The Gospel Trumpet - 12:23

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye be-lieved? - Acts 19: 2. This scripture is ' of. great impor-tance to us. Some say that the Holy Ghost was only given to the apostles. Bu...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1892
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
op_collection_id ftpalnidc
language English
topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 12:23
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye be-lieved? - Acts 19: 2. This scripture is ' of. great impor-tance to us. Some say that the Holy Ghost was only given to the apostles. But here Paul finding certain disci- . pies at Ephesus, puts this question to them. And they had good reason for not having received the Holy Ghost. - But suppose this question was ask-ed the many Christian professors of to day, - what would be their an-swer? We read in Acts 2: 38 and 391 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the re- . mission of- sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your child-ren, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. And Christ says in Luke rt 13, If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children, bow much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him. God has in all ages of the world had and used means to talk to his people to reveal his will unto them, that they might know what to do, and what not to do. It is written ( Gen. 3: 9) , And the Lord God called unto Ad-am, and said unto him, Where art thou? He spoke to Moses out of the burn-ing bush, and Moses recognized his voice. And God talked with Moses a-gain on Mount Sinai. ( Ex. 19.) God sent an angel to talk to Joseph at differ-ent times. God spoke to the people through his Son when-- Christ came in-to the world. ( John 14: Jo.) And the Lord was here introducing the dis-pensation in which we are ndw living. We can readily see what was to be the office of the Spirit of God ( or the Holy Ghost, the Comfortetetc.). Ver-ses 16 and 17,--- And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you an-other Comforter that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not, neither ■ •• 7 ■ 1• 01.1 ■ 1• 10., him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you; but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath tang ht you, ye shall a- I unrighteousness.- Here we see the bide in him. I apostle makes a distinction between These scriptures clearly teach that forgiving and cleansing from all un-it is the office of the Holy Spirit to righteousness. We will first notice teach his people the truth, and that it in verses 3 and 4 that John was writ-teaches no lie. Any one not having ing to a people whose sins were for-this Spirit of truth dwelling in them given, for he says: " That which we lacks this medium through which have seen and heard declare we unto God talks to his people; they need a you, that ye also may have fellow-preacher, and such - a one as is recom- ship with us, and truly " our fellowship mended in Romans Jo: 15; I Cor. is with the Father and with his Son 2. I well remember when I was Jesus Christ; also that your joy may in Babylon and attended sabbath- be full. And in John 15: 11, Jesus school, how the teachers and senior speaks to his disciples, saying: " These members of the school would differ things have I spoken unto you that my on many questions concerning the joy might remain in you, and that your truth. I did not then know what it joy might be full." And he was speak meant, but it is very plain now that ing to men whose sins were forgiven, they were not all taught of God: in- for he had already ordained them, as deed very few of them were. Because you will see in verse 16. So this ex- God does not reveal the truth in two plains 1 jno. 1: 8, where so many peo-or more different ways. A house di- pie try to justify themselves in sin-vided against itself cannot stand. To ning. be sure, very few of those persons pro- Notice how the first line reads: " If fessed to have received the Holy we say that we have no sin," then the Ghost, but would many times pray for question should be asked, when? To t, yet never received it. And yet they which we answer: when we were in would insist upon having their own the condition of those in verse 4, opinion about the probable meaning whose joy was not full. Such he says of the scriptures; and many honest in verse 8, are deceived, and the truth souls, lambs of the flock, were looking is not in them. And in chapter 2: I on, expecting and needing food, and he is writing to those_ same people, were starved to death ( spirituallY), and commanding them not to sin, which in a short time they had no experience would be disobeying His command-of salvation, and were unable to give meats: and " He that saith, I know a reason for the same. The love - for him, and keepeth not his command-the prayer and class meeting was gone; meats, is a liar and the truth is not they forgot how to trust God; they in him." NOW these were regenera-must trust in their own strength, and ted, and John calls them little chil-that is very small. Still the preach- dren. And in Rom. 7: 16, 17, Paul in er will allay their fears by telling speaking of his past experience shows them, " He is glad to see so many Hy- what was lacking in their cast. He ing witnesses for God. And that they says, " If then I do that which I would are on their way to heaven." And they not, I consent unto the law that it is can live for years in that way, and good. Now then it is no more I that do never get their eyes open until it may be forever too late. It is true that God reveals the truth to lass people by his Spirit, and consequently no one is qualified to teach who has not the Spirit of God. But how many Christ-ian professors of to day are qualified to, teach or prophesy in the light of God's truth? We must have some-thing more than the opinions of men. May many know when to seek for the truth and become acquainted with God, whom to know aright is life e-ternal. Observe the darkness, confusion, and spiritual death caused by follow-ing doctrines of men and of devils. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one each you again which be the first princi-ples of the'oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.— Heb. 5: 12. knoweth him; but ye know him: for Yes, men and women of the world, he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. And verse 18,--- I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. He dwelt with them in the person of Jesus Christ, and shall be in them in the person of the Holy Spirit. He was their comforter while he was with them, but now he must go away. 16 : 7,— For if I go not away, the Comfort-er will not come unto you-. but if I de-part, I will send him unto you. Ver. 8,--- And when he is come he will re-prove the world of sin, of righteous-ness, and of judgment. And 14: 26,— But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remem- The Tord Gods/ I- al BL. 01#' 7114 .7 CRUMPET and go with Oh, now the way is plain, His light dotli round me shine! Devils rage, and rage in vain, I'm kept by love divine. Father, thy mighty power Can drive these foes away, And change the darkest hour To bright and tranquil day. My all I now resign; And all i lope to be, My time, my life, my mind I consecrate to thee. The word teaches that, If we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, brance whatsoever I have said unto and the blood of Jesus Christ his you. And I John 2: 27,— But the Son cleanseth us from all in°. anointing which ye have- received of I : 7. And verse 9 plainly sets forth Father, take my weary soul Into thy loving care; While clouds of sin around me roll 0 heed my earnest prayer! The night is cold and dark, How can I find the way? 0 give. me, Lord, a spark From some celestial ray. A light to guide my feet Into thy holy way: Sink me in love complete, Lest I should go astray. THE HOLY SPIRIT. CONSZCRATION, Clint Atkins:- Flee out of the_ mn st of Babylon and deliver every man his soul; be not cut- off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the Lord's vengeni ce he will render unto her a recompetre. And the land.- shall tremble and sor-row, for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Irlithylon, to make thetland of Babylon a desola-tion without an inliabitant.-- Jer. 51: GM. decked with the worldly attire, with nothing but an empty profession, are set over classes of children to teach them the truth. Is it any wonder that they have left their first love? Remember therefore from- ft/ hence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will'come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.— Rev. 2: 4, 5. D. C. Stauffer. WALK IN THE LIGHT. sin caused him to do evils ( verse 19), and he says, I am carnal, sold under sin ( verse 14) and was at enmity against God. Chap. S: 7. This was the experience of Paul before he was sanctified. M. A. Marcee. the second-. work of grace. The a- saints remain in that as the final, per-postle says, " If _ we confess- our sins manent, and finishing work of grace. he is faithful. and just to forgive us They knew of no grace beyond the our sins, and to cleanse". us from all one that is next entered after justifi-cation. To stand is to be established; and this grace is explained by the same apostle in i Thess. 3 : I 2, as hay-. ing the heart established unblameable in holiness. Two things are implied in the words, " we stand." First, as compared- with the initial grace of justification, wherein the dangerous foe of inbred sin still has a place, and greatly hinders the Christian life, entirer santification is a far more , sta-ble, fixed and unmovable state, where the soul stands more victorious over all the powers of evil. Second,"- we stanedenotes that in this grace sal-vation is consumated. It is a stand-ing grace, and not a transition state. All that God has prepared in his store house of blessings comes to us in this grace, and we never pass on to any other moral state beyond this graee. - We never see the end of this Beulah land of perfect love, and we never pass beyond it to a higher state of moral perfection in this world, or in worlds to come; except the resur-rection, immortalization of the body. Even going to heaven itself is no-where taught to be the entering up-on a purer inward state, though it be an infinitely more glorious location. This we can prove by the word. The Heb-rew brethren had " come unto Mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem— to the church of the firstborn," and to his precious sprinkling blood.— Heb. 12: 22- 24. They were converted and in the church. But they were commanded to go on to perfection. 6: 1. For. I by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Whereof the Holy Spirit is also a witness unto us.— Heb. 14, 15. Sanctification perfects us forever. it, but sin that dwelleth in me." Which Hence there is no third work, for per-fection cannot be improved upon. In this grace we grow, increase in dom, in the knowledge of God, and in fruitfulness throughout time and e-ternity, but never pass to a more per-fected moral state never become more pure in heart. " Perfected forever" does not mean that our salvation can-not be forfeited, but it means that no brother writes from Dagus Mines, Pa. stating that there was a man there preaching a third work, and wishes to know if the script-ures teach such a thing. To which we positively answer, no. All the sciptural figures of salvation show but two states of grace. Egypt represents the sinner's condition, en-tering the wilderness through the Red Sea, conversion, or regeneration, and Canaan, perfected holiness, and beyond that there is no other state of grace follows in the series of fig-ures. The tabernacle is a beautiful fig-ure of the way of salvation; and is so Used by the apostle Paul in Heb. 9th and loth chapters. In Rev. II the court is " left out," " given to the Gentiles" — sinners. The holy place, is regen-eration; the most holy, entire sanc-tification. Only two states of grace. Positive scripture statements teach emphatically but two works and states of grace. A few only will suffice. Rom. 5: I, 2 . sho. w us two states of grace. First, justification by faith. Second, " Access by faith into this grace where-in we stand." " This grace," is clear-ly seen to be a state of grace beyond justification, and this is , " the grace wherein we stand;" namely, the a-postles themselves and al perfected LS THERE A THIRD WORK 01' GRACE? _ And he said an. to me, What sent thou? A wl I answer-ed, I see a Ilyingsall. Then d he unto every one sai that steideth me, shim be eat , on this side aeeordiag to it; am/ every one that sweareth shall be cut air oft than side nederding to it. will bring It forth, smith, the Lord or/ lost.% Zech. Grand Junction,- Thursday 2, Volume more perfect state of moral purity can ever be reached in this life, or even in heaven. This is because we are " pure even as he ( Christ) is pure." — I John 3: 3. The two fold salvation is also seen in Titus 3: 5. He saves us, by the washing of regeneration, and the re-newal of the Holy Spirit. Regener-ation makes us a child of God, and the " renewal" restores the soul in the image of God, our Creator. Col. 3: Io. This renews the image of God in man, as he was first created. A third work of saving grace would therefore advance man to a plane of moral perfection beyond where God created him, and would cast reflect-ions on the Creator. We have occasionally met persons babbling about a third work of grace, and have always found them deluded of the devil, and without the first grace. All these blinded souls define their third grace differently. Some teach that it destroys natural affection. Just the deluded characters that are predicted in the last days. 2 Tim. 3: 1- 3. It has usually been mixed with free- love, companion- hating, and for-saking, and somebody- else- loving spirits of devils. Avoid it. --- - THE CHURCH. N the Old and New Testaments the words Zion, Jerusalem and church are used synonymously. We read in Heb. 12: 22, 23,-- But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven. Also Rev. 21: 9,1o. The an-gel said unto John, Come hither, and I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city the holy Jerusalem. The Lamb is Christ, and the bride, his church. We will prove by the scripture what his church is. First, we notice the foundation of the church. Isa. 28: 16. Thus saith the Lord God, Behold I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation. i Cor. 3: ti,— For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Eph. 2: 20,— And ye are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus, Christ himself being the chief corner stone. Second, its walls and gates. Isa. 6o: iS. Thou shalt call thy walls sal-vation, and thy gates praise. Isa. 26: I, 2,— We have a strong city; salva-tion will God appoint for walls and bulwarks. . Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may , icnter in. So we see it is none but the righteous that keep the truth that are in the church. Zech. 2: 5,— For I, saith the Lord, will be un-to her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her. Who is the head of the church? We read in EFp 1h. I: 23, that God hath put all things under his [ Christ's] feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is Ills body. I Cor. 12: 12, 27,— For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. There is but one head and one body, hence but one church. How do we get into this church? Psa. 87: 5, 6,-- And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her. The Lord shall count, - when he writeth up the people, that this Man was born there. Praise the Lord! We do not need to join this church, but we are born in it. Acts 2: 47,— And the Lord added to the church daily, such as should be sav-ed. Who are the inhabitants of this church? Joel 3: 17 So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwell-ing in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there - shall no strangers pass through her any more. Heb. i2: 22- 24,— But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innu-merable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heav-en, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits bf just men made per-fect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. Isa. 4: 3, — And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that- re-maineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem. Isa. 26: 2. The righteous nation which keepeth the . truth. 0 what a glori-ous church, with no other inhabitants than those just mentioned! Nothing unholy ever enters in. Who makes the law of the church? Isa. 33: 22,— For the Lord is our guide, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our King. Isa. 2: 3,— For out of Zion shall go forth: the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. The church is the Lord's throne. Jer. 3: 17. At that - time shall they call J erusalem the Lord's throne. Psa. 146: io,— The Lord shall reign for-ever, even thy God, 0 Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the Lord. The church needs no bishop, for Christ is the head. It needs no con-ference to form a constitution, for the Lord is its lawgiver. It needs no class- book-, for our names are written in heaven. Jer. 17: 13,— They that degart from the Lord shall be writ-ten in the earth, because they have forsaken the Lord. - Emma Dansberger. ' and Hesha, 11semtnis angels with a great sound of a Trumpet. and they shall gather tOt4.- nner Ills elect from the four winds, frolic one end of bon y-en 10 the other. . NOW learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and. mitten! forth leaves, ye know that swuhmemne yr eis snhigahll. sSeipe yael li nth lieksee i nthaninnegts know - that it is near. even at the door."— Mark 12: 24- 113, .::, ntinually gained ligth, to God, who is my strength and life; _ --- — -- I feel I am dead to this world, entre, E. E. By- Rum— office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS— Publishers. SDeEntF IfNorItThE i, n R tAhDe InCaAmLe, AoNf TthIe- S LEoCrTdA JReIsAuNs Christ. For the Publication of full Silva- TERMS, $ 1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. D. S. WARNER— Editor. MID WETION, ma trot, and Divine healing of the Body. wtrwl ROLM.= , lOBBNAL. FREE TO TI1E POOR. in " the faith once delivered The unity of all true Christians to the saints," ' ITT Ti IL TTIMPET i , enough to convince any one of its interest SO UL • OF-BODY or's pen, and a glance at the contents is thorough knowledge of the Divine Being, June 14- 22. and value to those seeking a more This book is just fresh from the auth- 0 1 viii [ H[ AuNg lanointed servallts come here? We l in thc love of God. and iii flit."' sPIrr E. E. BYRUM. A NEW BBooor;., — BY tired inhabitants. Only one church; ing glorious things from the pres-have a little village of about four hurry • earnest pfayer, ancl so come expect- M. E. Only four or- fiye memloers; no ence of the; Lord. Amen. prayer meetings, nothing but a dead prayer of your unworthy servant, form. We have a- few, however, that are hungering for the pure word. May the Lord send some one, is the Are you coming to camp- eeting? " Holiness unto the Lord." EDITORIAL NOT Mrs. Geo. W. Philips. At a • a.-.- atan. . I South Haven, Mich. The R. R. fare of the boat line from Chicago to to camp meeting, we give time- table place is $ 3.85. from South Haven to Grand'func-tion is 30 cents, distance i i miles. The R. R. fare from Chicago to this The H. W. Williarne Tranzporte.- For the benefit of persons coming TOTE TABLE ton lane. , Melrose church. We had a iglot) rriotitli's THE l'Amtlx oz, - ruE I, Ivrn; Ge,: let you all knowvtl: movbetl: prosperin g, in Washington ' ft", meeting last Sunday at Bro. Hunts feel led of God to write a few lines to DEAR BRoTHERs AND SISTERS 0 OAKWOOD. Oino, M: c : Cello: . 1892, Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, an dealin gws ith people at the Buren Co., Alien. as second chtss matter. and his gs p pres- To CHICAGO: . mantis the evening Of thenIg, o rd by observing the eat time, as well as in days past. Dear sinner, Jesus Christ offers sal- Lord's suppper and washing the NOTICE. The first part of the book very plainly nation free. W. i. l. l. .• y aogua a. c- c- e-- p- t it? 9: oo - DAILY, except Satu relay a 9: o P. 3f. DAILY, Sol: 7TH HAVEN t DOoCKS Saturday- - - = - - A. M. Ali business communications, moeys, marks out the way from sin unto full sal- Meeting at the new camp ground saints feet. Jesus says,- I f you know new cash subscriber, to all who . wiil given for the PET, to insure oredit otherwise we wi I not & o. must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRum-be responsible. A commi, isiou of 20 per cent will be eiven On eac h pathway of the sinner, and enable him to they shall be white as snow; though NOTICE. vation, according to the teaching of the sacred word. way as to throw a gleam of light into the " Though your sins be as scarlet, see that there is hope beyond, through they be red like crimson, they shall It presents the gospel truth in such a at half past ten A. M. Sunday, June Will leave P. O'CONNOR: 3 DOCK, 5th. Every body invited. e - From CHICAGO: t DAILY, except Sunday, at rr: 3o P. M. ' Foot of Miehi! vmi Street, North Side, Also Monday Fare, including- berth, $ 9174:: 01 A. M. pe\ n_ tcencirosbtrsoltii( 1) sanctified b). i, e. & poi‘ zv. eri it.-.) f. t: i iod, i hese things, ,1,: 1, ,; 1 ). ni )( NI ' saairc e yr :: iivi i'it : yli ae a i. n d them." Praise the LordlWe had a real GO: 3BEL TRUMPET. ' IV e make this offer so as to help the brethren that are hi the held, as _ wed as the cir- the mercies of a blessed Redeemer. be as wool."— Isa. t: 18. CAMP MEETING IN CANADA. cCuiga- t- io- nia r,, tfi etsh de epsairpinegr.- papers to canvass with, should The BELIEVER is led to see the beauties _. a. .8, .- The Lord willing, a camp meeting of full salvation, and the joys in a life of The saints at Freedom, Ind. would notify us regularly 01 tueir whereabouts - Will be held at Candesville, Ont. June —_.- Christian perfection, be glad to have any of God's holy NOTICE. children to stop there and hold a few tteenn — 13. or C more Cane over come and help us. Wh THE HEALING roaere — OFTHE BODY together, railroads HOW TO SEND MONEY. Remit by Post- meetings. Office Money Uruer or Postai Note. Where these will usually give reduced rates. We cannot be procureo, send by Express Order, Registur- constitutes the second _ p_ a rt of the book. I letta hemmer. ed Letter, or small amounts ill stamps. This consists of twenty- six chapters on will try and get that privilege. CHthAeiNr Ga OEF ADDRESS. -- - Subscribers- wish- The Lord willing, there will be a Those wishing to see NiagaraFalls, ing duress chamred, must be sure to give th, if doctrinal subjects, exposing and over - former, as wed as their' new address. throwing false ideas and theories concern- meeting in the hall at Glenn, Mich., come the day before and stop off at • MISSING PAPERS.— It occa, ionally happens ing the healing power in these last days, begining Thursday, June 9, continu- Weiland. Those coming on the Mich. that numbers of our papers sent to our suLscrthers are lost, or stolen paper in the mads. In case you do not showing when, how, and under what • cir- ing over Sunday. Sister Mary Cole Central, stop at Perry Station. Over receive your when due. alter walthe r a suffic- and conditions God heals the and Co. and others expect to be there. the Grand Trunk, stop at Marchville. rent length of time, write us a mussing card, mail we will cumstances gladly send one in place of the g number. sick and afflicted at the present time. ( Air line division.) , It gives a history and testimonies of Persons coming to camp- meeting When you write, be sure to give your full address, ng name, post- office, county and state. We have twelve cloth tents that Should there be d mi:, take at any time, write us at f the time of Abraham, should bring blankets, etc., if possible. will range between $ 2.25 and $ 3.0R G once, and we will gladly reify the same. through _ the different ages, up to the There will be a number of sleeping Address all letters to Gospel Trumpet, Grand built, furnish at each rental for the season. Order Junction, Mich. present third time. rooms bu, but the beds not fsh- once. — The rd part of the book consists of ed with covering unless specially The, Ordinance - el Fe' the ordered. There will be free conveyance from WITNESSES OF TO DAY. coming Washing. stations. To all the beloved saints who can- Parties comi address Bro. James The excellent work on this subject, - written These are wonderful testimonies of per- not attend the camp meeting here, we Johnson, Candesville, Ont. • Parties Broth r Bradley, ha s beenre d duucceedd in price to 2 by 0 cents. It is a review of a tract written against this sons who have been healed within the would say, if the Lord will, send in coming to Welland or wishine- any in-ordinance. A exposure of the false teaching last few years by divine power; such as your mite, yea, rather all your might formation, address me at Welland, the opposer, and a very thorough contains of the being instantly restored to sight after ha y- to help pay for buildings, etc.; and Ont. sacred ordinance of Christ. It 84 large ing been blind for years; the lame throw pages, and gives much light. Price 20 et& $ 1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, 13ro. W. W. Bradley, away their crutches; broken bones are d. Amen. Pertly, you shall not,. I_ o_ s_ e_ your re- Those going to the Grand Junction war camp meeting- from the east, try and vx atkinsviile, Miss , or from this office. instantly healed; invalids who have suf- come in time to stop off a few days feredforyearsimmediately arise and walk, Bro. J. D. Hatch writes very en-Must Vio Sin? after faith at least with us. B ro. W. G. Schell dfor the prayer of f is offered, etc. couragi news from Los Angeles, of I and your brother, hid his presence. Amen. G. R. Achor• u tne sec 1) 7aLISII D AT ( Per doati. . . $ 3 004% tcso ing gospel could not some of God's ST. : TERSIII , RG, PA., INIAv 2 7 , isQ. DEAK BRETHREN: \ Ve report an other glorious victory for the lord There: yen! live sanctified and Six baptized, also a few cases of healin, r. We are now holtli llt meetingslint; which will close wall a general trdi lance meeting jlint: the 5th. W will hold a few meetings at Turkey City from Juno the oth to the :\ nd the I Ith and 21h. liro. M a rtz and I. and perhaps others. hill 1 11 Ines ingat \ Vest ' Monterey. All air(.: invited. The 1 4 th inst. dear Bro. Gilger ban. tied two at I\ lonterey. and the next day he ill company with two brahreR bapti7ed an afflicted sister. whu I to 1,, e taken fri, n1 her house by convey-ance. and to water in a shmt; and was thus ha pti zei soatcd iu die shed. I Iundreds of people gathered at tiv and many plaaiccee ex [ wet; tzL od) 1 ' en the threat against the saints if she had diol: but our God is truly with and takes- care of his elect. Instead of the sister dv. ing she came out shouting xvonder• fully, and she has been iMproving in health ever since. Hallelujah! Souls are truly docking to Zion in Pa.,: and the work is moving on with sweeping victory. 1. N. Jacob. on & lively V of healing from MO. ng an h A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must The author is. personally acquainted with Cal. Souls are being saved, and they is expected. lPiveer dfroezee fnr, o 2m0 esitns. P48er p haugneds. r eSdin, g$ l1e. 5c0op y s eta gnievaernly t haellir t htees tpimarotineise sw, ahnod h gaivvee sh tehreeiirn desire some holy man of God to aid . a o- G. T. Clayton. the book, so camp or ng the them in the work. They, also desire a GROVE MEETING. A tract on the Trne Church. 50 pages. 10 cis names and addresses in meeting there this summer. The Lord willin g saints south on that persons doubting the truthfulness A pages. 65 tract the- Sabbath, or Which Day to Ke1e0p . e t, soefl vthees. same can write to the parties them- tThhee ysa. nia tssk. the earnest prayers of . a. l_ l othfe M 1estl rooAsAeuu gdgueussssttit. r. eW ae g droevsier em aeneyti nogf Marriage and Divorce, a tract . of 32 pazes- C 5 as. and aid in a closer walk with Him who is Tuso : NR. , Ip11.7eieaEcirsIt. 7l) e., e txFJ hIL_ 6a1. IN! , Your saved brother, C It will be a precious volume to- those who JUST AR 1E. God's ministers filled with the hOtv The Age To Collie, and Millennium Tradition are afflicted in either soul or body. The a lire to come. For further particulars Refuted by the inspired Word of God. 56 pages. chapters on faith, and also other subjects, RAND JUNCTI IN 1, 1w8i9t2h. write to me at Melrose: Paulding Co., , N. ENV C. ARLISI. F, O., MAY In, 1862. liingle copy 10 cts. will strengthen the faith of the reader, DEAR SAIN TS: e Lord wita Ohio. ` la) ALL ToE S \ 1NTS GI: El.: TM: After Questions and Answers on the Church. 32 pages me, and let s his dear a lon! , period of silence , we again fed 1 cent each. Per hundred .$ 1 00 the " vgie vre or f everygood and perfect gift." name togethe• r. I have just arrived impressed to tell through the coluithis - Josephus Hunt. Why are you not a Christian? 50 for 10 ets. It contains 248 good- sized pages; good at home in time to speak these few Trumpet srmit 0 of the of the dealings. 01 The adinaaces of the liEwTestament. pain printon heavy paper. Neatly bound words to you in this issue. 0 Glory NITS FROU TI12 47121 the ea ,, D$ e dear' Lord to our souls, which an. A. NEW TRACT, BY W wt. G. SMELL imn acrblolet he, d $ ge ., 7 S5t. mLi. b Sraernyd ( thwaolf cmenotr ostcacmop), wtoe ltlh ien n baomdye , oafn Jde vsuersy! Ijo aymfu fl eienl itnhge wonderful. Since wife and I left Tito. ' WELLAND, ONT., MAY 9,1892. Warner at Wooster. Ohio last Oct,, Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture in a for special terms to agents. Address, love of God. Find all well at home, D, EAR BRETHREN: The Lord bless we have been compelled to stay at clear 11, ht, showing which are abolished, and proving GOSPEL TRUMPE1 PUBLISHING CO., and the work of our God prospering. you all abundantly: The meetin g hat the three mdinauct s instituted by Christ are not GRAND JuNcTioN, MICH, home most of the time, but the Lord of the Old Testament, but of the New, antl are still in closed at St. Anns• It was a precious has been very good to us during this vogue. Single copy 5 cts Per dozen 45 cts. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RE- Can- ip Meetings. Tmheeereti nwge. r Iet bcuotn fteinwu eaddd tewdo t ow teheek tsh. r otiumgeh: some very severe trials, ye although we have passed CEIVED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NORWOOD - CAMP MEETING. Lord but many requested our prayers. we have An interesting paper for the chil- NOT OCTEHIPETREWDI. SE RE- Camp meeting will commence Ju- The Lord bless BrO• and Sister Mor- help in epvreorvye dt ihmime ao fv enreye pdr. e sPerankt dren. Illustrated. _ It should be in ly 21, 1892 if the Lord wills at the lle y, every family where there are children. Wm. J. Bassett, J. F. Lundy, Oscar Syhert , Polly Tormenter who opened their house for his name! The 1 7 th Of April a num Only 25 centsa year. Diveley, Belle Stetler, J. D. Hatch, James Willis, school- house, five miles God's little ones, and Mr. Snyder who ber of us went to Sidney, 0. and Address— THE SHINING LIGHT; Grand Junction, Mich. Laura Shoemaker, T. J. Morris, A. A. Kinzie. west of Alt,.' Grove. The saints have east of Norwood, Mo., and six mina piece charge. ing, where the power of God was w011- gave us the use of the hall free of - joined Bro. A. 1. Kilpatrick in a incet. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. procured a pi of land p at that place Yours in him, derfully manifested in the savingof COLEMAN, Mien. for a permanent camp ground. It is G. T. Clayton & Co. souls and sweeping away the powers It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I have been a beautiful place for camp meeting. these tracts to any one sending us postage at the sick for some time: I getting Those coming from the east will get HEDRICK, Iowa. of darkness. am From the above named rate of one cent for three tracts. We no worse, and want all the saints to pray off at Mt. Grove, and those coming T make 1 wantto testify to the glory of God. place we went live miles east, and ma charge for our work of making the tracts. Always ' for me that I may be healed. from the west - will at Norwood. There After spending the winter, four or the listeners who had never heard preached to a congregation of atten-state just how many you wish sent. Your sister, w be arrangements made . for con, five months in extreme hard work in E BIBLE ItgADINGS* Ella Rooker. veyance free of charge. Norwood Father's field, then resting a little the pure word preached in its fulness. Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. I request all the saints to pray for and Mt. Grove are both on the Kan-while I thought I must be about his Many endorsed the truth, but no wil 75 cents each me on the loth of June, for - t h healing sus City, Fort Scott and . Memphis work. I went to Hastings and coin- was saved. We again returned. nai HOLINIZZ BIBILB. SUBJBON of my body of lung trouble and ea-expected. We shall be glad to hear ReR's. Brother Bolds and Co. are when I was taken with a very hard on the 27th 4 few gathered at the By H. C. W. tarrh of the head. Your sister, from all workers who feel led to at-chill for about five , hours, which threw the. symbolic grace. The Lord bleSs. inenced meeting and held a few days, waters' side, and one was buried i ll nitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church its returned home, and God healed me. 100 subjects with scripture, a concordance and defl- ed us in this act of baptizing ill the L. J. Gregory. tend. , me into a semi- conscious condition. I- name of the Lord. Some of i and start the songs of praise anew. PRICE' Cloth. . . . . 50 ' • Alanilla . - — . 30 cis all directions to preach the everlaSt-and season oldivine power, grace and glory ever witnessed in- these - last - ays. Co e. l. n.:., t . e name of Jesus, bal°: iYut tt3,: 1011tuyrsclut,-, and preach for to get a place to put the tent ever} the work I', PO the doctrine, its ordimmces and its fruits The fall of ST. JOSEPH, Address Bro's Peter McKinley to of J. W. Cale, I was only sick two or three days. I bret hren went on to Kentucky; Babylon and the coming the evening light, II- ale I request your prayers that I may W. M. Wilson. took a relapse and went into a worse i. ifter lustrated. 876 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single holding a few more services, condition than ever. Almost paral- copy $ 1,00: Six or more 80 cennttss each. For this book be healed from all infirmities, and Which were blessed of God, we came han Address H. c . WicherShat New Pittsburg, Tad that. I may become more devoted to ized, and my brain so confused and in-or Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. God and know his whole truth. , . GRAND JUNCTION CAMP MEETING. active I could scarcely do anything-. home. and are now laboring with oar ANTHEM FROM THR if EmoNm. Respectfully, This gloriOUS convocation of the High, will be held Thebeloved saints prayed, and con-ds. We are torn react}' to take About all new When sung in the Spirit of God This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music . FOURTH EDITION. FOSTORIA, 0. Lewis M. Copeland, T A very large J une 14th tor: th, e .- g2d; 1892. saints of the.,. M. O • s. t . e. attendance is expect-litvianiuked utcohp, arnacyir ctailnl lIe : ae sr eretsot oIrae. d, a. ndI , . . , . , ,., IS9 was out in the field before I could we have gospel: Stand ard the Lord sends us. Pray for us. the field again and go whithersoever these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the - salvation Scud in your orders for Anthems from the Throne precious present truth, and the dard of As God's people are going forth in FREDERICK, BROwN Co., S. DAK, CALLS FOR MEETINGS. eth d, and it seems to us that the fire of that it will lte the most glorious place; the living GOd in our soul assures us .- iod has strengthened me soul i arrived in thisx. kc, ity, fid anti it quite , rd. PHOENIX ARIZONA, MAV 22) D. EARL y- BE. LOyED SA1NTS. . Geo. W. & A. Howard. b egan egan to preach the truth; and ohw - openinlz up. e find i I L . . and I have pie charge here for nearly e ri' THE SHINING LIGHT. The Great Tobacco SI% thing : charge ten dollars a month I am happy to say that the blood of keep them all together. / praise Gud to believe that these sects- and organ- ! Little Rhoda was a sweet c ild, May for a lot to put a tent on. But the Jesus cleanses me from all sin: He for all his goodness to me. Would ized churches are all wrong. I do God comfort the mourning, and may Lord is opening the way, and filling gives me perfect victory over the love to have the saints co. me here and not claim to be sanctified, but I have they prepare to meet the little one in us with his power. We met Bro. world, flesh and the devil. " The Lord preach the word in its purity, for it been seeking sanctification for several glory. Text, Matt. Bunch and family and Bro. Smith is good, a stronghold in the day of is needed at this place if it is needed years, but have had much to discour- by and family, and found them enjoying trouble; and he knoweth them that anywhere. Pray for me. _ age me. Some of our preachers preach 24: 44. Services swaillvla gtiiovne. uPsra gyl oforiro uuss, tvhiactt othrye . L Wored Ptrruasyt ifno hr imme.", Ia ltsruos fto hri mm yfo wr aiflle tthhinagt s. Yours in Christ, against it, and many of my brethren Sarah. R. Hopper. in the church oppose it. So I have DIED, Feb. 9,1892, Goldie L. Wilson: found the weather very hot and the she may be saved and healed. been living an up and down life, in a aged 6 years, 6 months and to days, TEEGARDEN, IND. icnlgim oautre s hoeualsl trhicyh. lTy. he Lord is bless- Wm. Bensinger. strait between two. Dear saints, pray The pet of the family of brother Your brother saved to the utter- DUSHVILLE. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD, GREETING: for me, that I may reach that exper- Jno. A. and Sister Alice A. Wilson, most , savDeEdA Ra nSdA IaNllT So: n M tyh ete astlitmaro, n wy aisl, kI ianmg AGmode bnl. e Is sa ymoup aralli sfionrg JGeosuds t'o s nakigeh_ t isehnicpe wwihthe rteh eIm ca tnh ahta avree fsualnl c_ tfiefilelodw- d uSrhineg w tahse vsiecrkyn leosvs ionfg t hanrede pwaetieeknst, Ames Willis. in all the light that shines on my pathg- lfaodr ftuhlalt a Gndo dfr ehea ss alelvda tuios no. u It aimn tshoe wYhooullry b. rother in Christ, not giving up for a dose of medicine, way. I do thank God for this bless- gla but lay and prayed and trusted the SIDNEY, 0., MAY 30, 1892- ed evening light, and what he has done glorious evening light. Praise God! , J. S. Sears. Lord all the time. She was heard DEAR BRETHREN IN CHRIST: God for me. Pray for me. We are having good meetings here [ Dear brotheerr w iihllllave to walk to repeat the words " Dear Lord, dear bless you. A. men. We thoughtY iotu rY s isteirn i etho rLd, at Teegarden aannd Walkerton. Souls up to the light you have on the word Lord, many times by those who would be good to write and let the are under conviction. I am made of God, or you will never receive the stood around her. She also asked the N. A. Hunt. saints know where we are and how 0 cry out from the depth of my desired blessing. Read John 12: - 35. saints to pray, which they did; but wedd oo. After the seryices held at a house east of Swander's TRUFANT, MICH. heart, 0 Lord, remove every obstacle As you receive light upon his word, the good Lord had his way. Goldie meeting , our e doDpEAR SAINTS: The Lord has par- and open - the way that I may be able God- will give you - grace to do his was a very loving, affectionate child. ed my sins, but I feel the need of o go out in the vineyard to work more will if you will do your part. He says, But the Lord doeth all things well. , Station were over, we took d-riving at Cincinnatti, 0. we met with a deeper that work I ma of be grace wholly in sanctified, my heart. hhaann I have in the past. Pray that " Come out of her, my people." " Come May he bless the bereaved p saints r arents parture for Dodge, My. On our ar - , I desire the earnyest prayers of the God may keep us- humble, low down out from among them, and be ye se and sisters and keep them blameless Ind,, who accompanied us to Dodge, I until they meet their loved ones a-dear Bro. Ja. Nc. Hcowoardm fromp Haaynden , and kept by the power of God. at Yhiosu fre berto, dthoeinr gs ahvies dw ainlld i nsa anlcl ttihfiiendg, s . orate, saith the Lord."' round the throne of God. Your sister in Christ, Kye where we arrived the evening of S. P. Strang. - Mary Blake. BARNUM , COLD. Written by her aunt, DEAR TRUMPET READERS: Quite c. f- Lucy Kirk. the same dayeand - vas received by dear B ro' sWade and Stevenson. Bro . Thos. ANNA, Miss. NEW ROCHESTER, Ouzo. ten have I felt like writing my testi-Cfraom Srt LLootuuiis, eMo. raarrrriv ed DEAR SAINTS: The blood of Jesus DEAR SAINTS: It is with much love mony through the Trumpet. This DDI ED, in Isabella Co., Mich., April at Dodge the next day, and all things cleanses me from all sin, and it is so to God that we write our testimony. time I will obey the Holy Spirit, and 25th 1892, Ananias Wright; aged 62 bbeing ready tthhe meeting commenced rea sweet to trust in him at all times. We are saved through the precious by his help tell of the goodness of years, 4 months and 25 days. This dear Apr. 29. Now as ffar as I know Praise his name! He has healed me blood of Jesus and kept by his might- God. To me he surely is " a rock in brother_ gave himself fo the Lord it was the first meeting held in Ken - of my afflictions many times. It has y power, ever ready to do his will at a weary land, a shelter in the time of during his last sickness, and was made Lucky that was perfectly free from been so long since I have heard a all ttiimmeess. storm." to shout his praises. A wife and sectar ian machinery, and heilnd th e gospel sermon. I hope some of the Your saved and sanctified brother He it is that pardoned all my sins four c hildren mourn the loss. Through bneaemne i no fs eJsessiuosn oonnllyy. aT shheo mrt etiemtien gw hhaend psaeiln atns dw riells ccuoem seo ualnsd. preach the gos- and sister, Wm. & S. Brown. csliexa nyseeadr ms ea gfroo, ma an ndal ls uixn rmig- ohntethouss lnaetsesr, hthise Laoffrldi catniodn f oSuinstde hr iWmrippgrrheetcc sioouusg htot - ed. we discovered that some of the hob- Your sister in Christ, and has kept me through these years her soul. God bless all the bereav Hess professors - were deceived of the M. E. Hinson. ROLLA, MO, and guided me irt the path of his devil, and were under the anti- christ SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. DEAR SAINTS: We are standing- firm righteousness and in his wonderful spirit. But thank God! the majority of DEAR SAINTS: I feel led of the Lord for Christ, the solid rock, sanctified light. Glory be to his holy name for-themavere near enough to God to un- to write my testimony. I do praise to do his will. Praise his name! For. ever! He is guiding me to day. I DIED, April t9th, at her home in • clerstand the signs of the times, and God for salvation that makes me free about forty years I chewed tobacco, ask all the dear saints to pray for me, Moberly, Mo., Sister Sarah J. Roberts, hear the voice- 6f Jesus; and they fol- from all sin. And oh, I do praise the and had never been able to quit it; but that the Lord may keep me faithful wife of Jno. J. Roberts, in the 42d year lowed him, and were established in Lord that I never belonged to any when made to realize what a filthy unto the end. Help me to pray also of her age. Bro. and Sister Roberts the present truth. The last clay of the sect. I want all the saints to pray habit it was, by the help of the Lord for my dear husband, that the Lord were united in marriage March 19, meeting- there were eight followed Je- that I may abound more and more in I quit it, and he took away the appe- may enable him to forsake all and iS78. Ever since they have spept a sus in baptism, being buried with him the love of God. Amen, tite for it. ' I am in the true church of follow him. I find the Lord more peaceful and happy life together un-by baptism into death. Now may God Your sister in Christ, God and out of all sectism. Pray for precious to my soul than ever any til death severed the earthly tie. At bless the little church of the living Mary M. Burks. us. body could have told me. the age of II she was converted, and God which he has planted in the Ken- tuck} hills, and may it please the Lord MERIDIAN, MISS . Your brother Wan. d H s. i s& te rA, I. Miles. Your humble sister in Christ, when the death summons came it DEAR SAINTS: I wish to give you Mrs. J. L. Fischer. found her prepared, having her work. to acid many precious souls to the testimony. I was convertde i m my . done. She sweetly fell asleep- in Je-nuber of the already saved of God. in 1889, andthe Lord sanctified MmILTeON , w M. Ohol- PRAIRIEVILLE, MICH. sus, leaving an unmistakable evidence We took our leave of the saints at y iin 1 890 1 have had tthhe peace of the . DEAR BRETHREN: I do not know DEAR SAINTS: I am a man eighty- behind that she was going home to Dodge Monday morning, and arriv- Lord ever ss ince. all the I love gos how to praise God enough for his three years old. 1 can say to day that Father's house," not made with hands, ed at New Albany, Ind. about noon pel and love to obey it; not a wwoordrd goodness to me. I had a hard spell I am saved and ready to meet my eternal in the heavens." The day the same day, and were conveyed by do I Bate. I ddeessiire tthhe prayers of aall . of sickness, and my friends tried to God in heaven. I experienced relig- she died was one of the very happiest carriage to Moo, resville, by the breth- tthh e saints. I live ffree ' ffrom a ll ssiin get me to take medicine, but I trust- ion when twenty- one years old. I have of all her life; and was spent in talk-ren that came for us. The meeting ev ery day of my life, watching for y ed my case in the hands of the Lord. always believed in the truth of the ing, singing, praying and praising commenced at this place the same lis appearance when he shall come. Bro. Kinsey anointed me in the name cos elof our Lord Jesus Christ but I God. One of the songs she sang was: evening of our arrival. We soon found I remain your b er iin Christ, yroth of the Lord and I was healed. Bless- did not prove faithful to the trust God “ t have anchored my soul in the haven of rest, that the sect devil was trying to rally and sanctified in Jesus' blood, ed be the name of Jesus! , gave me. I became united with the ni sail the wide seas no more; Pink Carlvin. his scattered forces, but without suc- The teest ma sweep o'erthewild, stormy deep, . Alice J. Brinegar. sect and lived there for a number of cess. The poor souls that are fight- In Jesu m s pI'm y saved ever more." years, till God showed me their cor-ing against the cause of God at Viciav, Mo. DONIPHAN, Mo. ruption and led me out. 1 had been She prayed aloud that day three Mooresville ought to take Gamaliel's To ALL THE REDEEMED: We are g advice. Acts 5: 38, 39. The meeting praising God this morning for sal- LoDrEdA hRa sT RfuUlMlyP EsaTv ReEdA mDyE RsSo: uTl, haen dd edaer- ltihviirntyg- fiinv ea ybeaacrks sulindtdile lna sstt faatlel . a Ib coaumt etai nmfrdie epsnr dwaissi tithnhg ag tG rceoaadmt wpe oiitnwh tetohr e, s eemena thnreeyra dtaiennad, r went on over the heads of the oppos- vation that saves us from all sin. Oh, livered me out of sectism, and from to Plainville, and there met with some hear her talk. " Precious in the ers to the glory of God. Four souls how wonderful it is to live in this sight of the Lord is the death of his the appetite of tobacco and coffee: saints o_ f God as I was peddling in this were converted, and two or three sane- blessed evening light! I am so thank- I had been living up to about all Place. They invited me to their meet- saints." We pray God to abundantly tified and after the close of the meet- ful that we are permitted to see this bless Bro. Roberts and the dear ngthere w erefour buried with Christ time. chil-i by baptism by Bro. Howard. To God lost souWls; e h aarve ed opirna yge wr hmaet ewti en gc a- n a fnodr wthhee lni gthhet wI hoardd offo Gr tohdi rwtya sy peraerasc; h beudt m inagd, e asnod p lIa wine tnot . m Teh Ie w tarus ew willainyg wtoa es ndd. r, e ann, dan tdh ekne ethpe t hmeeme tfianigth wfuill lu bnet og tlohe-all the i be n its purity it was food to my soul, walk in it, and get back to Father's nous. b glory through Jesus Christ childrens' meeting at our house ey- and I gladly accepted the truth. Praise house where there was bread enough Mollie L. Robinson. our Lord. Amen. God bless the ery Sunday. Pray that we may be his name! and to spare. I am now rejoicing in God church at Mooresville, Ind., for Jesus' kept humble. Your sister, saved, healed and kept the rock of my salvation. The Lord SPRINGFIELD, 0., May 22, 1892. sake. James T. & Sarah A. Thornton. by the power of God, has cleansed me from tobacco, which DIED, about five miles from West . Y ours and Christ's, saved and sane - Liberty Logan Co., Ohio, our belov- MELROSE, 0. , Jane Salmon. I used fifty- eight years. Glory to tified, ed sister Salina Mast; aged 35 years, DEAR BRETHREN: I am happy to God! I give him all the praise. I 4 months and 23 days. She leaves a '- A. J. Kilpatrick, J. N. Howard & tell you that I am still saved in Jesus ALBA, Me. am now walking in the light, and if husband and three children ( one of Th os. Carter. and all on the altar, ready to do the DEAR READERS OF THE TRU MPET: We there is any more for me I want it. whom is but a babe) to mourn their Lord's _ will in all things. He has have been fully saved for eight years. I am determined now to serve the loss, wwhich is her gainn. The holy given us th the victory over the world, Wh eentnhthe light of holiness was taught Lord with all my might, mind and mlifaed oef ao ulars dtienpga ritmedp rseisstseiro hna os ntr uthlye the flesh and e devil, and. I find in our community we gladly accepted strength, and prove faithful unto hearts and minds of acquaintances; him a present help in every time of it, and presented our bodies a living death. and may they one and all be saved, OOLAOAH, I. T., FEB. 4, 1892: need_. Pray for me that God may sacrifice according to ROM. I2: I. We Lyman Crass. a- i and DEAR SAINTS: My wife and I are use me to his glory, t hgeoood i piosdt iaebple o say w iIttvhh h e have fought a gd u are free from all sectism and all the saved and sanctified. Glory to his Your sister saved in Jesus, and kept fiigshth, Ie hdav em finy course, I powers of the enemy, sanctified to HOUST0N, ARK. name! There are no other saints here, by the power of God through faith el have kept the faith: henceforth there but we have ng every Sunday do his will. If the Lord leads any DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I am still is meeti i bayed up for me a crown of right- 7 unto salvation, ready to be revealed night. " File Lord is with us in all our of his holy- ministers to this place saved and kept from all sin. Praise eousness, which the Lord, the right-trials. Bless his holy name! in the last times, gladly the Lord for ever saving a poor, lost eous judge, shall give me at that da y; Etta Brown. they will be gl received. Yours in Christ, Your brother and Sister in Christ, sinner like I was! for I was one of the and not me only, but unto all them al- M. A. & Ruth Fly, F. H. & E. Fawcett. worst, and when I became willing to so that love his appearing.- 2Tim. 4: ENERGY, MISS. HEALED OF CANCER. quit following the devil, the Lord 7, pray 8- DEAR SAINTS: Jesus saves and keeps EASTON, MO, and console saved me. I do the trusting, and the May the Lord bless the bereaved SARGENT, Mo. ones of the deceased, d le me by his power. Pray for me, that , n Lord keeps me each day. And I ask them by the presence of his Spirit, the Lord inn send some one here to BELOVED SAINTS: This morning. DEAR' BRETHREN: I feel like giving preach the gospel. finds me saved and free from sin. a I a• short testimony for the Lord, Six-eor the brethren everywhere to for e vi - s- e n touuarl lap= rgaayt ehre. r t h Tii. ii the htoe kind- G - me. My prayer is that the Lord will Your sister, have been in a bad condition with teen years 4, gollast Dec. God pardon_ gia Turner. cancer in my face; _ have had several ed my I was'made to rejoice send some of his holiness preachers friends are gratefully k „ . . an fothanrked self, doctors, and- none of them dial me any in his love. - Shortly after my con- here' lending helping hands during her WATSEKA, ILL. 3. R. Truelove. sickness. Services were largely at- DEAR BRETHREN: I know that my good, but Lrather- gre- w worse. I have . • - .• . - - version I joined the M.- E. church tended. Funeral services were held Redeemer liveth, and the life I live is spent almost all my living in the last M 11114111XS. at the t. Tabor meeting house, May by faith in the Son of God. Hallelu- nine years, and had to scatter my little South, antlI am still there. I have 15. Texts, Job 14: 4; Jno ii: - 25; Rev. jab! My life isehid with Christ in children fora year._ But bless God! been reading: the GOSPEL TRUMPET HAMILTON, MICH. 4-. 13. God, Praise his name! he has heated me without the, use of for Omit a: year with much interest. Rhoda B. Moon, daug- hter of Sister Your brethern in the service of Your brother inChrist, drugs, enabled meto bt. Mg my chit- S. Moon, departed this life April 22d; • our Master, J, aco,. b FFii dd. l lee, r r:. dren t_ o m. e, a- n. d npiv I can. w. ork and and since- reacting it I have been led aged 2 years, 5 months and 8 days.' B. E. Warren & Win. G. Schell. A. Lammers. Jessie Drowley. T714 ST1110I78 TRY TESTIMONIES ARE WONDERFUL. NA. P9:_ 129. • Vii: MOMIN. 1111m. ACCiramaialsimairmegOlCr - - HEALTH DEPARTMENT. DEAR TB. umPET READERS: ' like has saved my soul and I am Ivalkgig fli lthy an r1 l vineyard, and souls set free in Christ. has been preached in this part of the in all the light he gives inc. The trut sanctified brother, f\ rveceedfr— oitnois) aeccctios. m and from the J, 13. Strickland' MENTAL TRAT, TH, person possessing a sound body enjoys a great blessing indeed, a blessing that is beyond price; yet the one who has a sound mind in a sound body enjoys something even beyond what the other can realize. There are disorders of the mind, feel-ings and sensibilities, , produced by strains on the mental capacities of those afflicted, as well as by disorders of the body. Some one has told us, and we also know by experience, that a hearty laugh during or after a meal is productive of the best results on the operation of digestion. We also know that a person who is thinking deeply, grieving or worrying cannot eat or digest food to the satisfaction ofthe body. A healthy mind then must be one that can lay aside the serious things of life ( in the sense of worrying), and call up all the cheer-fulness in his nature for the benefit of his digestion. Fear is also a disease of the mind, and is an epidemic that can be taken from persons who are not afflicted in the same way. We have seen small children catch, and become thorough-ly inoculated with this dreadful mind-destroying disease in the course a few minutes. Strange to say, they were exposed by their own parents to such disease breeders, as " bears," " bad-men," etc., coming after them in case they did or did not do so and so. Teachers in our schools have also used fear as a rod of government. Shame on such parents and teachers, who are unable to command the obe-dience, love and respect of children without resorting to such inhuman methods! How many parents and teachers are aware that if a child grows up into a timid, scared ( afraid to call its mind its own) state, that somebody is as responsible to God for that child's mental state,— for that poor little crippled mind— as though they had by one blow, instead of slow torture, brought things to the same state. The child comes into the world without fear of danger. The only fear it knows is known by an-other name, " love;" and is shown in not wishing to do anything, as far as it understands, to displease its par-ents. Fear is an instinct given to animals for the protection of them-selves. Man has no such instinct, and if fear is implanted it must be done by knowledge. This knowledge in the child's case comes from a source ( the parent or teacher) which the child trusts fully. It learns to fear, even as it learns to talk, by being pre-sented with fear. How many, many little ones are afraid of the " dark," as they express it; and how often do they sob themselves to sleep because some criminal mother in her efforts to quiet them, has " told them some horrible tale of coming " bad men," " bears," etc. - This disease, " fear" at last upsets the mind, and through the mind de-ranges the body; and humanity has another load to bear because of crim-inal ignorance. Governing children, persons or animals by this means can-not be too strongly condemned. See how many poor animals have become unfit for use, how many children are unfitted for life all because they have this " fear of man" punishment always before them. Does the parent and teacher ask in despair, Shall we not punish our children when they persistently dis-obey? Yes, if necessary. The rod so strongly recommended by Solomon can still be used. But never, as you value the minds of those God has given into your care, never threaten them either before or afterward. This we give as the fruit of actual experience. God holds us all responsi-ble for the way in which the flock is taken care of. See to it that you are not destroying,. the " mind health" of - any of God's little ones, whose angels always behgld his face in heaven. Love brings these minds back to health. Love is of God, and you will find his store houses full of the same remedy. Amen. F. Husted. GOBLESVILLE, MICH. DEAR BRETHREN: I am saved, that too, by a second work of grace. Your brother in Christ, John Allen. ILION, IND. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am led Of God to tell the world that I am saved and sanctified and kept by the power of God, and am praising him for a perfect salvation; and I know that I am complete in him. May God bless all the dear saints, and keep them low down at Jesus'feet is the prayer of your brother in Christ, Isaac Rhodes. HUMBOLDT, KAN. DEAR SAINTS: I praise God for what he is still doing. Bro. Aothor held a meeting four miles north of us, and a number of souls were saved. After he, left, there were three converted and four sanctified in our prayer meetings. We have prayer meetings four times a week with the real power WINDFALL, IND. DEAR SAINTS: I wish to say to the glory of God, that we are saved in Je-sus and kept by the mighty power of God through the Holy Ghost, and trusting the Lord for all things, and as our physician and our healer. Our little five year old daughter had a se-vere attack of cramping a few nights ago, and was healed by the miraculous power of God througR prayer and constant holding on to God by faith. Bless His holy name . forever and ev er for a free and full salvation which saves from all sin! Glory to God! Hallelujah to his blessed name! Pray for us. Your brother in Christ, A. W. Whisman. of God and the sinners when they are sick, nigh unto death, send for the people of God to come and pray for them. Dear ones, let us live so true that sinners will be made to acknowl-edge we are of God. Let your light so shine that God will be glorified. God is our physician. ' My mother who is seventy- three years old is just recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. She was so very low that we thought her time had come, but we laid the case before God to have his will done, and he healed her- Praise his name forever! Your sister in Christ, Sallie Rogers. ntosh. NEOSHO, MO. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel led by the Lord to - write my testimony. am saved and sanctified wholly, for which I give the Lord the praises'. Before I was sanctified I was a sickly person, but God has healed me, and I do know that his grace is sufficient for all things. I do praise his name for all that he has done for me. Pray for me, that I may continually stand fast in the Lord. Your brother, saved in Christ, Andrew Watkins. LOO MIS, MICH. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel led to tell you that we are living for God alone, and he is keeping us by his mighty power. I love to read the Trumpet and hear the dear saints tell of the goodness of God to their souls. The Lord has given me the victory over tobacco and has taken away the appetite, for which I give him all the praise. Your brother in Christ, W. L. Mc KENESAW, NEB. DEAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD: I do praise the Lord that I can testi-fy for Jesus with this glory in my soul. Oh, the unspeakable richness of the fullness of his love to forgive all our sins, and then to sanctify us through his blood! God has shown me that, as we have gone through the fire of holiness, so also we must go through the fire of persecutions. Some have already gone through; and came out white and spotless, while others are just entering in. Watch says the word, for these things shall come up-on us. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.— Rom. 12: 21. These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed earnestly, But in so doingGod open. ed his word before me and showed are they before the throne of God, me wherein - I was blind, and showed -. and serve him day and night in his I me also that I must come out of the temple. And he that sitteth on the I sect and not partake of her sins, - throne shall dwell among- them.— Rev. was then that my Methodist friends 7: 14, 1 5- I cold and bitter aaggaaiinns tme, Your sister, saved and sanctified by But the Lord gave me the grace to a second definite work of grace. stand, and showed me what I must do; M. D. Heldenbrand. now I am rejoicing in the freedom of the one body of Christ. Halleln- HUMBOLDT, KAN. I jail to God and the Lamb forevert Your brother in Christ, Jerry T. Stowe, BELLEVILLE, IA. DEAR SAINTS: I am so glad that I can say I am walking in all the light God gives me, and am so glad that I ever met with Brother Warner and Brother and Sister Byers at Hedrick, Iowa camp meeting. Their sermons showed me plainly that I was travel-ing a dark road; but God has ledeme out of darkness into his glorious light. Adaline Russell. FENWICK, ONT. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I do praise God this morning that I ever gave my heart to him, and for his keep-ing power. Bless his name! He saved me through his all atoning blood. I realize we are cliving in perilous times, when we see scriptures being fulfilled in these last days. As I am one of the weakest Of God's little ones I ask your prayers, that I may ever do his will. Albert Strawn. SARGENT, Mo. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: This morning finds me saved from all sin, and sanctified by a second work of grace. Bro. Curtis, Wilson and his sister are holding meeting here now. The Lord does so wonderfully bless our work, and souls are being saved. Praise God for salvation! Yours in Christ, Delphia Hunter. TIMBERVILLE, O. DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS IN CHRIST: I am saved just now, and kept by the mighty power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last times. I carne to God a sinner, and confessed my sins to God, and he forgave all of my sins. Then God said, " Go on unto perfection." I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacri-fice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.— Rom. I2: I, 2. And when I presented this body of mine a living sacrifice, God sancti-fied my soul. Your brother in Christ; James B. Mor son. TESTIMOI\ IBS, TRY TESTIMONIES ARE WO FDERFUL. PSA. 119: 120. NORTON, M O. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I do realize just now that God is the rock of my refuge, a hiding place in time of storms and a stronghold in time of trouble. Oh, bless his dear name! I have been passing through great tribulation since I last wrote; but as God the Father was with Daniel in the lions'den, so has he been with me, and is with me just now; and if through my suffering one precious soul can be saved, I will count it great gain. We are few in number at present. Pray for us, dear saints, that we may be in-strumental in God's hands. I am praising God fora full and free sal-vation t
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 12:23
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 12:23
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 12:23
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 12:23
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 12:23
title_sort gospel trumpet - 12:23
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1892
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The Altar
Grand Trunk
The Haven
geographic_facet Canada
The Altar
Grand Trunk
The Haven
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op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766244391154876416
spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:38+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 12:23 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1892-06-02 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 12 23 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1892 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:03:39Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye be-lieved? - Acts 19: 2. This scripture is ' of. great impor-tance to us. Some say that the Holy Ghost was only given to the apostles. But here Paul finding certain disci- . pies at Ephesus, puts this question to them. And they had good reason for not having received the Holy Ghost. - But suppose this question was ask-ed the many Christian professors of to day, - what would be their an-swer? We read in Acts 2: 38 and 391 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the re- . mission of- sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your child-ren, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. And Christ says in Luke rt 13, If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children, bow much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him. God has in all ages of the world had and used means to talk to his people to reveal his will unto them, that they might know what to do, and what not to do. It is written ( Gen. 3: 9) , And the Lord God called unto Ad-am, and said unto him, Where art thou? He spoke to Moses out of the burn-ing bush, and Moses recognized his voice. And God talked with Moses a-gain on Mount Sinai. ( Ex. 19.) God sent an angel to talk to Joseph at differ-ent times. God spoke to the people through his Son when-- Christ came in-to the world. ( John 14: Jo.) And the Lord was here introducing the dis-pensation in which we are ndw living. We can readily see what was to be the office of the Spirit of God ( or the Holy Ghost, the Comfortetetc.). Ver-ses 16 and 17,--- And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you an-other Comforter that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not, neither ■ •• 7 ■ 1• 01.1 ■ 1• 10., him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you; but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath tang ht you, ye shall a- I unrighteousness.- Here we see the bide in him. I apostle makes a distinction between These scriptures clearly teach that forgiving and cleansing from all un-it is the office of the Holy Spirit to righteousness. We will first notice teach his people the truth, and that it in verses 3 and 4 that John was writ-teaches no lie. Any one not having ing to a people whose sins were for-this Spirit of truth dwelling in them given, for he says: " That which we lacks this medium through which have seen and heard declare we unto God talks to his people; they need a you, that ye also may have fellow-preacher, and such - a one as is recom- ship with us, and truly " our fellowship mended in Romans Jo: 15; I Cor. is with the Father and with his Son 2. I well remember when I was Jesus Christ; also that your joy may in Babylon and attended sabbath- be full. And in John 15: 11, Jesus school, how the teachers and senior speaks to his disciples, saying: " These members of the school would differ things have I spoken unto you that my on many questions concerning the joy might remain in you, and that your truth. I did not then know what it joy might be full." And he was speak meant, but it is very plain now that ing to men whose sins were forgiven, they were not all taught of God: in- for he had already ordained them, as deed very few of them were. Because you will see in verse 16. So this ex- God does not reveal the truth in two plains 1 jno. 1: 8, where so many peo-or more different ways. A house di- pie try to justify themselves in sin-vided against itself cannot stand. To ning. be sure, very few of those persons pro- Notice how the first line reads: " If fessed to have received the Holy we say that we have no sin," then the Ghost, but would many times pray for question should be asked, when? To t, yet never received it. And yet they which we answer: when we were in would insist upon having their own the condition of those in verse 4, opinion about the probable meaning whose joy was not full. Such he says of the scriptures; and many honest in verse 8, are deceived, and the truth souls, lambs of the flock, were looking is not in them. And in chapter 2: I on, expecting and needing food, and he is writing to those_ same people, were starved to death ( spirituallY), and commanding them not to sin, which in a short time they had no experience would be disobeying His command-of salvation, and were unable to give meats: and " He that saith, I know a reason for the same. The love - for him, and keepeth not his command-the prayer and class meeting was gone; meats, is a liar and the truth is not they forgot how to trust God; they in him." NOW these were regenera-must trust in their own strength, and ted, and John calls them little chil-that is very small. Still the preach- dren. And in Rom. 7: 16, 17, Paul in er will allay their fears by telling speaking of his past experience shows them, " He is glad to see so many Hy- what was lacking in their cast. He ing witnesses for God. And that they says, " If then I do that which I would are on their way to heaven." And they not, I consent unto the law that it is can live for years in that way, and good. Now then it is no more I that do never get their eyes open until it may be forever too late. It is true that God reveals the truth to lass people by his Spirit, and consequently no one is qualified to teach who has not the Spirit of God. But how many Christ-ian professors of to day are qualified to, teach or prophesy in the light of God's truth? We must have some-thing more than the opinions of men. May many know when to seek for the truth and become acquainted with God, whom to know aright is life e-ternal. Observe the darkness, confusion, and spiritual death caused by follow-ing doctrines of men and of devils. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one each you again which be the first princi-ples of the'oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.— Heb. 5: 12. knoweth him; but ye know him: for Yes, men and women of the world, he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. And verse 18,--- I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. He dwelt with them in the person of Jesus Christ, and shall be in them in the person of the Holy Spirit. He was their comforter while he was with them, but now he must go away. 16 : 7,— For if I go not away, the Comfort-er will not come unto you-. but if I de-part, I will send him unto you. Ver. 8,--- And when he is come he will re-prove the world of sin, of righteous-ness, and of judgment. And 14: 26,— But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remem- The Tord Gods/ I- al BL. 01#' 7114 .7 CRUMPET and go with Oh, now the way is plain, His light dotli round me shine! Devils rage, and rage in vain, I'm kept by love divine. Father, thy mighty power Can drive these foes away, And change the darkest hour To bright and tranquil day. My all I now resign; And all i lope to be, My time, my life, my mind I consecrate to thee. The word teaches that, If we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, brance whatsoever I have said unto and the blood of Jesus Christ his you. And I John 2: 27,— But the Son cleanseth us from all in°. anointing which ye have- received of I : 7. And verse 9 plainly sets forth Father, take my weary soul Into thy loving care; While clouds of sin around me roll 0 heed my earnest prayer! The night is cold and dark, How can I find the way? 0 give. me, Lord, a spark From some celestial ray. A light to guide my feet Into thy holy way: Sink me in love complete, Lest I should go astray. THE HOLY SPIRIT. CONSZCRATION, Clint Atkins:- Flee out of the_ mn st of Babylon and deliver every man his soul; be not cut- off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the Lord's vengeni ce he will render unto her a recompetre. And the land.- shall tremble and sor-row, for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Irlithylon, to make thetland of Babylon a desola-tion without an inliabitant.-- Jer. 51: GM. decked with the worldly attire, with nothing but an empty profession, are set over classes of children to teach them the truth. Is it any wonder that they have left their first love? Remember therefore from- ft/ hence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will'come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.— Rev. 2: 4, 5. D. C. Stauffer. WALK IN THE LIGHT. sin caused him to do evils ( verse 19), and he says, I am carnal, sold under sin ( verse 14) and was at enmity against God. Chap. S: 7. This was the experience of Paul before he was sanctified. M. A. Marcee. the second-. work of grace. The a- saints remain in that as the final, per-postle says, " If _ we confess- our sins manent, and finishing work of grace. he is faithful. and just to forgive us They knew of no grace beyond the our sins, and to cleanse". us from all one that is next entered after justifi-cation. To stand is to be established; and this grace is explained by the same apostle in i Thess. 3 : I 2, as hay-. ing the heart established unblameable in holiness. Two things are implied in the words, " we stand." First, as compared- with the initial grace of justification, wherein the dangerous foe of inbred sin still has a place, and greatly hinders the Christian life, entirer santification is a far more , sta-ble, fixed and unmovable state, where the soul stands more victorious over all the powers of evil. Second,"- we stanedenotes that in this grace sal-vation is consumated. It is a stand-ing grace, and not a transition state. All that God has prepared in his store house of blessings comes to us in this grace, and we never pass on to any other moral state beyond this graee. - We never see the end of this Beulah land of perfect love, and we never pass beyond it to a higher state of moral perfection in this world, or in worlds to come; except the resur-rection, immortalization of the body. Even going to heaven itself is no-where taught to be the entering up-on a purer inward state, though it be an infinitely more glorious location. This we can prove by the word. The Heb-rew brethren had " come unto Mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem— to the church of the firstborn," and to his precious sprinkling blood.— Heb. 12: 22- 24. They were converted and in the church. But they were commanded to go on to perfection. 6: 1. For. I by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Whereof the Holy Spirit is also a witness unto us.— Heb. 14, 15. Sanctification perfects us forever. it, but sin that dwelleth in me." Which Hence there is no third work, for per-fection cannot be improved upon. In this grace we grow, increase in dom, in the knowledge of God, and in fruitfulness throughout time and e-ternity, but never pass to a more per-fected moral state never become more pure in heart. " Perfected forever" does not mean that our salvation can-not be forfeited, but it means that no brother writes from Dagus Mines, Pa. stating that there was a man there preaching a third work, and wishes to know if the script-ures teach such a thing. To which we positively answer, no. All the sciptural figures of salvation show but two states of grace. Egypt represents the sinner's condition, en-tering the wilderness through the Red Sea, conversion, or regeneration, and Canaan, perfected holiness, and beyond that there is no other state of grace follows in the series of fig-ures. The tabernacle is a beautiful fig-ure of the way of salvation; and is so Used by the apostle Paul in Heb. 9th and loth chapters. In Rev. II the court is " left out," " given to the Gentiles" — sinners. The holy place, is regen-eration; the most holy, entire sanc-tification. Only two states of grace. Positive scripture statements teach emphatically but two works and states of grace. A few only will suffice. Rom. 5: I, 2 . sho. w us two states of grace. First, justification by faith. Second, " Access by faith into this grace where-in we stand." " This grace," is clear-ly seen to be a state of grace beyond justification, and this is , " the grace wherein we stand;" namely, the a-postles themselves and al perfected LS THERE A THIRD WORK 01' GRACE? _ And he said an. to me, What sent thou? A wl I answer-ed, I see a Ilyingsall. Then d he unto every one sai that steideth me, shim be eat , on this side aeeordiag to it; am/ every one that sweareth shall be cut air oft than side nederding to it. will bring It forth, smith, the Lord or/ lost.% Zech. Grand Junction,- Thursday 2, Volume more perfect state of moral purity can ever be reached in this life, or even in heaven. This is because we are " pure even as he ( Christ) is pure." — I John 3: 3. The two fold salvation is also seen in Titus 3: 5. He saves us, by the washing of regeneration, and the re-newal of the Holy Spirit. Regener-ation makes us a child of God, and the " renewal" restores the soul in the image of God, our Creator. Col. 3: Io. This renews the image of God in man, as he was first created. A third work of saving grace would therefore advance man to a plane of moral perfection beyond where God created him, and would cast reflect-ions on the Creator. We have occasionally met persons babbling about a third work of grace, and have always found them deluded of the devil, and without the first grace. All these blinded souls define their third grace differently. Some teach that it destroys natural affection. Just the deluded characters that are predicted in the last days. 2 Tim. 3: 1- 3. It has usually been mixed with free- love, companion- hating, and for-saking, and somebody- else- loving spirits of devils. Avoid it. --- - THE CHURCH. N the Old and New Testaments the words Zion, Jerusalem and church are used synonymously. We read in Heb. 12: 22, 23,-- But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven. Also Rev. 21: 9,1o. The an-gel said unto John, Come hither, and I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city the holy Jerusalem. The Lamb is Christ, and the bride, his church. We will prove by the scripture what his church is. First, we notice the foundation of the church. Isa. 28: 16. Thus saith the Lord God, Behold I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation. i Cor. 3: ti,— For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Eph. 2: 20,— And ye are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus, Christ himself being the chief corner stone. Second, its walls and gates. Isa. 6o: iS. Thou shalt call thy walls sal-vation, and thy gates praise. Isa. 26: I, 2,— We have a strong city; salva-tion will God appoint for walls and bulwarks. . Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may , icnter in. So we see it is none but the righteous that keep the truth that are in the church. Zech. 2: 5,— For I, saith the Lord, will be un-to her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her. Who is the head of the church? We read in EFp 1h. I: 23, that God hath put all things under his [ Christ's] feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is Ills body. I Cor. 12: 12, 27,— For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. There is but one head and one body, hence but one church. How do we get into this church? Psa. 87: 5, 6,-- And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her. The Lord shall count, - when he writeth up the people, that this Man was born there. Praise the Lord! We do not need to join this church, but we are born in it. Acts 2: 47,— And the Lord added to the church daily, such as should be sav-ed. Who are the inhabitants of this church? Joel 3: 17 So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwell-ing in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there - shall no strangers pass through her any more. Heb. i2: 22- 24,— But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innu-merable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heav-en, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits bf just men made per-fect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. Isa. 4: 3, — And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that- re-maineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem. Isa. 26: 2. The righteous nation which keepeth the . truth. 0 what a glori-ous church, with no other inhabitants than those just mentioned! Nothing unholy ever enters in. Who makes the law of the church? Isa. 33: 22,— For the Lord is our guide, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our King. Isa. 2: 3,— For out of Zion shall go forth: the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. The church is the Lord's throne. Jer. 3: 17. At that - time shall they call J erusalem the Lord's throne. Psa. 146: io,— The Lord shall reign for-ever, even thy God, 0 Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the Lord. The church needs no bishop, for Christ is the head. It needs no con-ference to form a constitution, for the Lord is its lawgiver. It needs no class- book-, for our names are written in heaven. Jer. 17: 13,— They that degart from the Lord shall be writ-ten in the earth, because they have forsaken the Lord. - Emma Dansberger. ' and Hesha, 11semtnis angels with a great sound of a Trumpet. and they shall gather tOt4.- nner Ills elect from the four winds, frolic one end of bon y-en 10 the other. . NOW learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and. mitten! forth leaves, ye know that swuhmemne yr eis snhigahll. sSeipe yael li nth lieksee i nthaninnegts know - that it is near. even at the door."— Mark 12: 24- 113, .::, ntinually gained ligth, to God, who is my strength and life; _ --- — -- I feel I am dead to this world, entre, E. E. By- Rum— office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS— Publishers. SDeEntF IfNorItThE i, n R tAhDe InCaAmLe, AoNf TthIe- S LEoCrTdA JReIsAuNs Christ. For the Publication of full Silva- TERMS, $ 1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. D. S. WARNER— Editor. MID WETION, ma trot, and Divine healing of the Body. wtrwl ROLM.= , lOBBNAL. FREE TO TI1E POOR. in " the faith once delivered The unity of all true Christians to the saints," ' ITT Ti IL TTIMPET i , enough to convince any one of its interest SO UL • OF-BODY or's pen, and a glance at the contents is thorough knowledge of the Divine Being, June 14- 22. and value to those seeking a more This book is just fresh from the auth- 0 1 viii [ H[ AuNg lanointed servallts come here? We l in thc love of God. and iii flit."' sPIrr E. E. BYRUM. A NEW BBooor;., — BY tired inhabitants. Only one church; ing glorious things from the pres-have a little village of about four hurry • earnest pfayer, ancl so come expect- M. E. Only four or- fiye memloers; no ence of the; Lord. Amen. prayer meetings, nothing but a dead prayer of your unworthy servant, form. We have a- few, however, that are hungering for the pure word. May the Lord send some one, is the Are you coming to camp- eeting? " Holiness unto the Lord." EDITORIAL NOT Mrs. Geo. W. Philips. At a • a.-.- atan. . I South Haven, Mich. The R. R. fare of the boat line from Chicago to to camp meeting, we give time- table place is $ 3.85. from South Haven to Grand'func-tion is 30 cents, distance i i miles. The R. R. fare from Chicago to this The H. W. Williarne Tranzporte.- For the benefit of persons coming TOTE TABLE ton lane. , Melrose church. We had a iglot) rriotitli's THE l'Amtlx oz, - ruE I, Ivrn; Ge,: let you all knowvtl: movbetl: prosperin g, in Washington ' ft", meeting last Sunday at Bro. Hunts feel led of God to write a few lines to DEAR BRoTHERs AND SISTERS 0 OAKWOOD. Oino, M: c : Cello: . 1892, Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, an dealin gws ith people at the Buren Co., Alien. as second chtss matter. and his gs p pres- To CHICAGO: . mantis the evening Of thenIg, o rd by observing the eat time, as well as in days past. Dear sinner, Jesus Christ offers sal- Lord's suppper and washing the NOTICE. The first part of the book very plainly nation free. W. i. l. l. .• y aogua a. c- c- e-- p- t it? 9: oo - DAILY, except Satu relay a 9: o P. 3f. DAILY, Sol: 7TH HAVEN t DOoCKS Saturday- - - = - - A. M. Ali business communications, moeys, marks out the way from sin unto full sal- Meeting at the new camp ground saints feet. Jesus says,- I f you know new cash subscriber, to all who . wiil given for the PET, to insure oredit otherwise we wi I not & o. must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRum-be responsible. A commi, isiou of 20 per cent will be eiven On eac h pathway of the sinner, and enable him to they shall be white as snow; though NOTICE. vation, according to the teaching of the sacred word. way as to throw a gleam of light into the " Though your sins be as scarlet, see that there is hope beyond, through they be red like crimson, they shall It presents the gospel truth in such a at half past ten A. M. Sunday, June Will leave P. O'CONNOR: 3 DOCK, 5th. Every body invited. e - From CHICAGO: t DAILY, except Sunday, at rr: 3o P. M. ' Foot of Miehi! vmi Street, North Side, Also Monday Fare, including- berth, $ 9174:: 01 A. M. pe\ n_ tcencirosbtrsoltii( 1) sanctified b). i, e. & poi‘ zv. eri it.-.) f. t: i iod, i hese things, ,1,: 1, ,; 1 ). ni )( NI ' saairc e yr :: iivi i'it : yli ae a i. n d them." Praise the LordlWe had a real GO: 3BEL TRUMPET. ' IV e make this offer so as to help the brethren that are hi the held, as _ wed as the cir- the mercies of a blessed Redeemer. be as wool."— Isa. t: 18. CAMP MEETING IN CANADA. cCuiga- t- io- nia r,, tfi etsh de epsairpinegr.- papers to canvass with, should The BELIEVER is led to see the beauties _. a. .8, .- The Lord willing, a camp meeting of full salvation, and the joys in a life of The saints at Freedom, Ind. would notify us regularly 01 tueir whereabouts - Will be held at Candesville, Ont. June —_.- Christian perfection, be glad to have any of God's holy NOTICE. children to stop there and hold a few tteenn — 13. or C more Cane over come and help us. Wh THE HEALING roaere — OFTHE BODY together, railroads HOW TO SEND MONEY. Remit by Post- meetings. Office Money Uruer or Postai Note. Where these will usually give reduced rates. We cannot be procureo, send by Express Order, Registur- constitutes the second _ p_ a rt of the book. I letta hemmer. ed Letter, or small amounts ill stamps. This consists of twenty- six chapters on will try and get that privilege. CHthAeiNr Ga OEF ADDRESS. -- - Subscribers- wish- The Lord willing, there will be a Those wishing to see NiagaraFalls, ing duress chamred, must be sure to give th, if doctrinal subjects, exposing and over - former, as wed as their' new address. throwing false ideas and theories concern- meeting in the hall at Glenn, Mich., come the day before and stop off at • MISSING PAPERS.— It occa, ionally happens ing the healing power in these last days, begining Thursday, June 9, continu- Weiland. Those coming on the Mich. that numbers of our papers sent to our suLscrthers are lost, or stolen paper in the mads. In case you do not showing when, how, and under what • cir- ing over Sunday. Sister Mary Cole Central, stop at Perry Station. Over receive your when due. alter walthe r a suffic- and conditions God heals the and Co. and others expect to be there. the Grand Trunk, stop at Marchville. rent length of time, write us a mussing card, mail we will cumstances gladly send one in place of the g number. sick and afflicted at the present time. ( Air line division.) , It gives a history and testimonies of Persons coming to camp- meeting When you write, be sure to give your full address, ng name, post- office, county and state. We have twelve cloth tents that Should there be d mi:, take at any time, write us at f the time of Abraham, should bring blankets, etc., if possible. will range between $ 2.25 and $ 3.0R G once, and we will gladly reify the same. through _ the different ages, up to the There will be a number of sleeping Address all letters to Gospel Trumpet, Grand built, furnish at each rental for the season. Order Junction, Mich. present third time. rooms bu, but the beds not fsh- once. — The rd part of the book consists of ed with covering unless specially The, Ordinance - el Fe' the ordered. There will be free conveyance from WITNESSES OF TO DAY. coming Washing. stations. To all the beloved saints who can- Parties comi address Bro. James The excellent work on this subject, - written These are wonderful testimonies of per- not attend the camp meeting here, we Johnson, Candesville, Ont. • Parties Broth r Bradley, ha s beenre d duucceedd in price to 2 by 0 cents. It is a review of a tract written against this sons who have been healed within the would say, if the Lord will, send in coming to Welland or wishine- any in-ordinance. A exposure of the false teaching last few years by divine power; such as your mite, yea, rather all your might formation, address me at Welland, the opposer, and a very thorough contains of the being instantly restored to sight after ha y- to help pay for buildings, etc.; and Ont. sacred ordinance of Christ. It 84 large ing been blind for years; the lame throw pages, and gives much light. Price 20 et& $ 1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, 13ro. W. W. Bradley, away their crutches; broken bones are d. Amen. Pertly, you shall not,. I_ o_ s_ e_ your re- Those going to the Grand Junction war camp meeting- from the east, try and vx atkinsviile, Miss , or from this office. instantly healed; invalids who have suf- come in time to stop off a few days feredforyearsimmediately arise and walk, Bro. J. D. Hatch writes very en-Must Vio Sin? after faith at least with us. B ro. W. G. Schell dfor the prayer of f is offered, etc. couragi news from Los Angeles, of I and your brother, hid his presence. Amen. G. R. Achor• u tne sec 1) 7aLISII D AT ( Per doati. . . $ 3 004% tcso ing gospel could not some of God's ST. : TERSIII , RG, PA., INIAv 2 7 , isQ. DEAK BRETHREN: \ Ve report an other glorious victory for the lord There: yen! live sanctified and Six baptized, also a few cases of healin, r. We are now holtli llt meetingslint; which will close wall a general trdi lance meeting jlint: the 5th. W will hold a few meetings at Turkey City from Juno the oth to the :\ nd the I Ith and 21h. liro. M a rtz and I. and perhaps others. hill 1 11 Ines ingat \ Vest ' Monterey. All air(.: invited. The 1 4 th inst. dear Bro. Gilger ban. tied two at I\ lonterey. and the next day he ill company with two brahreR bapti7ed an afflicted sister. whu I to 1,, e taken fri, n1 her house by convey-ance. and to water in a shmt; and was thus ha pti zei soatcd iu die shed. I Iundreds of people gathered at tiv and many plaaiccee ex [ wet; tzL od) 1 ' en the threat against the saints if she had diol: but our God is truly with and takes- care of his elect. Instead of the sister dv. ing she came out shouting xvonder• fully, and she has been iMproving in health ever since. Hallelujah! Souls are truly docking to Zion in Pa.,: and the work is moving on with sweeping victory. 1. N. Jacob. on & lively V of healing from MO. ng an h A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must The author is. personally acquainted with Cal. Souls are being saved, and they is expected. lPiveer dfroezee fnr, o 2m0 esitns. P48er p haugneds. r eSdin, g$ l1e. 5c0op y s eta gnievaernly t haellir t htees tpimarotineise sw, ahnod h gaivvee sh tehreeiirn desire some holy man of God to aid . a o- G. T. Clayton. the book, so camp or ng the them in the work. They, also desire a GROVE MEETING. A tract on the Trne Church. 50 pages. 10 cis names and addresses in meeting there this summer. The Lord willin g saints south on that persons doubting the truthfulness A pages. 65 tract the- Sabbath, or Which Day to Ke1e0p . e t, soefl vthees. same can write to the parties them- tThhee ysa. nia tssk. the earnest prayers of . a. l_ l othfe M 1estl rooAsAeuu gdgueussssttit. r. eW ae g droevsier em aeneyti nogf Marriage and Divorce, a tract . of 32 pazes- C 5 as. and aid in a closer walk with Him who is Tuso : NR. , Ip11.7eieaEcirsIt. 7l) e., e txFJ hIL_ 6a1. IN! , Your saved brother, C It will be a precious volume to- those who JUST AR 1E. God's ministers filled with the hOtv The Age To Collie, and Millennium Tradition are afflicted in either soul or body. The a lire to come. For further particulars Refuted by the inspired Word of God. 56 pages. chapters on faith, and also other subjects, RAND JUNCTI IN 1, 1w8i9t2h. write to me at Melrose: Paulding Co., , N. ENV C. ARLISI. F, O., MAY In, 1862. liingle copy 10 cts. will strengthen the faith of the reader, DEAR SAIN TS: e Lord wita Ohio. ` la) ALL ToE S \ 1NTS GI: El.: TM: After Questions and Answers on the Church. 32 pages me, and let s his dear a lon! , period of silence , we again fed 1 cent each. Per hundred .$ 1 00 the " vgie vre or f everygood and perfect gift." name togethe• r. I have just arrived impressed to tell through the coluithis - Josephus Hunt. Why are you not a Christian? 50 for 10 ets. It contains 248 good- sized pages; good at home in time to speak these few Trumpet srmit 0 of the of the dealings. 01 The adinaaces of the liEwTestament. pain printon heavy paper. Neatly bound words to you in this issue. 0 Glory NITS FROU TI12 47121 the ea ,, D$ e dear' Lord to our souls, which an. A. NEW TRACT, BY W wt. G. SMELL imn acrblolet he, d $ ge ., 7 S5t. mLi. b Sraernyd ( thwaolf cmenotr ostcacmop), wtoe ltlh ien n baomdye , oafn Jde vsuersy! Ijo aymfu fl eienl itnhge wonderful. Since wife and I left Tito. ' WELLAND, ONT., MAY 9,1892. Warner at Wooster. Ohio last Oct,, Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture in a for special terms to agents. Address, love of God. Find all well at home, D, EAR BRETHREN: The Lord bless we have been compelled to stay at clear 11, ht, showing which are abolished, and proving GOSPEL TRUMPE1 PUBLISHING CO., and the work of our God prospering. you all abundantly: The meetin g hat the three mdinauct s instituted by Christ are not GRAND JuNcTioN, MICH, home most of the time, but the Lord of the Old Testament, but of the New, antl are still in closed at St. Anns• It was a precious has been very good to us during this vogue. Single copy 5 cts Per dozen 45 cts. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RE- Can- ip Meetings. Tmheeereti nwge. r Iet bcuotn fteinwu eaddd tewdo t ow teheek tsh. r otiumgeh: some very severe trials, ye although we have passed CEIVED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NORWOOD - CAMP MEETING. Lord but many requested our prayers. we have An interesting paper for the chil- NOT OCTEHIPETREWDI. SE RE- Camp meeting will commence Ju- The Lord bless BrO• and Sister Mor- help in epvreorvye dt ihmime ao fv enreye pdr. e sPerankt dren. Illustrated. _ It should be in ly 21, 1892 if the Lord wills at the lle y, every family where there are children. Wm. J. Bassett, J. F. Lundy, Oscar Syhert , Polly Tormenter who opened their house for his name! The 1 7 th Of April a num Only 25 centsa year. Diveley, Belle Stetler, J. D. Hatch, James Willis, school- house, five miles God's little ones, and Mr. Snyder who ber of us went to Sidney, 0. and Address— THE SHINING LIGHT; Grand Junction, Mich. Laura Shoemaker, T. J. Morris, A. A. Kinzie. west of Alt,.' Grove. The saints have east of Norwood, Mo., and six mina piece charge. ing, where the power of God was w011- gave us the use of the hall free of - joined Bro. A. 1. Kilpatrick in a incet. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. procured a pi of land p at that place Yours in him, derfully manifested in the savingof COLEMAN, Mien. for a permanent camp ground. It is G. T. Clayton & Co. souls and sweeping away the powers It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I have been a beautiful place for camp meeting. these tracts to any one sending us postage at the sick for some time: I getting Those coming from the east will get HEDRICK, Iowa. of darkness. am From the above named rate of one cent for three tracts. We no worse, and want all the saints to pray off at Mt. Grove, and those coming T make 1 wantto testify to the glory of God. place we went live miles east, and ma charge for our work of making the tracts. Always ' for me that I may be healed. from the west - will at Norwood. There After spending the winter, four or the listeners who had never heard preached to a congregation of atten-state just how many you wish sent. Your sister, w be arrangements made . for con, five months in extreme hard work in E BIBLE ItgADINGS* Ella Rooker. veyance free of charge. Norwood Father's field, then resting a little the pure word preached in its fulness. Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. I request all the saints to pray for and Mt. Grove are both on the Kan-while I thought I must be about his Many endorsed the truth, but no wil 75 cents each me on the loth of June, for - t h healing sus City, Fort Scott and . Memphis work. I went to Hastings and coin- was saved. We again returned. nai HOLINIZZ BIBILB. SUBJBON of my body of lung trouble and ea-expected. We shall be glad to hear ReR's. Brother Bolds and Co. are when I was taken with a very hard on the 27th 4 few gathered at the By H. C. W. tarrh of the head. Your sister, from all workers who feel led to at-chill for about five , hours, which threw the. symbolic grace. The Lord bleSs. inenced meeting and held a few days, waters' side, and one was buried i ll nitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church its returned home, and God healed me. 100 subjects with scripture, a concordance and defl- ed us in this act of baptizing ill the L. J. Gregory. tend. , me into a semi- conscious condition. I- name of the Lord. Some of i and start the songs of praise anew. PRICE' Cloth. . . . . 50 ' • Alanilla . - — . 30 cis all directions to preach the everlaSt-and season oldivine power, grace and glory ever witnessed in- these - last - ays. Co e. l. n.:., t . e name of Jesus, bal°: iYut tt3,: 1011tuyrsclut,-, and preach for to get a place to put the tent ever} the work I', PO the doctrine, its ordimmces and its fruits The fall of ST. JOSEPH, Address Bro's Peter McKinley to of J. W. Cale, I was only sick two or three days. I bret hren went on to Kentucky; Babylon and the coming the evening light, II- ale I request your prayers that I may W. M. Wilson. took a relapse and went into a worse i. ifter lustrated. 876 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single holding a few more services, condition than ever. Almost paral- copy $ 1,00: Six or more 80 cennttss each. For this book be healed from all infirmities, and Which were blessed of God, we came han Address H. c . WicherShat New Pittsburg, Tad that. I may become more devoted to ized, and my brain so confused and in-or Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. God and know his whole truth. , . GRAND JUNCTION CAMP MEETING. active I could scarcely do anything-. home. and are now laboring with oar ANTHEM FROM THR if EmoNm. Respectfully, This gloriOUS convocation of the High, will be held Thebeloved saints prayed, and con-ds. We are torn react}' to take About all new When sung in the Spirit of God This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music . FOURTH EDITION. FOSTORIA, 0. Lewis M. Copeland, T A very large J une 14th tor: th, e .- g2d; 1892. saints of the.,. M. O • s. t . e. attendance is expect-litvianiuked utcohp, arnacyir ctailnl lIe : ae sr eretsot oIrae. d, a. ndI , . . , . , ,., IS9 was out in the field before I could we have gospel: Stand ard the Lord sends us. Pray for us. the field again and go whithersoever these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the - salvation Scud in your orders for Anthems from the Throne precious present truth, and the dard of As God's people are going forth in FREDERICK, BROwN Co., S. DAK, CALLS FOR MEETINGS. eth d, and it seems to us that the fire of that it will lte the most glorious place; the living GOd in our soul assures us .- iod has strengthened me soul i arrived in thisx. kc, ity, fid anti it quite , rd. PHOENIX ARIZONA, MAV 22) D. EARL y- BE. LOyED SA1NTS. . Geo. W. & A. Howard. b egan egan to preach the truth; and ohw - openinlz up. e find i I L . . and I have pie charge here for nearly e ri' THE SHINING LIGHT. The Great Tobacco SI% thing : charge ten dollars a month I am happy to say that the blood of keep them all together. / praise Gud to believe that these sects- and organ- ! Little Rhoda was a sweet c ild, May for a lot to put a tent on. But the Jesus cleanses me from all sin: He for all his goodness to me. Would ized churches are all wrong. I do God comfort the mourning, and may Lord is opening the way, and filling gives me perfect victory over the love to have the saints co. me here and not claim to be sanctified, but I have they prepare to meet the little one in us with his power. We met Bro. world, flesh and the devil. " The Lord preach the word in its purity, for it been seeking sanctification for several glory. Text, Matt. Bunch and family and Bro. Smith is good, a stronghold in the day of is needed at this place if it is needed years, but have had much to discour- by and family, and found them enjoying trouble; and he knoweth them that anywhere. Pray for me. _ age me. Some of our preachers preach 24: 44. Services swaillvla gtiiovne. uPsra gyl oforiro uuss, tvhiactt othrye . L Wored Ptrruasyt ifno hr imme.", Ia ltsruos fto hri mm yfo wr aiflle tthhinagt s. Yours in Christ, against it, and many of my brethren Sarah. R. Hopper. in the church oppose it. So I have DIED, Feb. 9,1892, Goldie L. Wilson: found the weather very hot and the she may be saved and healed. been living an up and down life, in a aged 6 years, 6 months and to days, TEEGARDEN, IND. icnlgim oautre s hoeualsl trhicyh. lTy. he Lord is bless- Wm. Bensinger. strait between two. Dear saints, pray The pet of the family of brother Your brother saved to the utter- DUSHVILLE. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD, GREETING: for me, that I may reach that exper- Jno. A. and Sister Alice A. Wilson, most , savDeEdA Ra nSdA IaNllT So: n M tyh ete astlitmaro, n wy aisl, kI ianmg AGmode bnl. e Is sa ymoup aralli sfionrg JGeosuds t'o s nakigeh_ t isehnicpe wwihthe rteh eIm ca tnh ahta avree fsualnl c_ tfiefilelodw- d uSrhineg w tahse vsiecrkyn leosvs ionfg t hanrede pwaetieeknst, Ames Willis. in all the light that shines on my pathg- lfaodr ftuhlalt a Gndo dfr ehea ss alelvda tuios no. u It aimn tshoe wYhooullry b. rother in Christ, not giving up for a dose of medicine, way. I do thank God for this bless- gla but lay and prayed and trusted the SIDNEY, 0., MAY 30, 1892- ed evening light, and what he has done glorious evening light. Praise God! , J. S. Sears. Lord all the time. She was heard DEAR BRETHREN IN CHRIST: God for me. Pray for me. We are having good meetings here [ Dear brotheerr w iihllllave to walk to repeat the words " Dear Lord, dear bless you. A. men. We thoughtY iotu rY s isteirn i etho rLd, at Teegarden aannd Walkerton. Souls up to the light you have on the word Lord, many times by those who would be good to write and let the are under conviction. I am made of God, or you will never receive the stood around her. She also asked the N. A. Hunt. saints know where we are and how 0 cry out from the depth of my desired blessing. Read John 12: - 35. saints to pray, which they did; but wedd oo. After the seryices held at a house east of Swander's TRUFANT, MICH. heart, 0 Lord, remove every obstacle As you receive light upon his word, the good Lord had his way. Goldie meeting , our e doDpEAR SAINTS: The Lord has par- and open - the way that I may be able God- will give you - grace to do his was a very loving, affectionate child. ed my sins, but I feel the need of o go out in the vineyard to work more will if you will do your part. He says, But the Lord doeth all things well. , Station were over, we took d-riving at Cincinnatti, 0. we met with a deeper that work I ma of be grace wholly in sanctified, my heart. hhaann I have in the past. Pray that " Come out of her, my people." " Come May he bless the bereaved p saints r arents parture for Dodge, My. On our ar - , I desire the earnyest prayers of the God may keep us- humble, low down out from among them, and be ye se and sisters and keep them blameless Ind,, who accompanied us to Dodge, I until they meet their loved ones a-dear Bro. Ja. Nc. Hcowoardm fromp Haaynden , and kept by the power of God. at Yhiosu fre berto, dthoeinr gs ahvies dw ainlld i nsa anlcl ttihfiiendg, s . orate, saith the Lord."' round the throne of God. Your sister in Christ, Kye where we arrived the evening of S. P. Strang. - Mary Blake. BARNUM , COLD. Written by her aunt, DEAR TRUMPET READERS: Quite c. f- Lucy Kirk. the same dayeand - vas received by dear B ro' sWade and Stevenson. Bro . Thos. ANNA, Miss. NEW ROCHESTER, Ouzo. ten have I felt like writing my testi-Cfraom Srt LLootuuiis, eMo. raarrrriv ed DEAR SAINTS: The blood of Jesus DEAR SAINTS: It is with much love mony through the Trumpet. This DDI ED, in Isabella Co., Mich., April at Dodge the next day, and all things cleanses me from all sin, and it is so to God that we write our testimony. time I will obey the Holy Spirit, and 25th 1892, Ananias Wright; aged 62 bbeing ready tthhe meeting commenced rea sweet to trust in him at all times. We are saved through the precious by his help tell of the goodness of years, 4 months and 25 days. This dear Apr. 29. Now as ffar as I know Praise his name! He has healed me blood of Jesus and kept by his might- God. To me he surely is " a rock in brother_ gave himself fo the Lord it was the first meeting held in Ken - of my afflictions many times. It has y power, ever ready to do his will at a weary land, a shelter in the time of during his last sickness, and was made Lucky that was perfectly free from been so long since I have heard a all ttiimmeess. storm." to shout his praises. A wife and sectar ian machinery, and heilnd th e gospel sermon. I hope some of the Your saved and sanctified brother He it is that pardoned all my sins four c hildren mourn the loss. Through bneaemne i no fs eJsessiuosn oonnllyy. aT shheo mrt etiemtien gw hhaend psaeiln atns dw riells ccuoem seo ualnsd. preach the gos- and sister, Wm. & S. Brown. csliexa nyseeadr ms ea gfroo, ma an ndal ls uixn rmig- ohntethouss lnaetsesr, hthise Laoffrldi catniodn f oSuinstde hr iWmrippgrrheetcc sioouusg htot - ed. we discovered that some of the hob- Your sister in Christ, and has kept me through these years her soul. God bless all the bereav Hess professors - were deceived of the M. E. Hinson. ROLLA, MO, and guided me irt the path of his devil, and were under the anti- christ SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. DEAR SAINTS: We are standing- firm righteousness and in his wonderful spirit. But thank God! the majority of DEAR SAINTS: I feel led of the Lord for Christ, the solid rock, sanctified light. Glory be to his holy name for-themavere near enough to God to un- to write my testimony. I do praise to do his will. Praise his name! For. ever! He is guiding me to day. I DIED, April t9th, at her home in • clerstand the signs of the times, and God for salvation that makes me free about forty years I chewed tobacco, ask all the dear saints to pray for me, Moberly, Mo., Sister Sarah J. Roberts, hear the voice- 6f Jesus; and they fol- from all sin. And oh, I do praise the and had never been able to quit it; but that the Lord may keep me faithful wife of Jno. J. Roberts, in the 42d year lowed him, and were established in Lord that I never belonged to any when made to realize what a filthy unto the end. Help me to pray also of her age. Bro. and Sister Roberts the present truth. The last clay of the sect. I want all the saints to pray habit it was, by the help of the Lord for my dear husband, that the Lord were united in marriage March 19, meeting- there were eight followed Je- that I may abound more and more in I quit it, and he took away the appe- may enable him to forsake all and iS78. Ever since they have spept a sus in baptism, being buried with him the love of God. Amen, tite for it. ' I am in the true church of follow him. I find the Lord more peaceful and happy life together un-by baptism into death. Now may God Your sister in Christ, God and out of all sectism. Pray for precious to my soul than ever any til death severed the earthly tie. At bless the little church of the living Mary M. Burks. us. body could have told me. the age of II she was converted, and God which he has planted in the Ken- tuck} hills, and may it please the Lord MERIDIAN, MISS . Your brother Wan. d H s. i s& te rA, I. Miles. Your humble sister in Christ, when the death summons came it DEAR SAINTS: I wish to give you Mrs. J. L. Fischer. found her prepared, having her work. to acid many precious souls to the testimony. I was convertde i m my . done. She sweetly fell asleep- in Je-nuber of the already saved of God. in 1889, andthe Lord sanctified MmILTeON , w M. Ohol- PRAIRIEVILLE, MICH. sus, leaving an unmistakable evidence We took our leave of the saints at y iin 1 890 1 have had tthhe peace of the . DEAR BRETHREN: I do not know DEAR SAINTS: I am a man eighty- behind that she was going home to Dodge Monday morning, and arriv- Lord ever ss ince. all the I love gos how to praise God enough for his three years old. 1 can say to day that Father's house," not made with hands, ed at New Albany, Ind. about noon pel and love to obey it; not a wwoordrd goodness to me. I had a hard spell I am saved and ready to meet my eternal in the heavens." The day the same day, and were conveyed by do I Bate. I ddeessiire tthhe prayers of aall . of sickness, and my friends tried to God in heaven. I experienced relig- she died was one of the very happiest carriage to Moo, resville, by the breth- tthh e saints. I live ffree ' ffrom a ll ssiin get me to take medicine, but I trust- ion when twenty- one years old. I have of all her life; and was spent in talk-ren that came for us. The meeting ev ery day of my life, watching for y ed my case in the hands of the Lord. always believed in the truth of the ing, singing, praying and praising commenced at this place the same lis appearance when he shall come. Bro. Kinsey anointed me in the name cos elof our Lord Jesus Christ but I God. One of the songs she sang was: evening of our arrival. We soon found I remain your b er iin Christ, yroth of the Lord and I was healed. Bless- did not prove faithful to the trust God “ t have anchored my soul in the haven of rest, that the sect devil was trying to rally and sanctified in Jesus' blood, ed be the name of Jesus! , gave me. I became united with the ni sail the wide seas no more; Pink Carlvin. his scattered forces, but without suc- The teest ma sweep o'erthewild, stormy deep, . Alice J. Brinegar. sect and lived there for a number of cess. The poor souls that are fight- In Jesu m s pI'm y saved ever more." years, till God showed me their cor-ing against the cause of God at Viciav, Mo. DONIPHAN, Mo. ruption and led me out. 1 had been She prayed aloud that day three Mooresville ought to take Gamaliel's To ALL THE REDEEMED: We are g advice. Acts 5: 38, 39. The meeting praising God this morning for sal- LoDrEdA hRa sT RfuUlMlyP EsaTv ReEdA mDyE RsSo: uTl, haen dd edaer- ltihviirntyg- fiinv ea ybeaacrks sulindtdile lna sstt faatlel . a Ib coaumt etai nmfrdie epsnr dwaissi tithnhg ag tG rceoaadmt wpe oiitnwh tetohr e, s eemena thnreeyra dtaiennad, r went on over the heads of the oppos- vation that saves us from all sin. Oh, livered me out of sectism, and from to Plainville, and there met with some hear her talk. " Precious in the ers to the glory of God. Four souls how wonderful it is to live in this sight of the Lord is the death of his the appetite of tobacco and coffee: saints o_ f God as I was peddling in this were converted, and two or three sane- blessed evening light! I am so thank- I had been living up to about all Place. They invited me to their meet- saints." We pray God to abundantly tified and after the close of the meet- ful that we are permitted to see this bless Bro. Roberts and the dear ngthere w erefour buried with Christ time. chil-i by baptism by Bro. Howard. To God lost souWls; e h aarve ed opirna yge wr hmaet ewti en gc a- n a fnodr wthhee lni gthhet wI hoardd offo Gr tohdi rwtya sy peraerasc; h beudt m inagd, e asnod p lIa wine tnot . m Teh Ie w tarus ew willainyg wtoa es ndd. r, e ann, dan tdh ekne ethpe t hmeeme tfianigth wfuill lu bnet og tlohe-all the i be n its purity it was food to my soul, walk in it, and get back to Father's nous. b glory through Jesus Christ childrens' meeting at our house ey- and I gladly accepted the truth. Praise house where there was bread enough Mollie L. Robinson. our Lord. Amen. God bless the ery Sunday. Pray that we may be his name! and to spare. I am now rejoicing in God church at Mooresville, Ind., for Jesus' kept humble. Your sister, saved, healed and kept the rock of my salvation. The Lord SPRINGFIELD, 0., May 22, 1892. sake. James T. & Sarah A. Thornton. by the power of God, has cleansed me from tobacco, which DIED, about five miles from West . Y ours and Christ's, saved and sane - Liberty Logan Co., Ohio, our belov- MELROSE, 0. , Jane Salmon. I used fifty- eight years. Glory to tified, ed sister Salina Mast; aged 35 years, DEAR BRETHREN: I am happy to God! I give him all the praise. I 4 months and 23 days. She leaves a '- A. J. Kilpatrick, J. N. Howard & tell you that I am still saved in Jesus ALBA, Me. am now walking in the light, and if husband and three children ( one of Th os. Carter. and all on the altar, ready to do the DEAR READERS OF THE TRU MPET: We there is any more for me I want it. whom is but a babe) to mourn their Lord's _ will in all things. He has have been fully saved for eight years. I am determined now to serve the loss, wwhich is her gainn. The holy given us th the victory over the world, Wh eentnhthe light of holiness was taught Lord with all my might, mind and mlifaed oef ao ulars dtienpga ritmedp rseisstseiro hna os ntr uthlye the flesh and e devil, and. I find in our community we gladly accepted strength, and prove faithful unto hearts and minds of acquaintances; him a present help in every time of it, and presented our bodies a living death. and may they one and all be saved, OOLAOAH, I. T., FEB. 4, 1892: need_. Pray for me that God may sacrifice according to ROM. I2: I. We Lyman Crass. a- i and DEAR SAINTS: My wife and I are use me to his glory, t hgeoood i piosdt iaebple o say w iIttvhh h e have fought a gd u are free from all sectism and all the saved and sanctified. Glory to his Your sister saved in Jesus, and kept fiigshth, Ie hdav em finy course, I powers of the enemy, sanctified to HOUST0N, ARK. name! There are no other saints here, by the power of God through faith el have kept the faith: henceforth there but we have ng every Sunday do his will. If the Lord leads any DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I am still is meeti i bayed up for me a crown of right- 7 unto salvation, ready to be revealed night. " File Lord is with us in all our of his holy- ministers to this place saved and kept from all sin. Praise eousness, which the Lord, the right-trials. Bless his holy name! in the last times, gladly the Lord for ever saving a poor, lost eous judge, shall give me at that da y; Etta Brown. they will be gl received. Yours in Christ, Your brother and Sister in Christ, sinner like I was! for I was one of the and not me only, but unto all them al- M. A. & Ruth Fly, F. H. & E. Fawcett. worst, and when I became willing to so that love his appearing.- 2Tim. 4: ENERGY, MISS. HEALED OF CANCER. quit following the devil, the Lord 7, pray 8- DEAR SAINTS: Jesus saves and keeps EASTON, MO, and console saved me. I do the trusting, and the May the Lord bless the bereaved SARGENT, Mo. ones of the deceased, d le me by his power. Pray for me, that , n Lord keeps me each day. And I ask them by the presence of his Spirit, the Lord inn send some one here to BELOVED SAINTS: This morning. DEAR' BRETHREN: I feel like giving preach the gospel. finds me saved and free from sin. a I a• short testimony for the Lord, Six-eor the brethren everywhere to for e vi - s- e n touuarl lap= rgaayt ehre. r t h Tii. ii the htoe kind- G - me. My prayer is that the Lord will Your sister, have been in a bad condition with teen years 4, gollast Dec. God pardon_ gia Turner. cancer in my face; _ have had several ed my I was'made to rejoice send some of his holiness preachers friends are gratefully k „ . . an fothanrked self, doctors, and- none of them dial me any in his love. - Shortly after my con- here' lending helping hands during her WATSEKA, ILL. 3. R. Truelove. sickness. Services were largely at- DEAR BRETHREN: I know that my good, but Lrather- gre- w worse. I have . • - .• . - - version I joined the M.- E. church tended. Funeral services were held Redeemer liveth, and the life I live is spent almost all my living in the last M 11114111XS. at the t. Tabor meeting house, May by faith in the Son of God. Hallelu- nine years, and had to scatter my little South, antlI am still there. I have 15. Texts, Job 14: 4; Jno ii: - 25; Rev. jab! My life isehid with Christ in children fora year._ But bless God! been reading: the GOSPEL TRUMPET HAMILTON, MICH. 4-. 13. God, Praise his name! he has heated me without the, use of for Omit a: year with much interest. Rhoda B. Moon, daug- hter of Sister Your brethern in the service of Your brother inChrist, drugs, enabled meto bt. Mg my chit- S. Moon, departed this life April 22d; • our Master, J, aco,. b FFii dd. l lee, r r:. dren t_ o m. e, a- n. d npiv I can. w. ork and and since- reacting it I have been led aged 2 years, 5 months and 8 days.' B. E. Warren & Win. G. Schell. A. Lammers. Jessie Drowley. T714 ST1110I78 TRY TESTIMONIES ARE WONDERFUL. NA. P9:_ 129. • Vii: MOMIN. 1111m. ACCiramaialsimairmegOlCr - - HEALTH DEPARTMENT. DEAR TB. umPET READERS: ' like has saved my soul and I am Ivalkgig fli lthy an r1 l vineyard, and souls set free in Christ. has been preached in this part of the in all the light he gives inc. The trut sanctified brother, f\ rveceedfr— oitnois) aeccctios. m and from the J, 13. Strickland' MENTAL TRAT, TH, person possessing a sound body enjoys a great blessing indeed, a blessing that is beyond price; yet the one who has a sound mind in a sound body enjoys something even beyond what the other can realize. There are disorders of the mind, feel-ings and sensibilities, , produced by strains on the mental capacities of those afflicted, as well as by disorders of the body. Some one has told us, and we also know by experience, that a hearty laugh during or after a meal is productive of the best results on the operation of digestion. We also know that a person who is thinking deeply, grieving or worrying cannot eat or digest food to the satisfaction ofthe body. A healthy mind then must be one that can lay aside the serious things of life ( in the sense of worrying), and call up all the cheer-fulness in his nature for the benefit of his digestion. Fear is also a disease of the mind, and is an epidemic that can be taken from persons who are not afflicted in the same way. We have seen small children catch, and become thorough-ly inoculated with this dreadful mind-destroying disease in the course a few minutes. Strange to say, they were exposed by their own parents to such disease breeders, as " bears," " bad-men," etc., coming after them in case they did or did not do so and so. Teachers in our schools have also used fear as a rod of government. Shame on such parents and teachers, who are unable to command the obe-dience, love and respect of children without resorting to such inhuman methods! How many parents and teachers are aware that if a child grows up into a timid, scared ( afraid to call its mind its own) state, that somebody is as responsible to God for that child's mental state,— for that poor little crippled mind— as though they had by one blow, instead of slow torture, brought things to the same state. The child comes into the world without fear of danger. The only fear it knows is known by an-other name, " love;" and is shown in not wishing to do anything, as far as it understands, to displease its par-ents. Fear is an instinct given to animals for the protection of them-selves. Man has no such instinct, and if fear is implanted it must be done by knowledge. This knowledge in the child's case comes from a source ( the parent or teacher) which the child trusts fully. It learns to fear, even as it learns to talk, by being pre-sented with fear. How many, many little ones are afraid of the " dark," as they express it; and how often do they sob themselves to sleep because some criminal mother in her efforts to quiet them, has " told them some horrible tale of coming " bad men," " bears," etc. - This disease, " fear" at last upsets the mind, and through the mind de-ranges the body; and humanity has another load to bear because of crim-inal ignorance. Governing children, persons or animals by this means can-not be too strongly condemned. See how many poor animals have become unfit for use, how many children are unfitted for life all because they have this " fear of man" punishment always before them. Does the parent and teacher ask in despair, Shall we not punish our children when they persistently dis-obey? Yes, if necessary. The rod so strongly recommended by Solomon can still be used. But never, as you value the minds of those God has given into your care, never threaten them either before or afterward. This we give as the fruit of actual experience. God holds us all responsi-ble for the way in which the flock is taken care of. See to it that you are not destroying,. the " mind health" of - any of God's little ones, whose angels always behgld his face in heaven. Love brings these minds back to health. Love is of God, and you will find his store houses full of the same remedy. Amen. F. Husted. GOBLESVILLE, MICH. DEAR BRETHREN: I am saved, that too, by a second work of grace. Your brother in Christ, John Allen. ILION, IND. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am led Of God to tell the world that I am saved and sanctified and kept by the power of God, and am praising him for a perfect salvation; and I know that I am complete in him. May God bless all the dear saints, and keep them low down at Jesus'feet is the prayer of your brother in Christ, Isaac Rhodes. HUMBOLDT, KAN. DEAR SAINTS: I praise God for what he is still doing. Bro. Aothor held a meeting four miles north of us, and a number of souls were saved. After he, left, there were three converted and four sanctified in our prayer meetings. We have prayer meetings four times a week with the real power WINDFALL, IND. DEAR SAINTS: I wish to say to the glory of God, that we are saved in Je-sus and kept by the mighty power of God through the Holy Ghost, and trusting the Lord for all things, and as our physician and our healer. Our little five year old daughter had a se-vere attack of cramping a few nights ago, and was healed by the miraculous power of God througR prayer and constant holding on to God by faith. Bless His holy name . forever and ev er for a free and full salvation which saves from all sin! Glory to God! Hallelujah to his blessed name! Pray for us. Your brother in Christ, A. W. Whisman. of God and the sinners when they are sick, nigh unto death, send for the people of God to come and pray for them. Dear ones, let us live so true that sinners will be made to acknowl-edge we are of God. Let your light so shine that God will be glorified. God is our physician. ' My mother who is seventy- three years old is just recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. She was so very low that we thought her time had come, but we laid the case before God to have his will done, and he healed her- Praise his name forever! Your sister in Christ, Sallie Rogers. ntosh. NEOSHO, MO. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel led by the Lord to - write my testimony. am saved and sanctified wholly, for which I give the Lord the praises'. Before I was sanctified I was a sickly person, but God has healed me, and I do know that his grace is sufficient for all things. I do praise his name for all that he has done for me. Pray for me, that I may continually stand fast in the Lord. Your brother, saved in Christ, Andrew Watkins. LOO MIS, MICH. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel led to tell you that we are living for God alone, and he is keeping us by his mighty power. I love to read the Trumpet and hear the dear saints tell of the goodness of God to their souls. The Lord has given me the victory over tobacco and has taken away the appetite, for which I give him all the praise. Your brother in Christ, W. L. Mc KENESAW, NEB. DEAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD: I do praise the Lord that I can testi-fy for Jesus with this glory in my soul. Oh, the unspeakable richness of the fullness of his love to forgive all our sins, and then to sanctify us through his blood! God has shown me that, as we have gone through the fire of holiness, so also we must go through the fire of persecutions. Some have already gone through; and came out white and spotless, while others are just entering in. Watch says the word, for these things shall come up-on us. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.— Rom. 12: 21. These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed earnestly, But in so doingGod open. ed his word before me and showed are they before the throne of God, me wherein - I was blind, and showed -. and serve him day and night in his I me also that I must come out of the temple. And he that sitteth on the I sect and not partake of her sins, - throne shall dwell among- them.— Rev. was then that my Methodist friends 7: 14, 1 5- I cold and bitter aaggaaiinns tme, Your sister, saved and sanctified by But the Lord gave me the grace to a second definite work of grace. stand, and showed me what I must do; M. D. Heldenbrand. now I am rejoicing in the freedom of the one body of Christ. Halleln- HUMBOLDT, KAN. I jail to God and the Lamb forevert Your brother in Christ, Jerry T. Stowe, BELLEVILLE, IA. DEAR SAINTS: I am so glad that I can say I am walking in all the light God gives me, and am so glad that I ever met with Brother Warner and Brother and Sister Byers at Hedrick, Iowa camp meeting. Their sermons showed me plainly that I was travel-ing a dark road; but God has ledeme out of darkness into his glorious light. Adaline Russell. FENWICK, ONT. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I do praise God this morning that I ever gave my heart to him, and for his keep-ing power. Bless his name! He saved me through his all atoning blood. I realize we are cliving in perilous times, when we see scriptures being fulfilled in these last days. As I am one of the weakest Of God's little ones I ask your prayers, that I may ever do his will. Albert Strawn. SARGENT, Mo. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: This morning finds me saved from all sin, and sanctified by a second work of grace. Bro. Curtis, Wilson and his sister are holding meeting here now. The Lord does so wonderfully bless our work, and souls are being saved. Praise God for salvation! Yours in Christ, Delphia Hunter. TIMBERVILLE, O. DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS IN CHRIST: I am saved just now, and kept by the mighty power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last times. I carne to God a sinner, and confessed my sins to God, and he forgave all of my sins. Then God said, " Go on unto perfection." I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacri-fice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.— Rom. I2: I, 2. And when I presented this body of mine a living sacrifice, God sancti-fied my soul. Your brother in Christ; James B. Mor son. TESTIMOI\ IBS, TRY TESTIMONIES ARE WO FDERFUL. PSA. 119: 120. NORTON, M O. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I do realize just now that God is the rock of my refuge, a hiding place in time of storms and a stronghold in time of trouble. Oh, bless his dear name! I have been passing through great tribulation since I last wrote; but as God the Father was with Daniel in the lions'den, so has he been with me, and is with me just now; and if through my suffering one precious soul can be saved, I will count it great gain. We are few in number at present. Pray for us, dear saints, that we may be in-strumental in God's hands. I am praising God fora full and free sal-vation t Other/Unknown Material Mite ren PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Canada Coleman ENVELOPE(163.400,163.400,-77.533,-77.533) Sob’ ENVELOPE(66.156,66.156,66.322,66.322) Moses ENVELOPE(-99.183,-99.183,-74.550,-74.550) Sion ENVELOPE(13.758,13.758,66.844,66.844) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Luke ENVELOPE(-94.855,-94.855,56.296,56.296) Willis ENVELOPE(159.450,159.450,-79.367,-79.367) Sav’ ENVELOPE(156.400,156.400,68.817,68.817) Tuck ENVELOPE(-84.833,-84.833,-78.483,-78.483) Clayton ENVELOPE(-64.183,-64.183,-65.167,-65.167) Snyder ENVELOPE(-121.386,-121.386,56.917,56.917) Hess ENVELOPE(-65.133,-65.133,-67.200,-67.200) Eta ENVELOPE(-62.917,-62.917,-64.300,-64.300) Fid ENVELOPE(-65.939,-65.939,-68.664,-68.664) Watkins ENVELOPE(-67.086,-67.086,-66.354,-66.354) Ure ENVELOPE(13.733,13.733,68.100,68.100) Thornton ENVELOPE(-57.467,-57.467,-63.267,-63.267) Hastings ENVELOPE(-154.167,-154.167,-85.567,-85.567) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Vio ENVELOPE(-61.283,-61.283,-64.083,-64.083) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) Titus ENVELOPE(169.033,169.033,-72.250,-72.250) O'Connor ENVELOPE(-58.383,-58.383,-62.067,-62.067) Goldie ENVELOPE(165.900,165.900,-82.633,-82.633) Grand Trunk ENVELOPE(-128.398,-128.398,54.894,54.894) Kinsey ENVELOPE(169.300,169.300,-84.917,-84.917) Gleam ENVELOPE(-121.220,-121.220,57.533,57.533) Scud ENVELOPE(-55.024,-55.024,-63.377,-63.377) Tabor ENVELOPE(150.284,150.284,71.277,71.277) Burks ENVELOPE(-136.850,-136.850,-74.700,-74.700) Lammers ENVELOPE(-66.333,-66.333,-68.617,-68.617) Moberly ENVELOPE(-63.668,-63.668,-64.739,-64.739) The Haven ENVELOPE(-57.232,-57.232,50.800,50.800) Gyl ENVELOPE(8.133,8.133,62.967,62.967)