The Gospel Trumpet - 13:13

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Let none hear you idly saying, - " There is nothing Lyon do," While the souls Of men are dying, And the Master calls for you; Take the task he gh- es you gladly Let his work...

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Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1893
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collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
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topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 13:13
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Let none hear you idly saying, - " There is nothing Lyon do," While the souls Of men are dying, And the Master calls for you; Take the task he gh- es you gladly Let his work your pleaFlure be; Answer quickly when he calleth, Here am I, send me, send inc. Selected by Annie M. Gnagy. THE NEED OF WATOHING AND PRAYING, If among the older people You may not be apt to teach " Feed my lambs, said Christ our Sliepherd, Place the food within their reach :" And it may be that the children You have led with tremblin g hand, Will be found among your jewels When you reach that better land. If you cannot he the watchmen Standing high on Zion's walls, Pointing Out the path to heaven, Offering life and peace to all; With your prayers and with your bounties, You can do what heaven demands; You can be like faithful Aaron, Holding up the prophet's hands. Harkl the voice of Jesus crying, IrWho will go and work to day? Fields are white and harvest waiting, Who'wilt bear the sheaves away"? Load and strong the- Master ealleth, ' Rich reward he offers thee; Who will answer gladly, saying, Here am I, send me, send me? If you cannot cross the ocean And the heathen lands explore, You can find the heathen nearer, Yen can find them at your door. If you cannot give your thousands You can give the widow's mite, And the least you do for Jesus Will be precious in his sight. If you cannot speak like angels, If you cannot preach like Paul, You can tell the love of Jesus, You can say he died for all. Ifyou cannot rouse the wicked With the judgment's dread alarm, You can lead the little children To the Savior's waiting arms. The Lord God shall BLOW theTRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds. Zech. g: L . Your Miszion, Plee out ef the midst of Babylon, and deliv-er every man his soul: be not out off in her : nieuity; for this is the time of the Lord's vea-l's: zee; he rill render unto her a reoompence. And the Ind shall tremble and sorrow: for every ' purpose of the Lord thall be performed rimdeisnoslta tBioanb ywloitnh, otuot mana kine hthabei tlaanndt. of Bab7lot Jer. 61: O. 213. Take ye heed, watch and pray, foi ye know not when the time is. Mark 13: 33. There is an idea gone forth in the lanchand being taught by some who are deceived of the , devil, that it is impossible to fall froin grace af-ter being sanctified. Just a little com-mon sense with reason is sufficient to show plainly that this is a deception of the enemy, and not according to the word of God; but is only gotten up by false teachers, and supposed by the devil, to deceive precious souls, and leadthem- down the broad way to hell. We warn all in the name of Jesus Christ, and hope that none who are honest, and desire to make sure work for heaven, will be deceived or led astray by such teaching. Also pray that God will deliver all who are honestly deceived and desire to know the right way. The very idea Set forth in Heb. 6: 6,— If they shall fall away, plainly shows that there is a liability of falling, if we do not the whole Will of God. This one text alone is sufficient to prove that it is possible even after being partakers of- the Holy Ghost: and the warnings giVen by Christ himself, also by the apostles, are enough to show that there is danger of falling- at any time, if learn in Rom. I 16, and 2 Thess. 2: 13, that the Holy Spirit is the sancti-fier. Yet Paul who had received it ) ( which guides into all truth) , says, " if they shall fall away," showing that it I is possible. But say some, He I- o- ith perfected forever them that _ are s ant:- 4fied. Heb. to: _ Ia. That is very true; and has been since the day of Pe ntecost,- and will be till the end of time, even forever. Praise the Lord! But if they fall they are neither sanctified nor perfect. Both verses Heb. 6: 6, and to: 14 are the page of Paul: and there is no ques-Wtion as to him having the Holy Spirit hich guides into all truth, no err° r' Consequently no contradiction, but in perfect harmony When rightly under Stood Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore : get wisdom, and with ail thygettingget Understanding-. P1ov. 1 For if after they have escaped we fail to watch and pray. We I I pentanceo It is very dangerous in- ! deed to go back after being saved. If a person willingly turns from the Lord after he is saved and strives a- Rev. 2: 5. Turn, 0 backsliding child-ren, saith the Lord, for I am married unto you. jer. 3: 14. I wilt heal their backsliding: I will love them freely. Hos. 14 : 4- Dear unsaved souls, who have wandered away frOm Father's house, do as the prodigal, arise and come to the Savior, he will heal your back-sliding, and resto, re unto you the Joys of salvation. Praise his holy name forever! And to all that are saved, watch and pray. Stand fast there fore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free: and - be not en-tangled again with the yoke of bond-tude of sins. James 5 : 1 9, 20. You see, as soon as one sins or errs from the truth, James calls him a sinner, g- ainst the Holy - Spirit, and bath trod- lbefore he sins he said brethren," den under foot the son of God and I but thank the Lord for a chance to hath counted the blood of the cove- i be converted again. I know this by nant wherewith he was sanctified , my own experience. After I was first saved, through neglect of duty I lost my salvation. The Lord called me to preach - the gospel, and I did. a warning to all who are exposed to the teaching that we cannot fall, that you may take heed and watch and pray, and keep clear from such teach-ing. If any man teach otherwise and ' consent not to wholesome words, ev-that committeth sin is the servant of sin. Nly little children, these things write I unto you that ye sin not; and if any man sin we have au i advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. I Jno. 2: I . Brethren, if ible to fall, is I _ In°. 3:- 9.— Whosoev-er is born of God doth not commit sin, for his heed remaineth in him and he cannot. sin, because he is born of God. Very true we know that no man cam sin and be a child of God at the same time, not even converted, for he that corn-mitteth sin is of the devil consequent-ly not of God, for one- is opposite to the other. No one can sin and be a child of God, no more than he can be a saint and a sinner at the same time. man see his brother sin a sin which is Ye cannot serve two masters, and he not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him- life for them that sin not unto death: there is a sin- unto death; I do not say that he shall pray- for it. jib. 5: 16. But some people say it is impossible to be renewed after fall-ing. He says he will give. life to any of you do err from the truth and those who sin not unto death. Paul one convert him, let him know that says of a certain class, that it _ is im- he which converteth the sinner from possible to renew them again unto re- the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multi-the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Sav-ior Jesus Christ, they are again en-tangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been bet-ter for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than after they have- known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. 2 Pet. 2: 20, 21. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed, lest he fall. i Cor. 12. As long as there are temptations we have Power to yield if we will. But thank the Lord, we have no desire to dis-obey him. Yet some in time of severe trials and temptations do yield and transgress the law of God, just as Ad am did, and " the soul that sinneth it shall die;" consequently they fall in-to condemnation and a snare of the devil. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptations. Matt. 26: 41. And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith- virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temp-erance, and to temperance patience. and to patience godliness, and to god-liness brotherly kindness, and to bro.- membered, but for his iniquity that therly kindness charity. **** Give he hath committed he shall die for diligence to make your calling and it. Ezek. 33: 13. Another scripture election sure, for if ye do these that is used to try to prove it imposs-things ye shall never fall. 2 Pet 5- 1o. By exhorting the saints to be diligent and do these things, implies that if they do not these things they would be liable to fall. We are free moral agents and have power given us to choose whom we will serve; and that is not taken aWay in this world only from those_ who have committed the unpardonable sin, or placed them-selves where they will forever have no conviction to turn to God. If any works. The Lord received me and w abundantly pardoned me, and put t me in the body ( church) as it pleased him. Praise his name forever! I am now in the one body and very thank-ful indeed for it and I am glad and rejoice to do the will of God. And if I continue to do these things I shall never fall. ' BIJMPET Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, March 30, 1893. Volume 13. No. 13. world, if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but of the world.-- i Jno. 2: 1- 6, 17. 0 be as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to your former lusts in your ignorance.— i Pet. 1: 14. Uremember one instance where God wanted me to tell how I was saved from tea, coffee and my corset. There was a brother there whose wife wore one; he jumped up and said it was all right if God had showed this to us, but we should not lay down a . rule for others to walk by. - Now I had not laid down any rule. I sim-ply told them what God had done for me and what he wanted me to tell for his g- lOry, and there was a dear sister there that I believe laid off her corset from that day, and that man continued to get more lean in his soul, until to day he seldom meets with the children of God to worship. God does not want any golden wedges hid away. 2 Cor. 13: II nally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect be of good comfort, be of one mind, Iive in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you. Con 1: to. Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. Beloved brethren and sisters, we may as well expect God's cause to prosper as it should, if we would con-tinue to wear our jewelry and ruffles and feathers and all the unnecessa-ries, when they are once brought be-fore the minds of the people, as to expect God's cause to prosper as if should when we will not put away this accursed thing from among us, which is very injurious to the temple, which God - created for his own dwelling. It has been stated, that if all the evils were known, that and sanctified and walking in the the corset inflicts on humanity, it light as he is in the light, saying that would be found to rank - with those of they cannot leave it off. Why? For the same reason that the tobacco slave thinks he cannot leave off his tobacco. I would to God, that if he has not already, that he would con-vict every soul that wears a corset as he did me. It was during a meet-ing being held by the saints about two years ago, although there was nothing said in the meeting against such things, and the brother's wife, while he was holding the meeting, wore one. God from some cause wonderfully convicted me . and told me I- had to lay it off or lose my sal-vation, and when I tried to excuse myself to God by telling him I was sci - poor, that I would look miserable without it. Also that this brother and sister who were teachers, if she could stand approved of God as a teacher, why could not L And then the answerwould come, Who art thou that repliest against God? shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus ? Oh did that yon will never again be Viam ah Crites. glory to _ Jesus for the Holy Spiri t ! I sing God's praises, you will s a y as I NEOSHO, MO. DEAR BRETHREN: I feel led to write Ives miserable, and they had about my testimony this morning. I am given up the abominable thing. We saved and sanctified wholly and kept were much grieved Then during a by the power of God, and do realize meeting which was being held, in deep down in my soul that his grace which a brother's wife who is also a teacher wore one, that these dear souls lost sight of Christ on this point - b er And he sai71 thfo uget? oe Amftnei, l wI haants wseeere- ir Then said he unto ruet every one that stenleat 8 ctaOt svaisaladthcr ebyca ao. l: nclr c udcbuoeien rtt gdh c, oir untfafotg os otwtoft fe it atho; rs nteant nthhtiis Zechto.• Lborradle o,,,, f iht ofzorr't ssh, gaits. I A nd he shall send his antels with a area sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather togeth-erhis elect from thefts winds, from one end o heaven to the other. blow learn a parable of the dg tree; Men his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye blow that SLIMMOT ia nigh: $ O lihewiee ye, when ye shall zee all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Xatt. 24: 31- 33. age. Gal. 5: Well, because of unbelief they were broken off : and thou standest by faith: be not high-minded but fear: for if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Rom. II: 20, 21. Ye therefore beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness. 2 Pet. 3: 17. The word " steadfastness," shows plainly that they were in the stand-ing or sanctifying grace. The next verse says, Grow in grace, etc. So they were in grace, for they could not grow in grace until they got into it. Yet they were warned to beware lest they fall. The doctrine alone " that we cannot fall," is enough to overthrow all who believe it. We are only redeemed I, vhen fully saved, in the image of God, just as Adam was; and all that transgress the law of God ( commit sin) will fall into condemnation even as he did. When I shall say to the righteous that he shall surely live: if he trust to his own righteousness and commit iniquity, all his righteousness shall not be re-godliness; from such withdraw th y- I John 5: 21. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. Also verse 4, For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world. We look around- us and see precious souls who are in bondage to the abomina-ble corset; souls who, know that the word says whosoever Christ maketh free is free indeed and is without condemnation: I say abbmniable, for wore one, and oh the back aches, neck aches and shoulder aches that it caused me to endure, and know what I am talking about. Yet we see those who say they are saved en the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the doctrine which is ac-cording to godliness, he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions, and strifes of worcIS where-of cometh envy, strifes, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings of men of corriapt minds and eli. stitute of the truth, supposing that gain is self. Tim. 4: 3- 5. Watch ye there-fore, and pray always , that ye may he accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21: 36, And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. Mark 13: 37. Now unto him that i able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior be glory and majesty, dominion and power both now a. r d forever. Amen. Jude 24, 25. Thomas Carter. TO THE OHILDREN OF GOD. [ had been sanctified ], an unholy thing and hath done despite un, to the spirit-- of grace,- Heb. to: 29, then he is in a critical condition indeed. For the not want to do it and hesitated to o- Lord said, My Spirit shall not alwa ys bey the Lord, Therefore to him strive with man. Gen. 6: 3. As longlthat knoweth to do good and doeth as God's Spirit has no_ tdeparted there ! it not, to him it is sin. James 4 : 1 h 7. is ope. Lord help dear souls to The result was, I became lukewarm, take warning and grieve not the Holy and before I was aware the Lord Spirit'. - When the sin is not unto spewed me out of his mouth ( his perfectly satisfied with my form as bound to the goddess of fashion. A-death, the command is, Remember body, the church), and yet when I he created me, and he did so. I think men and amen. therefore from whence thou art fal- , had opportunity, I was more than my corset, was about as hard a thing len, and repent, and do the first works. willing to re pent and do the first i as I had to give up, and I see others tobacco and whiskey. No brother who is saved in this evening light would think ( as plain as - the word is taught) that he could keep saved and still continue to use tobacco and whiskey. Now the word says that we should make straight paths for our feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way, but let it rath-er be healed. Even sinners' eyes are not closed concerning these facts. I have known men and women who were straight for God come and teach and show us and condemn these evils in the sight of all the people, and may be the next one that came amongst us had not laid them all down. Now dear sisters, perhaps this will be strong meat for some of you, but do not let the adversafy get the advantage of you and condemn me for writing this, but go before God in earnest prayer and he will soon show you what to do, and if you obey him, the freedom you can enjoy in your souls and in your lungs, when you laid it off and told God to make me ho are about the same way. I know wo dear souls who ha. ve made their I write this for the_ glory of God as and put on the thing again that had Six years ago he wond f 11 he, aled my body, and he has been my physician ever since. I desire the prayers of all the saints. And pray that My wife may be sanctified. Your brother in Jesus, Andrew Watkins, caused so much misery. Oh. if dear souls would only keep their e3. es Christ and only follow their breth-ren and sisters as they fallow Christ! Now the word says, Love not the. world, neither the things that are in is sufficient f4ir all things. Praise his holy name! He keeps me well and osper ng ott bodily and spiritual-u y THE GOSPEL TRUMPET ° mg° Lams NOT OTHERWISE RECEIPTEll. Zelpha Waterbury, Joseph H. Davis, C. B. A WEEKLY HOLMESS . TOT. TEZN A T. Tracy, Matthew Kerr, Addle Smith, James 1 Willis. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTAR/ AN. Sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the Publication of full Salvation. and Divine Hea] in of the Body. The Unity orail true Christians in " the faith once de-livered to the sa nts." Published at Requests for Prayer. I-Pray for J. E. Young, of Nevada, Mo., that he may be healed of sever- , al diseases. cat, 11111) 3711- CTION1 1120114 D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS — Publishers. Pray for Sister Maddux, of Rock- , yule. Mo., that she may be healed to the glory of God. • A commission of 20 per cent will he given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper. gErParties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify- us regularly of their address. IVO ICE. How to Send Mone, v.- Remit by Post Office Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change of Address.— Suiveribers wish-ing their address chamred, must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address. Missing Papers.— It occasion a lly happens that numbers of our papers sent to our sub-scribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive yours when due, after wait-ing a sufficient length of time, write us a card. and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. VEZ SMI- & W- 4- Z11 An interesting paper tor children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Addras, THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand junction. Kea BOOKS and TRACTS. TOBACCO AS AN EVIL. Per hundred, 10 cts. Why are you not a cnuisTrAN? Per hund. 10 c. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. 32 pages, 5 cts. A TRACT ON THE TRUE CHURCH. It con-tains 50 pages. Price 10 cts. Per dozen, 80 cts. A TRAM ON THE SABBATH, OR WHICH DAY TO KEEP. Contains 65 pages, 10 cts. each. The Age to Come, and 3Ti11ennium Tradition Refut-ed by the Inspired Word of God 56 pages, 10 cts. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE CHURCH. A tract containing 82 pages, 1 cent each. The Great Yobacco Sin. It contains 30 pages. with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. Must vi Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 45 pages. Single copy 2 ets. Per dozen. 20 cts. Per honOred. $ 1.50. The Ordinances of the New Testament. A NEW TRACT. BY WM. G. SCHELL. In the evening I confessed in the public prayer meeting what I had been and that I was a child of God now, but - wanted a real Bible experi-ence with sweeping- victory in my soul, viz: sanctification. The sacrifice was examined by Pod's faithful servants, showing- and instructing me on sane_ and Babylon. t e we should pray ground. When I humiliated myself or not standing right, they fast and some one, and said tification, that all may cover the they see any man err from the truth we were either crazy or murdering a ith d went sobbing th and a d ltar weeping broke I was ke down sha- OraY until the Lord_ is mov w ed to clear On the read if we wanted to. I said ( Continued from last issue.) do testify to the glory of God against first time in my life. Our dear brother 1all sects add against that one espec- lEbel and myself went out inptraheadftfeorti May the Lord enlighten the ! noon and talked about salvation. Soon dear souls that are in the Alliance we entered a little shed and ye 1 and running down with her to de- our brethren. 1AThen we got through out of the sects, shake all yokes off, ! waves be stayed. belong to nothing but Christ and be: my case.- at home where his children are, God Something wonderful was I permitt_ would work through them, but as it is I ed to go through last Sunday to suf_ thin but machinery. fer persecution for Christ's sake, the now, it is no g If h children of God, ed us - what we were doing; he thought qetting forth the ordinances of the scriptures in clear light, showing which are abolished. and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Ole Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. Single copy 5 ets. Per dozen 45 cis. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a re-view of a tract written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ. It contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 as. 11.90 a dozen. Order of the author. Bro. W. W. Bradley. Watkinsvine Miss. or from this office. The Bible R eadings; Holiness Bible Subjects. A book containing 103 subjects with scriptures, concord-ance, definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church. its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming of the evening light. Illustrated 378 pages, neatly bound in • loth. Single copy 81.00. or more SO cents eaeh. For this book. Address, H. C. Wi. iiersham, Norew Pittsburg, Ind. Gospel Trumpet. Grand Itinction. Mich. Per dozen nnrni By E. E. BYRUM. A NEW BOOK JUST OUT. It very plainly marks out the way of salvation. and also tells how God heals the sick, and the conditions upon which they are restored, giving wonderful testimonies of his miraculouspower in these last days It consists of 248 pages, neatly bound. Cloth, 5 Cents. Paper cover, 25 cents. GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. to., Grand junction, Mich. w DEAR SAINTS OF GOD, GREETING: I wish to ask the saints to pray for me, that my heart may be cleansed from all sin, and every desire to sin may be taken out of my heart and that I may become fully in possession of the blessed experience of perfect love or entire sanctification. Your brother in the love of Christ R. M. Gear. 1346 ESTES STRF. ET, AUGUSTA, GA. Call for Meeting. - • g P -• • churches and the sects you belonged God, for it is just a start the devil ! Lord! God has done a complete a the hands of the Lord, all with him I Finally I wish to ask all the dear 1powerful, wonderful work and. has an d h e does it ILL that I began to jump OnW me- I use to know so much, o I ' f e 1 -. II r w r ites I wish I could em- As Holy I am Spirit writing this, inspired by to do his whole will, am wanting! French in the near future. As the the - nothing. May no one ever see only Lord wants me here. which he L TH Mar. 24, 1893. brace and greet all the dear brethren ! Christ Jesus in me. showed plainer than before, and as I-To THE BEOVED READERS OF E ' who read this and show indeed the Glory to God! The greatest achiev- have disposed of my own will TRUMPET, GREETING: I am praising: love of Christ now reigning within ! ment of a full salvation through the s wotrruth and graknt the whole spread than e v er before i over us. Praise t h e Lord! d , in this even ren to see the entire change. One- 1 Jesus victory overcoming the light, and write whatever the saved and sanctified, they could all ! in his name, and while we keep look- gl y, a, o thealvation of dear see it. That I am willing to make all • ing unto : Jesus, while he is our only Oh or may nd G d his e abundantly bless souls wrongs ever done right, is but natural. thought and the salvation of other '. a Oh glory, glory, glory! It fills 4- ny souls our only care, the devil has no wider n whole being with glory. I am saved more power English, German, and even Frenchh through the blood, sanctifiedand sat- 1 Before I had to keep very quiet a- possible, as it is surely his work isfied fully in Jesus. - God is love in- H bout salvation, but now we have • and his will. A men, it shall be done. deed and his love must be in all those something to talk about. We want • Amen. that are his. No more uprising, as to expose the devil wherever we can I remain your brother fully saved I tiled' to get angry at very little oc- I and to make wrongs right. Before ] and wholly sanctified, Bro. Kriebel assisted in the meeting. currences and things; no more fault i was fully M. Dederer. s aved I had all the light a- WILLsatRE, O., March 25, 1893. DEAR - 13RETIIREN: Great grace and peace be yours evermore. Amen. Perhaps the dear saints would like to hear from us here at Wilshire a-gain. I will just say that we are all abounding in the grace of God, real-izing- that the blessings of God flow here like a mighty river. Streams of glory, one after another, coming down from the glory world, making our hearts rejoice in God. Within the past two months some have been saved. and backsliders still returning to Father's house. We have been visiting the little church at Decatur, Ind. Sorry to say that the devil had gotten the advantage of some and we found that the unity of the Spirit was broken; but glad to state that all were willing to measure themselves by the word, and square up wherein they lacked, and the sweet fellowship of the Spirit was again brought back. Last Lord's d aeayt); ntvge. met there for an ordinance and some had to cry out for j oy, saying Ohh howblessed to obey the command? Jesus! Tru-ly God did verify his promises to us. Shouts and praises went up to God, , they never ffree before Oh. it was wonderful and indeed my s( all did magnify the Lord and rejoice to see them drinking so freely. Oh ' BBroo,. H. Ri ggle , New : WWhhat- 1 come, A ash., writes, that he desires., Isonie of God's ministers to come tol 1 high mind. On what a fire was kin- 1 Bro. .1b Moore, C t, M . _ h., I requests some of God's ministers to come there and hold meetings. THREE RIVERS, M1CH., Mar. 20,1 893. - presenting myself a lying sacrifice ,, This some of the laying all on the altar what I could is a new creature; old things are ! shoat. This stirred up think of and what I probably did not 1 Passed away, behold all things are i people who came running after us) , think of— all that might come up in '• become new." Praise the Lord! If : and a constable wanted to arrest me ' the future; all on the altar, reputa- anything is true indeed it is this. t for praising God on the Sabbath clay. 1 tion, world, flesh, discontentment, The change with me is so miraculous \ W\ ee tried to show him God's love but th t I cannot comprehend it. I al- ' he kept scolding and scoffing, and an-that place. Ile is distributing tracts d papers. . shaken through and through when so quick and in such a short time. h a d devils in us. God have mercy and hands Were laid on me to c l ear up my When the devil came and said, Well ,: on him, for the devil spoke out of idled there, how it did burn so mightily, 1 death to go through but yet sweet : and precious was the resurrection. - : All hea. ven rejoiced that night and sus and said to the Lord I am goinge follow, but his grace is sufficient for ! all devils were mad. Oh bless the to do nothing. I left all so entirely in us all. leap for - joy asl I never had done be- 1knowt nothing but Cohrist crucified, The , also the French, which are almost as the powers of hell trying to crush mr. m - - , I Therefore if any man be in Christ he yea, I could not help but leap and = the sects and c u t so sha rp well to t ake us to the jail, but by the help self! It was a hard dying and I wasland through and yet it was all done; to his house , saying to us that we en soul and bo and his case up and bring him out. OnelI was willing to, and we wished him ken d saints is worth God's blessing. Over this little trial body. co • 1 wi and keep me bca . k I knelt there 1- 1- sm. - Behold I make all thing n eeww. Spirit of God I made a joyful noise grumbling, everything, at lats my 1 a whole self with my exalted spirit andlways thought it was not right to tear I other one came with his horses ready 1 i f what are you going to do about the him. ' This I relate to the honor of I case entirely. t was a ear u swept out all carnalitY ansd ecledan wr aigtaeinst sin, the world and Bab- faith for the German work. Th to ? I rebuked him in the name of je- made and no doubt some more will: I a hold of me, and, with sweeping vic- 1 Heaven's windows are open and he is! to bring to them the f uld feel all meeting , ore to me than a thousand in sect- got so happy and filled with the if the word does cut it is so much the! of God he could not do it nor in any I burnin u all the dr Y os and nl wholeiheetter. I can say it cut me through ! way hurt us. Finally he went back DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: am happy to report victory in Jesus over all the power of the enemy. May God send some one to assist us in a protracted " meeting which we have just begun. We do hope and pray that the Lord o n the 12th. Th e Lord blessed us in e ,, - ylon, and his grace is sufficient for me.' Lord showed us, that it is high time full gospel o ' I tory and a transparent experience in I continually pouring blessings anon ! the evening light in their own tongue, his sanctuary. The Spirit got such , He MON es me to children of God to pray united i homeless girl to raise. am nothing, want nothing but to glo- ! of Divine Healing, which the good a while before this I had no desii- e to r'f3T Savior._ Oh the depths of Lord permitted me to translate into ' said I need not- tell anybody I was world, for he causeth us to triumph I IulY Spirit may inspi r e me to his will send us help in singing, etc. Your brother saved and sanctified, Leroy Burden. struction in the ways of the world . the propri e t o r came running and ask-fore in my life. could not help but The greatest wonder is just this: that ! numerously represented in this coun-leap and shout all evening. All the before this great change I always try as the Germans and in a far more Lydia A. Nelson, Luther, Lake Co., saints of God rejoiced with me. oh wanted to be something and now I pitiable condition. The precious book Mich., that she desires to take - 1.1° w I loved and kissed the brethren, which full y was just contrary to the Lord' my soul, and that he keeps me so evening were ssuufficientt for tohet bretrh- coanstant vnictofry thsroughl the abloodteby gospe - gr e et them with a holy- kiss. the wisdom of God! I am given up _ German, shall also be translated into FROM lilt, OITTL1 g/ E1PS HOMB: : God for a continuation of his love in E me. Three days after this glorious • entire cleansing, sanctification is th e , shall divine he continue to l truth help sweetly saved, praise his dear name. Many are anxious to know what we are doii- g. Well we are serving God with ail our soul, mind and strength. On the trth of March we took train for Muskegon, where we met the congregation at Little Black Lake, preaching his word, I, vhicli resulted in b Do not send your children on until Paul in writing to the children of God ten for lifetime and oh, how do they , all things are ready, and remember . at the various places always wrote to know that God does want any such Bible readings or references on Price 15 cts. this home is not foi those who want the church of God and not to some thing? Indeed God wants no one to egt ertid of the care and responsi- so- called churches, such as Lutherans, be bound with chains of iron to , sect- • also admit widows who come under ! or a w el thou g ht the Chris t ian in g ar sdouls aweay from Christ, the This boo k contains 1 4 8 songs. 90 with m u sk. AbOV Dearly b e, I f layed ee l that God has This Alliance is cowering and filling eled and fashioned idol, a code • ready to commence the building. The a half dozen including- Alliances) darkened my mind so much that I News from the Field Lord willing, we expect to commence ! they have no such thing; how barren. even wrote against the saints of God on the addition to the boarding house, how cold is even their sanctification as being nothing but a sect too like The Ordinance of Feat Washing. 26x28, ti. vo stories high, to be used for even of their four- fold gospel, in all the others. Oh how shameful! I camp meetings and for the children. which you have to be friends to all But thanks to God, the things I love& IA word of advice to all whom it may sects which are as they bear not the to do I hate now and what I hated I concern: remember, dearly beloved, name saints of God, which is the I3i- love now. Amen. I do pity the that it takes means, labor and time ble name for his people in his church, poor deceived souls that the devil ! to ring about such an enterprise.: for we are either saints or sinners.: makes to enlist in the sect army, of-much goodi n the salvation of pre-cious souls and the edifying and ! strengthening of the church. Dear He still remained after our return. finding, how sweet, how precious! 1 bout the true church of God for a • _ \ Tel 1 iii to the- house, we are know that in all seets ( I lia. ve been in while, but 133.- and by the old enemy BV H. C. WICKERSHAM. bility of raising their children, but for Methodists, Baptists, Alliances. Bless ism and egotism and other isms. I au new. When sung in the spirit of God thee songs wit Le found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth t specially called me to this work and out a want in Babylon, where and be- stead of the genuine Bible religion. and the gospel staudard of salvation. Send in your orders r for Anthems from the Throne and start the songs of praiseanew. that I devote my time and meansiand cause the sect people do not feel sat- Praise God that Lean keep the light 20.30 : seek no selfish end, and all who de- isfied with and in their sects, there- by the Holy Spirit now, and I rejoice PRICE laolN. a. . .- . . sire to aid in this work, remember fore they go to this Alliance to get about the sign of our time, that peo-iorphans, whose parents loved and his dear name! I had times before remember how I adored Dr. Tal-i served God, and for children whose: I heard the evening light - when I be- mag- e and other D. D's. Now I see !! parents are actually called of God Iieved that the different denomina- clearly that they are nothrng but i and sent and haa e proved themselves i tions, sect- churches with their world- worldly gods, idols, fashionable i true to the ministry. - This home will : ly ways were not THE CHURCH OF GOD : preachers with a dead religion, keep- Anthems from the Throne+ i the scripture of Paul to Tim. 5: 9, to.' Alliance was surely the very church. : real Bible Christ, giving them a mod-but on the Lord's. There is a legal good people among them are doing gusted with the sects 1 ti I : lease for ninty- nine years and no in.-; some wonders in the line of healing,: them just like God made me disgust- 1 purpose must be used for the Lord.; ual and fashionable make up. They Yet I feel more than ever dependent ' work. sects; you can serve God and the self has been destro yed, for he said, this is not on my ground or on yours, more spirituality there. While some pie are becoming more and more dis- God bless all in responding to this; let their members at ease about the on jesus alone, because my haught Yours in Him, there y p Come urt and here shall thy proud world the and their meetings ar e Iiithe S. Michels. rto shalt thou come, but no : formal If the would reach C f he - but hil I dividual can claim or d r ive offs . So etc., yet we also know that their I ed. The world shall know by the whatever means a r e put in for this: creed is not of God, only an intellect- help of God that we have salvation. • and ret TERMS, $ 1.00 a year in advance. Free to the poor. - Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. NOTICE. All business communications, moneys, Szc. must be addressed to ( 40SPE1. TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be re-sponsible. NOTICE. d Lord's day. We left Broughton Mon- / day and started on our way north-ward again. Expect to return to our place of former residence in Mich still preach the word as we go. He has just been leading us all the way and has wonderfully blessed our labors this winter, and we give him all the glory. Praise the name of the Lord forever! Amen. Your brother and sister all on the altar, 0. & Millie Dyer. 4 < 1 TESTIMONIES who attended, about fifteen souls vcrorid_ erfu1. gave their hearts to God and received ANLO, OHIO. DEAR BRETHREN, GREETING: Since our last report we have held a suc-cessful series of meetings at Yellow Lake Bethel, about three miles south - of Burket, Ind. The meetings were not very largely attended, owing to the great prejudice existing in the hearts of the people; but . of the few did feel that surely salvation h come, for the accuser of those de saints is cast down. And they ha overcome him by the blood of t Lamb, and the word of their testim ny, and now we have a right to rejoic all heaven and all that dwell therei Glory be to Jesus! During those t short meetings several were save and two sanctified. Oh how I woul love to be out more for Jesus! but o account of necessities at home I can not go very much, only on Lord' day. But bless the dear Lord, m Soul is- satisfied if God wants me t labor at the carpet loom all week then sends me only on Saturdays an Sundays. I will say Amen to that Lord. But will just say to those wh have been sending for me to corn to their place, I would be glad to corn in the near future, but cannot corn without means to come on. I woul freely furnish my own means if could. As for other expenses such as clothes, God gives me strength to work for. Your sister in Christ, Belle Stetler. • e closecta ten yaer Id wayitsh mgoeoedt irnesgu altts . t hTihse rpel awceer et oa bdoauy he ten consecrations and five baptized o- There will be a camp meeting in this e, part if the Lord wills. The saints n. expect to build a meeting house soon. 1O Pray for the work in this part. d Yours in thLord,. A. B. Stanberry & Co. To AALSLH TLHEEY , S AININDT., S MOFa rT. H2E4, LJI8V9I3N. G GOD: This morning finds us saved with the love of God shed abroad in our hearts, and all on the altar for e closed meetin ad in a rich harvest W and if the Lord will, we expect to • 7 J. Broughton, O. last Sunday night; left a good impression upon the people. More came forward for pardon and Some for the second work. Three followed the Lord in baptism on the Psa. 119: ma. GI- OSIDMLI rliFt- UMPMr11. meeting which lasted nearly three weeks the ordinances of feet washing and the Lord's supper were observed. Thirty- eight saints participated. Five redeemed ones were buried with 0 ou ke in BURBANK, 0., Mar. 23, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: The meet- , ing closed in Indiana with victo-ry on the Lord's side. ! A few more sa ve d, some sanctified. We do pray for God to keep the little company pure, so they will walk in all the light, then they will have fellowship one with another. I got home on the 7th, left home the itth for Burbank; corn-menced meeting the i4th. A few at-tended the first week; now we have eek and mightily used of the Lord. n our way home we stopped with r sister Mrs. D. E. Ford, of Bur-ttsville, Ohio, a few days, during hich time she gave her heart to od, and was anointed for the heal-g of her body of a serious ailment. Let all the saints engage with us in prayer to God. for he r, that her faith a acco, and e fail not. Pray for me. Your sanctified brother, Win. G. Schell. Christ by baptism. Bro. J. N. How-ard, of Payne, Ohio was with us one Your saved brother and sister in Christ, & Catharine Ault very- POYNOR, Mo., Mar. 20, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We a re glad to report victory in the Lord in this part of the vineyard. The meeting at Pierce's Chapel was very fruitful. The M. E. house was closed the third day of the meeting, but a way for meeting was opened in the same neighborhood. Many were freed from the great tobacco sin and seven dear ones made their escape out of Babylon. From there we went to Warm Springs, Ark. where the Lord blessed in holding forth the true gos- !_ Pel in the evening light for thirteen II!::( 14' s!!: 4nd nights with good effect. own will doubtless result does bless his word. Bro. Ezra Smith met with a severe accident; he fell and broke his right leg about four inches above the knee. Truly when one member suffers, all the members suffer with him. We report perfect victory over every foe. The dear Lord be with all the saints and especially with the workers in the field. Amen. From your brother under the blood, Wrn. H. Miller. knowledged it is the truth. We do ask the prayers of all the saints that we be kept low at Jesus' feet. I want to do the little things and get down in the deep things in his word. The Lord VISALIA, CAI,. DEAR SAINTS: I want to say I am praising God for a present salvation, being saved and sanctified - Wholly. Amen. And now I feel to say with the Psalmist David 125: They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mt• Zion, which cannot be rerno yed, but abideth forever. Praise the Lord for the a- JORDAN, ONT. • DEAR SAINTS: The Lord bless you all. I praise God for the way he leads me and teaches me, and for this blessed evening light. My present experience is, I am saved. I feel like going through for Jesus on the Bible line. The devil may rage and roar on every side, but God's grace is sufficient to carry us through. It seems I never realized as much as at present the need of standing straight for God in these last days. I thank God for a people that dealt honestly with my soul; and through them he let the light shine - and I mean to walk in it. I desire the prayers of all the dear saints. I feel I need the blood of cleansing applied to my heart that the old carnal nature may be destroyed by a second work of grace. Your sister in Christ, Maggie Moyer. Yours in Jesus. J. B. Strickland. salvation. Near the close of the DECATUR, IND. We are praising the dear blessed a Lord for salvation full and free from I g all sin. And we are kept by power , divine, willing to be anything or i. w nothing for Jesus and the salvation of souls A Is ADVANCE, Miss. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel like writing my testimony for the first ! time. I am saved and living up to all the light I have. I have been in this way nearly five years. I m saved from tob - thing I know is wrong. I am trust- ti ing the Lord in all things. se Your brother in the Lord I. S. Smith. th WATKINSVILLE MISS. DEAR TRUMPET READERS; I feel it would be to the glory of God to tell you of the wonderful manifestations of the power of God here in this part of his vineyard, in saving souls th and healing the sick. Praise his holy th name! He has sanctified my soul and .1! made me free from all the conform- th ities of the world. Whom the Son , makes free is free indeed. Pray for. i a crowded house. We are holding me, te on to God for souls; a few have ac- go sal ge ER tes ahze I have a heaven in my soul to go to heaven in. My time is the Lord's; what my hands find to do free! I am from sin set free! this world has now no charms for me, for Christ hath set me free. and sanctified wholly, and ready for the coming of the Lord. Amen. Lodema Kaser. rshall bee done foer God. Fre! e! f FERTIGS, PA. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: May grace and truth abide with you all. I . have felt impressed for a long time to write my testimony. I do praise God for salvation this afternoon, and for his blessed keeping power. 0! it is wonderful how he has kept, and is keeping me, through trials arid oppo-sitions all the way. Truly the word is fulfilled in my case, that a man's I have a very wicked family to con-tend with, and it is strange that they are so wicked, and the hand of God laid so heavily upon some of them. My two old, cst sons are afflicted with consumption, and two years ago I buried my third son with the same dreadful disease, but thanks be to God, he was saved before he died. with complete victory in my s oul. I TEEGARDEN, 1 he other two are not saved. I ask the prayers of all the saints that they nay be saved, for 0 it is an awful thing to fall into the hands of the lying God, and be ushered into eter- 1 nity unprepared. They were at the Red Lion camp meeting last fall but t did not yield to the many warnings of the Lord they heard there. My biding I have deep down in my s It is now two years and past si t wife and I came to this place; . I during all this time we have labo lhard for the salvation of preci souls in this very wicked city. G to know that a few honest o have found the pearl of great pr Hallelujah! And yet there are m others that are rejecting this and free salvation that is offe them with out money or price, o the price that Jesus dernands— y whole heart unreserved. Now I believe that if we had some one or two more of God's fire baptized little ones here this • spring, much might be done to bring others into this evening light holiness unto the Lord. Yours in Christ, the body, saved to the uttermost, John J. Bently. GRAND JUNCTION, MICIL, Mar. 20,18 DEAR SAINTS: I praise the go Lord this evening for the salvati of my soul. It is just one ear th evening since the dear Lord say me, and I can say with an hone heart it has been the most joyful ai hall not soon be forgotten. I want II of the saints to pray for me, for I eed et- he prayers of God's people, hat I may keep humble and sit at esus' feet and learn from him, who as saved me from all sin and heals y body. From your humble brother, sancti-fled wholly, J. W. Newkirk. OBITUARIES. 7 yrs., 6 mo. and 6 days. He died leav-ing a bright evidence that he was go-ing home to rest with Christ, request-ing all his friends to meet him in heaven. Funeral services by the writer • David Leininger. joined CARO, MICH. Alzina, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Petiprin, died March 15; aged five weeks. Funeral services were held at the house. and then lit-tle Alzina was laid to rest in the Al-tiler cemetery. May God bless the bereaved parents and save them. is our prayer. Funeral services by Leroy Sheldon. - DANVILLE, ILL., Mar. I I , 893. Sister Katie Kester, daughter of Bro. and Sister R. B. Kester died Mar. 8, 1893; aged 17 yrs. Sister Ka-tie was afflicted with consumption and bore her sufferings with wonder-ful patience. This sister made her peace with God some two years ago and the United Brethren de-nomination, but she saw the glorious evening light, and departed to rest from her labors. She leaves a fath-er and mother ‘ vho were saved in the neeting this winter, also a number > f brothers and sisters. most of whom are unsaved. Pray God for all of hem, that God's way may be their vay. Funeral service at her home by Fred H11-, 1, them free. Once I was a faithf servant of the devil, but the de Lord got hold of me and set my ca tive soul at liberty. Praise his nam Some time after my conversion, th question came to me, What churc re you going to join? You bette et a church home, and if you leav ' there, a letter will be given you whic ill open the way for you to any plac n the church, and make you at home fter praying over the matter I lef t in the Lord's hands, and had no j - de ire to join any thing but a lodge which I was a member. But I ha to leave it. Tim Lord ( not man showed me that I could not belon any longer to it. God's spirit wil guide us into all truth, and surely he I did in my case After I heard d Brother ' Warner preaching at Los Angeles the dear Lord showed me that I have been already added to le church of God by the Lord him- If. Oh how wonderfully the dear ord has filled my . soul ever since is time with peaceo rayn! Pdra igsel peaceful time in my whole life. 0 glory to God for such a wonderf and complete salvation which se men free from their sins and keeps his name forever and ever! Nearly five weeks ago I came to this place, but had no letter written with ink or paper, but one in my heart with the precious blood of Jesus. The fellow-ship one with another gives them, e dear saints, a better testimony an letters can do. Some said after vas saved that if I would go on at way I would lose my mind; and ory to God, I did. I have now the nd of Jesus, which is so much bet-r, and with the help of God I am ing to keep it.' I rejoice in this vation, and my prayer is that many ore would lose their minds and t the mind of Jesus. Your brother in Christ, saved, sane-tified and satisfied, Wm. Ebel. To ALL THE DEAR TRUMPET READ-S: I feel led of God to add my timony for the glory of God and and for some that are far away from the dear Savior, that there is saving power in Jesny. It is four years this month that I started out in the bat- I tie field for God, fighting against sin and the devil. I will tell you I am I ! enjoying it gloriously. Praise his! holy name! Although the devil has! ! been trying to run me home. But as! I know the tricks of Satan, I will lift, my voice while I have breath, for I realize the wheat is ripe to harvest I and the laborers are few. My pray-er is, Lord send out more to rescue ! ! poor perishing souls from that awful I place of torment. T is w inter w h de e were amongst Ithe Ozarks, my body became afflict- ' ed with heart disease. I had been I healed a year before, but as that aw-ful disease took hold on me began 1 I to wonder why the dear Lord per-; mitted it to come back on me. And began to resist the devil and be- I gan to think it was his will for! foes are t hose of his own household. d 1 profit by this lesson I learned, and I amdetermined to follow the lead ing- s .) of his holy Spirit. I ain cut loose g from all so- called worldly pleasures. I I am in the narrow way, with corn- o plete victory in my soul over all the I i powers of darkness and am trium- h pliant. I realize the enemy of our i soul is trying to drag us down. Now I all the dear saints pray earnestly forle me that my body may keep in per- I a feet health, and that Inlay be in th e as a good soldier. 13ut I have learn-notlive, but the Lord showed me my work was not done yet, and the dear saints laid on hands and re-h buked the affliction, and God raised ul me up. To him be all the glory. I will ts testify to the glory of God; and if I had obeyed the Lord in the winter n1 the enemy would have had no chance ar to try me in the least. Disobedience 13- will give the devil a chance to tanta-e! lize you as he did me. I promised e God if he would heal me I would h honor him and give him the glory. r So all the children of God, if he e , shows us his will and we are careless, h we may have to suffer. I write these e lines hoping this will - help you to keep out on the promises and under t the blood, and willing to do all God - wants you to. I am determined to oul. me to suffer; then the enemy tol nce me I was not able to do my duty, an and ' singing became a hard task. Bu red yet I was willing to work for th oust ! Master, but I could do so little fo lad him, and so I saw the trick of th nes enemy although I was brought dow ice. on my bed. Then I began to wan any to go home, for when I would try t full do my duty I could not, so I begat red to see thd devil was backing me down nly I began to take the promises of God our land believe him, so I called to have do hands laid on for the healing of my body. So the Lord wonderfully touched my body with the mighty healing power and it went through my soul and my heart just like elec-tricity, and for about an hour I felt the mighty power of God, and God showed me to write my testimony. I did not write it, so the enemy came to me and told me I was not healed. We had some severe battles to fight 93- but Jesus helped us. od But since that time I had another on attack of heart disease; it lasted for about three hours. I t seemed I could ed st Id hands of God in winning many souls I ed a lesson, though it cost dearly, that from darkness into this glorious light s an liberty of the true gospel. I re- a alize I am out on the sea of glass, n can say this morning to the glory of J God, I am all sold out to Jesus. I re- h I- remain your little sister, saved William L. Rhodes, was born Sept. 1865, died March 13, 1893; aged 2 dlprayer is that they may be saved yet, d i for I fear their time is not long in t I this world. I have seven living chil-e l dren; my baby a boy thi ee years 3with a lame knee and cannot walk. e I have a great many things to endure n in this life, but out of all the Lord t has promised to deliver me; and I o mean to overcome by the grace of God, and the word of my testimony, . for it is only those that endure unto the end that will be saved. Pray for me that I may be faithful unto the end, and for my afflicted f I they may be saved. Your tried and persecuted sister, Ester Davis. N. DENVER, 8o6 PAnmER, Ave., Con. DEAR SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH: I feel it would be to the glory of God to tell of his wondrous love and pow-er a Jesus as shown to me. While I have not in limes past been true to God, he has been true to me, and I am praising God for salvation full and free just now, with the victory in my soul over the flesh and the de 1. I have been afflicted for about seven years with the catarrh in my head, and the last two years I have suffer-ed almost constantly with a dull, heavy headache, and the last three or four weeks at times m hearing affected. Now Jesus says in Jno. 15: 7— If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. Again we read in Mark 16: 17, 18 — And these signs sh a ll follow them that believe: in my name shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if, they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall re-cover. On Mar. 15, 1893 at the meet-ing complied with Jas. 5: 14, 15. Glory to Jesus! the work was done I v as completely healed and I cannot prah e him enough for his love to me. ' Oh the sweetness and completeness f perfected holiness!" How grand t is to serve God with our whole eart! Oh the joy and sweet peace t brings! Truly I feel sorry when look over the past and see how rooked I was and how miserable, nd when trials came I did not endure S-. 1) mein gxri Ili still ttwti V tobern Unit Oeniciintinift hat) id) jet ben tem' ertauften ssitIte‘: tin y eries,; t. : 1111e., onfmaeben lint) ti teniii-; uiel '. 1‘. elt nub 2etbi. tutilitleben : ■ .: ny, i1- 1) taut iii) bolt) 31mt nbtil il Iteitten title-,- ahmerien Lihlttll Nis: t mein :.,.--. ettnen ant . i'ettn mein ient• , ift im g.,) erien. Itn0 er teittt nun ineitten Vatit. - Nicht.:. tam) nun mid) inet) r trregen mehr iu stir ift 0e . c, toiler :; hues 11110 ? unit tit left) thrift, Ileieffen Voqte id) itt Sbout art nn icincut 2t1ci1 nun melt on in ber 7 .4etigen Vont). onuner Milner iieqeitb! ', L ch meine trafie fort , ■ mater i elia! nie er1t10enb tint) le g id) in km Volt. :: t1 Rill fpiir win %) ait'w ic crfaitet ) seine Arnit \ itn nut' ich beirtdubift fat'. er mir mein' als2, ' zialett ) tab `,‘ et Rath : Lilt ;)) i'emem Ue re nun mit A% renben Inn ks ut mid) itartt * Nu uad) -; N tnn ftat t1UI ent Nadi itil 2- etten; ) lad) bent bet ' ine uedl jelmt nid) t miferabet 2-- eit tdt feu:), ' Mlenblitf) t. 2: eit hi) red) t Ile salt t; i) ba T. anb win) wie tierweben crfti. irt burr() OuttO IlnanillOrlitil wilt Men zibllt. iteirtni: 1101, 1: 1) etiiirtu'ebietn igence, to acid to faith, virtue; and to G. R. Achor. virtue, knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance; and to temperance, pa-tience, etc. 2 Pet. r: - 5. And in the loth verse says, If ye do these things ID not our heart burn within ye shall never fall. So we find it a us while he talked with us M 0. by very essential element. Again Paul NISIINABO TN says, Ye have need of patience after DEAR READERS: I feel led to write ye_ havedd tohe winll oof Geod , th at ye a short testimony. I am saved and mm ight rreecceeive the pprormiosesm. Hieb . sanctified, to do the whole will of I in our soul this morning in the beau- 36. Another promise is, " Because G d ordh. is it I blmpr aising essed a to d be keeping th a the f d o e ll a orwp power. odf er r. tiful narrow way of holiness. We thou hast fo kept the word of my pa-read in Tim. 2: 2.--" Thou there- tience, I will also keep thee from the I find fore my son, be strong in the grace hour of temptation." . Rev. 3 : / 0. the Lamb, and I desire the pra yers that is in Christ Jesus, and the things Again, " To them who by patient con- of all God's little ones that I may; that thou hast heard of me among; tinuanee in well doing, seek for glory, still grow in grace and sink deeper them in the beginning, when " he, many witnesses, the same commit . and honor, and immortality, eternal in his blessed will. made them- in his own likeness and thou to faithful men." And the dear life." Rom. 2: 7. Yours in perfect love, after his own image," to glorify the; Lord has so plainly showed me he So then since eternal life is a re- Juliett A. Murphy. hand that formed them, and honor would have a tried people. We read suit of patient continuance in well and exalt the great supreme mind, in Dan. 12: to—" Many shall be puri- doing, surely patience is glorious and which conceived his formation who lied, made white and tried." The , essential. Then let us have it. How fact that we are tried is a proof of can we get it: First, let us add ac- keep you is my prayer. I feel led of! our being white, and yet the devil cording to 2 Pet. is 5, next lay aside the Lord to write my testimony. will whisper that something is wrong; every weight and the sin which doth cannot get to see enough of people and you may at once begin to exam- 1 so easily beset, and let us run with to tell them that I am saved. of all who may be so fortunate as to ire yourself. But when you find that I patience the race set before us. Now thought I would send it through the scr " of memory after an absence of sever-, with the Lord, do not judge by your; that is detrimental to us in this race, ! and alive unto scan those hasty ibbled thoughts you have not broken your covenant Pl'says, Run." Brethren, one thing Trumpet. I am God. tGo lotiriyistowGor, t1 al years from the professional field,, feelings. Have you ever rode on an is disobedience. For, says the! in the highest! I praise him for his! while engaged in the immediate evan-- electric street car, which went so apostle, Ye did run well, who did keeping power. I am so glad the gelistic labors for my blessed Re- smoothly you could not feel that you hinder you that ye should not obey Lord is more than a match for the deemer and Savior. I have written were going? Likewise we cannot be . the truth? Gal. s: 7. So we find i devil. Thank God that when I was a those few thoughts almost entirely , governed by our feelings. We read: what hindered the Galatians, as it is sinner the dear Lord had mercy on' from memory, without referring to in I Pet. 4: 12—" Think it not strange i in every case. Now what does the me. I tried the ways of sin but did! books, except once before I left home concerning the fiery trial which is to; ward say to us? My brethren, count: not find any peace. But my soul is' I referred to Dr. Trail's Encyclopedia try you-, as though " some strange thing: it all joy when ye fall into divers I 4fr- ee. I am af, flicted, bsut all thin1 of Hydropathy. I felt for some happened unto you," and here you temptations , knowing this, that the work together for good to them that' time before I commenced that God : are wondering what the - trouble is. trying of your faith worketh patience.; love the Lord. was inspiring e to this all import-; " Forasmuch then as Christ hath suf- e Jas. I: 3. Thank God for the know' Your brother, tant privilege of trying to inform my : Iered for us in the flesh, arm your- l edge that is first added.; then we can. hn M. Harrington. I m HE ” A. LTH D F P ARTMENT brethren, which God has granted to your un-' " But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are par-` says we can glory ingribulation, know- Him who ordained them to serve us, ' divers temptations. And so we have; ence, hope, and hope maketh riot a- There are some agents which are his creatures, for our physical and' learned that when we are pressed ! s1hamed, because the love of God is , I not poison; Capsicum, Asclepias, L, spiritual as well as temporal goad, ! beyond measure, when counted right, I shed abroad in our hearts by the N, Lobelia and many that would that We thereby may glorify him, the it is joy beyond measure; and when! Holy Ghost, which he hath given un-not poison a person and would be the author, by obey ing those imfnu- I we feel exceedingly sorrowful, then to us? Rom. 5: 7. But remember, beneficial in many troubles if one has table laws, ordained to our happiness when counted, it is exceeding joyful. : dearly beloved, he only gives the not faith in our Lord to take their in this life, and which cannot be vio- I " Whereby are given unto us eileed-! Holy Ghost to them that obey him. case to him, but if any of the saints lated without suffering the fearful I ing great and precious promises, that i Acts 5: 32. Therefore, in order to penalty of our disobedience. So in I by- these we might be partakers of I enloy thefullness of God in our souls consideration _. of those wonderful I the divine nature, havving escap eedd : constantly w, e must obey all the a- . . . P 1 y, . if yet possibly one might take one of facts, let me entreat every lover o notwithstanding the M. D's to moderate use of the necessaries of ! faith by healing them. So it is in Truly Paul did not exhaust the day, the contrary . Let all the dear saints lifeinot what we may desire or crave many other things. The apostle Pe- idea of patience working experience. I of God be wise in all those things, but, the necessaries] and the absti- ! ter tells us that if need be ye are in ! What a glorious one! Perfect, entire. 1 but first of all provide by obtaining pence of all things that are injurious; e heaviness through manifold tempta-! wa nting nothing, says James. But faith in Jesus who is able. Let me which God teaches us in his word,: tions. " If need be." So we see that we need divine assistance, strength-d aloud with trumpet thunder h' I is the doctrine of the gosp eell right with salvation we are tested,, ened with all * might according to his soun tones to the poople of God, avoid all " Let your moderation be known to tempted and tried. Let me intreat glorious power unto all patience, and e poisons as far as it is your power to all men." " Be tempera t e in all you as the apostle Paul to count it a I longsuffering, with joyfulness. Col. things." In submit
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 13:13
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 13:13
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 13:13
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 13:13
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 13:13
title_sort gospel trumpet - 13:13
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1893
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The Altar
Van Buren
Yellow Lake
Luther Lake
geographic_facet Payne
The Altar
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Yellow Lake
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genre Mite
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op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766244391800799232
spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:38+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 13:13 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1893-03-30 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 13 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1893 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:03:49Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Let none hear you idly saying, - " There is nothing Lyon do," While the souls Of men are dying, And the Master calls for you; Take the task he gh- es you gladly Let his work your pleaFlure be; Answer quickly when he calleth, Here am I, send me, send inc. Selected by Annie M. Gnagy. THE NEED OF WATOHING AND PRAYING, If among the older people You may not be apt to teach " Feed my lambs, said Christ our Sliepherd, Place the food within their reach :" And it may be that the children You have led with tremblin g hand, Will be found among your jewels When you reach that better land. If you cannot he the watchmen Standing high on Zion's walls, Pointing Out the path to heaven, Offering life and peace to all; With your prayers and with your bounties, You can do what heaven demands; You can be like faithful Aaron, Holding up the prophet's hands. Harkl the voice of Jesus crying, IrWho will go and work to day? Fields are white and harvest waiting, Who'wilt bear the sheaves away"? Load and strong the- Master ealleth, ' Rich reward he offers thee; Who will answer gladly, saying, Here am I, send me, send me? If you cannot cross the ocean And the heathen lands explore, You can find the heathen nearer, Yen can find them at your door. If you cannot give your thousands You can give the widow's mite, And the least you do for Jesus Will be precious in his sight. If you cannot speak like angels, If you cannot preach like Paul, You can tell the love of Jesus, You can say he died for all. Ifyou cannot rouse the wicked With the judgment's dread alarm, You can lead the little children To the Savior's waiting arms. The Lord God shall BLOW theTRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds. Zech. g: L . Your Miszion, Plee out ef the midst of Babylon, and deliv-er every man his soul: be not out off in her : nieuity; for this is the time of the Lord's vea-l's: zee; he rill render unto her a reoompence. And the Ind shall tremble and sorrow: for every ' purpose of the Lord thall be performed rimdeisnoslta tBioanb ywloitnh, otuot mana kine hthabei tlaanndt. of Bab7lot Jer. 61: O. 213. Take ye heed, watch and pray, foi ye know not when the time is. Mark 13: 33. There is an idea gone forth in the lanchand being taught by some who are deceived of the , devil, that it is impossible to fall froin grace af-ter being sanctified. Just a little com-mon sense with reason is sufficient to show plainly that this is a deception of the enemy, and not according to the word of God; but is only gotten up by false teachers, and supposed by the devil, to deceive precious souls, and leadthem- down the broad way to hell. We warn all in the name of Jesus Christ, and hope that none who are honest, and desire to make sure work for heaven, will be deceived or led astray by such teaching. Also pray that God will deliver all who are honestly deceived and desire to know the right way. The very idea Set forth in Heb. 6: 6,— If they shall fall away, plainly shows that there is a liability of falling, if we do not the whole Will of God. This one text alone is sufficient to prove that it is possible even after being partakers of- the Holy Ghost: and the warnings giVen by Christ himself, also by the apostles, are enough to show that there is danger of falling- at any time, if learn in Rom. I 16, and 2 Thess. 2: 13, that the Holy Spirit is the sancti-fier. Yet Paul who had received it ) ( which guides into all truth) , says, " if they shall fall away," showing that it I is possible. But say some, He I- o- ith perfected forever them that _ are s ant:- 4fied. Heb. to: _ Ia. That is very true; and has been since the day of Pe ntecost,- and will be till the end of time, even forever. Praise the Lord! But if they fall they are neither sanctified nor perfect. Both verses Heb. 6: 6, and to: 14 are the page of Paul: and there is no ques-Wtion as to him having the Holy Spirit hich guides into all truth, no err° r' Consequently no contradiction, but in perfect harmony When rightly under Stood Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore : get wisdom, and with ail thygettingget Understanding-. P1ov. 1 For if after they have escaped we fail to watch and pray. We I I pentanceo It is very dangerous in- ! deed to go back after being saved. If a person willingly turns from the Lord after he is saved and strives a- Rev. 2: 5. Turn, 0 backsliding child-ren, saith the Lord, for I am married unto you. jer. 3: 14. I wilt heal their backsliding: I will love them freely. Hos. 14 : 4- Dear unsaved souls, who have wandered away frOm Father's house, do as the prodigal, arise and come to the Savior, he will heal your back-sliding, and resto, re unto you the Joys of salvation. Praise his holy name forever! And to all that are saved, watch and pray. Stand fast there fore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free: and - be not en-tangled again with the yoke of bond-tude of sins. James 5 : 1 9, 20. You see, as soon as one sins or errs from the truth, James calls him a sinner, g- ainst the Holy - Spirit, and bath trod- lbefore he sins he said brethren," den under foot the son of God and I but thank the Lord for a chance to hath counted the blood of the cove- i be converted again. I know this by nant wherewith he was sanctified , my own experience. After I was first saved, through neglect of duty I lost my salvation. The Lord called me to preach - the gospel, and I did. a warning to all who are exposed to the teaching that we cannot fall, that you may take heed and watch and pray, and keep clear from such teach-ing. If any man teach otherwise and ' consent not to wholesome words, ev-that committeth sin is the servant of sin. Nly little children, these things write I unto you that ye sin not; and if any man sin we have au i advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. I Jno. 2: I . Brethren, if ible to fall, is I _ In°. 3:- 9.— Whosoev-er is born of God doth not commit sin, for his heed remaineth in him and he cannot. sin, because he is born of God. Very true we know that no man cam sin and be a child of God at the same time, not even converted, for he that corn-mitteth sin is of the devil consequent-ly not of God, for one- is opposite to the other. No one can sin and be a child of God, no more than he can be a saint and a sinner at the same time. man see his brother sin a sin which is Ye cannot serve two masters, and he not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him- life for them that sin not unto death: there is a sin- unto death; I do not say that he shall pray- for it. jib. 5: 16. But some people say it is impossible to be renewed after fall-ing. He says he will give. life to any of you do err from the truth and those who sin not unto death. Paul one convert him, let him know that says of a certain class, that it _ is im- he which converteth the sinner from possible to renew them again unto re- the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multi-the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Sav-ior Jesus Christ, they are again en-tangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been bet-ter for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than after they have- known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. 2 Pet. 2: 20, 21. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed, lest he fall. i Cor. 12. As long as there are temptations we have Power to yield if we will. But thank the Lord, we have no desire to dis-obey him. Yet some in time of severe trials and temptations do yield and transgress the law of God, just as Ad am did, and " the soul that sinneth it shall die;" consequently they fall in-to condemnation and a snare of the devil. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptations. Matt. 26: 41. And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith- virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temp-erance, and to temperance patience. and to patience godliness, and to god-liness brotherly kindness, and to bro.- membered, but for his iniquity that therly kindness charity. **** Give he hath committed he shall die for diligence to make your calling and it. Ezek. 33: 13. Another scripture election sure, for if ye do these that is used to try to prove it imposs-things ye shall never fall. 2 Pet 5- 1o. By exhorting the saints to be diligent and do these things, implies that if they do not these things they would be liable to fall. We are free moral agents and have power given us to choose whom we will serve; and that is not taken aWay in this world only from those_ who have committed the unpardonable sin, or placed them-selves where they will forever have no conviction to turn to God. If any works. The Lord received me and w abundantly pardoned me, and put t me in the body ( church) as it pleased him. Praise his name forever! I am now in the one body and very thank-ful indeed for it and I am glad and rejoice to do the will of God. And if I continue to do these things I shall never fall. ' BIJMPET Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, March 30, 1893. Volume 13. No. 13. world, if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but of the world.-- i Jno. 2: 1- 6, 17. 0 be as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to your former lusts in your ignorance.— i Pet. 1: 14. Uremember one instance where God wanted me to tell how I was saved from tea, coffee and my corset. There was a brother there whose wife wore one; he jumped up and said it was all right if God had showed this to us, but we should not lay down a . rule for others to walk by. - Now I had not laid down any rule. I sim-ply told them what God had done for me and what he wanted me to tell for his g- lOry, and there was a dear sister there that I believe laid off her corset from that day, and that man continued to get more lean in his soul, until to day he seldom meets with the children of God to worship. God does not want any golden wedges hid away. 2 Cor. 13: II nally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect be of good comfort, be of one mind, Iive in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you. Con 1: to. Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. Beloved brethren and sisters, we may as well expect God's cause to prosper as it should, if we would con-tinue to wear our jewelry and ruffles and feathers and all the unnecessa-ries, when they are once brought be-fore the minds of the people, as to expect God's cause to prosper as if should when we will not put away this accursed thing from among us, which is very injurious to the temple, which God - created for his own dwelling. It has been stated, that if all the evils were known, that and sanctified and walking in the the corset inflicts on humanity, it light as he is in the light, saying that would be found to rank - with those of they cannot leave it off. Why? For the same reason that the tobacco slave thinks he cannot leave off his tobacco. I would to God, that if he has not already, that he would con-vict every soul that wears a corset as he did me. It was during a meet-ing being held by the saints about two years ago, although there was nothing said in the meeting against such things, and the brother's wife, while he was holding the meeting, wore one. God from some cause wonderfully convicted me . and told me I- had to lay it off or lose my sal-vation, and when I tried to excuse myself to God by telling him I was sci - poor, that I would look miserable without it. Also that this brother and sister who were teachers, if she could stand approved of God as a teacher, why could not L And then the answerwould come, Who art thou that repliest against God? shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus ? Oh did that yon will never again be Viam ah Crites. glory to _ Jesus for the Holy Spiri t ! I sing God's praises, you will s a y as I NEOSHO, MO. DEAR BRETHREN: I feel led to write Ives miserable, and they had about my testimony this morning. I am given up the abominable thing. We saved and sanctified wholly and kept were much grieved Then during a by the power of God, and do realize meeting which was being held, in deep down in my soul that his grace which a brother's wife who is also a teacher wore one, that these dear souls lost sight of Christ on this point - b er And he sai71 thfo uget? oe Amftnei, l wI haants wseeere- ir Then said he unto ruet every one that stenleat 8 ctaOt svaisaladthcr ebyca ao. l: nclr c udcbuoeien rtt gdh c, oir untfafotg os otwtoft fe it atho; rs nteant nthhtiis Zechto.• Lborradle o,,,, f iht ofzorr't ssh, gaits. I A nd he shall send his antels with a area sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather togeth-erhis elect from thefts winds, from one end o heaven to the other. blow learn a parable of the dg tree; Men his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye blow that SLIMMOT ia nigh: $ O lihewiee ye, when ye shall zee all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Xatt. 24: 31- 33. age. Gal. 5: Well, because of unbelief they were broken off : and thou standest by faith: be not high-minded but fear: for if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Rom. II: 20, 21. Ye therefore beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness. 2 Pet. 3: 17. The word " steadfastness," shows plainly that they were in the stand-ing or sanctifying grace. The next verse says, Grow in grace, etc. So they were in grace, for they could not grow in grace until they got into it. Yet they were warned to beware lest they fall. The doctrine alone " that we cannot fall," is enough to overthrow all who believe it. We are only redeemed I, vhen fully saved, in the image of God, just as Adam was; and all that transgress the law of God ( commit sin) will fall into condemnation even as he did. When I shall say to the righteous that he shall surely live: if he trust to his own righteousness and commit iniquity, all his righteousness shall not be re-godliness; from such withdraw th y- I John 5: 21. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. Also verse 4, For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world. We look around- us and see precious souls who are in bondage to the abomina-ble corset; souls who, know that the word says whosoever Christ maketh free is free indeed and is without condemnation: I say abbmniable, for wore one, and oh the back aches, neck aches and shoulder aches that it caused me to endure, and know what I am talking about. Yet we see those who say they are saved en the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the doctrine which is ac-cording to godliness, he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions, and strifes of worcIS where-of cometh envy, strifes, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings of men of corriapt minds and eli. stitute of the truth, supposing that gain is self. Tim. 4: 3- 5. Watch ye there-fore, and pray always , that ye may he accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21: 36, And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. Mark 13: 37. Now unto him that i able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior be glory and majesty, dominion and power both now a. r d forever. Amen. Jude 24, 25. Thomas Carter. TO THE OHILDREN OF GOD. [ had been sanctified ], an unholy thing and hath done despite un, to the spirit-- of grace,- Heb. to: 29, then he is in a critical condition indeed. For the not want to do it and hesitated to o- Lord said, My Spirit shall not alwa ys bey the Lord, Therefore to him strive with man. Gen. 6: 3. As longlthat knoweth to do good and doeth as God's Spirit has no_ tdeparted there ! it not, to him it is sin. James 4 : 1 h 7. is ope. Lord help dear souls to The result was, I became lukewarm, take warning and grieve not the Holy and before I was aware the Lord Spirit'. - When the sin is not unto spewed me out of his mouth ( his perfectly satisfied with my form as bound to the goddess of fashion. A-death, the command is, Remember body, the church), and yet when I he created me, and he did so. I think men and amen. therefore from whence thou art fal- , had opportunity, I was more than my corset, was about as hard a thing len, and repent, and do the first works. willing to re pent and do the first i as I had to give up, and I see others tobacco and whiskey. No brother who is saved in this evening light would think ( as plain as - the word is taught) that he could keep saved and still continue to use tobacco and whiskey. Now the word says that we should make straight paths for our feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way, but let it rath-er be healed. Even sinners' eyes are not closed concerning these facts. I have known men and women who were straight for God come and teach and show us and condemn these evils in the sight of all the people, and may be the next one that came amongst us had not laid them all down. Now dear sisters, perhaps this will be strong meat for some of you, but do not let the adversafy get the advantage of you and condemn me for writing this, but go before God in earnest prayer and he will soon show you what to do, and if you obey him, the freedom you can enjoy in your souls and in your lungs, when you laid it off and told God to make me ho are about the same way. I know wo dear souls who ha. ve made their I write this for the_ glory of God as and put on the thing again that had Six years ago he wond f 11 he, aled my body, and he has been my physician ever since. I desire the prayers of all the saints. And pray that My wife may be sanctified. Your brother in Jesus, Andrew Watkins, caused so much misery. Oh. if dear souls would only keep their e3. es Christ and only follow their breth-ren and sisters as they fallow Christ! Now the word says, Love not the. world, neither the things that are in is sufficient f4ir all things. Praise his holy name! He keeps me well and osper ng ott bodily and spiritual-u y THE GOSPEL TRUMPET ° mg° Lams NOT OTHERWISE RECEIPTEll. Zelpha Waterbury, Joseph H. Davis, C. B. A WEEKLY HOLMESS . TOT. TEZN A T. Tracy, Matthew Kerr, Addle Smith, James 1 Willis. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTAR/ AN. Sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the Publication of full Salvation. and Divine Hea] in of the Body. The Unity orail true Christians in " the faith once de-livered to the sa nts." Published at Requests for Prayer. I-Pray for J. E. Young, of Nevada, Mo., that he may be healed of sever- , al diseases. cat, 11111) 3711- CTION1 1120114 D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS — Publishers. Pray for Sister Maddux, of Rock- , yule. Mo., that she may be healed to the glory of God. • A commission of 20 per cent will he given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper. gErParties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify- us regularly of their address. IVO ICE. How to Send Mone, v.- Remit by Post Office Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change of Address.— Suiveribers wish-ing their address chamred, must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address. Missing Papers.— It occasion a lly happens that numbers of our papers sent to our sub-scribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive yours when due, after wait-ing a sufficient length of time, write us a card. and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. VEZ SMI- & W- 4- Z11 An interesting paper tor children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Addras, THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand junction. Kea BOOKS and TRACTS. TOBACCO AS AN EVIL. Per hundred, 10 cts. Why are you not a cnuisTrAN? Per hund. 10 c. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. 32 pages, 5 cts. A TRACT ON THE TRUE CHURCH. It con-tains 50 pages. Price 10 cts. Per dozen, 80 cts. A TRAM ON THE SABBATH, OR WHICH DAY TO KEEP. Contains 65 pages, 10 cts. each. The Age to Come, and 3Ti11ennium Tradition Refut-ed by the Inspired Word of God 56 pages, 10 cts. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE CHURCH. A tract containing 82 pages, 1 cent each. The Great Yobacco Sin. It contains 30 pages. with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. Must vi Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 45 pages. Single copy 2 ets. Per dozen. 20 cts. Per honOred. $ 1.50. The Ordinances of the New Testament. A NEW TRACT. BY WM. G. SCHELL. In the evening I confessed in the public prayer meeting what I had been and that I was a child of God now, but - wanted a real Bible experi-ence with sweeping- victory in my soul, viz: sanctification. The sacrifice was examined by Pod's faithful servants, showing- and instructing me on sane_ and Babylon. t e we should pray ground. When I humiliated myself or not standing right, they fast and some one, and said tification, that all may cover the they see any man err from the truth we were either crazy or murdering a ith d went sobbing th and a d ltar weeping broke I was ke down sha- OraY until the Lord_ is mov w ed to clear On the read if we wanted to. I said ( Continued from last issue.) do testify to the glory of God against first time in my life. Our dear brother 1all sects add against that one espec- lEbel and myself went out inptraheadftfeorti May the Lord enlighten the ! noon and talked about salvation. Soon dear souls that are in the Alliance we entered a little shed and ye 1 and running down with her to de- our brethren. 1AThen we got through out of the sects, shake all yokes off, ! waves be stayed. belong to nothing but Christ and be: my case.- at home where his children are, God Something wonderful was I permitt_ would work through them, but as it is I ed to go through last Sunday to suf_ thin but machinery. fer persecution for Christ's sake, the now, it is no g If h children of God, ed us - what we were doing; he thought qetting forth the ordinances of the scriptures in clear light, showing which are abolished. and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Ole Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. Single copy 5 ets. Per dozen 45 cis. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a re-view of a tract written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ. It contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 as. 11.90 a dozen. Order of the author. Bro. W. W. Bradley. Watkinsvine Miss. or from this office. The Bible R eadings; Holiness Bible Subjects. A book containing 103 subjects with scriptures, concord-ance, definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church. its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming of the evening light. Illustrated 378 pages, neatly bound in • loth. Single copy 81.00. or more SO cents eaeh. For this book. Address, H. C. Wi. iiersham, Norew Pittsburg, Ind. Gospel Trumpet. Grand Itinction. Mich. Per dozen nnrni By E. E. BYRUM. A NEW BOOK JUST OUT. It very plainly marks out the way of salvation. and also tells how God heals the sick, and the conditions upon which they are restored, giving wonderful testimonies of his miraculouspower in these last days It consists of 248 pages, neatly bound. Cloth, 5 Cents. Paper cover, 25 cents. GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. to., Grand junction, Mich. w DEAR SAINTS OF GOD, GREETING: I wish to ask the saints to pray for me, that my heart may be cleansed from all sin, and every desire to sin may be taken out of my heart and that I may become fully in possession of the blessed experience of perfect love or entire sanctification. Your brother in the love of Christ R. M. Gear. 1346 ESTES STRF. ET, AUGUSTA, GA. Call for Meeting. - • g P -• • churches and the sects you belonged God, for it is just a start the devil ! Lord! God has done a complete a the hands of the Lord, all with him I Finally I wish to ask all the dear 1powerful, wonderful work and. has an d h e does it ILL that I began to jump OnW me- I use to know so much, o I ' f e 1 -. II r w r ites I wish I could em- As Holy I am Spirit writing this, inspired by to do his whole will, am wanting! French in the near future. As the the - nothing. May no one ever see only Lord wants me here. which he L TH Mar. 24, 1893. brace and greet all the dear brethren ! Christ Jesus in me. showed plainer than before, and as I-To THE BEOVED READERS OF E ' who read this and show indeed the Glory to God! The greatest achiev- have disposed of my own will TRUMPET, GREETING: I am praising: love of Christ now reigning within ! ment of a full salvation through the s wotrruth and graknt the whole spread than e v er before i over us. Praise t h e Lord! d , in this even ren to see the entire change. One- 1 Jesus victory overcoming the light, and write whatever the saved and sanctified, they could all ! in his name, and while we keep look- gl y, a, o thealvation of dear see it. That I am willing to make all • ing unto : Jesus, while he is our only Oh or may nd G d his e abundantly bless souls wrongs ever done right, is but natural. thought and the salvation of other '. a Oh glory, glory, glory! It fills 4- ny souls our only care, the devil has no wider n whole being with glory. I am saved more power English, German, and even Frenchh through the blood, sanctifiedand sat- 1 Before I had to keep very quiet a- possible, as it is surely his work isfied fully in Jesus. - God is love in- H bout salvation, but now we have • and his will. A men, it shall be done. deed and his love must be in all those something to talk about. We want • Amen. that are his. No more uprising, as to expose the devil wherever we can I remain your brother fully saved I tiled' to get angry at very little oc- I and to make wrongs right. Before ] and wholly sanctified, Bro. Kriebel assisted in the meeting. currences and things; no more fault i was fully M. Dederer. s aved I had all the light a- WILLsatRE, O., March 25, 1893. DEAR - 13RETIIREN: Great grace and peace be yours evermore. Amen. Perhaps the dear saints would like to hear from us here at Wilshire a-gain. I will just say that we are all abounding in the grace of God, real-izing- that the blessings of God flow here like a mighty river. Streams of glory, one after another, coming down from the glory world, making our hearts rejoice in God. Within the past two months some have been saved. and backsliders still returning to Father's house. We have been visiting the little church at Decatur, Ind. Sorry to say that the devil had gotten the advantage of some and we found that the unity of the Spirit was broken; but glad to state that all were willing to measure themselves by the word, and square up wherein they lacked, and the sweet fellowship of the Spirit was again brought back. Last Lord's d aeayt); ntvge. met there for an ordinance and some had to cry out for j oy, saying Ohh howblessed to obey the command? Jesus! Tru-ly God did verify his promises to us. Shouts and praises went up to God, , they never ffree before Oh. it was wonderful and indeed my s( all did magnify the Lord and rejoice to see them drinking so freely. Oh ' BBroo,. H. Ri ggle , New : WWhhat- 1 come, A ash., writes, that he desires., Isonie of God's ministers to come tol 1 high mind. On what a fire was kin- 1 Bro. .1b Moore, C t, M . _ h., I requests some of God's ministers to come there and hold meetings. THREE RIVERS, M1CH., Mar. 20,1 893. - presenting myself a lying sacrifice ,, This some of the laying all on the altar what I could is a new creature; old things are ! shoat. This stirred up think of and what I probably did not 1 Passed away, behold all things are i people who came running after us) , think of— all that might come up in '• become new." Praise the Lord! If : and a constable wanted to arrest me ' the future; all on the altar, reputa- anything is true indeed it is this. t for praising God on the Sabbath clay. 1 tion, world, flesh, discontentment, The change with me is so miraculous \ W\ ee tried to show him God's love but th t I cannot comprehend it. I al- ' he kept scolding and scoffing, and an-that place. Ile is distributing tracts d papers. . shaken through and through when so quick and in such a short time. h a d devils in us. God have mercy and hands Were laid on me to c l ear up my When the devil came and said, Well ,: on him, for the devil spoke out of idled there, how it did burn so mightily, 1 death to go through but yet sweet : and precious was the resurrection. - : All hea. ven rejoiced that night and sus and said to the Lord I am goinge follow, but his grace is sufficient for ! all devils were mad. Oh bless the to do nothing. I left all so entirely in us all. leap for - joy asl I never had done be- 1knowt nothing but Cohrist crucified, The , also the French, which are almost as the powers of hell trying to crush mr. m - - , I Therefore if any man be in Christ he yea, I could not help but leap and = the sects and c u t so sha rp well to t ake us to the jail, but by the help self! It was a hard dying and I wasland through and yet it was all done; to his house , saying to us that we en soul and bo and his case up and bring him out. OnelI was willing to, and we wished him ken d saints is worth God's blessing. Over this little trial body. co • 1 wi and keep me bca . k I knelt there 1- 1- sm. - Behold I make all thing n eeww. Spirit of God I made a joyful noise grumbling, everything, at lats my 1 a whole self with my exalted spirit andlways thought it was not right to tear I other one came with his horses ready 1 i f what are you going to do about the him. ' This I relate to the honor of I case entirely. t was a ear u swept out all carnalitY ansd ecledan wr aigtaeinst sin, the world and Bab- faith for the German work. Th to ? I rebuked him in the name of je- made and no doubt some more will: I a hold of me, and, with sweeping vic- 1 Heaven's windows are open and he is! to bring to them the f uld feel all meeting , ore to me than a thousand in sect- got so happy and filled with the if the word does cut it is so much the! of God he could not do it nor in any I burnin u all the dr Y os and nl wholeiheetter. I can say it cut me through ! way hurt us. Finally he went back DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: am happy to report victory in Jesus over all the power of the enemy. May God send some one to assist us in a protracted " meeting which we have just begun. We do hope and pray that the Lord o n the 12th. Th e Lord blessed us in e ,, - ylon, and his grace is sufficient for me.' Lord showed us, that it is high time full gospel o ' I tory and a transparent experience in I continually pouring blessings anon ! the evening light in their own tongue, his sanctuary. The Spirit got such , He MON es me to children of God to pray united i homeless girl to raise. am nothing, want nothing but to glo- ! of Divine Healing, which the good a while before this I had no desii- e to r'f3T Savior._ Oh the depths of Lord permitted me to translate into ' said I need not- tell anybody I was world, for he causeth us to triumph I IulY Spirit may inspi r e me to his will send us help in singing, etc. Your brother saved and sanctified, Leroy Burden. struction in the ways of the world . the propri e t o r came running and ask-fore in my life. could not help but The greatest wonder is just this: that ! numerously represented in this coun-leap and shout all evening. All the before this great change I always try as the Germans and in a far more Lydia A. Nelson, Luther, Lake Co., saints of God rejoiced with me. oh wanted to be something and now I pitiable condition. The precious book Mich., that she desires to take - 1.1° w I loved and kissed the brethren, which full y was just contrary to the Lord' my soul, and that he keeps me so evening were ssuufficientt for tohet bretrh- coanstant vnictofry thsroughl the abloodteby gospe - gr e et them with a holy- kiss. the wisdom of God! I am given up _ German, shall also be translated into FROM lilt, OITTL1 g/ E1PS HOMB: : God for a continuation of his love in E me. Three days after this glorious • entire cleansing, sanctification is th e , shall divine he continue to l truth help sweetly saved, praise his dear name. Many are anxious to know what we are doii- g. Well we are serving God with ail our soul, mind and strength. On the trth of March we took train for Muskegon, where we met the congregation at Little Black Lake, preaching his word, I, vhicli resulted in b Do not send your children on until Paul in writing to the children of God ten for lifetime and oh, how do they , all things are ready, and remember . at the various places always wrote to know that God does want any such Bible readings or references on Price 15 cts. this home is not foi those who want the church of God and not to some thing? Indeed God wants no one to egt ertid of the care and responsi- so- called churches, such as Lutherans, be bound with chains of iron to , sect- • also admit widows who come under ! or a w el thou g ht the Chris t ian in g ar sdouls aweay from Christ, the This boo k contains 1 4 8 songs. 90 with m u sk. AbOV Dearly b e, I f layed ee l that God has This Alliance is cowering and filling eled and fashioned idol, a code • ready to commence the building. The a half dozen including- Alliances) darkened my mind so much that I News from the Field Lord willing, we expect to commence ! they have no such thing; how barren. even wrote against the saints of God on the addition to the boarding house, how cold is even their sanctification as being nothing but a sect too like The Ordinance of Feat Washing. 26x28, ti. vo stories high, to be used for even of their four- fold gospel, in all the others. Oh how shameful! I camp meetings and for the children. which you have to be friends to all But thanks to God, the things I love& IA word of advice to all whom it may sects which are as they bear not the to do I hate now and what I hated I concern: remember, dearly beloved, name saints of God, which is the I3i- love now. Amen. I do pity the that it takes means, labor and time ble name for his people in his church, poor deceived souls that the devil ! to ring about such an enterprise.: for we are either saints or sinners.: makes to enlist in the sect army, of-much goodi n the salvation of pre-cious souls and the edifying and ! strengthening of the church. Dear He still remained after our return. finding, how sweet, how precious! 1 bout the true church of God for a • _ \ Tel 1 iii to the- house, we are know that in all seets ( I lia. ve been in while, but 133.- and by the old enemy BV H. C. WICKERSHAM. bility of raising their children, but for Methodists, Baptists, Alliances. Bless ism and egotism and other isms. I au new. When sung in the spirit of God thee songs wit Le found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth t specially called me to this work and out a want in Babylon, where and be- stead of the genuine Bible religion. and the gospel staudard of salvation. Send in your orders r for Anthems from the Throne and start the songs of praiseanew. that I devote my time and meansiand cause the sect people do not feel sat- Praise God that Lean keep the light 20.30 : seek no selfish end, and all who de- isfied with and in their sects, there- by the Holy Spirit now, and I rejoice PRICE laolN. a. . .- . . sire to aid in this work, remember fore they go to this Alliance to get about the sign of our time, that peo-iorphans, whose parents loved and his dear name! I had times before remember how I adored Dr. Tal-i served God, and for children whose: I heard the evening light - when I be- mag- e and other D. D's. Now I see !! parents are actually called of God Iieved that the different denomina- clearly that they are nothrng but i and sent and haa e proved themselves i tions, sect- churches with their world- worldly gods, idols, fashionable i true to the ministry. - This home will : ly ways were not THE CHURCH OF GOD : preachers with a dead religion, keep- Anthems from the Throne+ i the scripture of Paul to Tim. 5: 9, to.' Alliance was surely the very church. : real Bible Christ, giving them a mod-but on the Lord's. There is a legal good people among them are doing gusted with the sects 1 ti I : lease for ninty- nine years and no in.-; some wonders in the line of healing,: them just like God made me disgust- 1 purpose must be used for the Lord.; ual and fashionable make up. They Yet I feel more than ever dependent ' work. sects; you can serve God and the self has been destro yed, for he said, this is not on my ground or on yours, more spirituality there. While some pie are becoming more and more dis- God bless all in responding to this; let their members at ease about the on jesus alone, because my haught Yours in Him, there y p Come urt and here shall thy proud world the and their meetings ar e Iiithe S. Michels. rto shalt thou come, but no : formal If the would reach C f he - but hil I dividual can claim or d r ive offs . So etc., yet we also know that their I ed. The world shall know by the whatever means a r e put in for this: creed is not of God, only an intellect- help of God that we have salvation. • and ret TERMS, $ 1.00 a year in advance. Free to the poor. - Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. NOTICE. All business communications, moneys, Szc. must be addressed to ( 40SPE1. TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be re-sponsible. NOTICE. d Lord's day. We left Broughton Mon- / day and started on our way north-ward again. Expect to return to our place of former residence in Mich still preach the word as we go. He has just been leading us all the way and has wonderfully blessed our labors this winter, and we give him all the glory. Praise the name of the Lord forever! Amen. Your brother and sister all on the altar, 0. & Millie Dyer. 4 < 1 TESTIMONIES who attended, about fifteen souls vcrorid_ erfu1. gave their hearts to God and received ANLO, OHIO. DEAR BRETHREN, GREETING: Since our last report we have held a suc-cessful series of meetings at Yellow Lake Bethel, about three miles south - of Burket, Ind. The meetings were not very largely attended, owing to the great prejudice existing in the hearts of the people; but . of the few did feel that surely salvation h come, for the accuser of those de saints is cast down. And they ha overcome him by the blood of t Lamb, and the word of their testim ny, and now we have a right to rejoic all heaven and all that dwell therei Glory be to Jesus! During those t short meetings several were save and two sanctified. Oh how I woul love to be out more for Jesus! but o account of necessities at home I can not go very much, only on Lord' day. But bless the dear Lord, m Soul is- satisfied if God wants me t labor at the carpet loom all week then sends me only on Saturdays an Sundays. I will say Amen to that Lord. But will just say to those wh have been sending for me to corn to their place, I would be glad to corn in the near future, but cannot corn without means to come on. I woul freely furnish my own means if could. As for other expenses such as clothes, God gives me strength to work for. Your sister in Christ, Belle Stetler. • e closecta ten yaer Id wayitsh mgoeoedt irnesgu altts . t hTihse rpel awceer et oa bdoauy he ten consecrations and five baptized o- There will be a camp meeting in this e, part if the Lord wills. The saints n. expect to build a meeting house soon. 1O Pray for the work in this part. d Yours in thLord,. A. B. Stanberry & Co. To AALSLH TLHEEY , S AININDT., S MOFa rT. H2E4, LJI8V9I3N. G GOD: This morning finds us saved with the love of God shed abroad in our hearts, and all on the altar for e closed meetin ad in a rich harvest W and if the Lord will, we expect to • 7 J. Broughton, O. last Sunday night; left a good impression upon the people. More came forward for pardon and Some for the second work. Three followed the Lord in baptism on the Psa. 119: ma. GI- OSIDMLI rliFt- UMPMr11. meeting which lasted nearly three weeks the ordinances of feet washing and the Lord's supper were observed. Thirty- eight saints participated. Five redeemed ones were buried with 0 ou ke in BURBANK, 0., Mar. 23, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: The meet- , ing closed in Indiana with victo-ry on the Lord's side. ! A few more sa ve d, some sanctified. We do pray for God to keep the little company pure, so they will walk in all the light, then they will have fellowship one with another. I got home on the 7th, left home the itth for Burbank; corn-menced meeting the i4th. A few at-tended the first week; now we have eek and mightily used of the Lord. n our way home we stopped with r sister Mrs. D. E. Ford, of Bur-ttsville, Ohio, a few days, during hich time she gave her heart to od, and was anointed for the heal-g of her body of a serious ailment. Let all the saints engage with us in prayer to God. for he r, that her faith a acco, and e fail not. Pray for me. Your sanctified brother, Win. G. Schell. Christ by baptism. Bro. J. N. How-ard, of Payne, Ohio was with us one Your saved brother and sister in Christ, & Catharine Ault very- POYNOR, Mo., Mar. 20, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We a re glad to report victory in the Lord in this part of the vineyard. The meeting at Pierce's Chapel was very fruitful. The M. E. house was closed the third day of the meeting, but a way for meeting was opened in the same neighborhood. Many were freed from the great tobacco sin and seven dear ones made their escape out of Babylon. From there we went to Warm Springs, Ark. where the Lord blessed in holding forth the true gos- !_ Pel in the evening light for thirteen II!::( 14' s!!: 4nd nights with good effect. own will doubtless result does bless his word. Bro. Ezra Smith met with a severe accident; he fell and broke his right leg about four inches above the knee. Truly when one member suffers, all the members suffer with him. We report perfect victory over every foe. The dear Lord be with all the saints and especially with the workers in the field. Amen. From your brother under the blood, Wrn. H. Miller. knowledged it is the truth. We do ask the prayers of all the saints that we be kept low at Jesus' feet. I want to do the little things and get down in the deep things in his word. The Lord VISALIA, CAI,. DEAR SAINTS: I want to say I am praising God for a present salvation, being saved and sanctified - Wholly. Amen. And now I feel to say with the Psalmist David 125: They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mt• Zion, which cannot be rerno yed, but abideth forever. Praise the Lord for the a- JORDAN, ONT. • DEAR SAINTS: The Lord bless you all. I praise God for the way he leads me and teaches me, and for this blessed evening light. My present experience is, I am saved. I feel like going through for Jesus on the Bible line. The devil may rage and roar on every side, but God's grace is sufficient to carry us through. It seems I never realized as much as at present the need of standing straight for God in these last days. I thank God for a people that dealt honestly with my soul; and through them he let the light shine - and I mean to walk in it. I desire the prayers of all the dear saints. I feel I need the blood of cleansing applied to my heart that the old carnal nature may be destroyed by a second work of grace. Your sister in Christ, Maggie Moyer. Yours in Jesus. J. B. Strickland. salvation. Near the close of the DECATUR, IND. We are praising the dear blessed a Lord for salvation full and free from I g all sin. And we are kept by power , divine, willing to be anything or i. w nothing for Jesus and the salvation of souls A Is ADVANCE, Miss. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel like writing my testimony for the first ! time. I am saved and living up to all the light I have. I have been in this way nearly five years. I m saved from tob - thing I know is wrong. I am trust- ti ing the Lord in all things. se Your brother in the Lord I. S. Smith. th WATKINSVILLE MISS. DEAR TRUMPET READERS; I feel it would be to the glory of God to tell you of the wonderful manifestations of the power of God here in this part of his vineyard, in saving souls th and healing the sick. Praise his holy th name! He has sanctified my soul and .1! made me free from all the conform- th ities of the world. Whom the Son , makes free is free indeed. Pray for. i a crowded house. We are holding me, te on to God for souls; a few have ac- go sal ge ER tes ahze I have a heaven in my soul to go to heaven in. My time is the Lord's; what my hands find to do free! I am from sin set free! this world has now no charms for me, for Christ hath set me free. and sanctified wholly, and ready for the coming of the Lord. Amen. Lodema Kaser. rshall bee done foer God. Fre! e! f FERTIGS, PA. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: May grace and truth abide with you all. I . have felt impressed for a long time to write my testimony. I do praise God for salvation this afternoon, and for his blessed keeping power. 0! it is wonderful how he has kept, and is keeping me, through trials arid oppo-sitions all the way. Truly the word is fulfilled in my case, that a man's I have a very wicked family to con-tend with, and it is strange that they are so wicked, and the hand of God laid so heavily upon some of them. My two old, cst sons are afflicted with consumption, and two years ago I buried my third son with the same dreadful disease, but thanks be to God, he was saved before he died. with complete victory in my s oul. I TEEGARDEN, 1 he other two are not saved. I ask the prayers of all the saints that they nay be saved, for 0 it is an awful thing to fall into the hands of the lying God, and be ushered into eter- 1 nity unprepared. They were at the Red Lion camp meeting last fall but t did not yield to the many warnings of the Lord they heard there. My biding I have deep down in my s It is now two years and past si t wife and I came to this place; . I during all this time we have labo lhard for the salvation of preci souls in this very wicked city. G to know that a few honest o have found the pearl of great pr Hallelujah! And yet there are m others that are rejecting this and free salvation that is offe them with out money or price, o the price that Jesus dernands— y whole heart unreserved. Now I believe that if we had some one or two more of God's fire baptized little ones here this • spring, much might be done to bring others into this evening light holiness unto the Lord. Yours in Christ, the body, saved to the uttermost, John J. Bently. GRAND JUNCTION, MICIL, Mar. 20,18 DEAR SAINTS: I praise the go Lord this evening for the salvati of my soul. It is just one ear th evening since the dear Lord say me, and I can say with an hone heart it has been the most joyful ai hall not soon be forgotten. I want II of the saints to pray for me, for I eed et- he prayers of God's people, hat I may keep humble and sit at esus' feet and learn from him, who as saved me from all sin and heals y body. From your humble brother, sancti-fled wholly, J. W. Newkirk. OBITUARIES. 7 yrs., 6 mo. and 6 days. He died leav-ing a bright evidence that he was go-ing home to rest with Christ, request-ing all his friends to meet him in heaven. Funeral services by the writer • David Leininger. joined CARO, MICH. Alzina, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Petiprin, died March 15; aged five weeks. Funeral services were held at the house. and then lit-tle Alzina was laid to rest in the Al-tiler cemetery. May God bless the bereaved parents and save them. is our prayer. Funeral services by Leroy Sheldon. - DANVILLE, ILL., Mar. I I , 893. Sister Katie Kester, daughter of Bro. and Sister R. B. Kester died Mar. 8, 1893; aged 17 yrs. Sister Ka-tie was afflicted with consumption and bore her sufferings with wonder-ful patience. This sister made her peace with God some two years ago and the United Brethren de-nomination, but she saw the glorious evening light, and departed to rest from her labors. She leaves a fath-er and mother ‘ vho were saved in the neeting this winter, also a number > f brothers and sisters. most of whom are unsaved. Pray God for all of hem, that God's way may be their vay. Funeral service at her home by Fred H11-, 1, them free. Once I was a faithf servant of the devil, but the de Lord got hold of me and set my ca tive soul at liberty. Praise his nam Some time after my conversion, th question came to me, What churc re you going to join? You bette et a church home, and if you leav ' there, a letter will be given you whic ill open the way for you to any plac n the church, and make you at home fter praying over the matter I lef t in the Lord's hands, and had no j - de ire to join any thing but a lodge which I was a member. But I ha to leave it. Tim Lord ( not man showed me that I could not belon any longer to it. God's spirit wil guide us into all truth, and surely he I did in my case After I heard d Brother ' Warner preaching at Los Angeles the dear Lord showed me that I have been already added to le church of God by the Lord him- If. Oh how wonderfully the dear ord has filled my . soul ever since is time with peaceo rayn! Pdra igsel peaceful time in my whole life. 0 glory to God for such a wonderf and complete salvation which se men free from their sins and keeps his name forever and ever! Nearly five weeks ago I came to this place, but had no letter written with ink or paper, but one in my heart with the precious blood of Jesus. The fellow-ship one with another gives them, e dear saints, a better testimony an letters can do. Some said after vas saved that if I would go on at way I would lose my mind; and ory to God, I did. I have now the nd of Jesus, which is so much bet-r, and with the help of God I am ing to keep it.' I rejoice in this vation, and my prayer is that many ore would lose their minds and t the mind of Jesus. Your brother in Christ, saved, sane-tified and satisfied, Wm. Ebel. To ALL THE DEAR TRUMPET READ-S: I feel led of God to add my timony for the glory of God and and for some that are far away from the dear Savior, that there is saving power in Jesny. It is four years this month that I started out in the bat- I tie field for God, fighting against sin and the devil. I will tell you I am I ! enjoying it gloriously. Praise his! holy name! Although the devil has! ! been trying to run me home. But as! I know the tricks of Satan, I will lift, my voice while I have breath, for I realize the wheat is ripe to harvest I and the laborers are few. My pray-er is, Lord send out more to rescue ! ! poor perishing souls from that awful I place of torment. T is w inter w h de e were amongst Ithe Ozarks, my body became afflict- ' ed with heart disease. I had been I healed a year before, but as that aw-ful disease took hold on me began 1 I to wonder why the dear Lord per-; mitted it to come back on me. And began to resist the devil and be- I gan to think it was his will for! foes are t hose of his own household. d 1 profit by this lesson I learned, and I amdetermined to follow the lead ing- s .) of his holy Spirit. I ain cut loose g from all so- called worldly pleasures. I I am in the narrow way, with corn- o plete victory in my soul over all the I i powers of darkness and am trium- h pliant. I realize the enemy of our i soul is trying to drag us down. Now I all the dear saints pray earnestly forle me that my body may keep in per- I a feet health, and that Inlay be in th e as a good soldier. 13ut I have learn-notlive, but the Lord showed me my work was not done yet, and the dear saints laid on hands and re-h buked the affliction, and God raised ul me up. To him be all the glory. I will ts testify to the glory of God; and if I had obeyed the Lord in the winter n1 the enemy would have had no chance ar to try me in the least. Disobedience 13- will give the devil a chance to tanta-e! lize you as he did me. I promised e God if he would heal me I would h honor him and give him the glory. r So all the children of God, if he e , shows us his will and we are careless, h we may have to suffer. I write these e lines hoping this will - help you to keep out on the promises and under t the blood, and willing to do all God - wants you to. I am determined to oul. me to suffer; then the enemy tol nce me I was not able to do my duty, an and ' singing became a hard task. Bu red yet I was willing to work for th oust ! Master, but I could do so little fo lad him, and so I saw the trick of th nes enemy although I was brought dow ice. on my bed. Then I began to wan any to go home, for when I would try t full do my duty I could not, so I begat red to see thd devil was backing me down nly I began to take the promises of God our land believe him, so I called to have do hands laid on for the healing of my body. So the Lord wonderfully touched my body with the mighty healing power and it went through my soul and my heart just like elec-tricity, and for about an hour I felt the mighty power of God, and God showed me to write my testimony. I did not write it, so the enemy came to me and told me I was not healed. We had some severe battles to fight 93- but Jesus helped us. od But since that time I had another on attack of heart disease; it lasted for about three hours. I t seemed I could ed st Id hands of God in winning many souls I ed a lesson, though it cost dearly, that from darkness into this glorious light s an liberty of the true gospel. I re- a alize I am out on the sea of glass, n can say this morning to the glory of J God, I am all sold out to Jesus. I re- h I- remain your little sister, saved William L. Rhodes, was born Sept. 1865, died March 13, 1893; aged 2 dlprayer is that they may be saved yet, d i for I fear their time is not long in t I this world. I have seven living chil-e l dren; my baby a boy thi ee years 3with a lame knee and cannot walk. e I have a great many things to endure n in this life, but out of all the Lord t has promised to deliver me; and I o mean to overcome by the grace of God, and the word of my testimony, . for it is only those that endure unto the end that will be saved. Pray for me that I may be faithful unto the end, and for my afflicted f I they may be saved. Your tried and persecuted sister, Ester Davis. N. DENVER, 8o6 PAnmER, Ave., Con. DEAR SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH: I feel it would be to the glory of God to tell of his wondrous love and pow-er a Jesus as shown to me. While I have not in limes past been true to God, he has been true to me, and I am praising God for salvation full and free just now, with the victory in my soul over the flesh and the de 1. I have been afflicted for about seven years with the catarrh in my head, and the last two years I have suffer-ed almost constantly with a dull, heavy headache, and the last three or four weeks at times m hearing affected. Now Jesus says in Jno. 15: 7— If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. Again we read in Mark 16: 17, 18 — And these signs sh a ll follow them that believe: in my name shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if, they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall re-cover. On Mar. 15, 1893 at the meet-ing complied with Jas. 5: 14, 15. Glory to Jesus! the work was done I v as completely healed and I cannot prah e him enough for his love to me. ' Oh the sweetness and completeness f perfected holiness!" How grand t is to serve God with our whole eart! Oh the joy and sweet peace t brings! Truly I feel sorry when look over the past and see how rooked I was and how miserable, nd when trials came I did not endure S-. 1) mein gxri Ili still ttwti V tobern Unit Oeniciintinift hat) id) jet ben tem' ertauften ssitIte‘: tin y eries,; t. : 1111e., onfmaeben lint) ti teniii-; uiel '. 1‘. elt nub 2etbi. tutilitleben : ■ .: ny, i1- 1) taut iii) bolt) 31mt nbtil il Iteitten title-,- ahmerien Lihlttll Nis: t mein :.,.--. ettnen ant . i'ettn mein ient• , ift im g.,) erien. Itn0 er teittt nun ineitten Vatit. - Nicht.:. tam) nun mid) inet) r trregen mehr iu stir ift 0e . c, toiler :; hues 11110 ? unit tit left) thrift, Ileieffen Voqte id) itt Sbout art nn icincut 2t1ci1 nun melt on in ber 7 .4etigen Vont). onuner Milner iieqeitb! ', L ch meine trafie fort , ■ mater i elia! nie er1t10enb tint) le g id) in km Volt. :: t1 Rill fpiir win %) ait'w ic crfaitet ) seine Arnit \ itn nut' ich beirtdubift fat'. er mir mein' als2, ' zialett ) tab `,‘ et Rath : Lilt ;)) i'emem Ue re nun mit A% renben Inn ks ut mid) itartt * Nu uad) -; N tnn ftat t1UI ent Nadi itil 2- etten; ) lad) bent bet ' ine uedl jelmt nid) t miferabet 2-- eit tdt feu:), ' Mlenblitf) t. 2: eit hi) red) t Ile salt t; i) ba T. anb win) wie tierweben crfti. irt burr() OuttO IlnanillOrlitil wilt Men zibllt. iteirtni: 1101, 1: 1) etiiirtu'ebietn igence, to acid to faith, virtue; and to G. R. Achor. virtue, knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance; and to temperance, pa-tience, etc. 2 Pet. r: - 5. And in the loth verse says, If ye do these things ID not our heart burn within ye shall never fall. So we find it a us while he talked with us M 0. by very essential element. Again Paul NISIINABO TN says, Ye have need of patience after DEAR READERS: I feel led to write ye_ havedd tohe winll oof Geod , th at ye a short testimony. I am saved and mm ight rreecceeive the pprormiosesm. Hieb . sanctified, to do the whole will of I in our soul this morning in the beau- 36. Another promise is, " Because G d ordh. is it I blmpr aising essed a to d be keeping th a the f d o e ll a orwp power. odf er r. tiful narrow way of holiness. We thou hast fo kept the word of my pa-read in Tim. 2: 2.--" Thou there- tience, I will also keep thee from the I find fore my son, be strong in the grace hour of temptation." . Rev. 3 : / 0. the Lamb, and I desire the pra yers that is in Christ Jesus, and the things Again, " To them who by patient con- of all God's little ones that I may; that thou hast heard of me among; tinuanee in well doing, seek for glory, still grow in grace and sink deeper them in the beginning, when " he, many witnesses, the same commit . and honor, and immortality, eternal in his blessed will. made them- in his own likeness and thou to faithful men." And the dear life." Rom. 2: 7. Yours in perfect love, after his own image," to glorify the; Lord has so plainly showed me he So then since eternal life is a re- Juliett A. Murphy. hand that formed them, and honor would have a tried people. We read suit of patient continuance in well and exalt the great supreme mind, in Dan. 12: to—" Many shall be puri- doing, surely patience is glorious and which conceived his formation who lied, made white and tried." The , essential. Then let us have it. How fact that we are tried is a proof of can we get it: First, let us add ac- keep you is my prayer. I feel led of! our being white, and yet the devil cording to 2 Pet. is 5, next lay aside the Lord to write my testimony. will whisper that something is wrong; every weight and the sin which doth cannot get to see enough of people and you may at once begin to exam- 1 so easily beset, and let us run with to tell them that I am saved. of all who may be so fortunate as to ire yourself. But when you find that I patience the race set before us. Now thought I would send it through the scr " of memory after an absence of sever-, with the Lord, do not judge by your; that is detrimental to us in this race, ! and alive unto scan those hasty ibbled thoughts you have not broken your covenant Pl'says, Run." Brethren, one thing Trumpet. I am God. tGo lotiriyistowGor, t1 al years from the professional field,, feelings. Have you ever rode on an is disobedience. For, says the! in the highest! I praise him for his! while engaged in the immediate evan-- electric street car, which went so apostle, Ye did run well, who did keeping power. I am so glad the gelistic labors for my blessed Re- smoothly you could not feel that you hinder you that ye should not obey Lord is more than a match for the deemer and Savior. I have written were going? Likewise we cannot be . the truth? Gal. s: 7. So we find i devil. Thank God that when I was a those few thoughts almost entirely , governed by our feelings. We read: what hindered the Galatians, as it is sinner the dear Lord had mercy on' from memory, without referring to in I Pet. 4: 12—" Think it not strange i in every case. Now what does the me. I tried the ways of sin but did! books, except once before I left home concerning the fiery trial which is to; ward say to us? My brethren, count: not find any peace. But my soul is' I referred to Dr. Trail's Encyclopedia try you-, as though " some strange thing: it all joy when ye fall into divers I 4fr- ee. I am af, flicted, bsut all thin1 of Hydropathy. I felt for some happened unto you," and here you temptations , knowing this, that the work together for good to them that' time before I commenced that God : are wondering what the - trouble is. trying of your faith worketh patience.; love the Lord. was inspiring e to this all import-; " Forasmuch then as Christ hath suf- e Jas. I: 3. Thank God for the know' Your brother, tant privilege of trying to inform my : Iered for us in the flesh, arm your- l edge that is first added.; then we can. hn M. Harrington. I m HE ” A. LTH D F P ARTMENT brethren, which God has granted to your un-' " But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are par-` says we can glory ingribulation, know- Him who ordained them to serve us, ' divers temptations. And so we have; ence, hope, and hope maketh riot a- There are some agents which are his creatures, for our physical and' learned that when we are pressed ! s1hamed, because the love of God is , I not poison; Capsicum, Asclepias, L, spiritual as well as temporal goad, ! beyond measure, when counted right, I shed abroad in our hearts by the N, Lobelia and many that would that We thereby may glorify him, the it is joy beyond measure; and when! Holy Ghost, which he hath given un-not poison a person and would be the author, by obey ing those imfnu- I we feel exceedingly sorrowful, then to us? Rom. 5: 7. But remember, beneficial in many troubles if one has table laws, ordained to our happiness when counted, it is exceeding joyful. : dearly beloved, he only gives the not faith in our Lord to take their in this life, and which cannot be vio- I " Whereby are given unto us eileed-! Holy Ghost to them that obey him. case to him, but if any of the saints lated without suffering the fearful I ing great and precious promises, that i Acts 5: 32. Therefore, in order to penalty of our disobedience. So in I by- these we might be partakers of I enloy thefullness of God in our souls consideration _. of those wonderful I the divine nature, havving escap eedd : constantly w, e must obey all the a- . . . P 1 y, . if yet possibly one might take one of facts, let me entreat every lover o notwithstanding the M. D's to moderate use of the necessaries of ! faith by healing them. So it is in Truly Paul did not exhaust the day, the contrary . Let all the dear saints lifeinot what we may desire or crave many other things. The apostle Pe- idea of patience working experience. I of God be wise in all those things, but, the necessaries] and the absti- ! ter tells us that if need be ye are in ! What a glorious one! Perfect, entire. 1 but first of all provide by obtaining pence of all things that are injurious; e heaviness through manifold tempta-! wa nting nothing, says James. But faith in Jesus who is able. Let me which God teaches us in his word,: tions. " If need be." So we see that we need divine assistance, strength-d aloud with trumpet thunder h' I is the doctrine of the gosp eell right with salvation we are tested,, ened with all * might according to his soun tones to the poople of God, avoid all " Let your moderation be known to tempted and tried. Let me intreat glorious power unto all patience, and e poisons as far as it is your power to all men." " Be tempera t e in all you as the apostle Paul to count it a I longsuffering, with joyfulness. Col. things." In submit Other/Unknown Material Mite ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Payne ENVELOPE(167.867,167.867,-72.817,-72.817) Patience ENVELOPE(-68.933,-68.933,-67.750,-67.750) Tive ENVELOPE(12.480,12.480,65.107,65.107) Charity ENVELOPE(-60.333,-60.333,-62.733,-62.733) Luke ENVELOPE(-94.855,-94.855,56.296,56.296) Willis ENVELOPE(159.450,159.450,-79.367,-79.367) Kerr ENVELOPE(65.633,65.633,-70.433,-70.433) Sav’ ENVELOPE(156.400,156.400,68.817,68.817) Nes ENVELOPE(7.634,7.634,62.795,62.795) Nes’ ENVELOPE(44.681,44.681,66.600,66.600) Watkins ENVELOPE(-67.086,-67.086,-66.354,-66.354) Augusta ENVELOPE(163.100,163.100,-84.800,-84.800) Dyer ENVELOPE(-81.366,-81.366,50.550,50.550) Freed ENVELOPE(164.333,164.333,-71.483,-71.483) Yoke ENVELOPE(-61.933,-61.933,-63.967,-63.967) Rath ENVELOPE(-62.461,-62.461,-74.320,-74.320) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Sever ENVELOPE(166.083,166.083,62.917,62.917) Vio ENVELOPE(-61.283,-61.283,-64.083,-64.083) Lied ENVELOPE(65.532,65.532,-70.502,-70.502) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) Rouse ENVELOPE(67.150,67.150,-67.750,-67.750) Van Buren ENVELOPE(-63.485,-63.485,-71.318,-71.318) Vay ENVELOPE(-62.600,-62.600,-62.267,-62.267) Elia ENVELOPE(20.166,20.166,70.157,70.157) Leininger ENVELOPE(-62.267,-62.267,-70.600,-70.600) Yellow Lake ENVELOPE(-125.632,-125.632,64.645,64.645) Ruet ENVELOPE(13.468,13.468,64.574,64.574) Luther Lake ENVELOPE(-104.184,-104.184,55.750,55.750)