The Gospel Trumpet - 13:06

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 I love your wild romantic beauties, Ye forms that seem to vie, Bach with the summit of his neighbor, And pierce the giddy sky: Old Rockies now to_ you, * I bid adieu, adieu, But hope...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1893
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 I love your wild romantic beauties, Ye forms that seem to vie, Bach with the summit of his neighbor, And pierce the giddy sky: Old Rockies now to_ you, * I bid adieu, adieu, But hope we part pot here forever. I leave you as I found you covered With winter's chilly shrouds, Resaing toward the starry heavens, And mantled in the clouds; While I God's mercy preach, And you His greatness teach, We jointly glorify Our Maker. I read upon your lofty bulwarks The might of nature's God; What fortresses thy hands have imilded Where human feet ne'er trod: The strength of these are thine, And round their apex shine Jehovah's bright creative glory The dreadful heat and vast explosions That have ye mountains cast, Was God Almighty's moulting furnace, Hisgreat creative blast: lie cut between the hills A channel for the rills, And cleft the mountains for his rivers. And, 0, ye dear old rustic Rockies, How well you've taught to me, While gazing on your wondrous beauties, God's awful majesty: Thy peaks in eloquence Proclaim omnipotence, And magnify their, reat Creator. The sunbeams of the hot midsummer Fall coolly on thy snow, - That reigns in bleak perpetual winter On Pike's majestic brow : And from the line where meet, Winter's snow and summer's heat, Flow heaven's best and sparkling hey'rage Here He who bath all things created, Beholding that the rain, Conveyed by clouds were insufficient, To fresh the skirting plain: Poth treasureup the snow, And send its gracious flow, To bless the broad and fertile valleys. 4 So then ye long and lofty ranges, Your tributes do bestow, Upon the herds and greedy grangers That crop the plains below : Far o'er the broad domain, You cause the springing rain, Through skillful duets of irrigation. ' Tis true, ye cliffs and mammoth gorges Are said to formulate Storms, hurricanes, and wild tornadoes, That from your canons shoot With unrelenting force, And career in their course Until they stir Atlantic's bosom. And though they never come when welcome, On their gigantic sprees Ignoring, in their dissipation, All riglts of property; Are yet, if understood, A. sanitary good, The stagnant atmosphere well shaking. I passed thy Royal Gorge at midnight, And looking twixt the cars, Up through the cliffs that seem to mingle Their summits with the stars: A sense of holy / MP, At what my vision saw, My mind and Inmost soul Werwhelmed. The deep and Sol- mu winding passage ( lave only straightened place To Nahum's chariots and that wild streandet, That wore the mountains' base : While on our right and left, The lofty mountains cleft, Stood Vertical, or nips ineiinini. Three miles or more, with awe and wonder We thread the deep defile: Down into which the king of noon- day Casts but a passing smile. Would you this scene command, Then take the Rio Grande And look beyond the flight of poets. Upon the western slope : Ise ending, O'er lofty mountain wilds, And winding through great rocky canons, For o'er two thousand miles: I'd have you understand, The Denver Rio Grande Ontrivals till in seenie grandeur. D. S. Warner. • PRinm " Whoor spel aandinegri nthge. hleatir i, ta nndo to bf ew etharaitn go uotfw goarldd, aodr oorfning l'utting On Of ansiarol," 1 Pet. 3: S. N t1h, e a1b.- ove text the apostle sets forth the doctrine of the Bible. which is against those professing godliness, adorning ( dressing or dec-orating) themselves after the customs, " Wh and fashions, of the world. He says: ose adorning let it not be that outward adorning," etc., yet in the I. face of the plain teaching of the word ce1G° d , many professing godliness, + e- their persons after the fool-ms, and in the gaudy array OSPEL I RLTM FIT Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Feb, 9, 1898. Volume 1,3. No. 6, And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpets: id they shall gather togeth-erhin elect from the for winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When hie branch is yet tender, and. pu4eth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Matt. St: 31- a3. of this world, not regarding the teach- I knew these thin gs were true, yea, God. Therefore when he commands ing of the word of God. If we take a too true, and those dear ones had been the woman to dress modest, he means socrsr uinti nthizei pnogp suularvr edye noof maliln tahtei opnrso, fweshsa- t p orro ffeivssei nyge athrsis, asntrda itghhuts w daiysh foonr ofroiunrg m era nm jaulset naso rw feelml. a" Fleo wr tihthe rGe oisd n." e iSthe- e do we see? Instead of the real life God. Hence you see the ministry is Gal. 3: 28. Now the apostle commands wOhf oth woases hwohlyo, fmoleloekw, houumr dbelea, rs eSlafsvaiocrri,- b sloa mhoedw biyt pyaoiunre dc rmooyk heeda lritv, winhge. nO Ih h aald- trhaey , w I oTmiman. 2n: o 9t , t oa nddr essisn cine cGoosdtl yis a nro-firing, etc., they are unholy, haughty, with a sad heart, to admit this was respecter of persons, Acts. io: 34, he proud, stiffnecked, self conceited, and the case. But further investigation does not allow the man to dress ex-self gratifying. Oh! how different, to solved the mystery. When talking to pensively any more than the woman. what it was in the days of the apostles, some of the leading ones, they inform- Yet many overlook this point, and and early Christians, before the church ed me that they were not so strong buy the costliest they can get, even went into the wilderness ( sectism). against these things themselves. Here the preachers. Yet they will preach tThheeiry a ddroersnsmeden int wmaosd tehsatt aorfr tahye, ahnidd- nkonwow w teh ceo sutrleda smee i st hneo ct asuuspep, o asse dy otou tthoe t hceo nsgisrteegras, t iDonre, sYso mu ooduegsht, t annodt ttoo den man of the heart, and of a meek rise above the fountain head. Oh my see God's ministers in want, and the and quiet spirit, which says the apos- dear brethren! you that God has made gospel must be spread; don't hold tle, is in the sight of God, of great watchmen( elders): have you obeyed back your means, etc. Very well, my Price. See I Pet. 3: 4. And in verse this command to the watchmen, dear brethren, but what are you go- 5 he adds, " For after this manner, in " Take heed, therefore, to yourselves, ing to do about the means God has old times the holy women also, who and to all the flock, over which the provided you, and you unnecessarily trusted in God, adorned themselves, Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, spent them for these costly clothes being in subjection unto their own to feed the church of God, which he husbands." hath purchased with His own blood." My dear reader you want to be — Acts zo: 28. If so, then you are decorated so as to please God? If so, prepared to lift your voices against be sure to get the Bible decoration. these soul destroying things; but if Some seem to think that it pleases not, then the little foxes will creep in God, for professors to deck them- and destroy the spiritual life of selves in the very brightest colors, and the congregation. See Songs of Sol-highest priced goods they find on omon 2: is, Now the vine here is market; but what says the text? Oh! the church, and the foxes, pride, in my dear erring brothers and sisters, its various forms, such as covetous-do you not know that these things are ness, getting an idea of your own, and not right? If you do not, I pray God when shown your mistake, too proud Co open your eyes. No doubt you want spirited to admit it, desire to look to see the work of the Lord prosper, like some one else, etc., all of which and more of the power of God mani- the elder is to raise his voice against. fest among his people. Well I will But when they fail to do their duty tell you how to get about it. Let in these respects, naturally the foxes every brother and sister out on the creep in, and then what will you do? straight line of holiness be sure every Well you see you can make no im-thing is out of your heart, and off of pression upon sinners, and you send your person, that God cannot use for for the evangelists, and when they his glory, and your good, and the sal- come, instead of all professing being vation of souls. How often is the full of the holy fire, and ready to help success of the camp and grove meet- to rescue the lost, behold you are ings hindered by those professing, ap- lean in your own souls, and a clog pearing in the meetings, who are nct in the meeting. So the word has to living in harmony with the word of be turned loose on those , professing, ust , etc., and I thought, my Lord! is it I cannot see why God demand no emands thi so nothing and hats manner of their own condition; the d m oved hhearrdd thoem the hurt, hou renounce ld and er, secti Go an sm then God , and be will new sents you th spent e in where th of ere sinners. rescuing they si h A you see And sinners and never Tames talks to them after Now just he had not attained there- God, on points which they know, such which shows you have been lusting unto himself?- This epistle was writ-as dress, and other points of which I ( longing) after evil. See Psa. io6: 14, ten to the Romans, in A. D. 6o, and cannot speak at present. But such 15. Here David says of the Israel- two years before that, the writer tes-when admonished will say, Oh we ites," But lusted exceedingly in the tified in his epistle to the Galatians, don't put any feathers on our hats, or wilderness and tempted God in the 2: 19.2o—" For I through the law am rings on our fingers, or wear breast- desert, and he gave them their re- dead to the law, that I might live un pins, etc. Very e- ll, but did you not quest, but sent leanness into their to God. I am crucified with Christ: know that the devil knows he cannot souls." Thus it proves the same to nevertheless I live yet not I, but Christ ist: deceive the people any longer by day. When God's people begin to livetli in me: and the life which I showing the cloven foot, but is get lean in their souls, it is a sure sign now live in the flesh I live by the working on imitations, and you they are lusting ( desiring) after some , faith of the Son of God, who loved come to meeting with the bustle of the things in Egypt, which repre- me and gave himself for me." it must be evident to any thinking you have gotten so very skillful in says, " Then, when lust hath conceiv- these outside adornments, but at the mind, that this testimony and the con_ making bows, that they imitate the ed, it hringeth forth sin and sin, when heart. Very well; so Jesus say, s," For exist niinn tRheoms. a7: ne person. Neither turbans worn by the fas hionable wo- it is finished, bringeth forth death." from within, out of the heart of men, x men yer- y-- much. But God's word So the devil whispers that you might proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, for- inm dae( eidetocacnotrhreissppoicntdurewii tnhRhoims . says, " Abstain from all appearance as well put on a bow as to want it, nications, murders, thefts, covetous clear of evii ." I Thess .5: 22. I knew one and you bow in reply and it is put on. ness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, tensdtimthoenlyawinof 8in2. andPadl. Paueli a tcouldr r innogt find todmon be so handdyy she as would to ld get cry three out, Fanat- you Now are having dead; acthteedrefore out that repentance which and evil eye, blasphemy, PRIDE, fool-time a of ribbon on her hat at once, and when you lusted after, sir is finished and ishness: all these evil things come in his members and at the same from within, and defile the man." be " free from the law of sin and icism! ne churc Soh it to is poor when bac wekslidden preach sec the bisetter required. JNuoswt gIe twill ill wor llddllyy you de a Mark 7 21 - 23. Hence pride is root- de a th." What then is the conclu-o ed in the heart, and you are proud at sion? Namely this, he drew the plc n - - - tarias. On another occasion I met a sires destroyed by the sanctifying heart, or_ you would not put these ture of their unsanctified state, to brother and sister whom I had met grace of God, and ou will neither I say the ing an odnifyfo eruerntpnearsmoenss. do Sneocttdairviaidnes leesat tilotnhgeinRgofmoranth13,3redtehartehn oiin tto to h ee a orn old i - but a'short time before in camp- meet- want these unnecessary things, nor ay d shout for joy, because of their precious time is wasted that should them; but they show they are already man, the " body of this death which an Jiave emus , and seen the glory-divided, or they would not have di f- he was aware they had not yet been escape, Just so, you are proud delivered from. In 6: 1 9, he says, I shine u uppoonn after - on enquiring faces,, but their alas, halsd, pulllliinngg evangelisotut might of the go tire, , or some paraphernaliae faded sister said, We got at heart, or paraphernalia you of the would world not ld upon your cause speak of the inf ifrirmmiittyy manner of of your men, flesh. file place Hence I would suggest, that That is, instead of plainly telling them explained thee matter. how - from camp -- mmeeeettiing she, " Ong n dear oonntheess, e , blessed can you evening not- see litghhatt. Oh! you instead of, wondering you can their condition, at w iv return which he perce went to where the saints met for thus dishonor God and impede the make your clothes, so- as to be as ed their fleshly , or carnal nature we near like the new fashions as possible, would become offended, he comes worship, and one had puffs on her spread of the gospel? How will you just get on your knees before i God, down from the plane of his own ex-shoulders, and the rest from one to answer for these things in the with this scripture before you: " But per ence aand two and three large bows upon their great judgment day? But says one, which becometh women professing-godliness, with good works." I Tim. I after showing that up, he does not possible; after all, this people is like much of the woman an • • muc 2 ph. Now no one has any rig- ht to I stop until he carries their minds for-all ootthher theY er professors, preach? So do I just not live to scarcel fear demand any w certain cut of dress of , ward to an intense consciousness of a scarcely at all of the man. Well, I home." Nowwhat was I to answer? you, but such as will enable you to ' the old man, or body of death, to an at , there is n manyno overlook this fact; namely respect of persons with present a holy, humble, neat, and god- I ( Covtipved imfourth love.) TheLord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds. Zech. 9: 14. Good- by Old Rockies. Flee out of the midst a Babylon, and deliv-er every man his soul: be not out off fn her iniquity; for this is the time of the Lord's Ven-geance; he will render unto her a reoompence. And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the Lord thall be performed against Babylon, to make the land. of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant. ter. 61: 6. 2e. - FIRST PURE.„ th toA mIMe, . IlTieh santist( e tersnt, ed; Iostil: elaLnlidyiing" Fao1l/ 17- side e ano ceontaisnalgithoeitu; naton : et very one that ate; shall he e. ak aft on this every one that swearetit wsid eer ibacae eoarct honfg( oton . I tt. h Xan thale. . Lbo rtdx o; fi th Zosotrsth ea' ze like example before the world, and in the sight of God. May the dear Lord bless this to the good of all concerned; for truly I feel the Lord has stirred my soul to pen these few admonitions and warnings. The Lord says, " I will beautify the meek with salvation." Hallelujah! I enjoy his boundless love in all its full-ness. Geo. W. Howard. QUESTIONS. ist. Does the seventh of Romans relate to the old law, or to persons in justification? zd. Is it a deacon's work to bap-tize? Has he a rig- ht to baptize? 3d. Is it the place of a lady to administer baptism? ANSWER To first. The law spoken of in the fore part of the chapter, is the Sinaitic covenant. By the body of Christiewish converts had become dead to," " delivered from" and " no longer under" that law, and by quot-ing from one of the ten precepts of the stone tables, in verse 7 we see which is contrary to God's word. that the ten commandment covenant Would it not be better for you to is that very one we are dead to and first set the example and then preach, free from. Follow me as I follow Christ? The Writer has no doubt more Oh! dear brethren, is it so that you special reference ' to the latter part of see this blessed evening light? If so, Rom. 7. From the 14th : verse to the do for Jesus'sake, and your own souls' close, is a language used that is quite sake, and the cause of God, live in ac- difficult to understand and‘ to har-cordance. monize with the rest of the apostle's Now I will say, if all will just heed teaching. Does he here describe a these admonitions I assure you that person under the law, or a justified in all the protracted, camp and grove person? First, it is a fact that Paul meetings you will realize not only a does not anywhere teach such a state better experience in your own soul, as being the best the grace of God but the power of God more wonder- can do for us in this life. In thepre-fully manifest among you, and sect- ceding chapter he taught entire free-arian principles give way; and in- don from sin, ver. 22, and urged the stead of the whole meeting being Roman brethren to" reckon them-spent in getting the crooked straight, selves dead indeed unto sin," and in-you will see scores of sinners melted, forms us that " he that is dead is free and fall at the feet of Jesus, and be from sin." Yea, he says, " Knowing converted to God. The wise man this that our old man is crucified." says, " A man's pride shall bring him Rom. 6: F . Would it not be shame-low: but honor shall uphold the hum- ful inconsistency for any minister of ble in spirit." Prov. 29: 23. Thank the gospel, much more an inspired God, he will own and bless the labors apostle, to urge these Roman breth-of the humble, but " pride goeth be- Ii en to be free from all sin and then fore destruction, and an haughty spir-it before a fall." Prov. 16: 18. When God's people lust after evil he gives them their desire, and sends leanness into their souls; thus he becomes grieved and turns against them. Fur-thermore he resists them. " But he giveth more grace; wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." Jas. 4: 6. Pride is the deceiver- of the hearts of mankind, therefore resist it as you would the devil, or God will resist you. But says one, God doesn't look at --- we observed the ordina_ o_ cis house. There were prese God's dear children Who, took Many of God's children had to main away on the account of sickness - saints' ba d r o amdese. t Mondaye Ntsi to e read an mmet a at of God's word on baptism, after which we went d o x‘ oib otloic Mad e River hp r and there baptized to dear saints who caaipney° 1h- ileet arrftst ialoends ' s mhining faces. ' we left others to be baptized soon. May God bless and keep this little church pure and holy. God keeps this church without one schism. We go to La Rue, 0. to- morrow to ° begin meeting in or near Scott Town. Pray for us that God may keep us pure and sh o. L. ei & nr odpuerbcbok, rd eA rdaenndo s swt ear rs wick. THE ' GOSPEL TRUMPET A TAUT gal.: SEW touRITAL. SD_ eCnRth: FfroiIsNrtt. I hTF Eoinr, ttRhhAee D PnIuaCbmAliecL a, o tAfio NtnhT eoI. f - LSfFuoOlrld TS. a. A. tTi naal. n- A* N . Mort and Divine healing of the Body. The unity of all true Christians In " thet ofa tihthe osnaicnet sd. e" livered MLISEED AT GUAM MOTIO1, 11ICZ D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM 8c S. MICHELS— Publisher* TERMS, $ 1.00 A YEAR EN ADVANCE. FREE TO TICE POOR. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. NOTICE. All business communications, moneys, k- c. must be addressed to the GosPEL TRIM- ? ET, to insure credit otherwise we wia not ' le responsible. NOTICE & commission of 20 per cent will be even en ead new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for tin GosiseL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to hell the brethren that are in the field, SS well ilia the cir-culation of the paper le • Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify ma regularly o, their whereabouts. • NOTICE. HOW TO SEND MONEY.— Remit by Post- Office Mtmey Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be pro ured, send by Express Order, Register- ? flLettpr or amounts in stamps. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. -- Subscribers- wish-ing their a Int.- clianged, must be sure to give their former, as a- their new address. MISSING PAPERS.— It occasionally happens that n, miler- , e our papers sent to our subscribers are lost or s- "' on in the mails. In case yon do not receive your paper when due, after waiting a suffic-ient length th time, write tur a card, and we will gladly send one hi place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your full address, na e, pot- ire, county and state Should there be. a mibtake at any time, write us a Once, and we IA ill gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. The Ordinance ii Feet Washing. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a review of a tact written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ It contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 cts. $ 1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Watkinsville, Miss., or from this office. linet We Sin? A. conversation, giving Bible proofs that we Must live free from sin. 48 pages. Single copy 2 cts, Per dozen, 20 eta. Per hundred, 01.50. A tract on the True Church. 50 pages. 10 cts 85 pages. & tract on the Sabbath, or Which Day to Keep. 10 as. 1narriage and Divorce, a tract of 32 pages. 5 cts. The Age To Come, and Millennium Tradition Refuted by the inspired Word of God. 56 pages Single copy Ita cts. QUestions and Answers on the Church. 32 pages I cent each. Per hundred $ 1.00. Why are you not a Christian? 50 for 10 eta. The 0Alitanoes of the Ncw Testament & NNW ThAer, BY G. ticnzu. - Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture in 2 clear lightshowing which are abolishedAnd proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are ne of the Old Testament, but of the NewAnd are still ir rogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 45 cts. THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for the chil-dren. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Address— THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich. The Grea$ Tobago, Sin, It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to- any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. We make no charge for our work of making the tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. Ti M BIBLE R AWING& Bible rearlinas or references on about 100 subjects. f) ice 75 cents each. HOLINZSZIBk UBJIICTS. BY H. C. W. 100 subjects with scripture, a concordance and deft nitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church, its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. ' The fall of Babylon and the coming in of the evening light. Il-lustrated. 376 pages, neatly bound in cloth. single copy $ 1,00. Six or more 80 cents each. For this book Address H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind., or Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. ANTHEMS FROM UK THRONE. This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new. When sung In the Spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the gospel standard of salvation. Mad in your orders for Anthems from the Throne and start the songs of praise anew. PRI OZ Cloth. • . • Go Pas daiii -- LIST OF XONEY LETTERS RECEIVED SINCE LAST ISSUE NW' OT} ILRWISk REcETPTED. Mollie Abrams, W. 0- Woodward, A. Balduff, I. V. Fleck, A. W Hubbard, Amy Hill, A. C. Drumm, B. F. Fleenor 2, Hannah Yan. g. y, A. H. Kauffman, J. D. Dicks, Lena WorboiF,, Martin, B. A. Ferds, W. A. Davidson, J. L. Worth, Belie Stetler. 12871111: 111111114111112151SEIMMilfak REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. Sister Amanda E. Tow/ ell, St. James, Mo. requests the prayers of the saints that she may be healed of afflictions. are de-the - COLUMBUS, KAN., FEB. I. DEAR SAINTS: We most earnestly desire the prayers of the saints in be-half of Bro. Jno. A. Wilson, who got dangerously burned in the powder works this morning. People think he will not tive, but the dear Lord on-ly knows. Let all the saints pray that he- may get rest. Lucy Kirk. 17 EDITORIAL MOTELS. Sister Siberia Love, Somerdale, Ala. - rites that she is ready to go into the work of the Lord, with some ex-perienced company. There is a meeting at the camp ground near here this week, which will continue this week and probably longer. Souls are being saved. The German type for book and tract work has just arrived, and we are now ready for a German corn: positor. Who has the Lord chosen for the place? STOCKTON, RAN. I am ready and willing to work anywhere the Lord wills. Those de-siring meeting address me here and especially those in Southwest Neb., Westerp Kan., or Col. Your brother wholly given up to God's will, sanctified and preserved n Christ Jesus. Amer. W. A. Haynes. BIBLICAL TRACE OF VTR Calif: WE The brethren at the office are soon ready to begin the publication of our book " BIBLICAL, TRACE OF THE CHURCH." It awill contain . about two hundred pages, perhaps more; but before we can commence publication about S25o must be raised to buy paper, etc. Not having the means we have thought it might be raised by subscription, at least the great-er part of it. If brethren who want the book, would send the price of it at ante to the Trumpet office, we could use it to publish with, and send them a book as soon as they are ready for distribution. We shall sell the book in cloth, for 75cts. Pa-per cover 3octs. If any brother or sis-ter feels like taking subscribers in their vicinity, we will give them one book for every three subscribers; that is, send the full price for three books and you will receive one freewe bear-ing all expenses of transportation. Some have already pledged them-selves to advance ' the price of the book. Let all such and as many more as can send in the price of the book. Yours and Christ's, Wm. G. Schell. THE KEELY GUESE, For a few years- considerable inter-est has been awakened by a discovery that has been announced to cure drunkenness and the opium habit, devised by a Dr. Keely, and called the Keely cure, but which we have more properly named in our caption above. Institutions practicing the abominable deceptions have been established at White Plains, N. Y., Dwight, Topeka, Kan, and per-haps elsewhere. While at the latter place we heard of some of the vic-tims of the Keely curse. Some two, or three persons have been killed by it, and one since • the treatment is in the insane asylum. And now we have before us the New York Week-ly Herald of last May. the eleventh, in which Dr. Wilbur Jackson of Brooklyn, N. Y.: thoroughly exposes the entire deceptions. The Keely preparation is claimed to be bi- chlo-ride of gold. But Dr. Jackson claims to have discovered by a thor-ough analysis that it is composed of two deadly poisons, namely: atro-phine and strychnia— strychnine. The first of these poisons is thus describ-ed by Dr. Jackson. " Atrophine is a chrystalline alkaloid obtained from the. deadly night- shade, atropha, bela-dona." The following extracts from Jack-son's disclosures will sufficiently show the thing up. " The first result of alcoholism or the o-pium habit is a breaking down of the tissues of the nerve cells. Hence the constant craving in such cases for nerve stimulation. The Keely treatment cuts off the alcohol or opium and stimulates the patient with atrophine, which seems to work well until you come to stop the atrophine: but then comes the rub. The patient, or victim, if you please, goes away with no craving for alcohol or morphine or tobacco, but with a deep seated craving for something else, he don't know what; but I know it is a craving for the atrophine he has been tak-ing in large doses twice a day. Do you know what the ordinary dose of this dead-ly poison is? The isoth part 61 a grain, whereas at the Keely Institution they are pumping it into their ' cures' in quantities which they would be afraid to disclose. I tell you it is not only a matter of pecun-iary advantage but of practical - prudence their keeping this formula tothemselves." LIVES A TORTURE. " Now then," said the doctor," how many of KeelVs ex- patients will teT1 3rou that they have had those same symptoms distressing them for weeks and driving them either to relapse into drink or to madness, general depression, confusion of ideas, loss of memory, nervousness, dizziness, etc.? They may not tell you, a layman, but to me they make no secret at it— dozens of them whose names I will show you on mybooks — but come to mein despair declaringthat since they left White Plains or Dwight or some other Keel}, place their lives have been a perfect hell. The atrophine is at work. " What they are doing is the next door to murder." These descriptions show the utter fallacy of trying to cure people of One poison by giving a stronger one. The misery and destruction is only in-creased and accelerated. There is however one means of cure for the thirst for liquor and opium besides the direct power of God, and that is a select vegetable and fruit diet. Dif-ferent scientists have cured the worst cases of drunkenness in this way, by removing all flesh food, and proscrib-ing fruit and cereals. NEWS FROM Tra ? MD, ST. JOSEPH, MO., FEB. I, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF THE* MOST HIGH GOD, GREETING: This morning we took our departure from Topeka, Kan, and expect to reach Nishnabot-na, Mo. this afternoon. The weather was quite severe most of the time of our short stop in. Topeka, and not succeeding in procuring a suitable place of meeting, we labored under disadvantages there. However we held some meetings in private houses, and a few in other places, but under the circumstances had but small com-panies of hearers. But thank God, we found some hungry and sincere souls, who were blessed and strength-ened by the gospel of Christ. One soul was joyfully born into the king-dom, and one sister sanctified wholly. And several have taken the way of truth and will meet to worship God, and labor for the salvation ol souls three times a week. In this city Mrs. Woodruff held a tabernacle meeting, which resulted in a great stir in the place. A couple hundred converts were counted, but they were organ-ized into the Winebrenna. rian Church of God, and C. S. Bolton placed over them as pastor. The result was, the poor souls soon found out that in-stead of realizing their expectation of. being in the church of God, they found themselves in one of the most abom-inable sects of the whole harlot fam-ily. The preacher made free ex-hibition of his carnality, and bigotry, and an insatiable greed for money: and by his policy accomplished one thing that was very fortunate for the interest of those souls which they had presumed to organize into the excellent named and little graced sect; namely, he drove them n nearly all on or caused them to depart out of his counterfeit fold. So that the preacher is left about desolate and forsaken. We learn that there are also a goodly number of the most humble members of other sects in the place who have been forced by their evil doings to flee out of their midst. These are all as sheep without a shepherd. As might be expected from their- past circumstances in Babylon, they are far below the plane of Bible salvation, but having escaped out of the charnal houses of formality there are hopes that many of them could be brought to the living waters of salvation. 0 that God may send his own fishers and hunters to ' thoroughly glean the remnant.' There is a large park by the river side in the midst of the city, which can be procured for a tabernacle or camp meeting, and by all means must be occupied next summer or spring, that the people of that city may hear the real gospel of God. We took several subscribers for the Trumpet, and left brethren there who are much devoted to the distribution of the literature of truth. So the light is spreading, and God is working, and fruits will ap-pear to his glory. We had a very precious little communion service in which nine took part in the ordinan-ces. Bro. Willis is expected to visit the place in a few days. If the Lord sends any of his flying evangelists theread-dress Bro. John Cochran, 125 N. Branner St. - We shall ever remem-ber with gratitude to God the kind-ness of that dear family to us during our stay in that city, The Lord bless and reward them. Amen. HOLT, MICH., Jan. 2S, 1893. DEAR SAINTS: I praise Clod this afternoon for his goodness to me, that he has made us free and now we are able to please him in all things. We came here the twentieth. Brother and Sister Walter were here before us holding up this evening light. The Lord is working with the people here, and we look for quite a work here. Pray for us. Your sister, sanctified in Christ Jesus, Viola Cox. POYNOR, MO., JAN. 31, 18g3. We closed meeting at this place last night with perfect victory on the Lord's side. There were thirty- one consecrations during our stay, eleven baptized, and a very precious ordin-ance meeting. We think the spirit of the Lord will lead many others to throw off their sect bondage. Among those that came out in the " evening light," three are called to publish it; two F. W. Baptist preachers and one Missionary Baptist school preacher. God bless and qualify them for the Work. We hold one more meeting in this part; then go to Warm Springs, Ark., the Lord- willing. Pray for us. A. B. Stanberry Co. ARKANSAS C IT KAN, DEAR SAINTS: God bless you all. We closed meeting here Sunday, 22d, with glorious victory, and we have been holding meeting four miles a-way and souls are coming to God there. There were forty- five took part in the ordinance of feet washing, and God is raising up a glorious church at this place. The fire is running all over this part of the country. There were present at this meeting, Bro. Swinburn of Denver, and sonic of the saints from Akron, Kan. ' sonic from Cedar Vale, and others. Bro. 11Iark- well has been with us most all through this meet-ing. We expect to hold about four meetings when I left home, but God has ' held me right here and I must obey my God. Nly address is Gresh-am, Neb. Expect to be home Feb: 7. Pray for US. Your brother in the Spirit, James Willis; ANLO, BELOVED READERS OF THE TRUM-PET: We report once more the bless-ings of God in our soul, and upon the work of God in these parts. We have recently held a successful pit) traded meeting in the Reformed house of worship at Lawrenceville, O., assisted by Bro. B. E. Warren and others. We found a clever peo-ple in these parts, with hearts open to the truth; who gave large attend-ance, except ingön a few nights of very inclement weather. Good ord-er, and attention prevailed; and the truth met the approval of the people generally. The evening light had never been lifted up in that vicinity before. About ten souls were saved; anti prayer meetings have been start-ed at that place on the anti- sectarian holiness line. This is now the third vicinity in which holiness prayer meetings are being held in this dark county of Clark. Since the series of meetings closed nearly all the saints in this country met with the little ones at that place and observed the ordinances of feet washing and the Lord's supper. The day following, jan. 26, Bro. Warren immersed sev-en holy ones. Others to follow in this sacred ordinance soon. The work ! is moving On gloriously, in these parts. Some are being healed in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. The Lord willing we commence a series of meetings in the Roller house of worship four miles west of Spring- - field, 0. to morrow evening. We so-licit the prayers of all the holy peo-ple, and the saints who can come and assist us in the forthcoming meeting are hereby cordially invited. Praise the Lord, oh my soul! - Your sanctified trother, Wm G. Schell. REDDICK, DEAR SAINTS, GREETING: III the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we testify to day to his glory, grace and power, which has kept us all standing firm far him. Glory be to his name! God has protected us wonderfully, and has brought us' through all tempta-tions and trials of the devil, and the world, and has kept us free from sin up to this present day. We have been having some hard trials and battles with antichrist and Babylon, but God DIVINE HEALING of SOUL ad 110111. By E E A NEW BOOK JUST OUT. it very plainl y' marks out ale way of salvation', and also tells how goo heats the sick, and the conditions upon which they are restored, giving wonderful testimonies of hs nuraculous power in these iPst days. It consists of :}. 4S pages, neatly bound. Cloth, 75 cts. Vapor Cover, 25 cts. Address, GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. Co., Grand junction, Mich. Bro. A. B. Stanberry and Co. very much afflicted in body and sire die very earnest prayers of saints at once. WEST _ LIBERTY, 0., JAN. 31, 1693. DEAR - BRETHREN; May God bless and keep you all faithful. Amen. We are praising God to- day for complete salvation in Jesus. Bless his dear name! The Beech Dale meeting was one of perfect victory in Jesus' name. We held nine night meetings and five day meetings, during which time God wrought a good work in the hearts of some who professed the salvation of God, but had no grace to live a holy life. ' We left the little church settled in God to go through. I hope to hear of those who confessed their needs in i salvation fully saved in the near fu-ture. God bless the brethren who so kindly ministered to our wants. May God keep them all of one mind, and i may they live in peace among them- 1 selves. At the close of the above meeting we came to West Liberty. O. , and held meeting Saturday night and Sunday morning, and Sunday night 11: 1Vt* 1Vc V to VO OBITUARIES. DIED, at Nunica, Ottowa Co., Mich. Nov. 1892. Charles Hines; aged, 68 yrs. and one day. He leaves a wife, two sons and two daughters to mourn the loss of the departed one. Sister Hines and her two daughters, also a son who is blind have the peace of God, and his comforting love to console them in their trying hours. May God bless them. Services by E. S. Tichnor. - heti Wilber Ray Buffington, little son of David and Anna Buffington, was born Feb. 8,1892. Died Jan. 21,1893; aged t I mo, and 13 days. Little Ray was but ba u bdi n. tnis world to bloom in heaven; and having left this world of sin and danger is now safe in the arms of Jesus. God bless the parents of little Ray and help them to be ready to join him in glory. Funeral services ty the writer. Otto Bolds. • desired mcetit sam•, but preachet1 sect house ing for us closed tunity of on Sabbath accoun a portion of the same the 31OStIt preacher. heaveniv Our .11 than guides into hort tint' anon called tonla•.- Hell to: .: 5; and i hess. much ill nCeti other daily. \\ h add tic thankful if sai GRANI1 Dealt Naar the dear I , tlrt neath he cleans. \ Ve are vict our way, stop in and giVe us a spirit-ual upliltint r, for there is still room yet for gett ing hi . Ind deeper in God. 1iI stints for us, that! we may be kept humble, low at the feet of Jesus. Hallelujah to our Kim, Jesus! Amen. thrnest e ea atte t til tilt' port t this morning and the glad titling Save. kinsbu God to open S chool 11011Se Wa', 1S1( cious souls wonderful sword. ho after , w h a large word. w our W, thunt saints wept, w precious souls glory to God in matchless melting the Hob; Ghost, with N are filled! There is a precious field of labor in the ' community surround-ing Page, and we trust God will send some flying messengers there. We returned + 0 the Trumpet Office to take a much needed rest, for a short time. God be with you all forever Yours humbly saved and sanctified Birdie E. Fink, Lena L. Shoffner Bro. W. Merritt & wife. suiR, E, O., Fru. 18113• DEAR SAINT s: God bless you all. This evening I feel a real Veherntmce in my soul to work for God whereso-ever he leads, also a complete victory all the powers of darkness. ur God ! j ust arrived home wera 1 troth tIio1ik i * ngs ' s gken us, a; tar s . t1 41111. ct W: 4 1° Nt'l - t l to 110‘ k- l t idt's. into 10 1. 111 " t 1it` di i hei Iv an thin,‘,== i s 0: 1n ;;; ■ , s, " 0 us rcheth ai of God: rayed for and the prov .,• ded, where about ten days. Pre-consecrated and we ha( preaching the rotvdeiI night order pre- ( I I op .!: ins about three I held a few here a • the it ) nt withou in• ardance aril ` s will. we wended the meeting. The Lord t of Zion; smut: of the lhers shouted. and the altar. Oh , nest, for the . and power of hich our souls kiy info. at le ' h atte and th( Teas( 1) 01 to d. ul while it is '• 13. cnd to; 5: to; t t ta. \ i t ' stand g all-y Y; ladand tail come along t ( Ion aaaTING: ever keep you be- - e of his tali stlt; itlt, n of we The the m btu n oppor- Fhis ocenrred the following closed on who occupied ) Who, tart galleons meetin in th g e name of Je- the Lord has provided all their needast 1 su• s. whieh raised no small stir at that and they with the apostles of old,; will sa y, Send me? Who will sacrifice that is to be done in this eastera field. 142A% : Illout this way. One messen- lacked nothing. In San Diego our their means and live a little cheaper ' Men and women and children are inr gra enf tIoh mdaeyelto ann oththaet rh, itso csihtyow the street meetings are wonderfully ef- for perishing souls? Methodists, Ad- going down to darkness for the want meeting .1 . e '. e end. and many ways were d to run us out, but glory be to a'''•, xvas our Captain and we len. he had a hold of the right end. ' here were nine consecrations in all. Almost all came out clear for God. '? olive were wonderfully, delivered from sectism. The Psalmist David . s. " Thy people shall be willing in day of thy power." We held ttng in the New Light meeting : se and while we were on our knees : tying we had the privilege of en-ring, a snow- balling. also of some ung men Coming in during nd drawing a revolver on of the brothers that lived at that place. No one was hurt and God gave us the victory. Threats were Made to arrest us for not having what they called license to preach. here bold in our God to tell them where. we got our license. Some of the holiness lighters met with a sad accident during the meeting. - We left deep impressions on the hearts of the people, also they kindly invited us back again. ' We thank them all for their kindness in giving us a home with them, and for their liberality in administering to our wants. But while that alone will not save them, We pray God to deepen conviction on their hearts, that they may be able ;: e a full surrender, and give up all for Jesus' sake. Amen. Your humble sister, saved, sancti-el init.' satisfied, Belle Stetler. SAN Diaoo, CAL, Jan. 27. 1893. 10 THE SAINTS AND FAITHFUL IN Praise God for continual ictory. My testimony is, that Jesus a yes me to the uttermost. I feel Jed to day to testify to the wonderful sings the Lord is pouring out up-on the church at San Diego. Dear Brother and Sister Byers who had been laboring with us some little tune, • ut three weeks ago felt led the Lord to leave us and go to tin Los Angeles field, and, although knew we should sadly miss their faithful and effectual service, we felt the Lord of the harvest knew what was for our best good and could say " Thy will be done." In return for - uidence he seems to have be-stowecl a double portion of his Spir-it upon Brothers Upton and Misner who were ordained to the ministry by the laying on of hands shortly be-fore Brother Byers' departure, and e have gone forth conquering and to conquer. Victory is always assur-ed when we are in God's order. Bro-thers Shaw and Elliott who have be( m laboring amongst the Spanish people in Mexico for the past few months the Lord has permitted to :). e with us again a short time. - They feel the Lord still calls them to that field and . have only returned for the purpose of procuring Bibles and tracts • distribution where they are so sorely needed. The people are - hung-ry flu teaching. In their ministry from house to house and place to place. they arrived at a little Indian villagevillae one Saturday eveni4and, ex-pecting to remain - over the Lord's inquired for a place where they might hold meeting. The only place available was an old dilapidated mission about three miles from the town. and there a meeting was ap-pointed. lust. a little disappointed at not having been able to hold a meeting in the village - and with little It pe of finding any. one interested o enough to go so far, Brother Elliott walked out to the meeting place at for our God mg east of Greentown. " uat: a; ille. Ind. to hold a ilro. and Sister Bragg of met with me. We had a life. The harvest • indeed is gnat 1 l and the laborers are few. May God bless them abundantly in this l work. Though the hardships can- I not but be many7 , they testtiiffy h fectual and the people of San Diego are blessed with light they will be held responsible for in the day of judgment. _ Pray for us. Your sister saved in the evening light, vents and most all of the sects are of the truth. Who will come and sacrificing their means to estab-, help us in this great- work for the lish their sects there. Why not God's Master? Oh my brother, mysister, are free, pure people go also with the you ready to- be user- for God? Let pure gospel on the apostlic plan to be no one come, thinking to have a good established in those heathen count- time. but come because God wants ries? The Alliance with their sham you and with the burden of souls on freedom are sending hundreds of you. Truly the harvest is great and missionaries. Last year the paper the laborers are few. Brethren pray states they raised $ 840,704 and sent for wife and I that we may keep hum-out many to the work decked with jew- ble and never shrink from delivering he answered, " I can die, but cannot. of which there can be much good give up Jesus. " The heathen often , done in the large cities. It will take say, Tell it again, those words fill my fully consecrated workers that are heart. ' willing to suffer trials and persecu- Africa is open for work. China is : tions, and are apt to teach. Brethren ready to receive the gospel. Who you cannot comprehend the work Amelia M. Merchant. again, 3. - t HAllARD, PA., FEB. 3, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN: May eternal grace and glory be richly upon you all. At the Henderson assembly meeting elry, worldliness, etc. Surely it is time the whole counsel of God. Love to much good was accomplished both in God's people were stirring and not all the dear saints scattered abroad. the church and for the cause. Several backsliders were fully restored to the grace of God. Some of the dear ones who had failed of the grace of God had weakened in the faith, renewed their covenant with the Lord and re-ceived the fullness and perfect victory in entire holiness. - Saints from Kit-tanning, Dawson, Fértigs, Clark's Mills and other places, were present in the meeting and shared in the feast, and all the beloved saints of the Most High were greatly strengthened, edi-fied and advanced in the Lord and in his present truth. The ministerial brethren and workers present were, our dear Bro. and Sister Wickersham, of New Pittsburg, Ind.,- whom the Lord used much in preaching the word, our dearly beloved Bro. G. T. Clayton, who returned to labor in various parts of Armstrong Co., Pa., Bro. Z. R. Turner. whom the Lord has been using to his glory in Forest Co., Bro's J. Stowe, Latshaw, Martz and others. Our dear Bro. Little of Dawson was gloriously sanctified and made free indeed in Him for the first time. May the Lord ever perfectly keep him true. The Lord bless and reward the church at Henderson for their kindness to us and the saints, in supplying all our needs. Myself and compapy went to Mechanicsville and commenced meeting there Jan I ', but dear Bro. and Sister W. continued the meeting at Henderson over the lath. They are now at St. Petersburg, from which place they will go to Fern, the Lord willing, and hold a meeting. We begin meeting here ( Hazzard) this evening to last till the 6th, and on the 7th we join dear Bro. Clayton to as-sist him by an urgent request in a meeting in the Shellhammer neigh-borhood, Cochran's Mills. Let all please pray much for us and the work. Address St. Petersburg, Pa. Our love to all. • The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all richly. Amen. Your unworthy servants, in perfect holiness and victory, F. N. Jacobson & C o. LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. DEAR BRETHREN: God bless you a-bundantly for Jesus' sake. Amen! Oh how our hearts are made to cry out to Almighty God when we see the terrible condition of the world, lying in wickedness. Oh the degradation and crime of the people of this wick-ed city, claiming to be a Christian country! It seems indeed that there is more need of missionaries here than in India. Those professing are in such darkness. Beloved brethren in the Lord, it is time to stir, for cer-tainly the time of the end is not far distant. Lift up your eyes and look out on the world. Bishop Taylor says that for every one that dies in Africa two have to die. They blame some other one of the house and the us with the tabernacle. Now we be-poor innocent woman who is the guil- lieve he wants us to see to it that the ty one has to drink be boun the fatal in atal a slow poison, work is carried out on the same or sometimes principle o which we asked him to where for hours she roasts to death provide it for us. We expect to in horrid agony or various means of be ready to begin the summer brutal torture. He told of a boy of campaign at- Washington, D. C., appointed hour Sunday morninfourteen years that was whipped un- thence coming over the same route the tit he was nearly dead, with cruel ` whieh we have been preaching since a woman with a baby in her arms on I his religion, he said I can die, but 1 cured places to pitch the tabernacle . her way from the village and within l ccaann not ggive up Jesus. " They built; Now there ought to be no less than a short time forty dusky faces were , la fir ree and covere d it with peppers and° four and will be work for six in the sfleoaotre dgi vairnogu natdte onnti othn et oo tlhde m wiosrsdios nof roasted him slowly over it, but still way of visiting from house to house 1- fe found no one there, but, in a few h ng, stopped and asked him to d g. 1 a ,, enyirangement for the meetings and se- thorns, and when bleeding_ and faint- leaving that city, as we have made art-moments saw, away in the distan ce, li spend so much time lying at home May the grace of God ever abide to enjoy it and backslide, then call with you all. for a preacher to come to straighten up, or hoard up your money in your selfishness and lose your soul's salva-tion. If more would be trying to do something to make others happy by leading them to Jesus, the minister would pot have ' to spend so much time in going over the churches but could get out into new fields and spread this glorious salvation faster over the earth. God wants hundreds of consecrated men and ' women in in other countries to tell of this pure salvation. Who is ready? It does seem to me that time is so very short, and oh the work to do yet! The time certainly is at hand, as David says, His word runneth swiftly. Ps. 147: 15. Who will help to bear it? While we are far from our dear lov-ed ones and have to meet the powers of darkness in opposition, it is joy to our souls and we are resting content-ed on the promises of God realizing it is glorious to be even separated for Jesus' sake. Pray for us much. Yours separated for the gospel's sake. Amen. EAST DENNIS, MASS., JAN. 31, 1893- DEAR BRETHREN: I feel led to write you this morning to tell you that I am still saved and out on the battle field bombarding the fort of the ene-my, and glory to God, he is revealing the hiding place of some here in this place although they have been pro-fessing to be holy. This is truly a dark place, principally on account of professed holiness preachers corning here and pretending to, preach the word, and instead preach to suit a cer• tarn few and bolster them up in their selfish ways. The result being con-tention, strife, envy, hatred to such an extent that we could hardly endure to sit and listen to their stories from both sides. Oh that men and women would die to self and get the humble Spirit of Christ, who when he was re-oiled reviled not again, when he suf-fered he threatened not, but commit-ed himself to Him that judgeth right-eously. I Pet. 2: 23. Oh praise God for victory over the darkness of this present day! We have been pray-ing and - looking for some of God's ministers to come and help us in this eastern field. We feel it would be to the glory of God to make- a state-ment here of the plan of our coming summer work providing the Lord permits the same. Last fall Bro. Henry and I looked to God. to fur-nish us a tabernacle seeing the great need of meetings in many places where we could not get houses to preach in, also seeing the missionary work that could be done in connec-tion with the same, and God provided G. R. Achor. LEE, MICH. DEAR SAINTS: May love, peace and joy be with you all. My soul is filled with God's love to night, and I feel led by the Spirit to write my testi-mony. Thank God for peace and joy in my soul. I belonged to the sects for many years. first to the Lutheran and then to the Albrights and in darkness all the while. When I first attended camp meeting at Grand Junction I had a dream, and in my dream, dreamed that the world had come to an end. I saw the flames of fire around me, and the smoke ascending and the sky be-came as blood. Many people seem-ed to be around me and there was a great confusion among them. Some were weeping while others were hur-rying to and fro. I was standing on higher grounds where I could ov-erlook the throng of people; and the higher the flames arose in the skies, the louder became the scream of the people around me. And when I was awakened I thank God that it was only a dream, and that my life was yet spared that I might have an op-portunity to become a true child of God; for I was then dead in sectism and sin. I know that God sent me that vision for a warning. Short-ly after camp meeting two of the saints had a metting at the Hoppertown school house and I was led by the Spirit to come out of Babylon and darkness where I had been for many years, and received everlasting light. I got down and asked God for pure salvation and had faith in believing that God would give me just what I asked for. He has said in his word, Ask and it shall be given thee. The next day when I was working in the woods, God poured his blessing down upon me abundantly; and I thank God to night that he saved me. He keeps me by his mighty power. Jes-us is my shepherd, I shall not want. I would ask the dear saints to pray for me that I may ever be found faithful in doing my Master's will. John Leiby. J. H. H. A. Rupert. well, a holy man of no office in the PIERCE CITY, Mo. church at all might_ officiate. There! DEAR SAINTS: This afternoon, though is no eVidence that a minister or eld- dreary out of doors, finds the sunlight a certain disciple at Damascus, nam- a few days ago I could not say as much. the gospel perform these sacred ordi- I am your sister in Christ, nances, and only in case that is not Mary Hughs. practical, and the matter should not er baptized Paul. But there was the poet speaks of in my soul, though ed Ananias, who had that honor. Acts J do realize deep down in my heart 9: io- i8. Had Ananias been a Min- I that God for Christ's sake pardoned ister or elder, it is likely he would I all my sins, and now I am giving God have been so represented. Of course all the glory. Remember me in your the proper order is that ministers of prayers. ( Continuer7 .12.621, SI at rage.) outcry for deliverance and to the glorious Deliverer at hand." 0 wretch-ed man that I am, who shall deliver rne," etc." I thank God through Christ Jesus." How could he thank God for deliverance from the state he portrays if he had never found it himself? We have, already seen that the words of the apostle both before and after his word picture, in chapter 7, show that DRINKING, CONTINUED. X EA is a twin sister to coffee, and its effects are similar to that of coffee:- It too is a narcotic and an astringent. Its effect upon the lining of the stomach is demonstrat-ed to be similar to that of oak bark upon beef hides; which any one can see at a glance the effect of tea. It closes the mouths of the secretory glands that secrete the gastric juice, preventing in a measure the supply of this all essential fluid to perform the work of digestion as well as the mouths of the follicles which absorb the chyme from the bowels into the lymphatics to be carried and emptied into the blood for assimilation. Dr. Trail says, " It is narcotic and is adulterated, the green tea is color-ed with Prussian blue," which is poison. Pereira says, " It gives rise to tremor, anxiety, sleeplessness, and most dis-tressing feelings. Its influence over , the nervous system, is ' analogous in some respects to that of foxglove, for both occasion watchfulness, and act as sedatives on the heart and blood vessels." Prof. C. A. Lee says, " A very strong decoction of green tea, or the extract, speedily destroys life in the inferior animals, even giv-en in small doses. The effect he says is the same as given by others. It not unfrequently occasions vertigo and sick headache, together with a sinking sensation at the pit of the stomach shortly after eating." Schwan found by experimenting that tan-nin, when mixed with artificial diges-tive liquids, threw down a precipitate which rendered the fluids inert." " From a pretty close observation, too, I am fully satisfied that the general prevalence of ' female weakness'— including an extensive class of ail-ments— are in a great measure at-tributable to WARM TEA"– TRALL. Fifty or an hundred years ago these com-plaints were rare. People in those did not in those days commence drinking those things so extensively in childhood; their bodies were near-ly formed and their constitution de-veloped before they were allowed to indulge in such beverages. Fathers and mothers who love your own offspring, wake up to your duty, and behold the awful gulf into which you are hurling them by careless liv-ing. Those are wonderful, important stubborn truths, that cannot be gain-saved; but turn the tide; for God's laws can not pass away, nor be evaded. Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.-- 1 Cor. to: Do you suppose you glorify Him in using those poisons which produce such unwarranted diseases in the temple of God? Do you think God will just-ify us in the use of thew knowingly. OATMEAL water is one of the best drinks I ever drank. I was accustomed when working to drink a large amount of water because I would get so thirsty. Working with other parties once who had their dinners with them and being Out of water and could not get any, they gave me a drink of their oat-meal water which I could hardly bear the taste of, but I had to drink it and noticed I did not get so thirsty, so I used it until I got to liking it and I rather drink it than anything else. But I would advise those who drink it, to not drink it while eating, for I am confident it is better to not drink anything while eating. and for one hour after- meal, and then oatmeal is the best. TENIPERANGS CHAPTER VII. G. R. A. ., even years old had never been under the law, but I Phebe were Gentiles. Several things go to I show the fact, but one text is suffici-. ent to prove it. " Ofttimes I purpos- write my testimony. I have been ed to come unto you, that I might saved about five months, and I nev-have some fruit among you also, ev- ler get tired praising the Lord for en as among other Gentiles." Rom what has done for me. He has 13. They, you see, were Gentiles forgiven my sins and sanctified me as well as others among whom the wholly to do his will. I do praise him great Apostle to the Gentiles had for his healing power. He has heal - brought forth the fruits of gos- I ed my litle babe when the doctor pel. ! could not do her any good. My soul 2d QUESTION. Is- it a deacon's work I is filled with joy. My husband is to baptize?" No it is tile minister's I seeking salvation. I want the dear duty to " teach all nations, haptizinglsaints to pray for him. We need them." Nevertheless according to I some one here that is well versed in the spirit of the " law of liberty," in scripture. We are all young in the the absence of, or in case of the dis- cause and this is a very wicked place.' ability of the minister, it were all right We do trust the Lord to send some i for a local elder to administer the one here to help to fight the battle.' ordinance of baptism. And if a per- Ilk We have blessed meetings three! son desired the rite, and there were I times a week. no teaching, or local elder to admin Your saved sister, ister the same, a deacon, or just as But to settle thequestio nthat language in was not ques on a t anguage question ad- I find more pleasure in serving him adnreds sneodt troe aplalyrt iceos novnelyrt eudn duenrd ttenhree t lh atwe, hy, a ' in . n aall my life in sin. I ask interest Y you! prayers gospel, we have but to learn that they. o l l ur sister el . course in the throes of Jordan's pass- l writing my testimony to the GOSPEL age the joys of justification are, for! TRUMPET for the first time, in the name the time being, all eclipsed by the o- f of Jesus. There is no condemnation paque body of inbred sin. And so to them that are in Christ Jesus. I am the apostle, as a faithful artist, only saved and sanctified. lawant you all paints the feelings that fill the hori- to pray for me. zon of the mind at - the time of the Your sister, death struggles of the old man. And i M. E. Singleton. leaves the joys of pardon to be drawn - DEAR SAINTS: I feel led to elsewhere, when those joys are con- PITTSBURG, KAN. sciously present. This is the light A write God gave us when we wrote the " Bi-ble Proofs," and every increase of light confirms it. he himself was, at the time of writing, free from the same. This is further proved by his words in 7: 5,6. " For Ivhen we were in the flesh, the mo-tions of sins[ just what is seen stirring in the seventh chapter] which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death." " When we were in the flesh, " implies that he was no more in possession of that nature or inbred sin. Yea the next verse positively so asserts, " But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held." " The law was added because of transgressions."— Gal. 3: 19. And so long as any form of sin remained they were not yet entirely absolved from the Iaw. So when the law of righteousness is received in conver-sion, and the o- ld sinful nature yet re-mains, two laws are present, two moral forces, and this is the case in Rom. 7: 14- 25. But before going into that personation of himself to portray the dual state, he says he is delivered in verses 5,6. That carnal nature be-ing dead wherein they were held un-der the law. But we have said the apostle ap-plies his described condition in Rom. 7 to the Roman believers. After de-claring himself free therefrom in 8: 2; he proceeds to admonish them re-specting this matter of the flesh, ( evil nature) and in verse 13, he comes to a clear unfolding of his aim in the whole lesson. " For if ye live after the flesh ye shall die, i. if you give way to the law of sin in your mem- 1 bers it will bring forth sin and death." " But if ye, through the Spirit [ already received in adoption] do mortify[ put to death] the deeds of the body ye shall live." That is, live holy and triumphant. Having seen that the apostle ap-pliesathis lesson to the Roman breth-ren, for whose perfection he wrote the entire epistle, see 15: 15, 16; we have but to observe in i 6- 8 and 15: r4 that the parties were in a good state of justification, to know that the lesson was descriptive of men in a justified state. However we free-ly admit that if we were to take that description as portraying the grace of justification, it would greatly lower the standard of that primary grace. But we have not said that it de scribes the grace of justification, nor will we say so. It does not aim picture what the. Romans had re-ceived at all. It leaves that all out of view, and simply describes a soul in pungent conviction for entire sanctification, for the death of the old man, or body of death. And of my testimony for the first time. The Lord saves me and he has cleansed I me from all filthiness. I have not I been serving the Lord veryon b MARIANNA, LEE CO., ARK. DEAR SAINTS: I will now try to write some to the glory of , Grod. I fell and broke my left knee and I did not walk for four weeks, one day and a half. I prayed all the time for th