers alone. Every babe in Christ and every sanctified person ought in a short time be more familiar with God's - word than most preachers. But this will not be accomplished by hearing one or two sermons a week or by going to one camp- meeting a year or reading one chapter every day: but by " delighting in the law of the Lord; and in his law meditat-ing day and night." Moreover brethren I declare un-to you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have receiv-ed and wherein ye stand, by which al-so ye are saved if ye keep in mem-ory what I preached unto you. Cor. 15: 1,2. Peter says," Yea I think it meet as long as I am in this taber-nacle to stir you up by putting you I in remembrance:" I Pet. i : 3. And again, " I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the- commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior." 2 Pet. 3: I, 2. God has promised to write his law in our hearts and minds. That is, the work of salvation chang-es oiur affections from the trashy things of this wicked word, and en-ables us to love his law or truth, and by his Spirit he enables us to under-stand and remember it. But if we are indolent and do not search his word, his promises will avail us noth-ing, we will drift on in ignorance leaning on every body but Jesus; be a drone sooner or later to be chased from among the diligent workers. What excuse is to be offered? One says, I have no time to read, search and meditate on God's word. What are you doing with your time? Sure-ly you cannot afford to lose your soul. For Jesus' sake lay aside every weight, rid your mind of trash and unnecessary buisness, and I am- sure you will have more time for God. Another says, My memory is so poor, I cannot recolleCt scripture to do any good,– What is the matter? They _ can remember other things; they know all about all the chit- chat of the day; they can tell you all a-bout the storms, cyclones, great dis-asters on R. R's, and murder cases. They can remember all the great poli-tical names since thewar, and know all about the World's Fair. And beside i all this, their minds are loaded down with cares, riches-, etc. Surely their minds are in bad condition and their memory poor regarding the word of God. Shame! shame! That is not the way of a Christian. If people starved their bodies like they do their souls, their friends would say they had lost their minds and certainly if we starve our souls ' we have lost the mind of Christ. We are not only to feast upon God's word to sustain life within the soul, but " be ready to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meek-ness and fear." How many profess_ ors turn away honest inquirers with, " I don't know," " I am not posted," and " I wish you could see Brother so and so and talk with him and he could give you light," and often gainsayers are exalted in their wick-edness when they find professors of holinesss unacquainted with God's word. But if we arealtlled with God's word and Spirit he will " give us mouth and wisdom that our adver-saries can neither gainsay nor resist." In all things shewing thyself a pat-tern of good works; in doctrine shew-ing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound of speech that cannot be con-condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, hav-ing no evil thing to say of you. Tit. 2: 7, 8. . Now hear Paul's instruction to Tim-othy; " Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine, neglect not the gift that is in thee which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the. presbytery, meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting May appear to all. Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them, for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee". I Tim. 4: 13- 16. Please notice the example as given by the apostles. " But we will give ourselves continually unto prayer and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6: 4. And when persecutions scattered the church at Jerusalem, they followed the apostles' example and " went every where preaching the word." Paul says, " Many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confi-dent by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.' Phil. I : 14. And to the Thessalon-ian brethren he said, " From you sounded out the word of the Lord." I Thess. 1: S. " And to the Roman brethren. And I myself also am persuaded of you my brethren, that ye also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to ad-monish one another." Rom. 15: 14. These scriptures show that the dis-ciples in apostolic times were diligent and studious in acquainting them-selves with God's, word. They mark-ed his word and heard it, their hearts and minds were filled with the word and soon they were able to admon-ish one another and to sound out the word of the Lord, speaking it boldly, therefore they became fruit-ful in the knowledge of the Lord Je-sus. God's word heard, understood and treasured up in good and honest hearts, is to them a source of un-known power. First, by sustaining life, like food to physical body. Second, it is a safe guard' against and discerner of, false teachers, false doctrines, anti- christ spirits, delusions, fanaticism etc. Third, God's word is the source of faith and knowledge; hence, faith and knowl-edge are increased in proportion to our acquaintance and exercise of the word, likewise all the graces are de-veloped and the believer becomes a power in God's hands for good. Neither Bible nor history records a single instance where any one ever attained to a great degree of useful-ness for God whd did not wholly de-vote themselves to the study of God's word and obedience to the same. Therefore the word of God thor-oughly furnishes the man of God un-to all good works. Fourth, God's word sustains the believer in every trial. God has made promises that meets the de-mand in every trial, but we must ac-quaint ourselves with his promises, or they will avail us nothing, but knowing them and believing them, God can verify them, and our every need is supplied . Therel ore if you wish to always conquer and reign as kings, mark his word. If you wish to glori-fy God by bearing much fruit, mark his word. If you desire success any way or every way, mark his word. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS NOT OTI1E11111SE RUM. Mrs. L. A. Smith, Iii. Heyd, Mrs. Jennie Big-ler, Ida Morton, Mary J. Sweeney, Margaret Bossa, J. N. Worden, Jennie Dunlap, S. P. Gil-ger, G. T. Clayton, Malinda Bradley, J. L. Green, Mrs. Ellen Boone, J. A. Taylor, E. H. Yuncker, Jno. N. Slagle, Julia Pales, Mollie Marten, W. C. Wollam, Thos. B. Deniston, Eliza A. Munson. Requests for Prayer. I want to ask all the saints to pray for me on the first Sunday in June, at 7 P. M., for the healing of my eyes. I can see just enough to get around, but cannot see to read. I believe the Lord can heal me so I can read his word. James McOuality. Would you please be so kind as to pray for me. I have been sick for years and have suffered every day. Mrs. Erickson, 1139 CHESTNUT ST., RACINE, WIS. - . PHOENIX, ARIZ. May TO, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN: I have been re-quested to ask the prayers of the saints for a lady in Kansas suffering with Catarrh of nine years duration, also lung trouble, causing cancer and general disorder and prostrating her completely, causing intense pain and anguish. Dear saints, pray earnestly for this poor woman on the 29th of May at 3 o'clock. Her address is Mrs. Mary I. Oliver, Virgil, Greenwood Co., Kan. Your brother in Christ, Arnold Smith. Calls For Meeting. J. L. Harris, Renfroe, Miss. makes a call for some true holiness preacher to come and present the gospel in its purity to the little church at that place. J. K. Osburn, Stottsville, Ark., sends a very earnest request for some holy man of God to come and preach the gospel at that place. Some true holiness ministers are desired to hold a meeting at Rural, Randolph Co., Ind. Many are anx-ious to hear the truth. A meeting house can be obtained. Address Levi Weimer. EDITORIAL NOTES. Come to the camp meeting an bring your friends with you. R. Cloe, Eubanks, Ky., writes that they desire a camp meeting at that place this fall. E. E. BYRUM.— BY follow* the instruction given in this book the SINNER will be enabled to find de-liverance from sin the BELIEVER reach the highest attainments of a Christian life, and the slot< and AFFLICTED be healed of their infirmities, and made well. It contains 248 pages. Cloth binding 75 cents. Paper cover 25 cents. PART I teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved. PART II gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. PART ITC consists of testimonies from those who have been healed M. these last days. A. German edition will soon be issued. Address all orders to the GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. CO., Grand Junction, Michigan. The new song book " Echoes from Glory," will be ready to send out in a few weeks. Price 5octs each. $ 5.00 per doz. Bro. Myers is holding a tabernacle meeting at Winters, Cal. and says their faith is claiming much from the Lord. May he grant them many souls for their hire. Bro. J. W. Means, of Los Angeles, Calif. has now gone to Arkansas to preach the truth, to the people. Brethren in that part of the country desiring meetings can address him at Frisco, Ark. Brethren traveling through Pitts-burg, Pa. will find a welcome at the home of J. T. Stowe, 5512 Clayborn St., East End, Pittsburg, Pa., three Miles from Union station; two squares from Roupe station. A man by the name of Daniel W. Parker, Velpen, Pike Co., Ind., writes that he is in distressing circumstances. As he is an entire stranger to us, we would suggest that some of the breth-ren living near, visit him and admin-ister unto his wants if he is worthy and in need. souls are coming, and yielding them-selves unto the Lord, and find great Joy and peace to their souls. We are believing for a wonderful harv-est of souls to be gathered into the garner of the Lord. Reduced rates have been applied for on the Michigan Central, and the Chicago ' and West Michigan R. R.' s. All who can, bring your tents and bedding and come prepared to stay during the whole meeting. Ar-rangements are being made to try to accommodate all who come. We al-so wish to make a request of breth-ren from other places who have lights suitable for camp or groves, if convenient bring them along, or send them; as many will be needed. THE BIBLICAL TRACE OF THE CHURCH. This book by Bro. W. G. Schell, is now being published at this office and we are expecting to have it ready for the bindery in about two weeks. In this work the author traces the church from her birth to the end of time; shows the difference between the true church and sectism. Part 1. is the" Morning Light Age, showing the church in its purity at the beginning of the Christian era. Part II. " The Papal Age," shows the apostasy, the origin and rise of sectism, measures Roman Catholo-cism, her doctrines, teachings and. works by the word of God. Part III. " The Protestant Age," gives just what many people are anx-ious to know, that is, an alphabetical list of the principal protestant denom-inations, with date of organization and name of the founder of the more prominent ones. Quotations are in-serted from some of their disciplines, showing their rules and teaching. Part IV. " The Evening Light Age," sets forth the condition of Zion in these last days, her escape from the bondage of sectism and God's judg-ments upon Babylon. Beautiful types are shown together with the antitypes. Many deep things of prophecy unveiled and presented in the light of the sacred word, some of which have before lain as hidden mysteries during past ages. The last chapter of the book is a dissertation on false teachers. A person will be greatly interested and much l5enefit-ted by reading this work. As it will contain more pages than was expected the price of the paper covered books will probably be 35 cents, instead of 30 cents, but all who send in their order with the cash, be-fore the book is published; will get it for 30 cents. Per doz. $ 2.70. Cloth 75 cents. It will pay you to have a good edition of this book in your li-brary. Orders received at this office. v.-- STEAMER TIME TABLE. For the benefit of those coming to the camp meeting from the south and west we give the time table of the H. W. Williams Transportation line from Chicago to South Haven. The name of the steamers are " The City of Kalamazoo" and " H. W. Williams." Leave O'Conn. er's dock, foot of Mich-igan St., North Side, Chicago, daily at II. 30 P. M. except Sunday, arriving at South Haven at 6.00 A. M. Returning, leaves South Haven at 9.00 P. M., daily, ' except Saturday. Fare, including berth, $ 1.00. South Haven is eleven miles' west of Grand Junction, on the Michigan Central R. R. Persons coming from Chicago, can come the whole distance for $ 1_. 3o and enjoy a nice ride across Lake Michigan. The fare from Chicago by railway is $ 3.85. • A.-- GROVE MEETING. = • A grove meeting near Spring Run, Pa., commencing after the Pa. camp meeting. We suggest Sept. 2d as the time. Other meetings are to follow this. Address Bro. D. C. Beltz, Sten-ger, Pa. will aid you to take a pencil or ink and mark in your Bible at the side of special verses or quotations, or underscore the lines. Every Chris-tian should have a good Bible, and in everY house there should be a com-plete concordance to the Holy script-tures to aid in the study of the word, and as quickly as possible learn to study the Bible by subjects. When you go to meeting take your Bible along. When you hear a Bible lesson, take it down on paper and study it. Avail yourself of every opportunity to - learn God's word. You will not learn too much nor learn it too well. Last but not least, be sure and be filled with the Spirit, for he is the teacher and as you search and en-quire of God to know his will, be-lieve that God will reveal his will to you: ask it for God's glory and for your good, and you will not be disap-pointed. If the dear ones will follow these admonitions, the ministers will not be called - so frequent to waste their labors on old burnt- over places. They can spend their tiine in giving the word to those who have not yet heard it, and the places that are com-monly known as burnt districts and deserts, will blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it— they shall see the glory of the Lord and the excellency of our God.; --- Isa. 35: 2. This is undoubtedly the most rapid way of spreading the gospel that their is. Then for Jesus' sake observe it. Get filled with his word and it will sound out and not return void, but accomplish whereunto it is sent. In your memory and in your heart mark his word and hear it. Geo. L. Cole. There are those who have been claiming to be watchmen on the walls of Zion for many years, who ought to be able to declare the whole coun-sel of God; to whom he has given strong minds and blessed with good opportunities; yet we often find them teaching for doctrines the command-ments of men. Matt. 15: 8, 9; Mark 7: 7,8; 2Tim. 3: 1- 5. How plain this scriptuie is fulfilled in our day, and by reading 2 John 9: fi we can learn what is God's will for us to do concerning them. Oh! the deplorable condition of many who Claim to be true followers of the Lord. But we know the tree by its fruits, therefore every one can know just where people are living. If they are doing the will of God every day, they will be as a lighted candle which giv-eth light to all that are in the house. But if they are living in sin, God say sin I ' On 4: 8 that they are of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the begin-ning. It does not make any difference what our profession may be, we can-not deceive people very easily after all if they will acquaint themselves with the Bible, and most assuredly we cannot deceive God. Dear people, can you not see that as a mass, that there is a great deal more zeal for the different sects than there is manifest for the salvation of the world ? or for the cause of God? Oh, that God may burden the hearts of his true children with the worth of precious souls to the extent that they may lose sight of self and become willing to go and be the means in the hands of God of doing all that is pos-sible for them to do to rescue poor perishing sinners! The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few. Hannah Oldacre. Your brother, washed in the prec-ious blood of Jesus, and consecrated to his service, Ghost teacheth, who also had beei in the ministry in Babylon, for abou twenty: years more or less but were en dowed with the Holy Ghost and had come out of her. We continued fo space of about three and a half weeks We found it very difficult to get peo pie to give heed to the truth. Ou meetings were held twice each day and only on Sunday afternoons could we get more than eight or nine to-gether to give them a Bible reading, the Salvation Army people compos-ing the most of that number. The readings and subjects were in demon-stration of the_ Spirit and power of the Holy Ghost On account of the prejudice of the people we were un-able to report any visible good, though we went on the street and preached to the people almost every evening. Two weeks ago to day we came to this place with tents. We find here as elsewhere the prejudices of the people are so strongly against plain simple Bible truth that it is al-most impossible to get a hearing. They are so indoctrinated in Babylon confusion that they think there is no salvation outside of her, when the awful truth is there is no salvation inside of her, and I do positively af-firm that there is no genuine saving truth emanating from the pulpits of the sects to day. But somebody says, How do you know? I say, I know the truth when I hear it, and I often go in to hear them tell their lies, and some of them are so intolerable that it is_ althost impossible to sit still and listen to them. Since we came here there has been or is, some three or four who have become interested in holiness and are seeking the experi-ence. One man of a family is seek-ing pardon. 0 dear friends, pray for us and them, , that they may find speedily, the pearl of great price, and that the dear Lord may be able to use us to the salvation of many precious and immortal souls. God bless you all for Jesus' sake. Amen. Yours and Christs, Martin Myers. There are doubtless a great multi-tude of people to ( lay in the world, who are claiming to be Christians, who are failing to read the wordof God as they should do, and thereby be-come wise unto salvation. It seems as though they think that they are gett-ing on all right if they have their name on some class book and attend meet-ing on Sundays, when the wea ther is very pleasant, and have something very nice to wear and everything goes just right. They seem to enjoy the ser-mon very well if it is not too long and the preacher does not say anything about it being contrary to the word of God for people to wear everything or anything that the worldly- minded may get up, nor say anything about the use of tobacco being wrong. But if the alwise God leads the humble minister to read and comment on I Tim. 2: 9,10, which reads as follows: In like manner also, that women a-dorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold or pearls, or costly array; but ( which be-cometh women professing godliness) with good works. Or I Pet. 3- 5, Whose adorning, let it not be the outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold or putting on of ap-parel; but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not cor-ruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For aft-er this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjec-tion unto their own husbands. Tit. 2: 1- 8. Some will get very tired of hearing such scriptures, and even get up and leave the house and perhaps call the faithful man of God, who is warning them of their danger, an old crazy crank. This is surely the condition of things in this part of the world. And now I appeal to every honest heart, into whose hands this may fall, to ask yourselves if it is not true to a greater or less extent in your ac-quaintance; and if you find by retro-specting your past life. that you have been guilty on this point or at any other point, fall down before God in earnest prayer and ask his pardon, and by the assistance of his grace NeAsvs from the Field. STENGER, FRANKLIN CO., PA., May 16, 1893. DEAR SAINTS, GREETING: I am still saved and doing all the will of God as far as I know it. I came here east of the mountains two weeks ago. Af-ter holding meetings here a few dd. ys we went to Amberson valley, between Tuskarora and Blue moun-tains, where we continued one week with good interest, and eight conse-crated. We returned to thiS place. We have been holding meetings since on last Lord's day. Five were buried with Christ by baptism. We expect to go to Mt Union, Pa. to-morrow to hold a few meetings. Your humble saved brother, G. T. Clayton. DIME, PA. SHERIDAN, OK., May 1, 1893. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: We are well and gloriously saved and kept. Amen. We closed a precious meet-ing last week of three weeks dura-tion. A number of dear souls saved, and part of them went on to perfec-tion. Five were baptized. The sect spirit got wonderfully stirred, but God is managing his own affairs glorious-ly. We commenced another meet-ing the 7th, three miles east. Good congregations, and interest increas-ing. God is sending his word with power. Pray much for us and God's work in these parts. Holiness or the evening light, has never been preached where we are holding meet-ing now. Yours in the bonds of perfectness, M. & G. L. Cole & Co. CORNELL, NEB., May 16, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN IN CHRIST: God bless you and keep you in the love and fellowship of the Gospel. I praise our King for his great love and wonderful salvation. We began meeting at this place, Sat. eve, the i3th; found the saints joyful in their King. Many are under conviction. Three raised their hands last night for prayer. Pray for the work here. There were four saved in the meet-ing at Atwood, Kan. And the truth won many friends, and we believe more will follow. We will return there next Sunday to baptize their)., the Lord willing. Pray for ' us and the work here in the west. James Willis. VISALIA, CAL., May 14, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We are truly glad to report victory all the way along this work. The interest deep-ens and widens, and souls are being saVed in every meeting. Seven at the altar last night. Our street meet-ngs are glorious and full of the pow-er of God, drawing large masses of people, and the devil howls and trem-bles under the mighty power of God that comes against him. Meeting lasted until half past deven at night. Three were saved after meeting broke up. Truly the Lord is mighty to save, and did save some hard cases. There are some persons that are at-tending meetings from a distance, and a very deep interest is manifest-ed by the people. We have a good band of workers, and God is using us to his glory. Amen. Some are camp-ing on the grounds, and others will come to us soon from the mountains. Twenty- seven workers on the street last night. Yours in the work of the Lord, A. B. Davis, Sister Zumwalt, J. J. Bentley & wife. f WINTERS, CALM., ay 17, 1893. ) EAR SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH: I feel moved by the blessed Holy Spirit to write a few lines to you this morning concerning myself and the work in this place. This morning as also in times past I feel the Spirit of the Lord working in me mightily to the enlightening of my understand-ing according to the precious word of God, of the , conditiori of men and women in this day and age of the world, and of tire fallen condition of Babylon and the necessity of the saints fleeing out of her that they be not partakers of her sins, and that they receive not of her plagues, etc. — Rev. 18: 4. A little over ten years ago the dear Lord showed me the necessity of coming out, so I asked my pastor of the M. E. sect to just mark opposite my name " With-drawn," not even asking a letter. And I am glad this morning that I did just as I did on that occasion. I feel just now, to do this subject justice I ought to write very much more by ' way of explanation as to my previ-ous experience and the receiving of the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah! But time and space will not permit. Will say that about the middle of Feb. last I rented a hall in Woodland, where I live, and commenced meet-ings, in company with an old ac-quaintance of mine who - had. been made to see the light as the Holy CHADWICK, ILL., May 15, 1893. To THE DEAR SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH: May the blessings of heaven and full salvation be your continual joy. We left the dear saints at Los Angeles Apr. 27. After more than three days and nights we reached Denver, Colo. Were safely carried through a train wreck, while crossing the deserts of Utah. Oh how we en-joyed the protecting hand and pres-ence of God in this time of great danger! We were suddenly awak-ened about four o'clock A. M. by a dreadful crash, which to us seemed. that our time had come. Our coach was derailed and badly broken up, but not a hair of our head perished. Experienced railroad men said they never heard of such an accident without more serious results. To them it was a profound mystery which could not be explained, but to Us the mystery was easily explained. God had some of his anointed ones upon thai train, and he was not yet through ' with them in this world. Praise the Lord! we had the privi-lege of using the occasion in showing the people the great necessity and also the unspeakable joy of being ready any moment to be ushered into the presence of God. We found the church at Denver alive and aggress-ive. A number of young people yield-ed to God and accepted pardon dur-ing the meeting held there on Sun. Apr. 30. Had ordinance meeting in the evening in which a glorious little company enjoyed the obedience and the commands of our precious Mas-ter. May God bless the dear ones who were all so willing to communi-cate to our needs. We weie truly re-freshed soul and body and strength-ened for the rest of our journey. Monday eve, May 1st, we left the saints in Denver, although we would have much- preferred to remain with them and help to press the battle on. There is much need of some truly consecrated workers to help in the work there. The number of saints will reach into hundreds at Denver and vicinity if the work continues to be vigorously and wisely carried on. Oh how our spirits were stirred in us t while there and at other - cities see- - ing the people in the same condition . as Paul found them at Athens. r While the masses are wholly given up to idolatry, yet there is a remnant _ to be gathereclout of every city. Oh r dear saints, you who. claim t 4 con- , secrated fully to God, what are you doing for perishing souls? Let none hear you idly saying, There is noth-ing I can do. There is not a sancti-fied soul in the universe but what God needs in actual soul saving work. Neither is there a sanctified soul who can retain this experience unless the whole object of life is to advance this great work. These perishable things of the world can only be han-dled to the extent that God gets all the profits. Otherwise it will be at the expense of your experience. Oh may there be a mighty effort on the part of all, to send and carry the glo-rious gospel to every city of the globe before the coming of Jesus. On our way from Denver we stop-ped at Mahaska., Kan., where we held two meetings then resumed our jour-ney. On Saturday morning, May 6, we reached Albany Ill., where we met our dear parents, brother and sisters. Next day we met in wor-ship with the dear saints at Cedar Creek. Are at present spending a few days with wife's parents at this*- place. Yesterday May 14, met with the saints at Fair Haven in the new meeting house lately built at that place. The blessed approval of God is upon us, and we have the victory both soul and body. Praise the dear Lord! If it be his will we hope to greet many of God's elect at the Grand Junction camp meeting. Ex-pect to return to our distant field of labor in a few months as God directs. Your humble brother and sister, separated unto the gospel, J. W. & J. Byers. OBITUARM. Mary Vogt, was born in Weiden-berg, Germany, Feb. 14, 186o. Died in Benton Tp., Paulding Co., O., May 6, 1893. Aged 33 yrs., 2 mo. and 22 days. The deceased was married to Christian Vogt, Oct. ir, 1876, and came to America in company with her hus-band and parents in the year 1880. \ Alas the mother of eight children, seven of which, together with her hus-band, survive her. I learned nothing of her life. I only remember having met her and husband once in a meet-ing near Payne, in which they were both much affected and pleased with the truth. May God bless the be-reaved husband and children, and bring them to Christ. Amen. Fun-eral services by the writer. J. N. Howard. Dear Sister Spidle died at her home near East Jordan, May 12,1893; aged thirty- eight years, nine months and thirteen days. Sister Spidle was one among the first to receive the evening light in this vicinity. She kept the faith and trusted in God to the last. She bore her long sickness ( which was consumption ) with pa-tience, having a glorious hope of meeting her dear Savior, and her three dear children who had gone be-fore. She leaves a husband and three dear children to mourn the loss of a dear companion and mother's tender sympathy and care. May God who has promised to be a husband/ to the widow and father to . the fatherless, bind their hearts to him and lead them heavenward till they all meet around the great white throne to praise him through all eternity. Fun-eral services by the writer, Allie_ R. Fisher. ARKANSAS CITY, KAN., May 15, 1893. Little Willie, beloved son of Bro. Ed and Sister Emma Parker, depart-ed this life on April 1, 1893. He was eight years of age, the oldest of three - children. and was the pet of all who knew him. The circumstances at-tending his death were exceptionally sad, he being kicked on the face by a horse, five days previous. The fun-eral services were conducted by J.- J. Broadbent, and the remains were laid to rest in the Hope cemetery to a-wait the resurrection morn. Lillie M. Bowers. never be found doing so any more. T. A. Phillips. ARKANSAS CITY, KAN. May 15, 1893. To ALL THE DEAR SAINTS: God bless you all. Our last report was from Hope, Kan. Since then we mtt the church at Akron. God gave us a precious meeting. Five were bur-ied with Christ in baptism. We then came to this place. God gave us a good meeting with the church here. Six were baptized. The work is moving right on. Steps are being taken here for a general western camp meeting in Arkansas City, in Sept. or Oct The saints at this place have found a good plan to spread the truth. They put up a box in the post office and put the literature in there free. I received a roll of Trum-pets since L came here. I put them in the box and they were gone in a short time. I will just drop a few words of my experience. For some reason God permitted me to be very hoarse in my throat all winter, and it was a hard trial. And I did not get rid of it till I just brbke right down and told God it must be removed; and thanks be to God, he healed me. Praise the Lord! It was for a good purpose. I can testify this day be-fore God I am filled with his mighty power. Praise- God! We cannot meet as many of the churches as we thought, before the camp meeting. The time is flying. Your brother, -- ■ 11111,411*".-- YE ShAlL KNOW TITFOSI BY THEIR FRUITS. GrCISIDMIJ rITZT_ TIVEIDMa lin him. The word says that if we are - afflicted, let us pray, and if we are r sick, call on the elders of the church. Dear saints, call on God to heal your big diseases as well as your little ones. If you go to him with your light af-flictions, why not go to him with your - larger ones? Be willing that he may t be glorified through your bodies which are his. Read his precious word. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits; - who for-giveth all thine iniquities, who heal- ! eth - all thy diseases! M. y prayer is I that I may be true to Jesus, trusting I in him for all things, for he is a help in every time of need. Pray for me. Your sister in Christ, Julia Austin. SWEETSER, IND. To ALL THE DEAR SAINTS OF GOD, GREETING: I feel led this morning to write my testimony and tell what won-derful things the Lord has done for me. Praise God, he saves me from all sin and every thing of the devil, and has healed my body of heart! trouble and rheumatism. • I was sick for one year and tried the best phy- 1 sicians that I . cOuld get, but they could not cure me, a nd I tnried thde mine ral well, but that was just the same and; did no good, only for a few days. Dur-ing that time there were two passages of scripture continually in my mind. The first one was: " If in this life onlyi we have hope we are of all men mostl miserable." I was miserable without God and hope in the world. - The other one was where the apostle says, 1 " I reckon that the sufferings of this' present life are not worthy to be com-pared with the joy that shall be re- I vealed in us " Oh what joy I have in my soul this; morning-, perfect peace. Glory to God! 1 No tongue can tell all the sufferings' that I had, and about the middle on December I told my family that I had I never suffered so much during my1 sickness and between ten and eleven o'clock that forenoon somethingl seemed to say, " The great Physician I now is near,'' and I arose from myl bed and have never had heart trou-ble since that time. I threw away my medicine, and tobacco, coffee and whiskey that I used to keep up the; action of my heart. And I commenced1 going to meeting and it was very 1 cold weather and had to rick five miles. Then the people said I was cra-zy and would die, but glory to God, I am healed and give God all the praise, I and he has raised me up to sit to-gether in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. He has placed my feet on the solid Rock. Oh who would not trust such a Physician? My prayers to God is that he will keep all the little ones faithful, and pray for me that I may sink deeper in the will of God, and when the chief Shepherd shall appear ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. Your saved brother in Christ, read-y to be - revealed in the last time, A. C. Hoover. HEDGES, 0. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: This Lord's day finds us praising God for this glorious salvation that sets us free. It is raining, and God's little flock is so scattered through the country we cannot get together to give in our testimonies, but praise the Lord, we can give them in at home, and send to God's messenger ( the Trumpet) and the most of the family will hear them. Glory be to Jesus! We are not bound down with chains of sectism any longer. My ex-perience while I was in the M. E. sect was built up on pride, jealousy, hat-red, and every thing else that was suited for Satan's kingdom. I was class leader to the glory of Satan, for the devil led me, and I led the class. Dear ones, you may judge the way they were led, for it was the blind leading the blind, and all fell into the ditch. Oh how the word of God is trampled, and ground beneath the feet of just such leaders! It was - on-ly the duties that were enjoined upon me that prompted me to attend the meetings; and the duties_ were en-joined upon me by man, and not God, and soon we all wandered away ( there SECRECY vs ANTI- SECRECY. 0 prove that " Secret Societies" are of the devil and must end with him, I submit to the lover of truth the following arguments: I. The scriptures represent Jesus Christ alone, as the foundation and source of salvation, and condemns ev-ery other system ( human) of relig-ion which proposes to save men on other terms than those laid down in the gospel. See Acts 4: 12; 16: s3; Gal. I: 9. That secret socitits are a A. TT I CA, K. DEAR SAINTS: My testimony is all for Jesus this morning. Bless his holy name! I am trusting him for all things. He is my all in all. Oh I am so glad I have found this blessed way of salvation. I can not find words to express my thanks to God for his goodness toward me. Praise his ho-ly name! Pray for me that I be faith-ful till Jesus comes. Amen. Your sister in Christ, A. E. Apple. HUME, ILL. DEAR FRIENDS: I received the book on Divine Healing in good condition and am well pleased with the book. I love to read the testimonies of per-sons that have been healed of bodily afflictions. I also love to read of so many being so wonderfully saved. I have some Trumpets sent to me by my sister. I love to read them and often shed tears when I look back upon my past life and see that I have not lived as I should; it fills my heart with sorrow. I read my Bible an l pray, but it seems as though every thing is against me. I ask the dea saints of God to pray for me, that God will give me faith to grasp the prec-ious promises that are in his word, and be adopted into the family of God. I do want to be a good Chris tian. Dear saints, pray for me, tha I may receive pardon for my sins. Your friend in need, M. E. Williams. CHESHIRE, MICH. I . feel it would glorify God for me to write my testimony. I am saved and sanctified, trusting in God for al things. He has healed me soul and body. Oh how I do rejoice to think I took him at his word in spite of all opposing- elements, for I find him a present help in all kinds of trouble. Pray for me and mine. Jessie Sikn- 1er. HOUSTON, MO. DEAR SAINTS: This Sabbath even-ing finds me saved and sanctified to the sweet will of God. Praise God for victory over the devil! Would be glad for any true holiness mini ter to come into our midst. The blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin. Your brother in Christ, John Stage. JENSON, MICH. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: How easy I can write my first testimony, since Jesus has washed me whiter than snow. May our Father in heaven ever keep me saved. May all of the dear saints pray for me that I may always 1572.1k in the light. Praises be to Jesus! Amen. Your brother saved in Jesus, Frank T. June. TOQUIN, MICH. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: May the blessings of God. rest down upon you all. It has been some time since I wrote my testimony. Well praise God, I can say I am saved and sanc-tified just now. I have been badly afflicted with heart disease since last December. At times it would be al-most impossible to breathe. But pi aise our God, in a meeting held at our house, dear Bro. Dillon laid on hands for my healing and glory to God the work was done. I have felt all right ever since. Your brother in Christ, saved and ready to do God's will, A. H. Coon. CENTRALIA, MISS. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony to all the, dear saints of God. I know that the Lord saves and sanctifies me wholly just now. Praise his holy name! He saves me from all the evil of this world. I praise God for his precious word he gives us. It is a lamp to my feet to guide mme through this dark world of sin. I ask the saints of God to pray for me. We had a very precious ordinance meeting last night at High Hill school house. Fourteen took part. Our souls were made happy in obeying the commands of Jesus. The brethren and sisters seemed to be very humble in this act of obedience, and God blessed our souls. Let all the saints of God pray for the work of the Lord here in the South. Your brother in Christ, F. M. Williamson. . punheth himself even as he is pure. Praise God for the privilege of being as he is! I praise him too that I have been able, by his grace, to walk out I on his precious promises, and to trust was no fall for there . was nothing to Jail from) and finally a few of us drifted into supposed- to- be holiness, land seemingly God was in our meet- Iings, but we needed so much Warm- ! ing up to find any salvation, that our asd sdtaargkgneersi sn ; Other/Unknown Material ahma ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Austin Ida ENVELOPE(170.483,170.483,-83.583,-83.583) Dent ENVELOPE(140.050,140.050,-66.649,-66.649) Payne ENVELOPE(167.867,167.867,-72.817,-72.817) Myers ENVELOPE(170.033,170.033,-72.117,-72.117) Dillon ENVELOPE(-108.935,-108.935,55.933,55.933) Hannah ENVELOPE(-60.613,-60.613,-62.654,-62.654) Kad’ ENVELOPE(40.287,40.287,64.964,64.964) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Willis ENVELOPE(159.450,159.450,-79.367,-79.367) Morton ENVELOPE(-61.220,-61.220,-62.697,-62.697) Morrow ENVELOPE(-81.566,-81.566,50.550,50.550) Williamson ENVELOPE(-65.383,-65.383,-67.717,-67.717) Clayton ENVELOPE(-64.183,-64.183,-65.167,-65.167) Bowers ENVELOPE(164.083,164.083,-85.000,-85.000) Eta ENVELOPE(-62.917,-62.917,-64.300,-64.300) Atwood ENVELOPE(-142.283,-142.283,-77.267,-77.267) Eternity ENVELOPE(-64.567,-64.567,-69.767,-69.767) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Deacon ENVELOPE(-59.987,-59.987,-73.248,-73.248) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) Meek ENVELOPE(-64.246,-64.246,-65.246,-65.246) Workman ENVELOPE(-65.683,-65.683,-66.392,-66.392) Cedar Creek ENVELOPE(-129.954,-129.954,54.598,54.598) The Lodge ENVELOPE(-55.731,-55.731,52.250,52.250) Chadwick ENVELOPE(160.433,160.433,-72.500,-72.500) Van Buren ENVELOPE(-63.485,-63.485,-71.318,-71.318) Fair Haven ENVELOPE(11.467,11.467,79.833,79.833) Munson ENVELOPE(-174.433,-174.433,-84.800,-84.800) The Slot ENVELOPE(155.083,155.083,-82.667,-82.667) Eubanks ENVELOPE(-67.232,-67.232,-70.040,-70.040)