The Gospel Trumpet - 13:11

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 - The Lord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds. Zeck. 9. z4. The. Soul Redeemed. Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, March 16, 7893. Volume 13. No. 11 . Fiksri--) u Th&q...

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Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1893
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institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
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topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 13:11
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 - The Lord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds. Zeck. 9. z4. The. Soul Redeemed. Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, March 16, 7893. Volume 13. No. 11 . Fiksri--) u Th" Flee out of the mida a Babylon, and deliv- er every man his soul: be not cut off in her igniquity; for this is the time of the llortd's7en- eance; he render unto her a recompense. And the land. shall tremble and sorrow: for every impose of the Lard thall be performed aga: inst Babylon, to male the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant rer. 51: 6. 21 And he said tut., to Tne, Mutt sew* edt, h Io sue? e Ao nfldy irn gan rsowll. er- Then said ha unto MO every one that stealeth ivsililSd bheersva iuenaltmcr gyhc aoei0tc 1 rfoc1bdo0oueir rnttt dh hcgOia, un fttsftg o slo oiwt tuoif, tf'e . t aia otIr: nne as thtnh. dis Zrtehche. Lordo f osts. ' Tis peace and happiness to know, The blood of Christ, the crimson flow, Has cleansed and made me free from sin ' Tis untold joy and peace within. Our Savior thrust the veil aside That we might with the Lord abide, And live in . heaven while here below, And rescue souls from sin and woe. And he shall send his angels with a grea sound of a trumpet and they shall gather togeth-erhis elect frors theism, winds, from one end heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the ag tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puttoth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh; So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at th3 dOON. Matt. 24: 31- M. congregation of the first born, etc., ! denotingDitsi vDine Founder and ' owner; the congregation that was at Antioch; the congregation which I was at Corinth; the congregation of Asia, etc., denoting the different -- at the Lord's table in an = assem bly ggeaotigornapsh oicfa Gl loodca. tIiosan. o 9f : t h6e, c7o.- nTgrhee-of the true saints; ititmay do in the right was a very large barrel, also el-evated above the platform. Whi! : was gazing up at them in mid- air waved at them, but they did not n They dictate your testimony in the goverment shall be upon his should- Blessed liberty that Christ bestows, - That none but souls redeemed can know. With holy unction from above, We'll tell the lost of Jesus' love. ThouuRisen Christ," how sweet Thy name It was for me that thou was slain; My all, dear Lord, I give to Thee; Not much, but all, I give it free. sects, but not in God's church. The „ baptism is . for believers only. , Acts Next, feet- washing is disregarded, which is an ordinance commanded by our Lord. - Then a hireling preaches for pay, sets his price and takes it rom the poor as - well as the • sect, and you cannot sail any higher , than they do. They are priest- ridden, I Terh, i se itsc . t hMe Latotr. d 2, 8ow: 1n8er; aLnudk oev e2r: s eI eIr. governed by one man power and not ! of his church, he is the head over all of God. You have to disobey God,: things. Eph. 1 : 22, 23. And he is the to obey their rules, creeds, laws and head of the body, the church. Col. mandates. They want to keep the 18, 24. The church isthe body of members under and rule over them, 1 Christ, and necessarily includes all its e I ' I o- I tice me. They were too busy show-ing themselves off, Some one spoke near by and said," That girl is just go- ' ing up in that balloon to show her bravery." k d counte- My time, my talent and my all, Are - thine, and ready at Thy call, To do Thy bidding day by day While traveling on the King's highwal". h nce an there was no holy, spiritu . sa. me as Romanism. God says members. Therefore to call an or-ey , look on her face, more like a world ir- girl going up to show off sure enoug d's The platform now. seemed change ns, to a balloon. I thought ithey looke es very brave; that seemed to be - the whole aim, to look brave and make of big show. Men were beating drum d very hard, making a big noise. The of now beg- an tomove from south t or east, about one hundred feet ahoy s. the ground. Their balloon platfor , had a lever to lower or elevate it a y their will, having a pole with notche d in it, to hold the cross- bar or leve 11 Some one said in a cool command d " Raise it up one notch."' said in m mind, I will see how high they can g e- up on one notch. After examining an d making some calculations, I conclude d they had not notches enough to tak s , them to heaven, as there were as man n notches below as they had above th bar, so they could not go up any highe above than the same number as the had below. They moved over where sat; I tried to look up and see th inmates, but could not for a few mo ments. There seemed to be abou them and myself a circle of meeting houses. The y sailed o ff over them toward the west. I supposed they in-tended to take a trip to China over the ocean. I also was in a similar bal-loon or platform, and a friend with me. „ I said to him Call we raise ours tip higher, so as to see them sail off." The circle of houses hid us from seeing them go away. He re-marked that this balloon or craft be-longed to a man, and he would not allow us to rise above the circle of houses, for fear we would sail out over the ocean, and lose his craft. So we sailed around in the circle till I got tired, and I got out and walked away satisfied. I had all I wanted of the sect craft ride. I awoke astonished at the -- vision and began to ask God what it all meant, as I felt a deep sense in my own soul it meant something, as it was not an ordinary dream of my head. This certainly means some-thing for my good. Lord, reveal to me the meaning of tills as you did Daniel's vision. The voice came, You shall have the interpretation by breakfast time. So when I sat down to eat that morning, the interpretation came. The first sentence however did not come welcome to my mind as I thought a good deal of the army, and the other two places I had picked out. This is the interpretation. The army is a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. A little better than the sects, but they came down from their professed aim of saving souls to make a big show and loud noise. They think more oftheir organiza-tion, their flag, creed and rules than they do of Jesus. They sing of_ ai- my and flag more than of Jesus. he barrel is the wine of the wrath of her fornications and sects included. Y011 can find the explanation in Revela-tions. So to a - great extent they are deceived like the creed- bound sects of confusion, and by their traditions they make the word of God of none effect, as Jesus accused the pharisees. Look in the four gospels. The peo-plc cannot bear nor keep them, neith-er do they keep them themselves. their faith only goes as high as their . ganized division, the church, is sub- steeple houses. He will not give v1 erting the truth. No sect contains the gifts of his Spirit to profit by, all the body of Christ, therefore no such as gifts of healing, casting outisIect is the church of God. The church of God are all the saved, either uni-versally, or in any given locality. - Who is the founder of the church? Heb. 1 r: ro. And the apostle says to the converted Hebrews in the next 1 chapter, verses 22- 24. But ye are I go, I see you will not allow me to come unto Mount Sion, etc. Heb. 3: go to any of these three I picked out, 3, 4. Feed the church of God, etc. or any of the sects; where do you I Acts 20: 28. Husbands love your want me to go? The Lord said to 1' wives, etc. Eph. 5: 25: 27. Upon me," You have heard that Bro. Hatch, this rock. Matt. 16: 18. These texts a blacksmith is called out and will rent I show clearly that Christ purchased, a hall, and there the pattern of the I founded and built the church. There-true church shall be started." Praise foie it follows conclusively that any God! It was a grand lesson for me. Now I am free; I belong to no man's institutions. Shortly after that I was at the meeting of the church of God, and by three clear tests, God showed me that this is his own church and People, and I am established in the true church of our God. I belong to God and him only. I do praise God for this blessed freedom. His yoke is easy, sure enough. The three tests were these: after I went to the meet-ing I said, Lord if this is the true church after your order, send in three souls to be prayed for to day. I felt led to pray for a person sitting in the middle of the room, to be convicted. That person jumped up and ran out of the hall. I said, Lord bring that person back in again. After a few moments they came back and sat down in the same place. The Lord directed me to go the penitent form and pray for that person to come for-ward and be saved. They immediate-ly came forward and knelt down 4P. M. Sunday. At 8 P. M. the Lord led me again to go to the form and pray. I went and got in earnest prayer. The Lord led me to cry aloud and spare not. A young lady got up and came forward and was sanctified. I knew In the Spirit some one was there be-fore I opened my eyes. Then I look-ed over the congregation and saw a gambler under conviction. I said, Lord send Sister Tvloote. to pray with him. She got up and went very quickly tO- him. She and another one got him to play. These were my three tests. I said This is the church of God. In a congregation or as-sembly of the church of God, he by his Holy Spirit will impress whoever he wants to teach or preach the word, and if one is called to be an elder or deacon, that one called of God will be recognized as such by the church. We do not get any sham preachers. We know t4eir calling as well as they do. Some elderi- oversee more than one congregation in a city or country. Some are elders stationed in one place till God sends them elsewhere. Evangelists go about establishing churches where there are no elders. Now a few scriptures to prove- the controlling power, and how the 1 THE TRUE devils, interpretation of prophecies, discerning of spirits, etc, only to true believers, and they must come out of sects or wither and die. Praise God I said, I belong to- him and him only. Now Lord where shall CHURCH REVEALED. My life shall for the Lord be spent, And winning souls be my intent. When in the kingdom I shall come, I'll hear my Savior say, " Well done P' - - Miss Flora M. Gates. ARKANSAS CITY, KAN. Live deliciously. Hab. 15- 17. Th speak intellectual words with no Sp it in them. They lord it over Go heritage. They give man's opinio instead of the word of God. ' God do not care for man's opinions. - Now I will tell how I got out Babylon ( confusion). One day Go put it on my heart that the call Rev. 18: 4; 2 Cor. 6: 17, meant f true believers to. come out of sect I said, " Lord when you put the ' con out'on n- ry- hl eart, and burn it in by th Holy Spirit, so that I can understan what it means, I will come out. I wi leave it with you at your own goo time to do it." A few days after, felt I - was called to my room for som thing. When- I got there, the Lor said," Take your Bible." I did so, an it opened to 2 Cor. 6: 17, 18. Acros the 17th verse God wrOte Babylo ( confusion) , by his Spiritgave me the proper understanding of the verse, that sects are not of God, nor are their creeds and doctrines after his pattern - or church. So a true believ-er is unequally yoked together with unbelievers in the sects. 2 Core 6: 14 - 16 will show this- to be true. So I said, `-`- Lord open the way, give the order how to proceed." I soon saw I had some little duties to perform first. I did them, and said, Now good Lord, is the time I want to come out. " Go," seemed to sound in. my ears and heart. I started for the sect preacher's house. Now the devil corn-menced his threats. " You will lose all your - friends and they will perse-cute you." " It makes no- difference, Satan, if I do lose them, I will obey God, not you nor them. " He put a man-fearing spirit on me, but of no use. I said," Lord give me a sweet spirit, and I will know you are still guiding me. He did so. I went and got a church letter, told the preacher I be-nged to ._ God and him only, not to ny sect. He asked me where I was oing. I told him I was going wher-ver the Lord chose to send me. hat night chose three of the best laces in the city and said, Lord if it your will tell me which one to go . The three were _ the Holiness lurch or Association sect, Salvation rmy, and Hervey and Stephen's eeting, corner of Broadway and emple streets. " Now to- nig- ht, Lorcl, ease reveal by vision or some way, Inch of these, if any, ' you - send me At or near three or four o'clock got it in a vision, and when I saw it cant something, cried out, " Oh od Lord, why cannot you give. me e interpretation of this, like you did aniel of old? You revealed dreams d visions to him, why cannot yon veal this to a poor fellow like me?" tere came a voice saying," I will re-al it to you by breakfast time." I it first give the vision. seemed be sitting 111 an open place reading book. Suddenly. rose up before my es a corps of Salvation Army folks a platform. Their flag was lifted in the center, a girl on the left and men on the right, beating the bass d snare dru ins. T he large bass drum s above the man's head, so she ti to reach up to beat it. ` Fhe snare institution that man founded or built is not the church. When was the church built? r Cor. 3 : 9.- Ye are God's building, ye are God's husbandry. Built upon the a-postles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. - Eph. 2: 20- 22. Ye also as lively stones, etc.- 1 Pet. 2: 5. In A. D. 32, Christ " I will build my church." In 59 and after that, the apostles write," Ye are God's building." So the church was built between those dates. It is true that the church was begun under the la-bors of John the baptist, Jesus and his apostles before the day of Pentecost. Many believed and entered into the kingdom then and constituted the material for the church. But the corn-ing of the Holy Spirit was the point of time, when the church was really built, and set in order, as seen in I Cor. 1 2 : 6, I I- I3 1„ 8 42 . TI ch u rch I is defined, as, his body, the fullness of I him that filleth all in all.- Eph. r: 23. The church proper then did not ex-ist until the fullness of Christ came, which was- on the day of Pentecost. There it was fully set up, and " fitly joined together and compacted." That being the time of the founding of the church of God, it follows that every religious body that has since come into existence is not the church of God, but a daughter of confusion born out of due time. This includes Romanism and all Protestant sects. Who is its foundation? Behold, I lay in Sion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.--- Isa. 28: 16. For who is God save the Lord ? Or who is a rock save our God ? Ps. 18: 31. For other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.- I Cor. 3: ii. ' Who is the head of the church. Eph. I: 22; 4: 15, 16°. For the hus-band is the head of the wife, etc. Eph. 5: 23, 24. Jesus is the head of the body, the church. Col. I: 18; 2: 18. The head of an institution is its lawmaker. For the Lord is our lawgiver. Isa. 33: 22. One lawgiv-er. Jas. 4: 12. All organisms that make their own laws, creeds, discip-lines and systems of co- operation," do not hold the head"- Christ. Their law- making synods and general con-ferences, ignore the divine lawgiver, rp the place of Christ, and sit in stead of God and are not Christ's irch, which is subject to hi 1. A-U, there is one head, hence, there ( Co', ti. wted 7ge. ) church is set in order by God's wordi and Spirit. The word church and churches occur in the New Testa.- ment one hundred and nine times al-ways translated from Ekklesia , which usu would have been more correctly ren- Ithe dered congregation. Whin with I chi. the Bible qualifications would have gai read, The congregation of God; the lo a is to cl go th an re TI ye Wi to a ey on up tw an wa I ai urnmer had his attached to his dy by a belt. Still farther on the pne day while meditating on the meaning of Rev. 18: 3, these thoughts passed through my mind: that it meant the Church of Rome and Protestantism. They are surely prac-ticing the abominations this verse speaks of. The 4th verse," Come out of her my people, that ye be not par-takers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." A plain com-mand for every true child of God to come out of sectism. 5th verse;" For her sins have reached unto heaven and God bath remembered her quities. " 6th verse, " Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works." Those who have escaped out of " Bab-ylon" ( confusion, sectism), " Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of har- • lots and abominations of the earth," shall reward her even as she rewarded them. 7th verse," For she saith in her heart, 1 sit a queen and am DO widow, and shall see no sorrow." Why is she no widow? She never was married to Christ, and is not the church he set up, neither are any of her daughters, down to the present day. She has over six hundred sect daughters, so there are also over six hundred jew-els in the pope's crown. Sects have been divided and subdivided; keeping God's children from knowing the true body of Christ, which is his church. One in 11im71e being the head. The pattern is in the New Tes-tament. It does not need man- made creeds or doctrines. God inspires his own preachers, and they set the church in order, as his Holy Spirit and the word dictate, not man's opin-ions. Something like these thoughts went through. thy mind very plain. I began to wonder if the sect I was in was doing the same things as spo-ken of in Rev. 17: 4, ( abominations ) teaching only part of the command- A Inents and construing the word to m suit their own peculiar doctrine. Psa. T - 106: 39. Fairs, festivals, cantatas, etc. PI The latter, they have to make a scrip- NV tural impression on the people, using to them in place of trusting the Holy I Spirit to do the work. This is Baby- m lon confusion as God revealed it to They baptize infants and sin-ners by sprinkling, which - is not the baptism our Lord instituted. It is by immersion; but " not for washing a- Way of our sios, but the answer of a good conscience toward Cod." I Pet. 3: 21; and to be buried with him by baptism- into death. Rom. 6: 4. Sin-ners and saints take the' Lord's sup-per together. Does God's church al-low such a mixture? By no means. He adds such as should be saved by 1) 61- ig b orn aoaan, an( th esna snactified. When a than sins, he falls from grace and the Church, and must come bade throughrepentance, and God takes 1 .411 back into his church. Cor. 5: dr 9on. l Sinners have no right to eat bo toreesealsonseosimiaawasesossasaw THE OSPEL TRUMPET A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURN AT. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. Sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Fur " he Publication of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body. The Unity of all true Christians in " the faith once de-livesraeidn ttso: : the Published at GliaD J'UNCTION D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. a BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRU1V1 & S. MICHELS — Publishers. LfEf OF AIWA LETTERS NOT OTHERWISE RECLIPTED, liartman, A. Irs. S. M. ° lemons, S. W. 1+, Iar-tin.„ W. S. Kriebel, Nettie Henderson, Michael Stover Jr., Geo. E. Bolds. ammes43., ■ • ■ •• Requests for Prayer. Pray for Bro. John Houngton, Nishnabotna, Mo., that he may be healed of bodily afflictions. - • Is ' EVANSVILLE, IND. DEAR SAINTS: Pray for the healing of my little children, who are afflict-ted. Nannie Downs. litraiar ■ ea TERMS, $ 1,00 a year in aduanee, Free to the poor. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, I Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. Arthur Howard, Guy's Mills, Pa. requests the saints to pray March 19, I that he may be saved. NOTICE. All business communications, moneys, & c. must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be re-sponsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each hew cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the . circulation of the paper. ger Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us . regularly of their address. NOTICE. How to Send Money. Remit by Post Office Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change of- Address.— Subseribers wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to, ° dye their former, as well as their new address. Missing Papers.—. It occasionally happens that numbers of our papers sent to our sub-scribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive yours when due, af ter Wait-ing a sufficient length of time, write us a card, and we will gladly send one in place of the mWisshinegn nyuomu bwerr. ite, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, write u8 at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. TIMM CM= n. x EXPOSURE. ST. LOUIS, Mich. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We feel that it is an imperative duty for us to warn the saints everywhere, that there is a Mrs. J. L. Walters who goes about and claims to be a converted Cath-olic, and tries to class herself with the saints of God, but is an enemy to the cause of God by trying to cause di-vision and spiritual death among the saints, by backbiting, malicious false-hoods, and vile slander against God's true children. While she was in St. Louis she tried to do the church here much harm in pretending to worship with the saints, afterwards going to Babylon, and to secure the friendship and to please sectarians she had a frequent habit of railing a-gainst the saints. She was often and in all kindness admonished, but would not renounce her sins, but continues to profess that she knows God, but by works she denies him. When last heard from she was in the vicinity of Rochester, Ind. As we believe her disastrous to the cause of Christ we cannot keep silent any longer and be clear in the sight of the Lord. Your saved brothers in Christ, J. R. Walter & H. H. Tidball. I Al THE VINE, YE ARE THE BRANCHES. John 151 5. $. 50 per copy and $ 5.00 per dozen. We expect by all means to have the work ready by the June camp meet-ing, and may have it- sooner. We shall be very grateful to all the dear brethren and friends who will send us your orders in advance to help us pay the expense of having stereotype plates cast. After much prayer over the matter we feel fully assured that it is our Father's will we should proceed to issue the book. We are moving out lisy faith in God, and . he is encouraging our hearts. Send orders until further notice to Springfield, Ohio, addressed to D. S. Warner and B. E. Warren. BOOKS and TRACTS. The Ordinance of Feet Washing. The Bible Readings. Anthems from the Throne. ( PRICEJ, Cloth Per dozen An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Address, THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand junction, Mich TOBACCO AS AN EVIL. Per hundred, 10 cts. Why are you not a eirtnisTIAfx? Per hund. 10 C. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. 32 pages, 5 tits. A TRACT ON THE TRUE CHURCH. It con-tains 50 pages. Price 10 cts. Per dozen, 80 cts. A TRACT ON THE SABBATH, OR WHICH DAY TO KEEP. Contains 65 pages, 10 etc. each. The Age to Come, and Millennium Tradition Refut-ed by the Inspired Word. of God 56 pages, 10 cts. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE CHURCH. A tract contatiling 32 pages, 1 cent each. The Great Tobacco Sin. It contains 80 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. Must we Sin? A conversation, giving Bi Me proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 ets.• Per dozen, 20 ets. Per hundred. $ 1.50. The Ordinance of the New Testament. A NEW TRACT, BY WM. G. scams,. _ Setting forth the ordinances of the scriptures in clear light, showing which are abolished. and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 45 cts. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a re, view of a tract written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ. It contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 ets. 51.20 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Mi § s. or from this office. Bible readings or references On about 100 subjects. Price 75 cts. each. Holiness Bible Subjects. BY H. C. WICKERSHAM. A book containing 100 subjects with Scriptures, concord-ance, definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church, its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming of the evening light. Illustrated, ITS pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy 81.00. Six or more SO cents each. For this book, Address, H C. Wickevham. New Pittsburg, Ind., Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. This book contains 148 songs. 50 with music. About new. When sung in the spirit of God these songs will oe found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the gospel standard of salvation. Send in your orders for . Anthems from the Throne and start the songs of praise anew. 10.30 0.50 & 3.00 & 84.80 DIVINE HEALING of SOUL and 00011 By E. E. BYRUM. ANEW BOOK JUST OUT. It very plainly marks out the way of salvation. and also tells how God heals the sick, and the Conditions upon which they are restored, giving wonderful testimonies of his miraculous power in these last days. It consists of 248 pages, neatly bound. Cloth, 75 cents. Paper Cover, 25 cents. GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. Co., Grand Junction Mich. Pray for Mary Brown, Kershaw, S. C. that she may be healed of se-vere pain and bodily afflictions. Sister Downing, wife of a leading F. M. minister, wishes the prayers of all of the saints. Has been partially paralyzed many years. Let many earnest prayers be offered on March 26, for her deliverance and that she may walk in the light of the gospel. ST. Louis, MICH., Mar. Ii, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: 1 wish to ask all the dear people of God to pray for me, Sunday, Mar. 26, at o'clock A. NI. that I may be healed of a severe bodily affliction. I feel that I am a Child of God and Jesus is reigning in my soul. I have given all up to God and know that the blood of Jesus cleanses me. The will of God is my will. I have taken Christ as my physician. Your humble sister, saved in the blood. Melissa Tidball. VANDALIA, ILL. DEAR SAINTS: I am praising God for his goodness to me. I know the Lord saves mei ow. r I am very much afflicted and I believe the Lord will heal me. On the loth of March at io o'clock let the dear saints fall on their knees and ask Father to heal my afflicted body, - tor I know that the prayers of the righteous avail much. Praise the Lord forever! Yours in holy love, Mary E. Hall. EDITORIAL NOTES. Bro. C. L. Kaumeyer, Chippawa, Ont. writes that he has a large quan-tity of tracts for free distribution which he desires to have circulated. Sister Ida F. Davis, 2154, 12 St., N. W. Washington, D. C. writes: " For years I have stood free from all sect organizations. Have labored in many lines of Christian work, es-pecially open air service. I believe the Lord now directs me to take a permanent stand with his people." Amen. Perhaps this sister is being prepared to join with Bro. and Sister Rupert in the work in that city. THE NEW SONG . BOOX. Truly the Lord has moved Bro. B. E., Warren and myself to issue the new song book--- Ecnoas FROM GLORY. The Anthems were prepared in much haste, and for want of more time and experience, of course has many defects, and the time has come that a new and far more extensive work is in much demand. The Lord has sent us many very precious songs. Yea, we may even say he sent them down from heaven. A few of the best songs in the Anthems will be recast, with all defects in the harmony corrected, and many others that truly sing the praises of God in the Spirit, published without music, as the tune § are quite well known. There are more • that are worthy of new plates and correct-ed music, but having nearly two hun-dred new ones, most of which are more precious, we think • it best to purchase plates for a greater number of these, and use more of the Anthems without music, thereby giving the more songs. There will be about 200 pages, containing all of 230 songs. In addition to this the book will contain the necessary instructions how to learn to sing the note system. The book will be bound in paste-board back, and sent prepaid to any address in the. U. S. and Canada for in John, Ye are the branches. our bodies are the members of Christ shall we take the members_ of Christ and join them to a harlot? If we are members of a harlot we are not mem-bers of Christ. He that is joined un-to the Lord is one Spirit.- 1 Con 6: 17. We see a great many different spirits among the professing Chris-tia. ns of to day, and we know the rea-son is because they have joined them-selves to a sect, instead of the Lord, for every sect has somewhat of a different spirit. I have belonged to several of them. trying to find the right one. A great many of them will . promise you freedom, but they themselves are in bondage. Thank God for the evening light that sets a man free from sin and free from sect and every thing else but Christ! Thank God, to day finds me saved in Jesus from all sects and isms of this world. A man has no' right to join himself to any thing but Christ, for ye are bought with a price. Your body and spirit belong to Cor. 6: 20. Now you see we must be holy for God to dwell in us, and it means to be wholly the Lord's. Not one part belonging to God and the other part to a sect, for we cannot serve two masters. I tried that when I belonged to the Advent sect. A man may belong to them or most any other sect and chew and moke to-bacco and drink coffee and tea, and a great many of them allow their members to drink whiskey. But when you belong to Christ you must be clean. Whosever- abideth in him sinneth olot, for in him is no sin.— I . no. 3: 5- 6. He that conarnitteth sin is of the devil_ Verse 8. Amen. Your brother saved from all un cleanness, W. D. Beckom. News from the Field. KENESAW, NEB., MAR. 5, 1893. DEAR SAINTS: We start from this place to western Kansas, first place Cornell, and then to Levant, and then will go east through Kan., Iowa, and Ill., and to the Grand Junction camp meeting. We have longed to attend one of those camp meetings, and the Lord has opened the way. Address Us at Cornell, Kan. Your brother in the battle, James Willis. ADRIAN, MICH. DEAR SAINTS: I want to give in my testimony once more the glory of God. I am saved with aneverlasting salvation, and walking in the light as he is in the light ( and in him is no darkness at all ) and I have fellow-ship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ, and with all the true children of God. My last re-port was from Washington, Kan. From there we went a few - miles north and had a precious seed- sow-ing time for one week. I met with the church near Hollensburg the last evening of Feb. and the next day came to Table Rock, Neb., remained with them over Sunday. Met dear Bro. Stover. We had a few meet-ings. We found Some who were pro-fessing to - be saints, walking contrary to the doctrine of Christ. We ad-monished them and gave them the word of God, tout they were unwill-ing to measure up to the wordand get right with God. They went out from amonga us that it Might be made manifested that they were not of us. We bElieve that the time is near when God will raise tip more people in Table Rock to stand in defence of the gospel of Christ, as sinners are taking more interest in the meetings HOW. On March 5th I started for Michigan where I was permitted to meet with my dear folks at home once more. Truly I am very thank-ful to God for this privilege of re-turning home again after nearly three years absence, in the gospel field. Any one desiring me to hold_ a meet-ing close by here, address me at Adrian, Mich. Your saved brother, Wm. A. Randolph. NEWBU- RG, MO., MAR. 10, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN IN CHRIST: The grace of God be with - you. We thank our God this morning from the depths of our souls for his saving and keep-ing power manifested to us daily. Glory to his name! We have been constantly laboring for the Master since our last report. Have passed through some severe trials but all to the glory of God. We have been in these parts holding meeting for three weeks. The dear Lord has blessed tuo s in attentive e pntrievsee lnitsitnegn ehtrse. ppr eeec ipo uistprru: sli. sions have been made and much pre- QUESTION Sister Wolf, of Los Angeles, Cal. asks if it is wrong to use an organ in the worship of God if played by a sanctified singer for to help the sing-ing. - We answer, that the New Testa-ment, which is a perfect guide in di-vine worship and all Christian duty, does not authorize the use of the or-gan in divine worship, and it is always safe to abide in the word. Sectarians we know often worship their organs, houses, etc. snore than God. Of course holy people would not do that. If led to use an'Organ they would still only worship God. Organs can doubt-less be used to great advantage in learning music. But concerning their use in the house of worship, I have no scriptural grounds to offer, and can say nothing.- If God under any peculiar circumstances would so lead, we know nothing about that, but can give no advice beyond the word. E are the branches or the limbs of the vine, or in other words, Christ is the tree of life and we are limbs of that tree. Now if we are the branches of such a noble vine or holy vine, then our fruits will be holy, and by this we can tell who is of God, for by their fruits ye shall know them. — Matt. 7: 16. For if we abide in Christ we are holy, fur he is holy.— Pet. r : 16. Then if we are holy, so also is our fruit; therefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Brethren, what is it to be free from sin? Is not a man that is free from sin a holy man? For sin is what makes us unho-ly, and the Bible teacheS us if we are in Christ we are freed from sin. Paul, speaking to the Roman brethren said, Now being made free from sin and become servants of God, ye have your fruit unto holiness.— Rom. 6: 22. We then see that their fruits were holy and they were also at that time freed from sin, for we read in verse 20, that when they were servants of sin they were free from righteousness. Let not - Sin reign in your mortal bod-ies, Rom. 6: 12, for your bodies are the members of Christ, or as he said Now if GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD, GREETING: God bless you all. - We are happy to report victory in Jesus over all the powers of the. enemy. We went to Belknap, Feb. 27, and began meeting in the name of the Lord at the home of Bro. Frank Miller's, which ir deed was a wonderful victory. We preach-ed from Joel second chapter, where God commanded us to blow the trumpet in Zion, whiCh was continued all through the meeting, and God's truth went forth, as Jer. 3o: 23 says, Behold the whirlwind of the Lord goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind, which fell grievously on the heads of the professoars, and was grievous at the time, but yielded the peaceable fruit of the Spirit. Some - 7who had long been deluded were recovered out of the hands of the enemy, and others who were pos-sessed were delivered. Praise God! The church was much strengthened. Sister Fink was at Coldwater at the beginning of the meeting but God sent her and the rest of the company to - me in a few days. We expect to begin meeting at Kalamazod soon, the Lord willing. Let all pray for the work there. - Lena L. Shoffne MARIASVILLE, PA., Feb. 28, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN: May the dear Lord ever keep you all. This date finds us at home, making arrange-ments to start on our southern and eastern trip. The dear Lord has wonderfully kept us saved and in good health, - and blessed our labors since we left our home last August. Truly he did more for us than we were able to think or ask, and truly we are encouraged to go on and to do more for God and the salvation of dear souls, and we are looking for-ward with pleasure to the day when we can start out again. Praise his name! Now dear on- es we did not come home for pleasure, although it is a blessed privilege to get home and see the brethren and friends, but we would have been willing to sacrifice all this for God. But having a little property here in this country the Lord showed us to dispose of the same and pay our debts, or borrow the money and give the property for security. Now we ask all God's chil-dren to pray to the Father to send us a purchaser or some one that will furnish us with the poney, for which we will be willing di furnish good re-liable security, and pay lawful interest, - as we wish to leave things in such a shape that there will be no reproach brought upon the cause of God. We leave home this time with the im-pression that God wants us to go and work with our dear Brothers Achor and - Henry in the foreign land be-tween now and next fall. Oh praise God for a willing heart and that we are all on the altar for God! We are ready to go whenever he leads or wherever he sends. Well God is working things to suit himself and we can see his mighty hand in getting the company to work with us this summer. Some have written us al-ready that I believe God will have go with us. May his will be done. Now let all the dear ones that wish meeting in the . New England states during the coming summer, write me at once at Nlariasville, Pa. in regard to the same, as we expect, the Lord willing, to begin our tabernacle meet-ings April 1st at Washington, D. C„ thence to Eastern Pa. or N. J., New _ York, Conn., Mass., N. H. and as far north- east as Maine if the Lord opens the way. Pray for us. your brother and sister in Jesus, I. H. & H. A. Rupert. 77,17: 177,7.4,17 the Lord has assigned to us. W have found kind friends in this place although the enemy is stirred. May the dear Lord reward them for their kindness . to us with spiritual blessings. Amen. We expect to remain here yet for two or three weeks. There are many calls that we Cannot fill. We need help in singing and speaking, as my lungs are much worn. Who will help us in this great work of saving souls? Yours all on the gospel altar, N. H. & Julia Myers. JORDAN, ONT., MAR. lo, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD: May great grace be upon you all, and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Beloved, our first protracted meeting after we arrived in the Dominion of Canada, was held at Fenwick, Ont. The Lord gave us a good meeting in the name of Jesus and a few souls got glorious-ly' saved, for which we give God all the glory. The protracted meeting closed on- the Lord's day evening, and the following ' Tuesday evening we - had ordinance services at Dr. Birdsall's residence in Fenwick. It was a precious season with the Lord, in which some souls were made hap-py in the Holy Ghost, the sanctifier. There were twenty- four saints pres-ent that participated in the services. We went next to Crowland and com-menced a meeting in the public hall of that place. The congregations were not large, but generally atten-tive, and thank God, a few of them received the salvation of Jesus Christ our Lord. We moved the meeting to Bro. Kenedy's house and contin-ued a few evenings . and closed with ordinance services, in which twenty-six of the dear children of God par-ticipated, rejoicing in the Lord and giving glory to our God who had dealt so bountifully with us. Well dear brethren, pray for us that we may have a constant victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Your saved and sanctified brother in Christ Jesus, : 1' 11 dice broken down. Several aske the prayers of God's people. Man weep and say they do not see wh they never woke up to see thes things, and have resolved to get- a experience that measures to the wor and live Christian lives, _ and not mere profession. Two were justified To Gotl be all the glory! We humbl ask the prayers of all God's faithfu ones that we may be strengthene both soul and body to do the wor d ' private house I a • 1 SPRINGFIELI, T 0"—., Mar. 6 189' DEAR SAINTS: God bless you in all places for Christ's sake. Amen During our short stay at home we had some glorious , meetings on the Lord's camp ground. A good work had already been done through the labors of Sisters Schaffner and Fink and others assisting. A few more souls were saved, and on Sabbath, Feb. 26 we had a very precious ordin, ance meeting: Not many saints were present from surrounding churches, perhaps it was not generally known. But there were ' about seventy- five saints present to participate, and re-ceive the blessing from the presence of the Lord. We were very loth to leave the dear ones at home so soon, but duty and the Spirit of the Lord leading' we came over here to the pleasant little home of Bro. and Sister Warren, near the above place, and we are now at work getting the hymns ready for publication which the Lord has given us. We also find a glorious revival influence in operation at Lawrenceville and surrounding coun-try. Yesterday had Sabbath school in the forenoon in the bethel near here, preached a few miles north of here in the afternoon, and three souls came to the altar and we trust re-ceived the salvation of their souls. One converted and two sanctified. At night we met in a large school room Nvhich was crowded with people, in the village of Lawrenceville. There was much attention given to the word, and three more souls bowed before the Lord and sought his great salva-tion. Bro's Warren and Schell teld meetings here last winter and many turned to the Lord, and about all the CoMmUnity love the truth; and the revival fire has been burning ever since. It appears as though God has much people in that place which he will lead out in the beautiful way of holiness. Amen. We will be here a few weeks and then hope to visit the church of God in several localities between here and home. Pray for us, and the Lord be with you all in much love, grace, and power. Amen. night. Expect to begin meeting in a school house to night to continue as long as the Lord wills. At the close of this meeting we expect to go to Jerry City, 0 Pray for us and the success of th gospel to the salvation of souls. Your humble servants in the Lord Sweetly saved in Jesus, Otto Bolds, J. N. Worden & Co. BEDFORD, MICH., Mar. 3, 1893. DEAR SAINTS: We came to Olivet or near that place on Feb. 15, com-menced meeting in the school house the next night. Held meeting until the 26th, except two nights when it stormed so hard the people did not come out. There had been some bad work in that place and the prejudice was great, and so the most we could do was to build up confidence which we believe was done to a large de-gree. The few who do stand for the_ truth were very much crushed, having had no preaching for a long time, and many things to oppose them. But they were much strengthened and vowed that they would never yield, but would stand for the truth to the end. May the dear Lord ever bless and keep them true. We came to Johnstown on Feb 27. The saints desired' meeting so we are here in the name of the Lord to do his will. The meeting here will continue over Lord's day and longer if the Lord wills; then if it be his will we will go to Hope Center. Pray the Lord of the harvest to make the meeting profitable in the salvation of souls. We remain your brother and sisters in Christ, saved and kept by power divine. T. J. Cox & family. • terday and the Lord is already con- - victing the people, three men raised their hands for prayer. We desire to attend the Mich. June C. M. After that, the Lord willing, go to Wash-ington, holding meetings by the way. Can not dear Bro. and Sister Bixler, Bro. Speck and company, or others come and labor in Pa. till the Pa. C. M., as there are so many calls for meeting and doors open, and the work plenty. Let some one come whom the Lord sends: Amen. F. N. Jacobson & Co. ST. PETERSBURG, PA. tering- it more. It will soon be burnt- over mountain and every thin that can not stand the fire will be r vealed. " For every man's wor shall be revealed by fire." Trul the Lord has established holine and truth in the top of this mountai Some threatened to drive us awa when we first came, but thanks be un to God who giveth us the victory we have not been hurt; and th powers of the enemy are being con sumed and swept away by the might truth and power of our God. - Soul are being saved and the shouts an praises of God are ascending from many hearts on account of the won derful deliverance through Jesu Christ our Savior. LATER. March 9. Meeting closed upon the mount am last night with glorious victory in the name of Jesus. God bless the dear saints at that place and keep them faithful. We are now at Hunts-yule, on our way to Tenn., where we expect to begin a meeting on the itth, the- Lord willing. Our address will be Tullahoma, Coffee Co. Pray for us and the work at that place. Yours in the faith, Thos. Carter & J. F. Lundy. a Co., Ohio, and held up the word of g l, ife, and about fourteen came for-e- ward for forgiveness of their sins, k and a part of them went on and did y receive sanctification. Bless God! ss We closed meeting at Broughton on n. Sunday evening. The meeting was y well attended with people that want- - ed the truth. We came from Brough- , ton to Latty, and last evening we e opened meeting in the school house - in the name of the Lord. Not very y many out. The Lord did help us in s giving the word and we expect to d hold meeting here in this village as long as the Lord wills, and if it is his - will we expect to work our way back S north again. We are all on the altar for God to be used to his glory. I feel my weakness but he that is in me - is ahnighty. Bless God! If any of God's little ones feel led to go to Broughton, Ohio, you will find a wel-come there among the saints. It would be well if some of the brethren that live near those places would meet with those dear little ones occasion-ally. May the richest blessings rest upon all of God's little - ones now and forever. Amen. 0. Dyer 8z wife. A. J. Kilpatrick. WESTON, 0., Mar. 7, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS IN THE LORD: God bless you all. We are thankful to report a good work done at Ridgeville Corners, 0. The Lord sent forth his word which did not turn void, but accomplished a good work. Thank God, the seed fell into good ground, took root and Sprung up, and ripe fruit was gather-ed, all in a short time. There were Some eight or ten consecrations, most of whom received a clear experience in the second grace. A number of Whom also were delivered out of Bab-ylon. Thank God we are happy to See souls escape out of the cages of deception, where they had long been captives, and their poor souls starved almost to death on the dry husks of theology, worldly wisdom, and formal essays delivered by professed preach-ers who sin more or less every day, and are utterly void of spiritual life or Power. Oh how our souls are de-lighted to see those who have been delivered froril such cages, feast their Souls on the truth, God's word, arid drink of His Spirit, and be refreshed and praise the Lord! May the Lord help them to stand straight for God. and keep free in the Spirit and let their light shine so that others may See the light and escape also. We must let our light shine if we expect others to see the light and come out Straigh t for God. We had a precious ordinance meeting near the close of the Meeti ng, in which sixteen saints participated. We arrived here yes- - terday, had prayer meeting in a DAWSON, PA:, Mar: I I, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN AND TRUMPET READERS: We joined dear Bro. Clayton in the metting in the Shell-hamer neighborhood. The Lord met with us in power, with glorious show-ers of blessings and shouts of victory. From one to five souls were at the altar at nearly every invitation, and about all got the desires of their hearts. An ordinance Service was held several days before the close of the meeting for the special benefit of our dear Bro. and Sister H. Riggle, who started for New Whatcome, Wash., which is now their home. May the rich blessings of heaven at-tend them at all times. Two were baptized by dear Bro. Clayton. The meeting closed with precious victory. Then all the woi kers begun a meet-ing in the town of Apollo. On_ Sat-urday we all were joyfully surprised by the unexpected arrival of our much beloved Bro. Daugherty, with Bro. Stowe whom the Lord used much to his glory in preaching the word. Bro. Stowe remained a few days with us in the meeting, then re-turned to his home near Kittanning. Also dear Bro: Ferris was at this feast about two weeks. Bro Daugh-erty continued laboring for the Lord in this meeting about twelve days, when he was called to Meadville to visit the sick. Bro. Daugherty is now at Fern holding a meeting. We left dear Bro. Clayton to continue on the work and rethrned to the Shellhamer neighborhood, and the Lord met with us in power. We arrived here yes- EUBANKS, Ky. DEAR SAINTS: We are truly glad in our hearts that we can still testify to full salvation in Jesus. The dear blessed Lord has been wonderfully leading us through the fiery furnace. In November last Bro.'. Cannon and I came here and held a meeting in the name of Jesus and there were twenty- two dear souls saved, and since we left here the Lord has add-ed eleven more precious ones to them. We traded for a home here with a good frame house, and we moved here and met the dear saints in meeting at night. And during the meeting someof the devil's agents set fire to our house, burning it to the ground. Oh praise God, it was one of the happiest hours of my life when I looked out of the window and saw the flames ascending high; it sent thrills of joy through my soul, and during that trying moment one dear soul made her escape from sin and was saved and made to shout the high praises of God. Truly I have learned that men do get mean-er than the devil wants them to be, for that did work out to the glory of God and salvation of dear souls. For men who were so bitter against the truth have turned out to help us in every way they pan to build us an-other house, and say we shall not want till we can help ourselves. Truly all things work together for good to them that love God. The little ones here are all filled with power and glory, having meeting three times a week. This is a good place for the work of the Lord. May God send more of his fire- bap-tized ministers here , to help rescue peiishing souls. Pray for us, dear ones, that God may keep us very humble and use us in bringing many from the powers of darkness into the blessed light of God. From your brother saved in Jesus' blood, LATTY, 0., MAR. 7, 1893: To THE SAINTS OF Goo: This morn-ing finds us all sweetly saved. Praise the Lord! To him we give all glory for what he has done for us and oth-ers. Our last report was from Brushy Prairie, Ind. We went from there to Ashley and held meetings about two weeks in the school house. Three s confessed that the Lord had forgiven their sins during that meeting and s the Lord did wonderfully heal sever-al in that place of bodily ailments. To God be all the glory! From Ash-ley we came on our way and met with the church near Antwerp, Ohio, where Bro. Bolds and Co. were hold-ing a series of meetings. We stayed t over two evenings and then on to Delphos, Ohi, o. . We held one meet-ing in the Christian house. A large congregation came out here, and' the Lord did wonderfully use us to his glory in giving out the word of life. e came on to Broughton, Paulding (,- 0 TESTI MONIES WONDERFUL. rsn. 19: 129. MONTICELLo, ILL. DEAR SAINTS: I feel led to write a few words. We are happy in Jesus this afternoon, justified and sanctified, and kept by power divine. We are no longer standing alone. There have three dear souls accepted the bless-ed evening light. Praise the dear Lord for victory! We are having prayer meetings now and the Lord meets with us and we have a feast to our souls every time we meet. It is wonderful what God will do for us if we will let him. We realize that the harvest is indeed great, but the reap-ers are few. May God soon raise up some reapers in this part of the har-vest field. Our souls are burdened for the dear souls that are in bond age of sectism and are living so far beneath their privilege, seemingly groping along without one ray of light. Pray for us that we may be true to our blessed Savior who gave his life for us. Amen. Your brother and sister under the blood, 0. A. & S. E. Marquiss. GETUP, ALA., Mar. 7, 1893. DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS: We are truly thankful to God that we can re-port perfect victory over all the works of the enemy, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be all glory and praise. Since our last report we preached a few times for the colored people with good results. Two were justified and one sanctified. The Lord has so established the truth in their hearts that there is quite a com-pany of them that have their regular weekly prayer meetings. May the Lord bless and keep them faithful. We then returned to the white people. Five more were buried, with Christ in baptism, after which we left the place called Six Mile, and came to Blue Springs where we were told that the Baptist sect numbered about one hundred and fifty members. But we failed to find a Christian among them; so we made our abode with a man, John Gurrley, who made no profession. God bless the dear fam-ily for their kindness to us, and re-ward them with salvation. We stay-ed a week, but on account of much rain and very muddy roads the at-. tendance. owas small, and as we stated above, the people were principally Baptists and a very little pure straight gospel is all they can stand. One of their preachers said that he sinned every day and expected to as long as he lives. We came to Apple Grove, Feb. 2o; were there a week but the roads were very bad, not very large congregations, but there are a few honest souls at that place who received the word gladly, and we believe will be saved. in the- near future. On Feb. 27 we came upon this mountain where we were last November. Those that were saved then are standing firm, trusting in the Lord, among whom is dear old Bro. Whipple; will be seventy years of age March 30. He has been not-ed for his profanity and universal-ism. He came to meeting through curiosity, but soon became alarmed about. his condition. Came to the Lord and was saved, and now is re-joicing and praising God instead of swearing. The Lord has set fire to this place and the devil is stirred, trying in vain to put it out, only scat- W R. Cloe & J,. Cannon. NORTH DENVER COLO , 806 PALMER AVE. DEAR BELOVED SAINTS OF GOD: Truly I can say this morning, Praise the Lord 0 my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name for his wonderful dealings with my soul! I know that I am in the land of Ca-naan and am feeding On the fat things that the land possesses. My soul is joyful in glory. I once enjoyed this blessed experience, but by not do- J ing my duty and keeping my eyes on esus, I fell away from God, and for several years I tried to get back where I could stand, but Satan would come to me with doubts and fears, and down I would go, and my body became afflicted and how discontent-ed I felt. But praise the Lord, he has called me to himself and has saved my soul from all sin, and sanc-tified my nature, and I have an ex-perience I can not doubt, and my faith is strong in the Lord that he will make me stand. Glory to Jesus! My body is receiving strength and I am trusting God for complete heal-ing. I ask all the saints to pray for me. We are having just glorious meetings. God does wonderfully bless Bro. Roberts in reading and teaching the word to us. It is real food for our souls. God wonderfully blesses our souls in coming together. We all see with an eye single to the glory of God. Praise his dear name! Sinners are getting convicted and quite a number have been saved and a few have received sanctification ince Bro. Warner was here. God has worked a wonderful miracle in the alvation of Bro. Sheffert. He, like Saul, was breathing out threatenings against the saints of God, and while le was thus running headlong into hell he ran into a rtnsty spike nail vhich went clear through his shoe and foot. This brought him down on his bed and his body filled with fever and pain. God showed him hat it was done for his soul's good, and God saved his soul and healed his body, and now he is rejoicing in God for deliverance of soul and body. Oh praise God for his goodness to us all! Dear saints, pray for us. Your sister down under the blood, hid away with Christ in God, Theresa Newkirk. DRUM VALLEY, CAL. DEAR SAINTS: I feel led of the Lord to again write my testimony, hoping ttoh at it may be of interest the dear it has a tendency to close the air pas- [ Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one bap-sages so there is not a free respiration. I tism. One God and Father of all, Consequently too little air or oxygen' etc. Eph. 4: 4- 6. One body.— Col. taken into the lungs also prevents the .3 : 15. Js ow various sects or kAienorn;.- escape of the carbonic acid gas, which if retained in the blood will poison the blood and produce an abnormal condition of the system generally. One habituating himself to lying straight when sleeping will enjoy bet-ter health, will live easier and enjoy a more symmetrical form and erect posture of body. It is better to sleep with mouth closed and breathe through the nostrils, as nature has properly provided them for that pur-pose. The air is more properly con-veyed to the lungs and purer through the nostrils than through the mouth. Breathing through the mouth has more of a tendency to irritate the fauCes and pharynx. Also to breathe through the mouth the air takes up foul substances from the tongue and teeth which might collect from eating or arising from the stom-ach and make the air before reaching the rungs very impure. But because of the catarrh many people can scarcely breathe through the nostrils. It is best not to sleep in a room where there is fire, as the oxygen is not so abundant, and even if it was there is a greater liability to contract a cold by it, as the room will get cold before morning, and with the same amount of cover you will awake in the morn-ing- chilled more or less. The main thing is to see there is plenty of good fresh air. While holding a meeting in Kan. several of us were together and stopped at the one place some-times, and there being so many, about ten of the sisters had to sleep in a small tight room, by making a bed on the floor, and they were not thoughtful enough to open the win-dow, also having the middle door closed. I had business to enter the room the next morning after break-fast for something I needed, and the beds were unadjusted and window still closed. As I stepped inside the door 1- was struck with the stench of foul air till I could hardly endure to re- cepted the truth. I praise God_ for main in the room till I obtained the his keeping power. Your _ saved and desired object. While there during sanctified sister in Christ, the meeting one of the sisters had a Ann E. Kenemuth. very hard sinking spell, almost like she would die. Was it any wonder AKRON, RAN. D : i am praising God after breathing such, inhaling it into EAR SAINTS: the lungs night after night? There ffoorr wush. aPtr haieslem Gs oddo fnoer asanldv aisti odno ifnugll is temperance even in sleeping. The moderate use o f the pure is a wonderful necessity. God- giv veenn as and complete in my soul! He has es-i tablished me on the solid rock Christ ar Jesus, where . I . can stand. was a rule, we do not use enough, especi- brought to this light a little over four ally in sleeping, instead of too much. ' e G. R. A. in full • salvation. 0 how I praise God for his wonderful love that is filling my soul! Praise: his holy name forever! The fire of the Holy Ghost is burning in my soul. We are a lit-tie band of the children of God, some eight or ten claiming saaltification, and several others seeking clean heats.- The Lord is with us. Let all the saints pray that the Lord will direct some of his holy ministers to come to us. The Lord bless and keep all Ais dear ones saved and free in Christ. Your saved brother and sister, . B. F. Arnett -&- Nvife. lu_ nelbeLof the Lord's true samtsTmets. . 1. ad gloricalS's ons of waiting upon - the Lord arid had some plain Bible teaching - tbere,- revealed i sT Asto also at the camp meeting' here Los t , a 0 on soul to hear sati aucshfacti truth that I had not heard Much said about since my childhood days; sixty years ago, back in my native land, Pa. It was then . ruled out of most of the pulpits, but praise our God that he had a remnant left that did not bow their knee to Baal. That is what helped to) reep me from utter-ly falling away. I always kept a warm place in my heart for the faith once delivered to the saints; would meet with a few of like faith occasionally. How our heartt did yearn over the condition of the different sects that we were ever connected with— the pride and formality, and setting aside - of some of the holy commandments, We were yoked up with unbelievers communed with them, which is tor-bidden, but the Lord was good to me, at last delivered me from that bond-age of pride, sectarianism, and all that is contrary to our Lord's teach-ing. , Praise the Lord! We are one in him and have the assurance that he can and does keep us. 1, am so glad that I can meet with the child-ren of God this wintenwhich I Was not able to do for a number of years on account of my afiliction, cold ters also. It is a real joy to my soul to meet with the saints at the hall, to see such faithful workers, such prom-ising young men and women that were saved at the last fall and sum-mer meetings. Souls are being saved, 0 that many more may be made willing to heed the warning voice and flee the wrath to cOme; is the prayer of your devoted sister, who wishes to be remembered in your prayers. • Amisamansawassamomado ■ • HEALTH DEPARTMENT TEMPERkNOE. CHAPTER XL SLEEPING. Sleeping is a very important sub-ject to consider, as very much depends on our sleep. Sleep a is wonderful kind provision of nature for the benefit of man, without which he could not ex-ist. Different Persons require a dif ferent amount of sleep. A person of a sanguine bilious temperament nee cessarily and naturally requires more sleep than a person of a nervo- bilious temperament; consequently there can be no exact fixed rule. But we are well aware - that most persons habit uate themselves - to require entirely too much sleep. Eight and ten hours is an abundance of sleep for any one of mature age. Of course infancy re-quires more than maturity, for they grow well in a hearty, healthy sleep Yon see a person who is in the habit of twelve or fourteen hours sleep, and you usually see one who is unhealthy, puny, indifferent and complaining Disease of the liver especially makes a person more sleepy than while in health. A persona. should sleep in a well ventilated room, because if the room i • close so that fresh air cannot ge in it we have to breathe the same air over and over again. The air forms an important factor in man's playsica existence. About one- fifth part o the air we breathe is oxygen, and whei the air we breathe passes through tht very small fibrous passages of the lungs, the oxygen is taken up into the blood and there performs a very in' portant office, changing the chyle, ( the food we eat converted into chyle and taken into the circulation) into proper shape to be assimi'ated to build tit the broken- down portion of the tis sues of the body. Also while we take up the oxygen from the air we breathe, we throw off the carbonic acid gas which is composed consider-ably of the debris or effete mattei from broken- down or worn- out tiss- ues of the bodyavhich is constantly going on in the body, taken up by the blood and thrown out through the lungs as carbonic acid gas. This gas is very poison and if the air we breathe is not changed we have to breathe the same air over again. It being poison, we are constantly inspiring poison into our lungs which goes info the blood. Hence instead of receiving the oxy-gen to the blood to carry on the work of arterializing the blood, that is, to change its constituents so that the blue venous blood as it comes from the system loaded with poison decomposing animal matter where it is changed into red blood, we still re-ceive more poison from the air by breathing the same air over again. Hence the necessity of having a little circulation of pure air into the room during the sleeping hours as well as during the day. That is the reason it is so healthy to take much out- door ex-ercise, because it gives us abundance
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 13:11
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 13:11
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 13:11
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 13:11
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 13:11
title_sort gospel trumpet - 13:11
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1893
long_lat ENVELOPE(170.483,170.483,-83.583,-83.583)
geographic Canada
The ''Y''
St. Louis
The Altar
Van Buren
Man's Head
geographic_facet Canada
The ''Y''
St. Louis
The Altar
Van Buren
Man's Head
genre Carbonic acid
genre_facet Carbonic acid
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766388179324108800
spelling 2023-05-15T15:53:08+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 13:11 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1893-03-16 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 13 11 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1893 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:03:49Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 - The Lord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds. Zeck. 9. z4. The. Soul Redeemed. Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, March 16, 7893. Volume 13. No. 11 . Fiksri--) u Th" Flee out of the mida a Babylon, and deliv- er every man his soul: be not cut off in her igniquity; for this is the time of the llortd's7en- eance; he render unto her a recompense. And the land. shall tremble and sorrow: for every impose of the Lard thall be performed aga: inst Babylon, to male the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant rer. 51: 6. 21 And he said tut., to Tne, Mutt sew* edt, h Io sue? e Ao nfldy irn gan rsowll. er- Then said ha unto MO every one that stealeth ivsililSd bheersva iuenaltmcr gyhc aoei0tc 1 rfoc1bdo0oueir rnttt dh hcgOia, un fttsftg o slo oiwt tuoif, tf'e . t aia otIr: nne as thtnh. dis Zrtehche. Lordo f osts. ' Tis peace and happiness to know, The blood of Christ, the crimson flow, Has cleansed and made me free from sin ' Tis untold joy and peace within. Our Savior thrust the veil aside That we might with the Lord abide, And live in . heaven while here below, And rescue souls from sin and woe. And he shall send his angels with a grea sound of a trumpet and they shall gather togeth-erhis elect frors theism, winds, from one end heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the ag tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puttoth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh; So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at th3 dOON. Matt. 24: 31- M. congregation of the first born, etc., ! denotingDitsi vDine Founder and ' owner; the congregation that was at Antioch; the congregation which I was at Corinth; the congregation of Asia, etc., denoting the different -- at the Lord's table in an = assem bly ggeaotigornapsh oicfa Gl loodca. tIiosan. o 9f : t h6e, c7o.- nTgrhee-of the true saints; ititmay do in the right was a very large barrel, also el-evated above the platform. Whi! : was gazing up at them in mid- air waved at them, but they did not n They dictate your testimony in the goverment shall be upon his should- Blessed liberty that Christ bestows, - That none but souls redeemed can know. With holy unction from above, We'll tell the lost of Jesus' love. ThouuRisen Christ," how sweet Thy name It was for me that thou was slain; My all, dear Lord, I give to Thee; Not much, but all, I give it free. sects, but not in God's church. The „ baptism is . for believers only. , Acts Next, feet- washing is disregarded, which is an ordinance commanded by our Lord. - Then a hireling preaches for pay, sets his price and takes it rom the poor as - well as the • sect, and you cannot sail any higher , than they do. They are priest- ridden, I Terh, i se itsc . t hMe Latotr. d 2, 8ow: 1n8er; aLnudk oev e2r: s eI eIr. governed by one man power and not ! of his church, he is the head over all of God. You have to disobey God,: things. Eph. 1 : 22, 23. And he is the to obey their rules, creeds, laws and head of the body, the church. Col. mandates. They want to keep the 18, 24. The church isthe body of members under and rule over them, 1 Christ, and necessarily includes all its e I ' I o- I tice me. They were too busy show-ing themselves off, Some one spoke near by and said," That girl is just go- ' ing up in that balloon to show her bravery." k d counte- My time, my talent and my all, Are - thine, and ready at Thy call, To do Thy bidding day by day While traveling on the King's highwal". h nce an there was no holy, spiritu . sa. me as Romanism. God says members. Therefore to call an or-ey , look on her face, more like a world ir- girl going up to show off sure enoug d's The platform now. seemed change ns, to a balloon. I thought ithey looke es very brave; that seemed to be - the whole aim, to look brave and make of big show. Men were beating drum d very hard, making a big noise. The of now beg- an tomove from south t or east, about one hundred feet ahoy s. the ground. Their balloon platfor , had a lever to lower or elevate it a y their will, having a pole with notche d in it, to hold the cross- bar or leve 11 Some one said in a cool command d " Raise it up one notch."' said in m mind, I will see how high they can g e- up on one notch. After examining an d making some calculations, I conclude d they had not notches enough to tak s , them to heaven, as there were as man n notches below as they had above th bar, so they could not go up any highe above than the same number as the had below. They moved over where sat; I tried to look up and see th inmates, but could not for a few mo ments. There seemed to be abou them and myself a circle of meeting houses. The y sailed o ff over them toward the west. I supposed they in-tended to take a trip to China over the ocean. I also was in a similar bal-loon or platform, and a friend with me. „ I said to him Call we raise ours tip higher, so as to see them sail off." The circle of houses hid us from seeing them go away. He re-marked that this balloon or craft be-longed to a man, and he would not allow us to rise above the circle of houses, for fear we would sail out over the ocean, and lose his craft. So we sailed around in the circle till I got tired, and I got out and walked away satisfied. I had all I wanted of the sect craft ride. I awoke astonished at the -- vision and began to ask God what it all meant, as I felt a deep sense in my own soul it meant something, as it was not an ordinary dream of my head. This certainly means some-thing for my good. Lord, reveal to me the meaning of tills as you did Daniel's vision. The voice came, You shall have the interpretation by breakfast time. So when I sat down to eat that morning, the interpretation came. The first sentence however did not come welcome to my mind as I thought a good deal of the army, and the other two places I had picked out. This is the interpretation. The army is a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. A little better than the sects, but they came down from their professed aim of saving souls to make a big show and loud noise. They think more oftheir organiza-tion, their flag, creed and rules than they do of Jesus. They sing of_ ai- my and flag more than of Jesus. he barrel is the wine of the wrath of her fornications and sects included. Y011 can find the explanation in Revela-tions. So to a - great extent they are deceived like the creed- bound sects of confusion, and by their traditions they make the word of God of none effect, as Jesus accused the pharisees. Look in the four gospels. The peo-plc cannot bear nor keep them, neith-er do they keep them themselves. their faith only goes as high as their . ganized division, the church, is sub- steeple houses. He will not give v1 erting the truth. No sect contains the gifts of his Spirit to profit by, all the body of Christ, therefore no such as gifts of healing, casting outisIect is the church of God. The church of God are all the saved, either uni-versally, or in any given locality. - Who is the founder of the church? Heb. 1 r: ro. And the apostle says to the converted Hebrews in the next 1 chapter, verses 22- 24. But ye are I go, I see you will not allow me to come unto Mount Sion, etc. Heb. 3: go to any of these three I picked out, 3, 4. Feed the church of God, etc. or any of the sects; where do you I Acts 20: 28. Husbands love your want me to go? The Lord said to 1' wives, etc. Eph. 5: 25: 27. Upon me," You have heard that Bro. Hatch, this rock. Matt. 16: 18. These texts a blacksmith is called out and will rent I show clearly that Christ purchased, a hall, and there the pattern of the I founded and built the church. There-true church shall be started." Praise foie it follows conclusively that any God! It was a grand lesson for me. Now I am free; I belong to no man's institutions. Shortly after that I was at the meeting of the church of God, and by three clear tests, God showed me that this is his own church and People, and I am established in the true church of our God. I belong to God and him only. I do praise God for this blessed freedom. His yoke is easy, sure enough. The three tests were these: after I went to the meet-ing I said, Lord if this is the true church after your order, send in three souls to be prayed for to day. I felt led to pray for a person sitting in the middle of the room, to be convicted. That person jumped up and ran out of the hall. I said, Lord bring that person back in again. After a few moments they came back and sat down in the same place. The Lord directed me to go the penitent form and pray for that person to come for-ward and be saved. They immediate-ly came forward and knelt down 4P. M. Sunday. At 8 P. M. the Lord led me again to go to the form and pray. I went and got in earnest prayer. The Lord led me to cry aloud and spare not. A young lady got up and came forward and was sanctified. I knew In the Spirit some one was there be-fore I opened my eyes. Then I look-ed over the congregation and saw a gambler under conviction. I said, Lord send Sister Tvloote. to pray with him. She got up and went very quickly tO- him. She and another one got him to play. These were my three tests. I said This is the church of God. In a congregation or as-sembly of the church of God, he by his Holy Spirit will impress whoever he wants to teach or preach the word, and if one is called to be an elder or deacon, that one called of God will be recognized as such by the church. We do not get any sham preachers. We know t4eir calling as well as they do. Some elderi- oversee more than one congregation in a city or country. Some are elders stationed in one place till God sends them elsewhere. Evangelists go about establishing churches where there are no elders. Now a few scriptures to prove- the controlling power, and how the 1 THE TRUE devils, interpretation of prophecies, discerning of spirits, etc, only to true believers, and they must come out of sects or wither and die. Praise God I said, I belong to- him and him only. Now Lord where shall CHURCH REVEALED. My life shall for the Lord be spent, And winning souls be my intent. When in the kingdom I shall come, I'll hear my Savior say, " Well done P' - - Miss Flora M. Gates. ARKANSAS CITY, KAN. Live deliciously. Hab. 15- 17. Th speak intellectual words with no Sp it in them. They lord it over Go heritage. They give man's opinio instead of the word of God. ' God do not care for man's opinions. - Now I will tell how I got out Babylon ( confusion). One day Go put it on my heart that the call Rev. 18: 4; 2 Cor. 6: 17, meant f true believers to. come out of sect I said, " Lord when you put the ' con out'on n- ry- hl eart, and burn it in by th Holy Spirit, so that I can understan what it means, I will come out. I wi leave it with you at your own goo time to do it." A few days after, felt I - was called to my room for som thing. When- I got there, the Lor said," Take your Bible." I did so, an it opened to 2 Cor. 6: 17, 18. Acros the 17th verse God wrOte Babylo ( confusion) , by his Spiritgave me the proper understanding of the verse, that sects are not of God, nor are their creeds and doctrines after his pattern - or church. So a true believ-er is unequally yoked together with unbelievers in the sects. 2 Core 6: 14 - 16 will show this- to be true. So I said, `-`- Lord open the way, give the order how to proceed." I soon saw I had some little duties to perform first. I did them, and said, Now good Lord, is the time I want to come out. " Go," seemed to sound in. my ears and heart. I started for the sect preacher's house. Now the devil corn-menced his threats. " You will lose all your - friends and they will perse-cute you." " It makes no- difference, Satan, if I do lose them, I will obey God, not you nor them. " He put a man-fearing spirit on me, but of no use. I said," Lord give me a sweet spirit, and I will know you are still guiding me. He did so. I went and got a church letter, told the preacher I be-nged to ._ God and him only, not to ny sect. He asked me where I was oing. I told him I was going wher-ver the Lord chose to send me. hat night chose three of the best laces in the city and said, Lord if it your will tell me which one to go . The three were _ the Holiness lurch or Association sect, Salvation rmy, and Hervey and Stephen's eeting, corner of Broadway and emple streets. " Now to- nig- ht, Lorcl, ease reveal by vision or some way, Inch of these, if any, ' you - send me At or near three or four o'clock got it in a vision, and when I saw it cant something, cried out, " Oh od Lord, why cannot you give. me e interpretation of this, like you did aniel of old? You revealed dreams d visions to him, why cannot yon veal this to a poor fellow like me?" tere came a voice saying," I will re-al it to you by breakfast time." I it first give the vision. seemed be sitting 111 an open place reading book. Suddenly. rose up before my es a corps of Salvation Army folks a platform. Their flag was lifted in the center, a girl on the left and men on the right, beating the bass d snare dru ins. T he large bass drum s above the man's head, so she ti to reach up to beat it. ` Fhe snare institution that man founded or built is not the church. When was the church built? r Cor. 3 : 9.- Ye are God's building, ye are God's husbandry. Built upon the a-postles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. - Eph. 2: 20- 22. Ye also as lively stones, etc.- 1 Pet. 2: 5. In A. D. 32, Christ " I will build my church." In 59 and after that, the apostles write," Ye are God's building." So the church was built between those dates. It is true that the church was begun under the la-bors of John the baptist, Jesus and his apostles before the day of Pentecost. Many believed and entered into the kingdom then and constituted the material for the church. But the corn-ing of the Holy Spirit was the point of time, when the church was really built, and set in order, as seen in I Cor. 1 2 : 6, I I- I3 1„ 8 42 . TI ch u rch I is defined, as, his body, the fullness of I him that filleth all in all.- Eph. r: 23. The church proper then did not ex-ist until the fullness of Christ came, which was- on the day of Pentecost. There it was fully set up, and " fitly joined together and compacted." That being the time of the founding of the church of God, it follows that every religious body that has since come into existence is not the church of God, but a daughter of confusion born out of due time. This includes Romanism and all Protestant sects. Who is its foundation? Behold, I lay in Sion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.--- Isa. 28: 16. For who is God save the Lord ? Or who is a rock save our God ? Ps. 18: 31. For other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.- I Cor. 3: ii. ' Who is the head of the church. Eph. I: 22; 4: 15, 16°. For the hus-band is the head of the wife, etc. Eph. 5: 23, 24. Jesus is the head of the body, the church. Col. I: 18; 2: 18. The head of an institution is its lawmaker. For the Lord is our lawgiver. Isa. 33: 22. One lawgiv-er. Jas. 4: 12. All organisms that make their own laws, creeds, discip-lines and systems of co- operation," do not hold the head"- Christ. Their law- making synods and general con-ferences, ignore the divine lawgiver, rp the place of Christ, and sit in stead of God and are not Christ's irch, which is subject to hi 1. A-U, there is one head, hence, there ( Co', ti. wted 7ge. ) church is set in order by God's wordi and Spirit. The word church and churches occur in the New Testa.- ment one hundred and nine times al-ways translated from Ekklesia , which usu would have been more correctly ren- Ithe dered congregation. Whin with I chi. the Bible qualifications would have gai read, The congregation of God; the lo a is to cl go th an re TI ye Wi to a ey on up tw an wa I ai urnmer had his attached to his dy by a belt. Still farther on the pne day while meditating on the meaning of Rev. 18: 3, these thoughts passed through my mind: that it meant the Church of Rome and Protestantism. They are surely prac-ticing the abominations this verse speaks of. The 4th verse," Come out of her my people, that ye be not par-takers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." A plain com-mand for every true child of God to come out of sectism. 5th verse;" For her sins have reached unto heaven and God bath remembered her quities. " 6th verse, " Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works." Those who have escaped out of " Bab-ylon" ( confusion, sectism), " Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of har- • lots and abominations of the earth," shall reward her even as she rewarded them. 7th verse," For she saith in her heart, 1 sit a queen and am DO widow, and shall see no sorrow." Why is she no widow? She never was married to Christ, and is not the church he set up, neither are any of her daughters, down to the present day. She has over six hundred sect daughters, so there are also over six hundred jew-els in the pope's crown. Sects have been divided and subdivided; keeping God's children from knowing the true body of Christ, which is his church. One in 11im71e being the head. The pattern is in the New Tes-tament. It does not need man- made creeds or doctrines. God inspires his own preachers, and they set the church in order, as his Holy Spirit and the word dictate, not man's opin-ions. Something like these thoughts went through. thy mind very plain. I began to wonder if the sect I was in was doing the same things as spo-ken of in Rev. 17: 4, ( abominations ) teaching only part of the command- A Inents and construing the word to m suit their own peculiar doctrine. Psa. T - 106: 39. Fairs, festivals, cantatas, etc. PI The latter, they have to make a scrip- NV tural impression on the people, using to them in place of trusting the Holy I Spirit to do the work. This is Baby- m lon confusion as God revealed it to They baptize infants and sin-ners by sprinkling, which - is not the baptism our Lord instituted. It is by immersion; but " not for washing a- Way of our sios, but the answer of a good conscience toward Cod." I Pet. 3: 21; and to be buried with him by baptism- into death. Rom. 6: 4. Sin-ners and saints take the' Lord's sup-per together. Does God's church al-low such a mixture? By no means. He adds such as should be saved by 1) 61- ig b orn aoaan, an( th esna snactified. When a than sins, he falls from grace and the Church, and must come bade throughrepentance, and God takes 1 .411 back into his church. Cor. 5: dr 9on. l Sinners have no right to eat bo toreesealsonseosimiaawasesossasaw THE OSPEL TRUMPET A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURN AT. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. Sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Fur " he Publication of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body. The Unity of all true Christians in " the faith once de-livesraeidn ttso: : the Published at GliaD J'UNCTION D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. a BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRU1V1 & S. MICHELS — Publishers. LfEf OF AIWA LETTERS NOT OTHERWISE RECLIPTED, liartman, A. Irs. S. M. ° lemons, S. W. 1+, Iar-tin.„ W. S. Kriebel, Nettie Henderson, Michael Stover Jr., Geo. E. Bolds. ammes43., ■ • ■ •• Requests for Prayer. Pray for Bro. John Houngton, Nishnabotna, Mo., that he may be healed of bodily afflictions. - • Is ' EVANSVILLE, IND. DEAR SAINTS: Pray for the healing of my little children, who are afflict-ted. Nannie Downs. litraiar ■ ea TERMS, $ 1,00 a year in aduanee, Free to the poor. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, I Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. Arthur Howard, Guy's Mills, Pa. requests the saints to pray March 19, I that he may be saved. NOTICE. All business communications, moneys, & c. must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be re-sponsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each hew cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the . circulation of the paper. ger Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us . regularly of their address. NOTICE. How to Send Money. Remit by Post Office Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change of- Address.— Subseribers wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to, ° dye their former, as well as their new address. Missing Papers.—. It occasionally happens that numbers of our papers sent to our sub-scribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive yours when due, af ter Wait-ing a sufficient length of time, write us a card, and we will gladly send one in place of the mWisshinegn nyuomu bwerr. ite, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, write u8 at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. TIMM CM= n. x EXPOSURE. ST. LOUIS, Mich. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We feel that it is an imperative duty for us to warn the saints everywhere, that there is a Mrs. J. L. Walters who goes about and claims to be a converted Cath-olic, and tries to class herself with the saints of God, but is an enemy to the cause of God by trying to cause di-vision and spiritual death among the saints, by backbiting, malicious false-hoods, and vile slander against God's true children. While she was in St. Louis she tried to do the church here much harm in pretending to worship with the saints, afterwards going to Babylon, and to secure the friendship and to please sectarians she had a frequent habit of railing a-gainst the saints. She was often and in all kindness admonished, but would not renounce her sins, but continues to profess that she knows God, but by works she denies him. When last heard from she was in the vicinity of Rochester, Ind. As we believe her disastrous to the cause of Christ we cannot keep silent any longer and be clear in the sight of the Lord. Your saved brothers in Christ, J. R. Walter & H. H. Tidball. I Al THE VINE, YE ARE THE BRANCHES. John 151 5. $. 50 per copy and $ 5.00 per dozen. We expect by all means to have the work ready by the June camp meet-ing, and may have it- sooner. We shall be very grateful to all the dear brethren and friends who will send us your orders in advance to help us pay the expense of having stereotype plates cast. After much prayer over the matter we feel fully assured that it is our Father's will we should proceed to issue the book. We are moving out lisy faith in God, and . he is encouraging our hearts. Send orders until further notice to Springfield, Ohio, addressed to D. S. Warner and B. E. Warren. BOOKS and TRACTS. The Ordinance of Feet Washing. The Bible Readings. Anthems from the Throne. ( PRICEJ, Cloth Per dozen An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Address, THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand junction, Mich TOBACCO AS AN EVIL. Per hundred, 10 cts. Why are you not a eirtnisTIAfx? Per hund. 10 C. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. 32 pages, 5 tits. A TRACT ON THE TRUE CHURCH. It con-tains 50 pages. Price 10 cts. Per dozen, 80 cts. A TRACT ON THE SABBATH, OR WHICH DAY TO KEEP. Contains 65 pages, 10 etc. each. The Age to Come, and Millennium Tradition Refut-ed by the Inspired Word. of God 56 pages, 10 cts. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE CHURCH. A tract contatiling 32 pages, 1 cent each. The Great Tobacco Sin. It contains 80 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. Must we Sin? A conversation, giving Bi Me proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 ets.• Per dozen, 20 ets. Per hundred. $ 1.50. The Ordinance of the New Testament. A NEW TRACT, BY WM. G. scams,. _ Setting forth the ordinances of the scriptures in clear light, showing which are abolished. and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 45 cts. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a re, view of a tract written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ. It contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 ets. 51.20 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Mi § s. or from this office. Bible readings or references On about 100 subjects. Price 75 cts. each. Holiness Bible Subjects. BY H. C. WICKERSHAM. A book containing 100 subjects with Scriptures, concord-ance, definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church, its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming of the evening light. Illustrated, ITS pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy 81.00. Six or more SO cents each. For this book, Address, H C. Wickevham. New Pittsburg, Ind., Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. This book contains 148 songs. 50 with music. About new. When sung in the spirit of God these songs will oe found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the gospel standard of salvation. Send in your orders for . Anthems from the Throne and start the songs of praise anew. 10.30 0.50 & 3.00 & 84.80 DIVINE HEALING of SOUL and 00011 By E. E. BYRUM. ANEW BOOK JUST OUT. It very plainly marks out the way of salvation. and also tells how God heals the sick, and the Conditions upon which they are restored, giving wonderful testimonies of his miraculous power in these last days. It consists of 248 pages, neatly bound. Cloth, 75 cents. Paper Cover, 25 cents. GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. Co., Grand Junction Mich. Pray for Mary Brown, Kershaw, S. C. that she may be healed of se-vere pain and bodily afflictions. Sister Downing, wife of a leading F. M. minister, wishes the prayers of all of the saints. Has been partially paralyzed many years. Let many earnest prayers be offered on March 26, for her deliverance and that she may walk in the light of the gospel. ST. Louis, MICH., Mar. Ii, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: 1 wish to ask all the dear people of God to pray for me, Sunday, Mar. 26, at o'clock A. NI. that I may be healed of a severe bodily affliction. I feel that I am a Child of God and Jesus is reigning in my soul. I have given all up to God and know that the blood of Jesus cleanses me. The will of God is my will. I have taken Christ as my physician. Your humble sister, saved in the blood. Melissa Tidball. VANDALIA, ILL. DEAR SAINTS: I am praising God for his goodness to me. I know the Lord saves mei ow. r I am very much afflicted and I believe the Lord will heal me. On the loth of March at io o'clock let the dear saints fall on their knees and ask Father to heal my afflicted body, - tor I know that the prayers of the righteous avail much. Praise the Lord forever! Yours in holy love, Mary E. Hall. EDITORIAL NOTES. Bro. C. L. Kaumeyer, Chippawa, Ont. writes that he has a large quan-tity of tracts for free distribution which he desires to have circulated. Sister Ida F. Davis, 2154, 12 St., N. W. Washington, D. C. writes: " For years I have stood free from all sect organizations. Have labored in many lines of Christian work, es-pecially open air service. I believe the Lord now directs me to take a permanent stand with his people." Amen. Perhaps this sister is being prepared to join with Bro. and Sister Rupert in the work in that city. THE NEW SONG . BOOX. Truly the Lord has moved Bro. B. E., Warren and myself to issue the new song book--- Ecnoas FROM GLORY. The Anthems were prepared in much haste, and for want of more time and experience, of course has many defects, and the time has come that a new and far more extensive work is in much demand. The Lord has sent us many very precious songs. Yea, we may even say he sent them down from heaven. A few of the best songs in the Anthems will be recast, with all defects in the harmony corrected, and many others that truly sing the praises of God in the Spirit, published without music, as the tune § are quite well known. There are more • that are worthy of new plates and correct-ed music, but having nearly two hun-dred new ones, most of which are more precious, we think • it best to purchase plates for a greater number of these, and use more of the Anthems without music, thereby giving the more songs. There will be about 200 pages, containing all of 230 songs. In addition to this the book will contain the necessary instructions how to learn to sing the note system. The book will be bound in paste-board back, and sent prepaid to any address in the. U. S. and Canada for in John, Ye are the branches. our bodies are the members of Christ shall we take the members_ of Christ and join them to a harlot? If we are members of a harlot we are not mem-bers of Christ. He that is joined un-to the Lord is one Spirit.- 1 Con 6: 17. We see a great many different spirits among the professing Chris-tia. ns of to day, and we know the rea-son is because they have joined them-selves to a sect, instead of the Lord, for every sect has somewhat of a different spirit. I have belonged to several of them. trying to find the right one. A great many of them will . promise you freedom, but they themselves are in bondage. Thank God for the evening light that sets a man free from sin and free from sect and every thing else but Christ! Thank God, to day finds me saved in Jesus from all sects and isms of this world. A man has no' right to join himself to any thing but Christ, for ye are bought with a price. Your body and spirit belong to Cor. 6: 20. Now you see we must be holy for God to dwell in us, and it means to be wholly the Lord's. Not one part belonging to God and the other part to a sect, for we cannot serve two masters. I tried that when I belonged to the Advent sect. A man may belong to them or most any other sect and chew and moke to-bacco and drink coffee and tea, and a great many of them allow their members to drink whiskey. But when you belong to Christ you must be clean. Whosever- abideth in him sinneth olot, for in him is no sin.— I . no. 3: 5- 6. He that conarnitteth sin is of the devil_ Verse 8. Amen. Your brother saved from all un cleanness, W. D. Beckom. News from the Field. KENESAW, NEB., MAR. 5, 1893. DEAR SAINTS: We start from this place to western Kansas, first place Cornell, and then to Levant, and then will go east through Kan., Iowa, and Ill., and to the Grand Junction camp meeting. We have longed to attend one of those camp meetings, and the Lord has opened the way. Address Us at Cornell, Kan. Your brother in the battle, James Willis. ADRIAN, MICH. DEAR SAINTS: I want to give in my testimony once more the glory of God. I am saved with aneverlasting salvation, and walking in the light as he is in the light ( and in him is no darkness at all ) and I have fellow-ship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ, and with all the true children of God. My last re-port was from Washington, Kan. From there we went a few - miles north and had a precious seed- sow-ing time for one week. I met with the church near Hollensburg the last evening of Feb. and the next day came to Table Rock, Neb., remained with them over Sunday. Met dear Bro. Stover. We had a few meet-ings. We found Some who were pro-fessing to - be saints, walking contrary to the doctrine of Christ. We ad-monished them and gave them the word of God, tout they were unwill-ing to measure up to the wordand get right with God. They went out from amonga us that it Might be made manifested that they were not of us. We bElieve that the time is near when God will raise tip more people in Table Rock to stand in defence of the gospel of Christ, as sinners are taking more interest in the meetings HOW. On March 5th I started for Michigan where I was permitted to meet with my dear folks at home once more. Truly I am very thank-ful to God for this privilege of re-turning home again after nearly three years absence, in the gospel field. Any one desiring me to hold_ a meet-ing close by here, address me at Adrian, Mich. Your saved brother, Wm. A. Randolph. NEWBU- RG, MO., MAR. 10, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN IN CHRIST: The grace of God be with - you. We thank our God this morning from the depths of our souls for his saving and keep-ing power manifested to us daily. Glory to his name! We have been constantly laboring for the Master since our last report. Have passed through some severe trials but all to the glory of God. We have been in these parts holding meeting for three weeks. The dear Lord has blessed tuo s in attentive e pntrievsee lnitsitnegn ehtrse. ppr eeec ipo uistprru: sli. sions have been made and much pre- QUESTION Sister Wolf, of Los Angeles, Cal. asks if it is wrong to use an organ in the worship of God if played by a sanctified singer for to help the sing-ing. - We answer, that the New Testa-ment, which is a perfect guide in di-vine worship and all Christian duty, does not authorize the use of the or-gan in divine worship, and it is always safe to abide in the word. Sectarians we know often worship their organs, houses, etc. snore than God. Of course holy people would not do that. If led to use an'Organ they would still only worship God. Organs can doubt-less be used to great advantage in learning music. But concerning their use in the house of worship, I have no scriptural grounds to offer, and can say nothing.- If God under any peculiar circumstances would so lead, we know nothing about that, but can give no advice beyond the word. E are the branches or the limbs of the vine, or in other words, Christ is the tree of life and we are limbs of that tree. Now if we are the branches of such a noble vine or holy vine, then our fruits will be holy, and by this we can tell who is of God, for by their fruits ye shall know them. — Matt. 7: 16. For if we abide in Christ we are holy, fur he is holy.— Pet. r : 16. Then if we are holy, so also is our fruit; therefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Brethren, what is it to be free from sin? Is not a man that is free from sin a holy man? For sin is what makes us unho-ly, and the Bible teacheS us if we are in Christ we are freed from sin. Paul, speaking to the Roman brethren said, Now being made free from sin and become servants of God, ye have your fruit unto holiness.— Rom. 6: 22. We then see that their fruits were holy and they were also at that time freed from sin, for we read in verse 20, that when they were servants of sin they were free from righteousness. Let not - Sin reign in your mortal bod-ies, Rom. 6: 12, for your bodies are the members of Christ, or as he said Now if GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD, GREETING: God bless you all. - We are happy to report victory in Jesus over all the powers of the. enemy. We went to Belknap, Feb. 27, and began meeting in the name of the Lord at the home of Bro. Frank Miller's, which ir deed was a wonderful victory. We preach-ed from Joel second chapter, where God commanded us to blow the trumpet in Zion, whiCh was continued all through the meeting, and God's truth went forth, as Jer. 3o: 23 says, Behold the whirlwind of the Lord goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind, which fell grievously on the heads of the professoars, and was grievous at the time, but yielded the peaceable fruit of the Spirit. Some - 7who had long been deluded were recovered out of the hands of the enemy, and others who were pos-sessed were delivered. Praise God! The church was much strengthened. Sister Fink was at Coldwater at the beginning of the meeting but God sent her and the rest of the company to - me in a few days. We expect to begin meeting at Kalamazod soon, the Lord willing. Let all pray for the work there. - Lena L. Shoffne MARIASVILLE, PA., Feb. 28, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN: May the dear Lord ever keep you all. This date finds us at home, making arrange-ments to start on our southern and eastern trip. The dear Lord has wonderfully kept us saved and in good health, - and blessed our labors since we left our home last August. Truly he did more for us than we were able to think or ask, and truly we are encouraged to go on and to do more for God and the salvation of dear souls, and we are looking for-ward with pleasure to the day when we can start out again. Praise his name! Now dear on- es we did not come home for pleasure, although it is a blessed privilege to get home and see the brethren and friends, but we would have been willing to sacrifice all this for God. But having a little property here in this country the Lord showed us to dispose of the same and pay our debts, or borrow the money and give the property for security. Now we ask all God's chil-dren to pray to the Father to send us a purchaser or some one that will furnish us with the poney, for which we will be willing di furnish good re-liable security, and pay lawful interest, - as we wish to leave things in such a shape that there will be no reproach brought upon the cause of God. We leave home this time with the im-pression that God wants us to go and work with our dear Brothers Achor and - Henry in the foreign land be-tween now and next fall. Oh praise God for a willing heart and that we are all on the altar for God! We are ready to go whenever he leads or wherever he sends. Well God is working things to suit himself and we can see his mighty hand in getting the company to work with us this summer. Some have written us al-ready that I believe God will have go with us. May his will be done. Now let all the dear ones that wish meeting in the . New England states during the coming summer, write me at once at Nlariasville, Pa. in regard to the same, as we expect, the Lord willing, to begin our tabernacle meet-ings April 1st at Washington, D. C„ thence to Eastern Pa. or N. J., New _ York, Conn., Mass., N. H. and as far north- east as Maine if the Lord opens the way. Pray for us. your brother and sister in Jesus, I. H. & H. A. Rupert. 77,17: 177,7.4,17 the Lord has assigned to us. W have found kind friends in this place although the enemy is stirred. May the dear Lord reward them for their kindness . to us with spiritual blessings. Amen. We expect to remain here yet for two or three weeks. There are many calls that we Cannot fill. We need help in singing and speaking, as my lungs are much worn. Who will help us in this great work of saving souls? Yours all on the gospel altar, N. H. & Julia Myers. JORDAN, ONT., MAR. lo, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD: May great grace be upon you all, and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Beloved, our first protracted meeting after we arrived in the Dominion of Canada, was held at Fenwick, Ont. The Lord gave us a good meeting in the name of Jesus and a few souls got glorious-ly' saved, for which we give God all the glory. The protracted meeting closed on- the Lord's day evening, and the following ' Tuesday evening we - had ordinance services at Dr. Birdsall's residence in Fenwick. It was a precious season with the Lord, in which some souls were made hap-py in the Holy Ghost, the sanctifier. There were twenty- four saints pres-ent that participated in the services. We went next to Crowland and com-menced a meeting in the public hall of that place. The congregations were not large, but generally atten-tive, and thank God, a few of them received the salvation of Jesus Christ our Lord. We moved the meeting to Bro. Kenedy's house and contin-ued a few evenings . and closed with ordinance services, in which twenty-six of the dear children of God par-ticipated, rejoicing in the Lord and giving glory to our God who had dealt so bountifully with us. Well dear brethren, pray for us that we may have a constant victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Your saved and sanctified brother in Christ Jesus, : 1' 11 dice broken down. Several aske the prayers of God's people. Man weep and say they do not see wh they never woke up to see thes things, and have resolved to get- a experience that measures to the wor and live Christian lives, _ and not mere profession. Two were justified To Gotl be all the glory! We humbl ask the prayers of all God's faithfu ones that we may be strengthene both soul and body to do the wor d ' private house I a • 1 SPRINGFIELI, T 0"—., Mar. 6 189' DEAR SAINTS: God bless you in all places for Christ's sake. Amen During our short stay at home we had some glorious , meetings on the Lord's camp ground. A good work had already been done through the labors of Sisters Schaffner and Fink and others assisting. A few more souls were saved, and on Sabbath, Feb. 26 we had a very precious ordin, ance meeting: Not many saints were present from surrounding churches, perhaps it was not generally known. But there were ' about seventy- five saints present to participate, and re-ceive the blessing from the presence of the Lord. We were very loth to leave the dear ones at home so soon, but duty and the Spirit of the Lord leading' we came over here to the pleasant little home of Bro. and Sister Warren, near the above place, and we are now at work getting the hymns ready for publication which the Lord has given us. We also find a glorious revival influence in operation at Lawrenceville and surrounding coun-try. Yesterday had Sabbath school in the forenoon in the bethel near here, preached a few miles north of here in the afternoon, and three souls came to the altar and we trust re-ceived the salvation of their souls. One converted and two sanctified. At night we met in a large school room Nvhich was crowded with people, in the village of Lawrenceville. There was much attention given to the word, and three more souls bowed before the Lord and sought his great salva-tion. Bro's Warren and Schell teld meetings here last winter and many turned to the Lord, and about all the CoMmUnity love the truth; and the revival fire has been burning ever since. It appears as though God has much people in that place which he will lead out in the beautiful way of holiness. Amen. We will be here a few weeks and then hope to visit the church of God in several localities between here and home. Pray for us, and the Lord be with you all in much love, grace, and power. Amen. night. Expect to begin meeting in a school house to night to continue as long as the Lord wills. At the close of this meeting we expect to go to Jerry City, 0 Pray for us and the success of th gospel to the salvation of souls. Your humble servants in the Lord Sweetly saved in Jesus, Otto Bolds, J. N. Worden & Co. BEDFORD, MICH., Mar. 3, 1893. DEAR SAINTS: We came to Olivet or near that place on Feb. 15, com-menced meeting in the school house the next night. Held meeting until the 26th, except two nights when it stormed so hard the people did not come out. There had been some bad work in that place and the prejudice was great, and so the most we could do was to build up confidence which we believe was done to a large de-gree. The few who do stand for the_ truth were very much crushed, having had no preaching for a long time, and many things to oppose them. But they were much strengthened and vowed that they would never yield, but would stand for the truth to the end. May the dear Lord ever bless and keep them true. We came to Johnstown on Feb 27. The saints desired' meeting so we are here in the name of the Lord to do his will. The meeting here will continue over Lord's day and longer if the Lord wills; then if it be his will we will go to Hope Center. Pray the Lord of the harvest to make the meeting profitable in the salvation of souls. We remain your brother and sisters in Christ, saved and kept by power divine. T. J. Cox & family. • terday and the Lord is already con- - victing the people, three men raised their hands for prayer. We desire to attend the Mich. June C. M. After that, the Lord willing, go to Wash-ington, holding meetings by the way. Can not dear Bro. and Sister Bixler, Bro. Speck and company, or others come and labor in Pa. till the Pa. C. M., as there are so many calls for meeting and doors open, and the work plenty. Let some one come whom the Lord sends: Amen. F. N. Jacobson & Co. ST. PETERSBURG, PA. tering- it more. It will soon be burnt- over mountain and every thin that can not stand the fire will be r vealed. " For every man's wor shall be revealed by fire." Trul the Lord has established holine and truth in the top of this mountai Some threatened to drive us awa when we first came, but thanks be un to God who giveth us the victory we have not been hurt; and th powers of the enemy are being con sumed and swept away by the might truth and power of our God. - Soul are being saved and the shouts an praises of God are ascending from many hearts on account of the won derful deliverance through Jesu Christ our Savior. LATER. March 9. Meeting closed upon the mount am last night with glorious victory in the name of Jesus. God bless the dear saints at that place and keep them faithful. We are now at Hunts-yule, on our way to Tenn., where we expect to begin a meeting on the itth, the- Lord willing. Our address will be Tullahoma, Coffee Co. Pray for us and the work at that place. Yours in the faith, Thos. Carter & J. F. Lundy. a Co., Ohio, and held up the word of g l, ife, and about fourteen came for-e- ward for forgiveness of their sins, k and a part of them went on and did y receive sanctification. Bless God! ss We closed meeting at Broughton on n. Sunday evening. The meeting was y well attended with people that want- - ed the truth. We came from Brough- , ton to Latty, and last evening we e opened meeting in the school house - in the name of the Lord. Not very y many out. The Lord did help us in s giving the word and we expect to d hold meeting here in this village as long as the Lord wills, and if it is his - will we expect to work our way back S north again. We are all on the altar for God to be used to his glory. I feel my weakness but he that is in me - is ahnighty. Bless God! If any of God's little ones feel led to go to Broughton, Ohio, you will find a wel-come there among the saints. It would be well if some of the brethren that live near those places would meet with those dear little ones occasion-ally. May the richest blessings rest upon all of God's little - ones now and forever. Amen. 0. Dyer 8z wife. A. J. Kilpatrick. WESTON, 0., Mar. 7, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS IN THE LORD: God bless you all. We are thankful to report a good work done at Ridgeville Corners, 0. The Lord sent forth his word which did not turn void, but accomplished a good work. Thank God, the seed fell into good ground, took root and Sprung up, and ripe fruit was gather-ed, all in a short time. There were Some eight or ten consecrations, most of whom received a clear experience in the second grace. A number of Whom also were delivered out of Bab-ylon. Thank God we are happy to See souls escape out of the cages of deception, where they had long been captives, and their poor souls starved almost to death on the dry husks of theology, worldly wisdom, and formal essays delivered by professed preach-ers who sin more or less every day, and are utterly void of spiritual life or Power. Oh how our souls are de-lighted to see those who have been delivered froril such cages, feast their Souls on the truth, God's word, arid drink of His Spirit, and be refreshed and praise the Lord! May the Lord help them to stand straight for God. and keep free in the Spirit and let their light shine so that others may See the light and escape also. We must let our light shine if we expect others to see the light and come out Straigh t for God. We had a precious ordinance meeting near the close of the Meeti ng, in which sixteen saints participated. We arrived here yes- - terday, had prayer meeting in a DAWSON, PA:, Mar: I I, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN AND TRUMPET READERS: We joined dear Bro. Clayton in the metting in the Shell-hamer neighborhood. The Lord met with us in power, with glorious show-ers of blessings and shouts of victory. From one to five souls were at the altar at nearly every invitation, and about all got the desires of their hearts. An ordinance Service was held several days before the close of the meeting for the special benefit of our dear Bro. and Sister H. Riggle, who started for New Whatcome, Wash., which is now their home. May the rich blessings of heaven at-tend them at all times. Two were baptized by dear Bro. Clayton. The meeting closed with precious victory. Then all the woi kers begun a meet-ing in the town of Apollo. On_ Sat-urday we all were joyfully surprised by the unexpected arrival of our much beloved Bro. Daugherty, with Bro. Stowe whom the Lord used much to his glory in preaching the word. Bro. Stowe remained a few days with us in the meeting, then re-turned to his home near Kittanning. Also dear Bro: Ferris was at this feast about two weeks. Bro Daugh-erty continued laboring for the Lord in this meeting about twelve days, when he was called to Meadville to visit the sick. Bro. Daugherty is now at Fern holding a meeting. We left dear Bro. Clayton to continue on the work and rethrned to the Shellhamer neighborhood, and the Lord met with us in power. We arrived here yes- EUBANKS, Ky. DEAR SAINTS: We are truly glad in our hearts that we can still testify to full salvation in Jesus. The dear blessed Lord has been wonderfully leading us through the fiery furnace. In November last Bro.'. Cannon and I came here and held a meeting in the name of Jesus and there were twenty- two dear souls saved, and since we left here the Lord has add-ed eleven more precious ones to them. We traded for a home here with a good frame house, and we moved here and met the dear saints in meeting at night. And during the meeting someof the devil's agents set fire to our house, burning it to the ground. Oh praise God, it was one of the happiest hours of my life when I looked out of the window and saw the flames ascending high; it sent thrills of joy through my soul, and during that trying moment one dear soul made her escape from sin and was saved and made to shout the high praises of God. Truly I have learned that men do get mean-er than the devil wants them to be, for that did work out to the glory of God and salvation of dear souls. For men who were so bitter against the truth have turned out to help us in every way they pan to build us an-other house, and say we shall not want till we can help ourselves. Truly all things work together for good to them that love God. The little ones here are all filled with power and glory, having meeting three times a week. This is a good place for the work of the Lord. May God send more of his fire- bap-tized ministers here , to help rescue peiishing souls. Pray for us, dear ones, that God may keep us very humble and use us in bringing many from the powers of darkness into the blessed light of God. From your brother saved in Jesus' blood, LATTY, 0., MAR. 7, 1893: To THE SAINTS OF Goo: This morn-ing finds us all sweetly saved. Praise the Lord! To him we give all glory for what he has done for us and oth-ers. Our last report was from Brushy Prairie, Ind. We went from there to Ashley and held meetings about two weeks in the school house. Three s confessed that the Lord had forgiven their sins during that meeting and s the Lord did wonderfully heal sever-al in that place of bodily ailments. To God be all the glory! From Ash-ley we came on our way and met with the church near Antwerp, Ohio, where Bro. Bolds and Co. were hold-ing a series of meetings. We stayed t over two evenings and then on to Delphos, Ohi, o. . We held one meet-ing in the Christian house. A large congregation came out here, and' the Lord did wonderfully use us to his glory in giving out the word of life. e came on to Broughton, Paulding (,- 0 TESTI MONIES WONDERFUL. rsn. 19: 129. MONTICELLo, ILL. DEAR SAINTS: I feel led to write a few words. We are happy in Jesus this afternoon, justified and sanctified, and kept by power divine. We are no longer standing alone. There have three dear souls accepted the bless-ed evening light. Praise the dear Lord for victory! We are having prayer meetings now and the Lord meets with us and we have a feast to our souls every time we meet. It is wonderful what God will do for us if we will let him. We realize that the harvest is indeed great, but the reap-ers are few. May God soon raise up some reapers in this part of the har-vest field. Our souls are burdened for the dear souls that are in bond age of sectism and are living so far beneath their privilege, seemingly groping along without one ray of light. Pray for us that we may be true to our blessed Savior who gave his life for us. Amen. Your brother and sister under the blood, 0. A. & S. E. Marquiss. GETUP, ALA., Mar. 7, 1893. DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS: We are truly thankful to God that we can re-port perfect victory over all the works of the enemy, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be all glory and praise. Since our last report we preached a few times for the colored people with good results. Two were justified and one sanctified. The Lord has so established the truth in their hearts that there is quite a com-pany of them that have their regular weekly prayer meetings. May the Lord bless and keep them faithful. We then returned to the white people. Five more were buried, with Christ in baptism, after which we left the place called Six Mile, and came to Blue Springs where we were told that the Baptist sect numbered about one hundred and fifty members. But we failed to find a Christian among them; so we made our abode with a man, John Gurrley, who made no profession. God bless the dear fam-ily for their kindness to us, and re-ward them with salvation. We stay-ed a week, but on account of much rain and very muddy roads the at-. tendance. owas small, and as we stated above, the people were principally Baptists and a very little pure straight gospel is all they can stand. One of their preachers said that he sinned every day and expected to as long as he lives. We came to Apple Grove, Feb. 2o; were there a week but the roads were very bad, not very large congregations, but there are a few honest souls at that place who received the word gladly, and we believe will be saved. in the- near future. On Feb. 27 we came upon this mountain where we were last November. Those that were saved then are standing firm, trusting in the Lord, among whom is dear old Bro. Whipple; will be seventy years of age March 30. He has been not-ed for his profanity and universal-ism. He came to meeting through curiosity, but soon became alarmed about. his condition. Came to the Lord and was saved, and now is re-joicing and praising God instead of swearing. The Lord has set fire to this place and the devil is stirred, trying in vain to put it out, only scat- W R. Cloe & J,. Cannon. NORTH DENVER COLO , 806 PALMER AVE. DEAR BELOVED SAINTS OF GOD: Truly I can say this morning, Praise the Lord 0 my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name for his wonderful dealings with my soul! I know that I am in the land of Ca-naan and am feeding On the fat things that the land possesses. My soul is joyful in glory. I once enjoyed this blessed experience, but by not do- J ing my duty and keeping my eyes on esus, I fell away from God, and for several years I tried to get back where I could stand, but Satan would come to me with doubts and fears, and down I would go, and my body became afflicted and how discontent-ed I felt. But praise the Lord, he has called me to himself and has saved my soul from all sin, and sanc-tified my nature, and I have an ex-perience I can not doubt, and my faith is strong in the Lord that he will make me stand. Glory to Jesus! My body is receiving strength and I am trusting God for complete heal-ing. I ask all the saints to pray for me. We are having just glorious meetings. God does wonderfully bless Bro. Roberts in reading and teaching the word to us. It is real food for our souls. God wonderfully blesses our souls in coming together. We all see with an eye single to the glory of God. Praise his dear name! Sinners are getting convicted and quite a number have been saved and a few have received sanctification ince Bro. Warner was here. God has worked a wonderful miracle in the alvation of Bro. Sheffert. He, like Saul, was breathing out threatenings against the saints of God, and while le was thus running headlong into hell he ran into a rtnsty spike nail vhich went clear through his shoe and foot. This brought him down on his bed and his body filled with fever and pain. God showed him hat it was done for his soul's good, and God saved his soul and healed his body, and now he is rejoicing in God for deliverance of soul and body. Oh praise God for his goodness to us all! Dear saints, pray for us. Your sister down under the blood, hid away with Christ in God, Theresa Newkirk. DRUM VALLEY, CAL. DEAR SAINTS: I feel led of the Lord to again write my testimony, hoping ttoh at it may be of interest the dear it has a tendency to close the air pas- [ Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one bap-sages so there is not a free respiration. I tism. One God and Father of all, Consequently too little air or oxygen' etc. Eph. 4: 4- 6. One body.— Col. taken into the lungs also prevents the .3 : 15. Js ow various sects or kAienorn;.- escape of the carbonic acid gas, which if retained in the blood will poison the blood and produce an abnormal condition of the system generally. One habituating himself to lying straight when sleeping will enjoy bet-ter health, will live easier and enjoy a more symmetrical form and erect posture of body. It is better to sleep with mouth closed and breathe through the nostrils, as nature has properly provided them for that pur-pose. The air is more properly con-veyed to the lungs and purer through the nostrils than through the mouth. Breathing through the mouth has more of a tendency to irritate the fauCes and pharynx. Also to breathe through the mouth the air takes up foul substances from the tongue and teeth which might collect from eating or arising from the stom-ach and make the air before reaching the rungs very impure. But because of the catarrh many people can scarcely breathe through the nostrils. It is best not to sleep in a room where there is fire, as the oxygen is not so abundant, and even if it was there is a greater liability to contract a cold by it, as the room will get cold before morning, and with the same amount of cover you will awake in the morn-ing- chilled more or less. The main thing is to see there is plenty of good fresh air. While holding a meeting in Kan. several of us were together and stopped at the one place some-times, and there being so many, about ten of the sisters had to sleep in a small tight room, by making a bed on the floor, and they were not thoughtful enough to open the win-dow, also having the middle door closed. I had business to enter the room the next morning after break-fast for something I needed, and the beds were unadjusted and window still closed. As I stepped inside the door 1- was struck with the stench of foul air till I could hardly endure to re- cepted the truth. I praise God_ for main in the room till I obtained the his keeping power. Your _ saved and desired object. While there during sanctified sister in Christ, the meeting one of the sisters had a Ann E. Kenemuth. very hard sinking spell, almost like she would die. Was it any wonder AKRON, RAN. D : i am praising God after breathing such, inhaling it into EAR SAINTS: the lungs night after night? There ffoorr wush. aPtr haieslem Gs oddo fnoer asanldv aisti odno ifnugll is temperance even in sleeping. The moderate use o f the pure is a wonderful necessity. God- giv veenn as and complete in my soul! He has es-i tablished me on the solid rock Christ ar Jesus, where . I . can stand. was a rule, we do not use enough, especi- brought to this light a little over four ally in sleeping, instead of too much. ' e G. R. A. in full • salvation. 0 how I praise God for his wonderful love that is filling my soul! Praise: his holy name forever! The fire of the Holy Ghost is burning in my soul. We are a lit-tie band of the children of God, some eight or ten claiming saaltification, and several others seeking clean heats.- The Lord is with us. Let all the saints pray that the Lord will direct some of his holy ministers to come to us. The Lord bless and keep all Ais dear ones saved and free in Christ. Your saved brother and sister, . B. F. Arnett -&- Nvife. lu_ nelbeLof the Lord's true samtsTmets. . 1. ad gloricalS's ons of waiting upon - the Lord arid had some plain Bible teaching - tbere,- revealed i sT Asto also at the camp meeting' here Los t , a 0 on soul to hear sati aucshfacti truth that I had not heard Much said about since my childhood days; sixty years ago, back in my native land, Pa. It was then . ruled out of most of the pulpits, but praise our God that he had a remnant left that did not bow their knee to Baal. That is what helped to) reep me from utter-ly falling away. I always kept a warm place in my heart for the faith once delivered to the saints; would meet with a few of like faith occasionally. How our heartt did yearn over the condition of the different sects that we were ever connected with— the pride and formality, and setting aside - of some of the holy commandments, We were yoked up with unbelievers communed with them, which is tor-bidden, but the Lord was good to me, at last delivered me from that bond-age of pride, sectarianism, and all that is contrary to our Lord's teach-ing. , Praise the Lord! We are one in him and have the assurance that he can and does keep us. 1, am so glad that I can meet with the child-ren of God this wintenwhich I Was not able to do for a number of years on account of my afiliction, cold ters also. It is a real joy to my soul to meet with the saints at the hall, to see such faithful workers, such prom-ising young men and women that were saved at the last fall and sum-mer meetings. Souls are being saved, 0 that many more may be made willing to heed the warning voice and flee the wrath to cOme; is the prayer of your devoted sister, who wishes to be remembered in your prayers. • Amisamansawassamomado ■ • HEALTH DEPARTMENT TEMPERkNOE. CHAPTER XL SLEEPING. Sleeping is a very important sub-ject to consider, as very much depends on our sleep. Sleep a is wonderful kind provision of nature for the benefit of man, without which he could not ex-ist. Different Persons require a dif ferent amount of sleep. A person of a sanguine bilious temperament nee cessarily and naturally requires more sleep than a person of a nervo- bilious temperament; consequently there can be no exact fixed rule. But we are well aware - that most persons habit uate themselves - to require entirely too much sleep. Eight and ten hours is an abundance of sleep for any one of mature age. Of course infancy re-quires more than maturity, for they grow well in a hearty, healthy sleep Yon see a person who is in the habit of twelve or fourteen hours sleep, and you usually see one who is unhealthy, puny, indifferent and complaining Disease of the liver especially makes a person more sleepy than while in health. A persona. should sleep in a well ventilated room, because if the room i • close so that fresh air cannot ge in it we have to breathe the same air over and over again. The air forms an important factor in man's playsica existence. About one- fifth part o the air we breathe is oxygen, and whei the air we breathe passes through tht very small fibrous passages of the lungs, the oxygen is taken up into the blood and there performs a very in' portant office, changing the chyle, ( the food we eat converted into chyle and taken into the circulation) into proper shape to be assimi'ated to build tit the broken- down portion of the tis sues of the body. Also while we take up the oxygen from the air we breathe, we throw off the carbonic acid gas which is composed consider-ably of the debris or effete mattei from broken- down or worn- out tiss- ues of the bodyavhich is constantly going on in the body, taken up by the blood and thrown out through the lungs as carbonic acid gas. This gas is very poison and if the air we breathe is not changed we have to breathe the same air over again. It being poison, we are constantly inspiring poison into our lungs which goes info the blood. Hence instead of receiving the oxy-gen to the blood to carry on the work of arterializing the blood, that is, to change its constituents so that the blue venous blood as it comes from the system loaded with poison decomposing animal matter where it is changed into red blood, we still re-ceive more poison from the air by breathing the same air over again. Hence the necessity of having a little circulation of pure air into the room during the sleeping hours as well as during the day. That is the reason it is so healthy to take much out- door ex-ercise, because it gives us abundance Other/Unknown Material Carbonic acid ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Canada Ida ENVELOPE(170.483,170.483,-83.583,-83.583) The ''Y'' ENVELOPE(-112.453,-112.453,57.591,57.591) Rupert ENVELOPE(-134.187,-134.187,59.599,59.599) St. Louis ENVELOPE(-67.496,-67.496,-67.132,-67.132) Sion ENVELOPE(13.758,13.758,66.844,66.844) Myers ENVELOPE(170.033,170.033,-72.117,-72.117) Lever ENVELOPE(-63.608,-63.608,-65.506,-65.506) Tive ENVELOPE(12.480,12.480,65.107,65.107) Willis ENVELOPE(159.450,159.450,-79.367,-79.367) Clayton ENVELOPE(-64.183,-64.183,-65.167,-65.167) Bedford ENVELOPE(-67.150,-67.150,-66.467,-66.467) Dy ENVELOPE(11.369,11.369,64.834,64.834) Dyer ENVELOPE(-81.366,-81.366,50.550,50.550) Freed ENVELOPE(164.333,164.333,-71.483,-71.483) Yoke ENVELOPE(-61.933,-61.933,-63.967,-63.967) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Deacon ENVELOPE(-59.987,-59.987,-73.248,-73.248) Sever ENVELOPE(166.083,166.083,62.917,62.917) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) Ferris ENVELOPE(76.094,76.094,-69.405,-69.405) Whirlwind ENVELOPE(-65.417,-65.417,-67.500,-67.500) Van Buren ENVELOPE(-63.485,-63.485,-71.318,-71.318) Steeple ENVELOPE(-57.068,-57.068,-63.427,-63.427) Kershaw ENVELOPE(-66.986,-66.986,-67.532,-67.532) Nig ENVELOPE(-121.486,-121.486,57.117,57.117) Nervo ENVELOPE(-58.000,-58.000,-83.233,-83.233) Eubanks ENVELOPE(-67.232,-67.232,-70.040,-70.040) Man's Head ENVELOPE(70.118,70.118,-49.614,-49.614)