The Gospel Trumpet - 12:34

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 - to Amned, Wheh saatsidee annt. thou? And I answer. - Them said he ' Inatome, every one that stesleth shalt be cat or on this evsiedrey aocncoor tdhe'an gt stwo eUa; r entj...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1892
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 12:34
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 - to Amned, Wheh saatsidee annt. thou? And I answer. - Them said he ' Inatome, every one that stesleth shalt be cat or on this evsiedrey aocncoor tdhe'an gt stwo eUa; r entjhui shalt be ells erten, tita side according to It. I will briuzlt forth,_ saltis. the. tozdorhosta _ frec/ 4 The Lora' God shall RION' the 2121411-' i and po with N hirlwinds Flee out of the midst of Babylon and deliver every man his soul; be not cut off in her iniquity; for thi is the time of the Lord's vengeance he will rendersunto her a recompense. And the land shall tremble and . sor-row, for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desola-tion without an inbabitant.— Jer. 1: 7 But every thing the Lord says do, We'll do with all our might, That all the world may fully know We're walking in the light. Selected. FROM GRACE TO GRACE. : zek. 1: 19. But how will w- e know " Howbeit when he the Spirit of truth s pink itself beareth witness with our This grace is subsequent to regen- s ) irit, that we are the children of eration, because none but the regen- t rod, and if children then heirs with erated can receive him, for only_ they s rod and joint heirs with - Christ"— know him, for he ' dwelleth with them. .0m. 8: 16, 17. • So the Spirit of God By whoni also we have access by faith t ! stifles that we are his children by a into this grace wherein we stand n meet fellowship that our spirit is like and rejoice in the hope of the glory is, or made after God in righteous- of God."— Rom. 5. In the first t ess. Therefore God confesses that there is no standing place but a going 61 WHEREFORE being justified ' ff. ( X" by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." — Rom. 5: I. Many different terms are used in the scriptures to express the same experience; ' such as, justi-fied, regenerated, converted, born a-gain, etc., all signifying the same thing. God only justifies the peni-tent soul, by the washing of regener-ation, Tit. 3: 5, which is the removing of all guilt, placing us in a new stand-ing with God, where all is peace. Therefore whom God justifies are new_ creatures in Christ.- 2 Cor. 5: 17. Being born in sin, as David tells us, therefore to get out of sin, we must be born again. _ Hence Jesus says, " Marvel not that I said unto . thee, Ye must be born again."— Jno. 3: 7. None but the new creature can wor- 5hip God, for we are commanded to worship God in the beauty of holiness. — Psa. 96: 9. That which is born of le flesh is flesh, and that which is 3orn of the Spirit is Spirit. Hence 2hrist says, " God is a spirit, and they hat worship him must worship him n spirit and in truth." Again, our : hildren are ours only by virtue of Arth, or being born into our family. io likewise God's children are his by- Tirthe of the new birth. Therefore to be in Christ is to be a iew creature. Therefore to prove to he world that we are Christians, iothing will answer but a new creat-ire.— Gal. 6: 15. " For in Christ Je- Ls neither circumcision a. vaileth any-hing nor uncircumcision, but a new reature." Our fallen and degener- . te spirit cannot worship God, hence session of it. Jesus says in jno. 14 : 16 egeneration must be brought about iy the quickening power of God, to give You another. Comforter." Also , t us to worship him. Therefore in verse 17, " Even the Spirit of truth; aul says, " And that ye put ' on the whom the world cannot receive; be- 1 ew man, which after God is created cause it seeth him not neither know- t a righteousness and true holiness." eth him : hut ye know him: for he - – Eph. 4: 23. So the first saving dwelleth with with you, and shall be r race bestowed upon us is to make in you." He is not given to the world, t ur spirit anew. " And I will. give but to the child of God. He is only t aem one heart, and I will put a new a dweller " with" the child in the first t pint withinyou; and I will take the grace, but " in" the child of God in the r tony heart out of their flesh, and second. Shall be in You an abiding h rill give them a heart of flesh."— witness and comforter, also a guide. iat we are real children of God? is come, he will - guide you into all od has promised us a witness. " The truth."—. 1 110. 16: 13. Dead in trespasses and sin, • Once the spirit found me, Showed me awful guilt within, Danger all around me. - Cho :- I am thine, wholly thine: Prone to wander never. Sanctified by power divine, All the Lord's forever. " I will sin no more," I cried, Called on Christ to save me, Then I knew the blood applied; Freely he forgave me. Now another grace I crave, Sanctify me wholly, From the carnal nature save, Make entirely holy. Every living power to Thee, Freely I am giving, Spotless blood- bought purity From Thee I'm receiving. As I yield my will, dear Lord, Just let go and trust Thee, Resting on the living word, Mine the Blessing must be. Oh how Jesus fills my soul, Saves from sin and sinning! I am every whit made whole, Glory is beginning. All the liord'e Forever. again; and was lost and is found.' So likewise the new born babe cries My father. Rom. 8: 15. " But y have received the Spirit of adoptio n where by we cry, Abba, Father.' How precious the tie that binds to gether both father and son. As A braham and Isaac were going out to sacrifice, Isaac says, My father, and Abraham says, Here am I, my son. So doth the babe in Christ cry, My Father, and God in quick response makes known his presence and will-ingness to satisfy every want, while He leads on. to the gieat sacrifice of ail things for Christ, which brings us to the second work of grace. " I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that ye pre-sent your bodies a living sacrifice, ho-ly, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service— Rom. 12: I. Paul calls it crucifixion.- Gal. 5: 24. .!. I. And they that are Christ's have cru-cified the flesh with the affections and lusts." - See Gal. 2: 20 and 6: 14. Here Paul gives his own experience. We will quote the first text for the benefit of the reader. " I am crucifi-ed with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith Of the- Son of God, who loved me and gave self for me." Arthough Paul under-went . the torture of crucifixion yet it brought a glorious experience, which was Christ living in him, tak-ing the place of the old crucified life. " Which is Christ in you the hope ‘ of glory."— Col. : 27. The difference between the first and sec-ond works of grace is this: First, be-ing made a child of God, and being witnessed by the Spirit which dwell-eth with you, and in this you receive a new nature, therefore having two natures. " For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: but I see another law in my members, war-ring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members."— Law of sin, which we inherit from our forefathers. In the second grace the old nature is crucified, and cast out, eavipg only the one nature which is divine. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promi-ses, that by these ye might be partak-ers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."- 2 Pet. : 4. This grace also is witnessed as a proof of the fact that we are in pos- —" I will pray the Father and he shall ever, " rejoicing in the hope of th glory of God," " which hope we hay as an anchor of the soul, both sur and steadfast, and which entereth in to that within the vail; whither th forerunner is for us entered, even Je sus."— Heb. 6: 1 9, .20. " Then said he, Lo I come to do thy will, 0 God he taketh away the first ttiat he may establish the second; by the which will we are sanctified through the of-fering of the - body of Jesus Christ once for all." To be sanctified is to be like Christ. Jno. 4: 17.—" Here-in is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is so are we in this world." Also, " For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren." God bless the dear people and give them ears to hear and hearts to un-derstand the will of God concerning them that they may walk in the light while they have the light, is the prayer of your servant, in the faith of jes- us, and your companion in tribula-tion and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ. Amen. Wm. N. Smith. VANITIEs. this is campaign year, let us all kee the grace of God in our hearts t e teach us, and his love to control us e and an obedience that will keep ou e souls flourishing in the pastures o - God's promises. I learned a lesson at the last S. o - parade I attended. It was a gran reunion of that order, and the tow was in throng and excitement, as the " Sons of the Old Soldiers" seemed to summon all available abilities to make a success of their conceived mimic. An old gentleman standing by remarked, " When Lee and Johnston surrendered, I surrendered too, and I do not wish to recall the- awful scenes of those bloody battle- fields, by trying to mock such a solemn reality." The scripture where David said, " Keep mine eyes from beholding vanity," flashed the gospel light to me, and I saw the foolishness, and vanity of the whole proceedings, and realized as never before that the spirit of- God was grieved by those who professed his name, being mixed up with all this worldliness of vanity. Some of the saints who profess to be out in ' the clear light have been in the habit of going to picnics, fourth of July cele-brations, etc. No w we do not speak of these things to make any one feel bad, or to discourage any one in any way, but a real God love for your spiritual progression, and an eternal interest in the welfare of your souls prompts us to say upon the authority, of the word, if you want a continual commu n ionour Mwaker, doin'tth y go where you can't feel the abiding Comforter abiding in you all the time. And some who call themselves by the sacred Christian name, prefix the " Sabbath school," to this devil's play-ground arrangement and they, with all their children, go spend a day in reveling, fashionable pastimes, etc., that not only grieves the goodness of God, but stops all spiritual life from all the children of God the devil can per-suade to attend them. To " let our light shine" we must prove by our works that we do not desire to resort to worldliness for pleasure, but the love of our God is sweeter than all the love the world can afford. One thing we have observed, and let all of God's watchmen sound a note of warning on this line for the special benefit of those that seem so weak in the faith as to try to justify ' them-selves in this worldly indulgence,— that those who go to these places through the summer have to go to the C. M., orgrove meeting in the fall feel-ing very lean in their souls, and about the first or second meetinglhey begin to confess they feel bad because they had neglected duty or gone some place that- the Lord never sent them. That is all right, God bless every lion-est soul that has a willingness to con-fess their faults and get out clear and free. But let us, abstain from all ap-pearance of evil, and escape the chas-tening rod. Let none expect to es-cape who are guilty.- God forbid that any of the dear ones should be led off by the spirit of the world in the fall election, or be found in political circles hurrahing for some man. Such conduct is not prompted by the charity that behav-eth not herself unseemly. We must live soberly, righteously and godly in ' this present world, be purged from dead works and prepared for every good word and work; sanctified and fit for the Master's use all the time. If you are sure God wants you to vote and you know why you are voting, 1 you can do it all quietly and quickly, P a great sound of a Trumpet. and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heav-en 10 the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; w. hen his branch is yet tender, end putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So ye in like manner when ye shall see all these things know that it is near, even at the eoor.”-- Mark 13: 51- 33, - Grand Junclion, Mick Thursday, "' lug. R 5, 1892, ' Mum 12. No, 34 ' And He shall send angele w'l h t and leave the whole matter with the count without any ceremony or ar-gument. I am praising God for the grace of God that bringeth salvation, that removes all carnal appetites and therefore no carnal food is required God bless all the dear saints, and keep them low and humble, holy in P thought and conversation, living so- TESTIMONIES. ENERGY, MISS. DEAR READERS OF THE TRUMPET; This evening finds me saved and sanctified wholly, and kept by the mighty power of God. Two of my children are saved. Glory to his name forever! Pray earnestly for us that the Lord may help us to fight a-gainst the power of sin. Your saved colored sister, Georgiana Turner. TRUFANT, MICH. DEAR SAINTS: This morning finds me saved and trusting in God for all things. Jesus is my friend in sickness and in health. Praise his name for-ever! I love to read the testinionies of God's children. It fills_ my soul with joy to hear how God is adding to the church daily such as are being saved. Pray for me and for my un-saved husband and children. Your sister in Christ, Mary Blake. PHCENIX, ARIZ. DEAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD: I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony again to the GOSPEL TRUM-PET. I am praising God to day for salvation full and free. I know that I am kept by the power of God con-tinually. 0 I do praise him for the straight and narrow way. Since I wrote before we have had a blessed meeting here in Phcenix. Bro. James Willis came here on his way to Cal. and held meeting nearly three weeks. The Lord was with us in every meet-ing, and there were several saved. There is a great work to do for the Master here, and we will be glad to welcome any teacher filled with the power of God, that is led to come a-mong us. May the dear Lord bless and keep all his little ones faithful unto the end. Your sister, saved and sanctified to do the whole will of God, Mary E. Smith. 2400, MAIN ST., LITTLE ROCK, ARK. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I write a few lines in testimony of my Christ-ian experience. In 1843 I was cbn-verted. I tried to live a Christian in the Methodist sect for many years, always feeling there was a higher life. As in my struggle for justification, so it was a long hard one for sanctifica-tion. Never heard a sermon on that subject till late years. I had to seek it alone. I read all the books on that line I could find. I sought it earnest-ly; I plead the promises on the sub-ject. Finally I was greatly blessed. The sweet, small voice saying I had an abundant entrance into rest. It was rest, sweet rest, different from anything I had ever witnessed. But felt there was more to follow. In less than three days, the thought and feeling came that the witness to this blessing was coming. I waited and, watched with fervent prayer, and final-ly was shouting and praising the Lord at the top of my voice. It seemed that everything was praising the Lord. I want all the Trumpet read-ers to pray for me that I may be strong in the Lord. I have never once doubted my sanctification. The different gifts and graces were added uch as chanty, which is the bond of erfectness. Praise the Lord! Mrs. M. H. Atkins. • berly, righteously and godly in this , present world. 3 Yours and Christ's, f A. B. Stanberry. leTnaneer- essas- V enew, naleev- quiney'llan/ TNIMPTIOI we are his, as in Luke 15: 2 4.—" For ion unto perfection; but the second is this my son was dead, and is alive a grace wherein we may stand for- 6 6 HE grace of God that bring-eth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world."— Tit. 2: II, 12. Jesus Christ is the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the woad, and promises if we follow him we shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. When the grace of God that bringeth salvation appears, it gives us the true light of life, and translates us into the kingdom of his dear Son. Then he says to us, " Ye are the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid." The word of God is the mediator between God the Son and those that accept him as their salvation, and the Spirit is the interpreter of the word. And if our gospel be hid, it is hid to the lost; to those whose eyes are blinded by worldly gods, and the glorious gospel light is not there to shine. 0, how surely the grace of God does teach us to let our light shine, by denying un-godliness of all kinds, and live sober, righteous, and godly in this present world! And how surely the gospel, ight is hid to so many that have a dame to live! In the name of the Lord let • us notice a few practical roofs of the darkness that covers the and, and gross darkness that covers he people. The word teaches us that we must lot love the world; neither the things hat are in the world. Some of the hings thatare in the world and of he world are picnics, and political allies, etc. Now the grace of God as given his children the light from he lamp of his word, which shines a trict denial of all this worldliness. Then let all the dear saints walk_ in he light, keep the fellowship of the pint, and abide continually under he cleansing wave, with no desire to eek pleasure from any form of worldliness. " For if any man love he" world, the love of the Father is ot in him.- For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of he eyes; and the pride of life, is not fthe" ther, bu t of the world." As A BAD CASE. Not long ago we published one Charles' Woodruff as a carnal and sectish preacher, who was seeking to pass for a saint preacher, and at the same time prating against the saints of God and circulating falsehoods concerning this way. He showed up so crooked that persons whohad been saints, and had been deceived by him lost confidence in him, and so he found refuge with. a Free Methodist preacher. But a brother who was in attendance at the Grand Junction camp, knowing his past record, called on him to be sure it was the same man he had known at Danville, Ill. They recognized each other; and hear what the brother writes concerning him: " I went to South I faxen and found the man Woodruff the same I had known in Ill., but found him living with a different woman. To be sure of the facts, when I came to Danville, III. I had a conversation with his old-est daughter, who lives in this city. His former wife lives about two miles in the country. There have never been any legal steps taken toward getting a divorce. One of his children is in the children's home near Frankfort, Ind. The woman he is living with at present has a living husband, and three children. So you see they are both doubly guilty. I was informed that the woman drew $ oo of her for-mer husband's money out of the bank just before leving with him. The fact that they are living in open vio-lation of the laws of the land and o the Lord can be easily proven. Yours for the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, W. A. Davidson." This brother gave us certain refer-ences at Danville, Ill. to whom we could write for information about the matter, of his abandoning his wife and eloping with another man's wife. Hav-ing written to sow of them we give you the following extract from a re-ply written by a holiness preacher. " Concerning Woodruff,' would say, I saw his wife. She said she had not applied- for a bill and did not intend to do so. She told me she had mar-ried him for life. She said they had no trouble, he went off without any cause. John W. Walker." 307 AMITY ST., DANVILLE, ILL. This Woodruff is the man who con-tinually cried, " Rotten," to cover his own corruption. Quite a number of poor souls had taken up with him, and all- had to get back to God and repent. So it often goes. Selfish, crafty an-gels of satanic light come around, andf rake in • all the money they can get; get men to follow them, who lose sal-vation and speak evil of God's minis-ters, reproach the cause of Christ; and then God's true meEsengers go on their own expense, hold meetings, labor and wrestle with God for them and by hard work get them back to God. God help every child of God • to know and never forget that all God's ministers are a unit, and who-ever comes to you with evil raillery against them are the devil's angels. Well this impostor and wife became alarmed, after some one had passed through the country who knew his past record, so one nig ht. he and wife left the Free Methodist preacher's house, professedly to zo, to meeting, but instead they took the steamboat and escaped to parts unknown, and thus dropped his cloak of malicious-ness after he had done all the work the devil could, in that community. Look out for them. THE GOSPEL TRIIMPETa elWat. 27,00,, eves A WEERLY EOLIESSI 30IISEAL. DrarxwITE, ItADIcAL, . A. Yrz- sEcrAniAri Sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus • hrist. Fôr the Publication of frill Salva-tion and Divine healing of the Body. ThIen u" nthiteyt ofoa ftith ahel l o stnariucneet sdC. e" hlirvisetrikadns . 4 11P • 11•• MBLISEED GSM nrstalor, vam D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. RIFRUM & S. MICHELS— Publishers TERMS, $ 1.00 A YEAR DI ADVANCE. FREE TO THE POOR. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. NOTICE. Ali business communications, moneys, Sm. must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUM-PET. to insure credit otherwise we will not be responsible. NOTICE A commission of 20 per cent will be even on eaci new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for thi GosPEL TEumPET. We make this offer so as to hell the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper Fa,- Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify no regularly of their whereabouts. NOTICE. - HOW TO SEND MONEY.— Remit by Post- Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Orcler, Register-ed Letter, or small amounts in stamps. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS.-- Subscribers wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address. MISSING PAPERS.— It occasionally happen. that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers are lost, or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive your paper when due, after waiting a suffic-ient length of time, write us a card, and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and. state Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same.' Address all letters to Gospel Trump- it, Grind Junction, Mich. The Ordinance of Feet asking. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a review of a tract written against this ordinance. A. lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ It contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 eta. $ 1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Watkinsville, Miss. or from this office. ! lust ViP o Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. 48 pages. Single copy 2 eta, Per dozen, 20 eta. Per hundred, $ 140. A tract on the True Church. 50 pages. 10 eta Atract on the Sabbath, or Which Day to Keep. 65 pages. 10 eta. 16. arriage and Divorce, a tract of 32 pages. 5 eta. The Age To Come, and Millennium Tradition Refuted by the inspired Word of God. 56 pages Single copy 10 eta. Questions and Answers on the Church. 32 pages 1 cent each. Per hundred $ 1.00. Why are yon not a Christian? 50 for 10 eta. Eho Ozdiaances Ofile Ncir Testament & KIM TRACT, BY Wm. G. Sonma• Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture in E clear lightslaowing which are abolished, and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are ., no of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still it vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 45 eta. MANCHESTER, IOWA GROVE MEETING. There will be a grove meeting at Manchester, Iowa, commencing Sept. I to continue as long. as the Lord leads. Address Bro. H. C. Sanders, Manchester, Iowa. Bro's A. B. Palmer, and H. W. Hechler are desired. •• NORTH RA GLE ASSEMBLY. The Lord willing there will be an assembly meeting at North Eagle, Clinton Co., Mich., commencing on Sept. 7th, holding over Sunday, the I 1th. Any one whom the Lord directs to come will find a welcome. The brethren and sisters in the ministry from Gratiot are expected. T. J. Cox. PLAINWELL MICH. TABERNA CLE MEETING The Lord willing the above meet-ing will be held Sep. 7- 14. RIDGEVILLE, OHIO, GROVE MEETING. Immediately following the Jerry City meeting Bro's Wickersham and Orr expect, the Lord willing, to hold a meeting near Ridgeville, Hemy Co., 0. Beginning Aug. 27, and contin-uing to Sep. 4, or longer if God wills. Address Bro. Spray. RIDGEVILLE, OHIO. Camp Meetings. CALL FOR MEETING. I There is a call for the gospel at iAurora Springs, Miller Co., Mo. I Address Mrs.- Ann Stewart GENERAL WESTERN CAMP MEETING. A general western camp meeting will be held at Robinson, Brown Co., Kan., from Sep. 2— ti. We will have a large tent to cook and eat in, a. nd all who camp will cook and eat together as one family. We are renting I- 2)( 4 DIVINE H EALING SOUL AND BODY. A NEW 13ooK, — BY E. E. BYRUIVI. This book is just fresh ' Lfrom the auth-or's pen, and a glance at the contents is enough to convince any one of its interest and value to those seeking a more thorough knowledge of the Divine Being, and his dealings with people at the pres-ent time, as well as in days past. The first part of the book very plainly marks out the way from sin unto full sal-vation, according to the teaching of the sacred word. It presents the gospel truth in such a way as to throw a glt. am of light into the pathway of the sinner, and enable him to see that there is hope - beyond, through the mercies of a blessed Redeemer. The BELIEVER is led to see the beauties of full salvation, and the joys in a life of Christian perfection. THE HEALING OF THE BODY constitutes the second part of the book. This consists of twenty- six chapters on doctrinal subjects, exposing and over-throwing false ideas and theories concern-ing the healing power in these last days, showing when, how, and under what cir-cumstances and conditions God heals the sick and afflicted at the present time. It gives a history and testimonies of healing from the time of Abraham, through the different ages, up to the present time. The third part of the book consists of the WITNESSES OF TO DAY. These are wonderful testimonies of per-sons who have been healed within the last few years by divine power; such as being instantly restored to sight after hav-ing been blind for years; the lame throw away their crutches; broken bones are instantly healed; invalids who have suf-fered for years immediately arise and walk, after the prayer of faith is offered, etc. The author is personally acquainted with nearly all the parties who have herein given their testimonies, and gives their names and addresses in the book, so that persons doubting the truthfulness of the same can write to the parties them-selves. It will be a precious volume to those who are afflicted in either soul or body. The chapters on faith, and also other subjects, will strengthen the faith of the reader, and aid in a closer walk with Him who is the " giver of every good and perfect gift." It contains 248 good- sized pages; good plain print, on heavy paper. Neatly bound in cloth, $ .75. Library ( half morocco), marble edge, $ 1.10. Send two cent stamp for special terms to agents. Address, GOSPEL TRUMPE1 PUBLISHING CO., GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for the chil-dren. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. • Address— THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich. The Oreat Tobacco Sin, J. L. Dennis, • WOODBURN, ORE. To THE SAINTS OF GOD: I ask you to set apart a daY for fasting and prayer for the healing of my husband's mind. He is in the asylum at Salem. Mrs. A. H. Armstrong. •—•••—• A lady vexed with an evil spirit re-quests the saints to pray for her de-liverance, and that she may be whol-ly saved. ANTIIIIMS FROM THE THROHR. Mrs. Mary Myers of Dellvale, Kan. DELLVALE, KAN., AUG. 1 7. FOITRTH EDITION, desires the prayers of God's little AbTouhits abllo onke wco. nWtahinesn 1 s4u8n sgo inng tsh. e9 S0 pwiriitth o mf Gusoicd. ones on Wednesday, the 31st of Aug. these songs - will be found glorious. They hymn the at 8 o'clock, for the healing of the precious present truth. tind the gospel standard of Rheumatism and her bodily afflic-salvation Tend in your orders for Anthems from the Throne tions. She says she has faith to be and start the songs of praise anew. healed. Manilla . . . 80 eta. PRICE I Cloth. . . . 50 i i Your brother in Christ, Per dozen. . .$ 1.00 & $ 4.80 Ira Kepford. GROVE MEETING, BsA0# 3$ 0,4011- 4, The Lord willing, there will grove meeting near the attove Sep Schell, Warren - Howard MEETING, LARUE, Orno. • The Lord willing, a meeting begin in the above place about Octo, beTr h2v. iirsi- Bro's Schell, Warren & Howard convocation AalitoeAmlPn rbeaciu. tif. u grove at the edge of the city, wIll be Aheld, Lord time iswei Jlclpine, cg teSz, pa3 the saints pray in mighty faith, and with much earnestness for all those meetings. BrB° r'oj. FGeo. LC. oe and c Lundy myself and w ol and whoever the Lord will, will there. For any particulars address A. Markwell, 709 Maple St., Wichita Kan. GROVE MEETING, outvrolivut, .- The saints of God expect a grove meeting to be held again near Clio-tonville, about one half mile northon the same ground upon which it held before, beginning Sept. 24, if the Lord wills. We invite the dear saints from everywhere to come to this meeting. Come all who love the Lord, Your brother, free in the Lord, and saved from all sin, Henry Latshaw, BIG BEND, PA. LOS . ANGELES, CA The Los Angeles camp meetingwill begin Oct. 13, and will continue ten days. Efforts will be made, for ex cursion rates from Chicago Mtn, City, for all who come from the east via. the Santa Fe route. Wall the saints upon the Pacific coasecomet this meeting. , Bring tents and bed. ding if possible. Provisions - will be supplied at cost for all who are able to pay, and he that hath no money come ye without money and- * thou price. All who come from the east will be supplied with board and bed at lowest possible cost. Wgiare. ex pecting great victory in the estee o the King of saints. The teat meet• ings now in progress wilt Wably continue until C. M. Let Awhoar interested in this mighty conflict, coni and help us. The saints are'all po in this world, but willing to gni what they have with those ' ho hai not. All who come by R. R, should notify us previously so they , will be met at trains. Let all who expect to cortie write us, stating what arrant ments they wish to be made fotthem while here. Address J. D. Hatch, or J. W. Pyers, 138 N. Los ANGELES ST., Los ANonEsSAL Isrv € v ■ vrwisopmwv ■ rworrylo NEWS nom no 4.4A TABERNACLE MEETING, NEW II & MP SHIRE OHIO. There will be a tabernacle meet-ing near the above place Sep. 10- 20. Held the Lord willing, by Bro's Otto Bolds, R. N. Gast and others. TABERNACLE MEE LING, SIDNEY 0. The Lord willing, there will be a tabernacle meeting six miles north of the above place, Sep. 22- 30. Bro's Bolds, Gast and others. Meeting near Markleville, Ind., October i- b. Bolds, Gast & Co. Meeting Decatur, Ind. beginning about October 12. Bolds, Gast & Co. GROVE MEETING, BROOK 0. The Lord willing, there will be a grove meeting near the above place in Dark Co., Sep. 10- 20. • Bro's Schell, Warren, & G. W Howard. Address S. J. Holsapple. BROCK, 0. It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. We make no charge for our work of making the tracts. Alway-state just how many you wish sent. COMLEY, 0. Please pray for the healing of my wife, who is afflicted with heart dis-ease. Your brother, Amon Allen, A. A. Kinzie, Edward O'Brien, J. E. Courtney, Ira Kepford, W. S. Page, Mrs. Hettie Prickitt, Mrs. W. M. Goodhart, J Chambers, Mr.!. S. Crane, R. N. Gast, E. L. Cleveland, J. H. Riggle, W. Lutz, Jas C. Chaney. LIST' OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIVED SINCE EAST ISSUE NOT OTHERWISE RECEIPTED. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. TRV MIME iNgs. 100 subjects with seripture, a concordance ma deli nitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church, its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming in of the evening light Il-lustrated. 376 pages, neatly bound ffi cloth. Single copy $ 1.00. Six or more 80 cents each. For this book Address H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind., or Gospel Trumpet, Grand junction, Mich, Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. P ice 75 cents each HOLINBSS BIBLE ZUBJECTZ. BY H. C. W. tents for $ 2.25 for sleeping depart-ments; any wishing to rent, let us know as soon as possible and we will order for you. All who can should have tents and if you can not, please bring all the bedding and other pro- visions you can, and those who can not pro-vide. for themselves will be provided for without cost. There will be no huckster stand or regular boarding place on the grounds, but meals will be provided. Address, Geo. Da. nsberger. ROBINSON, KAN. WEST LIBERTY, 0., CA. ME MEETING. The meeting at West Liberty, O., will be a camp instead of a grove fleeting. The time is changed to Sept. 1--- 9. Let this be a general gath-ering of the saints Let as many of the saints in neighboring congrega-tions as can make arrangements to camp upon the grounds so as to les-son the burden upon the brethren at that place. Those not able to camp upon the grounds will be provided for. As the C. M. will be held five inTies farther south than formerly it will be very inconvenient for us to meet any one at Bellefontaine. Those coming from east or west to Bellefon-taine change cars and come to West Liberty. Those coming on the N. Y. P. and 0. R. R. stop at Kennard and inquire for Jacob Detweiler, or stop at Urbana and change cars, and come to West Liberty, as all through trains do not stop at Kennard. Let every one that can come. To any one wishing to tent on the ground, we can furnish tents gxn ft. for $ 1.25 dur-ing the meeting and larger ones in proportion. Any one wishing to hire tents, please let us know and we will secure them for you and have them on the ground. State the size you want. Address Simon A. Yoder, or Solo-mon Kenagy. WEST LIBERTY, LOGAN CO., 0. DENVER, COLO., Aud. 15, 1892, DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS: The dear dear ones in perfect peace fur h Lord bless you All and keep all his name's sake. Closed meufig a West Denver ( Bro. Specker4110") last night, with a glorious reAishifig from the presence of the Lcne, 7 Had' a precious ordinance m teen took part and God ell° witnessed to his ordinance Peur. be pretty well established ii40 ing out his Spirit upon us.: Praist his holy name! The church s,, eins! h the exception of a few. Mait9d- ble-them and bring them intoltteng dom. Amen. • We start for Ot 01119 Wednesday, the Lord Ex. pect to stop at Granada, C a few days at least, and th00 to Oklahoma, Pray 1.0"- K,, ,, rnf feel the need of the united ples' God's people in this greit Your brother in Jesus' Wm. N.& S. J. S GASKILL, KAN>, An DEAR SAINTS OF THE GOD: Grace mercy and tiplied. We are praising con ttiianntuued full salvation. We comme eTdhou mnt pis on th professing sanctifica still living in the U.• B. yed, S011 for 4, FROM PRESBYTERIANISM TO CHRISTIANITY. FOR THE TRUMPET: Six months ago if one had told me that ere ' 92 had gone, I would exper-ience the above change, I should have pronounced him a fanatic and in the first degree at that. But " God works in a mysterious way-, his won-ders to perform." And if ever Christ worked a miracle while here, or through his power since the ascen sion, he has beyond doubt performed oxie on me. This I shall prove to all who may „ read this testimony. What 1 was, what I am snow and what I shall be must be briefly - men-tioned in order to understand my case.' I was beyond doubt, a strict and good Presbyterian, so some said, but others thought I could be a little better if I would visit the theatre. This is a place I never would visit, more espec-ially because my father and mother did not, than- a consciousnes § of its sinfulness. I have been a strong ad-vocate of Churchism ( as it is called), ever since I knew its meaning, or be-fare I found out what it does really mean, therefore was so much of a church member, that to turn from it and denounce it as. something- in the form of a cloak of righteousness, and in thousands and millions of instances a sure road to eternal hell, was by me never dreamed of previous to my coming in contact with one oi two of God's holy saints here. To show just how I stood on this subject, I only were Set free. Four others were jus— have to state that I am the son of a tified` r five were buried in baptisM. minister and. the brother of another 1111 € 1111111101611WidAMMI: 11010100111111iiihaiiilliiiatMagharosmattac. WORSTVILLE, OHIO, AUG. 20, 1892. To ALL THE SAINTS, GREETING; The meeting at Crothersville, Ind. closed - with, victory on the Lord's side. Af-ter the baptizing on the 3c1 of Aug. we continued the meeting in the name of Jesus. Souls were saved. On the night of the 6th twelve were at the altar for sanctification. Some received the real experience and the shouts ascended to God, to whom be all the glory forever. On Sunday, the 7th, nine more saints were buried with Christ in baptism. Truly we had ' a real feast in our souls. We a-gain assembled in the little school-house and the Lord was with us in his sanctifying power. This being the last night of the meeting we left some seeking sanctification May the Lord grant them the desire of their hearts. We left with many warm invitations to return. Truly our hearts are very much attached to this people and I would just say, Any brother filled with the Holy Ghost will find a hasty welcome and homes in abundance if you feel like stop-ping as yob Pass through. Our hearts pour out to God and also to the dear kind brethren and _ friends who ad-ministered to all our wants so freely. 0 may the dear Lord ever keep those dear ones faithful unto the end. Af-ter attending the Beaver Dam camp meeting, wife and myself came to this place and are now at thy Fath-er's. We expect to be at the Logan Co. camp meeting the Lord willing. We desire all of the saints to pray for us, that we may keep humble and understand the leadings of the Spirit at all times. Your sanctified brother and sister, Geo. W. & A. Howard: TESTIMONIES, THY TESTIMONIES , AHE WONDEREFUL. PSA. 119: 129. MARKLEVILLE, DEAR SAINTS: I do praise the Lord Jesus for saving my soul. I can say at least the one to which I belonged. , that I count myself dead indeed to I was a strong advocate of a grad- Sill and alive to God alone. Glory ual growing religion, and sanctifica- - to his name! I want the dear saints tion was entirely passed by; it would to pray for me. not suit me. I imagined that I • was " growing in grace," bilt sinc e my trans-formation it looks clear to me that if- was vice versa. The desire to sin taken away, was to me madness to the extreme. The healing of the body I looked on as a diabolical dogma. - I stood up for principles of youth, put there at a very tender age with a steadfastness, and not to be put down by every one who opposed me. Even after I began to see the light of the Bible dawning, I fought with fierce vehemence, and it is to me to day, an everlasting wonder why God did not pour out his wrath on me for stub-bornness and sinful rejection of " en-tire salvation." More and more the light broke forth, and like warriors on the battle- field in a dense fog, as the mist began to roll away they could see more plainly their condition and danger, and began to fight the more determined; so I could see my con-dition and danger, and fought the more to hold my grounds which were dear to me. Finally there came the sun- burst, then I could see that I was in great danger, not only of physical ruin, but spiritual destruction in this world and existence to follow: There I was. It was just like one living in one house for years; he loves the old habitation and he thinks nothing could induce him to leave it. The dear old home is old and crumbling, and after a severe storm the man no-tices a crack in the walls, and can see plainly that it is but a short time when it must fall to the ground, and in-stant death would come to all its oc-cupants. But to leave it would break his heart. So it was with me, and I should never have been able to leave and pluck out of my heart the gods and idols of sectisrn if I had not fall-en down - prostrate at God's feet. There I received the necessary strength. Praise God for such a won-derful light, and deliverance. God has sanctified me through and through, and now I can say I do not want to sin. I was a great cigar smoker; the desire is all gone, some-thing I considered impossible. Many a time have I thought I would gladly give five years of ri3 life to be rid of the tobacco sin, but could not. Christ did the work. Strange, yes, but true. Also previous to my sanctification I was a victim of heart disease; now I am cured wpolly. The Bible to me is a new bbok. I am proclaiming the truth to church members, and the Christian Endeav-or Society, and my testimonies are Bible religion. Some do not like it, but God is with me when I speak. I I shall continue to teach these people the true way to heaven, and that which God demands of them until next March, when I expect to go out in the name of God, and go wherever God shall send me. My object will be to'hold up Christ and purity to a dy-ing people. My present condition pre-vents me from going right - now. I was, next year, going to college for a preparation to preach, hut can not go now, for God has told me not to. He has given me the Holy Ghost, and now I am prepared to go forth and trust him for all things. A few days ago I spoke in the Y. P. S. C. E. to nearly two hundred of my young friends, and told them what some said about me, viz., that I am a rising young crank and fanatic; and I told them then, that it is better to be call-ed a crank and fanatic, and please God and go to heaven, than to be called a genteel gentleman and do the works of the devil and go to hell. God help me to declare the whole counsel of Almighty God. Yours in Christ, Philo Evans. SAN DIEGO, CAL., S. W. COR. 9TH, & ARCTIC STS. - has written his blessed word for has purchased me with his own pre-the good of those that love him. le- cious blood; has given me so many Sus is my Savior, my physician and precious promises in his word, and my present help in time of need. not to me only but to all who will From a brother and sister saved and walk in his ways and claim them. kept by power divine, The Lord has healed my diseases, Clark & Lue Atwood. shown me beautiful visions and has given sweet peace and comfort to my DALEVILLE, MISS. soul, even while those of my nearest DEAR SAINTS, GREETING; May God earthly friends were arrayed against bless and keep you. My testimony me. I praise the name of the Lord irig is that I am saved and Jesus is reign- for bringing me safely this far, and in my soul. Oh praise his name! for counting me worthy to endure I do know that he saves and keeps persecutions for his sake. I ask the me in that narrow way and the way Prayers of all who read this, that I grows brighter and brighter. I praise may ever walk in the light, and that him for his healing power which has God in his own good time may bring healed one of my little boys, where my friends and relations who are all medicines had failed. I am still unconverted, into the fold of Christ. trusting him and walking in all the Emma Engleman. light that he gives me. I request the saints to pray for me and my unsaved family. - Your sister saved in Jesus blood, G. A. Watson. The Lord has established a little minister, and only twenty- three years church there which we hope will of age myself. I believed in sects by stand firm. They are surrounded tradition from infancy up, and there-with darkness, such as Catholicism fore could not tolerate the least said May the Lord lead some of the breth- against what are called churches, or ren to go there in the near future; it is a good place for those traveling by rail. Stop off at Thompson, on C. R. I. & P. R. R. Enquire for Brother Hamm. We are here in the name of the Lord Jesus; held meeting yesterday in the Gaskill school house. Com-mence meeting in the tabernacle to night. Will continue until about 25th, the Lord willing, then go to Robin-son camp meeting and from there where ever the Lord leads. Pray for us. Yours in the body of Christ, R. M. & Lizzie Haynes & T. A. & Ella Phillips. Cora Buck. FT STEPHENS, MISS. DEAR SAINTS: I do praise the Lord for a full and free salvation. I know of a truth that I am saved and sanc-tified wholly. I have some fiery trials, but praise- the Lord, I always find him a present help in every time of neee. There are a few of God's chosen ones here at this place. I ask the prayers of the saints. Your sister in Christ, Emma W. Roberts. ARMADA, ARK, DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I am saved and sanctified by a second work of grace. I praise the Lord for saving a poor lost sinner like me. He saves me from sin, tobacco, coffee, and tea. Pray for me. Your saved sister, Lucinda Bray. FRISCO, ARK. DEAR SAINTS AND TRUMPET READ-ERS: I feel it would be to the glory of God to tell what he has done for me. He has taken my feet out of the mire and has placed them on the rock Christ Jesus, and this morning finds me saved and sanctified. Praise his. holy name! I ask an interest in the prayers of all of God's children. Your sister, H. M. Moody. SALISBURY, N. H. DEAR BRETHREN: I will add my tes-timony with yours, although unknown to most of you. Words can not ex-press the sweet peace - and comfort the Holy Spirit gives me. When I real-ize the God of heaven is ever mind-ful of his children, my heart swells with love and adoration. 0 children, of the living God, be watchful; put on the whole armor of God; work while there is light. Your sister in Christ, Susie F. Drew. ALBANY, NEB. DEAR SAINTS: I feel it is to the Lord's glory that I write my testi-mony once more. It has been about five months since I gave my heart to the Savior to work for him. I feel - that it is more blessed every day to live for my blessed Master, and I am determined to serve my Savior just as long as I live. I am seeking holi-ness and I want the saints to pray for me that I may be cleansed from all sin. Your sister in Christ, Ethel- L. Wilber. he isin tlhieght, d an I have fellow-s h i p w ith God's children. Your brother saved and sanctified wholly, 8. P. E.- Lane. FT. STEPHENS, MISS. DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS: I feel led to write my testimony as a wit-ness for Jesus. I am about fourteen years of age, and I feel the saving power of God. I realize and know of a truth that I am sweetly saved and sanctified to do the whole will of God. Glory to God! I am so thank-ful that the dear Lord ever showed me my true condition, for I was deep down in the gall of bitterness and the bond of iniquity; but praise his holy name, he thoroughly washed me from my iniquity and cleansed me from my sins. And he says, Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world; and now I am resting on this promise. I find that his yoke is easy and his burden light. Your brother saved to. the uttermost, C. B. Roberts. SANDBORN, IND. DEAR SAINTS: AS I Sit and read the Gospel Trumpet I feel it would be to the confirmation of my hope and faith in Christ Jesus to write my testimony. I feel that I am a child of God; per-secuted but not forsaken, cast down but not destroyed. Satan is as a roar-ing lion on the right and left seeking whom he may devour. But I know I walk in peace with God. As I write these lines I feel that I am his and he is mine. 0 how I wish I could be with the true children of God! I do rejoice when I read the precious tes-timonies in the Trumpet. I do praise God that he has given his children the Holy Spirit that will guide us into all truth. Pray for me that I may rise above the storms of this life. If it were not for that peace the Sav-ior gives I would fall beneath the waves of trouble. I believe there is a happier and holier life for me than I am living. Your humble sister in Christ, Maggie Peden. to the many others, Praise God for the Lord because he has pardoned salvation that redeems us from all my past sins, and has given me the sin and keeps us walking in the light Comforter, the Spirit of Christ to a-as he is in the light. 0 how I do bide and reign in my heart. He has thank God for his wonderful goodness taken out all selfishness and so filled to the children of men! His blessed my heart with his love as to enable Spirit did strive with us when we me to obey the commandment on were in sin and rebelling against the which hangs all the law and the pro-blessed Savicr. Bless his holy name! phets. I praise the Lord for a relig- It makes my heart rejoice when ion that prompts me to love God's I read the many promises that God believing children every where He Jerry City, 0. DEAR SAINTS: I believe it will be to DEAR SAINTS: I feel it woujd be to the glory of God for me to testify to the glory of God to add our testimony the cleansing power of Christ. I praise ARMADA, ARK. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I am make them white as wool, and he praising God for what he has done for me. He has saved me from all sin,'- and has been wonderfully bless-ing me ever since I gave up all to follow Jesus, and renounced sectism. I am made free through the truth. I praise God that I am in the church that is founded upon the rock Christ Jesus. I am walking in the light as able without Christ in my soul. I ex-pect by his grace to be faithful to the end. Your sister in Christ, ' Hannah - Cory. GALENA, , IND. will blot them out and remember them no more against us. Oh what a blessed Savior! I am so glad that I did yield when I did, and I am sat-isfied with the way. The Lord is keeping me each day from sin. He has also healed my body. Jesus is all in all to me. I would be most miser- GOWEN, MICH. DEAR SAINTS: I am SO glad to tell you that I am saved and sanctified, all through the shed blood of my blessed Savior. 0 bless- his righteous name! I feel his power all through my soul and body. When I look back over my past life it brings tears to my eyes and grief to my heart to think I was so rebellious, but bless his holy name, he has promised that though our sins be as scarlet he will SOUTH AUBURN, Neb. DEAR SAINTS: I can say that Jesus is my all in all, and that I am trusting only in him. I know that Christ a-bides in me and I in him. Glory to God for this wonderful salvation which has saved me to the uttermost! About two months ago I first heard holiness preached. I was taught be-fore that no man could live without sin, but glory to God we can. 0 may God help eve/ y one to see this and come out and follow Jesus, is the prayer of my soul. Pray for me that I hold out faithfully. Your brother in Christ, saved and sanetified wholly, Geo. Vielguth. PITKIN, ARK. DEAR SAINTS: I will write my tes-timony. Eighteen years ago the blessed Savior washed my sins away, and I joined the M. E. sect. I lived in Babylon nine years before I ever heard the doctrine of holiness preach-ed or the call, " Come out of her my people." But praise the Lord, ten days after I heard the first sermon I presented my body a living sacrifice and was sanctified wholly, and came out of Babylon. Glory to Jesus! I am still out and sanctified wholly to the will of God. I did not believe in " feet washing" until about a year a-go, when the Spirit witnessed to the Word that it was right. I was sprink-led in infancy and was never bap-tized till last Sept. Well praise the Lord, I am glad my eyes have been opened, • and if there is any more true light on the Bible for me, I am ready for it. Bro. W. M. Wilson and son have been here holding meeting. God sent them to us as help in time of need. May the Lord bless them. I am praising God now for salvation full and free, for he saves me com-pletely. May the Lord send more laborers into the vineyard that more precious souls may be saved. Your sister saved and kept, Annie M. Davis. MAHASKA, KAN. To ALL THE SAINTS, GREETING: May the pure love of God be with you all for Jesus' sake, and enable you to join with me in praise to God for what he has done for me, first for forgiving my sins and then sanctify-ing me wholly. Also for calling me_ to the field to spread salvation news. 0. h how sweet to be resigned to the will of God! Pray earnestly for God to open the way for us to go to the Robinson camp meeting and from there wherever the Lord may lead I have duties that must be done, more than I can get done, unless the Lord leads in all things. Yet I feel it is God's will that I shall have all things in readiness by that time. I claim the victory by faith. The Lord is doing great things for us here in pul-ling down the powers of darkness. Praise his blessed name! Yours, consecrated to do the per-fect will of God, J. L. & L. Green. RIALTH DEPARTMLNT, MIGiSE ATTER- YRAtS. UCH exercise is generally con-demned, and a hooning recom-mended instead; because two dogs fed alike, the orre put upon the chase, the other allowed to rest, on being killed two hours and • a half after feeding, in the former digestion was scarcely commenced, while in the other it was nearly completed. Violent exercise is undoubtedly injurious, because it robs the stomach of energy to supply the extra exactions of the muscles; yet this does not comdernn Moderate exercise. Nor are we told whether the still dog laid down all the time, or ran around about leisurely here and there, but only that he was not on the chase; so that these cases fail of prov-ing that we should " after dinner sit an hour." And since such sitting actual-ly deprives the stomach of a part of that motion so indispensable to rapid and complete digestion, it is therefore positively INJURIOUS. Moderate exer-cise PROMOTES, instead of retarding digestion, though fatiguing labor is of course injurious. " But," it is objected, " nature seeks rest after meals, and what she, unper-verted, inclines us to do, is beneficial." But I doubt whether apathy after meals is natural. I even claim the converse. True,- when we have over-tasked the stomach, this organ with-draws energy from the muscles, brain, and wherever ege it can obtain it, to enable it to discharge its burden, just as over- tasked muscles rob both stom-ach and brain, and an over- tasked brain robs all the rest of the system. Such robbery of organs not oppress-ed by those that are, is a physiologi-cal law of great practical utility. Nor is there a more certain sign of hav-ing over- eaten, than subsequent leth-argy of mind, or indolence of body. The stomatic nerve robs the braireor muscles, when thus overloaded. One function was never made to interfere with or obstruct another, else nature would be at war with herself, which, let alone, she is not. On the other hand, all promote all. So far from its being a law of things that the stomach should retard the action of brain or muscle, it was created to facilitate both ;. so that RIGHT eating will actually exhilarate instead of prostrating all the other functions. I never take noonings. Children nev-er do, but are generally more lively and playful after meals than before, but never more stupid; and he who cannot take hold of labor with in-creased zest and strength, or study with greater success, after having eat-en than before, has eaten too much. Eat exactly right— enough but not too much, of the right kind, and mas-ticate well— and you can labor with augmented ease, and apply your mind with increased clearness and power after eatingtand feel doing in-stead of loitering. Food, like sleep naturally refreshes and invigorates; and unless it does so, is excessive in quantity or injurious in kind. This physiological law furnishes a sure criterion of the quantity of food re-quired for the most perfect susten-ance of body and mind. Yet when we have over eaten, noonings and rest after meals are probably benefic-ial. 0. S. FOWLER, In " Physiology, Animal and Mental." As it is not necessary to attempt to open a door till we reach it, so we need not worry in reference to the daily duties of to- morrow, or pine over its possible and anticipated troubles till they confront us, when it is wise to do the best that we can under the circumstances, doing far more to re-move them, than . to bewail their pre-sence. The human face is a book, more or less accurately describing the char-acted of its owner, whatever may be the attire, or the surroundings. If one is sufficiently scholarly to trans-late this book, to decipher the many obscure characters and to remove the hypocrite- veil, he need not often be deceived or defrauded, however much of artificial drapery may be used to disguise the real character. I am praising God for salvation through the precious blood of Jesus. 1 I would not give my trust in God for this world and all its riches. It is blessed to trust in the Lord. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Praise the Lord! He • has promised to exalt us if we hum-ble ourselves, and I know by obser-vation and also experience that un-less we keep humble, he cannot and will not use us to his glory. That is one of the greatest points in the Christain warfare,— humility. God 1- 0, sisteth the proud but giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he will ex-alt you. James 4th chapter. Whoso-ever shall exalt himself shall be a-based; and he that shall humble him-self shall be exalted. Mat. 23: 12. Oh! dear ones, let us keep humble, where God can use us. Let us be up and doing while it is called today, for the night cometh when no man can work. Let us ever be ready to give an an-swer to every one that asketh us a reason of the hope that is in us, with meekness and fear. I am so glad that we don't need to care for the trifling things of this world, nor for what others say or think. If Satan could only get us to listen to what other people say, or what other people think, he would always have us into trouble. But praise God, we are saved from the opinions of the world, and we do not love the world, neither the things of the world. If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not ' of the Father but is of the world. And the world passeth away and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abid-eth forever. ajno. 2: 15- 17. Precious promises to all that obey the will of God. Dear children of God, it means something to do the will of God, to be in the sweet will of God continual-ly. How few seem to realize this, but go along carelessly, never stopping to think or even care whether they please GO- d or not. Many shall be called but few shall be chosen; how trim! As we look around us on every side and see as it were people travel-ing the downward road to death and destruction, to everlasting woe, alas, to an endless hell; we stop in amaze-ment and exclaim in our inmost souls My God! my God! mercylhave And then what shall the end be of them that know not God, of them who have no hope in Christ, of them that have not been redeemed — born again. They must be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weep-ing and gnashing of teeth. " Shall we begin to iremble While looking on that sight, And take our march in anguish. Down to eternal night? Oh! souls be up and doing, We have no time to lose, For life and death's before us; Oh! which one will you choose? Then let us all take warning, And heed the Savior's call, Be robed in white adorning; Then we'll be ready ail." Procrastination is the thief of time. Step by step, moment by moment, the wicked one advances on our soul. If he can get us to put off our salva-tion for a few months, a few days, or even a few hours, till we have partic-ipated in some worldly pleasure or had a good time in our own imagination, he has gainedS great point and ac-complished his purpose. If we listen to the allurements of Satan, he will not only keep us miserable here in this world, but will have us miserable throughout eternity. And now dear ohes, the only way we can _ keep free from the allurements and cunning de-vices of Satan, is to pray without ceas-ing, and ask God in great mercy and earnestness to help us in every time of need. He will never leaVe nor forsake us. Then let us cling to the word and hold on to God; for Satan will deceive if possible, the very elect. Then let us with much prayer and supplication to God • renew our. Now may the God of all truth and mercy, keep us continually saved, walking in the blessed evening light with an amen in our soul to all the will of God, is the prayer of your saved sister, Mollie L. Robinson. 1212 HENRY ST., MOBERLY, Mo. TESTIMONIES, Tin TESTINION1ES ABB WONDERFUL. 119: 129. WINSLOW, ARK. DEAR BRETHREN: I am still saved and out on God's word and sanctified to do the will of God. Praise his name forever! Pray for us in this part of God's vineyard. Cornelius Southern. DANVILLE, 0. DEAR SAINTS: I take the privilege of giving my testimony. Praise God for salvation! Dear ones, I am free from all sin, and the Lord is my phy-sician also; he has healed me of heart trouble, and has healed all my chil-dren. Dear ones, pray for my un-saved companion. From your saved sister, A. E. Taylor. WATKINSVILLE, MISS. DEAR SAINTS: May the Lord ever keep you in the love of God. I can still testify to the cleansing blood of Jesus.- Oh I thank God that while times are perilous here, and we have persecutions to bear, I praise God that his grace is sufficient and I can bear anything for Christ's sake. They that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions. I am so glad that the glory of God is a defence for my soul and for all who trust in Jesus. Your saved sister, G. A. Thomas. UNION, MISS. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: The dear Lord leads me to write my testimony I am so glad that I can say that I know I am one of my blessed Lord's little ones, saved and sanctified to do my Master's will, as he makes it known. I know that I love all God's dear children.- Praise the Lord! I feel the love of God in my soul when I read the testimonies of God's child-ren. I ask the prayers of all the saints. • F. A. Graves. DELLVALE, KAN. DEAR SAINTS: I am saved and kept by the mighty power of God. Six months ago I was justified in a meet-ing in Columbia City, Ind.; and about three weeks ago I was sanctified. 0 praise the Lord forever! I ask the prayers of ail the dear saints that I may keep humble and low at Jesus' feet. God cleansed me from the use of tobacco, of which I was a slave for about thirty- two years. I give God all the glory. Your saved and sanctified brother, Ira Kepford. FLORIDA, 0. DEAR FRIENDS IN JESUS: This leaves me saved in the Lord. Praise his holy name! I am all alone in this wicked place; my family are all un-saved. There are some here that seem to be very zealous on some points but fail in others. May God open their eyes before it is too late. If any of the true fire- baptized min-isters of God feel led to come here and preach the gospel, we will do all we can to help the cause along. - If the Lord leads any one to come please let us know. - Yours in Christ, M. E. Hurd. , LOMPOC, CAL. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I am praising God for a Bible salvation. I have been a very great sinner, but Jesus has washed me from my sins id his own blood, and sanctifies me by his Spirit just now. I was a dread-ful slave to • tobacco and whiskey. Have had the delirium tremens, and have been near death's door through the awful indulgences in sin. Used B. L. Tibbitts. NAPIER, Mo. DEAR SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD: This evening finds me saved and sanctified wholly. Hallelujah to Jesus!- I am praising the Lord for the way of holiness. Three years a-go the God of peace sanctified me wholly to do his will. He has so wonderfully delivered me from Bab-ylon and sect confusion. Oh how I am praising the Lord for this won-derful salvation that makes - us free in Jesus. We have given our souls to God and he keeps us. Hallelujah! Your free brother in Christ, H. Whipple. COLUMBUS, KAN. DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS: I do praise the Lord that he ever saved my soul and that I saw the light on the true church, and have walked in that light. It is so blessed to know that the Lord keeps us each mo-ment of our lives. We ca
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 12:34
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 12:34
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 12:34
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 12:34
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 12:34
title_sort gospel trumpet - 12:34
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1892
long_lat ENVELOPE(-44.766,-44.766,-60.766,-60.766)
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The ''Y''
The Altar
Van Buren
Great Point
geographic_facet Arctic
The ''Y''
The Altar
Van Buren
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op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766353063549861888
spelling 2023-05-15T15:22:24+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 12:34 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1892-08-25 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 12 34 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1892 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:03:39Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 - to Amned, Wheh saatsidee annt. thou? And I answer. - Them said he ' Inatome, every one that stesleth shalt be cat or on this evsiedrey aocncoor tdhe'an gt stwo eUa; r entjhui shalt be ells erten, tita side according to It. I will briuzlt forth,_ saltis. the. tozdorhosta _ frec/ 4 The Lora' God shall RION' the 2121411-' i and po with N hirlwinds Flee out of the midst of Babylon and deliver every man his soul; be not cut off in her iniquity; for thi is the time of the Lord's vengeance he will rendersunto her a recompense. And the land shall tremble and . sor-row, for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desola-tion without an inbabitant.— Jer. 1: 7 But every thing the Lord says do, We'll do with all our might, That all the world may fully know We're walking in the light. Selected. FROM GRACE TO GRACE. : zek. 1: 19. But how will w- e know " Howbeit when he the Spirit of truth s pink itself beareth witness with our This grace is subsequent to regen- s ) irit, that we are the children of eration, because none but the regen- t rod, and if children then heirs with erated can receive him, for only_ they s rod and joint heirs with - Christ"— know him, for he ' dwelleth with them. .0m. 8: 16, 17. • So the Spirit of God By whoni also we have access by faith t ! stifles that we are his children by a into this grace wherein we stand n meet fellowship that our spirit is like and rejoice in the hope of the glory is, or made after God in righteous- of God."— Rom. 5. In the first t ess. Therefore God confesses that there is no standing place but a going 61 WHEREFORE being justified ' ff. ( X" by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." — Rom. 5: I. Many different terms are used in the scriptures to express the same experience; ' such as, justi-fied, regenerated, converted, born a-gain, etc., all signifying the same thing. God only justifies the peni-tent soul, by the washing of regener-ation, Tit. 3: 5, which is the removing of all guilt, placing us in a new stand-ing with God, where all is peace. Therefore whom God justifies are new_ creatures in Christ.- 2 Cor. 5: 17. Being born in sin, as David tells us, therefore to get out of sin, we must be born again. _ Hence Jesus says, " Marvel not that I said unto . thee, Ye must be born again."— Jno. 3: 7. None but the new creature can wor- 5hip God, for we are commanded to worship God in the beauty of holiness. — Psa. 96: 9. That which is born of le flesh is flesh, and that which is 3orn of the Spirit is Spirit. Hence 2hrist says, " God is a spirit, and they hat worship him must worship him n spirit and in truth." Again, our : hildren are ours only by virtue of Arth, or being born into our family. io likewise God's children are his by- Tirthe of the new birth. Therefore to be in Christ is to be a iew creature. Therefore to prove to he world that we are Christians, iothing will answer but a new creat-ire.— Gal. 6: 15. " For in Christ Je- Ls neither circumcision a. vaileth any-hing nor uncircumcision, but a new reature." Our fallen and degener- . te spirit cannot worship God, hence session of it. Jesus says in jno. 14 : 16 egeneration must be brought about iy the quickening power of God, to give You another. Comforter." Also , t us to worship him. Therefore in verse 17, " Even the Spirit of truth; aul says, " And that ye put ' on the whom the world cannot receive; be- 1 ew man, which after God is created cause it seeth him not neither know- t a righteousness and true holiness." eth him : hut ye know him: for he - – Eph. 4: 23. So the first saving dwelleth with with you, and shall be r race bestowed upon us is to make in you." He is not given to the world, t ur spirit anew. " And I will. give but to the child of God. He is only t aem one heart, and I will put a new a dweller " with" the child in the first t pint withinyou; and I will take the grace, but " in" the child of God in the r tony heart out of their flesh, and second. Shall be in You an abiding h rill give them a heart of flesh."— witness and comforter, also a guide. iat we are real children of God? is come, he will - guide you into all od has promised us a witness. " The truth."—. 1 110. 16: 13. Dead in trespasses and sin, • Once the spirit found me, Showed me awful guilt within, Danger all around me. - Cho :- I am thine, wholly thine: Prone to wander never. Sanctified by power divine, All the Lord's forever. " I will sin no more," I cried, Called on Christ to save me, Then I knew the blood applied; Freely he forgave me. Now another grace I crave, Sanctify me wholly, From the carnal nature save, Make entirely holy. Every living power to Thee, Freely I am giving, Spotless blood- bought purity From Thee I'm receiving. As I yield my will, dear Lord, Just let go and trust Thee, Resting on the living word, Mine the Blessing must be. Oh how Jesus fills my soul, Saves from sin and sinning! I am every whit made whole, Glory is beginning. All the liord'e Forever. again; and was lost and is found.' So likewise the new born babe cries My father. Rom. 8: 15. " But y have received the Spirit of adoptio n where by we cry, Abba, Father.' How precious the tie that binds to gether both father and son. As A braham and Isaac were going out to sacrifice, Isaac says, My father, and Abraham says, Here am I, my son. So doth the babe in Christ cry, My Father, and God in quick response makes known his presence and will-ingness to satisfy every want, while He leads on. to the gieat sacrifice of ail things for Christ, which brings us to the second work of grace. " I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that ye pre-sent your bodies a living sacrifice, ho-ly, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service— Rom. 12: I. Paul calls it crucifixion.- Gal. 5: 24. .!. I. And they that are Christ's have cru-cified the flesh with the affections and lusts." - See Gal. 2: 20 and 6: 14. Here Paul gives his own experience. We will quote the first text for the benefit of the reader. " I am crucifi-ed with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith Of the- Son of God, who loved me and gave self for me." Arthough Paul under-went . the torture of crucifixion yet it brought a glorious experience, which was Christ living in him, tak-ing the place of the old crucified life. " Which is Christ in you the hope ‘ of glory."— Col. : 27. The difference between the first and sec-ond works of grace is this: First, be-ing made a child of God, and being witnessed by the Spirit which dwell-eth with you, and in this you receive a new nature, therefore having two natures. " For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: but I see another law in my members, war-ring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members."— Law of sin, which we inherit from our forefathers. In the second grace the old nature is crucified, and cast out, eavipg only the one nature which is divine. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promi-ses, that by these ye might be partak-ers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."- 2 Pet. : 4. This grace also is witnessed as a proof of the fact that we are in pos- —" I will pray the Father and he shall ever, " rejoicing in the hope of th glory of God," " which hope we hay as an anchor of the soul, both sur and steadfast, and which entereth in to that within the vail; whither th forerunner is for us entered, even Je sus."— Heb. 6: 1 9, .20. " Then said he, Lo I come to do thy will, 0 God he taketh away the first ttiat he may establish the second; by the which will we are sanctified through the of-fering of the - body of Jesus Christ once for all." To be sanctified is to be like Christ. Jno. 4: 17.—" Here-in is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is so are we in this world." Also, " For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren." God bless the dear people and give them ears to hear and hearts to un-derstand the will of God concerning them that they may walk in the light while they have the light, is the prayer of your servant, in the faith of jes- us, and your companion in tribula-tion and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ. Amen. Wm. N. Smith. VANITIEs. this is campaign year, let us all kee the grace of God in our hearts t e teach us, and his love to control us e and an obedience that will keep ou e souls flourishing in the pastures o - God's promises. I learned a lesson at the last S. o - parade I attended. It was a gran reunion of that order, and the tow was in throng and excitement, as the " Sons of the Old Soldiers" seemed to summon all available abilities to make a success of their conceived mimic. An old gentleman standing by remarked, " When Lee and Johnston surrendered, I surrendered too, and I do not wish to recall the- awful scenes of those bloody battle- fields, by trying to mock such a solemn reality." The scripture where David said, " Keep mine eyes from beholding vanity," flashed the gospel light to me, and I saw the foolishness, and vanity of the whole proceedings, and realized as never before that the spirit of- God was grieved by those who professed his name, being mixed up with all this worldliness of vanity. Some of the saints who profess to be out in ' the clear light have been in the habit of going to picnics, fourth of July cele-brations, etc. No w we do not speak of these things to make any one feel bad, or to discourage any one in any way, but a real God love for your spiritual progression, and an eternal interest in the welfare of your souls prompts us to say upon the authority, of the word, if you want a continual commu n ionour Mwaker, doin'tth y go where you can't feel the abiding Comforter abiding in you all the time. And some who call themselves by the sacred Christian name, prefix the " Sabbath school," to this devil's play-ground arrangement and they, with all their children, go spend a day in reveling, fashionable pastimes, etc., that not only grieves the goodness of God, but stops all spiritual life from all the children of God the devil can per-suade to attend them. To " let our light shine" we must prove by our works that we do not desire to resort to worldliness for pleasure, but the love of our God is sweeter than all the love the world can afford. One thing we have observed, and let all of God's watchmen sound a note of warning on this line for the special benefit of those that seem so weak in the faith as to try to justify ' them-selves in this worldly indulgence,— that those who go to these places through the summer have to go to the C. M., orgrove meeting in the fall feel-ing very lean in their souls, and about the first or second meetinglhey begin to confess they feel bad because they had neglected duty or gone some place that- the Lord never sent them. That is all right, God bless every lion-est soul that has a willingness to con-fess their faults and get out clear and free. But let us, abstain from all ap-pearance of evil, and escape the chas-tening rod. Let none expect to es-cape who are guilty.- God forbid that any of the dear ones should be led off by the spirit of the world in the fall election, or be found in political circles hurrahing for some man. Such conduct is not prompted by the charity that behav-eth not herself unseemly. We must live soberly, righteously and godly in ' this present world, be purged from dead works and prepared for every good word and work; sanctified and fit for the Master's use all the time. If you are sure God wants you to vote and you know why you are voting, 1 you can do it all quietly and quickly, P a great sound of a Trumpet. and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heav-en 10 the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; w. hen his branch is yet tender, end putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So ye in like manner when ye shall see all these things know that it is near, even at the eoor.”-- Mark 13: 51- 33, - Grand Junclion, Mick Thursday, "' lug. R 5, 1892, ' Mum 12. No, 34 ' And He shall send angele w'l h t and leave the whole matter with the count without any ceremony or ar-gument. I am praising God for the grace of God that bringeth salvation, that removes all carnal appetites and therefore no carnal food is required God bless all the dear saints, and keep them low and humble, holy in P thought and conversation, living so- TESTIMONIES. ENERGY, MISS. DEAR READERS OF THE TRUMPET; This evening finds me saved and sanctified wholly, and kept by the mighty power of God. Two of my children are saved. Glory to his name forever! Pray earnestly for us that the Lord may help us to fight a-gainst the power of sin. Your saved colored sister, Georgiana Turner. TRUFANT, MICH. DEAR SAINTS: This morning finds me saved and trusting in God for all things. Jesus is my friend in sickness and in health. Praise his name for-ever! I love to read the testinionies of God's children. It fills_ my soul with joy to hear how God is adding to the church daily such as are being saved. Pray for me and for my un-saved husband and children. Your sister in Christ, Mary Blake. PHCENIX, ARIZ. DEAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD: I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony again to the GOSPEL TRUM-PET. I am praising God to day for salvation full and free. I know that I am kept by the power of God con-tinually. 0 I do praise him for the straight and narrow way. Since I wrote before we have had a blessed meeting here in Phcenix. Bro. James Willis came here on his way to Cal. and held meeting nearly three weeks. The Lord was with us in every meet-ing, and there were several saved. There is a great work to do for the Master here, and we will be glad to welcome any teacher filled with the power of God, that is led to come a-mong us. May the dear Lord bless and keep all his little ones faithful unto the end. Your sister, saved and sanctified to do the whole will of God, Mary E. Smith. 2400, MAIN ST., LITTLE ROCK, ARK. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I write a few lines in testimony of my Christ-ian experience. In 1843 I was cbn-verted. I tried to live a Christian in the Methodist sect for many years, always feeling there was a higher life. As in my struggle for justification, so it was a long hard one for sanctifica-tion. Never heard a sermon on that subject till late years. I had to seek it alone. I read all the books on that line I could find. I sought it earnest-ly; I plead the promises on the sub-ject. Finally I was greatly blessed. The sweet, small voice saying I had an abundant entrance into rest. It was rest, sweet rest, different from anything I had ever witnessed. But felt there was more to follow. In less than three days, the thought and feeling came that the witness to this blessing was coming. I waited and, watched with fervent prayer, and final-ly was shouting and praising the Lord at the top of my voice. It seemed that everything was praising the Lord. I want all the Trumpet read-ers to pray for me that I may be strong in the Lord. I have never once doubted my sanctification. The different gifts and graces were added uch as chanty, which is the bond of erfectness. Praise the Lord! Mrs. M. H. Atkins. • berly, righteously and godly in this , present world. 3 Yours and Christ's, f A. B. Stanberry. leTnaneer- essas- V enew, naleev- quiney'llan/ TNIMPTIOI we are his, as in Luke 15: 2 4.—" For ion unto perfection; but the second is this my son was dead, and is alive a grace wherein we may stand for- 6 6 HE grace of God that bring-eth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world."— Tit. 2: II, 12. Jesus Christ is the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the woad, and promises if we follow him we shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. When the grace of God that bringeth salvation appears, it gives us the true light of life, and translates us into the kingdom of his dear Son. Then he says to us, " Ye are the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid." The word of God is the mediator between God the Son and those that accept him as their salvation, and the Spirit is the interpreter of the word. And if our gospel be hid, it is hid to the lost; to those whose eyes are blinded by worldly gods, and the glorious gospel light is not there to shine. 0, how surely the grace of God does teach us to let our light shine, by denying un-godliness of all kinds, and live sober, righteous, and godly in this present world! And how surely the gospel, ight is hid to so many that have a dame to live! In the name of the Lord let • us notice a few practical roofs of the darkness that covers the and, and gross darkness that covers he people. The word teaches us that we must lot love the world; neither the things hat are in the world. Some of the hings thatare in the world and of he world are picnics, and political allies, etc. Now the grace of God as given his children the light from he lamp of his word, which shines a trict denial of all this worldliness. Then let all the dear saints walk_ in he light, keep the fellowship of the pint, and abide continually under he cleansing wave, with no desire to eek pleasure from any form of worldliness. " For if any man love he" world, the love of the Father is ot in him.- For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of he eyes; and the pride of life, is not fthe" ther, bu t of the world." As A BAD CASE. Not long ago we published one Charles' Woodruff as a carnal and sectish preacher, who was seeking to pass for a saint preacher, and at the same time prating against the saints of God and circulating falsehoods concerning this way. He showed up so crooked that persons whohad been saints, and had been deceived by him lost confidence in him, and so he found refuge with. a Free Methodist preacher. But a brother who was in attendance at the Grand Junction camp, knowing his past record, called on him to be sure it was the same man he had known at Danville, Ill. They recognized each other; and hear what the brother writes concerning him: " I went to South I faxen and found the man Woodruff the same I had known in Ill., but found him living with a different woman. To be sure of the facts, when I came to Danville, III. I had a conversation with his old-est daughter, who lives in this city. His former wife lives about two miles in the country. There have never been any legal steps taken toward getting a divorce. One of his children is in the children's home near Frankfort, Ind. The woman he is living with at present has a living husband, and three children. So you see they are both doubly guilty. I was informed that the woman drew $ oo of her for-mer husband's money out of the bank just before leving with him. The fact that they are living in open vio-lation of the laws of the land and o the Lord can be easily proven. Yours for the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, W. A. Davidson." This brother gave us certain refer-ences at Danville, Ill. to whom we could write for information about the matter, of his abandoning his wife and eloping with another man's wife. Hav-ing written to sow of them we give you the following extract from a re-ply written by a holiness preacher. " Concerning Woodruff,' would say, I saw his wife. She said she had not applied- for a bill and did not intend to do so. She told me she had mar-ried him for life. She said they had no trouble, he went off without any cause. John W. Walker." 307 AMITY ST., DANVILLE, ILL. This Woodruff is the man who con-tinually cried, " Rotten," to cover his own corruption. Quite a number of poor souls had taken up with him, and all- had to get back to God and repent. So it often goes. Selfish, crafty an-gels of satanic light come around, andf rake in • all the money they can get; get men to follow them, who lose sal-vation and speak evil of God's minis-ters, reproach the cause of Christ; and then God's true meEsengers go on their own expense, hold meetings, labor and wrestle with God for them and by hard work get them back to God. God help every child of God • to know and never forget that all God's ministers are a unit, and who-ever comes to you with evil raillery against them are the devil's angels. Well this impostor and wife became alarmed, after some one had passed through the country who knew his past record, so one nig ht. he and wife left the Free Methodist preacher's house, professedly to zo, to meeting, but instead they took the steamboat and escaped to parts unknown, and thus dropped his cloak of malicious-ness after he had done all the work the devil could, in that community. Look out for them. THE GOSPEL TRIIMPETa elWat. 27,00,, eves A WEERLY EOLIESSI 30IISEAL. DrarxwITE, ItADIcAL, . A. Yrz- sEcrAniAri Sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus • hrist. Fôr the Publication of frill Salva-tion and Divine healing of the Body. ThIen u" nthiteyt ofoa ftith ahel l o stnariucneet sdC. e" hlirvisetrikadns . 4 11P • 11•• MBLISEED GSM nrstalor, vam D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. RIFRUM & S. MICHELS— Publishers TERMS, $ 1.00 A YEAR DI ADVANCE. FREE TO THE POOR. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. NOTICE. Ali business communications, moneys, Sm. must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUM-PET. to insure credit otherwise we will not be responsible. NOTICE A commission of 20 per cent will be even on eaci new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for thi GosPEL TEumPET. We make this offer so as to hell the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper Fa,- Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify no regularly of their whereabouts. NOTICE. - HOW TO SEND MONEY.— Remit by Post- Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Orcler, Register-ed Letter, or small amounts in stamps. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS.-- Subscribers wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address. MISSING PAPERS.— It occasionally happen. that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers are lost, or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive your paper when due, after waiting a suffic-ient length of time, write us a card, and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and. state Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same.' Address all letters to Gospel Trump- it, Grind Junction, Mich. The Ordinance of Feet asking. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a review of a tract written against this ordinance. A. lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ It contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 eta. $ 1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Watkinsville, Miss. or from this office. ! lust ViP o Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. 48 pages. Single copy 2 eta, Per dozen, 20 eta. Per hundred, $ 140. A tract on the True Church. 50 pages. 10 eta Atract on the Sabbath, or Which Day to Keep. 65 pages. 10 eta. 16. arriage and Divorce, a tract of 32 pages. 5 eta. The Age To Come, and Millennium Tradition Refuted by the inspired Word of God. 56 pages Single copy 10 eta. Questions and Answers on the Church. 32 pages 1 cent each. Per hundred $ 1.00. Why are yon not a Christian? 50 for 10 eta. Eho Ozdiaances Ofile Ncir Testament & KIM TRACT, BY Wm. G. Sonma• Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture in E clear lightslaowing which are abolished, and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are ., no of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still it vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 45 eta. MANCHESTER, IOWA GROVE MEETING. There will be a grove meeting at Manchester, Iowa, commencing Sept. I to continue as long. as the Lord leads. Address Bro. H. C. Sanders, Manchester, Iowa. Bro's A. B. Palmer, and H. W. Hechler are desired. •• NORTH RA GLE ASSEMBLY. The Lord willing there will be an assembly meeting at North Eagle, Clinton Co., Mich., commencing on Sept. 7th, holding over Sunday, the I 1th. Any one whom the Lord directs to come will find a welcome. The brethren and sisters in the ministry from Gratiot are expected. T. J. Cox. PLAINWELL MICH. TABERNA CLE MEETING The Lord willing the above meet-ing will be held Sep. 7- 14. RIDGEVILLE, OHIO, GROVE MEETING. Immediately following the Jerry City meeting Bro's Wickersham and Orr expect, the Lord willing, to hold a meeting near Ridgeville, Hemy Co., 0. Beginning Aug. 27, and contin-uing to Sep. 4, or longer if God wills. Address Bro. Spray. RIDGEVILLE, OHIO. Camp Meetings. CALL FOR MEETING. I There is a call for the gospel at iAurora Springs, Miller Co., Mo. I Address Mrs.- Ann Stewart GENERAL WESTERN CAMP MEETING. A general western camp meeting will be held at Robinson, Brown Co., Kan., from Sep. 2— ti. We will have a large tent to cook and eat in, a. nd all who camp will cook and eat together as one family. We are renting I- 2)( 4 DIVINE H EALING SOUL AND BODY. A NEW 13ooK, — BY E. E. BYRUIVI. This book is just fresh ' Lfrom the auth-or's pen, and a glance at the contents is enough to convince any one of its interest and value to those seeking a more thorough knowledge of the Divine Being, and his dealings with people at the pres-ent time, as well as in days past. The first part of the book very plainly marks out the way from sin unto full sal-vation, according to the teaching of the sacred word. It presents the gospel truth in such a way as to throw a glt. am of light into the pathway of the sinner, and enable him to see that there is hope - beyond, through the mercies of a blessed Redeemer. The BELIEVER is led to see the beauties of full salvation, and the joys in a life of Christian perfection. THE HEALING OF THE BODY constitutes the second part of the book. This consists of twenty- six chapters on doctrinal subjects, exposing and over-throwing false ideas and theories concern-ing the healing power in these last days, showing when, how, and under what cir-cumstances and conditions God heals the sick and afflicted at the present time. It gives a history and testimonies of healing from the time of Abraham, through the different ages, up to the present time. The third part of the book consists of the WITNESSES OF TO DAY. These are wonderful testimonies of per-sons who have been healed within the last few years by divine power; such as being instantly restored to sight after hav-ing been blind for years; the lame throw away their crutches; broken bones are instantly healed; invalids who have suf-fered for years immediately arise and walk, after the prayer of faith is offered, etc. The author is personally acquainted with nearly all the parties who have herein given their testimonies, and gives their names and addresses in the book, so that persons doubting the truthfulness of the same can write to the parties them-selves. It will be a precious volume to those who are afflicted in either soul or body. The chapters on faith, and also other subjects, will strengthen the faith of the reader, and aid in a closer walk with Him who is the " giver of every good and perfect gift." It contains 248 good- sized pages; good plain print, on heavy paper. Neatly bound in cloth, $ .75. Library ( half morocco), marble edge, $ 1.10. Send two cent stamp for special terms to agents. Address, GOSPEL TRUMPE1 PUBLISHING CO., GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for the chil-dren. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. • Address— THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich. The Oreat Tobacco Sin, J. L. Dennis, • WOODBURN, ORE. To THE SAINTS OF GOD: I ask you to set apart a daY for fasting and prayer for the healing of my husband's mind. He is in the asylum at Salem. Mrs. A. H. Armstrong. •—•••—• A lady vexed with an evil spirit re-quests the saints to pray for her de-liverance, and that she may be whol-ly saved. ANTIIIIMS FROM THE THROHR. Mrs. Mary Myers of Dellvale, Kan. DELLVALE, KAN., AUG. 1 7. FOITRTH EDITION, desires the prayers of God's little AbTouhits abllo onke wco. nWtahinesn 1 s4u8n sgo inng tsh. e9 S0 pwiriitth o mf Gusoicd. ones on Wednesday, the 31st of Aug. these songs - will be found glorious. They hymn the at 8 o'clock, for the healing of the precious present truth. tind the gospel standard of Rheumatism and her bodily afflic-salvation Tend in your orders for Anthems from the Throne tions. She says she has faith to be and start the songs of praise anew. healed. Manilla . . . 80 eta. PRICE I Cloth. . . . 50 i i Your brother in Christ, Per dozen. . .$ 1.00 & $ 4.80 Ira Kepford. GROVE MEETING, BsA0# 3$ 0,4011- 4, The Lord willing, there will grove meeting near the attove Sep Schell, Warren - Howard MEETING, LARUE, Orno. • The Lord willing, a meeting begin in the above place about Octo, beTr h2v. iirsi- Bro's Schell, Warren & Howard convocation AalitoeAmlPn rbeaciu. tif. u grove at the edge of the city, wIll be Aheld, Lord time iswei Jlclpine, cg teSz, pa3 the saints pray in mighty faith, and with much earnestness for all those meetings. BrB° r'oj. FGeo. LC. oe and c Lundy myself and w ol and whoever the Lord will, will there. For any particulars address A. Markwell, 709 Maple St., Wichita Kan. GROVE MEETING, outvrolivut, .- The saints of God expect a grove meeting to be held again near Clio-tonville, about one half mile northon the same ground upon which it held before, beginning Sept. 24, if the Lord wills. We invite the dear saints from everywhere to come to this meeting. Come all who love the Lord, Your brother, free in the Lord, and saved from all sin, Henry Latshaw, BIG BEND, PA. LOS . ANGELES, CA The Los Angeles camp meetingwill begin Oct. 13, and will continue ten days. Efforts will be made, for ex cursion rates from Chicago Mtn, City, for all who come from the east via. the Santa Fe route. Wall the saints upon the Pacific coasecomet this meeting. , Bring tents and bed. ding if possible. Provisions - will be supplied at cost for all who are able to pay, and he that hath no money come ye without money and- * thou price. All who come from the east will be supplied with board and bed at lowest possible cost. Wgiare. ex pecting great victory in the estee o the King of saints. The teat meet• ings now in progress wilt Wably continue until C. M. Let Awhoar interested in this mighty conflict, coni and help us. The saints are'all po in this world, but willing to gni what they have with those ' ho hai not. All who come by R. R, should notify us previously so they , will be met at trains. Let all who expect to cortie write us, stating what arrant ments they wish to be made fotthem while here. Address J. D. Hatch, or J. W. Pyers, 138 N. Los ANGELES ST., Los ANonEsSAL Isrv € v ■ vrwisopmwv ■ rworrylo NEWS nom no 4.4A TABERNACLE MEETING, NEW II & MP SHIRE OHIO. There will be a tabernacle meet-ing near the above place Sep. 10- 20. Held the Lord willing, by Bro's Otto Bolds, R. N. Gast and others. TABERNACLE MEE LING, SIDNEY 0. The Lord willing, there will be a tabernacle meeting six miles north of the above place, Sep. 22- 30. Bro's Bolds, Gast and others. Meeting near Markleville, Ind., October i- b. Bolds, Gast & Co. Meeting Decatur, Ind. beginning about October 12. Bolds, Gast & Co. GROVE MEETING, BROOK 0. The Lord willing, there will be a grove meeting near the above place in Dark Co., Sep. 10- 20. • Bro's Schell, Warren, & G. W Howard. Address S. J. Holsapple. BROCK, 0. It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. We make no charge for our work of making the tracts. Alway-state just how many you wish sent. COMLEY, 0. Please pray for the healing of my wife, who is afflicted with heart dis-ease. Your brother, Amon Allen, A. A. Kinzie, Edward O'Brien, J. E. Courtney, Ira Kepford, W. S. Page, Mrs. Hettie Prickitt, Mrs. W. M. Goodhart, J Chambers, Mr.!. S. Crane, R. N. Gast, E. L. Cleveland, J. H. Riggle, W. Lutz, Jas C. Chaney. LIST' OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIVED SINCE EAST ISSUE NOT OTHERWISE RECEIPTED. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. TRV MIME iNgs. 100 subjects with seripture, a concordance ma deli nitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church, its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming in of the evening light Il-lustrated. 376 pages, neatly bound ffi cloth. Single copy $ 1.00. Six or more 80 cents each. For this book Address H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind., or Gospel Trumpet, Grand junction, Mich, Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. P ice 75 cents each HOLINBSS BIBLE ZUBJECTZ. BY H. C. W. tents for $ 2.25 for sleeping depart-ments; any wishing to rent, let us know as soon as possible and we will order for you. All who can should have tents and if you can not, please bring all the bedding and other pro- visions you can, and those who can not pro-vide. for themselves will be provided for without cost. There will be no huckster stand or regular boarding place on the grounds, but meals will be provided. Address, Geo. Da. nsberger. ROBINSON, KAN. WEST LIBERTY, 0., CA. ME MEETING. The meeting at West Liberty, O., will be a camp instead of a grove fleeting. The time is changed to Sept. 1--- 9. Let this be a general gath-ering of the saints Let as many of the saints in neighboring congrega-tions as can make arrangements to camp upon the grounds so as to les-son the burden upon the brethren at that place. Those not able to camp upon the grounds will be provided for. As the C. M. will be held five inTies farther south than formerly it will be very inconvenient for us to meet any one at Bellefontaine. Those coming from east or west to Bellefon-taine change cars and come to West Liberty. Those coming on the N. Y. P. and 0. R. R. stop at Kennard and inquire for Jacob Detweiler, or stop at Urbana and change cars, and come to West Liberty, as all through trains do not stop at Kennard. Let every one that can come. To any one wishing to tent on the ground, we can furnish tents gxn ft. for $ 1.25 dur-ing the meeting and larger ones in proportion. Any one wishing to hire tents, please let us know and we will secure them for you and have them on the ground. State the size you want. Address Simon A. Yoder, or Solo-mon Kenagy. WEST LIBERTY, LOGAN CO., 0. DENVER, COLO., Aud. 15, 1892, DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS: The dear dear ones in perfect peace fur h Lord bless you All and keep all his name's sake. Closed meufig a West Denver ( Bro. Specker4110") last night, with a glorious reAishifig from the presence of the Lcne, 7 Had' a precious ordinance m teen took part and God ell° witnessed to his ordinance Peur. be pretty well established ii40 ing out his Spirit upon us.: Praist his holy name! The church s,, eins! h the exception of a few. Mait9d- ble-them and bring them intoltteng dom. Amen. • We start for Ot 01119 Wednesday, the Lord Ex. pect to stop at Granada, C a few days at least, and th00 to Oklahoma, Pray 1.0"- K,, ,, rnf feel the need of the united ples' God's people in this greit Your brother in Jesus' Wm. N.& S. J. S GASKILL, KAN>, An DEAR SAINTS OF THE GOD: Grace mercy and tiplied. We are praising con ttiianntuued full salvation. We comme eTdhou mnt pis on th professing sanctifica still living in the U.• B. yed, S011 for 4, FROM PRESBYTERIANISM TO CHRISTIANITY. FOR THE TRUMPET: Six months ago if one had told me that ere ' 92 had gone, I would exper-ience the above change, I should have pronounced him a fanatic and in the first degree at that. But " God works in a mysterious way-, his won-ders to perform." And if ever Christ worked a miracle while here, or through his power since the ascen sion, he has beyond doubt performed oxie on me. This I shall prove to all who may „ read this testimony. What 1 was, what I am snow and what I shall be must be briefly - men-tioned in order to understand my case.' I was beyond doubt, a strict and good Presbyterian, so some said, but others thought I could be a little better if I would visit the theatre. This is a place I never would visit, more espec-ially because my father and mother did not, than- a consciousnes § of its sinfulness. I have been a strong ad-vocate of Churchism ( as it is called), ever since I knew its meaning, or be-fare I found out what it does really mean, therefore was so much of a church member, that to turn from it and denounce it as. something- in the form of a cloak of righteousness, and in thousands and millions of instances a sure road to eternal hell, was by me never dreamed of previous to my coming in contact with one oi two of God's holy saints here. To show just how I stood on this subject, I only were Set free. Four others were jus— have to state that I am the son of a tified` r five were buried in baptisM. minister and. the brother of another 1111 € 1111111101611WidAMMI: 11010100111111iiihaiiilliiiatMagharosmattac. WORSTVILLE, OHIO, AUG. 20, 1892. To ALL THE SAINTS, GREETING; The meeting at Crothersville, Ind. closed - with, victory on the Lord's side. Af-ter the baptizing on the 3c1 of Aug. we continued the meeting in the name of Jesus. Souls were saved. On the night of the 6th twelve were at the altar for sanctification. Some received the real experience and the shouts ascended to God, to whom be all the glory forever. On Sunday, the 7th, nine more saints were buried with Christ in baptism. Truly we had ' a real feast in our souls. We a-gain assembled in the little school-house and the Lord was with us in his sanctifying power. This being the last night of the meeting we left some seeking sanctification May the Lord grant them the desire of their hearts. We left with many warm invitations to return. Truly our hearts are very much attached to this people and I would just say, Any brother filled with the Holy Ghost will find a hasty welcome and homes in abundance if you feel like stop-ping as yob Pass through. Our hearts pour out to God and also to the dear kind brethren and _ friends who ad-ministered to all our wants so freely. 0 may the dear Lord ever keep those dear ones faithful unto the end. Af-ter attending the Beaver Dam camp meeting, wife and myself came to this place and are now at thy Fath-er's. We expect to be at the Logan Co. camp meeting the Lord willing. We desire all of the saints to pray for us, that we may keep humble and understand the leadings of the Spirit at all times. Your sanctified brother and sister, Geo. W. & A. Howard: TESTIMONIES, THY TESTIMONIES , AHE WONDEREFUL. PSA. 119: 129. MARKLEVILLE, DEAR SAINTS: I do praise the Lord Jesus for saving my soul. I can say at least the one to which I belonged. , that I count myself dead indeed to I was a strong advocate of a grad- Sill and alive to God alone. Glory ual growing religion, and sanctifica- - to his name! I want the dear saints tion was entirely passed by; it would to pray for me. not suit me. I imagined that I • was " growing in grace," bilt sinc e my trans-formation it looks clear to me that if- was vice versa. The desire to sin taken away, was to me madness to the extreme. The healing of the body I looked on as a diabolical dogma. - I stood up for principles of youth, put there at a very tender age with a steadfastness, and not to be put down by every one who opposed me. Even after I began to see the light of the Bible dawning, I fought with fierce vehemence, and it is to me to day, an everlasting wonder why God did not pour out his wrath on me for stub-bornness and sinful rejection of " en-tire salvation." More and more the light broke forth, and like warriors on the battle- field in a dense fog, as the mist began to roll away they could see more plainly their condition and danger, and began to fight the more determined; so I could see my con-dition and danger, and fought the more to hold my grounds which were dear to me. Finally there came the sun- burst, then I could see that I was in great danger, not only of physical ruin, but spiritual destruction in this world and existence to follow: There I was. It was just like one living in one house for years; he loves the old habitation and he thinks nothing could induce him to leave it. The dear old home is old and crumbling, and after a severe storm the man no-tices a crack in the walls, and can see plainly that it is but a short time when it must fall to the ground, and in-stant death would come to all its oc-cupants. But to leave it would break his heart. So it was with me, and I should never have been able to leave and pluck out of my heart the gods and idols of sectisrn if I had not fall-en down - prostrate at God's feet. There I received the necessary strength. Praise God for such a won-derful light, and deliverance. God has sanctified me through and through, and now I can say I do not want to sin. I was a great cigar smoker; the desire is all gone, some-thing I considered impossible. Many a time have I thought I would gladly give five years of ri3 life to be rid of the tobacco sin, but could not. Christ did the work. Strange, yes, but true. Also previous to my sanctification I was a victim of heart disease; now I am cured wpolly. The Bible to me is a new bbok. I am proclaiming the truth to church members, and the Christian Endeav-or Society, and my testimonies are Bible religion. Some do not like it, but God is with me when I speak. I I shall continue to teach these people the true way to heaven, and that which God demands of them until next March, when I expect to go out in the name of God, and go wherever God shall send me. My object will be to'hold up Christ and purity to a dy-ing people. My present condition pre-vents me from going right - now. I was, next year, going to college for a preparation to preach, hut can not go now, for God has told me not to. He has given me the Holy Ghost, and now I am prepared to go forth and trust him for all things. A few days ago I spoke in the Y. P. S. C. E. to nearly two hundred of my young friends, and told them what some said about me, viz., that I am a rising young crank and fanatic; and I told them then, that it is better to be call-ed a crank and fanatic, and please God and go to heaven, than to be called a genteel gentleman and do the works of the devil and go to hell. God help me to declare the whole counsel of Almighty God. Yours in Christ, Philo Evans. SAN DIEGO, CAL., S. W. COR. 9TH, & ARCTIC STS. - has written his blessed word for has purchased me with his own pre-the good of those that love him. le- cious blood; has given me so many Sus is my Savior, my physician and precious promises in his word, and my present help in time of need. not to me only but to all who will From a brother and sister saved and walk in his ways and claim them. kept by power divine, The Lord has healed my diseases, Clark & Lue Atwood. shown me beautiful visions and has given sweet peace and comfort to my DALEVILLE, MISS. soul, even while those of my nearest DEAR SAINTS, GREETING; May God earthly friends were arrayed against bless and keep you. My testimony me. I praise the name of the Lord irig is that I am saved and Jesus is reign- for bringing me safely this far, and in my soul. Oh praise his name! for counting me worthy to endure I do know that he saves and keeps persecutions for his sake. I ask the me in that narrow way and the way Prayers of all who read this, that I grows brighter and brighter. I praise may ever walk in the light, and that him for his healing power which has God in his own good time may bring healed one of my little boys, where my friends and relations who are all medicines had failed. I am still unconverted, into the fold of Christ. trusting him and walking in all the Emma Engleman. light that he gives me. I request the saints to pray for me and my unsaved family. - Your sister saved in Jesus blood, G. A. Watson. The Lord has established a little minister, and only twenty- three years church there which we hope will of age myself. I believed in sects by stand firm. They are surrounded tradition from infancy up, and there-with darkness, such as Catholicism fore could not tolerate the least said May the Lord lead some of the breth- against what are called churches, or ren to go there in the near future; it is a good place for those traveling by rail. Stop off at Thompson, on C. R. I. & P. R. R. Enquire for Brother Hamm. We are here in the name of the Lord Jesus; held meeting yesterday in the Gaskill school house. Com-mence meeting in the tabernacle to night. Will continue until about 25th, the Lord willing, then go to Robin-son camp meeting and from there where ever the Lord leads. Pray for us. Yours in the body of Christ, R. M. & Lizzie Haynes & T. A. & Ella Phillips. Cora Buck. FT STEPHENS, MISS. DEAR SAINTS: I do praise the Lord for a full and free salvation. I know of a truth that I am saved and sanc-tified wholly. I have some fiery trials, but praise- the Lord, I always find him a present help in every time of neee. There are a few of God's chosen ones here at this place. I ask the prayers of the saints. Your sister in Christ, Emma W. Roberts. ARMADA, ARK, DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I am saved and sanctified by a second work of grace. I praise the Lord for saving a poor lost sinner like me. He saves me from sin, tobacco, coffee, and tea. Pray for me. Your saved sister, Lucinda Bray. FRISCO, ARK. DEAR SAINTS AND TRUMPET READ-ERS: I feel it would be to the glory of God to tell what he has done for me. He has taken my feet out of the mire and has placed them on the rock Christ Jesus, and this morning finds me saved and sanctified. Praise his. holy name! I ask an interest in the prayers of all of God's children. Your sister, H. M. Moody. SALISBURY, N. H. DEAR BRETHREN: I will add my tes-timony with yours, although unknown to most of you. Words can not ex-press the sweet peace - and comfort the Holy Spirit gives me. When I real-ize the God of heaven is ever mind-ful of his children, my heart swells with love and adoration. 0 children, of the living God, be watchful; put on the whole armor of God; work while there is light. Your sister in Christ, Susie F. Drew. ALBANY, NEB. DEAR SAINTS: I feel it is to the Lord's glory that I write my testi-mony once more. It has been about five months since I gave my heart to the Savior to work for him. I feel - that it is more blessed every day to live for my blessed Master, and I am determined to serve my Savior just as long as I live. I am seeking holi-ness and I want the saints to pray for me that I may be cleansed from all sin. Your sister in Christ, Ethel- L. Wilber. he isin tlhieght, d an I have fellow-s h i p w ith God's children. Your brother saved and sanctified wholly, 8. P. E.- Lane. FT. STEPHENS, MISS. DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS: I feel led to write my testimony as a wit-ness for Jesus. I am about fourteen years of age, and I feel the saving power of God. I realize and know of a truth that I am sweetly saved and sanctified to do the whole will of God. Glory to God! I am so thank-ful that the dear Lord ever showed me my true condition, for I was deep down in the gall of bitterness and the bond of iniquity; but praise his holy name, he thoroughly washed me from my iniquity and cleansed me from my sins. And he says, Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world; and now I am resting on this promise. I find that his yoke is easy and his burden light. Your brother saved to. the uttermost, C. B. Roberts. SANDBORN, IND. DEAR SAINTS: AS I Sit and read the Gospel Trumpet I feel it would be to the confirmation of my hope and faith in Christ Jesus to write my testimony. I feel that I am a child of God; per-secuted but not forsaken, cast down but not destroyed. Satan is as a roar-ing lion on the right and left seeking whom he may devour. But I know I walk in peace with God. As I write these lines I feel that I am his and he is mine. 0 how I wish I could be with the true children of God! I do rejoice when I read the precious tes-timonies in the Trumpet. I do praise God that he has given his children the Holy Spirit that will guide us into all truth. Pray for me that I may rise above the storms of this life. If it were not for that peace the Sav-ior gives I would fall beneath the waves of trouble. I believe there is a happier and holier life for me than I am living. Your humble sister in Christ, Maggie Peden. to the many others, Praise God for the Lord because he has pardoned salvation that redeems us from all my past sins, and has given me the sin and keeps us walking in the light Comforter, the Spirit of Christ to a-as he is in the light. 0 how I do bide and reign in my heart. He has thank God for his wonderful goodness taken out all selfishness and so filled to the children of men! His blessed my heart with his love as to enable Spirit did strive with us when we me to obey the commandment on were in sin and rebelling against the which hangs all the law and the pro-blessed Savicr. Bless his holy name! phets. I praise the Lord for a relig- It makes my heart rejoice when ion that prompts me to love God's I read the many promises that God believing children every where He Jerry City, 0. DEAR SAINTS: I believe it will be to DEAR SAINTS: I feel it woujd be to the glory of God for me to testify to the glory of God to add our testimony the cleansing power of Christ. I praise ARMADA, ARK. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I am make them white as wool, and he praising God for what he has done for me. He has saved me from all sin,'- and has been wonderfully bless-ing me ever since I gave up all to follow Jesus, and renounced sectism. I am made free through the truth. I praise God that I am in the church that is founded upon the rock Christ Jesus. I am walking in the light as able without Christ in my soul. I ex-pect by his grace to be faithful to the end. Your sister in Christ, ' Hannah - Cory. GALENA, , IND. will blot them out and remember them no more against us. Oh what a blessed Savior! I am so glad that I did yield when I did, and I am sat-isfied with the way. The Lord is keeping me each day from sin. He has also healed my body. Jesus is all in all to me. I would be most miser- GOWEN, MICH. DEAR SAINTS: I am SO glad to tell you that I am saved and sanctified, all through the shed blood of my blessed Savior. 0 bless- his righteous name! I feel his power all through my soul and body. When I look back over my past life it brings tears to my eyes and grief to my heart to think I was so rebellious, but bless his holy name, he has promised that though our sins be as scarlet he will SOUTH AUBURN, Neb. DEAR SAINTS: I can say that Jesus is my all in all, and that I am trusting only in him. I know that Christ a-bides in me and I in him. Glory to God for this wonderful salvation which has saved me to the uttermost! About two months ago I first heard holiness preached. I was taught be-fore that no man could live without sin, but glory to God we can. 0 may God help eve/ y one to see this and come out and follow Jesus, is the prayer of my soul. Pray for me that I hold out faithfully. Your brother in Christ, saved and sanetified wholly, Geo. Vielguth. PITKIN, ARK. DEAR SAINTS: I will write my tes-timony. Eighteen years ago the blessed Savior washed my sins away, and I joined the M. E. sect. I lived in Babylon nine years before I ever heard the doctrine of holiness preach-ed or the call, " Come out of her my people." But praise the Lord, ten days after I heard the first sermon I presented my body a living sacrifice and was sanctified wholly, and came out of Babylon. Glory to Jesus! I am still out and sanctified wholly to the will of God. I did not believe in " feet washing" until about a year a-go, when the Spirit witnessed to the Word that it was right. I was sprink-led in infancy and was never bap-tized till last Sept. Well praise the Lord, I am glad my eyes have been opened, • and if there is any more true light on the Bible for me, I am ready for it. Bro. W. M. Wilson and son have been here holding meeting. God sent them to us as help in time of need. May the Lord bless them. I am praising God now for salvation full and free, for he saves me com-pletely. May the Lord send more laborers into the vineyard that more precious souls may be saved. Your sister saved and kept, Annie M. Davis. MAHASKA, KAN. To ALL THE SAINTS, GREETING: May the pure love of God be with you all for Jesus' sake, and enable you to join with me in praise to God for what he has done for me, first for forgiving my sins and then sanctify-ing me wholly. Also for calling me_ to the field to spread salvation news. 0. h how sweet to be resigned to the will of God! Pray earnestly for God to open the way for us to go to the Robinson camp meeting and from there wherever the Lord may lead I have duties that must be done, more than I can get done, unless the Lord leads in all things. Yet I feel it is God's will that I shall have all things in readiness by that time. I claim the victory by faith. The Lord is doing great things for us here in pul-ling down the powers of darkness. Praise his blessed name! Yours, consecrated to do the per-fect will of God, J. L. & L. Green. RIALTH DEPARTMLNT, MIGiSE ATTER- YRAtS. UCH exercise is generally con-demned, and a hooning recom-mended instead; because two dogs fed alike, the orre put upon the chase, the other allowed to rest, on being killed two hours and • a half after feeding, in the former digestion was scarcely commenced, while in the other it was nearly completed. Violent exercise is undoubtedly injurious, because it robs the stomach of energy to supply the extra exactions of the muscles; yet this does not comdernn Moderate exercise. Nor are we told whether the still dog laid down all the time, or ran around about leisurely here and there, but only that he was not on the chase; so that these cases fail of prov-ing that we should " after dinner sit an hour." And since such sitting actual-ly deprives the stomach of a part of that motion so indispensable to rapid and complete digestion, it is therefore positively INJURIOUS. Moderate exer-cise PROMOTES, instead of retarding digestion, though fatiguing labor is of course injurious. " But," it is objected, " nature seeks rest after meals, and what she, unper-verted, inclines us to do, is beneficial." But I doubt whether apathy after meals is natural. I even claim the converse. True,- when we have over-tasked the stomach, this organ with-draws energy from the muscles, brain, and wherever ege it can obtain it, to enable it to discharge its burden, just as over- tasked muscles rob both stom-ach and brain, and an over- tasked brain robs all the rest of the system. Such robbery of organs not oppress-ed by those that are, is a physiologi-cal law of great practical utility. Nor is there a more certain sign of hav-ing over- eaten, than subsequent leth-argy of mind, or indolence of body. The stomatic nerve robs the braireor muscles, when thus overloaded. One function was never made to interfere with or obstruct another, else nature would be at war with herself, which, let alone, she is not. On the other hand, all promote all. So far from its being a law of things that the stomach should retard the action of brain or muscle, it was created to facilitate both ;. so that RIGHT eating will actually exhilarate instead of prostrating all the other functions. I never take noonings. Children nev-er do, but are generally more lively and playful after meals than before, but never more stupid; and he who cannot take hold of labor with in-creased zest and strength, or study with greater success, after having eat-en than before, has eaten too much. Eat exactly right— enough but not too much, of the right kind, and mas-ticate well— and you can labor with augmented ease, and apply your mind with increased clearness and power after eatingtand feel doing in-stead of loitering. Food, like sleep naturally refreshes and invigorates; and unless it does so, is excessive in quantity or injurious in kind. This physiological law furnishes a sure criterion of the quantity of food re-quired for the most perfect susten-ance of body and mind. Yet when we have over eaten, noonings and rest after meals are probably benefic-ial. 0. S. FOWLER, In " Physiology, Animal and Mental." As it is not necessary to attempt to open a door till we reach it, so we need not worry in reference to the daily duties of to- morrow, or pine over its possible and anticipated troubles till they confront us, when it is wise to do the best that we can under the circumstances, doing far more to re-move them, than . to bewail their pre-sence. The human face is a book, more or less accurately describing the char-acted of its owner, whatever may be the attire, or the surroundings. If one is sufficiently scholarly to trans-late this book, to decipher the many obscure characters and to remove the hypocrite- veil, he need not often be deceived or defrauded, however much of artificial drapery may be used to disguise the real character. I am praising God for salvation through the precious blood of Jesus. 1 I would not give my trust in God for this world and all its riches. It is blessed to trust in the Lord. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Praise the Lord! He • has promised to exalt us if we hum-ble ourselves, and I know by obser-vation and also experience that un-less we keep humble, he cannot and will not use us to his glory. That is one of the greatest points in the Christain warfare,— humility. God 1- 0, sisteth the proud but giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he will ex-alt you. James 4th chapter. Whoso-ever shall exalt himself shall be a-based; and he that shall humble him-self shall be exalted. Mat. 23: 12. Oh! dear ones, let us keep humble, where God can use us. Let us be up and doing while it is called today, for the night cometh when no man can work. Let us ever be ready to give an an-swer to every one that asketh us a reason of the hope that is in us, with meekness and fear. I am so glad that we don't need to care for the trifling things of this world, nor for what others say or think. If Satan could only get us to listen to what other people say, or what other people think, he would always have us into trouble. But praise God, we are saved from the opinions of the world, and we do not love the world, neither the things of the world. If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not ' of the Father but is of the world. And the world passeth away and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abid-eth forever. ajno. 2: 15- 17. Precious promises to all that obey the will of God. Dear children of God, it means something to do the will of God, to be in the sweet will of God continual-ly. How few seem to realize this, but go along carelessly, never stopping to think or even care whether they please GO- d or not. Many shall be called but few shall be chosen; how trim! As we look around us on every side and see as it were people travel-ing the downward road to death and destruction, to everlasting woe, alas, to an endless hell; we stop in amaze-ment and exclaim in our inmost souls My God! my God! mercylhave And then what shall the end be of them that know not God, of them who have no hope in Christ, of them that have not been redeemed — born again. They must be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weep-ing and gnashing of teeth. " Shall we begin to iremble While looking on that sight, And take our march in anguish. Down to eternal night? Oh! souls be up and doing, We have no time to lose, For life and death's before us; Oh! which one will you choose? Then let us all take warning, And heed the Savior's call, Be robed in white adorning; Then we'll be ready ail." Procrastination is the thief of time. Step by step, moment by moment, the wicked one advances on our soul. If he can get us to put off our salva-tion for a few months, a few days, or even a few hours, till we have partic-ipated in some worldly pleasure or had a good time in our own imagination, he has gainedS great point and ac-complished his purpose. If we listen to the allurements of Satan, he will not only keep us miserable here in this world, but will have us miserable throughout eternity. And now dear ohes, the only way we can _ keep free from the allurements and cunning de-vices of Satan, is to pray without ceas-ing, and ask God in great mercy and earnestness to help us in every time of need. He will never leaVe nor forsake us. Then let us cling to the word and hold on to God; for Satan will deceive if possible, the very elect. Then let us with much prayer and supplication to God • renew our. Now may the God of all truth and mercy, keep us continually saved, walking in the blessed evening light with an amen in our soul to all the will of God, is the prayer of your saved sister, Mollie L. Robinson. 1212 HENRY ST., MOBERLY, Mo. TESTIMONIES, Tin TESTINION1ES ABB WONDERFUL. 119: 129. WINSLOW, ARK. DEAR BRETHREN: I am still saved and out on God's word and sanctified to do the will of God. Praise his name forever! Pray for us in this part of God's vineyard. Cornelius Southern. DANVILLE, 0. DEAR SAINTS: I take the privilege of giving my testimony. Praise God for salvation! Dear ones, I am free from all sin, and the Lord is my phy-sician also; he has healed me of heart trouble, and has healed all my chil-dren. Dear ones, pray for my un-saved companion. From your saved sister, A. E. Taylor. WATKINSVILLE, MISS. DEAR SAINTS: May the Lord ever keep you in the love of God. I can still testify to the cleansing blood of Jesus.- Oh I thank God that while times are perilous here, and we have persecutions to bear, I praise God that his grace is sufficient and I can bear anything for Christ's sake. They that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions. I am so glad that the glory of God is a defence for my soul and for all who trust in Jesus. Your saved sister, G. A. Thomas. UNION, MISS. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: The dear Lord leads me to write my testimony I am so glad that I can say that I know I am one of my blessed Lord's little ones, saved and sanctified to do my Master's will, as he makes it known. I know that I love all God's dear children.- Praise the Lord! I feel the love of God in my soul when I read the testimonies of God's child-ren. I ask the prayers of all the saints. • F. A. Graves. DELLVALE, KAN. DEAR SAINTS: I am saved and kept by the mighty power of God. Six months ago I was justified in a meet-ing in Columbia City, Ind.; and about three weeks ago I was sanctified. 0 praise the Lord forever! I ask the prayers of ail the dear saints that I may keep humble and low at Jesus' feet. God cleansed me from the use of tobacco, of which I was a slave for about thirty- two years. I give God all the glory. Your saved and sanctified brother, Ira Kepford. FLORIDA, 0. DEAR FRIENDS IN JESUS: This leaves me saved in the Lord. Praise his holy name! I am all alone in this wicked place; my family are all un-saved. There are some here that seem to be very zealous on some points but fail in others. May God open their eyes before it is too late. If any of the true fire- baptized min-isters of God feel led to come here and preach the gospel, we will do all we can to help the cause along. - If the Lord leads any one to come please let us know. - Yours in Christ, M. E. Hurd. , LOMPOC, CAL. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I am praising God for a Bible salvation. I have been a very great sinner, but Jesus has washed me from my sins id his own blood, and sanctifies me by his Spirit just now. I was a dread-ful slave to • tobacco and whiskey. Have had the delirium tremens, and have been near death's door through the awful indulgences in sin. Used B. L. Tibbitts. NAPIER, Mo. DEAR SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD: This evening finds me saved and sanctified wholly. Hallelujah to Jesus!- I am praising the Lord for the way of holiness. Three years a-go the God of peace sanctified me wholly to do his will. He has so wonderfully delivered me from Bab-ylon and sect confusion. Oh how I am praising the Lord for this won-derful salvation that makes - us free in Jesus. We have given our souls to God and he keeps us. Hallelujah! Your free brother in Christ, H. Whipple. COLUMBUS, KAN. DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS: I do praise the Lord that he ever saved my soul and that I saw the light on the true church, and have walked in that light. It is so blessed to know that the Lord keeps us each mo-ment of our lives. 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