The Gospel Trumpet - 12:22

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Grand Junction, Kid., Thursday, ' fay rolume 12. Aro 22. The Tord God shall BLOW Ike 71feNliPET_ a fid go 7zirlyrads to me, Whatseesi - - titan? Anti r answel% ell; 1 see a flyin...

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Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1892
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institution Open Polar
collection PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana)
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topic Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
spellingShingle Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
Warner, D. S.
The Gospel Trumpet - 12:22
topic_facet Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction
Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson
description Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Grand Junction, Kid., Thursday, ' fay rolume 12. Aro 22. The Tord God shall BLOW Ike 71feNliPET_ a fid go 7zirlyrads to me, Whatseesi - - titan? Anti r answel% ell; 1 see a flying roll. Then said he unto me sehvaeltr yb eo nceu tt h0a. Et ostne itdheitshl side according to it; and every one that sweltretl shalt he cut oX or& thitol side according, to it 1 wilf bring it for, sait. h. the Lord ot• hosta Zccy- ' And He biltal semi His angels with a great sound of a Trumpet. and they shall gather together Ws elect from the four winds, from one end of heav-en to the other. - Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye _ know that summer is nigh. SO ye in like marine, when ye shall see all these things know that it it near, even at the cloor."- Mark 13: 24- 32, for my name's sake hat labored, and hast not. fainted. _ Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, be-cause thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works.- Rev. 2: I- 4. 0 but they were not sanctified, because they had only lost their first love. Well, I should think there were some sanctified in the church there, as it was only sixty- three years after Pen-tecost; Init theY were all warned to ence, and that is one thing people look at now. And because some are pa-tient, and talk mild, they think all of God's children must do as they do. And they had works to show, and they could not bear evil doers, and they had found some professors to be liars, and did not faint. And we can see some just about so in our day The description of the church at Ephesus suit sorne of the present day. I know it does not make a man very popular these days to talk plain, but the word of God is very plain. When God finds a man to be un-truthful he calls him a liar. He does not say he is mistaken or _ not tell-ing the truth, or perverting, but a liar. I am not applying this to any thought. Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou bast transgressed against the Lord thy God.- Jer. 3: 13. Con-fess your faults.- James 5: 16. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.- I Jno. r: 9. It is not necessary to sin :" But if any man sin we have ah advocate with the Father, even Jesus Christ the right-eous: and he is the propitiation for our sills; and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.- jno. 2: I. SO if we have faults we must acknowledge them. Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness, consid-ering thyself, lest thou also be tempt-ed.- Gal. 6: I. That does not say, leave him and do not go about him. It is a very poor way to restore a per-son by keeping away from him, or telling him that he is of the devil, or he is as blind as some other crooked professor. That is not generally done in the spirit of meekness. They tell me that the devil cannot use a sanctified man. But he may use sonie who profess to be sanctifi-ed. Is it the work and leading of the Spirit of God to get into arguments, and use loud, harsh words in the house or on the streets, insomuch that the ungodly who make all sorts of sport of God and his cause are at-tracted to the place ? What does the word of God say about disputes? Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world ?--- a Cor. 1: 20. The disciples disputed before they were sanctified. What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way? But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.- Mark 9: 33, 34. There were certain professors who disputed with Stephen; but they were not able to resist the wisdom and spirit by .-. which he spake. Acts. 6: 9, To. The children of God are com-manded to do all things " without dis-putes. Phil. 2: 14. Then if we dis-pute we sin by violating the command. If any man teach otherwise, and con-sent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is accord-ing to godliness; he is proud, kno wing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings of men of cor-rupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness [ gaining the best of the argument]: from such withdraw thyself.-- I Tim. 6: 3- 5. And even as they did not Complete b My all is on the altar laid, What is there more to do? Since Christ has said, The debt is paid, all that I can do. There's only to believe ' tis done, And we are cleansed from sin; The wondrous victory now is won, And Jesus reigns within._ Oh, wondrous victory, oh how sw eetl 0 Jesus, thou art mine; The tempter now 1 will defeat, And in thy grory shine! Now I ivill serve my Lord alone, And sit. at Jesus' feet, Till am crowned around the throne, With all my joys complete. Libbie Zimmerman. CAN A MAN FALL? Flee ( All the Thu t e 11 ml deliver every man his soul; be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the thne of the Lord's vengeance he will render unto her a recompense. Anti the land shall tremble and sor-row, fr every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against - Babylon, to make the- land of Babylon a desola-tion without mhabitant.-- Jer. 51: 0,25. 30. Some say we can do that and yet he will remain in the heart, but not act. Well, if we do g- rieve the Holy Spirit, we violate God's law: " for sin is the transgression_ of the law." - 1 John 3: 4. Then if we transgress God's law what are we? He that commiteth sin is [ a child] of the dev_ Jno. I: 8. A man cannot corn-mit sin in the body of Christ, the church. Every sin that a man doeth is without [ or out sidei the body.- Cor. 6: 18. What is the body? " And hath. put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body."- Eph. I: 22, 23. Well, if a person cannot sin in the church and has been. in it, when does he get out, and how? I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he tak- eth away.- Jno. 15: 1- 2. Take notice; the branches that become un-fruitful were in Christ. Some say they never were in. Now, who is right? I believe Jesus is right. What is the fruit they are to bear? But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentle ness , good- - 11eSS, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.- Gal. 5: 22, 23. But if a sanctified man is like the nleanerized man, then God is responsible for all his acts, thoughts and words. They say there is no such thing as free moral agency with the sanctified man. I believe Adam and- Eve were as clean and pure as any man living to day. And God gave them liberty to eat of all the fruit in the garden only that growing on one tree, and he om-manded them not to eat of that. But he did not have them so under his control that they could not touch it. And had it not been possible for them to eat of it, he would not have corn-your transgressions . 3o.- Verse Yet that would have been useless. \\ hat is the use to tell a person not to do what he cannot do? But still we are told that a sanctifi-ed man cannot fall. What does the word of God say? I undetstand a righteous man to be a holy man, - and a holy man to be perfectly pure. See h fall _ , to day and forever." if there is a possibility of falling from grace in the New Tes_ - Lament: " For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift ( Jes-us), and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to Come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again to repen-tance.- Heb. 6: 4- 6. Is there a word in the Bible which is not essential? No; what then is the use of this tern-ble \ yarning, if it is inipossible to fa away? Then it were a non- essential. When these positive scriptures are cited they turn around and deny that they said a holy man cannot fall; but that if he does fall, he can never get back to God. Even after they said, he Is like a prisoner and a mesmerized man; he cannot get away, he can only do what God says do. So that for his iniquity he shall die. Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath commit-ted, and doeth that which is lawful and right he shall Sa Ve his soul alive. Because he considereth, and turneth away from all his transgressions that he hath committed, he shall surely live, he shall not die.- Ezek. 27, IS: Repent, and turn yourselves from all return t o me, s aith the, Lord.- Jer. 3: . Go and proclaim these words to-ward the north and say, Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord; * * for I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger for ever.- to you.- Verse Li. If thou wilt re-tarn, 0 Israel, saith the Lord, return unto rne.-- Jer. 4: I. 0 Israel return unto the Lord thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity.- Hos. 13: I. I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely.- Verse 4. 0 yes, of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.- Rom. I: 28- 32. For I fear, lest when I come, I shall not find you such as I. would, and that I should be found un-to you such as ye would not:, lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, command ? Grieve not the Holy same yesterda3 Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed - Heb. 13: 8. unto thed a 3. of r de em pt ion. - Eph. 4 : Now let us see DEAR SAINTS OF-, THE MOST HIGH GOD: May great grace abou4nd un-to you all. I am saved to day and doing the will of God as far as it is made known to me by the Spirit and word of God. I have been listening for some time to the teaching of some A wh ) soy that after a person is sanc-tified, it is impossible to fall from grace. I have protested, and do now protest, that such is not true accord-ing to the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments. If it were true, then would there be many non- essential passages in the Bible? I believe God is too wise to say anything to his people that is not necessary. I do not believe he would say,." sin not," anless there was a possibility of doing ' so. Neither would it be necessary to g• ive all thd warnings that are given in the Bible if it is impossible to do the things warned against. They say that a man who gives himself into the hands of a mesmerizer: cal- ter he is mesmerized, will do everything the mesmerizer thinks and says, and he cannot do otherwise. And they claim that the man who gives hiinself whol-ly to God is just like the mesmerized man; he can't do or think ' anything but what God does, thinks, and speaks. And they tell me again that, a pris-oner of war is wholly under the power of his captors, and they can do with him as they please, and he cannot help himself nor get out of their hands. And that a sanctified man, in like manner can do nothing only what God says and thinks, and he cannot help himself, nor get away. Now is that so? The Bible says " If we - do these things we shall never fall."- 2 Pet. I: To. What things? And besides this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance; and to temperance, patience; and to patience, godliness; and to godliness, brother-ly kindness; and to brotherly kind- " Therefore, thou son of man, say unto ness, charity. FOK if these things be the children of thy people, the right-in you, and abound they make you eousiiess of the righteous shall not that ye shall neither be barren nor deliver him in the day of his trans-unfruitful in the knowledge of our gression; neither shall the righteous Lord Jesus Christ .- 2 Pet. 1 : 5- 8. , be able to live for his righteousness in Christ, and he is the head. Col. 1: I * But he that lacketh these things is i the day that he sinneth.- Ezek. 33: 12. IS, 24. And there are no sinners in blind, and cannot see afar off, and1 " Agai, n when a righteous man dbth Christ for that would be sin in him. hath forgotten that he was purged turn from his righteousness and corn-from his old sins.- Verse 9. mit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling During the late war prisoners were block before him, he shall die."- Ezek. taken, and some time after were pa- 3: 20. But when the righteous turn- that place. Jesus sent word to them roled on their oath not to take up 1 eth away from his righteousness and by John, saying, I know thy works, arrns again until they were exchanged, committeth iniquity, and doeth ac- and thy labor, and thy patience, and under penalty of death if caught. corning to all the abominations that how thou canst - not bear them which 1 But how many of them went into the wicked man doeth, shall he live? are e- vil, and thou hast tried them other regiments and broke the parole All his righteoasness that he bath which say they are apostles, and are and were in danger of being captured done shall not be mentioned: in his not, and hast found them liars: and and shot. The penalty in that was tre1spass that he hath trespassed, and in death . and the penalty for violating his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die. When a righteous man turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and dieth in hem; for his iniquity that he hath done shall he die.- Ezek. 18: 24, 26. But that is the Old Testament, says one. So it is and it applies to us now as wellll as to them then. Ezekiel wa sa proph e, at nd spake of the, future. And God's law is death. • For when God takes a prisoner he converts him, and sends him off on parole and expects him to be loyal to His government. So with the sanctified man: he is ' God's prisoner, and yet God's free man; and if he does these things_ in second Pet. first chapter he shall nevz er fall. But an if is there. And the conclusion positively follows that, ifIGod does not change. For I am the ye do not these things ye shall fall. I Lord,' change not.- Mal. 3: 6. He re- But can the sealed break the seal? ! mains the same: But thou art the If it cannot, why the warning and same.- Heb. I: 12. " Jesus Christ the repent. And they had great pati- childVer. 12r. Turne, 0 backslniding , sai t h t he Lord , for I am married un-manded them not to eat of it because but it is the sanctified we were talk-ing about. So it is. Well, go back to Ezek. 18: 24, 26 and we find- as in other verses, so there he speaks of the righteous man. And Webster says, righteous: holy at heart, whole, entire, or perfect, in a moral sense, hence pure in heart, temper, or dis-position; free from sin and- sinful af- WEBSTER. Now look into the Bible: fections, perfectly pure. Now that be-ing correct, God calls to those who have been perfectly pure, and have last that puriti,-, or holiness of heart, to repent, return, come back. Now the church is the body of Jno. 3: 5. Therefore, the church at Ephesus must have been in Christ, for they composed the church at hast borne, and: hast patience, and in the light as he is in the light, and debate, deceit, malignity; whisper-ers, backbiters, haters of God, des-piteful, proud, boasters, inventors swelling tumults.- 2 Con. 12: 20. And the servant of the Lord must not strive.- 2 Tim. 2: 24. Dear souls, wherever these things are being done something is wrong. They may preach like angels sent from God, and talk of salvation from morning till night, day after day, year in and year out, and yet the heart is not clean. A brother told me once that he saw that it was doing harm to argue, and he was going to stop it. But he does the same now. • But the thought was and is, Can a person fall from sanctification, and after that get back to the favor of God? I have showed by the word of God that he can. But I am told, that is the sin against the Holy Ghost. I have said, and still say, I do not believe that to be true. And for that I am looked upon as a blind sinner," like some others that do not believe all the word of God. Well, praise God! I am willing to bear it. But Twill nev-en dispute one word of the Bible knowingly, for it is the power of God to the salvation of my soul. But what is the unpardonable sin? They tell me that if a man falls from grace af-ter he has been sanctified, he thereby sins against the Holy Ghost, and there is no more chance for him to get to heaven. What does the Bible say is the sin against the Holy Ghost? For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacri-fice for sins, but a certain fearful look-ing for of judgment and fiery indig-nation, which shall devour the ad-versafies. He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: of how much sorer punishment suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden - under foot the Son of God, and HATH COUNTED THE BLOOD OF THE COVE- d' NANT, WHERE WITH HE WAS SANCTIKIED AN UNHOLY THING, and hath done des-pite unto the Spirit of grace.- Heb. to: 26- 29. There were certain profess-ors who told Christ that he was s glut-ton and a winebibber. Matt. II: to. And again in another place they said he did things by the power of the devil. But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. Then Jesus said, Wherefore I say unto you, all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men; but the bias-phemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And who-soever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be for-given him, neither in this world, nei-then in the world to come.- Matt. 12: 24, 31, 32. Verily I say unto you, All sin shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewithso-ever they shall blaspheme. But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath i never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation, because they said,- He hath an unclean spirit.- Mark 3: 28- 30. Now what is the unpardonable sin? According to these passages, it is attributing the work of the Holy Ghost to the devil. And the man that does that is eter-nally lost. I praise God to day that I am saved and doing. the will of my Father in heaven. I praise him be-cause he has kept me from commit-ting the sin against the Holy Ghost, and is helping me just now to walk that his blood just now cleanses me from all sin. The devil does not care how he causes strifes and divisions, so he does it. He would just ' as soon di-like to retain God in their knowl- vide the people of God on sanctifica-edge, tod gave them over to a rep- tion and the unpardonable sin as on robate mind, to do those things which anything else. And when it is done, are not convenient improper things 1; he laughs, and all the fiends of hell on being filled with all unrighteousness, earth laugh, and crooked professors fornication , wickedness, covetousness, laugh. 0 God, help thy people to see maliciousness; full of envy, murder, the devices of Satan and shun them! Amen. R. W. Swinburn. DENVER, COLO, THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. A WEEELY HOLINESS 30IIBITAL. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. SeCnhtrt iifosotn. iri hnFatehn o" durti nh nDte ihtt ihyefvta ieooPni t fenhut haa bholemlelni actsecrlaai euniton eigdoft eCsont. lhf" ih vo ertehfi sr Lefet iuodBalrnlod sSd Jaye. las- us DIVINE HEALING SOULAilDBODY. TERMS, $ 1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. FREE TO THE POOR. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. NOTICE. All business communications, motleys, & e. must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUM-PET, to- insure credit otherwise we wi. 1 not be responsible. NOTICE. commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new ca- h subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. W e make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-cutflfa- t iPoanr toief st hdee spiaripnegr . papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of their whereabouts NOTICE. HOW TO SEND MONEY.— Remit by Post- Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these annot be procured, send by Express Order, Register- ' et/ Letter, or small amounts in. stamps. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. -- Subscribers wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to give their former, as - weil as their new address. MISSING PAPERS.— It occasionally happens that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers are lost, or stolen in the mails. In case you do not ieceive your paper when due ' alter waiting a suffie-rent length of time, write us a card, and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. The • rdinanee o eet Washing. The excellent work on this subject, written by Broth- r Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a review of a tract written against this ordinance. A. lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ It - contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. • Price 20 cts. $ 1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Watkinsville, Miss., or from this office. ! Cot Wo Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. 18 pages. Single copy 2 ets Per dozen, 20 Per hundred, $ 1.50 A. tract on the True Church. 50 pages. 10 cts A. tract on the Sabbath, or Which Day to Keep. 65 pages. 10 cts Marriage and Divorce, a tract of 32 pages. 5 cts. The Age To Come, and Millennium Tradition Refuted by the inspired Word of God. 56 pages. Single copy 10 ets Questions and Answers on the Church. 32 p. i:_ res 1 cent each. Per hundred $ 1.00 Why are you not a Christian? 50 for 10 eta. The exdinauces of the Nor Testament. A. NEW TRACT, BY W 0. G. SCHELL Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture in a clear IVht, showing which are abolished, and proving hat the three oidinances instituted •, by Christ are not of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 15 cts. THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for the chil-dren. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Address— THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich. The Great Tobacco Sim It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. We make no charge for our wort of making the tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. We have on hands scores of good testi-monies, which for want of space we have been unable to publish, but will publish them as soon as possible. EDITORIAL BITES. • • • Bro. G. R. Achor expects to be in Chi-cago about June 7th or 8th to remainafew days; those desiring him to call on them will address him at 275 S. State St., Chicago. •• ••=• Bro. Henry . Latshaw writes that the saints expect to have a grove meeting about June 2oth, about one- half mile north of Clintonville, Pa. A general invitation is given. Have you read the book on " Divine Healing of Soul and Body?" If not, it will pay you to read it. You will help to preach many sermons by placing it in the hands of others, and thereby aid in rescuing perishing souls. Bro. John H. Harris writes that the saints at Thompsonville, Mich. desire a general assembly meeting held at that place some time in the near future. He also desires your prayers in behalf of the work there and other places in Wexford county. to richly bless and abundantly reward NORWOOD CAMP 13713LISEED AT GLAND JUNCTION, MM. This book is just fresh from the auth-or's pen, and a glance at the cOntents is enough to convinte any one of its interest and value to those seeking a more thorough knowledge of the Divine Being, and his dealings with people at the pres-ent time, as well as in days past. The first part of the book very plainly marks out the way from sin unto full sal-vation, according to the teaching of the sacred word. It presents the gospel truth in such a way as to throw a gleam of light into the pathway of the sinner, and enable him to see that there is hope beyond, through the mercies of a blessed Redeemer. The BELIEVER is led to see the beauties Of full salvation, and the joys in a life of Christian perfection. THE HEALING OF THE BODY constitutes the second part of the book. This consists of twenty- six chapters on doctrinal subjects, exposing and over-throwing false ideas and theories concern-ing the healing power in these last days, showing when, how, and under what ' cir-cumstances and conditions God heals the sick and afflicted at the present time. It gives a history and testimonies of healing from the time of Abraham, through the different ages, up to the present time. The third part of the book consists of the WITNESSES OF TO DAY. These are wonderful testimonies of per-sons who have been healed within the last few years by divine power; such as being instantly restored to sight after hav-ing been- blind for years; the lame throw away their crutches; broken bones are instantly healed; invalids who have suf-fered for years immediately arise and walk, after the prayer of faith is offered, etc. The author is personally acquainted - with nearly all the. parties who have herein given their testimonies, and gives their names and addresses in the book, so that persons doubting the truthfulness of the same can write to the parties them-selves. It will be a precious volume to those who are afflicted in either soul or body. The chapters on faith, and also other subjects, will strengthen the faith of the reader, and aid in a closer walk with Him who is the " giver of everygood and perfect gift." It contains 248 good- sized pages; good, p! ain print, on heavy paper. Neatly bound in cloth, S .75. Library ( half morocco), marble edge, $ 1. Send two cent stamp for special terms to agents. Address, GOSPEL TRUMPEI PUBLISHING CO., GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RE-CEIVED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTHERWISE RE-CEIPTED. B. Moore, R. I. Arrington, S. A. Grisso, Jno. Harn, Wm. H. Miles, Jun. H. Marsh, J. N. How-ard, A. C. Barden, M. E. Cheadle, E. Courtney, X. K Peterman, Wm. S. B , na M A. Fly, A. M. Bixler. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. On June 1st pray for the healing of Martin L. Wilder, Randolph, Pa., who is terribly afflicted with palsy. He is saved and sanctified, and de-sires to be healed to work for God. Ile has been afflicted for eighteen years. HOLINESS BIBLE SUBJECTS: BY H. C. W. 100 subjects with scripture, a concordance and defi-nitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church, its doctrine, its ordinances mid itslruits The fail of Babylon and the coming in of the evening light. Il-lustrated. 3' 76 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy $ 1,00. Six or more SO cents each. For this book Ad dress H. 0. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind or Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. The people of Canal Dover, Ohio have purchased a tent and desire H. C. Wickersham, or whomsoever the Lord may lead to come and hold a meeting. Address H. T. Gibson. Box 656, Canal Dover, 0. Are you coming to the camp meeting in June? We expect a most glorious time, and a wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon His children. Get your tents, blankets, etc., ready, and come prepared to stay and get the benefit of the whol e meeting. Persons from about fifteen dif-ferent states have written us thatthey are expecting to be at the meeting. Every one interested in salvation work is invited. Come in the name of Jesus. you all for your kindness to us; and call on all the redeemed to magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together. Amen. Yours and Christ's, saved . in him, J. N. Howard. A CALL FOE WORKERS+ In last Trumpet a call was made for at least twenty persons to work on the camp ground, and on the day set to be-gin the work there were but five persons besides the regular_ workers. As it is on-ly a little over two weeks yet until camp meeting begins there will be enough work to keep 25 or 30 men busy. Ye carpen-ters, farmers, and whomsoever the Lord wills, do you say," Here am I, Lord, send me?" Who is ready to sacrifice a few days for the work of the Lord? The large pavilion, boarding house, sleeping house, and a number of tents are yet to be put up, and but a few days in which to do it. One dollar and seventy- five cents has been sent in to help defray the expenses. The expenses already incurred amount to about $ 175. oo, besides furnishing provi-sions for the workers. Dear saints, let us all pray over this matter. iPrIrq: E=" rn= 1" r". 128wv- ezetr- Ir• ii= 2":". r‘ licer" i The Johnstown saints desire a grove meeting commencing June 1st and lasting over Sunday. Bro. Eldridge is expected, and every one else come whom the Lord may send. Every one desiring to come notify Bro. D. Swanson a t Bed ford, M ich e and he will meet them at Battle Creek. CAMP MEETING IN CANADA. The Lord willing, a camp meeting will be held at Candesville, Ont. June 3- 13. Come over and help us. Where ten or more come together, railroads will usually give reduced rates. We will try and get that privilege. - Those wishing to see Niagara Falls, come the day before and stop off at Welland. Those coming on the Mich. Central, stop at Perry Station. Over the Grand Trunk, stop at Marchville. ( Air line division.) We have twelve cloth tents that will range between $ 2.25 and $ 3.00 each rental for the season. Order at once. There will be free conveyance from stations. Parties coming address Bro. James Johnson, Candesville, Ont. Parties coming to Welland or wishing any in-formation, address me at Welland, Ont. - G. T. Clayton. GRIND JUNOTION CAMP MEETING. This glorious convocation of the saints of the Most High, will be held June lath to the 22d, 1392. The dear Lord is sending more workers on the ground, and we trust by his blessing, nothing shall be wanting to thorough-ly set the ground in order, and furnish all necessary buildings. A good pa-vilion 40x70 will be erected, filled with comfortable seats. Also board-ing and sleeping buildings. _ A very large attendance is expect-ed, and it seems to us that the fire of the living God in our soul assures Us that it will be the most glorious place, and season of divine power, grace and glory ever witnessed in these last days. Come in the name of Jesus, in the love of God, and in the spirit of earnest prayer, and so come expect-ing glorious things from the pres-ence of the Lord. Amen. - For the benefit of persons coining to camp- meeting, we give time- table of the boat line from Chicago to South Haven, Mich. The R. R. fare from South Haven to Grand Junc-tion is 3o cents, distance II miles. The R. R. fare from Chicago to this place is $ 3.85. The II. W. Williamzi Transporta-tion Line+ TIME TABLE WEBB Crrv, . May 16, 18 2. DEAR REDEENnon ONES: May you all be kept by God's grace, and may it wonderfully manifest itself in your daily walk and godly conversation. ' Nils morning we are glad to report victory in Jesus' name. Bless the Lord! We spent the second Sabbath Of this month with the dear ones at home. After an absence of almost seven months in the gospel field, this favor of our Father was well appre-ciated. OM- meeting with the dear saints during our stay was wonder-fully owned and blessed of the Lord. Praise his dear name! We came to this place one week ago to day, The devil would like to capture the whole work here, but I believe there are a few names even in Webb City that have not defiled their garments, who are walking with God in white. Oth-ers that have been tossed to and fro we trust will soon be established un-, blameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coining of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. i Thess. 3: 13. ' There was one dear soul saved last night; others requested the prayers of God's peo-ple. Dear saints, pray for the saintS here. Yours and Christ's forever, A. B. Stanberry. D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS— Publishers. A NEW Boole — By E. E. BYRUM. ANTHEMS FROM THE THRONE. FOURTH EDITION. This book contains 118 songs. 90 with inugie About all new. When sung in the Spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the gospel standard of salvation Send in your orders for Anthems trom the Throne and start the songs of praise anew. , Manilla . . . 30 cts PRICE I Cloth. . . - - - . . . 50 ` • Per dozen. . . . . . $ 3 00 & $ 4.80 TRE BIBLE gEADINGS. Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. P. Ice ' 75 cents each CALLS FOR MEETINGS. A few meetings are wanted at or near Greentown, Ind, Address Mary Coston. A meeting is desired at Pittsburg, Kansas. Address Mary M. Blackwell. A holiness preacher is wanted at Rover, Bedford Co., Tenn. Address B. W. Cale. Pittsburg, Ind., to go on a Western tour to Ore. and Washington. He informs us tha t he feels it all in the order of the Lord for him to go, but has not the means to pay his way, and if the means were furnished he could start after the Indiana Camp meetings in August. Let the brethren a-long the line make arrangements. Bro. Clayton Welland, Ont. writes: Bro. Wm. G. Schell is expected to be at the Canada camp meeting. We are praising the Lord for the floating bethel. Souls are being saved ii these parts nearly every day by the Lord. Will Bro. Clayton please repor how the floating bethel project is prospering? May God provide all sufficient means by the liberality of his dear children. Amen. Bro. John H. Harris writes from Thompsonville, Mich. " My health i yet poor. If it is possible I wish some brother would come here who has the clear gift of healing. I am ask ing God to send some one. The 20th Of Dec. iSgi the Lord came to our humble house and saved wife and me. We were drawn into the Free Methodist sect. Then prayed God to send some one to bap tize me, as they would not do it. They said it made no difference. So God sent Bro. Dyer here, and God spoke to me by his Spirit, saying, " Go and get him to baptize - you;" I did sonvife Was baptized with me. That threw us out of sect Babylon. They have ev er since persecuted Bro. Dyer and tell all manner of stories about him But the Spirit is the test of member ship in the body of Christ. I have received several packs of Trumpets and have distributed them all through the country, and sent them to places afar. God does use the Trumpet pa-per much. God is blessing his work in this country. Wife and I were the first to come out of Babylon in this place; but to day there are in Thomp-sonville assembly five ministers of the gospel. There are scattering brothers and sisters that have stepped out of Babylon. " Nearly every meet-ing adds to the number. Holiness is the standard much taught among us." Amen. HAYDEN, IND., MAY 17, 1892. DEAR BRETHREN: I desire to say through the Trumpet that I have been able to diminish my debt from one hundred and fifty dollars to twenty-six dollars, for which I do indeed thank God, who has blessed me be-yond my expktation, and all the dear ones who Eave so freely respond-ed in this matt ler. And I pray God 11 Some time ago there was an earnest Camp Meetin gs • • , SIN call for Bro. H. C. Wickersham, of New To CHICAGO: Will leave SOUTH HAVEN DOCKS DAILY, except Saturday, at 9: oo p. m. Saturday oxlip m. From CHICAGO; , Will leave P. O'CONNOR'S DOCK, Foot of Michigan Street, North Side. DAlAsoI LMYo, n edxacye pt Sunday, at 91: 1o: o3 0a . p m. m. . Fare, including berth, $/. 00 Camp meeting will coin ' ience lu_ ly 1392 if the Lord wills at the Termenter school- house. five miles east of Norwood Mo., and six miles west of Mt Grove, The saints have procured a piece of land at that place for a permanent camp ground : I a beautiful place for camp meeting. Those coming from the east will get off at Mt Grove, and those coming from the w est at Norwood. There will be arrangements made for con-veyance free of charge. Norwood and Mt Grove are both on the Ran-sas City, Fort Scott and Memphis R. R's. Brother Bolds and Co. are expected. We shall be glad to hear from all workers who feel led to at- . tend. Address Bro's Pete]. McKinley, J. W. Cale, • W. M. " Wilson. NEWS FROM TIM MID, - HARTSELLS, ALA., MAY 1892. DEAR SAINTS: May the Lord keep you steadfast in the apostles'doctrine, etc. Amen. Before leaving Miss. we had a glorious meeting in the saints' meeting house where the mob were intending to take Bro. \ Varner. The Lord did wonderfully bless and strengthen the faith of stint: 4 of his dear ones at that place, and they wanted me to put in my report, that they are for the whole truth, and: mean to walk in all the light God gives them. " We were glad to meet with the dear saints near I Iartsells, Ala. and find them on the increase, God has added some precious souls to their number since we were here: last fall. To God be all the glory. We hope if the Lord will to be at the camp meeting. Your saved brother, j Colt. JERRY CITY, 0., MAY 10, 1801 DEAR SAINTS AND TRUMPET READ-ERS: We left our home March 5thand met with the little ones in Sandusky Co. and had a few meetings in the neighborhood, and a real refreshing time in the presence of the Lord. There were two consecrations. ( pn Tuesday we went to New Wash-inn-, ton, in Crawford Co., and met Bro. Rosenbery and family, also Bro. Gwist. All were holding filled a with meetings the love of Jesus. After We went to Burbank and met with the saints= where we had a time of rejoicing, und one soul consecrated. On MondaY the 14th we took train for RoxburY, Pa., commenced where we met meeting Bro. D in . tile D. C. Beltz, and name of Jesus. As we read the word the people the poonstarved souls be' gan to drink and walk in the lig- ht, and got down at the feet of jesus'and bad their sins forgiven. Thirteen souls were saved in Jesus. Several were Jesus, I was so happy all the day long. I i Then persecutions began. 1\ 1 3, school-mates called me little 1\ iel hodist preacher, Dolly Varden, etc sand shim-ned me, and would not- play with me because I was a Christian. And right here, let me say, is where so many parents fail. They do not give their children the encourage-ment, help and sympathy they should. Trials came, and pride crept in; and being the only child anywhere a-round that was a Christian, and hav-ing no counsel' or help, I soon fell. 0 parents, withhold not your prayers and tender sympathy and love for your little ones just starting in the divine life! You may _ never know till the judgment reveals it, the longings of tile childish heart for that which you withhold. Oh how dear heavenly Father has been with me; leading and chastening me all these years! Bless • his holy name I forever! I heard of the saints, but did not meet with any of them. I also heard of the mighty works done ? among them. I was finally led to in-had met with several first day Advent-ists and discussed the question to-gether. I finally sent for E. E. Hop-kin's tract on, " WHY I QUIT KEEPING SATURDAY," and A. N. Seymour's Sabbath tract, also brother * ti, Yarner's tract on the Sabbath question. Then with Bible and tracts in hand, and often on my knees in prayer, I search-ed for light. I was about six months studying before I got clear on it. 0 how God wonderfully blessed me when I got out of that yoke of bon- • ves t igate the Sabbath question. . I walked the floor praising God. I al-so had cankered breasts and suffered greatly, and was using eight or nine different kinds of medicine. They grew worse till I resolved to take the Lord for my physician, and told the TIAN'A SECRET OF A HAPPY LIFE," turning to . Maniton, we stopped and alk with several, but they either drank freely of the Soda Spring, of made light of it, or looked in amaze-which soda water is a good imitation. ment at me, as though they feared I Visitors may freely drink of all these lad lost my mind. So I kept silent. springs, and each may carry away one About this time the Lord showed me quart of the precious water. We I must be baptized. I asked the brought some horen, and by adding su- Methodist minister to baptize me: gar and lemon juice the water foam- but he said he had no authority to ed up and made a delicious drink. do so, as I had been sprinkled; said . Here I sit and write in Colorado I would - have to ask the presiding Springs on a plain that rises nearly elder, So I waited with all patience breasts were well. The Lord had six thousand feet above the place of till the next quarterly meeting; - then bestowed upon me the gift of healing, our home. How pure and light the I asked him to baptize me, telling and the sick were healed through my atmosphere is." And Pike's Peak him that I had been sprinkled, but prayers and anointing with oil in the near by us lifts its snow covered sum- did not believe that was baptism. name of the Lord Jesus according to mit over eight thousand feet still He said, " If you had not told me you James Oh how I longed for a higher in the skies. had been baptized, I would have im- clean heart! How I wrestled from Colorado Springs is beautiful mersed you to please you; but now I time to time on my face before the summer resort. Its - streets are very cannot." Then said I," I want a letter, Lord! Still I did not receive the wide. Its population is about 12,000. and I will join a church that will bap- blessing. Finally, I was sent for to We expect to remain several days tize me.' . He got angry at me, and pray for a young lady sick with con-and ds l . abor for the rescue of perishing tried to argue with me that sprink- sumption. While there I picked up So ling was right; but I beat him out with a little book entitled, " THE CHRIS-As we could not arrange for a stop- the word of God. God made known to me soon after this that sometime iniwhich gave me - the light I needed. As the light came, conviction came with it so great that I staggered and fell before the Lord upon my face on the floor and vowed to make a com-plete consecration. I laid all on the altar: self, reputation, friends, hus-band, childipride, temper, impatience, etc., then asked tile Lord what else. Presently the Lord asked me to dress ! the of hell did not utterly we were. inarried, and believing- it to plainly, to take off the gold breast-lod gates be the true light, embraced the sev- pin, the ring, the flowers from my revaii against it; and we believe that enth day and joined them. I was od has now establsihed his _ church "'* baptized. Bro. Dillon wgstorn, ites from Kin OITT OF DARKNESS INTO GOD'S At this time I entered the work of the future I must preach his gospel. I was then but seventeen years of age. I began studying my Bible and searching for light, and lived clear from sects four years. During this time I was married, and began lec-turing on temperance, spiritualism, and to the young people. We heard the Adventists preach shortly after proustmx. pagonnuomm= r-sanctifietissix declared their freedom * from the NAT. B. sect; one, from the sect that wears long hair and caps for a covering. Bible salvation makes all one in Christ Jesus. Eight fol-lowed the Lord in baptism, and God blessed them in obedience. Meeting closed with an ordinance service. May the Lord keep all safe in the fold. There were a number under convict-ion and asked our prayers; they want to be saved. Your saved brother, Wm. H. Miller. DENVER, : COL., MAY 17, 1892. DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS: God be with you all till we meet again, and forever More. Amen. The dear Lord is still giving me more and more to praise him for. -- Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within, me praise his name forever! The air capacity of my- lungs seemed greatly too small. since coming on - this high altitude. Last week a cold made my breathing more difficult, so that I could only preach with difficulty a few nights. Saturday night was very bad; before retiring I asked God to remove the trouble and give me strength for the Lord's day labor. I find other saints had offered the same prayer. God heard, and Sab-bath morning I arose with a strong pair of lungs. 0 bless our God for his wonderful works to the children of men! The cold was gone, and breathing, easy. A discourse of three hours did not weary your unworthy servant. 0 how relieved I feel! The Lord must have put a good, large ad-dition to every air chamber in my lungs. 0 glory to God! Souls have been - saved almost daily. We close with an ordinance meeting to night, and to morrow go to Colorado Springs, where we will greet God's great Rocky Mountians. After several days we start eastward, and expect to reach home about June 1st or 2d. I do not think it will be practical for me to go to Canada. We are glad to learn that Bro. Schell can go; and if more help is needed the Lord will provide. Your brother in the gospel of Christ, and in the true grace of God. Amen. LATER. : 01-. 0. SPRINGS, Cdoo., MAv 20, 1892. DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS EVERY-WHERE, GREETING: May the. " Green Free," flourish in all: your hearts. 0 Messed be his name forever! His ove is all my song! We. closed meet ng in Denver Tuesday eveningeMay 17. We had an ordinance meeting : hat night: And before we . got : hrough with the Bible lesson on the ) ccasion, our hearts were caused to cap for joy by the arrival of dear n- other, Wm . N . Smith and Co.; name y, Sister Smith, Bro: Wm. A. Randolph Ind Sister Minnie Carmichael. After freetin.; and praising God together, old the lesson finished, we were much Messed of God in following the ex= ample and obeying the commands of esus. 0 glorYto his precious name! low our hearts did burn with love to tim, and to each other as we com- mun- : Si together in these sacred memori- Is. There were about twenty- six par-icipants in the heavenly feast. Though the cause of Christ has stiff red greatly in this place through v ari-us means used by the adversary, thank Pike to lead me in strange ever! The work was my made to begin meeting to night, and we are believing for victory and the salvation of souls. Yesterday we all improved the time in visiting some of God's W011- derful works, about Manitou, and - what is called the Garden of the gods. Here we praised and worshiped the true God, and Creator of all things in heaven and earth, when we be-held the wonderful works that hands have wrought. Here rise ffrroomm a level surface, or rather project out of the the earth, yellow rocks to the height of over three hundred feet. Some of them look like a great castle; others are a few thin slabs standing side by side with very fine crevices, between which were doubtless at one time veins of rock more soft than the rest, and the stream of time has worn the Lord, and although poorly clad I went forth. One evening after being out in the hot sun making calls, preaching and laboring with souls, in my secret prayer I said, " Father, it is so warm I need a parasol or um-brella. If you think need one, give me one, Lord." The next evening a sister sent for me to call on her. just as I was going home she said to me, " Wait a momentythe Lord wants me to give this to you," and she came out and handed me a good large parasol. 0 how I did praise God! In October 1891, my baby was taken very sick with bloody flux. Hus-band said if she died, he should blame me if I did not consent to giv-ing her medicine, so I submitted. She grew no better, and it was wonderful how she lingered. We gave her ev-ery remedy we knew, and I prayed daily, yes hourly; but I had broken my covenant with the Almighty. Finally my husband consented for me to do as I liked. I threw out the medicine; _ prayed, and anointed her with Oil in the name of the Lord, and in a few days she was entirely well. Then I was taken sick, and no one to do my work and could get no one * in the place to pray for me. So I fell from grace and went to doctoring; lost my salvation. Oh what mental anguish I suffered; it was worse than my physical suffering! I finally part-ly recovered, but such darkness! God would not hear me. I had sinned; I wept, agonized and prayed to no avail. God's chastening hand was upon me. On the ! 4th of Nov. I was taken with Inflamatory Rheumatism, and was unable to move without screaming; used plasters, blisters, and liniment to no avail. Finally I quit and said, " Lord, slay me if you will; I deserve it." I then g of so I could hobble around the house some, but was taken with LaGrippe. I took only boneset tea, and began to cry mightily to God. I finally got able to sit up and do some work. When the second day of Feb. came I was taken with tumorous piles. I then told the Lord I would not doc-tor any more, that he might slay me if he chose, but I would trust him and quit taking- medicine. Still he let me suffer on. My sufferings were so_ g reat I lay for days smt a time. bowels moved, caused by the ulcers. I gave myself to the Lord while in this conditon, and I searched myself and God searched me as never before. Oh, the purging was painful, but for my good! The Lord showed me many things. I began to cry mightily for here in righteousness. Some dear erman brothers and sisters escaped tit of sectism, and became joyfully aved through the blood of the Lamb. everal had been brought up in Rome. , hey thank God for the great free-om they han- e found in Christ Jesus. Bro. Willis having received an ur- - ent letter wishing him to come on o California as soon as possible, hanged his mind and went on his Tay to the West. The Lord go with im in power. So the dear Lord nought with us here to Colorado . prings our dear l3rol Smith and Co. he brethren here having been dis-ppointed in not having Bro. Willis' abernacle, some delay has : been in- 1 But arrangements have beeni off in Kan. on reduced rates, and as Mo. that he will not remain there long-er, and the work seems done at pre-sent, we will not stop at those places as we had anticipated in o- uu rlast. But I may go by the way of Hedrick, Iowa and visit the church there. Bro. Smith and Co. are all well, and ourself much blessed of God in this particu-lar. Amen: Your humble servant in the love of Jesus. READERS OF THE GOSPEL TRUMPET AND SAINTS OF GOD EVERYWHERE: I feel it to be to the glory of_ God to relate some of my experience in the things of God. Truly his ways are sometimes mysterious and past fi. nd ing out. Surely he has led me by a way I knew not. I was converted at the age of eight years at an M. E. re, vival twenty- three years ago. Al-though at that tender age God won-derfully manifested himself to my childish heart; ' the room seemed full of light, and I was so happy I went all over the r. oom, inviting my school-mates to core to Jesus. For two years n othing marred mYpeace and joy in them out. Some of these majestic darkness covered and surrounded doge! I also received much light on formation could be ascended to a con- me! One thing had always griev- sectism about this time. I withdrew siderable height from one side. On ed me when- first converted, I from the Advent sect in 1886, and these elevations we shouted the wanted to be baptized, but my par- have stood clear from all sects and praises of God, feeling his presence ents would not let me; said I was too denominations since that time. Then with us: Many smaller rocks of very young. Things continued this way I began to study holiness. I soon peculiar shape are seen in this ro- dill I was eleven years of age. When saw it was God's eternal truth and mantic region: From here we pro- again I gave Jesus my heart, but did began to pray for the blessing, but ceeded to the town of Manitou, which lot experience that bright change did not know how to consecrate mv is a small, but very attractive town in which'I did at first. Thus I strug- self to the Lord; did not know that a deep passage of the mountains. gied on for about three years. Many I must die to self, sin and this world; Here we found a family that was in- ` lights I would weep and pray in my hence I prayed and wept all in vain. terested in full salvation; we talked bed all alone, yet was not satisfied I read eagerly every thing that I could to them and prayed with them, and with my experience. I had been get on the subject. No one near me perhaps they will find a door open for sprinkled in obedience to my parents' belived in sanctification except one Jesus in that place. We then drove a- wishes, but against my own, as I family, who did not seem to possess bout one mile beyond up the Ute Pass wanted to be immersed. I had no it. Hence I got no light from them to Rain- bow Falls. After which we one to talk with, or to give me light, only that " You must live without sin;" visiteci tthe celebrated Iron Springs. so thus struggled on alone. an_ d," If you ask God to take it out, he The water is so highly charged with Finally, one night I had been weep- will do so." My husband was in a mineral substances that it is nearly as ng and praying in my dispair, when backslidden state, and remains so strong as hard cider; and yet it has, suddenly it seemed a voice spoke to to the present time; hence I could what most pronounce, no unpleasant me so plain and distinct. saying, not talk with him. and thus struggled flavor. It tastes like strong soda ' Fear not, my child, I have seen thy on alone. After my only child was water. It is very electrifying to the ears and thy' prayer is heard: my born, I became dangerously ill, and system, and a constant tide of visitors peace I give unto Thee, not as the it seemed evident that I could live go there to drink the healing waters. vorld gives, give I unto thee." And but a few hours. I told my husband Near the upper springs is the begin- oh. such peace as came stealing over to go for a good old deacon and his ing of the Cog railroad that trans- ne! I wept no more, but soon fell wife who had the gift of healing. ports travelers up to the summit of asleep. On tile morrow I tried to They came and fasted and prayed a ' s Peak. Tile distance up the ell mother about it, but she did not over me. was healed instantly and! : N time when d early half a teacupful of blood e at mountain is about eleven miles. Re- seem to understand it. I tried to would pass m oraat the trime, buyt only temp. hat. I said.," Yes Lord," and arose and took there off, then fell on my face again and said," What else Father?" MARVELOUS LIGHT. the ministry and was instrumental in Many things the Lord showed me saving some souls. In the summer that day, and made known his will to of 1882 or 3 I heard a strange man me. He gave me a more urgent call preach one evening at a school- house to preach his word, and I said," Yes, in Geenneevvaa Center, Van Buren Co— Lord, only make it so plain to me Mich., on the one church and two that I cannot doubt." So I asked him works of grace, liv i nwgithout sin, to speak to me by his word, and he etc. I had never heard such doctrine gave me some precious scripture bear-before, and believing him possessed ing on the subject. of the devil, I got - up and refuted I asked the Lord to cleanse and his teaching. I was very zealous for fill me, and was soon enabled to look up what I believed to be the truth. Up- I by faith and say, " Father, I take thee on investigating those subjects and i at thy word," and the blessing was askinngg began God for the true light, the 1. mine. 0 praise the Lord forever and Lord i 0 what a I uP through much tribulation, being I made white, tried, saved and sanctifi-done. ways. I was very hard to ? learn, - be- change! The whole world seemed dif- ed, ing very and selfish, with fent I could not keep the ogoodod news. plenty of pride. Oh, how patient the I was soon called into the work of ASHTON, NI CH. hired girl to throw out my medicine, !! ssaannccttiffiiccaattiioonn once more; sometimes that I was going to ask the Lord toil was in travail for healing, and at heal me; . she looked astonished, but others for God to sanctify me once did so. He rebuked the disease and I more- 0 how I longed for the Holy in two weeks from that day my 2G288h owsht iaten adg tohnei zfiinreg! iFn ipnraalylye rM I asurcdh-denly ceased praying. A voice said, " Cease thy weeping. You are an empty vessel fit- for my use; emptied of self, sin and the world." Presently the Lord gave me a vision, in which my condition was pictured. I soon after knew I wassanctified. My di-sease was stayed but not healed, then I cried mightly to God for heal-ing; still I suffered on and was tempt-ed of the devil for forty- two days: my sufferings increased toward the last; he tried me in various ways. I kept rebuking him in Jesus' name, but he only left to come in some other form. But amid taunts, cursings and threats I have come out conqueror through Jesus' help. My husband said I must do something. I asked the Lord if I should use what he bought. The Lord gave me the scripture, " Wives submit to your husbands." I used a little and it relieved me somewhat May 7th the Lord said to me, " It is enough: you are healed, claim the promise." Glory to God! I did so, and arose Lord's day morning free from pain for the first time in about four months. And as we had just moved to Ashton where my husband has rented a small place- I put in a good week of hard work cleaning and straightening my house. The Lord has shown me that my health is a precious gift from God to be used to his glory, not for any unnecessary things. Andat_ the sear blessed Lord so wonderfully keeps me body, soul and spirit. - My life_ is hid with Christ in God. " In the secret of his presence I am kept from strife of tongues." If God sends me the means and wills it so, I want to attend the Grand Junction camp meeting. I have no plans for myself; Jesus plans for me. I expect to commence some meetings here in our school- house soon if God wills. From your humble sister coming Elsie L. Robinson. and they have renounced The dear Lord is greatly biessin a and keeping me. I feel more than ever encouraged to live for God and do all his will as he makes it known to me. This world has no charms for me. I have pleasure in the Lord that perfectly satisfies me. Yours in Jesus, saved and sancti-fied, and full of joy and peace, Sigel Hunter. CALDWELL, KAN. DEAR BRETHREN: Blessed be his name! for leading me by his hand and guiding nite by his eye out of Babylon and every evil work into this high and holy way; yea, it is sweeter than honey to my mouth. Not any thing that I have done, but according to his mercy he saved Me by the wash-ing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost. Pray for me, that I may be kept humble at his feet ever doing his will. God bless you a 11 for Jesus' sake. Amen. Josie Adams* VOIDING the ultra view that no meats should ever be eaten, it is but fair to consider its relative impor-tance. it is certain that very errone i - s ous views are entertained n regard to its absolute necessity, as a means of securing health and strengh. While it is claimed that beefsteak is exceed-ingly nutritious, an absolute necessity, if one would be vigorous, strong and enduring, facts as afforded by science, observation and experience, put this matter in a far different light. It is not only true that steak is not as nour-ishing as other parts of the creature that are not as fashionable, but that none of the meats will compare fav-orably with the grains in the nutri-ment contained, some. of the fishes being more valuable in this regard than the beef, and more easily di-gested. One eating only lean beef, particularly in the winter, would soon suffer in the matter of temperature, and famish in addition to becoming decidedly animal, ferocious, while wheat contains every constituent needed for human sustenance; man living on this alone, inaefinitely ac-cording to Dr. Hall. This stands at the head of the grains, the " prince of foods," adapted to all climates where it can be produced the per cent. of the heating element varying according to the climate in which it is raised. The fact that milk sustains the babe and the young of some of the lower orders of creation, and the birdling is produced, feathers, beak, bones, red blood, all from the very simple parts of the egg. Will place these two arti-cles side by side with the wheanthese three stancting alone in this regard. It is an important fact that all living creatures are composed of carbon, the three gases, oxygen, nitrogen and hy-drogen— these four simple elements constituting more than three- fourths of the animate creation— and that these in their purest forms must be first obtained from the vegetable kingdom, flesh, fish and fowl furnishing these to us in an inferior and impure form, with no new and important element add-ed. We need no better illustra-tion of the influence of various diets than that afforded by comparing the herbivora, the ox, horse and elephant — more or less the companions of man— with the carnivorous leopard, lion, and tiger— the foes of civilized society— in the matter of strengthen-durance and longevity. The claim that a flesh diet is what produces force and energy, and that the grains and vegetables produce only weakness, tameness, passiveness, a character like that of the Hindoo, is utterly false. Nations and tribes living main-ly or wholly on meats are by no means noted for anything which ele-vates society. It may be asked with significance, what evidence we have of an ennobled character of energy, progress, and force in the history of the North American Indian, the inhabit-ants of the South Sea Islands, the Patigonians, Laplanders and the Esquimaux, living almost wholly on flesh. If these flesh eaters have ever accomplished much in the world, ever aided in the progress of society and civilization, history has done them in-justice. They have been far more noted for acts of cruelty, for war and blood- shed than for anything which elevates man in the scale of being; the tomahawk and scalping knife tak-ing the place of the implements of husbandry, and the machinery and instruments by which the mechanic arts are nutured. While true that no nation or tribe living wholly or main-ly on flesh, fish or fowl, has ever been conspicuous in the world's his-tory, it is a fact, significiant in itself, j Hannah Myers. that fully seven- eights of the food eaten by the human race is directly obtained from the vegetable kingdom; the grains and fruits occupying a high position among foods. Bread is the " staff of life," and. w. ith fruits will giving God all the praise for the sustain human life in its best condi- t Nvork. I wishh et prayers of God's tdiiotnio, nw oitfh f olers wh, i tthhoouutg ah rfeisahso ins agb- leen aedr-- people for the salvation of my hus-ally preferable, avoiding the oily va- t band and daughter. ri. eti. es. Your sister under the blood, Dr. J. H. Hanaford. Esther Walls. MUST WE SIN? JERIGHO, MO., Ft13. 16, 1892. DEAR SAINTS: We are still prais- EHOLD, what manner of ing God for his loving kindness to us. 4: 96G love the Father nat. bestow- „ is. se saves us just now, and keeps us ed upon us, that we should be called from all sin. Glory to his name! the sons of God: therefore the world Pray for us. knoweth us not, because it knew hi • Your brother and sis; er all on the not Beloved, now are we the sons altar, of God, and it doeth not yet appear 0. & M. Westcott. what we shall be; but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall . see him as he is. „ And every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself, even as he is pure. Whosoever committeth sin transg- resseth also the law; for sin is the transgression of the law. And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.— jno. 3: 15. We also read in the first chapter of i John, verse 7, " But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, a- nd the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. WI- It shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?— Rom. 6: 1, 2. Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Rom. 6: 7. " If any man love the - world the love of the Father is not in him." Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from- the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works- of the devil. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this the children of God are mani-fest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.— i John. 3 : 6- ro. This is a pretty dark p
format Other/Unknown Material
author Warner, D. S.
author_facet Warner, D. S.
author_sort Warner, D. S.
title The Gospel Trumpet - 12:22
title_short The Gospel Trumpet - 12:22
title_full The Gospel Trumpet - 12:22
title_fullStr The Gospel Trumpet - 12:22
title_full_unstemmed The Gospel Trumpet - 12:22
title_sort gospel trumpet - 12:22
publisher Byrum, E. E.
publishDate 1892
long_lat ENVELOPE(146.867,146.867,-67.867,-67.867)
geographic Canada
The Altar
Grand Trunk
Van Buren
Battle Creek
Deep Passage
Yellow Rocks
geographic_facet Canada
The Altar
Grand Trunk
Van Buren
Battle Creek
Deep Passage
Yellow Rocks
genre esquimaux
genre_facet esquimaux
op_source Anderson University and Church of God Archives
op_relation Replaced by Vital Christianity
Anderson University Church of God Digital Library
op_rights Copyright 2009, Anderson University.
_version_ 1766404187506081792
spelling 2023-05-15T16:08:10+02:00 The Gospel Trumpet - 12:22 Gospel Trumpet, The Warner, D. S. 1892-05-26 Printed Newspaper English eng Byrum, E. E. Michels, S. Replaced by Vital Christianity Anderson University Church of God Digital Library 12 22 Copyright 2009, Anderson University. Anderson University and Church of God Archives Newspapers -- Michigan -- Grand Junction Newspapers -- Church of God (Anderson Ind.) Full-Text Digital Object 1892 ftpalnidc 2016-08-13T17:03:39Z Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Grand Junction, Kid., Thursday, ' fay rolume 12. Aro 22. The Tord God shall BLOW Ike 71feNliPET_ a fid go 7zirlyrads to me, Whatseesi - - titan? Anti r answel% ell; 1 see a flying roll. Then said he unto me sehvaeltr yb eo nceu tt h0a. Et ostne itdheitshl side according to it; and every one that sweltretl shalt he cut oX or& thitol side according, to it 1 wilf bring it for, sait. h. the Lord ot• hosta Zccy- ' And He biltal semi His angels with a great sound of a Trumpet. and they shall gather together Ws elect from the four winds, from one end of heav-en to the other. - Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye _ know that summer is nigh. SO ye in like marine, when ye shall see all these things know that it it near, even at the cloor."- Mark 13: 24- 32, for my name's sake hat labored, and hast not. fainted. _ Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, be-cause thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works.- Rev. 2: I- 4. 0 but they were not sanctified, because they had only lost their first love. Well, I should think there were some sanctified in the church there, as it was only sixty- three years after Pen-tecost; Init theY were all warned to ence, and that is one thing people look at now. And because some are pa-tient, and talk mild, they think all of God's children must do as they do. And they had works to show, and they could not bear evil doers, and they had found some professors to be liars, and did not faint. And we can see some just about so in our day The description of the church at Ephesus suit sorne of the present day. I know it does not make a man very popular these days to talk plain, but the word of God is very plain. When God finds a man to be un-truthful he calls him a liar. He does not say he is mistaken or _ not tell-ing the truth, or perverting, but a liar. I am not applying this to any thought. Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou bast transgressed against the Lord thy God.- Jer. 3: 13. Con-fess your faults.- James 5: 16. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.- I Jno. r: 9. It is not necessary to sin :" But if any man sin we have ah advocate with the Father, even Jesus Christ the right-eous: and he is the propitiation for our sills; and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.- jno. 2: I. SO if we have faults we must acknowledge them. Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness, consid-ering thyself, lest thou also be tempt-ed.- Gal. 6: I. That does not say, leave him and do not go about him. It is a very poor way to restore a per-son by keeping away from him, or telling him that he is of the devil, or he is as blind as some other crooked professor. That is not generally done in the spirit of meekness. They tell me that the devil cannot use a sanctified man. But he may use sonie who profess to be sanctifi-ed. Is it the work and leading of the Spirit of God to get into arguments, and use loud, harsh words in the house or on the streets, insomuch that the ungodly who make all sorts of sport of God and his cause are at-tracted to the place ? What does the word of God say about disputes? Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world ?--- a Cor. 1: 20. The disciples disputed before they were sanctified. What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way? But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.- Mark 9: 33, 34. There were certain professors who disputed with Stephen; but they were not able to resist the wisdom and spirit by .-. which he spake. Acts. 6: 9, To. The children of God are com-manded to do all things " without dis-putes. Phil. 2: 14. Then if we dis-pute we sin by violating the command. If any man teach otherwise, and con-sent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is accord-ing to godliness; he is proud, kno wing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings of men of cor-rupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness [ gaining the best of the argument]: from such withdraw thyself.-- I Tim. 6: 3- 5. And even as they did not Complete b My all is on the altar laid, What is there more to do? Since Christ has said, The debt is paid, all that I can do. There's only to believe ' tis done, And we are cleansed from sin; The wondrous victory now is won, And Jesus reigns within._ Oh, wondrous victory, oh how sw eetl 0 Jesus, thou art mine; The tempter now 1 will defeat, And in thy grory shine! Now I ivill serve my Lord alone, And sit. at Jesus' feet, Till am crowned around the throne, With all my joys complete. Libbie Zimmerman. CAN A MAN FALL? Flee ( All the Thu t e 11 ml deliver every man his soul; be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the thne of the Lord's vengeance he will render unto her a recompense. Anti the land shall tremble and sor-row, fr every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against - Babylon, to make the- land of Babylon a desola-tion without mhabitant.-- Jer. 51: 0,25. 30. Some say we can do that and yet he will remain in the heart, but not act. Well, if we do g- rieve the Holy Spirit, we violate God's law: " for sin is the transgression_ of the law." - 1 John 3: 4. Then if we transgress God's law what are we? He that commiteth sin is [ a child] of the dev_ Jno. I: 8. A man cannot corn-mit sin in the body of Christ, the church. Every sin that a man doeth is without [ or out sidei the body.- Cor. 6: 18. What is the body? " And hath. put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body."- Eph. I: 22, 23. Well, if a person cannot sin in the church and has been. in it, when does he get out, and how? I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he tak- eth away.- Jno. 15: 1- 2. Take notice; the branches that become un-fruitful were in Christ. Some say they never were in. Now, who is right? I believe Jesus is right. What is the fruit they are to bear? But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentle ness , good- - 11eSS, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.- Gal. 5: 22, 23. But if a sanctified man is like the nleanerized man, then God is responsible for all his acts, thoughts and words. They say there is no such thing as free moral agency with the sanctified man. I believe Adam and- Eve were as clean and pure as any man living to day. And God gave them liberty to eat of all the fruit in the garden only that growing on one tree, and he om-manded them not to eat of that. But he did not have them so under his control that they could not touch it. And had it not been possible for them to eat of it, he would not have corn-your transgressions . 3o.- Verse Yet that would have been useless. \\ hat is the use to tell a person not to do what he cannot do? But still we are told that a sanctifi-ed man cannot fall. What does the word of God say? I undetstand a righteous man to be a holy man, - and a holy man to be perfectly pure. See h fall _ , to day and forever." if there is a possibility of falling from grace in the New Tes_ - Lament: " For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift ( Jes-us), and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to Come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again to repen-tance.- Heb. 6: 4- 6. Is there a word in the Bible which is not essential? No; what then is the use of this tern-ble \ yarning, if it is inipossible to fa away? Then it were a non- essential. When these positive scriptures are cited they turn around and deny that they said a holy man cannot fall; but that if he does fall, he can never get back to God. Even after they said, he Is like a prisoner and a mesmerized man; he cannot get away, he can only do what God says do. So that for his iniquity he shall die. Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath commit-ted, and doeth that which is lawful and right he shall Sa Ve his soul alive. Because he considereth, and turneth away from all his transgressions that he hath committed, he shall surely live, he shall not die.- Ezek. 27, IS: Repent, and turn yourselves from all return t o me, s aith the, Lord.- Jer. 3: . Go and proclaim these words to-ward the north and say, Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord; * * for I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger for ever.- to you.- Verse Li. If thou wilt re-tarn, 0 Israel, saith the Lord, return unto rne.-- Jer. 4: I. 0 Israel return unto the Lord thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity.- Hos. 13: I. I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely.- Verse 4. 0 yes, of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.- Rom. I: 28- 32. For I fear, lest when I come, I shall not find you such as I. would, and that I should be found un-to you such as ye would not:, lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, command ? Grieve not the Holy same yesterda3 Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed - Heb. 13: 8. unto thed a 3. of r de em pt ion. - Eph. 4 : Now let us see DEAR SAINTS OF-, THE MOST HIGH GOD: May great grace abou4nd un-to you all. I am saved to day and doing the will of God as far as it is made known to me by the Spirit and word of God. I have been listening for some time to the teaching of some A wh ) soy that after a person is sanc-tified, it is impossible to fall from grace. I have protested, and do now protest, that such is not true accord-ing to the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments. If it were true, then would there be many non- essential passages in the Bible? I believe God is too wise to say anything to his people that is not necessary. I do not believe he would say,." sin not," anless there was a possibility of doing ' so. Neither would it be necessary to g• ive all thd warnings that are given in the Bible if it is impossible to do the things warned against. They say that a man who gives himself into the hands of a mesmerizer: cal- ter he is mesmerized, will do everything the mesmerizer thinks and says, and he cannot do otherwise. And they claim that the man who gives hiinself whol-ly to God is just like the mesmerized man; he can't do or think ' anything but what God does, thinks, and speaks. And they tell me again that, a pris-oner of war is wholly under the power of his captors, and they can do with him as they please, and he cannot help himself nor get out of their hands. And that a sanctified man, in like manner can do nothing only what God says and thinks, and he cannot help himself, nor get away. Now is that so? The Bible says " If we - do these things we shall never fall."- 2 Pet. I: To. What things? And besides this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance; and to temperance, patience; and to patience, godliness; and to godliness, brother-ly kindness; and to brotherly kind- " Therefore, thou son of man, say unto ness, charity. FOK if these things be the children of thy people, the right-in you, and abound they make you eousiiess of the righteous shall not that ye shall neither be barren nor deliver him in the day of his trans-unfruitful in the knowledge of our gression; neither shall the righteous Lord Jesus Christ .- 2 Pet. 1 : 5- 8. , be able to live for his righteousness in Christ, and he is the head. Col. 1: I * But he that lacketh these things is i the day that he sinneth.- Ezek. 33: 12. IS, 24. And there are no sinners in blind, and cannot see afar off, and1 " Agai, n when a righteous man dbth Christ for that would be sin in him. hath forgotten that he was purged turn from his righteousness and corn-from his old sins.- Verse 9. mit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling During the late war prisoners were block before him, he shall die."- Ezek. taken, and some time after were pa- 3: 20. But when the righteous turn- that place. Jesus sent word to them roled on their oath not to take up 1 eth away from his righteousness and by John, saying, I know thy works, arrns again until they were exchanged, committeth iniquity, and doeth ac- and thy labor, and thy patience, and under penalty of death if caught. corning to all the abominations that how thou canst - not bear them which 1 But how many of them went into the wicked man doeth, shall he live? are e- vil, and thou hast tried them other regiments and broke the parole All his righteoasness that he bath which say they are apostles, and are and were in danger of being captured done shall not be mentioned: in his not, and hast found them liars: and and shot. The penalty in that was tre1spass that he hath trespassed, and in death . and the penalty for violating his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die. When a righteous man turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and dieth in hem; for his iniquity that he hath done shall he die.- Ezek. 18: 24, 26. But that is the Old Testament, says one. So it is and it applies to us now as wellll as to them then. Ezekiel wa sa proph e, at nd spake of the, future. And God's law is death. • For when God takes a prisoner he converts him, and sends him off on parole and expects him to be loyal to His government. So with the sanctified man: he is ' God's prisoner, and yet God's free man; and if he does these things_ in second Pet. first chapter he shall nevz er fall. But an if is there. And the conclusion positively follows that, ifIGod does not change. For I am the ye do not these things ye shall fall. I Lord,' change not.- Mal. 3: 6. He re- But can the sealed break the seal? ! mains the same: But thou art the If it cannot, why the warning and same.- Heb. I: 12. " Jesus Christ the repent. And they had great pati- childVer. 12r. Turne, 0 backslniding , sai t h t he Lord , for I am married un-manded them not to eat of it because but it is the sanctified we were talk-ing about. So it is. Well, go back to Ezek. 18: 24, 26 and we find- as in other verses, so there he speaks of the righteous man. And Webster says, righteous: holy at heart, whole, entire, or perfect, in a moral sense, hence pure in heart, temper, or dis-position; free from sin and- sinful af- WEBSTER. Now look into the Bible: fections, perfectly pure. Now that be-ing correct, God calls to those who have been perfectly pure, and have last that puriti,-, or holiness of heart, to repent, return, come back. Now the church is the body of Jno. 3: 5. Therefore, the church at Ephesus must have been in Christ, for they composed the church at hast borne, and: hast patience, and in the light as he is in the light, and debate, deceit, malignity; whisper-ers, backbiters, haters of God, des-piteful, proud, boasters, inventors swelling tumults.- 2 Con. 12: 20. And the servant of the Lord must not strive.- 2 Tim. 2: 24. Dear souls, wherever these things are being done something is wrong. They may preach like angels sent from God, and talk of salvation from morning till night, day after day, year in and year out, and yet the heart is not clean. A brother told me once that he saw that it was doing harm to argue, and he was going to stop it. But he does the same now. • But the thought was and is, Can a person fall from sanctification, and after that get back to the favor of God? I have showed by the word of God that he can. But I am told, that is the sin against the Holy Ghost. I have said, and still say, I do not believe that to be true. And for that I am looked upon as a blind sinner," like some others that do not believe all the word of God. Well, praise God! I am willing to bear it. But Twill nev-en dispute one word of the Bible knowingly, for it is the power of God to the salvation of my soul. But what is the unpardonable sin? They tell me that if a man falls from grace af-ter he has been sanctified, he thereby sins against the Holy Ghost, and there is no more chance for him to get to heaven. What does the Bible say is the sin against the Holy Ghost? For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacri-fice for sins, but a certain fearful look-ing for of judgment and fiery indig-nation, which shall devour the ad-versafies. He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: of how much sorer punishment suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden - under foot the Son of God, and HATH COUNTED THE BLOOD OF THE COVE- d' NANT, WHERE WITH HE WAS SANCTIKIED AN UNHOLY THING, and hath done des-pite unto the Spirit of grace.- Heb. to: 26- 29. There were certain profess-ors who told Christ that he was s glut-ton and a winebibber. Matt. II: to. And again in another place they said he did things by the power of the devil. But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. Then Jesus said, Wherefore I say unto you, all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men; but the bias-phemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And who-soever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be for-given him, neither in this world, nei-then in the world to come.- Matt. 12: 24, 31, 32. Verily I say unto you, All sin shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewithso-ever they shall blaspheme. But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath i never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation, because they said,- He hath an unclean spirit.- Mark 3: 28- 30. Now what is the unpardonable sin? According to these passages, it is attributing the work of the Holy Ghost to the devil. And the man that does that is eter-nally lost. I praise God to day that I am saved and doing. the will of my Father in heaven. I praise him be-cause he has kept me from commit-ting the sin against the Holy Ghost, and is helping me just now to walk that his blood just now cleanses me from all sin. The devil does not care how he causes strifes and divisions, so he does it. He would just ' as soon di-like to retain God in their knowl- vide the people of God on sanctifica-edge, tod gave them over to a rep- tion and the unpardonable sin as on robate mind, to do those things which anything else. And when it is done, are not convenient improper things 1; he laughs, and all the fiends of hell on being filled with all unrighteousness, earth laugh, and crooked professors fornication , wickedness, covetousness, laugh. 0 God, help thy people to see maliciousness; full of envy, murder, the devices of Satan and shun them! Amen. R. W. Swinburn. DENVER, COLO, THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. A WEEELY HOLINESS 30IIBITAL. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. SeCnhtrt iifosotn. iri hnFatehn o" durti nh nDte ihtt ihyefvta ieooPni t fenhut haa bholemlelni actsecrlaai euniton eigdoft eCsont. lhf" ih vo ertehfi sr Lefet iuodBalrnlod sSd Jaye. las- us DIVINE HEALING SOULAilDBODY. TERMS, $ 1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. FREE TO THE POOR. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. NOTICE. All business communications, motleys, & e. must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUM-PET, to- insure credit otherwise we wi. 1 not be responsible. NOTICE. commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new ca- h subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. W e make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-cutflfa- t iPoanr toief st hdee spiaripnegr . papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of their whereabouts NOTICE. HOW TO SEND MONEY.— Remit by Post- Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these annot be procured, send by Express Order, Register- ' et/ Letter, or small amounts in. stamps. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. -- Subscribers wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to give their former, as - weil as their new address. MISSING PAPERS.— It occasionally happens that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers are lost, or stolen in the mails. In case you do not ieceive your paper when due ' alter waiting a suffie-rent length of time, write us a card, and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. The • rdinanee o eet Washing. The excellent work on this subject, written by Broth- r Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a review of a tract written against this ordinance. A. lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ It - contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. • Price 20 cts. $ 1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Watkinsville, Miss., or from this office. ! Cot Wo Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. 18 pages. Single copy 2 ets Per dozen, 20 Per hundred, $ 1.50 A. tract on the True Church. 50 pages. 10 cts A. tract on the Sabbath, or Which Day to Keep. 65 pages. 10 cts Marriage and Divorce, a tract of 32 pages. 5 cts. The Age To Come, and Millennium Tradition Refuted by the inspired Word of God. 56 pages. Single copy 10 ets Questions and Answers on the Church. 32 p. i:_ res 1 cent each. Per hundred $ 1.00 Why are you not a Christian? 50 for 10 eta. The exdinauces of the Nor Testament. A. NEW TRACT, BY W 0. G. SCHELL Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture in a clear IVht, showing which are abolished, and proving hat the three oidinances instituted •, by Christ are not of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 15 cts. THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for the chil-dren. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Address— THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich. The Great Tobacco Sim It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. We make no charge for our wort of making the tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. We have on hands scores of good testi-monies, which for want of space we have been unable to publish, but will publish them as soon as possible. EDITORIAL BITES. • • • Bro. G. R. Achor expects to be in Chi-cago about June 7th or 8th to remainafew days; those desiring him to call on them will address him at 275 S. State St., Chicago. •• ••=• Bro. Henry . Latshaw writes that the saints expect to have a grove meeting about June 2oth, about one- half mile north of Clintonville, Pa. A general invitation is given. Have you read the book on " Divine Healing of Soul and Body?" If not, it will pay you to read it. You will help to preach many sermons by placing it in the hands of others, and thereby aid in rescuing perishing souls. Bro. John H. Harris writes that the saints at Thompsonville, Mich. desire a general assembly meeting held at that place some time in the near future. He also desires your prayers in behalf of the work there and other places in Wexford county. to richly bless and abundantly reward NORWOOD CAMP 13713LISEED AT GLAND JUNCTION, MM. This book is just fresh from the auth-or's pen, and a glance at the cOntents is enough to convinte any one of its interest and value to those seeking a more thorough knowledge of the Divine Being, and his dealings with people at the pres-ent time, as well as in days past. The first part of the book very plainly marks out the way from sin unto full sal-vation, according to the teaching of the sacred word. It presents the gospel truth in such a way as to throw a gleam of light into the pathway of the sinner, and enable him to see that there is hope beyond, through the mercies of a blessed Redeemer. The BELIEVER is led to see the beauties Of full salvation, and the joys in a life of Christian perfection. THE HEALING OF THE BODY constitutes the second part of the book. This consists of twenty- six chapters on doctrinal subjects, exposing and over-throwing false ideas and theories concern-ing the healing power in these last days, showing when, how, and under what ' cir-cumstances and conditions God heals the sick and afflicted at the present time. It gives a history and testimonies of healing from the time of Abraham, through the different ages, up to the present time. The third part of the book consists of the WITNESSES OF TO DAY. These are wonderful testimonies of per-sons who have been healed within the last few years by divine power; such as being instantly restored to sight after hav-ing been- blind for years; the lame throw away their crutches; broken bones are instantly healed; invalids who have suf-fered for years immediately arise and walk, after the prayer of faith is offered, etc. The author is personally acquainted - with nearly all the. parties who have herein given their testimonies, and gives their names and addresses in the book, so that persons doubting the truthfulness of the same can write to the parties them-selves. It will be a precious volume to those who are afflicted in either soul or body. The chapters on faith, and also other subjects, will strengthen the faith of the reader, and aid in a closer walk with Him who is the " giver of everygood and perfect gift." It contains 248 good- sized pages; good, p! ain print, on heavy paper. Neatly bound in cloth, S .75. Library ( half morocco), marble edge, $ 1. Send two cent stamp for special terms to agents. Address, GOSPEL TRUMPEI PUBLISHING CO., GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RE-CEIVED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTHERWISE RE-CEIPTED. B. Moore, R. I. Arrington, S. A. Grisso, Jno. Harn, Wm. H. Miles, Jun. H. Marsh, J. N. How-ard, A. C. Barden, M. E. Cheadle, E. Courtney, X. K Peterman, Wm. S. B , na M A. Fly, A. M. Bixler. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. On June 1st pray for the healing of Martin L. Wilder, Randolph, Pa., who is terribly afflicted with palsy. He is saved and sanctified, and de-sires to be healed to work for God. Ile has been afflicted for eighteen years. HOLINESS BIBLE SUBJECTS: BY H. C. W. 100 subjects with scripture, a concordance and defi-nitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church, its doctrine, its ordinances mid itslruits The fail of Babylon and the coming in of the evening light. Il-lustrated. 3' 76 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy $ 1,00. Six or more SO cents each. For this book Ad dress H. 0. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind or Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. The people of Canal Dover, Ohio have purchased a tent and desire H. C. Wickersham, or whomsoever the Lord may lead to come and hold a meeting. Address H. T. Gibson. Box 656, Canal Dover, 0. Are you coming to the camp meeting in June? We expect a most glorious time, and a wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon His children. Get your tents, blankets, etc., ready, and come prepared to stay and get the benefit of the whol e meeting. Persons from about fifteen dif-ferent states have written us thatthey are expecting to be at the meeting. Every one interested in salvation work is invited. Come in the name of Jesus. you all for your kindness to us; and call on all the redeemed to magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together. Amen. Yours and Christ's, saved . in him, J. N. Howard. A CALL FOE WORKERS+ In last Trumpet a call was made for at least twenty persons to work on the camp ground, and on the day set to be-gin the work there were but five persons besides the regular_ workers. As it is on-ly a little over two weeks yet until camp meeting begins there will be enough work to keep 25 or 30 men busy. Ye carpen-ters, farmers, and whomsoever the Lord wills, do you say," Here am I, Lord, send me?" Who is ready to sacrifice a few days for the work of the Lord? The large pavilion, boarding house, sleeping house, and a number of tents are yet to be put up, and but a few days in which to do it. One dollar and seventy- five cents has been sent in to help defray the expenses. The expenses already incurred amount to about $ 175. oo, besides furnishing provi-sions for the workers. Dear saints, let us all pray over this matter. iPrIrq: E=" rn= 1" r". 128wv- ezetr- Ir• ii= 2":". r‘ licer" i The Johnstown saints desire a grove meeting commencing June 1st and lasting over Sunday. Bro. Eldridge is expected, and every one else come whom the Lord may send. Every one desiring to come notify Bro. D. Swanson a t Bed ford, M ich e and he will meet them at Battle Creek. CAMP MEETING IN CANADA. The Lord willing, a camp meeting will be held at Candesville, Ont. June 3- 13. Come over and help us. Where ten or more come together, railroads will usually give reduced rates. We will try and get that privilege. - Those wishing to see Niagara Falls, come the day before and stop off at Welland. Those coming on the Mich. Central, stop at Perry Station. Over the Grand Trunk, stop at Marchville. ( Air line division.) We have twelve cloth tents that will range between $ 2.25 and $ 3.00 each rental for the season. Order at once. There will be free conveyance from stations. Parties coming address Bro. James Johnson, Candesville, Ont. Parties coming to Welland or wishing any in-formation, address me at Welland, Ont. - G. T. Clayton. GRIND JUNOTION CAMP MEETING. This glorious convocation of the saints of the Most High, will be held June lath to the 22d, 1392. The dear Lord is sending more workers on the ground, and we trust by his blessing, nothing shall be wanting to thorough-ly set the ground in order, and furnish all necessary buildings. A good pa-vilion 40x70 will be erected, filled with comfortable seats. Also board-ing and sleeping buildings. _ A very large attendance is expect-ed, and it seems to us that the fire of the living God in our soul assures Us that it will be the most glorious place, and season of divine power, grace and glory ever witnessed in these last days. Come in the name of Jesus, in the love of God, and in the spirit of earnest prayer, and so come expect-ing glorious things from the pres-ence of the Lord. Amen. - For the benefit of persons coining to camp- meeting, we give time- table of the boat line from Chicago to South Haven, Mich. The R. R. fare from South Haven to Grand Junc-tion is 3o cents, distance II miles. The R. R. fare from Chicago to this place is $ 3.85. The II. W. Williamzi Transporta-tion Line+ TIME TABLE WEBB Crrv, . May 16, 18 2. DEAR REDEENnon ONES: May you all be kept by God's grace, and may it wonderfully manifest itself in your daily walk and godly conversation. ' Nils morning we are glad to report victory in Jesus' name. Bless the Lord! We spent the second Sabbath Of this month with the dear ones at home. After an absence of almost seven months in the gospel field, this favor of our Father was well appre-ciated. OM- meeting with the dear saints during our stay was wonder-fully owned and blessed of the Lord. Praise his dear name! We came to this place one week ago to day, The devil would like to capture the whole work here, but I believe there are a few names even in Webb City that have not defiled their garments, who are walking with God in white. Oth-ers that have been tossed to and fro we trust will soon be established un-, blameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coining of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. i Thess. 3: 13. ' There was one dear soul saved last night; others requested the prayers of God's peo-ple. Dear saints, pray for the saintS here. Yours and Christ's forever, A. B. Stanberry. D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS— Publishers. A NEW Boole — By E. E. BYRUM. ANTHEMS FROM THE THRONE. FOURTH EDITION. This book contains 118 songs. 90 with inugie About all new. When sung in the Spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the gospel standard of salvation Send in your orders for Anthems trom the Throne and start the songs of praise anew. , Manilla . . . 30 cts PRICE I Cloth. . . - - - . . . 50 ` • Per dozen. . . . . . $ 3 00 & $ 4.80 TRE BIBLE gEADINGS. Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. P. Ice ' 75 cents each CALLS FOR MEETINGS. A few meetings are wanted at or near Greentown, Ind, Address Mary Coston. A meeting is desired at Pittsburg, Kansas. Address Mary M. Blackwell. A holiness preacher is wanted at Rover, Bedford Co., Tenn. Address B. W. Cale. Pittsburg, Ind., to go on a Western tour to Ore. and Washington. He informs us tha t he feels it all in the order of the Lord for him to go, but has not the means to pay his way, and if the means were furnished he could start after the Indiana Camp meetings in August. Let the brethren a-long the line make arrangements. Bro. Clayton Welland, Ont. writes: Bro. Wm. G. Schell is expected to be at the Canada camp meeting. We are praising the Lord for the floating bethel. Souls are being saved ii these parts nearly every day by the Lord. Will Bro. Clayton please repor how the floating bethel project is prospering? May God provide all sufficient means by the liberality of his dear children. Amen. Bro. John H. Harris writes from Thompsonville, Mich. " My health i yet poor. If it is possible I wish some brother would come here who has the clear gift of healing. I am ask ing God to send some one. The 20th Of Dec. iSgi the Lord came to our humble house and saved wife and me. We were drawn into the Free Methodist sect. Then prayed God to send some one to bap tize me, as they would not do it. They said it made no difference. So God sent Bro. Dyer here, and God spoke to me by his Spirit, saying, " Go and get him to baptize - you;" I did sonvife Was baptized with me. That threw us out of sect Babylon. They have ev er since persecuted Bro. Dyer and tell all manner of stories about him But the Spirit is the test of member ship in the body of Christ. I have received several packs of Trumpets and have distributed them all through the country, and sent them to places afar. God does use the Trumpet pa-per much. God is blessing his work in this country. Wife and I were the first to come out of Babylon in this place; but to day there are in Thomp-sonville assembly five ministers of the gospel. There are scattering brothers and sisters that have stepped out of Babylon. " Nearly every meet-ing adds to the number. Holiness is the standard much taught among us." Amen. HAYDEN, IND., MAY 17, 1892. DEAR BRETHREN: I desire to say through the Trumpet that I have been able to diminish my debt from one hundred and fifty dollars to twenty-six dollars, for which I do indeed thank God, who has blessed me be-yond my expktation, and all the dear ones who Eave so freely respond-ed in this matt ler. And I pray God 11 Some time ago there was an earnest Camp Meetin gs • • , SIN call for Bro. H. C. Wickersham, of New To CHICAGO: Will leave SOUTH HAVEN DOCKS DAILY, except Saturday, at 9: oo p. m. Saturday oxlip m. From CHICAGO; , Will leave P. O'CONNOR'S DOCK, Foot of Michigan Street, North Side. DAlAsoI LMYo, n edxacye pt Sunday, at 91: 1o: o3 0a . p m. m. . Fare, including berth, $/. 00 Camp meeting will coin ' ience lu_ ly 1392 if the Lord wills at the Termenter school- house. five miles east of Norwood Mo., and six miles west of Mt Grove, The saints have procured a piece of land at that place for a permanent camp ground : I a beautiful place for camp meeting. Those coming from the east will get off at Mt Grove, and those coming from the w est at Norwood. There will be arrangements made for con-veyance free of charge. Norwood and Mt Grove are both on the Ran-sas City, Fort Scott and Memphis R. R's. Brother Bolds and Co. are expected. We shall be glad to hear from all workers who feel led to at- . tend. Address Bro's Pete]. McKinley, J. W. Cale, • W. M. " Wilson. NEWS FROM TIM MID, - HARTSELLS, ALA., MAY 1892. DEAR SAINTS: May the Lord keep you steadfast in the apostles'doctrine, etc. Amen. Before leaving Miss. we had a glorious meeting in the saints' meeting house where the mob were intending to take Bro. \ Varner. The Lord did wonderfully bless and strengthen the faith of stint: 4 of his dear ones at that place, and they wanted me to put in my report, that they are for the whole truth, and: mean to walk in all the light God gives them. " We were glad to meet with the dear saints near I Iartsells, Ala. and find them on the increase, God has added some precious souls to their number since we were here: last fall. To God be all the glory. We hope if the Lord will to be at the camp meeting. Your saved brother, j Colt. JERRY CITY, 0., MAY 10, 1801 DEAR SAINTS AND TRUMPET READ-ERS: We left our home March 5thand met with the little ones in Sandusky Co. and had a few meetings in the neighborhood, and a real refreshing time in the presence of the Lord. There were two consecrations. ( pn Tuesday we went to New Wash-inn-, ton, in Crawford Co., and met Bro. Rosenbery and family, also Bro. Gwist. All were holding filled a with meetings the love of Jesus. After We went to Burbank and met with the saints= where we had a time of rejoicing, und one soul consecrated. On MondaY the 14th we took train for RoxburY, Pa., commenced where we met meeting Bro. D in . tile D. C. Beltz, and name of Jesus. As we read the word the people the poonstarved souls be' gan to drink and walk in the lig- ht, and got down at the feet of jesus'and bad their sins forgiven. Thirteen souls were saved in Jesus. Several were Jesus, I was so happy all the day long. I i Then persecutions began. 1\ 1 3, school-mates called me little 1\ iel hodist preacher, Dolly Varden, etc sand shim-ned me, and would not- play with me because I was a Christian. And right here, let me say, is where so many parents fail. They do not give their children the encourage-ment, help and sympathy they should. Trials came, and pride crept in; and being the only child anywhere a-round that was a Christian, and hav-ing no counsel' or help, I soon fell. 0 parents, withhold not your prayers and tender sympathy and love for your little ones just starting in the divine life! You may _ never know till the judgment reveals it, the longings of tile childish heart for that which you withhold. Oh how dear heavenly Father has been with me; leading and chastening me all these years! Bless • his holy name I forever! I heard of the saints, but did not meet with any of them. I also heard of the mighty works done ? among them. I was finally led to in-had met with several first day Advent-ists and discussed the question to-gether. I finally sent for E. E. Hop-kin's tract on, " WHY I QUIT KEEPING SATURDAY," and A. N. Seymour's Sabbath tract, also brother * ti, Yarner's tract on the Sabbath question. Then with Bible and tracts in hand, and often on my knees in prayer, I search-ed for light. I was about six months studying before I got clear on it. 0 how God wonderfully blessed me when I got out of that yoke of bon- • ves t igate the Sabbath question. . I walked the floor praising God. I al-so had cankered breasts and suffered greatly, and was using eight or nine different kinds of medicine. They grew worse till I resolved to take the Lord for my physician, and told the TIAN'A SECRET OF A HAPPY LIFE," turning to . Maniton, we stopped and alk with several, but they either drank freely of the Soda Spring, of made light of it, or looked in amaze-which soda water is a good imitation. ment at me, as though they feared I Visitors may freely drink of all these lad lost my mind. So I kept silent. springs, and each may carry away one About this time the Lord showed me quart of the precious water. We I must be baptized. I asked the brought some horen, and by adding su- Methodist minister to baptize me: gar and lemon juice the water foam- but he said he had no authority to ed up and made a delicious drink. do so, as I had been sprinkled; said . Here I sit and write in Colorado I would - have to ask the presiding Springs on a plain that rises nearly elder, So I waited with all patience breasts were well. The Lord had six thousand feet above the place of till the next quarterly meeting; - then bestowed upon me the gift of healing, our home. How pure and light the I asked him to baptize me, telling and the sick were healed through my atmosphere is." And Pike's Peak him that I had been sprinkled, but prayers and anointing with oil in the near by us lifts its snow covered sum- did not believe that was baptism. name of the Lord Jesus according to mit over eight thousand feet still He said, " If you had not told me you James Oh how I longed for a higher in the skies. had been baptized, I would have im- clean heart! How I wrestled from Colorado Springs is beautiful mersed you to please you; but now I time to time on my face before the summer resort. Its - streets are very cannot." Then said I," I want a letter, Lord! Still I did not receive the wide. Its population is about 12,000. and I will join a church that will bap- blessing. Finally, I was sent for to We expect to remain several days tize me.' . He got angry at me, and pray for a young lady sick with con-and ds l . abor for the rescue of perishing tried to argue with me that sprink- sumption. While there I picked up So ling was right; but I beat him out with a little book entitled, " THE CHRIS-As we could not arrange for a stop- the word of God. God made known to me soon after this that sometime iniwhich gave me - the light I needed. As the light came, conviction came with it so great that I staggered and fell before the Lord upon my face on the floor and vowed to make a com-plete consecration. I laid all on the altar: self, reputation, friends, hus-band, childipride, temper, impatience, etc., then asked tile Lord what else. Presently the Lord asked me to dress ! the of hell did not utterly we were. inarried, and believing- it to plainly, to take off the gold breast-lod gates be the true light, embraced the sev- pin, the ring, the flowers from my revaii against it; and we believe that enth day and joined them. I was od has now establsihed his _ church "'* baptized. Bro. Dillon wgstorn, ites from Kin OITT OF DARKNESS INTO GOD'S At this time I entered the work of the future I must preach his gospel. I was then but seventeen years of age. I began studying my Bible and searching for light, and lived clear from sects four years. During this time I was married, and began lec-turing on temperance, spiritualism, and to the young people. We heard the Adventists preach shortly after proustmx. pagonnuomm= r-sanctifietissix declared their freedom * from the NAT. B. sect; one, from the sect that wears long hair and caps for a covering. Bible salvation makes all one in Christ Jesus. Eight fol-lowed the Lord in baptism, and God blessed them in obedience. Meeting closed with an ordinance service. May the Lord keep all safe in the fold. There were a number under convict-ion and asked our prayers; they want to be saved. Your saved brother, Wm. H. Miller. DENVER, : COL., MAY 17, 1892. DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS: God be with you all till we meet again, and forever More. Amen. The dear Lord is still giving me more and more to praise him for. -- Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within, me praise his name forever! The air capacity of my- lungs seemed greatly too small. since coming on - this high altitude. Last week a cold made my breathing more difficult, so that I could only preach with difficulty a few nights. Saturday night was very bad; before retiring I asked God to remove the trouble and give me strength for the Lord's day labor. I find other saints had offered the same prayer. God heard, and Sab-bath morning I arose with a strong pair of lungs. 0 bless our God for his wonderful works to the children of men! The cold was gone, and breathing, easy. A discourse of three hours did not weary your unworthy servant. 0 how relieved I feel! The Lord must have put a good, large ad-dition to every air chamber in my lungs. 0 glory to God! Souls have been - saved almost daily. We close with an ordinance meeting to night, and to morrow go to Colorado Springs, where we will greet God's great Rocky Mountians. After several days we start eastward, and expect to reach home about June 1st or 2d. I do not think it will be practical for me to go to Canada. We are glad to learn that Bro. Schell can go; and if more help is needed the Lord will provide. Your brother in the gospel of Christ, and in the true grace of God. Amen. LATER. : 01-. 0. SPRINGS, Cdoo., MAv 20, 1892. DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS EVERY-WHERE, GREETING: May the. " Green Free," flourish in all: your hearts. 0 Messed be his name forever! His ove is all my song! We. closed meet ng in Denver Tuesday eveningeMay 17. We had an ordinance meeting : hat night: And before we . got : hrough with the Bible lesson on the ) ccasion, our hearts were caused to cap for joy by the arrival of dear n- other, Wm . N . Smith and Co.; name y, Sister Smith, Bro: Wm. A. Randolph Ind Sister Minnie Carmichael. After freetin.; and praising God together, old the lesson finished, we were much Messed of God in following the ex= ample and obeying the commands of esus. 0 glorYto his precious name! low our hearts did burn with love to tim, and to each other as we com- mun- : Si together in these sacred memori- Is. There were about twenty- six par-icipants in the heavenly feast. Though the cause of Christ has stiff red greatly in this place through v ari-us means used by the adversary, thank Pike to lead me in strange ever! The work was my made to begin meeting to night, and we are believing for victory and the salvation of souls. Yesterday we all improved the time in visiting some of God's W011- derful works, about Manitou, and - what is called the Garden of the gods. Here we praised and worshiped the true God, and Creator of all things in heaven and earth, when we be-held the wonderful works that hands have wrought. Here rise ffrroomm a level surface, or rather project out of the the earth, yellow rocks to the height of over three hundred feet. Some of them look like a great castle; others are a few thin slabs standing side by side with very fine crevices, between which were doubtless at one time veins of rock more soft than the rest, and the stream of time has worn the Lord, and although poorly clad I went forth. One evening after being out in the hot sun making calls, preaching and laboring with souls, in my secret prayer I said, " Father, it is so warm I need a parasol or um-brella. If you think need one, give me one, Lord." The next evening a sister sent for me to call on her. just as I was going home she said to me, " Wait a momentythe Lord wants me to give this to you," and she came out and handed me a good large parasol. 0 how I did praise God! In October 1891, my baby was taken very sick with bloody flux. Hus-band said if she died, he should blame me if I did not consent to giv-ing her medicine, so I submitted. She grew no better, and it was wonderful how she lingered. We gave her ev-ery remedy we knew, and I prayed daily, yes hourly; but I had broken my covenant with the Almighty. Finally my husband consented for me to do as I liked. I threw out the medicine; _ prayed, and anointed her with Oil in the name of the Lord, and in a few days she was entirely well. Then I was taken sick, and no one to do my work and could get no one * in the place to pray for me. So I fell from grace and went to doctoring; lost my salvation. Oh what mental anguish I suffered; it was worse than my physical suffering! I finally part-ly recovered, but such darkness! God would not hear me. I had sinned; I wept, agonized and prayed to no avail. God's chastening hand was upon me. On the ! 4th of Nov. I was taken with Inflamatory Rheumatism, and was unable to move without screaming; used plasters, blisters, and liniment to no avail. Finally I quit and said, " Lord, slay me if you will; I deserve it." I then g of so I could hobble around the house some, but was taken with LaGrippe. I took only boneset tea, and began to cry mightily to God. I finally got able to sit up and do some work. When the second day of Feb. came I was taken with tumorous piles. I then told the Lord I would not doc-tor any more, that he might slay me if he chose, but I would trust him and quit taking- medicine. Still he let me suffer on. My sufferings were so_ g reat I lay for days smt a time. bowels moved, caused by the ulcers. I gave myself to the Lord while in this conditon, and I searched myself and God searched me as never before. Oh, the purging was painful, but for my good! The Lord showed me many things. I began to cry mightily for here in righteousness. Some dear erman brothers and sisters escaped tit of sectism, and became joyfully aved through the blood of the Lamb. everal had been brought up in Rome. , hey thank God for the great free-om they han- e found in Christ Jesus. Bro. Willis having received an ur- - ent letter wishing him to come on o California as soon as possible, hanged his mind and went on his Tay to the West. The Lord go with im in power. So the dear Lord nought with us here to Colorado . prings our dear l3rol Smith and Co. he brethren here having been dis-ppointed in not having Bro. Willis' abernacle, some delay has : been in- 1 But arrangements have beeni off in Kan. on reduced rates, and as Mo. that he will not remain there long-er, and the work seems done at pre-sent, we will not stop at those places as we had anticipated in o- uu rlast. But I may go by the way of Hedrick, Iowa and visit the church there. Bro. Smith and Co. are all well, and ourself much blessed of God in this particu-lar. Amen: Your humble servant in the love of Jesus. READERS OF THE GOSPEL TRUMPET AND SAINTS OF GOD EVERYWHERE: I feel it to be to the glory of_ God to relate some of my experience in the things of God. Truly his ways are sometimes mysterious and past fi. nd ing out. Surely he has led me by a way I knew not. I was converted at the age of eight years at an M. E. re, vival twenty- three years ago. Al-though at that tender age God won-derfully manifested himself to my childish heart; ' the room seemed full of light, and I was so happy I went all over the r. oom, inviting my school-mates to core to Jesus. For two years n othing marred mYpeace and joy in them out. Some of these majestic darkness covered and surrounded doge! I also received much light on formation could be ascended to a con- me! One thing had always griev- sectism about this time. I withdrew siderable height from one side. On ed me when- first converted, I from the Advent sect in 1886, and these elevations we shouted the wanted to be baptized, but my par- have stood clear from all sects and praises of God, feeling his presence ents would not let me; said I was too denominations since that time. Then with us: Many smaller rocks of very young. Things continued this way I began to study holiness. I soon peculiar shape are seen in this ro- dill I was eleven years of age. When saw it was God's eternal truth and mantic region: From here we pro- again I gave Jesus my heart, but did began to pray for the blessing, but ceeded to the town of Manitou, which lot experience that bright change did not know how to consecrate mv is a small, but very attractive town in which'I did at first. Thus I strug- self to the Lord; did not know that a deep passage of the mountains. gied on for about three years. Many I must die to self, sin and this world; Here we found a family that was in- ` lights I would weep and pray in my hence I prayed and wept all in vain. terested in full salvation; we talked bed all alone, yet was not satisfied I read eagerly every thing that I could to them and prayed with them, and with my experience. I had been get on the subject. No one near me perhaps they will find a door open for sprinkled in obedience to my parents' belived in sanctification except one Jesus in that place. We then drove a- wishes, but against my own, as I family, who did not seem to possess bout one mile beyond up the Ute Pass wanted to be immersed. I had no it. Hence I got no light from them to Rain- bow Falls. After which we one to talk with, or to give me light, only that " You must live without sin;" visiteci tthe celebrated Iron Springs. so thus struggled on alone. an_ d," If you ask God to take it out, he The water is so highly charged with Finally, one night I had been weep- will do so." My husband was in a mineral substances that it is nearly as ng and praying in my dispair, when backslidden state, and remains so strong as hard cider; and yet it has, suddenly it seemed a voice spoke to to the present time; hence I could what most pronounce, no unpleasant me so plain and distinct. saying, not talk with him. and thus struggled flavor. It tastes like strong soda ' Fear not, my child, I have seen thy on alone. After my only child was water. It is very electrifying to the ears and thy' prayer is heard: my born, I became dangerously ill, and system, and a constant tide of visitors peace I give unto Thee, not as the it seemed evident that I could live go there to drink the healing waters. vorld gives, give I unto thee." And but a few hours. I told my husband Near the upper springs is the begin- oh. such peace as came stealing over to go for a good old deacon and his ing of the Cog railroad that trans- ne! I wept no more, but soon fell wife who had the gift of healing. ports travelers up to the summit of asleep. On tile morrow I tried to They came and fasted and prayed a ' s Peak. Tile distance up the ell mother about it, but she did not over me. was healed instantly and! : N time when d early half a teacupful of blood e at mountain is about eleven miles. Re- seem to understand it. I tried to would pass m oraat the trime, buyt only temp. hat. I said.," Yes Lord," and arose and took there off, then fell on my face again and said," What else Father?" MARVELOUS LIGHT. the ministry and was instrumental in Many things the Lord showed me saving some souls. In the summer that day, and made known his will to of 1882 or 3 I heard a strange man me. He gave me a more urgent call preach one evening at a school- house to preach his word, and I said," Yes, in Geenneevvaa Center, Van Buren Co— Lord, only make it so plain to me Mich., on the one church and two that I cannot doubt." So I asked him works of grace, liv i nwgithout sin, to speak to me by his word, and he etc. I had never heard such doctrine gave me some precious scripture bear-before, and believing him possessed ing on the subject. of the devil, I got - up and refuted I asked the Lord to cleanse and his teaching. I was very zealous for fill me, and was soon enabled to look up what I believed to be the truth. Up- I by faith and say, " Father, I take thee on investigating those subjects and i at thy word," and the blessing was askinngg began God for the true light, the 1. mine. 0 praise the Lord forever and Lord i 0 what a I uP through much tribulation, being I made white, tried, saved and sanctifi-done. ways. I was very hard to ? learn, - be- change! The whole world seemed dif- ed, ing very and selfish, with fent I could not keep the ogoodod news. plenty of pride. Oh, how patient the I was soon called into the work of ASHTON, NI CH. hired girl to throw out my medicine, !! ssaannccttiffiiccaattiioonn once more; sometimes that I was going to ask the Lord toil was in travail for healing, and at heal me; . she looked astonished, but others for God to sanctify me once did so. He rebuked the disease and I more- 0 how I longed for the Holy in two weeks from that day my 2G288h owsht iaten adg tohnei zfiinreg! iFn ipnraalylye rM I asurcdh-denly ceased praying. A voice said, " Cease thy weeping. You are an empty vessel fit- for my use; emptied of self, sin and the world." Presently the Lord gave me a vision, in which my condition was pictured. I soon after knew I wassanctified. My di-sease was stayed but not healed, then I cried mightly to God for heal-ing; still I suffered on and was tempt-ed of the devil for forty- two days: my sufferings increased toward the last; he tried me in various ways. I kept rebuking him in Jesus' name, but he only left to come in some other form. But amid taunts, cursings and threats I have come out conqueror through Jesus' help. My husband said I must do something. I asked the Lord if I should use what he bought. The Lord gave me the scripture, " Wives submit to your husbands." I used a little and it relieved me somewhat May 7th the Lord said to me, " It is enough: you are healed, claim the promise." Glory to God! I did so, and arose Lord's day morning free from pain for the first time in about four months. And as we had just moved to Ashton where my husband has rented a small place- I put in a good week of hard work cleaning and straightening my house. The Lord has shown me that my health is a precious gift from God to be used to his glory, not for any unnecessary things. Andat_ the sear blessed Lord so wonderfully keeps me body, soul and spirit. - My life_ is hid with Christ in God. " In the secret of his presence I am kept from strife of tongues." If God sends me the means and wills it so, I want to attend the Grand Junction camp meeting. I have no plans for myself; Jesus plans for me. I expect to commence some meetings here in our school- house soon if God wills. From your humble sister coming Elsie L. Robinson. and they have renounced The dear Lord is greatly biessin a and keeping me. I feel more than ever encouraged to live for God and do all his will as he makes it known to me. This world has no charms for me. I have pleasure in the Lord that perfectly satisfies me. Yours in Jesus, saved and sancti-fied, and full of joy and peace, Sigel Hunter. CALDWELL, KAN. DEAR BRETHREN: Blessed be his name! for leading me by his hand and guiding nite by his eye out of Babylon and every evil work into this high and holy way; yea, it is sweeter than honey to my mouth. Not any thing that I have done, but according to his mercy he saved Me by the wash-ing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost. Pray for me, that I may be kept humble at his feet ever doing his will. God bless you a 11 for Jesus' sake. Amen. Josie Adams* VOIDING the ultra view that no meats should ever be eaten, it is but fair to consider its relative impor-tance. it is certain that very errone i - s ous views are entertained n regard to its absolute necessity, as a means of securing health and strengh. While it is claimed that beefsteak is exceed-ingly nutritious, an absolute necessity, if one would be vigorous, strong and enduring, facts as afforded by science, observation and experience, put this matter in a far different light. It is not only true that steak is not as nour-ishing as other parts of the creature that are not as fashionable, but that none of the meats will compare fav-orably with the grains in the nutri-ment contained, some. of the fishes being more valuable in this regard than the beef, and more easily di-gested. One eating only lean beef, particularly in the winter, would soon suffer in the matter of temperature, and famish in addition to becoming decidedly animal, ferocious, while wheat contains every constituent needed for human sustenance; man living on this alone, inaefinitely ac-cording to Dr. Hall. This stands at the head of the grains, the " prince of foods," adapted to all climates where it can be produced the per cent. of the heating element varying according to the climate in which it is raised. The fact that milk sustains the babe and the young of some of the lower orders of creation, and the birdling is produced, feathers, beak, bones, red blood, all from the very simple parts of the egg. Will place these two arti-cles side by side with the wheanthese three stancting alone in this regard. It is an important fact that all living creatures are composed of carbon, the three gases, oxygen, nitrogen and hy-drogen— these four simple elements constituting more than three- fourths of the animate creation— and that these in their purest forms must be first obtained from the vegetable kingdom, flesh, fish and fowl furnishing these to us in an inferior and impure form, with no new and important element add-ed. We need no better illustra-tion of the influence of various diets than that afforded by comparing the herbivora, the ox, horse and elephant — more or less the companions of man— with the carnivorous leopard, lion, and tiger— the foes of civilized society— in the matter of strengthen-durance and longevity. The claim that a flesh diet is what produces force and energy, and that the grains and vegetables produce only weakness, tameness, passiveness, a character like that of the Hindoo, is utterly false. Nations and tribes living main-ly or wholly on meats are by no means noted for anything which ele-vates society. It may be asked with significance, what evidence we have of an ennobled character of energy, progress, and force in the history of the North American Indian, the inhabit-ants of the South Sea Islands, the Patigonians, Laplanders and the Esquimaux, living almost wholly on flesh. If these flesh eaters have ever accomplished much in the world, ever aided in the progress of society and civilization, history has done them in-justice. They have been far more noted for acts of cruelty, for war and blood- shed than for anything which elevates man in the scale of being; the tomahawk and scalping knife tak-ing the place of the implements of husbandry, and the machinery and instruments by which the mechanic arts are nutured. While true that no nation or tribe living wholly or main-ly on flesh, fish or fowl, has ever been conspicuous in the world's his-tory, it is a fact, significiant in itself, j Hannah Myers. that fully seven- eights of the food eaten by the human race is directly obtained from the vegetable kingdom; the grains and fruits occupying a high position among foods. Bread is the " staff of life," and. w. ith fruits will giving God all the praise for the sustain human life in its best condi- t Nvork. I wishh et prayers of God's tdiiotnio, nw oitfh f olers wh, i tthhoouutg ah rfeisahso ins agb- leen aedr-- people for the salvation of my hus-ally preferable, avoiding the oily va- t band and daughter. ri. eti. es. Your sister under the blood, Dr. J. H. Hanaford. Esther Walls. MUST WE SIN? JERIGHO, MO., Ft13. 16, 1892. DEAR SAINTS: We are still prais- EHOLD, what manner of ing God for his loving kindness to us. 4: 96G love the Father nat. bestow- „ is. se saves us just now, and keeps us ed upon us, that we should be called from all sin. Glory to his name! the sons of God: therefore the world Pray for us. knoweth us not, because it knew hi • Your brother and sis; er all on the not Beloved, now are we the sons altar, of God, and it doeth not yet appear 0. & M. Westcott. what we shall be; but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall . see him as he is. „ And every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself, even as he is pure. Whosoever committeth sin transg- resseth also the law; for sin is the transgression of the law. And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.— jno. 3: 15. We also read in the first chapter of i John, verse 7, " But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, a- nd the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. WI- It shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?— Rom. 6: 1, 2. Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Rom. 6: 7. " If any man love the - world the love of the Father is not in him." Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from- the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works- of the devil. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this the children of God are mani-fest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.— i John. 3 : 6- ro. This is a pretty dark p Other/Unknown Material esquimaux PALNI Digital Library Collections (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Canada Indian Webb ENVELOPE(146.867,146.867,-67.867,-67.867) Moses ENVELOPE(-99.183,-99.183,-74.550,-74.550) Myers ENVELOPE(170.033,170.033,-72.117,-72.117) Dillon ENVELOPE(-108.935,-108.935,55.933,55.933) Esther ENVELOPE(-57.700,-57.700,-61.917,-61.917) Patience ENVELOPE(-68.933,-68.933,-67.750,-67.750) Charity ENVELOPE(-60.333,-60.333,-62.733,-62.733) Hannah ENVELOPE(-60.613,-60.613,-62.654,-62.654) Willis ENVELOPE(159.450,159.450,-79.367,-79.367) Crawford ENVELOPE(-86.467,-86.467,-77.717,-77.717) Nils ENVELOPE(48.017,48.017,-68.067,-68.067) Morrow ENVELOPE(-81.566,-81.566,50.550,50.550) Clayton ENVELOPE(-64.183,-64.183,-65.167,-65.167) Bedford ENVELOPE(-67.150,-67.150,-66.467,-66.467) Gar’ ENVELOPE(162.014,162.014,57.140,57.140) Eta ENVELOPE(-62.917,-62.917,-64.300,-64.300) Caldwell ENVELOPE(-101.500,-101.500,-72.083,-72.083) Fid ENVELOPE(-65.939,-65.939,-68.664,-68.664) Dover ENVELOPE(-55.753,-55.753,-83.777,-83.777) Dyer ENVELOPE(-81.366,-81.366,50.550,50.550) Ari ENVELOPE(147.813,147.813,59.810,59.810) Freed ENVELOPE(164.333,164.333,-71.483,-71.483) Zimmerman ENVELOPE(167.167,167.167,-73.300,-73.300) Varden ENVELOPE(7.656,7.656,62.534,62.534) Yoke ENVELOPE(-61.933,-61.933,-63.967,-63.967) Babylon ENVELOPE(12.539,12.539,66.081,66.081) Deacon ENVELOPE(-59.987,-59.987,-73.248,-73.248) Nev ENVELOPE(-6.623,-6.623,62.108,62.108) Ashton ENVELOPE(-62.183,-62.183,-70.717,-70.717) Tay ENVELOPE(-55.750,-55.750,-63.367,-63.367) The Altar ENVELOPE(11.367,11.367,-71.650,-71.650) Grand Trunk ENVELOPE(-128.398,-128.398,54.894,54.894) Gleam ENVELOPE(-121.220,-121.220,57.533,57.533) Van Buren ENVELOPE(-63.485,-63.485,-71.318,-71.318) Battle Creek ENVELOPE(-138.303,-138.303,62.698,62.698) Drogen ENVELOPE(14.763,14.763,68.374,68.374) Deep Passage ENVELOPE(-68.014,-68.014,63.467,63.467) Boneset ENVELOPE(13.355,13.355,68.028,68.028) Yellow Rocks ENVELOPE(-57.953,-57.953,49.601,49.601) Titan ENVELOPE(33.629,33.629,67.560,67.560) Barden ENVELOPE(15.399,15.399,68.851,68.851)