The Gospel Trumpet - 12:46

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 3 :! gt, t slut. t 011f 01W Tb OIL how oin S rood ", go af', 11' 411 ord irt iSCt. 004 . forgo [ In jestre anti pour,' agi. 120 C11.'] 1 we a': 011) k fo...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1892
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 3 :! gt, t slut. t 011f 01W Tb OIL how oin S rood ", go af', 11' 411 ord irt iSCt. 004 . forgo [ In jestre anti pour,' agi. 120 C11.'] 1 we a': 011) k fora tht 11; 4.( 1 01t: th 11 ". th3. .0t, ptiiirred 01 1,10, iiitioAte But Stibt11,0iittiz ttbuit or 3: ' e; pirittral K ing- Built a " Spiritual house," Its ihject WaS the tii oAtt dtoam's fallen race, the restciratitm of man to holi-ness in heart and life, and to a peace-ful and harmonious walk with God and with each other, tinder the reign and government of love. he great polity of this heavenly corn triunity is simply God working all things in all the members. Remit: the religion of God is simply a divine spiritual life, a` moral heaven on earth. ' But men being used to earthy gov-ernments and associations, which are bound up and geared up with inter-minable rounds of forms and red tape authority, and having their legislative, judicial and executive departments of governments, all run by earthly and sensual wisdom, in their foolish hearts have imagined that God's church must be invested with these governmental wheels and straps. And not finding them in the faith once delivered to the saints, they have committed the egregious blunder that Christ did not give any particular form of govern-ment to his church, but left that for the Wisdom of man to supply, and change to suit the varied condition of countries and ages. Says the his-torian, Mosheim, First Century, chap-ter 2: " Neither Christ himself, nor his holy Apostles, have commanded 2= 4 thing clearly or expressly con-cerning the external form of the church, or the precise method accord-ing to which it should be governed. - Hence we may infer that the regula-tion,/ a( it was, in some measure, to be acenmodated" to the time, and left to the wisdom and prudence of the chief rulers of the state and of the church." Vhat a ridiculous idea that Jesus - Christ the Allwise from Heaven would found - a kingdom and then leave its farm of government and manner of lregIllation to be supplied by the ignor-ance and caprice of this world. And Yetabout the same abominable blun-dO ' has been made by all the great ids and foolish hearts of Babylon dawn through the centuries of Papal night and Protestant fogs. The fact is, e forms and regulations that Christ ! i not Supply does not pertain to his nrioustheocrisy. They may be nec- ' 4ury to earth- born institutions, but ! he great Founder of the empire of 1" t said " 125 kingdom is not of this Tfttt Ott 11.4 tit i . ford' tii e: ii 010" • glit, i1tio . . s's we, t AS431 ( ensr $ 4,7!: Oh' Thf 7 t Yu ' 1. ." 11, ta, Ituet/. 1re sa tag/ tkoshttt me Aitt 1•-• ut, 13•. and in you all " and hings in all,' own in-a MI wisdom, the r, and propitious ttS, conferen-si councils. whether quarte ly, annual, or general t er supertluity, and an abom-inaltlt vaste of means. time and tal- They are only necessary to run thly associations and compacts, and are the false ideal of God's; urch. Were all the time in such semblies devoted to, first, the kill-ing out and salvation of all the preach-ers, and delegates, and then the em-ployment of the time to the conver-sion and entire sanctification of all the professors in attendance, and the salvation of poor lost sinners who are fitting down to hell, while the abom-inable wrangling and debating are going on, this were in keeping with the object and order of God's church. fished, but is a separate thing alto- And when all the conference mem- gether. Christ's church is of heat/- hers, and congregations became enly origin; and Christ is the head cleansed in the blood of Christ, or ex- and founder. The Romish church originated from the other place, man is the founder, and the pope is the head. A few centuries after the founda-tion of this corrupt sect, a daughter was born unto her. The birth of other daughters followed in. rapid succession, among which are the pop-ular churches of to day, such as the Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, with hundreds of other little and big sects which belong to the great family of Babylon, or spiritual confusion. Each Of them claiming to be the church, or a branch of the true church of which Jesus was the founder. Shame on any one who has the au-dacity to assert that Christ would have such a mass of corruption for a member of his body, which is his church. One whopasses through the courts of Romanism is struck with astonishment and horror, and made to shudder as the vail is lifted which shows the awful , darkness and cor-ruption carried on within her portals. No wonder the prophet of old as he foresaw the coming of beastly relig-ion, spoke of a time when the sun would go. down at noon, as it were, and the spiritual clouds would gath-er into the darkness of night. The common people were not allowed to read the word of God, and are not even to this day in that sect. There came a time when a gleam of light was sent forth, people began to hear the word of God and accept the truth, and a great reformation I followed, and soon one sect after a-nother was formed, and through their seductive arts, many dear honest souls were induced to enter the courts of sectism and sign the pledge to be loyal to their creed, and thus about it, nor have their names record- yoke themselves with unbelievers, ed in a class book; for the Lord takes hypocrites, etc., not discerning the charge of the whole business, and ! body of Christ. This was a time _ the their names are " written in heaven." prophet foretold which would be as There is no studying of creed dis- a dark and cloudy day. Those of ciplines, answering conference ques- God's children who were taken into tions, being taken in by the right captivity by the sects of Babylon, and hand of fellowship but they are born lived up to all the light they had un-into the church by a spiritual birth. til death, to be sure are now reaping I V.; -- Instead of the running gears I " They* are " made complete in him, the reward of the righteous in glory. of art earthly compactit is " the pow- I and the Bible is their only discipline. At the present time another great of ail endless life." Instead of a When persons get full - salvation it reformation is going on throughout the land. God has pronounced his judgments upon the whole sectish movement, and all Babylon confusion ° FFal klegal. system, it is a divine. in-flaeace - To those who do not see 9c1:: 1# itclittrch is without order. But ° id& iee film, quicken- body iron sectism, T T E0 ikt, ti iti * it irq-. DER. Sla t. FIRST : re m-, f ItOss t.+: 1 c, pr:, Vrrvery . t. e= Y vrr tier Tot thi-* : 3- 33. - F. '!•; :. e, thr t., er 3 revsinnestis. eattneet*„ • tr.- tra) lo awl s. r. s= t- aT,,,,,, Ow t. trd 3galts.- 3 11.39svloo. ion A • ArAlA. • At: tuh3kIvint.-. Ter posed as of the devil, and not in the church, if the Head of the church were allowed to speak he would in-form them that the business of the meeting is now all transacted. Go your way, live holy, and glean souls whith-ersoever I shall lead, and " speak my words to all whom I shall send you." And behold, it would he discovered that the object of God's church is sal-vationinstead of the construction of ecclesiastical gang mills to saw Gods people into slabs and sleepers. And furthermore Babylon would wake up to the realization that the govern-ment of God's church is on the shoul-ders of Christ and not upon a coun-sel of great plug- hat preachers. DISOERNING TAR BODY. 0 discern a thingis to understand and see it separate and distinct-ly among other things. What we wish to speak of here is discerning the body of Christ, which is the true church. Eph. r: 22. 23. He is the head of the church. Col. t: 18. Ev-ery saved person is a member of this church, and their names are written in heaven. Heb. r: 23. Jesus says, " I am the door." There is no other way to get into the church; no other way into heaven. " But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body ( church) as it hath pleased him.--- I Cor. 12: 18. " And ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular." This is a glorious church to belong to, and the only way people can join it is to get salvation, ind the very moment they do so they are in the church, a full member, and they do not have to ask the preacher anything in spi: ing, harmonizing, govern-' the elements of the'- lerusalem, see in it the Sytittil, ordelr, ha rmony ' 01 • Beholding God - over is an easy thing for them to discern the true church,— the body of Christ — and to know that it is a separate " Bu says one, " God has a visi- 1 is fallen, is fallen, and is become the htirch here on earth, and it is habitation of devils," etc. Rev. : necessary to organize in order that And he says " Come out of her my the church be a visible one." Shame people, that ye be not partakers your blindness! if you and I are her sins, and that ye receive not of her born of God, and he has made us i plagues." He is sending his messen-m embers of his body, are we not vis- gers to proclaim the everlasting gos- selves destitute of the Spirit of God ible? Can you not see us as well as pel in its purity. and to " separate the because th fa to obe hy im and if we were. to join one of the harlot', precious from the vile;" who dare to they failed ey p hen not prompted by the Spir daughters of Babylon? i preach the w hole gospel Without tom co- tall. in the light which he had given them God says, Flee out of the midst Christ says he is the vine, and " ye ! promise; who urge souls to join noth- of Babylon and deliver every man his are the branches;" but he never said ing but Jesus. Where any one orany soul. Cry out againsvher, and spare that the different religious denomina- : number of persons are saved, in a corn-w and her even as tions are branches of his bbbooddyy. No; rnunity they are added untothe church not the arrows. Re she rewarded you, and double unto they are all on the outside, and be- by the Lord, by believing on him. her double according to her works; long to a different body altogether, I And there is no ' sect machinery about but it must all be done in the Spirit and the name of that body is Mystic it. God places the members in the - Babylon, or spiritual confusion. 1 body and they know their place and of the Lord. Railing out upon Baby . A. great many people are not slow work together in sweet harmony, be to declare the Roman Catholic church i ing knit together in love, and bound of God to do so, will drive souls away from God, instead of winning them to be the mother of harlots spoken,,' by chords of love, making a union of of in Revelations, while at the same 1 sweet fellowship of spirit, and a holy-- time they are blind to the fact that I communion with the Lord. How dif-they themselves are joined to one of I ferent the case with the conference-the harlot daughters. If the Catho-lic sect is the mother of harlots, surely her daughters are to be found some where. That sect is not a split- off from the church which Christ estab- And he said na. thooste; Aer aAts e1:: 1ly1in; 11gt4- itMtaasilerl. e7- P ? ilea said he unto mer crcrl ahsUbe7ultsogiridto: riatarnlea: U1: 7 e vert one Mat sweartua. Abell be out ex on rh. wsaittlabz: Z7trriolnrtli saiLt the Y1 us. and declares thatay g y sent ll preachers who go forth to build wa with sect rules and disciplines; who ill lift the vail and expose the dark-w walls of sciplines; Hess of everything outside of Christ. " have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof;" who feed the people upon college bread, the smooth words of rhetoric and stale essays, instead of the bread oflife: The people of one religious denom-ination deny holiness, when the Bible is full of holiness from beginning to end; another denies the healingpow-er; another baptism; another, the other ordinances, another the new birth, and so on until all of them are tested, and take out what each did not believe there would not be any-thing left of the Bible. Most of them have their church socials, parties, pic-nits, Christmas trees, and other world-ly doings, and surely any sinner can discern that such do not belong to the body of Christ, but each one helps to form the great body of Babylon confusion. Because in times past God has used some of his children to preach the gospel while they were in sectism, and many souls were saved, is no reason at all that sectism is, or ever was right, notwithstanding God has had many of his children in there who lived up to all the light they had. But now the time has come when the prophecy of Zech. 14: 7, is being ful-filled, " that at evening time it shall be light." And His word sounds in thundering tones to his children, " Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, SAIT THE LoRn." But some one will say," God never called me out. That may be all true. God has many children in the different denominations. and he says, " Come out of her my people. It is only HIS PEOPLE that he is calling out, and if you are not his child, then rest assured that he does not mean you. As the truth is being preached in its purity the people are enabled to see the evils of sectism, and discern the body of Christ. And as they receive light on the word of God regarding these things, all who have the Spirit of God will flee out of sectism, or lose all the grace of God out of their souls, , no difference how loud a profession they may make thereafter. In speaking of Free Methodism, B. T. Roberts, the founder of that sect said," The Free Methodist church grew out of a contention, and will end in a contention. " This is ve-ry true. not only of this- sect, but of all other sects. May God help such men to discern the true church, and flee out of such contentions. But there are some who come out, and stay lean in their souls because " B b Ion the reat the compromise with the devil, and ` And Be & ens: ot a great Boum/ of a Trumpet. ones ghat) gather together elect from the four winds, from one end of heav-en the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. 5: ye in like manner when re shall pre all these things; know that it is near. even at the . t. or."— Mark 0: 24- 43. Grand function. Xrch, C7 I) order to keep the good will of those vho have not yet escaped, they will not cry out against the confusion from which they have themselves made their escape. and persons can in ■ Pthis vay soon lose their souls. Some think hat if they can only stay in awhile after they receive the light, or keep going to the meetings that they can give the light to their friends and get them to come out too. There is where nany go into darkness, or become „ deceived of the devil, and when awak-ened to their real condition find them- Again, there are persons who see the awful abominations of sectism and cry out in strong terms against it, but being devoid the Spirit of God do not discern the Body of Christ, and are looking for something which ev-ery Christian can join and thereby— " be of the same mind," as the Bible teaches. People have been for years trying to get up some plan to unite all the sects into one. But they will never be united any more than they are now, unless they unite a little more firmly on some points in order to fight the truth. One among the number who is try-ing to get all Christians united is a man in, Mo. by the name of W. H. Adams, who has - written" up a string of stuff which he calls the" Christians' Union Covenant," and makes a. won-derful plea- for every Christian to be-come a member by signing their names to that covenant, he being blind to the fact that all God's chil-dren are joined together into one body, the church of the living God, and need no signing of covenants in order to bind them together, or hold them to the contract which they have made with God. If people would on-ly get Bible salvation they would not be slow to discern the true church, and be satisfied to remain in it, and keep out of all the schisms and creeds of men. division, bind souls together Ion w Spirit to Him. A good way to heap coals of fire upon her is to set forth the true church in all'its purity, clothed in the beautiful garment of holiness, and it – EL DORADO, KAN. DEAR SAINTS AND TRUMPET READ-ERS: Our testimony is, we are saved and sanctified wholly. * Praise the Lord, whogives us the victory over all the powers of darkness. Although the trials of the righteous are many, the Lord delivers us out of them all. Cannot sonic of God's firebrands come here into this wicked city and preach the everlasting gospel? I would just say that unless some one comes that has the discerning of spirits, and is ready to lay down his life for Jesus, he has no business here. Shoddy holiness and anti- ordinance holiness has been preached here till the people get mad at the word holi-ness. Yet God is raising up a few that are willing to stand up for the truth. They will get a place to hold meeting in. If any one feels led to Collie here please let me know. There is a good opening in the country for meetings. From your brother and sister, R. & S, Kochel. sda •, Abr. 1 7 , 1892, Volume I 2 Aro. 46 E. E. Byrum. The Ordinance of Feet Washing. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a review of a tract- written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ ft contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 ate. $ 1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Watkinsville, Miss or from thiq office. Must We $ in? & conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. 48 pages. Single copy 2 cis, Per dozen, 20 cts. Per hundred, $ 1- 50. A tract on the True Church. 50 pages. 10 cts Lunt on the Sabbath, or Which Day to Keep, 65 pages. 10 cts. Inarriage and Divorce, a tract of 32 pages. 5 cts The Age To Come, and Millennium Tradition Refuted by the ii, spired Word of God. 56 pages Single copy 10 cts. Questions and Answers on the einirch. 32 pages 1 cent each. Per hundred $ 1.00. Why are you not a Christian? 50 for 10 cts. The Ordinances of the NEW Testament A. NSW TRACT, BY Wm. G. bORELL Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture in clear lieht, showing whieh are abolished, and provim that the three otdinances instituted by Cie- ist ne, of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still it vogue. Single copy 5 cts Per dozen 45 cts. THE SHINING LIGHT. TERMS, $ 1.00 A TZAR IN ADVANOL TO• TIIK POOR. Entered Buren Co, Post Office at Grand Janetino, Van ' second clws matter THE BIBLE! READINOS. Bible re, ditt: s or r• f. rem bout 100 subjech. P h, e 75 rents Prod' BOLIN= BIBLE SUBJETS. By It C. W. NOTICE. All business communications, moneys, kc. must be addressed to the Gosna. Tanar-nrr. tA) insure credit; otherwise we wiAlootsi be responsible. D. S. WARNER— Editor. E E. BYRUM-- Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS-SDwCIahStrF difsooItNnr.' tl, ihFIatTe noI drZn• u• tt nD„ hth hisiAtevtey roi P nDun. teut. iafIth hhhAnCeei Uo Aluswe- lttIi artiio. conut, f ie_ et oA ts dt ht. No." eeb fTl riItttvh-. oCte'eo. rrM sft tttt1f- ulo T - tJt.- iosl1A'issl osu, AsN • EMI= AT 0 TU of the samecan write to the parties them-selves. It will be a precir us volume to those who are afflicted in either soul or body. The chapteit on faith, and es other subjects, will strengthen the fa ■ t tl of the reader, and aid in a close- walk with Sim who is ° the " giver of eve; ygood and perfect gift." It contains 20 good- sized pages; good plain print, on hravy• paper. Ne atly bound in cloth, $ .75. Library ( half morocco, marble edge, $ 1 [ o. Send two cent stamp for special terms to agents. Address, GOSPELTRUMPE1 PUBLISHING CO., GRAND JUNCTION MICH. kis just fresh fro orls pen, and a glance at the content-enough to convince any one of its ' r y e . t. s and value to. those seeking thorough knowledge of the Div n. and his dealings with people at the pres-well as in days past. The first part of the book very plainly marks out the way from sin unto full sal-vation, according to the teaching of the sacred Word. It presents the gospel truth in sucn a way as to throw a git am of light into the !. pathway of the sinner, and enable him to see that there is hope beyond, through the mercies of a blessed Redeemer, The BELIXVER is led to see the of full salvation, and the joys in a Christian perfectioie THE HEALING OF THE BODY Constitutes the second ' part of th book* This consists of twenty- six chapteis on doctrinal subjects, exposing and over throwing false ideas and theories concern-ing the healing power in these last days, showing when, how, and under what cir-cumstances and conditions God heals the sick and afflicted at the present time. It gives a history and testimonies of healing from the time of Abraham, through the different ages, up to the present time. The third part of the book consists of the WITNESSES OF TO DAY. These are wonderful testimonies of per-sons who have been healed within the last few years by divine power; such as being instantly restored to sight after hav-ing been blind for years; the lame throw away their crutches; broken bones are instantly healed; invalids who have suf-fered for years iminekhately arise and walk, after the prayer of faith is offered, etc. The author is personally acquainted with nearly all the parties who h e herein given their testimonies and gives their names and addresse ,, in the 0 SO that persons. doubting the tru ' ness SOUL AND BODY. A NEW Boo; — OF hree gin Dece - king as the rd Howard and Schell THE PREACHERS' CHILDREN'S HOME, .11 111t• t- opmAl iirteto oorsttIal l trtt4ft. t4, l, 3. i. t sso1on lreee! it , tt4ii4tt s, 4t 4br1, se1; 1, s ST; h. p. te- irsyai tht tyiosnft so0is 4• t 0h1• IgI e to;' irt. h1, e, r eel * eft et Twit& r-, 2r f‘ ts A et heel@ 1" 11"- 41' 1 0`, 4i stsrt the it 41543; 11 a prig*, 4.1,* 111I. riattntIt tpMaa, ar, okatimitap = . _ - 4- Art Tolaaoeffr 1 It contain, 30 piefes, with a neat cover. We wil' send these tracts to trkt. one set: 1,110g us postage a' the rate ar one cent for three tracts. We make m charge foe ' hr work of making the tracts. Alway state just hoe many you, wish sent. J. G. Suelzle, Solomon Butts, Brock But ner, Jen- Dunlap, Win. Van Grinds,. 0. V. eurti„ I. D. dren. Illustrated. It should be in M. H. Basore, Matti(. & this, eittra Ki wiry. every family where there are children Only 25 cents a year. -- Address— Tin.: SHINING LIGHT, _ Grand junction, Mich. An interesting paper for the chil- .41 timl slos * 0ie with meek Tr , rip. et CM TH3 THRONE. POI RT111 Ph scriptore. oonetmittnen and deti e, etting fkaih the true churchit-ta fniita The fall 41 in of the eyreing light. y twin4 In cloth. Sinarle M INGO, Sunday. Nov. 27, 1892 Sister Lizzie r requests the earnest prayers ( f all God's children for the corn- Tle healing of her body which is ! nitich afflicted with different diseases. S. L. Yoder. On Sunday, Nov. 20 at to o'clock A. NI. pray for the healing of Mrs. Isaac Billings. Eau Gallie, Florida, iwho is very much afflicted in body. iie- Irae.- r- neep, v• etrory. ateme- trwonewirmaery• ek REOUESTS FOR PRAYER. SO1 EDITORIAL NOTES.* ma soo at cheap edilifin of - the I Onk Di-aling of Soul and Body, t- ill soon, the I oril willing. hell hool will be I Junction br, P: 1, goof s. a sair, ded i ly er) cheat., a par t eared to this lose, a few miles from tally.) UNMS. n in i 1.,, * should live of the gospel. When we know that this is true, shall we take God's business out of his own hands by hinting for - means or by telling some pitiful circumstance about our family and thus work on the sYmpa-thies of some good disposed persons to give more than they are able to give, and lay a snare for the devil to trap their souls? Brethren, if you cannot trust the Lord enough to let him manage your finances, you had better tarry at jerusalm until you are endued with power from- on high, then you will have po* er both with God and man, so you will not need to both beg and preach. It is true that spiritual prosperity does not always govern the - means. See Acts ea: 6. Though three thousand souls' had been saved, Peter and, John had not received silver and gold out of - their labors; yet they had something more than gold. - - CovetousneSs is idolatry, Col. 3: 5, and no soul- can . prosper under its in-fluence. The Israelites tried it: And he gave them their request; but. sent leanness into their soul.— Psa. 126: 15. GO- d's ministers must come up to the standard. Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; but have re-flounced the hidden things of dishon-esty, not walking in craftiness; nor handling the word ' of God deceitfully; but, by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every Man's Conscience in the sight of , God. --- 2 Cor. r, 2. Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: but in* all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in neces-sities, in distresses.-= 2 Con 6: 3, 4. And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man: for that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied: and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you, and so will I keep myself.— a Cur. I I : 9. But be it so, I did not burden you: nevertheless, being craf-y, I caught you with guile. Did I in thing is to get a building. and as who m I sent unto you ?- 2 Cor. 1 2 : r6,1 found wanting," by withhold NOTICE A commission of 20 per cent will be new emir subscriber, to all who win, labor fr 40132RL TRummer. We make this offer so a: Co heli the brethren that are in the field, ae well as the cir. culation ) f the paper ta• Parties desiring papers to canvass with, shoUld notify us regularly kl lieir whereabouts. ' NOTICE. HOW TO SEND MONEY.— Remit by Post- Office Money Order or Pos, al Note. Where these cannot be pro: iired, send by Express Order, Register-ed Letter, or 6ma11 amounts in stamps. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. - Subscribers wish-ing their altire r, changed, must be sure to give their former, as we., I as their new address. MISSING PAPERS.— It occasionally happent that number: ie our papers sent to our subset- 11; th are lost. or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive your paper when due, after wettings suffic-ient length ol time, write us a card, anti we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your f WI address, name, post- ollice, comity and states Should there be e mistake at any time, write us at once, and we - will gladly rectify the same. Addret, s all letters to Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. LASoTr tMhsOtlEN ENYO T'L OETTtTlEEttRIVSIs IEtE ittE ICVEEIDP Ts. itNac). x: BY-E. BYRUM. T or SyS supported k Gast, Akron. Ind. LEARN TO BOG TOGL A brother writes us that he ant companion have underiaken to learn to read music by means of a good printed instructor. and that they are I succeeding remarkably. 1 I und reds more ought to go right at the same! thing. Undertake it in the name of lesus, and you will be astonished how beauties on you will be able to sing by note. life o u young and middle aged. why not take these long evenings and other spare time to this good work ? And, dear ones in the field, do not remain ignorant of the note system. We urge this in the name of Jesus, knowing that God has chosen the power of song as a mighty factor in this last reformation. See Isa. 52: 8, 9 and Isa. 35: 8– io. And second, be-cause at no great distance in the fu-ture, the Lord willing, a new song book will be published with many new songs, glorious hymns of praise, singing the present truth, and about all themes and doctrines of the gospel of God. And in every community the Lord wants at least a few who can read the music and put the sweet hymns to praising God. Amen. us. n non." r a laineless, % IS the steward of r. tO filthy lucre. that hateth covetousness shall long his d Pros- . The Lord will stand by those that trust m. See I Sam. 0. But money ch you also that hi ie DE ARLY BELOVED TN THE LORD: Have you asked God to let you know what you should do toward this good work? Please lay it to heart. What on earth is to be compared with the precious privilege of giving to the cause of Christ, and homing the Lord's little ones. If a cup of cold water given one of these _ little ones in the n'ame of Jesus will not lose its reward, can you not trust the Lord for a - reward for your means given him with pure motives that will yield a thousand - fold more happiness in your bosom than any earthly invest-ment. 0 what a lesson the majority of God's dear children have yet to learn: that it is more blessed indeed to give than receive. That to give to the cause of salvation and to the comfort of the Lord's poor is a prec ious and joyful privilege instead of a mere Christian duty.' By helping to tug l : Ai .,. flel be a gl• od inve, s thgicsierl e lf * f mgiciovcsi pdsoetnal tianirn Yag nw hro onww, ca rot. hereatoyn; : 4, mL. 1o‘-, y41r ddb, rr eeaynteih d twrh edisinos, h. oa iftsnfai gchke ee tf o . lto eiprlat upsda rshtr. kto ilAm- ct, mun, e., l- .1ettrno-, . t. h1e") 1tA1h" IIe1"` * d, Luamir b Ai . , king with of 11 ! rig precious ),„ work. a)( nitde mou wghitth hial its much intere51 in the if we were III6oring with other svme temporal ViOrk and. we tlo our part of it. they. ltwould - we wri. t. shirking and- and obably would be dismissefursham, out of company. Again, he says, ' C then as Workers together th ( it;;. - (* Gon, vith iv IC ctrlaini d" us ietl to you. Paul rer4 together w' ththi, a glinsl, at -' t , osdal so! thjt The; sow for di, Trio; lug [ Ville! per HI"' keePi4! cloth i ng, wn: dred d(,: was a bi paid of Are you meet? out so iihin in the naim His own : 0 say we dr, : 1 God or L ' lily him re- house„' out for Goii selves and cll. ry and hay,' cause of God who is sancti of his farm, ( q, ti ce of ined; c: Ai to God, and means, increa*. the man's farin he has no right chout first Col, 011711er. Fhei USD, why iv . ot ft and use tilt work._ This minds by way of I ttes ke npl I ciEs ! ir ' 1114.11' de- a r eb et° lo veexdPros. "-- 4„- 1," e andpra i,: rd, nea vell fsr arr, ' u Stippl L'rirs sjSoul, an, feel nil ;,. . 10n° r and st,- . :.: din reatly for tiri nlY 2004044 s; A'ad Gs' 1,,„ tirnd s, G' 1 1 ,, - ii 11,11 .!' oll a, Is even s osting tn saY It' ' 41d I a, 11/. .41 p t . tart . A aer !.) an and continue as . Bros Grover. . all expected. All arc cordially invited. Those coming to Rochester notify Bro. Da 3 vid Leiainger. Akron. Ind. Nlentone. s Chr t F. Krause, Be. tver Dam. Intl. Akron CtIr. 2: ' " t * Ialted us to :.- tik- h an big i , ,. , and v we are labourers together nt kttnl' • - oti's husbandry, ye r . 4 I cor .“ thWt' Silt) C01111111 GO ' ati". vece AA it, _ such 4,, N441r •;_ h. WA- 1 l! a! to: st's ttlhotsu, ts. r, t. t, at“. 01-# 4 met; : 1141, ithAttea osA fT- 0414 ett tso Ira to kt ‘ 411t) ixt 11- ' o u 1 t hi ' litt'llt! „ tatoit. to OttAUsatoVo * isle ) 0, n t- r ticitiv( I , I 11,1s eN. a home for the families of poor _ min-isters, you will not . only do an act of charity for the poor, but at the same time help to spread the gospel by ministering to the hands, and holding up the arms of those called to the great gospel field. Hence you will have a double reward. But ministers should not be wholly relieved from the duty of supporting their children. Most of them could doubtless clothe their children if they only had a suitable place to leave them, where they could be educated and thoroughly schooled in right-eousness. Those who only have a few; children, if they have faith enough in God to effectually preach the gos-pel, will also have faith to clothe their children; and they that have more, ne of them will be able to help port by labor on the lace. So the make a gain of you by any of them , be on it will go far toward furnish- 1 inan, we have corrupted n o man, i ! " weighed in the balani. eetie n as the land can he got in / 1116- ° taa. o. c us, we have wronged noimeans while perishing souls Vr the living. I have defrauded no man. — 2 Cor. we f ing to hell and the work of , 0 , h,- r. , are those who would hive to ' v" are witnesses, and God also, - isu: m2. ? ing hindered for want Of ) Pi ones, if we are labore miff o% i of tle the this Lor hom d\ e if proert) . • they could holily an dd just, ly alnde untbla runeabsly wde Goo our l-, u1 Tla nind O, whiitoh hi as fort) p. , i , ,,, i fttr„ $ wrf . hbeelhya. vr eTdh oe- u, v-, e 2s : a eIm rikot n. gO yhoi iubi rltaehttaeht, r tbtne-, ,: are not called to and friends, I hold up If you or those who go. " Bring n( the grace are of God in e . vain." itOr . grabbers here the w ill Lor be d gave a stench them both success; to God ''' I ' k of saivatiowaiid: w . and man. I have seen this fulfilled i have Work - e 3 l,, great egnal interest with 0- 64. piui W partners Christ 4so \-\\. eacilkusinnld th love, a as to that place any more. people and now they cannot go back' they used it to get money from the i shaa3t- sh' ;:) Now we know that the Lord is able ! 5: 2, 1 to God for a sweet smelliki & Air', ! self for us an offering and - . in giveilim. .: te to take care of his own cause, for he ! ! the same . love Now th are at yhoeu first Isiiiit * says, Even so hath the Lord ordained j i that they which preach the gospel - who made a sacrthce of di he had . . in heaven and then at the last aide a sacrifice of himself, for you?' he says, " Let this mind b. e • ,,,-- which was also in Christ Jesus. of t he into the the right tdiowing liosor, glXt) U heaven, a ssing that there nough to receive ° kailM 2: 5. Have you the same Jul he manifested, that you c4-# sac, ce all your own interest as a partiiiiiiid co- laborer with him, for iaving of* ishing souls? Are you selfish and shirking from your duty? What gifid did he have? While " he 7- thhj lt not robbery to be equal itith: Ood, but made himself of no reptitation and took upon him the form of isen vant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found tn . fiall0/ 1 . . as a man, he humbled hitnteft and because obedient unto death -* en the death of the cross." & a., at was the result of his huinkl, ini.: 4km. self? Wherefore God bath highly ex alted him, and given him„ kname which is above every Other. pame. gth , ver. Dear beloved, if you want God to exalt you and give you an exalted position in his glorious kinidom; do your duty. Humble yoursaves, sac-rifice everything like he did anci. clie the death to self, to all selfish later-ests, withhold nothing- and be- will bestow bountifully of the unsearcha-ble riches of his glorious kingdom. " Honor the Lord with thy sub. stance, and with the firstfruits .0f all thine increases; so shall thillanis-filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.” Frot 3: 9, to. It is common if the pep.* have more than they need themselves_ the will give some to the Lord, and awe want to keep part of that hack fest they might get sick or need some for some unexpected occasion.--,., 041,41e word of God says," Give theo, kr. s0, of thine increase." Some ate4fraid they will not have enough-. to-', kgRaft. but we will wait and see if :' laYe any to spare and then we voitt some to the Lord. Brethren; begig and give the firstfruits and - tote the promises of God. So many. st4t,. are living by faith and have two years' provision stored, the bank, etc. I am afraid m* dress us at West Point, Pa. Breth-ren, pray for us and the work here. Yours in the work of the Lord, W. J. Henry, J. H. Rupert & Co. TE8TI ONI 4 S. TIIY TESTIMON1E- ALM ONDERI PI3A. 119: 129. EDINBURGH, Miss. DEAR ONES IN JESUS: May heaven's blessings rest upon you all. I am still standing in the liberty where-with Christ has made me free. Praise the leordl My heart is centered on Jesus, and I expect to make my eter-nal abode with Jesus; blessed be the name of Jesus! Hallelujah! Pray for me. - Your sister in Christ, Bettie Jolley. KENESAw, NEB. DEAR SAINTS: Since the dear Lord has given to me his unspeakable gift once again, I have had a deep desire to give my testimony for the honor and glory of his dear name. We know we are saved because the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Oh praise our God for bringing me back I into his fold once more, and giving me of his holy Spirit! He makes me I a perfect Christian in spite of the devil. I am sanctified wholly to do I the will of our heavenly Father. Pray for me that I may always overcome. Your true sister in Christ, Eliza Chezum. a and of the n wyhere for lesus, and the poor I declare ' Be y holy am holy.' Blessed are the pure inheart for they shall see God," and " Everyman ttiat bath this hope in him purineth himself even as he is pure." - Having there-fore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filth-iness of the flesh and spirit. perfect-ing holiness in the ferof God." - Fol-low peace with all men, and holiness, hout which no man shall see the; Lord," and - Whoscever committeth sin is of the devil." Yet they say the! spirit is all right, but this old body ne-ver can be fret from sin in this life,: unless it is just two or three days be- 1 fore they die; and when we read Cor. 3: 16, 17; 6: / 9,20; and Rom. i2:! , they go away and slander, saying, they have no use for those false teach-ers ( Mormons, sorne say). Many peo-; isalia and vicinity. How long: FERRY V' LLE, - remain here e far West ! To A1.1. THE SAINTS: Our testimony e o e Jesus. While the place is all excited : word of God, declaring their inten-over election matters we are lifting ! tion to stand together on the word. up our voices as a trumpet, warning all ! Several there are asking our prayers, men in the fear of God to make their 1 and we believe much more will be own calling and elecfion sure. Bro. * done. Yesterday six were baptized and Sister Byers, Bro's Elliot, Win- I by Bro. Rupert in the beautiful Del-ters and Shaw are here with us. Meet- ! aware river, in the sight of over five-ings in the hall at 2: 30 P. M., at 7 P. 1 hundred people. May God keep on the streets, and at eight in. the them faithful. Last evening we had hall. The street meetings are very a very precious ordinance meeting, interesting; large crowds - stand and the Lord blessing the dear ones as listen attentively to the word of God, they humbled themselves - to wash io and many folio* to the hall. We one another's feet. I must say I nev-have occasionally held street servi- er was in a place where the people ces in our Eastern work, but we have were so anxious for the truth, and learned the wisdom of holding the where we had so little oppositon to same every day or evening in all town the word. There is such a great fain-and city work. Let all God's minis- me in the land that the _ people are ters practice the same. Babylon has starving for the pure word. We were become so corrupt that thousands of used very kindly by nearly all; many the most accessible minds never go opened their doors, so we had many to any place of worship, but when homes. The Lord has a church here the pure gospel of God is taken to which will stand. The meeting will them on the streets, their hearts are touched, and they are constrained to then go to West Point, Pa. to corn-say that this is the truth, andthey are rnence there on the 9th of Nov. Any won for Jesus. The songs attract the one desiring meetings here in the people, and the meetings are thus easteplease let us know at once. Ad-close to night. The Lord willing, we arts dt;' ar co- I A( 1 e win meeting at that point. Our address t of - ' Wm. E. Warren. ALBANY, ILL., N' t. v. 7, 1892. I ) EAR SAINTS, G eat: rime Dear. - • we are glad to report to the ly of G od that , xe. are again aCt-work of our Lord Jesus - our short rest, which we veak bodies were much in Mark 6; 1. We are now t ing he fort at Slocum Seschool-se, in the neighborhood of Path- Byers. and we desire the prayers God's people for the success of this meeting. and . the rescuing of per-ishing souls from the power of sin a nd Satan. The Lord willing. on the ead inst. we will move over to Rush-ville, Ill., and labor in those parts for some time. Dear ones, pray for the EAR SAINTS OF ' 111F, I a. after 23d inst., Rushville, in care of IL VC. Cole. Your humble brother and sisters, A, & A. J. Dillon, Frankie E. Miller. we know not. The will of God be done. Tray much for us. Your brother in the precious love o Jesus. Amen. LANiBER- ryn. LE, N. J. Nov. ' 1892. I DEAR TRUMPET READERS: God bless you all for his dear name's sake. We are glad to again report to you victory on the Lord's side. Truly. God is wonderfully moving in these last days. Lambertville, N. J. is on the bank of the Delaware river, thirty miles north of Philadelphia. and about sixty miles west of New York city. I think the light was never preached in this city before. A brother just across the river in New Hope, Pa. once heard some one preach in Kan-the burden, arid your reward is wait- i D WING GOD Since our last report we are happy to say that three souls obeyed the Lord in baptism. They came out of the watery. grave praising GOId. It was grand and glorious. We have every reason to believe that the occasion witnessed did leave an impression on the minds of the people that will not Thos. Carter &- J. F. Lundy. bineg f- o prguoshtteedn fsoorown. a rTdh esi nbcatet lteh eis bbuer- i al. DEAR SSAANIN DTISE OGEO , T CHAEL . M, NOSoTv . H iIoG. H d iIo bno uatn tdw seonmtye s fteopr pseadn cotuitf ifcoart Gioond. Are-- rod ve€ esire of meeting in this city in the name of pFaou dr dne aar non rees chea vie d c otnhs edcrated fot1 GOD, GREETING: We are holding! flouncing all . sectism, secrecy and their hearts. Oh hallelujah to our ! sin, and squared themselves up to the God for such clearconversions! They came through shouting the high praises of our God! One. dear broth-er was led of the Lord- to have hands laid on for the healing of his body. We obeyed James 5; the dear Lord was present in healing' power for which we give God all the glory. And these - signs shall follow them that believe. Hallelujah! The Sir-it is doing its office work on the hearts of the people. There are deep convictions on the people, some al-most persuaded. Oh that they Nvould get their wills to consent to their con-victions, they would get the desire of their hearts. We have good attend-ance, and very good attention to the word. The day meetings are grand for which we praise God: We will remain in this valley as long as we can be used to the glory of God. Pray for us. Yours in the holy war, T. Rosenberry & Co. GRAND JUNCTION, MICH., Nov. to, 1892. I desire to express my thanks to - the dear beloved saints, and much gratitude and praise to our dear Path-er in heaven for supplying our needs. I am spirit, soul, and body, all the Lord's, and feel my obligation to giveall honor and service to him. I sect Babylon, and have accepted the am again ready for the harvest field. pure word of God; the work is rapid- Leaving my family on the camp _ ground comfortably* situated, I go where He leads. My permanent ad-dress will be Grand Junction, Mich. . • Ever the Lord's, I am your brother, G. R. Achor. GETUP, ALA.; Nov. IO, 1892. To ALL THE DEAR SAINTS; Our tes-timony to day is that we are saved by the precious blood of Jesus, with corn-plete victory in our souls over the world, the flesh and the beast, for which we give God all the glory and praise. Amen. Since our last report we have been busily engaged in the work of the Lord mostly in new fields, and al-though we have met much opposition yet tile dear Lord has wonderfully overthrown the errors of the wicked, and confounded the wisdom of men. 0! hallelujah to the Lamb! Many pre-cious souls have been delivered from ty spreading in this part, many calls are coming from various quarters. Truly the harvest is great, though the ° laborers are few. Not only in North-ern Ala.,. but front the central part of the State, as well as from Ga. and Miss. many are earnestly pleading, - Corhe over and help us." God could use many consecrated willing workers, in the South. Who will say, Here am I, send me? Isa. 6: 8. Many people hearing of " the saints" suppose they are celestial beings, and come fifteen and twenty miles, only to be disappointed in finding that they are human beings. The thinking class are free to acknowledge that they never heard the gospel preached be-fore, and no doubt this is true, for blind Babylon preachers spend most all their tu. ne earnestly pleading for sin. Though best advertised. Let us plan a more vigorous campaign for God in the future. Let the cities be invaded , yea, let God's hosts go therein and remain for months, and when the weather permits let " wisdom cry, aloud on the streets. in the chief places of the con-course." Amen. And there let the church of the living God be establish-ed, who shall hold their meetings ev. ery night, as they do in Los Angeles and in this place. And from the cities the word of the Lord can sound out to neighboring villages and coun-t, ry points. God is wonderfully bless-ing these vigorous labors here on the coast, and would. doubtless do so ev-erywhere. Babylon holiness missions, alliances, associations, and holiness sects are coming to naught before the the light of the present truth. Near-ly a half dozen of these modern professed holiness crafts are about sinking in Los Angeles, and some in this place since the body of Christ is held up as the only thing that is of God and that is fit for God's people to live in. The Lord is at work here clearing up the church in experience and in the doctrine of God, and drawing the line between truth and error, and be-tween the precious and vile. Quite a number have already been sanctified wholly, and the prospects are good for a good true host for God here. We expect to continoe here vet some weeks, after which we purpose to call again with the church in Los Th h theysee God's word plainly Angeles, and then go on north , r will go irti (- a • t h. spoils or hearken unto you in this in is his part is that goeth down 10 hattic. so shall Ilk part that rieth ly the stuff: the) sled! part '• / Sam. .7; o: ea. I f any one has to A With the tuff and hide it aaav Achan did or Annanias and Sapphi S stuff, n means to push it forvticl SOUIS. Have you a part have? Are you a worker togethere with them? If so, lift your part of - STENGER, PA., Nov. - • In Babylon we ustal to say if som one lost a calf, hog, horse, etc. that VaS the preacher's; that they tended to give it to the preacher. 1 Then the preacher had to go without. Now it belongs to God, and he holds! forthe firstfruits. Before I left home I \ vas in the! Trumpet office, aml. taey Nvere post ing the books, and Bro. Byrum told - me their cash expense was $ 7298.0o per nionth for office expenaes and keeping the workers in food and clothing, besides what they paid on bills, which : amounts to several dred dollars a month. Also there was a bill for material that was to be paid of a few hundred. I would ask, Are you withholding that which is meet? God help. They are sending out so many free papers and tracts in the name of the Lord, and he wants His own to send it forth. Can we say we do all we do to the glory of God? or that we are doing all to glo- -- rify him that we can? Sometimes we see some who claim to be all sold • out for God, who lavish upon them-selves and children things unnecessa-ry and hue nothing to give to the cause of God, - The man or woman ' whet is sanctified wholly owns no more of his farm, etc. than I do my prac-stice of medicine, which I consecrated to God, and gave my time, talent, means, increase and all to God; so the man's farm belongs to God, and he has no right to spend the increase without first counseling with God , the owner. They say it is all the Lord's. If so, why not let him have control of it and use: the means to carry on his work. eThis is to stir up your pure miadsby way of remembrance. Yours for the pure gospel, G. R. Achor. rv- wort--. rwv- miserwar- Nrano.- v-- ev- naiaa--- a- TM PROM TEE FIELD, EDGpv00D, MICH., NOV. 6, 1892 l DEAR SAINTS, GREETING: May the ove of God abide in you all forever-more. Amen. This evening finds me sweetly saved, trusting Jesus for all things. I wish to say through the TRumpET that wife and I are ready .; for the winter's compaign. We should - lilce to travel in company with some one older in the ministry, or some • one that can assume part of the labor. AnY one needing our help, or - wishing to go in the rescue of the lost can _ correstiond with us at - Edgewood, G- ratiot Cc 1V1* h, I am ready to go iis this afternoon: Jesus is our only : refuge and strength, a present help ! in every time of need. - Free from Babylon and all its allurements, built ! in the church of the firstborn. saved I with an everlasting salvation through the blood of the Lamb. your brother and sister, E. & C. A. Barkam. GUERNSEY Co., 0. DEAR BRETHREN: I wish to testify that I am saved just now from all sin. Praise our God for salvation that makes us free. " Now, if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. - How glad we should be. Being then made free from sin we became the servants of by a second work of grace, B. G. Morse. BOISE CITY, IDAHO. This evening finds us well and we are praising God for a complete sal-vation. This is a good field for la-bor. If the Lord leads any of his— people here to spread the gospel they can find a home with us. We have no bands or yokes on us; we are free in Christ leaus.- Praise his holy name! We would be- very glad to have some one come and spread the evening light if it is the Lord's will. James Worbois. NISHNABOTNA, MO. DEAR BELOVED SAINTS: May. the Lord bless you and keep you saved. About two years ago I was wretched. undone, and little did I think of ever being one of the despised saints. I got into trouble and ran away from home, and staid away until the Lord convicted me. I went home, and when I got home they werehaving a good tabernacle meeting. I began to go to meeting, and kept on going till I got saved. I afterward got the full-ness of God, and got that kingdom that could not be shaken. I was jus-tified by faith, and sanctified by faith, and am healed by faith. I am glad that it is a faith route to glory. Glo-ry to God for the victory that over-cometh the world! .1 am glad that I have a willingness in my heart to suf-fer for Christ's sake. So many peo-ple would like to enjoy this great sal-vation if they could have their way about it; but the Lord's way is not ours. May the Lord bless all of the saints and keep you faithful. Your brother, saved and sanctified, John M. Harrington. ITVARIES. di kr. gard guve to the: nael d th is gosp c. 1 t wir whole tinle and -• pie who talked nothing, scarcel_ y, but : sas, became a subscriber for theo righteousness. politics, after hearing the gospel, say; Trumpet, and so heard of our coming Your brother, saved and sanctified but little about politics; even on elec- ! east and wrote to us; and the Lord 1day we were told that more was opening the way, we came to his said about the gospel and the saints ! Place, and as we could not get a place than the President's office r s. We are 1 to preach in New Hope, we came now on top of a large- mountain, hold- I here. Have been here three weeks. ing forth the truth in the nam f th ! The attendance was not as ood as i Lord, who gives us victory complete I would have been had it not been for and continues to keep us in perfect i the political campaign which kept peace; glory to his name forever! A- i many away by their speeches, rallies, men. All saints pray for us and the ! club gatherings; but a few did come work here in the South.' out and the best of attention was giv- Yours and Christ's, wholly - I en. As the word of God was preach-ted to God and his service, I ed by the power of the Holy Ghost I many said amen to the truth. There were some consecrations, some for par- DIED, at Nessen City, Mich., a little ( laughter of Mr. ' and Mrs A. Fauble of that place. This little one depart-ed this life Oct. 23, 1892; aged 3 months and one day. Funeral servi-ces held by the writer. 0. Dyer. HUMBOLDT, KAN. Sister Nora Henderson, a sister to the deceased Bro. J. B. Slagle, departed this life to be with Jesus, Noy. 5,1892: aged 22 yrs., 9 mo., 5 days. She had been saved a few years ago, and lost her experience, but had been trying all summer to get back to God, but did not reach the point until Oct. 28. She gave herself fully into God's hands and was gloriously saved. She leaves a husband, one child, father, mother, and four sisters to mourn her lass. Sallie Rogers. Jane Newcombe. of Ganges, died Nov. 2, 1892, was buried Nov. 4th. Two of her children are living, her husband is dead. During her sick-ness she was praising God for the blessings of God upon her. Ida May Fahrmanalaughter of Wil-son Fuhrman, died Nov. it, was buried Nov. 13. Services were held at Barber school house at ii A. M. The little one's death was very sud-den. It is supposed she choked to death. May God bless her parents and enable them to meet their little one in glory. Birdie E. Fink. F. D. Carlton. 1.11. E.; FLOATING MUM,. KITTANNING, PA., Nov. 8. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: To day we are still saved and in the blessed work, and the Lord's hand is upon us for good, and he makes whatever we do to prosper. Precious souls have been saved nearry every place we have held meeting. We have received $ 70.85 on the Foating Bethel. There has been enough pledged to pay for it. We have left our home for the trip, and will have to work in meetings about until the rest is sent in. I do not be-lieve the Lord wants us to go in debt on- it, and it does not make any diff-erence how soon the money comes in. We can move on the boat and com-mence meetings, as the boat is land-ed near the center of the city of Wheeling, W. Va. Still our faith is unwavering. Your humble, trusting, consecrated brother, G. T. Clayton. THE TR/ 5E 0) 111D OF GOD, that loveth not his brother.-- I jno. 3: ro. For some time I have been led by the Spirit to write on this subject.' There are many who claim to be the children of God, but if we judge them by the fruit they bear, we find that they are not what they claim for themselves. Let us see what is nec-essary to constitute a real child of God: first, it is faith in Christ as our personal Savior. " But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name; which were born of God."-- Jno. 4: 12. You will notice that to as many as received Christ in their hearts he gave this power. Then it is faith in the power of Christ which is the cause of our being born of God, regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit, and so become the sons, the true children of God. Through faith we receive Christ as our teacher, intercessor, Savior, and king. The evidence of being a true child of God, is a full surrender to the will of God, believ-ing his word. A true child has the witness of the Spirit; " The Spirit it-self beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God." Also love is a fruit of the Spirit, for we know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren." To be a true child of God is to rest the soul on Christ as the rock of our salvation; it is to be born of the Spirit; it is to follow Christ as my _ leader; to serve him as my Mas-ter; to learn of him as teacher, to witness for him as my Savior: to pat-tern after him'as my example; to a-bide in loving, union, with him as the branch in the vine, and so become holy as he is holy, and perform every duty which I owe to God and my fel-low servants. NOTE. We feel that some one has felt moved by the Spirit of the Lord to furnish the means to purchase this vessel for the rescue of perishing souls. Now, God is going to hold some one responsible for the work which can be done among that class of people that cannot well be reached in any other way. Remember that God does not place all the responsi-bility upon the preachers; but he holds each one of his children to do something. Are you doing all Go_ d wants you to do? The gospel must be more speedily spread. Oh, who will flee to the res-cue of perishing souls? If you can-not preach, help to send some one who can. God is sending his messengers forth to proclaim the everlasting gospel in its purity. Bra's Warner, Byers and Co. are now on the Pacific coast. Another _ company of workers are pushing the work along the Atlantic HEALTH DEPARTMENTi Bro. Moses H. Thompson of East Jordan. Mich., writes us as follows. " I bless God for your health article of Sept. 22, and I pray God to bless it to ev-ery candid thoughtful reader. I thank God he has given you courage and wis-dom to handle this delicate subject. For some two years past the Lord has nearly removed my meat appetite, and I thank him for it. It was without my seeking. The Jews we are told, " lusted after evil things." " He gave them their request but sent leanness into their souls." Dan- , ie and his friend chose pulse,— that is seeds, or cereal grains— and water, and they were fatter and fairer than all the king's servants who ate of the king's flesh and dainties, and drank wine. Your brother in Christ, perfected forev-er. In conversation with a lady recent-ly on the train, she remarked that she had to work quite hard where she had been in Denver, and she found it necessary to take some stiM-ulants to keep up. By which we un-derstood that she had used some liq-uor, brandy or something of that kind. She also complained of being very nervous, and her appearance showed the effect of her manner of life. I told her that if she would have re-sorted to oatmeal, cracked wheat etc., instead of her stimulants it would have given her the necessary strength, without undermining her constitution, as her stimulants did. But she replied with a manifest re-pugnance, that she did not eat such things. That she did not even care about and seldom ate any bread, nor yet did she relish fruit, but that she always wanted her beef steak, and that she was fond of eggs, and po-tatoes. When we undertook to tell her that she should eat those nour-ishing cereals for the strength they gave, and control her appetite by en-lightened reason, she replied with words that would clearly indicate that the human being had no reason, or if he had should not use it in mat-ters of food, but follow his passions and appetites, however much they may be perverted and debased, and however profligate they may be in means and physical and mental vital-ity; or even destructive to the soul. The above case illustrates the physical fact that persons who sub-sist largely on flesh diet, take much more naturally to coffee, tea and strong drink than to the less exciting, but more nourishing cereals. While, upon the other hand, it has been thoroughly tested, and proved a fact by different parties that a select veg-etable diet will cure the appetite for all strong drinks, and reform even extremes cases of drunkenness. One scientist and physician made the test on twenty- seven cases, among which were old sea- faring drunkards, and a complete loss of all strong drink was removed in evew case. One or two, after some time returned to flesh eating, and the old liquor lust re-turned, but was removed a second time by recourse to the proscribed diet. This testimony is found in Dr. Nichols' book, " The Diet Cure." Then let reason take the throne, an-alyze the human structure, and pro-scribe his food according to physiolog-ical needs, and health, and strength, and prosperity must ensue, as sure as the natural laws of God are inex-orable. Wrong habits in our diet of long standing should however be changed in a gradual way, and im-proved as fast as existing circumstan-ces will admit. In these things many of us are largely dependent upon a change in the habits of those at whose tables we take our meals. Hence it is not wise to make any rash vows, but do the best you can within your reach. While we bind no person's conscience to an exclusive vegetable diet, we do not even bind our own. But seldom use it, or at least but very small quantities, when articles of food from the vegetable kingdom are before us which contain the re-quisite elements of nutrition. And this remaining use of flesh foods, we are persuaded would about entirely cease if we ate our meals the' year round at a table for which we had the responsibility of providing. In some places where butter is bad, or very dear, a little use of beef, spec-ially to furnish gravy, is doubtless a matter of economy. But usually it is a superfluous expense. Healed Of Rheuriatiam. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We believe it would be to the glory of God to write a few facts concerning the saints at Wichita, Kan. There are about two dozen sanctified ones at this place, and we do have complete vic-tory over the enemy. Since the tab-ernacle meetings are all over the saints hold meeting in a hall three times a week, and also cottage meet-ings are held during the week. Oh, we do praise God for the glorious feast we had Sunday and Sunday night; the power of our Almighty God was wonderfully manifested. Our dear Sister Eva Thomas had been troubled with rheumatism for some four weeks or more, and suffer-ed, so intensely that she could hardly walk or kneel in prayer. Sunday af-ternoon while a brother and sister were at her home she was in such great agony that they laid on hands and called_ on our Great Physician for her relief. She received immedi-ate relief in her limbs, but the pains in her head increased very much. By the help of God she attended our lit-tle night meeting, but was unable to stay until it was closed. After she had reached home her little girl re-turned to the hall and reported that her mother was very sick. We then dismissed the meeting in the name of the Lord and went to the sister's house. In the meantime, a neighbor being alarmed at the condition of our dear one sent for an earthly phy-sician: but the saints on hearing this prayed earnestly to God not to let him come. Truly, we found our dear sister in great distress and pain, and in an unconscious condition; her hands were closed so tight that it was impossible to have opened them with-out hurting her; the side of her face was all drawn up and become very hard. It seemed as if the devil was doing his work pretty fast and was going to destroy her if he possibly could. We kiridly asked all the unbeliev-ers and those who had not faith for healing into another room. And. through faith- and prayer we rebuked the devil in the name of Jesus; and laid on hands for healing. She immediately got better and raised up in bed, but was still somewhat uncon-scious. We saw very plainly that we N this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: Whosoever doeth not right-eousness is not of God, neither he coast. And between these great bod-ies of water in all parts of the U. S. God is sending forth his holy messen-gers, who have left all to do his bid-ding. Bro. Michels has been pro-claiming the gospel truth in Chicago for several weeks. Pram the- Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Northern peninsula to the " sunny south," all along the line the blessed news of full salvation come streaming in from every direction. But, oh, could you only hear the ear-nest, pleading calls for the gosPel. Why, rig- ht in the midst of a Christian people in what is called a gospel land, people are spiritually starving to death, surrounded by Babylon preach-ers who feed not the flock, but rather seek to fleece them and let them go. Oh, what spiritual darkness covers the land! Truly, it is the time of famine throughout the land: " Not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for wa-ter, but of hearing the words of the Lord."-- Amos 8: re Dearly beloved rneEsengers of God, you who have ' been entrusted with gospel messages to carry to the peo-ple, be true to God; be true to your calling, and present the truth in all its purity without compromise. Sisters Fink and Shaffner expect soon to take a missionary tour through Canada. BrooAchor is now about ready to start across the ocean as a missionary to foreign lands, and will go as soon as the way opens and God provides the means. The Trumpet finds its way into In-dia, Africa, China, the Holy Land, and other foreign fields, where we trust the seed will fall upon good ground and bear forth much fruit. Dear bfethren, let us be up and do-ing, and aid in every way possible to Save soulsefrom the eternal burning. had not met all the conditions. We proceeded then according to James 5: 14, and the healing was completed. She was made every whit whole and arose from her bed praising God. The high praises of God wel- e continued for some time, and it truly was a glo-rious feast to our souls. Hallelujdh to the Lamb! After the saints had nearly all adjourned the doctor came, and our dear sister had the privilege of telling him that the Lord had healed her a